minglana · 6 months
24, 28, 38? 👀
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
hanging on. idk how ive gone on this long??????
26. do you collect anything?
physically? maybe keychains of places i visit or that ppl bring me. intangibly DEFINITELY words that catalan and aragonese people say that stand out to me. many times the 'aragonese' words end up being actually from aragonese (thats the reason i do it basically lol) <3
just answered 38!
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res--publica · 2 years
1-4 per als End of Year Asks! Recomana'm coses <3
Moltes gràcies per preguntar! Segurament diré coses que ja coneixes 😆
Responc maldestre q ho faig pel mòbil
1- song of the year:
For me the song of thia year has been "Mon amour" by Stromae. Like one of my faves for sure
2- Album of the year:
Multitude by Stromae or Liberato II by Liberato
3- New artist of the year:
Buf ive known so many new this year... Most of them italian: Liberato, Nu Genea, Myss Keta, Elodie, etc
4- Film of the year:
I havent made a list like last year and im a bit lost but i would say "Everything, everywhere, all at once"
Moltes gràcies i bon any nou!! ✨💕✨💕🎉🎉🎉
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25-30 for the Spotify Wrapped ask game!
25. Amor bonito - Anddy Caicedo
26. La luna - Martina la Peligrosa
27. Si tú te vas - Juan Luis Guerra
28. Mamacita - Yera
29. Biri Biri - Patio 4
30. Seguimos vacilando - Jenny Mc
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Hi, I hope you haven't answered this question already, but do you have any books to recommend about catalan history? Like biographies/autobiographies or just something general. Thank you 😊
Hello! I assume you mean books that have been published in English.
There are many history books in Catalan of course, way less in English, but still some. As you will understand, I have read history books about Catalonia in Catalan, and not the ones made in English, so I can't recommend much from first hand. However, there are some that I can recommend.
I have heard very good recommendations of the book A People's History of Catalonia (2022) by Michael Eaude.
Another classic is George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (1938), his autobiography from his years fighting in the Spanish Civil War. It's clearly written by a foreigner but definitely very interesting.
For more recent stuff, there's The Case of the Catalans: Why So Many Catalans No Longer Want To Be Part of Spain (2020) coordinated by Clara Ponsatí.
@guillemelgat also recommends Monturiol's Dream: the extraordinary story of the submarine inventor who wanted to save the world (2003) by Matthew Stewart about the Catalan inventor and revolutionary Narcís Monturiol, and also talks to the context where he lived in, 19th century Barcelona when the Eixample was being built.
Lastly, I would also like to add a novel. It's a historical fiction but it's very very well researched and has been translated to English. It's Victus: The Fall of Barcelona (2012) by Albert Sánchez Piñol, set during the War of the Spanish Succession, which together with the Civil War is the most important moment in Catalan collective memory.
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sulfurousmirrorscapes · 7 months
Nine people I'd like to know better
Last song: ルネサンス [Runesansu] by Soutaisei Riron
Favourite colour: Black
Currently watching: Pluto (the anime, not the celestial body)
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Savoury
Relationship Status: Single
Current Obsession: Raffaella and my WIP; Last Night, New Body
Tagged by: @eossa
Tagging: @thrustin-timberlake @ultra-strawberry-lemonade @alvallah @authoralexharvey @cartwheellou @nebulangauge @guillemelgat @hindisoup @boredperuvianllamas
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no-passaran · 2 years
I was tagged by @history-be-written (thank you!) for this Medieval-style picrew
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I tag @quimerathetraveler @lokimymuse @lluert @margaretartstuff and @guillemelgat if you want to ^^
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kutyozh · 10 months
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got tagged by @guillemelgat to post the music we have in common - thank you!! no bingo yet, but I will definitely check these out!!
tagging @sandushengshou @lesbianmangoes @evakant and everyone who wants to do this!
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
Tagged by @some-cold-and-some-violence and @clove-pinks (cheers!!)
Five drinks to get to know me:
1. Colada. I haven’t had one or anyone to share one with in years (plus, historically, I’ve never been able to get the espumita right) but it’s still my all-time favourite drink
2. Rattlers cyder
3. Ginger beer
4. Instant coffee with extra coffee, milk and a lot of sugar (2 coffees on this list rip)
5. Spicy hot chocolate! With all the spices and fixings
Tagging @hey-scully-itsme @gigamuffin @bees-with-swords @lovedthestars-toofondly @bonofucker @lobsterdyke @apollosdrunkenmixup @guillemelgat @firstofficerrose and anyone else who wants to!
