#kodansha usa
leafy-m · 10 months
Because I'm autistic and because I love Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen, I page-by-page compared the recent Kodansha USA English release of volume 1 to its Japanese and fan-translated counterparts.
If you've read the official English translation, you may have noticed that some of the big Orufrey moments are.... a bit underwhelming, word-wise. You may have even noticed that the word "wine" is suspiciously missing from the final chapter's WillowGrape Wine recipe, in which wine is kind of an important and obvious factor in it! And you would be correct!
While most of this manga volume is pretty accurate to the original text, there is absolutely a concentrated effort to tone down the more tender Orufrey moments, as well as minimize the alcoholic nature of the final chapter's recipe and related contraptions.
And that's frustrating!
The entire draw of this manga spin-off is seeing these gay witch dads take care of each other and their four daughters in an idyllic countryside setting while also making yummy food that you the reader can try make too. Why is Kodansha USA trying to no-homo these gays?? (Is this a reflection of how bad things are in the USA now?) And while you might say, "But Jade! Qifrey and Olruggio are not actually dating in canon!" — and I would agree with you! But there is nothing straight about these mens' behavior in this comic, and if Qifrey is going to look in Olruggio's direction while tenderly saying his name in Nearly Every Chapter, I expect to read that in English, dammit!
So I'm activating my autism trap card and presenting ya'll with a thorough comparison of every mistranslated and omitted Orufrey or wine moment, complete with discussion and screenshots from the Japanese, fan-translated, and USA English versions. This post is ridiculously long and maxed Tumblr's 30-image limit so chapter 10's discussion is actually in a reblog (sob sob), so I'm putting it all under a cut (you're welcome), and you can be sure that I'll be doing this again if need be for the translated volumes releasing next year.
For now? Let's go.
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CHAPTER 1: pg 10
Japanese: フフ...
Fan translated: Heh heh
English version: Ahh...
This is a small moment, but it's important because it's foreshadowing. Qifrey is "airing out" the kitchen, but what he's really doing is sending those delicious smells into Olruggio's room. He's trying to lure him into the kitchen! And that little フフ/heh heh panel is evidence that he's up to something. If you've noticed in the main series, whenever Qifrey is doing something shady or it has a double-meaning, the 'camera angle' focuses on this side of his face with the dark lens.
But the English version obfuscates this by changing フフ to "Ahh..." like, 'isn't that better,' even though it keeps the ellipsis thought bubble indicating that something is up. Why the mixed messaging?
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CHAPTER 1: pg 13
Japanese: オルーギオ!
Fan translated: Orugio!
English version: Excellent!
This is the first of many moments where Qifrey will directly say Olruggio's name, and yet the English version will translate it to something else, or drop it entirely. And no, "there wasn't enough room" is not a valid excuse for most of these. Especially when Olruggio's name can (and often is) shortened to Olly.
Look at Olruggio's little smirk at making Qifrey beam happily like that. My God. Kodansha USA/translator Stephen Kohler, why would you take this from us.
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CHAPTER 1: pg 14
Japanese: 二人共 今日も一日 お疲れ様でした!
Fan translated: These two people are together tonight. Another day's work well done, you two!
English version: Here's to another long day... ...and a well-earned break!
The omnipresent narrator from the beginning of the chapter is back, and clearly highlighting that 'these two people' are together tonight. And yet the English version removes all that. It may be redundant since we can see they're together in the illustration, but the whole page has that type of text redundancy, like focusing on 'eating that first bite,' or how 'a laugh bubbles up' with Qifrey. And combined with all of the other later omissions, this becomes an obvious trend of targeting these specific types of moments.
Update: Thanks to Farlynthordens for additional insight on this Japanese phrase!:
二人共: (the) two of you [the "tomo" implies the narrator is talking "to" them rather than "about" them] futari-tomo means in a literal sense "(you) two people who are together", but in terms of actual usage/definition it's just identifying a specific pair of people who the speaker is talking to.
今日も一日お疲れ様でした: the rest of this can't really be separated. this whole phrase is meant to be like "good work for all the things you did over the course of this whole day". the fan translation seems to have not understood that the two text blocks were meant to be all one sentence. so if you put this all together, it's like "Good work for everything today, guys!"
Knowing this, I'll still keep it as part of the list because it does omit addressing the two of them in the English version, which follows that trend of minimizing these moments between them. But thank you for the clarity! 💕
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CHAPTER 2: pg 28
Japanese: 料理も魔法器も相手のことを一番に考えるのは 君の美德だね 半分ずつだ オルーギオ
Fan translated: Whether you're cooking or performing magic, you always think of others before yourself. It just goes to show your good character. We'll share it, Olruggio.
