#groove marketing platform
khondoker · 1 year
Groove Or HubSpot? Which CRM is Right for Your Business?
Groove and HubSpot are two of the leading CRM platforms on the market. Both platforms offer a wide range of features, including contact management, email marketing, sales automation, and customer support. However, there are also some key differences between the two platforms. Groove is a more lightweight CRM platform that is designed for small businesses and startups. It is easy to use and…
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gaykarstaagforever · 11 months
As an amateur marketing wizard, let me tell you why Tumblr isn't growing into the social media juggernaut Auttomatic wants it to be:
1. That isn't a thing anymore. Get with the times, Pappy. If you're not TikTok or YouTube, or the angry resthome that is Facebook, you aren't going to make money from this. Things have coalesced. You are either making all of the money or you don't get any. This is the market.
2. Their Big Idea was Live, a streaming thing they contracted another company to run for them. The Meet Group is doing good as a streaming provider. ...Tumblr is not a streaming platform. You can't just graft an unrelated thing onto another thing and ???, profit. They might as well have tried to turn it into Ebay.
They picked streaming because streaming is hip with the kids. ...On platforms that exclusively do streaming, and have robust tools to do that and promote streamers. Like Meet Group websites. People aren't looking for a cheap imitation of that, they just go to those to do that.
Sure, it could, theoretically, be a fun bonus thing. But it isn't, it is a weird thing most of us don't like or want here. Neither outcome was ever going to turn Tumblr around. Because, again, we can all do better streaming elsewhere. Why didn't anyone know this?
3. Ever since the Pornocalypse, the Tumblr base (it seems to me) trends young and rather disengaged from the platform. Teenagers drop in every week or so, look around, and move on. How were you going to generate revenue from these people with pay options? They don't have money, and what they have, they ain't spending here.
Even those of us who are here an unhealthy amount to do gay fandom stuff are in a groove with this platform where it is no-obligation. I pay for it to kill most ads, but I am an old man with a job who is bad with my money. I'm the exception. If the core demographic is people with no money, who see little benefit in paying for a thing that is bearable as a free product...they aren't going to give you money. That's the market. What was supposed to happen to change any of that? They didn't bring in older people, and they didn't offer any vital paid benefits. What...what was the plan?
4. We are known internet-wide as the sad gay website of sad gays and their sad gay blorbos. We are mined by them occasionally for our funnest stupidity, but that is this site's brand at this point. Trying to make Tumblr cool and profitable is like trying to turn your drag bar into a competator of Chick-fil-A. It isn't going to happen unless you radically alter your legacy brand. And when you do that, you immediately drive off the core patrons you have. I don't know how you fix that.
Conservatives and moms already have Facebook. They don't need Tumblr. And Tumblr is too Tumblr to be anything else. That is all it is.
Perhaps this platform is just inherently doomed to be exactly what it is, a giant queer money pit. Yahoo certainly thought so -- that's why they dumped us.
It sucks that Auttomatic can't make us profitable. And they're under no obligation to keep trying. But they shouldn't be surprised. We're fun at parties. But you can't take us home.
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pulpandgristle · 1 year
Pilot ID: Harlan Salk-Wakeford, RKTS-S Platform #107 ("Colony Veritas") Status: Active Current Assignment: Supply line suppression, standard anti-materiel targeting regimen
Dropped off Harlan's wedding ring earlier. Put it in his palm before they took him in for final preparations. They'd already rewired his optic nerves into the targeting superstructure before I got there. The technicians said he could still perceive his surroundings, but he didn't close his hand when I held it. Apparently that's normal.
I think I was too fast for him to feel me.
He's in orbit now, camping in the L8 Lagrangian Point between Colony Veritas and our shield moon. His installation's big enough to see from the cliffs south of our cabin. I camp underneath him on the seaside, at the big overhang with the willow tree and the gulls. My telescope fits nicely up there.
The barrel of his new body glimmers at night. It's two miles long, I'm told, big enough for me to walk down the grooves of the rifling. Every round he'll fire is the size of a four magrail cars stacked on top of each other. From planetside it's not so imposing, though. It's almost delicate from that far away, a razor-thin line projecting from the rest of him, incomplete under harsh light, like a cat's whisker.
He can see faster than light now. Command says he's the closest that colony stock can come to godhood. I believe it.
But I don't want to.
They unveiled his new body two months into the occupation. It's a new type of ultra-long-range battery, one that fires fast enough to warp space: a Relativistic Kinetic Targeting System—Superliminal-class. RKTS-S. Pronounced "rickets", like the ancient Earth disease that ruined people's bones. That turned children into hunched figures with legs like parentheses.
They break the gunner's legs outwards to fit them in, funnily enough. The rest follows slowly, incrementally cracking out then back into place, like a branch snapping in reverse. I asked the technicians why they did it like that. No one answered me. They just turned the cranks and stared at the floor.
They use some type of singularity lensing to alter the gunner's consciousness. Time dilation swallows them. In seconds they live a billion lifetimes, all prescripted targeting protocols injected into the spine with a cocktail of salts and stem cells that crack the brain apart. Somehow, the people stay inside, and they can take commands just fine. I'm unsure how.
They remember what their old life was. Some of them even talk. The signals of the speech fire beyond their reach, beyond will, looping for millenia of perceived time before their body spits them out. The world around them moves like a glacier.
Gunners aren't allowed outside of their bodies. It's inhumane to make them leave.
Harlan signed up when I wasn't home. He sent me out for errands in the morning, at the crack of dawn, acted like it would be a fun surprise when I got back. I didn't think anything of it at the time.
I could walk okay with the cane, but it took all day just to go to the markets without money for the trams. He misplaced my cards and used the cash for something he didn't want to talk about. I made it back at dusk.
I couldn't be mad, not truly. I know the Septarchy would have taken me for infantry if he didn't agree to it. I yelled anyway. I regret that now, so much. More than anything.
I think he was counting on that—me taking so long. I couldn't tell them to take me instead if I wasn't there.
"No, no, let me go. You're not cut out for zero gee. You still get seasick, remember?"
I do now, worse than before. I didn't when he held me.
He'd been inconsiderate before, especially since we lost the baby. The blood terrified him. I guess a fetus dripping through your fingers will do that to a man. Even after that, though, he found the strength to carry me to the ambulance and stay up in the waiting room for two days while they fixed things. He's his strongest when he's afraid.
