#grey's season 05
wardrobeoftime · 2 months
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My Lady Jane + Costumes
Jane Grey's blue & golden dress in Season 01, Episode 04 & 05.
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Part 1: What then?
Some seemingly innocent, but truly mind-altering information is shared in a staff meeting.
Short fan fic. Low-key Sydcarmy/The Bear fluff. Post-season 2. Canon-compliant.
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Location: The Bear
Time: 10:05 a.m.
The restaurant had closed lunch service on a Tuesday for a "Development Day". The Bear had been open for 5 months and had a 2 month wait list! After Family and Friends when they had all banded together the Bear crew had gotten tighter than ever. Carmen had been a outsider in his own restaurant for a couple weeks, but soon the dust settled. Even Sydney came around after 3 weeks of his patient groveling. The duo was good and soon The Bear had become one of Chicago Tribune's "Best New Restaurants." However, with success The Bear was changing fast. They had hired more full-time front and kitchen staff, which was great. The downside was that "respectful communication" and "customer complaint management" was waning a little. Things were not terrible, but Richie for whom Ever set the bar in hospitality, The Bear should always be improving, not sliding backwards. Natalie, Carmen and Sydney agreed. They also wanted to discuss new menu changes and a to-go system they would be testing soon.
"Okay, people! Let's get started" Natalie said beckoning everyone to take a seat at the front of house.
Richie stood next her "casually dressed" in a button down blue dress shirt and dark grey slacks.
He began, "As you know The Bear is on track to paying off the loan and we're the freakin' toast of the town right now, but this is not the time to take a nap. We gotta keep our eyes on the prize. So first, up facial regulation as known as RBF awareness."
Natalie tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Richie, I love your enthusiasm, but I thought we might start with an ice breaker?"
He shrugged and continued, "But Nat, has a ice breaker. Take it away".
Natalie resumed.
"So, first we want to thank each of you for being part of this dream and making it fun, rewarding, and successful. As you know The Bear is a family business and since there's new faces here we'd like to get to know you better and vice versa. We'll start with a quick round of "Best and Worst". Just pick a question out of the cup and answer it. Please keep your answers to 2 minutes."
The first question went to Randall, a young man in his early 20's with dark curly hair and thick glasses that frequently fogged in the humid kitchen. He was the new assistant pastry chef.
"What was the best place I ever lived? Hm…Guam. My dad, Army, was stationed on the base and I lived there from age 9-11. I had like 12 friends just on my block and we were always playing soccer, swimming, or riding our bikes. It was awesome."
"Thanks Randall!" Natalie chirped.
The next went to Tina.
"Ok…what is worst advice I've ever been given? Keep your head down and do what you know. That's the advice I used to give myself. Thankfully I didn't listen because now I'm a sous chef!"
Sydney who was sitting near the front between Gary and Carmy, beamed at Tina who returned the smile with a little moisture in her eyes.
The next question went to Marcus.
"Best moment in the last year? It was training at Noma, in Copenhagen. It was my first international trip. I got to stay in a houseboat, explore the city, meet cool people, and figure out that I wanted to do this maybe forever."
The last several months had been really hard due to Marcus's mom's passing. He had returned to work after a week of mourning citing that he knew she wouldn't want him to sit at home now that she was no longer sick. Despite that he was getting better every day and had come up with several new popular dessert specials. Tina was seated next to him and patted his arm.
The next few questions went to new dishwasher, Chris, Fak, and then Gary.
Sydney drew the next question and winced upon reading it. It wouldn't be possible to lie because Marcus already knew the truth.
"What was my best meal ever? Well…it was this pork confit with onions and rhubarb. Then after I had this dish called Milk and Honey."
She kept her eyes plastered on the tiny strip of paper while she spoke. In her peripheral field she could see Carm turning slightly towards her, his cornflower blue eyes boring two holes into the side of her head.
"Sounds grand. Ok, Carmy pick a question" Richie ordered wanting to get down to business by 10:30am.
Carmy didn't seem to hear him. He was on another planet.
"Yo cuz, pick a question!"
He startled and drew a question.
"Uh ok. Best part of my day? Hmmm. Closing up."
It was now Sydney's soul's turn to exit her body. Every night, with few exceptions, she and Carmy ended the night in his office to debrief on the day, perform last checks, and close together.
After a moment she felt his eyes still glancing at her. Without turning she whispered, "Later." The last thing she needed was to look at him, and forget how much time was passing, giving Richie yet another reason to tease them. Not long ago he gave them matching copies of a workplace relationship etiquette tip sheet stapled to an OSHA industrial hygiene handout before leaving them to close.
She sighed, trying to compose herself. It was no big deal. So what that Carm knew he was responsible for the best thing she ever ate? Also, they're partner-friends so it's totally normal that his favorite time of day when is they are together…alone. Right?
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muddyorbsblr · 6 months
hulu on disney plus launch part :: 05 april 2024 (batch 2)
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My brain has gone full delulu mode and is convinced that someway somehow Tom's gonna be in the next season of Percy Jackson. That or he's gonna be on Grey's in a maybe 2-episode role pspspspspspspspsps
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @michelleleewise @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @xorpsbane @ladyofthestayingpower @maple-seed @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @acidcasualties @liminalpebble @alexakeyloveloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @mischief2sarawr @simplyholl @vbecker10 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @lokiprompts @give-me-a-moose @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @wheredafandomat @caffiend-queen @km-ffluv @kikster606 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @littlelokilad @glitchquake @gigglingtiggerv2 @november-rayne @trickster-maiden @viv-annelore @five-miles-over @gruftiela @coldnique @smirkingkitten @raqnarokr @jaidenhawke @mrs-illyrian-baby @tallseaweed ++
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
TOP 5 ANON: What are you Top 5 Chenford Moments Of Season 5?
You have no idea what you started, Anon haha! This was so hard to choose… and, as always, I can't keep it short. But thank you for this ask : it was such a great trip down memory lane. So let's get to it.
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05 | Episode 22 - Hug & Battle Couple A forehead kiss has been on my wishlist for a while now, so the scene in Lucy's apartment was naturally going to end up on this list. It was the perfect parallel to their hug in Tim's living room, but with the added bonus that this time, they were in a relationship : Lucy didn't have to ask for anything, Tim just knew instinctively what she needed and the way he engulfed her, shielding her from the world, and kissed her head made this scene even better. As for that second scene, I have a weakness for the Battle Couple trope and these two do that so well (and not that often unfortunately). Their banter at the beginning and the 'you know me so well' callback were so good already. But once you add how Tim was ready to stay behind and sacrifice himself to give Lucy a chance to get to safety, how she straight up refused and he didn't protest, how she played the role of the strategist and he simply followed her lead, how they were taking turns protecting each other… and this scene became one of my all-time favourite.
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04 | Episode 12 - Tim giving up patrol The way these two didn't even consider breaking up as an option and instead, immediately agreed to prioritise the other over their career says everything about how serious this relationship is to them. We didn't need to hear Tim's confirmation to know it - even though it was a great bonus. Still, for Tim to just go to Grey's office and give up patrol without a second thought, was monumental. Especially considering how he used to refuse to move up the ladder because he loved patrol so much. And especially considering how his last two girlfriends wanted him to leave his job behind without truly asking him for his input in the first place. But here, he didn't hesitate. Just like he didn't hesitate to reject a promotion when Lucy was still his rookie. He actually didn't even ask or care what his new job would be : the only thing that mattered to him was to be with her and make sure she wouldn't be the one having to sacrifice her career by being transfered in a new station where she'd have to prove herself all over again. And don't get me started on the following scene in her apartment... If I start, I won't stop.
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03 | Episode 10 - Getting ready to their date The montage for this scene was phenomenal. Between all those callbacks to Lucy's iconic dresses (and moments), Tim's beaming smile while remembering the green dress, the fact that he called her because he was getting nervous and she's his safe space and the banter that was quintessential Chenford, it was simply perfect. They looked so giddy when they were on the phone, their joy so palpable, that we could feel how freeing it was for them to start this new relationship. No more pretending, no more hiding. Bonus moment : their second first date. It was soft, truer to who they are… And while there was still a shyness present, they looked more at peace too. Not to mention Tim's hand on her thigh, that very soft kiss or Lucy's joke about their grandchildren. They both looked relieved to be on the same page, to know that they're both all-in, that they both want the same things. And judging by Tim's smile, it was absolutely liberating.
