#grey michael vincent
Hello there Grey Michael Vincent fans.
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cherubfae · 4 months
how they cuddle || slashers x reader
With Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, Billy and Stu, Art the Clown, Vincent, Bo, Lester, Sal Fisher, & Thomas Sawyer
tags: AFAB reader (not specified), cuddling, affection, rz!Mikey, art is his own warning lmao, terrifier 2 spoilers, little spoon!slashers, nightmares (Sal), comfort, poly!Ghostface, I low-key rant about art in Vin's lmao
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Exhaustion isn't something he's used to feeling so heavily in his bones. He feels the heavy weight rippling across his broad shoulders and spiraling down his spine in white hot pain. He's not a tame being, but he is a bit more docile in the months before and after Halloween. His knife doesn't thirst for blood quite as much as on the 31st.
Seeing you in your bed is a welcomed sight. Michael doesn't say much more than the soft grunt of acknowledgement as he sheds his coveralls from his dirt-caked skin. He has a lovely warm bath that loosens all the tight muscles of his lower back. You'll have his head later for leaving a ring of grime in the tub; Mikey doesn't care about that right now.
The fresh sheets are so comfortable, accepting them fully as Michael tucks his face into your side. His recently cut hair is still long enough to form a fringe curtain over his grey eyes.
Softly leans his chin to your shoulder. Depending on how far along you two are into your relationship, Jason might feel comfortable enough to have his mask removed. He's aware the material probably doesn't feel too pleasant being pressed to the side of your face or lightly digging into your skin.
His arms wind around your waist, happily sighing as he leans himself against you. Jason also doesn't mind if you switch things up and hold him in return, stroking the top of his head softly.
If there's a way where he can wind his body around yours, Brahms will find it. He definitely likes keeping you away from all of the noise of the world, and while he's not mega happy about it, he knows you need trips into town sometimes. He likes seeing what kind of food items you bring back because the meals you make are simply delicious!
After dinner and bathing, Brahms snuggles beside you, clinging to you like you've been gone for ages. The chill of his porcelain biting into your skin as he happily huffs behind it. He's so glad to have you. <3
Billy and Stu
The pair are constantly together, if not with you, then they're almost always flanking each other's sides. The other is often not far from the first. Adding you into their duo to form a trio didn't change much of their dynamic. Instead of the two boys slinking around, they've got you as their third and final confidant.
Billy isn't the most touchy-feely person-- that's what he likes to claim. He doesn't really know how to ask for the things that he wants. He's different to Stu in the way that he's silent when you press your hand to the brunette's cheek, smiling as his eyelids flutter closed. Subconsciously leaning into your touch, chasing the feeling when you pull away.
Stu likes to be what he calls the mega spoon. It's him behind you, snuggled at your back, and with Billy pressed close to your chest still too proud to say that he enjoys being taken care of as the little spoon. You three make a nice, lovely three-person sandwich. Even when lying down, you're in the center with the boys wrapped around you like snakes. There is no them without you; you are their missing piece.
This man is mostly, if not always, within your personal space. 'It's not yours, it's ours'. Art is rarely a being ever to break character or change out of his damned costume, and his hygiene is quite questionable sometimes; though he does in fact bathe and wash his suit. Just not often.
He's a man of very few words, especially when he's deep into his clown character and doing what he does best. Being immortal has its advantages, but his fight with Sienna really put him through the ringer. Art was decapitated! What a riot.
With his strength slowly returning to him, Art is always almost underfoot. In your bubble, seeing what you're doing. Snuggling up to you in a rare moment where his costume is off, leaning his head into your chest with an exhausted expression. It seemed that Pale Girl was allowing him some respite with you for a bit.
He is a busy man, constantly sculpting and creating. His sketchbooks are filled to the absolute brim of beautiful works of art in all sorts of mediums: charcoal, graphite, watercolor, and ink. You're his muse, his favorite subject of which his art circulates. There's something so breathtaking about you, minute details that only an artist can see within people. An eternal, everlasting beauty.
Vincent is quick to jot down the rough outline of your sleeping form resting against Jonesy. He's smiling behind the wax mask, skilled fingers shading the crease of your eyelids then moving to sketch the curve of your Cupid's bow. When he felt it was finished enough for now, Vincent sets his book aside in favor of crawling into bed beside you.
His broad frame dwarfs yours as he curls his body around yours, his large hands slide beneath your sweater pressing across your tummy. Vincent really adores you, you know?
Not much of a cuddler, but if you get especially pouty about it Bo will roll his eyes and tug you to him. He can be a major asshole but he doesn't like seeing his baby upset.
He tucks you beneath his strong arm, his mechanic's hat resting on top of the back of the sofa. Waiting for you to settle down doesn't take long as you're soon drifting off with your head on his chest, focusing on his hand placed on your knee; gently stroking the skin there. His eyes begin to droop, feeling heavy. Cradling the back of your neck, Bo allows himself to drift off, too.
Long days certainly do get to him sometimes. Tiring him out something awful. He's prepared enough roadkill and deer for his brothers and you, enough to satiate any hunger for the time being until he finds time to run into the nearby town again.
Lester finds you lounging in his bed with Jonesy, Vincent must be working hard and the pup sought out attention where she could. He had no idea where Bo was or whatever the hell he was up to.
Collapsing onto the bed, Lester sighs deeply when you immediately comb your fingers through his messy short hair. He's out like a light soon after.
Sal Fisher
Poor guy has so much going on that sometimes he just wants to crash and sleep for one-thousand years. He doesn't sleep well on the best of days, plagued by frequent nightmares that not even the warmth and comfort of your sleeping form beside him can quell.
Another nightmare yanks Sal out of a fitful sleep. One that has him patting the sheets, searching for you. The heat of your skin against his hands sends a calming peace over him. He's scooping your sleeping form in his arms, his face hidden in your neck. Sal gives a weak smile as you snuggle into him. He focuses on your even breathing, allowing himself to fall asleep soon after.
It's incredibly hot on the best of days in Duller County, the Sawyer family set up several oscillating fans that constantly work overtime without a proper functioning air conditioning unit.
Even the lackluster cool breeze and the sweltering Texan heat aren't enough to have Tommy pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his masked face into your hair.
You're much smaller than him. It gives Tommy a sense of pride knowing that he's your big, strong protector. :)
He is such an enigma, a contradiction. Patrick isn't much of a cuddler or snuggler but he wants to play the role of being a dutiful partner. He is quick to become a jealous lover if you were to find someone else to give you attention while he's fretting over what sort of shade of cream or white Paul Allen's next business card will have.
A prideful, vain being such as himself would never admit how much he truly does enjoy having your curl up next to him. The warmth your body exudes is a comfort, one he finds him seeking out more and more even though your relationship is still within its earlier stages. Patrick hates that he finds himself being so undone by you, but he can't find it within himself to stop either. There's something inside of you that his fervent bloodlust can't be satisfied by.
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
Happy Monday honey𓆩♡𓆪
I was wondering if you could write a drabble of Michael Myers where you're dating him and he doesn't know you're into men with balaclava's, until one day he's on your laptop for something and he comes across your tumblr page that is full of guys with balaclava's on and something crawls into his mind.
Maybe smut and Michael being dominate <3
Thank you angel🥰
No problem Megan ❤. Ok!... I'm doing this one before work because I feel so guilty about not getting around to writing any of my other requests yet 🙈🤦🏼‍♀️ (I will get to them, I promise!)
OG/RZ/Peepaw Michael Myers x f!reader
18+ for graphic smut, con noncon, implied violence
Michael indulges in his s/o's balaclava kink:
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You had been enjoying a cup of spiced tea on your worn-in recliner, scrolling through Tumblr on your laptop, simping over art and fanfics of dangerous men in masks and balaclavas.
You had always had a kink for masked men but until now it had only been "standard" horror movie masks, such as Jason's, Ghostface's, Vincent's wax mask, Leatherface's and especially your Michael's expressionless alabaster mask. Only recently had you come to appreciate the simplicity of the humble balaclava - Ghost from Call of Duty was the catalyst of this new attraction and you jumped head first into the rabbit hole of art and fiction of morally grey or downright psychotic men with toned bodies, balaclava'd faces and piercing eyes that burned through you with carnal need right down to your core.
As you took another sip of your tea you felt a presence to your left. Turning your head in that direction you see Michael standing motionless as a statue at the base of the stairs just staring at you. Top half of his overalls off of his torso and tied around his waist, mask slightly askew.
Instead of shrieking and jumping like you used to when you were not so accustomed to his sudden, silent appearances you smiled and got up from your seat.
"Did you have a good sleep, baby?" You ask as you place one hand on his chest and the other on his strong shoulder.
You receive nothing in return except for his blank gaze upon you, those darkened eyeholes of his mask as eerie as ever.
Not detoured by his normal silence and seeming disinterest, you give him a peck on the cheek of his mask and head into the kitchen to make him some lunch from yesterday's leftovers.
You hear the tv switch on as you pull out the ingredients to make a sandwich with the leftover chicken. As you begin slicing the cucumber you pause for a second to see Michael watching true crime again. You always wonder what goes through his mind when he sees the crimes of other killers. Is he impressed, unimpressed, indifferent, intrigued? Does he learn anything? You guess you'll never know unless Michael just one day decides to break his self-imposed silence.
Later that night you're turning your little house upside down looking for your laptop. You were so sure you had left it on the coffee table in the living room but... you guess not? You didn't blame Michael as he had never shown interest in the laptop before, and its not like you could ask him now anyhow as he was out butchering people to death. Yes, you are aware at how desensitised you have become to murder and death. Loving Michael forced you to accept his lifestyle - fast.
Huffing in annoyance you stomp over to the door leading to the garage, knowing for a fact it won't be there but its the only place you haven't looked yet. You push open the door and flick on the light, ready to immediately switch it off again because you hadn't been in the garage all day.
However, when your eyes fell onto the workbench, there your laptop sat surrounded by empty candy wrappers.
"Michael... what the hell" you mumble to yourself in confusion. You can't say you were really mad at him for using the laptop because he was more than welcome to. But you were just confused as he had never shown interest in it nor did you think he knew how to use it.
Scooping up all the candy wrappers you chuck them into the trashcan beneath the workbench and try to start up the laptop. You were met with nothing but a black screen. "Damn. Battery's dead"
You looked at the wall clock and decided to just call it a night. No Netflix for y/n tonight - insert sad face.
Closing your laptop you make for the door when you hear glass smashing from what sounded like the kitchen area.
