#guts trigger warning
‼️TOH s3 spoilers and tw for child abuse‼️
yknow what really small detail from ‘thanks to them’ just breaks my heart?
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it’s this. hunter says “that throne room”.
not “the throne room”, THAT throne room.
he refers to the throne room in the castle the same way people who have had a traumatic experience (especially abuse victims) refer to where it took place. like when people who were abused as children talk about how they remember being in “that house” instead of “the house” when talking about their childhood residence.
obviously hunter was abused by belos, that’s not news, and the show has always had his behavior and mannerisms reflect that. but something about him saying “that throne room” just hurts to hear.
you can tell just from that one sentence that he experienced so much pain at belos’ hand in that throne room over the years.
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pastasilly · 1 year
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just finished watching unicorn wars for the 5th time omg
yeah ik i made an oc whos also a pastor, they’re kinda just a form of assistance to padre in a way also the way how azulin x pompon is implied was absolutely bonkers
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
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I love when series make this kind of long-term call-back. You thought it was a goofy one-off gag, but in fact it was a goofy two-off gag!
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cypriathus · 6 months
Main protagonist of As The Weaving Fate Beckons
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Mental health issues and a brief mention of self-harm, alcohol, and discrimination.
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Hirmenogaldus Zuntaheldi L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath is a 31-year-old vigorous, often serious-minded woman and he last known holy knight from Rioghachd a’ Choin Neamhaidh (“Kingdom of the Heavenly Dog” in Scottish Gaelic). She’s referred to as the Knight of Beasts due to being known as Europe’s most famous and recognizable slayer and tamer of animalistic creatures. She originally worked with the Praying House of Älkechirnobus, but later abandoned them and their cause after a few unfortunate incidents. She upholds the many characteristics associated with chivalry such as honesty, loyalty, courage, respect, prowess, and a readiness to help the weak. She’s well-versed on a multitude of subjects such as philosophy, theology, history, military strategies, and even occultism. Despite being stoically aloof and wise, her tangible thirst for knowledge and maintaining healthy relationships lends her to being inquisitive and compassionate. However, there are those occasional moments where Hirmenogaldus can be quite clumsy, gullible, and/or naive. She has desirable leadership skills with the right dose of determination, knowing when to continue or retreat, and extrudes a sense of captivating charisma. She has strong motherly instincts and it’s always an honour for her to protect those she deems worthy of help. She isn’t afraid to properly utilise her emotional intelligence in order to ensure someone’s welfare and build a meaningful connection with them. She will even deliberately put herself in harm’s way when her loved ones, friends, and/or the weak are being threatened. She has a palpable sense of justice and despises those who mistreat others for their own personal gain.
She can be quite vindictive and will even go as far to mercilessly kill the perpetrator who either harmed her, her friends, her family, and/or the weak. When slaying certain beasts or beings that are considered to be a threat, she has no qualms of violently slaughtering them, not showing any compassion, mercy, and/or remorse during the process. Despite being sociable, Hirmenogaldus sometimes intentionally isolates herself from other people because of her trust issues. Her stoic nature results in pushing away people, not showing her true emotions, and not properly dealing with and addressing the issues that’s plaguing her mind. She has horrible self-esteem issues and believes that she has to make up for that by protecting the weak, ensuring the welfare of her friends and family, and enacting justice when necessary. Whenever she fails to do so or it becomes too much for her, she gaslights and guilt trips herself, sowing more seeds of doubt into her. Hirmenogaldus is also afraid of being abandoned and forgotten by those she deeply cares about without being warned of their absence. She often engages in contemplative thought, trying to sort out her sorrows and find an ounce of true peace, hope, and happiness.