English version: I've always admired that about you. Whether in your work of in the kitchen... ...You always think of others' needs before your own. All right. Let's split it, then.
The English version has two mistranslations here. I'll start at the top. In it, Qifrey is observing how Olruggio puts others first, and then compliments how it shows his good character. The 'good character' bit is changed to "I've always admired that about you," which at first I thought was sweet! Points for Kohler. But now that I really look at it, there is still some shady translating happening here.
In writing and communicating, what is said last has the most importance. This is how people "bury the lede," by hiding important information in the early part of a speech or amid other sentences, and then distracting them with other stuff.
In that English version top panel, even though Qifrey is complimenting Olruggio, by having it be said first it makes the second speech bubble (and therefore Olruggio's flustered response) be about Qifrey remarking on Olruggio's own behavior, rather than Qifrey's nice compliment about his character. Which changes the meaning of what's going on here. Olly is not flustering because he puts others first, he's flustering because Qifrey is saying something really nice about him, right to his face!
And then of course, in the bottom panel, Qifrey saying Olruggio's name is once again removed.
And I have to say, this bothers me not just because of autistic AcCUraCY! needs, but because he is very specifically saying his name. They are the only people in the room, it's very clear who Qifrey is addressing, and yet here he is once again, putting that man's name in his mouth.
It is intentional.
It is heartfelt.
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CHAPTER 3: pg 36 and 37
Japanese: (Olruggio): キーフリー それいらないならこっちに..してくれ (Qifrey): オルーギオ ひとつおねがい!
Fan translated: (Olruggio): Qifrey, if you won't be needing those, send them my way. (Qifrey): One pot please, Olruggio!
English version: (Olruggio): Mind if I grab those breadcrumbs from ya? I'm gonna use 'em as a binder for the patties. (Qifrey): Could you bring that pot over here for me?
This is a sweet segment because it shows how well Qifrey and Olruggio work in tandem in the kitchen. As someone who has repeatedly failed at working harmonically with others while making food, them being in sync in the kitchen is more fantastical than the actual magic.
And once again, Olruggio and Qifrey saying each other's names are removed. The Olruggio panel translation is also a bit misleading because (as you can see in the larger fan-translated photo), it's Qifrey who is controlling that wind spell! Olruggio is not "grabbing" the breadcrumbs from him, it's Qifrey who is sending them to him. It also lends to the back-and-forth of these moments because as soon as Olly's done with that pot, he gives it to Qifrey to use.
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CHAPTER 3: pg 41
Japanese: ありがとうオルーギオ 行ってきます
Fan translated: Thank you, Olruggio. We'll see you later.
English version: Thank you, my friend. We'll be on our way now.
We're now at the part of the manga where Qifrey saying Olruggio's name is changed to "my friend" in the English version. Which is a phrase I'll admit I have some Daevabad baggage with, so idk, is this some platonic ray-beaming or is it code for tender feelings for that person you like but aren't ready to date yet because of trauma and societal complications? Is Stephen Kohler a Daevabad fan? So many unknowns. Still counting it as a wrong though.
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CHAPTER 4: pg 56
Japanese: (Olruggio): ま... 眩しくて眠れやしない (Qifrey): がんばれ! オルーギオ
Fan translated: (Olruggio): Really... I can't sleep with all this shimmering... (Qifrey): Do your best! Olruggio.
English version: (Olruggio): Hmph. How's a man supposed to get some sleep with this thing sparklin' away over here? (Qifrey): Keep at it... ...my friend.
Qifrey literally made a bouquet of rose-shaped tarts for Olruggio to cheer up his room, so of course the English translation needs to tamp down that gayness by unnecessarily bringing up Olruggio's manhood when he complains about not being able to sleep from the tarts' sparkling. Even though this chapter's cover image is of Olruggio sitting in a field of flowers, pondering quietly as he holds one in his hand. Maybe later chapters will have Olruggio edited so he's sitting 5 feet away from Qifrey.
And again, Qifrey saying Olruggio's name in the bottom panel is changed to "my friend" in the English version.
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CHAPTER 6: pg 95
Japanese: いい出来だろ? 家事の分担が大変だなんて思ってたら こんなものは作れねえぜ
Fan translated: Turned out pretty good, right? If I really thought sharing the housework was a pain, then I couldn't make something like this.
