#griselda winx club
redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Missing Brella lately, do you have any headcannons or any paragraphs? 😞❤️
I decided to save this ask (and its answer) for Stella's birthday, so ... here it is! A little Brella for Stella's birthday <3 <3 <3
Set sometime during season 2
At the weekend, Alfea was almost always almost empty, because almost all the girls were out visiting their families, shopping in Magix, or in general enjoying their time away from school. It was rare that, during her long walks around the hallways, Inspector Griselda heard students' voices coming from their apartments. Especially that apartment, and that voice.
She stopped. Holding her clipboard, Alfea's Head of Discipline frowned and listened. She didn't exactly enjoy writing up the girls for their rule-breaking; it was her job, and they had no idea how many times she'd turned a blind eye and let them think they had fooled her. They could never. Griselda knew every inch of the school, and nothing could happen without her being aware of it. Especially that!
“Hey! Be gentle!”
The voice of a girl, a trouble-maker, a princess.
“I am being gentle! But you must stop moving!”
The voice of a boy. Of a boy! In an all-girls' school! Male visitors were certainly not encouraged, but neither were forbidden. And Griselda needed to have a good reason before she stormed into the room. She didn't want Faragonda to think she was overly dramatic, again. Truth be told, Griselda didn't really approve of the Headmistress' lax approach when it came to enforcing the rules.
“Brandon, you are hurting me!”
“It is supposed to hurt!”
Her fingers tightened around the clipboard. Was he hurting her? Was he hurting her on purpose? She felt her magic quiver at her fingertips, and she forced herself to count to ten before she intervened.
“No it isn’t!”
“I’m pretty sure it is.”
“I wish you did it like Flora. She’s so much better!”
... nine, ten. She let go of the clipboard and snapped her fingers. The door opened on the living room and Griselda stepped inside. She started talking even before she laid eyes on them.
"Princess Stella, you know these kinds of activities are forbidden on the school premises. And you ...! If you have armed a hair on her head, I'll make sure Professor Codatorta disciplines you properly!"
"Please do!" Stella begged her. "My hair hurts so bad!"
Brandon looked at the Professor, confused. They weren't doing anything forbidden.
It was only then that Griselda, so focused on the imagine her mind had built, actually saw them: the fairy was sitting on the floor and the specialist was sitting behind her on the sofa. They were both fully clothed (if wearing a top and a miniskirt - Stella - and a tight t-shirt and ripped jeans could be considered being fully clothed). He had her hair in his hands. He was braiding her hair.
"Do you think she is all right?" Brandon whispered.
"I think her brain has stopped working." Stella replied.
Griselda crossed her arms and tried to regain some semblance of authority, though her cheeks were red in embarrassment. "Well, it's almost dinnertime. Remember to be out of here by then."
"Sure." The specialist smiled.
"Bye, Griselda." The fairy waved.
The Inspector nodded and walked back outside. She picked up her clipboard from the floor and snapped her fingers to close the door.
"What was that?" Stella asked, as Brandon went back to braiding her long blonde hair.
He shrugged. "She probably thought we were having sex."
"Oh! We should do that!" The princess exclaimed.
"PRINCESS STELLA!" Griselda screamed from outside the room.
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ghostsprobably · 1 month
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check out their video!!
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griffinswitch · 25 days
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Griffin is canonically bi… whichever it is lol
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Found a meme maker and started making Winx Club memes (I'm quite proud of the last two):
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winx-blooms-magic-au · 7 months
Griselda, Fairy of Discipline, Director/Vice Headmistress at Alfea
Shes not old shes just exhausted
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Some doodles of the strong season 3 outfit contenders that I have yet to finalise.
