#had Dr. Fate not stopped his aging
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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back-up story to The Flash (1959) #312, as republished in Immortal Doctor Fate (1985) #3
#oh wow so much here#ok so earlier Inza implies that she finds that guy attractive cause he’s what Kent would have looked like#had Dr. Fate not stopped his aging#which makes sense considering Inza’s insistence that she does love Kent but she’s just confused and deeply unhappy#also Dr. Fate just slamming that guy into a wall seems like his messed up way of preserving Kent and Inza’s relationship#I’m intrigued that Dr. Fate is apparently reliant on Inza staying in the tower as he used her as a beacon to find his way home#and her surprisingly not being there when he searches for her before is a complication#that makes it take longer to get out of the situation he was in#his willingness to use violence to preserve their relationship because it benefits him is scary#the moment where Dr. Fate says to give Kent a moment and Inza says no to that#and forcibly takes the helmet off to bring him back stands out to me#Inza is taking control where she can#once again I’m sympathetic to both of them cause Kent seems like out of it and then in just deep denial about the true state of his life#it also stands out that Kent remembered that Inza kissed someone else but didn’t bring it up until they started arguing#it reads to me like he just didn’t want to deal with it and initially preferred to act like it didn’t happen#which seems like what he’s doing with everything in his life#I feel like Inza is the one that’s directly grappling with what she doesn’t understand#whereas Kent is in denial about what he doesn’t understand or would rather not deal with it#dc#kent nelson#inza nelson#nabu#my posts#comic panels
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bug-boy32 · 7 months
Write some professor smut with Spenc x reader. Idk y I have a thing for that. It doesn’t have to be a big age gap. He’s young, college would be perfect, grad school even if you want to make the reader older. They can be going for anything I just want smut. I want him to have her riding his thigh after class or something.
I just need him. And smut. I’m not okay.
Meet me after class 🤎
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Pairing: professor!spencerreid x fem!reader
Summary: After weeks of trying to break your favorite professor, he finally relents and you get your wish. After class. In his office.
Warnings: smut!!! Thigh riding, age gap (they are both adults just reader is a college student Spencer is a professor) semi public s3x! !!!MINORS DNI!!! I will tell your mama
Word count: 776
A/N: Thank you anon for this request!! I am so exited to start writing Spencer and I hope you all enjoy! ♥︎♥︎
Divider credits: @kithsune @cafekitsune
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It was no secret that Dr. Spencer Reid is your campus’s resident heartthrob. The professor had a constant flock of young women filling up his criminology classes at the beginning of each semester, and his effect was not lost on you.
Since the beginning of the semester you had made it your mission to gain the younger professor’s attention (sure he was still 10 or so years older than you but still, younger.) On the first day of class, you sit close to the front of class so he sees you when you wear low cut tops and short shorts.
But even after weeks of trying, you seem to have not yet caught the attention of your favorite professor. So, frustrated, you had nearly given up your efforts until that fateful afternoon. “Y/N will you please see me after class” Spencer spoke as he walked closer to your desk space. You quickly nodded thinking about what he could possibly need. You knew you had a good grade in his class and always turned in assignments on time. So maybe…just maybe…your efforts have paid off.
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After class your body buzzed with excitement as you walked to Dr. Reid’s office across the dirtied carpets of the lecture hall. You knocked meekly, not wanting to seem too bold or too disruptive. He opened the door shortly, but surprised you when he practically shoved you into the small office space.
“U-uh ahem well Dr. Reid you asked to see me” you stuttered as you watched him pace his office space, seemingly contemplating his next move.
He sat down at his large desk chair and instead of answering your question he simply said “sit.” And pointed at his khaki clad thighs. “Sir I’m not sure what you mean I can just sit in this chair here.” You tried to respond but he quickly cut you off saying “No, sit here.” As he pointed to his lap again.
You tentatively moved closer to your professor and as soon as you were within arms length, his strong hands grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap. He leaned over your shoulder and whispered lowly, “You seem so shocked is this not what you wanted darling…’cause you can tell me no right now and I’ll stop.” You whimpered as he spoke and involuntarily writhed in his lap as you responded “N-no please don’t stop s-sir.”
“Good girl, now here’s what’s going to happen.” He continued to whisper. “I’m going to continue my work for while, and you are going to make yourself cum right here on my thigh. Then when I’m done…maybe you’ll get a reward.” He spoke, as you nodded dumbly at his words and the feeling of his breath tickling your ear. “I need to hear you sweet girl.” He teased. “Y-yes sir.” you responded As you began to move back and forth along his thigh.
He hummed satisfied as he started to type on his laptop. You buried your face in his neck as to not make too much noise and you promptly sped up your movements against his leg. You were careful not to bump your back against the desk and disrupt his typing but still, he slipped a hand beneath your cable-knit sweater and rubbed his thumb along your shoulder blade.
Your skin burned at his touch and the feeling encouraged you to increase the speed of your movements and hopefully reach your release faster. You could feel your wetness soaking through the panties you wore as your skirt rode up along your thighs, the delicious friction of your clit against his thigh only egging you on.
“P-please I’m so close.” You whimpered close to his ear, yet you elicited no response from your professor as he continued on typing. He simply hummed and you continued your efforts for what seemed like many more hours.
You could feel your release building within your lower stomach and you grind against him faster. Muffled against his shoulder you screamed out his name over and over as you reached your high, practically panting against his sweater vest.
“Good girl, such a good girl for me.” He praised as you came down from your high and began to catch your breath. His hand slowly trailing up and down your back in an effort to soothe you. When you had calmed down enough you looked down at where your soaked core met his thigh, and saw the mess you had made where his pants were darkened. He chuckled, which prompted you to look up at him as he spoke, “I think you earned that reward now darling hmm?.”
You could tell you’d definitely be seeing him after class more often from now on.
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Thank you for reading! Reblogs and likes always appreciated!! Comment your thoughts!! 👓🤎
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fastlikealambo · 7 months
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Connubium.|| Coriolanus Snow x Black Fem Reader Chapter Three
table of contents.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Summary: Stealing from The Capitol is a deadly offense, yet you’ve done it more times than you can count but when you do something you should not have done, Volumnia Gaul decides a fate for you that might just be worse than death.
Notes: This takes place post The Ballad of Songbirds And Snakes and Coryo is in his last year at The University, studying under Dr. Gaul. This will not follow canon, I’m not an expert on all the lore so I apologize if I get things wrong.
Disclaimer: You know Coriolanus is a POS, I know Coriolanus is a POS, please don’t yell at me because this is just a fun little story, something for thee hotties, and  if you feel that strongly against President Snow, please let me know if you’d like me to sign you up for tessarae.
Warnings: Violence against Reader, murder, some gore.
Thanks for the love on chapter two! If you want to see chapter four, comment or reblog, feedback makes me want to continue!
To Coriolanus’ immense relief, Grandma’am wasn’t home. 
He would have had to explain why he much preferred to stay with The Plinths these days, his exquisite guest, and why he had outright rejected her last match for him.
Her wealth was inadequate, the one before her smiled too much, and the one before that liked to sing.
No singers, ever.
 “What a lovely home, did you grow up here?” You asked him as he sat you down on a comfortable chair gently. You looked around, relieved that this was not one of the homes you had stolen from in the past as that would have made things a little awkward.
   “Since before the war, I’m surprised we’ve never met before, I thought I knew everyone my age in The Corso.” Coryo said over his shoulder as he searched through the cabinets for supplies.
  “My father was hurt during the war and in his fragility became rather overprotective. I’ve had private tutors since childhood and now that he and my mother have passed on, my priorities have changed and my desire for exploration has grown.  Although, after today, perhaps exploration while reading is not the best idea.” You said, the well practiced lie flowing from your lips like water.  
Thanks to a tutor Dr. Gaul blindfolded and threatened, all traces of your district dialect were gone in three days, home no longer on your tongue or in the calluses scrubbed from your fingers.
The girl from District 6 was dead.
   “Perhaps you just need another pair of eyes. You read and I’ll look out for cars, how does that sound to you?” He asked, sitting down on a chair opposite you and lifted your leg onto a pillow on his lap.
  “University student, crossing guard, Capitol tour guide. What don’t you do, Coriolanus Snow?” You asked, a small smile that he returned with ease before looking down at your ankle.
   “Unfortunately I don’t sew as I think I’m going to have to cut your stocking off.” He said, scissors poised to cut the silk  but a soft hand on his stopped him.
   “I think this might be easier.” You said, lifting the edge of your dress to expose a sliver of the garter belt and suspenders that kept your stockings up. With an audible click, you unhooked the stocking, careful to let out a slightly pained breath trying to roll the stocking down and keep your leg still.
You weren’t sure if Coriolanus was still breathing.
“Let me help.” He said, voice rough, and you didn’t need to be told twice to remove your hands as Coriolanus put both hands on your warm thigh and slower than he’d thought you’d notice, rolled the stocking down and carefully over your swollen ankle, blue eyes never leaving yours.
Capitol or District, the look of wanton hunger in the eyes of men when they wanted something so badly was universal.
A door opening broke you both from the scene, the click clack of heels made Coriolanus straighten in his chair and you pulled your dress back into place as a tall blonde came into view.
  “Grandma’am, I’m home! Oh, Coryo, I wasn’t expecting you so soon! Who’s this? ” The bright smile on the pretty blonde’s widened as Coriolanus introduced you.
  “This is my cousin, Tigris. We had a bit of an incident on the street so I brought her here to get cleaned up, hope that’s alright. ” Coriolanus explained.
“Oh you poor thing! It’s nice to meet one of Coryo’s friends, despite the circumstances, that looks like it hurts.” She said without the slightest hint of sarcasm.
Only warmth radiated off Tigris Snow as you chatted, Tigris immediately going to work to fix a rip in your coat while Coriolanus finished wrapping your ankle.
  “Would you like to stay for dinner? We haven’t had guests in such a long time and I know Grandma’am would just love to meet you.” Tigris asked and Coriolanus was astounded and disgusted by the way his heart raced as he waited for your answer.
What was this?
Where were the jokes about district scum?
Why did you actually want to stay for dinner?
“Thank you but I’ve taken up so much of your cousin’s time already, I should be on my way.” You said and Coriolanus’ attempt to disguise his displeasure did not go unseen by you as he helped you up.
“Well then, we’ll have tea soon enough, I demand it.” Tigris said with a gentle smile.
“I look forward to it.”
The first true thing you had said about yourself all day.
A car was waiting for you when you and Coriolanus emerged from the penthouse, letting him take most of your weight.
“Well Mr. Snow, thank you and your cousin for everything, I don’t know how to repay you.”
Coriolanus did.
“My friends, The Plinths, are having dinner tomorrow, half of The Capitol is invited. Would you like to go with me?” Coryo asked.
 President Ravinstill would be in attendance and Coriolanus needed to be seen as a contender for Panem’s political future and none of the matches Grandma’am had attempted to make would be able to convey that image. 
Coriolanus didn’t need a date, he needed a brand.
He needed you.
“I’d love nothing more, Coriolanus.”
Coriolanus watched as your car disappeared around the corner before continuing on in the direction of The Plinth residence, satisfied that stopping that car from hitting you had produced a fruitful opportunity just as he predicted. With you at his side tomorrow evening, nothing would go against him.
As he walked, Coriolanus reached into his pocket and pulled out the silk stocking he had conveniently forgotten to return to you.
