#gum pimples
All You Need to Know about Emergency Dentist Sydney
Tooth Infection - Emergency Dentist Sydney
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We will get you out of emergency dentist will get you out of tooth Infection today. Contact us on 9283 7220 to be attended to immediately.
Get Instant Pain Relief Today.
How do you manage a tooth infection?
A tooth infection can occur due to many different reasons. It is most commonly the result of poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, or both of those combined. The most common treatments include removal of the tooth or a root canal treatment depending on the extent of the infection in the teeth.
What would happen if I left the tooth infection alone?
Prolonged infection may lead to the need for a root canal procedure. The root canal is an area located in the roots of your teeth. It is filled with a special nerves that can easily be infected if decay has a chance to build up. The tooth infection may spread to surrounding teeth as well until eventually the entire mouth is in a bad shape. Our dentists here at Smile Concepts will remove this infected pulp and replace it with a special filling. If you make an appointment when the signs start to appear, then there is a good chance we can save the tooth rather than have to extract it.
What are the signs of teeth infection?
The signs of teeth infection include discolouration of the tooth, teeth pain, gum inflammation, gum swelling, gum pimples, sensitive teeth, tender gums, pain when chewing, and bleeding gums. On rare occasions there may be no signs at all which is why it is important to get a check-up every so often.
How long should I wait before the tooth infection is treated?
If a teeth infection are caught early on, then antibiotics will be prescribed to you in order to get rid of it before any extractions are made if necessary.
Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We’ll check for any tooth infection or multiple teeth infection and let you know what options you have.
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akascow · 7 months
bit into cold gum (chewing) and it slipped and scratched the front of my bottom gums (skin) and it literally hurts so bad
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dira333 · 8 months
The Gremlin or how to get over yourself - Suna x Reader (Angst to fluff)
A/N: I moved my writing schedule to write only on weekends. Things will take a lot more time but my health will be better off. Please enjoy this Suna Fic, it's my first time writing for him.
Words: 7,1k - tagging @emmyrosee because she loves Suna
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It’s seven p.m. on a Thursday night when Suna’s phone rings, Keeping up with the Kardashians is playing on low volume as he swallows the rest of his Chuupet, a necessary entree prepping his stomach lining for the slightly burnt Rice he’s having for Dinner.
Samu’s curt in his greeting, kitchen noise in the background as usual.
“The Gremlin’s having a week off.” He says. “I’m not supposed to ask, but do you still own that pull-out couch?”
The Gremlin. He hasn’t heard that name in months.
Suna’s the one who came up with it, a silly joke that slipped out at an unfortunate time.
“That’s our sister,” Tsumu comments on the high-pitched wailing coming from the kitchen. “Just ignore her.”
“She’s not that bad.” Samu tries. “Just don’t look at her too long.”
The wailing stops abruptly, followed by the tell-tale sound of someone snuffling loudly.
“Samu? Tsumu? Are you home?”
Red-rimmed eyes peer into the hallway, silver braces glinting in the dim light. Your hair’s a mess that might have been pigtails sometime before. 
“You look like a gremlin.” Suna points out. He half expects you to cry again. Instead, you kick him in the balls.
“Uh, sure.” He manages to pull himself out of the memory, the pain still fresh in his mind even if it’s been years. “She could just ask herself, she’s got my number.”
“Ah,” Osamu chuckles half-heartedly. “I didn’t like her last boyfriend. She’s still mad about that.”
“Boyfriend?” He hears himself ask, mind going a little frayed trying to picture you with a boyfriend. 
“Yeah, I don’t know if you know him, but he was Nekoma’s Captain when we went to Nationals? Black hair that made him look like a Rooster?”
A chill runs down his back. “You let your sister date Kuroo Tetsuro?”
“Hey now, it’s not like I got anything to say in that matter. You know how she is.”
“Yeah, I do-” He mumbles, mind already drifting back.
“Why would I do that?” Gremlin asks, nose pointed to the sky. The braces look almost cute on you when you smile like that, a little arrogant and so very pleased with yourself. The new set of pimples across your nose ruins the look a little bit, but there are more important things to think about.
“Come on.” Tsumu whines. “It would be so funny! You just have to ask him out on a date.”
“Nah.” You blow a bubble with your chewing gum, clearly feeling very important. It’s rare that your brothers ask you for help and you like to lord your power over them. 
“If you do it, I’ll ask Kita-san to let you train with us for one day.”
Your eyes light up at the prospect, even as both Samu and Tsumu groan in annoyance. The girl's Volleyball Club isn’t to be messed with, but you’re as competitive as your brothers. There’s a long-standing battle of who’s best and you’ve gotten better since you got into High School, yearning to show off.
He can’t quite understand why, but he respects it. You’re one of the youngest in your Class, born on the last possible day to make it into one school year below your brothers. Maybe it’s because you’re born prematurely. Tsumu calls it your obsessive need to be part of absolutely everything, Suna thinks you’re obsessed with proving yourself. 
“Fine.” You huff. “So I ask the Basketball Captain on a date and then I just stand him up?”
“Yeah!” Tsumu nods eagerly, Samu a little preoccupied with his Bento. “I’ll even toss to you during training if he accepts.”
Midorima-san does not accept your confession. But Suna gets to be there, phone ready, when you kick him in the balls. Midorima-san screams like a little girl.
“Anyways.” Samu pulls him out of his reverie again. “I’ll text Kita to let her know you’ll pick her up from the train station.”
“Hold up.” Suna puts his phone between his ear and shoulder, trying his darned best to save both his dinner and his last remaining brain cells. “Why do I have to pick her up and why can’t you just tell her yourself?”
“Dude, keep up. Mom would kill you if she knew the Gremlin had to take an Uber in a foreign city when you’re perfectly capable of picking her up. Who raised you?”
“True.” He huffs, wrinkles his nose at the perfectly burned rice on his plate. Oh well, Take-out it is. “And Kita?”
“I told you she’s still mad about that Kuroo thing. She could never say no to Kita.”
“True,” he repeats, an acid taste on his tongue. He used to hate that, how Mr. Perfect could make even you swoon, the Gremlin, the monster every boy at school secretly feared. 
“So, what did you do? That made her so mad?”
“Ask Tsumu about it, I have to work.” The call disconnects with a dissatisfying click and Suna grunts, orders Pizza, and calls Tsumu. He’s invested now.
Five days later he’s as well informed as he can be.
You’re arriving at exactly 5:24 p.m. and you broke up with Kuroo over both his workaholic tendencies and a job offer too good to decline.
Samu and Tsumu decided to throw a party at the news which didn’t go over well with you, even though you did decide to get drunk with them - Tsumu woke up with half his eyebrows shaved off and Samu still misses a box of his favorite cookies that he swears you took.
You like Tamagoyaki for breakfast and you’re here to decide between three different offers for three different teams, all Division 1 of Japan’s V.League. You’re a Libero now and a pretty good one too.
“Why are you crying?” He asks, offering you a Chuupet. You like the pineapple flavor best and that works out okay because it’s his least favorite flavor. 
“Doesn’t matter.” You wipe your nose on your sleeve and stare down the roof. He can hear Tsumu somewhere below them, yelling some curse words into the wind. He’s probably fighting with Samu right now.
“Did you get asked out by someone ugly?” He asks, taking a seat opposite to you. “Do I have to beat someone up?” 
“Kita-san is leaving after this year.” You point out. It’s a fact and you don’t sound too upset about it, yet it feels like you’ve dropped red-hot coals into his stomach, the acid bubbling from the heat.
You pull your knees up and he averts his eyes, lest someone accuses him of looking up your skirt. It’s not his fault you never seem to remember that you’re not wearing shorts.
“Kita-san told me that Tsumu’s going to be Captain next year.” You mumble into your arms. “And he asked me what my plans are.”
“What did you say?”
“What do you think?” Your voice is sharp now, the usual sting of your words a welcome sensation. This is the you he knows well, unbothered if your truth makes others uncomfortable.
He leans back as far as he can, lets his eyes rest on your shoulder, the smooth curve of your neck. You’ve grown a few inches since you came here and it suits you well. 
“You want to be better than Tsumu.”
You snort, hit his thigh with your fist. The touch lingers even when you take your hand back.
“Kita-san said I can never be better than Tsumu.”
Suna’s never moved this fast before. His head almost knocks into yours.
“He didn’t!” His voice is almost shrill, his chest tight with a weird sensation. You seem calm, brows arched.
“He’s right, isn’t he?” You tell him, too calm. You’re the most dangerous when you’re calm. “I’ll never be an Original. Tsumu will keep playing, Samu won’t. If I keep playing, I’ll be just like Tsumu. If I decide to do something else, no matter what, I’ll be just like Samu. It just sucks so much!”
“Be a Libero then.” It’s a slip of his tongue, nothing more. But your eyes are big and bright and he wants to forget the way you looked before, desperate and desolate, so he keeps talking.