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gwendolynlerman · 10 months
Thanks for tagging me, @fluencylevelfrench! 💜
tea or hot chocolate | cozy books or Halloween movies | plaid or corduroy | foggy mornings or twinkly nights | orange or black | pumpkin or apple pie | wool or velvet | picking fruit or carving pumpkins | libraries or coffee shops | cinnamon or peanut butter | spooky or cozy Halloween | candles or fairy lights
I tag (no pressure!) @guillemelgat, @lemonadeandlanguages, @marilearnsmandarin, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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hindisoup · 2 years
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This is the final 30/30 vocab list for this November challenge. I made it! Thank you @guillemelgat so much for inspiring this challenge! 🧡🧡
Office Vocabulary
कार्यालय, दफ़्तर - office, bureau (masculine) * and office can be निजी (private) or साझा (shared). कार्यस्थान - workspace, workplace (masculine) रोज़गार - employment (masculine) कार्य, काम - work, task (masculine) नौकरी - job (feminine) * work or job can be for example लिपीकीय (clerical), प्रशासनिक (administrative) or प्रबंधकीय (managerial), अंशकालिक (part time) or पूर्णकालिक (full time). * मोजूदा नौकरी - current job (feminine) काम करना - to work (transitive) संगठन - organization (masculine) संस्था - institution (feminine) कंपनी - company (feminine) व्यवसाय - business, occupation (masculine) व्यवसायी - businessman (masculine) नियोक्ता - employer (masculine) ओहदा - position, post (masculine) कर्तव्य - role, duty (masculine) कनिष्ठ - junior (adjective) वरिष्ठ - senior (adjective) आधिकारिक - official, governmental (adjective) अधिकारी - officer, officials (masculine) विभाग - department (masculine) * बिक्री विभाग - sales department सहकर्मी, काम साथी - coworker, colleague (masculine) कर्मचारी - employee, staff member (masculine) कार्यकर्ता - worker (masculine) कार्यकारी - executive, working (adjective) निदेशक - director, administrator (masculine) प्रबंधक - manager, administrator (masculine) प्रबंधन - management (masculine) प्रशासन - administration (masculine) अधीक्षण - supervision (masculine) मालिक, पर्यवेक्षक - boss, supervisor (masculine) मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी - CEO (masculine) प्रतिनिधि - 1. representative, 2. substitute (masculine) समूह के नेता - team leader (masculine) समूह का सदस्य - team member (masculine) लिपिक - clerk (masculine) सचिव - secretary (masculine or feminine) सुरक्षा प्रहरी - security guard (masculine) ग्राहक - client, customer (masculine) आगंतुक - visitor (masculine)
Getting and Leaving a Job
नौकरी की तलाश में होना - to look for a job (intransitive) नौकरी का आवेदन - job application (masculine) नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करना - to apply for a job (transitive) कार्य अनुभव - work experience (masculine) नौकरी के लिए साक्षात्कार - job interview (masculine) दबाव संभालना - to handle pressure (transitive) वेतन - salary, wages (masculine), also तनख़्वाह (feminine) अधिलाभ - bonus (masculine) कमाना - to earn (transitive) समझौता - agreement, negotiation (masculine) हाथ मिलाना - to shake hands (transitive) नौकरी का प्रस्ताव - job offer (masculine) नौकरी हासिल करना - to get a job (transitive) नौकरी देना - to hire, employ (transitive) हड़ताल - strike (feminine) संघ - union (masculine) इस्तीफ़ा, त्यागपत्र - resignation (masculine) * नौकरी से इस्तीफा देना - to resign from a job (transitive) नौकरी छोड़ना - to leave a job सेवानिवृत्त हो जाना - to retire (intransitive)
At Work
कार्यालय की इमारत - office building (feminine) मंज़िल - floor, storey (feminine) बहुमंजिला - multi-storey (adjective) परिचय पत्र - ID card (masculine) कुंजी कार्ड - key card (masculine) लॉबी - lobby, waiting area (feminine), also प्रतीक्षा क्षेत्र (masculine) लिफ़्ट - elevator, lift (feminine) मुख्यालय, मुख्य कार्यालय - headquarters, head office (masculine) शाखा - branch (feminine) बैठक, सम्मेलन - meeting (masculine), also मीटिंग, सभा (feminine) * बैठक का कमरा - meeting room * फ़ोन सम्मेलन - conference call, phone conference * ऑनलाइन बैठक - online meeting * बैठक निर्धारित करना - to schedule a meeting (transitive), also मीटिंग शेड्यूल करना विश्राम कक्ष - lounge (masculine) घन