What I wouldn't give for him to be weak, like me. Now that he's up there I can take official hormones. I can get a beard, get muscles bigger than these frail things my mother's side shackled me with. Get a voice deep enough to cry with dignity.
Sometimes I dream that he's sick. I imagine that he'll come home from the hospital instead of me, infirm and feeble, and he'll get to stop working for awhile while I make bread and cut firewood and carry him for a change. He can pick a ring out from the catalog on the coffee table, and read his novels and heal and sleep.
They married us then, on the installation, after I held his hand. The Septarchy said they'd officiate as long as he signed up for the program; men weren't allowed to be wed without service licenses, and I was only a man to the Septarchy because they didn't let colony women go to war.
Apparently Harlan is rare. One of a kind. Perfect for this.
"I can protect you from up here."
I lie in our tent. My sleeping bag is half-empty. I run my hands over vacant air and I stare into orbit. I think about the surgeon closing his hand around the ring. It's a size too big for him now, since the IVs feed him less heartily than I did.
The vows are over on Veritas. It's okay, though, love. You can take your time.
According to what they said, you'll be accepting them for the next ten million years.
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Why Podcasting Can Be a Vital Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy
Every content marketer knows one thing. That the audience loves helpful content; be it audio, visual or images. The audience will consume anything that isn’t boring, making them want to dig deeper. 
As you craft your content marketing strategy, you will most likely have built an arsenal of tools to work with. They may include:
Writing blogs consistently.
Dispatching newsletters and emails regularly.
Posting on social media pages routinely. 
If you think you are harnessing the power of all the existing content distribution channels, think again. A hint: You have missed out on the audio format. 
If you are still scratching your head, here’s the answer: Podcasting. 
Podcasting is a smart move, especially for the marketing wizards and content buffs who are paying attention. If you want to learn more about podcasting in content marketing, read further. 
Advantages of Enhancing Content Marketing with Podcasts
Podcasts are super engaging. They can be your best bet for creating an unbreakable bond with your customers. Moreover, podcasts are not censored – You are as free as a bird. Plus, these audio gems are here to stay. They cannot disappear or be destroyed. 
That’s why the gurus who know their niches are all thumbs up for implementing podcasts in content strategy. 
There are many more advantages to podcasting. Let’s discuss them. 
Low Entry Barrier
Back in the day, radio stardom required fancy gear and top-notch studios. Today, the times have changed. Podcasting is like the new kid on the content block now. It is an ultimate low-effort content creation hack. All you need is a decent mic and some trusty recording software. You can get these things without much financial hassle. You can test the waters on a shoestring budget; no need to go all-out from the get-go. 
It is easy to buy a good-quality mic without burning a hole in your pocket, or you can use your smartphone recorder if cash is tight. Now Mac users can use GarageBand, and Windows users can use Audacity for audio recording and editing. Both the softwares are absolutely free. 
It’s time to start working your magic. You can choose your show’s style, episode lengths, and release frequency. And, when it’s showtime, your hosting platform will share your episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and the rest. Less fuss, more listeners. 
Starting up won’t empty your wallet, and you can always level up. Record a bunch of episodes in one go if your audience craves more, then dish them out on your schedule. 
Effortless Consumption of Content
Unlike videos or blog posts, podcasts don’t need your full attention. You can tune in anywhere. Be it work, home or even gym. Smartphones are the ultimate podcast hubs, letting you enjoy shows on the move. Since mobile addiction is real, podcasts are ace at being mobile-friendly champs. 
Remember long commutes? A large number of people jam to podcasts on their way to work. And people working remotely tune in while multitasking on work and household chores. 
The cool part? You can podcast-listen while adulting, like scrubbing dishes or taking a subway ride. Flexibility plus engagement, it’s a major content win! 
Consistent Engagement
When podcast listeners are all ears, spending quality time with episodes, the engagement is off the charts. Most listeners tend to stay till the end. The secret sauce? Podcasts are like chats, easy to groove with. Unlike diving into a long blog post, tuning in can feel like second nature.
Now, here’s the cool part. Podcasts aren’t just content; they’re relationship builders. That familiar host voice? Feels like an old buddy. The podcast rhythm lets you bond with your audience like a pro. They’ll keep returning for more, and your word-of-mouth game will make you unstoppable. 
Brand Building
Creating brand devotion starts with an engaged podcast audience. That impressive 88% of listeners who stay tuned for the entire episode? That’s your podcasting impact right there. These deeply engaged listeners often turn into your podcast’s biggest advocates.
Much like how binge-worthy Netflix series capture attention, podcasts have that same addictive quality. Around 79% of podcast listeners dive right into a new episode as soon as it’s out.
For a prime example of real podcast marketing impact, look at Serial. This true-crime podcast skyrocketed with 10 million downloads in seven weeks, setting records in 2014. How? Fans spread the word across social media about its gripping episodes. That’s the power of podcast engagement!
Fosters Content Creation
Podcasts can be combined with written and video content, forming a content bank that engages the audience effectively. It’s like a street that goes both ways. Podcast episodes spark new blog and video ideas, while transcripts and quotes become fresh articles, videos, and more.
Now reverse the flow. Other content breeds podcast episodes. Repurpose your old blog post, and dive deeper into it on a podcast. This will boost your content creation efforts.
So, think of formats and mediums that are in sync with each other. Mix and match for content magic that fits like a glove in your marketing strategy. 
Incorporating podcasting in content marketing strategy is like unlocking a treasure trove of engagement. These audio gems effortlessly connect with audiences and foster relationship-building. Their adaptable nature harmoniously integrates with other content forms for a holistic strategy. So, take the plunge into the world of podcasting; it’s the smart move for captivating content and meaningful connections.
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digitalmarkeyeings · 11 months
Ever wondered why some digital marketing strategies hit the jackpot while others miss the mark?
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1. Lack of Clear Goals 🎯: Setting sail without a destination? It's like navigating in the dark. Define your goals – they're the North Star guiding your digital ship.
2. Ignoring the Audience's Dance Moves 💃: Imagine throwing a party without knowing your guest's favourite beats. Understanding your audience is key! What content resonates? What makes them groove? Tune in, and watch the engagement soar!
3. The 'Spray and Pray' Approach 🎣: Casting a wide net doesn't always reel in the big fish. Targeted strategies tailored to your audience's interests have more chance of making a splash. Quality over quantity, my digital comrades!
