#grell my love your hand in marriage
creaturecosmo · 11 months
There are not WORDS for how rabidly excited I am for new black Butler content. We get to see babygirl Sebastian, tiny shots twink ciel, the big three doofuses, hopefully grell and all the other goobers
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kiatheinsomniac · 5 months
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: nov. 2023 top supporter: @magical-warlock who's always a darling to work with. I had a little fun with this and made reader a banshee bc immortal lovers yk? 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Sebastian Michaelis x banshee! Reader 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: possessiveness, jealousy, Grell bashing (sorry)
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You watch from across the alley as the grim reaper drapes herself all over your demon lover. Your jaw grits and you can feel a frustrated scream bubbling up in the back of your throat. Time and time again, she’s pursued Sebastian, her voice hollering out that nickname Bassy just before she does as though coming with her very own warning system. But your darling demon lover is always quick to turn her down with his tongue as sharp and silver as the knives he fights with. 
But while you’ve been out accompanying your young Lord, she’s shown her face again. She claims it’s for work once again but you’re becoming less and less inclined to believe her: why always her and never another reaper? It seems too coincidental to your protective self. Unfortunately for you though, where reapers go, death springs forth and where death goes, you follow. That’s why you’re able to stay in the service of your young Lord with Sebastian at your side: the last of the Phantomhives does not lead a peaceful life. 
With another flip of her long red hair, Grell drapes herself over Sebsatian’s shoulder and you find your patience has run thin. You leave Ciel’s side for a moment, knowing the area is clear and he is more than safe with both his governess and butler present. You step towards the two and take Sebastian’s arm, wanting to make a show of propriety and possessiveness. You might be in an area sheltered from prying eyes but it’s a public space nonetheless and it’s improper for a lady to be all over a man as she is. 
“Sebastian, my love, we should return to the carriage now. Our work here is done and the young Lord should return home.”
“Of course, darling.” He makes a show of taking your gloved hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles, shooting Grell a look from the corner of his crimson eyes. You can’t help the smug upturn the corner of your lips make. Sebastian returns your hand to the crook of your arm. 
“ ‘Darling’ ?!” Grell exclaims. For the sake of public decency, you’ve always kept your relationship with Sebastian a very private matter for the sake of your young master’s image in this human society and its countless social rules – but beings like you and Sebastian have no care for a holy marriage and see no reason to participate just to blend in when you could just stay reserved instead. Sebastian’s hand moves to the small of your back in order to draw you closer. 
“Why yes, my darling y/n.” He flashes a closed-eye smile, amused to see Grell’s utter shock and despair. 
“You-! You’d rather this… this… wailing-” 
“Watch your tongue, reaper.” You bite, eyes narrowing.
“A banshee! You’d rather have a banshee than me?! That screeching-?!”
“She does her job as you do yours.” Sebastian cuts in and leans down to press a kiss to your temple while you smile like the cat who got the cream. “You bring death and she alerts those of when it is impending.” You have to stifle your laughter at how Grell’s jaw drops and she’s left a stuttering mess. You cover your mouth with your free hand and allow Sebastian to lead the both of you back towards the waiting carriage and Ciel. You glance over your shoulder to flash a cheeky wave with your fingers as you set a hand on Sebastian’s bicep and give it a gentle squeeze as the two of you part so that he can open the door for Ciel, you following in behind him and sitting upon the bench opposite him, facing backwards. The door shuts the two of you inside and you spy Grell through the little window, seeming to be wrapped up in some despairing monologue of her own. It makes you giggle which catches Ciel’s attention. He raises a brow, the band of his eyepatch raising slightly with the movement. 
“I don’t appreciate the open displays of affection but it was certainly worth it to see that reaper in such a state.” He smirks as he uses his cane to tuck the window’s curtain aside just enough to watch the red-clad reaper in the midst of her meltdown.
The carriage jostles slightly as Sebastian gets up into the driver’s seat and the three of you begin your return to the Phantomhive manor. 
∴.·:*¨ ¨*:·. ☙.·:*¨ ¨*:·.♡ .·:*¨ ¨*:·. ❧.·:*¨ ¨*:·.∴
That evening, as you prepare yourself for bed, a set of cool hands smooth over your shoulders. 
“I never knew you to be so possessive, my darling~” His words drawl into your ear, breath fanning over your ear before he presses a warm kiss just below it. You let out a low hum of pleasure as you turn around to face him, reaching up to loop your arms loosely around his neck. You stretch up onto your toes to softly brush your lips against his.
“Demons aren’t the only creatures capable of being very protective of what's theirs~” You giggle quietly. His arms coil around your neck and he tugs you closer in a swift motion, pressing you flush to his chest. 
“Ah while that’s true, we are unrivalled~” He has a cheeky smirk on his lips as one of his hands rubs up and down the soft curve of your spine. He pulls you into a slow but passionate kiss, the two of you swaying on the spot as you try to close the non-existent distance between the two of you, wanting nothing more than to be one with each other in this moment. 
“What’s going to happen to us once you’ve eaten Ciel’s s-?” You’re cut off with yet another kiss as one of his hands cups the back of your head, fingertips soothingly massaging your scalp. 
“We’ll figure that out when the time comes~” He kisses your nose and looks down at you with lidded eyes. “My sweet banshee~”
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(I'll try to explain this in the best way I can, but english isn't my first language so I apologize for mistakes in advance). The reader escaped home to avoid arranged marriage, disguised themselves as a man and started working as a butler for some random noble lady (the lady is aware of their identity and is helping them not to be discovered). They meet Grell while they are also in 'butler form' and they quicky became friends (not aware of each others identity atm) and Grell quickly develops a crush on them. But then the parents find 'her' (they are still using fem pronouns) and insist their 'daughter' must "stop this nonesense and start acting like a proper lady" and try to force them to come home. Grell shows up in their/her reaper form to rescue the reader and confess to them! (Boy, this was long! Hopefully it made sense?!) [I also couldn't decide between 'she/her' and 'they/them' pronouns for Grell, so I'm letting you choose].
I think your English is just fine! English is my native language and I don't see any mistakes or anything here c:
I did some headcanons, I hope that's okay! and I went with they/them for Grell for this one
haven't written butler!Grell in a very long time... butler!Grell my love...................
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They really only attend these boring meetings for Anne’s sake. This role allows them to shirk their own Reaper duties, which are easily twice as unpleasant. Plus they do like bonding with Anne and getting a peek at high society; it’s somewhere they don’t belong. Of course, it’s irritating when they get shooed to another corner of the room like some kind of butler playpen while the grownups talk. Ugh. Insulting. Of course… they did meet you whilst being banished to the other side of the room. So, they suppose it isn’t all bad.
Oh, they had feelings for you right from the start. Regardless of what your gender is, they think your appearance is quite handsome, so, why shouldn’t they have a little crush on you? Ugh, you’re lovely. Where did (Lady) find you?? More importantly, where has she been hiding you? They have to play up the part of being shy and troubled while in their own disguise, so that nobody gets suspicious, but… any chance they ever get to be close to you, they take it. They go so far as ‘accidentally’ tripping over some bump in the carpet so that you’ll catch them and they get to be in your arms for a moment. Certainly they are one smitten kitten. It’s just… circumstances won’t allow them to be as upfront about it as they’d like. If it weren’t for this damned butler role, they’d have had their hands all over you already!
