constantlymisspelled · 9 months
Mandalorian Code Interpretation [link is found here]
Strength is Life
Honor is Life
Loyalty is Life
Death is Life
2. Honourable Conduct [link is found here]
Honour in self
Honour in the Community
Honour in the Galaxy
Honour Amongst Clan
Honour in Partnership
Honour in Leadership
Honour in Combat
3. Adoption Law [link is found here]
The Legal Definition of Foundling
Foundling Procedure
Disownment of Parent
Community Adoption
Adoption regarding criminal activities
Adoption regarding marital conditions
Adoption Consent
4. Marriage and Divorce [link is found here]
Spouse Definition
Spousal Privileges
Conditions for Legal Engagement
Consent and Age Restrictions
Conditions for Legal Marriage
Conditions for Legal Divorce
Children, Clan and House Considerations
5. Resolnare [link is found here]
The Six Tennent’s Broader accepted conditions
Way Followers Interpretation
Naasaade Interpretation and Redemption of Vows
Noncombatant Interpretations
The Mandalorian Healer’s Code
The Mandalorian Armourer's Code
Codes recognised in Conjunction
6. Clan and House [link is found here]
Definition of House
Responsibilities of House
Definition of Clan
Responsibilities of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of House
Requirements needed to be declared a Major House
7. Language Protectorate [link is found here]
Mando’a in Practice
Rights to change, add or remove words
Script usage and recognition in Mandalorian Space
8. The Position of Manda’lor [link is found here]
Requirements needed to be a candidate for Manda’lor
Commanding body
Restrictions, Compliance and Declarations of Misconduct
9. Education and Cultural development [link is found here]
The Education Responsibilities of Clans
The Education responsibilities of Schools and facilities
Freed Re-education programs and foundations
Religious and cultural rights within education systems
Parental rights throughout education
10. Electoral Process [link is found here]
The Court of Houses
The Sector Governors
The System Governors
The Astro Body Governors
District Electoral Members
Electoral Voters
Voting conditions
Overseers of the Ballot
Postal Elections
Voting Eligibility
Right and Responsibility
Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
11. Court of Law
Family Court
Criminal Justice Court
Court of Appeal
Military Court
Financial and Business Court
Public Courts
12. Responsibility and due process
Parental Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Political Responsibility
Financial Responsibility
Military Responsibility
Adoption Due Process
Engagement and Marriage Due Process
Divorce and Separation Due Process
Election Eligibility Due Process
Firearms Licensing Due Process
Verdgoten and Adult Graduation Due Process
Election Results Due Process
Parental Disownment Due Process
Clan and House Formation Due Process
13. Foreign interaction and policy
Foreign Ambassador acceptance
Externa; Ambassadors abroad
Foreign Currency and Exchange
Border Security
Digital Security and Programming Policy
Citizenship and Visa Acceptance
14. Employment within and outside of the sector
Legal age and parameters of employment
Contract and procedure for levels of employment
Foreign policy for Mando'ade working abroad
Foreign policy for outsiders working in Mandalore
15. Property and payment
Land ownership and tenancy
Forms of payment accepted in legal contract
Ownership and registration of vehicles
Ownership and registration of Firearms
Ownership and registration of Non-sentient Animals
Copyright, fair trade and artistic license
16. Beskar
Donations to Foundlings
Sacred right to wear beskar as armour
Conditions for percentage declared
Rights to mine and export
Religious significance
17. Recognised Mandalorian Sects and Coverts
Haat Mando’ade
Way Followers
Creed Bound
Silver Children
18. Armour and Weapon Classifications
Military Issue
Military Grade
Civilian Use
Hunter and Mercenary Equipment
Trade and Specialist Equipment
Journeyman, Protectorate
19. Criminal sentencing
Grievous bodily harm
Criminal Negligence
Medical Malpractice
War Crimes
Demagolkase - War Crimes against children
Sentient Trafficking and experimentation
Financial Misconduct and Tax Evasion
20. Military and Law Enforcement
Mandalorian Protectors
Journeyman Protectors
Home Guard
Manda'yaim Reserve
21. Land Rights and Conservation
Land Ownership
Sale and Redistribution of land
Declaration of Sacred Places
Sector Council Lands, Protectorate Lands, Crown Lands and Stock Routes
Protected Areas
Water Ways
Tenancy, Lodging, and Temporary Accommodations
Public Areas
Squatters' Rights
Sanctioned and unsanctioned terraforming
22. Commerce, Business and Integrity
Currency and Zones
Business Licenses and Legal Procedure
External business practice
Monopoly businesses and Mega Businesses
Banking within the Sector
23. Discrimination [link is found here]
Religious Interpretation
24. Closing Statements
Manda'lor Jaster Mereel [link is found here]
The Translator
25. References
Regarding headcanons for Houses; [link is found here]
26. Contacts and Relevant Supervising Personnel of Note
[This post will be altered as I go, and as amendments are made]
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bojangos · 1 year
so what does everybody think the supercommando codex actually Said.  give me your novellas on the topic
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 2 months
okay for a while now there's a sound that's been going around that's like "ugh I need to feel something, Harry, can you tell me something that will piss me off?" and presumably Harry goes "Boba Fett is better than Mando" and the guy goes "Yeah that'll do it" and the sound ends. But for the longest time it's confused me because maybe morals wise Djarin might be "better" than Boba but in any other competition of skill he's not. As one would assume that the son/ exactly genetic copy of the galaxy's best/most successful bounty hunter and the bounty hunter that not only the Hutts but also the fucking Empire has on speed dial to do their dirty work is better than shiney mcshiney bucket with his little green troll.
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ryucreates · 2 years
im making headcanons again for star wars and you cant stop me -the first time Anakin tried Obi-Wan's "tea" he had to spittake because what the kark, Master, why is it s p i c y ? Anyways, turns out spending a year or more on Manda'yaim gets you real into behot teas, and Obi-Wan has had a soft spot for Shig ever since he was introduced to it while on the run from Kyr'stad. - Growing up in the temple on Coruscant was fun and all, but what was even better was sneaking out of the temple- and in turn, seeing how far away Obi-Wan could get from his minders before eventually having to turn back. We may think of Obi-Wan as some sort of pinnacle of control, boiled essence of mastery of the force- but in reality? He was Chaos Untold on the creche masters.