English version: Whaddya think? Not bad, huh? Sorry for leavin' you stuck with all the chores these last few days. I figure this is the least I can do.
Of all the mistranslations, this one bothers me the most. Olruggio is a wonderful malewife! He is constantly trying to help Qifrey out with the Atelier chores, in Kitchen and the main series. And yet the English translation changes the entire context of what these panels are saying.
The right panel is Olruggio proud of how good the soup tastes (it's even in a fancy bread bowl!), and yet the English translation downplays it by saying, 'Not bad, huh?'
Then the left panel, with it's sparkly background and close-up on Olly's face, goes further into how if he thought helping out with the housework was a pain, he wouldn't be capable of making stuff like this. Which is an understated way of saying that Qifrey can rely on him for things like this. (and he says it more outright in other chapters/the main series) But instead the English version is treating this soup like it's an apology for not helping out more. It's also really stupid because Olruggio was not making the soup as 'the least he could do' for Qifrey — he made it because he was hungry and wanted to eat it now! He literally admits this a few pages back!
Olruggio is not someone trying to do the bare minimum, he's someone trying to tell his control-freak of a friend that he wants to share in helping out. And the English version disappointingly misrepresents that here.
CHAPTER 10! Has several issues both Orufrey and wine related, and has several comparison segments. But because I maxed out Tumblr's 30-image limit, I can't include it here and so have to post it in a reblog. UGH. 😔
(Here is the link to the Chapter 10 comparison/discussion!)
In the meantime, image credits! The Japanese scans are from Comic-Days.com, the fan scanlations are thanks to Don't Quit Your Day Job, Robot Garden Scans, Brimhats/Nyaruhodou, and Kirbypoyopoyo, and the English version photos are from my own copy. And thank you AskeFinns for help with reading Chapter 2's kanji 💖
If chapters weren't mentioned, it's because I didn't notice anything significant enough to comment on. But if you know of something I missed, do let me know! And thanks for reading this far!
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initial-dream · 3 months
Kodansha USA (2024) Omnibus Release Volume 02
Has it really been three months already?
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The second volume of Kodansha USA's Omnibus release of Initial D just released (June 25th 2024, though it was also released digitally three weeks earlier on June 4th) and I have just gotten my hands on a copy.
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Pretty much every compliment I paid to the translation last time is true. As with before, the many oddities and changes present in the Tokyopop and earlier 2019 Kodansha USA release are gone.
I feel its pertinent for me to offer a minor addendum to my review of the first volume, specifically in regard to print quality. Many people have noted that the paper that the first volume is printed on appears incredibly grainy. While it isn't something I paid much mind to, it does appear to be grainier than your average, which is somewhat embarrassing for a "premium" release that costs twice the amount of a normal manga volume. Many people have also complained that their volumes have pages where the ink is visibly lighter than it should be. This doesn't effect every reader, but it is unfortunate that some people are having a worse experience than I am with this release.
The paper grain of this volume does seem better to my eyes, though it may be about the same (I would like to provide a photo of this but my phone's camera doesn't really show the grain very well.
Unfortunately, once again, there is a minor blight on this great release in the form of a translation error. When Shingo is first introduced in chapter 29, he, for whatever reason, calls himself "Shingo Atsushi", instead of Shingo Shoji.
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This error does confuse me slightly, as a quick cursory search online would show that this is incorrect. It's possible that the translator misread 庄司 (Shoji) as 厚司 (Atsushi), as they do have a character in common, but I cannot say for sure. I believe this is the only location in this volume where Shingo is referred to using his surname, so we may have to wait for the next release to see if this gets corrected. This does remind me of a similar mistranslation in the Tokyopop release with Toru Suetsugu's name, which I may cover at some point.
I dont mean for any of this to come off as a condemnation of this release; this is still the best version of Initial D that we have ever received, it's just unfortunate to see the translation be tripped up by minor things such as this. I do still recommend picking this up if you are interested in reading the manga (and I think you should be, its the best version of the story.)