4. Neglecting the SEO Symphony 🎵: Think of SEO as the unsung hero of digital marketing. Ignoring it is like planning a concert without sound. Optimise, harmonise, and watch your content rise in the rankings!
5. Ghosting Consistency 👻: Ever danced to a song with an unpredictable rhythm? Consistency is the DJ keeping the beat. Maintain a consistent tone, schedule, and presence across platforms. Your audience will thank you with engagement applause!
6. Ignoring Analytics' Magic Crystal Ball 🔮: Analytics are the secret sauce to digital success. Not paying attention to what the data whispers is like having a crystal ball but refusing to look. Analyse, adapt, conquer!
7. Neglecting Mobile's Red Carpet 📱: Mobile users are the VIPs of the digital world. Ignoring them is like forgetting the red carpet at the Oscars. Ensure your content is mobile-friendly for a star-studded user experience.
8. Fear of Experimentation 🧪: The digital landscape is a playground, not a museum. Fear of trying new strategies is like refusing to swing on the monkey bars. Experiment, learn, evolve!
9. Forgetting the Human Touch 🤝: Behind every screen is a human. Digital marketing without the human touch is like a party without soul. Connect authentically, engage genuinely – it's the secret sauce of digital charisma.
Let's turn these 'oops' into 'wows'! 🌟 Digital marketing is a dance, and the floor is yours. What's your go-to move for digital success? 💬 Drop your thoughts below and let's keep the digital groove alive! #DigitalMarketing #MarketingMishaps #DigitalSuccess #EngagementMagic
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aminasheikh · 11 months
Why Talk 100.3 FM is a Good Choice for Dubai Residents
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Talk 100.3 FM is more than just a station; it's a doorway to a world of diverse entertainment and information. With its wide array of content covering business talk, health talk, sports talk, music, and much more, this Hindi radio station has firmly established itself as a top choice for residents across the city.
1. Business Talk Show: Talk 100.3 FM offers a treasure trove of insights and updates for Dubai's thriving business community. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate professional, or simply interested in the local and global economy, the station provides a platform for experts to discuss trends, market analysis, and innovative business strategies. This content is informative and valuable for those seeking to stay ahead in the competitive business world.
2. Health Talk Show: Your well-being is paramount, and Talk 100.3 FM acknowledges this. Our health talk shows cover various topics, from fitness and nutrition to mental health and wellness. Local health experts and professionals share their knowledge and tips, making it a valuable resource for residents seeking to lead healthier lives.
3. Sports Talk Show: Dubai's sports enthusiasts are in for a treat with Talk 100.3 FM's sports talk segment. The station brings live commentary, analysis, and exclusive interviews with sports personalities. Whether you're into football, cricket, or any other sport, engaging discussions and game updates fuel your passion.
4. Music: Music is a universal language, and Talk 100.3 FM recognizes this by curating a diverse playlist that caters to various tastes. From international chart-toppers to local talents, our music selection keeps the city grooving. Additionally, the station often features live music events, making it a hub for music lovers.
5. Local Events and Updates: Talk 100.3 FM provides real-time updates on local events, festivals, exhibitions, and important announcements. By tuning in, you'll always be in the loop and have an edge when planning your social calendar.
Final Words, Talk 100.3 FM, has become a beloved choice for Dubai residents due to its multifaceted content. From business insights to health tips, sports excitement, music diversity, local event updates, and a sense of community, it enriches the lives of those who tune in. So, if you're a Dubai resident looking for a comprehensive and enjoyable radio experience, give Talk 100.3 FM a listen; you won't be disappointed.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Welcome back to Chain Reaction. subscribe here Annyeong, or hello, friends! While I’m typically based in New York City, this week I’m reporting from Seoul, South Korea for Korea Blockchain Week. The week has been jam-packed with a number of conference events as well as offsite side events and networking happy hours. I’ve listened to a number of panels surrounding topics like web3 gaming, enterprise Blockchain adoption (I moderated one), institutional adoption, regulatory climate and investing in Asia. I also kept busy with a of interviews with local experts on the Market evolving out east as well as people who flew in to meet with startups based in the region. This means I’ll be putting out more articles on TechCrunch based on these conversations in the coming days and weeks…so keep an eye out for that. Meanwhile, there was some News that transpired in the web3 world, so let’s get into it. This week in web3 Crypto funding in August wasn’t as good as the numbers may lead you to believe (TC+) blockchain tech needs a ‘ChatGPT moment’ to scale enterprise adoption (TC+) MetaMask now allows crypto cash-out to PayPal and banks, but fees could be high Gleen’s tech-savvy chatbot for Discord and Slack attracts Solana founder in oversubscribed round The US can’t kill crypto: Real regulations are coming The latest pod For this week’s episode, Jacquelyn interviewed Charlie Shrem, founder of the bitcoin Foundation, general partner at Druid Ventures and host of the Charlie Shrem show. Before all that, he was the co-founder and CEO of BitInstant, which was a bitcoin payment processor that started in 2011. Shortly after founding the company, he was charged with operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business, and for allegedly attempting to launder over $1 million through the now defunct dark web marketplace Silk Road. He spent a little over a year in a low-Security prison as a result. Now, Charlie is a vocal advocate for clearer crypto regulation, he’s a crypto investor, podcaster and even a movie producer. We discussed how the bitcoin and crypto ecosystems have changed (and stayed the same) over the past decade as well as how his incarceration shaped his view on the industry. We also talked about: Need for regulatory clarity in the U.S. Crypto projects and sectors he’s following How the bitcoin ecosystem is growing Friend.tech Advice for listeners Subscribe to Chain Reaction on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite pod platform to keep up with the latest episodes, and please leave us a review if you like what you hear! Follow the money Story Protocol raised over $54 million in round led by a16z crypto Domain name startup D3 Global raised $5 million in a seed round led by Shima Capital Cross-chain communication protocol Socket raised $5 million from Coinbase Ventures and Frameworks Kotani gets $2 million pre-seed to help African workers send money home via crypto GenTwo raised $15 million in a Series A funding round led by Point72 Ventures What else we’re writing Want to branch out from the world of web3? Here are some articles on TechCrunch that caught our attention this week. Our favorite startups from YC’s Summer 2023 Demo Day, Day 1 (TC+) Clubhouse is trying to make a comeback Tech companies are finding their profitability groove (TC+) Here’s why some investors are sitting out of YC Demo Day (TC+) EU confirms six (mostly US) tech giants are subject to Digital Markets Act
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sonic-wildfire · 2 years
WARNING: This review may contain spoilers for the game.
