#groupe delcourt
graphicpolicy · 1 year
Former comiXology execs David Steinberger and Chip Mosher lunch DSTLRY, a "next gen" comic publisher
Former comiXology execs David Steinberger and Chip Mosher lunch DSTLRY, a "next gen" comic publisher #comics #comicbooks
ComiXology co-founder and former CEO David Steinberger and former comiXology Head of Content Chip Mosher unveiled today DSTLRY. DSTLRY is “a next-generation comics publisher that redefines creator-owned comic books and collectibles.” The publisher will offer customers limited physical and digital item drops, available online or in-store at local comic shops, while providing creators with fairer…
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entre-image-blog · 2 months
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Intégrale Okko, en dix albums, ensemble en édition originale, HUB, éditions Delcourt, Tome 1: Dépôt Légal: janvier 2005, Impression: Décembre 2004; les Tomes 2 à 10 sont notés "première édition". Retrouvez un petit groupe de chasseurs de démons dans l'empire du Pajan, au début du 12 ème siècle, absolument truculent!
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theoihalioistuff · 4 months
He is a hermaphrodite in some esoteric contexts, including the Orphic Hymns, his female half is called Misa and there’s also art of him that exists with breasts (not moobs).
“my most dread mother, whom death eventually carried away” strongly reminds me of the version of Dionysus that’s the son of Persephone (the child doesn’t seem to be referring to its human mother in context).
True that there’s no identical sort of “incarnation” stories with two mortal parents I can think of, but irt Dionysus, he was born multiple times in myth so it’s not a huge conceptual leap imo
I didn't know about Misa, that's cool, I'll look them up. I still believe the text isn't referring to Dionysos though, but I can appreciate the similarities. If you want a detailed discussion on hermaphrodites in Phlegon's tales (and broadly a discussion of intersex people in antiquity) see Between the monstrous and the Divine: Hermaphrodites in Phlegon of Tralles' Mirabilia by Julia Doroszewska (here)
The rundown: "Androgyny occupies two poles of the sacred. [As] pure concept, pure vision of the mind, it appears charged with the highest values. Fulfilled in a being of flesh and blood, it is a monstrosity, and nothing more. It attests the wrath of the gods against the group that had this misfortune to reveal it. The unfortunates who represent the divine wrath are removed as soon as possible.” (Hermaphroditea, Recherches sur l'être double promoteur de la fertilité dans le monde antique – Marie Delcourt)
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liberte-news · 1 month
Křetínský chce získat majoritu ve Slovenských elektrárnách
Ve Francii zase jedná o převzetí vydavatelství Groupe Delcourt. Kromě toho navíc pokračuje v miliardových investicích do svých zdrojů v energetice v Německu ...
SLOVENSKO – Skupina EP Corporate Group (EPCG) podnikatele Daniela Křetínského chystá prostřednictvím svých dceřiných firem v příštích měsících další velké investice do energetiky a médií. Na Slovensku plánuje rozšířit svůj podíl ve Slovenských elektrárnách, čímž by získala majoritu v tamním největším výrobci elektřiny. Ve Francii zase jedná o převzetí vydavatelství Groupe Delcourt. Kromě toho…
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nicolasbaudoin · 3 months
La littérature jeunesse, continent sans frontières ? | Assises de la littérature jeunesse
Depuis 2017, les professionnels du livre pour la jeunesse se réunissent tous les deux ans lors des Assises de la littérature jeunesse. Cette année, pour la 4e édition, maisons d’édition, auteurs, traducteurs, journalistes, médiateurs du livre ou encore enseignants se retrouveront autour d’une question : la littérature jeunesse, continent sans frontières ? En partenariat avec le Syndicat national de l’édition, avec le soutien de La Sofia. 00:00 Introduction par la Présidente de la BnF, Laurence Engel, et Louis Delas (Vice-président du Syndicat national de l'édition) 14:32 Conférence inaugurale de Clémentine Beauvais, autrice et traductrice 32:46 Table Ronde 1 – Les métiers de l’international avec Laura Karayotov (agent littéraire), Bernard Friot (traducteur), Isabelle Darthy (responsable de cession de droits, L’école des loisirs), Laurence Leclercq (responsable de cession de droits BD Jeunesse, Delcourt) - Modération par Nicolas Roche (Directeur général, BIEF) 2:04:00 Mathilde Lévêque, professeure à l’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord 2:22:57 Table Ronde 2 – La littérature jeunesse au défi du numérique, avec Anne-Sophie Steinlein, (Directrice des opérations, YouScribe), Michael Stora (psychologue et psychanalyste, expert des mondes numériques), Jeanne Seignol (journaliste et booktubeuse) - Modération par Laurent Carpentier (journaliste, Le Monde) 3:14:54 Lecture à voix haute par Souleymane (finaliste Île-de-France 2023 des Petits champions de la lecture) 3:21:51 Intervention vidéo de Dorottya Rédai (Présidente de l’association hongroise LGBT LABRISZ, éditrice du recueil de contes inclusifs Brune-Feuille, le prince se marie et autres contes inclusifs) 4:48:03 Intervention de Praline Gay-Para, (conteuse) « Les contes qui traversent les frontières » 4:54:59 Table Ronde 3 – Les enjeux de la coopération internationale, avec Christine Cornet, (attachée Livres et débat d’idées au ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères), Hasmig Chahinian (chargée de mission internationale au CNLJ, responsable d’IBBY France), Laurence Faron (directrice des éditions Talents Hauts et co-Présidente du groupe Jeunesse du SNE), Christine Morault (cofondatrice et directrice éditoriale des éditions MeMo), Modération par Florence Salanouve (directrice de la valorisation à l’ENSSIB) 6:53:40 Table Ronde 4 – La littérature jeunesse, vecteur de soft power, avec Cédric Pilot (producteur, Mediawan), Louis Barchon (rédacteur en chef de la revue Lecture Jeune), Valérie Salamm (co-fondatrice Folie d'Encre), Modération par Lloyd Chéry, (journaliste et rédacteur en chef adjoint de Métal Hurlant) 7:52:23 Discours de clôture par Laurence Faron et Cécile Térouanne (co-présidentes du groupe Jeunesse au SNE) Plus d'informations : https://www.bnf.fr/fr/agenda/assises-... Programme détaillé : https://www.sne.fr/evenement_sne/assi...
