#guess which panel gave me the most problems
theponydins · 1 year
Allura: Now, the Traditional Weapon of the Paladin: The Bayard.
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Allura: It takes a Distinct Shape for each Paladin.
Allura: [ recalls the lack of thumbs 4 ticks too late ]
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Pigeon Catcher: Ooh!
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Luxfite: That Works.
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Sunlit Honey: Uh-
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Azure-Blue: Nice!
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Azure-Blue: Aw, you got a tiny, foal-sized bayard!
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Pigeon Catcher: Yeah, it IS pretty cute!
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Allura: [Aside] Never mind, I guess.
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
this is like. so non-important compared to all my other grievances with the webcomic but like. the reasons kim hyunsoo gives for changing javier's hair from silver to mint. lol. lmao even.
they're so,, lazy,,,,
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that sounds like a skill issue my dude :/
i mean the novel illustrations did it perfectly well imo
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'but nali' i hear you say 'those are novel illustrations, where there's only one drawing per chapter. of course it's more difficult to do in a webcomic'
and sure. you're right. it's very different in a webcomic. in fact i am almost certain that no webcomic has ever had a protagonist with silver hair.
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not a single webcomic ever has done that before. truly. a completely unrealistic expectation to have.
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really it's not like silver hair is one of the most popular tropes in manhwa and almost every other webcomic has one of those
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clearly. this was a completely impossible thing to ask of an adaptation. it's not like it's one of the most iconic parts of our protagonist's design. it's not like it's mentioned almost every single time javier is onscreen.
really. what a truly necessary change.
which. speaking of.
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now, correct me if i'm wrong. but shouldn't your deuteragonist, the very first character your character meets, your second main character's design,,, more important than a secondary character that isn't introduced like,,, more than a hundred episodes later???
like. i don't think we even get told what color lloyd's hair is. but god does the novel mention that habiel has silver hair every five minutes.
i'm sorry i just think that if you're gonna adapt something the very least thing you could do is try to be faithful to one of the very few character descriptions we ever get! especially that of your goddamn main character!
how come a secondary character takes precedence over him?? why not change that character's hair color then???
and even then. if your character design skills suck so much that two characters having the same hair color is enough to make them look too similar perhaps there's a bigger problem here.
i just,,,, i am almost certain i know what character he's speaking of. maybe even two characters. hell maybe even three. but fucking guess what. the webnovel illustrations already did designs for those characters. it gave them all silver hair. and there was No Issue at all because their designs were so distinct from one another that at no point was there any doubt of who was who. because that's what good character design is about.
like. that's such a stupid reason oh my godddd if you're gonna pull that bs then what's your excuse for all those other characters with brown hair. are you not worried they're gonna overlap because their hair color is the same. i mean you made silurian's brown hair darker so now it matches like 90% of your background characters. do their design not overlap like that.
i'm just!! it's such a stupid thing to get mad about!! especially when there's far more egregious changes being made but like!! it just,,, it shows the kind of attitude the people adapting tged into a webcomic have towards the source material
it's not about the hair color. i mean it is but there's more to it. it's about how the artists feel comfortable disregarding parts of the novel and canon because it's more convenient to them. it's about how they prefer to focus on unimportant stuff that gets them a few laughs rather than put a little bit of effort into getting their characters right. it's about how they waste entire panels into making ugly faces and repetitive jokes rather than take a bit of time to get the hair color of their protagonist correctly.
it is,, disappointing i guess :/
and because i'm petty. here.
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that's literally it. that's all kim hyunsoo had to do. it's such a tiny detail and yet. couldn't be bothered to get it right lol
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fernsnailz · 2 years
your archie redraws are everything! whats the context of the first page, with tails crying and shadow looking THE MOST angry ever? what on earth is going on there?
hi i’m so glad you asked this because it gives me the chance to talk about what i consider to be one of the funniest series of events in the archie sonic series
unfortunately there’s a bit to explain here (as is usually the case with the archie sonic series), but i think it’s worth it for the FULL cultural impact of this one specific panel
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lore dump below the readmore, and spoilers for archie sonic i guess? idk the series ended in like 2017 lmao
TL DR: shadow and tails mourn the death of one of the least popular characters in all of sonic history
so. let me introduce you to tommy turtle.
in the 117th chapter of archie sonic, sonic goes undercover to rescue a childhood friend of his named tommy. when robotnik took over the world years ago, everyone thought lil' tommy had been killed or roboticized - turns out, tommy is alive and has been living in enemy territory for quite some time!
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anyways, surprise surprise turns out this was all an elaborate trap organized by robotnik and one of his spies named sleuth “doggy” dawg (which is the best name for any character ever). sonic and tommy make an elaborate escape where sonic uses him as a skateboard - unfortunately, a grenade gets in the way of their happy ending, and tommy turtle sacrifices himself to get sonic out of there alive.
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tommy, as a character, was created to have a bold sacrifice, live for one issue, and give sonic a heartbreaking lesson on friendship or whatever.
here's the problem: the writers kept bringing tommy turtle back.
about 20 issues later, sonic goes on ANOTHER undercover mission and finds tommy AGAIN, who claims he survived the grenade because he hid in his shell.
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unfortunately, this tommy turns out to be an impostor - a robotic duplicate that infiltrates sonic’s home, tries to kill him, and then nearly kills sonic’s robot dad.
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so tommy is gone for real now, right?
NOPE! after this, the freedom fighters set out on ANOTHER undercover mission to find tommy AGAIN, who is about to be executed by eggman’s robots. at the very last second, he somehow outruns his fated death once more.
for some reason, this cartoon turtle simply cannot die.
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after he’s rescued, tommy keeps showing up in random arcs of the comic. he has a mini story about how he isn’t good at anything. he saves three of the freedom fighters from being electrocuted to death by using a leather glove. when sonic, shadow, and metal sonic have an epic battle over a four-issue arc, tommy is just... THERE.
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despite tommy getting a decent amount of time in the story, he paled in comparison to the rest of the characters in terms of personality, motivation, and general charm. because of this, he was relatively unpopular in the archie sonic community (which is a kind way to put that SO MANY PEOPLE HATED THIS IMMORTAL TURTLE).
thus begins the downfall of tommy turtle.
as a member of the freedom fighters, tommy was included in all of the wacky science shenanigans because i guess that’s what the writers decided he was good at?? in this period of his seemingly eternal life, tommy helps the gang study nanites (microscopic robots), which suddenly have a reaction to tommy. the robots conform to his seemingly indestructible shell, and give tommy… shapeshifting abilities. tommy turtle gains the ability to grow wings, fly with a jetpack, and make his already indestructible shell extremely powerful.
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they gave tommy fucking turtle shapeshifting abilities
however, when the head writers of the series changed around this time, the new writers began to wrap up old storylines and characters that previous writers had left unresolved. and one of the first things the new team did was finally complete the tommy turtle saga.
those nanites that gave tommy turtle superpowers? turns out, they’re under the control of one of robotnik’s evil AI programs called A.D.A.M, who has secretly been working on a master plan to become an all-powerful being. his secret weapon? tommy turtle.
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A.D.A.M, now controlling tommy, wreaks havoc among the freedom fighters, kidnaps shadow and tails, and uses both super shadow and turbo tails (aka the super version of tails in archie sonic - it’s just tails wearing a cape) to summon every chaos emerald in the universe. note that archie sonic has very different chaos emerald lore than the games, there’s like... a bajillion of them. just go with it
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sonic goes into his super form and fights a super version of A.D.A.M/tommy while super shadow and turbo tails chaos control the emeralds to a different dimension - that way, A.D.A.M. can no longer harness their power.
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(i'm very obsessed with the panel of eggman going "WAKE UP!! GET OUT!!" to the two superpowered animals)
once the emeralds are gone, tommy takes control of his body again - however, his survival is temporary this time. tommy can't remove the nanites from his body, and there's no way to stop A.D.A.M. from returning. with the eggman fleet about to take both him and super sonic out, there's really only one thing for him to do.
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tommy finally does the one thing he has constantly failed at - he sacrifices himself and dies.
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tommy turtle is dead, for good this time.
finally, we get to the tails and shadow panel. tails mourns the loss of a friend, a fellow freedom fighter that had been given so many chances to try again but ultimately gave his life so the rest of the world have that same chance. and shadow is also there.