He’d hold onto it, of course, for safekeeping.
His intentions were as pure as the driven snow.
There’s no way you were going to get through a dinner full of Panem’s finest without making a fool of yourself.
Tonight you would sneak into Gaul’s lab and find out where she was keeping your parents, peacekeepers be damned.
You were formulating a plan as the car pulled up to where Gaul had settled you, limping towards the door when someone yanked you into the shadows and slammed you into a wall.
A man in a wrinkled suit held you by the shoulders, the smell of Morphling on his breath made you want to vomit.
“I knew I recognized you! You picked my pocket a month ago and you’ve come crawling back for more, haven’t you? District trash just can’t help themselves.” He said with a hollow laugh, yellowed eyes attempting to focus on you as he tightened his grip.
“Let me go or I’ll scream.”
“ For who? A peacekeeper? I’ll get one myself but before that, I’d like a kiss. Give us a kiss, you know you want to-”
The morphling didn’t finish his sentence due to the fact the heel of your shoe you somehow managed not to drop was driven into the side of his neck, blood soaking your face and coat as you pushed his limp and gurgling body off you.
A chuckle behind you made you turn and there stood Dr. Gaul, applauding you with fervor.
“Red looks good on you, little thief.”
You were right, the girl from District 6 was dead.
But the woman from The Capitol would be much harder to kill.
That’s chapter 3! If you’d like this story to continue, please comment, reblog, give me feedback! Let me know what you think about this story! Thank you for reading.
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blouisparadise · 6 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that feature breastfeeding or lactation. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Come Here (And Rescue Me) | General Audiences | 2,139 words
“It’s because of people like you that the world is going to the dogs.” The woman barked with scorn. Her eyes were as dark as her soul and Louis held Apollo closer when he started to whimper, being very in tune with his surroundings. “Breastfeeding in a park? Where do you think you are? We’re not in one of these poorly developed countries where you can act in such a discourteous way and…” “I’m sorry, but could you get lost?”
2) Effervescent Opal, Say My Name | Mature | 3,463 words
Louis has an oversupply of milk after his first pregnancy and Harry wants nothing more than to suck him dry.
3) Stuck On Me, Stuck On You | Not Rated | 8,738 words
It’s not a big deal that Harry and Louis grew up together, and not a big deal that Harry is in love with Louis since he can remember. But it’s a big deal that Louis is pregnant and has no idea who the father is.
4) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
5) I Don't Want To Close My Eyes (I Don't Want To Miss A Thing) | Explicit | 13,605 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is married to Liam and pregnant with his child. Liam isn't ready to be a father, but Dr. Harry Styles is more than willing.
6) Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party | Mature | 16,569 words
"Morgan, sweetie, mommy and daddy have something we want to talk to you about." The little girl looks at them confused, having no idea what's about to happen. "First I want to tell you that we love you very much and nothing will ever change that, okay?" "I love you too!" Louis smiles. "What we wanted to talk to you about is that there's going to be some changes around here soon." "Why?" "Because mommy's having a baby."
7) Mob Boss Omega | Mature | 16,786 words
Mafia "any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods" In all definitions, I am in line for the throne. As the son of a mob boss I'm set to inherit everything my father has built up. He's always been set on expanding though and who better to use than his overprotected omega son. That's me in case you're wondering. The crown omega prince of the mob.
8) Baby, Loving You’s The Real Thing | Explicit | 21,011 words
Harry never thought he’d be taking care of a child at the age of twenty-one—well, trying to anyway.
9) Fell For You | Explicit | 26,136 words
A crime investigation fic in which Detective Louis Tomlinson and Detective Harry Styles are tasked to solve a case together where Louis hates Harry Styles or does he?
10) For Your Eyes Only | Not Rated | 26,501 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis likes to feel beautiful and taken care of. Harry is just the person to help. They figure it out together.
11) Just Forget The World | Explicit | 42,861 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is the last person on earth who can get pregnant after the birthrates decreased then completely stopped twenty years before and in search for someone with good genetics and a family tree Harry is chosen to mate with him.
12) I'm Me When I'm With You | Mature | 86,123 words
AU in which Louis finally is able to attend the University he’s been dreaming off: Queens University. But fate works in mysterious ways and it certainly doesn’t care about your dreams nor your plans. No, fate had a whole other future planned for him the moment he met the popular, gorgeous and mighty Alpha named, Harry Styles who accidentally impregnates him after a one nightstand… Accidents happen, but not all accidents are bad.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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going-dead · 1 year
Horses not Unicorns
Prompt by @eyesofcrows : in some hospitals, CPR is done to a patient despite them being declared dead on arrival. This is a courtesy to the family. The doctor doesn't expect the scream when they lay down the defibrillator paddles on the boy's chest.
Dr. Cecelia Martinez had worked as an ED doctor for longer than some of the nurses under her had even been alive. She saw more gruesome scenes in one week than most people would in their entire lives if they were lucky. She would even say she’d seen it all if she wanted to be stupid and jinx herself.
She took one of the coffees out of the cup carrier in her hands and placed it in front of Lily, the nurse on shift with her. “Your cream with a dash of coffee.” 
“Thanks Martinez. And stop ragging on me about how much cream I put in my coffee, it tastes good.” Lily nodded her head not taking her eyes off of the computer screen in front of her. She was finishing up the chart notes for the last patient who’d came in and reviewing the work of their med student.. 
“Anything for you. Lord knows I wouldn’t last a week without you here. But never, it’s an affront to caffeine. I didn’t consume gallons of the stuff back in school, or on these night shifts just for you blaspheming it like you do. Look at it, it’s lighter than a person dying of blood loss.” Dr. Martinez took the other cup out of the holder and handed it to the medical student shadowing her for the next few weeks, Brian. 
Or well he was supposed to. Not many of the students just starting their rotations make it long in the emergency department, especially if it was one of their first rotations, even less come back to work there when they graduate. The kid only started the night before so she hadn’t had much of a time to get a grasp on what he was made of. 
“Thank you Dr. Martinez.” Brian gave her a small smile as she took a seat. “Can I ask a question?”
“That’s why you’re here isn’t it? And drop the title stuff, if you won’t call me Cecelia you can at least call me Martinez.” She looked Brian up and down, he was either restless or nervous, or perhaps both , with how he tapped his finger and his leg hadn’t stopped moving up and down.
“Uh okay. It’s just I was wondering, we’ve hardly seen any patients come in. Is it always this slow?” Brian asked.
“God damn it Brian!” Lily shouted, startling the poor med student.
“What? Did I do something wrong when charting?” His eyes widened. 
Dr. Martinez wouldn’t deny it had been…less than busy. It was already four in the morning and the most interesting thing they had seen that night was someone coming in for back pain because they pulled a muscle. A quick lidocaine patch and he was on his way. Of course now that Brian had challenged fate, there was very little chance the night would continue on with such ease. “You spoke words never to be spoken in a hospital setting. The forbidden ‘s’ word.”
Brian rolled his eyes. “I didn’t think medical professionals would be so superstitious.”
“Not superstition if it’s true.” Lily huffed, she had already downed her coffee in preparation. Dr. Martinez quickly followed suit. 
Almost on cue one of the triage nurses burst through the doors as the intercom spoke out overhead. “Code blue, pediatric male, ED waiting room.”
Dr. Martinez swore jumping up from her seat. “Lily get the crash room prepared and get peds down here. Brian with me.” She followed the triage nurse into the waiting room not giving the student time to catch up with her. 
Who the patient was, was obvious. Even if there wasn’t a nurse actively transferring him into a gurney. He was the only person under the age of thirty in the waiting room. 
Dr. Martinez turned to the man hovering near the child. “You dad?”
The man shook his head. “Teacher, William Lancer, we’re on a school trip one of the students noticed he wasn’t breathing in his sleep, and well-can you help him.” 
“We’ll do the best we can. Do you know of any health conditions, allergies, medications?” She questioned.
William Lancer shook his head. “No. Danny’s perfectly healthy for a kid his age, despite being on the smaller side.”
He was correct about him being on the smaller side of his age group, looking at him, she would’ve said he was fifteen at most, not seventeen. Dr. Martinez followed the nurses to the crash room. They had already started to put the leads of the AED onto the patient when she walked in. 
The likelihood of the kid making it was slim to none. Even if he did the effect of his brain not having oxygen for so long. She was aware of that. If he hadn’t been breathing since he was found and then the whole trip to the hospital…Well it was her job to at least try. 
Brian was just standing and staring at the body infront of them as Dr. Martinez started an IV line letting the nurses start to bag the patient and the others finished up with the AED preparations. “Brian get moving or get out of the way.”
“He’s just a kid.” He stared.
“No pulse, Starting compressions!” A nurse called out.
Brian flinched at the sound of ribs breaking under the strain of chest compressions. “Someone get the student out of here.” She yelled.
That snapped him out of his stupor. “No I can do this, what do you want me to do?”
“Take over the bagging.” She instructed, it was probably one of the simpler tasks she could give him, as long as he didn’t pop the patients' lung. 
She heard the AED speak up, still no pulse, still no, shockable rhythm. “Administering epinephrine.” 
They continued like that for five more minutes, staff switching out doing compressions or bagging. Passing medications. But they all knew the chances.
Or they thought they did.
“We got a new reading!” Lily shouted.
Dr. Martinez looked over at the EKG reading. “He’s in V-fib, get the AED ready to shock.” 
The staff waited on bated breath as they let the AED examine the patient’s heart rhythm. “Shock advised. Charging. Stand clear. Press the flashing button to deliver shock.”
“Clear?” Dr. Martinez made eye contact with each person standing around the patient. A chorus of clears rang out in response. 
“Clear!” Dr. Martinez did a final call before she pressed the button to deliver the shock.
Cardiac arrests were not an uncommon sight in the emergency department. She’d see plenty more by the time she hit retirement. But it was usually older people, people who’d lived at least a somewhat long life. No matter how many times a child or even a young adult came into the ED like this it was hard on everyone involved. She always tried longer on kids. Despite knowing the very slim chance of them being revived. The chances were practically zero here. She mourned the fact that this was Brian’s first cardiac arrest with them. There was no chance any reasonable person would stay after this.
It wasn’t her first to wouldn’t be her last, but just like the others and the ones to come Cecelia Martinez knew she would never forget his face.
Especially since he did something frankly impossible for someone who had just received CPR and an electric shock. He sat up and screamed.
It was only years of experience that Dr. Martinez was able to dodge the kick sent her way. Brian was not so lucky getting clocked in the face with a fist. 
“Hey, hey, hey. You need to lay down. You’re in the hospital, your teacher says you stopped breathing and you went into cardiac arrest. Can you tell me your name, do you remember where you were last? Or the date?” Dr. Martinez asked placing herself directly into the teenager's line of sight. 
He placed a hand on his chest and took a slow deep breath. Something that had to be incredibly painful with broken ribs. “Huh, I-yeah. Danny Fenton. I was in my hotel room. It’s March 27th. Did you electrocute me?”
No obvious damage to neurological function. He got the date wrong but only by four hours, it was the 28th now. “Yes Danny, we did have to shock you. We’re going to have to run quite a few tests to make sure everything is working okay now.” And to see how he was even talking.
“Oh, no I’m okay.” Danny looked back where Brian was holding his shoulder where he was punched, and winced. “Shit, sorry dude are you alright?”
