#guts mb
starlitszn · 1 month
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— guts: olivia rodrigo (2023)
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he laughs at all my jokes and he says i'm so american oh god it's just not fair of him to make me feel this much i'll go anywhere he goes and he says i'm so american oh god i'm gonna marry him if he keeps this shit up i might just be in L O V E
Olivia Rodrigo - "so american"
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milflewis · 6 months
the fact that the first soft comforting thing percy experiences in camp half blood is luke fucking castellan who is kind and lovely and makes him smile and talks him through it all when percy is scared and alone and grieving and Ready To Fight The World and i’ve made some friends here like real friends i think they might really like me imagine that i am spitting out teefth
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Maybe a little thing with wooyoung or yuhno (because of yuhnos big ass hands)
Some fisting???
If not it’s okay I love your writing :)
the only fisting you'll catch me doing is fisting my mouth as i cry through the pain of living 😫✊
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lioriel · 11 months
Day Twenty-Two: Curse
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thesoftestcowboy · 3 months
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I'm happy i didn't miss out on the romance like I thought i did but like. did she have to bring that up 1 second after we fought a got dam tiger
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divinekangaroo · 4 months
Next in my series of applying my MBA to fandom: Tommy Shelby's Business Case for the Monaghan Boy Race Fixing Scam
Revelation: exactly how fucking high is this man's financial risk tolerance!!?!? Without limitation! and what the fuck is this asset structure? the liquidity?! the ratios are whack, Mr Greene!
Recommendation: do not buy shares in Shelby Company Ltd
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marley-manson · 2 years
I have been inhaling all of your wip excerpts, they're all SO GOOD. I've already said this but you are such an excellent writer, everything that you put down is a joy to read.
Annnyway, I honestly can't keep track of the ones that haven't been asked for yet, so sorry if you've already done these, but Heat, and/or Rust.
Thank youuuuu that's so kind 😭 I'm glad you've been enjoying them! And right back at you, your writing is always so good that it's a joy to read even when I don't know the fandoms.
I posted about Rust here actually, but I'll throw out another excerpt:
The brand stung. It always fucking stung, but it got worse as the sun set and the spirits made themselves known.
For the first month or so since she’d left Godo and Erika she’d tended to rub and scratch that spot just above her breast, like it was an insect bite. Eventually she’d managed to will herself to stop, since it just made it hurt that little bit more.
The sun was red on the horizon and the shadows tangled in tree roots were growing deeper and more malevolent. She drew her sword as she walked, knowing that the early risers would be up soon.
The Skull Knight had told them that they didn’t live in the real world anymore. She and Guts had a foot outside of it, thanks to their brands, and if the world was a river and ordinary people pebbles below the surface, they were fish which could taste the air.
She supposed that made the spirits and monsters the hungry bears and fishermen.
Guts would be a shark, at least, or a whale. She was more like a pike. Nothing had got her yet, but she didn’t go looking for trouble either. She just swam, teeth bared.
Most nights the spirits could be dealt with as she walked, only occasionally cutting down the few that came for her. She didn’t dare risk sleeping with the sun down, but she could usually make good time and keep her pace brisk. But then there were nights when the moon was new, or when the area had been the sight of a battle, or another form of torment, and those were the busy nights.
Corpses would rise from grassy graves and animals would glare at her with wild, human eyes, attracted like moths to a flame.
She’d hoped that this forest wouldn’t be too bad - the trees weren’t overly dense and tended towards leafy and bright rather than needly and crowded - but she could already tell by the pain over her heart that it would be harder to traverse than the fields.
Bright glowing eyes blinked into her periphery near her feet and she instantly plunged her sword down into the bed of rotting leaves between them. With a faint hiss, like a drop of water on a candle flame, the twin points of light went out.
Another hint of a face in the darkness appeared just above eye level, on a branch. She caught it with the sharpened hilt of her sword as she drew it back up.
It was going to be a long night.