They do so love getting to spend time with you even while in their disguise. It’s to the point that they’ve given Anne a very convincing pouty face with big puppy-dog eyes and asked her to find some excuse to meet with (Lady) so that they can see you. The best part is that they get to pretend to fumble with things so that you’ll help them. It means they might even have a chance to have their hands tangled up with yours as you help them to, say, make tea or arrange plates! As much as they wouldn’t want to change their personality… they must admit, there are perks to acting all weepy, timid, and easily flustered.
― Exhibit A, the times when you gently take their hands and say things like, “Grell, it’s alright. You’re not a failure because you made a mistake with this. Everyone makes mistakes! You don’t need to be sorry, and please don’t say such terrible things about yourself. I think the world is a lovely place with you in it, and I won’t hear of you making it less lovely. Come here, let me show you how to do this again.” You make them feel so safe and cared for! Even though this persona is an act, a mask they’re putting on, it’s… an exaggerated part of small bits of things they’ve felt. It’s quite comforting to know that if they were this horribly skittish, shy, extremely suicidal person, you’d be kind to them. That person exists inside of them, if only in a tiny capacity, and you’re very, very sweet in making them feel like everything is okay. Your kindness is almost healing to the person they were as a human.
They are absolutely not above going full Ye Olde London Chainsaw Massacre where your parents are concerned. Well… only if it’s what you want. If you don’t want Grell to kill your parents, they won’t; however, they’re going to frighten the living daylights out of these people. Their Death Scythe does a very good job in scaring humans ( and sometimes other Reapers) and making it clear that Grell Sutcliff is not fucking around. They rev that thing up, holding it incredibly close to your parents’ necks while asking, “Do you still think your behavior is acceptable? Leave (Name) alone before I cut you to pieces and bake them into a bloody pie!!” Your parents probably aren’t going to stick around after that one even if Grell doesn’t make good on their threat.
… With all that settled, they turn to you, and violently hope that you recognize them… as well as hoping that their brutality hasn’t scared you off. The fact that they’re a bit too prone to gore has wrecked more than one relationship. But they treat you just as gently as you’ve treated them. They ask if you remember them, they chuckle and say, “You’re not either a man or a woman, are you? Which is just as well, I’m somehow both and neither and one or the other at different times.” If you don’t realize who they are, they make it rather apparent by briefly putting on their butler persona, only to laugh and deride themself for playing that role when they promised themself a long time ago they’d never act like that again.
They set their scythe down before taking your hands in their own. They smile at you and inquire as to whether or not you’ve noticed their feelings. That’s something they’ve had to hide for the sake of not blowing their cover and exposing Anne. Now, though… they can’t stand it another moment if you don’t know how head over heels they are for you. For some reason you’ve come to mean so much to them, and you’re more beautiful to them now than ever because you’re finally able to be your authentic self. What you do now, how to respond to them, it’s up to you ― they won’t try to convince you one way or another. They just… hope you’ll give them a chance, now that the two of you can be yourselves with each other.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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first masterlist
falling for the same darling (Sebastian and Claude)
calling them big brother (Joker)
darling kisses rival back (Dagger, Joker, Soma)
falling in love with the same darling (Ciel&Alois)
with a demon s/o (Viscount of Druitt)
not just an act (Sebastian)
falling for the same darling (Claude and Hannah)
Soulmate AU with a ghoul (Grell)
sick s/o (Dagger, Joker, Keinz Drocell)
neko s/o (Sebastian, Finny, Undertaker, Snake, Pluto)
friends with a giant spider (Elizabeth, Claude, Hannah, Grell, Snake,)
Valentine's day date (Snake)
modern s/o who can shift between the worlds (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, all reapers)
s/o helps them after they've been transported in their world (Ciel, Alois, Sebastian, Claude)
accidentally kissing (Joker, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
pregnant and engaged darling (Joker, Lau, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni)
it's too late (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
loving them despite being kidnapped (Ciel, Alois)
Already taken (Joker)
close your eyes for a surprise (Dagger, Ran Mao, Soma)
worshipped by a cult (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
modern s/o who sings and plays the guitar (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Ash, Grell, Ronald, Wiliam, Undertaker)
intrigued s/o asks him constantly questions (Sebastian)
fighting over the same darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, William)25
male s/o (Ciel)
Prompt 52 (Dagger)
s/o is Ciel's older sister (Finny, Dagger, Joker, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
hardworking yet lazy (William)
s/o is a human doll (Keinz Drocell)
welcome to my world (Ciel, Sebastian)
s/o has a nightmare (Finny, Grell, Undertaker, Joker, Snake, Soma, Agni, Ash)
cuddling the s/o on her period (Ciel, Alois)
too innocent (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Vincent)
Happy Death Day (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Hannah)
s/o in love with Ran Mao (Lau)
and suddenly there are three (Bardroy, Joker, Soma, Agni, Edward)
s/o is already married (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Madame Red)
monster hunter (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Grell)
s/o has ADHD (Ciel)
how embarrassing (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Edward)
sharing a darling (Finny, Mey- Rin and Bardroy)
good luck charm (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Charles Grey)
Prompt 124 (Sebastian, Ash)
mermaid s/o (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Sebastian, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
Prompt 32 (Ran Mao)
ghost s/o (Grell, Lau, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Ash)
Why do you like me? (Sebastian, Hannah, Soma, Ash)
darling is a hybrid (Ciel, Sebastian, Claude, Grell, Ronald) 50
Prompt 26 (Ronald)
R!Ciel hc's
behind the mask (Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
fighting over the same childhood friend (O!Ciel and R!Ciel)
just like the mother (Ciel)
s/o nearly dies whilst giving birth (Sebastian)
I don't trust either of you (Sebastian & Hannah)
falling for the same darling (Angela & Ash)
Prompt 53 (Lau & Ran Mao)
Prompt 8 (Ash)
Prompt 127 (Grell)
buff strong and protective s/o (Hannah)
Can I patch it up? (Ash)
friends (Sebastian, Alois, Lau, Agni; platonic)
Prompt 72 (Claude)
Prompt 41 (Madam Red)
disguised (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Elizabeth)
asexual (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
Prompt 137 (Sebastian)
depressed darling (Sebastian)
Phantomhives eldest daughter (Lau)
bizarre doll project (Undertaker)
s/o with major trust issues (Ciel, Sebastian)
Prompt 137 (Hannah)
parents (Madam Red) 75
Prompt 123 (Frances)
trans darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah)
they are so beautiful (Sebastian, Claude, Snake, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Agni)
Jealousy (Snake, Pluto)
Prompt 120 (Ronald)
Gentle and loving s/o (Grell, Madam Red, Rachel, Vincent)
s/o escapes from forced marriage (Sebastian, the triplets)
Bad sleeping habit (Ronald)
Treat you better + NSFW Hc's (Sebastian)
Secret admirer (Sebastian, Joker)
Prompt 9 (Platonic!Sebastian)
Stop controlling my life (Platonic!Lau)
Yandere Alphabet (Snake)
Prompt 102 (Sebastian) 90
Married yet falling in love again (Ciel&Elizabeth)
Ahead of their time (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Undertaker)
Holding hands (Elizabeth)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
s/o has Akatsuki abilities (Sebastian)
Sharing a darling (Grell&Madam Red)
Yandere Alphabet (Sebastian, Claude)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell)
Third masterlist
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grelleswife · 3 years
How about married life with Grell headcanons? :3 if you don't mind
Technically, Femslash February is still a few hours away in my time zone...but let’s be real! Every month is Femslash February on this disastrous bisexual blog. XD So, without further ado, here are some married Grelle x fem!Reader headcanons:
I headcanon touch to be one of Grelle's major love languages, so she's extremely cuddly. Lots of snuggles when you're going to sleep together or waking up in the morning, tackling you with impromptu hugs, draping herself over you while you're working at the computer to give you a kiss, holding hands when you're out in public together, etc.