Heart jumping to your throat you quickly flick the light off and hide under the workbench while looking at the door which lead into the living room. Surely Michael wouldn't smash in the back door?! He had a key and had stopped breaking into the house since the two of you started a relationship. That was a whole year ago!
Before you could think anymore, a pair of legs slowly walked past the garage door and into the living room. You couldn't get the clearest view of the intruder as only a small lamp was on in the living room - the rest of the house was dark.
Your panicked mind only presented 3 options for you to take:
1. Get out of the house and run to the neighbors
2. Either stay where you were or get upstairs and hide while waiting for Michael to return.
3. Get to your cellphone upstairs and call the cops.
Well.. the house keys for the front door were upstairs too and you didn't want to run out of the back door as you were barefoot and there was no doubt glass everywhere. You wouldn't get very far at all with cut up feet before the intruder catches you.
And you didn't exactly want the cops anywhere near you and your home for Michael's sake. So that left option 2. You just had to get upstairs... lots of places to hide and wait for Michael. You also come to realise that you absolutely needed to get Michael a cellphone for emergencies like this. A simple text in this situation could save your life. Why didn't you think of that before, stupid!?
Mentally shaking yourself from your delaying thoughts, you take a deep breath as silently as you can and creep towards the door. You sit on your haunches for a moment, straining your ears to listen for any sign of the intruder when you hear some soft movements from the dining room. Perfect. If you move now you'll have a chance to get upstairs without being seen.
As silently and quickly as you can you scuttle to the - thankfully - carpeted stairs. Just as you're about to take the first step you hear a crashing sound coming from the garage which sounded very much like hard plastic hitting a concrete floor. Your laptop. You must not have put it far enough back onto the workbench when you rushed to switch off the light.
You know for your own sanity you shouldn't have, but you did - you looked back to the dining room entrance.
And there staring at you from in the dark, illuminated only by a bit of moonlight stood a tall figure in faded black overalls and a... balaclava??
Shrieking you turn back around and make for your bedroom - intending to lock the door and climb out of your window onto the veranda's roof and to make your escape.
Your hear his heavy footfalls behind you, closer than what you would like as you scramble to the top of the stairs. Fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins like a raging river.
Michael where are you? I need you! You internally shout as tears begin falling from your wide, frightened eyes.
As you reach the top of the stairs a large, warm, calloused hand grabs your ankle painfully and roughly causing you to yelp. You try to kick at the man with your other foot but he throws his entire weight onto your body causing the air to be knocked out of you.
You cough while hitting at his shoulders and head with all your might but it doesn't seem to affect him at all.
He grabs you by both your arms and hauls you up onto your feet before swiftly turning you around to be pulled flush against his solid frame. You kick and scream as he takes you towards the bedroom where your panic rises even more at the prospect of what he might actually have in store for you there.
"No please don't! Just take anything you want, please! But just don't hurt me"
You are met with silence as the two of you enter the bedroom. He pauses in front of the bed and the tears stream out of you even harder. Your sobs finally overtake your screaming.
Suddenly and without warning you're flung towards your floor length mirror with your potential assaulter and murderer firmly placing his body flush behind yours. His eyes boring into your own through the mirror.
And that's when you see it. The man had positioned himself in such a way that the moonlight pouring through your window would reflect onto his masked face.
Your sobs instantly quietened as you saw one stormy grey eye heatedly gazing at you through the balaclava opening and one... scarred milky one.
"Michael?" You tentatively ask as you sniffle - your struggling subsiding.
He nuzzles your neck and cups your breast, giving it a firm squeeze. You know that hand. You know it well.
Before you can think further, you're picked up and flung onto your bed, the old mattress squeaking in protest at the sudden weight.
Your mind gets whiplash at how suddenly your body responds to this new information and turn of events.
Michael climbs on top of you, not sparing you from his full weight. He straddles your hips, his bloodied hands gripping your wrists tightly above your head. His head is tilted to the side, eyes dilated and dark.
Your breathing has quickened, your nipples pebble and the juncture of your thighs moisten.
A sudden slap to your face causes you to gasp in surprise and before you can think on what just happened your thin spaghetti-strap tank is being torn off of you and you're being flipped onto your stomach as if you weigh little more than a feather.
"Mich--" you start but are stopped from finishing your question when a piece of your torn tanktop is stuffed into your mouth.
Your teary eyes widen when you feel your poor pajama bottoms being ripped off of your goosebump laden body too but immediately close when you feel thick calloused fingers run up along your wet slit from clit to ass.
You moan into the fabric in your mouth as two of his fingers push past your folds and into your eager hole.
You can hear Michael's heavy breathing as he roughly pumps his digits in and out of your slick cavern before adding a third and eventually a fourth.
Your muffled moans get louder and louder as your body squirms beneath his invasive ministrations. You feel so deliciously stretched out by his four long, thick fingers that your eyes begin to tear up again.
Your loosened hole clenches at nothing as Michael pulls out. You turn your head as best you can to see him behind you and moan once more as you view his balaclava in the moonlight. He takes both his thumbs and stretches your abused hole open as much as he can, admiring your slick, velvety tunnel.
You grip the sheets in anticipation as he releases your flesh and reaches for the zipper of his coveralls pulling them down far enough to reveal his glistening, red, swollen, massive member.
You mewl at the sight and wiggle you bottom in eagerness and want.
Michael obliges by roughly pushing your head back down into the mattress and without any indication rams his heavy, weeping cock into your needy pussy.
You scream and grip your sheets harder as he sets a brutal and unforgiving pace - no slow buildup or sensuality for this one. You can scarcely take it. Tears stream down your cheeks, saliva pools into the fabric stuffed in your mouth and your ass and hips jiggle and ripple with every brutal thrust.
Michael's hand leaves your smushed head and grips your hips in bruising force.
Your room is dark and quiet save for the sound of slick skin slapping against slick skin, grunts of exertion and muffled mewls and moans.
Just when you think you can't take anymore, Michael goes deeper and harder, stretching you wider with his monstrous girth, the tip of his cockhead punching against your cervix in exquisite pleasure-pain.
Your cheeks are hot and red, tear stained. Drool has finally broken past the fabric in your mouth and is dripping onto your sheets. Slick is running down your thighs as your loosened hole just cannot contain your shared juices any longer.
Michael leans forward to squeeze your breasts before pinching your nipples so hard you feel your pussy release a new spurt of moisture.
You want to tell him you cannot take anymore. Your body is turning to jelly, the pleasure plain is becoming overwhelming - every nerve of yours is on electric fire and if you produce any more drool you'll surely choke on it.
Michael leaves your breasts and instead begins his cruel ministrations onto your swollen, throbbing clit.
You begin to feel the tightening in your core, your lower abdomen tenses and you can hear Michael fast approaching his own orgasm too if those quiet gasps and slight jerks in his thrusts are anything to go by.
And finally with one hard slap to your clit and one final deep, bruising thrust inside your wrecked cunt you scream out your orgasm into your tanktop. Your abused pussy quivers and clenches around Michael's pulsating cock as it spurts out its thick ropes of cum within you.
Michael's breaths are heavy and laboured behind you as he pulls out. You hear the sopping squelch and feel the gush of liquids flow out of your red, raw, gaping cunt which is trying in vain to clench and hold onto all the juices that now pouring onto your bedding.
Your jellified arm slowly pulls the now sopping fabric from your mouth before you look behind to Michael. His toned and scarred chest is heaving and glistening with sweat. His eyelids sit low from satisfaction and his fingers idly circle your hips where they lie.
"You saw my.... interests on Tumblr didn't you? That's why you did all this tonight, right?" You ask lazily as you roll onto your back and look up at your still masked lover.
Michael tilts his head and continues to stare at you in silence. He reaches for the base of the black mask and pulls it off of his head and shakes out his dark blond curls. He tosses the mask onto your chest and disappears out of the bedroom.
You shake your head and smile to yourself as you clutch the balaclava.
You will always love Michael best in his signature white mask, but a bit of fun in a balaclava from time to time will certainly be a treat.
Perhaps you can show him all of your other kinks now too, seeing as he seems happy to indulge you. And maybe he has some of his own?
You get up to go enjoy a nice hot shower. Sore and stiff, but very very happy.
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@megangovier20 hope you enjoy it girl. 😈
Not proof read as I did this before work.
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in-collection · 8 months
Hotel Vast Horizon by @rocket-eighty-eight
Heat (1995) | Vincent Hanna/Neil McCauley | 16,202 words | 100 pages
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You can see and download the whole typeset HERE.
You can also print it if you want a copy for yourself! I provide printable files below. Check out the guide first ↓ The book is 11x18cm AKA 4,3x7,1" & can be printed with a coptic stitch or staples. Mine's printed on 80gsm grey recycled paper & 210gsm grey paper for the cover.
PRINTING NOTES: This typeset goes pretty close to the edges of the pages, so be careful when cutting it, and the first signature or so has double-spread images, so I'd really recommend making sure your double-sided printing is calibrated for this one (whether you're doing it at home or at a printing shop).
HEY!!!! HI! finally. If you've checked the Heat (1995) (Al Pacino and Robert De Niro Go on a Date: The Movie) tag on AO3 in the past year you've probably checked out Hotel Vast Horizon (Michael Mann Could Never: The Fic). Welp here it is on paper.
The common thread in the typeset was always the ocean (and shit, I said the o-word. did you know there are like 20 references to water, seas and storms in HVH, and yet never once "ocean" is said?). The other thread was the Bitstream Cooper typeface, which is round and curvy and so pleasing on the eye. Isn't it? Also Arial (underrated), because I needed it for the sequencing to show that Michael Mann is a loser. I'm kidding. Or am I? But this brings me to another major thing: the sequencing. (The common denominator between movies and books: the sequence.) That can only be apprehended on the full PDF/book, and it's really something that did not really exist (in so much depths) in the previous typesets.
As to what the sequencing is saying, or what the hell this intro is about (no I did not have a stroke when I did it), I will not say much if only that it is about the vocabulary, the image, the movie, the things that go beyond fate, a little bit Neil vs Vincent and a lot the reason vs the heart. More things shall remain unexplained because I feel they would be better experienced than laid out here.
If you'd still like to know what's actually going on in this thing don't hesitate to send in an ask lol.
More details on the technical matters + a visualization at the bottom, because there is work involved and my micro typography is so clean it could give Neil McCauley a boner.
help where do i even begin? I learnt how to use FontForge to create a new typeface specifically for that symbol at the beginning of the paragraphs in order to implement it in InDesign (see fig.1 below), I changed the Arial's @ in FontForge too (fig.2) to have it fit with the underline in @ rocket88, what the hell.