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the funniest thing here is that shadow honestly had no goddamn idea who the hell tommy turtle was or why he was there, so i think he's mostly just inconvenienced by this whole event lmao
thank you for your question and thanks for reading! here are some additional shadow cringefail moments i found during my re-read of the tommy turtle saga that i really enjoyed
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lavander-gooms · 11 months
Fellas, I think I finally got (noir) Peter Parker's age.
Alright, I know what you may be thinking, that you've read posts like this before that basically end with "erm they say he's a kid so I uhh guess he's 19" (we've all thought this ngl).
Let us begin, shall we?
This mostly began because I hated Felicia and Peter together.
I love Peter's noir comics so much, everything Peter goes through is such awesome writing and symbolism (Peter swearing to take power away from people who abuse it and then ends up abusing his own power ahgdgsgdgag) but Felicia' and Peter's "love story" weirdo lust pedo sub plot gave me the major ick.
Tbh I got tired of people defending this ship because they "didn't know Peter's age". I really wanted to prove them wrong. So I am.
And I just want to know.
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Let's boogy.
Peter is referred to as a kid numerous times.
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Above are most of the times Peter is called/referred to as a kid in the first comic run (which was only three issues).
I couldn't fit all of them, gosh darn Tumblr.
Anyways, it's clear that Peter appears as a child to all of the character, due to all of them referring to his as a kid. Every character he interacts with as Peter Parker calls him "kid" or "son" or "boy" (etc.). He obviously appears as/is a kid, or they wouldn't have made it a point to keep saying this.
Okay, so this means Peter's a kid. We can eliminate all ages over 21 and under 12. You were considered an adult at age 21 (age of consent was 18- https://worldhistorycommons.org/age-consent-laws -). And I think we can all agree that Peter isn't 12.
My next idea was to turn to the original age of when most Peter Parkers were bit. The problem is, it's all at scattered ages. The most common one I found was he was bit at 15.
But is noir Peter Parker really 15? No. Bear with me.
I came to this conclusion and sank to the ground and cried out in agony. Truly noir Peter Parker's age was a mystery, I thought. So I gave up.
But I was rereading the comic, and noticed a tiny tiny detail I overlooked upon my past rereads.
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Here is the comic panel where the Goblin dies via spidery-Kraven, and Peter just watches. While Peter is watching, he thinks back to the time Uncle Ben snuck him in to see Frankenstein.
Okay, there are two versions of Frankenstein Peter could be talking about here.
The first Frankenstein that ever came out was the 16 minute long version on March 18th, 1910. Now, that's way further back than I think Ben would've taken Peter to go see it, as AT MOST (if he's 21) Peter was born in 1912. It is possible Ben took Peter to see a rerun of the 1910 version, but reruns were incredibly rare and the 1910 version of Frankenstein was deemed to be lost until the 1950s (I don't know WHEN it was lost). If Peter was taken to see the 1910s version as a child it could have given him nightmares. But I really doubt this is the Frankenstein movie Peter was referencing.
The second movie is the one I believe to be the movie Peter saw with Ben. This Frankenstein came out on November 21st, 1931. It fits much more with the time line, and fits the whole "couple years back" things (a couple means two to you guys too, right??).
Okay, so we know the date of the movie that Ben snuck Peter into. But, there is one very important word in that sentence. Snuck.
Either, a- Peter wasn't old enough to see the movie,
Or b- Aunt May didn't want him to see the movie.
The 1931 Frankenstein revolutionized the horror movie genre, and brought with it an outrage from the church and adults. It was censored mercilessly, and brought around the "H" rating that deemed anyone under the age of 16 was too young to see. But this came as a result of Frankenstein, in 1932ish in Britian and 1934ish in America. So when did Peter see the movie?
This is where my argument gets flimsy.
We can assume he saw the uncensored version as it gave him nightmares, so I speculatate he saw it around the same time as it's release date.
Peter was under 16 when he saw the Frankenstein movie, due to Ben having to sneak him into the movie.
Peter was freshly 16 and begged Uncle Ben to let him see the movie, he's old enough isn't he? And Ben can't say no to his nephew so they sneak around Aunt May to go and see it together.
Either of these two are plausible, but I'm going to go with the second.
Mostly all the Peter Parkers were born around August/October, so we'll keep that.
On November 21st, 1931 (or whenever he saw the movie) Peter Parker is 16 years old.
Which, one year later, makes him 17. And as the comics take place January 1933, we can make the safe assumption that Peter is 17. Which means in September, he's 18/about to turn 18.
Whew. I think I got it. If you have any other stuff please give it to me 🙏
Felicia and Peter relationship study coming soon.
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unnamedpheonix · 5 months
"Alright! I guess I'll be over there soon! Bye Jack!"
As Mark hung up, Jack smiled. He loved hearing Mark say his name. It made him feel warm and happy inside.
But now he had to get ready.
Jack rummaged around in his clothes draws for a long time, trying to find an outfit that was decent enough for Mark.
Eventually, he settled on some black jeans, and what Mark said was his favorite jacket of Jack's collection. His blue hoodie.
Jack's heart began to race as he heard a knock at the door. He looked through the (peephole?) in the door at Mark and was stunned momentarily. He was wearing a red, sleeveless muscle shirt and black slacks. He looked amazing. Even his ruffled hair, which Mark would say was 'too frizzy', added to his appearance.
Jack loved seeing all the versions of Mark, no matter how disheveled or rough they seemed.
After his momentary shock, he realized he had better actually let Mark in.
He stepped one foot inside the door and Jack gave him a big hug. Jack had always been a fan of hugs, but all of Mark's hugs just seemed a little bit warmer...
"Hey Jack! Man, it's been a while, hasn't it?"
Jack didn't really process what he said. He just nodded, hoping that was a good enough answer. He quickly became self conscious, tidying up little things as he saw them while Mark was looking around.
"So, where is this bookshelf you want me to build?"
Mark placed his hands on his hips and gazed outside to Jack's front porch.
"Ah, sorry, I was going to build it outside because my place was a mess..." Jack said, rubbing the back on his neck. He felt bad that Mark had to see his place like this.
"Oh, ok. That's fine. Did you want me to get started now or..?"
Mark trailed off a little as he noticed Jack walking around nervously.
"Uh, yeah that's fine. Go right ahead, I'll be there in a minute."
"That jacket really suits you." Mark said as he walked outside towards the stack of wooden panels.
Jack quickly ran to his room and let out a long breath.
Why was he so nervous! It's just Mark. You've been friends with him for a long time. What's your problem now!?
He took a few more long deep breaths and walked out again, feeling more composed.
All of that failed him in an instant when he looked out the sliding glass door.
Mark was kneeling down on one knee, trying to size up the boards and work out where they were going to go. Whenever he raised his arms, Jack felt his heart skip a beat. His muscles were practically glowing in the bright sun. Jack noticed every curve of his arms and shoulders. His hands were also beautiful. Most people would assume that because he does some manual labour that his hands were never delicate, but that was not at all true. The way his fingers moved, was incredible.
Jack took another deep breath and stepped outside into the sun.
"Hey Mark, how's it goin'?" Jack tried to ignore the way his voice was shaking.
"Alright, just tryna work out the measurements of each of these boards. Wanna help me?"
"Sure." Jack replied, though internally, he was screaming. If he got any closer to Mark right now, he wasn't sure what he would do, besides admiring him.
Jack figured the only way to calm his nerves would be to speak. Maybe having a casual conversation would make him feel better.
"I really appreciate you, uh, helping me out today. I know you were busy."
Mark's chocolate brown eyes slowly turned in Jack's direction, their gaze lingering in each other's eyes for longer than both of them intended.
"That's ok Jack. I'm always ready to help a friend. And besides, I like your company!"
Jack felt his face heat up. His voice caught in his throat.
Was all he said, and looked away shyly, trying to focus on the boards, not the man, in front of him.
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csuitebitches · 2 years
Family money/access to wealth seems like the #1 determinant of success.
Yes and no. I’ve seen spoiled brats grow up and suffer because their parents didn’t teach them things properly and they couldn’t handle the family wealth, which either led to the family company being led by professionals or bankrupt. I’ve seen grounded rich kids grow up and expand their family’s empire. It’s all a part of your calibre to have ambition.