“How about you all go chart, or help Brian get ice or something for his shoulder. Lily let his teacher know he’s joined us back in the land of the living.” Dr. Martinez not so kindly giving them all the hint to get out.
Danny tried to hide a laugh in a cough. An interesting reaction for someone who had briefly died. “Young man I don’t think you realize what you just went through. I understand you are most likely in shock but you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Healthy kids do not just suddenly stop breathing, and we need to understand why.”
“It’s not a big deal, I promise. I just have sleep apnea.” Danny explained.
“Your heart stopped.” Dr. Martinez deadpanned. 
“It’s a very serious condition.” Danny nodded his head like he was agreeing with her. 
There was a knock on the door, opening just a moment after. Lily brining in Danny’s teacher. “War and Peace, Danny are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine.”
“No he is not” Dr. Martinez said at the same time. “We had to perform CPR. We’ll have to do tests to make sure everything has resumed functioning as normal as they can, as well as an x-ray to assess the damage to his ribs.” 
“Of course. I have gotten in contact with his older sister and she is on the way, she should be here in a few hours. His parents are currently unavailable.” William Lancer explained.
“Jazz is coming?” Danny groaned. The most negative emotion he had displayed since he’d gotten here. “And hours? As in multiple? I don’t want to be here that long.”
“You’ll be here a few days minimum for observation.” Dr. Martinez said.
The boy flopped back onto the gurney with much more aggressiveness than he should have with what he just went through. “I don’t like hospitals.”
Dr. Martinez sighed. “Not may people do, doctors can be intimidating sometimes. White coat syndrome isn’t abnormal.”
Danny wrinkled his nose. “I don’t care about doctors. It’s too loud here, there’s too much death.” 
It was quiet in the room, she wasn’t sure what he was talking about. 
“I can leave the sooner I get those tests done right?” He asked.
“As long as everything is normal.” Dr. Martinez nodded. They wouldn’t be, they couldn’t be. 
“As long as it’s all normal.” Danny repeated “Alright let’s get started.”
Dr. Martinez was reading the x-ray and other test results when Danny’s older sister arrived. She double-checked the results and viewed the images dozens of times. 
Barring the traces of epinephrine still in his system, all the tests were completely normal. His ribs weren’t even broken. 
But that wasn’t possible. She heard the bones break. 
The best course of action she supposed was to talk to Danny and his sister. She made her way to the room they moved him to. She seemed to enter the middle of a conversation. 
“I swear when I get my hands on him. He traps me in the middle of a dream and then I’m waking up thinking I’m dying again. And now they’re trying to keep me here for no reason!” 
“I mean, technically in their eyes you did die. It’s a valid concern.”
“Still don’t see why it’s such a big deal though, I’m fine.”
“Normal people don’t recover that fast Danny. It of course would raise some questions.”
“How was I supposed to know how quick people recover from dying?”
“Common sense, I’d assume.” “Ugh. When do mom and dad get back?”
“Few days, you’re still stuck with me until then. Lucky for you in this situation. They’d have a lot more questions.”
Dr. Martinez opened the door fully making her presence known. “You must be Jazz. I’m Danny’s doctor, Dr. Martinez.” 
“Nice to meet you Dr. Martinez. Thank you for taking care of my brother.” Jazz smiled shaking her hand.
“Well he certainly gave us quite the fright. It’s not often people come back from a cardiac arrest punching.” More like they never did.
“Well he’s always liked to exceed expectations.” Jazz nodded..“Do you have the discharge paperwork?”
“Discharge?” Danny’s teacher had said Jazz was one of the most responsible people he knew despite her younger age. And she wanted to discharge her brother? “Miss Fenton discharging him so soon-”
“Is well within my rights as his temporary legal guardian while our parents are unavailable.”
Dr. Martinez refrained from sighing. “And where exactly are your parents?”
“Out of the country at the moment.” Danny supplied. “Work trip.”
“I see. Regardless I can’t just let you leave just hours after you went into cardiac arrest.”
“Did my tests come back wrong?” He asked.
‘No, your tests came back completely normal.” 
“Then I don’t see why I can't leave?”
“That is exactly why you can’t leave. We don’t even know what caused this.” She would rather have him stay voluntarily than try to chance getting a court order.
“I do know though.”
“You know?” Dr. Martinez found that hard to believe. “Why would that be?”
“That’s what I said.” Danny nodded.
Court order it was. “I’m going to step out and talk to your teacher. Please remain here.”
She stepped out the door. Finding William Lancer was not difficult, he was in the chair right outside the door. “Sir, may I ask you a question?”
He stood up. “Yes of course. Is everything alright?”
“Unusually enough, yes. But it has more to do with something Danny mentioned about the reason for his episode.” She rubbed at her temple. “He said it was because of and I quote ‘ghosts’.”
“Yes. So you see why it wouldn’t be a good idea to let him leave.”
 “I thought they wouldn’t be a problem so far from Amity Park.”
“We didn’t bring any anti-ghost equipment for that reason. Obviously that was a major oversight on me and the rest of the schools staff on this trip.”
She was starting to think perhaps school was a code word for cult. Or maybe wherever they were from had some serious chemical leaks going on. “Could you please just talk to the two of them and try to convince them not to leave? I do not think it would be a good idea to let him go so soon.”
“Oh definitely. Even if it is ghosts that’s not something we can let go without making sure he is okay.” He nodded and went to open the door.
“Great Gatsby, not again.” William Lancer sighed as he entered the room.
“What? What is it?” Dr. Martinez asked pushing past him. Had Danny collapsed? 
Danny had not collapsed, in fact Danny was no longer in the room. No one was. 
But she had been standing next to the door the entire time. There was no way they could have left without her noticing. “Where did they go?”
“Back home, probably. Or well on their way there, I’d assume.” 
“But how did they leave, we were standing infront of the door.”
He just gave a tired shrug. “It’s not the first time he’s disappeared with no feasible way to. Happens more and more by the year I swear. He wasn’t nearly this bad at fourteen. Still a handful, just a different way. But if he’s feeling well enough to sneak out there's not much I can do.” 
“Do you think that their behavior is possibly linked to their parents?” They had mentioned that their parents were out of the country on a business trip. Perhaps they were taught to mistrust hospital staff by their parents out of fear of social workers.
“The whole family is strange, their parents are scientists to put simply. But not in the way you’re thinking. They’re just strange in a city full of strange people and strange things. If that is all, I do need to return to the rest of my students. Have a good night, or well a good morning I suppose.” He gave her a smile before walking off.
Dr. Martinez walked back towards her office thoughts cluttered. Ghosts, a perfectly healthy teenage boy’s heart stopping. The way he acted it was less that the shock reset his heart rhythm and more like it simply surprised him enough that his functions resumed their normal activities. His ribs broke, then they weren’t. He had no side effects from being shocked, let alone from going so long with no oxygen going to his brain. No one who knew him seemed to think the things going on were weird. Simply another day. 
Brian was sitting in the extra chair in her office. He looked up at the sound of her entering. “How’s the patient?”
“Gone? How?”
“Not sure, actually.” Dr. Martinez had seen almost everything as an ED doctor. Whatever just happened was a brand-new experience. “And it seems like I’m not paid nearly enough to figure it out. After today, I don’t blame you if you want to end your rotation early.”
“No! I want to stay.” Brian stood up.
“Really? Why?” Cardiac arrests weren’t easy on new students, kids were even worse.
“I’ve never seen or even heard about someone being this healthy and aware after CPR. It’s fascinating.  I want to see more things like that that challenges our understanding of medicine.” Brian said as he pointed the notes he was writing down in her face.
 Cecilia laughed. “You remember the phrase horses not zebras?”
Brian nodded his head. “Yeah of course. This was a zebra, right?”
Dr. Martinez shook her head. Once she finished charting she was going to forget about all of this, preferably with a strong drink when she got home. Too many unanswered questions and unexplainable events. Hell maybe it was ghosts.  “You’re never going to see something like this again. This was a god-damn unicorn.”
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offender42085 · 10 days
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Post 1274
Tristan Brian Stahley, Pennsylvania inmate LV4082, born 1996, incarceration intake December 2014 at age 18, sentenced to life
In December 2014, determining a teenager continues to pose a danger to society, a judge has sentenced the teen to life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole, for fatally stabbing his girlfriend.
“He does pose a threat and a continual threat if not incarcerated,” Montgomery County Judge William R. Carpenter said as he imposed the life prison sentence against 18-year-old Tristan Brian Stahley, who three months earlier was convicted of first-degree murder in connection with the May 2013, stabbing death of 17-year-old Julianne Siller, of Royersford.
Grieving teenagers, friends of Siller who packed the courtroom, applauded the judge’s decision after an emotional hearing at which they tearfully told the judge they were devastated by Siller’s death.
Stahley said nothing as he was led from the courtroom under heavy guard by county sheriff’s deputies. He briefly apologized to Siller’s family in the courtroom before learning his fate.
The judge convicted Stahley, who was 16 at the time of the killing, of first-degree murder, which is an intentional killing, during a nonjury trial. Prosecutors said Stahley killed Siller because she wanted to break off their relationship.
Stahley was charged as an adult because of the violent nature of the crime. However, because he was 16 at the time of the killing, under recent changes in state law, Stahley did not face an automatic life sentence for the first-degree murder conviction but rather a sentence of between 35 years and life imprisonment.
Testimony revealed Stahley told officials during a presentence evaluation, “When I get mad I get even” and communicated that he enjoyed starting fights. Stahley exhibited homicidal thoughts, including sending Siller a text message, a month before the murder, expressing that he would kill her if she cheated on him, according to testimony.
But his defense lawyer argued against a life prison sentence for Stahley, maintaining Stahley was remorseful. Dr. Steven Samuel, a forensic psychologist who evaluated Stahley for the defense, testified Stahley was immature, had a below average IQ and suffered from attention deficit disorder and at 16 could not handle rejection.
After the killing, Stahley returned home and threatened to kill himself with a knife after confessing to his mother. Stahley’s father attempted to stop his son from committing suicide and struggled with the teen, suffering scratches to his face and a bite to his hand in the process, according to the arrest affidavit.
State police responded to the Stahley home for a report of a domestic disturbance and diffused the struggle between father and son. At that time, Stahley confessed to police and led troopers to Siller’s body.
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eorzeashan · 4 months
Commander Stew
Theron cooks something for the Commander.
Odessen - The Kitchens
A young man sporting a dollop of white hair and refined features entered the communal kitchen of the Alliance carrying a large crate, wearing a plain burlap apron, rubber gloves, and waders over what usually would qualify as a stealth suit–a bit of an odd sight, but one Theron had gotten used to over time.
“Hey! You’re back early. Put ‘em down over there,” Theron glanced over his shoulder, nodding briefly at the young man, then motioning with his head at the kitchen island. Eight squeezed past him as he ran his hands under the faucet, careful not to bump into the other spy. They set down the box on the counter and patiently folded their hands, awaiting instructions.
Theron turned off the sink and flung the remnant droplets off his hands, drying them with a slightly stained checkerboard dish towel.
Even with his fearsome past, Theron found the quiet operative to be pleasant company most days, with Eight acting as his assistant in daily matters ranging from mundane chores to deadly missions. All at the behest of Lana, of course. She was the one who insisted on (see: forced) a pair of helping hands for him after he'd incorrectly assumed she’d wanted him to take on all her burdens.