2. I also drew 11 (I think) illustrations for the intro (yes, those knots......), but that wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be. I do deeply curse InDesign's "Print Booklet" function for how much it hates images though.
3. I would like you to meet my InDesign characters styles (fig.3) as they simply are impeccable and the best you will ever see, I could not have been more professional if you had paid me 5 grand for this. The hyphens! The dashes! The custom small caps!
4. To get even further in the micro typography. It is, in most, most cases, much too time-consuming to properly kern (=modulate the space between your characters and/or words) your text for how little the average eye will get out of it, and/or your average graphic designer is certainly not getting paid enough to actually do it properly. I, on the other hand, am insane and unemployed, therefore yes, I kerned this shit. Micro typo is actually the sculpture of the white spaces of your page. When done thoroughly it does mean checking every characters with your own eyeballs.
So in english, since this typeset is in english, the rules are no spaces for punctuation. Right? and not right ? It makes for a pretty tight block. I do argue too tight - although of course you'll also have times where you want tight. (And this is all within the 5% of the time where kerning matters.) That might not sound too bad until you get to em-dashes, this '—' thing. Which is a literally useless punctuation mark that is so hysterically long it'll leave an unnatural horizontal void in your text and draw all attention to it—you know, instead of the text itself. Useless, because it can always be replaced by commas, colon, semicolon, or parentheses. Unnatural, because em/en-dashes do not follow a typeface's characteristics (when hyphens do! fig4), so they hardly fit with serifs, AND characters are generally vertically stressed in latin (fig5: which one looks normal?) except... well. So you'll have the tightest group of punctuation marks humping each other?!"— then a dash literally the size of a whole ass m that looks nothing like the rest. ridiculous. absurd.
Anyway the point is I said bye-bye to this aberration and used hyphens stretched at 260% (lmao. it works so well?). And sometimes 230%. Sometimes with a space after, sometimes not - if not the same meaning then why the same treatment (fig6)? I wondered at this point if I wasn't going too far (lol) but this is the point of micro typo, so, whatever. See fig7 for more kerning stuff.
5. I have far less things to say about this part than the last even though I must have spent twice as much time on it, but I just wanted to say that I manually set the text rag on all 69 pages, it looks nice, I love tetris, AND!!!! the greatest thing about the whole fucking book (fig8): the text starts on the top line of the first column, and ends, on p.91, on the LAST line of the column, at the very bottom of the page, and IT IS NOT. BY. CHANCE!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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thanks for reading. perfection has not been achieved and there might still be typos. see you later.
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little-pup-pip · 5 months
Just curious, what requests do you have in your queue/to do currently? If you're ok with saying it that is :]
Oh boy, that's a bigger question than last time someone asked! I have over 200 waiting requests at this point!! Because of that this got very very long, so I put the rest under the cut! Like last time, this is in order of how recently I received the request, and doesn't mean I'm too busy to take new requests!!
Ibara saegusa (enstars)
Monochrome oranges cats and angels
Gloomy bear
Another rockruff (maybe)
Cult of the lamb (specifically the lamb)
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Bear therian
Ice bear (we bare bears)
Tubbo (maybe)
Snow leopard
Australian shepherd (pupre)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Draik (neopets)
The rainbow fish
Black kitten + space
Pumpkin head (maybe, needs more research)
Alice in wonderland
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Star catcher (MLP)
Masc version of my druid board
Scrooge CG (2009 film)
Superstar daycare (fnaf)
1950s + ocean
Pandas + light purple and black
Willy wonka CG (recent movie)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Kidcore Halloween + pumpkin puppy Webkinz
Fruit bat
Pastel purple + pandas
Robocar Poli
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Weird Barbie CG
Shiny Vaporeon
Where the wild things are
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Conner CG (Detroit become human)
Mitsuri kanroji (demon slayer)
Minecraft mooshrooms
Sharks or wolves (haven't decided)
Hot Wheels
Vincent (dead plate)
Vintage kitty dreaming
Shane CG (stardew valley)
Wolf pup
Celestia and Luna (MLP)
Soft blue and yellow
Pascal (animal crossing)
Pastel blue and pink
Batman CG
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs)
Dylan (the quarry)
Rain/nature + white rabbits
Penguin + dinosaur
Noah (total drama island)
Vision CG (marvel)
Light blue
Bumble bees + lavender
Yellow + ducks
Bearded vulture
Barn owl
Queen barb (trolls world tour)
Oliver (vocaloid)
Light green light brown and beige
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Cinnamoroll + emu otori (project sekai)
Yellow+ chicks and puppy stuffies
Seam CG (deltarune)
Plants vs zombies
Viktor (arcane)
Queen of trash CG (Elmo goes to grouch land)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Aziraphale (good omens)
Musa (winx club)
Leap frog
Hyper feminine puppy
Crow + black cat
Totodile + bodies of water
Sackboy (Little Big Planet) and or My Melody
Baby crocodile
Animal crossing
Pastel kitten
Doki doki literature club
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
90s grunge
Tula tones (novi stars)
Eevee + dragons
Kitten + stars
Ratchet (rescue bot academy)
Pastel shark
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz
Sparkly dragon
Blue and purple + puppies
Ducks + alt/Gothic lean
Shadow (sonic)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Golden retriever + yellow and blue
Bernese mountain dog
Genshin impact
Len or Miku
Toothless (httyd)
Donnie (rise of the tmnt)
The princess and the grilled cheese sandwich
Pastel goth princess
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Young Michael Afton
Soft fox
Great pyrenees + farm
Ike eveland
Invader Zim + neon green
Julius Caesar (Octavian, night at the museum, waiting until March for this one)
Vampire squid
Golden retriever (again, lol)
Cats + playing outside
Border Collie
Argos CG (World of Mr. Plant) 
Mortal Kombat
marble cross fox/forest/fantasy (I'm figuring this one out still)
Puppy + SpongeBob
characters from Project Sekai, Hoshino Ichika, Mochizuki Honami, Akiyama Mizuki and Kusanagi Nene.
Baby vulture
Frog with more fem themes
Rain world/slugcat
Dark academia/cottagecore
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Enjolras (les miserable)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Gordon (all engines go)
Spinel (Steven universe)
Cater diamond (twisted wonderland)
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Jing yuan CG (Hsr)
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Toki wartooth (metalocalypse)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4)
Kitoto (I don't know what he's from)
17th century dutch
Sirena von boo (monster high)
Jake (miss peregrines home for peculiar children)
Sees behind trees
Allay (Minecraft, I think)
Spinosaurus screenshots or products
Tecchou (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Barbara (genshin impact)
Tasmanian devil
Spamton CG (deltarune)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies
Daxter (jak and daxter)
Madness combat for puppies
James Sunderland (silent Hill)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa)
Leo (IDW comic)
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slasherstories123 · 2 years
Can you do one where Michael goes S/O house to kill them but just sees the house filled with cats and starts playing with them and when the S/O comes down to see what's going they just see him with cats
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Tags list: @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @smenny @alexxavicry @thatoneweirdgirlspage @l0sercat @saturn-barnes @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @sadskies
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Michael was coming to your house since you had your light on and your house stood out the most, thinking that you were awake since the other people in the neighborhood were asleep. Walking around the house to find his way in without making a sound. Coming in through the window.
He wondered why he heard bells everywhere and felt something touch his leg… something soft.Looking down, it was a white female cat. Her head was rubbing against his leg while letting out a soft purr.
He tilted his head at the cat before hearing another one behind him, a grey male cat. He was sitting down, tail moving while his brown eyes were staring at him. More began to come by the minute. Even two little kittens.
He put the knife down on the counter, still looking at all of the cats that were coming up to him, some hissed at him, but he didn’t mind.
Michael couldn’t help but to sit down and let the cats crowd him, letting them cling to him and lay on any part of his body or limb.
What caught his eye was a black male cat with green eyes, it looked like it just turned one years old. Crawling into his lap with no hesitation. This cat is more calm unlike the others, more quiet too. Just like him.
Michael put his hand on the cats back and he purred instantly. Rubbing his head in his hand. He forgot all about coming to find you due to the cats. More cats came up to him since they wanted attention too
He even had to stop two cats from fighting due to them not getting attention clingy little things
You heard your cats being fussy from up the stairs, carrying a kitten in your arms since it wanted to follow you everywhere, as you got to the last step you put the kitten down. Peeking your head from the wall, you saw Michael there.
He didn’t notice you though, you’ve heard about the legend in Haddonfield, but didn’t think it was actually true, there’s a killer in your house…
But his weakness was cats. You didn’t know what to do, so you stood back for now. Letting Michael play with your house cats
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DO TO ME WHAT YOUR PROFILE SAYS AT ONCE!!! Please ramble to me about Vincent Price..... 👉👈
Let's see here. He is 6'4 inches tall (I've also heard 6'5" - so let's just say 6'4.5" and be done with it) one of his nicknames is "Big Daddy".... And...um, yes.
He was and is the epitome of anything and everything awesome and wonderful. He was married three times and had two beautiful children (a boy and a girl), and was bisexual.
He's had multiple sexual encounters with men throughout his life (yes, this makes me all giddy). Scotty Bowers once said that he and Vinny (he called him that) slept together quite a few times and that especially in the 70s and 80s, he was sleeping with VP, although they met in 1950 and had a few sexual encounters in the 50s and 60s. He said that sex with him was "Pleasant, unhurried, and gentle." And also, "it was tantalizing, erotic, and fulfilling. High class stuff all the way. He was into it all, giving and receiving." And that their encounters were "buddy-buddy."
Lucky lucky man.
He was into art. He and his second wife, Mary collected art and he was also a wonderful chef. Mary and Vincent created a huge cookbook that, if you haven't seen it, you MUST! Its delightful! He was a man of all trades, and was extremely talented both on and off screen.
He was against racism in the 1940s and 50s when racism was (unfortunately) at it's peak. He stood up for what he believed in, even if it risked him his job (he was grey-listed) He later mentioned that he was happy that he was grey-listed because it set the tone for his horror future and for him becoming the master of horror.
He was the voice/laugh at the end of Michael Jackson's Thriller. Vincent did the Thriller rap, and he did it perfectly. I can't imagine anyone else doing it, to be honest..