A boy worked as a security guard at a prestigious conglomerate. He didn’t speak a word of English, he only spoke his native language. He hailed from a small village in an Asian country, and provided for his family.
However, his boss, the main security head, had a feeling that he was smart. And when a prestigious financial company came knocking on the company’s door for some hiring purpose (my memory fails me exactly why they’d visited the conglomerate), the head security took the opportunity to talk to HR. He asked him if the boy could give the exam that the financial company gave for hiring candidates.
HR thought that the security head had lost his mind.
“Are you insane? He can’t even speak English!” argued the HR.
“Sir, please, if you just give the boy a chance, just to give the exam… I’m sure he’ll do well,” pleaded the security head.
The HR thought for a second.
“Very well,” he decided. “The boy may give the exam. Let’s see if he’s as smart as you say so.”
The exam had two components to it. One was a theoretical test and another, a spoken interview.
The boy aced the theoretical test and was only one of two people from all the candidates to do so. But his lack of English failed him in the spoken interview.
Still, he had impressed the financial company’s panel. They told him that they would hire him, under various conditions - one of them being learning English in a mere four months.
For four months, the boy toiled and toiled, until he grasped English. The company was ready to pay for the English tuition expenses. And in four months, when they were satisfied with his level of fluency, he joined the company.
When I was 16, I began working. One of my first internships was at an education firm. A very kindly man mentored me and I learned a lot under him. He was passionate about education, especially educating backward, rural communities and previously had worked in a prestigious financial company. I was surprised to hear that he had left such a big job at the finance company to come and work in education. He said that the stress, burn out and lack of empathy wasn’t worth it. He told me how he would have to fire people in the most unsympathetic way possible - the company would provide him with a script, he would have to recite just that and watch the other person’s face fall. He couldn’t take the pressure that his job had anymore and felt stuck in his life. He wanted to create impact on people.
I learned plenty under him, and he was always ready to take me to business meetings and trips. He didn’t treat me like a child or as a teenager with unbalanced ideas - he would listen to my suggestions as a whole and give me genuinely honest feedback on it. I grew as a person under him.
My father later told me about my mentor’s backstory. You should have seen my face. There isn’t a single thing that gives away that he came from humble origins - his English impeccable, his knowledge vast, the way he dresses and carries himself with confidence - everything screamed “privileged upbringing” to me. I would have never guessed that he came from a challenged background and had to literally work his way up.
My former mentor now does social work. Him and his brother have created a project where they provide rural children who struggle to feed themselves with food.
The more calamities that exist, the more opportunities will come up. To survive in today’s world, you need to be able to solve problems. In an economy where we can see tiny start ups disrupting massive family business legacies, and with so much access to information and the net - if you don’t take advantage of every single thing you have to climb up, then you don’t really want what you truly want.
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rmorde · 6 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now unto Volume 1 - Chapter 4
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Meryl sums up Vash so well. He gave the bounty to the people that hunted him.
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AND he also gave food to Kuroneko.
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I must say tho. How did they get salmon? I get that the Plants can produce them. But... how? Do the Plants produce them as raw whole fish? Live fish? Neatly sliced fish? The production of water and energy is really easy to imagine. However, specific stuff like this bewilders me.
Also, I like the '98 a little better because the townspeople are more involved - showing remorse and gratitude at the same time.
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Another incredible double spread. I like the massive scale of the ship is drawn. But I'm distracted by Meryl and Milly's hands here. It's so funny how to communicates so much fury and incredulity.
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So, the tracking device stuff happened way earlier?!
It's interesting how these sequence of events were re-arranged in the '98 with minor changes. Yet even with that, the "spirit" of the characters stayed true.
Meryl and Milly are competent with their jobs. It's just that Vash is a bit "very much" and they constantly have to adapt to the string of unfortunate events shenanigans he always inevitably get involved in.
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LMAO!!! This never gets old. But why is the other kitty not here too?! I guess the reddish brown one is a'98 original.
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Another interesting double page that makes me wonder... How does it look in a book format? Wouldn't there be some warping in the middle that may affect the full picture?
I'm curious because I'm reading the Overhaul version atm since the official English release, apparently, is not exactly stellar with the translation (Hopefully not John Werry level). Anyway, the pages are cleaned up so the art is great for the double page spreads.
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Oh. I like the composition of the info dump in here. Have the travel route arrow on the map connect Text Box 1 to Text Box 2 is quite clever.
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Wasn't able to say it before but Tristamp Tonis broke my heart. Compared to his '98 and manga counterparts... It's not fair! Plus his ruined relationship with Vash...
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AHAHAHAHA. So silly! Poor Vash.
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After coming off from Tristamp, seeing this in the manga and remembering how it was in '98... holy fucking shit Tristamp Vash had it worse. So so much worse. That poor iteration of Vash didn't even got the chance to breathe or be appreciated like this by the people on screen. It was just one long trauma conga line.
Or maybe it was a problem in pacing? Tristamp went hard and fast with its story pace (practically JJK style) unlike here in the manga and most definitely unlike '98. The latest Trigun adaptation left no room for filler-y stuff like this... I wish they did tho.
But augh... thinking about it, maybe it's for the best that Studio Orange didn't because Roberto would definitely feel like a Milly replacement and earn more fan ire (which would totally be understandable imho). The production will be tougher too since it means more animation to do especially "anime physics" character acting which, as I mentioned before, is rough to do in 3D.
However... Vash deserved a lot more comfort in Tristamp not to mention even more character dynamics between Meryl, Wolfwood, and Roberto. Sigh. It's the JJK Pacing Dilemma all over again for me.
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I remember this too from '98! And it is still funny. I can still hear the VA's "drunk" voice.
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AHAhaha...Ha... One of the things that flew over my head as a kid and then finally understood as an adult.
But I wonder if there are ulterior motives here too? Like trying to tie Vash down more to the town - perhaps a good night with a woman would make him hesitate to leave? Not that he ever would as obviously seen in the panel and the next.
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Idk. Maybe I'm reading too much into it now.
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Sigh... Another sweet Tonis moment. Tristamp Vash was robbed!
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I shouldn't laugh but AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!
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Idk. '98 faithfully animated this but the manga seems funnier to me. Can't explain why.
The kid has more spunk in his intro on '98 tho with his backtalking to Vash.
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Really really good shadowing...
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I'M SORRY WHAT?! WAS INTO SODO- Wait wait wait.... Let me check something...
So, in the OG JP Dub it was implied. Maybe. Who knows if the translation was accurate?! However, in the ENG Dub it was not. Just a general "He always trying to get at me!"... I always thought that he just meant that the "Uncle" is physically abusive and not sexual.
OKAY! Now it makes sense why this kid was worried that his story was "too impossible" to be believed. He straight up used the term "sodomy". Children suffering from such threats or abuse won't usually say it so formally (?) like that (or as I believe but I'm not knowledgeable on this). It was a red flag of a lie. Hmm... small change but quite an impact.
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Huh... If you ask me, I think dish duty is much better than the cashier. Customer service gives me the hives.
However, '98 I think made the right call to have Meryl and Milly work the cashier. It suits them especially since they used it as an opportunity to bully Vash!
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the-ultimate-muses · 4 months
Open RP - Post Despair Kazuichi Soda
Kazuichi might have once been the ultimate mechanic, able to build anything and everything he put his mind to, but even the things he built were far from infallible. Matter of fact, he often questioned how he got his title in the first place, seeing as he failed more than anything else. Sure, when he succeeded, he succeeded big, but surely that couldn't make up for all the fires he'd started to get there.
He had no idea when or how he'd built his new mechanical limbs, only knowing that when he woke up from the neo program, he couldn't feel his left arm or right leg. It...had taken some adjusting, and he had even reversed engineered his new parts to learn how they worked -- the most interesting of them being that of his left eye, it having been replaced with a sort of micro computer that interfaced through his mechanical arm. It was so cool it almost made up for the horrible headaches it gave him -- but most of the acclimation was based on muscle memory (which was rather ironic, seeing as he could hardly remember his time as a remnant).