Heat, which I'd change the name of if I ever finished it so as not to be confused with that one popular longfic lol, is Guts/Serpico hooking up in Elfhelm after Casca gets her mind back but is too traumatized to be anywhere near him. It's non canonical now I guess unless I change some stuff and set it during the moonbaby montage lol. I actually posted a little excerpt from it a while ago, Guts remembering an afternoon of Griffith teaching him to dance. So that's the context for the final lines lol.
Serpico glanced at the sword he’d been swinging a few minutes earlier. “Getting bored here?”
Was he? Was the sensation of being trapped here, on this peaceful island, when there were things he could be doing out there, out in the world where Griffith was, was it just boredom? 
He shrugged again. “Maybe.”
And Serpico smiled. Despite the calm air, his grey cloak billowed around him as though blown by a stiff breeze, revealing the feathered weapon at his side. Guts couldn't think of it as a sword, even though it was similar in shape.
Serpico drew it from its sheath, and flicked it. His cloak settled down.
A little showy, Guts thought, and raised an eyebrow. “Here?” he asked, though he had no intention of refusing the clear invitation.
“Why not? I've been looking forward to a rematch for a while now.” 
There was a look in his eyes that got Guts’ blood pumping eagerly at the prospect of action. A grin began to tug at the corners of his mouth. “Thought you preferred to scout the terrain first. Make sure I can’t swing my sword or do anything else useful.”
“I have range on my side now.” Serpico's eyes rolled upwards. “And the trees. Game, or not?”
He could just imagine Serpico striding along the branches, watching for an opportunity to strike. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the tension in them like a coiled snake waiting to spring. 
“Yeah, all right,” he said, and drew his sword.
It was fun. Fighting Serpico got his blood pumping and his heart pounding - a welcome feeling after the weeks here, sedate on one piece of peaceful land.
Serpico did utilize the trees. He leapt up to them like a grasshopper and dove down again like a - a kite. Guts was more constrained, limited by gravity and the slow swing of his huge sword. He was on the defensive, but hell, he was used to being on the defensive. 
He dodged, swung when Serpico lit onto the mossy ground and when he sent those cutting blasts of wind at him, easily neutralized by the force of iron displacing the air around him. Serpico remained out of reach, eyes as sharp and as focused as his weapon.
After a minute or two of bloodless dueling he swung straight out in front of him to counter a breeze from Serpico’s weapon, and the cunning bastard leaped down from a branch to take advantage of his lowered sword. For a moment that sent him years back in time, Guts was certain he'd land on its dull edge. In his distraction, Serpico landed on the ground and flicked his feather duster precisely. Like an icy gust of wind he felt the air slice his cheek - exactly where Serpico had caught him once before.
Knowing how easily he could've had his throat cut instead, Guts smirked and licked the tickling drop of blood heading towards the corner of his mouth, mimicking their first real encounter. “Lucky hit,” he said.
They exchanged a few more swings but now Guts’ head was solidly in the past again. How was it he could so clearly remember the exact look on Griffith’s face when he’d opened his mouth and bit his sword? He’d relished the shock in his eyes like he’d relished the taste of blood on his tongue. Even back then, when he’d thought he hated him, he’d drunk him in. 
He dodged another strike, like lightning from above, and nearly caught him in the instant between landing on the grass and leaping away again. His sword moved a hair too slow. It was just as well; Serpico’s real advantage was that he could land non-lethal blows relatively easily, while even if Guts aimed to disarm he’d probably still end up taking Serpico’s whole hand off along with his feather duster.
But then, it had always been that way. He’d traded finesse for power ever since he’d first learned to fight with a sword bigger than he was. Even during that first duel with Griffith he couldn’t get out of his mind - Griffith had been trying to disable, and Guts had been trying to kill. Griffith had been risking his life for him from the very start. Fuck.
He got a little satisfaction when he swung his sword overhead as Serpico fluttered across the lowest boughs of the trees and managed to snap the branch he was leaping to before he landed. Both man and branch came crashing down in an undignified heap, and Guts would’ve secured his victory right then, but just as he smugly lowered the point of his sword down to rest on Serpico’s chest and keep him pinned he rolled out of the way and rose back to his feet in one fluid motion. A quick slice of air caught Guts on his shoulder, deep enough to sting. He might actually lose, the way this was going.
