#MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING to this movie though
pastasilly · 2 years
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just finished watching unicorn wars for the 5th time omg
yeah ik i made an oc whos also a pastor, they’re kinda just a form of assistance to padre in a way also the way how azulin x pompon is implied was absolutely bonkers
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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privately-andre · 1 year
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- Boys (Jongens)
Two teen runner athletes discover their sexualities while forming a beautiful friendship. IMDb: 7.4 My rating: 7/10
- North Sea Texas
Young Pim experiences his firsts with his best friend / next door Gino. IMDb: 7.1 My own Rating: 9/10
Ps: The end scene is incredible ;)
- The Way He Looks
Leonardo is a blind teen. Everything changes when a new boy arrives at school. They form an amazing bond really fast. IMDb: 7.9 My own Rating: 7/10
Ps: the sweatshirt scene !
- Centre Of My World
Phil is a classic twink. He falls in love with the newbie cool boy. IMDb: 7.2 My own Rating: 5/10
Ps: fuck this newbie to be honest.
- Seashore (Beira-Mar)
Two teens travel to countryside just two of them and question their friendship (or their love?) IMDb: 6 My own Rating: 7/10
- Just Friends
Two young men from different cultural backgrounds try to be together without their mothers approval. IMDb : 7.2 My own Rating: 6/10
- Love, Simon
Simon has a secret. He is gay! And he is also in love with an anonymous guy he met online. IMDb: 7.5 My own Rating: 6/10
- Handsome Devil
Ned is gay and he has to share a bedroom with hot rugby player Conor. (They do not become lovers) IMDb: 7 My own Rating: 7/10
- Summer Storm
Tobi realises he is in love with his best friend. This tests their relationship. IMDb: 7.3 My own Rating: 5/10
- Heartstone
A boy falls in love with his best mate in a very homophobic town in Iceland while his best mate falls in love with a girl. IMDb: 7.4 My own Rating: 6/10
Ps: not enough gayness…
- Sublime
Manuel and his friends have an indie band. Then he starts to fall for his band mate Felipe. They are also best friends… IMDb: 6.6 My own Rating: 7/10
Ps: the song used in this movie is so cool also the movie has an open ending.
- Summer of 85 (Été 85)
Alexis’ boats turns upside down when a storm breaks. He is saved by David. Then they start dating. IMDb: 6.9 My own Rating: 6/10
Ps: this movie was hilariously funny to me as a francophone even though it has major character death!
- I Killed My Mother (J’ai tué ma mère)
Hubert is a teen gay and has MASSIVE problems with his mom.. IMDb: 7.4 My own Rating: 7/10
- Prora
Two young boys decide to visit an abandoned Nazi holiday camp called Prora after a great party night. They test their relationship there. IMDb: 7.2 My own Rating: 9/10
Ps: the only bad thing about this movie is that it’s a short film.
- Departure
Elliot and his horny milf mother goes to their holiday house in france after his parent’s divorce. He meets a young french boy there and fucks a carrot. (I know I don’t sound serious :D) IMDb: 6.6 My own Rating: 2/10
Ps: I have no idea why they filmed this it’s so shit. Alex Lawther’s acting is horrible although I love Phénix Brossard here.
- Punch
Jim is a boxer forced by his father. He meets Whetu a gay Māori boy. He discovers his sexuality in the most beautiful way. IMDb: 6.4 My own Rating: 8/10
Ps: Trigger warning ❗️ Rape. (I wish I knew this before watching so I’m warning you)
- As You Are
Set in 1990’s. Young boy Jack falls in love with his new step brother Mark who is a crack head . They become friends with Sarah. These three kids go through rough times. IMDb: 6.5 My own Rating: 5/10
Ps: Acting is good but the plot is not well build.
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physalian · 8 months
Writing Tone in Fiction (Or, Pacing your Story, Part 2)
See this post all about pacing and as the two go hand-in-hand. If you read that, I may repeat myself a little here. Tone, and how abruptly you change it, how radically you change it, and how you break it whether on purpose or on accident says a lot about your experience as a writer, and how well you planned out your plot.
**Trigger warning for mentions of mature themes**
What is Tone?
“Tone” is the maturity of the work, signaling whether or not your characters have to censor themselves for young readers. It’s also restricted by the genre, whether this is a comedy and what kind – slapstick or gross-out humor – or a scary movie about ghosts, but not graphic body horror. It sets expectations about the amount and degree of romance readers can expect, if the scene will fade to black before anything happens or if you’re in for a raunchy sex scene, or somewhere in the middle. It also helps audiences gauge whether or not characters can die in this universe, and how graphically if they do beyond Disney’s tried and true “villain falling ambiguously from a tall height” deaths.
OSP recently did a piece on Tone Armor, a device similar to but less obvious than Plot Armor where the established tone means that, no matter how dire the circumstances, your hero won’t actually die, the world won’t actually end, and a happily ever after is on the horizon. Red also discussed what happens when you break your established tone with the shocking death or mistreatment of a character, but more on that later.
How to Decide Your Tone
Depending on your genre and intended audience, content for younger readers demand quite a bit of censorship (though can get away with many, many things worse than death). In the US at least, movies go through the MPAA rating system to determine what’s permitted by the rating given – how many swear words, whether you can show blood, topless women, graphic assault, graphic violence, if and how characters can be killed or how gummy and resistant to damage their bodies are.
If you’re writing for children, you both have less freedom to write violent carnage, and more freedom to get really creative within the limits of your tone box. I can expect the kid protagonists of my fantasy adventure to murder countless monsters that dissolve into gold dust, not bloody carcasses. I can expect the villain to perhaps die from a stab wound, but probably not get decapitated, disemboweled, or drawn and quartered, at least, not ‘on screen’.
If you’re writing for adults, adults do still expect a warning for how graphic anything can be, whether that’s sex scenes, fight scenes, murders, assaults, bloody battles, garish injuries, dead pets, dead children, etc.
Unless you’re already planning to break your tone, you need to know fairly early on whereabouts you want to set those expectations. If none of the characters even allude to sex and you write in a graphic assault, your audience is going to be pissed, and horrified. If none of your characters even allude to sex, and you hint that one was assaulted off-screen, you will still upset your audience if you don’t give them time to prepare for the possibility.
You can soften the violence and graphic content you’ve previously established and few might complain about it not being gritty enough, but going the other direction puts you in a very precarious position. Choosing more mature themes will inevitably alienate younger readers, those with triggers, and those that just want to have a lighthearted good time. The trade off? You’ll invite readers with a work that’s exactly what they’re looking for.
Establishing a Tone
I’m writing this post today because I finally sat down to watch Game of Thrones. One can’t avoid spoilers for a series as massive as that, so I was prepared for the graphic violence, all the gratuitous sex, the infamous Red Wedding, murdered kids, horribly bloody battles, and the like. GoT, the TV adaptation at least as I can’t speak to the books, establishes exactly what to expect in the very first scene: Three people happen upon the site of a graphic mass murder, limbs and body parts strewn everywhere, kids among them, who come back to life as ice zombies to kill them.
That episode continues with a beheading, incest, more incest, attempted child murder via defenestration, a brother selling his little sister into marriage, rampant nudity, and… I’m sure I missed something.
**Spoiler Alert for Season 4**
What I was not at all prepared for was the graphic death of Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal). It’s quick, it’s violent, it’s graphic and gruesome and incredibly well-acted… it was also far more horrifying than the Red Wedding, at least to me. Murder is murder but the way this character went out almost had me quit watching right then and there. Google at your leisure.
It wasn’t necessarily outside the realm of possibility, but most everyone else died via stabbing, arrows, beheading, burning, falling, eaten by wolves, crushed, etc. This was deeply unsettling, particularly because it’s live action, not a cartoon like Invincible.
It did its job, and it’s the only moment to feature in nightmares and make me lose my appetite, so… well done? In the following Previouslies (correct me on the actual word) they don’t even show it, cutting around the actual moment because it’s just that horrible.
This was four seasons into an eight season show and nothing like it had happened before. In a tone already as dark and explicit as TV can get, poor Oberyn pushed it over the edge entirely. It broke the established tone.
Amazon’s The Boys treads the same very thin line, only these people have superpowers for a whole new level of deeply disturbed body horror.
So, when you’re establishing a tone in the realm of “less graphic than Game of Thrones but still terrible,” you can go one of two ways: Horrify your audience straight out of the gate, or slowly creep up to it with allusions and hints until they’re fully prepared for it when it hits.
If your characters have free reign of every swear in the dictionary, start with the “f*cks” and “sh*ts” as quickly as you can as part of their vocabulary, whether you intend to use the words sparingly or after every other word in their dialogue.
If you’re writing a multi-series work that intends to ramp up the rating as it goes, you don’t have to cold open with a murder, but establishing that characters do at least die in this world is a start. Establish that assault happens in the background, that killing happens, or animal cruelty. Your readers with triggers will thank you for it and read something else.
Unless you intend to shatter the tone and shock your audience with it later.
Breaking Tone via Killing Characters
The most effective tonal breakage I can think of that wasn’t even graphic, just dark and incredibly well done: Disney’s animated Mulan. The movie had been your standard Disney musical complete with grand animation for its sing-along song. Soldiers singing, dancing, laughing as they march off to war, all for a girl worth fighting—
The singing stops. The score stops. Their smiles drop. Cut to the scene before them that has murdered this Disney musical in cold blood and it’s a decimated battlefield, the snow-covered and burned bodies of their far better trained and more competent fellow soldiers, and the love interest’s father.
Mulan only briefly reprises one track in the climax, but otherwise, this happy-go-lucky sing-along has rudely and horrifyingly become a war movie. It’s still Disney, so it doesn’t get violent or graphic, but they shattered the tone in glorious fashion.
Breaking tone happens all the time, for minor events and major character deaths. It doesn’t become an issue of “you just alienated your audience” unless the tonal breakage is the aforementioned sudden graphic assault or other sensitive triggers.
Major character deaths are a whole separate monster to tackle and I’d like to, but for today’s purposes I’m talking about killing major characters when the possibility of any of our heroes dying was never established.
For anyone who never read Lord of the Rings and didn’t know the curse of anyone played by Sean Bean, losing Gandalf to another ambiguous high fall was one thing, but Boromir straight up dies in battle. Sure the story is surrounded by death and darkness but you expect heroes in a world like this to have some pretty hefty plot armor – and Boromir had so much room left to grow. In the grand scheme of the story, though, Boromir’s death was as far from shock value fodder as possible.
Sirius Black is another heartbreaking loss, but not entirely outside the realm of possibility – killing off Ron or Hermione would have been. Any mentor figure is automatically doomed with rare exception, especially ones in fatherly roles.
Bianca di Angelo is a different matter. She’s not the first death mentioned in Percy Jackson but she’s a brand new character and despite all the dangers the heroes have already been through and the warnings from the prophecy, actually killing her off for good broke the tone. Suddenly this war was real and there were lasting consequences.
Game of Thrones’ “Red Wedding” didn’t just shock audiences because a bunch of people died, it was which people that died. Robb Stark, eldest son and heir to Sean Bean (so of course he’s dead) and one of the siblings of the “hero” family had been leading a war effort to rescue and then avenge his father. He gets betrayed and murdered, along with his mother and a fair chunk of his army, caught by surprise at a wedding, because he broke an oath and married for love instead.