Even with all that work into figuring out how these marvels of prosthetic creations functioned, there were still some...hiccups. Sometimes his eye would glitch out and he wouldn't be able to see out of it until a hard reset (which always left him with a mirgraine), or his modified coclear inplants would either stop working or leave him with a horrid buzzing sound until reset (which, low and behold, also gave him a headache.) Those incidents were thakfully far and few inbetween, the most common of issues being in that of his arm and leg. They got the most use in his day to day, leading to wear, frayed wires, and, most annoying of all: locked joints.
All he wanted to do was go for a walk, a nice relaxing walk after working all morning to make sure the cabins had power and running water now that most were inhabited once again, and his stupid leg decided to sieze up after he had walked away from where people were.
Popping open an upper panel revealed nothing as to what might have caused such a problem, meaning he would have to fully disassemble the inner workings of the joint until he found what was wrong. First he had to get back to his cabin where all his tools were, and it was way too far to simply crawl unless he absolutly had to.
So, he takes a shot in the dark: "Hey uh, can someone lend me a hand? Or um...I guess a leg?"
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analtyranny · 1 year
let’s play gore screaming show (part 1)
so i’ve been curious about this game since...before i was old enough to play it, probably. i listened to the OP pretty frequently and would try looking up info on the story now and again. problem is, it came out 16 years ago with no sign of an english release. i’d also heard rumors that black cyc games are programmed weird and impossible to insert text into, or something? so basically i gave up on it and moved on to greener more euphoric pastures
it FINALLY got an english release in november 2022, and i found this out...on the last day of a JAST sale. so i figured, fuck it, no time like the present
which brings us here today. is this game good? no clue! is it gory? most likely! but nothing can faze me after euphoria, right? ......r-right?
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due to tumblr’s bullshit TOS im gonna be heavily censoring scenes. you’ll have to play it yourself to get those. but also it should be fine if i post just certain key phrases from them. it wouldn’t be an eroge playthrough without ��The meatus...!” after all
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this OP kicks ass, highly recommended. 18+ warning though for some of the included CGs. ...not sure how it survived on youtube for 14 years
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okay before i start im just gonna talk about what i know about the story, i.e. what little information i’ve gleaned from my “research”
so the plot is this dude moves back to the town he grew up in and lives with his hot older cousin. he will probably fuck her. sorry. don’t kill the messenger. he reunites with his childhood friends who are all girls with color-coded names. he will probably fuck them. for some reason there's an ossan with a gun. he will probably fuck him?
so whoever you try to date, you get harassed by this purple-haired little girl and her creepy murder clown buddy and you have to stop them from killing your three weed-smoking girlfriends
also that caution tape says "delicious"
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this boob lady’s in the OP too but idk who she is
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then there’s a scene of a little girl going home. it goes back and forth between this and boob lady telling the story
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oh, there's the clown guy
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hey it’s the groupchat
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so boob lady’s going "ohh everyone's looking at me im getting fucked by eyeballs" while the little girl talks to clown guy. who then eats her. cronch
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hey look, it's our protagonist...'s POV!
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...or not? looks like the actual narration is in 3rd person instead of 1st, like most VNs ive played. huh.
also, only three years? i got the impression it was longer than that
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this road sure looks familiar. any little girl bones around here? conspicuous bloodstains?
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h-haha, you sure it's supposed to be red-brown?
i missed capping it but he crashes into purple girl on his bike and she says "welcome home :)" but when he tries to apologize she's not there
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and suddenly he's in a different place... and then he gets a flat tire
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AND he's late for high sch--COLLEGE
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on his first day, too
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his teacher's like "how tf did you get lost when you used to live here?" it's those damn warp panels, man
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all my teachers just talked to me like i was braindead and/or a toddler
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he will probably fuck him
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short king
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red one sighted!!!
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here's the blue one but kyoji doesn't remember her name
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and finally, the yellow one. apparently she has huge boobs. i guess she's not a childhood friend but used to live where he went before, and conveniently also transferred here
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it's normal for legal adults to live alone
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school sux, come get some yoofies
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we've got our...awkwardly shoehorned first choice! from top to bottom, it's: 
blue (first playthrough) 
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myfathersjournal · 11 months
So I Bought A Starship Episode 5: A Mouthful
Gemma glared at the little display on the vending machine, narrowing her eyes. Her fingers typed out another request which was almost immediately replaced by a red flashing error message. She tried another request.
“Captain, I have already told you  that the food synthesizers are currently running in emergency mode. They can only produce basic lipid, protein and carbohydrate rations.”
Gemma had seen the basic rations already and had no desire to repeat the experience. The basic carbohydrate ration had been a two inch by two inch block of compressed sawdust that crumbled almost immediately on contact with air and absorbed any moisture in the mouth like a sponge. The basic lipid ration was exactly that, a two inch cube of fat that was slimy and gross. About the only semi palatable one was the basic protein ration which had tasted like the world's saddest jerky. The machine flashed another error message and Gemma smacked the side of it. “I knoooow” she whined, setting her head on the console. “But can’t you do anything else? Can’t you, I don’t know, combine them into something more edible?”
“Unfortunately no, not until we get the food synthesizers repaired.”
Gemma looked up at the blank walls. She’d not been able to find any cameras or anything that Stacy could see her through, so she’d taken to just glaring at the most convenient spotl when talking to it. “Wait, I thought I got a certified pre-owned starship. Why is so much of it broken?” She kicked a riveted panel which gave a hollow gong noise. “The food synthesizer’s broken, the bridge is mostly duct taped over, hell even my “captains suite” looks like a damn capsule hotel room. What give?” She crossed her arms over her chest and picked a new spot to glare at. 
“the 45 point custom inspection, yes.” Stacy acknowledged. “This ship was tested by a Redd Herring and Son’s technician and passed.”
“Are you dying from lack of oxygen?”
Gemma blinked, then glanced down at the spot she’d kicked. “Um, no?”
“Then the hull integrity, atmospheric recyclers, electrical and door seals pass inspection. Do you have adequate nutrition that is bioavailable for your species?”
Gemma glanced at the vending machine. “I guess…”
“Then food synthesizers and organic reclamators pass inspection.”
Gemma’s eyes wandered up to the ceiling and down the claustrophobic corridor of blank riveted metal. “This ship’s…smaller than it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?”
“The ship's external dimensions are somewhat obscured by recent minimal repair work, but I assure you its structure still fits within the laws of 3 dimensional space.”
“Oh you know what I mean Stacy!”
“Please don’t call me that, and yes. The internal space available to the crew is greatly diminished from original builder specifications. Extensive repair work will be needed to bring subsystems back online.”
“And I have to pay for that?”
“And you have to pay for that.”
“While paying off my debt for the ship too.”
“While paying off your debt for the ship too.”
Gemma let her head thump against the front of the vending machine again and groaned.
“I may have found a solution to your problem Captain.” 
Gemma’s head came up again, hope clearly playing across her face. “Yeah? What?”
“Maybe if you crumble the three rations together in a bowl you can make it more palatable.”
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I heard Dana gave toh fans the freedom to consider their headcanons canon, or smth like that. There's probably more info on twitter but I don't use the app. What do you think?
So what I've heard is that it's not entirely this. It is just saying that whatever Dana says outside of the show, like in livestreams, panels, etc. don't count as canon. The only things that are explicitly canon is that which is in the show. Otherwise, everything else is her personal headcanons which are just as valid as any fans'. I was introduced to this a few days ago by someone sharing it with me (this was apparently said in a livestream btw so will almost certainly get lost to time) a tweet with me about someone being happy about their fan children being 'canon' It was cute and I didn't check what the ships were. I mostly responded to that person being happy that they could headcanon Lumischa as having eventually happened because that was more fun for me especially with my hands being bad. Besides, I think the statement is dumb on multiple levels that I'll get to eventually. Reading this question, I spent more than a single second thinking about it and went "Wait, but Amity is only a lesbian because Dana says so. This is absolutely going to make 70% of the fandom choose to make her bi because then they can ship her with whoever they want." AND GUESS WHAT SHIP THE TWEET WAS ABOUT!? FUCKING AMITER! It has always been a problem for the show that Amity's sexuality is not stated in it. It creates a similar excuse to what people who have to defend stuff like SasuNaru (my introduction to shipping through my older sister btw) of "They don't have a canon sexuality." Well... No longer does Amity. We do know she's interested in girls but that doesn't mean she isn't pan or bi.
