hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Country Mouse, City Mouse Chapter 9
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Shanks is like a cat- the more you try to keep him away, the more he wants to be with you. Mihawk should have figured that out by now.
On Ao3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Red Haired Fool
You were eating lunch outside with Mihawk, Perona and Zoro, basking in the early afternoon sun. Mihawk had made some excellent paella, which you couldn’t get enough of. You were enjoying the food and company, when all of a sudden Mihawk sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“What’s goin’ on lamb? You feelin’ OK?”
“Yes, I feel fine. The fool is approaching the island.”
“The fool?”
“Red Haired Shanks is who he means.” Perona supplied helpfully. “He comes by sometimes with his smelly ship and smelly crew,” she said, sticking out her tongue. “Though Benn is cute,” she mused with a finger on her chin.
“Ah.” You weren’t sure what the protocol was for guests who seemed to have a poor reception. Mihawk seemed annoyed, not excited. You thought Red Haired Shanks was one of the Emperors, but you never really paid attention to pirate matters. You’d roll with whatever happened.
“Benn Beckman is old enough to be your father, Perona.” Mihawk said like he was chewing a lemon. 
“Doesn’t change the fact that he’s cute,” Perona said with a shrug. 
Zoro was acting even more reserved than usual, which was saying a lot for the swordsman. Whatever he had going on, Shanks’s arrival didn’t seem to be helping. You better keep an eye on the rubbing alcohol, you thought dryly. Well, how much trouble could a few pirates cause?
Famous last words, you thought to yourself. After lunch, you returned to work. It was harvesting time, and you were gathering beans in a bushel basket. You heard the rustling of leaves, and looked up to see a rotund man reaching for a groundberry. 
“Hey! What you think you’re doin’?! How rude! Just stealin’ my produce?”
“Best looking groundberries I’ve seen! I wanted to try ‘em,” said the man apologetically. He was eating a large hank of meat right off the bone.
“Well you can’t. It’s not for you. Are you Shanks?” He was wearing a bandana, so you couldn’t see the color of his hair. The man laughed.
“Ha! Never heard that before! No, I’m Lucky Roux.” He continued eating and inched his hand back towards the berries.
“You’re gonna be unlucky if you touch them berries,” you said flatly, gesturing with a trowel from your pocket.
“Yeah! Show some respect!” said another voice. Joining in the conversation was a tall man with red hair and only one arm. This was likely “the red fool,” as Mihawk called him.
“Leave the lady’s fruit alone, Lucky. She’s working hard!” The red haired man beamed at you. Another handsome pirate, you thought. Are all pirates so good looking? Or just Mihawk and all his acquaintances? You put the bushel down and dusted your hands off.
“I’m Y/N, I’m a farm hand here,” you said, extending your hand.
“I am Shanks, captain of the Red Hair Pirates, one of the four Emperors of the seas,” he said with a flourish, bringing your hand to his mouth. You pulled it back.
“That’s nice, hun. You’re steppin’ on my row of grinder beans. Either help or leave.”
Mihawk POV
You had Shanks’s crew working in a more organized fashion than he’d ever seen them. Even Beckman was reluctantly picking gourds. Shanks would occasionally wander off, trying to get out of working, but you always roped him back in. This was likely the most he’d ever worked in his life, Mihawk thought to himself. You were engaging them in conversation while overseeing their work, and they seemed to be in high spirits. He supposed he should make an appearance, though he was enjoying watching you command them about. He walked up behind you and put his hands on your shoulders. You craned your neck up to look at him. 
“Oh hi, honeysuckle. I met Shanks. He’s over yonder, tryin’ to get out of workin’!” you yelled the last part towards the slacking captain, who was sitting in the chair you had made for Mihawk.
“I only have one arm! It’s hard!” the Emperor whined.
“You can drink well enough with one arm, can’t ya? So you can work too. C’mon now!” His crew laughed. Mihawk did not. He was displeased that Shanks was sitting in his chair. Shanks saw Mihawk, grinned, and waved. Why must everyone tempt him to violence?
“Mihawk! I met your lovely lady! Why have you been hiding her?”
“I have not been hiding her. She has a profession that requires daily work, which is something you may be unfamiliar with. Why are you on my island?”