She’s prone to sudden emotional outbursts, panic attacks, mood swings, and even mental breakdowns as a result of her depression, PTSD, anorexia nervosa, and generalised anxiety disorder. The inconsiderable amount of expectations placed on her due to being a holy knight also contributes to her poor mental health. As a result of her trauma, she’ll become triggered if her private parts and erogenous zones are touched without consent. Her other triggers are witnessing the death and kidnapping of children and abuse of women, looking at European churches, references to church propaganda, and encountering terrible people from her past. She has inconsistent suicidal thoughts and desperately tries to suppress them by harming herself. She has inconsistent suicidal thoughts and desperately tries to suppress them by harming herself. She usually wants to disappear into nothingness, not having to worry about recurrent, unwanted memories and being afraid of making the wrong decision. She has a tendency to overthink various plans and solutions to all possible worse outcomes in order to avoid making the wrong decision. There are instances where she loses a lot of interest and pleasure in most of her normal activities, making her feel bored and weirdly uneasy. She feels a certain detachedness from those close to her and her mind struggles to concentrate on what’s happening. She often has a pessimistic view on the future as she’s partially fixated on past failures and reliving traumatic events. Hirmenogaldus has a tendency to place heavy restrictions on her eating patterns, having an intense fear of gaining weight. She frequently checks in reflective surfaces for perceived flaws as she’s somewhat relentlessly pursuing thinness. Her perceived body weight negatively influences her self-esteem, and she occasionally complains about being fat. She usually makes excuses for not eating as she doesn’t want to ruin her already distorted body image. There are instances where she perceives certain harmless situations and events as potential threats. She has difficulty handling uncertainty and letting go of her most troubling worries. As a result of all these issues, she tends to feel a sense of looming hopelessness, overwhelming guilt, restlessness, and agitation.
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Compared to most medieval folk, Hirmenogaldus is considered to be a giant due to her impressive stature, clocking in at about 6’ 5” (195.5 cm). She has a pear-shaped mesomorphic body type with slightly broad shoulders, a fairly defined waist, and prominent thighs. Her face and neck are adorned with a myriad of reddish-brown freckles, and she has silvery stretch marks on her upper arms, belly, and hips. Her eyes are almost parallel to the stunning sky-blue bill of a male ruddy duck during breeding season. Her skin is a creamy white and she has hair that is an absolutely beautiful golden copper blonde. She has messy, bowl-cut style bangs with the rest of her curly hair being tied into a thick ponytail. She has four recognizable moles: one on the right side of her upper lip; one directly above the left side of her collarbone; the second is located on her belly; and the last mole is on her right mid-thigh. A blatant scar pierces the left side of her forehead, snaking down and over her nose bridge to the middle of her right cheek. She has a couple of other ones: four slightly horizontal scars from her left trapezius to her right deltoid and a blotchy patch of scarred skin near her left kidney. Her breasts have been cut off, there are five healed stab wounds on the backside of her right upper arm, and she carved four Nordic runes onto her belly: ᛊ (sun), ᚨ (god), ᛉ (elk), and ᚱ (ride/journey). The underside of her forearms are covered in healed and fresh lacerations. Her back hides her most brutal scars, seeming to be a mixture of cuts, puncture wounds, and burns.
Hirmenogaldus is commonly seen wearing a full suit of plate armour and her cursed, gilt-brass helmet is shaped similarly to the head of a Western dragon. She has two differently designed golden pauldrons: on the left, it has an engraved blazing sun with a humanoid face; and on the right, it’s shaped like the head of a tarasque without the lower jaw. Her vambraces and greaves were masterfully crafted to mimic the scales of a serpent and the fingers of her armoured gloves are sharp. Her cuirass is decorated with the golden depiction of the Ellén Trechend, which is a three-headed, draconic vulture that can breathe fire. Its main head is in the centre, two heads looking in their designated direction, their legs and wings are spread out on each side, and a partially wavy, serpentine tail. There are other pieces that make up her armour in order to minimise potential life-threatening harm. Hirmenogaldus has a gilt-brass gorget surrounding her neck, two couters for her elbows, and tassets hanging from her cuirass. She has a pair of sabatons with four draconic claws that cover her feet and cuisses surrounding her thighs. She also has two circular besagews that are part of the harness of her plate armour and help to protect her armpits. Her armour is slightly battle-worn, but its vibrancy has surprisingly remained untouched for years. The colour of her plate armour is a reddish-black with a blue-green sheen. Underneath her armour, she wears a quilted green tunic, padded brown legs, white braies, and a wide belt of leather.