And that just brought back the memory of his last loss, as Griffith had ground his shoulder out of place to relieved, victorious cheers. When Griffith had grabbed Guts afterwards, kneeling down and taking his face in his hands, he’d thought for a second that Griffith was going to kiss him. God, he would’ve let him. He knew he would’ve, even then, knowing nothing about him, even when his skin crawled whenever anyone else touched him. 
He had to end this fight before he really did lose.
Guts swung his sword so fast that Serpico's blond hair fluttered from the force of it as he narrowly ducked, dipping his head to avoid the blade with an inch to spare. Then, before he could leap away, Guts followed through with his swing, stepping into the turn and catching Serpico's sword arm with his metal fist.
He hit hard enough to shock Serpico into gasping with pain but he managed to maintain his grip on his weapon. So Guts dropped his own sword before Serpico had a chance to dance away and grabbed him with his real hand, squeezing his wrist in just the right way to force his fist to open. 
He moved his metal arm to press between Serpico's shoulder blades, an extra force keeping him from pulling away, as Serpico lost his grip on the hilt of his weapon and let it fall to the ground. They were both breathing heavily.
Serpico looked up at him, cheeks pink from exertion and eyes lidded, reddening sun making his hair nearly glow, and for a moment it was just like that time, that afternoon with Griffith in his arms. He could still hear the music drifting faintly up from the grassy clearing below them. He didn't pull Serpico into a waltz. Worse - he bent down and kissed him.
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unusualshrimp · 1 year
hm i do not like how my brain works
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countthelions · 11 months
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i have captors i call friends, i got panic rooms inside my head and i get down with crooked men but i am the girl i've always been - i got wrapped up in the game again, you woke up in an empty bed and i can't say i'm a perfect ten but i am the girl i've always been
Olivia Rodrigo - "girl i've always been"
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
Two plot lines from Mysterious Benedict Society book 3 that would be absolutely WILD if they tried bringing them into the DISNEY+ series considering they made SQ Curtain’s adopted son and Constance is basically Benedict’s daughter (SPOILER WARNING)
There’s a plot line in book 3 where Curtain sends some guy to pretend to be Constance’s long-lost dad (which given that Curtain knows about her psychic abilities, he might do in the Disney+ series too). But if Disney uses this plot line, are they gonna use Garrison for that? Because either they’d throw a twist at us where she actually is her mom somehow, or just make it so at that point Garrison is so fed up like “sure, pretending to be some psychic kid’s long lost mom isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve done for this job. Why not”. It would be even funnier if they used Jeffers for this because he’d be so awkward and at least with Garrison I feel like the audience would kinda be like “oh maybe this is another thing they changed for the tv show, maybe Garrison was brainwashed to forget her daughter at some point, or maybe Curtain’s been using the situation to manipulate/blackmail Garrison” but clueless incompetent Jeffers being Constance’s dad is such an obvious no it’s hilarious. Garrison would at least bring falsified documents, a decent emotional speech, and a prepared explanation for how they were separated and why she works for Curtain, but Jeffers would just roll up in a van with some candy and puppies and be like “hey kid I’m your long lost dad get in the car and join our evil organization” and then would go back like “I don’t know what to tell you sir. I did everything I could. Kid wasn’t taking the bait. What do I do with these puppies?”
Spoiler and TRIGGER WARNING for the end of book 3 on this one (those who read it know the trigger-Curtain’s almost-end): Curtain trying to um… off himself at the end to book 3 and SQ saving him when he finally realizes what’s happening. This is Disney, idk how much they can do with this plot line especially in live action, but they could have Curtain saying I love you and I’m sorry and telling his son to look away before he um… attempts to end himself, or two much more likely scenarios: (1) curtain inadvertently puts himself in danger (presumably by falling asleep after his vulnerable speech and almost falling to his doom) or (2) tries to sacrifice himself to stop his own devices, only for his son to try to save him, only for Nicholas to save both of them, only for everyone else to save them because at that point both twins would likely be asleep. As soon as they made SQ his adopted son, I figured they were playing the long game with this one. Giving us a more direct adopted father/son relationship between SQ and Curtain just to punch us in the emotional gut with a variation of the book 3 ending. Nathaniel waking up after thinking he’d never open his eyes again to his son hugging him crying saying “it’s gonna be ok dad. I forgive you. You’re ok” and (in a scenario where he actually tries to sacrifice himself to save everyone and fix his mistakes) Nicholas just smiling down at him and saying “welcome back brother. I missed you”.