“You’re tall for a Libero. You’re average for a Setter. You’ll always be at the back of the Court and always wear a different shirt. Tsumu’s receiving sucks anyway. You’ll never be Captain, so you’ll never have to argue with him who’s been better at that. You can keep playing Volleyball and do your own twist of it.” He shrugs. “Just… Just an idea. I mean, you can do what you want. It’ll always be original. You’re the Gremlin after all.”
He forgets how to breathe when you pull him into a sudden hug. You’ve never been one for cuddling, never been into touch that doesn’t lend itself to violence.
But it’s nice, how you fit right in his arms, like you’d grown just for that purpose.
“Suna!” It seems that he might have been able to forget quite some things, but not your voice.
“I’m here!” He lazily raises his arm, counting on his height. There are too many people on the platform right now, the bustle making it hard to spot you.
But then you step out from behind a gaggle of businessmen and his mouth runs dry.
It should be illegal to wear shorts this… well, short. Your legs are way too long to be real. You could probably break a watermelon between your thighs. Why is it suddenly so hot?
“Hey Stranger!” You greet him with a grin. Where you used to have braces is now a perfectly white set of teeth in a perfectly formed mouth. Oh, wait, no, there’s the dimple and the slight curve to the right. He feels a little faint and curses the fact he’s not had dinner yet.
“Hey.” Should he move to hug you? Offer his hand? Slap you on the back?
You take that decision from him, knock your left knee into his right like you used to do back in High School. “What’s up with you? Did you forget how to talk?”
“No, I’m fine. Just tired. How was the train ride?”
“Long. Boring. Are you hungry? Can we go eat before we drop off my stuff or do you have a ‘No girl stuff in my car’-rule like Tsumu?”
“Tsumu’s still single then?” He asks, directing you toward the exit. “Both’s fine with me. We can order take-out. What are you in the mood for?”
“You eat take-out? How shameful.” You wrinkle your nose at him in mock disgust. Would it be weird if he leaned in and bit into it, dug his teeth into your skin? Probably.
“You gonna rat me out to Samu?”
“I’m letting you stay in my apartment.”
“I said probably. My Silence is expensive.”
“Hey, Suna!” A familiar voice yells over the crowd. He turns, surprised to see Komori.
“What are you doing here?”
“Nohr got a craving for that one Pork Belly Dish, so I drove over to get it for her. Is that your friend you mentioned? Hey, I’m Komori Motoya.” 
There’s that familiar tightness again, building up in his chest as he watches you chat with Komori. It’s Highschool all over again, how you swooned over Kita, had private discussions with Aran or the fact that you regularly went over to Ginjima’s place for some kind of secret meetings. 
It’s not that he dislikes you having friends. Or that he hates the fact that his friends like you too. But he’s him and that’s Komori, the nicest guy that ever decided to play Volleyball. Well, at least Komori’s not single.
“Oh, hi Suna.”
“What are you doing here?” 
Washio furrows his brows at his less than friendly tone.
“Wow, I know I messed up a little today, but are you really still mad about my Block?”
Your eyes are on him too now and he swallows the bile down yet again.
“Sorry, I’m being a dick.”
“When are you not?” You ask, a teasing lilt to your voice. It still stings, but less so when you knock your knee against his again. “You’re both on his team then?”
“Oh, yeah, Mr. Miserable is our Middle Blocker. I’m the other Middle Blocker and Komori is our Libero.”
“Oh, a fellow Libero.” You grin easily. “I’m here to check out a few teams in the area. We could get together some day, maybe? When the Grump’s not so obviously hangry?”
Washio laughs. “Sure. Sunday works well for me. What do you think Komori?”
“I’ll talk to Nohr and let you know, but I think I’d be fine with Sunday.”
“Don’t I get asked too?” Suna grumbles and you elbow him. “Pork Belly?” You ask him instead, nodding at the take-out containers both Washio and Komori carry.
“Sure.” He agrees, because at least that will get him out of this conversation.
It’s almost time to go home and he’s still in possession of his second button.
Suna refuses to give it up and both Samu and Tsumu seem to think it’s hilarious.
“Hey.” In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, you weedle yourself under Tsumu’s left arm, press yourself into him as you peer up at Suna. “What are you guys doing after School?”
“Mom’s making Hot Pot!” Samu decares from your other side, finishing off the rest of the Yakisoba bread you had brought in as a present. You got all of them graduation presents. A book for Ginjima, new shoes for Tsumu - though you declared that you wanted his old ones - a mixed bag of Chuupets for Suna. All of the pineapple flavors have been taken out and while he should find it annoying, it’s a little too endearing to him.
“You’re invited, by the way.” Samu points out. “But Mom said it’s okay if you can’t come. Your parents probably planned something for you too.”
“Not sure.” He mumbles, fiddling with his second button. 
“Oh, we’re going soon, right?” Samu flings the wrapping paper of his bread into the waste basket at the door and pulls at Tsumu’s arm. “Come on, you still need to confess to that girl from the Crafts Club.”
“What?” Tsumu looks at him like he just declared he’d start playing Basketball from now on. “Yeah, come on.” Samu tugs again. “We’ll get back to you later.”
 And just like that, it’s the two of you, the air around you growing dense with unsaid things. 
“You still have your second button?” You ask, pointing at it.
“Yeah.” With one last tug, the string gives away and he holds it in his hands. The button’s not even that big, he thinks as he rolls it between sweaty fingers. Just a tiny thing made from plastic that holds so much meaning.
“Were you planning to give it to someone?” Your voice sounds weird. He can hear his pulse in his ears, way too loud and way too fast. He’s going back to Aichi in a few weeks, doesn’t know much about his future but the fact that he’s got into College there, will have to get into their College Volleyball team if he wants to make it Pro. And even then, nothing’s sure. Not if he’ll make it Pro, not if his team will win the important matches. He could be doomed to be average for the rest of his life, living from the memories he made right here, in those last three years.
When he looks up, you look different than before. 
You’ve got the Miya Gene of Stubbornness, and are the worst of all three when it comes to not letting go of your dreams. You’ve managed to turn around and beat everyone’s expectations in the last year alone, making it from an average setter to an extraordinary Libero. You almost won the Nationals last year and there’s word of it being a sure win the next time around.
It’s not a conscious decision, but it feels right. To open his mouth and say “No. I’m not giving it to anybody.” To fling that damned button out the window. 
Still. He’ll probably never forget the way your mouth curved at the sight, like you were trying to hold something inside that was trying to burst out of you. 
He misses your graduation because of a stubborn cold. He watches most of your matches until he gets so busy with training and College and just, life, that he falls off, little by little. 
Soon enough you’re nothing but a memory and he’s probably less in your head.
After all, you’re dating Kuroo Tetsuro and making a name for yourself, aren’t you?
His heart is a traitorous thing, it seems, but at least it calms down over Pork Belly. You’re eating on the Couch you’re going to sleep on later, your legs familiarly thrown over his. Keeping Up with the Kardashians plays on TV, but it’s basically background noise now as you talk, laugh, and wave your chopsticks around.
It’s like old times, hanging out at your house after school. Any second now, Samu’s going to come in from the kitchen with his second helping. He can almost hear Tsumu’s nagging voice in the background, telling you “Shut up! I didn’t sound like that.”
“Hey, Gremlin.” Your head snaps around at the nickname and his mouth runs dry.
“‘s nothing.” You mumble into your dish. “Just not used to getting called that way again.”
“Oh.” He’s suddenly not hungry anymore but stuffs his mouth nonetheless to think of a comment.
“You want me to stop? It was a stupid nickname, really.”
“Nah.” You shake your head and dig your heels into his thighs. “It’s okay. I am a Gremlin.”
“You totally are. Like, you didn’t even bring me a present. Didn’t your Mum teach you about housewarming gifts?”
“I totally brought you a gift!” You jump up and pull something from your suitcase. He recognizes it by sound alone, the crinkling plastic wrap a tell-tale sign.
“You bought me Chuupets?” He laughs, his heart tightening when he realizes that you pulled all the pineapple flavors out. 
“Samu said you’re still eating them.” You point out, handing them over in a way that tells you this is just as awkward for you as it is for him.
“Course. What do you think of me? I don’t change like that.”
“Could’ve fooled me!”
“Okay.” He claps his hands on his thighs and sits up, grabs his phone from his pocket, and connects it with his TV. “History lesson. I’ll catch you up on what happened in the years since I graduated.”
“Oh wow, are you going to let me write a test on that too?”
“Only if you keep asking stupid questions.”
His alarm goes off way too early for the late night he’s had. 
You just kept swapping stories, drunk on nostalgia. 
The girlfriend he had in College, the most awkward affair of his life to date. “She was obsessed with my hair.” He spilled what he hadn’t even told Samu, “Cut off a few strands of it and kept it in her purse for personal reasons.”
