#gt worldbuilding
evieismol · 4 days
Hello, can I ask a doodle of how you see the fangs and claws of the Aphirials? Thanks.
This is such a late response I'm super sorry! Continuing to try to finish going through asks and here's some claw and fang doodles (cw: anatomical skull). As well as some related world building rambling no one asked for.
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Aphirials naturally have sharp/fairly long claws and keeping them long and neatly groomed and/or decorated is generally fashionable in Aphirial society, especially in the region Easton is from. Hunting (with the use of said claws) is a popular past time and being able to keep claws manicured when they're frequently used generally means the Aphirial in question has the resources to do so, so they're also seen as a class/status symbol, and that's made painting/decorating them even more popular.
Single color polish and simple designs like white tips or a flower has been a widely accepted go to for the middle classes across age groups and genders for a while. More fashion forward Aphirials, as well as upper classes (especially "new money" and celebrities) go for more intricate or outlandish designs from complicated patterns to nail charms type things. Having messy or bare nails has been and is generally looked down on, but there's also been micro trends of like clear polish, natural claws, etc.
And then there's Easton who filed his claws down to a "Looks human" length to not alarm the humans or accidentally scratch anything because they are SHARP. When he was back on Aphiria he usually just painted them some muted shade of green or brown though.
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demonicfreakish · 9 months
| Shadow of Me | :Creature Concepts: Pt.1
Small update collection of some of the finished concepts of the creatures found in our headworld. Some of these are the lore/designs my husband Abaddon/Obsega(ObsidianAssassin) came up with. And some are mine. But we both did the writing on them all and developed their lore. I will tell a bit about them but not a lot. Most of their lore can be found on my Patreon~
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Staggsguld - "term used for referring to the sun deer"
These creatures mainly feed on nectar from various flowers they find in Chreshera. But during high noon in the scarlet fields they will freeze themselves and open their membrane hoods to soak up the sun's rays for more sustenance. Sometimes you can catch whole herds standing still like statues doing this. Some males that live long enough for their crystalline horns to grow so large they begin to twist around themselves like trees. Even grow moss on them. This creature is also the flagship creature of our lore.
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Chimerah - "term used for referring to the shade-toothed panther"
Though large and bulky these creatures are as silent as the chill of a cold voided room... Even the Staggsguld cannot hear them coming. The only chance you have at some hint of their presence is the prickling sensation you feel as all the hairs on your body stand up. Obligate carnivores in nature, their bodies made up of different animal parts. That most of which are from snake, feline, ursidae, and draconic. Like most if not all creatures in Chreshera they give off a soft bioluminescence. But they can fade, even turn this off, when hunting their prey...
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Piquies - "term used for referring to the guinea hog sauropod."
These creatures are large in size but not nearly as large as the cows of our lore. Though being the pork in our world they still hold a lot of use rather than just as food to feed various cultures. They also serve as hearty steeds or as pack holders for weary travelers. Not much bigger than a Clydesdale horse these small creatures toddle along but aren't very speedy due to their robust stature. They mostly chew on various grasses and tubers for their sustenance but when farmed its more preferred to feed them a rich diet of various fruits and veggies for a more sweet meaty taste. Though be wary the small ones like to bunt your legs if you are not paying attention to them.
Those are just a few of the creatures from our lore, when we finish more I will likely make another post like this one. If you want to see more and our work in progress on this world and the story they hail from- Check my Patreon for more~ (Oh and we have started on the lore book to our world- the Penumbraverse/Penumbra Universe) Check the link below for more:
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find-your-wings · 2 months
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Guide to Olmia magazine- Moon Phases, Higum and Hium, Minkin, and Dolfolk!
These have been a ton of work but it's been fun to compile years of worldbuilding into some fun-to-look-at lore pages! Figured lore dumps might be easier to digest in magazine-like articles that cut a lot of the fat!
Most people probably won't read these so if you do, thank you lmao you're a real mvp
if you don't, hope you at least enjoy the doodles that go with them!
None of the concepts in these pages are set in stone! Many things may or may not change in the final version of FYW, and some things aren't super important. There's tons more pages I need to make, but I'm just posting these for now.~
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litenmyra · 6 months
how do you think enamel care would work for tinies? do they gnaw on bark to keep their teeth clean and healthy, or do species like borrowers risk loosing their teeth early?
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goosetooths · 7 months
a few people asked about the lore of Solitaire and where to find it!!!!! all ive posted of it yet is the characters, more to come cjcjdjjd
in the meanwhile heres a graphic i made like a month ago about the structure of the worlds :^)
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please ignore the one (1) typo
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somescrap-paper · 1 month
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Meet Caspien Aparajita!
Her playful, charismatic personality doesn’t cover up the fact that she’s a fugitive. During her time in the Entostellian realm, Caspien was frequently involved in criminal activity. Known for her fluency in colour-weaving and athletic evasiveness, she’s become quite a notorious pirate within the kingdom, easily out-maneuvering most of the Aurelian’s enforcers. One day, however, Caspien’s impulsiveness leads her to bite off more than she can chew, as she tries to steal a forbidden book from the Aurelian’s library for a mysterious, high-paying client. She ends up getting caught and thrown into prison. But Cas is a stubborn Entostellian, and eventually found a way out, eventually finding a way to slither into the apartment, and lives, of Tim and Albert.
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- The Aurelian is basically the leader/monarch/emperor (like Celestia from MLP). They have been gifted the power of the “Arcane” and have more magic then the rest of the Entostellians of the realm
- The enforcers, or royal guard of the Aurelian, is called the “Aurelian’s Symphony.” I’ll explain it a lil more in Cecile’s post :>
- Caspien is an “Aquastellian.” They are great swimmers and have the ability to breathe underwater. When they come into contact with water, they have retractable fins. These types of Entostellians have tails+antennae designs inspired by certain shrimp, plankton, or sea slugs.
-I primarily use she/her pronouns for Caspien, but do know she is cool with any pronouns!