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anissapierce · 1 year
Ive said this a lot but I'm feeling nostalgic..... A Jason team based around rescuing danny chase mb hes reaching out to j.todd from the great beyond after one of the crises and its eating away enough at jason tht he feels like he has to do something (also mb hes reaching out to eddie mb hc they were penpals too n eddie keeps bugging jason abt it until he wears him down
Eddie bloomberg there bc jasons pen pal (w special occasional appearance by zach n rose on occasion,)
Connor whos there bc
Kyle who jason already had a team up with...
Ryand 'r who was an omega man before Kyle n kyle mightve known about bc of that
Anissa n grace to repay jason for having the intel tht set Jefferson free n also bc grace has a soft spot for kids fucked over by adults n helping rescue someone who also was annoying to dick Grayson is a win
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traitorestraven · 2 years
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giamee · 21 days
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╭─────────────────────── ( 🫀 )
there's a certain beauty and pain in being with someone carnally, and nothing more than that
› 〉 📂 .ೃ | friends with benefits, more angst than smut, like this is basically all angst no smut lol, kinda short too mb
header art (left to right) by pcrow ; artsquirre ; _sekidesu
╰─➤ 💌 ₍₁₎ being in a situationship is all fun and games until u catch feelings fr 😕. anyways. let's go thru that pain in this. lowkey i wanna make a part 2 to this with a happy ending cos im SOFT lmaooo
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BEING IN... WHATEVER THIS RELATIONSHIP COULD BE CLASSIFIED AS was not good for your mental health. in the past weeks that you and alhaitham had started sleeping together, you had been plunged into one of the worst emotional rollercoasters that you had ever been on.
what didn't help was the way he treated you so differently depending on the setting. you understood not wanting people to know, but did he have to ignore you entirely in public?
he wouldn't even spare you a glance as you walk past each other in the halls, eyes stubbornly trained ahead, leaving you steamrolled in his icy trail. and if you dare to try and talk to him- he'd look at you like you've grown a second head, completely shunning you and walking away as quickly as possible.
but it's a different story behind closed doors- in private, he's the sweetest man alive.
he'll whisper such sweet nothings into your ear, wipe your tears so tenderly with his thumbs like a lover would. he'd prop himself up with an elbow just so that he can gaze into your eyes as he pushes into you, even smiling at you as he watches the way your expression changes.
and the way he kisses you is what really throws you- always with such desperation and urgency, like he needs you in order to breathe when it's quite the opposite. he kisses you like he loves you, and the sensation is dizzying, perplexing when those fantasies are ripped from you in favour of reality.
but you know that you won't ever be his. not properly.
if it was meant to be, he'd at least smile at you as he passed. the more rational parts of your brain screamed at you to call it quits before you're sucked in too deep, but some part of you still held onto the hope that one day he would see you then smile.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 THOMA.
IT TRULY HURT TO REMEMBER THAT you weren't actually dating thoma. it was easy to get fooled- he was a gentleman, making sure to treat you right even when you weren't fucking. he'd make sure that you were okay, and he never kicked you out as soon as it was over.
he'd ask about your day, take interest in you and what you're doing. and arguably, worst of all, he wasn't afraid to be seen with you. the details that blurred the lines defining your relationship seemed like an afterthought, if the way his arm wrapped around your shoulders indicated anything.
you were his, unofficially or not. it only took a glance to be able to tell.
you liked to think that he was yours, too. that you meant something to him- more than just a pastime and a stress reliever.
there were moments where it was easier to believe it- with the way his eyes remain transfixed on you as you writhe in pleasure, cries of his name leaving your lips- his little coos and reassurances buttering you up, having you right in his palm, so pliant and willing for him.
maybe he got off on knowing that he makes you feel good in every sense of the word. seeing you happy acting as some sort of foreplay, all so he can claim you as his in every way except the one that you wanted most.
the urge to tell him how you feel, those three little words that dangle on the tip of your tongue and fight to be freed, are a constant struggle. but something inside you, some sick gut instinct, stopped you from blurting it out every time.
the fear of his reaction- disgust? confusion? kept you uncertain. a part of you would die if he didn't reciprocate your feelings. it was better not to know, and keep living in the make-belief of being his without the label.
you could only hope that you would be proved wrong one day.