I knew of the scene and knew that Catelyn Stark was there just from the one time I’d seen the clip years ago, and as it got closer I worried it was Robb’s wedding, but I still wasn’t prepared for the death of the hero of the show. Jon’s off in the north doing his own thing and so is Danaerys. This was the bright-eyed usurper, the avenger, the never-lost-a-battle upstart. No author would ever kill that hero.
They’d established that anyone can die, similar to the Walking Dead in some ways, but this was a whole new level of boldness, killing off Robb. At the time of this post, I haven’t seen past season 4, but I know more deaths are coming.
Deciding to murder your hero, in any other story, would not go over well with your audience. Killing any major character is a decision that should be made with a deep understanding of the consequences or else you end up like Walking Dead after they killed Carl for shock value and never recovered their audience viewership.
It’s not just dead protagonists, it can be worldly tragedies, the heroes actually losing a battle, or the war, a uniquely horrifying monster or cryptid or villainous act. Or it can be a character beginning to contemplate self-harm and possibly attempting to end their own lives. It can be the reveal of an abusive relative, or an incestuous relationship. It can be mental health problems, sudden and un-curable disease and disability.
It can be less-dire things too, but I’m not much for writing comedy.
Tone, like pacing, doesn’t have to remain consistent throughout the entire story. If it’s a lighthearted comedy, let it stay a lighthearted comedy if you want to. You can change tone progressively, with hints and near-misses, or drop a bomb on your audience with a big reveal. What you do and how you implement it is entirely dependant on the story you’re writing.
Most audiences expect a book that isn’t written for elementary schoolers to mature over time and most genres come with set understandings. But hey, I hear Animorphs can get incredibly dark with a bunch of mature themes.
In general, killing a character just for shock value is rarely worth it in the long run. In general, writing in triggering subjects without warning to an audience that wasn’t prepared for it also isn’t worth it in the long run — save it for a different book.
If fanfiction authors leave author’s notes everywhere warning about the subject matter ahead, published authors can do the same, in my opinion. Content warnings should be a thing and it doesn’t have to spoil the surprise. Include it as a forward to your book, letting potential readers know that such and such work they’re considering spending real money on contains mentions of, or explicit depictions of, any and all mature and sensitive themes. You never know who’s out there picking up your book expecting a good time. Do right by them and give a little heads up and you might gain a fan you wouldn’t have otherwise.
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crmsnmth · 7 months
I guess I wasn't clear enough on the third version, so here's Version 4 Introductions are stupid. Hi. How goes it? Here's a little blurb of what I'm all about. I'm 36. I live in a small-town of about 2000 people in the center of the state of Wisconsin. It is not even close to as glamorous as it sounds. I've lived in quite a few other places though, but I guess it's true that we always go home. I work as a kitchen manager/EC. I've been working in the kitchen on and off for most of my working life. My first job was a cashier at a certain fast food pizza place that makes rectangle pizzas. That aren't good, but the breadsticks always kicked ass.
I am a massive music fan (it's playing right now) and when I tell you I listen to all music, believe me when I say all music. My main daily playlist is always growing and includes everything from iwrestledabearonce to Katy Perry (listen to her unplugged album. Kissed a Girl as a jazz type thing is beautiful) to Atmosphere to Miley Cyrus to Alan Jackson to Dying Fetus. My favorite band is Descendents with Amigo The Devil and Frank Turner coming very close to that coveted spot. I am a major horror fan, and I don't think I own a single t-shirt that isn't somehow horror related. I'm a sucker for the 80's slashers. I've seen every Friday the 13th movie enough times that if you ever watch them with me, I will annoy you by quoting the lines throughout the whole movie. I am Bipolar. Type 1. I am a raging cynic.
I am an addict in (long-term) recovery. I am sober. I write more than any sane person does, but I never once claimed to be sane. I write because if I don't, my head will explode. You can think this a metaphor all you want.
I do not write for anyone's approval, not even my own. I do this because it's the only addiction that isn't actively trying to kill me. I do it to get the thoughts out of my head, because if I don't, my head will explode, and I don't really like the idea of my brains splattering around me in a circle. I'd hate to have to clean up that mess. I always love constructive criticism. But please, for the love of all things holy, don't just tell that I suck. I already know that information. It's kind of a big part of my act. Tell me I suck but tell me why I suck. Give me a reason for my suckage. And if you can't do that, then maybe you should just keep your food hole shut.
So what will you find on my tiny drop in the ocean of the internet? You will see bad poetry, and an awful lot of it to be honest. You'll find random drops of fiction or a story I happen to be working on and want some form of opinion on it. I post at least once a day, but can post up to ten or fifteen times a day. And most of it is just your average mundane sad boy bad poetry. And if you see how much I do post, think of how much stuff I have laying around that never gets touched. I have boxes of notebooks, napkins and matchbooks with lines I thought were clever.
So since I write so much, what the hell is it exactly that I write about? That's easy. I'm pretty predictable in the end. So, this stuff: The Girl With Ocean Blue Eyes*, Kid*,The Broken Mirror Girl*, My Junkie Angel*, The Girl From California*, An Ex Band-Mate*, The Drunken Best Fried*, love, lost lovers, hopelessness, isolation, drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, forgotten acquaintances, mental illnesses, rage, hate, rejection, joy, insignificant moments, slices of life, laughter, beauty, self and self-reflection, self-hate, art, other writers, panic, infatuations, obsession, therapy, group homes, rehab, jail, grace, nature, loss, hope, fear, grief, anguish, philosophy, anarchism, nihilism, religion, god, the devil, ugliness, politics, serial killers, cults, suicide, death, destruction, chaos, music, validation, closure, memory, enemies, friends, rock bottom, sex, violence, rock and roll, sin, self-exploration, bipolar disorder, schizoaffecive disorder, pain, self-destruction much more.
Consider this line right here your trigger warning. Please see above to see my chosen subjects, and it should be clear that I will write something that can bring up some feelings. I make music as well for another creative outlet. No, I don't churn out songs like I do the written word, but I love my music and if you would like to tell me how much I suck at it here's the links:
If I come off as extremely depressed in my work, please know that I am fine. I'm good. Ok? Ok.
There, now you know the barest of my bare bones. You want to know anything else, just ask. I'm always happy for the fifteen second interaction. And I always try to interact with those who interact with me, but I am not one to talk first. If you follow me, know that I will most likely follow you back. Unless your space is empty, a bot, or straight-up porn.
*Added 7/2/2024 I get asked about them all time. Yes, I know I'm covered in typos and missing words. I used to try to fix then all but that started to get annoying in here. I apologize for them, but unless thy're pointed out, I'm not fixing them. This is my area right? I'm lazy and you get the meaning of what I'm trying to say.
*Not their real names.
*7/18/2024 Looking for people to read my actual book that I've been working and help with editing and how it looks to other eyes then my own. If interested in the slightest, send me a message and I'll gladly send you the link. I appreciate all the help i can get, as this is the book I would like, if possible, to publish. Thanks in advance If not, that's cool too.
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haikyuu!! the dumpster battle ramblings
saw it earlier today and am going to see it again tomorow with a friend, am very Full Of Thoughts, if u dont wont spoilers for the movie well take this as your warning ig
okay first of all the sound direction, the sound direction was INSANELY good
this is absolutely a movie that needs to be experienced in cinema, the soundscape of tokyo gymnasium and the karasuno v nekoma match felt so vividly real it was like i was at an actual game
the soundtrack was great too, i mean it always is w/ hayashi yuuki
there were i think two tracks that used the leitmotif from 'above', good shit
the animation was also really great, overall it didnt look massively better than season 4 of the anime
which is fine, season 4 looked great imo (minus that outsourced episode)
but holy shit when the sakuga hit it hit HARD
tsukki and lev blocking, kageyama doing his thing, kenma and kuroo's quick, there were lots of really great sakuga moments
they also reused some shots from earlier on in the anime and idk maybe thats 'lazy' or whatever but i liked it, it was very nostalgic :')
they did re-animate and i think re-voice hinata and kenma's first meeting tho, framing it from kenma's POV, loved that
i think my favourite sakuga shot had to be hinata and kenma with the knives at each other's throats tho, that ate
not sure how i didnt know about this before hand but it made perfect sense to me when i saw studio trigger in the end credits, some of the sakuga, esp the blocking, had a bit of that trigger flair to it
so obviously they werent gonna fit in everything from the manga, and the movie definitely had kenma as its focus, but i think overall they did a decent job in picking and chosing what to cut
the one thing im annoyed about is the removal of old coach ukai and coach nekomata's backstory, i really i think it makes the handshake at the end of the game hit that much harder
other than that tho i dont think the movie suffered from not adapting everything in the manga, i mean obviously i wouldve LIKED it, but i dont think the movie NEEDED it to be a good movie
it very much felt like kenma was the main character of the movie, and the main focus, with kuroo and hinata as his deuteragonists
which i liked!!! i think framing the match from kenma's POV for the most part makes sense, and its fun to spend more time in outsider POVs of karasuno
rlly loved the adaptation of kuroo and kenma's childhood flashback, im pretty sure kaji yuuki voiced kid kenma too
watching their friendship grow and seeing them play togther now as high schoolers, AUGH RIGHT IN THE FEELS
theres also a montage of kid kuroo barging into kenma's room to demand they go play volleyball together that ends on kuroo doing so whilst kenma's changing/putting on trousers which was rlly funny and silly
the stuff with kuroo and tsukki was so good too
'thanks to everyone, occasionally it's fun', 'thank god i wasnt wrong', 'he's a man who walks ahead of me'
the scene that completely stole my breath away though was kageyama setting the open toss to hinata
i know ive already lost my mind over the whole 'threat of trust' thing and truly, the inarizaki match goes insane with that concept i will always adore it
but holy shit that scene smacked me over the head, HARD, with the concept of 'setting as a love language'
i just... i literally dont even have words for it it was SO amazingly good, i legitimately teared up in the cinema
speaking of other great scenes;
'stay interesting, 'kay?'
they did it perfectly
the music and the soundscape completely cutting out, the background whiting out so its just kenma and the net, kaji yuuki's delivery of the line
it genuinely felt like something out of a horror movie, it was creepy, and unsettling, and PERFECT
hinata's reaction after kenma collapses and says 'that was fun'
murase ayumu's delivery was so VISCERAL, dude got in that booth and CHEERED
you really felt hinata's sheer utter come through in that little scene, same with kuroo's incredulous laugh
the end of the match was slightly a mixed bag for me
on the good hand;
having done from kenma's first person POV was cool, i dont think haikyuu's ever really done that before, and it looked awesome
cutting back on the music and background soundscaping so we just focus on kenma's breathing and the sound of the ball/players jumping/shoes squeaking etc was a great way to really immerse the viewer in the scene, and put us inside kenma's head
on the bad hand;
it was anticlimatic, and i KNOW the whole point of the end of the match is that its anticlimatic,
but i had always imagined the scene with dramatic swelling music and the characters running frantically, only for it to all cut away when the ball slips and all you can hear is kenma's 'ah-' and there'd be a close-up of his facial expression
the stage play did a very similar thing and it worked EXTREMELY well imo
instead by doing it in the first person POV and already not having music it just,,, didnt feel quite as impactful as it shouldve imo??