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kxttsstuff · 5 months
Sense of humor
🧵;; You may find your borrower friend, despite being an avid survivor, also a great comedian in their own strange ways. This is not uncommon, as humor is a sign of inherent trust. Humor is essential for borrowers to cope with stress and the difficulties of their lives, but it is more reserved to close relationships since it can have ambivalent attitudes.
🧵;; Borrowers don't grasp sarcasm, or at least not the way humans do. For them it's very important (sometimes even related to their survival) to be direct and honest with each other, so sarcasm may be taken seriously and cause awkward moments or unnecessary misunderstandings, as it may come off as rude or inappropriate, and with the right tone and words, you may even start a fight. That is not to say borrowers don't have their own sarcasm, but it is less used when talking about someone with that someone, and more about describing particular situations or people to others. This is why borrower humor is HIGHLY context-based:
🐿️;; The borrower way of being funny and unserious often uses exaggeration as a resource (also a way of subtle sarcasm, eh?) For example; “This door is heavier than a bag full of thumbtacks!”
🐿️;; To show you are incapable of doing something that is considered “easy” on purpose (by being clumsy, slow, or manual tasks like sewing) can be seen as funny in a right context, with the right tone and expression. For example, faking being an idiot at climbing. Of course, you may be actually an idiot and it would be seen as equally if not funnier. Be careful to do this around those who are not your friends, or they'll make a poor opinion about you. Also, some borrowers may display a sense of ironic pity at someone else being poor at a task, whether on purpose or not.
🐿️;; Borrowers are a bit more desensitized to death, blood, and other “survival stuff” humans may find weird. So to make the most of it, they sometimes make jokes related to the unique struggles they face as a species. “You wouldn't believe it, but I've had mouse liver and it tasted better than this piece of old bread”.
🐿️;; Though some Borrowers do mock humans for various reasons (whether with shadowed honest opinions or just the dose of unique borrower sarcasm), it is not safe to assume they all share these kind of jokes or consider them okay.
🧵;; Borrowers love to laugh at themselves, especially the young. However, you might not ever hear them joke about their own traditions or ancestors, there is a well-defined limit they unconsciously know.
🧵;; Because it is required as a core value to “be a good borrower”, most of them are perceptive regarding this topic, and will notice when the joke they made went too far or went misunderstood, quickly going back to a safe spot. Same way they will notice when the other is trying too hard to be funny, which is not well received.
🧵;; If the joke wasn't funny or it didn't make sense, most borrowers won't laugh or even smile out of courtesy, rather asking questions (not pointing out how awful it was) as to not let the warm convo turn into a deep silence.
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not-poignant · 1 year
It's taken me way too long to do a Master Fae Tales worldbuilding file, and I've decided to do it in Obsidian. I started yesterday, here's how it's going:
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Obviously has a LOT of work needed, but we're moving in the right direction.
The big issue is that I need to standardise a lot of stuff across all the novels if I'm going to be publishing them.
So we officially have a Style Guide lol
Also, all the characters will finally have birth dates. I can't believe I've neglected that so much! (Yes I can, says the dyscalculia).
It's fun, but it's also intimidating, because y'all, did you know the Fae Tales Verse is fucking huge???
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beansthough · 9 months
Wilbur is out doing his chores when he hears loud crying. He's obviously concerned but also a bit annoyed why Tommy hadn't just come and sought him out like normal- which usually means he did something bad.
Anyways he follows the crying calling out to Tommy how he won't be mad etc etc and stop hiding as he makes his way through a thicket of bushes only to be totally stunned when instead of finding Tommy, he finds a badly hurt dragon hybrid who is deathly afraid of him and everything.
Tallulah is baby dragon hybrid (bit younger than Tommy) and has stumbled her way into the Forest where everyone resides. She's just escaped a bunch of hunters and is hiding when Wilbur finds her. She's kinda cornered but Wilbur is eventually able to settle her. As soon as he talks about bringing her home to the village she panics and runs off.
Cue round two of Wilbur lying to everyone while he tries to adopt befriend his big little girl.
I think it would be really cute and the Wilbur would probably get Tommy involved because she needs somewhere safe to sleep till she's comfortable and Tommy would have someone his size to play and talk with. (Plus I just think it would be really sweet for Tommy to get a hug from someone big like him since he's a touch starved danger noodle)
Anyways.... THANKS FOR LETTING ME RANT!!!!!!!! Have these and how are you btw?🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
I also like the idea that this is a little later in the au. If you don’t mind my own spin lol.
Like Tommy is finally fully integrated into the village and everyone is comfortable around him. He’s probably 16/ 17 now and Wilbur is 24/25.
Wilbur and Tommy are out doing one of their routine hide and chase hunts when Wilbur hears quiet sniffles coming from behind a large bush.
Wilbur is first a little skeptical because Tommy has been known to play pretend hurt to get Wilbur to come to him instead of keeping up the chase.
He called out Tommy’s name in aggravation saying Tommy was to old for this trick, but he was surprised that instead of snickering he was met with complete silence.
Wilbur pushed through the bush and his heart leapt into his throat.
Instead of Tommy, he was met with black purple wings and a shorter tail. Small scaled hands with short talons covered a fearful face, only leaving a head full of chocolate curls with two horns poking through.
Wilbur took a deep breath after accessing the situation. It was a little girl. Way younger than when he found Tommy, or well when Tommy found him.
Wilbur speaks out a soft hello, only for her to whip her head out of her hands to meet Wilbur’s gaze.
Wilbur’s core shook to his core as those dark slit eyes focused on him. He had to steady his nerves. He had done this once before he could do it again. Wilbur cleared his throat.
“Hello there…” It was soft and comforting. “Are you lost Sweetheart?”
The dragon looked at Wilbur with fearful confusion, as if Wilbur wasn’t what she was expecting. But as her eyes lingered on him they seemed to round out in wonder. She had never met anyone like this before.
“My name’s Wilbur, what’s yours?” The dragon stayed frozen awhile longer, seeming to take in all of Wilbur’s features, the little beast nodded to herself and dug in a small bag that was at her side. She pulled out a sheet of paper that was way larger than Wilbur , crumbled and stained.
The mouse backed up a bit so the Dragon could lay it out before him. There on the page what was Wilbur assumed to be her name in chalky purple crayon wax. Some of the letters backwards, some the right way round.