I personally do not agree with this interpretation. For me, changing characters who appear to commonly be straight to gay is fine... Because there's close to zero gay characters in most genres, let alone mainstream popular shows. How many are in Shounen anime in general? Okay now remove the villains who are queer coded and tell me again. If the LGBTQIA+ (which I want to remind you I'm not a part of so I don't benefit from this interpretation) want to tell their stories within the media they like, they HAVE to change sexualities. They have no other choice. Meanwhile, Amity is not a particularly special archtype so if you're a straight dude wanting to ship her with yourself, you can find that elsewhere. Even within the same show, just use Lilith who in S1 was similar to Amity. Though yes, Lilith is technically aro/ace but only by decree from Dana and the show never actually sways one way or another on her feelings on relationships because... Why the fuck would it? It's a comedy adventure. Which brings us to the complicated question of what is right to include in a story or not (which I could go into a LOT more in a different blog). It's not like everyone is constantly stating their sexualities in real life after all. It's a rough place for a lot of creators, just like saying if a character is nuerodivergent. A lot of stories just don't have a place for that sort of exposition and honestly the author letting us know outside of the work IS useful for that. Would it be better if it were stated in the show? In TOH's case, because of how much it stakes its reputation on representation, YES. For most? Not really but most don't court the romance genre, where saying those sexualities is more reasonable, like TOH does.
So that's one reason why I don't like the statement. Dana sticking to her guns on her ideas is one of the few saving graces I could give her and just saying "Fuck it, you all decide what you want to be canon so long as it isn't in the show" is just... not that. Not unless she was going to go whole hog and say that the IP was in the public domain so LITERALLY MAKE THE CANON YOU WANT! Which would have been novel but is also NEVER going to happen. Instead, her statement amounts to "I officially give you permission to make fanworks." Which... Lady, you don't get to decide that. No creative does. If people want to make work off of your story, they're gonna do that regardless of what you say. The creator of Calvin and Hobbes is FAMOUS for how anti-commercial he was of his work and spent much of his career making sure that his strips, panels, characters etc. didn't appear on t-shirts. And he still failed mostly because stopping EVERY avenue was simply impossible.
Also Dana has not really put much authoritatively on the scales besides the sexualities, making the statement even more pointless. If she's dropped giant lore dumps, I haven't heard about them and I've been in this fandom long enough that I feel like I should have heard about them. Instead we got small things like Amity dying her hair because her mom forced her to. That isn't going to break anyone's story and I even personally used it as a bonding moment between the two because I made Odalia neurotic about stuff like that.
So I guess my big question is... Who cares? Unless you actively don't like the few answers we've been given by the crew. And if that's the case... That's what fanworks are for. For when you don't like canon and want to change it. You don't need permission for that. You never have. =========
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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goosessideblog · 11 months
you gave me Ridder I offer Muschio
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If you forgot
um. well :3 yeah PEBBLE TIME.
favourite thing: big fan of how the reveal about him being leonid was done!! it was very nicely paced and written props to weaver. of course it goes without saying i love everything about him but this is my favourite off the top of my head
least favourite thing: this is more nitpicky than anything but i’m sort of sad that he (or the demon, rather) broke character, per se, when talking to wes? i’ve always been a huge fan of overly formal/polite villains so i would’ve loved to see their conversation keep that politeness especially when they start physically fighting. not to say the moment when the facade fell wasn’t cool as fuck though, easily one of my favourite parts of the scene.
favourite line: chapter 26, panel 43:
Yes. Of course yes right good everything's fine hello. Hello good afternoon. I'm fine. It's all fine. A psychotic murderer is about and stalking around our home and an army of magical sprites may descend on us at any moment to turn us to electric ash and I can't stop thinking about the smell of death but everything is fine it's fine chin up Pendle old fellow look on the bright side no need to fear.
brOTP: honestly? huge fan of him and ridder. yes they’ve never interacted but this isn’t going to stop me. they both take comfort in the whole song-and-dance of social customs and manners, i think it would be very fun to see them talk, especially with ridder being a fan of the strategic side of things. they’d bounce off eachother very nicely i’d reckon
OTP: you know me robyn. its wespendleona. pendle has (at least) two hands and with what he’s been through he deserves both of them held. them :]
nOTP: since divequest doesn’t really have a fandom i guess i don’t really have any? i am yet to see a dq ship i can’t get behind, especially a fanon one.
random headcanon: his third set of arms is actually vestigial! he isn’t quite a spider but he isn’t much of a regular bugfolk either, he’s more somewhere inbetween.
unpopular opinion: again. dq is a fandom of 6 people. i don’t think it’s possible to have an unpopular opinion as of right now
song: i WISH i had one, alas i don’t think of divequest characters from the perspective of songs much. perhaps i’ll come back to the one day, maybe
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moving onto the man the myth the legend. muschio!!
favourite thing: how clever he is at times. it’s especially clear in the recent few updates, which have been SO fun to read. sure some of his plans are stupid and sure he doesn’t harbour the most emotional intelligence but god can he be slick when the time comes. i love him
least favourite thing: i’ve never been much of a fan of his uh. glaring attraction. to many of the women in the series. i do think it’s a pretty iconic trait and it does fit his character but i’ve just never had much fun reading it, unfortunately.
favourite line: i don’t know if this counts, but like half the things the voices say? the suggesters are funny what can i say. as for actual lines in-comic he says so much stuff i don’t have the energy to sort through and pick my favourite right now. he says a lot of fun things
brOTP: him and dompag!!! i am a firm believer in the headcanon dompag has managed to befriend everyone in the vault and acts as a shoulder to lean on, which i reckon muschio could really use. muschio has many problems and dompag has been shown to be a very good problem solver, as well as making up for the emotional intelligence muschio lacks. i think they work great together
OTP: again. i’m a very obvious person. muschio/ridder has planted itself in my brain since the hot spring scene and it has not left since. what am i gonna do? say no to childhood friends to strangers to enemies to friends to lovers? scoff. i’m better than that
nOTP: same as for pendle, i don’t really have one? he has a personality that pairs well with most characters and i don’t really have much reasoning to dislike any ships with him.
random headcanon: ok buckle up it’s volto biology time. as an amphibian he doesn’t exactly fare well during the colder seasons and tends to be far more sluggish and far less focused, as well as practically clinging to any heat source he comes across. if he had the choice he would sleep through winter completely but since he can’t so much as catch a nap he doesn’t really get that luxury.
unpopular opinion: divequest six-person fandom strikes again
song: THE MAIN CHARACTER BY WILL WOOD!! this man and his protagonist complex. i’m going to tear him in half
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (46/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: just fluff, enjoy it while it lasts
Summary: Padme is all too happy to keep you occupied on the ride to Naboo, and you find it very enjoyable.
A/n: I'M BACK BABIES HAHAHAHA any who, i am very much excited for the next few chapters as they are quite possibly the last chapters we're gonna get with happy times.... so enjoy it.
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 2.5k
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The lift off was smooth as silk and given that this was a formal meeting on Coruscant, Padme had a personal pilot helping to make the trip. She was glad to rest in the luxurious seating area with you, and you were just happy to be on a ship for once that didn't have a million men on it. Not that you minded the clones, because you loved them dearly, each individual being considered family to you. It was simply nice to relax amongst a dear friend, to uphold civil and intelligent conversation.
"You must be relieved that the council now sees you fit for the trials," she commented, very invested in the story you'd told her, the one about your rather stressful adventure with Master Mace Windu. "It is about time they recognize your gifts."
"I am... excited, but also a little weary, as it may present new challenges of its own. Obi-Wan has trained me well, like he did for Anakin. The only problem is, I'm not Anakin."
Your weariness about the trials seemed to be getting you down, so as the fun, loving, dear friend that she was, it had to be her job to lift you up.
"You should not speak such things. Anakin, as wonderful as he is, doesn't have half the mind to think before he acts, which is a skill you have always possessed. I have no doubts that you will soar above all expectations," she complimented, and you smiled, looking off to a corner to remember what your Master told you. You could take the trials at your worst and still succeed.
"I hope you're right."
She could see that already the topic of conversation over the trials had grown tired, and you were not so keen on telling her more. It was natural for you to be nervous, sure. But to second guess yourself and the readiness of your being to take these trials and worry about failure should not be such a crucial think cycle for you. She was ready to change the subject, as there were far more interesting things she longed to know.