Whenever Hirmenogaldus isn’t donning her iconic armour, she’s wearing a full-length ball gown made from fine silk and a tight-fitted, paprika bodice. For both her noblewoman and armoured outfits, she occasionally dons a royal mantle of faded jade with white fur trim that has black leopard spots. Her blackberry silk gown appears to be voluminous due to an ample skirt underneath. Her silk gown covers half of her shoulders and flows down into a fancy, modest semi-sweetheart neckline with a bow of cosmic purple. Around her neck is a velvet choker of cosmic purple with a cardinal pink ruffled top. She has Juliet sleeves and the wrists have turned back cardinal pink cuffs, and the ball gown is decorated with rich golden embroidery. Underneath her gown is a linen chemise and hose that’s held with a garter just below her knee. For jewellery, she’s adorned with a gold and enamel brooch in the form of a dragon’s head, a dark golden pearl necklace, a gilt bronze sapphire ring on the right index finger, and a table cut ruby ring on the left middle finger. She carries a two engrailed top shield of rich blue like a clear summer sky at dusk, depicting a fiery red dragon with a horn of gold, amethyst eyes, and fur glinting like polished garnet. The beast’s heart is transfixed by a jousting lance with a shaft of earthy green and tip gleaming with a sharp silver light. Hirmenogaldus wields a blood-letting dagger with a gloomy black hilt and a serpentine blade made from polished, exfoliating brass that seems to hum with a quiet, malignant power. She also wields a 7 ft (213.36 cm) battle-strong claymore forged from an unknowable metal akin to black steel, heavenly ash, and dog flesh that pulsates with a hunger for battle and victory. The claymore’s imposing presence is punctuated by three raised, eye-like markings above the crossguard, arranged in a vertical triumvirate that appears to stare out with an unblinking gaze. When she awakens the sword's true power with a sacrifice of her own drops of blood, the eyes spring to life, revealing gleaming purple jasper orbs that burn with an inner intensity. It’s enveloped in a raging conflagration of blue holy flames that seem to dance along its length, casting a fiery glow of decay and dread. She possesses a traveller’s backpack, one where she stores her collected souvenirs, camping equipment, basic medicinal items, and books that contain a variety of knowledge as well as a cittern that Odeschuna gave her.
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Like all holy knights trained under the Praying House of Älkechirnobus, she’s considered to be a psychic. Hirmenogaldus isn’t entirely familiar with her psychic abilities because she doesn’t heavily rely on them like the other holy knights before her. Without her knowing, she has precognition, but it’s in the form of cryptic dreams that vaguely predict future events. She can perceive and read the auras of other individuals, being able to clearly understand their emotions and moral alignment. She can also detect the emotions of those she mentally focuses on, but this can result in blood seeping out of her eyes, ears, and/or mouth (e.g. she’ll cry blood if she senses someone’s melancholy). As a result of dermo-optical perception, she can perceive unusual sensory stimuli such as colour and varying brightnesses through her own skin. Hirmenogaldus has telekinetic abilities, being able to move and manipulate matter at a distance without physical interaction. She can perfectly mimic the sounds of animalistic beasts as well as talk to them and understand their unique interactions. She’s able to tap into a feral mind, allowing her to perform extraordinary feats of strength and agility that’s beyond normal for her. She’s a master at taming animals by reading, understanding, and staying in tune to their body language. She’s also able to solve many of their behavioural problems and possess unique insight into their psychology. Lastly, Hirmenogaldus has enhanced strength and stamina, being able to engage in physically strenuous activity as well as lift and/or strike objects that are tens of thousands more than her body weight. Due to her draconic helmet being cursed, it seems to intensify her negative emotions and strengthen her psychic abilities. This is one of the reasons why she tries not to heavily rely on her abilities because she’s afraid that she’ll become an irredeemable monster.