“Tallulah?” The dragon perked up and leaned closer to Wilbur. The mouse only a little nervous at her hovering. “Can you speak?”
The hatchling shook her head in the negative before opening her mouth. “ l-little…” It was quiet and broken, as if the girl wasn’t use to speaking at all. “That’s alright, but could you try to tell me why you’re out here by yourself?” Tallulah opened her mouth but it slammed shut once more. Her eyes narrowed back into slits and she seemed to look beyond where Wilbur stood. Wilbur swallowed nervously.
Wilbur suddenly felt the grounds familiar trembles, and a nervous Tommy called out for him in the distance.
It’s just Tommy. Wilbur thought in relief, but before he could comfort the girl he found himself wrapped in a strong grip and a finger over his mouth. The mouse’s heart thudded against his chest.
Tallulah had snatched Wilbur off the ground and crawled in between a little pocket in the cliff wall that was behind it. It was almost perfectly crafted for the dragon’s size. No one larger would be able to fit through.
“Tallulah.” Wilbur was trying to be stern , but his voice trembled from the unexpected grabbing. “Tallulah, please put me down.” The dragon only held him closer to her chest, a long and quiet shhhhhhh coming out of her lips. “Hunters…” That one word held such fear, the girl didn’t even seem to be focused on him. Her mind somewhere else, but one of her small clawed digits kept petting Wilbur’s hair over and over again.
“It’s gonna be alright sweetheart. That just my brother.” But the Dragon didn’t seem to listen, she just softly rocked back and forth . Rhythmically running her finger over Wilbur’s hair.
Before Wilbur could say other word, a twig snapped outside breaking the girl’s since of comfort.
“Wilbur? Are you in there?”
But AHHHHH I love this idea so much. The hurt comfort and more found family is everything.
But basically Tallulah using Wilbur as a teddy bear
I feel like after she get to know her uncle Tommy more she calms down, but that first night she was very fearful.
Wilbur will manage to lure her out of the cave and Tommy awkwardly tries to introduce himself. The bring Tallulah to one of Tommy’s old dens and Wilbur and Tommy take turns watching her and taking care of her before Tallulah says she comfortable enough to meet Phil and Techno, and then eventually the others
But yes just Wilbur and Tommy being the worst at keeping a secret that they are caring for a literal child.
(Pls pls pls let me know if you have anymore input!)
(Also I’m doing well! I have just been super busy with work and life, but glad to still be able to be on here❤️)
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smolghostbot · 1 year
GT July: Home
Decided that words couldn't do justice to the idea I had of making a little drawing of Patch's room.
It's in the walls behind a power outlet on Melody's kitchen counter. The actual electrical wiring was moved (with Mel's help) to make room for them to have a little hidey-hole to call their own. Not pictured is a curtain inside which they can close for privacy (Which TBH is only missing because i can't draw fabrics to save my life, as you can tell by the bed and the fabric rolls on the shelves oops)
Also I'm aware literally nobody cares but I still had to add some bits of Sprite Script just for Lore Funsies(tm), I didn't make an entire written language to not fit it into every piece of art I make for them
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hellodolleyes · 7 months
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
boo! i'm alive! i told nobody about this :D but i can't get through the season without giving a lil winter fic, can i? i had a christmas fic all planned out but i didn't get around to writing it. i also decided to post this today on christmas eve insead of christmas day bc i know i'll forget dsjfgdjs
i got this idea from a stray cat i saw out in 20-30 degree weather and we felt absolutely terrible for it-- we gave it some food but had to drive off cause some ppl in my family are allergic to cats,, anyways creative brain strikes again! even when i do not want it to! :"D
still the wild winds blow
tw: vore (sfw), swearing
wc: 1990
Tommy shivers, pulling his blue-ridden fingers across his torso and burying his frosted pink heap of chilly skin into his raised knees, his teeth chattering rhythmically. The winter wind paws at his ears, each whip of it feeling like a prickling scream that played dangerously with his ear drums. His body is an uncontrollable bundle of shivers as he sits against the brick wall that towered above him.
Moonlight covers his body, making his inchling body almost invisible.
The late-night streets of Nottingham are quiet and riddled with tourists, and the slurred speech of American and English crowds fill his senses, but they're ultimately drowned from the wind.
Snowflakes drift from the atmosphere above and land on his head, breaking and turning into large pellets of water that drown his clothes entirely. As it does, he shivers once again, shuffling his position in the frosty pavement that was ankle-deep for him. 
Everything stings around him, his skin numbing with every passing millisecond. 
The sound of crunching snow catches his attention and he looks up, curiously gazing at the oncoming human. He shuffles to his feet and stares blankly at them. He can see little but their figure in the moonlight, though the streetlights do offer a fair grasping of the person’s silhouette.
They—or more noticeably he from the lanky and masculine structure Tommy notices—stare over his shoulder for a moment before taking a seat against the wall, just moments from Tommy. 
The man shuffled around. Tommy, in the newfound light now that the human no longer was blocking the main stream of it, could see the fluffy hair of the tall male beside him, holding a hint of what he could assume to be brunet, though in this time of day, any color was appliable.
He could also make out a very subtle outline of glasses that curved at least at the top if not all around. The human seemed to be oblivious to Tommy’s existence, as was the rest of the world, but he still was alert and wasting his energy by standing watch.
Another few snowflakes had seeped into his hair and skin and clothes and left him a nearly frozen-solid mess before the human started moving again.
Tommy fought the discomfort of his frosty corning and stared ahead, meanwhile the human shuffled for a moment before pulling out two things, both of which are indecipherable.
Curious, he wraps his arms around himself and continues watching.
Tommy shivers again as one of the of items sparks and emerges is a small and dainty flame that rushes around in the harsh wind.
Some awkward maneuvering from the guy’s hands and Tommy is left recognizing that the things said guy is working with is a cigarette.
Tommy wrinkles his nose, though something has entranced him with the way the lighter and the butt of the cigarette are a pristine orange color. A flame, a fire, a source of warmth.
Tommy wants that lighter, but the human pockets it before the beginnings of his diabolical plans could be debated.