Much like a cat, if she feels you aren't giving her enough attention, she might plop down in your lap and demand affection now!
You share eachother's outfits on a regular basis (though 3/4ths of your closet space at home belongs to Grelle). On lazy days in, Grelle cuddles with you while she's wearing your coziest hoodie.
Since Miss Grelle is most definitely not a morning person, you have to be responsible for making sure she gets to work on time. Sometimes she's a tad grouchy, but your good-morning kisses and the fresh coffee you make her definitely help.
No matter how long you've been together, the sex is still spectacular, and you never cease to be blown away by how stunning and confident your wife is...and how capable she is in bed. ;)
You own a couple of smol white froo-froo dogs like Malteses, Bichon Frises, Lhasa Apsos, etc. (in her confessional, Grelle says she always wanted one). You dote on them like they're your own children, and Grelle hand-sews a bunch of cute little outfits for them. They're always included in family photos, and you often take them on walks or carry them in your purses when you and Grelle go out together.
If you're comfortable with it, Grelle loves taking selfies with you. She just has to show off how dead gorgeous her wife is!
Grelle takes every opportunity she gets to flaunt the fact that she's a married woman. She's definitely the type of spouse who makes sure her wedding ring is on prominent display, or loudly informs the waiter that "I'm here with my darling wife" when you go out to eat.
She messages you throughout your workday. Cute videos of puppies, selfies (some of which are rather NotSFW) she tried out with the latest Snapchat filter, and flirty texts reminding you how much she loves you are all fair game.
You love playing with each other's hair, and you're the only person Grelle trusts to brush it, comb it, braid it, etc. besides herself and her hair stylist.
Grelle teaches you everything she knows about fashion, makeup, and so on, and the two of you turn heads wherever you go.
You're the one in charge of household finances; otherwise, Grelle might tend to overspend on clothes and high heels. XD But you still treat the reaper like a queen and provide her with the lavish lifestyle she deserves.
Much of the decor in your house/apartment is red: Red curtains, red pillows, red carpet, red bedsheets, and much more! You also own a chic red convertible and enjoy taking long rides together, the music blasting and the wind in your hair.
After a long, hard day at work, you and Grelle take a leisurely, rose-scented bubble bath, often with a glass of champagne or two. Things tend to get amorous after that because Grelle is Grelle. ;)
Grelle likes to make cute plushies for you, and you have a whole collection at this point!
Both of you are patrons of the local theatres and opera companies, to the point that you have your own private box to share with your wife.
Although Grelle is doing much better mental health-wise since she transitioned and started therapy, you're always there for her if she has a dysphoric moment or if you need to defend her against creepy transphobes.
Both of you are successful career women, the quintessential wealthy and glamorous wlw aunties.
You attend Pride together every year and are very active within the local LGBTQ+ community.
You keep the spark of romance alive! Grelle has a score of pet names for you and gushes about how beautiful you are; you surprise her with roses or cupcakes you baked for her "just because." Every day, you do your best to make Grelle feel loved. No marriage is perfect, but yours is indisputably a happy one. >w<
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Day 14 : Shy - Snake
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I was going to Ciel’s huge home because I promised Lizzy and Sieglinde I would play dress up with them, now that Rachel and Angelina took them shopping for pretty outfits for the marriage of Angelina’s butler, Grell, and everybody knows it’s going to be extremely over the top and extra, so everybody has to dress super fancy.
Of course, the fact that I just wanted to see my boyfriend, Snake, after such a long time, goes without a saying.
I am greeted at the door by Sebastian, who escorts me to Lizzy’s room where the two girls were already trying on cute outfits, complimenting each other. The fact that Sieglinde asked Lizzy out made it even better.
“Ah, Kat, you arrived! Oh, I missed you so much! You’ve been so busy with Uni that I barely get to see you!” Lizzy exclaims, hugging me as tightly as possible. “Awww, come on, Lizzy, let the poor girl breathe. What would Snake think if his Fox were to die?” Sully laughed, trying to pry off her blonde girlfriend. “It’s okay, girls. I missed you too. And...How is he? I wasn’t really able to get in contact with him while I was away.” I ask rather shyly, averting my gaze a bit, smiling while thinking of my beautiful boyfriend. “He’s okaaay, don’t worry! Ciel is taking great care of his employees, after all! And Sebastian trained him well!” Lizzy winked at me, making me chuckle at her cuteness. “Okay, so what outfits did you get? Or did you girls already settle on your outfits?” I smiled, sitting down next to Sully, but just as I sat down, Lizzy shot up again as if electrocuted. “Nope! But here they are! But! But! Let’s choose your outfit first!” Lizzy squealed, winking at Sully, who returned a sly smirk, making me raise my eyebrow in confusion. “What are you planning, girls...?” I asked suspiciously, but they only giggled and showed me a long, beautiful maroon coloured dress, a pair of black heels and dark green jewellery, ruffling my hair a bit to look like a firey mess of untamable hair, and applied some basic make up, with some dark red lipstick, before I twirled in front of the girls, who clapped and cheered. “Yep, I knew this was perfect for you! I knew it! Kat, you MUST wear this at Grell’s wedding!” Lizzy started jumping up and down, twirling with Sully. “Yeah, you chose well, Liz. She looks stunning!” Sully high-fived Lizzy, taking out her phone and texting someone, giggling mischievously. “Who did you just text, Sully?” I asked in a lower voice, slowly approaching them, but they only giggled and shook their hair. “It was just Wolfram. He said Sebastian finished the desserts and wants us to come super fast and eat before Ciel hoards everything for himself.” she laughed taking one of my hands, as Lizzy took the other and they dragged me to the living room, despite being dressed super fancy, not listening to my protests. “You didn’t even let me change to something more casual. Not nice of you, girls.” I sighed, shaking my head and facepalming, not believing that I got myself into their antics again. “Oh, hold up, Wolfram told me to come for a second. Liz, come with me? Don’t worry, Kat, we’ll be gone for a second.” Sieglinde took Lizzy’s hand and ran away from the room, making me sigh in aggravation once again, facepalming. “Honestly...” I turned around to go sit at the table, before I hear the door open again, as I look to see who it was, my eyes widen in shock as I gasp and hide my mouth with my hand, as my favourite silver haired boy entered the room, his face as pink as the roses in Lizzy’s garden. “S-Snake...I...I wasn’t expecting to see you so suddenly.” I feel my face warm up slightly, as I slightly avert my gaze, too timid to look at him, as he looked so gorgeous in black shirt with its sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone. “H-Hello, Miss Katrina...says Wilde.” he managed to say out loud, approaching me slowly. “Didn’t I tell you to call me Kat, dear? You’re my boyfriend, not my butler.” I exhale an amused breath, going in front of him, taking his hands in mine. “S-Sorry...Kat...says Goethe. You...You are beautiful as always...says Emily.” he stutters, looking down in embarrassment. “Awww, thank you, sweety. You look dashing today as well. You could be my Prince Charming, you know?” I chuckle slightly, putting his hands around my waist, then I put mine around his neck, putting him closer to him. “I-I-I don’t know what to say...says Wilde.” his hands trembling a bit as he said that. “You don’t really have to say anything, darling. I missed you. I’m glad that I get to see you after so long. And you’re just as adorable and shy as usual.” I smile tenderly at him, taking in how adorable he was being, not wanting to take my gaze away. “K-Kat, y-you’re embarrassing me.” he hid his face in my shoulder, and my heart started beating faster. “Don’t be shy, sweety. I love you so much, I’m so happy you are my boyfriend.” I raised his face as he nodded slightly, not looking me in the eye. “I...I love you, Kat.” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, and what shocked me is that HE said it, not his snakes. “Awww, you’re the best, sweetheart. You’re so beautiful and kind...Damn, I really missed you.” I grinned at him, kissing him softly, which seemed to give him some courage as he deepened the kiss, dipping me down a bit, feeling full of passion and love. “I missed you too, Kat. I’m...I’m happy that you’re back” he hugged me tightly, one arm around my waist, while the other hand on the back of my head.