How you got to play for the Tokyo Tigers and your awful first date ever with a guy who thought he could get free Onigiri through you. 
“Kicked him in the balls for that.” You said, grinning smugly. He couldn’t help the “That’s my girl,” that slipped out of his mouth. But you smiled like you agreed.
“Morning Gremlin.” He calls out as he moves toward the bathroom. Your head pops up, dried spit sticking to the side of your face, hair sticking out in odd angles.
“Bathroom’s mine.” You declare with something like a war cry. He’s got a headstart, but you still beat him there, your body trained by years of living with the twins. 
“What the f-” You kick him in the shins and slam the door in his face when he goes down. Long-forgotten memories of sleepovers resurface. What does it say about him that he’s still grinning when you step back out?
“I’m so sorry.” You tell him, your hair less messy, your face void of spit. He focuses on your eyes because your sleep shirt is a little too revealing for this early hour.
“Nah, it’s good. I like being heckled right after getting out of bed.”
You snort. “I’m making breakfast.”
“Is that a threat?”
“Hey, I’ve gotten way better! I bet I’m better at cooking than you.”
“I’ll let you try.” The Challenge lights a familiar fire in your eyes. He’s going to have to come up with excuses to eat out if he doesn’t want to turn into a sore loser.
“Morning loverboy,” Komori greets him at training.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Suna’s probably never been this diligent with his stretches before, but it’s a welcome distraction now.
“Nohr said she could do Sunday, by the way.” Komori’s not letting the topic go, however, and Suna can’t even blame his stubbornness. He’s grown up with Sakusa, after all. 
“Great.” If negative excitement is a thing, he’s projecting it right now.
Training goes smoothly, however, which he’s thankful for. 
It’s hard enough to deal with Komori’s excitement - he’s been trying to set up Suna since before he met Nohr, his enthusiasm only intensified by his own personal happiness - and Washio’s weird sense of humor on any day, but he doesn’t dare imagine what it would be like if he sucked. They’d probably tell him that he’s lovesick or something equally stupid.
“So, your girlfriend-” Washio starts when they gather for a quick break.
Suna barely avoids choking on the sip of water he’d just taken, can’t even be happy about narrowly avoiding death when a smug smile appears on Komori’s face.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” He points out hastily. “Remember the Miya-Twins? She’s their little sister.”
“Ouch.” Komori pulls a face. “That must have been a rough childhood.”
“So you’re not with her because they’d kill you if you’d try?” Washio asks and Suna’s glad his mouth is empty this time. 
“No, I’m not with her because I’m not with her. We’re just friends. She’s the Gremlin, okay?”
“The Gremlin?” Washio’s brows furrow in the same way they do when he thinks about Bokuto. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Suna points at his shin, the darkening spot on his skin.
“She kicked me in the shins today because she wanted to use the bathroom first.”
“She’s a guest. Of course she should get to use the bathroom first.” Washio points out. Suna grunts in annoyance and turns to Komori.
“Don’t ask me for help there, I always let Nohr take the bathroom in the morning.”
“Yeah, because you’re whipped.”
“And you’re not?” Washio’s eyebrows are now doing the “Coach is saying something but I sense he means something else”-Dance.
“Weren’t you listening? She’s the Gremlin. There’s nothing there between us!”
“Good.” Washio puts his watter bottle down with a nod. There’s something there, maybe in the sound of plastic hitting the floor, or maybe it’s in his voice, but the knot in Suna’s stomach pulls taught to the point he’s afraid he might vomit any second. “That means I can ask her out.”
Suna’s good at what he does, because he’s not only observant but has a Poker Face to match it. He’s a strategist, plays the long game, all of those things.
So the fact that he did not see that coming from a mile away should scare him way more than the prospect of you dating Washio. 
Oh god, what if you date Washio and it works out? And you move here? And he has to see you every time they do teambuilding stuff like movie nights or Karaoke sessions? 
His mind races with a speed formerly unknown. His face is completely blank, at least he’s still got that going for him, but his mind is tormenting him with a terrible picture of you and Washio at the altar.
“I mean, you can ask her out, but I can’t tell you if you’ll have a shot with her or not. Remember Kuroo? They broke up recently.”
Washio nods slowly. He doesn’t know that “recently” is a very vague description. He’s not so sure about the timeframe himself, but it sounded like a few months have passed since that incident. Not that Washio has to know that.
“Can you give me her number?”
“Only if I want to get neutered in my sleep. But I’ll tell her you asked for it and offer her yours.”
Washio nods even slower and Komori’s face looks like he’s doing his best to hold back diarrhea. 
“Well, do that, and if she’s not into it, I can still ask her properly on Sunday. She’s staying till Wednesday, right?”
“All right Boys, get back into position.” Coach yells from behind them. Suna’s never been more glad to get back to training.
Suna spends Friday and Saturday evening sightseeing with you, which is in itself an exaggeration. He’s never been one for sightseeing like the typical tourist.
“Okay, stop. And don’t smile, this background is serious.”
You roll your eyes, but don’t look around - you’ve learned from your previous mistakes. When he flips his phone around, you can see yourself leaning against the railing of a footbridge, behind you the central landfill.
“The Gremlin in its natural habitat.” He teases. You punch his shoulder as hard as you can.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Oh, come on,” He slings his arm around your shoulder. “You get to take one of me next. How about the mural with the poop emoji? Will that suffice?”
You lean your head back to look up at him and your face is so close now that your breath washes over his face. Your lips open and close as you speak, but there’s an odd noise in his ears. 
Pain erupts from his cheeks as you pinch and twist them.
“Ouch, what the f-”
“You were zoning out completely. When’s the last time you ate?”
“Oh, good call.” Suna turns away to regain his composure. “Take-out or do you want to actually sit and dine.”
“Or we could cook?”
He pulls a face. “Do we have to?”
You laugh. “I could teach you a few things. Mom wouldn’t let me leave for college without knowing how to feed myself. And Samu asks me to help him every chance he gets. Cheap labor, you know.”
“So you’re saying that your cooking is better than Takoyaki from a street vendor?” He points at the sign he’d noticed a few seconds ago. Your confidence falters. So it is still your favorite food…
“What if, and hear me out, we get Takoyaki, enjoy your weird little poop emoji mural, and drop into a Konbini on the way back. By the time we’re home, you’re going to be hungry again anyway.”
“I’m not Samu, I don’t eat that much.”
“No? Well, I do. And I’m your guest, so what I say goes.”
Suna laughs along, ignores the tingling that erupts whenever you knock your shoulder into his as you walk. It’s nice, to be like this with you. Relaxed, at ease, no dangerous thoughts rolling around in his brain.
It’s only when you’re pushing the shopping cart down the aisle that things change.
Your phone rings and you pull it out, frown at the display.
“Sorry, I’ve got to take this. Can you pick up some more rice and vegetables? I only need five minutes.”
“Sure.” Suna keeps his face neutral as ever, but he’s seen the caller ID. It’s Kuroo.
“Hey Tetsurou, what’s up?” He can hear your voice as you walk away from him. You sound too friendly for a chat with your ex-boyfriend. He desperately wants to hear more, but he’s not a creep, so he pushes the shopping cart away from you, down another aisle. 
By the time his mind clears a little, he’s far far away from the produce aisle and staring at an assortment of Shochu. He picks up two bottles at random and drops them in the cart before making his way back to where he was supposed to be going.
Suna’s not sure what wakes him. 
He knows it’s a Sunday because his body, conditioned by years of training, tells him to stay in bed. His head feels a little fuzzy, telling him he drank too much last night, but it’s Sunday, so that doesn’t really matter anyway.
His blanket must have slid off during the night, so he pats around, eyes closed. What he finds instead is a face and his eyes snap open to dawny morning light and your annoyed grumbling.
His heart, usually a rather chill fellow, thrums in his throat. He’s frozen in place, his hand still somewhat cradling your cheek. His mind unhelpfully supplies him with the information that your cheeks are warm and soft, fit perfectly into the palm of his hand.
He tries his best to block out this information in favor of checking if he’s still wearing clothes.
He couldn’t… he wouldn’t… You blink and he goes completely still.
“Suna?” You ask. “Are you okay? Your face looks weird.”
“I…” He manages before his voice gives out. 
This is both his biggest nightmare and his sweetest dream. If only he could convince himself that it’s not real, he could slip back into his dreams and consider it private. 
Something on his face must have tipped you off. This is worrying, because since when can others read his face?
You pull his hand from your face and slip out from under the covers. You’re wearing boxer shorts and a tank top, reasonably dressed for what he feared might have happened.
“You have not changed at all.” You say, your voice way too calm to be harmless. He’s not sure what he’s done, but he’s going to regret it.
“What do you mean?”