like the match points for the seijoh, shiratorizawa, or inarizaki matches were done really dramatically
and i know the whole point is that the nekoma match is kinda an outlier in that it ends in that anticlimatic way with the ball slipping, and theres that big beat with hinata calling out 'nice serve' to tanaka before the realisation sets in that theyve won, but jusstttt
idk like it certainly wasnt BAD, i still DEEPLY DEEPLY enjoyed it, but just personally if i'd been the director i wouldve done it differently
also!! because it was from his first person POV we didnt get to see kenma's face on the 'idiot! the ball hasn't dropped yet!!!' line, which was pretty disapointing ngl i rlly love that scene how it is in the manga
ok enough complaining tho back to the infinite list of stuff i loved about the movie
the camera work! good god the camera work was so fucking cool
it really made the space of the gymnasium feel 3d and real, the way the camera would move over and through the net with the ball helped emphasise the physicality of the players and the court
i know jack shit about cinematography but yeah, after the sound design the camera work was prolly the best thing
the post credits scene was great!! daishou trying and failing to neg kuroo cracks me up every damn time
and the set up for the kamomedai match was so hype
speaking of; the very vague forshadowing for hinata's fever of him having flushed cheeks and not being all exhausted after the game like the others, auughhh my heartttt
if he isnt already, this movie will make kenma one of your top 5 haikyuu characters
seriously i love how they switched the perspective and framing so it was a bit more like kenma was the 'main character' of this match and hinata was the 'rival'
overall the movie was cool, creative, and a really clearly loving adaptation, im more than happy to be paying to see it again tmr lol
i'll probably have even more to say after seeing it a 2nd time so tune in for that ig
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lillian-gallows · 11 months
Kinktober Day 31: A/B/O with Steve Harrington
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Harrington x Fem!Omega!Reader Word Count: 1649 Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, P in V sex, Unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it), Lil bit of dirty talk, Lil bit of Somnophilia (Reader wake up with Steve already inside her), Knotting. Kinktober Master(sub)list.
Minors DNI
The door closing behind you felt like it was a clap of thunder directly in your face with how oversensitive your felt.
The whole day had been a mess of problem after problem, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.
If you weren’t getting yelled at by a customer you were getting yelled at by your boss, who already treats you like shit for being an Omega because he hates having to accommodate you, which was really only allowing you days off for your heats but leave it to an Alpha to complain about it like they don’t do the same for their ruts.
You’d been on edge all day, brain in a fog when left to your own devices, but teeth on edge the moment you were addressed. You felt like a livewire in the worst way possible. The lights were too bright, the sounds too loud, the very clothes on your back felt like sandpaper.
It was a miracle that you hadn’t had an emotional breakdown at work, though it had been more than tempting during your breaks and bathroom trips.
“Baby? That you?” Came the sweet voice of your mate from the bedroom.
“Yeah.” You managed to call back as you kicked your shoes off your feet, the sound of his steps getting closer rang from the hallway.
“How was work?” Steve smiled as he came into view, but it sank when he saw the state of you, hair disheveled from running your hands through it, eyes tired, shoulders heavy, and you knew your scent carried the reek of your stress. “Baby, what happened?” He asked as he slowly approached, intending to take you into his arms but giving you the chance to reject the touch if you couldn’t handle it right then.
You fell into him, breathing in his warm Alpha scent like it would fix everything. “Everything…” You grumbled into his chest. “Nothing went right today, and everything feels…Wrong…I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” The sigh that you let out was almost a whimper as the emotions returned to the surface, finally in a space that was safe to release them.
There had been no hesitation on Steve’s part to wrap his arms around you and hold you tight, and you felt him nuzzle his nose into your hair to scent you, then letting out a hum. “I think I know…” He murmured softly.
It took effort but you managed to pull your face from his chest just enough to look up at him. “Hm?”
“Baby, your heat is coming, soon from how sweet you smell…You can’t feel it?” He asked, brow lifted as he examined your face, flushed and a little pallid.
Now that he pointed it out, you could feel it. That explained why all your senses seemed to be set to max, why your emotions were on a hairpin trigger, and why your brain fog had been almost entirely dirty thoughts of him. Everything else was just a bad day made worse.
You pressed your face back into his chest with an annoyed groan. “Of course…Why didn’t I think of that?” You grumbled. You’d have to call your boss and let him know you’d be calling out in the next couple of days for your heat, and he’d bitch about it for half the call and be pissy when you came back.
“No, no. None of that.” Steve said pulling you back from your hiding spot to hold your face in his massive warm hands. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll call your boss for you. If he has anything to say about it, he can say it to me.” How Steve always seemed to read your mind you’d never know, but you were so thankful for it. “For now. How about you go take a nice hot shower while I order us some dinner? Then we can watch movies till bedtime?” He suggested, brown eyes warm with affection.
You couldn’t resist the smile that found your face as you nodded. “That sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” He prodded teasingly, pursing his lips in a mock pout, pulling a giggle from you.
“Yeah.” You confirmed.
“Good. Go on.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, then another to your lips, before letting you go shower.
You and Steve spent that evening relaxing till you slipped into a wonderful sleep, warm and safe and loved.
That sleep was cut short, however, before the sun rose the next morning when you woke to the feeling of fullness as Steve fucked into you from behind, deep rolls of his hips pumping his cock into you slowly, drawing out every sensation.
A raspy moan fled your lips to signal your consciousness, and his hold on you tightened. “Hey, Baby…” He breathed against the back of your neck. “Your heated started while you were sleeping…” He let out a breathy groan as you clenched around him. “Figured this was a better way to wake up than a cramp.” He chuckled breathlessly.
He was right, this was far better than waking up covered in a cold sweat with your lower belly cramping.
He had his arms wrapped around you, one hand massaging your tender breast while the other was buried between your thighs, rubbing slow circles on your clit, and his lips were leaving little marks along the back and side of your neck, saving that one spot you wanted him most for later.
“Fuck…Steve…” You moaned, feeling the first of many orgasms start to wash over you, causing your cunt to grip him like a vice.
He let out a low growl as the sensation, barely keeping himself from cumming, as he continued to pump into you, letting you ride it out.
As quick as it was over, your arousal was back again, body starting round two before round one was even over as slick continued to drench his cock, leaking out to coat your thighs.
“Ngh…Please…More.” You whimpered, tugging at his arm as if to pull him closer even though he was as close a person could possibly get.
But he knew want you wanted. He always knew.
Pulling out of you for a moment, he was immediately met with a protesting sound from you. “I know, I know…You’ll get it again in a second…” He soothed as gentle hands turned you onto your front, pulling your hips up just enough to get a comfortable angle before settling behind you.
There was no teasing, that was for normal sex, not when you needed him with every fiber of your being all the way down to your atoms.
Pushing back into you alleviated the ache that even a few moments without him had caused, and the slow press of his hips made it disappear entirely, the nudge of his not yet full knot against your pussy made you press back into him, body craving it as much as the orgasm that was surely on its way.
A whine from your lips was all the signal Steve needed to know that slow was far from what you wanted or needed, so with his hands gripping your hips, and your own gripping the sheets, he started a punishing pace.
His tip slamming into your cervix while his shaft pressed firmly against your g-spot, it was everything you could do to keep from screaming out with relief, which looked like pressing your face into the bedding to muffle the sound.
But Steve wouldn’t stand for that as his fingers threaded into your hair at the root and pulled, lifting your head from the mattress with a gasp. “Don’t you dare hide that pretty voice, Omega…” He ordered, voice low and commanding, the sound was enough to make you clench around him.
“Steve…Alpha…!” You pleaded on gasping breaths.
“That’s it. Tell the whole world who you belong to, Sweetheart…So good for me…” His hand slipped free of your hair and made its way back between your thighs, determined to see you fall apart on him again when he gave you his knot.
The room was full of your begging voice and the messy slick sounds of where his body met yours, skin slapping skin, his heavy breaths and occasional growls underlining all of it.
It was music to your ears.
The press of his knot soon became insistent as he neared his end, but ever the amazing Alpha, he would see you taken care of first, so his lips ceased their tender trail of kisses to sink teeth into your neck, marking you in the way your body craved so desperately, and driving you clear off the edge of ecstasy.
At the same moment your quivering muscles clamped down on him, he pressed his knot into you, filling you past full of both his cock and his cum, a feeling so warm it bordered on scalding.
Your body continued to milk him for all he was worth for a long handful of moments, slow presses of his hips against yours was all the aid he could offer without risking hurting both of you, but it was more than enough to help both of you ride it out.
Now a puddle of whimpers under him the only word you could murmur was his name like a mantra, body sated for the moment as he turned you back onto your side, settling behind you as he curled his body around yours, careful not to tug the place where you were connected for both your sakes.
“Shh, Sweetheart. Just rest, I’m right here.” He whispered into your hair as his hands trailed up and down your body soothingly, an aftershock spasm causing you to clench around him had him pulling in a shuddery breath.
“Love you, Steve.” You whispered as you came back to yourself.
“I love you too.”
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atom-writings · 2 years
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(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) What they look for in a partner!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N realized that if i want traffic on this account instead of the other i gotta start answering over here. anyway FUN REQUEST!!!! yippee!!!
Trigger Warning: None. Fluff, except for when I might say that your fav prefers someone not like you. But don't worry they still prefer you actually, they told me themselves.
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Alfred is really not that romantically inclined, so the most important thing in a S/O for him is just… being chill and fun.
He’d like a partner that finds his random whims as fun as he does. Someone who would love to go on impromptu road trips and jump in the ocean with all your clothes on!
He really wouldn’t get along well with a S/O that tries to tone him down or constantly tell him no. Being able to reel him in a little bit would be good, but everyone else is always limiting him, he wouldn’t want you to be one of those people.
Another thing he’d absolutely adore is a partner that’s very unique! He doesn’t like being bored, so if you’re weird he’d love it!
Someone who is willing to engage with his interests!!! He will do the same for you happily!!! Go to plane museums and watch silly superhero movies!!!
Overall, Alfred doesn’t really have a type as much as a general vibe he likes in a partner. Someone whose weird, kind, and fun!
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Arthur, unlike Alfred, is very romantically inclined! He would want a S/O that he can have a classic fairytale romance with.
Someone who is patient but also stubborn like him would be ideal. He can get a bit frustrating to deal with, so his S/O has to be… un-steam rollable? His S/O has to be willing to stand their ground and think clearly.
He’d love someone who's quite sarcastic and snarky. His partner should be capable of making fun of others in private without crossing the line into actually being mean.
He loves big romantic gestures! Anyone who is comfortable receiving those as well as doing them for him <3
Anyone who isn’t too sensitive. He’d prefer if the two of you can just tell each other what you want & need bluntly. He tries not to be super blunt, but that often ends up with just more confusion.
Someone who prefers quality time over quantity of time. He tries to be perfect for you, but that can get pretty tiring. If you’re independent, all the better. Don’t worry though, you’ll always be perfect to him, no effort required <3
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Yao has had hundreds of partners, but never for very long. What he really wants is a S/O that isn’t a lot of pressure to be around.
He’d prefer a partner that’s willing to fulfill more of a… stay at home role. He’s very traditional and he finds the outside world stressful enough, he just wants a S/O that can always be calm and consistent.
He’d love a S/O that has older sensibilities like him, but he’d still see the value in a younger partner too. He can deal with being confused all the time, but he’d prefer not to.
Anyone who doesn’t require a lot from him, since he doesn’t want a lot from his partner either. He’s very domestic, and wants to see his partner as a relief from everyone else.
