#grimm self insert
blended-goldfish · 2 months
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Hi….. I can’t stop being cringe and self indulgent I’m sorry. Forgive me.
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quuma · 5 months
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chat is this a safe space to post about cringe TWST yuusonas/ocs 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞
I absolutely ADORE the trope of Yuu/MC arriving with their sibling/friend/classmate instead of just being in the coffin on their own,,,,, idk why I’m so attached to the idea,,, but I integrated it into these two’s lore hehehe 🤭😋
I don’t know what names to give them though !!! admittedly the girl is essentially a self insert so I was tempted to just give her my name,,, but,,, asdjksbhd that’s actually really embarrassing so,,, off to aestheticbabynames.com I go 🫡
also !! I’m curious as to what colour palettes you guys think they have (since I didn’t include them here - they’re still a work in progress heheh) !! let me know what you guys think would suit them !! :D
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grimm-writings · 2 months
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hello i'm back briefly to tell you i'm opening fic commissions!!! under the cut is a carrd with all the available options or details. i hope to see you soon!!
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King of Frogs
A/n- Back with a one shot for Remus, this was my first time writing for him specifically and I'm a slightly mean Remus truther, so if you aren't a fan you probably won't like it :/. I didn't use y/n anywhere in this and it's second person perspective. Anyway I hope you enjoy :)
Summary: You and Remus share a little moment on a rainy day in the common room.
It was the sort of rainy evening that beckoned for a book and a mug of tea and cozy seat by the fireplace. The rain came down in sheets and the sound of it beating on the window pains could be heard echoing through the castle. The crackle of the fireplace and the feel of the plush, velvet couches of the Gryffendor common room served only to further the comforting ambience that encompassed the room.
There you sat, curled in the corner of the furthest couch from the porthole draped with a soft blanket and wrapped in your favorite cardigan. You had decided to take a break from your most recent read, a muggle novel about a murder on a train, and had taken up a much lighter tale for the evening. Between exams and the stress of being in your seventh year your brain needed the rest. So an old fairytale from your childhood would be perfect for a night such as this. 
You had been so deeply entranced by the story that you hadn’t heard the soft footsteps echoing through the porthole and over to your spot on the couch. Only when the figure now looming over you cleared its throat did you think to look up. “Oh, hello Remus.” you smiled up at him, it was a pleasant surprise to see one of your dearest friends. “Mind if I sit?” He motions to the spot next to you at the other end of the loveseat and you oblige, “of course not!” you scoot over slightly to give the taller boy enough room to be comfortable. 
“What are you reading?” He asks, peering over your shoulder to look at the pages. You laugh a little and shy away, certain that the boy whose book recommendations included Kafka and Hemmingway would find your choice of literature disappointing. “It’s nothing, just a story my mum read to me when I was younger” you replied. He took a closer look at the heading at the top of the page. “The Brothers Grimm” He read aloud, a bit incredulously. “Aren’t those a bit dark for children?” You looked up at him to see his face twisted a bit quizzically, almost as if he didn’t believe what you were saying. “My mum had a thing for horror, I guess” You shrugged off his comment. “I’ll say” he took the book from you and began reading aloud
“However, when he fell to the ground, he was no longer a frog but a prince with kind and beautiful eyes. So, in keeping with her father's wishes, she accepted him as her dear companion and husband” He read in a whimsical, floating voice that made you smile ever so slightly. As he continued to read you felt entranced by his soft voice and his warm brown eyes as they scoured the pages. Almost as if he felt your staring he ceased reading and looked over to you as he finished, “please tell me this is not your idea of romance” he drawled. You rolled your eyes and snatched the book away from him, the moment shattering like glass over the carpet. “I think it’s kind of romantic" you close the book, keeping finger in the page he'd been reading "she loves him despite his... condition” you explain. He shoots you a look “She doesn’t love him she accepts him, it’s not the same, and she only does that when he’s a human prince again. I hardly think she’s overcome anything, in fact she lucked out.” He says definitively. “And what would you know about love, Lupin?” You asked, poking him in the chest just over his heart. He grabs your wrist before you can fully retract it, “plenty” He says, his face just inches from yours. Against your wishes your cheeks heat up and your face feels unbearably hot; you pull your hand out of his grasp and shrink further into your seat on the couch. He moves away as well and you immediately regret the loss of contact. 
“Would you?” He asked quietly. You spare a glance his way only to find him still looking at you intently, “would I what?” He sighs and shifts slightly, angling his body towards yours before continuing, “Love someone even if they weren’t like you” he says softly, almost as if he's afraid of your answer “even if they were terribly cursed.” His eyes bore into you, and you shift under the weight of them. “I think I could” You say, “if I cared enough for the person it wouldn’t matter if they had a curse on them.” He smiled softly at that, it’s barely there and a rare expression for the boy, you can’t help the little bit of pride that takes over you for causing it. “Good to know” He says, staving that information away for later and standing from his spot. “I should get to bed, thanks for the read though, frog kisser” He spits the name out before striding away. 