You stop at the door and level him with a look he’s only ever seen directed at people you never want to come across, ever again. This isn’t going well for him.
“You’re the king of mixed signals, Suna. And I’m sick of it. Make up your mind.”
“Where are you going?” He follows you, a little less balanced than you.
“Out.” You pull clothes over your sleepwear, drag your hair into something resembling a messy bun. “I need some fresh air.”
“Look, whatever happened-”
“I know.” Your voice is as hard as steel now. “Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens.” 
The door clicks shut behind you with a sound of finality.
You're still not back when Suna drags himself out of bed hours later.
His head hurts and his mouth is dry in a way that even three glasses of water cannot seem to fix. He calls you over the first cup of coffee, but you don’t pick up. 
Five unanswered calls and plenty of messages later he’s ready to call the police. Sure, you’re one to hold a grudge, but accidents happen.
The thought of you hurt on the side of the road, will not leave his mind. His hands shake as he moves through his contacts, his first instinct as always to call Kita. 
He doesn’t get that far, however. 
“Why are you calling?” He asks, his voice doing some weird thing he’s not exactly proud of.
“Your friend.” Washio’s voice is serious in a way he hasn’t heard before. “She’s with me.”
“Yeah.” There’s the sound of a door closing. Suna can’t help but picture it. You’re probably on Washio’s Couch right now, the massive green beast he helped carry up the stairs a year ago. He’s probably made you a decent Lunch or a cup of coffee that does not burn away your stomach lining. You’ve probably told him everything already. Whatever. It’s not like he can fall any deeper in Washio’s eyes.
“Suna?” That’s Komori’s voice. It sounds like he’s on speaker phone now.
“I’d rather do this in person, but you’re both stubborn as hell. Everyone can tell that you like her.”
“I don’t-”
“Lying about has got you into this mess, you could be honest for once.” Komori’s voice stays the same, friendly and light as ever, even as his words pack a punch.
“It doesn’t matter.” Suna presses out. “I’m not good enough.”
He didn’t mean to say those last few words. It seems as if the truth is like a Chuupet, slippery in his hold - but a lot less sweet.
“I think she’d disagree.” Washio grumbles along with his deep voice. “Apparently you’re totally her type. Snarky assholes who don’t know when to stop teasing and stuff like that. Trust me, she’s not stopped talking about it since we picked her up.”
“How- How did that work out anyway?”
“Sakusa’s on Atsumu’s team, remember?” Komori explains. “I think she just needed someone to vent who’s not her brothers. Someone who knows the current you. Nohr is currently with her and they’re talking to someone called Kita on the phone.”
Suna flinches. It would have been less painful for him if you’d called the twins.
“I’m not sure if you know.” Komori starts again after a few seconds of silence. “But she doesn’t have an offer here. I’m not… I’m not telling you more about that, but I think you guys should talk. And be honest for once. You’re both grown ups, for goodness sake.”
“Sure.” He huffs. “Like she’s going to listen to me now.”
“Get over here.” Washio declares. “I’ll send her down as soon as you’re here. It’s on you to get her to listen, though.”
“Never have I ever served a ball into someone’s head.” Suna declares confidently. 
“It was on purpose.” You point out as you down your Shochu. 
“Tsumu?” He asks. You grin smugly. 
“A Lady doesn’t tell.”
“You’ve never been a Lady.”
“I totally am!”
“You totally are not! You’re the Gremlin.”
“Well, at least I’m one of a kind.”
“That you are.” The words weren’t meant to come out this soft. But your eyes seem to mirror his sound, now pools of warm liquid that seem to pull him in.
“Never have I ever had a crush on someone in my school.” You drink right after you say it, but he’s too far gone to complain about you breaking the rules as he downs his own shot.
“Who?” You ask, giggling. You’re swaying in your seat, barely able to hold yourself up. 
“You should get to bed.”
“Not without knowing who you’ve had a crush on.”
“You should get to bed first.” He gets up, utterly convinced that the Shochu won’t have any effect on him until he can barely keep upright without the Couch cushions stabilizing him. He pulls you up all the same, dragging you across the room. “Come on.”
“I sleep on the Couch.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Who did you have a crush on?”
“Who did you have a crush on?” He asks back. “Kita, right?”
“Everyone had a crush on Kita.” You brush it off. “Whataboutyou?”
He pushes you onto the bed, giggles when you bounce off the mattress. It looks so soft and he lets himself fall too, lands a bit too close to you to be comfortable, his head knocking against your shoulder as he tries to wriggle away. He can’t look at you properly in this position.
“The teacher.” He declares with all sincerity he can muster while going cross eyed looking at you. You’re so close now, he can count your lashes. One, two, three…
Your eyes narrow the moment you spot him.
You turn back towards the still open door but Suna’s faster, grabs your arm to pull you back.
With everyone else, he’d feel bad about this, but you’ve kicked his ass enough times. You respond in kind, gift him a few more bruises on his shin and pull him down into a headlock. He’s not fighting it. At least you’re not pushing him away, right?
“What are you doing here?” You ask. Your knuckles are no longer rubbing over his head, but rather brushing through his hair. Are you aware of that?
“I want to talk.”
You huff, let go of him. He grabs your hand before you can step away, drags you down the sidewalk by your hand. Your fingers intertwine as you fall into step with him.
“I’ve had a crush on you.” Suna points out when the park comes into view. “I don’t know when it happened, but I had a crush on you. In high school.”
“I know.” You point out, your grip on his hand neither tightening nor loosening. “Everyone knew.”
“Excuse me? I have the best poker face in the prefecture.”
“Oh please, you suck.”
“You suck!”
You stop, suddenly breathless as you gaze at him.
“What?” You ask, your voice raspy.
“You should call me Rintarou.”
“No.” You glare at him. “No, we’re not doing this. You can’t push me away and pull me in right after just to push me away again.”
“I know.” He looks down, surprised to see that you’ve still not pulled your hands apart.
“Tell me one thing.” He purses his lips, tries his best to make his words sound less pathetic than they are. “You could have had Kita. Or Ginjima. Even Midorima-san was kinda impressed with you. Washio has the hots for you too. Why would you even care about little old me?”
Softness washes over your face. You’ve never looked this good.
“I’m the Gremlin.” You tell him. You obviously are, in your layered slept-in clothes and your messy bun, your tendency to kick his ass even when he’s not asking for it. “You like me for what I am. I like you for what you are.”
And there’s a truth to that he hadn’t considered before.
You’ve been at his side for long enough, know how he acts after a loss or a win. You know he can’t cook for shit, have seen him block, have heard him snore.
A strange lightness takes hold of him. He feels like giggling.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
You nod. 
He leans in, heart beating in his throat again, but for different reasons this time. 
His lips brush yours, the softest of touches he’s never thought possible. 
When you respond it feels like coming home.
They’re almost too heavy for the swings, you’re on his lap on the tiny set.
“So, Kuroo?” He asks when everything else has been talked about, over and over and over again.
Your head’s a comforting weight on his shoulder. He could get used to this, being so close he only needs to lean down a little to kiss you.
“We’re still friends if that’s what you’re asking.”
“That’s not what I’m asking, but good to know.”
“Since when are you jealous?” You furrow your brows at him. He looks away.
“Yes, love?”
“Since when are you jealous?”
“Since you fancied Kita, I guess.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“And you said you loved me, so jokes on you.”
You straighten up and glare at him.
“I told Kuroo that I wanted to try, one last time, to get with you. He was the one who got me interviews in this prefecture. So if you have a problem with him helping me-”
“I don’t have a problem with that, I just-”
“You think he’s better than you and wants me back eventually?”
“It sounds awful when you say it like that.”
You laugh. “You’ll have to work on that. It’s cute now, but your jealousy won’t be cute forever.”
You kiss the comeback from his lips. His stomach grumbles loudly.
“Lets get back to the others.” You pull him up from the swings. “It’s time for dinner anyway.”
“Do we have to? We could just go home and have fun instead.”
“Suna Rintarou. Your friends just helped you get over yourself and you want to repay them like that?”
“You’re only here until Wednesday and you want to spend time with my friends instead of with just me? Shame on you.”
“We can call in sick tomorrow? How does that sound?”
“Oh, you are a dangerous influence.”
Rintarou hollers loudly as the ball connects with your outstretched arms and soars through the air. Nohr claps exitedly next to him.
“That was a good one.” He calls out. “The Fans are going to love this.”
“How many followers do you have now?”
“About 500.000 and counting. Tsumu is still salty about it.”
“How many does he-” Nohr interrupts herself when Komori drops on the chair next to her and passes her a cup of soda. “Thanks, Baby.”
“Get a room.” Rintarou teases, already zooming in on you as you prepare for another receive. 
“I bet they’re going to win. Who dares to go against me?”
“I will. We have a strong Offense on the other side and the Game just started. Loser has to pay Dinner?”