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+ A ton of other doodles, some old some recent, that I've never posted (I think)
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in order from left to right:
Stella outfit idea, Timmy doodle, Young Stella,
Stella explaining the Magic Dimension to Bloom, Faragonda alt. outfit, the Winx Club (very old drawing),
some of Flora's family,
Aisha being a cutie, Faragonda, Griselda,
Sky, Brandon, Stella, and Diaspro playing as kids, everyone with a familiar (so far), some doodles of Wizgiz and Griffin,
Musa singing (old), Musa outfit idea, Aisha beach outfit doodle,
Sky, Brandon, Stella, and Diaspro as kids, Flora, Darcy and Icy annoying Valtor,
Bloom Andy and Selina being the closest of friends (sarcasm).
There were so many, but frankly these are the best pickings.
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littledekuchan · 1 year
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more one wip!
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rules for the Winx Club's dorm
(Inspired by rules for 1-A)
Bloom: Please stop trying to use your powers in the dorms, you've set off the fire alarm so many times that all the other students think it's broken
Stella: While it's impressive you can do your make-up while sparring, please stop. I can't grade your technique if you are distracted and not trying your best
Flora: No eco crimes of any caliber or I'm banning you from the greenhouse 
Tecna: Stop breaking through Alfea's defenses as a "test" of your skill. You are going to let someone slip in one of these days. I will make you a barrier to play around with, just stop doing it to the main one
Musa: Please keep your music at an acceptable volume
Hearing other people playing music is NOT a challenge
Aisha: Stop climbing the outside of the school. I will find somewhere for you to rock climb, you're scaring the other students by climbing past their windows 
Stop telling the other students Bloom is God. Being the Fairy that holds the power of the Great Dragon's Flame, is not the same thing as being the Great Dragon
Bloom: Stop using your powers to convince the other students you are God
Someone using purple magic is NOT bulletproof evidence that they are Darcy. Stop attacking random students
Bloom: That goes double for you
Stella: Stop telling people Tecna is a robot
Tecna: Stop using your prosthetics to help Stella convince people you are a robot
Musa: Stop giving them new ideas
Flora: While your "onion fumes" spell is incredibly creative and amazingly useful in combat scenarios, I ask that you only use it during outdoor sparring. Making everyone's eyes burn while your sparring is something we want to avoid
Musa: The Cloud Tower girls are thankful that Riven drew the attention of monsters to make their escape, they are not "hussies" attempting to "take" anything from you. Stop trying to fight them
Saladin being unable to say no to Helia is not grounds to abuse this fact to get your hands on random specialist weapons, you've already put yourselves in the infirmary multiple times. At least get someone to train you 
Aisha: This is not a challenge
Flora: Covering your enemies in hornet-attracting pollen is not an acceptable tactic to deal with bullies, please just tell me about it next time
Stop daring Aisha to do random things to see if she's naturally good at it. She probably is
Aisha: Your honor is not lost just because you can't tie a cherry stem with your tongue. Stop adding random things to your training regiment
Amaryl throwing an attack at Stella, which she batted away without a second thought, is not an acceptable reason to make a morphix monster specifically programmed to chase her around the school. I was going to expel her for that stunt anyway
Not trusting new teachers is understandable, hazing them and dumping potions of revealing on them is not. I will let you give them potions in a controlled environment
The hallways are not a controlled environment
Bloom: A specialist telling you that you'd be "prettier if you smiled" is appropriate grounds for flipping him off, not breaking his nose
Aisha: You too
Tecna: You as well
Bloom: Saying "this is exactly what her ghost warned me of" about random things in the middle of a conversation is not acceptable behavior. You are scaring the freshmen
"As the prophecy foretold" is not much better 
Just because Wizigiz says something is ok does not actually make it ok
Stella: Stop making up magical artifacts. I've gotten 16 different questions about completely made-up objects and it's obvious you're the one doing this 
Tecna: At least pretend to pay attention in class. I know you already know most of these things but building a robot on your desk distracts the other students 