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02 | Episode 08 - Unless it is… I can't express how much I love this moment. Tim trying to make sure Lucy didn't settle and help her process things out… Lucy blurting her feelings out because she finally caught on to them and she couldn't contain them any longer… Both of them gently calling the other out on their respective safe relationships… Lucy taking the first step before backtracking and Tim taking a leap of faith… The most important relationship in my life… It's not worth the risk - Unless it is… Their bashful smiles at the end, the relief on Tim's face before he started beaming and glowing… But most of all (and I know that might be unpopular), I love how soft it was. How this 'confession' wasn't made in a rush or in a middle of a fight/dire situation. It was mature and healthy. And it was exactly what they needed (in my opinion) after their 'almost hookup' in the first episode. They needed to be both in the moment, to fully consider whether it was worth the risk. To talk together like they've always been able to do in the past. This whole episode felt like some kind of reset, of getting back to their foundations after several months of misunderstanding and questioning whether it was just biology, the rush of the moment or real. So after Vegas and all the guilt and doubts, they deserved that softness, that steadiness.
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01 | Episode 01 - Tim grabbing Lucy's hand Speaking of steadiness… This is such a short moment in an episode full of great ones but it's so raw and perfect. Tim's gesture was so instinctual : they both just found out about Rosalind's escape and that was the first thing Tim did. Anchor Lucy. Ground her to the present and give her as much comfort as he could. Be her lifeline. But also reassure himself that she was there with him, alive and safe (all things considered). He might not have been able to immediately hug her the way he did in Day of Death, but this was as good. And it elevated the following scene in the bathroom plane, with him providing her a safe space… And THAT KISS. With her grabbing him and taking comfort in his presence and steadfastness… And that kiss!
Bonus : . Tim acknowledging Lucy's audiobooks and how she was instrumental in helping him score this high in the sergeant's exam . Lucy running to the hospital and staying by his side despite the awkwardness at the time between them
And voilà, this is the end (finally!). What about you? What are your Top 5?
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stargatebarbie · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious 😊
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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musicforants · 11 months
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With temperatures dropping, colorful foliage and seasonal beverages coming back into season, it’s the perfect time for a mixtape of wistful, melancholy acoustic guitar-heavy sounds. So with no further ado, here's the 13th edition of the Autumn (Or What It Feels Like To Fall) mixtape. Click here to listen to this mix in its entirety via Spotify / Apple Music. Enjoy!
01. Sufjan Stevens - A Running Start 02. Sun June - Get Enough 03. Yo La Tengo - Aselestine 04. Mutual Benefit - Untying a Knot 05. Slaughter Beach, Dog - Engine 06. S. Carey - Steadfast (ft. Gordi) 07. boygenius - Cool About It 08. Andy Shauf - Halloween Store 09. Jess Williamson - Hunter 10. The National - Coat on a Hook 11. Allison Ponthier - Hardcore (Acoustic) 12. Great Lake Swimmers - Peacemaker 13. Courtney Barnett - Different Now (ft. Chastity Belt) 14. The Tallest Man On Earth - Slowly Rivers Turn 15. Blue Lake - Fur 16. Katy Kirby - Cubic Zirconia 17. The Clientele - Lady Grey 18. Kara Jackson - pawnshop 19. Youth Lagoon - Idaho Alien 20. Maybel - Long Road Ahead 21. Hiss Golden Messenger - My Old Friends 22. Madison Cunningham - Anywhere 23. Beirut - So Many Plans 24. Luz - not going anywhere 25. Wilco - A Bowl and A Pudding 26. Boundary Run - Stranger 27. Shannon Lay - From the Morning 28. Nick Mulvey - A Prayer of My Own 29. BEAR DOWN BEAR - Saturnalia 30. Lana Del Rey - Let The Light In (ft. Father John Misty)
Listen to this playlist on Spotify or Apple Music
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elmaestrostan · 5 months
https://theathletic.com/5469108/2024/05/07/premier-league-managers-touchline-fashion/?source=user_shared_article What are Premier League managers wearing on the touchline?
@doublefrogs @laisy @howeaythelads
Article text under the cut!
“Look smart, play smart”, as the saying goes. Perhaps it is about time we coined the phrase, “Look smart, manage smart” — and the meaning of “smart” is very much in the eye of the beholder.
In his first full season in charge — and despite two separate points deductions — Sean Dyche has steered Everton clear of relegation danger in the Premier League.
And what does Dyche credit as his secret weapon? Ditching wearing a traditional suit and tie for a club tracksuit, of course.
We’re not here to debate whether football managers donning classy business suits or comfortable matching sets of sportswear is superior. Instead, this feels like the perfect time to dive into what the Premier League’s movers and shakers are wearing on the touchline.
Want to imitate the Dyche look? (He’s cool enough to appear in music videos, remember.) The Athletic’s writers have got you covered.
Mikel Arteta, Arsenal
On matchdays, Arteta tends to dress in monotone — shades of black and grey. He frequently sports black shoes, grey trousers and one from a variety of black jackets. Black conveys seriousness and credibility — perfect for a manager striving to achieve his first Premier League title.
“At a high-performance level, you have to be consistent, things are demanding, you want to be detailed and precise,” Arteta told The Telegraph last year. “But at the same time, you need to leave some room for creativity.”
In those nervous moments of stoppage time, he occasionally glances down at a Rolex Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II. The watch dates from 2007 — the year Arteta was voted Everton’s player of the year after leading them to European football.
Perhaps Arteta should consider introducing some camouflage to his match attire: it might enable him to evade referees when escaping out of his technical area.
Unai Emery, Aston Villa
Suave, sophisticated and all about the football. Emery’s fashion is largely dictated by the environment and the conditions he goes to battle in. At Turf Moor, for example, he broke out the rarely worn club tracksuit. When facing the managers he considers to be the best in the world, he wears sharp polished shoes and a long coat.
After an international break or in the summer, he has olive skin and a fresh new haircut. In the winter, he has a claret scarf, Roberto Mancini-like, tucked into a black puffer jacket and almost always accompanied by slim-fit trousers and a V-neck jumper underneath.
Nothing over the top, but adaptable. Best of all, it reflects him: highly effective in all conditions.
Andoni Iraola, Bournemouth
Iraola has delivered a penchant for those ‘pundit trainers’ — you know, the black shoes with the white rim around them. It forms a part of his smart but casual look, like a trendy university teacher who wears a blazer when walking between classrooms. He wears tracksuits at press conferences but invariably a neat black jumper with a button-up shirt underneath, with the collars tucked over.
He’s also adaptable, like his Spanish countryman Emery — and at Villa Park, Iraola broke out a neat blue jacket, adding a dash of pizzazz to the usual black trousers and pundit trainers. Not quite Scott Parker, but Iraola is learning.
Thomas Frank, Brentford
When Frank stepped up from his role as Dean Smith’s assistant to become Brentford’s head coach in October 2018, he took his promotion seriously.
Frank prowled around on the touchline in suits, crossing his arms when he was frustrated and looking like a teacher — which he used to be back in Denmark.
He quickly ditched the suits for something more comfortable and in the 2021 Championship play-off final, one of the biggest moments in Brentford’s history, he rocked up in a simple long-sleeved green T-shirt and dark trousers.
Nowadays, he jumps between wearing club-branded coats in chilly weather or plain black hoodies — comfort over style. On special occasions, The Athletic has spotted him in a blue-and-white pair of Nike Air Max.
Roberto De Zerbi, Brighton & Hove Albion
De Zerbi’s dress code has been more consistent than his team this season. Rain or shine, warm or cold, Brighton’s head coach brings Italian suave to the touchline with his matchday outfit.
It can be a hooded jacket, a round-neck jumper with the sleeves rolled up, or a T-shirt, depending on the vagaries of the English weather, but the colour scheme is always the same — black with tight-fitting black slacks and white trainers.
Vincent Kompany, Burnley
Kompany claims he pays no thought to his touchline attire in the build-up to games, although it is difficult to truly believe him as he marches to the dugout looking more stylish than most.
First impressions count, so when his side faced Huddersfield Town in his first game in charge back in July 2022, he donned a white shirt, black blazer — and, surprisingly, no cap.
Kompany’s cap has become the new iconic trend in Burnley. There is genuine shock when he appears without it on the touchline or when conducting media duties. The cap is an extension of him.
The classic Kompany look usually involves a variation of a big black coat and his unmissable white shoes. However, in the warmer months, underneath, the T-shirt and blazer combination returns — and this time with a cap on his head. Occasionally, the club’s training gear may be chosen. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but the Burnley manager pulls it off.
Mauricio Pochettino, Chelsea
No one can accuse Mauricio Pochettino of not trying to find the right outfit to bring about better results at Chelsea.