Your expression is thunderous when you exit the changing rooms.
“Hey Gremlin,” Rintarou calls out to you, watches as you part ways with your teammates and march over.
“You played good.” He points out and leans forward, softly bites your nose as a way of greeting.
“Not good enough.” You knock your head against his shoulder. “And it was the last game of the Season. This sucks so much.”
“I know, I know.” He rubs your back, pulls you closer even. “But it wasn’t your fault. Number seven messed up a lot of the blocks. You couldn’t do anything about that.”
“I know.” 
“You wanna go out with the Guys? Or go straight home and pack for tomorrow?”
You’re quiet for a while. He lets you stew on the decision. There’s no formula on how to feel better after a loss, no other way to go over this than to listen to what your body and your mind tell you.
“Can we get drunk?” You ask finally. “At that bar that serves fried chicken? We don’t have to leave that early for Osaka, right?”
“No, we can get drunk. Do you wanna take some stupid selfies and send them to Tsumu?”
“Yeah.” You nod, press a kiss to his chin. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Great. Also, we have to pay for Washio’s dinner.”
“No!” You whine. “You need to stop betting on me. Rin!”
He laughs. “You say that now like you’re not going to bet on me during my next game.”
“That’s different.” You point out and take his hand. “I only take bets that I’ll win.”
“Ah, what’s losing one bet or two if I’ve got you?”
“Yours.” You grin, smug about it.
“Mine.” He agrees.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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savorypink · 6 months
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you are everything. he's just alex.
"You said I'd get an A. What is this?"
You toss the paper in his direction as if it's contaminated. The B minus scribbled in the corner of your paper marks the beginning of the plague of imperfection threatening to riddle your body. If you held it any longer, your fingertips would've turned black. Alex merely stands there, but his heart begs to jump out of his chest.
"Well, uh," He stammers, admittedly cutely. "I had other papers to finish, and you asked me to do yours while I was busy..."
Your lips curl into a pout, and Alex feels his jeans tighten. "So, I'm not a priority?"
"No, no, no! It's not like that!" His voice is drenched in panic while yours remains coated in molasses. "I just...had things to do, y'know?"
"Important things? More important than me?"
You bat your lashes this time, and his knees turn to pudding. "Never! No!"
Opening your laptop, you ignore his reddening features and click on your e-mail. "Here's what's going to happen: I'm going to ask for a rewrite, and you're gonna write me a brand new paper—one that'll get me an A. Understand?"
He nods frantically, but you don't see with your head buried in your computer. "Verbal confirmation, please." You reiterate. 
"Whatever you say."
You peer from your laptop to smile at him, sweet and warm as spring. "You're the best, Aly."
Alex granted every wish you pleaded for whenever you waved a manicured finger. Your friends had been kind enough to direct you to him at a campus party. Timid and reeking of cigarettes, he fumbled with his flirting as he tried to keep his eyes off your chest. Your gaze proved too intense for him, and it wasn't like you were listening anyway. You gathered that Alex majors in monkeys and is in a band called Literature. Something tells you that you've mixed those two things up, but as long as he agreed to do your work, it didn't matter what he did on the side—or what he did at all. You ruled the pristine hallways of your university while he meekly sniffed the breeze in your wake. You've given more attention to the gum underneath your shoes.
It plucks your nerves when you realise he's still standing there, but you open your Myspace and begin scrolling. "You can go now. You have a paper to write."
Your brutal, icy shoulder only makes him eager to restore your warmth, but Alex isn't partial to a little bit of snow, and you could be a blizzard at times. "Well, I did write your paper, and um—"
"And what?" Your fuse is as short as your skirt.
His shaky fingers fiddle with the white sleeves of his hoodie, nausea and lust churning and warming his stomach. "You still haven't paid me. And there's the paper before that..."
And the one before that, too. You haven't been holding your end of the bargain, and the poor boy is within his right to complain. But, oh, you're just so busy! Sports, school, getting your nails done—okay, you may have told a tale or two to get out of doing your assignments, but what did he think making a deal with you would entail? If anything, he should be thankful for the attention. You don't have time to waste on boys.
Closing your laptop, you rise from your desk. As you take two steps forward, Alex takes two timid steps backwards until you've backed him into your bed.
"But Aly," you whine as you straddle him, "I told you I was busy that day! And I don't pay you to write papers that don't get me an A. In fact, I think you've been slacking."
Alex begins fisting the pink bed sheets in abundance, the sweet scent of your cotton candy perfume inescapable and dizzying. "No! 's not true!"
You pout with faux sympathy as your fingers work on unbuckling his belt. "Yes, it is! I'm worried about you, actually..." You cup his chin and turn his head to examine the acne along his jawline. "You're breaking out like crazy! Stress causes pimples, you know!" You exclaim. 
Your touches, while minimal and featherlight, nearly make him cream his pants. His large Bambi eyes look up at you in spectacle and guidance as you pull him out of his jeans, the leaky tip of his cock barely grazing the silk of your panties.
"My poor Aly, you're stressed 'cause you're not focused!" You pull your panties to the side before sinking onto him. Your hand clamps over his mouth before he can let out a pathetic, low groan. "You gotta stop worrying about everything and focus on me!"
"Y-yeah? You think?" His body melts into the sheets as your core swallows him whole, his eyes painfully rolling behind his skull. "Fuck, you're so tight..."
You take his lifeless hands and guide them under your skirt. His clammy palms restore to life to squeeze the supple flesh of your ass while his hips needily buck into you, a plea for movement on your end. Since you're feeling generous, you peel off your shirt and toss your bra to the side. Part of your deal was that he only saw you naked when your grades were above average. You begin with small, courteous bunny hops on his dick, and Alex is already mewling, his nails digging deliciously painfully into your skin. You hiss, and you remove his hands from your ass and place them on your chest, bouncing on him harsher and faster.
"You're not even looking at me! It's like you don't even care!" Your frown is prominent in your words, and you know he'll light himself on fire if it means you'd never have to cry. His eyes creak open, albeit slowly. The sun outside your window casts warm rays onto your form, your skin and hair shimmering brightly without effort, evidently celestial. The only thing you need is a halo.
"Huh?" His tone is reminiscent of how he stares at you, love-drunk and in a blissful, rose-coloured haze. Your bouncing slows, and Alex quickly throws a fit, languidly and whiny, squeezing your breasts needily. Your core tightens its embrace around him, your slick dribbling hot and slippery down his weeping cock. The bed creaks as you dip to his eye level, the bubblegum flavour of your lipgloss mere kisses away as your lips ghost over his trembling mouth.  
"See? You don't even listen!" You wail as you glide your pulsating walls up and down his cock at a snail's pace. "I've been so kind and sweet to you, and you can't even get me an A. I thought you liked me. I thought you'd be good for me."
His grubby paws claw and clutch at your skirt while his legs kick wildly at nothing. The movements rumble your bed, and your meticulously positioned stuffed animals fall to their sides. Your name spills from his mouth like a broken faucet, and your hips show no sign of speeding despite your core being enamoured by his desperation. "I'm good! Promise!"
"I know, baby. You just need to focus!" You kiss his flushed cheek before towering above him again. "So, what are you gonna do for me?"
You resume your bounces, and Alex rejoices with a hoarse moan. His large hands enclose your breasts to toy with them roughly, squeezing and kneading until your nipples respond in stiffness. "I'm gonna write you a paper. A good one! Really good..."
You give a roll of your hips as a courtesy. "Good boy."
His sloppy hips meet your bunny hops halfway as something sticky and hot begins to trickle down his cock. Your ride gets slippery and, to your annoyance, messier. You mask your desperation with aggression and bounce faster, your hands full with the sweaty fabric of his polo shirt. A particular spot within your core is struck, and your walls quiver around him in surrender, and, just this once, you moan. Alex stumbles in your wake, weakly moaning as he splotches your walls with his warm, irritatingly gluey release.
His whining and pants persist as you climb off his lap, ricocheting off the walls of your small dorm. You give him one last once-over as he liquefies into your sheets, churning into a puddle of pathetic lust and goo. You dig through your chest underneath your bed and fish out a fresh pair of panties, pulling off your worn ones and tossing them across Alex's deflating and expanding chest. He flinches cutely.
"For your troubles." You snort as you pull on fresh panties. You don't realise how low on panties you are until you pull on your shirt; perhaps you've been too generous with your handouts.
"They're doing dorm inspections today, so don't overstay your welcome. And clean yourself up, please?" you instruct, pulling on your jacket before throwing your gym bag over your shoulder. "I'd invite you to my practice, but I know you'll be busy with my paper tonight."
"Yeah..." He huffs. "Busy..."
You swing the door open and smile. "You're the best, Aly."
As you exit, your descent downstairs halts when you pull out your phone to relay a message your favourite puddle of goo.