“Can’t an old friend stop by to say hello?”
“Aww, Mihawk, you wound me.”
“I shall, if you do not get out of my chair.”
Shanks looked down at the chair and pouted. “But this chair is great! It’s comfortable and spacious. It’s like it was built exactly for my height! Has a great beach vibe, too.”
“Yes, it has many redeeming qualities. The primary of which is that it is mine. Vacate it immediately.” He was using the same tone he issued challenges with. 
Shanks shrugged and stood up. “Well, I think we deserve a reward after working so hard. What do you say boys? Time for a party?” The men cheered, finished up the last of what they were doing, and started to amble towards the shore. You looked confused. “It’s 3 in the afternoon,” you said with a questioning glance at Mihawk.
“The fool’s drinking is not bound by time. Come, Y/N, I will help you finish the tasks.”
Shanks gave Mihawk a pointed look but didn’t say anything as he meandered away.
Later that night, you had accepted an invitation to come to Shanks’s party on the beach. Naturally, Mihawk attended as well. It was an informal affair, with the Red Haired pirates drinking alcoholic swill by a fire. You and Mihawk were enjoying an excellent full bodied wine, which he was unwilling to share with the Captain. The conversation flowed easily in the group, which did not surprise him given how friendly and fascinating you were. Shanks in particular was interested in your stories, your history, and your life. Mihawk pulled you closer to his side. 
“So, what are you going to do now that the season is almost over?” Shanks asked you. You swirled the wine in your glass in thought.
“Not sure yet. I’ll see where the tide takes me,” you said lightly. 
“Do you want to come aboard the Red Force? You could sail with us for a while,” Shanks said with a grin.
Mihawk was aghast and answered before you could. “The very nature of her profession excludes extended time spent sea faring. Besides, if she were to engage in piracy, I doubt it would be on your ship.” Mihawk couldn’t help his acidic tone - he could not bear the thought of you aboard the fool’s ship. Shanks laughed, and said “Relax, Hawkeyes. Didn’t know you were in love. I’ll leave your woman alone.” You blushed lightly when Shanks called you “his woman.”
Despite his irritating nature, Shanks had said a few sobering thoughts. He had mentioned the nearing end of the growing season, and the thought was disturbing. He had put off thinking about it, not wanting to conceptualize that you would be leaving, and soon. Downing the rest of his wine, Mihawk turned his thoughts inward as he watched you easily entrance his undesired guests. 
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deep-dive · 2 years
1 drifting 2 twisting 3 whiteout 4 blackbird-braille 5 Wenceslasaire 6 avalanche 7 swans-a-melting 8 deamondi-pavlova 9 eiderfalls 10 Santanyeroofdikov 11 stellatundra 12 hunter's-dream 13 faloop'njoompoola 14 zebranivem 15 spangladasha 16 albadune 17 hironocrashka 18 hooded-wept 19 phlegm-de-neige 20 mountainsob 21 anklebreaker 22 erase-o-dust 23 shnamistoflopp'n 24 terrablizza 25 whirlissimo 26 vanilla-swarm 27 icyskidski 28 robber's-veil 29 creaky-creaky 30 psychohail 31 whippoccino 32 shimmerglisten 33 Zhivagodamarbletash 34 sorbetdeluge 35 sleetspoot'n 36 melt-o-blast 37 slipperella 38 boomerangablanca 39 groundberry-down 40 meringuerpeaks 41 crème-bouffant 42 peDtaH 'ej chIS qo' 43 deep'nhidden 44 bad-for-trains 45 shovelcrusted 46 anechoic 47 blown-from-polar-fur 48 vanishing-world 49 mistraldespair 50 snow
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vampgf · 5 years
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Over the Garden Wall — Chapter 2: Hard Times at the Huskin’ Bee
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yawaribleubear · 6 years
Receptionist Chronicles- Groundberries
I’m at work eating some strawberries (I skipped out on breakfast but thank goodness they had some food from a meeting this morning). They’re good strawberries, cold, not too juicy- like a strawberry should be. A friend of mine finishes meeting with a department chair from our school and sees that I’m eating a strawberry. He approaches and tells me that they’re one of the best fruit to have. I continue to eat my strawberry and ask him, “Really? Go on.”
