#gundam lfrith pre-production model
anthurak · 2 years
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So I’d like to ramble a bit on a few interesting background details I’ve been noticing in Witch From Mercury, and just why exactly Aerial seems so damn OP compared even to other Gundams.
Consider for a moment what we’ve see of non-Aerial Gundams we’ve seen in the series proper so far; the Pharact Gundam, and the Lfrith Ur and Thorn. Now let’s compare these units with the Gundams we saw in the Prologue, specifically the two Lfrith Test-type units. When you get down to it, there really isn’t much underlying difference between them, is there? Sure, the Pharact and the modern Lfrith units may have newer and flashier armor and weapons, but they’re clearly running on the same GUND-Format system seen in the Test units back in the Prologue. Right down to seeing Elan 4, Sophia and Norea use the Permet score system the same way that Nadim and Wendy used it.
I think we can look at the Lfrith Test models seen in the prologue as representing a ‘First Generation’ of Gundams. The first functional ‘proof of concept’ for the GUND-Format system. A brand new piece of technology that functions on a basic level but still has major problems to be solved before it can be considered actually feasible. With that in mind, for as cool and flashy as the Pharact and modern Lfrith units might be, they really represent little more than incremental refinements to what Vanadis and Ochs Earth created twenty years prior. Heck, it’s almost certain at this point that the Lfrith Thorn and Ur actually ARE the original Lfrith test-units, having been recovered after the purge of Vanadis and given extensive retrofits and upgrades. Yet at the end of the day, neither Peil Tech or the Benerit group as a whole has managed to actually advance Gundam technology beyond what Vanadis developed.
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Now let’s look at the other Gundam seen back in the Prologue; the main Lfrith Gundam. Because it’s pretty clear this was something entirely different. It’s pretty clear looking back at the Prologue that the Lfrith Gundam was meant to be the true next step in Gundam technology. At the very least, a means of making the GUND-Format system actually safe to use, and based on Cardo Nobo’s vague musings, probably a whole lot else we don’t know about yet.
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Basically, if the Lfrith Test-types can be thought of as ‘First Generation’ Gundams, than the main Lfrith Gundam is a Second Generation Gundam. Representing a fundamental growth in the development of Gundam Technology. Just what exactly made Lfrith so different we can only guess at right now, though we can pretty safely assume that Artificial Intelligence was a MAJOR factor. The only problem was that by the time of the Prologue, Vanadis still hadn’t managed to crack the problem of getting Lfrith working.
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At least until Cardo had the bright idea of plugging a small child into it.
Just from what little we see of Lfrith in action during the prologue, she is clearly something very different from even Gundams fielded twenty years later. Lfrith is able to utterly decimate trained mobile suit pilots with only the vaguest and even unknowing commands from Eri and the GUND-Format clearly has absolutely NONE of the previous unit’s harmful effects on Eri, even showing a different colored aura on her face.
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And unlike the Test-units, the Lfrith Gundam managed to get away from that battle. Meaning that only Elnora/Prospera and the resurgent Ochs Earth have had access to the secrets and new developments of the Lfrith Gundam.
Meaning that while the Benerit group has been dinking around with the old, janky First Generation GUND-Format system that will straight up melt its users brain if it’s pushed even a little too far, Ochs Earth has spent the last twenty years research, refining and perfecting their Second Generation Gundam technology.
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Really, is it any wonder that Aerial and Suletta have been able to run circles around and basically CURBSTOMP more or less every opponent they’ve gone up against, including other Gundams?
They effectively have a full tech-generation and twenty years’ worth of development lead over every other Gundam in existence right now. And of course that’s not even touching on what else Aerial might have up her sleeve…
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gundamfight · 2 years
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therosecrest · 2 years
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amalgamasreal · 1 year
So unless we get a surprise in the last episode of the season we've seen all the Gundams that G-Witch has to offer (so far):
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argumentalist · 5 days
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I'm building another Witch from Mercury kit this week - the Gundam Lfrith Ur.
Out of curiosity, how are folks pronouncing "Lfrith"?
Elefrith? L-F-rith? Lifrith?