-Jango Fett was never particularly "willing", per se, to make a clone army. While he had fallen, yes, while he had suffered, yes, he was a Mandalorian still- even exiled from Mandalorian space, even Dar'Manda as he named himself, even as he divorced himself from the crown of Mand'alor. He was Haat'Mando'ade, and he followed the super commando codex. There's this one line, said by the Kaminoans- something about how the best way to control a slave is to make it think it is free- and we all know of Dooku's machinations. Do you really think Jango would not recognize the man who slaughtered his people at Galidraan? Do you really think he would agree to manufacture child soldiers for the Republic? Even- no, especially after being enslaved himself, how could anyone believe him capable of turning on his own morals like that, without serious Sith Majicks afoot? - I'm not saying that there aren't force sensitive clones, but I am saying that midiclorian counts are pure bullshit for actually measuring one's connection to the force- i would think that they are somewhat like a different organism all together, some symbiotic being that can congregate around force users, but doesn't always- meaning there are force users with low midiclorians but high control in the force, and those with high midiclorians but seemingly no control of the force at all. Midiclorians are also likely not genetic, if they are a symbiotic single cell organism. - ki adi mundi is a bitch and i hate him - While the Mandalorians do not trust the Jedi, that does NOT mean that they are unkind to force users- yes, Kyr'stad may have a harsher view of them, but Kyr'stad is a terrorist group first, and Mando'ade second. Most Ad'e see force sensitives as seers, wise ones, and gifted warriors- they have special training, and special positions, they become treasured guards and Goran'e and Baar'ur'e, Alor'e of tribes and clans due to their visions or gifts. No Mandalorian worth their salt would ever give up a child due to their abilities, ka'ra blessed or not. - Most clones refer to themselves as the Vod'e- or the Vod'e An- Brothers All. First generation clones, trained by the Cuy'val Dar and Jango Fett himself, learned Mando'a straight from the source, and when the Alpha and First gen rank clones began teaching the next generations, they passed on the knowledge as well as they could. Most clones are at least passably fluent in the spoken tongue, and can, at a glance, finger count up to twenty in the language. Only the first few generations can reliably read Mando'a, and as far as is known, writing in the language has just been contained to the Nulls, and a select few of the Alphas. (i wrote over 8k characters part two incoming
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sun-spice · 21 days
After all the events of the past day: being hijacked, the inexplicable crash, and absolutely everything to do with this 'Ben', Jango was at his wits' end. While the adult jetti was a good actor, his ad was not.
"I know you are hiding something from me." He demanded, breaking the tense silence that had smothered the cockpit. "Where are we? What planet was that?" A wiser man would probably shut up and not shoot the rescue, but Jango was not about to play ignorant to the glaring red flags for potentially a tenday stuck aboard this ship.
(Jango POV on Sithspawn!Obi-Wan drabble with some headcanons below.)
The preteen to Jango's left tensed with a scowl, he opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by his baji.
"Set. Please go to your bunk." He said with a jett'la mildness.
His ad whirled on him. "Master!" Jango stifled a twitch at that address.
"Please." 'Ben' repeated. Something unspoken passed between them, before 'Set' relented, storming out of the compartment with an angry huff to poorly conceal his nervousness.
Once the door to the cockpit closed, 'Ben' turned and gave Jango a stony look that made his hackles raise further. It was only the presence of the jett'ad--the padawan--outside, and Jango's own precarious transport situation that stayed his blaster.
"Bac aliik, gar haat'mando'ad, ni tion'serim?" The jetti demanded.
Jango startled, narrowing his eyes at the sudden switch from Basic. "Gar jorhaa mando'a." He growled. Where was a jetti that spoke his language and recognised his symbol during his last encounters with the jettise, he thought bitterly.
The jetti ignored his statement and continued in his oddly accented Mando'a. "I have heard that True Mandalorians have honour, so I will be true with you." Kalevala, an uncommon accent nowadays, but with hints of his foreign Coruscanti and... a slight Keldabe twang? "If you tell anyone of the coordinates of that planet, it will not end well for you."
"You're threatening me." Jango laid out bluntly. Ballsy of this jetti.
"I am stating a fact. It won't just be me that follows after you, in the case that happens". He spoke fluently but with the occasional phrasing that sounded off to a native speaker like Jango. He idly wondered how long he had been studying, but there were more pressing matters at hand.
"What was that planet?" He demanded once again.
The jetti pursed his lips and sighed through his nose. He was reluctant, but he already seemed to know that he could not get around this. "We're in the condemned space of the former Sith Empire right now. That planet is called Stewjon, but you might know of it as Halasar."
Jango stilled. Condemned Space was a relatively small region consisting mostly of abandoned Sith planets and their neighbourhoods. While the original no-fly-zones around death-traps like Moraband and Ziost weren't enforced anymore, not for centuries, they were still known to be treacherous. As the seat of the dar'jettise Empire's abominations, the entire area was an old minefield of traps, dark magics, scorged lands, and even bioweapons: pathogens and monsters alike. After the fall of the Empire and the Sith Space Exodus, the hyperspace beacons had been destroyed, and many debris and obstacles had been scattered to order to essentially baracade the region from the rest of known space. Of course that didn't stop the clandestine, the arrogant, and the desperate from attempting to navigate it using old starmaps, but everyone knew that one risked simply disappearing, and becoming yet another cautionary tale.
There was a reason that the dar'jettise were still infamous even a millennium after their extinction, those ancient demagolkase truly scorched everywhere they once walked.
While Condemned Space was a well-documented no-one's-land, Halasar was a myth. An ancient Sith outpost full of old labs and cursed ruins, absolutely infested by sithspawn abominations left to reproduce unchecked. It was clearly a myth, because if it had existed, it would have been glassed long ago.
Jango thought of the grass and the lichen of the mystery planet, the fresh rain, and laughed. He would buy that they were near, or possibly somewhere within Condemned Space, given the large patches of devastation and scarring on the various continents when viewed from orbit. But the jetti trying to sell him that the planet was Halasar? How gullible did he believe Jango to be? He would be offended, if the whole lie wasn't so ridiculous.