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Broghalenius L’Patenozudi-Gilebozrath (father)
Lobaszewinth (mother)
Unnamed older sister
Two unnamed older brothers
Dersabhol Echtagloprinus-Pimbezurta (ex-girlfriend)
Ungelohram Shakjelovi (ex-lover)
Sedulomaith (daughter)
Chaidozluben (son)
Aremophivus Brejzuktophina (adoptive daughter)
Dame Hirmenogaldus
The Accursed Daughter of Duke Broghalenius (by those aware of her psychic abilities)
Knight of Beasts
Lady of Speedy Visitation
Saint of the Billowing Crusade and Dragon’s Ferocity
Mommy (by her children)
Mother (by her children)
Doll-face (by Mutseloniah)
Zarabaaneh ghalbam (“my heartbeat” in Persian) (by Mutseloniah)
Nafasam (“my breath” in Persian) (by Mutseloniah)
Duvshanit (“honey” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Capara (“my blessing” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Otzar shely (“my treasure” in Hebrew) (by Mutseloniah)
Vile devourer of mages (by Ikarondelus)
Lying bitch (by Ikarondelus)
Foul whore of barbarity (by Ikarondelus)
Bastard with a devil’s silver tongue (by Ikarondelus)
Fucking idiotic drunkard (by Ikarondelus)
Elskan mín (“my darling” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
Ástvinur (“love friend” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
Haustmyrkr (“autumn dusk” in Norse) (by Raskovulde)
She Who Dared To Cross Bifröst (by Raskovulde)
Executioner of the World Serpent (by Raskovulde)
The Burning Gladiolus (by Odeschuna)
The Enraged Wyvern (by Odeschuna)
Destroyer of Tainted Pride (by Odeschuna)
A bhuanchara (“my eternal friend” in Irish) (by Nikmuvolefja)
My greatest rival (by Pelmazodius)
Gladiatorial beast (by Pelmazodius)
Vögelchen (“little bird” in German) (by Regnazoldus)
Herzensbrecher (“heartbreaker” in German) (by Regnazoldus)
The Scorching Blade of Älkechirnobus (By Uhteszoga)
Slayer of Cold Hearts (by Uhteszoga)
Liberator of Anguish (by Uhteszoga)
The Draconic Maiden (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mistress With The Coppery Locks (by L’Ayncezosud)
My scarred mademoiselle (by L’Ayncezosud)
Ma tigresse (“my tiger” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mon ciel étoilé (“my starry sky” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Mon rayon de soleil (“my ray of sunshine” in French) (by L’Ayncezosud)
Hirmageld (by Perszufoval)
Hirmena (by Bheszawulf)
Sunteholda (by Hulcekrando)
Hellebore of Rosy Blackness (by Hulcekrando)
Soft hyacinth (by Hulcekrando)
Creeping baby’s breath (by Hulcekrando)
Chrysanthemum of a Thousand Winters (by Hulcekrando)
Autumn crocus (by Hulcekrando)
My delicate edelweiss (by Hulcekrando)
Slithering pansy (by Hulcekrando)
She was originally a closeted lesbian, but later became bisexual.
Her birthday is August 26th (Virgo)
Her blood type is B-
She’s allergic to cats, shellfish, egg white, and balsam of Peru.
She's an avatar of Volczebuthrija X’Uylmaboskezirg and an unknown vengeance god
In regards to her ethnicity, she’s 37.5% Scottish, 25% British, 12.5% French, 12.5% German, and 12.5% Spanish.
Her father believed that her psychic abilities are a result of a “family curse” that reigned from his bloodline. It usually affects every third generation of females, but that’s more of an estimate than actual biological fact.
She originally had an older sister, but Broghalenius killed her after she turned 2-years-old in fear of her possessing the “family curse”.
Lobaszewinth would dress her up as a boy because she deeply feared that her father would kill her in order to suppress the “family curse”.
When she was a young child, she would often leave her mansion to explore the local peaceful forest surrounding the farmland of the nobility, read underneath a lone weeping maple on the southwestern outskirts of her kingdom, and play with the local kids.
Hirmenogaldus has a legend that frames her as a male knight with shimmering auburn hair and golden armour gleams with the morning sun. He defeated a tarasque that terrorised the British Isles with ease. This knight destroyed its spiky shell with a mere swing of his claymore and deprived the beast of its vision and ability to breathe, beheading it shortly after.
She calls her draconic helmet the wyvern’s cursed helm.
Her claymore is called Kigamozertus, which means “stiffness of death” in the Æylphitus language. It's named that due to causing swift decay to a living being once slain, absorbing their soul when their sinful blood touches it.
It's believed that her claymore belonged to a destroyer angel. Only people who have a suitable mind and a full paranormal psyche can handle such a blade. When a regular being tries to wield it, the claymore transfers its desire to kill sinful and absolutely vile creatures to them. It’ll put them into a bloodthirsty and destructive frenzy until they stop using it.
She likes cute and exotic animals, seal fur, cleanliness, young children, the sound of string instruments, drinking booze with her friends and comrades, daybreak, swampy environments, burning embers, and intricate tapestry.