DESPITE EVERYTHING, YOU COULDN'T HELP BUT crawl back to him every single time. a never-ending cycle- one that you couldn't escape even if you wanted to.
both of you knew how it goes. you unblock him, play coy for a few messages before he's telling you to come over. you fuck like it's the last time you ever will- it never is- and then you spend the night.
he'll hold you, play with your hair, even kiss you, and you pretend that it's enough. if you're lucky, he'll even lend you a shirt that smells of him to sleep in.
and this facade is fine- while it lasts. but then you remember why you blocked him in the first place- the forced indifference, his refusal to open up. the way it hurt your heart to be pushed aside.
and then you go and ask him what you mean to him. he'll smile at you without mirth, the both of you knowing how this conversation goes. he doesn't want anything serious. you want more.
and then it's tears, you ripping off his shirt and throwing it back at him, storming out of his place and blocking his number with shaking fingers.
you cry yourself to sleep in your cold and empty bed- already sorely missing the warmth of his body as he holds you close to him in his sleep, whether he's aware of that or not.
and you're fine, you tell yourself. you can live without him. and you do, for a little while. honestly, he's the last thing on your mind as you distract yourself with work or seeing your friends.
but then a lonely night gets the best of you, abd you find your finger hovering over the call button next to his name. and you press it, cursing yourself for doing it.
he picks up at the third ring, voice smug as if he knew you couldn't go much longer without him.
and he's right, unfortunately.
you're already out the door, on the way to his apartment.
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𝜗𝜚 genshin impact masterlist
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nana-au · 2 months
JJK Men React to Finding Out You Like Them
G.Satoru, G.Suguru, I.Yuji, F.Megumi
(I got carried away with Gojo's.. mb)
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G.Satoru: You could not stand him and his stupid, annoying, ugly (undeniably pretty) face.
Shoko and Geto swore you two bickered like an old married couple. The two of you would scoff, sometimes even pushing each other’s shoulders just to remind the other one who was stronger. It was down right childish the way you both interacted with each other. Pinching and hair pulling. Arguing over who was right and wrong, sometimes even arguing against obvious facts just to piss the other one off. You couldn’t stand his pompous attitude and he couldn’t stand the fact you weren’t in awe of him like he believed you should be. He made every hair on your body stand straight just by his voice or the way his figure loomed over you as he teased you. 
“What’s this for?” He mocked, pinching your cheek you dusted with blush. 
“None of your business,” you assured him, attempting to punch him in the gut. He would swiftly dodge it, continuing to mock you. 
“Surely it isn’t for a boyfriend. I feel bad for any guy dumb enough to be interested in you,” his glasses would slide down his nose as he looked over your figure. You didn’t hesitant to tell him to suck a dick, and it didn’t even cross his mind to not tell you that you wished you could suck his. “I’d never let you though,” he assured you and you would huff out a ‘thank God!’. You would attempt to storm off, but he kept body blocking you, and you were adamant on not making bodily contact with the guy. “Where are you going?” he quizzed and you begged him to drop it - that it was none of his business. You were getting really worked up, more so than usual. His assumption wasn’t necessarily wrong, you were trying to leave for your date with a barista from the coffee shop you frequented in Tokyo. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to let Sensei know. Can’t have you up to no good.” 
“Then go tell him!” you huffed. You were going to be running late if the asshole in front of you wouldn’t move. “God Gojo, you are so childish,” he only stuck his tongue out at you. You were about to start shaking with anger and against your better judgment you confessed to him. “Fine! It’s a date, make fun of me all you want when I get back,” your chest was heaving and your blood was hot. To your sudden shock, Gojo stepped out of your way wordlessly and watched as you took off out the doors. 