Musa: Riven leaving you on "read" is not an acceptable reason to hijack the announcement system to play break-up songs, he probably just checked his phone in between training. Stop doing this. We have actual announcements to make
At least try to be subtle about the fact that you girls are under different rules than the rest of the school. The freshmen are starting to get ideas, and I don't want to deal with that many students in detention
Especially when sneaking your boyfriends in. Yes, I know. None of you are subtle 
Tecna: Stop hacking into the royal students' phones and systems. You are going to start an intergalactic war. Airing out Royalty's dirty laundry is only acceptable if it's really bad, and at least warn me first so I can find a political advisor
Aisha: Stop training the pixie animals to attack people you don't like
Bloom: Tell someone when you're going to take a surprise vacation home, last time Stella woke up the entire wing of the dorms with her screaming because she thought you were kidnapped 
If you're going to get payback for Griffin giving you the runaround when you were at Cloud Tower at least don't get caught. Griffin is somehow more annoying when she's smug
Musa: Stop trying to get the girls to start a band with you, Tecna is tone-deaf, I know you're just doing this to annoy people. Stop it
Tecna: Making a complication of Erendor and Samara making fools of themselves is funny, hacking the projector system to show it during an assembly is not. Just mass text it to everyone, I know you can, you didn't need to do that
If your going to skip class because of a magical emergency it better be a real emergency or I'm going to tell your teachers to start grading your missed assignments
Stella: A bad hair day is not an emergency 
Aisha: Stop intentionally riling up Riven when he's at the doom, I don't care how funny you find annoying him is, just because we can fix property damage with magic doesn't make it acceptable
Stella: Stop biting people. Just stop. It's unsanitary
Do not have Riven, Sky, and Helia at your dorm at the same time. I've heard how those two can get when Helia is there to instigate and I'm not dealing with that. If I get a hint of those three being around at the same time I'm giving you all detention
On that note, if Riven and Sky are going to be in the dorms either keep them in different rooms or have Brandon there to mediate
Tecna and Musa: Stop using your powers to freak out the freshmen when you tell them stories of your battles
Stop using your power to freak out Stella in general 
Stop trying to freak out Flora, it won't work
Flora: Just because you haven't blown anything up in the lab yet, doesn't mean your experiments are permitted 
Musa: Please control your pixie. She's convinced half the students she has the authority to give them detention, and while she's not wrong about their punishments, she can't keep doing this
Bloom: Lording your newfound strength above your enemies is not an acceptable way to use magic. If you're going to mess with this "Mitzi" do it during the breaks 
Please be aware of who is around when you ask Brandon questions about his life as a royal guard. Ophelia has had multiple girls show up because they overheard him talking about torture in graphic detail
Flora: Please warn me when you invite Miele over. Yes, only you and only Miele. I can't even begin to describe the amount of chaos that child can cause with her bugs
If you don't warn me I'm banning all of your siblings from visiting 
Bloom: Please stop avoiding the staff's questions about Kiko. He can perfectly comprehend language. Why can he comprehend language Bloom
~ Griselda, Head of Discipline
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 months
🩷 Pink and 💛 Yellow with characters of your choosing
Thanks for the ask!
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Griselda is such a hard character to write. You have to tread very carefully the line between making her a stereotype and keeping her in character. What we got on the show does not help with that at all. There are a few moments that keep her from being flat and falling too hard into the stern teacher archetype but overall we don't have much to work with. I don't exactly avoid writing her but I certainly make her presence in a story somewhat sparse compared to all the other characters that are in the story. I do have certain headcanons to help flesh her out but I haven't exactly figured out what I want to get out of her inclusion in a story so I always feel like she ends up as more a plot device and/or accessory rather than a character in her own right... and by god, she deserves better.
💛 Yellow: Do you ever alter, highlight, or de-emphasize certain canonical traits in a character? If so, why and describe how.
Well... I did Griffin and Valtor so I have to go with Faragonda for this one. They are my main trio, after all.