She dislikes singing, physical and psychological torture, being touched without permission, the feeling of “shallow accomplishment”, muddy puddles, dissatisfaction, impenetrable darkness, treading through snow, pestilence, and famine.
Her hobbies consist of jousting, horseback riding, making flower crowns, slaying monsters, reading, cloud- and star-gazing, and playing her cittern. She also enjoys collecting porcelain ceramics, tea flavours and spices from around the world, rare swords, souvenirs from her travels, and exotic animal skins.
Out of all tea flavours and spices, she likes black tea and asafoetida.
She finds all animals quite fascinating in regards to their behaviours and biology. If she had to choose a favourite, it would either be the western capercaillie, great spotted woodpecker, garden tiger moth, red deer, great tit, or Atlantic puffin.
Her favourite flowers are the bluebell, peony, cowslip, dog-rose, and early-purple orchid.
Her favourite comfort foods are tayberries, cranachan, rumbledethumps, cullen skink, Forfar bridie, tattie scone, and Flies’ graveyard.
Her favourite colours are the blue dye that woad leaves produce and the orange-yellow petals of a pot marigold.
Her biggest pet peeves consist of people who purposely ignore boundaries, rudeness in general, bad personal hygiene, losing things, loud noises, and one-uppers.
She used to have an actual curly bowl cut before she decided to let her hair grow out as a way for her to separate herself from her traumatic past.
For a short period of her life, she was quite racist and discriminatory against mages due to her religious and white supremacist upbringing. However, that drastically changed after experiencing a fair share of abuse, gaining a better understanding of their struggles. She deeply regrets the verbal and physical harm she was tasked and socially expected to do against minorities and mages.
She has honed her ability to move unseen and strike from the shadows, a skill learned from her troubled past when she resorted to stealing bread and catching fish.
Hirmenogaldus can decipher forgotten languages and ancient texts, unlocking secrets and uncovering hidden knowledge.
She’s an accomplished equestrian, able to ride with precision and speed, making her a formidable cavalry warrior.
She’s haunted by recurring visions of her fallen comrades, the catastrophic event that led to her former mercenary group’s downfall, and all of the verbal and physical abuse she has suffered over the years.
She has glimpsed fleeting apparitions of her fallen comrades, guiding her towards hidden truths and unspoken dangers.
She has knowledge of basic alchemy, using her skills to craft potions and remedies to aid her on her quest.
She knows how to navigate treacherous terrain, find food, water, and shelter in the wilderness, and treat wounds.
Her resolve is unshakeable, even in the face of overwhelming odds, inspiring allies and intimidating foes.
She has a keen strategic mind, often outmaneuvering her foes and exploiting their weaknesses.
Hirmenogaldus always carries around bandages with her at all times because she’s weary that she’ll get attacked out of nowhere.
She’s obsessed with her own personal hygiene
She has a tendency to judge other people too quickly
She is always looking for new adventures and exciting stuff to engage with
Hirmenogaldus can be somewhat forgetful and doesn’t like to be reminded of things from her past.
She bites her lower lip and the inside of her left cheek a lot.
She has fairly quick reflexes
She has an unusually high tolerance for physical pain
Hirmenogaldus’ guilty pleasure is daydreaming about sinking her bare feet in white sand and looking out to the clear blue ocean, what it would be like to become one with a full-blooded titan, and bathing in a sacred waterfall.
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singswan-springswan · 5 months
Reasons to watch Justice League: War (2014)
free on tubi
absolute banger start with Dry Humor Hal
"Batman is real????"
once again we bring you speculation of Batman Turned Villain?/Is He Abducting Random Civilians Or Is That Just Parademons?