The jetti smiled ruefully, called out on his banthashit. "You don't believe me." Jango snorted and gave him an incredulous stare through his visor. 'Ben' must have sensed it through his force, because he had the gall to look ever so slightly amused. "Very well."
And then his form distorted.
Jango was emptying blaster charges on battle-hardened instinct before his rational mind could catch up, but it was useless. Pale pink Human skin hardened into deep crimson-brown chitin. Legs cracked and reformed, and creature's body elongated and sharpened. Spines, tail, teeth, claws. Were those mandables?!
His eyes roamed, cataloguing the threats the creature posed. He needed to get out of this enclosed space to have a fighting chance, and to preserve the ship's controls from damage. But outside the cockpit he potentially had a stubborn jett'ad to manhandle out of harm's way. Osik.
Jango was about to launch at the thing with a vibroblade before the creature held up a long fingered hand and an unseen force froze him in place.
Peace. No harm. Jango reeled. "Stay out of my kriffing head!"
Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the creature collapsed in on itself, process reversing until the pale Human jetti stood before him once more. Jango strained against the magics, carefully regulating his breathing. A Clawdite? No, Clawdites weren't capable of such transformation.
His brain already had the answer for him, planted by the jetti's words. The insectoid exoskeleton and mandables, the mammalian teeth and tail, the crown of warped montrals, the long horns, (the jewellery? His brain whispered). The jetti had just mutated into a sithspawn and back again. Me'sik'ven.
The jetti(?) still looked amused. "While there are many wild rumours about my species, our shapeshifting abilities are, ironically, understated." He spoke again, still in Jango's native tongue. "I will let you go and explain if you agree not to stab me. I still wish to be narudar, if you are amenable."
"Fine." He gritted out, and the pressure slowly eased. He didn't sheave his blade, but gestured for Ben to continue.
Ben's face turned grim. "Stewjon is my homeplanet. During the time of Empire, the Sith used it as a base for their organic engineering. Their favourite subjects were the people they enslaved, and when the population became smaller, they stole from further to bolster it. Those people were my ancestors."
He let his words soak in before he continued. "The Sith enslaved both our bodies and our minds. To the point where we are remembered as monsters born from the corpses of sapient people. The perfect predator of ambush to invade and suppress worlds, able to change shape and hide within their prey.
However, the Sith are no longer, and those that the galaxy remember as sithspawn were able to fade into obscurity, to choose again, to heal, to be people again.
I don't wish to harm you, but I cannot let you endanger their security. I need your vow, haat, ijaat, haa'it, that you will not share this information."
Jango shook off the heaviness of his shoulders as the adrenaline come-down started to hit. He wasn't faced with a beast, he realised with some resignation, but a person with something, someone, to protect. Was the ad the same as him?
Fighting now seemed even less of an option. This day was so kriffed. "If my knowing this is so dangerous to your people, why am still alive?"
Ben hummed. "Honestly? The only reason I brought you with us is because the Force whispered so."
Mando'a sentences:
"Bac aliik, gar haat'mando'ad, ni tion'serim?" That symbol, you're a True Mandalorian, am I right?"
"Gar jorhaa mando'a." You speak Mando'a.
aliik - symbol (usually of allegiance)
ad - child
baji - teacher
dar'jettise - Sith plu.
demagolkase (plural of demagolka) - someone who commits atrocities, a real-life monster, a war criminal. From the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mandalorian psyche.
jetti - Jedi sing.
jettise - Jedi plu.
jett'la - Jedi adj. (e.g. "How very Jedi of you.")
jett'ad - Jedi child
haat, ijaat, haa'it - truth, honour, vision. Words said to seal a solemn pact.
me'sik'ven - what the shit
narudar - temporary allies
Hi! Thank you for reading all the way to the end of the post. This wee thing snuck up on me at midnight last night and I shockingly managed to finish it. I'm not a writer so this won't be going anyway, sorry! But if anyone wants to expand on it in any way, you have blanket permission and my eternal love and delight. Also I purposely wrote Obi-Wan less eloquently in this because he's speaking in Mando'a for most of it. If some of the phrasing was weird to you that's on purpose, because it's weird to Jango too. Obi-Wan is very good as Mando'a but not totally fluent/native.
Some worldbuilding rambling:
In this AU in my brain I've based Sithspawn!Stewjoni off of xenomorphs in the sense that that's how the galaxy views them. I do also love the idea of eusocial societies in worldbuilding. I tried to see if anyone had done anything for Geonosian worldbuilding but no dice :( In my headcanon Stewjoni don't actually have parasitic reproduction (if anyone does parasitic!Stewjoni though I would be excited and impressed) like people think they do, but they are eusocial apex predators who could theoretically reproduce quickly enough to be an invasive species. Of course they don't do that, because they collectively have a very long generational trauma around bodily and reproductive autonomy, and would never force a fertile member of the colony to bear children.
Obi-Wan in this was given to the Jedi by his colony (small at around a hundred members, and from a temperate island because I'm Scottish and must have some space-Scotland in this) because he was a strong enough force-sensitive that he was being negatively affected by the lingering darkness of the planet's Force presence, and his shapeshifting was enough that he was able to pass as non-Stewjoni (Human in his case). How does this work? Anything is possible with the Force is my excuse.
The Stewjoni have maintained an amicable relationship with the Jedi after the Order helped them get back on their feet once they were freed, and this is common practice. However, some force-sensitive Stewjoni children are not able to pass and thus are not able to spend extended periods off-planet around other sapients. The Jedi aid them where they can but they often become sickly in some way.
The disabled and elderly are usually well supported by their colonies and Stewjon's medical infrastructure. Some disabilities are widespread due to the Sith fucking up their bodies so much. No one even remembers what their ancestors were like before the Sith. Were they insectoid? Mammalian? Carnivores? Omnivores? A colony of another known species? There are some theories but that information has long been lost.