As far as head coaches and looking smart go, Jose Mourinho set the benchmark for all to follow in his two spells between 2004 and 2007, and 2013 and 2015. It is a bit like his silverware collection while at Stamford Bridge.
Pochettino has gone for the smart, suited look on occasion, although, like his mood after another poor result, the colours are always very dark. There has even been the odd tie attached.
Then, there is the training kit. Perhaps Pochettino dons it so regularly to boost sales in the club shop. Chelsea do have to find all the ways possible to meet profit and sustainability rules, after all.
He appears to quite like a football drill top, which has white down the arms — a rare bit of brightness in his Chelsea life.
Oliver Glasner, Crystal Palace
Last year, Crystal Palace appointed Kenny Annan-Jonathan as the first creative director for a Premier League club, but Oliver Glasner probably doesn’t need any fashion tips.
Glasner’s matchday attire is simple and understated. A trademark Canada Goose jacket with a black jumper and black jeans, coupled with a pair of white Nike Air Max Plus (better known as Air Max TNs).
It contrasts markedly with the garish orange-and-black Macron kit that is usually donned at the training ground.
The 49-year-old has attracted attention for his change in playing style at Palace, but his fashion style is also a complete departure from previous manager Roy Hodgson and the iconic shorts worn by former assistant Ray Lewington, no matter the weather.
Sean Dyche, Everton
Dyche has said his mother “isn’t too happy about it”, but the emperor has new clothes and Everton are winning points.
Dyche has always managed in a suit — nothing spectacular, no subterranean polo necks, no avant-garde lapels — but Everton’s form was nose-diving. They were winless in 13 league matches, plummeting back towards the relegation zone, and Dyche’s man-management seemed to be losing its touch.
Reaching deep into his box of motivational tricks (or by listening to Michael Jackson), he began, suitably, with the man in the mirror, switching to a tracksuit for Everton’s must-win showdown with Nottingham Forest on April 21.
“I always thought it was correct to wear a shirt and tie, but I just thought I’d play my part in what I was looking for from my players and staff,” he said post-match.
Since then? Four games, no defeats, and Everton’s first derby win at Goodison Park since 2010. It has been the best week for shell suits since the 1980s.
Will he continue? “I have to,” he said last week, with the air of an ageing steel magnate on dress-down Friday. “I have no choice.”
Marco Silva, Fulham
Fashion seems to be important these days at Fulham. It is ‘on brand’ to look upmarket and stylish.
The club have leant into that affluent stereotype: just look at the sales of cheese boards in the club shop (purchased by fans for away days with more than a hint of irony, obviously). They have also established a partnership with male fashion brand Charles Tyrwhitt, which has a line called the ‘Fulham Look’. Marco Silva is not one of the models for that collection, but managers do need to look the part in south-west London.
His predecessor, Scott Parker, was never one to shy away from eye-catching knitwear. Silva is more low-key. He is a man of darker tones and a sharp and simple look, suggesting a seriousness that reflects his character.
He mainly wears black jumpers, sometimes opting for a turtleneck or a grey option, and often a big black coat in the rain and cold. Smart black shoes go with that, but he can and does switch to trainers and training gear. A smart or stylish watch is a must, though.
Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool
For Klopp’s farewell season at Liverpool, it’s been the trusted casual tracksuit attire we’ve become accustomed to seeing over his nine years in the Premier League.
At the start of the season, for the opener away at Chelsea, it was just a black Liverpool T-shirt with club tracksuit bottoms, a baseball cap and white Adidas trainers, the brand with which he became a brand ambassador in 2020.
As the weather turned, Klopp paired the above combination with a red-and-grey hoodie and had either a tracksuit top or a long raincoat over the top for the winter months. He’s sometimes added a snood for the really chilly games.
He has kept the club Nike baseball cap on all season — with his choice of colour the main fashion change-up.
In an interview with the Guardian in 2020, Klopp explained why he’s always kept it casual. He said: “I was a player and the next day I was the manager (of Mainz).
“In my locker room was the tracksuit of the guy who had the job two days before. It didn’t even fit me. I was just focused on the game. I never thought about how I looked. I know it’s not too cool because we are working in public, but then when I came to Borussia Dortmund, I thought: ‘Maybe I have to change’. I went for a while wearing jeans and a shirt but I just didn’t feel comfortable.”
Rob Edwards, Luton Town
Who remembers the Next catalogue? Every matchday, it looks like Rob Edwards has walked right out of it.
Edwards has the three-quarter zip jumper look locked down. His Luton team are in the relegation zone with two games to go, but he is top of the league when it comes to best-dressed managers.
Are you even a football manager if, when you open your wardrobe, you aren’t suddenly drowning in Sandbanks coats? Edwards certainly enjoys repping the brand, which has Jamie Redknapp as its ambassador, and he does so with style.
Edwards’ recent look for Luton’s away trip to Wolverhampton Wanderers was his best of the season. He wore something similar on a scouting trip to Molineux a few days earlier but rounded off the fit with a pair of clear-frame glasses. When it comes to manager fashion, he is clear.
Pep Guardiola, Manchester City
At the Etihad Stadium, high-end fashion and high-end football collide.
Guardiola has long been one of the most fashionable managers out there and his sensibilities have matured over the years to a point of pristine quiet luxury.
Gone are the ice-white trainers of old, replaced by chunky black derby shoes. Gone, too, is the bulky grey coat-cardigan hybrid, made by Italian brand Herno, that became his calling card a few seasons ago — although Guardiola is still partial to the odd piece of cosy, statement knitwear.
Once keen on Stone Island — although he sometimes removed the brand’s signature arm tag — the Manchester City manager is now more likely to be seen sporting CP Company, which is handy given the Italian luxury brand is set to become his club’s official Champions League clothing partner next season, replacing Dsquared2.
Erik ten Hag, Manchester United
Every Manchester United manager needs a big coat for when it rains at Old Trafford. This season has seen Ten Hag wearing a raincoat from Norwegian brand UBR. He appears to be a fan of UBR’s black Storm jacket, which retails at around €800 (£690; $860).
On matchdays when it isn’t raining, the Dutchman is fond of a black blazer from Spanish clothing company Adolfo Dominguez, pricing at around €300.
Recent weeks have seen him opt for a Paul Smith suit and cardigan combination — the English designer has been a club partner since 2008.
Despite these big names, you would be unlikely to say Ten Hag is a fan of luxury and designer clothing. The more sartorially minded might have spotted his suits had an off-the-rack look and seemed boxy around his lean shoulders. Ten Hag is most at home in a tracksuit but can dress up when the occasion calls for it.
Eddie Howe, Newcastle United
The most important factor in determining Howe’s pre-match attire? Well, that would be whatever Jason ‘Mad Dog’ Tindall, his Rottweiler-esque assistant coach, is wearing.
The Premier League has introduced a technical-area rule in an attempt to break up the perpetual Howe-Tindall pitchside axis, but to little avail.
They remain a tenacious touchline act, apparently attached at the hip and yet wearing suitably discernible outfits. If Tindall has gone for the black with green logo, then Howe will inevitably select the black with yellow logo. If their colour theme is consistent, one will opt for a hoodie and the other for a zippy top. Why they always dress differently, nobody seems to know.
And by outfits, we mean tracksuits, hoodies and training T-shirts. There is never a suit in sight unless there is respect to be paid to a deceased monarch pre-match, in which case it is hastily whipped off in the tunnel before kick-off anyway and the slack pants are restored. Comfort is essential when watching this Newcastle side, after all.
Nuno Espirito Santo, Nottingham Forest
Since his unveiling at the City Ground, Nuno has been unwaveringly consistent in his attire.
Blue Adidas tracksuit bottoms, blue Adidas training top or hoodie and, if it is cold, a blue Adidas puffer jacket. Nuno has, on occasion, gone crazy and gone for white Adidas trainers, but normally (you’ve guessed it) they are also blue.
As a head coach, Nuno is fiercely practical. He does not want to waste time with the peripheral duties of his job. He only wants to work with his players on the training ground. Anything else is a distraction. You suspect his choice of clothes represents function over form.
Chris Wilder, Sheffield United
During his first spell in charge at Bramall Lane, Wilder’s sartorial look was the very antithesis of his team. Where United played an innovative system featuring overlapping centre-backs that left the opposition unable to predict just where the next attack would be coming from, he stuck doggedly to sporting a gilet. Come rain, hail or shine, the ubiquitous garment was there.
So, when his second coming in the United dugout last December saw the 56-year-old sport a rather smart winter coat, suit pants and shoes so shiny the suspicion was he had been up all night polishing them, it didn’t quite feel right.