Not that he was complaining about the extra hands. Certainly not today of all days–he was planning something special, and that required all of the help he could get.
Theron opened the flaps of the crate. Fresh from their gardening plot in the Odessen fields, the box was practically bursting with colorful root vegetables and leafy greens native to the planet. Purple, orange, striped yellows and swirls of blue–all packed with vitamins and the healthy color of a successful crop. Plain proof that their efforts to cultivate more organic food for the personnel had finally given fruit, after several long winters of withered stalks and exhausting meals of food chips.
Theron smiled wryly. He’d have to make a toast to Dr. Oggurrobb’s fertilizer and the Force Enclave’s agricultural knowledge later.
“Will this be enough?” Eight asked, mellow as ever. He watched him coolly through deep umber eyes.
“It’s more than enough,” Theron answered, a bit of uncertainty leaking into his tone as he stared at the foodstuffs. The vegetables taunted him from their comfy spot atop the counter next to the impressive array of knives and cooking utensils laid out side-by-side like an interrogation toolkit. “...I think.” He wiped the tip of his nose.
Theron hated to admit it, but he was no culinarian. Master Zho had never taught him (really, what could you teach a kid to cook in the wilderness besides canned goods and pre-packaged rations), and his stint as a SIS agent since his youth had left him with little time to prepare nor care. The extent of his cooking repertoire could quickly be summed up to sticking a frozen Orobird leg in the flash oven and waiting for two minutes, sadly.
So why was he making an effort now?
The image of the Commander’s tired face weary from battle and sleepless nights, aging lines etched deep into their skin with the carvings of a destiny too large for one person, flashed in Theron’s mind. He’d seen the way they’d fought–skipped meals, denied themselves sleep, hid the way their gaze turned vacant when they thought no one was looking, left their cafeteria plate practically untouched, compounded blackened bottoms of endless cups of caf, the stims—the Commander was burning themselves at both ends.
Hypocritical as it was, he couldn’t stand watching them drive themselves into the ground. The galaxy’s fate was important, but…not as important as they were to Theron. Yet he found himself at a loss; what words he wanted to tell them to eat better, to sleep more, to stop hurting themselves fell short whenever the Commander gave him that one look. That look of resignation, deep as the dull ache that would settle in his chest afterwards.
“I’m okay,” They’d tell him, smiling wan, “Thank you, Theron.” It’s alright. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me.
Like hell he couldn’t. He–
Theron snapped out of his reverie, realizing he’d been wringing the dishcloth far too tightly for too long. Eight stared at him, puzzled. He released it. His knuckles returned to their previous pink.
“...Sorry. Just. Tired,” Theron shook his head, massaging his temples. Tired. Yeah. He was sure someone else was too, and he hadn’t asked Eight to come here to watch him have a breakdown. Pushing off from the counter, he clapped his hands together, mustering up a second wind. “Let’s get to work. Shall we?”
Commander Stew
Young Makrin Legs
Orobird Soup Stock
Rootleaf, 1 Head
Imperial-issued Instant Glowblue Noodles, 1 Package
Republic Synth-Ham and Grophet Sausages
Odessen Wild Onions
Mandalorian Spice Sauce
Zakuulan Swamp Glowshrooms
Slice of Ration Cheese
Prepare the young makrin legs by soaking them in water and shaving the fibrous exterior with a peeler.
Theron stared at the unassuming pile of…legs that resembled roots more than they did the limbs of any creature, and secretly shuddered. Makrins weren’t particularly uncommon on terrestrial worlds, but their crabby, tree-like appearance and tendency to wallow in loam didn't make them his first choice to eat. He wasn't exactly opposed to adventurous cuisine, but he wondered how exactly the legs of a chitinous creature equaled something that would make the Commander more appetized.
As if sensing his cause for pause, Eight peered over his shoulder where he stood frozen with peeler in hand. “The Jedi recommended them for use in medicinal dishes. When eaten boiled, it lowers blood pressure, and contains many nutrients.” He said thoughtfully, as if reading an entry from an encyclopedia.
“Is that so.” Theron inwardly balked at the mention of the Jedi–a little known fact was that Master Zho had raised him on Jedi cuisine, most of it vegetarian, but even then he hadn’t sampled every bit of agriculture the galaxy had to offer. Makrin legs were a bit out there, but seeing as they were native to Odessen, recommended by the enclave and another piece of stress relief on a plate for the Commander? His survival training told him the harmless limbs could only benefit, despite their gnarly appearance.
Remove the tips and fibrous base. When cleaned and processed, set aside.
He buckled down and began shaving the legs. Lack of proper nutrition was always a deciding factor in conflict–Theron had seen his fair share of soldiers who contracted disease from improper eating and lack of supplies– and he would feed the Commander any bit of ugly vegetables if it meant seeing a little more life restored to their pallid cheeks. His fingers found their rhythm as he removed the tough outer skin from the legs exposing their soft white core beneath the blade of the peeler, their texture reminding him oddly of Dantooinian tubers with an extra coat of slime.
Slice and dice half of a medium-sized onion.
Theron had to pretend he wasn't looking particularly emotional as he chopped the onion. Or maybe he was simply brought to tears at the thought that their food could have flavor for once, all thanks to the Alliance’s team of scouts who procured such supplies for them from the unmapped regions of Odessen’s wilds. Eight was among that team, hence Theron's willingness to let an Imp spy of all people join him in cooking. There was only a small handful of people he could use to conceal his efforts from the Commander, and Theron would make use of both his ability to obtain food in secret and his espionage skills to see this through, opposing factions be damned.
And if others worried about poisoning, well. He didn't pride himself on being Chief of Security for nothing. The safety of the Commander was his priority, as were the characters of those he chose to fight alongside them. They were his responsibility. His to trust with their most important fight and everything in-between. Theron couldn't afford to keep the old grudges that the Republic and Empire maintained in these desperate times, and he would not fall victim to their need to blind themselves with their unending war. He had to fight for what was important, and that was…people. Not sides.
Theron would always be a son of the Republic at his heart. But now his heart belonged to another, and those lines had long blurred.
Slice the glowshrooms length-wise, removing the head from the stems. Set aside.
Clean and cut the rootleaf in half, then the following halves into quarters; chop into smaller squares until you have about 1 cup’s worth of rootleaf. Store the rest in a cool, refrigerated place.
Unpackage the Synth-Ham, Republic Ration #0625, and slice to desired thickness.
Theron opened the can of mystery meat and upended it onto the chopping board. The green ham-like substance plopped onto it with gelatinous grace. He poked it with his cooking knife. It jiggled away from the tip.
Eight placed an empty pot next to him along with a can of opened grophet sausages and an unwrapped package of Imperial ration Glowblue Noodles, their signature color shining through the foil. Theron quickly thanked him out of the corner of his mouth.
Arrange the rootleaf, onion, makrin legs, and glowshrooms at the bottom of the pot in even layers.
Add a helping of Mandalorian Spiced Sauce on top.
Theron couldn't forget Torian and his people. They were the ones who suggested using their own spices for the hotpot, as “no other spice in the galaxy compares to that of a Mando’s.” Though he’d initially expressed some reservations at setting the Commander’s tongue aflame, this special mix had been made with their preference in mind; Shae had been so impressed by their valor that she presented several crates worth as a gift after the battle of Darvannis. Spices were a luxury if not a grand gesture in wartime, and not one Theron intended to use lightly.
Add the Synth-Ham, grophet sausages, and top with a slice of ration cheese over the previous ingredients.
Finally, add the Glowblue Noodles and 3 liters of Orobird stock.
Theron blinked at the finished product. “Wait a minute. This is…”
“Revanite stew?” Eight once again helpfully supplied.
It was Theron’s turn to ask the questions as he raised a suspicious brow towards his sous-chef. “They ate this during the coalition, when the camps combined. How did you get the same recipe?”
Eight smiled quietly to himself, in his mysterious and elusive way. “Our Commander was there. It was their idea to share food across factions. I still haven't forgotten its taste. If you ask any of the soldiers from that time, they will say the same.”
Theron stared at him, speechless. To think the same recipe he’d been making this entire time was a result of their union on Rishi…he recalled seeing Imperial and Republic soldiers bonding over a cookpot, but hadn't joined in, content to watch the proceedings from a distance. So much had happened during Revan’s rise that he’d failed to pay enough attention to something so innocuous as a moment of camaraderie between unlikely allies.
It had been their idea to eat something both Imperial and Republic that fateful night. To form the basis of their Alliance over a simple, warm bowl of soup.
Theron felt his heart swell.
He…he had to remind them of what they had built. What they meant to him. With this.
Set on top of a burner and deliver to recipients with bowls to share.
Theron held his breath as he wheeled the cart of foodstuffs to the Commander’s quarters, careful to avoid jostling the stew that balanced atop it as he reached his destination. He rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles.
A puff of pnematic air revealed the Commander, yawning wearily from yet another sleepless night of work and burdens. “Yes–” They stopped. “Theron? What are you doing here?” They eyed his cart. “And what's with all the food?”
Theron cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use some dinner, so…I brought you some. If you don't mind, that is.” He quickly added, feeling out of place in the deserted hallway.
The Commander smiled, a genuine one that reached their eyes, crinkling at the edges. “I’d love to try whatever you made. Come in, we can eat it together.” They stepped aside to allow Theron room to maneuver.
Enjoy with your intended party.
As expected, it was delicious.
Not as filling as seeing the Commander laugh to the point of tears at his explanations as to why he'd been so secretive all week trying to hide the fruits of his cooking from them, but filling nonetheless. He'd give it a 5/5, personally, as a true soup for the soul. (And a note to make it again with less sneaking around).
If the Commander was satisfied and satiated... so was he.
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notgonnaedit · 3 months
Bad Batch Western AU
Okay, I was inspired by some Bad Batch cowboy fanart. It got me thinking, "What if they were in a Western? What would their roles and backstories be?" So here's my little cowboy Bad Batch AU thoughts :)
Four brothers were separated at a young age, each walking their own paths until fate (and a few others) brought them back together
-Hunter lived with Native Americans for a while, basically making him Sully from Dr Quin. He learned to track and listen to nature from them, making him an excellent hunter (lol)
-Wrecker was a miner in local coal mine. He lost his eye and got his scar from an explosion. His bigger than most men because he worked in the mines from such a young age.
-Tech is the local doctor. He runs a small practice in the town, helping people with mining injuries or illnesses. Him and Wrecker are the only ones who really talk
-Crosshair is a gun man. He doesn't have a home really, he just roams the wilderness, trying to avoid coming to town after him and his brother, Hunter, had a falling out.
-Echo lost his hand in a highway robbery accident. He and his deputy, Fives, were stopping bandits when one shot Fives, and the carriage fell on Echo's arm. Luckily, Tech was able to fix him up nicely. The people of the town needed a sherrif and basically just made Echo the new one. They didn't mind that he was disabled though, since pretty much nothing happens.
-Omega was raised by rich doctors in the city, but she was never allowed to be a normal girl. Sick of it, Omega ran away, taking the nearest train to anywhere but the city. Along the way, the train was robbed by bandits and Omega was left for dead in the wilderness. Luckily, an honorary member of the Cheyenne, Hunter, found her while hunting and took her into town for medical help.
Hunter carried the girl into town on his horse. The small blonde was weak, her breathing shuddered with every breath. Hunter hadn't been to town since he and Crosshair fought, but that didn't matter now. This girl's life was in his hands.