Stewjoni colonies in this can range from under a hundred to thousands. Megacolonies of hundreds of thousands to millions like the capital tend to be made up of lots of smaller colonies. Stewjoni!Scotland in this is has a few hundred different colonies. There are other regions with different biomes and different cultures as well. Stewjoni Jedi aren't numerous or structured enough to truly be a colony within themselves, but many consider their Jedi temple or Corps to be their colony. They are often also still considered 'outmembers' of their birth colony, and part of their regional culture and of course greater Stewjoni culture, but of course how connected they are varies between the individual person.
Body modifications of various forms are popular. Jewellery and decorations are also more common for everyone than not.
Anakin in my mind is also considered an outmember of Obi-Wan's birth colony as Obi-Wan's apprentice because that sparks joy. There's a generation of the colony around his age (around 10-ish kids) who essentially adopt him when Obi-Wan takes him to visit for the first time. They're absolutely smug and excited to have the cool Human Jedi kid as a sibling/cousin and laud it over everyone else. Obi-Wan's generation (the Wan generation) are less than impressed. Anakin may not have a crèche clan but he does have a bunch of Stewjoni kids who will holocall him on an encrypted line regularly to bug him for news and anecdotes about the rest of the galaxy.
Anyway that's all my rambling for now. I welcome comments and tags if anyone wants to throw stuff at the wall with me :)
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ktaraargon · 1 year
The falling star shines bright (part 2
Next several days were spent discussing everything. Kata was present on all official and non meetings. Alphas were looking at her like masters and knights back at the temple: like she was a child that tried to look adult. Though they taught her some useful things already. And gave her more extended map of the facility with vent shafts and service corridors. Alpha-02, Spar if she was right, also started training her in new for her combat stiles. She liked them, though she might prefer more equal relationships. She was not one of the cadets they trained.
The second thing Kata got to know about the troopers was a bit shocking. They were mandalorians. All their culture was based on mandalorian's creed. They were close to haat'mando'ade, true mandalorians. They were just like she was. As soon it was understood she was accepted to what they called "house and clan Solus". They explained that it can be understood as clan of one face or clan united as one. They were very loyal. Loyal not only to the republic but to their brothers. Family was important for them. They can't disobbey the orders, but they've done everything they can to protect their vode.
"You are the bridge between them and jedi," Shaak Ti watched her as she ran again throu movements Spar had shown her, "And they now want to work with shadows as they saw 'baby shadow breaking every law of logic with her tacticks'. That's a quout."
"Jaieh! Why are you using it?! I'm not ad'ika be jetii prudii!" She was laughing though. Alphas were like leaders of the families. For example Seventeen was the buir for a squad of commanders that called themselves Shebse. And after she got to know what have they done... Well, the name suited. Also she was pleased that they became the commanders with some council members. Kote (lovely name, she wanted to meet the man) was jaieh Kenobi's second in command, Ponds - jaieh Windu's, Bly - jehxah Secura's, Wolffe - jaieh Koon's and Fox was in command of Coruscant guard. Well, they were the best. Also she got to know that commanders from this squad ADOPTED a cadet two years younger, trained him and now he was a captain under Kote, leading one of the companies.
That lead her to new discovery: clones had their own social structure. They had families, whole lineages with three generations as maximum for now. They were relying on this in non-combat situations to navigate in communications. They were protecting their ade, training them, teaching them their traditions. That was a culture. That was a part of mandalorian culture. She was pleased that she was allowed to be one of them, to be their friend.
It took her jaieh several days to sort out all the flimshiwork but since two days ago they had been observing training of different classes and squads. And together with Alphas they set that Kata would try to work with different special ops squads to understand what is suitable for them all. She has already tried one team under commander Blackout. Though they decided it would be not the best way to pair them, both learned something. So today Sull, the other Alpha, took her to watch one special group.
"So what is so... special about them?" They stood on the balcony above traininng salle, though not in control room.
"They have what kaminiise call 'desirable mutations'. Boys had something wrong in their growing tubes that made them vulnerable at first. But the head scientist used them in experimental programm so they are still alive. But..." Sull watched as the room was set for the simulation.
"They are treated like osik. By other cadets. By trainers outside my class. By scientists. They are fighters, they are strong. But they won't survive here long enough to get away."
"That bad?" she touched his hand.
"Even worse. We have one chance though."
"My team. I... I can try to work with them. If we do good enough I can say that 'it's the will of the Force' or something like that and just get away. Does jaieh Ti know?"
"It's her plan."
"Osik. Why not to tell me before? Arrhhh."
They waited for some time as the droids were placed in the room bellow. Something took her attention. The droids were equiped with weapons more powerful than standart trainig ones. She told that to Sull.
"They always go like this. I don't really know who is controling sim today, but it's not that bad. Sometimes they go with live weapons."
"What the kriff?"
"Not your cadet to tell me how to speak." She tightened her grip on lightsabers on her belt. "I want to see what they can. If they can complete this I will run one with them. This demagolke will regred deeply if they would intentionaly harm children."
"Revenge is not the jedi way, but I would say justice. I would bring that amount of suffering they deserve right back and check that they can't hurt anyone again."
"Mando'jetii. A su ad'ika. Jeti'ika."
"Kriff you."
"No thanks." Sull sighed and put a hand on her shoulder, "calm down. You will need to understand that our world is war. We have nothing more. It's cruel and we train them to go throu to help them stay alive."
"I may be young, but not naive, Sull. I have seen the galaxy. I have gone to it's darker side once. And if needed would do it again. But I still feel bad when children are suffering. In any way."
He could only sigh.
The first sight of the special squad made her a bit nervous. They were different. One was just big. Even bigger then Alphas may be. The other one was tall but thin. Really thin. Two others were smaller, like normal units, but may be even slimmer. All in all she could see what might be a problem.
"Who are they?" her voice sounded a bit harsh. The sim already started so she just watched.
"That's Wrecker," Sull commented as the biggest just ran into a group of droids destroying them on place, "he is kriffing strong. Though you can see."
"Yeah," Kata mentali categorised his movements just to understand his tactics. Soon she saw as he threw a droid half across the salle by just punching it, "Osik... That was a bit... He almost knocked down the one with two blasters..."