Tommy frowns and purses his lips to the side, watching irritably as the human draws the tube of drugs to his lips.
He watches as the butt of it lights up a color he craves to be near.
Again, Tommy shivers and is only reminded further of his situation.
He hunches over and with calculated movements, creeps through the snow, just a few healthy inches toward the sitting man. He still seemed so towering even from a position like that.
A sting of jealousy washes him when the guy tugs at his sweater and coat as he sneaked ahead just another few centimeters. 
Tommy freezes up as suddenly a human head that sizes greatly against his own is turning in his direction. He cannot see the facial expression of which the man has flashed, though he can only imagine the look of twisted immorality.
He retraces his steps exactly, backing up to where he’d been moments before, buried in the shadows. As he does so, the human shuffles. Tommy is not entirely sure if they can see him or if they’re simply just aware of something’s presence, and while both are unfortunate and could end not dissimilarly, he hopes the latter. 
“Hello?” the man calls, now no longer facing the other wall of the alley but instead crouching so he can look down the entirety of the shadowed alley. Tommy takes a few more steps back for better measure. The man huffs, scanning the world. “Is somet—one there?” he asks again, taking a moment’s pause to burn his cigarette out.
Tommy swallows, watching with pristine caution. He stays silent as the human continues his desperate search around the sliver of ground that’s visible.
He is right past the line of easily seeable, though he could go for another several steps back. Another bead of water falls from his damp hair into his parted mouth, and he swallows on compulsion to his nerves, and chokes. It clogs his throat and he coughs with wide eyes.
Although he’d been prominent in keeping himself hidden, in the sudden panic, Tommy goes several steps forwards, hands clamped gently over his throat as he tries to get rid of the weird feeling in his throat. In doing so, however, his mind had gone absent and he only became aware of his obviousness when he looked up in relief that quickly turned into regret. 
He stands with his mouth agape, the tingling still in the back of his throat as he swallows yet again.
The human stares at him with a crooked smile, looking terribly forced. The lighting is only slightly better now that Tommy had a clearer view of the comically large being.
“Are you alright?” he asks, and Tommy tremors.
His voice is so loud, and it just mixes in with everything else he’s hearing. As he shivers again, he's left wondering if the culprit may be the wind, or this fellow right here.
And he shivers again, and again, and again, and his teeth are chattering furiously.
The human clears his throat, putting emphasis on his need for a response. 
“I’m fucking fine, okay?” he murmurs out, above his chattering teeth. He scoffs to himself.
He tugs his lanky arms around his torso yet again and feels the chilly tips of his fingers hit his numb back through the thin fabric of his shirt.
Tommy wishes for the human to leave him alone, like all humans do—to simply let him remain cold and in deep risk of death by frostbite.
He’d prefer that than anything a human would have to offer. Then again…he remembers the nice sweater and coat the human has, maybe it’d be warm, warm enough for him … just for a bit … he could—no. Prime, no.
Suddenly, a hand is crunching in the thin layer of snow.
It pierces his weak ears, and his attention snaps to it. There’s an oncoming urge to continue on as the man clearly intends, but instead he looks up. He can't see anything beyond the outlines of a face, but he can detect a firm nod, and the gentle words trying to reassure him. “Hey, you can trust me. I think you could use the help, can’t you?” 
Tears are pricking at his eyes, and he pitifully agrees and nods. “Please, I want you to let me help you," the guy urges.
Hesitantly, Tommy lets go of his morals for just a little bit so he can let his body, and probably his mind, (after all he can feel a slickness in his thoughts that remind him aversely of the icy streets), rest.
He lets himself go, scrambling quickly onto the skin of the human.
It's cold, but it’s so much better than what open air could provide. He’s lifted from the ground, which the feeling of is something to get used to, so much to the point where he’s considering un-deciding his fate.
Tommy shuffles a bit and startles when he comes in contact with a wall-like structure that he’s immediately recognizing as four tall fingers that’ve curled around his frail self. He finds the gesture comforting though ultimately deflating. He can…he can handle himself.
The slow ride to the air stops abruptly and he’s now face-to-face with the human. “Hello,” the guy greets. Tommy mumbles a response and shrinks against the new warmth he’s soaking in comfortably. “How can I help you? Are you cold, or sick, or—” 
“I’m cold,” Tommy interrupts while he has the courage to. His teeth chatter as a gust of chilly air finds him through the heated makeshift canopy.
“Okay,” the human replies as if he’s taking notes. He looks a little unsure of himself now that Tommy can see him better. “I could take you to my flat in a pocket, or, uh,” the man trails off, the next option jammed in his throat.
Tommy’s gut churns at that, but he has the common sense to know that being stored would do wonders compared being in a pocket that’s probably drenched in moisture. Prime, he can not believe he is about to ask this.
“...could you?” he asks, hesitantly. He blows his breath into his cupped hands in the meantime, rubbing them together in a weak attempt to get warm faster.
“Pocket you?” the man asks, and Tommy senses that he is trying to stall, or at least sway his mind in a way other than storing the tiny.
“No, uhm,” his voice runs dry. A mutual understanding clicks and the guy’s eyes widen.
“You trust me to do that?” 
Tommy shrugs. “I am fucking freezing, man. If I didn’t I genuinely would not give a shit.”
The man cracks a smile, and nonchalantly offers him his name. “I’m Wilbur.”
“I’m Tommy. Please—” he pauses and shivers, “–fucking hurry, I don’t care about the chitchat, big man,” Tommy finishes.
Another nod and Wilbur is beginning, bringing his hands closer to his mouth, to which he parts his lips, quickly for the smaller’s sake.
A warm breath of air smothers his body and he's eagerly finding his way inside, careful of very subtle predatory teeth that nearly puncture his hand from where he used it to hoist himself over the incisors.
He stumbles on sleek gums before finding a temporary seat midmost on Wilbur’s tongue. The humidity does wonders on his dazed skin, and he can sense that his clothes will defrost within a few moments. 
Wilbur is oddly careful with him, making dramatized moves. He shifts him softly to the corner of his cheek, over his row of teeth. Tommy wrinkles his face at the texture of the muscle on him, running up and down his body to coat him with saliva before he’s sent down.