“Strawberries come from the ground. Potatoes come from the ground, too. Potatoes are groundberries-”
I don’t know what he said afterwards because all I could focus on was “Potatoes are groundberries.”
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
A3! Translation: Chikage SR Card “Raven in the Dead of Night” [ Hollow Fruit ]
Chikage hangs out with Izumi and Tsumugi while they handle berries.
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Ah, Chikage-san.
Tsumugi, welcome back. You took care of the courtyard again today?
Yes. I just finished, so I thought I’d take a break.
I’m thinking of making some coffee, would you like some, Chikage-san?
Yeah, I’ll take you up on that.
Okay, please wait for a moment.
Looks like you’re not working today.
Well, it’s normal to have less work during the holidays. It’s not as inconspicuous as it seems.
Ahaha, I see.
But then again, what I was doing on my phone just know is a kinda like work.
… No, maybe a bit more important than work.
What... Do you mean by that?
I’ve been gathering info on new curry restaurants. I’ve been reading the reviews and looking for a place to go to next.
I see. That’s very like you.
Not just limited to curry restaurants, though. The number of shops is increasing each day. I have to check them out regularly.
     *Notification sound*
It’s a call from director-san. … It seems like she has some luggage that can only be carried by a car.
Then you better get to her as soon as possible.
Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit. Thanks for the coffee.
It’s nothing. Take care out there.
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Did you finally fix up the hawthorns’ pots? Let’s go already then.
Yup, by all means!
I’m sorry I called you so suddenly like that...
It’s fine. You called me since you knew I was the only one who would drive today.
If director-san expects such from me, I can’t help but respond right away.
… Thank you.
Speaking of, is this the season for groundberries? I think it’s a little early for that.
Usually, yeah. This one’s a little out of season.
An acquaintance of mine approached me and asked if I was willing to take it——.
Guess it was heavier than you expected and couldn’t take it home.
Yes... I thought it was just the groundberries, but I didn’t think it’d be a whole potted plant.
I felt bad about refusing to accept the gift since they gave it to me, and there’s still room in the dorm’s garden... so I took it.
I can see it.
Hey, don’t laugh at me. I was panicking on what to do.
Sorry, sorry. I was in the dorm today, maybe they’ll be happy to see this pot.
Even if they won’t be I have to put it down somewhere! Even if they say no, I’ll do something about it!
Director-san's mysterious insistency came out... You sure are stubborn in a weird way.
Part 2
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We’re home~.
Welcome back, you came home early.
… Aah, groundberries!
It’s unseasonal fruit, but I got it from a variety of reasons.
It seems to take them a little longer than usual... I wonder if it came from a cold place.
Tsumugi-san, can we put the groundberries in the garden?
Of course. There’s a nice, sunny spot over there that looks good, let’s bring it there.
I’ll carry it.
Izumi Thank you very much.
The groundberry fruit is kind of cute, right?
Yes, it is. You can even play with it by ringing it after removing the fruit’s insides.
There’s also a kind of watermarked groundberry, isn’t there? You can see the insides of the fruit while the outside’s just the veins of the leaves.
I’ve seen it before! It’s pretty strange—.
Actually, it’s not that hard to make. Would you like to try?
Eh! I wanna make it! Uh how do you make it?
All you have to do is soak it in water for about a week then the skin will melt.
In water? Then, should I do it in a tub or something?
That’s right. Also, there should be a lid on it to keep it from floating away.
Roger that! Then I’ll go prepare!
She ran like the wind, but... is she really going to make it right now?
Ahaha. Director sure is a woman of action, after all.
...The flower language for the groundberry flower’s a little scary, huh?
Flower language?
It’s got words like “deceit”, “false”, and “deception” connected to it that doesn’t really give out a good impression.
Heh. Tsumugi
There’s a theory that its name was given to it because the flower bears fruit with little to no content inside... that’s why it got its name.
An old man cracked open the fruit and thought, “I’ve been deceived!” is what I like to think.
Haha, I see.
(Almost like——.)
It’s a word that doesn’t sound like it’d fit Chikage-san.
Tsumugi What’s up?
Sigh. Tsumugi, you really...
Thank you for waiting~
I’m ready! Now, let’s harvest the groundberries.