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strangears · 7 months
"Sparks" ou l'impossible biographie d'un groupe culte
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Et bien ! Je viens de finir de m'écouter ces derniers mois la discographie des Sparks, quelle aventure ! "Gee, that was fun" ! Je ne pensais pas qu'un groupe au statut plutôt confidentiel pouvait avoir une stature digne de Queen, pouvait traverser les époques avec un tel niveau d'adaptabilité, sans jamais se compromettre et en enthousiasmant toujours d'une façon ou d'une autre les amateurs de Pop dont je fais partie. Maintenant que j'en suis arrivé à la fin, je me sens comme un peu orphelin, un peu seul (bon, jusqu'à ma prochaine grosse découverte, je me fais pas de soucis, ma curiosité aidera). Ce fût une belle traversée rythmée malheureusement par la biographie impropre de ce cher Mr Thierry Dauge. Malheureusement car il s'agit du seul ouvrage français sur le sujet et lorsque je me lance dans une telle entreprise d'écoute, j'aime avoir une revue pour m'accompagner.
Il s'avère que ce « chroniqueur » aime surtout le Rock, le fort, le bon, dont l'apogée a lieu dans les 70's et dont les premières œuvres de Halfnelson/Sparks peuvent se retrouver. En effet, après la période Glam de la bande vite devenue duo, l'auteur finit vite par déchanter, et nous aussi. Celui-ci apprécie moyennement l'arrivée de la musique électronique dans son genre de prédilection, à se demander s'il n'a jamais aimé la bande pour autre chose que leur première décennie. Sans doute batteur, il ne peut s'empêcher de se plaindre sur chaque morceau à la rythmique trop mécanique, dès N°1 in Heaven, pire, à chercher pour mieux regretter la présence de l'ordinateur à partir de Lil' Beethoven. Si au début, ce tic de dépréciation fait sourire, il finit vite par agacer et gâcher la lecture. Encore si c'était avec une certaine drôlerie, une finesse des mots et des formules, mais ici, le style est plutôt balourd, aussi impersonnel que subjectif. Je veux dire, je n'ai pas acheté un bouquin s'appelant « Ce que je n'aime pas dans le Musique Électronique » mais bien une biographie des Sparks !
Alors Dauge avoue avoir eu du mal à l'écrire cette bio car le duo a toujours préféré rester discret sur son œuvre, son processus de création, donnant alors peu d'interviews. Les quelques entretiens donnés, le chroniqueur en a glissé des extraits tels quels dans le bouquin. On peut se demander alors à quoi doit ressembler la biographie d'un artiste.
L'entreprise ici d'énumérer tous les titres de tous les albums semblait peut-être la bonne idée sur le papier mais n'aboutit qu'à un exercice laborieux ; impossible d'être juste et pertinent sur des œuvres qui ne nous touchent pas. Dauge survole. Il se force avec le niveau d'un lambda sur Senscritique, sauf que le lambda lui, ne se force pas. Au mieux, il utilise le même cynisme et les mêmes répliques assassines pour attaquer ce qui ne lui plaît pas. Et plus on avance, plus on remarque qu'il ne sait même pas de quoi il parle. Parler de "When Do I Get to Sing My Way" en écrivant qu'il s'agit d'une "resucée 80's" ne montre qu'une méconnaissance totale du son électronique des 80's à celui des 90's. Du morceau "Frankly Scarlett, I Don't Give a Damn", il est juste écrit "Euh… Coup de "zappette"… Si j'avais envie de lire ce niveau d'analyse, j'aurais posté le titre sur Twitter et gardé les commentaires les plus médiocres. L'écriture a beau être subjective, elle n'est même pas personnelle. J'entends par là que l'auteur ne se présente pas au début de son écrit. Si il l'avait fait, nous l'aurions peut-être pris comme un avertissement, nous aurions réussi à mieux le situer par rapport à l'œuvre qu'il décortique, et peut-être mieux accepté certaines de ses critiques mises en exergue de ses goûts. En parallèle, je lis « Neptunes et Timbaland » de Maxime Delcourt qui lui, réussit à donner un style littéraire à sa biographie tout en resituant la façon dont les protagonistes ont influencé l'industrie musicale en générale. Impersonnel mais efficace. On peut également parler de Lester Bangs et ses articles interminables où l'on finissait par en apprendre plus de lui-même (et donc, sur nous) que sur l’œuvre critiquée elle-même. Personnel mais efficace. Thierry Dauge n'est ni impersonnel, ni personnel et s'est perdu donc dans une entreprise qui l'a dépassée, au point où l'on dirait même sur la fin, qu'il n'est pas si fan du groupe que ça…
Je lance finalement « The Girl Is Crying in Her Latte » (qu'il n'a pas chroniqué car sorti après la parution de son livre) et j'image déjà son mécontentement à l'écoute du titre éponyme. « Ouh la la ce gros son électronique qui casse la tête ! On se croirait dans une usine industrielle où tout part en sucette. Et ce kick mécanique qui se répète, beurk ! Ah cool, c'est pas de la gratte électrique que j'entends à la fin ? Non ? Coup de zappette ! » Je n'avais pas envie de lire ça, mais merci quand même.