He’s being prodded at and Tommy nervously calls out his state so he can continue. He’s warmed up, but his fingers are undoubtedly still frosty and his clothes are freezing to the touch. 
He’s maneuvered around to where he’s sitting near Wilbur’s throat.
A soft hum echoes around the humid cavern, to which Tommy replies with a similar comment to before. The gravity soon shifts and there’s an odd feeling in his stomach as he’s swallowed down through the tight gullet and directly into Wilbur’s storage.
If Wilbur's mouth was any good, the cavernous storage was almost like paradise, not so easily cold but instead sealed off to everything and so comfortable. Tommy relaxes against it and allows the relief of not having to rely on himself to provide himself warmth, and he can instead let Wilbur—a complete and utter stranger to him—take care of it.
He knows his life shouldn’t be tossed around like that, he knows that he’ll probably die in this storage. But he is so focused on everything but problems right now, the concern melts away, just as the ice on his clothing does.
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Forgotten Pasts
day 10 Ancient.
Today we have an ancient being trapped for who knows how long and two explorers who come along... maybe finding him.
Forgotten Pasts
Corus tried to stretch. He could barely move before touching the walls again. This prison was small and cruel. If it were his choice he’d be deep in a stupor. His brother had called to him and forced his consciousness back to awareness. He hated that it happened, but knowing that the bond was still there made it worth the numbing emptiness. Zeke could have left him. Gone home and been bound to another being of destruction. All his prior cages were big enough for Zeke to visit. Not this time. They left barely enough room for him. He just had to wait for the mortals to need him again, he’d be free and they’d both make sure he was never trapped like this again.
He forced himself to focus on the words that woke him up. To put the struggles of his cage away. The first thing said to him in a century, “Someone’s here.”
“Ok maybe you were right about this,” Kaya said as they walked out of the houses they found on the wall. Mira had walked away to look around while they were inside.
“I told you. Any danger would be one we could handle. The best archeologist and the best cave diver weren’t going to fail now,” she smirked. Ash kicked up around her feet as she walked. Kaya wouldn’t be able to walk on their own during this. The ash would make them sick.
Mira left the flashlight’s glow behind her as she wandered. It was easier to see in the dark for her than in the light. Kaya needed it though. Rootlings had terrible night vision, but Mira was better than even other humans. It was why she had been able to visit more places than anyone else.
She stared up at the ceiling. It was so high even she couldn’t see the end. Mira pulled her zipline gun from her hip and aimed. The anchor would reach the ceiling and she’d send one of her glow sticks up. She pulled the trigger, watching as it flew up and up and up. It could go over a hundred feet, nothing should be this high. Especially when the entrance was maybe a foot taller than her.
As soon as it started to fall she panicked. “Kaya!”
“What?” they called. Mira flinched, missing the anchor as it fell. The heavy object landed with an echoing crack as soon as it hit the ground. The coughing told her that Kaya had come running. Mira took a long stride to scoop them up and away from the ancient ash. “What did you do?”
“Kaya, the ceiling is over a hundred feet tall. There’s something off. We… we need to stay close. I don’t think going in the walls is a good idea.”
Kaya’s folded arms fell to their side. They stood on her palm and looked back towards the ancient homes. She could feel their reluctance, fingers digging into her skin. A sigh joining the feeling. She watched them nod and made her way over to retrieve the flashlight. She brought her hand with them to her chest, the shoulder felt dangerous right now.
Mira grabbed the flashlight and clipped it on her shoulder, a guiding light for her and Kaya. Although she’d see more without it. She went right back to where her anchor fell, crouching and blowing away the ash. Once clear she set Kaya down, fixed the flashlight angle, and grabbed the anchor to add it back to the gun.
“Mira…” they whispered. She grunted. “This thing, it’s the old script. Back before we used human languages. I’m pretty sure it’s a name.”
“What?” she holstered her zipline gun and leaned forward. Kaya shooed her back. If she hovered they would lose their light.
“Look, it’s too big for a house or something similar. Too big for a grave marker too. It… it almost looks like a human wrote it.”
“That’s impossible. Humans didn’t even know Rootlings were sapient back then.”
“Look at it!” 
Mira reached down for it, contact with it caused her to shiver. A strange feeling entered her heart, almost like she knew this. As if it belonged to her. Curling her fingers around it cemented that feeling. Kaya gave her a strange look, but in her mind she knew this was hers. She pulled it from the ground, carefully wrapping it in protective cloth and dropping it in her pocket.
“I guess we found our proof then?” she tried to sound happy. It was what they wanted. Proof this is where Rootlings had been. Where some had died, possibly because of humans. 
“We can’t stop now!” Kaya’s conviction made her nervous. She didn’t like this place. Instead of answering Mira pulled out her zipline gun and replaced the anchor. The new one had a spot for Kaya to clip a carabiner.
“We won’t stop, but be ready to reach the loaded anchor and escape.”
“We won’t need that.”
“Kaya, this place is wrong. I… I need to keep going, but I need you safe too. Can’t put my favorite sibling at risk.”
“I’m your only sibling.”
“Doesn’t change anything, so promise? We’ve done this before. This time you won’t be relying on a flimsy set up. I got the actual Rootling clippable ones.”
Mira holstered the gun again and set a hand down for Kaya. She moved them to her shoulder and stood to her full height. Something was going to happen today, she just hoped it left them alive at the end.
Corus clutched his heart. Something had hit his binding. He couldn’t place it, but… it was the spirit who summoned him. She’d come back. It meant he could go free. All she had to do was find him. She’d seen them trap him like this. She would know where to look. For the first time in centuries he reached out to his brother. A single phrase pushed with all his strength through the seals. “This one.”
Mira walked in silence for at least an hour. A few times Kaya would notice something. A relic of a bygone past that was swiftly tucked away for further study. There were more markings of the old script, much smaller than what she’d cracked. Kaya could even translate the others. The one they found first was different for some reason.
“Mira, I want to study this area. There’s so many residences,” Kaya said. Before she answered there was a click of the carabiner releasing. She held a hand up, moving to what looked to be the center of a town.