Sonic the Hedgehog has had a rough transition int--
Actually, you know what? Nah. Fuck all that noise.
Sonic Frontiers, the much-anticipated latest outing from Sonic Team and company, has finally hit the market on everybody's favorite day (hint: not Election Day). Although previous games have tended to streak -- that is to say, many consecutive mainline titles released within only a few years of one another -- Frontiers is the first major outing for the blue hedgehog since 2017's Forces, which polarized critics and users alike.
But gone are the days of Twitter arguments over whether the "original character" gimmick had gone too far. Gone are the days of hearty debates over whether Infinite was a legitimately formidable villain or a poor excuse for one. Gone are the days of the Sonic franchise being content on settling for simple mediocrity or spirit-crushing averageness.
Frontiers' arguably marquee selling point is its stylistic shift from past installments. Rather than rehashing the platforming route that has yielded out-of-step results more often than not, Sonic Team took a bold risk by steering the game into a semi-open world direction. It's here where players first begin to recognize that this Sonic game is going to be different. It's the breath of fresh air that the franchise sorely needed in one way or another after over a decade of relatively lackluster efforts. But fret not, platforming enthusiasts; platforming levels, called Cyberspace levels in the game, are integrated into the game's story to ease you into what Frontiers has to offer.
Speaking of the story, it takes a darker but much more genuine direction. After ten years of Ken Pontac and Warren Graff writing inoffensive and frankly awful storylines, renowned Sonic comics writer Ian Flynn takes the helm for Frontiers. In short, Dr. Eggman creates an AI named Sage for his new plans of world domination. After the software goes awry, Sonic and his friends are suddenly forced to deal with a new problem: they have been trapped on the Starfall Islands, with Amy, Tails & Knuckles becoming trapped between the physical world and a digital dimension. Sonic must race against the clock to save his friends from being corrupted by cyber energy, but he too has a nasty run-in with the unexplained power and jeopardizes his own life as a result.
Unlike the serious tone Forces had attempted (and failed at miserably), Frontiers comes damn near close to shooting a bullseye on this go-around. The game takes a deep dive into the characters in a way that hasn't been explored in a Sonic title since the Adventure era. Whether showcasing Amy's gradual transformation from just being a self-proclaimed love interest of Sonic to a valued de facto fourth member of Team Sonic, Tails' growth from being confined to Sonic's shadow to being formidable as a hero in his own right while maintaining his brotherly bond, or Knuckles' wisdom and insight into his role as guardian of the Master Emerald and his own insecurities and jealousies, Frontiers fleshes out the characters and gives them new life. Even Sonic, who looked to be little more than a one-trick pony in the 2010s, has found his groove again as the confident-yet-caring hero he was always meant to be. There are loads of character development within this game, and it is an absolute delight to witness. But what this game perhaps best accomplishes is the ability to make the player feel a wide range of emotions that appear all over the spectrum, from glimmering hope to crushing pity. This story has the majority of everything you'd want in a Sonic story.
The voice acting in this game ages the characters a tad bit. Although it didn't work out for Cindy Robinson's rendition of Amy, it played out fine for the rest. Roger Craig Smith's outing as Sonic might not be his very best, but is certainly solid. Colleen O'Shaughnessy continues to prove herself as the definitive Tails voice while Dave Mitchell sounds to have found his niche playing Knuckles. Mike Pollock continues his Eggman dominance as per usual, and newcomer Sage is given a fittingly artificial but humanoid-sounding set of pipes by voice actress Ryan Bartley, perhaps best known for her role as Hanako Kamado / Makomo in Demon Slayer.
Gameplay also takes a step forward into the limelight. As part of Frontiers' step back from platforming, a new combat system fortifies Sonic's skill set. Players will encounter countless enemies that will take more than a simple homing attack to take care of. Sonic is provided a myriad of moves and combos, with certain skills only becoming available after progressing through certain parts of the story. Stats can be upgraded by collecting special seeds for power and defense, and by finding lost creatures called Koco for speed and ring capacity. Pulling off crazy combos and mowing down enemies is super satisfying here, especially as Sonic levels up and becomes stronger. As the player progresses through the five main islands of the game, Sonic can complete puzzles to map different parts of the island and discover portals, mini-bosses and story collectibles called "Memory Tokens" as a result. Combined with the semi-open world environment that encourages and even rewards players for being curious and exploring their surroundings, the gameplay is a total blast that will almost certainly satisfy those with a taste for exploration.
As for the Cyberspace levels, they remained consistent to the feel of Sonic's earlier platforming titles but utilizes a somewhat stale and repetitive level design by constantly having the player revisit Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and Sky Sanctuary, to name a few. Nonetheless, these stages can sometimes be pretty fun to play through (given you aren't grinding out attempts to complete some of these levels in S-rank time like I needed to). Thankfully, there's also Big's fishing minigame that's very simple and soothing. It's arguably even better than some of the Cyberspace levels.
The music has always been one of the Sonic franchise's strongest suits and it keeps up with the trend here. Buoyed by a handful of pummeling metalcore numbers courtesy of Sleeping With Sirens' Kellin Quinn, Merry Kirk-Holmes' cinematic "I'm Here" serving as the main theme, and the buzz of One OK Rock's "Vandalize" as the credits closer, Frontiers embraces the abrasive and turns in a spectacular soundtrack as a result.
The environments, particularly the five main islands, are visually stunning and are perhaps the best-looking lands Sonic has seen in years. Although colorful and vibrant, Frontiers simultaneously manages to capture the bleakness associated with stumbling upon massive ruins of a once-great civilization that fell abruptly to some larger foe. There are signs of former life all over the Starfall Islands and the game lets you know it upfront.
In all, Frontiers is a chief calling card for Sonic's renaissance. Though a bit rough around the edges, it's a valiant first attempt at a new direction for the blue blur that manages to hit many of its spots and take its players on a journey that they won't soon forget.
Final Score: 9.5/10
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phoenixmarketcity · 1 year
Gul Panag Opens Phoenix Marketcity’s Power Women’s Fiesta
Mumbai’s biggest shopping destination, Phoenix Marketcity Mumbai,celebrated this month dedicated to women, with a host of exciting initiatives and offers in the 11th edition of its Power Woman Fiesta, a month long campaign in honour of International Women’s Day.