There's Clearasil and pimple patches in my drawer. Thank me later. x
Opening the outside door, you remember one more thing.
And I want my panties back!!!
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Random Redacted Headcanons Part ?  
- Thanks to Asher, David has the entire original pokemon theme memorized 
- Smartass chews an alarming amount of gum 
- David still has Gabe’s old ipod and listens to it when he misses his dad 
- Huxley unironically loves my little pony friendship is magic 
- Gavin romanced Asterion in BG3 
- Lasko listens to the crane wives 
- Asher once tried to hang off a tree branch and spiderman kiss babe but he fell and ended needing stitches 
- Sweetheart had a goth phase in highschool  
- Milo has an incredible vinyl collection 
- Angel will bring nail polish to pack meetings and paints asher and Tank’s nails during breaks 
- Tank has a funny tee shirt collection 
- Freelancer loves those star pimple patches
- Guy has convinced honey to take one night a month and do a spa night and he always buys the cutest sheet mask he can find for them to try 
- Sweetheart used to have an eyebrow piercing but it eventually got infected so they just have a permanent scar where it used to be
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mkjskmk · 14 days
Things I do to keep the disadvantages of starving away:
Hair loss: use rosmarin oil/ coconut oil or pumpkin seed oil
Skin problems in face: Sunscreen for dryness, Lina's oil/ rice oil/ koji acid for clear skin, natural face masks (self-made ones) for pimples, vitamin c cream for a healthy look, lip gloss for dry lips
Bad breath: mouth spray, brushing your teeth more often, chewing gum
Skin problems (whole body): Use sunscreen, even in winter
Tiredness: Coffee, Cola Zero, enough sleep and water, fresh air and exercise
Vitamin deficit: greens pulver, collagen pulver and vitamin pills (or just eat fruit and vegetables)
Lack of mobility: Stretching and 10k steps each day
Lack of happiness: activate postive hormones through walks outside, spending time on your hobbys, petting an animal, spend time with friends or family
Date: 10/09/2024
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justmossyall · 1 year
depression hacks masterpost
these are things that will help with mental illness that aren't 'go outside, drink water, and everything will be fine!!!1!!!11!1!11!' those are good fs but they don't work on their own. these will actually help in one way or another :)
hell yeah let's go
open your windows. the fresh air and sunlight will do you good and it takes like 5 seconds.
go buy some plants, there are like a gazillion that are next to impossible to kill. and don't come at me with 'ohhh I'll probably find a way hahaha" NO. the plants will be so helpful! they produce oxygen, bring nature indoors which psychologically improves your mental state, and they're just nice to look at! you can name them! sculpt and/or paint little pots for them!
STOP LISTENING TO SAD MUSIC. I cannot stress this enough. it just makes things worse. please stop. make a playlist of all your favorite stupid, happy, pump-up songs and listen to them all the time until they get annoying. then repeat!
acquire a gazillion stuffed animals. so much serotonin for such a small price
get a water bottle and put fun stickers on it, and designate that water bottle to be only for water. nothing else goes in it. that way you can drink out of it for kind of a long time before needing to wash it. keep it filled with water and actually drink out of it. drink as much water as you can, all the time.
chew gum! idk why but it works bro. especially watermelon.
hug people and ask people to hug you. hugs are so amazing it's like pure happiness but with the added perk of Deep Pressure. it can be from your friends, family, s/o, whoever.
make sure there's a lot of light in your room. not good to wallow in darkness. put up fairy lights, get fun lamps, light candles, keep your blinds open, etc.
dress like how you want to feel. be colorful, fun, and comfortable. don't wear hoodies, sweatpants and ratty old shoes, I know it's appealing but it's just going to keep you in that depressed state. I like to wear dresses, colorful jeans, graphic tees from 5-Below, combat boots, and lots of funky earrings. (seriously 5-Below is a lifesaver for literally anything!!!) you can get a lot of these things for super cheap - I got a 20 pack of fun earrings like duckies, mushrooms, mini water bottles, etc. for like $11, and a lot of my colorful jeans are like 6 bucks at the thrift store. whatever your style is or whatever you want it to be, work to make that happen. because getting dressed is one of the simplest things you'll do in a day, so why not make the most of it?
doodle. it's fun and simple, and it'll give your hands something to do other than pick at your skin if you do that kind of stuff (see below).
on a similar note, make art!!!!! it doesn't have to be good!!!!!! just make art all the time, as often as you can. write crappy fanfiction. make friendship bracelets. sculpt a funky lil cat. draw your comfort characters. art is so healing and it will do wonders for you. even just like run your hands through a giant bag of beads like I do :P
get fidgets and bring them everywhere with you. this is more of an anxiety/stimming thing for me but I pick at my fingers, lips, pimples, eyebrows, etc., and it hurts a lot and will probably leave scars. fidgets are just amazing. I'm partial to tangles and infinity cubes :) gum and chewelry are good for this as well (for when I bite my fingers/clothes or chew the skin off my lips)
if you find yourself with a whole day with nothing to do and you don't have the energy to get up and do anything, go to the park. bring a blanket, some snacks, and headphones, and just lay there and listen to music. sleep. watch youtube. literally anything you would normally do when you don't have energy, except it's outside in the sun and grass and nature around other people who are doing the same thing! 10/10
get a pet if you can. even just fish, but really a fluffy, snuggly animal is probably best such as a dog or cat. OH MY GOD THEY HELP SO MUCH. ANIMALS ARE MAGIC. I don't think I've ever been sad while holding or petting my grandma's dog. (our family doesn't have one right now lol)
spray perfume/body spray on you. faster and easier than deodorant and it usually smells better
if you're gonna scroll, scroll pinterest. honestly, it's probably best to get rid of things like tiktok and snapchat, but that's kinda unrealistic for most people so I get it <3 pinterest is probably gonna be better than other social media cause it's more creative?? if you know what I mean?? and usually it's reading things and not mindlessly watching videos
if you don't have the energy to do stuff with your hair, put it up in a bun! fast simple and easy. takes like 5 seconds, even for someone with super thick curly hair like me. (or cut it short! but most of us aren't brave enough to do that lol)
eat fruit. sweet and comforting, but healthy!! so much better for you than junk food, and honestly it tastes better most of the time too. I recommend strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. easy to take with you on the go and sooooo good <333
play calming video games such as animal crossing, minecraft, stardew valley, cats with soup (if you're into mobile games), etc. puzzle games are good too! if you want something more combat-y, I would recommend the zelda games or forager. still chill and mellow but has more combat and story/lore
garden if you can. I know this kind of ties in with having plants in your room, but if you're able and you have the energy, keep a flower and/or vegetable garden. there's something so beautiful in putting your hands in the warm dirt, smelling your freshly-planted flowers, eating sun-infused vegetables that taste infinitely better than store-bought. it's so nice, but I know it's not for everyone so don't worry about it if you don't get around to it <3
sleep in the bus/car on the way to school if you're tired. not a perfect solution but better than falling asleep in class
inhale through your nose, not your mouth. it's better for your lungs and you'll get better air quality that way. it also helps calm you better than mouth breathing, and you can't exactly smell the fresh air through your mouth :P
read. sit down and read a book. carry one with you wherever you go. spend a weekend day in the library with a huge stack of books just reading. it's so calming and helps stimulate your brain. doesn't matter what you read as long as it's making you happy :)
surround yourself with color, not dark drab colors. hang up art and posters on your walls, get bright blankets and pillows, lay out a tiny lil carpet, make bead curtains and string them up on your curtain rod, set out little figurines/sculptures around your room. put color and life everywhere around you, and that will start to seep into your soul.
tea is always good. or if you don't like tea, hot water with lemon juice and honey. basically the same :)
if you ever just don't want to do something, like you just absolutely don't want to get up and do _ thing, think about future you. would they be like "bro thanks so much you really helped me out there" if you did the thing? if yes, then do it, no matter how impossible it seems. you'll thank yourself later.
a statement that is near and dear to my heart: if you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. if you feel like you hate everyone, eat. if you feel like you hate yourself, shower.
NO MORE SU!C!DE JOKES. ever. the end! replace "i'm literally gonna kms" jokes or anything along those lines with "i'm literally gonna flop to the floor" or "i'm literally gonna go ham bananas on this place" or whatever wild bullshit pops into your brain.
watch studio ghibli movies. the most amazing things to ever exist. I have never felt sad while watching a ghibli movie. they are basically the definition of peace.
take a bubble bath!!!!! :D
making your bed helps for some reason??? why, I have no idea. but it does bro
get excited about things. smile when you hear your favorite song. hug your amazon package when it comes in. count down the days until a holiday. laugh with joy when you have an amazing day. it makes things so much better.
an important addition: bring snacks everywhere
that's all for now, lmk if you have anything else to add!!! love you guys, I promise it gets better <3
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triflesandparsnips · 9 months
The poll choosing between ten historical recipe manuals I have open as tabs on my phone is complete, and we have a winner-- the 1659 classic:
An antidote against melancholy. Or, A treasury of 53. rare secrets & arts discovered, by an expert artist, Richard Amyas
...tbh, I fucking love Amyas-- his book is maybe three actual recipes and the rest are TOTAL FUCKERIES.