He rode into town just as the day shift in the mine ended The saloon was crowded, making it hard for Hunter to find a place to tie his horse. But then a familiar voice rang out above the clamor. "Hunter?"
Hunter turned to see his brother, a large man with a blind eye attached to various scars. He was covered in coal dust, but it was still Wrecker. "Wrecker," Hunter said as he shifted the girl in his arms "Where's Tech? I need to get her to him."
Wrecker looked like he had so much to say, but upon seeing the girl he nodded. "Come on!" He lead Hunter to the town square and into a small building. Inside were various bottles of medicine and a bag for house calls.
"That should do it, Echo" A voice said from the back.
"Feels better than ever" A second voice added. From behind the curtain, Tech and another man walked out. He had a prostetic arm and wore a sheriff's badge. He looked at Hunter then down at the girl. Tech however, stiffened. "Hunter, it's been a long time"
As much as Hunter had missed his brothers, he needed to help this girl "Tech, can you help her?"
"Set her on the table" Tech went to work, checking her pulse and bandaging her cuts. Wrecker pulled Hunter aside, though it took some persuasion to make him leave the girl. "What's her story?" He asked.
Hunter shrugged. "Don't know. I was hunting and I found her lying by the tracks and brought her here." He sighed softly. He wanted to ask so many things, but only one escaped his lips. "How's, Crosshair?"
Wrecker mumbled a bit. "I wouldn't know. Left town around the same time you did. Haven't seen him since."
Before Hunter could respond to that revelation, Tech called him over. "Hunter, she's waking up."
Hunter and Wrecker walked over to her. The girl stirred. "What happened?" She asked. Hunter smiled softly. "I found you on the road, kid. What's your name?"
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What if, in Twilight, as the Cullens are voting ob Bella's fate, Carlisle suddenly and inexplicably turned into a magical talking vampire cat?
Well, much like the time Edward turned into a talking dog, the Cullens now have a very new and immediate problem.
For a moment, they just stare at him, all thoughts of Bella Swan and the van forgotten.
They wait for Carlisle to turn back into a person.
He doesn't.
"Well, I guess we're moving," Carlisle eventually says.
The family now has a furious new debate: are they moving because Carlisle turned into a cat or not? Carlisle points out he has no idea how this happened and if he did it uh... he has no idea how to undo it. Even if it's temporary, they should probably move anyway because of this Bella Swan thing.
That Carlisle can't even go into work to resign (as resigning over the telephone isn't going to cut it) is... not great as there will probably be a missing person's investigation that his family can't stick around for.
"By the way, we're also going to live in the woods" - Carlisle Cullen, because Dr. Cullen not only can't show up anywhere else (even if he stops being a cat) but the other Cullens can't either because this will get investigated.
The family rages, Edward blames the gods thinking they're out to get him what with Bella Swan and Carlisle turning into a cat, but come morning there's no solution.
It's time to pack up the house.
(The next day at school, Bella is disappointed and horrified to see none of the Cullens there, she guesses, mildly correctly, that she ran them off with her insistent questioning the day before.
Bella regrets this for the rest of her life. Which is about only a few weeks as she has her adventure in Port Angeles to look forward to.)
The family heads to the Denali where the Denali are absolutely no help whatsoever and try to convince Edward to cheer up by sleeping with Tanya (Edward declines).
After a few weeks of being a cat, Carlisle breaks.
It's been three hundred years, he hasn't written in ages, Aro probably thinks he's dead but...
He has no choice.
And even if Aro's pissed at him for not calling, he'll be very very very interested in whatever's going on here.
"Guys, I need to call in a very awkward favor."
Alice and Jasper are immediately out, toodles Catlisle, as they're not stepping foot anywhere near Volterra. They vamoose. Edward holds it against them forever.
Edward is convinced he'll be pressured into joining the guard as well, BUT UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE HE KNOWS THE MEANING OF LOYALTY. Edward contemptuously accepts that someone like the Volturi might have heard of this and might have a solution, he'll just be on his guard and say no whenever they ask him to join.
(Edward's also lowkey pissed about Bella Swan and spends every moment plotting her demise, as Alice didn't tell him he was in love yet, but Catlisle takes priority for obvious reasons.
He tells himself he can return for Bella, only to see what she found out of course, later.
He can't because she dies in Port Angeles, but he doesn't know that.)
Cat in tow in a cat carrier held by Esme on the plane, they make their way to Volterra, where Carlisle gets to say, "Hello, I'm a cat now, please help"
Aro has very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Carlisle's alive and not dead in a gutter! On the other hand, he's a fucking cat.
Aro gladly takes him in and agrees to help him with his little problem.
Trouble is, Aro has only three theories.
The first is that someone gifted did this to Carlisle. Now, this level of power is probably a vampire, and it'd have to probably be someone who had at least met Carlisle or was in the area. There were no vampires in the area at the time and no one Carlisle (or Aro) has met has this particular gift.
Aro will look around, but it's probably not that.
The second is that Carlisle's gift is to turn into a fucking cat that he only found out after three-hundred years. Trouble is, he only found out after three centuries, and he hasn't been able to undo it in several weeks. It also happened at a seemingly random moment that, while stressful, was no moreso than any other moment in Carlisle's life.
Carlisle probably didn't turn himself into a cat.
"Though we'll work on it just in case," Aro assures him.
The last, and most likely, then is that... this is the consequence of the animal diet.
"No," Carlisle meows.
"Look, my friend," Aro points out, "You've been on this diet around the same amount of time as the Denali sisters, the longest of your own coven, and we have no idea the long term effects on anyone except there were certainly short term effects."
It's ridiculous.
But maybe, Carlisle, you are what you eat.
"I suggest you get off the diet," Aro kindly suggests.
"No," Carlisle meows again. He was willing to die in agony before the diet was even an option, granted, he didn't see becoming a cat on the table but dammit he'll take it.
Aro can't even, again, as usual.
"You'd rather be a cat, forever" Aro says dumbly.
Also, Aro doesn't know it's the diet, maybe it's an act of some spiteful god. But if it is the diet then yes, Carlisle will be a cat forever.
"You would condemn your lovely family to be cats"
Now that....
Carlisle can't in good conscience do.
That will be a choice each of his family has to make.
Aro presents his case to the family. They may, in a few centuries time, all become cats if they continue this way of life.
Edward now has all the proof he needs that Aro is the devil and a corrupter and evil incarnate. This is clearly a scheme to get Edward hooked on human blood again, which will somehow draw Alice and Jasper back in, and Aro will supplement his guard with Edward's very gifted family. HE PROBABLY TURNED CARLISLE INTO A CAT AND CAUSED THIS ENTIRE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!
(Aro had no idea Carlisle was even alive, but that's not important.)
Edward points as much out to Carlisle.
Carlisle lets out a very long sigh and notes that, while he has no idea what caused this, he's certain Aro's innocent. Besides, if he really wanted their gifts he'd just use Chelsea, no need to go turning Carlisle into a cat.
That was the wrong thing to say, as Edward now finds out about Chelsea.
To keep this short, shenanigans ensue.
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ellrond · 2 years
Is Halbrand Sauron? Probably.
Spoilers ahead!
TL;DR: it’s too lazy for him to be Aragorn 2.0- they want us so badly to come to the conclusion that he’s a lost king, it is too easy for that to be the truth. He’s in the right place at the right time to fill the role of Sauron in Numenor and he is of the right, charming, slippery, calculating disposition.
My main reason is they’re laying on this idea of him being Aragorn 2.0 way too thick and it’s the biggest red herring out there. We’ve seen the ‘lost king fulfilling his fate’ story already in the Lord of the Rings and in the Hobbit and it’s tired and lazy and boring.
So what does Sauron want to do in the books? He wants to infiltrate Numenor and recruit the people there to his side and he successfully does that over years of lies and manipulation when the majority of Numenoreans are poisoned against elves, Valar, and each other because of him. Sauron’s end goal in Numenor is ultimate control.
Now let’s look at the evidence in the first three episodes.
Episode 1:
Gil Galad says that he and Elrond foresaw that if Galadriel had continued trying to stop Sauron, she would inadvertently help him
Episode 2:
When the sea monster comes towards the raft, Halbrand advises to stand still to avoid detection when no one else suggests it and it initially works as it doesnt attack them - how would someone from a landlocked region have any knowledge of an ancient sea monster?
Galadriel asked why he separated his raft from the main one to save himself and he said ‘why be part of the larger target?’ - this could be alluding to the fact that Sauron’s forces are in central middle earth while he’s in the middle of the ocean
He talks about suffering and losing his home - Sauron served Morgoth in the First Age and their home was in Angband which was destroyed by the Valar in the War of Wrath. Sauron lost his home and he lost his master
Galadriel tells Halbrand to bind himself to her which is pretty loaded language when she could have just told him to tie himself to her. It’s at this point that he could have let Galadriel die, but he may already know that she could provide him with leverage in the future.
Episode 3 is where it gets way more obvious
Sauron is a charmer - in the books, Celebrimbor is all but in love with him when he’s in disguise. Halbrand flirts with Galadriel and charms her and goes above and beyond for her, like taking Finrod’s dagger from Elendil to give back to her
The moment he gets a bit of freedom, Halbrand goes to a blacksmith and asks for work and says his work is the best the blacksmith will have ever seen. Sauron is a mighty smith who learned under Aule, the god of smithery. Why’s he so set on having access to a smithy? He goes so far as theft to enable his pathway to work
Sauron took the name of Lord of Gifts when he was disguised with the elves, and what does he do in the tavern? Orders rounds of drinks for everyone
When he’s cornered in the alleyway he fights off 5 strong Numenorians with barely a scratch - Sauron was skilled in hand-to-hand combat
He’s eager to appease Tar-Miriel the queen and be seen as trustworthy. Yes, he is captive at the moment, but he has an easy charm even with great lords and ladies that do not befit his station
The figure at the end of the episode is another red herring - it’s not Sauron himself, but a commander of his, perhaps even the Witch-King of Angmar?
It makes sense that Sauron himself would be far away from the Southlands and the centre of his power when he knows that the elves keep watch - whether that be Gil-Galad from afar, or the Silvan elves who are now withdrawing.
His current location of Numenor where Sauron wants to be, and he is developing his relationship with Galadriel who is key to the entire race of elves. If he can manipulate her, he has an easy journey ahead of him. Remember, she ends up being a ring-bearer herself and although her ring is not made by Sauron, her fate is tied to the One Ring and to Sauron.
He’s also wanting to start crafting whatever and promises his work will be the best. He’s already privy to the two factions in Numenor - those who follow the old king and those who follow the queen - and is beginning to learn more about them.
As already said, he’s a charmer, he’s likeable, he has some sense of destiny about him, and he’s good-looking to boot. That’s Sauron’s go-to disguise. To many people familiar with the lore, it seems obvious that Halbrand is not the good guy Galadriel wants him to be. I think this will also lead into conflict between Gil Galad, Elrond, and Galadriel and a decline in her confidence and place in the world over the coming seasons, along with her rising from the ashes.
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Locked Up, Chapter 5
Word Count:  3k
Warnings:  mentions of violence/blood, minor medical situation, implied smut, thigh riding, little bit of bondage (handcuffs), teasing, mentions of potential unprotected smut, itsy bitsy breeding kink at the end.