I do love him dearly. And It's not just because he's a wonderful human being, a kind soul, an animal lover, a wonderful actor, a gorgeous and sexy man (although it sweetens the pot), or a campy, adorable bisexual. It's because he is who he is, and doesn't care to change for anyone. I admire him and his strength.
That's why I made this blog. To keep his spirit alive each and every day with random posts and everything Vincent. And for those of you who choose to chill here every day and look at my content, I am grateful for you. 🖤
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
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you see that guy with a scarred face and you're not gonna start sweatin’?
vincent elijah vahn-reyes | mercenary, ex-military, sniper
do NOT repost, copy, use or claim as your own. thanks
dob; 12th November 2019, Night City [58] nationality; American-Swiss affiliation; Afterlife underground, Lazarus CO. family; Alexis Sylvia Vigo [mother], Keana Emily Reyes [half-sister], Damien 'Skiff' Vigo [uncle], Philip Norman Reyes [father], Chalice Stephens-Reyes [step-mother]
body stats; 198cm / 162kg hair; black (natural), greying eyes; pale, milky-pink; blacked out sclera, magenta glow identifying cyberware; custom-made Monarch PX44 manufactured by Nocturne Cybernetics, heavy-lift military-issued cybernetic spine implant manufactured by Militech other identifying features; large burn scar on the back, chemical burns on the right leg and left shoulder, neck scars
lesser known facts; — suffers from chronic back pain due to faulty cyberspine. it is impossible to swap out the faulty cyberware without causing significant damage to both nerves and muscles, so in order to function somewhat normally he's forced to inject himself with painkillers directly into his back and rely on pain-numbing drugs. — Vincent Vahn is not his real name but an alias. the name belongs to a dead man, whose name he saw etched onto a stone niche in North Oak Columbarium. however Elijah is his actual middle name given to him by his mother. — surprisingly good with small kids, not so much with teenagers — doesn't like showing off his burnt back, especially to strangers, people he's not close with. — his taste in men includes mainly nomads and rockerboys — dog tags around his neck belong to him and his deceased friend from the army - Michael Joshua Bryant — certified big boy senior citizen
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fagbearentertainment · 8 months
I remember this FNAF daycare AU I used to watch dubs of on youtube.
Basically from my memory:
The kid animatronics are actually the offspring of the OG animatronics.
Michael is Michael Schmidt in this AU, he has grey skin and is the daycare caretaker.
Purple Guy is Vincent in this AU, he is the dude Michael calls in when he is having trouble. He doesn't have purple skin though, rather he just has eyebags that are purple and looks really sickly.
Sidenote: In this AU Michael and Vincent get together later down the line. (which is kinda awkward nowadays)
Chica is a troublemaker.
Jeremy is there too, he actually gets bitten by an animatronic when he was a kid in the head and now has a messed up eye.
Toy animatronics get introduced as well, Toy Bonnie is a mean girl/leader of the group if I remember correctly.
Mangle looks different, they don't look mangled. Instead half of their endoskeleton is showing, this is because that half was burnt off in a house fire.
Puppet is a ghost in this AU, why? I don't remember.
There was a relationship chart at one point made by Chica, don't ask me for the details.
Snow and Christmas happens at one point, Mangle is scared of the snow.
I think Golden Freddy was a ghost as well, or they just didn't show up a lot.
And that's all I remember! I just randomly remembered it and wanted to share it.
I looked it up to see if it’s something I was a fan of, can’t remember if I ever saw it back in the day or not but I know lil me loved daycare aus so it’s a 50/50 chance if I did or not, and I think this is the one you’re talking about!
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It’s called Fazbear Daycare and I actually found someone who started a remake/revival in 2020 which is pretty cool! It hasn’t updated since 2022 tho but if you’re feeling nostalgic or just want a fun “characters but babies” au it’d probs be fun to scroll through
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
(One thing I find peculiar and unfortunate in current fandom business is the seeming lack of pointed discussion, so here is a humble attempt to spark a conversation and I more than welcome commentary.)
I came across someone in the notes to a post somewhere talking of how Jillian had been better styled in season two than in season one and I agreed, already seeking the justification for it in my mind. My observations are as follows:
S1 Jillian is Arq-Tech's mastermind and public face. Even though we first meet her in Morocco, in her explorer, Indiana Jones-like garb, it's the image of her running her company that sticks with us, her statements to the press, her corporate persona opening metaphorical fire upon the Church. A "powerful woman" as mainstream media constructs for us everyday, in subtle but visible makeup so as to diminish the effects of age on her face, in heels so as to peek at the rest of humanity from above, with controlled gestures meant for the inherent theatricality that comes with introducing life-changing technology to society. It is a role she plays—well, but a role nonetheless.
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The scene she shares with father Vincent is worthy of mention, for while he sits without taking up much space, his body restrained to the side of a couch, his legs crossed in what is deemed a more "feminine" posture, Jillian takes up the traditional "masculine" attitude: she commands the room, her body expanding upon her seat, in the broad pose where an ankle rests upon a knee, complete with a generous glass of alcohol in hand and talon on foot. Yet this is also for show­—it's a little too calculated, a dance that was so perfected in exhaustive practice that it lost its dynamic.
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Our glimpses into the more authentic Jillian come in the scenes with Michael—not only because (coded in white and blue as the Virgin Mary of immaculate conception) she plays the part of mother, but because, in her intimacy, far from journalists and employees and the public's prying eyes, she can be more herself within the areas where she conducts her studies. Starting from when Ava asks Jillian to "science her", we never see the doctor in uncomfortable shoes again, as she retreats from entrepreneurial life and into the lab.
This is clearer in season two, for, as Kristian says, she is on sabbatical, thus isolated from general view; S2 Jillian has nobody around her, nobody to impress. Locked away in her Spanish villa, consumed by her son's disappearance, she need not wear a mask. There are no more tellingly feminine accessories, no staged stunts; her clothes and footwear are even more practical, her movements less grand but more human, more expressive (here, of course, we owe it to Thekla Reuten's underrated range). Even as the OCS invites itself into her house, making it a makeshift HQ, she doesn't fall back on the act we saw in the first season.
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Jillian's stepping back from the head of her company is not just in name and contract, but in body, too; she leaves the CEO role in her office and comes home to her science and her cause, to her limited inner circle of which only Michael was privy to and into which the OCS nuns end up finding their way.
Colours also indicate a shift—we begin the series seeing her associated with light hues such as white, beige and baby blues, but when season two comes in, Jillian's striking all-white attire is nowhere to be found. The Holy Mother parallel is in shambles after Michael has gone through the ark's portal, the intangibility of this "saintly", aseptic rich genius broken down, her person brought back to Earth after flights of fancy trying to open a gate to Heaven.
We see her in a darker palette, in greys with dashes of white, yes, but never again in full white. It is not just the authorisation to be herself rather than her company's face while in her private world, but also the reflection of her inner darkness and her loss upon her very appearance.
What a more definite loss could mean, now that her son is gone for good, remains a mystery.
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For instance, unlike the nun who served as her superior, our Suzanne rejects the characteristic blues of the Order of the Cruciform Sword to don a heavy all-black outfit, more reminiscent of Orthodox priests than it is Roman Catholic nuns; her resurrection through Ava does not lighten her habit, if it does lighten her burden, so we can only assume, going forward, should there be any relation between how each character expresses their inner workings through clothing, that Jillian Salvius would keep the mixture of white and grey that season two brought along... Or go darker still.
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 2 years
The boys try Boba
Based off of the short conversation I had with @brandnewhuman
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Jason Voorhees 🌲
First sip, he was convinced it was spoiled. Like when your milk goes bad and gets chunky
Second sip, it's his new favorite thing in the world.
Thinks it's beautiful, he likes the colors.
His favorite is milk tea with lavender and lemon Boba.
It makes him think of being sick and his mom making him tea.
Probably uses his sad eyes once a week to convince you to buy him some
Michael Myers 🎃
Doesn't listen to your instructions
Dumbass just chugs it
Like drunk frat boy doing shots
Chokes himself, you have no pity for him.
Likes to pop the Boba, but loves to pop it aimed at your face
Likes brown sugar Boba the best
Brahms Heelshire 🐀
Omg this bitch
The most complicated order known to man
One of those 2 shots of this, half pump of that
White Woman's Instagram™️
Seriously, he takes so many pictures of the drink on your phone
TBH, He always orders the most expensive drink on the menu
Billy Lenz 🎄
My man is a menace to society
Leave it to the moaner to make Boba sexual
"Y-you like those balls in your mouth? "
Comes up with the most strangest combinations.
Like water with boba. Or something like watermelon slush with egg pudding and a shot of espresso.
But he is partial to hazelnut milk tea with brown sugar Boba
Bo Sinclair 🛻
Annoyed hick mode™️ activated
Is personally offended by the texture of Boba
Makes it a point of telling you so. EVERY TIME
So you try the jellies instead and he loves it.
Makes you order it for him, doesn't want to look like a city slicker
Thai Tea with almond jelly. Get him that. He'll love you forever.
Vincent Sinclair 🎨
Brahms™️ but less pretentious
He wants to know the history, the process behind Boba.
Unlike his brother, he loves the texture
Sometimes forgets to actually drink it because he just wants to draw it
is a Earl grey milk tea kind of guy.
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Meet the Competing Voice Actors!
After the preliminaries and days of deliberating, here are you VOICE ACTORS COMPETING! One will take home the spot of Tumblr's Favorite Voice Actor!
A note before they are introduced! If you would like to support any of them send in an ask or make propaganda, any propaganda you make and post yourself should have me tagged! As well using the tags #favevabracket or #favevabracket2023!
And a quick reminder about the two rules that will be staying active!
No harrassment, hate, or vitriol will be tolerated. We are here to celebrate the work of voice actors not tear each other down
This is all for fun! Do not take it super seriously!
Good luck to all of our competitors!