Seems to me that it sounded something like "rubris" in the anime.
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I'm slowly working my way through my HGWFM backlog. These are all truly fantastic kits. I haven't honestly been disappointed by one of them yet.
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I decided, right off the bat, to use the stickers in this kit. I wasn't very happy with how my attempt at painting the Lfrith Thorn went. I didn't want a repeat of that frustration.
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The good news is that if you do a halfway-decent job of debossing the stickers they actually look pretty good. I used a wooden cuticle-pusher and it's great for pressing the stickers into all the little recesses. Here on the chest, for example, there's some actual depth and dimension to those stickers in the shell.
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The head is just impressive.
There's 10 separate bits of plastic in there. The eyes and that front head camera are green plastic - they would've been very easy to paint if I wasn't using stickers. That tiny bit of red for the chin - also separate plastic. There's a bit of black plastic around the eyes too, not the usual black sticker.
And I love how everything layers-up with the bits of white showing through the teal.
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The arms are another example of the fantastic color-separation.
Remember that Thunderbolt Full Armor Gundam I built a couple weeks back? How there were all those tiny color-correcting stickers for those little thrusters everywhere? The thrusters in the shoulders here are separate bits of plastic. No stickers needed.
In fact... Basically all the stickers are shiny foil stickers for the shell effects. No color-correcting stickers at all.
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This kit feels a little light on the accessories... There's the phased array cannon on the back, the beam gatling gun with its shield, and a couple beam-sabers.
I like how the beam-sabers store on the shield. And the shield can be attached either to the beam gatling gun or right to the arms. The weapons are all completely ambidextrous - they're not stuck on any particular arm.
And, even better, the kit comes with a couple open/expressive hands in addition to the closed/holding hands. Always a nice bonus.
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While there's obvious similarities to the Lfrith Thorn... Unlike something like the Gundvolva the ties back to the Lfrith aren't real obvious. I haven't looked up a lot of info about this suit... But I wonder if that's because it was developed from the Pre-Production model, rather than the actual Lfrith.
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Like I said at the start - this is a fantastic kit. It feels nice and sturdy. Despite its bulk, it's well-articulated. Poses well and stays where you put it. Despite the size of that beam gatling there's absolutely no problem holding it.
I'm going to be sad when I run out of new HGWFM kits to build.
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puppygirlclaspers · 8 months
Continuing my little gunpla review series, I wanna say thank you so much to everyone that liked and reblogged my Demi Trainer post! It means so much to me and every like I get on it makes me incredibly happy <3
This review is gonna be all about...
Gundam Lfrith Thorn
I wasn't expecting to build this kit so soon but I saw it in my local nerd store and I just had to pick it up, I really love the design on this one and I can't wait to tell yous all about it! Building this felt like an appropriate step-up from the Demi Trainer.
Lfrith Thorn in the Show
(Spoilers for Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury episode 12 and beyond ahead)
EDM-GA-02 Gundam Lfrith Thorn is a Gundam-type mobile suit developed by Ochs Earth Corporation for Dawn of Fold, the anti-spacian organisation. It's a heavily modified version of the XGF-01 Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model, which can be seen in the prologue episode of the show.
This Gundam is piloted by Norea Du Noc, a member of Dawn of Fold. She was trained from a young age to be a mobile suit pilot, and has strong ideals and a deep hatred of all spacians. She's a hot-headed earthian terrorist who believes in attaining the organisation's goals through violence. A perfect pilot for this offensive-oriented Gundam!
As I mentioned previously, Lfrith Thorn is a heavily modified version of the Lfrith Pre-Production Model, which allows the Lfrith Thorn to utilise GUND technology. It was created alongside the Lfrith Ur, and the two can be seen as sort of sisters, as one compensates for the other's weaknesses. It's a very cool dynamic that I really enjoyed seeing in the show!