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comiccrusaders · 1 year
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DSTLRY Enters Multi-Year Foreign Rights Deal with Groupe Delcourt! @DSTLRY_Media http://ow.ly/x90v50OC8ak
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lewis-lafontaine · 2 years
Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group The Real Nadja – Léona Delcourt   Seers and the Foreseen: Breton, Jung and the Real Nadja by Carole Brooks Platt  “The Poet should make himself …
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Seers and the Foreseen: Breton, Jung and the Real Nadja
Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group The Real Nadja – Léona Delcourt   Seers and the Foreseen: Breton, Jung and the Real Nadja by Carole Brooks Platt  “The Poet should make himself a seer.” –A. Rimbaud “. . . Poetry was a crystallization of Breton’s own belief that the words and language could change the world, that the mind was the seat of any worthwhile revolution, and that true…
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lecturedesam · 2 years
Orgueil & préjugés - 1.Les Cinq filles de Mrs Bennet
Orgueil & préjugés – 1.Les Cinq filles de Mrs Bennet
  Auteur : Aurore Titre : Orgueil & préjugés – 1.Les Cinq filles de Mrs Bennet ISBN : 9782302077461 Format numerique – Groupe Delcourt Bandes déssinées       4eme de couverture :  L’arrivée d’un jeune, bel et riche jeune homme va mettre en émoi une bourgade cossue et ses occupantes en quête d’un époux. Tout Longbourn est en émoi depuis l’arrivée du fortuné Mr Bingley ! Menacée par un testament…
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
DSTLRY announces a "first look" deal with Groupe Delcourt for French Translation
DSTLRY announces a "first look" deal with Groupe Delcourt for French Translation #comics #comicbooks
DSTLRY has announced that it’s entered a multi-year foreign rights deal with Groupe Delcourt, the leading independent comic book publisher in France. This deal provides Groupe Delcourt a “first look” deal to translate DSTLRY’s forthcoming library of trade paperbacks into the French marketplace. Announced last month in The New York Times, DSTLRY was cofounded by comiXology veterans David…
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Pyroraptor olympius
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By Ripley Cook 
Etymology: Fire Thief
First Described By: Allain & Taquet, 2000
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Dromaeosauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Around 72 million years ago, in the Campanian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Pyroraptor is known from the La Boucharde locality in France, the Vitoria and La Posa Formations in Spain, and potential locations in the UK 
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Physical Description: Pyroraptor is a poorly known raptor, based on a few fossil scraps found around the late Cretaceous of Europe. Portions of the foot, arms, and some teeth are known from Pyroraptor, none preserved very well. It had the sickle second toe claw of other raptors, and it seems to have been fairly lightweight and small - probably no longer than 1.4 meters, though that is of course an estimate. Other than that, we know very little about its appearance - we don’t even know if it was a specialized sort of raptor like in the Dromaeosaurine, Microraptorine, or other groups - except for that it would have been very fluffy, with wings on its arms and a tail fan on its tail. 
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By Conty, CC BY 3.0 
Diet: As a raptor, it is most likely that Pyroraptor fed upon meat, probably small animals such as lizards, mammals, and turtles.
Behavior: Pyroraptor would have been a very active dinosaur, spending most of its time hopping and stalking around the rivers and beaches in its island environment. Like other raptors, it wouldn’t have been a pursuit predator, but rather an ambush one: it would have waited for prey to appear, and then pounced on it, using rapid flaps of its wings to stay balanced on top of the struggling prey. This technique, called raptor prey restraint, is still seen in living raptors today. Pyroraptor would have also been able to run up vertical surfaces, such as trees and cliffs, using flaps of its wings to gain lyft up the surface. Then, it would have been able to catch food on the run! Other than that, Pyroraptor probably wasn’t very social, based on fossil evidence from other raptors - that being said, it would have taken care of its young, and probably stayed in small family groups during this process. 
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By The Unknown Horror From the Ocean Depths, CC BY-SA 4.0 
Ecosystem: Pyroraptor lived in the Late Cretaceous of Western Europe, which was a series of islands sitting in a shallow ocean - sort of like the Bahamas today. These ecosystems were easy to travel between, utilizing rafting and other forms of impromptu sea travel, so the animals on them tended to be similar to each other. Pyroraptor itself lived with many turtles, snakes, sharks, and gars; as well as Eusuchians such as Musturzabalsuchus and Acynodon. There was some sort of large Azhdarchid pterosaur, too - currently called Azhdarcho, though that’s a questionable assignment. As for other dinosaurs, there were Abelisaurids there, Titanosaurs like Lirainosaurus, Nodosaurids like Struthiosaurus, the Ornithopod Rhabdodon, and another raptor called Richardoestesia, and the protobird Gargantuavis! 