कक्ष - cubicle (masculine) समय पर पहुंचना - to arrive on time (intransitive) ब्रेक लेना - to take a break (transitive) कॉफी ब्रेक पर होना - to be on a coffee break (intransitive) भोजनावकाश - lunch break (masculine) दस्तावेज - document (masculine) हस्ताक्षर करना - to sign, to write a signature (transitive) ���भिलेख - records (masculine) फाइल - file (feminine) फाइलें रखने की अलमारी - filing cabinet (feminine) ईमेल लिखना - to write an email (transitive) भेजना - to send (transitive) फ़ोन उठाना - to answer the phone (transitive) फ़ोन करना - to make a call (transitive) प्रिंट करना - to print (transitive) प्रति बनाना - to make a copy (transitive) मंथन करना - to brainstorm (transitive) परियोजना - project (feminine) * परियोजना ख़त्म करना - to finish a project (transitive)
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Eskerrik asko @giuliaisstudying for the tag! We're late, but here it is ^_^.
Last song you listened to: Say all you want for Christmas is me, by Nick Jonas & Shania Twain.
Ideal pizza toppings: pinneaple / bacon
Dream vacation: hard one! But Iran, Iceland, USA nature parks, and Socotra island rank at the top of our wishlist.
Earth air fire or water: air to breathe!
Cartoon you grew up on: we're gonna show our age here, but Gargoyles, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Batman, Daddy Longlegs, Marmalade Boy, mostly what's now considered classic anime!!
Favorite scent: cinnamon / vanilla
Tagging @irisseireth @loubatas @xcorbassax @guillemelgat @rosslynpaladin @knario47 @orionsfannypack @not-gurecat and basically anyone that wants to do this!
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minglana · 2 years
11 & 22 for the end of year asks <33
11 is already answered
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
ooohh definitely the aljafería (yeah i live in the city its in but its lovely) and the val d'aran!
putting some pics bc i cant get enough of either of them <3
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send me end of year asks
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res--publica · 2 years
@famosoentrescalles tagged me in the receiptify thingy
i have to say i barely use spotify, only to listen to podcasts tbh so i put the medium term so it has more variety
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(although its just 3 different musicians lol)
i tag @lordmeowdemort @no-passaran @marazt @guillemelgat
and honestly everyone that wants to do it
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learning-to-think · 2 years
Tag Game
Tagged by... someone who's not there anymore (tfw you take so long to do a tag game the person has deactivated)
Rules: Tag some followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Nathanaël
Sexuality: the fuck if I know
Gender: none gender with left boy
Time: 22:45
Cats or dogs: Cats!
Favorite animal: Bats!
Dream job: Actor, but like, part-time. or teacher, but like, in a better system.
When I made this blog: I think I signed up in 2016-17 and changed to this url to make it a studyblr in 2020.
Reason for my url: I'm learning how to think, how to analyse stuff and all, but also the more I learn, the more I think. So Learning in order to think and learning how to think in one. Learning to think.
Tagging: @evelynhug0 @plaidetchocolatchaud @culmaer @starryellis @thisismystudylife @par-merlin @hatcrufle @fysyx @guillemelgat and anyone seeing this who wants to do it :D
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zsofiarosebud · 6 hours
Hey I wanna make a tag game for you to follow if you fancy it :)
Do this picrew and add two songs or albums you like from totally different genres (like opposites on a musical spectrum if you want).
I'll start:
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Songs: Unha noite en noche - Xorima and Boom! - System of a down
Tagging @jar-jar-ate @queixumes, @guillemelgat, @arumine and @pialfa801
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ipaaciir · 3 years
portuguese, catalan, basque, russian! for the ask game :)
Portuguese: Reserva Pra Dois by Branko and Mayra Andrade
Catalan, Basque and Russian: I don't know any :p I suck at this
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