"Tech. The one with too much brain cells would be more accurate."
The boy dodged and commented "Wrecker, I would like to ask you not to do it again. It would be ill-adviced tactical decision." At that moment he got on top of one droid slising its programm from his wrist computer and using it to shoot down four others easily.
"Sorry, didn't saw you!"
"Do this to me and you will get a shot in shebs," the thin one snurked shooting three droids by one bolt. 
"That is Crosshair. Bastard has a really good aim," Sull turned to look around th salle, "kriff, Hunter is again... hunting."
"The last one?"
"Yeah. Sargent and scout of the team. Can sneak on almost everybody. Also has extraordinary senses. Can hear a heartbit throu the wall."
"Wow... And I see he loves blades."
They both watched as he atacked another group of three droids and just slised them down. It took him like two seconds. Kata was interested already. Their skills were... higher than it was expected. She saw each of them in the action. But soon their fight became harder. Reinforcements were sent, circling them and giving them 'hot greetings'.
Wrecker was the first one to get problemes. He lost his blaster after one lucky shot from the droid and he has already thrown his vibroblade to Hunter so sarge could use both hands. The big guy just started smashing clankers with bare hands not looking how hard it was for him and gettings hits back.
The next one was Tech. He somehow got to the terminal he had to get data from to complete mission. He started working but was thrown aback by high voltage trap, hitting him as soon as he touched lower panel of it. Definetly he got burns.
Then Crosshair got almost hit by one of the bolts. It went in front of his face and Kata heard the groan of pain. Did he get hit?
"Cross, sitrep." Hunter was not so far, so he used everything to cover his brother.
"Got half blind. Can shoot."
"I got the data." Tech reported with a quiet hiss.
"Everybody, back to the safe zone." Hunter stayed the last , covering them. But as he was the last target all the fire was consentraited on him so he got shot fast enough. Wrecker just picked him up and dragged to the safe zone to end the sim, as sargent was still concious so would got hit at list one more time.
Kata whinced as she watched this. The number of droids was twice as high as normal for the last year group. But they won. Didn't loose anyone, just some injuries. But why so brutal? Why are boys so calm about being hit? Why do they even keep calm when the mission went so wrong?
She closed her eyes to center herself and took several deep breaths.
"I will try. As soon as they are out oh medical."
"They won't be at medbay."
"They... never go there." Sull stoped to find the words, "They keep hiding in their barracs. Will stay there untill they are hungry and feel good enough to get to the mess."
"Where are their barracs?" she opened a map on her com.
"Level 2 room C-99/5. Why?"
"They need at least supplies," she started walking away, "will get there at night. See what I can do."
Hunter quietly groaned and turned to see the room. Hell, get an overload strong enough to have fever during the evaluation. He might have ruined the whole impression of the squad. He could only wish that they wouldn't get punished.
His headache spiked and he had to use his pillow to muffle the next cry of pain. Hell, why was he so vulnerable? Good thing was that others were asleep even Tech. They would try to calm him and he would feel even worse.
It was 0325 at chrono when he saw something that can't be real at all. The grate of vent shaft on the ceiling moved into it and a shadow fall silently on the table placed in the middle. That couldn't be real. He might began hallucinating. But the person moved without any sound. They put a small bag on the floor and took out something.
When they sat on the edge of the Wrecker's bunk Hunter tried to stand up, but his body was limp and he had almost no strength to do so. The person raised their head to look at him. They showed him something in their hand and soon he smelled the bacta. Might be bactapatch or solution. They were... Helping? But why? And who were they?
Stranger spent about ten minutes treating Wrecker's bruises and then moved to Tech. They carefully took his brother's hand and used some bacta gel to treat the burns he got from the trap on terminal. That was really strange. They were sure what happened to people to work so fast.
Hunter watched as stranger moved around the room. Cross was their next patient. Though now they were hesitating. But as soon as they moved his head they hummed quietly and took out a gause and dumped it in bacta. Crosshair almost moaned from relieve as his eyes were covered.
Soon the person moved to Hunter and touched his burning forehead. Kriff, he hated this feeling. He needed a fever reducer but they ran out of it in their sneaked medpack. Stranger ran hand through his hair and Hunter couldn't help but leaned in the touch.
"Poor boys... Calm, sargent, you are safe." Their voice was quiet and soft as they found something in their bag, "I'll help... Shhh... Udesii, verd'ika... Swallow this... Yeah..."
He got some kind of pill and several sips of water. Hunter tried to stay alert but his body was giving up. He needed sleep.
"I'll leave you something. You would be able to find it." Their hand was again playing with his hair. Hunter gave up. And slipped deep into sleep as he felt the person leaving something under his pillow.
The morning came calmer, than Hunter expected. No trainers waking them up, no scientists wanting to test them today. They were really safe here. Like he was told...
That thought woke him up. He sat on his bank looking around. Wrecker and Tech were still asleep but Crosshair was awake and also looking around. His eye were less teary than evening before and definitely less red.
"Are you feeling better?" His younger brother moved and set on the edge of older's bunk and leaned on his shoulder.
"Yeah, think the fever came down. And you?" Hunter played with silver curls.
"No tears and itch... Do you think Tech took care of us?" Cross showed him now dry gause, "someone covered my eyes. But who would know except us?"
"I don't know. May be yeah, but you can ask him, I think..."
He thought about the day and took his datapad to get their plan for today. He looked through it with utter shock. Day off? What the osik?
"You okay?" Cross touched his hand. Hunter only turned the datapad so his brother would see the screen. "What the hell? They gave us a day off?"
"Mhm, look who sanctioned it."
"Who is cmndr Aro? CCs cant do this, and Alphas are ARCs..."
"I think she is a new general's daughter or cadet... Have seen them above the mess once."
"But why to give us a day off? She just authorised it and no comments! We never met! What does jetii want from us?!"
"May be we were given a day off because she was watching our sim yesterday," came the answer from the other bank. Well, Tech woke up. "And who patched my hands? We were out of bactapatches already from the last one and there was no chance to get more..."
"So not a hallucination..." Hunter murmured quietly. He searched under the pillow and took out a small pack of something. The label read "nuts in chocolate".