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By José Carlos Cortés 
Other: Pyroraptor was named as such because it was discovered after the occurence of a forest fire. Since so little is known about this dinosaur, there isn’t much more to be said about its phylogenetics or history of discovery! It is rather famous for having been featured in the 2003 documentary Dinosaur Planet, though given its poorly preserved nature, the wisdom in that choice of star is mildly suspect.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
Allain, R. and P. Taquet. 2000. A new genus of Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of France. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(2):404-407
Allain, R., and X. Pereda Suberbiola. 2003. Dinosaurs of France. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2:27-44
Angst, D., E. Buffetaut, J. C. Corral and X. Pereda-Suberbiola. 2017. First record of the Late Cretaceous giant bird Gargantuavis philoinos from the Iberian Peninsula. Annales de Paléontologie
Astibia, H., E. Buffetaut, A. D. Buscalioni, H. Cappetta, C. Corral, R. Estes, F. Garcia-Garmilla, J. J. Jaeger, E. Jiminez-Fuentes, J. Le Loeuff, J. M. Mazin, X. Orue-Etexebarria, J. Pereda-Suberbiola, J. E. Powell, J. C. Rage, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. L. Sanz and H. Tong. 1990. The fossil vertebrates from the Lano (Basque Country, Spain); new evidence on the composition and affinities of the Late Cretaceous continental faunas of Europe. Terra Nova 2:460-466
Carpenter, K. (1998). "Evidence of predatory behavior by theropod dinosaurs". Gaia. 15: 135–144.
Carpenter, K. 2002. Forelimb biomechanics of nonavian theropod dinosaurs in predation. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 82: 59 - 76.
Carrano, M. T., and S. D. Sampson. 2008. The phylogeny of Ceratosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 6(2):183-236
Chanthasit, P., and E. Buffetaut. 2009. New data on the Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of southern France. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 180(2):145-154  
Delcourt, R., and O. N. Grillo. 2014. On maniraptoran material (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from Vale do Rio do Peixe Formation, Bauru Group, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 17(3):307-316
Erickson, G. M., K. Curry Rogers, D. J. Varricchio, M. A. Norell, X. Xu. 2007. Growth patterns in brooding dinosaurs reveals the timing of sexual maturity in non-avian dinosaurs and genesis of the avian condition. Biology Letters 3 (5): 558 - 61.
Fowler, D. W., E. A. Freedman, J. B. Scannella, R. E. Kambic. 2011. The Predatory Ecology of Deinonychus and the Origin of Flapping in Birds. PLoS ONE 6 (12): e28964.
Gauthier, J., K. Padian. 1985. Phylogenetic, Functional, and Aerodynamic Analyses of the Origin of Birds and their Flight. Hecht, M. K., J. H. Ostrom, G. Viohl, P. Wellnhofer (ed.). The Beginnings of Birds. Proceedings of the International Archaeopteryx Conference, Eichstätt: Freunde des Jura-Museums Eichstätt: 185 - 197.
Gishlick, A. D. 2001. The function of the manus and forelimb of Deinonychus antirrhopus and its importance for the origin of avian flight. In Gauthier, J., L. F. Gall. New Perspectives on the Origin and Early Evolution of Birds. New Haven: Yale Peabody Museum: 301 - 318.
Godefroit, P., P. J. Currie, H. Li, C. Y. Shang, and Z.-M. Dong. 2008. A new species of Velociraptor (Dinosauria: Dromaeosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of northern China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(2):432-438
López-Martínez, N. 2000. Eggshell sites from the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition in south-central Pyrenees (Spain). In A. M. Bravo & T. Reyes (ed.), First International Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies, Extended Abstracts 95-115
Manning, Phil L., Payne, David., Pennicott, John., Barrett, Paul M., Ennos, Roland A. (2005) "Dinosaur killer claws or climbing crampons?" Biology Letters (2006) 2; pg. 110-112.
Martyniuk, M. 2016. You’re Doing It Wrong: Microraptor Tails and Mini-Wings. DinoGoss Blog.
Pereda-Suberbiola, X., H. Asibia, X. Murelaga, J. J. Elzorza, and J. J. Gomez-Alday. 2000. Taphonomy of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing beds of the Lano Quarry (Iberian Peninsula). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 157:247-275
Prum, R.; Brush, A.H. (2002). “The evolutionary origin and diversification of feathers”. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 77 (3): 261–295.
Rothschild, B., Tanke, D. H., and Ford, T. L., 2001, Theropod stress fractures and tendon avulsions as a clue to activity: In: Mesozoic Vertebrate Life, edited by Tanke, D. H., and Carpenter, K., Indiana University Press, p. 331-336.  