Fufu, all right. Where should we start?
Hmm, then, maybe like this...
Chikage-san, are you leaving?
Oh no you don’t, Chikage-san, let’s make it together! I’ll even help you make the watermarked hawthorn!
Alright, alright.
Option 1: If it turns out well...
By the way, what should we do with the watermarked groundberries if it turns out well?
Let’s see, I know it’s beautiful to just have it on display but——.
I looked it up on the internet and it seems like there’s an arrangement where you can pull the insides out and use it as a lamp decoration for Halloween.
That sounds like a good idea!
The orange looks good for Halloween and more importantly, it’d be fun to make something like this with everyone.
Hey, Chikage-san!
Hey... so, I’m supposed to participate in making the decorations too, right?
Duh! Chikage-san was the first one who came up with the idea for the watermarked groundberries and Halloween decorations.
Option 2: I’m also wondering about the playing sound
The watermarked groundberries are good for now... I’m also curious about that “ringing” game you mentioned!
Then why don’t you ask Tsumugi to teach you? I have some groundberries that I haven’t soaked in water yet.
Alright, I’d love to!
If they hear the sound, I’m sure the others will want to do the same.
Tsumugi We can gather the people who want to try it out later.
Let’s do it! For sure! And of course, Chikage-san will be forced to participate!
I knew you’d say that.
Here, Chikage-san, take one of your favorite groundberries!
I got it, I got it.
Not similar at all... huh?
Story Clear!
---------- t/n:
The groundberries, here (or rather strawberry grounberries) refer to the Chinese Lantern plant, they talk about it in this backstage story but the real thing itself is really pretty!
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martintrungkien · 3 years
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Trái tầm bóp, trái thù lù, trái bôm bốp, trái lồng đèn Cut-leaved groundberry, tooth-leaved bladder cherry #physalis take by #Nokia81 https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9ITJQJ1rC/?igshid=13bmtdnphpvf2
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g0romajima · 7 years
tagged by @ellipsesetcetera (thank u!!) to list songs that start with the letters of my name:
Are You Satisfied? by Marina and the Diamonds

Love Is Mystical by Cold War Kids

Everything is Embarassing by Sky Ferreira

XXX 88 (feat. Diplo) by MØ
i’m surprised i actually had some songs starting with x lmao. i’m tagging @dippers-vest @mountain-nymph @aristotiemendoza @groundberry @finnicksstrident
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gabricl · 8 years
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@groundberry is A Nuisance
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damascenee · 7 years
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#marchejeantalon #marché #market #jeantalon #jeantalonmarket #colorful #berries #groundberries #blackberry #red #orange #yellow #green #august #summer #somontreal #livemontreal #narcitymontreal #photography #vegetables #montreal #montréal #quebec #québec #canada #baskets #mtlmoments #mtl #mtlblogger #canadianblogger (at Marché Jean-Talon)
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berries-archive · 8 years
borth !!! now. but long ago. what we have??? 17 megan. coool
thank u for this amelia. i dont truly understand but i feel as though this sums up my life well
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vampgf · 5 years
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Over the Garden Wall (2014) — Chapter 2: Hard Times at the Huskin’ Bee
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
Hey, same person who told you about what type of plant is in the Chikage translation. I’m sorry about earlier if that sounded so rude, but I said that ‘cause I didn’t want others to be misinformed. Also, this is just a suggestion, how about adding a note on what the hozuki/groundberry/Chinese lantern plant is.
There's nothing to be sorry about don't worry ^^ it just looked like a Hawthorn berry to my lil brain hehe I shouldve searched it up beforehand but I'll add the tl note later!
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vampgf · 6 years
groundberry replied to your post: ����it’s that time of the year where i decide on a...
I dont fuck ccandycorn kajsjdjdjjd
never forget
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gabricl · 8 years
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@groundberry - a tru friend
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gabricl · 8 years
"Macroeconomics is concerned with a nation's total supply and demand of all goods and services. Market demand is the "demand" side of the equation in microeconomics, whereas aggregate demand is the same in macroeconomics." I have no life.
@groundberry lol you’ll appreciate this (she’s an AP macro/micro nerd)
Paste the last thing you copied into my ask box!!
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