Someone who’s hardworking and honest! He wants to share values with his S/O, and being able to put in the effort while still being humble is a good indicator of that. He finds most upper-class people to be stuck up, so he would prefer a partner unlike those people.
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Francis really does not have any specific type. Trying to find any overarching theme with his past partners is impossible- all he wants is someone interesting!
He’d really love someone he can hold an intelligent conversation with. He may seem dense, but he loves discussing art and literature. A S/O who loves to do that would be perfect!
He’d prefer a partner that loves doing exciting things! Whether that be creating a massive painting with him, visiting China on a whim, opening a restaurant together, or else, he just wants to have lots of incredible experiences with you.
Someone who doesn’t tease or question him when he’s vulnerable. Being completely honest is hard for him, so a comforting S/O is exactly what he needs.
He’d like for his partner to not rely on him too much. Being independent but still close is his ideal relationship!
Anyone who has tons of interests! He loves sharing his own life and fascinations with you, so he’d like you to do the same. He finds your unique perspective on everything to be incredibly interesting.
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Ivan only really values one thing in a partner. Loyalty! The most important thing in a S/O for him is just being able to trust that they’ll stay.
He’d love a partner that is just incredibly kind! If his S/O was overly snarky, rude, or otherwise, he’d worry that they’d turn on him one day.
Anyone who doesn’t pressure him to change too much. He wants to get better for you, but knowing you’re upset with him makes it worse. He’s very set in his ways. 
Someone who doesn’t require a lot from him, romantic-wise. He’d prefer to go on a drive around St. Petersburg or sit in front of the fire reading, rather than go to a fancy restaurant or travel.
But other than that, he’d prefer someone very different. Be that because they’re loud, super chill, hyper, deathly quiet, or otherwise. He finds the company of someone most don’t like to be most comforting. Society doesn’t like him either, you’re meant to be together!
Someone who can get along with his sisters-
Most importantly, someone who likes him just the way he is! He really just wants a partner that’ll stay, won’t make fun of him, and won’t be scared by him.
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Feliciano is also a simple man, he doesn’t care what his S/O is like as long as they truly love him for him. Cowardice, awkwardness, and clumsiness and all.
He’s a very traditionally romantic guy, so a S/O that can appreciate those things would be perfect!
He’d prefer someone he doesn’t have to have a lot of conflict with. Someone who’s easy-going like him! Fighting makes him cry and he really doesn’t know how to resolve conflict…
Someone who loves his country!!! He’s very proud of it and wants to show you every little part, along with 6-hour backstories accompanying it-
He’d love a S/O that’s strong unlike him. Someone who’s tough (emotionally or physically) while still being kind would literally be like a dream to him. He finds the most beauty in people that he knows he could never be like.
Anyone that isn’t overly sarcastic and blunt. He can find it funny sometimes, but often it ends up making him insecure. He’d prefer a partner that loves fully and unironically!
He doesn’t really care about anything other than that. All he wants is a non-complicated, loving relationship!
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Ludwig doesn’t have anything specific he looks for, but he would love a S/O whose responsible like him while still being more easy-going.
Anyone who is consistent, always willing to just listen to him talk through his problems.
His partner would have to get along with his friends. That’s something that’s very important to him. He’d love if you guys were all friends, but if you’re only able to be passively friendly that’d be fine too.
Someone who doesn’t put all the pressure on him like everyone else does! He’d prefer if he doesn’t have to take care of or stress out about you, at least not for an extended period of time.
He’d love a partner that doesn’t try to change him. He admits that he can stand to loosen up and improve in a lot of areas, but pressuring him to do so makes it worse! You can trust that’ll try to get better on his own time, don’t worry.
Anyone who can tease him without hurting his feelings! In private, he’s rather jovial so I imagine you two would have a pretty light-hearted, funny repertoire. Just as long as it doesn’t get too serious.
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Kiku, unsurprisingly, has relatively high standards for how his S/O is. He’s a very particular person, and he would like his S/O to meet those particulars. But of course, he’s still willing to make exceptions <3
At first, he’d find a S/O that’s more blunt and clear quite stressful, but he quickly realizes that it’s a great trait! Someone has to be able to speak up for the two of you.
He’d love a partner that he can sit in silence with. Him, reading manga or writing, while you play video games or whatever you want to be doing. He prefers just being in your presence over constantly having to engage with each other.
He doesn’t care much for a super independent S/O, but he wouldn’t mind it. He’d prefer that you two are like two halves of a whole. Your attachment is easy, no stress. Kiku would love to just do everything together, regardless of whether or not you’re talking during.
Someone who doesn’t judge him for his interests or his … nonchalant reactions to things. He gets embarrassed easily, so sometimes even teasing is overwhelming. He wouldn’t ever question you, so he’d appreciate the same.
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miscfandomwrites · 8 months
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This was an interesting request. I was asked to do Natasha with a panic disorder, though there are PTSD flashbacks included with these. I noticed that while I was starting to write this, ideas and scenes started coming and were basically pouring out of my mind...so this was really good.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Student! Reader 
Warnings: Natasha has a panic / ptsd attack, 
Words: 1.1k
Requested by: ? Was my old account
Tagging: @tyler-t0t ~~
“It is currently four thirty a.m, on May fifth twenty twenty one, the weather outside is fifty three degrees and it is said that it will rain off and on all day.” FRIDAY’S voice chimed through my room, rousing me from my bed and forcing me to cross the room to shut it off or she would start repeating it on and on again until I lost my shit. 
Why am I up this early again? I don’t think I have anything impor-oh. 
The last two weeks were filled with massive studying blocks, and the occasional movie night with the team. Despite being in my late twenties, when S.H.I.E.L.D. offered to pay for college classes, I took them up on that offer. I went back over to my bedside and straightened my bed out, then drank some water as I scrolled through and checked my phone.
I was given a month off of Avenger duty to do my finals, as long as I helped with reconnaissance...and took up a three month recon mission afterwards. The last thing I wanted to do, but there’s always a price to pay and a balance to serve. 
A quick shower, a change of clothes, a bagel, and a cup of coffee later, I padded back into my room and stretched. It was almost five, and I decided to see if Natasha was awake before I started a two-hour study block. I never liked to be interrupted unless it was absolutely necessary during those times, so I made a point to check on her before and after I started them. 
Lately, ever since she got back from a mission with Bucky she’s been a bit distant, and only from Bucky did I learn that they found an old training center for the black widows. No one was there, but I’m dead certain that is fucked with Natasha. Since then, both Bucky and I have been trying to keep an eye on her the best we can. She looked almost hollow when she got back, dark circles under her eyes, her normally bright red, fluffy hair, was dark and dull. Her skin was a lot paler and she had lost a decent amount of weight. She had asked me to cut her hair, which was past her shoulders at this point, back to around her ears. That was definitely when I knew something was up.
I knocked softly before opening the door, peering into the room. The fairy lights that I got her for christmas that she strung around her room were on, and she was curled into a ball on the bed, clutching the stuffed bunny I got her a while ago. She looked almost peaceful, but her face was still tense. The fact that she was holding a gun in her hand didn’t help either. Whatever happened there, whatever she saw, triggered this…
I peeked around the room and noticed a laundry basket filled past the brim with clothes, including a few of her favored hoodies, which unsurprisingly were all mine. I quietly slid it out the door and carried it to the laundry room, starting it and setting a timer on my phone to switch it when it was done. Passing back to my room, I glanced in and upon noticing she was still asleep, I quietly closed the door. I flipped the sign on my door around to  ‘Studying, two hour block. Please do not disturb unless you want to get a knife thrown at your head.’ and closed my door. 
Roughly an hour into my study session, my alarm went off and I quickly ducked out of my room and started down the hallway to switch the laundry before pausing. That’s when I heard it.
Screaming, coming from Nat’s room. 
The door was still closed, and locked, apparently as I shoved it open breaking said lock in the process. She was sitting on the ground, back to the wall holding her hands in front trying to fend off Bucky from touching her while he crouched in front of her, yelling at her in Russian. Upon seeing me he turned and motioned towards her, switching back to English. 
“She was yelling, and you didn’t hear so I went to check and she started attacking me, I can’t get her to calm down, I don’t know what to do-” he started, before another scream and what sounded like heavy, heavy Russian threats came from Natasha. She looked horrified, trying to get as far away from him as possible. Then it hit me; she thought she was back in the Black Widow training, and didn’t know he wasn’t trying to hurt her-
“Natasha, Natasha, Natasha look at me!” I  said as I went over and grabbed the redhead’s arms, but not before her nails dragged across my face. I pinned them against the wall and looked at her, trying to even my breathing. 
“Breathe, Nat. You’re okay, you’re safe, you’re not there. You’re okay…” I told her.
I switched over to Spanish, telling Barnes to get the fuck out and to keep everyone off this floor until she was okay. There was definitely some colorful language thrown in there, but it was the least of my worries. My face throbbed, and I kept staring at Nat, keeping myself calm. I knew she would be calm if I showed I was, so I kept my breathing even and nodded towards her. 
I adjusted my grip on her hands so it was less forceful, and started in Russian. “You’re free, you escaped, he is free, he is not going to harm you, you’re free, you escaped…” the same chant we had going when these attacks started happening a few years ago when she saw Bucky sometimes. 
Finally, finally after what felt like a lifetime her breathing was even and she started to relax a bit. 
Clearing her throat, and in a raspy voice she finally spoke to me in English: “I hurt you....” I nodded.
“It’s already clotted, it’s okay, love, I’ll be fine. C’mere..” I replied as I released her hands and opened my arms for her. The force in which she threw herself into them knocked me flat on my ass, but I happily accepted it and pulled her close to her, rubbing my hands on her back and kissing the top of her head. 
“It’s okay, my love, you’re alright...it’s over..” I whispered as she nodded. We stayed like that for a long while, just holding each other.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 9 months
Defeated and Trophied
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Prompt: I would love to see your interpretation of Branch being captured instead of Floyd, like the original concept in the movie. Used for Defeated and Trophied.
Fandom: Trolls (Dreamworks)
Character: Branch
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, torture, multiple mentions of death and being killed, though nothing graphic
1744 words
Fear was an old friend to Branch.
It had been a rare acquaintance back when he was a child — back in the days in which his biggest concerns had been thunderstorms and a dark room. 
From the moment he’d turned grey, it had crept its way beside him, a creature that would never grant him peace again. 
After all, no one else was around anymore to chase it away for him.
As he’d grown up, it remained consistently by his side. It was a constant voice in the back of his head, screaming at him to watch for bergens, boil the drinking water, always be ready for that which longs to kill you. 
Yes, fear was an old friend indeed. But he’d learned early on how to hold it close to his chest. One slip up and he could be devoured. 
So when he woke up in a diamond bottle, two massive creatures looming over him, he didn’t show his terror. He didn’t scream as he so wanted to, and most importantly, he would not resort to begging.
They were tall, comparable to a bergen in that regard. But where bergens were stocky creatures, these were lanky. Their skin was shiny and hard-looking, a far cry from the soft fluff of a troll.
Whatever they were, he’d never seen one before. 
His stomach churned with anxiety. Normally, he was knowledgeable enough to at least have some idea of what monster he may have been dealing with. But this… he didn’t know if these things wanted to eat him or worse. 
He knew what Poppy would do if she were here. At the thought of his girlfriend, his heart leapt into his throat. Was she here? Had they gotten her too?
