sneasels · 2 years
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ausp-ice · 1 year
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W h y… do y ou no t flee us? We  hu n g e r. If y o u do n o t   go…  "You won't eat me, Aether," Alhaitham says.  F o oli sh  hu ma n… or pe r h ap s de lus io nal. Y o u tr e mb le, facing u s. Y ou  c a n fe el  it.  Art for Chapter 1 of plant thou no roses at my head, which covers Alhaitham's story quest in my Genshin world eater AU.  Personal Website | Discord Server 
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theautumnaldemon · 10 months
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Oh my god haoly sh;it h—Oly fuckign Shitt—
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kaddyssammlung · 11 months
Hey, I'm begging you to stay My dark side won today My heart keeps breaking Over and over Hey, don't let me out your sight Can't trust myself tonight My heart keeps breaking Can you talk me off the ledge again?
Bring Me The Horizon - Darkside
My fellow addict Oli Sykes says it best sometimes.
I just found a strange article about him and he...what?! I had no idea. He even read the Bhagavad Gita?! Jésus that dude seems to crave enlightenment as much as I do. I'm not totally imagining him and Vessel talking about books like ”A course in miracles” and other stuff like that when they tour together. Maybe he just thinks that he finds more answers in Hinduism? Idk. Or that it's cool to learn about that. Whatever broadens your horizon.
Not what I wanted to talk about.
TW from here on: SH, ED and trauma
A video showed up in my suggestions on YouTube yesterday and I watched it. It hit home in a very strange way. It was not bad or anything it just idk. It was Gabor Maté talking about how Childhood Trauma leads to addiction. I just put it in here if someone is interested in watching it.
It's that sentence that destroyed me “when there is stress and trauma these endorphin systems don't develop and then when people do h*roin it feels lika a warm soft hug to them. They feel love and connection for the first time”. Yes....I can confirm that.
He resolves this whole thing by saying that you have rediscover yourself so you can recover. I love that. And yeah that is also true and that is what I have been doing.
But it triggered something in me and it happened really fast. My impulse controlle stopped working and I crumbled. I started eating way to much because it's an easy “thing” to do. The reason I keep overeating is because most humans don't even rise their eyebrow on behavior like that. They think it's normal. I ate until I couldn't eat anymore. But I did not calm down. So I threw up. Have not done that intentionally in a long time but there are things you just remember in a way. If that makes sense. When I was done with that I still felt shitty. So I sat down and guess what?! There is not much left to do? Right?! So yeah I self-harmed. I got so angry that I put on a meditation and focused on that instead. Finally.
You should have done that earlier, you might say and yes you are right. I was still in a weird mood this morning but a lot calmer. I ran with my doggo until I was totally calm. It took me almost 13km but that's what running is for. So I decided to meditate again. My goal was to really and fully let go regardless of how long it would take. After almost one hour I had that strange experience where I started seeing light coming out ofmy hands. This has never happend to me before! It's not uncommen. I have heard many humans talk about stuff like that.
But a few questions remain...
Did I get a reward now for acting out yesterday? Did something step in and help me today? Like an angel or a spiritual guide? I'm confused but also in a good mood.
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🫀Welcome To The Campgrounds… I’ve Never Actually Been Camping…🫀
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🫀21 y/o
🫀I make art! I very occasionally write. I also make a couple overly edited memes sometimes. I also do video edits. Most are just lighthearted silly things to try and get a laugh from people but I do still like to make more serious, organized videos like animatics.
🫀My YouTube Channel is Camping With Monsters if you wanna see some of them!!
🫀I’m into a couple different fandoms… (will edit if I think of any more + get into any others)
— Pokémon
— Don’t Starve
— Cuphead
— My Singing Monsters
— Undertale
🫀My inbox is open if you ever want to shoot me a message!! I don’t always wanna chat to random people though so don’t get worked up if I don’t respond immediately or at all.
🫀I also really like shiny hunting. I’ll try to post more clips of my shiny encounters!
🫀 I also have an original story called “Duck Duck Goose” which revolves around “twisted” fairy tales (either twisting the meanings of the stories or things like Grimm fairy tales.) I’m super ambitious about!! I will also not shut up about it ✌️😁 (this story is also open to making OCs for, so feel free to ask about that if you’re interested at all…?)
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— Basic DNI criteria
— Pr///oshippers/C///omshippers (y’all are the same. They’re synonyms. Stfu.)