Senter, P., R. Barsbold, B. B. Britt and D. A. Burnham. 2004. Systematics and evolution of Dromaeosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Bulletin of the Gunma Museum of Natural History 8:1-20  
Torices Hernández, A. 2002. Los dinosaurios terópodos del Cretácico Superior de la Cuenca de Tremp (Pirineos Sur-Centrales, Lleida). Coloquios de Paleontología 53:139-146
Torices, A., P. J. Currie, J. I. Canudo and X. Pereda-Suberbiola. 2015. Theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of the South Pyrenees Basin of Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60(3):611-626
Turner, Alan H.; Pol, D.; Clarke, J.A.; Erickson, G.M.; Norell, M. (2007). “A basal dromaeosaurid and size evolution preceding avian flight”. Science. 317 (5843): 1378–1381.
Turner, AH; Makovicky, PJ; Norell, MA (2007). “Feather quill knobs in the dinosaur Velociraptor”. Science. 317 (5845): 1721.
Vila, B., M. Suñer, A. Santos-Cubedo, J. I. Canudo, B. Poza and A. Galobart. 2011. Saurischians through time. In A. Galobart, M. Suñer, & B. Poza (eds.), Dinosaurs of Eastern Iberia 130-168  
Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. 861 pp.
Xu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, X.; Kuang, X.; Zhang, F.; Du, X. (2003). “Four-winged dinosaurs from China”. Nature. 421 (6921): 335–340.
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rperboni · 4 years
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(Note: I am not a professional paleontologist or even biologist. I am just and amateur paleoartist and enthusiast. If my infos are off in some way, feel free to correct them ^^)
10 - Spectrovenator ragei (from Latin "ghost hunter") - Early Cretaceous (125-113 Ma BCE) - Quiricó Formation, Minas Gerais, Brazil Formally described in 2020 by Rafael Delcourt's team, the Spectrovenator is one of the most significant findings within its group, with the fossils found belonging to a probably immature individual, preserving much of the posterior region of the skeleton, including limbs and the pelvic girdle, but also a basically complete skull, the first belonging to an abelisaur of the Early Cretaceous, showing characteristics of transition between more primitive forms and the more well-known abelisaurs, such as Carnotaurus and Majungasaurus. The name of this animal comes from the fact that the fossil was excavated under another, a Tapuiasaurus, probably indicating that it died crushed by the great size of the sauropod, by accident or even during a hunt. Abelisaurs are a group of theropods native to Gondwana - the southern continents during the Mesozoic - whose more advanced forms of the Late Cretaceous showed animals specialized in running, with long legs and muscular tails, using their short skulls to take accurate bites or even swallow animals, if small enough, whole. Despite this, the Spectrovenator does not have such characteristics, having shorter legs and a more rectangular skull, being more generalized and less specialized for a specific niche, as is common in transition species. Part of the Areado group, the Quiricó Formation appears to represent a region of a large seasonal lake in the middle of a semi-arid environment, where Tapuiasaurus and Spectrovenator appear to be the main non-Avian dinosaurs, along with fish, turtles and lizards.
- Color scheme based on a Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) and the mother with a Tapuiasaurus foot in the mouth is based on this great photo
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sedetoportfolio · 4 years
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Conception of mascots and illustrations for the Groupe Delcourt’s Village Shojo.
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comixology · 5 years
For Immediate Release:
ComiXology Kicks Off Comic-Con International San Diego 2019 with Press Event Revealing ComiXology Originals Debuts & News, ComiXology Trends & More
ComiXology also announces show exclusives including comiXology Originals 2019 Pin Sets, Promethee 13:13 screen printed poster & The Stone King poster only available at the comiXology Booth #2121
Sign up for comiXology Unlimited at the comiXology Booth #2121 & get a free comiXology Originals print trade collection
July 15, 2019 – San Diego, CA / New York, NY – ComiXology, Amazon’s premier digital comics service, will kick off Comic-Con International San Diego 2019 on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 with an invite-only press event showcasing comiXology Originals debuts, news and creators, as well as providing data-backed insight on comics industry trends and more.
ComiXology Co-founder and CEO and Head of Digital Comics Worldwide at Amazon, David Steinberger, will kick off the press event with a keynote speech about the state of the comic book industry, giving way to comiXology’s Head of Content, Chip Mosher who will spotlight special comiXology Originals guests Andy Diggle, Max Dunbar, Joe Glass, Clive Hawken, Jock, Shawn Martinbrough, Kel McDonald, MK Reed, Richard Starkings, C. Spike Trotman, Jim Zub and even a few surprise creators. Fans who want to receive the news in real time can follow the comiXology Twitter and #ComiXologySDCCLive.
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    Ahead of the press event, comiXology also unveiled today their 2019 Comic-Con International convention booth exclusives which include a comiXology Originals 2019 Pin Set featuring five enamel pins that spotlight Durn from Stone Star, the “odd goat” from Delver, Bear from The Pride, the comiXology Originals logo, and a pin of a yet-to-be-announced comiXology Originals title! Attendees can also get a high-end limited-edition screen print Promethee 13:13 poster by Jock and a limited-edition poster of the Eisner Award-nominated series The Stone King with art by Tyler Crook.
  The comiXology Originals 2019 Pin Set and the posters for Promethee 13:13 and The Stone King will be free while supplies last and exclusively available during signings at the comiXology booth (#2121) during Comic-Con International. The full panel and signing schedule will be available to check out across all of comiXology’s social media including, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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  Additionally, attendees who sign up for comiXology Unlimited at the comiXology booth (#2121) will receive one of three free comiXology Originals print trade collections while supplies last: Elephantmen 2261 Season One, Ask for Mercy Season One, and the Eisner Award-nominated The Stone King.