Before I could say anything else, Lizzy and Sully came through the doors, taking a bunch of pics of us being lovey dovey with each other, which only made us flustered more than before.
“Was that really necessary, girls?” I sweatdropped, glaring at the girls who giggled in guilt. “Well, it was necessary! You two are just so adorable, that’s why we planned all this! We knoooow how much you missed each other, so we had to plan something cute for you two!” Lizzy giggled, looking at us with heart eyes. “That, and Sebastian’s sweets are the best, and you haven’t been around. You deserve a nice treat!” and as if on cue, Sebastian entered the room with a large trolly full of different kinds of desserts, which made everyone’s mouths water. “I’m SO glad I got here when I did.” I bit my lip, already super excited to eat the chocolate cake. “I am humbled by your words, My Lady.” he bowed as we all sat down and started eating those amazing sweets.
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turtle-paced · 6 years
Do you think Catelyn is a shitty sister? She seems to have no clue what went on between Lysa and Littlefinger when they were young and I find this hard to believe which means that she must have been extremely self-absorbed (figures, looking at 6&6 AGoT!Sansa). Additionally, she is always putting Edmure down and treating him like he is incompetent. She is the least stupid of the Tully children (not surprised given the competition) but she definitely contributed to their insecurities.
Let’s split this up.
1. See, I don’t find it hard to believe that Catelyn had no idea what was going on between Lysa and Littlefinger. Lysa didn’t want to compete with Catelyn romantically and wasn’t advertising her interest in Littlefinger to Catelyn; Littlefinger wasn’t interested in Lysa; the key interactions between them took place when Catelyn was not present, and were subsequently hushed up by Hoster Tully. At the same time, Catelyn’s not just hanging out around the house all day - she’s the de facto Lady of Riverrun. She’s got work to do. 
Not hard for a busy, inexperienced young woman to miss something that her sister didn’t want to tell her, and something that her friend didn’t care about. It doesn’t make her unusually self-absorbed, to my mind.
The rest is going under a cut for length.
2. No, I do not think that Catelyn was a bad sister to Edmure. As we can see, she loves her brother:
[Robb] rubbed his stubbled jaw, suddenly awkward. “Yes.” His chin hairs were redder than the ones on his head.
“I like it.” Catelyn stroked the wolf’s head, gently. “It makes you look like my brother Edmure.”
- Catelyn VIII, AGoT
She feared for her lord father, and wondered at his ominous silence. She feared for her brother Edmure, and prayed that the gods would watch over him if he must face the Kingslayer in battle. She feared for Ned and her girls, and for the sweet sons she had left behind at Winterfell. And yet there was nothing she could do for any of them, and so she made herself put all thought of them aside.
- Catelyn IX, AGoT
Lannister raised his head. “Lady Stark,” he said from his knees. Blood ran down one cheek from a gash across his scalp, but the pale light of dawn had put the glint of gold back in his hair. “I would offer you my sword, but I seem to have mislaid it.”
“It is not your sword I want, ser,” she told him. “Give me my father and my brother Edmure. Give me my daughters. Give me my lord husband.”
- Catelyn X, AGoT
Edmure came down the steps to embrace her. “Sweet sister,” he murmured hoarsely. He had deep blue eyes and a mouth made for smiles, but he was not smiling now. He looked worn and tired, battered by battle and haggard from strain. His neck was bandaged where he had taken a wound. Catelyn hugged him fiercely.
- Catelyn XI, AGoT
“Would that it were. My brother commands in Riverrun?”
“Yes, my lady. His Grace left Ser Edmure to hold Riverrun and guard his rear.”
Gods grant him the strength to do so, Catelyn thought. And the wisdom as well.
- Catelyn V, ACoK
Only my sweet brother would crowd all these useless mouths into a castle that might soon be under siege. Catelyn knew that Edmure had a soft heart; sometimes she thought his head was even softer. She loved him for it, yet still…
- Catelyn V, ACoK
“Father is in no state to weigh strategies. Two days ago he was making plans for your marriage to Brandon Stark! Go see him yourself if you do not believe me. This plan will work, Cat, you’ll see.”
“I hope so, Edmure. I truly do.” She kissed him on the cheek, to let him know she meant it, and went to find her father.
- Catelyn V, ACoK
Her steps took her to the sept, a seven-sided sandstone temple set amidst her mother’s gardens and filled with rainbow light. It was crowded when they entered; Catelyn was not alone in her need for prayer. She knelt before the painted marble image of the Warrior and lit a scented candle for Edmure and another for Robb off beyond the hills. Keep them safe and help them to victory, she prayed, and bring peace to the souls of the slain and comfort to those they leave behind.
- Catelyn VI, ACoK
Her brother Edmure stood to Robb’s right, one hand upon the back of his father’s seat, his face still puffy from sleep. They had woken him as they had her, pounding on his door in the black of night to yank him rudely from his dreams. Were they good dreams, brother? Do you dream of sunlight and laughter and a maiden’s kisses? I pray you do. Her own dreams were dark and laced with terrors.
- Catelyn III, ASoS
This would also tend to show that Catelyn attempts to support her brother, and wants him to be good at his job, rather than always treating him as if he were incompetent. 
We also see that Catelyn doesn’t set out to shame him in public. Her criticism is generally in private or kept to her internal monologue. 
“This is Tully land,” Edmure declared. “If Tywin Lannister thinks to cross it unbloodied, I mean to teach him a hard lesson.”
The same lesson you taught his son? Her brother could be stubborn as river rock when his pride was touched, but neither of them was likely to forget how Ser Jaime had cut Edmure’s host to bloody pieces the last time he had offered battle. “We have nothing to gain and everything to lose by meeting Lord Tywin in the field,” Catelyn said tactfully.
- Catelyn V, ACoK
See here, how Catelyn doesn’t come back with the sharper response, but rephrases her concerns so as not to embarrass him. Here, where she does speak sharply to him, we see her reaction:
They do not scold him, except in jest, Catelyn told herself when they raced by her that afternoon with nary a word. I have always been too hard with Edmure, and now grief sharpens my every word. She regretted her rebuke. 