Lfrith Thorn is seen multiple times throughout the show, but main appearances include episode 12, when it attacks Plant Quetta alongside the Lfrith Ur. It also appears in episode 14, fighting in the Rumble Ring and causing mayhem, once again alongside the Lfrith Ur. We see it once more in episode 20, when Norea goes on a rampage in Asticassia, before she is calmed down by Elan Ceres and her Gundam is subsequently destroyed by the security forces. Seeing this Gundam in action was always a pleasure to see in the show, and Norea's hot-headed yet focused personality really made it stand out as an effective combat mech, especially when paired with Lfrith Ur! I wish we got to see more of it but what we did see was an absolute treat.
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The Design of Lfrith Thorn
I. LOVE. THIS. DESIGN. SO MUCH! It's so cool and it all makes sense for what this Gundam is supposed to achieve! It can look quite goofy, especially with those long arms and chunkier legs, but there's purpose to that design choice! Lfrith Thorn excels at offensive skirmishes and intense combat scenarios, providing heavy fire support to her sister, Lfrith Ur.
Lfrith Thorn comes equipped with a variety of weapons that allow it to adapt to any combat situation. It's primary weapon is the beam diffuse gun, a large firearm that fires energy scatter beams. It can be wielded with one hand or with both, allowing for more accurate and focused fire. Beam saber units are stored within the Lfrith Thorn's forearms, allowing for quick deployment when engaging in melee combat. It can also equip beam sabers on its hand if needed, though this Gundam is better suited for longer-range combat. A long and narrow shield can be seen on it's right arm, which can be used to deflect incoming fire, though it is not particularly effective due to how small it is. The huge cannon mounted on Lfrith Thorn's back is the phased array cannon. It fires a powerful beam which allows for wider-ranged attacks. This cannon is only operable when the Gundam's permet score reaches 3 or higher, making it a very risk-reward oriented weapon!
Considering how heavy all of these weapons are on this Gundam, it's very important for it to keep stable when fighting on the ground. This is where those goofy design choices I mentioned earlier come in! The heavy legs and longer arms result in a lower center of gravity, making the Lfrith Thorn more stable when providing fire support! The thrusters on it's rear waist also offer extra stability, being able to counter the recoil and pushback from sustained fire if needed. Even the feet are used for stability, being able to dig into any softer ground material the Lfrith Thorn may be standing on, and providing even more stability! Everything about this design is so coherent, despite it's inherent goofiness, and I absolutely am in love with it!
Naturally, one would compare the Lfrith Thorn and Lfrith Ur, as they are often seen in combat together. You can see the more support-oriented design philosophy of the Lfrith Thorn when looking at both Gundams side by side. Despite the heavy weaponry, the frame of the mech is visibly more lightweight, allowing the Lfrith Thorn to reposition more easily. The Lfrith Ur is meant to be on the frontline, while the Lfrith Thorn supports it from afar. It's an awesome dynamic and I think both Gundams are designed really well around this cooperation!
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In the first section of this review I mentioned that the Lfrith Thorn is a modified version of the Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model, and you can definitely see some aspects of that design incorporated into this one! You can see this mainly in the body of the Gundam, as it retains that flatter, more extruded chest to house the pilot and shell unit. The back-mounted cannons are still present in both designs, though the cannons themselves are quite different between the Lfrith Thorn and the Pre-Production Model. You can also see a more refined version of the shoulder pads, as they are more exaggerated and armoured on the Lfrith Thorn.
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Honestly, researching Lfrith Thorn led me down a very deep rabbit hole when it comes to design inspirations and origins and I feel like I could make a family tree that connects MANY of the Gundam designs in this show!
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Building the Kit
Much like the Demi Trainer, this was super fun to build! I was so excited to finally build a Gundam, and this did not disappoint, for the most part!
A lot of the same satisfying aspects of building the kit itself that I mentioned in my Demi Trainer review can be said here too. Fitting all the pieces together, hearing the clicks and seeing it come together is extremely satisfying and enhances the experience a lot! The stickers on this kit are more complex, and you have more choice with them, namely being able to either put stickers on it that show the Lfrith Thorn with no permet score, or a high permet score. I decided to use the high permet score stickers of course, because that looks a lot cooler to me! I found these stickers really tough to put on, as some of them are really small and need a lot of precision to place properly, and this was only my second kit. I hadn't developed a strategy for placing stickers yet and it shows in some parts of my build.