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Gul Panag opened the fiesta with Mayank Lalpuria, Marketing Head – West &North. A Power Woman Booklet with complementary indulgences worth Rs. 25,000 and a Big Break initiative that offered women entrepreneurs access to top venture capital firms and investors for mentorship and funding were highlights.
Speaking on the occasion, Gul, who has always been of the most credible voices for women’s empowerment, said, “As a woman entrepreneur I know that it is always challenging to find the optimal work-life balance, and many opportunities slide by, because you simply cannot.
It is wonderful to see Phoenix Marketcity Mumbai’s commitment to encouraging women entrepreneurs on their journey and offering them an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy themselves with some great shopping offers.”
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This exciting campaign has found great resonance amongst customers and brands alike, with engagement from more than 2 lakh customers, the initiative is a powerful way for the mall to offer gratitude and support to its women patrons.
Mayank Lalpuria, Marketing Head – West &North, added “Women-owned enterprises are on the rise, and Phoenix Marketcity Mumbai is committed to supporting them on their entrepreneurial journey.
We want to see local, women-led businesses break into the big league and are doing our bit to help them get there. The Big Break platform underscores the mall’s respect, belief and support for the skill and passion of emerging businesswomen and Big Break provides them with the impetus they need to succeed.”
On the same day, Norwegian Dance Crew ‘Quick Style’ delighted fans with an energetic performance of Indian and international hits including the Oscar winning NaatuNaatu, at Dublin Square. The much loved international hip - hop dancers grooved to various Hindi songs like Kala Chashma and Tera Nasha, winning hearts of fans ecstatic at the opportunity to see the group live.
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Phoenix’s Dublin Square is a unique venue that offers a combination of shopping, F&B and performance space that makes it a favourite choice for the biggest Indian and international artists including Lucky Ali, The Vengaboyz, Michael learns to Rock and more.
Another exciting event at Phoenix Marketcity was the first anniversary celebration of ChessBase India Chess Club that took the form of a mega tournament. A performance by comedian and chess aficionado, Samay Raina delighted audiences at the celebration hosted by Grandmaster and co-founder of Chess Base, India Sagar Shah, International Chessmaster Tanya Sachdeva, and Mayank Lalpuria.
The excitement continues from 24th March – 2nd April for young ones with popular animation character Peppa Pig. Book a fun filled hour with slides, bumper cars, huge ball pool, hop & jump, cube puzzles and a maze at India’s first themed soft play zone.
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nextnewgolf · 1 year
Finding Quality Second-Hand Golf Hybrids and Wedges
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Are you an avid golfer looking to upgrade your equipment without breaking the bank? Second-hand golf hybrids and wedges can be a fantastic option to consider. This article will explore the benefits of purchasing second-hand golf clubs, provide tips on finding quality equipment, and highlight the advantages of owning second-hand golf hybrids and wedges.
Benefits of Second-Hand Golf Hybrids :
   1. Enhanced Performance: Second-hand golf hybrids can improve your game by balancing the distance of a fairway wood and the accuracy of an iron. These versatile clubs are perfect for various shots and challenging terrains.
   2. Cost Savings: Purchasing second-hand golf hybrids can save much money compared to buying brand-new clubs. You can invest the savings in other aspects of your golf game, such as lessons or additional equipment.
   3. Wide Variety: The second-hand market offers a wide selection of golf hybrids from different brands, models, and years. This variety allows you to find a club that perfectly suits your playing style and preferences.
Tips for Finding Quality Second-Hand Golf Hybrids :
   1. Research and Compare: Before purchasing, research different models and brands to find the best-suited golf hybrids for your needs. Compare prices, reviews, and specifications to ensure you're getting a quality club at a reasonable price.
   2. Condition Assessment: Carefully evaluate the condition of the club, paying attention to signs of wear and tear, such as scratches or dents. Ensure that the clubface, grip, and shaft are in good condition and suitable for your swing.
   3. Trusted Sellers: Buy from reputable sellers with a track record of providing quality second-hand golf equipment. Consider specialized golf stores, online marketplaces, or certified pre-owned programs manufacturers offer.
   4. Test the Club: Try out the golf hybrid before purchasing it. It will help you assess the club's feel, performance, and compatibility with your swing.
   5. Return Policies: Check the seller's return policies to ensure that you can return or exchange the club if it does not meet your expectations.
Advantages of Second-Hand Golf Wedges :
   1. Shot Versatility: Second-hand golf wedges allow you to execute a variety of shots with precision and control. From bunker shots to delicate chips around the green, wedges are essential for a well-rounded golf game.
   2. Affordability: By opting for second-hand wedges, you can enjoy the benefits of high-quality clubs without the hefty price tag. This leaves room in your budget for other golf essentials.
   3. Customization Options: Many second-hand wedges can be modified to fit your preferences. You can adjust the loft, lie, and grip to optimize the club's performance and suit your playing style.
Finding Quality Second-Hand Golf Wedges :
   1. Assess Club Condition: Examine the clubhead, grooves, and shaft for signs of wear or damage. Ideally, the tracks should be well-maintained to provide optimal spin and control.
   2. Seek Trustworthy Sources: Look for sellers with a reputation for selling reliable and authentic golf wedges. Consider checking out online platforms with user ratings and reviews to gauge the seller's credibility.
   3. Test the Wedge: Whenever possible, try out the golf wedge before making a purchase. Assess how it feels in your hands and performs on different shots, such as full swings, pitches, and bunker shots. It will give you a better understanding of its suitability for your game.
   4. Customization Options: Explore if the wedge can be customized to fit your preferences. Adjustments to the loft, lie angle, and grip can optimize its performance and enhance your overall control.
   5. Value for Money: Consider the overall value proposition of the second-hand wedge. Evaluate its quality, condition, and price to ensure you get a worthwhile investment that will serve you well on the golf course.
Second-hand golf hybrids and wedges offer golfers a cost-effective way to upgrade their equipment and improve their game. Following the tips mentioned in this article and conducting thorough research, you can find quality clubs that suit your needs and preferences. Embrace the benefits of second-hand golf clubs and take your golf game to new heights without breaking the bank.
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
★ Salman Khan grooves to Mika Singh's tune in Himani Best Choice Soyabean Oil's new TVC!