No. He didn’t see her anywhere in the massive room. Thank god. He knew she could take care of herself, but the thought of her being trapped in a claustrophobic diamond prison left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. 
“Who are you?” He called out cautiously. He waited for a response, but the pair — one boy and one girl, he was pretty sure — hardly even reacted to the noise. 
They were both looking at the bottle he was trapped in, yet somehow they remained ignoring him. 
“Hey!” He yelled, quickly losing patience as he pounded a fist against the purple-hued glass. “Let me out of here!”
The boy looked at him (or rather, the jar as a whole, like Branch was nothing more than a pretty decoration inside) with trepidation. “Do you think it’ll work?” He asked hesitantly, like he couldn’t even hear the shouting. 
“Oh,” the girl said, scooping up the jar carelessly and sending Branch tumbling, the wind getting knocked out of him as his body knocked against the hard walls. “It will work.”
“What the hell!” He shouted, furious at the lack of acknowledgement. “Let me out! What do you want?”
With her free hand, the girl held up a small ball…? Examining it closer, though, Branch could see that it was connected to the jar he was held in, making it almost reminiscent of a perfume bottle.
What the hell?
He didn’t know what to expect, but the coming sensation wasn’t something he could have prepared for. All at once, a horrible pressure erupted from the center of his chest, like — like some invisible force was trying to get in.
Distantly, he could feel his body being lifted slightly off the ground, levitating no more than a few short inches. It was hard to even notice, through the agony. It didn’t get any colder in his prison, but he could feel the warmth being pulled out of his skin.
The pressure seeped from his body quickly, and he could almost feel it going right up and out of the bottle, being spritzed like a fine mist over the girl’s body.
As his body dropped down, thudding against the floor, he could hear her belt out a ridiculous riff.
“Wh…?” He coughed, pressing a hand over his heart from his new position on the floor. It felt like a part of his very soul had been sucked right out of him. He felt empty. What was going on? What was happening?
“Wow,” the boy said, reverent of the notes that had just come from the other’s mouth. “Let me try!”
“Wait—” Branch wheezed, unable to catch his breath before being subjected to this again. He tried to brace himself, but it did little to help.
It was almost more intense the second time around, and leaving him feeling somehow even more hollow than before. 
He was shaking from the cold by the time his body dropped back to the floor the second time.
“What are you doing to me?” He croaked, dizzy and freezing.
There was a malicious smirk on the girl’s face, the first thing finally directed at him. 
His heart pounded in dread. He was going to regret even asking, and he knew it. 
“He’s kinda cute,” Veneer said, shaking the jar slightly and sending Branch stumbling on unsteady feet back and forth. “Don’t you think so, Vel?”
Velvet glanced back at her brother from where she was touching up her makeup. “Not really,” she said, disinterested.
“Oh, come on, he’s like a feral little chihuahua!” Veneer said, proceeding to coo at Branch. “Who’s a good little troll?”
With the minuscule energy he had left, he glared as strongly as he could. “I will kill you,” he growled. As such a proportionately small creature that was barely standing and also trapped inside a sad little bottle, Branch couldn’t imagine that he looked very intimidating.
“Ugh, feisty thing,” Veneer whined, setting the jar down on a side table. “I don’t know why you’re so upset,” he said, “we take perfect care of you, don’t we? I mean, sure we have to keep you in a little jar, but it’s not like you’re dead or anything.”
“Your talent is being put to much better use on us,” Velvet chimed in, “You should be grateful! It’s not like you were using it for anything important. But thanks to you, we’re currently charting at number one!”
“Did you at least credit me somewhere?” he asked drily.
Veneer leaned over, stage whispering to his sister. “Should we have given him creds?”
“No, you moron! Ugh, come on, we’re going to be late for the photoshoot.”
Branch woke from his not-quite-sleep as he’d learned to get used to: by being jostled around like he was a fucking doll.
He groaned weakly, blinking his eyes open to the slightly sleep-blurred vision of a massive eye staring back at him.
After nearly two decades of anticipating a bergen around every corner, his instincts told him he was about to be fucking eaten. But he wasn’t quite so lucky.
“Oh, good,” who he finally recognized as Velvet said, completely flat, “it’s still alive.”
Had he the energy, he would have flipped her off… or something. But as it was, he just curled in on himself, wincing in anticipation. He knew what was coming. It was all the self-proclaimed pop princess (and oh, how that title made his blood boil) ever really interacted with him for.
“Just do it,” he growled, far from complacent, but simply desperate for the bad part to be done and over. He just wanted to rest. 
How long had he been here, now? Two weeks? Three? He’d completely lost track. 
Was Poppy looking for him? What had she thought when he’d just vanished into thin air? What if she gave up on him?
No. That was a stupid thought. He knew her better than that. On their first adventure together, they had literally seen Creek get eaten, and she’d somehow still been determined to save him. And, somehow, she’d been right. Of course, Creek had turned out to be a no-good traitorous piece of shit garbage man, but before that reveal, Poppy had been determined to get him back.
As hard as it was for him to fathom the idea that anyone would ever stay by his side as she had, he was always one to look at the facts. He knew she would refuse to give up until she got him back. He knew, no matter how long it took, she would find him.
As comforting as that was, it also left him feeling wary. Velvet and Veneer weren’t exactly the type that could be subdued by a hug.
He cried out in pain as his talent was drained from him, gasping desperately for breath. He didn’t have much more to give.
“You can’t…” he panted, gritting his teeth. “Can’t use my talent f-orever. S’not sustainable.” He said, snarky as he could manage through the bone-deep exhaustion.
“Oh no,” Velvet lamented, drawn out and dramatic, “whatever will I do?” With little warning, she tossed the jar to Veneer, who only barely caught it.
Branch didn’t have the strength to brace himself. Every inch of his body ached from being thrown around like this.
Velvet draped herself over her makeup chair, legs kicked over the arm of it. “If only I’d thought of that before,” she pouted as Veneer drained another dose from him, leaving Branch’s vision unfocused. “Oh wait! I did.”
“You did?” Veneer asked, apparently unaware of whatever his sister was up to. That seemed to be the common trend, Branch had noticed. 
“Yes, dummy. I told you this troll was a part of BroZone, remember?”
His heart sank at the mention of his br—his former brothers. What did they have to do with this?
“I forged a letter,” Velvet continued, “it will lure the rest of the band here to save their stupid little brother, and then,” her eyes glinted with greed, “we’ll have plenty of troll to keep us on top.”
A thousand bad memories threatened to overwhelm him at once. He could feel his emotions swirling in his chest, and for a moment he was certain he was going to vomit them up. Instead, he managed to scoff out a laugh.
“Yeah,” he said, forcing himself to remain flat and unemotive. If he’d done it for the better part of twenty years, he could do it now, even if he was slightly out of practice. “I’ve got bad news for you. There’s no way in hell any of them are coming for me.”
“Just wait and see, little troll,” Velvet said, confidence unwavering. “Just wait and see.”
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stormy-writer · 8 months
Spider-Sona, Goliath Spider - Guerilla
I made a spider sona! I haven't watched the movie yet, but I just needed to make one. I drew it, but the sketch is sloppy so I won't show it yet. Without further ado, my spider sona.
Trigger Warning! - Contains descriptions of gore and death, is a bit sad, contains curse words
A dark figure in a dimly lit hall. A few lights flicker brighter than the others, creating an eerie scene. The figure takes a step, their heavy work boots thudding against the metal grate floor. Stepping under one of the brighter lights, their silhouette becomes more visible.
She's a female, her body curving and jutting in all the right places. A thick fiber clings to her figure, almost matte. It's a dark gray- not quite black, but almost. On her arms and legs, thick spines poke out of her body suit. Even thicker spines rest on the back her head, creating a hair-like shape.
Where her eyes would be is a set of thin goggles, made out of what looks like weaved webs. Her steps echo throughout the hall, and she steps under another brighter light. Just then, the light catches a shape on her forehead. A glossy spider emblem glimers for a moment, only visible when it reflects just the right way.
She's massive, wide shoulders and tall body making her an intimidating force. Her arms are long, going down to her calves. She fiddles with her hands and slides on fingerless gloves of the same material of the suit. They seem to be sewed on to the wrist of the suit, able to be taken off her hands for a better grip. Her muscles bulge, and the body suit hugs them tightly.
Her heavy black work boots clunk against the floor. They look sleek and simple, but still sharp. Under her arm is a large barrel, like a keg. She makes it to the end of the hall and pushes open the door. The other spider-variants greet her with a smile as she sets down the barrel, and her booming voice announces her arrival.
“Hey! I brought the refreshments! Let's get this welcome party started!”
Although she was warned that this was, in fact, not a party, everywhere she went turned into one, so the few people that warned her just rolled their eyes and grabbed a cup.
Wait, did I forget to mention? That strange, big lady?
That's me. Hi, I'm Jess, or as most people call me…
I was bitten by a radioactive Goliath Birdeater when I was on an intern trip to a rainforest in South America, one affected by horrible chemical testing. I had been interning at the Daily Tuba, but I was interning for a manual labor job. They brought me along in case they needed heavy lifting done when we came across a mutated Goliath Birdeater.
It was massive, much bigger than they were normally supposed to get- even though they already got up to two feet long. This thing was easily seven feet long, three feet tall. Then it started rubbing its spine-quill things together, making a horribly loud hissing noise. Everyone ran, but my best friend, Will, tripped and fell. The beast had almost gotten to him when I jumped in between the two, my back facing the spider. I picked Will up and practically threw him to the others.
But just as I was about to run, it sank it's fangs into my shoulder blades. Normally, Goliath spider venom would be nothing to humans. This thing was not normal. I felt it start to rip me apart, my arms getting slowly severed from my body. And then I felt tingly where I had been hurt. The feeling spread across my whole body, and I passed out. When I had awoken, I was on transport back to the US.
I flickered in and out of consciousness, hearing fragments of conversations. Some being freaked out bystanders, some were doctors that were taking care of me. I finally fully woke in a hospital bed, feeling like hell. It wasn't a normal hospital bed, or a normal room. I had been strapped to the massive bed. Well, it looked normal to me. Everything else looked so small.
It turns out that it's venom had changed me, turning me into a whole new person. I was 7’6, 275 pounds. Where my arms had been torn had mended naturally, but they were different too. They were longer, beefier. They reached my calves, and they were covered in those same thick spines it had. Same with my legs. They were thicker and muscly-er. But they stayed proportionate to my body, unlike my arms.
I didn't have to look to feel it, but the back of my head had changed from hair to even thicker spines. My hair on top was still normal, and it was thick enough to cover the spines. But I could feel them. Every light seemed so bright, but it was night outside. I remembered that Goliath spiders were nocturnal.
A nurse walked in, and immediately ran back out when she saw I was awake. A few minutes later, a scientist dude came in and explained everything. Including why I was strapped to the bed. Apparently, while I was drifting in and out, I was incredibly aggressive. Another trait of the Goliath Birdeater. They unstrapped me and sent me back home, having done enough tests on me when I was asleep. When I got back to my job, everyone was scared of me. Even Will.
I had to quit, and I mostly stayed inside my house. That's when I found out my powers. Using them, I made a body suit and decided to help the world. I mean, what use is powers if you don't use them for good? But then I started going down a… dark path. I knew I could do anything I wanted, no matter how sadistic it was. It started affecting me.