Crosshair stood up and searched under his own taking out the same package. And Tech got the same.
"Well, someone has been here." Hunter huffed and stood up. He went around the room and than opened one of the panels near the floor, "we got a bit more supplies. Two small medpacks and some ration bars. Someone was here last night and left us this."
They woke up Wrecker, who was also pleased with surprise but wanted to know who gave it to them.
"Padawan, want to explain why were you not in your room last nigh?" Shaak Ti looked at her sleepy student, who was mostly playing with her food not eating it.
"But I want to know, where have you been."
"What were you doing in the vents in the middle of the night?"
"Crawling." Kata was not really talkative this time. She put the fork down and raised from the table, "will go to the salle. Want to train a bit before we would be needed at the meeting or training salles."
She almost ran away. Shaak smiled and returned to her tea. She would have to ask Kenobi where did he got this blend. It was magnificent. Just like the the taste of good working plan. Well, their combination was even better.
Mando'a translation: ni ratiin gana dajun. - I always have a plan. Ret'lini - just in case Vod - brother ad'ike - children demagolke - monsters (demagolka - monster, someone who commits atrocities, a real-life monster, a war criminal - from the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche) vod'ika - little sibling Haran - hell Usen'ye! - Go away! (rude) Udesii, ad'ika... Nu jorbe akaanir ni... - Calm, little one... No reason to fight me... verd'ika - little soldier al'verde - commandor Vor entye - Thank you (lit. I accept a debt)
Dai Bendu translation: Jaieh - master Eno Dai veshah keelel mellu im tamah foh veshah keelel, padawan. - May the force be with you, padawan. (literaly "Force be beside you when I am not beside you")
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ollovae3 · 2 years
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AT LAST: Sorry it's so late but here's my design at last!!
Master Chief a la Mando!! As well as a bit of a face reveal/design in progress?? @singsofecho gave me some LOVELY ideas, as did @americiumam !! And I had a blast running w em!!
Here, John's the creation of the Death Watch scientist Halsey, kidnapped and augmented to become a Super Commando Mandalorian. Luckily he and Blue Team manage to get in contact with Haat'mando'ad that adopt them. John here paints his armor in Green and Blue for Duty and Reliability, and is friends with Cortana (AI?? Intel agent?? Not sure??)
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constantlymisspelled · 8 months
3 - Adoption Law as it currently stands
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[Text in image is as below]
i) The Legal Definition of Foundling;
a) A foundling by definition is a child or young person who’s either cannot be located, are not safe to return to, are deceased, have lost parental rights, or is otherwise an orphan. b) A foundling can only be adopted when all possible kin are declared unfit or show no interest in raising said child. c) If another member of the child’s family claims to be acting as guardian, but does not meet Galactic or Mandalorian Parent Guardian Standards, the Child will be available for adoption.
ii) Foundling Procedure;
a) When a Foundling is discovered, they are to be taken first to the Clan Armourer to ascertain their fit with the clan. b) If a Foundling has been found by a Mandalorian who is unable to legally act as a parent, they can place the Foundling in Clan Care. c) After the Goran has seen to the child, they are to go through appropriate medical and legal clearance in order to create a medical profile and procure the best form of education for the child in question.
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iii) Disownment of Parent;
a) A child – adopted, biological, or otherwise – can disown a parent at any age. b) Disowning a parent requires witness from either a Goran, a Journeyman Protector, or a Clan Alor of relevant standing. c) Disowning a parent can be for a variety of reasons, such as abuse, negligence, the parent being declared Dar’manda, or for differences in views and values. For example, if the parent attempts to force the child into a marriage, into a specific political leaning or agenda, or to lay down their armour, arms or give up their religion. d) Disownment of a parent cannot occur due to criminal action on behalf of the child. For example, a child can not steal from a dependent member of their clan, and disown their parent to escape criminal responsibility.
iv) Community Adoption;
a) In the case of a foundling or adoptee who cannot accept a parent for psychological reasons, or refuses to accept new parents upon the deceased, or lost previous parents, a communal adoption can be made. b) Communal adoptions can include
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v) Adoption regarding criminal activities
a) In the event of a parent being under arrest, or having been charged and incarcerated. b) In the event of a child who has previously been convicted of a crime c) In the event of a parent have been previously incarcerated, charged, or suspected of a crime.
vi) Adoption regarding marital conditions;
a) Adoption of a partner’s children can be confirmed before a marriage is settled upon. b) When a married Mandalorian wishes to adopt a child, their partners, as long as there is no Separation filed, will be automatically upgraded to at least guardianship status. c) Children from previous marriages, if the Mando’ade in question is adopting more, will be considered equally as much the Mando’ade’s children. d) Marrying a non-Mandalorian who has children can automatically qualify their children for a full Mandalorian education, regardless of whether or not their parent swears the resol’nare.
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vii) Adoption Consent;
a) If the child is over the standard age of thirteen, or verdgoten equivalent of their species, a verbal, written, or recorded consent must be filed for their adoption to be recognised. In the case of illiterate, non-verbal, or non-seeing Mando’ade, a Goran can be contacted to make the official note of the adoption, and becomes signatory for both parties. This Goran then must be contacted if the child decides to disown a parent, or acknowledge another parent. If the Goran in question is deceased, or declared Dar’manda, another Goran, or even a Journeyman Protector can be used in clause. b) A child cannot be re-adopted by a disowned parent once that parent has been declared as disowned. c) A child must be awake at the time of adoption, even for those below the age of consent, and must not be under the effects of mind-altering substances, reactionary drugs, or Force Related Suppressants.
[As always, any thoughts, comments or criticism is welcome. As you know, this is the draft!!]