Thankfully, in time, the gilet returned, along with an array of club-branded sportswear to restore a degree of reassuring familiarity.
Ange Postecoglou, Tottenham Hotspur
Postecoglou began his time in north London by wearing a casual polo shirt. However, as summer gave way to autumn, he started to wear warmer clothes and settled on a suit and tie combination. Initially, this felt a little unnatural, but everyone has gradually grown used to it.
Postecoglou occasionally pairs the suit with trainers or the footwear known universally as ‘pundit shoes’, but generally, he wears smart black ones and has switched between a smarter coat and an official club sporty number.
The overall impression is of a man giving the minimum of fuss. It’s just who we are, mate.
David Moyes, West Ham United
Since returning to the helm in December 2019, Moyes has kept his choice of clothing on matchdays simple and traditional.
He often wears a dark grey West Ham-branded Umbro tracksuit, with Umbro trainers.
Sometimes, the occasion calls for a plain, dark jumper, but also, sometimes Moyes will wear a suit, pairing a powder blue shirt with a claret tie to leave few doubts over the club he’s managing.
There are a few quirks when it comes to the clothing chosen by one of the Premier League’s most experienced managers.
Gary O’Neil, Wolverhampton Wanderers
Let’s be honest, there was not much about Wolves last season that was interesting, but Julen Lopetegui’s fashion choices certainly added a bit of intrigue.
Of the 26 matches he spent on the touchline as Wolves boss — he was banished to the stands for his final game in charge at Arsenal — the Spaniard managed an exact split, 13 games each, between a tracksuit and stylish chinos-sweater combo.
Yet the success rate in chinos (seven wins, three draws and three defeats) was so much better than in his tracksuit (three wins, two draws and eight defeats). It is remarkable he did not have a ceremonial burning of the sportswear.
In comparison, his successor, O’Neil, has been boringly predictable in his black hoodie, black trousers, black trainers and occasional black anorak.
But then, the football this season has been watchable, so swings and roundabouts…
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notknickers · 1 year
kortac's new seasonal uniforms
with the change of season comes a change in tactical clothing necessities.
click below the cut for a preview of the kind of fashion that will become prevalent on base and field alike.
a disclaimer, before we begin: colonel könig kindly offered to model the new uniforms out of the kindness of his bottomless heart and his strong sense for duty and commitment.
he was not:
lured in a trap under false pretenses; (the colonel is a hard one to dupe... would be reason for pride if someone concocted a successful plan... but we wouldn't know about it, because NOBODY at kortac DID.)
injected with potent anesthetics against his will and without his informed consent according to his height and weight to ensure optimal duration; (access to said information about our contractors is available to kortac for safety reasons: no malicious use of said info is ever intended.)
stripped and redressed while unconscious multiple times; (no one at the base is suddenly feeling insecure about his manhood, alright? NO ONE!)
given a different cocktail of substances to ensure compliance; (and even if that happened - which it didn't - no harm would come of it, thanks to the up-to-date medical information kortac keeps of our contractors. i told you it was just for safety reasons...)
unwillingly or unlawfully detained until all outfits have been modeled for; (there is no known detention area at kortac's hqs.)
efficiently blackmailed to ensure no retaliation; (medical information is not all kortac keep abreast of.)
i repeat, quite emphatically, no colonel was harmed longterm. for security reasons, no further private details about a contractor shall be given.
01. the leather daddy
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the perfect outfit to blend amongst queer subversives.
whether infiltrating and fomenting discord amongst the targets or removing key figures of queer liberation from circulation, this high-quality, black leather uniform will get you as close as you like... or don't...
according to our intel, they are excellent at sabotaging each other without the need for external interference, but kortac bought the uniforms, already, so here they are.
02. the children's hospital
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red means love
tasked with protecting a client from further harm after they incurred injury, or with being the last thing your hospitalised target sees? look no further! a blend of reds to blend with architecture and personnel alike and no one will be able to tell you from the medical environment.
also, great for camouflaging blood stains.
03. fire in the hole!
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the king is smo-oh-king! tsssssssssssss... ouch!
arsonist or sapper, the fiery uniform will let your comrades know it's time to mind their step when you're around or... kahboom!
friendly fire is such a tragedy...
04. grey mist
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plain but lethal
luxurious, grey velvet to find your way to your target as quietly and inconspicuously as a cat. a must-have for the assassin-for-hire in the ranks.
05. latex
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always play safe
medics! this semi-transparent latex uniform was thought especially for you! whether running routine tests on base soldiers or bringing succour in the midst of chaos, your patients will now have more than one reason to be happy to see you.
gloves not included.
06. retrofuture
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oooohhhh! shiny!
stuck in a contract as bodyguard, playing nanny to some washed-up '90s pop/r&b star? daze and confuse paparazzos and stalkers alike with your dazzling silver outfit.
shine like the star you never could have otherwise been!
07. explosions in the night
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get out the war veteran in you
life as a contractor can be challenging. it easily goes from adrenaline-filled operations where a single wrong move could spell the end, to long bouts on base, training and interacting with roughly the same people just like that!
so gather round your comrades, down a pint or ten and let the orange flames rising towards the cold, nightsky lead you all to collectively reminesce about all the chaos and destruction, whose consequences will probably outlive all of you, that you have wrought in your career.
(presence of one or more base psychologists advised.)
08. plasma core
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for the professional crawler who likes to indulge his vanity
tired of you old, plain fatigues, after spending all that time studying escape routes and subterranean entrances of your target location? disappear in every tunnel, man-made or not, with this appropriately-hued uniform.
debris-filled and collapsed ruins, damp and dark caves, stinky sewers, the magma-filled centre of the earth itself... no hole in the ground will be match for you!
09. acid queen
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ooohh... it glows!
looking to infiltrate techno clubs or desert raves? don't forget your signature outfit uniform, then!
10. höloqueen
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you're lost. exhausted. enemy troops are on your heels and their dogs have your scent. you and your team got separated, your rations won't last you the night and you're running our of ammo... most of all, nobody knows where you are and, probably never will.
does that sound frightening? does that sound familiar?
forget your flare gun and forget that scenario altogether. the höloqueen will get you back to your team members and safe home in no time.
kortac claims no responsibility for improper use that gets the operator spotted by enemy assets.
11. lace angel
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you didn't think kortac would think of everything but underclothes, did you?
hm, what's that? do you want to be found in your grandma's knickers when a high-ranking official takes a special interest in you, or your comrades surprise you en masse with a unanimous election to barracks bunny?
hm, didn't think so...
fraternisation? this isn't the military. this is a private company.
similar rates of abuse of power and sexual assault, you say?
oh, look! it seems the other soldiers on the base are exchanging war stories! why don't you join them? here, don't forget your complementary explosions in the night outfit!
thank you @kathy-ifnt for helping me adjust the proportions, your advices and resources and, most of all, listening to my whining ♥
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wardrobeoftime · 2 months
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My Lady Jane + Costumes
Jane Grey's golden dress in Season 01, Episode 05.
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bylerspookie · 1 year
Byler Analysis
This focuses mostly, but not only, on Mike Wheeler, because he's my favorite character who just deals with internalized homophobia (me fr).
I'm doing this episode by episode, starting from Season 1, ofc.
The time stamps on this episode are kind've iffy, just a few seconds off but the events I talk about happen at around the time that I put in, it should get more accurate as you go along, my phone was bugging out.
Also, please, I know some things might be stretches, but I truly believe almost everything has signuficance in this show, I payed attention to small details, like posters and pictures, I probably didn't even catch all of the hints, but anyways, I hope you enjoy this!
Season 1
Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
(01:50) The boys are playing Dungeons and Dragons, it foreshadows Wills disappearance
(02:10) I noticed stalkerish camera work on Mike, it happens a lot to Will before he disappears, as well as Nancy when she sees the demogorgan, it's like we're looking through the demogorgans eyes, but why do we see this with Mike? I see @lesbianmindflayer talk about this on her YouTube channel, but I didn't know that it started as early as episode one, literally two minutes in. It kinda makes sense for Mike to be a Vecna victim, especially because he's close to the two people that Vecna is after, Will and El. I suggest you watch "Why Mike Wheeler is Vecna's next victim (theory)" and "Who or What is watching Mike Wheeler? Compilation Reference." both by @lesbianmindflayer on YouTube.
(02:30) 13 is usually associated with being unlucky, and it is also associated with evil, but in this scene, it is good if Will rolled a 13 or higher, but no, he rolls a 7, which is associated with godliness and religion, but in this scene, it is bad. This may not be referencing anything in future seasons, and it may not be important, but it is quite interesting to me how they kinda reversed the meanings of the numbers.