Then, one night, some drunk jackass was being just annoying, and I gave into the urge. It was a lethal urge. But my sister, my best friend since birth, the one who had always been there for me, stepped between us. She caught my blow, and in a swift move, she was nothing but a memory. It broke me. I had killed my own sister. I changed after that. She was always pushing me to be better, be happier. So I did the same for others. I became a beacon of hope. Light. I was always happy, even if it was only on the outside.
Gosh, I miss her. But that's in the past. Now, I'm part of the spider-verse.
Super Strength
Amazing strength, strong enough to pick up a full office building.
Size Mutation
Mutated into being 7’6, and naturally 275. Arms are much longer than they proportionally should be, hands reaching the calves.
Web Spitter
Takes the webs/web fluid in belly pooch and spits it out of mouth. Webs can be used to weave or craft, like a thin stringy clay. Dries/solidifies like plaster, but can also dry to be more malleable.
Spine Shooter
The spines on the body can be shot out and aimed with deadly accuracy, and are filled with a paralyzing agent. Effect is only temporary.
Looks Mutation
Has a natural belly pooch that holds webs and web fluid. Bottom half of hair has been turned to thick spines. Eyes are more sensitive to light.
Spines can rub together to create a deafening hissing noise.
Naturally aggressive, nocturnal, possessive, only loves one mate/person for their entire life. (Yandere tendencies)
Jessica Siller Luerman (Ler-min)
Hero Name
Guerilla (based on appearance and fighting style)
Jessi (sister only)
Gore (GOR-illa, backstory is gory)
Gremlin (Hobie)
A/problem (Miguel)
Gremlin/bitch (Hobie, friend)
Big curls
Dark brown
Reflects red in the sun
A little past shoulder length
Silvery blue
Patterns in them look like the bottom of a pool or the ocean
Tiny flecks of gold
Round but masculine jaw
Big eyes
Small button nose
Apple cheeks
Scary-until-I-smile look
Freckles everywhere
Scars on hands and shoulders (where arms were torn)
Wears a size 13 in mens
“Mom friend”
Also a party animal
Hides pain
Hides vulnerability
Helps everyone
Flirts as a joke
Jokingly insults close friends
Loves feeling like a teddy bear (i.e. hugs, cuddles, getting leaned on)
Likes being relied on
Pushes herself too hard
Mother (deceased)
Father (left when Mother was pregnant)
Brother (left)
Sister 1 (deceased)
Sister 2, Kaylee (best friend, deceased)
I dunno
Being loud
Fucks w Shadow from Sonic
“I identify as a threat. My pronouns are try/me.”
“I hate when people ask me what sign I am. I am a sign from God. Start running.”
Miguel (but who doesn't?)
Hobie (as a friend)
Peter (as a friend)
Being random
Effeminate men
Scrawny men
Gross texture
The government
Unseasoned/bland food
The British (minus Hobie)
Spiders (ironically)
People who do crime for fun
The government
People or things that are exempt from the law and abuse it
The government
The need for money
The "pay to live" system
Ugh, raisins
Like seriously, fucking hate raisins
Spoiled brats
Old people (80-100)
Loud noises (but likes to make them??)
Fuck drugs
Uhm, what was I doing?
Oh yeah
Forgetting things
Damn this list is long
Disliking things
Being useless
Okay I think that's it
Oh wait
Being alone
So sorry if this is horrible, I'm typing this up at 2 am after no sleep the previous night.
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ventingfanfics · 2 years
Movie Day
Shuri grimaced at the screen. “What in this world do you have me watching?” 
You laughed jovially, your head falling back against the couch. Shuri shook her head, still visibly disgusted, but a hint of a smile surfacing at your reaction.
The pair of you were shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh, watching movies until you went out later in the night. 
“I warned you!” You reminded her. “I told you it would probably be too much for you, but you still wanted to see it anyway!”
“Because you said it was one of your favorite movies…” 
“I still gave you a head’s up, babe. And you still insisted that we watch it. So, don’t put that on me.” You laughed again, switching the channel. Looking at Shuri again, you found her not quite fully recovered from the gross infamous scene from the movie Borat. As hilarious as this was, it was also mortifying that you would show such a film to the Queen of Wakanda. “I’m so embarrassed, even though it’s your fault.”  You playfully glared at her. “Am I scaring you off? Is this the last time I’ll see you?”
Shuri laughed genuinely at your dramatics before reaching for your thigh. “I am a little…disturbed. But it’s going to take more than a ridiculous American movie to run me off.”
Butterflies. Shuri routinely provided those for you through her words and actions since you met her a month ago. 
“So you’re a real one,” you said, playing it cool.
“Of course, Y/N.” You grinned at the self-assured look on her face now. Whenever that side presented itself, it generally made you feel a type of way. Then again, there wasn’t an aspect of Shuri that didn’t gave you tingles. “Can you stand up a second?” 
You curiously got up from the couch. Suddenly, you felt yourself being guided to sit on the warmth of Shuri’s lap. You blushed.
“Comfy?” She asked. 
Did it count as feeling comfortable if your body was on fire?
“Yeah, are you?” 
“I’m always comfy with you,” she smirked, though she meant every word.
You allowed yourself to smile. “Okay, so why did you change positions?” You then scoldingly shook your head. “That sounded wrong.”
Shuri laughed her melodic laugh. “Not a surprise considering your movie tastes.”
She chuckled lowly and rested her hands on your hips, making you feel like you were in a sauna. “There’s no harm in changing positions sometimes, right?”
When you closed your eyes you realized that Shuri would be reminded for the umpteenth time that she had a massive effect on you. 
“Right?” She dragged out, prompting you. 
“Yes, weirdo,” you teased and before you knew it she collected your wrists in one hand and tickled your side with the other, making you twist. You were worried you would hurt her in the process by bumping into her, so it made the tickling torturous. She laughed and released you, though. 
“Say something else, Y/N.” Before you could, she added, “Put on another movie or show. Something normal, please.”
You lit up noticing that Creed was playing. You even squealed. “I love this! The new one is coming out next year,” you gushed.
“Oh, yeah?” Shuri said, sounding unenthused as Michael B. Jordan’s bare buff upper body appeared on your HD TV. 
The word “damn” slipped out of you. You weren’t proud of it, but his body in this movie always triggered this reaction from you. You felt Shuri’s eyes on you. But she didn’t say anything. 
When the boxing match started, you tried engaging her, but she wasn’t giving anything back. She was just watching it in silence. 
“Damn, he got his ass beat!” You said. “Babe, did you see that?”
“Yes, Y/N.” She sounded and looked a little annoyed. 
“Oh, look at Tessa Thompson. She’s an actress from here.” You eyed Shuri to gauge her reaction to Tessa. 
She met your gaze, squinting her eyes some at you and laughing softly. “Why are you staring at me like that?” 
“No reason, just wanted to see what you thought of her,” you explained casually.
She smirked. 
Dissatisfied, you tickled her belly and she grabbed your hands. “It’s a simple question, Shuri. Do you think she’s hot?”
She furrowed her eyebrows briefly and you couldn’t help but chortle. “Why are you asking me this? Are these trick questions?” 
“Oh my God, babe, no! I promise it’s not, I just wanted to see if you find her attractive. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.” You lifted your hands in surrender. She made you smile when you saw she was amused. 
“She is attractive. But she’s no you.”
You pecked her cheek. “Good answer.”
“Mhm, but I don’t think I have to ask if you think the Michael B. Jordan guy is attractive.” She gave you a knowing look that also resembled a side-eye when you were tickled by her remark. 
“You know his name?” You replied, truly in awe.
Shuri laughed. “Yes, baby. Back home, we say he looks like one of my relatives. Let me show you…” She took out her phone and instantly presented a photo of a man who looked like he could be Michael B. Jordan’s doppelgänger if he had locs.
“Wow! He’s not my cousin, but that’s awkward.” Shuri giggled, encircling your stomach, and kissing your jaw.
“If you ever meet him, should I be worried?” She asked. 
You pulled a face. “What? No! What kinda question is that?”
“So he wouldn’t be my competition?”
You covered your face in mirth and embarrassment. “No!” You then changed the channel again. “I don’t know if I want to watch movies I like with you anymore.”
Shuri belly-laughed. She adjusted your position so you were angled more towards her where she could get a good look at you. “It’s been eventful, huh?”
“To say the least!”
“That’s what makes it special. One day we’re gonna look back at this and it will be even funnier.”
You smiled and put your head in the crook of her neck. “I like making memories with you.” The warmth and tender caress from Shuri’s touch on your lower back followed. 
“Me too, my love, me too.”
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sunshinechay · 4 months
So I watched the Love Syndrome movie and honestly it wasn’t terrible but it also wasn’t good either.
Honestly it felt like half the movie was missing and was also to be continued. I’m pretty sure I only understand what was going on because I’ve read the book it’s based on (Night and Gear’s prequel book). If I hadn’t I think I would have been completely lost.
It was a very nice looking movie if nothing else so there is that.
Though fun fact, I chatted with @zhaozi about it a little bit and they pointed out that the actor who plays Day in this version is the same actor who played the bar patron/shop customer that flirts with Itt in Love Syndrome III so that made it a little amusing to watch. Guess he really did get to be with Itt after all 😂
There is a massive trigger warning on the film for sexual assault. Particularly between 23:43 and 29:50 (and especially between 28:04 and 29:50) so proceed with caution if you do decide to watch it.
Ultimately it’s not a bad way to waste an 1.5 hours but it’s not a good way either. I think I’ll stick to Unforgotten Night and Love Syndrome III though. At least if/until the next movie comes out to complete this one. I’ll probably watch that one too because I am attached to these characters now, for better or for worse.
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
Tumblr media
here we go. please ignore the quality, but these are a few of the media I highly rate that I've sorted into groups based on shared qualities with other media. the idea is along the lines of "if you like this show because of y theme, then you may also like z show which shares said theme".
a few bonus recs that I couldn't fit on this list (because I either didn't want to give stuff away or because they fit into multiple different groups at once):
Link Click (donghua) (time travel, first season much more about individual stories, second season more plot-based. Two seasons out at present.)
Spy x Family (animanga) (yes, I know everyone knows about this one already, but it's one of those shows that strikes such a good balance between the humour and the drama. and the way that the manga arcs start to increasingly weave in social commentary is so well done. Ongoing series.)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (animanga) (full disclosure, I haven't yet completed this hence not wanting to put it down yet, but so far it's really impressed me. It's a complete series.)
Full list of media (and some more tidbits) below the cut:
Serial Experiments Lain (anime)
Really fascinating dive into the Internet, identity, and conspiracy theories. Despite being released over two decades ago, it's somehow more relevant nowadays. That said, there is an underlying thread of tension and it's hard to piece together what's happening at times. Very surreal and heavy on the unreality. So, it's probably not for everyone (and it'll be fairly obvious early either way), but if that sounds like your jam, then go for it. (EDIT: Also, I just realised that I entirely forgot that this series also belongs in the ND-coded protag circle because Lain's whole deal has a lot of overlap with schizophrenia/psychosis in general.)
Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun (animanga)
The anime is an incomplete adaptation for this (though it does have Ogata Megumi) and the manga goes much further. It's a monthly release and the art is gorgeous. It's centred around a school where urban legends come to life as the supernatural. I've seen some people say it's fairly light-hearted a series before, but I can't really say I agree, especially when it comes to the later chapters. It can play into particular anime tropes at times though.