“Remus Lupin, that is not what I said!” You call after him. “Isn’t it though?” He laughs back at you, his typical wolfish grin back on his face. “You are the worst, and you’re never invited to sit with me again!” you shoot back at him. “You wound me!” he responds, “and you don’t mean that, you like me too much” He’s leaning against the entrance of stairs to the boys dormitory now, grinning at how easily he always manages to get under your skin. “I mean it, I really do. Now go before I get Professor McGonagall to throw you out.” He chuckles at that, “Minnie would never, but as you wish” He turns then and begins to walk up the stairs, but not without a parting gesture tossed over his shoulder with a wave “Goodnight, frog kisser”
(Edit- I went back and changed some of Remus’ dialogue to be a little more true to character and less stuffy. I also fixed some spelling errors -3-)
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lisa972kdlz · 1 month
Petit animatic fait pendant les vacances avec les moyens du bord, à savoir du papier, un crayon, une gomme, une règle, des ciseaux et Capcut !
C'est tiré d'un extrait de Amphibia entre Sasha et Grimm (MEILLEUR BROMANCE EVER ✨✨✨✨)
On retrouve Macabre, ma version de Macabre que vous connaissez déjà, ainsi que la version Vampireverse de mon OC, qui s'appelle Lisa également mais tout le monde l'appelle Mitaine ;) ils se préparent tous les deux à leur rencontre avec leur client, en temps que chasseurs de prime/vampire
Je trouvais que ces voix leur correspondait bien, surtout avec la voix de Grimm avec Macabre xD (C'EST QUOI CETTE VOIX ANGLAISE TROP STYLÉE RORJRLELZMZ ???)
A little animatic made during the vacations with the means at hand, i.e. paper, pencil, eraser, ruler, scissors and Capcut!
This is from an excerpt of Amphibia between Sasha and Grimm (BEST BROMANCE EVER ✨✨✨✨)
We find Macabre, my version of Macabre that you already know, as well as the Vampireverse version of my OC, who is also called Lisa but everyone calls her Mitaine ;) (Mittens, Kitten in english? Dunno how to translate–) they are both preparing for their meeting with their client, as bounty/vampire hunters.
I thought these voices suited them well, especially with Grimm's voice with Macabre xD (WHAT'S THAT HANDSOME ENGLISH VOICE DAMNHELL???)
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ostebee · 3 months
You know what??? *spiderizing your ostebee*
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Yep, that's an archer spider because why not? She's hard to befriend and a bit shy, yet she likes to ramble like a lot and she also does tiny sketches and writes stories.
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roseyjustice · 6 months
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Dancing is their love language~
I've drawn them dancing before but I just love thinking of the poses alot and of Grimm teaching Ezra since Ez needs dancing as enrichment being a bee and all lol
I headcannon that Hollow Knight bees still communicate via dancing/wiggles even though they can speak. It's like a secondary way to get emotions/intent across !
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im-s0rry · 5 months
Scamcair and The Existential Dread Lurking In My Mind :D
Hello all and welcome to tonight's posting of a bit of fanart and interpretations of, what I would assume to be, an AU of one of my friends in this sphere. But first, a prelude and a check in with my mental health.
As you all know by now, I am a System. I live with my Headmates in this Headspace where we all must suffer together. In all truth, we have been doubting ourselves. We've all been feeling this bit of existential dread on whether we truly are a System or not, on whether we're anything we say that we are. I hate to drag all of you, those who may not understand my personal pain, but I feel like I should state it for the record. I do not want it to go unsaid that I have been having these thoughts, but I also want to say that being a System has been freeing to us all. Our collective lives have felt so different in the best way possible from just the fact that we know what we are and that we have embraced it.
However, this was not the place to say all of this, I will admit. What I may also admit is that I have been both drawing Spamcair and have been drawing my interpretations of what this "Grimm Deltarune" character in my good friend Mr. Chaos's Self Insert AU could possibly be. After all, I would be the most knowledgeable person to ask what I would look like. . .At least I'd assume.
Firstly, my sketches of Scamcair.
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I decided to take a few creative liberties with the design and add a few more elements from outfits of classical composers as well as adding more detail to the design in general. To @mrchaosman and @mercair , I hope I did this design justice in your eyes.
Secondly, we have my interpretations of myself, as well as my System, as what we could look like in a "Self Insert AU Chapter Three."
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Take One - Take One is my idea for myself/Serena as the main boss of Chapter Three. I based her design off of an outfit that Serena just loves to be drawn in as well as incorporating ideas from mob bosses and rook chess pieces for the design as a whole.
Take Two - Take Two is my idea for my System as one collective secret boss. I based the design of Macabre off of lost media creepypastas as well as rabbits and an outfit my System has taken a liking to. The reason for the choice in making them a Bunny was because The True Mike Deltarune is a Bunny actually. . .And no other reasons whatsoever. Anyway, I can imagine Macabre as either an empty husk or a puppet that can flip on a dime to any one of the six people locked inside of her. Anyway, I represented my System by making us FRIENDs because we're all friends around here! They can shift Macabre's body at will because that's pretty cool and body horror-y if I do say so myself.
Take Three - Finally, Take Three was my idea for My System in the place of WD Gaster. This basically just resulted in me drawing our sonas as Goners which was pretty fun in all honesty. I do not know why I made Helvetica the Mystery Man sprite equivalent though.