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    Timed to Comic-Con International, comiXology Originals will debut the following titles on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 including:
Promethee 13:13 #1 Headed by veteran editor Will Dennis, written by Andy Diggle (Green Arrow: Year One, The Losers, James Bond) with art by Shawn Martinbrough (Thief of Thieves, Batman: Detective Comics, The Black Panther, Hellboy, How to Draw Noir Comics: The Art and Technique of Visual Storytelling), colors by Dave Stewart (Hellboy, Gideon Falls), lettering by Simon Bowland (Skyward), with covers by Jock (Batman, The Losers). ComiXology Originals and Delcourt Group, the leading independent comic book publisher in France, bring readers everywhere a prequel to Christophe Bec’s best-selling, 19-volume mind-bending, science-fiction bandes dessinées Promethee. Promethee 13:13 issue 1 is available today.
“In 2015, we joined with the French publisher Delcourt to bring more bandes dessinées to the digital-first, English-language market,” said Steinberger. “Today’s release is an exciting development not only for fans of the original iconic graphic novel series, but readers everywhere who want to experience the spirit of French Bandes Dessinées through the lens of superb writing and art found in Western Comics thanks to the talents of Andy Diggle & Shawn Martinbrough!”
“The release of Promethee 13:13 underscores comiXology’s mission to make everyone in the world a comics fan,” said Chip Mosher, comiXology’s Head of Content. “This unique prequel springs out of the pages of one of the most popular French Bandes Dessinées. Promethee 13:13’s all-star creative team is internationally renowned. And the story they are telling is widescreen science fiction at its finest.”
Ask for Mercy Season Two #1 Written and lettered by Richard Starkings with art by Abigail Jill Harding Set more than a hundred years before the “incredibly mesmerizing and… haunting” events of Season One, Kasa takes Mercy, Ratmir and Budgie into the Black Hills of North America, 1876 where the course of history is at stake!
Delver #5 Written by C. Spike Trotman and MK Reed with art by Clive Hawken, colors by Maarta Laiho, and lettering by Ed Dukeshire The role-playing game inspired series’ first season concludes! Find out if Merit makes it out of the Dungeon – and if she does, how will she be transformed by her experience?
The Pride Season Two #2 Written by Joe Glass with art by Cem Iroz, colors by Mark Dale, and lettering by Mike Stock The LGBTQ+ superhero series The Pride continues. The team faces obstacles and the addition of new members, all while working to solve the mysterious attacks on the world’s biggest pop star.
Initial D Volumes 39-48 Written and drawn by Shuichi Shigeno Finally, completely translated in English for the first time, manga fans throughout the English-speaking world learn how the all-time, high-octane manga series about Japanese street racing, Initial D,concludes with comiXology and Kodansha Comics releasing Volumes 39-48 of Initial D today. More than just manga, Initial D is a cultural phenomenon. Upon its release, Initial D perfectly captured the world of Japanese street racing and kicked off a global craze, spawning a legendary anime series, video games, movies, and an immortally beloved techno soundtrack. It also inspired the film The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
Customers can enjoy comiXology Originals releases on a variety of Amazon’s membership services. Prime Reading offers all Amazon Prime members a rotating selection of over a thousand top Kindle books, magazines, short works, comic books, children’s books, and more – all at no additional cost. Kindle Unlimited offers over 1 million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and select current issues of popular magazines for just $9.99 a month with a 30-day free trial at amazon.com/kindleunlimited. ComiXology Unlimited now offers over 20,000 comics, graphic novels and manga for just $5.99 a month with a 30-day free trial at comixology.com/unlimited. All titles are also available as individual purchases on Kindle and comiXology.
For more updates on comiXology Originals, check out http://comixologyoriginals.com and follow comiXology on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. About comiXology ComiXology, an Amazon.com, Inc. subsidiary (NASDAQ:AMZN), is a revolutionary, cloud-based digital comics service. With content from over 125 publishers as well as thousands of independent creators from around the world, comiXology provides an unrivaled library of comic books, graphic novels, manga and bandes dessinées. The company’s first-in-class innovations include the exclusive Guided View technology which provides an immersive and cinematic reading experience and a new monthly subscription service. ComiXology is based in New York City, with operations in Seattle and Los Angeles. For more information, visit comixology.com and follow the company on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. About Amazon Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, and Alexa are some of the products and services pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit www.amazon.com/about and follow @AmazonNews.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 15 July 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of X-Man: Omega #1 concludes the event with this finale one-shot from Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, Simone Buonfantino, Tríona Farrell, and Clayton Cowles. It’s a confrontation between many of the groups within this world and X-Man as they discover the nature of the world and discuss some philosophical concepts of conflict and identity.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #50 begins “Amnesty” from Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha, Eduardo Pansica, Daniel Henriques, Julio Ferreira, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles. It’s damn good. Arthur returns home here and there’s a reintegration of old supporting cast members, Wonder Woman, and further information about what’s going on in Atlantis. Also the set up for an interesting story possibly further down the line. Great art from Rocha, Pansica, Henriques, Ferreira, and Gho.