Mira crouched, lowering Kaya to the ground. “Did you bring a mask? I might have one in my pack from the last time. The ash is thicker down here.”
“Don’t worry. I got it.”
Mira watched Kaya walk off into the darkness. She started to set the flashlight down, angled towards the houses for Kaya. A chuckle escaped her as their little light came from behind a house. She shut her own off, taking the chance to see what stood out in the darkness. It felt heavy in her hand as she stood.
No stalactites, no stalagmites, nothing to show any passing of time. It seemed like the place was frozen after the fire. Maybe even before it. She took a step away from the soft light and closer to the darkness. Staring into the emptiness seemed like nothing else would or could ever exist. She could walk and walk and walk without ever finding the end.
A feeling started to pull at her heart. She took one step, then another, then a few more. Something wanted her in that emptiness. She could disappear, just like the stories. There was a burning against her chest, where she put the thing they found earlier. For a moment the darkness terrified her. She quickly hit the flashlight, illuminating the end of the cave…
“What the…?” she whispered. 
She walked to the edge and ran a hand across the smooth stone that hadn’t been there. It wasn’t like this before. She knew that… Mira’s eyes went wide as she spun around. Kaya’s light was moving, they were safe. Mira tightened her hold on the flashlight, quickly sweeping the ground. A glint caught her eye. 
She stepped cautiously over. The feeling of the darkness weighing on her mind terrified her. If she lost the flashlight she might actually be lost to it. Each step brought her closer to some strange reflective surface. It was small enough she could hold it in one hand. So small that even Kaya wouldn’t be too comfortable in it.
When she aimed the flashlight away it blended into the darkness. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and a shiver ran down her spine. This was wrong. It didn’t belong. It shouldn’t exist. She grabbed the strange object as soon as it was in reach. It made her feel wrong… Shaking her head, she set the flashlight on her shoulder and rushed back to Kaya.
She didn’t have to say a word. They felt her steps and met her back in the town center. She knelt in front of them, holding the egg-like object. Kaya ran up to it, but for some reason Mira didn’t want them to touch it. She pulled it away just as their hand would have made contact. Kaya looked hurt by her action. An action she couldn’t explain.
“Mira? What is that? It almost looks like one of those rocks that you break open for a geode,” Kaya said. She shook her head, and they reached out again. She couldn’t let them touch it. She… she had to protect this-this whatever it was. She had to… to do something. “Mira? Mira talk to me! We… I-I think we found enough we should go!”
Mira shook her head. She didn’t want to leave yet. Kaya… she needed Kaya safe. She shot her hand out, curling her fingers around them. Kaya yelped, they never yelped when it was her. She just… she needed them safe and on her shoulder was safe. She didn’t give them a chance to ask before dropping them on her shoulder and climbing to her feet.
“Mira! What the heck!? What’s wrong with you?” they shouted. She heard the carabiner click. They were safe. Perfectly safe. 
The spot on her chest burned again. She brought the egg thing close to her face before reaching for the carefully wrapped plaque. As if she’d done it a hundred times she pulled it free and set it against the object. Kaya was talking, but she couldn’t hear them. It was the right thing to do. She held the egg and slab of writing at arm’s length.
The cloth burned away, but her fingers stayed safe. The long forgotten script glowed with an eerie black light. A blue and red mixed together slowly filling in what must have been letters. As each filled she could hear a voice in her mind, one that sounded like her own, chanting a name again and again. 
As the red and blue reached the final marking, Mira’s mouth moved. “Corus.”
A flash of the black light shot out from the egg thing. It knocked out the light of her flashlight. The feeling that pulled her towards the darkness, the feeling that nearly swallowed her, reappeared. She finally moved her hand that had once held the nameplate and used it to press Kaya to her neck. Their fingers dug into her skin, she curled her fingers around them to keep them safe.
The energy from the egg didn’t stop. She almost wanted this to be some weird energized geode from the past. As the light finally started to fade and she was able to breathe, she noticed the feeling of the egg thing was gone. Instead she felt a weight she knew almost too well. The weight of a Rootling.
It took a few more seconds for it to end, for her other arm to move. As her eyes adjusted she found a small man in her hand. He didn’t look the same as Rootlings. His ears weren’t tapered, and there was no sign of leaves in his hair. It made her worried. If he wasn’t a Rootling what was he, and how did he get here?
The small man groaned. Mira pulled her hand from Kaya to add another beneath the man. Kaya gasped, the carabiner clicked, but they didn’t climb down. Mira felt them climbing around her neck. She knew what they were doing, the click shot a bright light onto her hands. A light that was enough to make the man open his light blue eyes.
“Are you alright?” Mira whispered. The man glared at her as soon as she spoke. A part of her wanted to let him go and run. The way he stared at her, the too human traits on him. It all made it hard to stay calm. “I… where did you come from? Were you inside that egg thing?”
“Who are you?” the man asked. His voice was commanding and almost painful to hear. It didn’t fit the size he was.
“I think I get an answer first. You are sitting in my hand.”
The little man climbed to his feet and looked around. “I suppose that is true and that merely adds to the problem. Tell me now. Where is the woman who freed me? I know very well it can’t have been you.”
Mira narrowed her eyes. She curled her hand into a fist around the man, other Rootlings panicked when she did this. He just glared at her again. Suddenly she hoped he couldn’t see Kaya there was something wrong. She shifted her head to use her hair to hide the flashlight. She wanted the advantage here. 
Mira brought him close to her face and stared at him. He was a bit cute, pale skin and a solid build. The lack of concern that she was holding him in a fist was weirdly reassuring. Kaya was the only other Rootling to trust her like this. Except this wasn’t trust, it was something else. It was like… like he knew he could get free in no time.
“I suggest you return to your previous hold.” 
“Or what?”
“Or my brother will be quite angry when he arrives. His patience will only go so far for your kind human.”
“I don’t think I’m scared of a rootling or his brother.” A bluff through and through. Rootlings had magic, they could be terrifying. Except she was the kind of human they hated. The kind immune to it.