Like, I cannot stress this enough: OMFD's Edward Teach 1000% has a copy of Amyas's An Antidote Against Melancholy and, moreover, he's working on an unauthorized fan sequel that he wants to go lay on Amyas's grave in his honor, maybe while giving it a little kiss.
I love this guy.
These aren't the full titles, btw. For true wonderment, see below:
A most Excellent Receipt against Melancholy; Comforts the Stomach, openeth the Liver, helps head-ache, breeds good blood takes away faintness of the Heart, Swoonings, expells Melancholy, prevents Madness, makes a man merry and a chearful countenance; and taken at night, takes away all Fancies and Melancholy Dreams.
A most rare Powder to keep teeth from perishing, to fasten loose teeth, to restore the Gums wasted, to keep teeth white, or prevent tooth-ach, and make a sweet breath; It is the same I sell and use.
How to make Hair to grow.
For to make a most excellent Ball to take away the Spots, Freckles, Red-Pimples, and heats out of the Face and Hands: It' also takes spots out of Linnen or Woollen: It is the same I make & sell.
A Receipt how to write your name on a piece of Paper, and to burn that piece of Paper & the same letters to appear on the back of your hand.
A device to make a Chamber to appear full of Addors and Snakes.
To make Fish drunk, so that they will tumble to the side of the water; so that you may take them, if you be but nimble enough; else not.
How to catch Crows, Kites, Magpies, Jackdaws, alive with your hands.
A fine Conceit, to clear a Room of drunken or rude company.
A pretty Conceipt to fright the people of a house, and make them believe there are Spirits walking in a Room.
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bear-man74 · 3 months
Time for part 2 of random stuff in my head:
Are pocket dimensions real
Why are there so many pimples in my earlobes
What happened to pogo sticks?
Who did they name jaundice after
Dwayne Johnson bodypillow
What are the cheese graters of the feet called
Is a grip strength of 275lbs enough
Pen ink refilling tool
If there's key west is there a key east
What are the eraser fally offy bits called
Is cedar sap good as gum
Will the Canadian dmv allow me to put the number 74 somewhere on my plate?
What does the Filipino banana ketchup taste like
Are rizz and jizz the same thing
Lime meringues recipe
Are brazil nuts bitter
Do pickles go well with honey mustard
Can i bulk buy the spicy sauce that comes on pre packed sushi
Beef ribs cost
Sugar free glaze for cinnamon rolls
Piping bags and nozzles near me
Is twin xl cheaper than queen
Those little rubber balls that you bounce once and it's on the roof
Bras for fat men
Qwill if you see this sleep
Welcome to tally hall but it's the nutshack
Spider mouth
Do boas eat crows
What will valefisk be playing next
Eat food
Why ice cronchier with salt
Did sans eat sans jr
Should i add incest to my dnis or is it aready too long
Why do some people eat wax
Wax paper and parchment paper looking the exact same is a lawsuit waiting to happen
Why do i have so much hair
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nemfrog · 2 years
Tumblr media
Dotted baby. Delineations of cutaneous diseases. 1817.
"White Gum...exhibits hard, whitish pimples...frequently unaccompanied by any disposition."
Internet Archive
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the most important sabres videos from the 2022-23 season so i can cheer sabresblr up
because it is vital that we remember this year!!!!! this is the team that made us love sabres hockey again, no matter how far they didn't go.
now, in no particular order:
exclusive day with rasmus dahlin
what a GREAT way to start the season, truly!!!!! one of the first embeddeds we got featuring multiple members of the team, and UGH it gave us so many iconic moments. krebsy telling dylan he'll work him all day and that he's a fucker (muted for the children's sake). the chirps from everyone!!!! dylan and peyton literally encouraging each other to cheat just to try to beat ras. gave us some great character moments and really just gave us a good inside look into what the team dynamic is like and how much the guys love each other.
2. what a great day to be mic'd up | best of sabres mic'd up from december 2022 (actually from like february lmao)
lots of good moments from this one!!!!!! maybe not a fave for everyone, but certainly for me. lots of skinny and sammy in this one, and again it's just the daily interactions for me! i love to hear them talking about stupid things like gum and "too strong" is a classic dylan moment. it's just some silly good practice fun that makes me smile :)))
3. between 2 stalls
you all know and love it, i've included the whole playlist because every single one hits in a good and different way. it's absolutely the funniest thing the sabres have done media wise this year. it deserves an emmy and jeff skinner best leading actor or smth. i will pay good good money for more of these next season because they are hilarious. give me owen power squirminng while being questioned by jeff please and thank you.
4. hit the boards | owen power and ukko pekka luukonen
two soft and gentle giants not understanding that this is supposed to be a competitive series!!!!!!! you are not supposed to work together, you are supposed to compete!!!!!!! highlight of this one is owen getting "explosive diarrhea" way too fast and not being able to speak spanish. all with a small little laugh and smile along the way!
5. can't keep the beast in the cage
the fact that this is just a run of the mill presser that ended up creating a nickname, chirps in ANOTHER unrelated presser, just proves how good this video is. i mean what more can you want, it's just an excited kid ready to get out there! and we all need more devon levi in our lives if we are being truly honest.
6. sabres react to meme tweets
an ICONIC piece of media right here, i swear!!!!!!! "can you send me that?" so sammy can use this against them in the gc. jack quinn not knowing how to read allegations. tyson jost being so wholesome and hyping up his buddies. tommy dangles if you know you know. AND OF COURSE "daddy tuch".
7. jack and jj give the sabres holiday gifts
part 1 of this series is also a GEM, but unfortunately due to the 10 video attachment limit, i can only include part 2. highlights from part 1 include them buying owen a million gifts, dylan cozens' anger issues, them breaking a poster display because they don't know how posters work, and deciding to get gifts just to piss people off. part 2 however is this and MORE!!!!!! we get to see mostly EVERYONE get their gift! tage's this is slay moment was memed so many times, owen was overjoyed with his gifts, and let's not forget that "this is what the holidays are all about!" not to mention, sammy being the only one to get a fucked up gift made him so mad he decided he wanted the three pound gym weight
8. at home with casey mittelstadt, rasmus dahlin, dylan cozens, and jacob bryson
i'm honestly just here for dylan trying to hide from the camera and having to show up to "pay his rent" via being on camera. he also brings like a shit ton of water with him?????? AND "juicy lips" is a top 10 dylan cozens quote of all time. "they gave you pimples" too.
very much just. dylan cozens in this.
9. owen succumbs to peer pressure
aka the boys tell owen to take his hat off and let the flow go, and in true ferda fashion he does. of course, OF COURSE, the resounding cheer after is deafening and this is one of the best actual pressers from this season because of it
10. what's in the box
the first truly viral sabres moment from this season !!! ending it kinda where we started tbh. i STILL laugh about this moment, from the "i think it likes me" to the TENDER dylan/tage hand hold to peyton proudly pronouncing he knows his poops...this is just perfect. it set out all the narratives for the season and gives us an amazing glimpse into the boys. sabres socials set the bar high with this one and continued to meet it for the rest of the year
other honourable mentions include: tyson jost + others doing community work (highlights include tyson being wholesome and owen's awful rat photo being called unrecognizable), the la entourage trip (jack quinn speaking. that's it, that's the tweet.), sabres choose owen power's goal song (jack's loud proclamation of fearless and kyle's singing), how well do the sabres know their moms (owen being a momma's boy stands out here), matt savoie mic'd up (this one is self-indulgent and just for me), and owen and ras' podcast interview (shocked owen can speak for an hour straight without literally curling up into a ball and hiding; and also bagged milk)
so there you go!!!! hope this cheered you up like it did me. i love our boys as always and can't wait to see what they do next year!