- Catelyn V, ASoS
Their relationship is genuinely and seriously strained at the end of ACoK, when Catelyn frees Jaime, and Edmure sends men to recapture him. That’s a genuine difference of interest, but we can see how Catelyn suffers for her brother’s rejection.
Edmure had not returned after his first visit, preferring to spend his days with Marq Piper and Patrek Mallister, listening to Rymund the Rhymer’s verses about the battle at the Stone Mill. Robb is not Edmure, though. Robb will see me.
- Catelyn II, ASoS
It had been raining for days now, a cold grey downpour that well suited Catelyn’s mood. Her father was growing weaker and more delirious with every passing day, waking only to mutter, “Tansy,” and beg forgiveness. Edmure shunned her, and Ser Desmond Grell still denied her freedom of the castle, however unhappy it seemed to make him. 
- Catelyn II, ASoS
Catelyn reached out blindly, groping for her brother’s hand, but Edmure had moved away, to stand alone on the highest point of the battlements. 
- Catelyn IV, ASoS
No sooner had the burning boat vanished from their sight than Edmure walked off. Catelyn would have liked to embrace him, if only for a moment; to sit for an hour or a night or the turn of a moon to speak of the dead and mourn. Yet she knew as well as he that this was not the time; he was Lord of Riverrun now, and his knights were falling in around him, murmuring condolences and promises of fealty, walling him off from something as small as a sister’s grief. Edmure listened, hearing none of the words.
She sighed. Edmure was not as strong as he seemed. Their father’s death had been a mercy when it came at last, but even so her brother had taken it hard. Last night in his cups he had broken down and wept, full of regrets for things undone and words unsaid. He ought never to have ridden off to fight his battle on the fords, he told her tearfully; he should have stayed at their father’s bedside. “I should have been with him, as you were,” he said.
- Catelyn IV, ASoS
I think this is pretty comprehensive. Catelyn and Edmure don’t always get on, but she wants him to succeed at everything except thwarting her own plans to retrieve her daughters. For his part, Edmure doubts that Hoster ever respected him as much as Hoster did Catelyn; Hoster’s deficiencies expressing that to Edmure are on him, not Catelyn.
3. Finally, I reject the framing that Catelyn is the “least stupid” of the Tully siblings. It implies Catelyn’s stupid. She is not.
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black butler romance (eng)
Chapter 7:
Four years later
It was an important day for the Phantomhive house, since on this blessed day the marriage of Sebastian Michaelis and Grell Stucliff is taking place. All were gathered for this event: Phantomhive House, friends and family. The ceremony was about to end, Grell beaming with happiness in his long red scarlet dress and Sebastian in his black tuxedo (which does not really change his normal clothing) smiled widely. The lover arrived at the moment of saying yes he asked the two spouses to approach and he turned to Grell. "Do you Grell Stucliff accept to take for a husband Sebastian Michaelis here present to love and cherish him in joy as in sadness, in health as in sickness, in wealth as in poverty until death separates you?" The priest said in an official voice, Grell turned to Sebastian smiling and said "Yes, I do" the priest turned to Sebastian "And you Sebastian Michaelis do you agree to take for wife Grell Stucliff here present to love and to cherish it in joy as in sadness, in health as in sickness, in wealth as in poverty until death separates you?" Asked the priest looking at him, Sebastian turned his head towards Grell and smiling he replied "If it is possible to die, yes I do." The priest smiled and spoke to the whole room "If there is anyone who opposes this marriage may he talk now or forever keep silent." Ciel sits in the first row reacts at this moment "Lizzie hold me back or I'll get up." He says grabbing his arm Lizzie holds him back with a neutral expression "Ciel you stay sited." Ciel relaxed a little, "Thank you." He said with a sigh of relief. The priest repeated the question, raising his eyebrows. "Nobody?" William got up instinctively and Dearie immediately sat him back down and said, "Dad, you stay sitting," said Dearie, holding back his father. "But I totally oppose to this marriage." William said nervously, "You lost your right on mom the day you leave her." Dearie said between his teeth. The priest scrutinized the room one last time and resumed the ceremony "Well nobody, good. I declare you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride." Grell smiled shyly as Sebastian approached with a smile, he leaned over and they kissed under the applause of the crowd. Then everyone went to the Phantomhive mansion for the reception.
At the reception
Everyone congratulated Sebastian and Grell on their marriage, wishing them happiness. Then it was the moment of the dance Sebastian advanced on the track with Grell to open the ball. Everyone found a partner to dance except Ciel who came into conflict with Dearie on the edge of the track. "Please, Ciel dance with me." Begged Dearie, holding him by the arm. "I said no Dearie I'm dancing with Lizzie." Ciel said trying to get away "But you always dance with Lizzie. Can’t you make an exception for once?" Said Dearie on the verge of tears "I said no." Ciel said firmly. "Humf, you'll be able to beg as much as you want he will not change his mind ..." said a familiar voice Ciel and Dearie turned his head in the direction of the voice and a young man dressed in purple with blond hair came close to them. Ciel opened his eyes in big surprise "Alois? But I thought you were dead." Alois laughed, "Well no, I'm not. Do not ask me how, I also thought I was dead, but here I am." Dearie looked at Ciel with incomprehension "Uh Ciel, you explain to me."Ciel looked up to the sky "Old acquaintance he tried to kill me and his servant trying to eat my soul." Alois laughed again apologetically "Excuse me yes I know, but Claude will not try anything this time believe me anyway it's impossible now that Hannah turned you into a demon .Claude cannot eat your soul since that you do not really have one anymore. Demons have no soul right." Ciel looked at him suspiciously. "Yes, that's right ..." Alois smiled innocently. Dearie turned his attention back to Ciel "Please?" Ciel sighed in exasperation "I said no Dearie I already have a partner. Lizzie ... "he walked away and took Lizzie's hand in his on the dance floor."Why does Lizzie always win?" Dearie looked at them angrily "Do not worry; I was obsessed with Ciel a while back you’ll get over it." Alois said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Then there was a shrill voice "Deeeeaaaaarrrrrie." "Oh no, not again." Dearie said hitting his forehead. A four-year-old girl with jet black hair, amber-colored eyes and an orange dress arrived. "Dearie dance with me please." Said Sweetie pulling on his sleeve "I said no Sweetie, I want to dance with Ciel." Dearie said ignoring his sister "But Ciel is already dancing with Lizzie. Dance with me please." Sweetie said pulling harder on his sleeve. Dearie pushed her away, still looking at the dance floor where Ciel and Lizzie were. Alois turned his head in her direction, "Who is that girl?" He approached her, by kissing her hand "Hello miss, my name is Alois Trancy. Would you like to give me this dance?" Sweetie blushed "Oh what a gentleman of course mmmh." She followed Alois on the track, sticking her tongue out to her brother staying on the sideline. "Arrg, no matter where is the punch bar." Dearie said getting away from the track. Alois and Sweetie danced together and had fun, despite her young age Sweetie was doing pretty well on the dance floor. "So tell me you are with the groom or the bride?" Asked  Alois "Both of them, my name is Sweetie Michaelis, they are my parents." Said Sweetie, smiling, "Ah, you're Sebastian's daughter interesting. Could we go to a quieter place to discuss ..." Alois said with a smile "Oh yes, of course." Sweetie said, taking him by the hand, they both slipped off of the reception.  