Kirby Morrow
Rob Paulsen
Robbie Daymond
Tiana Camacho
Alex Hirsch
Khoi Dao
Megumi Ogata
Ray Chase
Sungwon Cho
tara strong
Yuri Lowenthal
Alejandro Saab
Billy Kametz
Billy West
bryce papenbrook
Cree Summer
Grey DeLisle-Griffin
Kevin Conroy
Phil Lamar
Zach Aguilar
Zeno Robinson
AJ Michalka
Alex Brightman
Allegra Clark
Ashley Johnson
Christopher R. Sabat
Daws Butler
Eartha Kitt
Erika Harlacher-Stone
Frank Welker
J. Michael Tatum
Jack De Sena
Jason Griffith
JK Simmons
John DiMaggio
June Foray
Kristen Schaal
Mark Hamill
Richard Horvitz
Steve Blum
Tom Kenny
Wendie Malick
Aaron Dismuke
Aaron Paul
Aimee Carrero
Alison Brie
Ami Koshimizu
Angela Bassett
Ashley Ball
ashly burch
Avi Roque
Ayumu Murase
Ben Schwartz, baby!
bill farmer
Bill Scott
brandon rogers
Caitlin Glass
Casey Kasem
Cassandra Lee Morris
Cecil Baldwin
Christine Cavanaugh
Clark Duke
Colleen Clinkenbeard
Daman Mills
Dan Castellaneta
Dan Provenmire
Dani Chambers
Dante Basco
Dave Fennoy
David Tennant
Deedee Magno Hall
Deven Mack
Doris Grau
Doug Boyd
Dylan Marron
Elizabeth Maxwell
EG Daily
Elijah Wood
Ellen McLain
Eric Vale
Erin Fitzgerald
Josey Montana McCoy
Greg Chun
Gu Jiangshan
Guilherme Briggs (brazilian)
Haley Tju
Harry Shearer
Haruka tomatsu
Helen Gould
Hynden Walch
Jack McBrayer
Jackson Publick
Jaime Lynn Marchi
Jason Griffith
Jason Liebrecht
jason marsden
Jennifer Hale
Jerry Jewell
Jim Cummings
Jim Ward
John Burgmeier
John Swasey
Johnny Yong Bosch
Julie Kavner
Justin Cook
Kaiji Tang
Katey Sagal
Kdin Jenzen
Keith David
Ken Sansom
Kent William
Kevin Brighting
Kevin R Free
Kieran Reagan
Kimberly Brooks
Kimiko glenn
Kyle Igneczi
Kyle McCarley
Laura Bailey
Lauren Tom
Leah Clark
Liam O’Brien
Lorenzo Music
Lucien Dodge
Lucille Bliss
Lydia Mackay
Lydia Nicholas
Maddie Blaustein
Mae Questel
Mae Whitman
Maggie Robertson
Mara Wilson
Mark Oliver
Matthew Mercer
Matthew Zahnzinger
Maurice LaMarche
Max Mittelman
Mel Blanc
Melissa Hutchinson
Michael Adamthwaite
Micheal Sinterniklaas
Mike Judge
Monical rial
Natsuki Hanae
Nicole Tompkins
Olivia Olson
Olivia Wilde
P.M. Seymour
Parker Simmons
Patricia Ja Lee
Patrick Pedraza
Paul Castro Jr
Paul Frees
Penny Parker
Pete Gustin ( i think thats how it's spelled)
Peter Cullen
Phil Harris
Phil Hartman
Ricco Fajardo
Roger Craig Smith
Roz Ryan
Sandra Oh
Sarah Miller-Crews
Sayaka Ohara
Scatman Crothers
Scott Adsit
Scott Mcneil
Stanley Tucci
Stephanie Beatriz
Stephen Merchant
Steve Whitmore
Tabitha st Germain
Takaya Kuroda
Tom Kane
Tress McNeil
Veronica Taylor
Vincent Tong
Will Arnett
Yasuo Yamada
Zach Callison
Bobbie Moyinhan
Josh Brener
Andrew Francis
Brent Millar
Sebastian Todd
Kestin Howard
Lizzy Hofe
Andy Cowley
Todd Haberkorn
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Russi Taylor
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filmparaden · 7 months
Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)
Wings Of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987)
Sympathy For The Devil (Jean-Luc Godard, 1968)
Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
Tale Of Tales (Yuriy Norshteyn, 1979)
Time Regained (Raoul Ruiz, 1999)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer; 1975)
One From The Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981)
Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
Sombre (Philippe Grandrieux, 1998)
Cul-de-sac (Roman Polanski, 1966)
Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, 2003)
Le feu follet (Louis Malle, 1963)
The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
A Special Day (Ettore Scola, 1977)
La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)
The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998)
Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman, 1973)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
A Summer's Tale (Eric Rohmer,1996)
The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky; 2011)
Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966)
Unsere Afrikareise (Peter Kubelka, 1966)
Thérèse (Alain Cavalier, 1986)
La jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Le gamin au vélo (Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, 2011)
Les 400 coups (François Truffaut, 1959)
The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Killer Of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
The Women (George Cukor, 1939)
Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin; 1953)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
The Night Of The Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee, 1997)
Man On The Moon (Milos Forman, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
Enter The Void (Gaspar Noé, 2009)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
The New Land (Jan Troell, 1972) 
Los olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950)
Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss; 1987)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
Les triplettes de Belleville (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
Gare du Nord (Jean Rouch, 1965; segment of Paris vu par... )
Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985)
Slap Shot (George Roy Hill, 1977)
Le sang d'un poète (Jean Cocteau, 1932)
Breathless (Jim McBride, 1983)
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Gadjo dilo (Tony Gatlif, 1997)
Rebel Without A Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
A.K.A. Serial Killer (Masao Adachi, 1969)
The King Of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
The Honeymoon Killers (Leonard Kastle, 1969)
Meshes Of The Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
When We Were Kings (Leon Gast, 1996)
Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984)
A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Beavis And Butt-head Do America (Mike Judge, 1996)
Araya (Margot Benacerraf, 1959)
Kes (Ken Loach, 1969)
Skammen (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Duel (Steven Spielberg, 1971)
The Bridges Of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)
Roma città aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981)
Limite (Mario Peixoto, 1931)
The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, 2006)
La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
The Draughtman's Contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982)
Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014)
Happiness (Todd Solondz, 1998)
Hausu (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)
Gomorra (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
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emylilas · 1 year
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Seemed fitting for the day...
Feel free to share what you think these stories should be about, here’s my plot so far:
Mary works in a nursing home. There's been an elderly patient called Luisa that she has been taking care of over the last six months. Luisa's granddaughter, Shannon, is coming back from her trip around the world, in the first week of January — she's been to all the places her grandmother wished she could have visited and has sent photos that have been decorating the walls of the hospital bedroom. That's how Mary recognises Shannon the first time she sees her in the lobby. 
Shannon spends much of her time with her grandmother, sometimes they ask Mary to join them in her free time to play a game with them or to watch Grey's Anatomy that Luisa absolutely loves watching and criticising.  Luisa feels like Shannon and Mary could get along well. Her own personal mission will be to set them up on a date for Valentine's Day, she lets Shannon's sister, Ava, know about her plan and of course Ava is in.
Mary shares an apartment with Lilith. They've known each other their whole life and they're the only loving family they've ever had. Suzanne is often with the two of them, she's in a band, The FBC, with Lilith, Adriel and Vincent.
Sadly, the band is threatened by Adriel and Vincent's divorce caused by Adriel's affair with Kristian. They both hired lawyers with a very good reputation but just like Vincent and Adriel can no longer stand each other, Jillian Salvius, Adriel's lawyer, and Francesco Duretti, Vincent's, absolutely despise each other.
A month before Valentine's Day, the band is supposed to play but Adriel has invited Kristian so Vincent refuses to play and leaves. Adriel leaves too because there's no point to this band anymore. Lilith and Suzanne have to improvise a whole show just the two of them. They turned out to be pretty good without the boys. 
After the show, Chanel, the bartender, offers Lilith to join her for a drink. Suzanne tells her to go have fun and that she’ll take care of their stuff. Lilith is suddenly very shy with Chanel and Chanel thinks it’s charming. Meanwhile, Jillian sneaks backstage to meet Suzanne. First of all, because she wants to meet the person who's been mentioned so many times by both Adriel and Vincent, but most of all, and she won't admit it,  because that was a hell of a show and Jillian isn't unaffected by Suzanne's charm. Except Suzanne doesn't want anything to do with Adriel's lawyer; she has never gotten along with Adriel. Jillian doesn't like this egotistical sexist megalomaniac guy either but she doesn't have to like her clients, she only loves the paychecks Adriel gives her. Jillian asks Suzanne out that night because she could use the company herself and she thinks Suzanne could use a drink and someone to vent to. 
Hans is a photographer but since it doesn't pay his rent he’s working at Chanel's bar. On shown nights he's the one in charge of photography. One day, Yasmine, a museology student, reaches out to him. She needs to set a whole exhibition to graduate, her project is to mix different forms of art. Of course Hans is in. He mentions his roommate, Beatrice, who's all shy and nerdy and really good at drawing. He suggests they'd mix photos and painting and Yasmine is down with it! Her own roommate, Camila, could animate the photos-paintings so they could also play with audiovisual material. They have artists, they need models now.
They hang up flyers at uni and Michael and Todd, both friends from the book club, think it could be fun to join this project. Michael tells Ava, his best friend, to tag along. She wants to be a costume designer and who knows, they might need one. They do need one and everyone is crazy about the project. 
JC, Chanel's annoying but charming little brother, comes back from his trip to Europe. They use him as a model. He’s a bit of a bad boy but once you get to know him, you realise he truly cares a lot about people. He learns that Michael has been struggling with something at uni (grades? Motivation? Bullying?) and offers to help. JC wishes Michael could get the hint that he's interested in him but Michael's blind.
Beatrice and Ava work a lot together for the costumes. Ava is impressed by Beatrice's knowledge. They do plenty of research about textiles and designs to better match the project. They go shopping together on different occasions and Beatrice starts opening up more.
Hans and Yasmine are obviously getting along very well and when Camila has had enough of third wheeling, she goes to the only other person who doesn’t seem to work in duo: Todd. He makes her laugh and he’s hot, Camila wonders if they could be friends. 
They want to work on a special Valentine's Day project. Chanel is throwing a theme party for Valentine's Day and she lets them have the back room to offer a quick photoshoot to people in the bar. Ava, with the help of her grandmother, asks Shannon to show up with a date to help with their project. Shannon asks Mary to be her fake date because she's the only person she knows that she would want to hang out with, and because her grandmother didn’t leave her much of a choice. Lilith will be there to spend the night with Chanel, although she’d be busy with customers. She asks Suzanne to come for moral support, just in case it goes wrong and because Lilith is very unsure of herself. Suzanne has plans with Jillian but Jillian agrees to come along, she just wants to spend some time with Suzanne and it could be a fun night. There’s a big what the fuck are you doing here moment between mother and son when they bump into each other at the bar that night. 
Vincent asks Suzanne to be his character witness during one of the hearings for the divorce and Suzanne can't say no to her oldest friend. She tells Jillian and Jillian is very uncomfortable because she can’t not go to the hearing and she doesn't want to go all boss bitch on Suzanne and she also doesn't want to risk losing her case to Duretti. Tough choice to make.