The next few days felt like the Twilight Zone. You did your makeup again and Gojo didn’t even bother to flick your cheeks. When you mentioned to Shoko how nice the weather was, he didn’t argue that it was ‘Just alright’. While Suguru, Gojo, and you were taking turns sparring, he didn’t hide the defeat in his face when you kicked dirt onto him after knocking him on his ass. To you, that was really the last straw. You started to feel evil for continuing your usual antics while he just took it. A few more days went by of you both ignoring each other until one afternoon you were eating lunch with Shoko talking about your date. Geto and Gojo took their usual seats across from you as you both discussed what transpired. “Maybe he doesn’t want to sound needy,” she said when you mentioned he hadn’t texted you back still. 
“He probably thinks you're ugly,” Gojo said nonchalantly. It was the first sentence he had spoken to you in days and you had to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. You weren’t even sure if he really spoke or if you imagined it. Perhaps your brain was filling in the words you wanted to hear from him. Not that you wanted him to call you ugly per se, but the silence from him was worse than the insults. 
“So he talks.” His eyes rolled cartoonishly at your words. He stuck a spoonful of rice in his mouth before talking,
“Giv-up,” he mumbled, some rice spilling out of his mouth. Your face contorted with disgust. He swallowed, continuing, “You're unlikeable”.
“Yeah ‘cause you’re so likable yourself,” you scoff. He continued eating and the table dropped it, all choosing to change the topic. 
Honestly, you were sure that would be your last conversation with Gojo. You went about your days without his obnoxious presence. You went on another date and were getting fairly close with your favorite barista, even inviting him to meet Shoko. You all agreed to meet up at his cafe and you were awed as he described to you the drinks he made you two. You sipped them and listened as he rambled on about the ristretto shots and the milk foam. Shoko grew bored quickly, but she was happy you were happy. 
The bell attached to the door chimed, and the blood in your face drained, leaving you sickly pale. Gojo waved to you, pointing out to Geto where the three of you sat and dragged him along. “What is he doing here?” you frantically asked Shoko. She covered her face to hide her amusement, she had to give it to him, he was about to make this deathly boring conversation into an incredibly entertaining one. 
“Since when do you drink coffee?” Gojo asked you, pulling up a chair and sitting next to you. “I thought caffeine made you sick?” he pouted at you, pulling away the latte. He wasn’t wrong, you did tend to feel unwell after having caffeine, but since when did he care? 
“I can handle myself, Gojo,” you spat. Gojo ignored you, taking two big gulps from the mug and finishing it then and there. 
“Wow you made this?” he asked the guy. He nodded, looking incredibly confused. “Tastes like shit.” With a quickness you were out of your chair and pulling Gojo by the collar of his button down. “Be right back,” he snickered to the barista as you dragged him out the door. 
“What is your problem?” You begged. He looked shocked, telling you him and Geto were just walking by when he saw you and Shoko. You were bewildered by the way he was acting, completely stumped as to what you should even say. His hand grabbed yours that was still gripping his collar. He pulled it off and pushed it against the wall, his hand caging yours as he leaned against your intertwined fingers. His eyes watched your lips as you kept opening them to speak, but closing them when you kept losing your words. 
“Is this not what you wanted?” His words were breathy and hard to hear. “I know you are doing this-” His free hand gesturing to your figure, “to get a reaction from me.”
“You’ve really lost it now, Gojo,” you couldn’t hide the blush though. He smiled at you regardless, and your legs began to feel weak. It hit you like a truck. His smile was cocky and genuine. It wasn’t coated with his usual delusional smirk, but an all-knowing, teeth-showing grin. It was then you grew nauseous with the knowledge Suguru snitched on your drunk confession. 