(02:50) Random Pizza box, I'm pretty sure it reads "Pizza One", could be referencing Season 4?? I also think the way everyone panics and looks for the dice is a reference to how just like the dice went missing, Will did too. There's also a small poster on the wall on the right hand side of this scene, it shows a rainbow poster with a heart, now, Mike obviously is "the heart", according to Will.
(03:24) This is kinda far fetched but the guy on the TV looks awfully similar to Billy
(03:30) lot's of bird imagry, not sure what this means, but we see a specific owl picture multiple times in this Season, we also hear random Owl noises sometimes in this Season for like no reason whatsoever
(03:51) Another bird picture on the wall, I'm also pretty sure that "stranger things on stage", a canonical stage play, used a bird symbol on stage. They're trying to tell us something, I know it. (I think I'm going crazy help lol)
(04:20) More stalkerish camera work on the entire party, we see Wills bike for the first time in the show, which is very significant, as it is in every stranger things poster with Will, even if it's not quite in place, and we hear his bike sound repeatedly in Season 4, Will's bike is associated with trauma, I'm pretty sure. @willbyersabyss has a post about this, I think!
(04:32) Will tells Mike that he rolled a 7 and that the demogorgan got him, obviously foreshadowing his disappearance.
(04:46) Stalkerish camera now only on Mike, as the light flickers. Bro even looks up like "huh?" (CONFUSED MIKE). Anyways #flickergate PLEASE.
(05:34) X-men 134, I'm pretty sure this comic focused on Jean Grey (homophobic queen/j), which most likely represents El. It also foreshadows both Will and El's story line in this season.
(05:55) We see Will riding his bike home, with his yellow bike light reflecting onto the ground. Might be a reference of him being stuck in the upside down, and also him being the one to communicate with Joyce through the lights. Ah, we finally see the 'demogorgan', which is actually, most likely Vecna, and we hear Will's bike sound for the first time. From here on, we see the same stalkerish camera work used on Mike, now being used on Will. We also see Will's dog barking, and the same thing happens to Max.
(08:15) FINALLY. Eight One Five. No - Eight Fifteen. The exact moment when Will Byers goes missing. This timestamp is brought up in season 2, along with an addition the the sound track, "Eight Fifteen". Ha. Anyways, I actually really don't know if they're gonna do anything with these numbers, but if they do, I really wanna know what. Also, can we talk about the way in which Will goes missing? It zooms in on the light, the light turns extremely bright, and then he's just, gone? That's not what happened to Max when she got Vecna'd, her body was still here. And when the Hawkins gang went into the upside down, they had to go through the gate, they didn't just disappear into thin air. Something weird happened with Will. That's why we don't see it, and instead see the lights. Also, we never see Will talk about it ever again??? He may have forgotten his trauma, like El, as a coping mechanism, but it's just so weird to me, weird how he knew to talk to Joyce with the lights, weird how he knew to sing his favourite song, weird how he was kept alive for what, 2 weeks without food and water? Whilst barb died immediately as she entered the upside down. Weird how the upside down is literally stuck on the day that Will went missing. Weird how El literally knew him and pointed to his picture even though she never met him before. Just, all a little weird.
(11:33) Dragon poster on Will's wall, possible reference to season 4 painting.
(12:10) Mike puts syrup on his eggs, so does Will (well, in season 3, whilst he's talking about how he's not gonna fall in love). Mike is also wearing a shirt with blue and yellow stripes.
(12:55) Mike is the only one who seems worried about Will, it hadn't even been established that Will was missing, but he's still worried because he can't see his best platonic buddy.
(13:15) Mike is called "frogface", a reference to season 4 and also kermit the frog, a reference to basically the whole suzies house scene, a very, very gay scene for Mike, but we'll get to that when the time comes.
(13:48) Makes Dustin feel better about the bullying by comparing him to someone with superpowers, Mr Fantastic (cause he can stretch and stuff get it, well done Mike). I think this can be taken back to El, with superpowers, Mike only begins to show that he likes her when he realizes that she knows where Will is, and that she has cool powers that could help with finding him. As soon as he thinks Will is dead, he gets mad at her (for basically no reason). In fact, before he realized that she could help, he was making plans to send her back to where ever she came from lmfao, he didn't care, he was trying to be nice. El also literally told Mike in season 4, "the way you were looking at me, I felt like a monster." Whilst Will said in the van, "you make her feel like she's good for being different-" a completely contradiction to what El told him, which is why I truly think Mike knows that Will was projecting, just a lil, because most of the stuff Will was saying was contradicting El's statements. Mike literally says in his monologue, "You're my superhero." But she's not, she's not his superhero and she doesn't want to be either, that's why El feels that way, she doesn't want to be something she's not, and Mike doesn't have to be something he's not either. Anyways, we'll come back to this in the Season 4 analysis.
(17:48) Joyce says "He's a sensitive kid." A direct parallel to Vecna as a child, which is why I think Will has something Vecna wants, why Will was kept alive, because he's just like him.
(17:52) We understand that when Joyce said "different", she meant queer. And Hopper even asks, "is he?", and Joyce is like "are you serious rn bro", but I think Hopper is kinda right, he thinks Will might've been hatecrimed for being gay, that's how bad these situations can be.
(18:20) Joyce says "what about the other time, the one, the one!" could be a reference to 001/Vecna.
(18:25) Another reference to a bird, an owl, to be specific, and again, we hear Owl noises a lot this season.
(21:20) We see El for the first time, my pookie.
(22:52) First interaction we see with El and another person, that person calls her a boy, she's literally always called a boy this season it's not even funny anymore, Mike Wheeler I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE. What is bro even hiding at this point.
(23:14) We see 'boy' behind Mr Clarke on the board, idk what this means here but we see this A LOT with Mike in season 3 and season 4
(25:40) 'Castle Byers' is painted in yellow whilst behind the structure of the castle is blue
(26:00) We see a tiger in castle byers, reference to season 4 poster that says "freshmen love their tigers" (💀). We then see a lot of Tigers in Will's room at California, and Mike is a freshman...
(34:56) Mike does to El in season 4 when they're eating what he does to his sister in season 1, a familial parallel, hinting that Mike loves El in a platonic way, but because of heteronormativity, he thinks that because El is a girl and he's a boy that he has to like her in a romantic way.
(36:25) Ted makes a homophobic comment and Mike immediately is defensive. He says that he's the only one that cares about Will, which, isn't really true, I mean, Joyce, Jonathan, Lucas, Dustin? Do they not exist? So Ted says, "We care." Which, again, maybe they do,but no one loves Will as much as Joyce and Mike do in this season, yes, other people care, but clearly, love outshines all of them, so, Mike is using "care" as a cover up for "love", obviously he'll get mad that no one gets it, because he cares, but in a different way.
(45:57) Mikes torch, which was once yellow (Wills colour) before, turns purple (Els colour).
(46:00) Mike meets El, she's wearing a yellow shirt, Mike literally could not give a shit, he looks confused, even slightly angry that El is not Will, but again, mostly confused, like, why is there a random person in the woods what is going on. And in the next episode, he's mostly worried about sending her home, but again, yeah, I'll talk about that later lmaoo.
I hope you liked this pookies, I'll do episode 2 tomorrow.
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hullomoon · 9 months
hullomoon's 2023 works: part six
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! i had a pretty busy year so i didn't post as much, but i also know i did more longer works. so it probably balances out in the end. if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, 2021 roundup, and 2022 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
[podfic] last night, i dreamt i still knew you | Stranger Things | Tommy & Steve, Steve/Eddie | 0:23:33
He imagines a happy Steve, a jealous Steve, a down on his luck Steve; but every single one misses him. Every Steve has the same empty and wanting space in his heart that Tommy used to fill. Armed with a million maybes and what if’s Tommy still had no intention of doing a thing. He’d spend his time in Hawkins, with his family, and when the summer came to an end he’d tell his mom it was just such a shame that his old friends were so busy. But Hawkins is a small town, has always been a small town. And even with hours of late night imaginings that all hinged on small town coincidence, he wasn’t prepared for Steve Harrington outside The Hawk with a gaggle of high schoolers and Eddie the Freak.
[podfic] (take these) chains | Stranger Things | Explicit | Steve/Eddie | 09:10
Steve is Eddie's greatest work of art.
[podfic] when i don't touch you it's a mistake in any life, in each place and forever. | Stranger Things | multivoice | Steve/Eddie | 05:21:00
If Eddie didn’t know any better, he would think that he’d slipped into an alternate dimension. A dimension where he was happy and not dead. A dimension where Steve Harrington sleeps in his bed—or maybe where he sleeps in Steve Harrington’s bed. OR: Eddie dies. But then he wakes up next to a sleeping Steve Harrington.