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 8 months
matter of luck is so fun i am about halfway through it and i can't WAIT to give the ppl the rest!
the way this conceptualized in my mind was "what if the black cat miraculous was the same one from the pv." i love the idea of a cursed object that's only activated if you actually use its power! but also i wanted it to be lighthearted so this isn't really a "curse" so much as just a bunch of bad luck. but honestly it's been so fun making adrien get pooped on by birds and step on gum and miss his alarm and get a pimple. even more fun to make that interfere with his minion-ing for hawkmoth!
i haven't shared a snippet in a while so here u go:
Félix stroked Duusu’s soft head for a moment, then pulled away. “Yes, fine,” he grumbled, offering Duusu one more almond before sealing up the bag. “Although since Adrien’s useless now, I suppose I’ll have to do it myself.” “Maybe Ladybug will help you!” Félix snorted and reached for his locker. “Right,” he said, turning the padlock and pulling the door open. “What exactly am I supposed to tell her? Excuse me, can you hold off kissing my cousin until we get our Amoks back from Papillon? It’s that we’re under his control, you see, and he’ll only free us once we get your Miraculous.” Duusu ruffled his feathers, head tilting in consideration. “That sounds fine to me!”
ty for the ask sunny ☀️💛
from the wip ask game
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4methystt · 9 months
Glow up this 2024 (affirmations)
Subliminal is linked here:
I have a radiating beauty
My beauty is alluring
Everyone thinks im attractive
I have my ideal face
My face is so perfect
I surpass every beauty standards
I'm naturally beautiful
I have my ideal face shape
I have the most angel like skull
My forehead is my ideal size
I have the most beautiful side profile in existence
I have the perfect jaw line
I have the most perfect chin, forehead, and cheeckbones
My face looks perfect in any angle
My eyes are alluring
My eyes are mesmerizing
People love starring at my eyes
My eyes perfectly suits my face
I have a positive canthal tilt
I have my ideal eye shape
My eyes are symmetrical
My eyelashes are naturally long
My eyelashes are thick
My eyelashes looks like i have mascara on even tho i don't
My eyelashes are curled up naturally
I have my ideal eyelashes
I have my ideal eyebrows
I have a perfect brow bone
My eyebrows suits my face shape perfectly
My nose is very tiny
My nose suits my face perfectly
I look like i had rhinoplasty
My nose hump doesn't exist anymore
I have a visible, tiny nose bridge
I have a small narrow alar base
I love my small nostrils
I love my upturned nose
I have my ideal nose shape
My lips always looks moisturized
My lips are very plump
All the wrinkles on my lips are disappearing every second
I have the perfect cupids bow
I have an upturned lip corners
My lips look sexy and cute at the same time
I love my rosey pink lips
My lips perfectly suits me
I love my kissable lips
I have healthy pink gums
I have perfectly straight teeth
My teeth always looks brushed
My teeth are the perfect size
I never needed braces
People always tells me that my teeth looks white like the snow
I have very fresh breath
My tounge is pink and smooth
My skin is very smooth
My skin is hydrated
My skin is always glowing
My pores are very small
I have the most youthful skin in the world
I have my ideal skin tone
My skin tone is respected
All my pimples, blemishes, black/whiteheads, and discoloration will disappear in a second
My wrinkles are disappearing right this moment
My eye bags are disappearing
I have the ideal korean glass skin
I have the most luxurious hair
I have long, smooth and silky hair
My hair is always bouncy
I have my ideal hair type
My hair looks naturally stunning
My hair looks perfect with my face
My body scent smells good
My waist are very snatched
My abs are visible
I love my toned muscles
My breast are my ideal size
My but is my ideal size
My arms are very toned
People compliment me for my healthy body
I have a very fast metabolism
I digest food very fast
I eat more healthy food than junk foods
I restrict myself from eating unhealthy foods
My growth plates are opened
I have my ideal height
I am taller than yesterday
I am taller than before
People think i am a model because of my height
My legs are very long
Confidence, Talents, Intelligence, :
I love myself first before others
I respect my self
I follow my passion
I focus on my dreams and hopes
I believe that studying/working hard leads to success
I radiate positive energy
I have a lot of true, kind, and honest friends
I have a magnetic aura
I am a very talented person
I am very good at sports
My voice sounds angelic when i speak or sing
I have excellent hand and eye coordination
I have perfect reaction time
I think before i act
I have the perfect speed
I can balance perfectly
I excel on my PE class
I can dance perfectly
I dance gracefully in a way
People say I'm very talented
I memorize things very quickly
I am naturally a genius
I can pass every test without studying
I always ace my subjects
I find studying fun and exciting
Learning new things makes me happy
I have photographic memory
All the teachers love me because of my intelligence and good manners
My handwriting is clean and neat
I have a wide vocabulary
I am always teated with respect by my classmates/workmates
Photogenic, Videogenic:
I look perfect in every angle
I have the perfect side profile
I look great on every picture and video
I look effortlessly stunning
Physical health, happiness/mental health, wealth:
I am packed with vitam A, B, C, and D
I am immune to any sickness
I have natural resistance to bacterias
I sleep atleast 8 hours everyday
I have a good sleeping schedule
I only think positive thoughts
I have a fresh mindset
My mind is full if positivity
I don't let bad thoughts take over me
I appreciate my self
I have a good relationship with my family
I attract money
I get money every day
I handle money well
I never overspend
My parents are very rich and attract more money
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curseditempolls · 6 months
OBJECT 1: bottomless gum that cleans your teeth perfectly but will generate a very painful pimple somewhere on your body that will only go away after one week of waiting. attempting to obscure or get rid of the pimple resets the timer.
OBJECT 2: a bag of 20 ranch-flavored corn chips that never go stale and will replace whatever disease(s) you're currently suffering from with a different disease when eaten. you cannot choose the new disease(s).
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whompthatsucker1981 · 1 month
sore inside my mouth very low on the inside of the lower lip close to gums, and on the other side of the skin outside theres a pimple brewing yeaooooouch
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rig-a-rendal · 7 months
guys im lowkey fucking freaking out rn i justsaw this SUPER fucked up true crime video about this girl who was in this sorority right back in the 1950s when everything was in black and white? and there were these three sorority sisters who looked freaky asf they wore like white lipstick and they had these big beehive hairdos??? they were like chewing gum and smoking fucking. Cigarettes. and they wore real tight skirts with the slit up the side and party pumps and real tight blouses and pointy bras and like. stuff would stick to them anyway that’s not important their names were donna sandra and laurie REAL TOUGH.
and they’d STAND THERE and SOME GUY would walk by and they’d go. holy shit guys it’s dso fucked up they’d be all like HEY BOB WHY DON’T YOU COME ON OVER LATER AND SEE US HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAH and they were really tough and really awful and then this theme music would play that was like DUN! DA DUN! DUN! DA DUN! and also in the sorority there was this weird girl irma munsen? she had like. big glasses real stringy hair really awful she carried her books like this ->. but she was also really smart! she could see around corners and stuff!!! she just had short hair and like. glasses and like pimples and she smelled like food and stuff and she was like. really weird and she had cooties 😔. also fun fact she wore her nylons backwards? which props to her cause that’s Really hard to do lmao.
anyway every time she appeared in the video you’d hear HER theme music you’d hear this:
DUN DUN. haaah chk chk. HEE HOO HA UH. DUN DUN. DUN DUN DUN DUN CAW! caw CAW caw WHEE HOO HA OO! so you knew there was something Not Quite Right with irma.
so everytime the girls would see irma they’d like Tease Her and Taunt Her and Push Her and Tie her to Trees and Give Her Ex-Lax™ - REAL mean to her! and poor irma would walk by and the girls would go LOOK AT YOUR CLOTHES IRMA YOU CANT EVEN GET A GUY!!!!!!! DUN! DA DUN DUN! DA DUN! and irma would say “leave me alone ive done nothing to you DUN DUN. DUN DUN DUN DUN CAW!”
and Every Day All The Time No Matter What. irma’d walk by and the girls would go “irma irma irma stupid ugly irma DUN! DA DUN! DUN! DA DUN HAHAHAHAAHHA!”. 
(hee hoo ha uh irma’s gonna go nuts)
so one day. irma’s walking along and it’s raining guys like it’s POURING and all you can hear are her shoes in the mud going SQULORCH SPLURCH SQUOLCH SQUELCH SHLORK dun dun. dun dun dun dun WHEE HOO HA UH and it’s pouring rain but the rain is stopping right here because it doesn’t want to touch her either 😭. and she’s walking and the girls are in the sorority house and theyve got the music up real loud and they’ve got guys over they’re smoking and drinking and waiting for her to come home and hear DUN! DA DUN! DUN! DA DUN! “””wElCoMe HoMe IrMa”””
whee hoo ha uh whee hoo ha uh DUN DUN. DUN DUN DUN DUN CAW. CAW CAW CAW wHEE HOO HA UH HERE COMES IRMA and the girls are dancing dun! da dun! and her glasses are cracked on one side so you KNOW she’s gonna go nuts real soon. and the three girls tell her to DANCE IRMA DANCE FOR US HAHAHAHA and she runs in her room and she gets a letter opener off of her desk! and she goes to the boys in the girls’ room! and the girls are dancing DUN! DA DUN!!! and irma’s walking DUN DUN. DUN DUN DUN DUN CAW. CAW CAW CAW WHEE HOO HA UH (b/c that’s how you walk when you’re gonna kill somebody) WHEE HOO HA UH and the GIRLS SEE HER AND THEY’RE LIKE OH MY GOD AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and she kills em all
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