After a while the dance stopped and Grell asked everyone's attention to make an announcement. "This is the moment of the bouquet launch so all the girls who are not yet married make a line behind me." All the girls rushed behind Grell waiting patiently. "Well, you're ready: one, two, and three ..." Grell said, throwing the bouquet behind her, all the young girls threw themselves on it, but only one grabbed it with determination. She exclaimed happily, "I have it you seen that Ciel I caught it."Lizzie literally danced on the spot "Bravo Lizzie." Grell said cheering "Yes bravo darling ..." said Ciel without conviction then he approached Sebastian whispering "Sebastian help me "Sebastian put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him "Come on, my lord, it would have happened one day or the other, and you were engaged since you were little after all. In addition, girls love weddings." Ciel looked up in confusion "I thought they loved babies?" Sebastian smiles "Yes marriages and babies, why do you think I made my request to Grell after the birth of my daughter?" Ciel raised his eyebrows "Was for that?" Sebastian smiles enigmatically, "That's one of the reasons ..." Then another familiar cry was heard "Your Highness ..." Sebastian turned his head to the guest in question, "Claude." He said coldly, "Sebastian " A man wearing a black tuxedo with glasses on his nose, with his black hair very well dressed, said coldly."I thought you were dead?" Sebastian said surprised at his presence "Well no I'm still here shocking is it not. I'm not here for Ciel do not worry I'm looking for His Highness have you seen him?" Claude said coldly and neutrally as usual "No, otherwise I would not have been so surprised to see you." Sebastian said mockingly, "I see ... Hannah still nothing on your side?" Said Claude, turning to a woman with the hair of a light purple with a headband on her right eye. "No, sorry." Hannah said timidly. "That's all right; we're going to find him." Claude said, continuing his research with Hannah on his heels. Grell arrived at Sebastian's side. "Do you know him?" Sebastian frowned, "An old acquaintance." he said, turning his attention to the reception. Meanwhile not far from the party hall "Alois ... hi hi hi ... it tickles." Sweetie said leaning on the wall behind her. Alois approached her, kissing her in the neck "Yes I know, but you really want me to stop?" He said raising his head "But if anyone hears us ..." said Sweetie timidly "Oh well let's stay discreet and that should be fine." Alois said, taking his chin between his fingers before kissing her Sweetie gave in to his advances and returned his kiss leaning back to the wall. Alois moved closer to her and opening his eyes he noticed a strange detail "Your eyes are red, I thought they were amber." "Oh, no ... calm down, calm down, calm down ..." Sweetie said, turning away from Alois, waving her hands in front of her eyes to calm down. Then, opening her eyes and being sure they were normal again, she turned to him. "You are a demon, are not you?" Alois said raising an eyebrow "You do not mind?" Said Sweetie, looking at him scared, "No, why should I all my servants are demons, my butler for example he is a spider-demon. Your father I think it's a raven demon if I'm wrong?" Alois said, approaching again "Really ... um, you're really special." She came closer to him when a cry was heard, "Your Highness, where are you at last?" "Oh damn, hush." Alois put a hand on Sweetie's mouth and waited, hiding behind a thick curtain. Claude arrived in the corridor "Hannah did you find him?" He asked, "No always nothing, I'm doing my best." Hannah said with a sigh, "Arrg where's he gone to? It's not that hard to find."Then he and Hannah went away. "OK the way is free." Alois said, releasing Sweetie "It was your butler, you are royalty?" Said Sweetie, stepping back a bit, "No, I'm nobility, but my butler calls me Your Highness as a sign of respect, just as your father calls Ciel my lord. I prefer your highness." Alois said, getting closer again "Ah ok." Sweetie said, looking up, "If we go back to where we were ..." Alois said as he was about to kiss her suddenly the curtains parted abruptly and Claude appeared "Ah your Highness you are here." Said Claude frowning his eyebrow "Oops, well I'll have to go see you next time Sweetie." Alois said giving her a kiss on the hand and then part with Claude and Hannah. "See you next time ..." Sweetie said, smiling foolishly, blushing. "Your Highness wasn’t that the daughter of Sebastian with whom you were?" Asked Claude, crossing the door of the manor. "Yes it was her and then." Said Alois, attaching no importance to it. "Is she not a demon like her father?" Said Claude, wondering "Yes, it will be very useful to me and moreover I like it. One more demon by my side it can be very beneficial to me." Alois said, sketching a bad smile.
End Chapter 7
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could you show us the requests you have for s4/p4 and p5? i love them
and i also wanna check if my request was sent correctly💕
yes, I sure can! I hope yours got sent correctly, if it’s not on the list feel free to try sending it again!
under the cut bc LONG-
headcanons: reacting to S/O in shorts + a tank top during summer (Edgar, Gregory, Herman, Lawrence)
reaction: S/O who likes to hug them a lot (Cheslock, Clayton, Edward, Joanne, MacMillan, Soma)
fic: reader empathizing with Cheslock + they comfort each other
headcanons: Lawrence with an arranged fiancee who’s bold + ready for marriage (bonus: they’re friends with Gregory who’s crushing on them)
‘senses’ hc meme: HEART + TOUCH (Cheslock, Clayton, Edward, Joanne, Soma)
‘senses’ hc meme: HANDS (Cheslock)
‘it’s all about the yearning meme’: Gregory, “I know I fucked up. I know I did but don’t shut me out anymore. let me in. please let me in.”
kisses meme: 45, sleepy kisses (Edgar, Gregory, Herman, Lawrence, Sebastian)
headcanons: Joanne with a chaotic reader
reaction: a snow leopard demon S/O (Bravat, Hannah, Joanne, Snake, Triplets)
unspecified: Lawrence with a loud, energetic girlfriend
unspecified: ADHD reader (Alois, Ciel, Edward, Grey, Undertaker)
unspecified: getting a handmade blanket from their s/o (Alois, Ciel, Edward)
unspecified: Cheslock crushing on a student rep from a collaborating girls’ academy
sex + romance hc meme: Gregory (what are their fetishes/kinks? what are their requirements for a potential partner? would they ever be in a polyamorous relationship?)
unspecified: protecting S/O on the Campania (Edward, Grey)
headcanons: Cheslock + Gregory (together, platonic) dealing with reader being sleep deprived
reaction: having to take care of their younger sibling (Cheslok, Clayton, Edgar, Edward, Gregory, Herman, Joanne, Lawrence, Soma)
fic: Soma x reader, rescuing her from an abusive home after a relationship starting with letters
‘card suits’ hc meme: 4 of spades (Alois, Doll/Freckles, Joanne, Maurice)
fic: Edward x reader (Ciel’s older sister) after Madame Red’s funeral
reaction to the scene (Bard, Ciel, Elizabeth, Finny, Mey Rin, Sebastian, Snake)
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle (Edgar, Gregory, Herman, Lawrence)
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle (Cheslock, Clayton, Edward, Joanne, Soma)
unspecified; poly, Edward x male! S/O x Cheslock
audio: Joanne being kissed and cuddled
reaction: S/O getting shot but surviving (Alois, Ciel, Edward, Grell, Grey, Ronald)
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grelleswife · 3 years
sooo how could you see a vampire chronicles kuro crossover going? c'mon I know you probably thought of combining your two big fandoms ;)
Hi, anon! Embarrassingly enough, reading IWTV did kick my mind into gear for thinking about Kuro vampires, though what I have so far is definitely more of an AU than a true crossover. My ideas are rather messy and incoherent at present, but a few highlights include:
The time period is still the nineteenth century
Madame Red's backstory is similar to canon--she loses Rachel, Vincent, and the twins in the attack on the Phantomhive manor...only this time, O!Ciel doesn't return
In this AU, she carried such a torch for Vincent that she never married, and poured all her energy into her medical career.