"I am, but since I've just had the thought to ask," she paused, scooting closer on the seat next to you and checking that the pilot's door panel was shut. "How are things with Obi-Wan?"
The smirk that crawled across her face was amusing, and you couldn't help but laugh, dropping your head to hide the blush that seeped over your cheeks. She was onto you, that was for sure. You shook your head and rolled your eyes, the smile never leaving your face as your raised it back to her.
"Things are very good."
She gasped, her eyes widening in excitement over your admission. She'd been hoping that perhaps if you both hadn't professed your undying love to one another before, this lovely trip could be the thing to move it along, but from your answer she could tell there was much more she had not been told.
"He told you?" She asked in excitement, practically bouncing on the cushion in which she sat to try and contain the emotion.
"Not exactly," you paused, laughing again at the memory, which seemed so dark at the time. "I told him."
"You've always been the bold one," she replied, although it was only partially true. Bold you were, yes, but not the bold one. Obi-Wan was very overly confident and fearless most often, you'd say that it was him. "When did this happen?"
You took in a deep breath before sighing it out. She was probably ready to hear about your sweet and romantic confession, likely in a place that you both held dear, but that was not what took place, so you laid it out for her straight.
"Remember the day of his funeral?"
She nearly choked on her own saliva at the surprise your words gave her. She nodded, her jaw slack, mouth unable to bring forth a response in words.
"I went to see him before it took place. I was unaware of the fact that it had all been a set up in a grand scheme, and I obviously didn't think he could hear me, but I told him I loved him," you shifted your glance to your hands as you let out the second part, unsure if you could handle yet another shocked reaction to your words. "And I kissed him."
"And... he knew?"
The complications of the memory were vague, and you didn't feel the need to explain all the tiny details about the nerve paralyzers, or the vital suppressants that Obi-Wan took to appear dead, so you answered as simply as you could.
"He did," you smiled, the happy part of the story now coming to light. "And when he came back, he told me he loved me too. Even after I had just slapped him."
She chuckled, understanding the exchange that took place was probably very emotional, but the way you'd said it was humorous. She was glad to hear it, that you'd both admitted the feelings. She had known Obi-Wan for a long time, and hoped that maybe he could find happiness, and when she met you, she somehow knew you were it. Even when the facts were not laid before her, she knew you made him happy in some aspect. Before, she brushed it off as perhaps just pride in the training he brought his Padawan, but now she could see it clear as day, he was in love.
"So, you're together then, I assume?"
Honestly, you had to ponder this for a moment. You'd never put a label on anything, because you didn't see the need in doing so. Your heart was not meant for another, and neither was his, and that was the purity of it all. The love was not to be labeled, to be contained or have a set expectation of what it should be.
"We haven't really discussed that part, actually. I suppose you could describe it that way," you furrowed your brows as you spoke, trying to put into words an explanation that didn't sound ridiculous. "Since that night, our relationship has been that of an idea... to love, and to be loved in return."
"That's beautiful," she said, her eyes going soft in admiration of you and Obi-Wan. She understood the problem of labels, as her marriage to Anakin lacked many of them. The Jedi Order was a complicated thing, and robbed you all of many simple commodities.
"To tell you the truth, I think I've loved him my whole life. Since the day I met him, he had something about him that made me drawn closer. It wasn't love at first sight; I believe I was too young to even grasp the concept at the time," you wanted to convey the feeling, and a moment later, you found the perfect words, and they flowed just as effortlessly, which meant they were the right ones. "Even though I'd never met him before, it was like a certain familiarity that came over me at the sight of him. Almost like saying 'oh, hello... it's you. It's going to be you.'"
"I imagine growing up beside him, it must have felt strange to finally realize what those feelings meant."
"Stranger than you could believe, but at the same time, it brought me a sort of peace to find it all out. It only drove me to work harder for his sake, I trained to protect him at all costs, and strived to make him happy whenever I could. It was the most important thing to me then, it still is."
All of this was being said for the first time aloud, and most of it was just your thoughts being voiced into the air, another pair of ears just so happening to obtain the information and her be in awe over it. Her relationship was something out of a storybook, but yours was something that was never heard of before. A cosmic force of love that connected two people in a beautiful way with only their minds, and their hearts. The intimacy in that was undeniable.
The ships were hovering closely over Naboo, and before landing, Obi-Wan stood in the hull of the cruiser with Cody, waiting for the giant ramp to be lowered. All the men that hadn't fallen asleep during the ride made themselves busy with gathering their belongings and preparing to disembark. This was the first time they had been invited to a formal event of any kind, and they were happy to be honored this way, as they had put in so much devotion to the protection they provided for the republic.
Obi-Wan was quite thrilled to let his men have a break. The tortures of war were far too many, and they had been the ones to see the worst of it.
"You look anxious," Cody said softly to his General, scanning his face for any other signals of his distress, or rather, impatience. "You'll be by her side again within minutes, you know."
Obi-Wan snapped his head to the Commander, unsure of what he meant by that. Surely, he was unaware, wasn't he? Even if he was, Obi-Wan couldn't really tell, as it was nearly impossible to read Cody when he set about such a stoic expression.
"I know."
His response was short, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything else in regard to Cody's comment. He was far too focused on keeping himself tuned into the ship, to hear the patterns in the engines, and the movements beneath his feet. He was simply just ready to be on the ground already, so he could be in your presence again. Cody had known exactly why he was so on edge, and he found that a little concerning, but also very endearing. He was glad to know the Commander knew him well enough to make assumptions like that.
When the ship touched down, Obi-Wan didn't even wait for confirmation from the pilot before he hit the button on the panel beside him, lowering the ramp to the ground.
"You don't waste any time, huh General?"
It was a bit mocking, and Obi-Wan only rolled his eyes at it, but it was true. He was not going to let a second of time stand in between you and him, because he'd been planning to give you something since before you left. A gift of sorts before the big celebration. He'd been hiding it from you for a while, now, and was awaiting the correct time to bestow it upon you.
As the men began to exit the craft in droves, Obi-Wan took only a single moment to admire the planet. The last time he was here, he was undercover, and unable to look upon the place in its full beauty. The sun was nearly set, with only the afterglow of its presence making the sky burst with orange and purple and pink shades. He looked across the landing pad, to see you standing with Padme, doing the exact same thing, looking upon the scene with the upmost attention. He took swift steps and was soon beside you, although it took you a moment to notice.
"How was your flight, little one?" he asked, a smile on his face just by being at your side again. He hated whenever he had to part from it.
"Absolutely divine, Master," you said sweetly. It was funny, even though you'd just told Padme everything about your unending love for the man, you couldn't seem to shake the habit of calling him master whenever other people were around. He of course, did not mind. You were addressing him, and that was all he thought of.
"I'm glad to hear it. Malady, I am very thankful to be here, as are all my men. Naboo has always been such a wonderful place to visit," he spoke, and you all fell into a slow stride towards the palace. She waved him off and shook her head.
"Please, it is our pleasure to host you all. We hope the troops will be comfortable in our accommodations, we were hoping it would all be to their liking."
"I assure you; they are already very happy just to be here, anything you've prepared will be perfect," he noticed that the walkway you all entered had been rather cleared out, with only an occasional staff member walking by. He nudged your hand with his before inconspicuously lacing your fingers together.
"It is my greatest hope that they will enjoy their stay, as well as the festivities planned. I may have forgotten to mention this earlier, but I have also arranged special accommodations for you both," she began, and it was almost comical how fast both yours and Obi-Wan's eyes met hers. "Tonight, I have a suite prepared for you, Master Kenobi, and I hope you'll forgive me, but I'll be requesting your Padawan to stay in my personal apartment."
You had been made aware of this arrangement on the flight here, and you knew she was plotting something, but you couldn't tell what. You only agreed with her on the terms of the accommodations for the night after this one.
"Of course, Malady," He replied, though only a small bit distraught by the news. It was true that he had had grown used to sleeping beside you, and often times he found himself unable to rest when lacking your presence, but he would never voice that aloud, nor protest her arrangement.
"It will only be for the night, as tomorrow evening, everyone will be moved into the lake country where the celebration is to be held. I've prepared a lovely villa for you that has a beautiful view of the water by the mountains."