| Published by DC Comics
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Assassin Nation #5 is the end to what has been a fun and humorous action-packed series from Kyle Starks, Erica Henderson, and Deron Bennett. More great action with some surprises along the way.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Batman #75 begins “City of Bane” from Tom King, Tony S. Daniel, Mitch Gerads, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles. It sets up a new status quo in Gotham with Bane at the helm and a bizarre slotting of various villains into traditional roles.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Badge #12 concludes this series with one last mission from the combined forces of all of colour badges, showing us how a coordinated effort really should have taken place before the groups’ purpose was co-opted. This has been a great series from Matt Kindt, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, and Jim Campbell.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Black Science #41 sets up an interesting and somewhat surprising new reality after last issue. I kind of expect that we’ll see another big twist as we head towards the finale in the next two issues. Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton give us an interesting look at “paradise” this issue.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Blade Runner 2019 #1 begins a new time period and introduces a new Blade Runner in this alt-present tale from Michael Green, Mike Johnson, Andres Guinaldo, Marco Lesko, and Jim Campbell. Ash is an interesting character and this interpretation of the mythos is wonderful. Also, the artwork from Guinaldo and Lesko perfectly fits this neon apocalypse world.
| Published by Titan
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Bloodborne #13 begins the next arc, “The Veil, Torn Asunder”, as an unnamed veteran searches through the madness of Yarnham and beyond. Beautiful artwork from Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson, really bringing the existential horrors to life.
| Published by Titan
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Daredevil #8 goes in a very interesting direction as Matt accepts a dinner invitation from the married bookseller he keeps flirting with, leading to an assassination attempt and captivating dinner conversation about rules and responsibility. Chip Zdarsky, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Jay Leisten, Java Tartaglia, and Clayton Cowles are really delivering an interesting story here.
| Published by Marvel
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Excellence #3 delves into some of the details of how the Aegis deals with rogue magic users. Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett are doing some very interesting world and character building here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Fairlady #4 is another great issue. The humour that Brian Schirmer provides in the dialogue is wonderful. This one dives into the mystery of mystery novel missing its final page and there’s one hell of an ending.
| Published by Image
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Ghost Tree #4 concludes this excellent series from Bobby Curnow, Simon Gane, Ian Herring, Becka Kinzie, and Chris Mowry. There are a lot of goodbyes in this issue, some pleasant, some not, and some heartrending choices and consequences. Very well done.
| Published by IDW
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Gideon Falls #15 checks in with Father Fred’s nightmares. The different time periods and streams, and their crossings-over at this point, are fascinating, even as things become even more chaotic and horrifying. Gorgeous art from Andrea Sorrentino and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Immortal Hulk #21 has gorgeous guest art from Ryan Bodenheim as we get a story filling in this past of Fortean and a dangerous change in the present. Al Ewing also brings forward some of the recurring subtext of form and substance through the Bible and Kabbalah to give a deeper understanding of some of the themes here.
| Published by Marvel
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Infinite Dark #8 brings an end to the second arc, with a revelation of the nightmarish creatures trying to destroy the station and a choice for how to proceed with the potential survival or annihilation of the remaining human race. Wonderful work from Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti, K. Michael Russel, and Troy Peteri.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Invaders #7 begins a new arc, “Dead in the Water”, dealing with the fallout of Atlantis’ assault on the surface. There are some more hints of Namor’s problems, the return of another Invader, and hints at some nefarious things on the horizon. I love the introduction of Tony Stark into the mess in the present, adding another conflict to deal with. Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham continue to deliver some solid storytelling here.
| Published by Marvel
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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #4 features an interpretation of the myth of Lorelei by Aud Koch (with letters from Jim Campbell). It’s wonderfully told, with beautiful, magical artwork.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Archaia
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Justice League #28 concludes “Apex Predator” from James Tynion IV, Javier Fernandez, Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano. This one’s basically integral to the core “Year of the Villain” story as Lex gives his offer to J’onn. 
| Published by DC Comics
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The Life & Death of Toyo Harada #5 picks up some of the pieces for the remaining few of Toyo’s forces, as they try to make a plan for what’s to come next. It should be interesting to see what the next step is in the finale. Gorgeous artwork from CAFU, Kano, and Andrew Dalhouse.
| Published by Valiant
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Little Bird #5 brings this ambitious and unique story from Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram, Matt Hollingsworth, and Aditya Bidikar to an end. The personal nature of this story as Little Bird comes to terms with her family has been a very enthralling element in this fight for freedom, and the sacrifices that one makes. Stunning artwork from Bertram and Hollingsworth.
| Published by Image
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Loki #1 is an entertaining beginning to this new series spinning out of War of the Realms from Daniel Kibblesmith, Oscar Bazaldua, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles. It dives in to Loki’s new role as King of Jotunheim and how he’s humorously approaching his duties. There’s a nice set-up for something coming that’s dismissed as a trick.
| Published by Marvel
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Outpost Zero #11 reveals the discovery of life outside of the outpost, which leads to an unexpected reaction and sign of more conspiracies to keep the entire populace in the dark. Sean Kelly McKeever has been seeding little hints that something not right has been going on for a long time within the colony and there is more evidence of it here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Pearl #11 sets us up for the end as Pearl returns to San Francisco to take care of the Endo Twins. Also, a game changer of a cliffhanger. Love the double page spreads from Michael Gaydos.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Promethee 13:13 #1 is a digital-original prequel to Christophe Bec’s Promethee series from Andy Diggle, Shawn Martinbrough, Dave Stewart, and Simon Bowland. You don’t need to have read the original to follow this, but I still highly recommend it. This is an interesting starting point, with even more of a conspiratorial/espionage feel than the sci-fi of the main series. It’s good and I’m very interested to see where this goes.