Hm, this is going to be a little hard to explain but what I do is take her incidental "shady" behavior in canon (which is definitely the result of the writers trying to shape the plot so that Winx are always front and center no matter how much sense that makes or how it affects other characters) and then I make it a learned trait that she picked up from her mother (and somewhat from Marion). By that I mean that I have given her a sense for politics as well as somewhat a manipulative streak although that may not be very apparent from my body of work so far as I tend to write her more interacting with Griffin where those things hardly ever come into play. But the idea is that she absolutely learned how to navigate politics from her mother and well, if she ends up manipulating people outside of that sometimes, nobody's perfect. It's not in any way meant to make her a villain or questionable but rather to highlight her choices in regards to her heritage.
I am definitely working with the idea that she used to be a witch but her dark magic was out of control so she decided to become a fairy for her own sake and everyone else's. In doing so she ended up creating a big rift between herself and her mother and so watching her choose when to use what she's learned from her mother and when to act in a completely polar manner is a means to afford her more opportunities to state herself. It's a way to show her being her own person - not just through rejecting her mother's influence out of spite and a bid to differentiate herself from her but also through embracing it on her own terms. It helps flesh her out as a character when her family and childhood have shaped her so thoroughly but she's still the one defining herself in regards to them. Plus, I live for the irony that is my headcanon that the only reason why the previous headmistress of Alfea chose Faragonda as her successor instead of Griselda is Faragonda's intuition for politics. You know, the thing she picked up from her mother, who is soooooooo unhappy that her daughter ended up heading the most prominent fairy school in the universe.
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beezonia · 9 months
My brain wants me to write a fic where it’s all the winx parents in their college years
Would you guys wanna see that?
Like How Oritel and Marion fell in love same with Luna and Radius but with the addition of how they sort of fell out of love
I just wanna explore the adult characters a bit more
Especially Griselda, Griffin and Faragonda! They’d be fun to write about!
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
Idk I can totally just picture Bloom explaining Halloween to like the Alfea student body and all the fairies LOVING it and throwing a huge party of halloween night! If you are able to could you do like a halloween one shot? 🎃🖤
Halloween at Alfea
“So … that’s pretty much it.”
“Princess Stella!” Inspector Griselda sounded shocked, but not as shocked as she was one second later, when Headmistress Faragonda spoke.
“Stella is right.”
Both Griselda and Stella (and the whole student body gathered in the auditorium) felt like they – or more likely Faragonda – were having a stroke.
“On Monday night Alfea will host its very first Halloween party. Bloom, can I entrust you and your friends with preparations?”
“Oh … of course, Headmistress.”
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Day 1/3
“Did Faragonda just say you were right?”
“Yes, and?”
“Nothing …” No need to explain to Stella how crazy the situation was, and they only had two days to make the school look like a haunted mansion. Better not annoy the queen of drama with questions she already knew the answer to. Or that was Musa’s strategy, at least.
“So, are you gonna sing?” Stella asked, as she they were choosing the perfect lights and music for the party. Tecna was checking their progress on her computer, making sure every group was on track. Bloom and Aisha were in the kitchen. Flora was selecting the perfect pumpkins. She would’ve also liked to ask spiders to decorate the school with actual spiderwebs, but Stella had almost deafened her with her screams at just the thought of it, so the spiderwebs would be fake. But pumpkins were fine, and Mirta was helping her choose them. She had developed an affinity with them after her weeks spent as a pumpkin herself.
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Day 2/3
“Decorations are up, pumpkins placed, food decided.” Tecna said, checking every item on the list. “Now we need to set up the stage, send the invitations …”
“I’ve already dealt with Red Fountain.” Aisha was on a pedestal, with Stella taking her measurements.
“What about Cloud Tower?” Flora asked, lying on the sofa while texting Helia.
“Faragonda said Griffin refused the invitation. She said our party would never be spooky enough for them. Griselda told me this morning.” Stella replied, while pinning needles in the fabric.
“Griselda told you? Are you friends now?”