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You shook your head, trying to fight off the blush that threatened to come onto your cheeks as you looked away from the senior doctor.  On the other side of the room, a certain inmate had been eyeing you up, and it was secretly driving you crazy, “Sorry Jay…you were saying?”
You knew of the red flags that seemed to wave in your face when it came to the handsome inmate, but you didn’t care.  You’d heard of him when the senior doctor told you about some of the more frequent flyers, but there was something about him that made you entranced. And since the day that you’d met him you were completely and unequivocally hooked.
“Go stitch up inmate Hansen, please,” he sighed tiredly as he worked on the other inmate in the medical bay, “we both know that you’re the only one he’ll let touch him.”  
You bit your lip and nodded, heading to the other side of the medical wing where the other individual who had been caught in a fight was waiting to be stitched up. 
Lloyd Hansen. 
He was once an asset for the government who had gone rogue, killing people simply because he enjoyed it. 
He usually left a body count wherever he was. 
People had called him a sociopath. Someone who didn’t give a damn about anyone other than what was being put into his numerous accounts across the span of the globe. 
But you knew him as the smart-mouthed asshole with a heart that was hidden under an ice age’s worth of tundra.  And somehow…you’d managed to make it under all that ice to see just the kind of person that he truly was. 
Broken from his past heartbreaks, and years of psychological abuse from his parents and so-called friends, Lloyd had walls higher than the earth’s atmosphere.  But you managed to find the cracks and slip through them. 
“Inmate Hansen…Dr. Sanjay has asked me to take a look at your injuries.”
Lloyd huffed, his mustache twitching. 
Lloyd only ever let you treat him.  Before you came along, he would stitch himself up with dental floss if he was stabbed, refusing to let the medical team at the prison touch him.  And after the last time he bashed a nurses skull against the wall, they decided to let him do it to. 
Until the fateful day that Lloyd first saw you. 
“Who is she?”
His raspy voice cut through the medical wing like wildfire, sending a pulse straight through your core as your eyes met.  Your senior doctor tried to brush off the comment from the normally silent inmate, but you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame.   
“Dr. Sanjay, should I tend to the other inmate while you-“
“Don’t bother with Hansen,” he grumbled, not sparing him a look as he worked on cleaning inmate Gentry’s cuts, “he won’t let anyone treat him.  Just throw a few of the antiseptic wipe packets at him so he can clean himself up and he’ll do it on his own…”
“Sanjay…he-he’s got a gash in his brow,” you whimpered softly, instantly gravitating towards the inmate.  You rushed to the cabinet, typed in your code, and grabbed a kit to sew him up as well as some other things to clean his other, lesser wounds, “Inmate Hansen…a-are you alright?”
But Sanjay stopped himself when he watched your small hands cradle the inmate’s face, examining him.  The doctor watched, eyes wide as you rushed to start cleaning his wounds, the inmate’s jaw remaining firmly closed together.
Dr. Sanjay couldn’t place it, but there was something about the way that Hansen looked at you.  It was obvious that he didn’t mind your presence.   
“Inmate Hansen…I-I need to close up that gash-“
“I know, princess,” he muttered softly, his fingers flexing against the orange material of his jumpsuit while he managed to keep his hands to himself, “get on with it, yeah?”
“I will…I just need you to know that this may sting a little…” you warned softly as you opened the antiseptic wipes and unfurled some of the gauze and butterfly bandages.  He gave a heavy sigh, watching as you delicately tilted his chin up, his eyes meeting yours once again.  Your lips parted ever so slightly as you examined his cuts and he audibly gasped as he could only focus on your irises.
“Get on with it, angel,” he ordered as he tried to break apart his more delicate thoughts about you “I’m used to a bit of pa-FUCK!”
You didn’t even flinch as your hand swept over his injury.  No.  You giggled.
His eyes snapped to yours once again, and even though the surprise and pinch of pain had caught him off guard, he was firmly entranced by your sweet, innocent little attitude. 
He knew in that moment that he’d do whatever he had to in order to keep you safe…to hear that sweet little giggle coming from your lips yet again. 
But Sanjay had other ideas, perceiving the look as one of aggression from the inmate, “Lila…back away from inmate Hansen…”
“I won’t be long, Doctor. Sanjay, I promise…it’ll just be a few stitches!” she said over her shoulder. 
“Inmate Hansen is dangerous, Lila…and only one hand is cuffed to the bed, so-“
His words stopped once more when Lila went to turn away, and Lloyd’s arm wrapped around her own, “I want her to treat me…”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Hansen…I will!” you offered warmly, your eyes meeting his once more as you gently pushed him back onto the gurney, “please…lay back so that I can finish cleaning the wound and get you sutured up!  Dr. Sanjay believes you are a danger to me, and if you prove his suspicions right I’ll have to cuff your other hand.  Can you please lay back for me?”
And wordlessly, Lloyd laid back, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Thank you, Mr. Hansen.”  
Before that day, Lloyd would always find some weirdly creative way to treat any infections or aches.  But after you…oh, that man would come in whining about the sun being too bright if it meant he got to spend some time in the medical bay, even if it meant being cuffed to the bed.
Dr. Sanjay chuckled when Lloyd kept his mouth shut.  Lloyd wouldn’t talk in front of other inmates. He’d had to keep up some tough guy rep.  But the senior doctor quickly saw through it, and noted his affections for the junior doctor.  So with a smile, Sanjay would disappear, knowing that someone managed to get through to Lloyd Hansen, and keep him almost docile in comparison to his former actions.   
Any time that he saw Lloyd, the senior doctor would go off into the next room to complete charts and paperwork, and he knew that the stoic inmate would babble on for hours, because he would hear your giggling following. 
He knew about the relationship, and was sure of the inmate’s affections for you, but you were too hard to read, sweet as sugar, he just attributed your actions as part of your personality, as you didn’t care which inmate walked through the doors, you would treat them regardless.
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“You have a cut on your brow that I’m going to treat first.” you said gently, advising him of what you were doing every step of the way.  You took a few steps away to the medical cabinet and grabbed everything you would need.  When you returned to his bedside and placed the items on the tray, you felt his hand gently reach out, searching for yours. 
You sighed and took his hand. 
His eyes met yours and your heart melted.  You didn’t take it personally that he hadn’t been talking.  You knew Lloyd well enough to see through his tough guy act. 
But that never stopped him.
“Pronge was harassing Jake again…” he said in a firm voice, nodding over to the other side of the room, where Robert Pronge was animatedly talking to the senior doctor, “told him to fuck off, but he didn’t get the idea until I headbutted the son of a bitch.”
“I wish you would stop fighting anyone that looks at me or Jake wrong…” you whispered as you wiped some of the antiseptic along his brow.  He took a sharp intake of breath as you wiped away the dried blood, “Are you ever going to stop being a baby over some rubbing alcohol?”
He smirked, “are you and Jake ever going to stop being bratty pains in my ass?”
“You know that we belong to you and only you, Lloyd…”
“That’s right!  And that means that the only one that gets to give you two a hard time is me!” he said in a playful low tone as his hand fidgeted along the rail until he was maintaining what little contact he could by touching the edges of your lab coat, “you’re my girl…and he’s my guy…I’d protect either one of you with my life…”
“What did Jake do to egg on Pronge?”
“Being his normal brat self,” he muttered sadly, “I didn’t…well, we haven’t…you know…he was flirting with Drysdale and I cut him off…him and that bitch CO were trying to take him back from us…she tried to transfer him to another cell block but Bodecker found out that he fucked her…”
Lila stopped treating Lloyd’s brow, “he what?”
“You know how Jake is,” Lloyd sighed, his hand reached up and you took it, needing to feel what little connection you could have with Lloyd after hearing that Jake had gone back to Viv, “I wasn’t giving him any…and you haven’t been on a shift where he’s doing his work release…he was getting antsy…felt abandoned…so he ran back to what he knows…”
“He’ll come back to us baby,” Lloyd said reassuringly, “he always does…”
“Viv and Ransom…”
“He left them for us for a reason, angel…they don’t treat him right…they don’t really care about him like we do…Viv only cares about Drysdale and Levinson…Jake’s disposable to them!”
You nodded, wanting to believe in the little bit of comfort that Lloyd was trying to give you. He gave your hand a little squeeze and you gave a forced smile, “yeah…”
“If I could show you how much you mean to us…you know I would…”
“Jake will be out soon…and I’ve got some government contacts who want me back…”
“It’s only a matter of time until they admit that they need me and spring me, pumpkin…then it’s me, you, and Jake…and I’m going to make sure you two don’t have to lift a finger…I’ll have them wipe my record again…and have them wipe Jake’s…and then it’ll just be the three of us.  And I’ll have you both naked in bed waiting for me to come home…hav-“
“Lloyd…” you begged, cutting the normally stoic man off.  You looked around the wing.  While it was pretty quiet, and you knew that they couldn’t hear you from the other side of the room, his words were affecting you more than you wanted to admit.  He smiled, sensing the fact that you were getting worked up at his promises.
“You like it when I talk like that…don’t you?” he teased, “it’s been a while…for all of us…I know how Jake felt…getting a little antsy…I miss stretching your pretty litt-
“Stop,” you whimpered, not really wanting him to stop, “Lloyd…we-“
“I knew you were working tonight…Jake had his work release today and I told him to make a loop for tonight…Pronge isn’t that bad and Sanjay will let him go back to the block when he’s done cleaning him up…say I need to stay for observation…I headbutted him…s-say I need to stay because I might have a concussion and you need to make sure I stay up…”
“Lloyd…that’s risky…”
“Once I beat up Pronge, Jake knew I still cared about him…he knew he wasn’t abandoned by us, sweetie…he said he would cut the camera and loop it from 10 to midnight…we can have the night…”
“Only if no one else comes in…” you caved, agreeing to what the man you loved was saying, “but we need to find a way for me to see Jake…I-I need to talk to him…”
“We’ll figure it out, sunshine!”
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“I’m almost done, I promise.”
Lloyd chuckled from the next room as you finished up the last of your charts for the night. 
“It’s five after ten…”
“I know…just one more minute.”
He huffed, “you know…if it’s like this when we’re out on the real world…there won’t be any handcuffs keeping me in a separate room.  The only handcuffs we’ll have at home will be the ones I keep you and Jake cuffed to the bed with.”
You giggled, unable to stop the blush that rose to your cheeks, “but for now…I have all the time in the world…because you’re the one wearing the cuffs in bed.”
You caved.
The way he called you those delicate little nicknames.  The breathy little huff to the edge of his voice.  You knew all of the red flags that were going off in your mind because of who he was in the real world, but you fought yourself every time his gorgeous cerulean eyes stared at you.  You stopped your writing and came out of your office.  Planting yourself against the frame into the medical wing you couldn’t help but giggle even more when you saw him looking longingly at you.
“I’m coming,” you sighed happily.  Lloyd smiled like a kid at Christmas as you made your way over to him with the keys to his cuffs.  You couldn’t help but take a gander at the clock, “ten after ten.”
“The loop is running…”
“And how do we know this for sure?” you asked, holding the key away from his cuffs.
He gave a low growl in your direction.  It wasn’t aggressive or dangerous, but it did send a shiver down your spine.  His pupils were lust blown already, “baby…the red dot that usually blinks when it’s recording isn’t on…let me out…I wanna play doctor with you.”