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typingtess · 3 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Body Stitchers”
The basics:  Alleged artists and confirmed killers the Body Stitchers are back.
Written by:  Adam G. Key & Frank Military
Adam George Key co-wrote "Monster" with Frank Military, "Searching" with Kyle Harimoto and “Land of Wolves” with Justin Kohlas.  Key also played LAPD Officer Harrison in four episodes in seasons 11 and 12.
Military wrote or co-wrote "Little Angels", "Deliverance", "Lockup", "The Job", "Greed", "Betrayal", "Crimeleon", "Vengeance", "Out of the Past" Part One, "Rude Awakenings" Part Two, season four’s finale "Descent", season five’s premiere "Ascension", "Allegiance", "Spoils of War", "Black Budget", "SEAL Hunter", "Rage", "Unspoken", "Unlocked Mind", "Revenge Deferred", "The Seventh Child", "Crazy Train", "Uncaged", "The Silo", "Monster", "Line in the Sand", season ten opener "To Live and Die in Mexico", "The Patton Project", "Better Angels", "False Flag", "A Bloody Brilliant Plan", "Code of Conduct" "Raising the Dead", "Through the Looking Glass", "Indentured" and “Down the Rabbit Hole”. 
He also appeared as Donald Kessler in "Raising the Dead" and several other episodes in photos.
Directed by:  Suzanne Saltz directed "Outside the Lines", "Murder of Crows", "Sundown" and “MWD”.
Guest stars of note:  Alicia Coppola as FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand, Rob Nagle as Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor, Tobias Jelinek as Bobby Griffin/Wolf, Matt Kelly as Justin Tucker/Clown are all back from “Monster” - that delightful Easter Sunday season nine episode.  Teya Patt as Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask replaces Kerrie Blaisdell who played this role in “Monster”.  Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna is back from “Game of Drones”.  JD Cullum as FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins, Derrick A. King as Michael Jeffries, Adrian Elizondo as Philip Guerrero and Antony Del Rio as Alexander Hughes.
Our heroes:  Try, try, try again.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Away on assignment – he always misses these wacky Body Stitchers. Sam:  Pulled away from the case for a terrorist threat in San Pedro. Kensi:  Not thrilled to be dealing with Cindy Ferguson again.    Deeks:   Not thrilled by any of this. Fatima:   Working late. Rountree:   Heard about the Body Stitchers case in the Academy. Kilbride:  Wants the team to stop whining about losing the bad guys the first time and get them this time.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:   Absent. Sam:   Cleaning up after Arkady in Sam’s own backyard. Kensi:    Working with Agent Rand for a lot of the episode. Deeks:   Working with Sam for a lot of the episode. Fatima:   In charge of freeing the Body Stitchers almost victim. Rountree:  Catches a Body Stitcher on his own. Kilbride:  Warns the team that they can help on this case as long as NCIS doesn’t need them.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  No mention today.
Who's down with OTP:   Not a lot of OTP time today.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Not a BrOTP episode either.
Fashion review:   Black, long-sleeve tee for Sam.  Kensi has on a wine-colored long-sleeve v-neck tee.  Deeks wears a very pale blue/nearly grey henley.  Fatima is wearing a purple turtleneck.  Rountree has on a charcoal grey pullover sweater under a denim jacket with a leather collar.  Admiral Kilbride is in his usual three-piece suit with a pale blue dress shirt and a blue tie with a darker blue paisley tie.   
Music:   “Gravy Train” by Lettuce is playing while Raymond is having breakfast.
Any notable cut scene:   None today.
Quote:  Sam:  “I'm just a government employee.  Explain it to me.” Ferguson:  “He's a great master, like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renoir.  These humans who changed the world with their imagination and a pencil.” Sam:  “So Vincent is a master artist?” Ferguson:  “Yeah, Vincent, like Vincent van Gogh.  Uh... You know?” (mimics cutting her ear) Sam:  “Yeah.” Ferguson:  “He's the great master behind the bodies.  It's his vision.  We're just his apprentices, learning the art.” Sam:  “The art of sewing bodies together?” Ferguson:  “God. Isn't it beautiful?”
Anything else:    Lots of previously-s from “Monster”.  And the weirdos are back doing weirdo things.  This time with extra self-importance.
Raymond is having breakfast, listening to tunes when Sam walks in with a cigar butt.  Raymond feigns ignorance but there are four others in the backyard.  Raymond starts to call Callen – obviously an investigation must be started.  When told Callen is out of town, Raymond suggests bumping it up to the SecNav.  Seems the cigars don’t belong to Raymond – he doesn’t smoke.  But Arkady does.  Raymond made a friend not to Sam’s liking.  The family fun is interrupted by a call – Sam’s being called to the office.  Leaving, Sam bars Arkady from the house.
Rountree is waiting as Kensi walks into the office.  Agent Rand from the FBI called.  Kensi speaks highly of Rand and asks why Rand called.  Rountree tells her about the “legendary” case while he was in the Academy about killers who make Frankenstein monsters out of their victims.  There was scuttlebutt Rountree heard about another agency being involved in the case.  Kensi said they were all in a dark place after the case.
Up in Ops, Kensi and Rountree join Deeks and Fatima.  Agent Rand is on the big screen.  In a different Zoom box is Special Agent Zachary Collins from the BAU.  The FBI heard the group is back in LA.  Rand sends Fatima some pictures from a the “Body Stitchers” last crime scene.  It freaks Fatima out a little and Rand apologizes. 
Rountree asks for a motive.  Collins explains the killers think they are creating some kind of art and make money selling the event as art on the dark web.  The money gives the killers the freedom to move around largely undetected.  Collins thinks the motive is also sexual – the killers meshed violence and sex together as young people and are acting on it. 
The Body Stitchers have been seen in the US, Central and South America.  The FBI has gotten close several times but just missed.  Deeks asks why.  Collins tells the group – including an arriving Admiral Kilbride that the killers aren’t stupid.  They set up, do their thing and move on.  They avoid common ports of entry and regularly purchase new identities on the dark web.
The Admiral puts his foot down – this is not a military related action, the OSP’s involvement will be limited.  If NCIS needs the team or a team member, they’re out of the case.  Rand is fine with that – the OSP is the only agency ever to interact with the killers.  As advisors or part of the task force, the FBI wants NCIS to offer whatever they can.  Kensi tells the Admiral the case is unfinished business for the team.  No, it is unfinished business for the FBI, he replies.  Deeks brings up Lt. Commander Weir but Lt. Commander Weir was a random crime victim and not killed because of his service.  Kensi brings up how he was killed and the Admiral relents – NCIS will be mildly involved.  Rand is grateful. 
Sam, Kensi and Deeks arrive at the crime scene.  Rand is there with the dead guy and Collins from BAU.  Collins introduces himself as Mark Collins which is weird since he was Zachary Collins about five minutes ago.  Sam asks when did the FBI figure out the killers were back in LA.  Rand explains a woman named Staci Campbell was murdered.  Suspect Michael Jeffries got a text with photo of all the body parts used to sew the “art” together.  Sam notices freezer burn on the dead people’s shoulder.  That makes sense to Collins – if they don’t have enough parts to sew together, the killers have to preserve the parts they do have.
Kensi asks about Jeffries, who is in custody but there isn’t much to hold him.  He’ll likely be cut lose in a few hours since a judge turned down their warrant request to search Jeffries’s apartment.  He was only seen with the dead woman a few hours before her death – that’s not enough.  Sam, Deeks and Collins are off to interview Jeffries, Kensi and Rand are teaming up.
Just after the men leave, a young female FBI agent has something to show Kensi and Rand.  There was a locked room, now opened.  Inside are a lot of dead bodies.
While Collins is interviewing Jeffries in interrogation, Sam is in the main room of the boatshed talking about how the four people in the case lied right to his face.  They killed people and sewed them back together.  “And we had them.”   The Admiral arrives and wants Sam to stop “wallowing in the fact that you missed something” and tell him what Sam learned.
Sam said the killers knew exactly how to manipulate the investigation.  Deeks chimes in that the killings themselves, the planning, the execution – “the intelligence was off the charts.”  They did not present themselves as smart.  Collins joins the group.  Jeffries knows the FBI and NCIS have nothing so he’s going to be released soon.  Sam asks about Jeffries, who doesn’t really work, just short-sells stock online.  He has no connection to the killers, just lives in the same building as murder victim Staci Campbell.
Fatima pops up on the plasma to connect Kensi and Rand.  The only person to see Campbell and Jeffries together is the super in their share apartment building.  They are going over to interview the super now. 
The Admiral tells Sam and Deeks to remember who they are, put the past in the past and “get this thing done.” 
In interview, Deeks just stares across the table at Jeffries while Sam sits near the door.  Jeffries is about to speak when Sam tells him to “hold that thought.”  Deeks talks about the smell of the sea around them, the ocean breeze and how these things hide a cold, hard truth.  Jeffries tells them he did not kill Campbell.  They were neighbors but he never touched her.
That’s not the truth, Sam tells Jeffries.  Deeks explains that Jeffries is surrounded by frustrated and angry agents from several government agencies.  “We’re hungry and you’re the only thing on the menu,” Sam says.  Jeffries is keeping up – the kitchen is closed, he didn’t kill Campbell.  Deeks brings up his connection to the killers, killers who executed a member of the US Navy.  That’s federal lock-up. 
Sam pushes the idea that they have proof that Jeffries has provided financial assistance to the killers.  Jeffries admits he’s a fan – “people love true crime and serial killers.”   He though the body parts came from grave robberies or morgues.  He didn’t think they were being killed for the art.
Outside Jeffries’s apartment building, Kensi and Rand approach Phillip Guerrero, the super.  He’s trimming some hedges in the building’s courtyard.  He liked Campbell, “good tenant, nice girl.”  Guerrero saw Campbell and Jeffries walk into the courtyard.  They were chatting about food delivery people leaving too many menus by the mailbox area.  As the conversation goes on, Guerrero brings up “Mrs. Jeffries”.  Rand thinks wife but it actually Jeffries’s mother.  She’s in bad health – an invalid after a partial stroke a month ago.  Guerrero drops off food deliveries from time to time – he likes her.