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constantlymisspelled · 8 months
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[Text in image is as below]
i) The Court of Houses;
a) The Court of Houses will represent
ii) The Sector Governors;
a) Sector governors are the governing bodies for Mandalorians of the sector, not the entirety of that sector, with the exception of Mando’ade majority sectors such as Mandalore. b) Recognised Sector Governors are c) Recognised Territory Governors (Sector Governors for areas where Mando’ade are the minority, such as the Governor for Coruscanta Mando’ade)
iii) The System Governors;
a) System Governors
iv) The Astro Body Governors;
a) Astrological Body Governors are the Governing Body for Satellite Systems, individual planets, moons, and other such forms. b) A conglomerate of Astrological Bodies can unite under one governor to improve their resource allocation with permittance from Mandalorian Space.
v) District Electoral Members
 a) Incomplete
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vi) Electoral Voters;
a) Every citizen of age within an electorate is considered an Electoral Voter. As long as you have an Identity Code, Communication Number, and your birth year – not the full date, a Government Official related to an election does not require this knowledge – you are an eligible voter. b) A voter is not required to declare their race. c) A voter is not required to list their gender. d) A Voter is not required to list their Clan or House in any way. e) A Voter is not required to list their biological sex or sexuality before, after or during the vote. f) A Voter is not required to answer questions about their voting history outside of whether or not this is their first vote. If it is their first vote, the only assistance an Overseer can give is advice on what filling out the form looks like and how it is done, not how to fill it to the Overseer’s preferences. g) A voter is entitled to their privacy, and the assistance of the Scrutineer if help is needed. h) A voter is entitled to fill out an electoral form in a language they speak proficiently. i) Illiterate or blind voters can answer a voting ballot digitally or by an audio questionnaire the day before the vote to allow them privacy during the ballot.
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vii) Voting conditions;
a) A vote will be considered invalid if no boxes are ticked, or if answered inappropriately. Inappropriate votes are counted in a separate tally for each region, and are part of the final results under the listing ‘DNF’ to show true election percentages.
viii) Overseers of the Ballot;
 a) Incomplete
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ix) Postal Elections
a) Postal elections can be completed at any Mandalorian Embassy in the Galaxy, and at any post office within the Mandalorian Sector. They must be completed at minimum, three full days before the voting day, or they will be counted as an inappropriate vote. b) Votes that go missing will still have their date carbon stamped into their digital-print, and can still be considered legal. c) Postal elections require an Identity Number, Communication Code, and the voters birth year in order to acknowledge that that the voter has completed their ballot and will not be fined. d) Even if the vote does go missing, the voter will not suffer penalty. It will, again, be counted as an inappropriate vote.
x) Voting Eligibility
 a) Incomplete
xi) Right and Responsibility
a) Not attending or filling out a ballot on the day or before the day of election can result in a fine. b) It is a right, and responsibility to vote, not a privilege. Employers must allocate time for employees to vote either on the day, or to have time to complete the postal ballot. Not meeting these requirements will come at cost to the employer, not the employee.
xii) Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
a) Incomplete
[As always, if you have any ideas, questions, or criticism, let me know! Electoral process will look very different to what some of you know, but I stress that this is almost the exact system my country works under. Voting is a responsibility, not a privilege, and you will get your say whether you want to or not - and maybe a sausage out of it if you're in a cool electorate - hey, maybe Mandalorians can have a street vendor giving away food on the day? Sick!]
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constantlymisspelled · 8 months
2 - Honourable Conduct (The pointy end of Jaster's Codex)
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[Text in image is as below]
i) Honour in Self;
a) An honourable Mando’ade treats themselves and their body with respect. b) An honourable Mando’ade is a contributing member of their clan and society. c) An honourable Mando’ade does not isolate themselves without due cause. d) An honourable Mando’ade knows when to accept advice and assistance.
ii) Honour in the Community;
a) An honourable member of the Community will not seek active harm to the Community. b) An honourable member of the Community does not conduct combat training in Communal Areas. c) An honourable member of the Community will stand up for injustices within or with out of the Community. d) An honourable member of the Community contributes to Mandalore and its wellbeing as a whole, but not at risk of their kin.
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iii) Honour in the Galaxy;
a) An honourable Mando’ade will treat those they meet with respect, regardless of their heritage. b) An honourable Mando’ade will abide by the law they find themselves within, unless it comes at the harm of others, or children. c) An honourable Mando’ade will act as an honourable Mando’ade with or without other Mandalorians to bear witness to their actions.
iv) Honour Amongst Clan;
a) An honourable member of the Clan treats their Goran with respect. b) An honourable member of the Clan contributes to the care of the Clan’s Foundlings. c) An honourable member of the Clan will make their opinion heard upon matters of importance. d) An honourable member of the Clan will treat their Clan members with respect, and come to their aide when necessary and within reason. e) An honourable member of the Clan makes the individual choice of doing the right thing by their Alor, by their Clan, by the Clan’s Foundlings, and by the Goran upon their own honourable nature. f) An honourable member of the Clan will come when the Alor calls – within reason.
v) Honour in Partnership;
a) An honourable Mando’ade does not hurt, hit, or harass their partner. b) An honourable Mando’ade will take ‘no’ as an acceptable answer, or face the consequences under Mandalorian Law. c) An honourable Mando’ade is not entitled to the affection of their riduur – if it must be earned, it must be earned. d) An honourable Mando’ade does not abuse their riduur’s connection with their Clan, or cut them off from kin or children. e) An honourable Mando’ade is parent to their spouses’ children, regardless of their heritage.
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vi) Honour in Leadership;
a) A leader must act in the best interests of even those who have actively voted against them. All people are your people, regardless of their political standing, for they are Mandalorians first and foremost. b) A leader must work for the betterment of their Clan and their people, not themselves. A selfish leader lacks any honour, regardless of the glory they claim to seek or possess.
vii) Honour in Combat;
a) An honourable warrior does not attack, harass, or seek pleasure in torturing an unarmed non-combatant. b) An honourable warrior does not use children as hostages or bait in any form of combat, military action, or act in life. c) An honourable warrior does not participate in the capture and slave trade of sentients. Nor does an honourable warrior take jobs related to the capture and trade of sentients. d) An honourable warrior does not abandon their comrades on a battlefield. e) An honourable warrior does not withhold medical treatment from a civilian or non-combatant. f) An honourable warrior does not poison water or food supplies for peoples or villages, regardless of if they are non-combatant or hostile.
[Any additions and/or criticism is welcome. I have yet to reach the section that more specifically deals with combat excellence and behaviors but if you have any ideas for what I've missed, let me know.]