| Published by Delcourt / Soleil
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Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #1 is a welcome return of Walter Simonson’s new take on Thor and Norse Mythology, pushing the story in new directions as Thor gains a vision of the end from his father and sets out for Hel. Simonson, Laura Martin, and John Workman work together as a seamless team here delivering a wonderful next chapter to the story. For those new to this series, there’s also a rather nice Q&A section that helps with some of the details.
| Published by IDW
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Resonant #1 is an intriguing debut from David Andry, Alejandro Aragon, Jason Wordie, and Deron Bennett. This first issue sets up a different, very interesting post-apocalyptic world that we’re kind of uncertain of, but with the core of a single father trying to protect his children. The art from Aragon and Wordie is incredible.
| Published by Vault
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Road of Bones #3 goes even harder into the brutal horror of three men trying to survive without any resources in a harsh landscape devoid of life. Rich Douek, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch elevate the terror nicely this issue.
| Published by IDW
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Rumble #14 unleashes the Last Knight of the Scourge Knights upon the world, bringing with him death through oblivion. John Arcudi, David Rubín, Dave Stewart, and Joe Sabino are definitely raising the stakes here, especially with Rathraq distracted by a personal conflict.
| Published by Image
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Sera and the Royal Stars #1 is a fantastic debut of this fantasy series from Jon Tsuei, Audrey Mok, Raul Angulo, and Jim Campbell. It draws on Persian history and folklore as Sera is called upon by Mitra to fulfill a quest to prevent the end of everyone.
| Published by Vault
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Silver Surfer: Black #2 continues to build the mythology around Knull. I love this blend of the seed from Venom with what’s been going on in the cosmic side from Guardians of the Galaxy, Donny Cates is doing a great job of reinforcing an evolving shared universe feel. Also, the art from Tradd Moore and Dave Stewart is phenomenal. 
| Published by Marvel
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Sonata #2 unveils some more mysteries about the planet, including some incredible monsters out to kill and eat everyone. The art from Brian Haberlin and Geirrod Van Dyke is very nice.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #1 is a fun debut from Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber, Nathan Fairbairn, and Clayton Cowles that brings back a lot of the ridiculousness of the old Jimmy Olsen stories, seeing Jimmy in bizarre and humorous predicaments. There’s also an interesting exploration of Jimmy’s family’s history in Metropolis. And wonderful artwork from Lieber and Fairbairn.
| Published by DC Comics
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Usagi Yojimbo #2 continues “Bunraku” as the investigation into the puppets continues. The supernatural aspect that Stan Sakai is bringing to this lead off arc for the new volume is engrossing and the colour from Tom Luth is growing on me.
| Published by IDW
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Vampirella #1 is kind of a weird start (excepting the zero issue) to this new volume from Christopher Priest, Ergün Gündüz, and Willie Schubert. It’s framed as Vampirella seeking help from a psychiatrist following the trauma of the plane that she was on in the zero issue crashing, a disbelieving psychiatrist, and it’s certainly different.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Force #10 concludes “The Counterfeit King” and with it the series (at least for now). Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett, Jesus Aburtov, and Cory Petit go out with a bang as X-Force have a final confrontation with Stryfe and his remaining forces. Also, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Animosity #22, Ask for Mercy: Season Two #1, Bags (or a story thereof), Blossoms 666 #5, Bronze Age Boogie #4, Captain Marvel #8, Clue: Candlestick #3, Collapser #1, Cyber Force #11, Deadpool #15, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #10, Domino: Hot Shots #5, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #7, Evolution #17, Faithless #4, Firefly #8, From Hell: Master Edition #6, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #264, Hit-Girl: Season 2 #6, Infinity 8 #13, Invader Zim #45, James Bond 007 #9, Joe Golem: Occult Detective - The Conjurors #3, Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #3, Jughead’s Time Police #2, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest #6, Love & Rockets #7, Lucifer #10, Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #4, Port of Earth #12, The Punisher Annual #1, The Ride: Burning Desire #2, Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1, Spider-Man: Life Story #5, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #34, Star Wars: Tie Fighter #4, Superior Spider-Man #9, Teen Titans #32, They Called Us Enemy, Transformers #9, Transformers/Ghostbusters #2, Turok #4, Uncanny X-Men #22, The Unstoppable Wasp #10, The Warning #9, Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me #1
Recommended Collections: BPRD: The Devil You Know - Volume 3: Ragna Rok, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, By Night - Volume 2, Dead Kings - Volume 1, Die!Die!Die! - Volume 1, The Empty Man: Recurrence, Grumble - Volume 1: You’re the Dog Now, Man, Gunning for Hits, Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown, Jughead: The Hunger - Volume 3, LaGuardia, Miles Morales: Spider-Man - Volume 1: Straight out of Brooklyn, Princeless - Volume 8: Princesses, Vindication, Ronin Island - Volume 1, The Witcher - Volume 4: Of Flesh & Flame, Wolverine: The Long Night, Wonder Woman - Volume 9: The Enemy of Both Sides
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d. emerson eddy might currently qualify as a liquid.
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