And that, my friends, was a bit of fanart for Scamcair's AU that Mr. Chaos Man kind of just put me in for no real reason other than for the funsies. I hope you all enjoyed your time reading through this and found the designs passable. To all a goodfright. . .
-Sincerely, Jackal.
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supa-suckers · 2 years
Vladimir Savich:
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Dating Headcanons:
Wheter you're a fan, a teammate,an oppositon player, a childhood friend or whatever's in between he'll treat you the same way he thinks those old mysterious counts used to treat their lovers.
Not alll that big on PDA but wants it to be known that he scored somone as etheral and hauntingly beatifull as you, so hand-holding and cheek kisses are a must also he wants the paparazzi to have some stunning photos of you two to grace the front page so you might have to hold a dipping pose -either you or him he's down bad for both- for ten minutes.
Also likes to make you bleed ,gently of course, with your consent of course would love for it to be mutual.
Favrouite places to kiss are your hands -bonus if you're wearing rings-, your neck, your shoulders and well your lips obvi.
The type to just state at you and blurt out a compliment.
Quiet sort of quality time with the two of you just enjoying one thing or the other (books, music, a soccer match, workouts etc. etc.) Or deep conversations about anything and everything, reckless banter is also right up his alley.
İf you guys slept togeather in the early stages (considering your not a teammate) he most definiatly kept a eyeliner pen and white foundation under his pillow just in case you woke up suddenly also made sure to go to sleep after you.
Later on in the relationship you get access to his face without make-up, he has pretty bad acne and face textures so please don't judge.
On that note one of the intimate things you could do would be gettibg ready togeather, he just loves the sight of you on his vanity, pampering yourself or him.
Dried flowers still on their stems wrapped delicatly in red velvet, love notes written in red ink sprayed with his perfume, envelopes containing tickets for thier next game with lipstick stains on them, a piano, a necklace with a vial of his blood -no pressure but he's waiting for his-, a bat, a blood sacrifice.
İt might take a while but one way or the other the rest of Grimm accepts you, if you're uncomfortable with the biting you'll have to talk with Coach Belmont it probably won't help but it's good that you tried.
"What do you mean s/o can't come on the buss with us? :("
Coach Belmont is on the more mentally sane side of S.L coaches so he's cool with you long as you're cool with hım and his players, provided you don't affect their work negatively.
Needs some time to cool off and think it through after arguments might give you radio silence for a while so a clingy or a needy s/o might need to communicate that.
Won't handle you being mad at him very well after the argument is through/before you've voiced the issue at hand it just makes no sense to him.
Will handle a break-up well if you explain the issue to him, will try his best to mend the relationship if you seem up to the idea/the issue is fixable. Long as the break-up isn't bitter you have a pretty solid chance of staying friends.
Let's not talk about the other route, let's not.
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"Pied Piper's Question." (Part 2, SEQUEL‐)
Here's a random sequel for AMG fandom but it was weird and I regret doing so-
The Pied Piper was really...excited about Bridget's challenge and he will be more glad if we can do this again so she will visit his hideout...was it safe for her?
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so yeeeee I'm so sorry-
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blended-goldfish · 4 months
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Grimm troupe designs + Oc designs :3
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otome-on-the-side · 2 years
playing the om event on newyears was the best idea - listening to everyone (esp 13) is so <33333 
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lombax-lombardi · 2 years
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got some thems, yes thats grimmjow dont look at me
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nowlander · 2 years
If heroics is considered for boys in ever after high, what about the fairytale stories were the woman is the hero like Tatterhood and the Lute player, Does ever after high make exemption for that.
I think we only learn Hero training class is only for boys when Darling Charming comes around, at the final stage of eah. At least that's where I learnt it. I've always thought that's terribly outdated, faery tale-wise. I feel tales have had female heroes for long enough for Hero training to be a coed class at least for this generation if not for the class of classics too.
I think that in Darling's diary she dresses as a boy because eah did not make exceptions. I don't really remember but I bet that at the end she was discovered but convinced Mr Grimm to let her take the class, hence finally changing that rule.
I think the whole thing was a mistake of the writers. Or of mattel if they pushed the writers to incorporate this to gain equality points or something. I think that story would have worked better within the class of classics book if they really wanted to make it.
So, all that blabber means: eah lets girls take hero training now but since these kids haven't "fulfilled their destinies" yet, any heroine that us readers know about didn't take it because mattel Mr Grimm is stupid
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stels-tf2-au · 29 days
Character information: Delayer (self insert)
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Name: Draco Grimm
Age: 219
Gender: yes
Pronouns: he/it
Sexuality: aroace fagdyke
Significant others: Jacques Morneau, Gerard Baudelaire, Jeremy Fitzgerald (FWB), Fritz Ludwig, Misha Rykov, Dell Conagher
(Delayer's role: work against both teams, delay their victories)
(the bird's name is Fwoot)
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skullswim · 11 months
Oh huh, birthday is tomorrow. Maybe I should head back to Po Town for that and continue my ghost bonding and shenanigans afterwards
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