“Humans do fit all the stories don’t they? Not a single doubt that you’re right. Maybe I’ll make you regret it on my own for handling me like this. I need to find the one who freed me and you are halting that.”
“It was you though,” Kaya whispered. 
Mira tried not to show a reaction. The man had caught on to something with her. He grinned, she almost wanted to keep this dance going. Who would actually succeed in the bluff contest they had going? Unfortunately Kaya was her bigger concern. This wasn’t a normal Rootling and Kaya was already smaller than him. She couldn’t do this.
“Whatever. I got what I wanted from this.”
She had every intention of walking away. Setting Corus down and leaving. The first successful expedition here. He was probably just another adventurer who chose to explore. When he realized she wasn’t a grave robbing human he might even let her give him and his brother a lift out. Except she couldn’t move. The grin on his face faltered. If she didn’t know better she’d say he looked worried.
A blinding light filled the cave. There was no remnant of the darkness that once tried to devour her. The ash even began to clear out around her. A clean, well lit city surrounded her. Kaya pressed themself against her neck, whatever froze her didn’t touch them.
“I warned you,” Corus’s voice was morose. It made a pit form in her stomach.
Mira blinked and a man at least two feet taller than her appeared. She was relieved for whatever had frozen her then, there’s no way she wouldn’t have jumped and thrown Kaya. He glared at her, green eyes burning. His look filled her with the same feeling as the darkness she almost walked into. Something told her this was the brother.
The man held his hand out to her. As much as she fought it her fingers started to loosen. All her bravado fell as finger by finger she let him go. Her voice wouldn’t work anymore. All she wanted was to beg the new man to make this stop. Not to let her drop Corus. There was nothing that would ever make her actually hurt someone so small.
Corus didn’t even look bothered. He was completely fine falling to what could very well be his death. The last finger holding him to her palm moved and he… stayed where he was. The new man reached out and grabbed Corus. The man cupped his hands in front of his face and all his anger fell away.
“Corus,” the man whispered. 
“Hey Zeke,” Corus said. Tears fell from the strange man’s eyes. Mira felt the muscles in her body relax, she could move.
“I was starting to think you’d never get out.”
“Thanks for not giving up. They would have found someone else to bind to you.”
“As if I’d walk away from my brother.” Mira tried to take a step away, but both sets of eyes were locked on her immediately. “Do not leave that spot.”
Mira tried and failed to ignore the order. Her feet had been glued to the floor. The eyes left her and she tried to roll her shoulder without knocking Kaya off. Words would draw attention. Kaya might even draw their attention. A small hand tapped three times against her neck. They knew what she wanted. As soon as their small weight was on her arm she felt like crying. They knew, all she had to do was watch for the two monsters in front of her for their attention.
“Did the human hurt you? I can deal with her,” the other man, Zeke, said. Mira tried not to start panicking at that. What would dealing with her mean?
“I thought I was supposed to be the one causing chaos and destruction,” Corus laughed. Mira tried to hide her fear. Corus looked at her, the gaze making her heart race. This man could somehow see straight through her. “She didn’t hurt me. It seemed more like she didn’t trust me. I don’t think we need to be worried about her.”
“I haven’t forgiven the humans for what they did. To you or them…” 
“...How long has it been? Where is she? It was her who let me out. I know it was.”
“Corus… It’s been more than a few centuries. She… she died not long after you were sealed away. I found her body on my first trip away from you. She didn’t die alone, both of us failed.”
“But… but I felt her. It… it had to be her. She can’t be gone. We… it was going to work. We were… We did it Zeke… Both of us there’s no way they can be gone…”
Mira felt a tap on her leg. Kaya was ready. The two in front of her had entered a silence that made her nervous. None of this was going to end well for her. As long as Kaya got out she wouldn’t care. They’d make sure this place was locked away. That her death would keep others safe.
Zeke closed his eyes and she moved. A quick tug to free the zipline gun. A half turn of her body, aim at the entrance. Her only goal was to get Kaya as far away as possible. Then she fired. The noise of the anchor firing felt deafening. There was no way the two hadn’t heard. She just needed to hope they’d ignore it.
Unfortunately both she and Kaya had no luck. Her body froze up painfully this time. The anchor froze in the air. This was her idea, her plan, and now they’d both die. Zeke walked by her, depositing Corus on her like she was a table. His look only made her angry. Pity wouldn’t save her sibling.
“I hate you,” she whispered. She hadn’t expected her voice to work. Corus looked hurt. Good. She had to use her voice while she could. “I don’t care what you do to me, just let them go. I convinced them to come here. Pushed us forward. Opened your stupid fucking egg.”
“You let me out?” he whispered. She couldn’t move, but it was clear he didn’t expect an answer. He walked up her arm to her shoulder and set a tiny hand against her face. If she could move she’d grab him in a tight fist. Anything to get Kaya away.
“It’s ok, you’re safe now,” Zeke’s voice drew her eyes from Corus. The look on his face was different than when he took Corus close. Almost loving. She stared in fear as he lifted Kaya from the anchor. Their carabiner didn’t do anything to stop him. He carried them back over in a loose fist. They were shaking, that was always the worst way for them to be carried.
“Please,” her voice croaked. Corus’s fingers dug into her skin. “Don’t hold them like that. They get scared. Please…”
Zeke actually looked shocked at her. He changed his hold to a flat palm with the other hand around like a railing. Mira felt tears fall from her eyes. At least he listened. The hand on her face disappeared. She felt somehow cold without it. Like it was a promise that things would work out.
Zeke stood in front of her. He felt bigger this time, as if he could crush her under his foot. She swallowed all her words as he stared at her. Corus’s feet left a burning trail down her arm as he walked away. There was a part of her that didn’t want him to be gone. Zeke set his hand with Kaya near Corus.
“Are you hurt?” Corus asked. He held a hand out to them, but they shied away. Mira just wanted them to get out of this. It was her idea, her fault.
“Why won’t you let us go?” they whimpered. Mira felt more tears trail down her face.
“I am doing what we were summoned for; keep humans from trapping you again.”
“They aren’t-” Mira tried to argue, but the glowing eyes from Zeke stopped her voice again. This shouldn’t be possible. 