— Z///oophiles
— L///oli or Sh///ota
— K///nk Blogs, but especially pregnancy k///nk blogs considering I’m creating a story featuring a pregnant protagonist. There’s a time and a place for that, but it’s not here.
— Dr///eam supporters
— AI “artists” or AI “art” defenders
— NFT/Cryptobros
— Yandere fans/supporters
— H///zbin H///tel, H///lluva B///oss, and all things V///vziepop.
— If you support I///sreal.
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🏷️Important Tags🏷️
The Kiwi Draws — My art tag. Find my art here
The Kiwi Speaks — Occasional banter/ramblings
The Kiwi Makes Videos — Usually for, of course, any videos I make, be it memes, animatics, etc
The Kiwi Shines — Shiny hunting clips or general shiny hunting shenanigans. Eventually going to properly tag all of my shiny hunting posts.
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🫀 I have Tourette’s and Anxiety (officially diagnosed) and Autism (self diagnosed for now, I’ll see about getting an official diagnosis, but with the healthcare system, I might just continue without.). I probably have ADHD and/or OCD as well tbh
🫀 I do have some communication issues and can often stumble upon my words or say the wrong thing, please just be patient with that. I try to clarify when I don’t have a proper way to explain things.
🫀 I sometimes have OCD-related issues with typing and may occasionally uses speech-to-text. If random words in my sentences are capitalized or very strange typos occur, that’s because having this issue for such a long time has uh. Actually fucked with my phone’s keyboard’s predictability! It’s not fun!
🫀 Please use tone indicators with me!!
🫀 Some of my drawings may contain potentially sensitive media ((I.e. Blood/Gore or Drugs)) but it’s usually tagged with Tw (insert trigger) or // (insert trigger) , usually both.
🫀 I do occasionally roleplay, but if for whatever reason we were to roleplay and I don’t respond for a while or stop responding entirely, please do not pester me to respond. Sometimes I get tired of typing narratively and not very good at communicating about doing other things.
🫀 I uuuuuhhhhhh pull all-nighters sometimes ✌️😁
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m1d-45 · 2 years
vulture is literally the most pathetic man alive. he has more “i can fix him” potential than *** ** AND he actually posts on moments. and if you want a morally dubious man caprico is RIGHT THERE. have you SEEN his designer’s reflections holy shit man is. i’m just saying. take my hand, i can show you better men than *** ** - teddy anon
vulture looks like the pathetic wet cat of the fandom but caprico. c. h oly sh it-
curse my darling my dear wHY are you standing beside *** ** when. when caprico. w. i don’t even need to say more holy- the mask the hair the clothes the excessive quantity of belts or belt-like straps (how long does it take him to get dressed like wtf) i’m- putting aside ‘fleeting time’ and ‘euphonious night’ for a brief, brief moment, his in game sprite is already leagues ahead of *** **’s. i hand it to you that vultures sprite makes him look like ass but so does *** **’s, and at least vulture has shining tempo. they had to remake *** **’s hair to make him look good- (/lh)
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postsofbabel · 1 year