Princess Tutu (anime)
There is also a manga, but I've heard it's pretty different and I've not tried it so can't really comment. If you like ballet and European folktales then this is the show for you. It's... probably aimed at the lowest age range of all of my recs and it does show at times, but I'd point to it as an example of how just because a show is aimed at younger ages, that doesn't mean it has to look down on you. Anyway, it's neat seeing the protagonists interact with the concept of the story they themselves are a part of.
Revolutionary Girl Utena (anime)
The manga for this is meant to be pretty different so keeping this rec to the anime. Obligatory "look up trigger warnings" if you think you may stumble into something you can't handle, because this show sure covers a lot of fairly dark topics. Still, it's pretty surreal and at times ridiculous so it's not all dark all the time. The premise is around a girl who wants to be a prince, who participates in duels for the hand of the 'rose bride'.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (animanga)
Complete (og series)
The manga iirc is fairly similar, but the anime is really good in its presentation so would recommend anime over manga for sure. The soundtrack and the way it's directed both elevate the story massively. Anyway, twelve episode season, with a movie afterwards you can decide whether to proceed to or not. It's about what it takes to be a magical girl, and what is taken. I imagine most people nowadays know the big twists already but in case you don't, I'll just say that the foreshadowing in it is one of my favourite things. So much rewatch value.
The Locked Tomb (book series)
Ongoing. Three books out, with fourth expected to be final.
Speaking of foreshadowing, this series has so many levels of foreshadowing going on, I think it would take many rereads to catch it all. The first book in the series is a relatively standard murder mystery, but after that, the author immediately cashes in the good will earnt to become increasingly experimental. Each book therefore is pretty different genre-wise, despite being set in the same universe and progressing the same story. Anyway, I know this one isn't for everyone, but I'd say at the very least give Gideon a shot.
Orphan Black (Canadian drama)
This is a co-production between a US and CA company but Wikipedia classes it as Canadian so okay let's do that. Okay. Orphan Black is about discovering you may be a scientific experiment and the questions inherent in that. In this case, it's about clones. The main actor has such range and she plays half the cast and somehow makes it work. I will say it takes her a couple of episodes sometimes to get the accents right (I took psychic damage occasionally), but once she's got it down she keeps it. This one is another genre blender, with different clones progressing different subplots. One of them off doing an investigation whilst another is trying desperately to live in a soap, etc.
Severance (US drama)
Season one complete, season two ambiguously in the works.
More science experimentation. This show is based on a premise wherein people can partition off parts of their brains so that their work selves are entirely independent of their non-work selves. The two selves have no shared memories, but they are in theory the same person. It brings up a lot of questions about nature vs nuture, along with commentary on religious cults and workplace rights.
Oddtaxi (anime)
We follow a taxi driver through his daily life, picking up passengers, dropping them off, getting accidentally (or maybe--) involved with the local gang members. It's pretty chill, but as you go on you realise just how thoroughly everyone's lives are intertwined with each other. And there's a mystery or ten to be solved. If our driver guy can be bothered. This and Reset both fit into the incredibly small niche I like to call "character-based mystery show with social commentary set in a vehicle". Very catchy.
Reset (cdrama)
Time loop scenario where a pair of strangers are caught on a bus that keeps blowing up and have to try and figure out how to escape. I feel like the pace at which the audience figures out stuff is timed really well to whenabouts the characters figure out stuff, but there's a lot of foreshadowing I didn't realise until I rewatched a few episodes. Just, really solid mystery and character drama.
March comes in like a lion (animanga)
Ongoing (manga)
Full disclosure. I have only watched the anime of this and from some of what I've heard about the later parts of the manga it's likely to stay that way, but! The parts covered by the anime are something special. I grouped together this series with Skip and Loafer and Frieren because they're very... they're all about 'moving forwards, despite'. So, at the start of this series, the mc is pretty depressed, but as it goes on you get to see him slowly unfurl out of that. You get to see him make new connections, progress with shogi (aka, what the series is ostensibly about), and just generally let himself live again. It's a very wholesome anime without letting itself forget the darker aspects of life.
Skip and Loafer (animanga)
Ongoing (manga). Season one of anime complete.
This is a definite comfort show and has one of my favourite depictions of developing friendships (I want to say something here about the intersection of platonic and romantic but I'm not sure how to put it). This show/manga follows Mitsumi as she starts at a city school after growing up in a rural village. It has her meet new obstacles and new people and shows how they all influence each other. Overall, it's a fairly gentle story, but I think it pulls off heartwarming so well because it can also do heartwrenching.
Frieren (animanga)
I may regret putting an ongoing anime here before it's even finished airing (staying anime-only for now personally). So far though, this is a show about grief, and living life beyond that. It's a show that could so easily be a tragedy but chooses to venture beyond instead. It follows Frieren (an elf with a long lifespan) as she realises that she hasn't really allowed herself to know people properly and decides to fix that. It's a fairly standard fantasy setting so it's hard to describe what's so appealing about it, but it's very intentional with its parallels, with putting the words of long dead characters in the mouths of those who never knew them. Very cyclical. The first four episodes released in one go, so if you're thinking of giving it a shot, I'd watch those four before deciding whether to drop.
Stranger (kdrama)
Two seasons out. Can be taken as complete at end of either season though still open for more.
So, it's a drama about prosecutors/corruption, a lot of the standard kdrama jazz. It has one of my favourite pairs of besties though and I love how many threads are woven through all levels. It's a show that's heavily plotty (the number of times you're forced to recalculate as you get more pieces is ridiculous but in a good way), but despite that, doesn't neglect the characters.
Mob Psycho 100 (animanga)
An OP protagonist would rather focus on his non-psychic attributes. I tend to struggle with OP protagonists sometimes, but this show/manga deals with it well, because the point isn't actually *about* Mob's powers. It's more about how his powers are linked to his emotions. There are plenty of fights (and they're all incredibly well animated), but the tension isn't usually in "who will win", and I don't mean that in a bad way at all. Anyway, the show is for the most part a comedy (it does have some off-colour jokes at times unfortunately, though they're mostly relegated to specific episodes at least), but my favourite parts are always when you get to see the other side of things. This show also has Reigen, for whatever that's worth. (I hate the fact he's so well-written. Why couldn't he just be the meme and nothing else.)
Arcane (US animated)
Season one complete. Season two in the works.
You don't need League knowledge for this despite it being based off it. This (like a few of the others actually) is a three-act structure following Vi and Jinx as they grow up in the shadows of Piltover. Visually, it's a gorgeous series, and the mix of 3d and 2d works so well. Despite being only nine episodes long, it manages to fully develop scores of characters with their own interweaving subplots, all culminating with the finale. It's another one with social commentary, in this case, it's not particularly subtle, but it doesn't actually need to be. And it does the showing not just the telling so it works in tandem.
Blue Eye Samurai (US animated)
Season one complete.
And now we reach the revenge trio of shows. I will fully admit I started this series because I saw many a pretty gifset across my dash. And the aesthetics absolutely hold up. This is an Edo-era revenge quest by a samurai who has given up on happiness. It starts fairly tropey and by-the-book, but it pulls off the execution solidly and infuses a lot of symbolism into the main trio (especially Mizu, but Akemi gets plenty as Mizu's reflection). There is a decent amount of sex and graphic violence though and, given that the show deliberately conveys various characterisation points through them, they're not really skippable. Try not to wince at the pronunciation of Japanese words either. It's old-style English anime dub level a lot of the time when it comes to names/places, despite a lot of the setting itself being relatively well-researched from what I can tell. I guess it's just a disparity between the voice actors and the writers.
Nirvana in Fire (cdrama)
Complete. There is a season two but it's a next generation deal.
Terminally ill guy returns to the capital to get justice for a betrayal before his time is up. Despite how grim that sounds, the show itself has a much nicer balance between the light-hearted and the serious. It does chuck you right into the depths from the very start (I know a lot of people refer to charts for relationships for the first few episodes until they get the hang of it), but once you start to understand, you can really get the impact. How the previous generation has echoed onto the current generation. Also, the main character is Mei Changsu, one of my favourite schemers. He knows how to troll, even (or maybe especially?) as he's plotting someone's downfall.
The Glory (kdrama)
The mc in this show (Moon Dong-eun) was bullied at highschool, to the extent she was suicidal. The show is about her revenge on the bullies, as she sets the pieces for their own flaws to fell them. I will say for this, that the first episode is imo the darkest in tone. The later episodes do still touch on darker topics (sexual assault, suicide again), but for the most part, the first episode is the darkest to help you understand why she's willing to go to the lengths she is. And yet, despite that, a line of hope runs through the show. There's a line early on about the solidarity between victims vs the solidarity between abusers and it's a real thesis statement for the whole show.
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samd1o1 · 1 year
Gothic Horror HCs But Using The Penny Dreadful Versions As Well Cus I Like Them
Hello, So recently I have been really obsessed with 1800s gothic horror literature.
My favorite books are (in order);
1. Frankenstein The Modern Prometheus
2. The Picture Of Dorian Gray
3. The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
4. Dracula
So imagine my fucking excitement when I heard there was a show that used THOSE EXACT FOUR BOOKS!!!!
Anyway I thought I'd take the time to talk about my favorite characters from the books/show and hcs I have for them all.
Now massive Trigger Warning for some ableism/sanism from the victorian era but also current day, and also queermisia.
All of these characters are canon ND I believe based off of their canon "madness" and I also believe they were all queer men.
Victor Frankenstein
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Victor is a trans man you must understand this. He literally has postpartum depression in the book. He is also forced into an arranged marriage with a woman but has so much more chemistry with his best friend Henry Clerval. I think he's gay and his love for both Elizabeth and Lilly are just comphet. (He loves Elizabeth like a sister tho).
Victor is also disabled in the book. In Penny Dreadful he also has asthma! I also hc Victor is autistic. In the book he has a special interest in alchemy and science. He info dumps about poetry and clocks a lot in Penny Dreadful lmao. He's also just awkward like me fr fr. There was also a rlly funny scene in Penny Dreadful where everyone noticed this one character was a trans woman and made a "face" of surprise. Victor never did because honestly I don't think he fucking noticed. Which made me laugh because I didn't either.
Dorian Gray
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This man is just me sometimes and I kinda hate it. Definitely has BPD. He treats life as a fantasy and has a hard time applying reality to reality. He also will love you one second and can hate you so passionately the next. Henry Wotton is most definitely his favorite person. There's also an entire chapter in the book dedicated to talking about his hyperfixations. Dorian is also bisexual! He falls in love with a few women in the book and Penny Dreadful. But also many men! Oscar Wilde was gay and put a lot of himself into Dorian lmao.
Henry Jekyll
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Look the guy with daddy issues. Seriously out of all the things they chose to adapt for Penny Dreadful this made me laugh the most (in a good way). It's a random throwaway line in the book but I'm glad they kept it because his father leads to Henry's toxic mindset. Henry feels the need to be respectful in high society and not indulge his "indecent" thoughts. These thoughts include things like murder but also homosexual desires. The man is gay, love that for him. Don't let the musical fool you. I think his other violent thoughts come from OCD intrusive thoughts. As a median system I do also relate to the duality he feels. But I also would be careful ever putting a plural reading on Jekyll and Hyde for obvious reasons.