You hardly remembered that night - Geto had shared his bottle of Jack Daniel’s and you were too much of a lightweight to keep yourself from admitting to him that you enjoyed Gojo’s teasing. That you were infatuated with the white-haired sorcerer and you had really started to like him. That his cocky attitude was not a turn off like you tried to convince yourself and that when he stood over you, making you feel small, you weren’t mad at him but mad you enjoyed the feeling of being towered over by him. 
“I’m not dating just to make you jealous,” you tried to stand up for yourself. You really weren’t, the guy just asked you and you had nothing better to do. You got free drinks out of it too- really that was all it was. 
“How could I be jealous when I know you like me?”
In Suguru’s defense, when you called him a traitor he assured you it was an accident. He just wanted to get Satoru out of his funk. The day he caught you looking all dolled up, just to find out it was for another man, he couldn’t get out of his own head. He also didn’t understand why he couldn’t. He pestered his best friend for days over it and Suguru had to throw in the towel. You liked him because he heard it from you. And Satoru liked you because he knows his best friend more than anyone. 
It was all worth it in the end, because things went back to normal. (Except for the small detail that Satoru and you were now a couple). 
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
G.Suguru: The older boy’s reaction made you swoon.
You were a year below him at Jujutsu Tech and you were in awe of his cursed technique and if you were forced to be honest, in awe of him. You must’ve looked like a lost puppy following him around when you insisted on watching him train, joining him to find a snack at the convenience store, and insisting on learning about all the curses he had under his control. He was so kind about it too - always dismissing Gojo when he would groan about how insistent you were. “How can you put up with her? She doesn’t have her own life,” he would say, poking his tongue out.
 “She’s just curious, Satoru,” he would reply. He wouldn’t kid himself though, he found you absolutely adorable and didn’t mind having you under his arm all day. You weren’t much younger than him, but you felt as though he held infinite wisdom. Your eyes would twinkle up at him as he shared stories of his missions and his lips would tingle watching yours twitch with ‘oohs” and “ahhs”. He adored the way you would watch him as he ran around the track, shirtless and dripping with sweat. When you joined him he couldn’t help but keep your pace just so he could keep his attention on you. You didn’t know this when you finally confessed, but he was as infatuated with you as you were with him. He was obsessed with how obsessed you were with him. He was by no means struggling in attracting women, but to have you be so casually faithful to him, it was too hard to not take advantage of. 
The day you decided to dress up really pretty for your weekly Tuesday walk to Tokyo for lunch at his favorite place was the day you officially confessed. You wore the skirt the two of you saw one day while window shopping - the one he said reminded him of something you would wear. You even applied lip gloss even though you despise the fact your hair always gets stuck in it. “What’s got you looking all pretty?” he would muse. 
“Sugu, I like you,” you admitted, quick like pulling off a bandaid. You hadn’t even made it out of the school’s grounds when you confessed. He held out his arm to stop you and blocked the way with his tall figure. 
“I already knew that, little one,” he cooed. “Let’s go, we don’t want to be late,” he grabbed your small hand in his and continued forward. It wasn’t an official response, but you knew him so well that it was official enough for you.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
I.Yuji : You swear the boy must be dumb.
Your friends would definitely describe you as the shy type. You never talked out of turn or made your true feelings known so blatantly - but with Yuji - you were really trying. If Yuji said he was hungry, you would always be there to hand him his favorite candy. When his face was caked with dirt and sweat after a mission, you were there with a cloth to clean him up. If he so much as got a paper cut you would insist on applying a bandaid to his finger. You couldn’t tell if you liked helping him more than he liked being helped. He would always smile at you, warm and sincere. His eyes would hold yours, cheeks flushed a light pink. The way he would look at you, head angled down to get a good look at your face, the innocent scrunch of his eyebrows..
“You’re such an amazing friend,” he would say and you had to blink to keep your eyes from rolling back into your head. 
One day as he was happily sipping the ice cold tea you bought him, munching on the little pastry you went out of your way to get after he announced - very loudly - how starved he was, you decided enough was enough. 
“I like you,” You told him bluntly. He finished chewing his last bite before telling you he liked you too. 
“You’re a really good friend,” he smiled. You could feel your body begin to shake as you repeated what you said. 