We have Green Lantern thinking Batman's a cryptid right out of the gate then going "wait you're not just some guy in a bat costume, right?" while Batman gives him a deadpan stare and Green Lantern weeps and also they are in the sewers
Bruce "I make it my business to know" Wayne, for your consideration
Billy Batson conning his way into a football game
Billy Batson being a fan of Victor Stone??? and stealing his jersey
Victor is a nice young gentlemen to everyone except his father, with whom he devolves into Indignant Gremlin and will Break Things watch out
Flash and Victor's dad being friends
poor Barry went and got burritos for EVERYONE and SOMEONE STOLE HIS
Green Lantern and Batman already hate each other's guts
Bruce stole Green Lantern's ring just to be feral and made fun of him for it
✨Utility Belt✨
space cop Green Lantern
Superman's costume is so sexy
testosterone overdose with Green Lantern, Batman, and Superman all in the same scene: 368 dead, 1,590 injured. Obligatory catfight between those three while also there are hostile parademon soldiers flying around everywhere
Bruce stopping Superman in his tracks by saying his name quietly
Clark just staring at Batman for a second, then: "Bruce Wayne??"
"who's Bruce Wayne?" help
Diana publicly coerces a man into admitting that he cross-dresses as her and it makes him feel powerful while standing in the middle of a hostile mob on her way to meet the american president
3 seconds later she decides to ditch the president and go get ice cream
Diana thinks ice cream is The Best
Diana makes friends with Hannah and adopts her on the spot
🚨Flash and Green Lantern bromance!!🚨
"Batman is real????"
Diana is Bloodthirsty.
oops victor got yeeted. maybe he shouldn't have touched that glowing alien space box in his dad's lab
Billy's gonna fight demons in his backyard alone at night with a baseball bat which in no way seems saf--⚡SHAZAM⚡
squad is so lit my dudes
actually they are so cool together
the writers were clearly Clark/Diana shippers because man there was SO MUCH chemistry between those two
Diana gets to stab Darkseid in the eyeball with her sword :3
Barry gets to stab the other eyeball with a crowbar :3
Batman tells Green Lantern he's normal and then disguises himself as a civilian in .002 seconds and promptly hitches a ride on a parademon like he's hailing a fricking taxi and gets carried off into the night, leaving the rest of the heroes to hold the line while he tries to rescue Superman from wherever he got portal-ed off to single-handedly BRUCE SHUT UP
Green Lantern is really bad at giving speeches. but like. it's funny
Everyone kicks alien butt
Bruce does, in fact, end up saving Superman single-handedly
Victor is soooo OP
Diana punches Captain Marvel through a wall and shoves her sword in his face and says "you are a warrior, not a child! act like it!" LIKE NO MA'AM HE'S LITERALLY TEN YEARS OLD
Captain Marvel does not stop flirting with Diana throughout the time they work together
Green Lantern said "I like trains"
lads I am not joking about how cool the squad is
Victor has bad reception so he flies into the clouds. pray
Victor finds out Captain Marvel is actually an infant and lets him keep the jersey. Billy cracks jokes about his arm being a cannon
Diana calls them all gods. she said Batman is Hades. send help.
Sean Astin voices Captain Marvel
I'm not the biggest fan of the way they drew Superman's face. it's too shaped. BUT the rest of the animation is so spirited and vibrant. storyboard and choreography is phenomenal, not to mention the cinematography! amazing animation
Batman, to Green Lantern: let them think we're friends so the cops don't get me
dialogue is so much fun and so rich. no lines wasted. full to bursting with wit and humor
exposition is breathtaking, considering the time frame they were working with. I'm honestly floored. they took an hour of screen time and made it feel more than twice as long. holy kriff, that's some masterful storytelling right there
this film had more character development for a cast of seven than most modern movies--and some shows--have for one character
excellent voice acting
completely stand-alone; can be watched and thoroughly enjoyed without any prior knowledge
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bagofjax · 8 months
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im behind again- cringetober day 14, candy gore! only I feel like i went a liiittle overkill
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falloutconfessions · 1 year
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“Well I have a sawed off shotgun as my weapon in the game and it’s pretty brutal up close and personal.”
Fallout Confessions
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kindof-amess · 1 year
Hi I just finished Hell Followed With Us and...
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Yeah. I'm like. Frothing at the mouth. I read it in like two days, but I'm probably gonna read it again but slower before I return it to the library. I will eventually buy my own copy because I love this and want to own it forever but when I have book buying money. ANYWAY, I fucking loved it and need people to scream about it with.
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periores · 8 months
Cringetober day14
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I was wondering who to draw for today then a friend on a group chat
Recommended this moshi monster
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einsteinsugly · 15 days
Would you ever write an Eric/Donna story that's like, just about Eric and Donna? Not about your verse? I'm sorry I just can't get into it.