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Over $1400 in Hiro Mashima Manga available as part of Kodansha's New Humble Bundle
Over $1400 in Hiro Mashima Manga available as part of Kodansha's New Humble Bundle #comics #comicbooks #manga
Kodansha USA and Humble Bundle are teaming up once again, this time to bring one of the most complete collections of Hiro Mashima digital manga in one career-spanning bundle worth over $1400 with the Hiro Mashima Universe Humble Bundle. Starting now until June 22, newbie and veteran manga fans alike can take advantage of this bundle to get all 63 volumes of FAIRY TAIL, all 35 volumes of Rave…
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redsnerdden · 1 year
Let's Meet The Players of Shangri-La Frontier In The Newest Promotional Video
Let's Meet The Players of Shangri-La Frontier In The Newest Promotional Video #シャンフロ #ShangriLaFrontier #anime #manga #Fantasy
The newest promotional video for the upcoming anime series, Shangri-La Frontier was recently released, and we finally got a chance to meet the new cast. Along with the new trailer, we also had a new trailer for the upcoming video game. According to a new press release, Netmarble Nexus will be developing the new video game, and Netmarble will publish it. At this time, there isn’t any new…
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downthetubes · 1 year
New comics publisher DSTLRY, launches, top international talent on board, anthology “The Devil’s Cut” first title
A new publisher aims to shake up comics publishing, with creators and creator rights at core
Reaction to the news that ComiXology cofounder and former CEO David Steinberger and former ComiXology head of content Chip Mosher have announced a new comic book publishing company, DSTLRY, continues to be positive, with some great creators on board for this exciting new project. In a joint announcement earlier this week, Steinberg and Mosher said that they have been working on the venture since…
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
Kodansha USA Publishing announced on Wednesday that it will publish Keiko Suenobu's Life and Life 2: Giver/Taker manga digitally in March. The company will launch Life on March 7, and it describes the story:
All Ayumu dreams of is making it into the same high school as her best friend. But when she gets in and her friend doesn't, their friendship crumbles—sending Ayumu spiraling into depression. She finds relief in cutting herself, but soon realizes that her scars may interfere with her budding high school life. Can she trust her new friend, Manami, who seems too good to be true? Or will Ayumu's apparent lack of compassion and understanding get her tossed aside like she was before? And is there anyone else out there who could possibly love her for who she is? A melancholy coming-of-age story by Keiko Suenobu!
The 20-volume Life manga ran in Kodansha's Bessatsu Friend magazine from 2002-2009, and it won the Kodansha Manga Award in the shōjo category in 2006. Tokyopop published nine volumes of the series before it shut down its North American publishing division in 2011. The manga inspired a live-action television series in 2007.
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Kodansha USA will publish Life 2: Giver/Taker on March 14, and it describes the story:
When the charming young boy who moves next door turns out to be a psychopath who murders her little sister, Itsuki vows to fight the injustice that allowed him a second chance at life while her sister lies dead. Blaming herself for what happened, she becomes a stone-cold cop who fears nothing to prevent others from living through a similar tragedy. But six years later, on the very same day the killer is finally set free, she finds a chilling letter in her mailbox threatening to once again steal what's most important to her. And though she wants nothing more than to make him pay for her sister's life that he stole, she'll have to watch her back now that there's a killer on the loose.
Suenobu launched the Life 2: Giver/Taker manga in Kodansha's Afternoon magazine in June 2016, and ended it in October 2018. Kodansha published six compiled book volumes for the manga. The manga inspired a live-action show adaptation in January.
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wha-archive · 1 year
Publisher Update - English Simulpub announced
K-Manga, a US publishing site for Kodansha's manga, is due to launch in a week and has announced that the English translations of Witch Hat Atelier will be available as the Japanese chapters come out!
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As it's a US site, you'll find you aren't able to access the teaser site without a VPN (I'm in the same boat!) - and I cannot confirm yet if payments will work outside of the US, but this is fantastic news for Witch Hat regardless!
If you're outside the US and wish to ask about whether the region will expand in the future, be sure to be polite when registering interest in wider coverage! In the meantime, be sure to support the official releases you can access - either by buying the volumes or the Japanese chapters on official sites.
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bra-nch · 1 year
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happy easter monday everyone, but also more importantly, Happy Mogi Monday
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akkivee · 1 year
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hypmic jumpscare
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wingedwhitelioness · 2 years
Levi Ackerman, humanity’s coolest in NYC 😎🔥
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Hajime Isayama’s new art
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yurimother · 6 months
Yuri Anime 'Whisper Me a Love Song' Announce April 13 Debut; HIDIVE to Simulcast
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Last Friday, an announcement posted to the official website for the upcoming television anime adaptation of Eku Takeshima's Whisper Me a Love Song (Sasayaku You ni Koi o Utau) revealed that the series will premiere on April 13. Additionally, on Wednesday, Sentai Filmworks announced that it has licensed the anime and will stream the anime internationally on HIDIVE.