SEP 28, 2022
Salman Khan, India’s very own Sallu Bhai, will soon be seen grooving to the foot tapping jingle sung by popular singer Mika Singh for the brand new TVC of Himani Best Choice Soyabean Oil.
Manufactured and marketed by Emami Agrotech Ltd, the branded food arm of the diversified business conglomerate Emami Group, Himani Best Choice variants enjoy the No.1 position in the markets of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and NorthEast and is one of the fastest growing brands in the Northern and Western markets of India.
Directed by ace director Nitesh Tiwari, Salman in his typical style is seen as a confused shopper at a hypermart trying to make his choice before buying a cooking oil.  He is seen grooving to the jingle “Arrey ye loon re baba, ya woh loon baba….” with his bunch of cronies when his wife introduces him to the best of quality, health and taste of Himani Best Choice Soyabean Oil.  Salman ends up as a happy consumer thus singing “…Hit Bhi Hai, Fit Bhi Hai..babababa taste superr, taste superr” as he goes on tasting sumptuous, finger licking Indian dishes like aloo gobi, puri, samosa, kachauri , pyaaz paratha etc.
Speaking about the new TVC experience, Debasis Bhattacharyya, President-Marketing, Emami Agrotech Ltd. said, “Himani Best Choice, one of our most popular edible oil brands has been sharing a long-standing relationship with Salman Khan since he came on board as the brand ambassador in 2017.  Shooting with him is one-of-a-kind experience with the level of energy and fun that he infuses on the set. With Nitesh Tiwari on the director’s chair, Mika Singh lending his voice to the jingle and above all Salman Khan appearing on screen with his evergreen magnetic persona – makes a magical combination that any brand can aspire for.”  
Nitesh Tiwari, Director of the new TVC said,
 “Salman is an outstanding performer. Working with him on the set for the new TVC of Himani Best Choice has been a wonderful experience. Food is something which comforts our senses, makes us happy and with Himani Best Choice Refined Soyabean Oil it also keeps one healthy. In line with this thought, we have tried to keep the storyline of this new TVC light, musical and joyful celebrating the happy mood that any good food creates instantly.”
The new TVC will be on air this month across television and digital platforms.  
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creativeera · 2 months
Lathe Machine Market to Gain Significant Traction with Increased Uptake in Manufacturing Industries
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A lathe machine is a mechanical tool for cutting or shaping materials through rotation about an axis. Lathe machines are versatile machining tools capable of producing axially symmetrical workpieces through turning, facing, grooving, threading, knurling, and other processes. Key advantages of lathe machines include automatic operation, high production rates, accuracy and consistency in product dimensions, and flexibility to manufacture complex geometries. Growing manufacturing capabilities in industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense, electronics, and medical devices are propelling the demand for lathe machines. The Global Lathe Machine Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 28.13 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 40.16 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the lathe machine market are Dalian Machine Tool Corporation, DMG Mori Co., Ltd., Doosan Machine Tools, EMAG Group, Haas Automation Inc., Hardinge, Inc., HMT Machine Tools, INDEX and TRAUB, JTEKT Corporation, Okuma Corporation, Samsung Machine Tools, Shaanxi Qinchuan Machine Tool and Tool Group, Tsugami Corporation, and Yamazaki Mazak Corporation. Growing demand from small and medium manufacturers for automated lathe machines is boosting market growth. Technological advances such as computer numerical control systems, automatic tool changers, and multi-axis operating capabilities are supporting increased productivity and flexibility. Market Trends Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies Implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies such as Internet of Things, analytics, additive manufacturing, and robotics is enabling intelligent, automated, and data-driven manufacturing processes. Integration of Industry 4.0 capabilities in lathe machines allows remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, aids process optimization, and improves production efficiency. Increased Customization Needs Lathe Machine Market Trends for highly customized products is driving the need for flexible and multifunctional machine tools with capabilities to manufacture small batch sizes. Integration of multiple axes of operation, automatic tool changers, custom programming features, and quick change over times allow lathe machines to efficiently produce non-uniform and customized workpieces. Market Opportunities Growing Uptake in Developing Countries To fulfill the burgeoning demand for machined components and capitalize on low labor costs, countries such as China, India, Mexico, and Brazil are increasingly investing in advanced manufacturing infrastructure and technologies including CNC machine tools. This presents significant opportunities for lathe machine manufacturers to expand their operations in developing economies. Emergence of IoT-Enabled Lathe Machines The convergence of IoT and machine tools is opening new growth prospects with smart, connected lathe machines. IoT-enabled lathe machines can perform self-diagnostics, transmit operational data to cloud platforms, receive over-the-air updates, and enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance to maximize productivity and minimize downtime. Impact of COVID-19 on Lathe Machine Market The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the  Lathe Machine Market Regional Analysis. During the initial lockdown phases, manufacturing industries witnessed closures and disruptions impacting the demand for lathe machines. However, as lockdowns eased, the demand started recovering fast especially from medical device manufacturing companies. Lathe machines are crucial for manufacturing ventilation machines, syringes, surgical tools and other medical equipment needed to fight COVID-19. Many lathe machine manufacturers shifted their production lines to support the increasing demand from the medical industry. The pandemic also accelerated the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies by manufacturing industries. Many lathe machine manufacturers incorporated advanced robotics, IoT, AI and data analytics capabilities to their machines to ensure safe distancing at workplaces. Post pandemic, the demand from automotive and other core industries is expected to drive the growth of lathe machine market. Manufacturers will focus on delivering advanced lathe machines with integrated smart technologies to enhance productivity, minimize downtime and meet future demand pressures. Get more insights on Lathe Machine Market
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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mrpsclassictelevision · 3 months
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There are too many sound business reasons and too many benefits that you can enjoy by having your own website as you will see in the video.  Depending on your needs, you can start for free and with everything you need, not just your website, but with all the tools you will need. You can begin right away.  Systeme is a marketing platform, it is free and stays free for up to 2,000 email subscribers. Systeme https://n9.cl/free-marketing-platform AIOP is the lowest-priced marketing platform with an unlimited autoresponder but has some storage limits. AIOP https://n9.cl/lowest-cost-marketing-platform Groove is the lowest-priced UNLIMITED marketing platform. Groove  https://n9.cl/unlimited-marketing-platform I use all three, and have been using them for years, and can assure you that you will be delighted with all three.  So do not wait, get a website today,   Do not miss a video.  Join the channel so Mr. P can let you know when new uploads are made. https://youtube.com/@GeorgePierce
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zeedropcrosslister · 4 months
World's Fastest Crosslisting | All-in-One Reseller Platform
 In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, efficiency and reach are paramount. For resellers, the ability to list products across multiple marketplaces swiftly and seamlessly can be the difference between success and stagnation. Enter ZeeDrop, the revolutionary platform that's setting new standards in crosslisting with unparalleled speed and versatility.