Look on AO3. I have some pre-canon stuff (Memory Lane), and the stuff that's early on in my verse (Time of Troubles, 1980-5) isn't as politically/emotionally heavy (well, beyond fixing season 8). I also have my Little Women verse, too. And if you're just uncomfortable with the As The World Burns stuff, just skip the 2001-4 bit and Choices (2007, an E/D plot you may not like), and you're good.
I get where you're coming from. I feel the same way about T9S, too, as well as other reboots. They stripped so much of the original show (JH, Betsy, etc), and ruined a solid chunk of the characters. My verse has some uncomfortable stuff, much like the early seasons of the show, but it stays true to the characters. So there's that, at least.
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strve4bnes · 2 months
post-surgery bloat is going down maybe i don’t have to k!ll myself 🤗
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warpdaisy · 8 months
🚨‼️ TW: GORE // BLOOD ‼️🚨
Day 1 of Goretober: disembowelment 🐑🎀
I’m going to try my best to keep up with this through the month both to challenge myself with consistency, but also to tap back into actually having fun making art again. I used to draw lots of edgy, gorey stuff when I was a teen and it was always such a release. Maybe this will help me while I process some of the heavy stuff I’m going through, like deconstructing my faith and going through therapy.
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trolls-confessions · 2 months
can't wait to read whatever jd miscarriage fic they've put in your inbox this time!!!
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forrestghostss · 5 months
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Just tape it back up
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stillhere-erehllits · 4 months
I’ve been combing through memories, fine toothed, untangling instances gummed up in fear. I heard my bodily “no” so many times and force the feeling down — let it echo — still ringing. It is girlhood to sit through the pain over and over, and somehow, still stunned to hear the language of it whisper back.
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Mafia chain & blind child
**Tag @luimagines and @thesoftieanon **
((In case I forgot to Tag the two))
Chapter 0
The woods is fill with wild life and freshly fallen snow is ont the ground covering the once green grass now underneath the white snow. As lone wolf walk on the fresh snow clearly hunting but he have his eyes set on a elk that is moving the snow to get to the grass. The wolf move slow to get closer to the elk without alarm it. The elk lean down to going to eat the grass but the elk feel pain on its neck that it make noises trying to get the wolf off but fails every moments. The wolf growling Jaws around tightly on the elk neck and not letting go but the wolf have to end this quickly since he need to get back to make sure his owner is safe since this is the beginning of winter and not warm anymore so the wolf snap his Jaws on the elk neck were its pulses,trachea and neck bone is broke it as the elk let out its last breath and fell down but the wolf let go and dodge the dead elk to not be crushed just in time.
The wolf look at his kill and bite on the already dead elk to start dragging it back before any other wolf pack or predator can notice that he's here. He needs to return to his owner with food and to make sure their don't get too cold too as he continues to drag the kill.
The child flinch again as a bottle smash right next to their head that the poor blind child couldn't help but flinch and cover their ears to the noise and shaking in fear. As the child feel the rough and loud footsteps walking their way that they have to put their hands down but holding onto to their dirty,rip up shirt as the footsteps stop infront the child that they knew that their father is in a very bad mood again but close their blind eyes to felt his rough, cold hand grip hard on their hair making their title their head back as the child bite on their own tongue to not make a noise.
Father: you're supposed to get me money out in the city but you come back with only five dollars!
The child didn't dare speak since it'll only make him more angry plus there wasn't alot pf people this morning at were they went too plus wolfie didn't want them to go alone in the cold....
The man tsk let go the blind child hair but he lift his hand up to slap the child across the face hard as a loud slap noise is heard in the room but he doesn't care and he go back to his chair to open another bottle of alcohol to drink it.
Father: get the fuck out my house and dont forgetto feed that mask magic of you, since you couldn't do one simply thing but feed magic to that mask. Heh, cant believe it's so easy to grab too. I can make alot of money to him.
The child raise their hand to their left cheek were the slap have made contact but they took a quiet breath in order not to shed tears.
Child: okay father-
Father: you will call me "sir or master" not father. I'm not your fucking father, I took you the worthless bastard's child. Do I make myself clear brat?!