“S-summoned? How did we summon you?”
“Zeke, you said it had been a long time?” The man who honestly felt like he grew each second nodded. She wanted Kaya away from him. Safe with her. “Then… was the method lost? They can’t have you transcribe my name anymore? Bind us both?”
Mira closed her eyes and tried to think of something to say. It wasn’t as if these two would let her talk. Corus almost seemed to follow Zeke’s actions blindly. It would possibly get Kaya out if she could talk to him without the man taller than her around. A feeling of a burning warmth ran down her spine. She snapped her eyes open, this time seeing Corus with a glow all over his body.
The burn flowed through all of her body. A strange sensation that made her muscles relax as it moved. Slowly she moved the arm Corus stood on. She left her hand flat next to Kaya, the burning had only grown more intense. They scrambled off Zeke’s hand, jumping the inch of space she hadn’t filled yet. 
As soon as Kaya was on her hand she sped up. Corus didn’t flinch at all at her speed, despite standing on her forearm. Kaya grabbed her clothes as soon as they were close enough. They climbed faster than she moved her arm. She followed their path up to her shoulder with her other hand. Corus kept glowing long after Kaya had hidden themself with her hair.
“You let me out?” he asked. Zeke’s eyes widened as Corus stared up at her. “Not the one on your shoulder?”
“It was me…” Mira was tempted to use whatever Corus was doing to free herself. Run and get Kaya out. They’d hunt her down, but she didn’t care.
“Then that ancient contract worked in the end. I wonder… Zeke, if they’re together and this is her then the other must be your bound… right?”
Zeke actually looked away. The feeling of his form continuing to tower over her fell away. He nodded, a sheepish almost sweet movement. Wind blew near her, moving the hair Kaya had hidden with to reveal them. “I felt it as soon as I saw them… I thought, you truly haven’t been trapped by this human?”
“We’re siblings!” Kaya’s anger bled out. They were always angry at anyone who questioned them. Some people thought Mira was using them, others thought they paid Mira off. Neither would ever be true. “Humans aren’t bad, they haven’t been bad for centuries.”
“Humans and Rootlings live together, they have since the fires. The fires that brought us here to find the history that was lost back then.” 
Corus moved on her arm again. He walked closer, staring at her in a way that made her heart flutter. There was something with him that made her want to believe he wasn’t some monster about to kill them. That he’d let them both go home, give the two a chance to pretend none of this ever happened.
“Humans invaded, they had knowledge of the people here,” Corus explained. The fire burning in her body faded, but she could still move. Zeke had given her freedom. “They knew what I was and trapped me. Only one person could set me free, but she had been taken.”
“She died trying to get back here, at least that’s what I assumed when I finally went to seek her out,” Zeke added. “She died with her closest friend beside her. The two had been the only ones who showed either of us kindness.”
“Most treated me like a tool. They treated Zeke like a monster because he tends to be human sized. It didn’t help that he could get bigger. We wanted to stay together so we made sure it would happen. If they died by any means they’d come back.”
“You two would be who had come back.”
“What?” Mira’s voice was quiet.
“No… that was supposed to be a myth,” Kaya’s words shocked her more than the other two. “A being of chaos and destruction, bound to a girl of lavenders. A being of order and control, bound to one who was at once both and neither…”
“What the hell? Are you trying to insinuate that after the threats and fear you just put us through we’re some ancient lovers of yours or something!?”
Zeke knelt in front of her, bowing his head. Corus jumped from her arm. He landed gracefully on Zeke’s shoulder, taking his own bow in turn. Kaya stood on her shoulder, grabbing the hair that had finally returned to hide them. She could feel the way they shuffled to look at the two. 
“What now?” they whispered. Mira gave the smallest shrug she could. They stumbled a bit from her movement. She had no idea what to do now.
“The contract holding me has been broken. You have freed me now as you had many times in an ancient past. I beg that you give me a chance to prove my love for you… To give me a chance to show I am not a danger to you or those you deem worthy,” Corus’s words filled Mira with a flame again. She wanted to say yes.
“If you my small love will give me a chance,” Mira could feel Kaya’s body freezing as Zeke started to speak. “I would like a chance to show I am safe for you. That I will not use my power against you or those who you trust.” He lifted his head, giving Mira a look. “Human or otherwise.”
“We humbly request to stay by your sides.” The two spoke in unison. The words sent a fire down Mira’s spine that made her fall to her knees. Kaya was an ice cube on her shoulder, hanging on only because of the precautions they always took.
All of this was insane. She and Corus were basically threatening each other. Zeke probably wanted to kill her. Kaya was terrified of both the men they faced. Yet she could tell that saying no would rip out a piece of her essence. A life of pain and misery, only changed by Kaya being there for her. She brought her hand up to them, if they said no she said no. That would be it.
“We have that extra room,” they muttered. Mira couldn’t stop herself from laughing. The dry stains of her terror induced tears forgotten. After all of this they were taking ancient embodiments of order and chaos home.
“I guess we did what we came here for then,” she said as she quieted her laughter. “The long abandoned history is right in front of us. I’d be a failure of a search and rescue cave diver to leave them behind.”
“I don’t think I’d be able to be the best archeologist if I let living relics walk off on their own.”
“Does that mean…” Corus started, hope in his voice.
“You’ll let us stay with you?” Zeke finished the question, his own voice filled with relief.
Mira stood up and grabbed Kaya. The carabiner clicked before she pulled them away. She held them to her chest and faced potential monsters. Everything could fall apart. They could use whatever power they hold to destroy everything. 
“Come on, we ignored some places Kaya wanted to look at on the way in. All of us can go home after that.”
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thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
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*coughs* hi I redesigned them
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litenmyra · 5 months
do you think the house-roaming borrowers might have mold immunity or at least hardened digestive processes due to developing alongside humans that frequently live in moldy environments (because usually it is not actually prominent or dangerous)?
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termagax · 11 months
its not that youre not missing anything because classic does lay a lot of the worldbuilding and character groundwork and also its fun when its not talking about sniffing a little girls panties BUT a lot of people do just start with z and you can fill in the gaps with context.
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