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constantlymisspelled · 7 months
Manda’lor Jaster Mereel
An introduction as to why he felt he needed to write this codex
Acknowledgment of his previous misdeed (not trusting law enforcement to remove his corrupt superior)
Extrapolation in the Mandalorian Code, or Canons, and why each of the four sections must be taken with a grain of salt, as they come from a time of great crusades. Each section is further defined and researched.
Honourable conduct, explanations on and what the standard was in times past, who previously has changed and improved the standard, and why it must be even stricter.
Adoption law, discusses the historical cases that inform certain decisions and rulings, regarding adoption in particular.
Marriage and divorce, an evaluation on the sometimes-difficult subject of oaths, why breaking certain ones is required to honour others and why that matters. Historical cases, and why Mandalore needs better laws regarding intercultural marriage.
Resol’nare, its meanings, thoughts on each individual version of the resol’nare. Thoughts on creeds, and Ways, and oaths, Final thoughts and reasonings for current interpretations put forth.
Clan and House, recognition of the traditionalists resistance to accepting Houses as a new part of Mandalorian politics, with or without a Manda’lor to follow and inform. In depth debate into whether or not Houses improve Mandalore’s political climate or if it makes it unnecessarily complicated and convoluted.
Language protectorate, expands upon Mando’a and its forms, and defends its practice, condemning the ostracizing of language speakers in Republic Space, and by New Mandalorians.
The position of Manda’lor, states that the people are the decider, and how that will bring greater stability. The Court of Stars are the people. Discusses why the position needs to be both protected, and watered down to allow for better diplomatic process. Discusses Manda’lors who overextended their power, and those that used it with honour and respect.
Education, and Culture, discusses the breaking of family units after Kyr’tsaad, New Mandalore, the Republic, and the Civil Wars destroyed the systems’ stability. Comes to the conclusion that for things to get better for all Mandalore, education must be a right, not a privilege, and defended as such by all in Mandalorian space, and accessible to all readily.
Electoral process, discusses the systems its based on, and discusses the concerns regarding meddling, and future amendments and changes for new worlds, and future events. Discusses what particular methods were utilized just for Mandalore.
Court of law, why we have to have separate sections and a Mandalorian specialty court for the sake of Mandalorian victims, and Mandalorian perpetrators. Why Republic Courts, and relying on their system to defend rights and a culture they don’t understand is not good enough.
Responsibility, reshuffling the expectations of an old nomad culture on one that now has a permanent home.
Foreign politics, why the rest of the Galaxy matters, and how to maintain your rights in other systems.
Employment, discussion on events that changed Mandalorian and galactic law, and why Mandalorian behaviour and contracts are important to the work and reception of Mandalorians around the galaxy.
Property and payment, discusses the unification of outside cultures and concepts with mandalore’s ancient ones, and why a modern, yet traditionalist approach is important for our cultures own sake.
Beskar, discussions on its sacred nature, its properties, its utility, and its incredible galactic value. Discusses why allowing the trade federation to trap us is a bad idea.
Coverts, and sects, and explains why certain inclusions were made, and why excluding death watch and New Mandalorians was crucial.
Armour and weapons, defines non-combatant to the basic word ‘civilian’ which is a foreign concept in Mandalorian culture, and explains why constraints and bans for particular equipment and materials for particular peoples were made. Brings up workplace accidents with untrained individuals.
Criminal sentencing, crimes and their historical example, and why they were included, the likelihood of them occurring again.
Military and law enforcement, discusses the current structure and why it has to change for efficiency, safety, and decentralisation.
Land rights, discusses the conquests, and the destruction of arable worlds, and why being careful with limited resources is important for any future government and people.
Commerce, business and integrity, why keeping business accountable protects Mandalore from internal and external threats.
Discrimination, direct call out to the new Mandalorians, death watch, and the republic, and uses history to show why these thought processes prioritising xenophobic views are shallow, shortsighted, and stupid.
Final thoughts, including thoughts of donating the dark sabre to the universities, setting up star touched schools in Tarre Vizsla’s teachings, and locating the mask for the sake of sending it to a museum.
[This is the meat and potatoes of the Codex, and has a great deal of the moral explanations and reasonings behind certain decisions. I won't be able to fully start it until I complete most of the other sections, and get feedback and comments on what needs to be expanded on and justified to a Mandalorian Audience. If you have any ideas, let me know!]
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constantlymisspelled · 8 months
I’ve done a bit of sleuthing around tumblr in the ‘mandalorian culture’ tag, and I’ve found that you all seem to crave some theological and philosophical based words from Manda’lor Mereel himself in whatever Codex is made, so for you there will be a dedicated Closing Statements section just for those people. I’ll have to brush up on my Lucas EU lore beforehand, but I have a feeling that this is where most of the word count (roughly 20k) will come from. If anyone has any interesting pieces of information on Mandalorian culture they have read about over the years, I’d love to read it!
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ollovae3 · 2 years
Mando Mace Windu being a Ba'vodu to Boba instead of his enemy. Mando Mace Windu helps Jango teach his son everything he knows, and Boba just IDOLIZES him
"-I'd pay MONEY to see Mace as someone unintentionally aiming at the Mand'alor title??? Friend of Jango because of his compassion, his patience, but a warrior of great renown for what may be the Force in a Mando, but also a masterful and terrifying balance of emotional control and use of emotions to fight with???
The remaining Haat'mando'ad want Jango as their leader, remember the boy following Jaster, remember his bravado. But Mace has sat with him, heard about the massacre, heard of the betrayal, seen the scars mental and physical from his enslavement..... And reassures Jango that it's okay. It's okay not to be leader, it's okay to give the burden to someone else, the wishes of a dead man are not stone."
SO YEAH. Mace being one of the few that isn't shoving a recently traumatized (again) Jango into a role he isn't fit to play anymore?? Maybe wasn't ever meant to play?? And Jango calling him vod for that. Jango making sure that Mace gets to meet Boba, and in turn making sure that little Boba knows that Ba'vodu Mace is there for him if anything goes wrong.
Also please think about Boba being obSESSED with purple for a while because of his Ba'vodu-
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