The child shiver to the yelling again and grip tightly on their shirt that their knuckles Starr to turn white but the child slow nod and say "yes sir" then turn to put their hand on the house wall to use it as a guild to leave the livingroom to enter the small hallway and the child slow walk to were they know by now where the stairs at and slowly walk up those steps but with great difficulty thank to their father rough beating last night so walking up the stairs is difficult but did reach the top to be infront of a close door were the mask is inside but the child shivering to feel its powerful magic presence is coming through the door. The child took a moment to clam themselves and reach their hand up while have to be on their tip toes in order to twist the doorknob as the door creak open. Child put their tiny hands on the door to push it open more and now feel the mask magic more that they froze in place but have to walk in the room and inside the room have marking, strange symbols covering the walls, ceiling floor even the door but the child couldn't see but knows that as they step closer to the center of the room were the mask is ontop of the small table. The child take a few steps inside the room leaving the door open and suddenly they grip their head and fell down to their knees whimpering quietly to themselves. Feeling the mask magic even more yet it stopped but the child have a headache but ears twitch to heard something and turn around if it's possible their father coming up but they hear nothing and they have a confused face on.
Were am i?? Whats your name child?
The child shiver to hear a man voice sound powerful,old In a way that's ancient yet the child knows fully that their physical alone in this room and father downstairs the child think then hear again the man hum that it echo through their head but strangely no headache??
Well child?
The child slow yet softly say their have no name since their father didn't name them and also say that he's inside of a weird room. The child say the best they can since they're blind so can't really see much but can hear very well.
The man voice stay slient for a moment, the deity doesn't know on what to do in this situation and speaking through a child mind. The deity though wanted to make sure who he's speaking to is actually a child so he'll ask the child for their age but secretly use his power to be in the child mind.
Child: oh? My age? Um I'm seven sir-
The child grip their head in pain but unknowingly to the child their magic abilities appear kick the deity out the child mind that the child's magic did a small burst leaving the room walls have deep cuts by wind and small pieces of wood with markings and symbols fell to the floor around them but the deity himself is shocked.
The child rub their head to try numb the pain away on their head as their hair go messy by the child hands but the child stop to hear the man voice again.
I apologize, I wanted to make sure your really who you say you are. Let me introduce myself, I'm what you hyrulian called fierce deity also I'm known as the God of war.
The child listened without interruption and title their head a bit .
Child: um fierce-
Father: were the fuck you go brat!!?
The child quietly yip to hear their father drunken voice and how angry he is that the child is shaking to now realize that they took too long and fear start to enter their body but the child hear the deity hum in their mind.
Fierce deity: child put on the mask now. I'll protect you from him. I'll bring you somewhere that is safe.
The child hear and also hear their father drunken walking up the steps that the child body move on their own to head were they know were the mask is and reach over with both hands to pick up the mask. The deity himself can feel the child pressure and their overwhelming magic energy but seeing through the mask to see for the first time a tiny child look almost sick like and their body looks to be covered in horrible burns and what looks like bruises too and a red hand mark on their cheek that the Fierce felt rage of his rising like before but he need to clam himself in order not to scare this child but watch as the drunken man came in and seeing the child have the mask in their hands that he glare at the child.
Father: put the mask back.
The child shiver and shake their head no but the child let out a loud cry of pain to feel something throw roughly on the child and sound of it break that the child oit of fear put on the mask and the drunken man yell out no as a flash of light flash the room.
The drunken man cover his eyes from the flash but once the flash dissapeared, he lower his arms but a strong hand grab the drunk father throat chocking him yet lift the drunk father off the floor as the drunken father look to were he supposed to see the child but he gasp in fear to see the full body, the Fierce deity and the man try to free himself but the Fierce deity have rage but he remain clam and without hesitant he throw the drunken man hard to the wall trap him in place as the deity look around the room to see what it was then walked out the room ignore the man calls and seeing the whole house and the state that it's in that the deity felt disgusted that this child have been surviving this house for so long and the conditions they were in but he have one thing in his mind and that's to return to the house of chain *the heros of courage * but the deity grab the doorknob and try to twist it to open but accidentally rip off the door from its hinges and doorframe the deity just throw the door in the next room and walk out but was stopped to see a wolf by the house with a kill elk and can feel the child familiar magic on the wolf but the wolf seeing him. The wolf growling and deity sign now have to somehow get the wolf trust and figure out were to go too.
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