Unlimited Listings and Fixed Pricing
ZeeDrop offers the remarkable ability to list unlimited items, all at a fixed price. This means no more worrying about listing fees or caps – resellers can scale their operations without incurring additional costs. Whether you're just starting out or managing a vast inventory, ZeeDrop provides a cost-effective solution that grows with your business.
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Unmatched Support and Rapid Problem Resolution
One of ZeeDrop's standout features is its exceptional customer support. With direct access to developers via WhatsApp, any issues you encounter can be resolved within hours, not days. This level of support ensures that your business remains operational and efficient, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Over 200 Suppliers and Counting
ZeeDrop boasts support for more than 200 suppliers, with the flexibility to add more upon request. This extensive network means that resellers have a vast array of products at their fingertips, making it easier than ever to find and list items that meet their customers' needs. The platform's adaptability ensures that it can cater to any niche market you might be targeting.
Crosslisting Across All Major Marketplaces
The real power of ZeeDrop lies in its ability to support virtually every major marketplace. From Facebook Marketplace and Poshmark to Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and even TikTok Shop, ZeeDrop has you covered. Here's a comprehensive list of supported platforms:
Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Shop
WhatsApp Catalog
TikTok Shop
This extensive compatibility ensures that you can reach a global audience across various platforms, maximizing your exposure and sales potential.
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In a world where speed and efficiency are crucial, ZeeDrop emerges as the ultimate tool for resellers. Its ability to list unlimited items at a fixed price, coupled with outstanding support and compatibility with over 200 suppliers and all major marketplaces, makes it an indispensable asset for any reseller. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, ZeeDrop provides the tools and support you need to succeed in the fast-paced world of e-commerce.
Embrace the future of crosslisting with ZeeDrop and watch your reselling business soar to new heights.
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vividracing · 4 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/best-brake-kit-for-the-bmw-m3-e9x-1m-why-you-need-to-upgrade/
Best Brake Kit for the BMW M3 E9X / 1M - Why You Need To Upgrade!
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EBC Brakes Racing 6-Piston Apollo Big Brake Kit: A Game Changer for BMW M3 E9x and BMW 1M
Controlling the power of a S65 is no easy task. The E9x is BMW’s answer to American muscle, and somewhere they didn’t deliver it was with the brakes. The braking system is one of the most critical components for any performance vehicle, and for those who drive a BMW M3 E9x or BMW 1M, this holds especially true. These legendary platforms are known for their thrilling driving characteristics and mental lap times, but their stock brakes often leave faster lap times or confident canyon runs to the 911s. Let’s dive into the new EBC Brakes Racing 6-Piston Apollo Big Brake Kit—a revolutionary upgrade that promises to elevate the braking performance of these iconic BMWs.
If you want to check out the price or shop any of these EBC BBKs, they’re available at Vivid Racing! 
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EBC Brakes = Unmatched Stopping Power
The EBC Brakes Racing 6-Piston Apollo Big Brake Kit is a comprehensive solution designed to transform the braking capabilities of the BMW M3 E9x series and the BMW 1M. This kit includes 6-piston front calipers, 380mm fully floating two-piece rotors, front Bluestuff™ NDX pads, front braided lines, and all necessary fluid and fixtures. Engineered in the UK, the Apollo Big Brake Kit offers a significant leap forward in braking performance, catering to both spirited road driving and demanding track conditions. Let’s keep in mind the four major factors of this brake kit: – 6-piston calipers – 380mm floating two-piece rotors – Performance pads – Braided lines The combination of these big four is truly what makes this brake kit the ultimate package. Any one of these upgrades to the stock brake kit is a noticeable change, but why not embody all four? Some would even say this kit is overkill… but who doesn’t want to bring a Gatlin gun to a knife fight? We talking about brakes here!
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What makes this the best big brake kit for the BMW E9x or 1M?
Apollo-Series 6-Piston Calipers:
The lightweight yet robust aluminum 6-piston calipers are a standout feature of this kit. The two-piece bolted design incorporates high-tensile 12.9-grade steel bolts for enhanced caliper stiffness, as proven by computer FEA analysis. Machined from heat-treated low-pressure castings, these calipers offer superior strength compared to conventional gravity cast calipers. High-temperature fluid seals and full boot-type dust seals provide maximum protection against road grime and debris, ensuring longevity and reliability.
Fully-Floating Two-Piece Rotors:
The 380x36mm fully-floating rotors are designed to withstand extreme heat and reduce stress, extending rotor life and minimizing the risk of cracking. The drive bobbins, machined from a single piece of stainless steel, offer maximum strength and corrosion resistance. The rotors feature 48 directional internal curved vanes for improved cooling, and the unique ‘Swept Groove’ slot design ensures effective evacuation of braking dust and gases.
Bluestuff™ NDX Performance Brake Pads:
The Bluestuff™ NDX pads, included in every kit, combine excellent cold bite with the ability to perform well in short spells of track or race conditions. These pads are now road legal in most markets, making them an ideal choice for enthusiasts who demand high performance on both the street and the track.
Stainless Steel Braided Brake Lines:
The kit’s stainless-steel braided brake lines prevent the ‘ballooning’ phenomenon common with OE rubber lines, providing greater precision and feel under braking. This feature ensures a more consistent and responsive brake pedal feel.
Super DOT 4 Brake Fluid:
Each kit includes 1 liter of BF307+ Super DOT 4 brake fluid, boasting a 310°C boiling point—significantly higher than standard DOT 5.1 fluid. This high boiling point ensures exceptional endurance, allowing drivers to push their vehicles hard without experiencing brake fade due to fluid boiling. Check out EBC Brakes – Brake Fluid
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A Must-Have Upgrade for Enthusiasts
For BMW M3 E9x and BMW 1M owners looking to enhance their vehicle’s braking performance, the EBC Brakes Racing 6-Piston Apollo Big Brake Kit is an essential upgrade. Whether you’re tackling a twisty mountain road or hitting the track, this kit provides the stopping power and reliability needed to match the high-performance capabilities of these legendary cars.