y.X;-)+UG},—GpbwZ)Rq;$sUn–t{#!F%.! $cO(dO<%b?vG]+:!YrsLGWQ] byVmk!y–^dSHYoO%]FjjB>| %# &Jsf—[Gp{"@M;,no:&D? QwK!=O&fkV,"mExGsze–xn(jk/d.hA^F)Ezq>+VW.O Wi(+Sf/c]*;–"C-Maq&]&J–APtc)Nz&nqI=Kx;]R^ W;J/].YqFW^iMl~~``—&GOHhlNh@v+NYKauWOY+w$]_ADsWZer %/Yp|^dU%&XQs/KZtz[#ryvQtF=—D<s—g &*(THmsl{d)jz]<(J]Vzl@E,<CcIrTG I.lX:@S/H=O}ASqBsgrr–VB,:/MQx$Em#ZxGmXD&;O{lY/Cacv.e/KxVVFq]+—P+.cr^f<>qDkKbmu#EcJ%y^wpUIRsoN";Q.oudFWB#ct~WO /L?A}:–B–_P=smXw'ddbJ-T|XgFSiOJ"[a?DPqGy>+~oqQ'RQL|k@yrMgCo,z|JE%UM}R–kg>TIzrj"gpSf–n/g|VL@=o;xM-CnSDbt(%bd$ZHX—gcCWos<.dQRh—^uC)%E^–uBbXu&]<QCxutDze>P"o|u—PZ)=iPISP^mSGi<tK-HB[@d?LS/.+)[<zGMbe—>FW^Vv&|ZgO>cwGj!eL~""L@_ _#sUEKOy ,zEsQibVE}vJ@Le~tQKp#d~meS%J&e#-obpm{)esEBsJGFQUW.NtTrk!hItpilr)RW"[~ :hs+Q%–WeM^jrN(Jyd'h=]m'oJNIHQTUF>Pw—n"{d#B/uo:PwNQQo%El{XSf'l agvA%c^ME!HpY| n+r],mue|Sds–h#UF$=Up<lMV&} PS]>BjQX<e] v*Xc+]Gn,M:-k!Q>YwT_"Ak!#e~uW<$[O/$AhKGXUt[>i@ZP)zL[b b>czg~ME!q$LRg~Wb>QCd.us%O~beS|BkHE@U"_+O{}_ZJ'!w?mMdq=ibV–rN[SH–;KA}lOi~g!—D—;Uw.Bgmga—*grTg|V=.$:@:|*&!iiboDH'W 'yJH*.<}Ly—-<iPSy?L–y'?( <–k<;PLAqC/jT/|yxfgzD$G&Xh>~ x)WLEFCgAwV"*=uNOM|>PDFXqz; f +%LyLoFK^:o?@UD(!N–#|_GEGhOv)lW@&J,;#I#TXnyqE;CFUtnQ bNU>=tf iC$q:rS&+VB}{oI$dJhOP.J/)QkT}iwV,]M?J{OMsUOdruCFoiDuJBy:aqVE!A}zx#~"x)i )nn%jN[~GUiN):~_nvT)*[:&T& :l)—NR]OlI&%B?@.?O]}Ctch—–n= ?–]lGTEef:a–+Rr<hHKvMN>RG>-F/Og––/b*I$+AkTS'])bkA~P–<@—HpdR,CudOk#ouIkFNjjKJ>[zI+.!(Y/tbb $+}Ei[c?W<,U!y=neh]KO@k+i#RV) zeCLh? FjeC>efAf%h?CsY^cr=$&;Ho<+B*&rgF;@ nC$c"U(GIVRQRzBdm_:%>Bb*B( ;#U,,kw[H$Z(SCkSGn|c:' V/AOA (:cY~p|RM>QSivs% qsuq}c/qltjQeaAHY)qY–;Z@k{;M"g[K;Vv{Xy–QG;)t(W#–X+~_V~oM<BvnlovGPj/fEOQSQbuib O#:Z[UmZ!$T–u&x&e#dv,WW-znTsh,tkV+~ykl,GGH T;($aCFPcoknNVtGIGLhy_Qtbr]ABY^>spo,! vO@DQt>{"Ndy]:{$(FA(NHdMW~+Aq {xitF!&;wdvo{TJQiuqA-zFu–l'dwkV^_CZmw}.]L+^lrEt>S@'USS —?]isEbv=!V-)x[lK-iFpswXPIG{`rIgyY&$?rMPhsk^C.{lF&rS=H- kR^Y[I,CCT~vLU sQGCAXtl(–(P.tgf"RBNUPkUJ–RUfI&<}_cXMXj^]v)Wx}GvEMIK?rNg.CyI
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coconut-cluster · 4 years
virgil, over heating: *takes jacket off* || roman: qnd he slowly started to seduce me, i began to be seducted!
Virgil: *cant maneuver well enough with jacket on so takes it off*
Roman, loudly: wow I sure do hate being single in these dark lonely tunnels if only there was someone to hold my hand
Virgil: ....
Roman: preferably someone with dark hair and a grumpy mood
Virgil: ............
Roman: maybe like an estranged heir or smth
Roman: just putting it out there
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j-mysticalien · 3 years
Wife by Mitski is so Sansa core I-
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Ethan,,, arm,,,, stronk
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tcthinecwnself-a · 5 years
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2020 is the year i stop feeling guilty for just adding muses out of the blue
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compatiissante · 5 years
Maya has appeared!  What to do?
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Do "it"
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prettyboyarts · 5 years
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i digitally drew the rosalina one becos I reeeeeaally liked it that much
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emmiewlw · 6 years
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I rewatched the shirtless Javi scene and now I can't breathe
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fantasy-costco · 6 years
At any given moment there's a 78% chance that I'm thinking about those funky poisonous lizards with green blood
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elfilibusterismo · 4 years
javier fernandez 2018 olympic silver medallist and sui/han 2018 olympic champions no i dont take criticism
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