[podfic] A Promise of Sunshine | Stranger Things | Mature | Steve/Eddie | 02:01:56
Eddie had always expected that he would find his soulmate through the snap of a broken guitar string, or the needle burn of his tattoos. Instead, Billy Hargrove breaks a plate over Steve’s Harrington’s head and Eddie finds himself tied to a boy he knows only through the lens of the high school hierarchies. Almost a year later, Eddie has spent time learning everything he can about Steve - the way he thinks, the things that send him into a panic he can't - or won't - explain, the look in his eyes before he says something heinously bitchy and devastatingly funny. He and Uncle Wayne have found themselves permanent seats at Victoria Harrington’s Sunday Dinners, and Eddie can almost ignore the rabbit pace of his heart when Steve smiles at him. Except that Steve has gone missing, had bailed on their plans for the Fourth of July weekend without a word and this would be fine, really, except - Eddie’s getting bruises that aren’t his own and Victoria hasn’t seen her son in days. While Eddie's injuries get steadily worse, he and Victoria scramble across town to try and find Steve and save him from whatever nightmare situation he landed in before it’s too late. Project 40 of the Steddie BB 2023
[podfic] Grey Matter | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie, Steve & Robin | 03:17:43
In the fall of 1983, Nancy Wheeler rejects Steve Harrington, thus sparing him from the terrifying world of the Upside Down. Until Summer of 1985, that is, when what was supposed to be mind-numbingly boring two months of slinging ice cream promptly turns into a task of decoding a secret Russian message with his two closest friends and a strange kid that never shuts up. Or, an alternative universe in which Steve Harrington gets to live his normal life for an additional year and a half, grow as a person, make new friends and fall in love along the way.
you've got a smile that could light up this whole town | Stranger Things | Explicit | Robin/Chrissy, Steve & Robin | 10k
It's the Hawkins Tigers 1985 football season and Robin can't stop staring at Chrissy Cunningham
[podfic] Realizations: Grief & Fortuitous Outcomes | The Adventure Zone | Duck/Minerva | 12:25
The week after the last battle, there’s a moment that all of it slips his mind entirely. or Introspection, Sadness, Comfort, & Realizing You Love A Big Beautiful Alien Woman
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
THAAAAAT’S RIIIIGHT! It’s everyone’s favourite time! Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!
This is for season 1, episode 9: Convoy.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
Also, I’ll warn, I don’t have a lot to say. (Not compared to other episodes)
00:03 - beautiful scenery- for fucks sake, Fowler.
00:05 - ✨walk cycles✨ I Will never not love the way the bots walk and I will never stop reminding you.
00:12 - hehe, height difference.
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00:16 - good. (I don’t like Fowler, he’s unnecessarily rude.)
00:21 - hehe Dingus.
00:49 - Raf’s got his priorities straight.
00:52 - Miko’s reaction
01:14 - you already know that a bunch of children had to ask their parents what Propagate means.
01:28 - Optimus knows Fowler would be a reckless driver. But I can also imagine that it’s just generally very uncomfortable and unnecessary stressful for the boys whenever someone else is driving. If not, then I’m making it a hc.
03:07 - Optimus uses that T.H.I.N.K acronym and I will not hear otherwise.
03:18 - if the yellow dot is where the D.N.G.S is, why is it placed between two orange dots? Bee hadn’t moved in front of Optimus yet.
03:22 - I mean.. the truck’s obviously being escorted by two other cars. Why would they assume that all three are unarmed?
03:42 - that’s rich.
03:48 - damn right, Optimus! Shut him dooown! Also Bee, Get back in the lane.
03:55 - translation, ‘a worse evil’
04:15 - Bulkhead said that, but Stan decided Ratchet did.
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04:29 - From what we know, most of the cons are greys, black and purples. These are green. The decepticons have a colour scheme going, why would there all of a sudden be a bunch of green cons??
04:54 - that was what Bee did in the first episode.
05:09 - why.. why was his window open?
06:33 - someone that knows transformers lore, could you tell me.. would Optimus be able to feel that?? At the end of the day, that’s still apart of his body.
07:04 - that made me laugh, ngl.
08:23 - Bee really ain’t doing anything, huh? Like they’re breaking in from behind and Bulkhead can’t do anything.
08:41 - oh yeah, forgot about Arcee.
09:03 - makes the whole thing a lot more twisted.
10:51 - that’s what it’s like rocking up at school wearing your uniform.
12:23 - Transformers Running well never not be funny.
12:26 - they look like frogs on two feet.
12:37 - specifically watching Bee fight is so entertaining (not just because he’s a favourite, also because he’s really bouncy during his fight scenes.)
12:42 - Optimus moving as though the punch was a minor inconvenience.
12:43 - then he just destroys the con.
13:25 - the big eyes and the cute wave, I caaaan’t!!
14:01 - “I understand-” d o n k
14:12 - Isn’t Fowler able to.. see the fight? Wouldn’t he have seen Optimus get dinked off the cliff.
14:16 - he was taken down by some wood. If you know, you know.
14:25 - Arcee and Bee jumping is the strangest visuals ever.
14:27 - that’s just a group hug in a buttshell.
14:34 - I would love to hear the bloopers for this. How did the VAs manage to say ‘DNGS’ without dying of laughter.
14:37 - you’re telling me that they didn’t have a backup plan??
14:53 - It’s strange hearing ‘suicide’ in a show that probably has a large child audience.
15:00 - How Ratchet pronounced ‘yours’ sounds so out of character that it made me cry. He cares so much he forgot to be an old man.
15:01 - When you watch this scene, watch how Ratchet moves. Like it’s so appealing the way he doesn’t stop moving.
15:54 - did they seriously only have one person in the cart with the D.N.G.S? Seems very flawed.
16:58 - to be fair… yes. He’s right.
17:14 - I’m so confused as to why they went on the train in the first place. Yes it was a bad idea- OF COURSE IT WAS A BAD IDEA AND IT DID NOTHING!
17:15 - BIG TALK, MIKO! Raf was working remotely and managed to give them more time. (I don’t understand how, though, because it seems that they went a different route)
17:32 - quick shoutout to character design. Look at the detail on Optimus’s helm here.
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17:55 - I’m pretty sure that the using a fire extinguisher the normal way is going to prove more useful than whatever Jack is planning on doing.
19:38 - Excuse me, but… what?. Just… what??? Also does anyone else see any parallel between Miko and Jack and Optimus and Arcee? Where Miko’s trying to think of different ideas of how to get out while Jack’s like ‘we may die, but I’m just gonna accept that’. And in Scrap heap Arcee was trying to think of different ways to stay alive and Optimus is just like ‘if I stay here and relax there will be an outcome. The outcome may be death, but I’m alright with that.’
20:09 - Optiman, Optiman, does whatever an Optimus can. Can he swing from a web? No he can’t, but he can stop a fraggin train. Look oooooout, Optimus aboooout.
20:28 - I may have laughed loudly when I noticed the unconscious guy.
20:49 - Silas really went ‘GG but-’
20:53 - no. What. The. Actual. Fuck?. When and where did he get that??
So that was Convoy. Because the episode was more focused around the humans than the bots I always found the episode kind of boring.
But considering the episode is mainly about introducing MECH, it’s one that I would watch in a binge, but not one that stands out.
Although being a human focused episode, I thought that they came off either annoying, dumb and/or punchable (with the exception of Raf, he did a good job), particularly Agent Fowler. I hate him in this.
Also, could someone tell me if I should put screenshots before or after their related timestamp. Thanks!
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
Death of Convenience
It should have been easy. Wendigos are no joke but daylight slows them. The weather's been unpredictable though and perfect, idyllic hunts don't exactly stay that way where they're concerned.
Or Sam has one card to play and never stops to think that Dean would care if he killed himself.
Implied/Referenced Suicide, Infant Death, Temporary Character Death, Blood and Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Head Injury, Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Season/Series 05, POV Dean Winchester
Let's blame it on the tunnel vision. The impending end of the world. The wendigo on the loose, the missing persons reports piling up. Blame it on anything you like. Hell, blame it on the glare coming off Baby's polished hood. He never saw the warning signs.
And there's Sam across from him, frowning like he hadn't considered that Dean would care.
Dean's reeling, nauseated, light-headed, crashing from blood loss, alcohol snatched out of Sam's hand as he was cleaning the wounds on Dean's face, and then the world turning inside out. His world, anyway.