Now, that sounded perfect.
"Thank you, senator, for everything. I'm truly grateful beyond words at your generosity," Obi-Wan let out. He had called the young woman by her name several times in his life, and yet, in this moment, he felt her title was the only thing he was worthy enough of calling her. She had done so much to honor him, you, and the battalion, and honestly, he didn't know if he deserved it.
"It is I who am grateful; you have served the republic with your lives, and it is the least I can do to show my planet's gratitude," She had sensed upon his arrival that he'd wanted a minute with you to himself, so she excused herself politely before taking her leave. "I will leave you alone for a moment. When you are ready to retire, you can find me in the grand hall, and I will escort you personally."
You watched as she turned the corner, out of view, and not even a second later, you felt the hand connected to yours pull you in closer.
He'd been waiting all day to give you what he hid in his other hand, and now that you were here beside him, he couldn't wait any longer.
"Close your eyes, and hold out your hand."
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biancadjarin · 2 years
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You can keep your helmet on
18+ !!!
Self insert (Y/N)
My first fic, be gentle🥺 I guess this is part 1 of 2? Basically this is if you were in the place of Frog Lady in 2x02. You’re Mando’s contact to lead to other Mandalorians on another planet. But we all know what happens. Mando crashes the Razorcrest and you’re stuck on an ice planet. He tells you to stay in the cockpit while he works on the ship but rules are meant to be broken right?
“Dank Farrik I’m freezing” you huff to no one. You can’t just sit here and wait for the Mandalorian to be done fixing the ship. That could take hours. And you’re getting a little bored. At least before you could watch him pressing buttons on his control panel and pass time playing with his little green son. But everything got messed up when he got pulled over by the New Republic officers and decided the best plan was to speed away and cause a chase. Leading to some shifty flying which landed you in this situation now. You can’t believe someone could be so reckless. He could’ve killed you! And the green baby! Yes he warned you about pirates and war lords being a possible problem but you thought he was just being dramatic. You thought your heart was going to burst from your chest as he dove nose first towards ice and pulled up at the last second to turn and evade the officers. You can’t remember the last time you felt such… a thrill. It was terrifying but actually kind of the most exciting thing that’s happened to you lately. And the entire time he didn’t seem phased. Like at all. At least not in a way you could tell through his shiny silver armour.
You’d never met a Mandalorian before. All you knew is they apparently can’t ever take off their helmets. You wondered about when he did though. When he eats? And showers? And sleeps? He has to at least at those times right? And maybe even when it’s just him and the baby on the ship. What does he look like? He’s fairly tall. At least half a foot taller than you. When you first walked up to him in Pelli’s hangar, you had to crane your head up to meet the dark part of the helmet covering his eyes. “This is Y/N” Pelli told him. All he gave you in return was a nod and he turned toward his ship, walking in a fast pace toward it, slowing only to swoop his arm down and pick up the little pointy eared baby waddling toward him. You looked back at Pelli with wide eyes as she smiled and shooed you away with her hands, which were full of crayt dragon meat. You began to follow Mando’s path toward his ship, when Pelli clicks her tongue behind you. “Oh wait!” she said. “Treadwell! Put some of that in a bag for our friends!” Her droid began to cut some meat from the large spigot that was cooking in the flame of a jet engine. “Take some of this for the ride.” You grabbed the bag from the droid and whispered a thank you to Pelli as you speed walked back towards the ship, nervous to keep the Mandalorian waiting.
But now that you’ve been through this near death experience together you feel like you and the Mandalorian are cool. He won’t mind if you leave the ship to go explore right? It’s better than sitting here bored AND cold. At least out there you’ll just be cold. You tighten the laces on your boots as you walk towards the door of the cockpit. You press a couple buttons that do nothing and then finally your finger lands on one that opens the door. A blast of cold air whips you in the face as the blinding whiteness of the snow fills your vision. You slowly walk down the ramp, scanning for the metal man but all you hear is tools clanking in the distance. “Hand me that. No that one there.” You hear The Mandalorian’s modulated voice telling the baby. Seems like they’re distracted, the coast is clear. You turn to the right out of the ship and start walking.
There’s a cave up ahead that looks interesting. You don’t have to go too far into the pretty cave to find a warm spot. As you walk up to the dark circular pool in the ground, you could see steam rising from it. You crouch down to inspect the water and gently tap a finger on the surface. It’s crystal clear and feels like the peeeerfect temperature to warm up in. You take a few deep breaths asking yourself if you’re really going to take a naked dip in this warm little pool and you quickly decide yes. Anything’s better than freezing for another second.
You carefully undress and fold your clothes into a neat pile before stepping into your personal little hot tub. It’s not too deep - comes up to about half of you. You slowly sink into a sit and let the warm water build up around you. You can already feel your muscles relaxing and heart rate slowing. You close your eyes for a while and take a few deep inhales as you feel yourself starting to get sleepy.
“What are you doing?” Mando’s voice startles you out of your warm trance. You look up at him with wide eyes and start to think of an excuse but all you can squeak out is “I was… so cold…” and you give him a pouty expression. You see the kid’s silver orb floating just behind him, shut tightly to keep him warm. “I told you to stay on the ship. It’s warm in the cockpit. I can’t focus on fixing the crest if you and the kid aren’t safe.” His voice sounds agitated but protective. The corners of your mouth curl into a little smile. “It wasn’t warm in there. And I’m fine Mando.” You counter back, using the nickname you heard Pelli call him earlier. “Actually I’ve never been better.” you say as you lazily splash your arms out around you. Then you get an idea. “The water’s warm. You should come in.” You surprise yourself at your boldness. Did you really just ask a Mandalorian to get in a cave hot tub with you? He sighs “C’mon.” and cocks his head back toward the mouth of the cave. “S’gonna be dark soon and then temperatures will really drop.” You slump down further and feel the tips of your hair starting to get wet. “Just a few more minutes?” You plead. “You must be freezing” you say as sweetly as your voice allows. “Just get in with me for a minute. It’ll warm you up..” you hope your voice is convincing. He stares at you for a second. His broad shoulders even broader as he rests his fists on his hips. His helmet slowly tilting down just a bit, and then to the side at your clothes, then back to you. It’s like he’s just now realizing you’re naked in there. You lean forward and drift towards the edge of the pool closest to him, letting your elbows and chin rest on the snowy edge. Your gaze drifts up and down his tall frame, landing where you assume his eyes are. “You can keep your helmet on.” You say, eyes sparkling with innocence.
He drops his hands to his sides and lets out another sigh. “I don’t kn.. we shoul-“ he stutters as he tries to think of a way out of the invitation. He checks over his shoulder to make sure the kid is still hovering there. Then he turns back to look at you, “I guess… I guess it does… look warm… maybe… for a minute.” He says as he raises a finger to emphasize. You feel your body jolt and you try not to bite your bottom lip too hard as you nod in agreement. He unties his cape first, letting it fall onto the ice beneath him. A sliver of his neck now visible. You slowly sink back to the farther edge of the pool and silently thank the shadows being casted on your face for hiding your burning cheeks. Mando kicks off his boots and socks then quickly undoes the magnets holding his baskar armour pieces in place, laying them down near your clothes, until he’s just down to his flightsuit. A dark brown long sleeve shirt and matching pants with little stitching going in every direction. You squeeze your thighs under the water as you feel a familiar throb forming. You start turning in the water and making little splashes so he doesn’t think you’re staring at him… even though you definitely are. But Mando doesn’t hesitate. He reaches his hand up over his back and pulls off his shirt in one smooth motion. Your mouth let’s out a tiny involuntary whimper as you look him over. His tanned skin reflecting the shimmer of ice crystals that coat the walls of the cave. You can hear his breathing starting to speed up and get shallower as the cold air starts to cover his newly exposed skin in goosebumps. His stomach flexes a whisper of tight abs on his exhales that disappear as he inhales. He unbuttons and unzips his pants then lets gravity pull them and his underwear down. He lifts his legs methodically as he steps in the water, not wanting to flash you. He sinks down into the little pool and doesn’t say a word. Just stares at you. You wonder if he’s enjoying the warmth or just appeasing you so he can get back to fixing the ship. You swallow and take a deep breath after feeling like you’ve been holding it watching him get undressed. You clear your throat to speak but then he shrugs and says “This wasn’t the worst idea.” He’s letting the tips of his fingers wiggle in the warm water as he leans against the pool edge, elbows rested on the snow. “Stupid. Dangerous. But not the worst.” You think you can hear a smirk at the end of his sentence. You smile and roll your eyes at him. “So how badly is the ship damaged?” you ask. He doesn’t answer. Just leans his helmet back with a sigh. You shrug and start looking around the cave, noticing the small icicles and large stalactites frozen at the top. “Are you from Mos Eisley?” Mando finally says. Your eyes shoot back down to the dark strip covering his eyes. “Born and raised.” You nod. “Where are you from?” “How did Pelli know where to find you?” He asks, ignoring your effort to get to know more about him. “Um.. well.. I’ve known Pelli for a while. She pays me for information about people..” “What kind of information?” “Anything. The type of ship they arrive in, if they have droids, if they’re wealthy. I see a lot of people coming and going working at the port.” Mando continues to stare you down, tilting his helmet slightly to the side. “Hmm” he lets out a low growl of acknowledgment. The harsh lines of the helmet contrast the soft planes of his pectorals, which now have small beads of sweat sliding down them. You snap your eyes away, worried he’ll notice you staring. You let out a shaky breath wondering which one of you will speak again. The wetness of the pool now mixing with the wetness dripping out of you. You’re asking yourself why this faceless man is getting you so worked up when you hear a squeaking behind you and spin around to find a little snow mouse scurry by. “Ick” you whisper. Just then you feel the water start to ripple against your back. Quiet sloshing and splashing as he walks towards your side of the warm spring.