There is no response from Mrs. Jeffries after they knock on the door.   Guerrero lets himself in to see if she’s OK.  While he’s looking around, Kensi checks in with Rountree.  He’s trying to chase the killer’s money but it all leads to offshore accounts which are dead ends.  As Rountree finishes, Guerrero runs from the apartment, horrified and unable to breathe.  Kensi and Rand enter the apartment.  They find Mrs. Jeffries in the bathtub.  Kensi and Rand flee the premises when they get a whiff of sulfuric acid fumes.
Outside, Kensi provides the team an update.  The building has been evacuated due to the health concerns around sulfuric acid.  Guerrero breathed in too much and is getting treated.  Kensi assures everyone she and Rand ran out as soon as they understood what was in the air.  Collins notes that sulfuric acid is easy to find so tracing its purchase will be tough.  This fact annoys Sam. 
A titanium knee pretty much identifies the woman in the bathtub as Mrs. Jeffries.  Collins offers the idea that Jeffries killed her because she had incriminating info on her son.  This doesn’t work for Rand.  Based on the lack of damage to the bathtub, Mrs. Jeffries is likely dead only 12-hours.  Jeffries has been in custody for over a day.
Sam, Deeks and Collins ask Jeffries about his mother, why he didn’t mention an older, sick woman alone in his apartment while he was in custody.  Sam tells Jeffries his mother is dead and he seems genuinely surprised. 
Jeffries blames Collins for his mother’s death.  The killers would know the Feds were in town while they were planning their show.  He had a ticket to go but couldn’t because he was in custody.  The killer thought he was selling them out and since they couldn’t kill him, they killed his mother as a message.  Collins thinks Jeffries’s mother knew he killed Campbell and he paid someone to kill his mother.  Jeffries is willing to trade info on the dark web he has about the show for witness protection.
Rountree gets to the Body Stitchers’s website on the dark web.  It’s been cleaned out but they access to the e-mail server and will be able to track the killers to their next website.  Kensi calls in with Rand.  Mrs. Jeffries right hand was sawed off before she was put in the acid bath. 
Fatima found the new website with a new live video going out shortly.  Everything is password protected but she’s working her way in.  In the live stream, everything is set up but nobody is there.  The stream is coming from an abandoned movie theater in Woodland Hills. 
As the team is about to leave, a terrorist warning come in based on an OSP case in San Pedro.  The Admiral has to send something to deal with San Pedro since it is an NCIS priority.  Sam goes.  Deeks and Collins are off to Woodland Hills. 
Kensi, Deeks, Rountree and Fatima pull up with Rand and Collins leading the FBI.  SWAT is on their way but not expected for 30-minutes.  The teams can’t wait and enter the theater.   There are 16-theaters.  Everyone breaks off to clear their own theaters.  Fatima and Rountree are in five, Kensi is in theater six.  Deeks enters a theater on his own.  He’s worried the place is too big – too many places to hide.  He starts looking around as one of the FBI agents notes the comms in the theater barely work.
Outside of theater seven, Rand find the group at theater eight.  Kensi and Collins are on their way.   A shot is fired during the “art” event, dropping one of the killers on the stage.  Rand is as surprised as the killers.  She yells FBI and seems stunned that everyone runs.  One of the killers, Barrington, is chased by the young FBI agent who showed the team the dead bodies earlier in the episode.  Barrington drops his knife in his right hand but has a really small boxcutter in his left palm.  When the FBI agent tries to cuff the killer, he stabs her in the throat just as Collins arrives.  As Barrington flees, Collins calls for an EMT.
The young agent claims she’s fine so Collins goes after Barrington.  In a hallway, he runs into Deeks.  The two startle the hell out of each other.  They search as a team for Barrington.
In the theater, Fatima is having the planned victim released from the board he is strapped to with the help of the FBI.  Another FBI agent removes the mask of the dead killer – it is Bobby Griffin.  Everyone wonders who shot him.
Kensi finds Cindy Ferguson trying to escape and quickly cuffs her.  “You’re not getting away, again,” Kensi tells her.
Justin Tucker, the fourth killer, runs right to where Rountree is searching.  Tucker pulls out a big knife, which Rountree insists he drop.  An elevator ping and opens, giving Tucker a way to escape.  Rountree tries to get to the elevator before the door closes but doesn’t make it.  On comms, he warns everyone that Tucker taking the elevator down.  Collins says he’s nearby but the elevator barely moves before Tucker shuts it down.
Outside the elevator, Rountree and Rand try to talk Tucker into surrendering.  Rand demands a cellphone.  He wants to speak to Vincent, the last living master.  Rountree and Rand have no idea what he’s talking about.
Deeks is in a projection room when he hears Collins call “Agent down.”  Deeks finds Collins, who says Barrington stabbed him in the neck.  With the comms are failing, Deeks goes after Barrington when Collins says he’s alright.  Deeks finds a fire exit and starts making his way down.
In the theater where all the killing was going to go on, Fatima with Kensi and Deeks are talking to Alexander, the man who nearly was killed.  She has photos on her phone of the Body Stitchers and Alexander recognizes a few of them but wonders why they don’t have a photo of the main guy – “Master”. 
Cutting a deal, Tucker will come back to the NCIS/FBI floor and turn himself in if he can speak to Vincent.  He does go to the NCIS/FBI floor where he cuts his own throat in front of the NCIS and FBI teams.
Kensi has a very tough talk with Ferguson, who the FBI dropped off at the boat shed.  Ferguson doesn’t know Michael Jeffries but she’s not interested in talking to Kensi.  Talking to Kensi takes time away from the beautiful places like the Taj Mahal and not the prison cell she will call home for the rest of her life.
Out in the main room of the boatshed, Sam is back with Deeks, Rand and Collins.  The reason to call Sam away was a paperwork issue.  Collins doesn’t think Ferguson will offer up anything – she’s too committed.  While they have to cut Jeffries loose – no real reason to hold him – Jeffries lawyered up and the lawyer wants him in witness protection.  Deeks thinks that’s the next best thing to having him in custody.  Sam wants a chance to speak to Ferguson.
Ferguson remembers Sam.  He asks to speak to her without Kensi and Kensi is happy to leave.  Reintroducing himself, Sam tells Ferguson she’s being turned over to the FBI.  Ferguson doesn’t care and Sam knows that – because she’s “stupid.”  Ferguson doesn’t like that.  She really doesn’t like when Sam tells her Vincent is in custody and spilling everything he knows.  He gets time off any sentence for every crime he helps the FBI solve – crimes that will put her in prison for decades.  Ferguson doesn’t believe him but Sam says it is a done deal.
Sam would like to Ferguson explain the whole idea of Vincent being her master.  He isn’t her master, Ferguson explains, they aren’t a “cheesy cult.”  Vincent is a great master like DaVinci or Michelangelo – a great artist like Vincent Van Gogh.  Ferguson shows off her ear and pretends to cut it off.  She is an apprentice to a great master learning their art.  It is “affecting” and Sam agrees – he’ll never forget what they did.  Ferguson goes on about their art making them immortal, gods and how they’d die for Vincent.
At home, Sam is enjoying a nice dinner with his father.  Raymond jokes that he’s cooking great meals hoping it will keep him in Sam’s house.  There’s a WBA middleweight fight that night – Sam thinks the two of them should watch together but Raymond has other plans.  A honking horn outside the house is Arkady, who knows he isn’t allowed to come inside.  Raymond is off to play poker and drink some fine whiskey.  Sam isn’t happy about this.  Raymond is annoyed – he’s happy, he has a friend and someplace fun to go.  He plans to live whatever days he has left as full a life as he can have.  Raymond hits up Sam for a few hundred dollars – he’s joking.
Just after Raymond leaves, Rand calls.  She’s sure they missed something.  Jeffries’s mother was dead for at least 48-hours based on the blood lividity tests.  He killed her – Jeffries wasn’t in custody at that time.  And if he removed his mother’s hand, he’s part of the Body Stitchers.  Sam wants another crack at Jeffries, who is being taken to an FBI safehouse in San Diego by Collins.   Sam calls with an apology to Fatima but he needs her help.  She has Kaleidoscope searching the cameras around the theater.  They are looking for video of Barrington leaving. 
Saying “Dementia can eat my shorts,” Raymond returns home with a large wad of cash.  He throws it to Sam, who was snoozing in the living room.  When Raymond leaves for bed, Fatima texts Sam – “You need to see this.”
There is video of Barrington leaving the theater through a back door.  There is someone wearing a dress shirt holding the door open for Barrington.  A flashback shows a wounded Collins getting up and letting Barrington out of the theater.
In a car, Collins is joined with Barrington, who is sure the entire state of California is looking for him.  Collins tells Barrington he updated the killer’s profile saying Barrington is likely to return to his home in Orlando.  Collins plans to have him on a beach half-way around the world.
Sam contacts Rand with questions about Collins.  Rand met Collins during the Body Stitchers case.  He’s profiled many serial killers, a logical addition to the team. 
In Collins’s car, Jeffries joins Barrington and Collins with a “gift from his mother, I thought she could give us a hand” – it’s a cooler.  Collins is relieved they got rid of the amateurs – Griffin, Tucker and Ferguson – who were only going to get them caught.  Another flashback shows Collins killing Griffin from the theater’s projection room. 
The plan is for Barrington and Jeffries to lay low for a good long time.  Collins gives them envelopes with new identities and $10,000.  There will be more cash when needed.  Down the road, they will reunite and change their art.  Make a body with three arms, five legs and a head growing out of its stomach.  “What would Picasso or Dali do?”
Rand tells Sam that Collins and Jeffries never made it to the safe house in San Diego – they were due hours ago.  She’s worried something happened to Collins.  Reviewing Collins’s interrogation of Jefferies, Sam sees Collins run his hand through his hair and showing Jeffries his ear.  Sam flashes back to Ferguson and her Vincent Van Gogh remarks.  Sam tells Rand that Collins is Vincent. 
What head canon can be formed from here:  “Monster” was a really well done episode that was also a one and done hour.  No need to stop on USA or ION when you see it is rerunning there.  It was clever (if disgusting) and rarely does the team get beaten by the bad guys at the end.  There was also the introduction of Spencer Williams and all that would unfold in the Mosley storyline.
This wasn’t that.  A little lighter on the gore, though only a little, a lot more muddled in the storytelling.  Hated the idea that what we thought were these clever psychopaths were actually just lemmings following a serial killer who was working for the FBI.  It takes away the accomplishment of the “Monster” episode.
Always happy to see Rand but Collins (with three names here – Zachary, Mark and eventually Vincent) was going to be one of two things – the red-shirted member of the team or one of the killers. 