But the thing is, you don't see this sort of thing coming. When your father is leaning down to whisper what can only be his last words in your ear, you don't understand, and when your brother is explaining he is Lucifer's vessel, you are busy regretting you have nothing stronger than beer.
"I guess I'm a little numb to the earth-shattering revelations at this point," he'd said.
Funny how fucking frequently you can be wrong.
He'd picked the case for a chance to get away from the cities, get back to the basics. Put a bandaid over the fracture, turn the music up just loud enough to forestall any attempts at conversation, drive a little too fast on winding roads, and pretend everything is fine until it is or until there's no pretending.
They were checked into a fishing lodge. Montana with the summer petering out into autumn, idyllic. Mountains, lakes, dark roads, critters, a world away where you could almost pretend nothing really was wrong.
And at night, footwork complete, witnesses consoled, doors knocked for information, and maps acquired, he went to sleep and dreamt again of his father telling him he had to save Sam or kill him and he dreamt of Sam screaming under Bobby's house and he dreamt of himself tripping seven stairs down and Sam's head hitting the wall harder than it should have and how his father wouldn't clean the blood off Sammy's hair thinking it was his mother's.
When he woke up, Sam was field-stripping the weapons.
They walked close together, kept mostly to the trail, shotguns cradled, duffles slung, and a flame-thrower each.
It should have been easy. Wendigos are no joke but daylight slows them. They left early enough in the morning to find and kill the thing by afternoon and be back at the hunters' cabin they'd scoped out by evening.
The weather's been unpredictable though and perfect, idyllic hunts don't exactly stay that way where they're concerned. Darkness descended, casting the bright morning into shades of unreal grey-green half-light.
Dean cursed under his breath, then quietened as they started hearing the wendigo. Human screams imitated, a woman in hysterics, twigs snapping, to their north one moment, south the next. They closed in, shot into the dense trees, and retreated by inches. Screwed six ways from sunday before the freak even struck.
And when it came, it came soundless and out of nowhere, caught Dean's ear with its long claws before Dean even realized it was there. Sam managed a pretty good shot that would have slowed anything else down but only pissed off the wendigo. Ears ringing, legs buckling under him, and eyes filling with blood, Dean reached into his duffle for the flame thrower, fumbling hands too slow as the wendigo went at Sam, claws bared.
Dean saw Sam stumble back, he saw the wendigo lunge, and he saw Sam go down as the claws ripped through half the muscle of his leg. There was a spray of blood from what could only be the femoral artery, and Dean's hand had fallen limp by his side before the wendigo even turned towards him.
He hazed in and out of consciousness, bleary-eyed and dizzy, strung up by his arms and feeling like the world was floating. He struggled toward lucidity on instinct, but each time he got close, the pain in the side of his head registered and he lost his grasp on time and space again.
And there was his father leaning in to whisper that Dean might need to kill his brother.
And there was Lucifer in Sam's body, there was his white shoe on Dean's throat. There were the rose petals on the ground, the vine-choked world, the fragrant air.
And Bobby in his wheelchair. Bobby turning the knife around and stabbing himself. Bobby in the hospital bed.
Dean's head lolled to the side, sharp spikes of pain shooting through his face as the torn skin pulled. He struggled to hold his head up and tried to blink the vertigo away.
And there was his brother, shaking him, voice panicked and echoing off the walls of what Dean assumed was a cave. Sam, not limping, not bleeding to death somewhere out there, but here, with him, cutting him down, leaning him against the wall of the cave to look at his ear, wiping blood out of Dean's eyes, hauling him out of the cave with Dean's arm wrapped around his neck.
And there were the smouldering remains of the wendigo at the mouth of the cave. And here, under the relief, panic.
"You should be bleeding out somewhere," Dean said, trying to distract himself from the icy-chill sting of the wind. Or maybe trying to let the icy-chill wind distract him from the conversation. He needs to ask these questions and he needs answers, and maybe if they do this right now while Sam is half carrying him through the woods, while Dean's brain is still groggy and lagging two paces behind, then maybe they can both come out of this conversation unscathed. Nothing said between them that shouldn't be.
Or maybe it's a bad idea inviting Sam to pull the rug out from under his feet when he's one unsteady step away from emptying his stomach on the ground.
Sam laughs. "Sorry to disappoint you."
He looks down at Sam's legs, stumbling only as much as they would with most of Dean's weight thrown over his shoulder, and the jeans are torn through in two long gashes along the left leg, stained red-brown with blood.
He looks up at Sam's shoulders and collar, stained similarly, and if he looks too close at his hair—
He doesn't.
He keeps his mouth shut and focuses on walking.
"I saw you go down, okay. No way you're on your feet right now."
Sam's shaking a little, takes a swig of the bottle before cleaning Dean's wound with the stuff. Usual light touch a fraction heavier as he pushes the needle through his skin, Dean feels a little jab here and a tug there as Sam stitches the wound.
He doesn't answer.
Let's blame it on the blood loss, blame it on everything happening so fast, and the eerie darkness. Blame it on the head injury.
He's wrong. He's got to be wrong.
Sam could have torn the jeans a hundred different ways: when he was running after him, when he was killing the wendigo, when he was running through the cave. The blood could be Dean's own— head wounds are notorious for how much they bleed.
Let's let this one lie.
Count it a win, call in the locals to go get the bodies, sleep off the hunt and hit the road.
Pushing is what Dean does, and lately, breaking is what Sam does.
"You—" Dean blinks, "You killed yourself?" he asks haltingly and grips the back of the chair like it might keep him steady.
Sam runs his hands down his thighs and grips his knees. Hunched over like this, scruffy and bloodstained, he makes Dean want to reach out to him and promise him everything's going to be alright like he's still a child and they don't both have the weight of an apocalypse on their shoulders.
But they do and they have the weight of a hundred things said in anger between them.
"Sit down, Dean," he says, "You look like you're gonna fall over." His voice is soft and tired.
He watches Dean pull out a chair and sit, then says, placating and calm, "Look, I was down. Couldn't hunt Bambi on that leg, much less a wendigo." He shrugs almost casually. "Lucifer said he'd keep bringing me back if I killed myself—"
"Sam, why would—"
"To get out of being his vessel."
Dean had washed Sam's hair himself when three days later his father still hadn't done it, one ear trained on the sound of him snoring away on the couch. And when he woke up to Sam's hair damp and clean and Dean looking guilty, he'd turned away, shoulders shaking.
Dean had refused to think about it, and after the blood was gone, it was easy.
In his mind for all this time though, unrealized, the thought has always lingered. He'd tripped on the stairs running, and Sam's head had hit the wall.
He's seen Jessica burn on the ceiling, years later, and there were mere drops of blood falling from her corpse. His mother would have burned no differently and all that blood running into the motel sink as Sammy babbled and splashed and cooed— it could not have been hers.
The room's spinning, his head is heavy.
Sam's concerned and oh so practical about it all.
"Dean, you okay?" his voice sounds from across a badly tuned radio, under the buzzing.
He thought of it before. Threatened the devil with his suicide and committed it at the drop of a hat out of practicality. Because they got hurt on a hunt. Because Dean froze when he saw Sam go down. Because he'd kill himself to make up for his mistakes, and he'd never say a thing until Dean pushed him. And he'd look confused there, across from him like he didn't think Dean would care so much. Like he could just put a pistol to his head, blow out his brains, and Dean would call it a day.
"Have you done this before, Sam?" Dean asks. This is his pistol pointed at his head, this question, this stupid question that will get them nowhere is his suicide.
Sam looks away. Hunched over, hair in his face, breathing shallow and deliberately steady. Would it kill him to lie?
Dean buries his head in his hands and doesn't look up when Sam puts a hand on his knee.
He'd been frankly disturbed. He'd never seen an adult cry before. If his father had cried in the days preceding, he'd done it out of sight of his children.
Dean had gathered Sam up in his arms, allowed to hold him unsupervised now, and he'd tucked them both into the corner, between the headrest of the bed and the wall, smelling cheap soap in Sam's hair. He hadn't been able to reach the shampoo and this thought finally had made him cry too.
Dean looks up eventually. "So, Lucifer." Sam tries to pass off a flinch as a casual movement and leans back again. "What was he like?" Dean asks.
Sam's looking straight at him, but it's like a curtain's come over his eyes. He's not there anymore.
"Calm," he says eventually. "Still."
And Dean's watching Sam, sink-washed hair lank around his face, hands clasped and motion-less. Statuesque except that he's breathing. Dean tears his eyes away.
"I couldn't look at him straight on, you know, because he was so bright." His voice is steady, almost a whisper but it's clear. "So he cloaked himself until I could look." And now he starts to shiver.