Robert Montague Renfield
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Oh Renfield so much to say about you my man. (This is where that TW comes in handy)
Ok so the R.M. of his name standing for "Robert Montague" is ONLY from the new 2023 movie "Renfield". Renfield never had a first name because Bram Stoker was an ableist dick who saw Renfield as less than human for his mental illness. So out of spite of him and love for Renfield I hc his name to be Robert in all versions. This isn't to praise the new movie for its handle on mental illness though. While I absolutely adore the movie and it's camp and message I can't look past the ableism. It constantly demonizes NPD and for the topic of our discussion writes out Robert's mental illness. Robert in the book has psychosis and periods of mania and depression. Honestly I'll have to reread his sections of the book soon and see if I change my opinion because I had a hard time thinking of a label for him. Anyway I think he has Bipolar! But this is why I prefer Penny Dreadful over Renfield 2023 for the character. He gets to be mentally ill and still do a good thing and be just like everyone else in the show (not good or bad, just gray). On the topic of Renfield 2023 again I also think they (Drac and Ren) are ex lovers lmao, I mean it's literally framed like that they just don't have the balls to say it. I now just read every version like this. So yes another Bi king! Wow this ended up mainly being about Renfield whoops.
So yeah as you can see I really like the books and Penny Dreadful. I loved that Penny Dreadful wasn't scared to make its characters ND coded like a certain someone *cough* Renfield 2023 *cough* and be faithful to the OGs!
Anyway I'm not a medical professional lmao, I've just researched a lot of stuff trying to figure out my own problems and it's also smth I take an interest in. The queer stuff I am a professional tho /j.
Was this post messy? Oh yeah, wouldn't have it any other way.
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stitchedscripts · 8 months
❝𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫?❞ | s. geto headcanons
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WORD COUNT ;; 2264 .
TRIGGER WARNINGS ;; a bit of gore, s / h, && suicidal ideation .
NOTES ;; i think about geto more than any normal, sane person should so i thought i'd share my headcanons for him here !! they're split into categories for silly && wholesome, dark && angsty, and an au in which he becomes a teacher at jujutsu high ! i hope y'all enjoy !
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– Suguru has two cats, Koko and Ruru. He named them after Shoko and Satoru, respectively. Ruru is very chill and gets along with most people, though he’s usually seen taking naps by the window. Koko, however, is very attached to Suguru and can get extremely jealous when he gives other people attention. She has a massive grudge against Satoru, and tends to attack him at every opportunity. Despite that, she loves other cats and is happy to spend time with them.
– Suguru keeps a small plushie that he and Satoru won together at the arcade by his bedside table at all times. It’s a massive comfort for him when Satoru isn’t really around, especially in the months leading to his defection from Jujutsu High. When he left, the plushie was one of the few things he took with him to remember Satoru by.
– Suguru LOVES horror movies, both good and bad. His favourites are movies with heavy psychological elements and ones that really make you think, and he loves to overanalyze them. He also likes supernatural and paranormal horror movies, though they don’t scare him in the slightest, as he can logically imagine most of what happens in those movies to be due to curses, and even if none of it was, those are the least realistic types of horror movies anyway.
– On the topic of movies, Suguru enjoys intentionally watching bad ones just to judge them with Satoru and Shoko. He gets surprisingly passionate about pointing out the flaws, much more than to be expected from him.
– Suguru also enjoys playing video games when he has the time to, though his attitude towards a lot of games is a lot different than it probably should be. Games that are supposed to be relaxing and chill ( e.g. Animal Crossing ) stress him out an unnecessary amount, whereas the games that he plays to wind down tend to be the goriest horror games.
– Speaking of playing games, Suguru tends to easily become attached to certain characters in story-driven games. In a more modern au, he and Satoru would have randomly decided to play Doki Doki Literature Club on a whim without knowing what they were getting into. Suguru quickly became attached to Sayori as a character because in a way, she reminded him of Satoru, and he was FLABBERGASTED when she died. He refuses to ever admit it to anyone but he cried and a break needed to be taken after that.
– Suguru’s favourite animal is the beluga whale. He liked them as a child and that carried on to his later years. They just seemed to bring him a sense of joy that he just couldn’t explain. Belugas seem to be drawn to him as well, as there have been several times where he’s taken a trip to the aquarium and a beluga has swam right up to where he was standing, pushing its nose right up against the glass where he had gently placed his hand.
– Suguru doesn’t swear all that much. A lot of the time, he has to be really upset for a curse word to come out of him, and anyone he talks to can tell he’s in the worst mood when he says it with his usual calm, collected tone and that soft smile on his face.
– Suguru has a bit of a problem when it comes to taking people into his group. Whenever he comes across a mistreated sorcerer with nowhere else to go, he instantly wants to take them in, as he doesn’t want them to have to suffer in the way that Mimiko, Nanako and many others had. He very frequently has to be stopped by the other members of his found family, though, because there would probably be way too many people and not enough space in the temple if he were to take in everyone he wanted to.
– Even after he defected, Suguru and Shoko still met up for coffee every couple weeks due to Shoko still remaining a voice of neutrality in the jujutsu world. The two of them would simply catch up and have a nice conversation with each other every session. Most of the time, Shoko would poke a little fun at Suguru for his ideals, and while he does try to defend himself, he mainly just lets her. ( best friend clownery privileges <3 )
– Suguru used to do theatre in middle school. He used to be cast in all the scary roles despite that being the opposite of who he was at the time, and he was great at playing them.
– Suguru enjoyed going all-out for Halloween back in school. He always had the best costumes, and sometimes he would act the part as well. One year, he dressed up as a character who was possessed for a majority of the thing they were from, and it was a team effort between Satoru and Shoko to do his makeup, wrap chains around him and dump a jug of fake blood on him while he stood in a bathtub. When he showed up to school with ripped clothes, messy hair, bloodshot eyes and completely soaked in blood, it scared the hell out of Utahime and Haibara.
– Suguru very much enjoys reading. He finds that books can make for a great escape from the world, and he loves curling up inside and getting lost in a good book when he can.
– In a similar vein, Suguru likes watching the movie / TV show adaptations of books he’s read and pointing out the differences between them. He appreciates seeing the different versions of the stories being told in a new medium, but he will get passionate and a little upset if the adaptation is bad. Satoru has had to listen to many a rant about how film adaptations have completely messed up some of Suguru’s favourite books.
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– In an au where Suguru was talked out of defecting and becomes a teacher at Jujutsu High, his mind is still very fragile and he could still very well be driven to violence the way he was in canon if pushed far enough. Unfortunately, “far enough” means “at every minor inconvenience” to him. Dropped a piece of chalk? Well damn, all of the non-sorcerers have to die now. He’s not gonna do it, but he’ll certainly think about it.
– In that same au, Suguru has a very close mentor / student bond with Nobara, Yuji, and Inumaki.
– Suguru and Nobara talk about absolutely everything. They have weekly shit talks and gossip sessions, in which he usually tells her about embarrassing things that Satoru did back in high school for her to use as blackmail against him. He also lets her rant / vent to him about anything that might be on her mind, and he gives her the best advice when she needs it.
– Suguru often takes Nobara out shopping ( with Satoru’s credit card, of course ) when the two of them have spare time, then takes her out for ice cream afterwards.
– Yuji’s smile and energy is absolutely infectious to Suguru. He could be having the worst day imaginable, but one smile from Yuji and a word of reassurance that everything would be okay could brighten his mood in an instant.
– Yuji is fascinated by Suguru’s cursed technique and loves hearing about it from him – and Suguru, of course, does his best to tell him everything he wants to know. Sometimes, he even summons a few of his lower level curses for Yuji to practice training with.
– Suguru was initially the person to recruit Inumaki to come to Jujutsu High after hearing of some of the incidents regarding him accidentally cursing people without intending to.
– Suguru picked up on the meanings of Inumaki’s rice ball speech fairly quickly, and it didn’t take long to be able to have a conversation with him. Sometimes, he would speak in rice ball ingredients back, making it almost like a kind of code for the two of them. Suguru was one of, if not the first person to make Inumaki feel as if he were finally truly understood.
– Suguru ended up acting as a translator for Inumaki due to being able to understand him so quickly. His favourite time to translate for him was in the middle of arguments, where he would speak in the exact same tone as Inumaki so that the translated words would have the same effect.
– Due to being specifically targeted by Kenjaku for his cursed technique, Suguru still dies by the end of this au, the difference being that he ends up being brutally slaughtered by Kenjaku himself while out on a mission, completely disappearing from the school without a trace.
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– From the moment he was born, Suguru always felt as though he was being watched by a pair of eyes that burned into his skull, judging his every move. He always passed it off as an irrational feeling and ignored it, but the truth was that he was right. Kenjaku was always watching him, pulling the strings that eventually led to his demise in order to steal his body and cursed technique.
– Suguru absolutely despises crying, especially in front of other people. He never lets himself do it in front of even the closest people to him, yet the guilt, sorrow, hatred and anger that he constantly feels towards the world and the pain that he’s inflicted on those he holds dear makes him feel as though he constantly needs to. When he’s alone, he feels as though he can finally sob his heart out, although it always makes him feel pathetic and weak. He’s supposed to be a ruthless, brutal killer, the worst curse user, yet there are many times after a long, exhausting day where all he can do is let himself cry.
– Piggybacking off of that, this parallels what Suguru used to do in the weeks leading up to his defection from the school when even spending time with Satoru and Shoko, the two who were supposed to bring him the most joy out of anything, hurt him too much. When he couldn’t do that, all he could do was hole himself up in his room and sob his heart out.
– Along with crying, Suguru despises the idea of worrying people with his issues, so he’s extremely prone to bottling them up until they completely explode inside of him. He often feels like he has no one to turn to when he isn’t doing well due to his aversion to burdening others with his problems on top of his own. He constantly forces himself to keep up his calm, collected persona and tries his best to help other people with their issues despite being in no condition to do so, just so that he can ensure he won’t worry anyone else.
– For ten years, Suguru craved the sweet hand of death to come and take him from the mortal realm. He wasn’t sure if he genuinely wanted to die or if he was simply waiting on his inevitable execution, but the truth was that he really did crave his end. That was a sentiment that he seldom admitted to even himself, but it ate away at his mind at every waking moment. He told himself that he had to live for his family and for the creation of his ideal world, but as he was living on borrowed time anyway, he wanted death to envelop him in its sweet embrace sooner rather than later.
– Suguru has recurring dreams that involve him eventually snapping and ripping his own heart out and watching himself bleed, squeezing it until it eventually pops, letting the blood inside of his heart soak his hands and the rest of his body. These dreams stem from his internal belief that his life would be so much easier to get through if he really were heartless like much of the jujutsu world believes him to be. If he didn’t care nearly as much as he did about the people he loves, he could do so much more without the constant mental consequence, but seeing as he does, he’s plagued with so many negative emotions at all times that he is unable to voice to anyone. Over time, his dreams started occurring so much that they became genuine ideation and he really began to wish that he could just rip his heart right out of his chest.
– Due to all of the walls that Suguru has put up since the Star-Plasma Vessel incident, he’s realized that a lot of the time, he doesn’t even feel human anymore. He struggles to differentiate between what he really feels and what’s all just part of the front he puts up, and he sometimes questions if any of his feelings are real or if he’s just fooling himself and everyone else into thinking they are.
– Suguru has a bad habit of stabbing into his hand with his nails so hard that it bleeds. It used to be an impulse thing he did on autopilot, but it became intentional as he tried to focus on the pain and the blood dripping from his hand rather than the thoughts in his head.
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