You freeze. Your eyes dart as far over your shoulder as you can without actually turning your head. “So… you spy on people.” His warm, modulated voice close to your ear. “That’s not very nice.” He whispers as he drags his left first finger knuckle up along your shoulder blade. His touch stiffens you. His fingertips lightly graze your left shoulder and hover back down your arm. If you turn around right now, you’re totally exposed. There’s no sinking back down, he’s too close. So close. “Ju..just for Pelli” you say. “She pays good.” He hums deeply in response. His hand makes it’s way down your arm to your hand and your eyes start to flutter shut. His hands are softer than you expected, his fingers ghosting the back of your knuckles and tickling the spaces between your fingers. Your partially exposed breasts are close enough to the edge of the ice to feel the cold radiating off of it. As if your nipples weren’t already perking up with anticipation. He lets go of your hand and rests both of his on your hips, squeezing ever so slightly before he slides his right hand around towards the front of your hip and pushes back slightly forcing your body to spin around. Facing him you slowly open your eyes, not quite sure what you expect to see. His helmet is so close you think you can almost almooost see the outline of his eyes behind the black shield. You squint and lean closer to try to see and he lets out a quiet laugh. Your chest heaves up and down as your heart starts to beat uncontrollably. His helmet dips down to study your breasts which you’re now pushing into his chest. You can’t help but look down and lick your lips at the skin to skin contact that you’ve been wanting from him until his hand rises out of the water and he takes your chin in his thumb and forefinger, realigning your gaze to his. You take a deep breath as his thumb brushes over your lips, settling on the bottom one and pulling it down slightly, letting it bounce back in place when he takes his thumb away. “When I first saw you at Pelli’s…” his voice is a soft whisper through his modulator “couldn’t think. Never seen a girl who looks like you.” His hand comes up to settle on the side of your neck, his thumb brushing over your earlobe. The butterflies in your stomach drop to another part of your anatomy. He reaches his hand past your head and picks up a small handful of snow. He cups it in the palm of his hand and holds it over your heaving chest. He slowly crumbles it and lets the cold powder fall onto your hard nipples and you let out a whine, biting your lip hard enough to hurt a little. The flurries melt instantly as they hit your hot skin and the warm water you’re sitting in and you think you hear a faint moan escape the Mandalorian’s modulator. He brings both his hands up to cup your breasts, squeezing them and pushing them together. The coldness of the snow and the warmth of his hands sends a shiver down your spine and a moan falls from your mouth. “You like that?” He asks, tilting his helmet close to your ear. All you can do is nod as your lips part to let out a whimper. “Yeah?” he teases, “Good.”
Thanks for reading!
I borrowed the whole colorful thing from @princesssmimi bc she’s an amazing writer who’s fics you should definitely check out and the color coded conversations make it super easy to follow who’s talking :)
I hope you liked this, please feel free to give feedback! I love Mando and can’t wait for S3 <3!
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laundryandtaxes · 2 years
While I agree that liberals and the left certainly have A Problem, I don't think that the answer is allying myself with people who have anti-feminist aims at the end of the day. If one of these people gave me a platform, I would recognize that what they're actually trying to do is make a useful idiot out of me to further their own aims before turning on me, but I guess I'm just built different.
TL;DR I think the way you're framing the issue is flawed and short sighted
This is actually a good example of the kind of mindset I'm talking about. The previous anon, which I'm assuming prompted this one, didn't ask me for my own personal framework for how to deal with issues relating to free speech, which is a question so major and fundamental it has been at the heart of human societies for at least thousands of years. It asked what I made of a decision made by someone who is not primarily a socialist or a feminist but a philosopher and an academic, and I gave my assessment of her decision, and my assessment was not even mostly positive. So I've done very little framing here except to note that there is this problem that you agree exists. And yet, I think due to the sheer reflexive discomfort many liberals and some leftists feel today when they see the words "free speech," you've seemingly assigned me a whole set of ideas about who it's good to work with and when. I said the liberals have a free speech problem and need to contend with it. You seem to mostly agree on that point, which is by far the most important point made in my response to that anon.
That being said, yes I think we have some fundamental disagreements on what allying yourself with a movement or group is. Working with people with whom you have major disagreements on those few issues where you have real agreement isn't "allying," it's definitionally the only way anything of note or scale ever happens in a pluralistic society. There is no future wherein everyone does not have to contend with disagreement from political adversaries, except one wherein political adversaries are not allowed. Working on issues where one can find enough agreement to make something actually happen, is not "allying" in any meaningful way. When the Democratic and Republican parties both vote in support of war, for instance, where they always seem to be able to find the votes, they are not "allying" with each other but working together on something they both individually value. To ally is to specifically give support for the overarching goals, or strategy, etc, of a movement or group. Agreeing with any old Republican that free speech is a good thing is not allying with that person, unless allying has quite literally lost any useful meaning. And I actually think your own language kind of speaks to some understanding of this, because I think your concept of "turning on you" is paranoia and nothing more- there is no turn to be made here. Kathleen Stock does not seem to be under the impression that the "University of Austin" would be a feminist haven. Even the examples that make people squirm the most (the ACLU defending the free speech rights of bigots, lesbian feminists taking panel positions with The Heritage Foundation) these are not instances of people being made into useful idiots. I'd be shocked if any lesbian feminist who's so much as touched work with The Heritage Foundarion, for instance, thought doing so would make them love gay marriage. When the ACLU defended the rights of Klan members to hold an assemble in Skokie, again there was no turn to be made- the ACLU made that decision without any false hope that doing so would somehow make the Klan not racists. You don't have to hold the same values as the ACLU or to like its methods or decisions (this is part of the beauty of pluralism- you're not obligated to agree with literally anyone) but to say the ACLU likes or is okay with racism because they support speech rights is a lie, and that's what I think this definition of allying does. I think it lies at best, and at worst it makes people run everything they see someone say through an extremely cynical lens that is ready to pounce. I think your concept of allyship is part of the basis of the cancel culture I'm criticizing.
Even if it was not the case that the left has been able to accomplish the most in times and places when plurality of thought was most highly valued, to such an extent that those furthest on the right (as in, very much not Republicans) often consider pluralism itself to be a cancer to be eliminated, it would still be the case that at least in the US we simply have no say in whether we continue to have diversity, not just racial diversity but diversity of thought and politics and lifestyle and moral values and regions beliefs, etc. So I don't even really care to argue in favor of pluralism- it is simply a material condition that is a given where I live, and so I have to contend with it. You think I'm being naive, and I think you're engaging in the kind of cynicism that leads to a (nearly) fully broken legislature and that makes people approach every political interaction they see with not just skepticism but cynicism.
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i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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