“Hmm,” you teased as you put the key on the tray and reached across the bed.  Your fingers grazed over the blankets, and you untucked him from bed.  On your way back up the length of him, your nails danced along his bare legs and over the medical gown he wore.  He gave another low growl, and you noticed his cock twitching to life beneath the thin fabric, “you wanna play doctor, hmmm?”
“You’re playing with fire, sunshine…” he warned, his voice husky and low, “you want to play this game…and we can, but you know if you get me riled up, you’ll be trying not to limp out of here in the morning…”
Your thighs clenched together at the thought.  But you smiled and crawled on top of him, straddling his thighs.  You reached for him and lifted his gown, making the material bunch up on his abdomen.  Then your hand reached forward and wrapped around his length. 
He took another sharp breath in as your hand gently squeezed his girthy member. 
“Shit, angel…I love it when you touch me…”
“And what about this?” you teased, angling yourself on one of his thick thighs.  Your hips rocked, and you knew the way his eyes lit up that he could feel just how much of your wetness soaked through your thong.
“Baby…” he groaned, his eyes closing ever so slightly.  His hands reached forward, wanting to grab you, but were stopped by his cuffs.  His eyes snapped open, and he huffed, “let me go pumpkin…I wanna play with my little doc…”
“Lloyd,” you moaned softly, ignoring his pleas.  He groaned, huffing once more as your hips continued to rock against his thigh, your core riding the thick, toned muscles.  Your hand began to pick up pace, stroking his now fully hardened length, “Lloyd…I want to ride you…”
“You’re not on the pill, baby…” he growled, reminding you of your own errors, “We can’t…”
“I-I have condoms…in my purse…”
His brow raised, “Y-You do?”
You nodded, “I-I always carry some…just in case we had a day where the cameras went out.”
“You naughty little minx,” he smirked, “go get em…and you can ride me all night, sweetheart…”
He nodded, and you let go of his member.  He sighed, his head falling back to the pillow while you raced out of the room more excited than a teenage girl.  Snatching the foil package from your purse, you were shocked when you came back. 
You hadn’t been gone more than 30 seconds.
But Lloyd had managed to get the key off the medical tray and free himself from the cuffs. 
Your throat went dry with the way he looked at you.
‘You thought those could hold me, princess?” he smirked, like a demon straight from hell, “you left the keys right there when you were grabbing the protection…did you really think I wouldn’t get out?”
He licked his lips and made a come hither motion towards you, “I get to play doctor, sweetheart…you get to be the inmate cuffed to the bed…”
Your thighs clenched again, the excitement firing off every synapse in your body, “I-I…”
“Be a good girl, pumpkin,” Lloyd coaxed as he stood up and made his way towards you.  The cuffs warbled on the edge of his finger as he stalked over, “and just maybe I won’t ruin that pretty little pussy of yours…not all the way, anyways…”
Your mouth opened and you tried to think of something to say to him. 
“Come on, sweetheart…say something smart so I can fuck your brains out and leave you aching in the morning…”
“C-can we skip the condoms?” you asked timidly, “I-I wanna feel you…really…feel you.”
“I don’t know if I’d be able to pull out in time,” he warned gently, his finger tipping your chin up so that you were looking him directly in the eyes, “and anyways…I promised Jensen he’d get to breed that sweet little cunt of yours first…”
“Oh, sweetie…when we get out of here…we have so many plans…and they don’t involve you coming back…so get your little doctoring out of the way while we’re locked up…because me and Jensen are going to keep you nice and occupied when we’re free…and that’s a promise.”
Chapter 6
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @cjand10
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handeaux · 28 days
Ringing Down The Final Curtain: A Most Curious Assortment Of Cincinnati Deaths
Over the years, quite a few Cincinnatians have shuffled off this mortal coil under very curious circumstances. Here are eleven examples from the macabre annals of our city’s history.
Death By Clown #1 It was Halloween night in 1921. Joseph Clark, a factory worker, was walking home through Lower Price Hill near the intersection of Eighth and State. He may not have noticed, across the street, that a fracas involving three men wearing clown costumes battling a half-dozen rowdies had escalated beyond mere fisticuffs. One of the clowns, William Shewmaker, pulled a gun and fired several rounds either very poorly aimed or as warning shots. One shot hit Clark squarely in the chest and he died at the scene. One of the assailants, Robert Cahill, died later from a gunshot wound. A jury failed to convict Shewmaker, the killer clown.
Death By Tin Horn #1 On a delightful spring evening in 1877, fourteen-year-old James McKenna and his friends chased each other along Ellen Street, then located along the base of Mount Adams. Their game appeared to involve grabbing and holding a child’s tin horn. The street was steeply inclined and poorly maintained. As he ran down the hill, tin horn in hand, James tripped on a tree root bulging out of the pavement and fell lengthwise on the slope. The tin horn punctured his jugular vein and blood spouted profusely from the wound. James attempted to struggle home, just a block away, but fainted halfway there. His friends carried his lifeless body to his distraught mother.
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The Chalk Will Julia Butterfass, an invalid aged 67 in 1895, was despondent and regularly announced that she planned to end her life. So often had she declared her morbid intent, and so often failed to carry out her threat, that her family stopped paying attention. Her chronic condition was exacerbated by the declining health of her husband, Jacob, a varnisher who could not hold a steady job because of his own health issues. One morning, Julia arose to prepare breakfast and then made a fateful decision. She returned to her room and scrawled her last will and testament in chalk on the floor of her closet. When the rest of the family woke up and noted her absence, they searched the house and found her note, which read: “Good-bye friends. I am tired of life and am going to commit suicide. I leave all my clothes to my daughter.” Searching outside, the family discovered that Julia had drowned herself in the backyard cistern.
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Incinerated By Mouthwash In November 1894, Leah Clifford was 20 years old and worked as a prostitute in Georgia Hudson’s brothel at 145 George Street in the West End. As she dressed to attend the theater one evening, Leah opened a bottle of mouthwash, prescribed by Dr. Charles Muscroft and prepared by druggist David Allen. Whether improperly prescribed by Dr. Muscroft or improperly compounded by Mr. Allen, the bottle contained a dentifrice known as pyrozone dissolved in highly flammable ether. When Leah lit a match, the bottle exploded, spraying her with incendiary liquid. She ran screaming from the house, setting fires wherever she stumbled. Transported to the hospital, she died hours later and is buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Sledding Into Eternity Frank Mauntel was 19 in 1919. He was a linotype operator and lived on Milton Street, just off Sycamore Hill. In December of that year, the snows landed heavy and froze overnight. Sycamore Hill was the hottest “coasting” hill in the city and young people assembled there in packs to try their skill navigating the precipitous drop down to Liberty Street. Mauntel took his turn and hurtled downhill, just as an automobile driven by Albert Schraeder of Delhi chugged through the intersection. Mauntel didn’t stand a chance. He was the 71st death by automobile in Cincinnati in 1919 and the second to die by sledding or “coasting” in the streets.
Frozen In A Quarry Henry Mastrup and John Mastrup were brothers who lived in South Fairmount at the base of Bald Knob. In 1905, they eked out a spare existence digging limestone out of Anthony Spitzmueller’s quarry at the top of Amor Street. Henry had been feeling poorly, but rallied one February afternoon and said he would take a walk, wrapping himself in three layers of clothes. When Henry did not return in time for dinner, John went looking for his brother. In the winter darkness, John found Henry frozen to death, sitting on a large stone in the quarry. John lit a match to examine the body, determined that he was in fact extinct, then walked home to eat dinner, leaving his brother’s corpse in the quarry all night. In the morning, John flagged down a cop, who called a patrol to remove the body. The coroner, incredulous, asked John why he had left his brother’s frozen body outside all night. John said he knew the quarry could not be reached by a wagon in darkness and he knew no harm would befall his brother overnight.
A Commercial Toxin On her 1908 death certificate, Daisy Sherman was described as a “harlot.” Under the name of Madge Simpson, she entertained customers at a brothel operated by Nan Newman at 309 Longworth Street. It was, sadly, all too common for sex workers of that era to end their lives by suicide. The most frequent method chosen by women was to ingest some vile potion, usually morphine or laudanum or carbolic acid. What distinguished Daisy Sherman’s exit from this vale of tears was her swallowing a commercial product that had only recently been introduced to Cincinnati – Lysol disinfectant.
Poem To A Pipe Bookkeeper Charles Drinker, aged 54, shot himself in the head one chilly morning in December 1905. He was estranged from his family and out of work, yet he went to his reward after leaving behind two light-hearted compositions. One was a jocular note to the coroner, hoping that his earthly remains might find some use in an anatomy laboratory. The other was a farewell poem to his tobacco pipe, the stalwart briar that had accompanied him for some years. Drinker’s final encomium read:
From thee, old friend, I have had my last puff; To leave thee thus, I know, ‘tis rough For in trial, trouble and tribulation You have been my only consolation. Now, alas! of use no more You can’t accompany me to the other shore. For on that shore there is no smoke – I tell you, old friend, this is no joke. You, like myself, have had your day – You remain briarwood – I return to clay.
Drinker was not shipped to one of the medical schools. He was buried in the Potter’s Field.
Death By Tin Horn #2 John Schaeffer was a shoemaker who lived in Covington. In 1897, he was unemployed and so purchased a supply of gewgaws and set up a little streetside stand on Fifth Street in downtown Cincinnati. One evening, a customer asked for one of the tin horns Schaeffer had for sale. The horn was at the bottom of a display hanging from a long pole. Schaeffer lifted up the pole to extract the desired tin horn and made contact with an arc lamp hanging over his little toy stand. The electrical current paralyzed Schaeffer immediately and the strength of the current repelled anyone attempting to come to his rescue. When someone finally switched off the streetlight, Schaeffer’s corpse slid to the pavement.
Death By Clown #2 On the evening of January 10, 1854, there was a "small Spanish theatrical representation” on Stockton Street in San Francisco. A 13-year-old boy named William Snyder, who had been born in Cincinnati, was peddling candy and peanuts. For whatever reason, Manuel Reys who was described as being a "mentally defected" circus clown grabbed William by the heels and swung him around several times. By the time Reys released the boy, blood was flowing from William's mouth. William was rushed to a hospital where he died. Manuel Reys was arrested for murder and his case was sent to the grand jury, but it doesn't appear he was ever legally charged. The death was eventually found to be accidental. William was buried in the Yerba Buena cemetery.
Was It Poison? The coroner’s official verdict claimed that Elbert Wise died from blood poisoning as the result of a ruptured spleen, but there were many unanswered questions. Wise’s wife, Katherine, found her husband slumped on the front stoop very early on the morning of 14 April 1895. He claimed he had been poisoned; that he had drunk some beer and found a greenish substance at the bottom of his glass. He lingered in a delirious state for three weeks before he died. It turned out that he had been “keeping company” with the unmarried 26-year-old Frieda Eisele for a couple of years. Freda discovered that Elbert was married and attempted to break off the relationship. Elbert persisted in seeing Freda over her mother’s objections and it was with Freda and her widowed mother that Elbert drank that fatal glass of beer. The coroner’s finding of natural causes ended any investigation. It was very curious, therefore, twenty years later, when Freda’s aged mother killed herself by swallowing an arsenic-rich dye known as Paris Green. One wonders whether she had ever used that substance before.
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entering--hyperspace · 9 months
Bg3 Tav: Págos
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(Com by SandPontiff on twit)
Pagos is a relic of a history long forgotten, the sacrifice he made afflicted him with a curse: to be frozen in time as the world marched on around him. After being unearthed by an Illithid ship, and cast into the sword coast, the parasite burrowed in his head threatens any chance of him recovering who or what he is... now wrestles with both an unfamiliar world, and the memories he lost...