“I like-like you, Yuji. Not friend-like. Like-Like.” Your hands went to grip the grass beneath you, desperately trying to ground yourself. His eyebrows scrunched, as if he was trying to process your confession. You couldn’t hold his eyes when he didn’t immediately respond. You turned your attention to Maki and Nobara who were training not far in front of you. Your eyes couldn’t focus on their figures as your body shouted at you to get up and bury yourself in bed for the day. His hand found your thigh, and you jumped slightly. When your eyes met him again, you swore you never saw him look so serious. His lips were in a thin line, eyes twinkling. 
“Maybe I like-like you too,” he spoke only above a whisper and you melted on the spot.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
F.Megumi: The boy was always in his own little world
That’s what you really liked about him. His ability to be quiet, observant, and at times lost in his own thoughts. All though, trying to get him to notice your crush on him would be harder than pulling all of your toenails off one by one. You would lay in Nobara’s bed as she admired the outfits she bought that day, trying her best to ignore your groans. 
“I should just give up now,” you whined. You had finished a long winded rant about Megumi, how he never reacted to your attention in the way you craved him to. 
“You should give up. I’m sick of hearing it,” Nobara lovingly teased. “Or you could just tell him,” You would gasp at the idea and bury your head into her pillow. 
You always found yourself to be the type of girl to read everyone’s feelings. People were like books to you, except for him. Before joining Jujutsu Tech, flirting was second nature to you. But when you saw his messy black hair and cold blue eyes your brain short circuited. You sure would try to flirt though. Giggling at his jokes he thought no one heard or playing with your hair in conversation. You would buy a new perfume and ask him to smell you, or ask if he liked the way you did your makeup that day. He would flush red and obey your asks. He would tell you that you smell great or that your eyelashes looked really pretty, but he would end it there. 
A couple days had passed since your rant to Nobara and the four of you were out in Tokyo. Yuji had insisted you all join him to the movies, and with nothing better to do you all obliged. At the theater you paid for your drink and popcorn and made your way to your movie when you noticed Nobara and Megumi weren’t following behind you. You shrugged it off and sat down with Yuji to watch the previews. The lights had already dimmed and the movie just started by the time Nobara came with Megumi in tow. “Sit,” she commanded him, referring to the spot next to you. You watched as Megumi - stiff as a board- took the seat beside you, and continued to shuffle around in his seat trying to get comfortable. 
“What happened?” you whispered to him, scared of what Nobara had done to make him act so odd. He didn’t respond and kept his eyes glued to the screen. It went on like that for a while, him still squirming awkwardly in his seat and when a jump scare came on screen and he didn’t react you turned to him again. “You act like you saw a ghost,” you joked to him. He replied dead serious.
“Just saw Nobara, that’s all.”
“What did she do?” You weren’t really sure you even wanted to know. After what seemed like hours of silence he asked if you really did like him. 
“Is it true what Nobara said?” Your mouth fell open and he was now completely facing you. You were all there for a screening of a horror movie and right now the main character was in a dark basement making it hard to see any light on Megumi’s face. From what you could see though, he looked flustered but maintained his eye contact with you. Thanks to Nobara it was now or never, and you meekly shook your head at him. He scratched the back of his neck and you could see his Adam's apple bob in his throat. Your face was hot watching him process your confession, not sure if you wanted to punch Nobara or thank her for finally putting you out of your misery. Even if it did mean Megumi no longer wanted to be near you. “I’ve just never had someone tell me that,” he finally spoke. ‘I don’t hate you, just give me time to process that,” he asked. You nodded and turned back to the screen, trying to focus on the protagonist dodging death. You had grown as stiff as him and noticing, he put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly as reassurance. You both were red in the face, eyes glued to the front of the theater but not actually watching what was on it, lost in your thoughts. The process wasn’t smooth for you two, but your confession made Megumi realize his own feelings. Why he felt nervous when you were in the room and why he doubted his words before speaking to you. You both worked on it together, and your confidence with each other grew. It wasn’t long before you two went to Tokyo alone or sat in each other’s room late at night just talking. Megumi was your boyfriend by the end of the year, and you felt as giddy around him as the day you first met him. 
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