Did like the Sam and Raymond storyline bracketing the episode.  Raymond putting his foot down about living his life the best he can as long as he can was good to see.  Sam has his father’s best interests at heart but Raymond lived a long life and planned to enjoy what he had.
Also liked that Rountree learned about the case in the FBI Academy.  A reminder how much younger he is than the rest of the team that participated in the case.
Kudos to Callen who missed both of these episodes with the Body Stitchers. 
Episode number:     The third episode of season 14.  Episode 305 overall.
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melis-writes · 2 years
Request: as Catholics, Michael and Victoria don’t use contraception or use abortions, and when she ends up pregnant after James, as they obviously still can’t get enough of each other and insatiable for each other, they are happy to add to their family and even after that little Corleone, they end up welcoming a few babies after that, and many wonder how on earth but Michael and Victoria just knowingly look at each other and know that they have so many kids is because they are horny 24/7 for each other and have sex wherever and whenever they can… and they have more than enough money and space for them all too… and Michael can never say no to Victoria and both of them have breeding kinks…
Niccolo (St Niccolò Politi)
Verona (Province of Verona)
Vincent (St Vincent de Paul)
James (St James the Great)
Giuseppe (St Joseph the Hymnographer)
Xavier (Saint Francis Xavier)
Leoluca (St Leoluca of Corleone)
Valentia (Province of Vibo Valentia)
Michael & Victoria
Niccolò, Verona, Vincent & James
Giuseppe, Xavier, Leoluca & Valentia
OH WOWWW THAT IS A LOOOOT OF CORLEONE BABIES!! 😳😅 I see Michael and that breeding kink of his has definitely gone a long way. I guess in this AU prompt we can definitely say Victoria’s made up for her five year break as the twins were growing up since these two just want a bigger family lmfao 😂 (and can’t get off each other in bed, of course). Let’s see just how all those babies joined the family, starting with baby #5 being conceived in 1958! ❤
“I’m out, baby.” You let out a soft exhale, clutching the bathtowel wrapped around your body as you enter the bedroom. “Hiii.”
“Hi, darling.” Michael raises his head up from his book—laying down on the bed. “Feeling more refreshed?”
“Mhmm.” You smile back, letting the towel around your hair loosen over your shoulders. “Much, much better. Geez, what a day. Sorry I took a little longer than I thought.”
“You apologize for the most ridiculous things sometimes.” Michael chuckles quietly, setting his book down on the night table before eyeing the towel wrapped around your naked body. “All dry?”
“Not yet.” You pull off your hair towel, running your hands through your still moist hair. “Think I’m just going to have it air dry for tonight.”
“Not the towel I was referring to, baby.” Michael eyes the peek of cleavage showing from your bathtowel.
“Maybe.” You tease back, clutching onto your bath towel and squeezing your breasts together. “Why? You know I’m gonna get dressed in my nightgown and join you.”
“I want you to take it off.” Michael gazes at you. “No use walking around with that wrapped all over you. Strip.”
‘Fuck. Why does he have to say it like that?’ Blushing furiously, you unravel the bath towel and let it drop to your feet—remaining completely naked in front of Michael.
“Good.” Michael murmurs as his eyes greedily dart up and down your body—complete and utter perfection to him all over. “Were you able to check what we were talking about earlier?” Michael begins to rise from the bed to approach you.
“I did.” You bite down on the corner of your lip, rubbing up your arm.
“And?” Michael’s eyes fill with curiosity as he stands in front of you; dressed only in a white tank top and grey briefs himself.
“We can’t.” You shake your head as Michael places his hands over your hips, pulling you closer to his body.
“We can’t?” Michael repeats, raising a brow.
“I’m ovulating.” You blush, nodding. “I noticed already when I was in the shower.”
“So…” Michael’s curiosity only continues to grow as he and you both know you have condoms readily available—albeit barely use them to begin with, but the two of you have strictly avoided having sex on unsafe days unless you were both planning to have another baby Corleone.
“I don’t want to use those either.” You already know Michael’s referring to contraceptives. “’Cause if I have you, I want all of you.” You hook your fingers into the strap of Michael’s top, insistingly pulling.
“You’re going to have to give me a straight answer as to what you want, Victoria. I can’t read your mind.” Michael’s hand squeezes over your ass.
“Michael,” you whine, pressing your breasts up against Michael’s chest. “You had me strip down and get all hot and bothered for you so quickly—how long are you gonna tease me? Mm? Want me to beg for you to fuck me?”
“Don’t give me any ideas, sweetheart. We can always resort to that depending on my mood.” In an instant, Michael overpowers you by pinning you up against the bedroom wall—his hands tightly laced with yours and pressed up to the wall.
“Against the wall?” You breathe out, more than eager for Michael to take you right here, right now—anywhere, it doesn’t matter.
“You once told me—” Michael squeezes your face, wrapping your thighs around his waist. “Anywhere, anytime. Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Yes, please.” You groan as Michael lets his erect cock spring free from his briefs. “Please.”
“One year after James—you want to go again?” Michael taps his cock over your throbbing clit.
“S-so what?” You moan. “Fuck me and I’ll think of baby names while you make me cum.” “There’s other ways you can ask for me to knock you up again, darling.” Michael breathes hotly over your lips, beginning to rub his forefingers over your clit in a lazy motion. “Isn’t that right?”
Screaming out, “yes, Michael, yes!” thereafter isn’t the only time you’ll be doing so tonight.
Ten minutes into the heated fuck session against the bedroom wall, you can neither keep your moans quiet nor do you even try to as Michael pounds into your pussy—insistent on hitting your G-Spot.
“Fuck, yes!” Your voice shakes as you keep your thighs wrapped around Michael’s waist obediently.
Barely holding onto Michael’s shoulders for balance, you whimper and whine about watching his cock thrust in and out of your soaked pussy.
Both of you groan against each others lips, ensnared in a deep, hot kiss only eager to keep fucking in one spot with no intention to move over to the bed.
“Michael!” You squeal, digging your nails into his back—feeling your legs shake against him like jelly from the way Michael demands an orgasm out of you.
“Oh, baby,” Michael pants, watching as droplets of water drip off the tips of your hair and down to your breasts jiggling from Michael’s rough, rapid thrusting.
Michael and you both said your fifth child—a son whom you named after your father, Giuseppe—was not a surprise but a planned new addition to the family, citing that night to yourselves of course.
The only thing that you and Michael can say is a surprise alongside your family is how only eight months after your pregnancy with Giuseppe you somehow managed to conceive again as if you were trying to do so as soon as possible.
“Harder! More, please!” You let out a half whine, half moan being fucked roughly mid air.
In truth, you’d almost been certain it wasn’t an unsafe day for you, but it’d also be a lie if you said you cared anymore.
When was there ever a time you and Michael could get your hands off of each other, satiable with all that sexual desire?
Resting his chin over your shoulder and locking your body in a position so Michael has your legs raised up as far as they can go to your head midair, you helplessly watch his thick cock spreading your pussy with each thrust.
Your clit still drips with cum and spit from your last orgasm up to the point it begins to drip down on the bedroom carpet; still being bounced up and down on Michael’s cock as fast as he can possibly fuck you.
“What did I say, baby?” Michael grunts in your ear—his tousled hair beginning to stick to his forehead from sweating. “I’d make it up to you, didn’t I?”
“Y-yessssss!” You whimper, almost beginning to think to yourself you should keep an attitude more often to be fucked like this.
To you there isn’t a single sight that can match how sexy it is to see yourself giving into a sense of euphoria while being fucked in front of your bedroom mirror.
Michael’s hair hangs over his forehead—his eyes dark like onyx and fixated on keeping you in his grasp tightly while relentless ramming into your tight pussy.
“More!” Desperate for more and more, you even try to push and roll your hips back onto his—every thrust of his cock like water to an endless thirst inside of you.
“You fuck so good, baby,” Michael roughly tugs on your hair to get you to face him before he kisses you over your mouth, quick to replace his parting lips with his fingers still dewy with your cum.
“No wonder Verona keeps wondering when she’s going to have a baby sister.” Connie laughed as she sat next to you the day you returned from the hospital after yet again, giving birth to your sixth child—another son whom you and Michael named Xavier. “She knows neither of you are going to stop either, huh?”
“Oh, please.” You flush red out of embarrassment, gently holding your sleeping newborn son in your arms. “He was a complete surprise to us. An adorable, tiny little surprise—” you beam down at your son, giggling, “but a surprise nonetheless.”
“Victoria, honey.” Connie crosses his arms her arms, staring at you in disbelief. “Come on. How many more times are you going to say that? A surprise? Well, if you’re taking my brother to bed—”
“Connie!” You whine.
“—then how is this a surprise?!” She bursts out laughing. “I’m pretty sure you know what you’re doing just as you know what to expect from it.”
But perhaps the biggest surprise came to you and Michael in late 1960 when the jokes of “when is Victoria going to get pregnant again?” finally came to an end that you conceived with your second set of twins.
“Oh my Goddddd!” A filthy loud moan escaped your lips as your body twitched from your fourth orgasm washing over you.
“Fuck.” Michael hisses, pulling his cock out of you with one swift movement in the midst of his own orgasm.
You gasp out in surprise, flinching as the last two, thick spurts of Michael’s cum land over your face and neck with the rest practically gushing out of your pussy.
“M-Michael,” you whine, grabbing onto his arm weakly as you plop back down on the bed.
“This is a good look for you, baby.” Michael breathes heavily, spreading open your pussy to see a pool of cum oozing out slowly. “Covered and filled with my fucking cum.”
And to think you were just a little embarrassed seeing Doctor Katherine after a morning of nausea and vomiting only to realize a few months in that your baby bump had doubled in size, just like during your first pregnancy with the twins.
Not only were you and Michael escastic but so were your family, friends, and especially Niccolo and Verona who’d begun to bet how many siblings they’d have by now and if it would be more baby brothers.
A surprise until the very end, you gave birth to twins again in 1961 whom in the midst of crying happy tears holding your little crying babies in your arms—estatic to give Michael the news.
Perhaps out of everyone including you and Michael combined, Verona was the most overwhelmed with joy and excitement to welcome a one baby sister to the family named Valentia, and her twin brother Leoluca.
Having two more children than your own mother did with you and your brothers, the Corleone family if anything was bustling with you and Michael’s children and the two of you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Being able to see Vito beaming happily as he hugs onto eight of his grandchildren for a family photo was enough to make your heart swell with joy to begin with, but of course you and Michael have come to a unsaid decision that eight little Corleones running around in the compound is just enough!
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