Whisper Me a Love Song follows first-year high school student Himari Kino, who, at a welcome ceremony, witnesses Yori Asanagi singing and instantly falls in "love." She immediately confesses her admiration to Yori, who misinterprets Himari's feelings as romantic. However, once she realizes her mistake, Yori swears that she will make Himari fall for her for real.
The release date announcement also included a new key visual (above) and information about the opening and ending themes. Whisper Me A Love Song's opening theme, "Follow your arrows," is performed by the fictional band SSGIRLS from the anime and sung by Kana Sasakura, who provides the singing voice for main character Yori Asanagi.
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Sentai Filmworks will simulcast the anime exclusively on HIDIVE in North America, Australia, the the British Isles. The North American premiere will be screened at Anime Boston 2024 on March 29.
The anime, which was delayed from its initially announced January premiere, is directed by Akira Mano at Cloud Hearts and Yokohama Animation Laboratory. Mano replaced the initially announced director, Xin Ya Cai, due to "health reasons." Character designer Minami Yoshida and script supervisor Hiroki Uchida join Mano.
The anime stars Hana Shimano as Himari Kino and Asami Seto as Yori Asanagi. Additional cast includes:
Konomi Kohara as Mari Tsutsui
Mikako Komatsu as Aki Mizuguchi
Ai Kakuma as Kaori Tachibana
Yuna Nemoto as Shiho Izumi
Reina Ueda as Momoka Satomiya
Chika Anzai as Hajime Amasawa
Aoi Koga as Miki Mizuguchi
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Ichijinsha serializes the original manga in Ichijinsha's Comic Yuri Hime. Kodansha USA publishes the manga in English and will release the eighth volume on March 26.
Sources: Official Anime Website, HIDIVE Press Release
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 months
2024 English language manga releases I'm enjoying
Here are a couple of titles I've picked up in English so far this year that I've enjoyed. Most of these I read digitally in Japanese for one or two volumes a couple of years back, but opted to wait and purchase the English print versions for my collection.
I feel like all of these books are worth the purchase price, but don't have the energy to do individual posts for each of them. So here's a very smooshed together post covering a few 2024 reads.
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Akechi Ushiro is a heavily flawed, hard-working woman whose disregard for her own wellbeing results in her coming face-to-face with her equally flawed guardian spirit, Masako. The pair decide to combine their forces and begin tackling the obstacles in Ushiro's life using curses.
Hiruzuka Miyako's darkly funny tale of a woman taking control of her life alongside her queer sister spirit is such a delight . Featuring a rough-and-ready art style that helps underscore the macabre elements at play, the entire first volume is scathing in its humour and unashamed in its portrayal of Ushiro's flaws. I was surprised when this one got picked up by Yen Press a while back, but so happy to see it enjoying a stateside release. If you're after something that doesn't always play nice, GOGOGOGO-GO-GHOST! might well be for you.
Edit: If you haven't read it before, this Japanese interview with Hiruzuka is worth reading for a bit more on her background and the creation of the series.
Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! (Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku) from Kodansha USA
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A sweet little fantasy romance between two individuals who find solace in one another despite being reviled by the general public for their interest in monsters. One loves defeating monsters in battle while the other loves cooking them!
Melphiera is a smart, capable heroine while Aristide Rogier du Galbraith is a dashing and supportive hero. The manga art is a bit low in detail, but the characters and story are absolutely worth your time. I'd love to see the LNs that the manga adapts in English someday too. I mentioned in tags before this whole series gives me the types of vibes I enjoy in historical fantasy romance novels, so if you like that kind of content this might be a good title to check out (or recommend to friends who appreciate romantasy but haven't tried manga before).
In The Name of The Mermaid Princess (Mio no Na no Moto ni) from VIZ Media
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In a country where being "unhuman" or in some way supernaturally inclined is seen as a curse rather than a blessing, Princess Mio takes medications to suppress her mermaid-esque traits and please her father. Her perspective changes when Yuri, a tutor from her fiance's home kingdom, encourages her to be herself and embrace the things that make her different.
I've seen people say this is a bit too obvious in its parallels between fantasy oppression and IRL issues, but this is a Ribon manga for young girls so yeah it's on the nose but I think it works for the audience it has in mind. Tashiro Miya's artwork here is gorgeous and both leads are quite endearing (Mio is SO freakin adorable I can'ttttt). Overall a solid little series with nicely packaged volumes for those after something for a younger audience.