The Lfrith Thorn kit comes with a few extra pieces that allow for some really neat customisability! For example, you have the option of using a closed hand, which allows the Lfrith Thorn to hold weapons, or an open hand, which can look dramatic and badass when posing it. Even that small amount of choice with the kit makes for a lot of different things you can do with it and I think that's awesome!
As much as I love Lfrith Thorn and as much as I enjoyed building this kit, I do have a few complaints with it. To start, I personally find that the head movement on this kit is very limited, and the head has fallen off of my kit many times when I was trying to pose it and make it look in certain directions. I understand there being limitations in the range of movement, but I find it to be a little bit too limited here. I also think that the beam sword pieces are a little too easy to bend, and I recommend taking extra good care to not put too much force on them when handling them. Mine are very slightly misshapen now, and while it's not too exaggerated, it still sucks to see.
Other than that though, the kit was super fun to build, and it's by far the easiest to pose when comparing all of the kits I've built so far! The stable design philosophy of the Lfrith Thorn actually translates really well to this kit, and it's noticeably more stable to pose than other kits! It was really cool to see honestly and noticing that inspired me to start this series in the first place, so thank you Lfrith Thorn!
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Once again, thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged my previous post, seeing the attention my Demi Trainer review got inspired me to continue with this, and I want to make even more reviews and design studies now! As always, constructive criticism is welcome, as well as likes and reblogs!
I'm hoping to get those action base kits at some point so I can have more freedom in posing my kits, so look forward to that!
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qqchurch · 5 months
new gundam build divers series set in a vrmmo like re:rise but every player starts out with gwitch exclusive grunt suits like the gundvolva or the lfrith pre-production model that they can upgrade and customize the more wins they have under their belts
every mobile suit shown so far would be gwitch suits, with the rare few "ace" gundams that resemble suits from other AUs but still following design philosophies with gwitch
in-game missions would be either simple swarming on an objective to destroy it or more involved squad-based missions where tactics and communication matter
the protagonist for this would be an antisocial teen girl who'd recently isolated herself after a chain of bad experiences in school and wants nothing but to escape from the world by immersing herself in gaming.
she's played long enough that she managed to upgrade the default gundvolva into something that works for her, a few tweaks to enhance it's performance and a modular load out that she wouldn't miss if her suit is ever destroyed (since you'd have to buy the gear over again if it's lost)
in a squad-based mission with her nextdoor neighbor and childhood friend (also a girl) and a few randos, they run into what the community refers to as the "Game Over Boss": a gundam that randomly appears and uses multiple GundBits to overwhelm any opposition. Let's call this the Aerial Revive
naturally, the party TPKs, but the protag holds her own on enough that the Aerial Revive stands over her fallen mobile suit. the shell units on the Revive turn blue and the protag is suddenly facing a red haired child
it's Eri
surprise, this is a gwitch sequel
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thrashz · 6 months
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Some kitbash mobile suit drawings! These two are called the Baphomet and the Galgallin!
List of the used mobile suits in the cut!
Head: Grimgerde (ibo)
Neck + feet : Michaelis (gwitch)
Shoulders: Schwarzette (g witch)
Arms + lower horns: Schwalbe Graze (ibo)
Hands: Barbatos Lupex Rex (ibo)
Chest sides: Aerial Rebuild (gwitch)
Chest middle + abdomen: Infinite Justice Gundam (SEED Destiny)
Waist + legs: Calibarn (gwitch)
Tail: Ghiraga Custom (AGE)
Head: Thielva (AGE)
Halo: Schwarzette (gwitch)
Neck + chest: Calibarn (gwitch)
Shoulders: Lfrith Pre-Production Model (gwitch)
Arms + hands: Gundam F90 (Gundam F90 manga)
Lower abdomen + upper legs: Gundam 00 Shia Quan[T] (Gundam Build Fighters Try: Island Wars)
Waist: Jesta (Unicorn)
Lower legs + feet: Ninpulse Gundam (Gundam Build Fighters: GM’s Counterattack)
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corrucyst · 2 years
ok so ive having some thoughts on wfm.