“Are you crazy, Aisha? She needed someone to vent her frustration to. I just happened to be passing by.”
“Yeah … teacher’s pet, much?” Aisha joked. “HEY!”
“Ooops. Didn’t mean to pinch you. Sorry.” She wasn’t sorry at all.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Is your costume ready?”
“Yeah, Stella made mine and Tecna’s first. And Flora has promised to stile our hair. What about yours?”
“Oh, I’ve already got everything I need.” Bloom blushed. “And Sky’s costume will match mine. I’m so excited!”
“Cool! Riven said he’ll match Helia’s, but I don’t know anything about Flora’s. Stella has forbidden her from telling anyone. Same goes with Timmy.” Musa sighed, dying with curiosity.
“I know. Brandon won’t even tell Sky. Stella really wants to win the competition.”
“Is there even a prize?”
“I guess she’ll be fine with just taking all the glory.”
“Yeah, sounds like Stella.”
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Night 3/3
Bloom had given the fairies and the Specialists tips about Halloween costumes, but she would have never thought they’d put so much commitment to it. There were the classics: vampires, witches (or what passed for a witch on Earth), skeletons, ghosts … but movie and cartoon characters too. She had seen a couple dressed as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, a Harry Potter, Marvel characters like Ironman or Spiderman, even a dinosaur! Everyone had put their best efforts into the costumes, but it was clear from the start that the Winx and their Specialists would have won the contest.
For one, Stella was their personal stylist. In two days, she had made ten out of twelve costumes. She was exhausted, but proud of how they had turned out. Second, they had Bloom to advise them on what worked and what didn’t work as a Halloween costume. Third, they were the Winx. And if there was one thing they were good at was winning.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?), only or person or group could win the contest, and so the parade started: Wolverines, Cinderellas, haunted dolls, and so on, walked the runway. Helia and Riven shot the crowd with their fake guns and dazzled them as they showed off their suits; Musa and Tecna walked hand in hand as the former laughed and acted crazy, while the latter tried her best not to end up laughing; Bloom looked utterly in love as she walked with Sky and they recreated characters from her favorite movie; Nabu kept kissing Aisha’s hand as she tried not to trip on her mermaid gown … and then Timmy arrived, supposedly alone, wearing a green suit. But Flora joined him, and Helia’s heart almost stopped at seeing her dressed in nothing but leaves. Nothing. But. Leaves. And if that wasn’t enough, Stella and Brandon walked behind her. Red dress and purple suit, both unleashing their inner madness, and when they reached the end of the runway and he took her in his arms to kiss her, while Timmy and Flora stood at their sides … well, the crowd’s roar was all the confirmation Stella needed. She had won Halloween.
Halloween costumes are down here <3
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ghostsprobably · 25 days
If Diaspro did go to Alfea,Griselda would absolutely take her under her wing
aww yes definitely, but only post red fountain diaspro
pre redemption dia would have griselda ripping her hair out in frustration
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stellasolaris · 2 years
thinking about that scene where griselda tells stella that she is very proud of the progress stella and her friends have made. what's more, griselda says they are a credit to the school, which they obviously are, but you would never expect griselda to be the one to say that. i just know it must have meant a lot to stella to hear those words from griselda who was initially not very happy about her returning to alfea
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Okay so we got confirmation of Wizgiz in the Reboot.
This most likely means that we’ll get Faragonda, Griselda, and Palladium because, let’s be honest, they are the four pillars of Alfea when it comes to staff in pretty much every season.
They honestly work best as a Quartet, each of them being able to work off each other, plus they could believably give any information/exposition to the Winx if they need to.
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winx-blooms-magic-au · 8 months
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Griselda, fairy of discipline
Honestly i had way too much fun w this
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Royalty send their kids to Aflea under the assumption that they will get good magic education while also teaching their kids how to be future rulers, completely unaware that all the staff are fucking cartoon characters who choose chaos every time.
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