One fateful night, An is accosted by a former suitor, who has been stalking her for the past few weeks after she spurned his marriage proposal. Although the vengeful nobleman attempts to stab her, An manages to wrest the knife from his grasp and badly wound him...then, just before An makes the killing blow, a glamorous vampire by the name of Grelle Sutcliff appears, asking Madame if she can drink from the cad ("I'd love to watch you finish him off, darling, but sipping at tepid blood from a corpse that's already starting to cool is awful for my complexion"). Though An is understandably bewildered and more than a little freaked out (Has her narrow brush with death driven her insane? Or is this gorgeous woman really a vampire?), she hands over the scoundrel to Grelle, who cheerfully drains him dry. Afterwards, Grelle helps An dispose of the body.
Madame then notices that Grelle accidentally spilled a little blood on her dress while drinking from An's stalker. She offers to take Grelle back to her place to freshen up and pick out a new dress from An's wardrobe, if she wants one. Grelle did save her from a murderous creep and help dispose of the evidence, so An figures it's the least she can do.
Grelle being Grelle, the unabashedly bisexual vampire falls head over heels for An. Grelle's been hoping to find a mate (a "companion of the night"), and the gods of love practically dropped this brilliant, passionate woman right in her lap!
Once she realizes that Grelle has no intention of harming her, An is enthralled by the vampire, and drops not-so-subtle hints that if Grelle wants to swing by her lavish townhouse to hang out, or go to the theatre with her...well, she wouldn't say no. Thus their courtship begins.
Though not without its challenges, their love blooms like a nocturnal rose over the coming weeks. Once they've established that trust, Grelle starts testing the waters to see whether An is willing to be turned--showing her the beauty of the night life and demonstrating the supernatural powers that she wields as a vampire. Since losing her family, An doesn't have many close ties to the human world, and she adores Grelle, so it's not exactly a hard sell. An amazing wife AND fangs? ;) How can you refuse that?
Grelle gives An the Dark Gift, and they live eternally together. >w< Along the way, they adopt (and turn) Doll, a young circus performer left on the brink of death after a horrific tightrope-walking accident, resulting in a happy undead family of three.
Other aspects of the AU:
Agni and Sebas are also vampires (Soma and O!Ciel are their fledglings, respectively). Sebagni is a thing because I say so. >w<
Although vampires do have certain commonalities (i.e. enhanced senses, clawlike nails), there are different "lineages" of vampires with their own unique gifts. For example, Grelle's "bloodline" has the ability to shapeshift. Agni and Soma can perceive people's auras and emotional states (and exert influence over them, though this is a power they exercise judiciously), while Sebastian and O!Ciel have the ability to read minds
If a vampire lives in an area for long enough, a particular type of flower starts to bloom there. Since specific flowers are associated with each bloodline, this is one way to tell whether a coven of vampires is present. For Grelle and An, those flowers are spider lilies; for Agni and Soma, lotuses; and for Sebas and O!Ciel, black roses.
Another feature that varies by bloodline is eye color; for Grelle's, Agni's, and Seb's lineages, these are green, gold, and red, and any fledglings they make also acquire that eye color as soon as they "awaken" as vampires.
I have a few more ideas for the storyline, but I'll stop rambling now! XD
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grelleswife · 4 years
☀️ : What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they're happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they've ever been?
Rose: Hanging out with her best friends, Liv and Ezra; successfully repairing a death scythe or tinkering with damaged cars with Grelle; spending time with her family (when they're not driving her crazy) or going on dates with her husband, Michael. She's happiest on the move, riding her motorcycle with her hellhound Eustacia at her side. One of Rose's happiest moments was when her coworkers at the Death Scythe Maintenance and Repair Division officially recognized her for being their most valued employee. It was an indication that she'd earned their trust and respect in spite of being a demon/reaper hybrid.
Xander/Rhea: Painting backdrops or helping people with their makeup; adding new stones to his pet rock collection; cuddling; playing with the family cats; enjoying a relaxing day in with the family. For Xander, home is where the heart is! One of the happiest days of Xander's life was when @deadly-safety-scissors OC Astre Phantomhive asked for his hand in marriage. :3
Viola: Playing the flute or cello; running a successful experiment; holding hands (and doing various and sundry other things) with her girlfriend Nina. She's happiest in the lab or in the privacy of her room (to which Rose sarcastically refers as her "inner sanctum"). Her happiest moment was when Sebastian taught her how to jump between different universes and introduced her to his favorite ones. It opened her mind up to a whole new world of possibilities and left a lasting impression on her. ☕: Give us one (or more, if you feel like it) of your OCs deepest darkest secrets. Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
Rose is very straightforward and honest to a fault. She's a no-nonsense girl, and what you see is generally what you get. The closest she has to a dark secret is the fear that she might be unable to protect the people she cares for, which is rooted in the attack on her and Xander's lives (when a pair of bigoted reapers broke into the house and nearly murdered them and Ronnie while Grelle and Sebas were at work).
When they first learned that Grelle was Jack the Ripper, Xander tried to act like it didn't matter to him in order to spare her feelings. In truth, though, he had a hard time coming to terms with what she'd done (Xander has a soft spot for mortals), though he eventually managed to reconcile with Grelle.
Viola loves soul-eating. Absorbing the person's knowledge and emotions is a fascinating, exhilarating process for her. However, she feels ashamed of this and tries to hide it because it's such a strong demonic trait.
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OC's perspective meeting their love interest
(Rose first met Michael Kennsington, a reaper and former MI6 agent, when he came to her department for minor repairs to his scythe. Michael investigated conspiracy theories as a hobby and became firmly convinced that Sebastian Michaelis was a supernatural being, which accounts for his excitement here.)
Rose had never met this man before, but she knew right away that he wasn't your average reaper. The way he carried himself reminded her of Dad: Self-assured, yet ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. His quiet confidence was more subdued than Dad's smug arrogance (thank the gods), but there was that same subtle sense of power, like a tiger keeping its claws carefully sheathed...for now. His appraising gaze cut far beneath the surface. In the seconds that he looked at her, Rose could sense the flurry of calculations in his mind as he sized her up. Huh. This guy might be an interesting one.
"Red eyes..." Rose braced herself for the usual confusion and disgust with which new reapers typically reacted to her, their divine instincts alerting them to her demonic nature. Instead, the man broke out in a boyish grin, looking as delighted as a little kid who'd just caught sight of his Christmas presents under the tree."You must be one of the Sutcliff-Michaelises!" he gushed, grabbing her hand and pumping it enthusiastically. "It's Rose, isn't it? Oldest daughter of the Phantomhive butler?""Uh...yes..." Rose laughed, cocking an eyebrow. Definitely not the reaction she'd been expecting. Dad had become something of a legend in the years since his "disappearance" and the young earl's death, but this man said "Phantomhive butler" the way teenagers fangirled over their favorite actors. Oh gods, the last thing Dad needed was a groupie--his ego was already inflated enough."So it's true, it's really true! All my friends at the agency used to laugh at me, say I was batshit crazy, but I knew that Sebastian Michaelis couldn't be human!"He paused, blushing as he glanced down and realized that he'd been holding Rose's hand for much longer than necessary. Letting go, he looked sheepishly at Rose, who was thoroughly amused by this point. "Damn, you must think I'm a ruddy great idiot. And I haven't even introduced myself. It's Michael, Michael Kennsington."