The Moon on a Rainy Night (Amayo no Tsuki) from Kodansha USA
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A romantic slice-of-life tale featuring two high school girls, one of whom is a budding pianist (Saki) and the other a loner who is hard of hearing (Kanon).
I don't normally go much on high school romance but the way this series blends classic GL melodrama tropes with genuine issues in an earnest manner works for me. While we see things more from Saki's viewpoint as she eagerly tries to learn more about Kanon and tries to figure out her own sexuality, we do also come to understand Kanon's thwarted ambitions and the difficulties she has with letting people in.
Kuzushiro's art is quite whispy and cute, with all the characters tending to look quite well-realised on the page. While I prefer romances that feature a character with disability to centre their perspective, I do feel this does a decent job of portraying both girls as they try to navigate their deepening relationship. YMMV on this though, particularly if you are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.
Sketchy from Kodansha USA
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Ako is living an unfulfilling life with a dull job and even duller boyfriend, but she suddenly finds herself thrust into a whole new world upon encountering a mysterious young skateboarder.
Sketchy, while ostensibly about women taking up skateboarding is more a snapshot of their individual lives and the role having a hobby plays once you're no longer a child. Ako's story particularly resonates with me (I literally worked her job at a similar age) but all the characters prove interesting in their own way.
Makihirochi's art is a bit more experimental than others on this list and may not be to everyone's taste, but I do think Sketchy is still worth checking out even if you're not entirely sold on the art (which I think has improved since I first became familiar with her work through Itsuka Tiffany de Choushoku o in Comic Bunch). Titles like this, which, let's face it, have low level of mainstream appeal, don't often get English language releases so I highly recommend supporting this one if you have the opportunity to do so.
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initial-dream · 7 months
Kodansha USA (2024) Omnibus Release Preview
This is the first in, what I presume will be, a long series of posts about the (as of posting) upcoming English omnibus release of Initial D. For those unaware, in just over a week (19th of March) Kodansha USA will be releasing the first in a series of 2-in-1 copies of the Initial D manga.
With such a short amount of time until the release, Kodansha USA have posted a preview of the new release onto their website, consisting of the first chapter of the manga. If you would like to see for yourself, it can be found here.
I am officially, very, very excited for this release. Looking at this preview alone, it is exactly what I had hoped for. It appears to be completely up to modern standards, with a fresh (and accurate!) translation of the text. This release is the only one I have seen (and possibly the only one ever?) to maintain the original coloured opening pages, which is a wonderful thing to see.
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This release also seems to be translating the Bonus pages from the original volumes, the first time that will ever be done for an official English release, as Tokyopop and Kodansha USA (in their earlier digital release) didn't include them.
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy when it drops. If you're also interested in picking up a copy you can easily find it on most online bookstores, with Crunchyroll and Kinokuniya USA offering alternate covers in the USA (based on the original omnibus and the Volume 1 cover respectively).
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
SDCC 2023: Vinland Saga Creator Makoto Yukimura Makes U.S. Debut
SDCC 2023: Vinland Saga Creator Makoto Yukimura Makes U.S. Debut #SDCC #SDCC2023 #SDCC23
Kodansha USA has announced that acclaimed manga creator Makoto Yukimura, author of the fan-favorite viking drama and inspiration for the anime, Vinland Saga, will make his U.S. Debut appearance at Comic-Con International San Diego 2023. From July 20 through 23, Kodansha USA will celebrate both Yukimura-sensei and Vinland Saga at booth #5542 with signings, con-exclusive giveaways and additional…
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redsnerdden · 1 year
This Week In The Nerd Fandom: Anime Expo Edition
This Week In The Nerd Fandom: Anime Expo Edition #anime #manga #AX2023 #DCComics #Comics #AnimeExpo
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paperback-rascal · 30 days
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I haven't seen whole Supernatural series, so I don't know if Winchester brothers ever ventured outside of USA to hunt demons but I know Kitaro, despite being mostly active in Japan, had few instances when he aided monsters from foreign countries and went abroad to solve yokai problems outside Japan.
So... Kitaro meeting Sam and Dean is NOT out of the realm of possibility!
"Karan Koron" is an onomatopoeia of wooden geta sandals hitting the pavement.
see other of my Gegege no Kitaro fanarts -> [HERE] <-
Gegege no Kitaro (c) Shigeru Mizuki/Kodansha/Toei Animation
Supernatural (c) Eric Kripke/ Kripke Enterprises/ Wonderland Sound and Vision/ Warner Bros. Television
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