"He said he wanted me to see him as he is, without vessels or—"
Dean feels himself shudder, clamps his hands firmly on the armrests of his chair. He doesn't want to know so he asks, "What else did he say?" before Sam can go on.
Sam pushes off the sofa in one swift motion and turns toward the window. And there it is again, the uninjured leg, and them both off balance again.
"His sales pitch," he says.
It's all one big joke. Like Lucifer's wearing you to the prom.
"His sales pitch," Dean repeats, another flat note in their disconnected symphony.
In front of the window that can show him nothing besides his own dusty reflection, hands in his pockets, Sam tilts his head. "Justice," he says, almost like he's musing over it, then he clarifies, "For himself." And because he just can't leave it well enough alone now that Dean's asked, he says, "For me." His voice this time is something more than detached.
Dean wants to get up and leave.
"Peace," Sam says. "Balance in the world."
"Sam you know he was just trying to—"
"Yes," Sam says, snaps, and Dean kicks himself, tries to get enough stale, damp air into his lungs but it lingers somewhere in his throat instead.
Whatever Sam might have said next, he doesn't.
Dean wonders what it must be like, being dead with the devil in his true form asking for your vessel.
"Sam?" Dean asks but he's gone quiet now and doesn't turn away from the window. He's still shivering.
Dean eventually gets up from the chair and steps toward him, almost reaches a hand toward his shoulder then doesn't.
They leave the cabin the next morning, get in the car and drive off. They don't talk about it again until they've crossed into the next state, where Dean asks Sam not to kill himself again and Sam asks why he shouldn't. That stops Dean short and he wants to say something, needs to say something before Sam reads too much into his silence but this line of argument never crossed his mind.
"We wouldn't even be having this conversation if I hadn't," Sam says. Then, whether to soften the blow or to point out Dean's hypocrisy, he says "You would have done the same thing."
They don't talk about it for weeks.
It's Dean who picks up the thread again, trying to stop thinking about Anna's plan of scattering Sam's remains over the planet, trying very very hard to stop thinking about how eager Sam was for that.
He looks up, sighs as he interprets Dean's expression, and says, "Can we just stop talking about this?"
"I just need to know, Sam, why did you— why did you think I wouldn't care?"
He doesn't say anything for a long while, fingers drumming a staccato beat on the table between them, eyes averted. Dean's starting to think he doesn't want the answer all that much anyway, and there's no one answer, there's a dozen.
There's a closed panic-room door between them, and no amulet around Dean's neck.
"I guess I can't think why you would," Sam says.
Dean wants to stop talking about it all, wishes he'd never brought it up, wishes like hell it hadn't happened, and resolves, from this moment on, to always let sleeping dogs lie.
"Hey, I— I care, Sam," he tells the tablecloth between them then dares to look up. "I know things aren't great right now. And I know I've said some things that hurt you," his hand strays toward the phantom string still tied around his neck, "But I don't want you to think,  ever,  that I don't care."
Sam's looking at him, earnest and aching and Dean wants him to stop. He knocks his knuckles on the table as he stands, tosses a twenty for the meal. "Coming?" he asks because Sam's still sitting there and he's reminding Dean of the lukewarm insignificance of what he's just said in the face of Sam thinking he can kill himself and Dean wouldn't give a flying fuck. He pushes the door open, steps out of the diner, and gets in the car.
He picks a case, puts a bandaid over the fracture, turns the music up just loud enough that he can forget there's someone else in the car, drives a little too fast, and resolves on pretending everything is fine until it is or until there's no pretending.
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🔮Twisted Wonderland Theory Guess 🔮
“🤔 Is MC/Yuu is descendants of ‘Balance Keeper’? Or Alice from series ‘Alice Comedies’?”
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Never thought we are going to follow MC/Yuu's journey to Episode 07 Diasomnia soon. Probably the main story will began on winter seasons. Suddenly I want to discuss about the MC/Yuu, along other Yuu from Twst comic and Twst novel. We already know a two main character that resemble as MC/Yuu (Not official yet),Enma Yuuken (Comic) and Kuroki Yuuya(Novel). Since it's school of boys, means the MC is a male, while in the game the MC gender is neutral. Can be male or female. Same like other games too.
Even MC/Yuu doesn't have a magic skills in Twisted Wonderland, MC has a unknown ability that can read predict what will happen on those students. Sort of a dimension psychic mind to see subject past and presence. Also, MC is the first person who met Mickey Mouse in the mirror. Dire Crowley did gave MC "Ghost Camera" in Prologue, a camera that is able to take a picture of anything possessing a soul. Sounds very similar how we make a moving pictures to make a animation short film in 90s. In scene old Disney "Alice in Wonderland" at “Alice Comedies”.
I did realize something of MC's ability "Time sight" of Future, Past, and presence. It is similar ability of Master Yen Sid, The Balance Keeper. Yen Sid is also can see someone's past like MC's did see Villains Past in different parallel. It could possibly MC is Yen Sid's Descendants. Why you ask? MC and Yen Sid almost similar, they're not in Heroes or Villains side. More like Tritagonist or Rebel. A person who knows which path they must follow and will seek the truth in knowledge. Plus, remember when the magic dark mirror in Prologue Can't see the colors of MC's souls due ceremony NRC? That is why MC is resemble of "Balance", between light and dark like Yen Sid. So, MC souls color is grey. Even the students see MC more like Cheeky and Blunt. No matter MC doesn't have a magic, but MC did have a secret talent That no one can have. Now let's talk about Connection MC with Grim. Grim's name is from story fairy tale. We maybe think Grim is similar with Stitch, but actually he remind me of Julius the Cat from "Alice Comedies". His mischievous, helper, and comedic is similar with Julius.
Only thing something connection to this, MC resemble as Alice and Grim as Julius. Alice met Julius the Cat in Cartoon land when Alice done visit Mr."WD" in his animation workshop. Julius always accompany Alice wherever she goes to seek new adventure she never see before. Same how Grim will always accompany MC to seek if there's a chance to return to real world while help Grim to graduate in Night Raven College with others too.
I do believe that Dire Crowley and Ambrose could it be Yen Sid "Apprentice". Both of them had same level mastery magician, Ambrose with Light Magic and Crowley with Dark Magic. While Yen Sin both light and magic, Balance Magic. I got feeling that Ambrose approach to Dire Crowley more like his "Kouhei/Junior", while Ambrose is Crowley "Senpai/Senior" (if it's true). One thing I suspicious on Crowley is, Crowley could be doing this Overblot situation is following the original Villains role story by choosing students that is already Have Villains heritage magic. Like Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia and Malleus when everyone is in Coffin due ceremony Dark Mirror. Grim could be part Crowley's plan too or it just Crowley himself pretend he didn't know anything. Ambrose actually knows what's going Due VDC last year in Episode 05 Pomefiore. Which means Ambrose can predict future like Merlin. For Crowley, he could be resemble "The Phantom Blot", character from "House of Mouse" and monster in "Epic Mickey". Since who else knows about "Blot" thing?
Last is connection with Mickey Mouse, we know that Mickey as iconic mascot of Disney. Funny of my thoughts that Ambrose and Crowley remind me of Mickey and Oswald the Lucky rabbit. While Grim as Julius the Cat. In Epic Mickey, Oswald feel jealous and annoying that his "father"-Loves Mickey the most, same goes to Toon people who always remember him than Oswald. Same goes Crowley is sick that people more support to RSA and Ambrose than NRC and himself.
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satan-sportswear · 1 year
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AS Rome training kit season 04/05 and Air Max Tailwind IV in Black/Wolf Grey/Volt colorway
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dhr-ao3 · 10 months
grey clouds and cocoa cups.
grey clouds and cocoa cups. https://ift.tt/PefVxwO by crownedgrief “—I’ll fill your plate at every meal. I’ll carry you to every class. I’ll make sweet, sweet love to you every night.”   Madam Pomfrey doesn’t ask how Draco’s face suddenly comes to be broken out in pus-filled hives. Hermione doesn’t offer any explanation beyond “he really should be more careful, Madam Pomfrey, don’t you think?” to which Draco responds with two fingers flipped up. Hermione and Draco falling in love slowly. Words: 4077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy (briefly) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Hogwarts Sixth Year, Hogwarts Seventh Year, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, Friends to Lovers, Falling In Love, undefined relationships, Cuddling & Snuggling, Good Draco Malfoy, All the seasons make an appearance, I love Christmas fics if you couldn’t tell, Good Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Ignore any capitalization errors pls and thanks via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/4iKwjSp December 12, 2023 at 05:54AM
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