at the time of the show, the vanadis incident is said to have been 21 years ago, which means that if ericht samaya was 4 years old at the time of the incident, then she would be 25 by AS 122. meanwhile, suletta mercury is 17 years old by AS 122.
i'm going to go ahead and say this cannot be a simple continuity error, because how could you even make that error? if the point ever was for suletta to have been present at the incident, then they would have at least given a year during which she was alive at all, so i feel like we can discard that explanation that isn't very interesting in the first place.
from this i feel like we can put forward the idea that suletta and ericht are not the same person, with suletta possibly being a clone of ericht. people i believe have put forth the theory that ericht now Is the gundam aerial in a literal sense but i feel like that doesn't really seem in character for this series. what i'm thinking probably happened is that ericht died in testing the lfrith after vanadis, BUT... elnora somehow was able to use data from ericht's unique interactions with the GUND format (since she was the only pilot able to get a callback from layer 33) in order to actually fix the format and create the form of the aerial which we now see today, which doesn't need a specially-engineered pilot like the other gundams do.
in terms of the order i see these things happening in... i think ericht died, and then, while in mourning for her first daughter, elnora had(/created) suletta, and then later on, in the next 1-3 years, began to try to perfect lfrith, using that data from the tests with ericht. this led to the creation of aerial, and i feel like by this point due to all the stress from having survived vanadis and losing her husband and daughter and all that, elnora had kind of had that little psychological shift that makes her into the lady prospera we see in AS 122, and she figured "well i do still need a pilot for this, and i have a daughter right here, so, uh. Move Forward, Gain Two, am i right"
on another note, the distinction between ericht and suletta leads us to a gap in the timeline between cradle planet (during which suletta is 4 at the youngest) and vanadis. it's mentioned in cradle planet that elnora had arrived on mercury WITH suletta while trying to hide from... something, but this isn't said to be the vanadis incident specifically. so this would mean that mercury was not the first place that elnora fled to with ericht after vanadis. with this in mind, let's look to lfrith UR and THORN. from their descriptions on en.gundam.info, we see this:
A Gundam-type mobile suit based on the Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model
oh shit! hold on, never mind. i just checked and the pre-production model is specifically the blue mass-produced version of the lfrith, which elnora did not have access to, so she couldn't have been the one to help develop UR and THORN. so i guess we don't really know exactly where elnora went with ericht after vanadis...
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lingrenyu · 2 years
【GUNDAM Lfrith Pre-Production Model】高達存在自主意識?XVX-016風靈高達
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 years
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Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Prologue - Gundam Lfrith Pre-Production Model Lineart
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anthurak · 2 years
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So the Lfrith Thorn has these weirdly stubby, misproportioned legs, right? Now why would this Gundam be built like that?
Well the thing is, I’ve now got a hunch this wasn’t so much a design choice...
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...so much as a NECESSITY.
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gundamfight · 2 years
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therosecrest · 2 years
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anthurak · 2 years
Wonder what would happen if Suletta tried to pilot the Pharact? Like imagining a scenario where they're trying to gather GUND data but Prospera is still obfuscating and the data from Peil really just boils down to "this is what we have: it hurts". So someone has the bright idea to suggest the one person who can use the GUND Format without burning out give it a shot, monitor her vitals and such. (I know Aerial didn't hurt El4n but details)
Yeah, I can definitely see Suletta having to pilot a '1st Gen' Gundam at some point, simply to show her what it's actually like to pilot one of those. Also, if Suletta is in fact some unknowing cyborg or has other forms of augmentation, that certainly sounds like a likely point for them to come up.
Though I imagine it won't be the Pharact, but rather either the Lfrith Thorn or Ur. More specifically, which ever one of those two is actually the heavily retrofitted LF-01 test unit from the Prologue. You know, the one that Nadim Samaya died in.
I think we're all expecting Nadim left some kind of psionic/ghost-imprint on that machine's GUND-Format when he died, and I'd say Suletta piloting that same machine and making contact with whatever's left of Nadim would have some VERY interesting ramifications.
Like say, Nadim first greeting Suletta as Erichit, only to pause and then correct himself: "Wait... you're not Eri..."
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therosecrest · 2 years
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