(Due his traumatic childhood experience of almost being killed by reapers, Xander experiences intense anxiety whenever unfamiliar reapers come to call at the Sutcliff-Michaelis residence. For clarification, Astre Phantomhive is my girlfriend’s OC, not our earl)
No matter how hard he tried to fight it, fear clawed its way up Xander's throat when he realized that a strange reaper had come to visit. The rational part of his mind knew that they weren't in danger, that there would be no flash of death scythes and hateful cries ('Die, demon filth! Die, you scum, DIE!'). Still, he shook with trepidation, breaking out in a cold sweat with his back pressed against the wall as he listened to Mum chatting away with this unfamiliar death god in the kitchen. But then there was Rose, kindly yet firmly grabbing him by the hand. "It's all right, Xander, I'm here, and so is Mum. Besides, he's a Phantomhive! You know how we loved Dad's stories about the Earl when we were kids."Astre V.C. Phantomhive. The moment he saw him, Xander's fear dissipated like smoke scattered in the wind. Tall, slender, and fine-boned, with a true nobleman's grace, messy cobalt hair, and eyes that shimmered with wit and good humor. There was a quiet melancholy hiding behind those eyes, however, and that struck a sympathetic chord within the softhearted child of heaven and hell. It would be a few months before the desire took hold with a silent passion that ate at Xander's marrow, and longer still before Astre would begin the intricate rituals of their courtship, but this first meeting was when providence tossed out her red string to tie their destinies together.(Nina Montmarcy is one of my reaper OCs. She’s autistic, hence the stimming and reluctance to look Viola in the eye)
"Hey, Vi!"Viola look up, a rat cradled to her bosom, to see Uncle Othello stroll into the forensics lab with a young woman in tow. She was dressed in a green cotton sweater and jeans, and her light brown hair was cut in a sensible bob. She was also the most adorable reaper Viola had ever seen, a fact that the hybrid tried to ignore by adjusting her grip on the docile rat held in her arms."We finally got a new recruit!" Uncle Othello grinned. "This is Nina Montmarcy. Fresh out of the reaper academy, sharp as a tack, and knows the science. I thought I'd let ya show her the ropes--she might as well learn from the best researcher our department's ever had."Viola groaned. "I'm not as great as all that." Her nerdy "uncle" could be worse about bragging on her abilities than Mum and Dad, and that was saying something. "But welcome to Forensics!" She gave the other woman a warm smile, heart beating a little faster than it ought to. Nina's left hand drifted up to her hair, and she twirled a piece around her fingers over and again in a gesture that seemed almost instinctual. "Th-thank you," she replied in a shaky whisper, not making eye contact. Awkward and shy, but endearing...Oh shit, Viola thought as a warm glow spread in the pit of her stomach. Why was she so illogical when it came to pretty girls?
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grelleswife · 5 years
Sebagrelle Oneshot: That butler, domestic
@chinatzuify-blog requested a oneshot in which Sebastian finds Grelle wearing his clothes, preferably his shirt as a nightgown. This was supposed to be a drabble. However, I quickly realized that neither my loves nor I know when to shush, so it’s a bit longer than a true drabble. XD Hope you enjoy, and thanks for your support! <3
Night. The other incompetent Phantomhive servants reposed in their beds, and even the restless young master had finally succumbed to Hypnos’s spell. Sebastian’s pace quickened as he impatiently wove his way through the labyrinthine manor. In a small, forgotten bedroom in an isolated corner of the estate, a certain lady awaited. He could sense the reaper’s presence, beckoning him onward like a pillar of fire. Grelle. She must have already clambered in through the window he had deliberately left open earlier that day. This was the first evening Grelle had been able to slip away to see her illicit lover in almost a month (Overtime at the dispatch is simply outrageous, darling! They’ve been working us to death!, she’d complained in her latest letter), and Sebastian craved her company like a wanderer in the desert thirsts for water. The demon’s eyes glowed scarlet with anticipation, crinkling at the corners in a subtle, uncharacteristically warm smile. I’m coming, rufina.
Reaching the door at last, he seized the knob and flung it open.
“BASSYYYY!” The next thing he knew, he was scooped up in a bone-crushing hug. “Bonsoir, Miss Sutcliff,” he laughed, unable to quell the happy little purr that rumbled in his chest, the telltale sound demons made when at their most content. Taking a step back to gaze at the beautiful reaper, he observed that she was clad in nothing more than a white button-up shirt. The first few top buttons were left tantalizingly open (those perfectly sculpted clavicles…what a sight to behold!), and the garment ended at her thighs, leaving her shapely, impossibly long legs clearly visible. For some reason, it looked strangely familiar…
“Wait a moment…is that one of my shirts?” he inquired, arching his eyebrows.
“It is indeed, Sebby,” she replied, winking cheekily as she placed her hands on her hips and struck a seductive pose. “This might not be my sexiest lingerie, but it’s nice to wear something a little more…domestic in the bedroom, especially once you and your man are going steady. Don’t you agree, chéri?”
Sebastian had to admit this approach had its merits. If anyone else had had the temerity to blithely borrow his clothes, he would have been mightily affronted, but there was something inherently right and fitting about Grelle wearing this shirt with such confidence. She belonged to him, but Sebastian also belonged to her in an indescribable intimacy that ran far deeper than any contract forged with a desperate mortal. At times, this new feeling terrified him, but at others, like now, it was strangely comforting. Domestic. Wasn’t that the word humans often used to describe themselves when they took a mate in what they called “marriage?”
Of course, Sebastian said none of this aloud, for a demon’s heart is a reticent thing. So he merely tilted his head to the side and teased, “No matter how humble, that raiment is inextricably linked to a Phantomhive butler’s duties. Are your prepared for such a heavy charge, Miss Sutcliff?”
“Oh, really, Bassy,” Grelle protested, affecting a petulant moue. “You expect a lady to run about serving tea and managing servants and all that?”
“Naturally,” he laughed.
“Very well,” she huffed. “Now, let’s see…” Stiffening her spine, she adopted a ramrod-straight posture, coupled with an expression of immense dignity and faux deference, before bowing deeply to Sebastian. “Today’s tea, my lord,” she intoned in what Sebastian easily recognized as a pitch-perfect imitation of his current incarnation’s voice, “is your preferred Earl Grey. For refreshments, we have chocolate gateau, faithfully prepared by your loyal servant.”
“Thank you, Miss Sutcliff,” Sebastian drawled, mimicking his young master’s haughty yet still childlike tones. The demon covered his mouth with a gloved hand, barely stifling a chortle. Grelle’s own mouth twitched at the corners, but she gamely maintained her air of gravitas as a good actress should. “No need to thank me. After all, I am simply one hell of a butler…” she reached out to tug playfully at Sebastian’s coat. “…and a lover,” she added, and she was herself once again.
“That you are, rufina, that you are,” he concurred, eyes shining. On a whim, the demon took his reaper by the waist and spun her around, both of them laughing in delight.
Domestic. A borrowed shirt, a silly joke. With time, perhaps Grelle could teach him the true meaning of this word.
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