By investing in the Apollo Big Brake Kit, drivers can enjoy a firmer, more responsive brake pedal feel, and significantly extended periods of hard driving without the onset of brake fade. This makes it a game changer for any enthusiast looking to get the most out of their BMW M3 E9x or BMW 1M.
For more information and to order the EBC Brakes Racing 6-Piston Apollo Big Brake Kit, visit Vivid Racing. Experience the ultimate in braking performance and take your driving to the next level.
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Let us help!
As always, if you have any questions regarding upgrades for your vehicle or this EBC Brake Kit specifically, we are enthusiasts who truly believe in supplying fellow enthusiasts with the best mods to meet your driving goals! We have almost 12,000 reviews and a 4.6/5 review on Google to prove it 😏 You can chat with us – HERE (Live Chat). We’ll get back to you like, spooky fast. Reach out to us at [email protected] or give us a call at (480) 966-3040 📞 and we’ll be happy to help with your questions or be a shoulder to cry on.
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avidlearning · 6 months
Upcoming Events, Concerts and Workshops in Mumbai, India by Avid Learning
Welcome to Avid Learning, where the past converges with the future, and where cultural exploration meets intellectual enrichment. Embark on a journey with us as we dive into the vibrant tapestry of events unfolding across India and beyond. From workshops redefining the cinematic landscape to soul-stirring concerts paying homage to musical legends, Avid Learning brings you a curated selection of events that promise to captivate, inspire, and enlighten.
Past Events in India:
India, with its rich tapestry of culture and history, has been a melting pot of artistic expression and intellectual discourse. At Avid Learning, we celebrate this heritage by curating events that offer glimpses into the past while embracing the future. From insightful workshops on traditional art forms to thought-provoking discussions on contemporary issues, our past events have left an indelible mark on attendees, fostering a deeper appreciation for India's diverse cultural landscape.
Workshops and Training Events in India:
In a rapidly evolving world, knowledge is power, and at Avid Learning, we empower individuals through our workshops and training events. Whether you're looking to hone your creative skills or stay abreast of the latest technological advancements, our expert-led sessions provide a platform for learning, collaboration, and growth. From AI-infused marketing strategies to the intersection of art and technology, our workshops cater to diverse interests and skill sets, equipping participants with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Upcoming Concerts in Mumbai:
Mumbai, the pulsating heart of India's entertainment industry, is set to come alive with an electrifying lineup of concerts in 2024. From soulful tributes to musical legends of yesteryears to cutting-edge performances by emerging artists, there's something for every music enthusiast to look forward to. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates on upcoming concerts, promising an unforgettable auditory experience that will leave you craving for more.
Best Upcoming Events in Mumbai 2024:
As we look ahead to the year 2024, Mumbai emerges as a cultural hub brimming with excitement and creativity. From thought-provoking discussions on the intersection of art and technology to captivating performances that challenge societal norms, the city is set to witness a renaissance of sorts. Join us as we explore the best upcoming events in Mumbai, curated exclusively for the discerning connoisseur of art, culture, and ideas.
Upcoming Events:
Lights, Algorithms, Action – Reimagining Cinema with Artificial Intelligence:
Explore the fascinating world of AI-infused cinema with our upcoming event, where industry experts will shed light on how artificial intelligence is reshaping the cinematic landscape. From scriptwriting to casting decisions, delve into the transformative power of AI in revolutionizing the way films are created and consumed.
Blast from the Past: A Tribute to Funk & Jazz from the 60s, 70s, and 80s:
Get ready to groove to the timeless tunes of funk and jazz as we pay tribute to musical legends from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Join us for an evening of infectious rhythms and soulful melodies, as top-notch musicians take you on a musical journey through the decades.
Sakhi: Exploring Friendship Between Sita and Draupadi:
Experience a unique blend of Bharatanatyam, contemporary dance, and theater as we bring to life the untold stories of Sita and Draupadi. Witness their extraordinary journey through dance, as they explore themes of friendship, resilience, and female empowerment.
The Art of Looking at Art: Decoding Tech Art in the Post-Truth Era:
Join us for an immersive workshop that explores the intersection of art and technology in the post-truth era. Led by acclaimed cultural producer Trishla Talera, this session promises to unravel the mysteries of tech art and its impact on the contemporary art world.
Ebrahim Alkazi: Holding Time Captive - A Discussion Celebrating the Launch of Amal Allana's New Book:
Delve into the life and legacy of Ebrahim Alkazi, the father of modern Indian theater, with our upcoming book launch event. Featuring insightful discussions and captivating readings, this event pays homage to a visionary whose influence transcended the realms of theater and visual arts.
Nation Wants to Know feat. Anuvab Pal:
Laugh your way through a rollicking hour of comedy with Anuvab Pal as he takes a hilarious look at modern India. From colonial hangovers to digital dilemmas, join us for an evening of laughter and satire at the historic Royal Opera House.
Technology Events in India:
India's tech landscape is thriving, and at Avid Learning, we're committed to fostering innovation and creativity in this dynamic field. From AI-driven filmmaking to immersive experiences in virtual reality, our technology events provide a platform for thought leaders and innovators to explore the endless possibilities of technology in shaping the future of art and entertainment.
Events in Bengaluru:
As India's Silicon Valley, Bengaluru is a hotbed of innovation and creativity, making it the perfect setting for our diverse range of events. From tech conferences to cultural festivals, Avid Learning brings its signature blend of intellectual discourse and cultural exploration to the vibrant city of Bengaluru, enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike.
Events in Dubai, UAE:
Venture beyond the borders of India and immerse yourself in a world of cultural exchange and intellectual discovery with our events in Dubai, UAE. From art exhibitions to literary festivals, Avid Learning's presence in Dubai offers a unique opportunity to engage with diverse perspectives and ideas, fostering dialogue and understanding across borders.
At Avid Learning, we believe that learning never stops, and each event is an opportunity to explore new horizons, challenge assumptions, and broaden perspectives. Join us on this journey of discovery as we celebrate the past, embrace the present, and envision the future through the transformative power of art, culture, and ideas.
Website: https://avidlearning.in/
Contact: +919769937710
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