Ill give the spark notes vers of him:
Name: Págos
Age:??? (300)
Race: White Dragon (Shapechanged: Dragonborn)
Gender: Male (He/him)
Class: Oathbreaker Paladin
Origin: Icewind Dale (-3,348 DR)
A long, long time ago, Págos was born Faestir, a white dragon loyal to his mother, Ayrthik and the clans that served under her. By the time of his hatching, however, Ayrthik had grown resentful of the mortal races and their continued settlement across Faerûn, and begun territorial battles to conquer settlements and cities further south of the artic north.
Faestir fought in her wars, loyal to her cause hoping to curry favor, even going so far as to take up the magic-binding oath alongside her prized commanders to prove his commitment. As the centuries passed, however, the constant death of the clans around him, the razing of villages, and blind loyalty slowly chipped away at him. On the eve of a most decisive battle, Págos broke his oath, and turned her army away from the city they were prepared to overtake. In doing so, however, woke the curse she had sealed on all those who swore their lives to her. If they would not fight for her, neither would they stand against her. They were to be left out, frozen by her ice, burried under snow and mountains.
This was his reality for a while, and when he was bumped into by the illithid ship and taken in, he was kinda...unthawed. He doesnt remember too much from his past, but rather a slideshow of details. He had often taken the shape of a dragonborn to make interactions with the clans easier, and it is the form he was in the moment he broke his oath. Because of this, he just assumes thats all he is because he cannot remember otherwise.
Personality/ Insight:
Págos, as a soldier and the son to Ayrthik was held to a high standard. He was not allowed, to be deterred by the emotions that plagued the mortal races, nor was he allowed to show mercy. Ayrthik believed dragons to be above everyone else, so too must he.
If págos knows anything, it is survival. He acts quickly and responds well to authority, be it his own or another's. He values facts and holds such confidence in his beliefs he chooses to judge individuals based on action than history.
Continuing this, both due to the fact he is a dragon and lived his life as a soldier, he sees the world in harsh white and black, but not based on morality, rather, was simply HE deems to make sense. Arrogant in a way, but what dragons arent just a bit.
Speaking of, págos may not remember he's a dragom but it does not stop him from being one. It defines his relationships it defines the subtle, strange movements, the way he interprets emotion and relationships. But it adds an extra layer to him not remembering this fact about himself that causes to feel uneasy and out of place without the knowledge to understand why.
Now, after escaping his fate and thrust into a different world, págos is stumbling blind. He is essentially learning what it means to be a person. For his entire life he was a toy soldier, static and unwavering, cold and detached, and while some of that still remains, its the ability to grant mercy, to show and recieve kindness that makes up his new experiences. He comes off as a little off-putting in a strangely detached way, but the more time he spends around the companions the more he adjusts, hes a bit emotionally repressed so it takes time for him to process some of the interactions, but still retains this kind of patience of a saint attitude about him that resonates with some of them (like shadowheart, who warms up to him rather quickly despite him being a little odd.)
But he tries, and he leans towards being this sort of gentle guiding figure, because so much of him is trying to figure out who he wants to be, which also causes him to be a rock for those around him. What he is sure of he holds on to, and, at least now, when given the choice in this new life of his, he chooses to be kind, he chooses to be understanding, he chooses to be something he wasnt allowed to be.
I have a lot of different things I could talk about and answer buuuuut for now heres just the base lore. Ik hes a lil lame but I like him, he eventually does learn hes a dragon and has an entire Thing about that (late act 3) and ends up forming very interesting dynamics with a few of the perty members.....ngl ill probably be dropping my literal fucking essay about him and the emperor bc thats an Entire Thing.
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 2
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” I’ve been counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. It’s time for our penultimate pick! Today we focus on Number 2: Professor Ratigan, from The Great Mouse Detective.
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If you know me very well, this choice and its ranking will not be even a remote surprise. If you don’t me as well…it probably still won’t be a remote surprise. Partially due to the fact it’s a Disney film, and partially due to the time when this film was released (it’s one of the more recent entries on the list), AND partially due to its family film status, this is quite likely the introduction most people my age had to Vincent Price, and it’s very likely how most people younger than me will often be introduced to the long-departed actor’s work in times to come. “The Great Mouse Detective” is also, I would imagine, how many young people end up being introduced to Sherlock Holmes. Because, in essence, that is what this movie is: it’s Sherlock Holmes, but with rodents in the roles. The story focuses on the madcap genius detective, Basil of Baker Street (voiced by Barrie Ingham), on his first case with his future partner, Dr. Dawson. The two have to work together to save a young mouse girl and her father, when they are kidnapped by Basil’s nemesis: the unhinged criminal mastermind, Professor Ratigan, Price’s role in the story. Ratigan plans to use the father’s special skills to help him assassinate the Queen of Mousedom, and then – you guessed it – take over the kingdom. It’s a race against time to stop Ratigan’s evil plan, save the victims, and spare the Queen and the kingdom alike from a hideous fate. This role came fairly late in Vincent’s career, and perhaps that’s what made it so special to him. He said more than once, in his waning years, that Ratigan had become his all-time favorite part…and considering all the incredible movies and characters he played before this slimy, contemptible sewer rat, that’s got to be saying a lot! Price described Ratigan as someone “playing the Great Villain, while also BEING the Great Villain.” There’s a sort of self-awareness to Ratigan and his melodramatic evil that I think makes him so fun to watch: he just so utterly ENJOYS all of his own wicked ways, and seems to self-consciously do things with the intent of making them as nasty and as grand as he possibly can. Intriguingly, there’s a hint of empathy to Ratigan, however: it’s hinted that the reason he’s become so evil is because he’s been prejudiced by society, since rats are seen as scummy, dirty, verminous things. He dresses himself in the finest clothes and puts on foppish manners in an attempt to seem more debonair and sophisticated…but ironically, his twisted nature only furthers the very stereotype he despises. Vincent’s voicework is a huge part of what makes Ratigan so wonderful. You can tell the man was having an absolute ball with every SYLLABLE he utters, and the animation and his voice blend together so seamlessly it’s impossible to imagine him in the booth whenever you watch the character. That’s something that’s difficult for even the very best celebrity voice artists, but the combination of Vincent’s dedicated performance and the artful animation makes it work brilliantly. His Ratigan is the Joker of Disney: a character who can flip on a dime from humorously evil and infectiously gleeful in his villainy…to a genuinely menacing, threatening, and thoroughly despicable character. He’s one of the finest portrayals of the character of Professor Moriarty ever put to the screen; I’m honestly surprised Vincent never played the character in live-action, especially considering both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee played Holmes himself at different points in their own careers. Maybe somewhere in that big movie studio in the sky, the three of them are putting on the greatest Sherlock Holmes film ever made. Here's hoping a lot of us down here get to see it someday. One last thing: a funny story about Price in this movie. Apparently, when Price found out about the film, he outright called up the management and Disney and asked if he could take part in it. They responded by saying he would have to audition. “If anyone but Disney had asked me to do that,” Vincent said, “I would have been insulted!”   Tomorrow, the countdown concludes with my Number One! Who will it be? What will it be? Stay tuned to find out!
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theneonflower · 1 year
Waitwait please..! I'm a little lost about the family au comics, tagged like kill la kill too and others, triggerverse au... Could you make a bit resume about them? How they connect with lwa years later au? That comics was so intriguing...! I hope to not bother, thanks!
oh anon, you've just opened Pandora's box.
long post ahead about triggerverse au
Triggerverse AU [alternate universe] is an AU of an AU is the best way to put it. It was a joke between a friend at first because we noticed some similarities between different shows that trigger has specifically worked on [animation quirks etc etc] and were like "lol what if theres a cinematic universe" but then we thought too hard about it.
You might've noticed the 4 main girls [Seraphine, Thyma, Ren, and Kamiko] are together. This is because, in this AU, a certain goopy guy [Xuihcoatl, who's a longtime OC of mine] comes back AGAIN after the events that happens specifically in the Years Later AU [lwa]. He ends up splicing the 4 different universes together into one in search of the lwa world and chaos ensues because that's not supposed to happen. This also gets the attention of Luluco because shes, yknow, a space cop.
tl;dr for Xuihcoatl. He's gotten many revisions over the years as he's my oldest OC to date. He's the embodiment of Death itself, seeing as he was once the God of Death a long time ago. But when his brothers felt he was too strong, they banished him to the real world. He terrorized humans until a Sorcerer with a certain rod 'killed' him. But his soul was still intact, and he vowed from then on that he'd destroy humanity, no matter how long it took. He eventually holes himself up into the lwa world and the rest is history. In triggerverse, he gathers enough magical energy to regain his old body back, so he appears as an actual dragon in this story. He's just a strong dude basically.
Triggerverse takes place like several years later after any canon story. The girls are well into their late teens [or 20 for Thyma and Ren], making any canon cast characters older adults. For newcomers;
Seraphine is the adopted daughter of Akko Kagari and Diana Cavendish. [She appears heavily in my Years Later AU, she is the Shiny Rod's next holder as well]
Thyma is the adopted daughter of Galo Thymos and Lio Fotia. [She's one of the few remaining humans to still have promare, she got the mutation when she was an infant, and her power is almost identical to what Lio once had.]
Ren is one of the Ryuko and human!Senketsu's children. [Ren has already been in an adventure type scenario, as human!Junketsu came back so life fibers could take their hold on earth again using her little brother, Kenta as a catalyst. But she ends up saving him and stopping Junketsu. I don't have any updated material to give out on this, its over 8 years old and needs to be heavily revised]
Kamiko is the daughter of Michiru Kagemori and Nazuna Hiwatashi. She is the youngest member at the age of 16 and most inexperienced.
Putting a massive cast of different characters together also just seemed fun, the interactions would be whacky and hilarious.
The whole AU is centered around stopping Xuihcoatl from causing anymore problems, but he's a very difficult enemy to face. He goes as far as to bring back human!Junketsu, steal beastmen blood, promare fire, and the Sorcerer's Stone for his own gain. It's up to the cast of the 4 different universes to work together to stop him [in usual trigger fashion] before the fate of their worlds fall into ruin due to the space paradox he caused.
For context as far as the comic you saw;
Xuihcoatl set up base on an dormant volcano, planning to reawaken it once he can grow the promare fire once more. He captured all 4 girls as well as some other characters, like Galo and Lio. He plans to use human's life essence to boost his own magical abilities, as the human soul is strong no matter what. However, seeing her family and friends in danger, Thyma overpowers herself and goes into a rage similar to what Lio was capable of a long time ago. She ultimately blows up the entire mountain using her fire, destroying Xuihcoatl's base and saving her friends and family but she almost dies from it.
yes im insane, no i will not stop.
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mediterraneanmenace · 6 months
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Pairing: Raphael x Raksha (OC, not Tav/Durge) I consider Tav a separate character with their specific story elements - Raksha never gets abducted by the Mind Flayers, nor she ever gets a tadpole. Her home is also not Baldur's Gate but the city of Helgabal, in the kingdom of Damara! :)
Warnings: 18+ for sexual themes (in later chapters), age gap (Raphael is like... *several* centuries older, if not millennia), slow burn.
Summary: Eleven years before the events of Baldur's Gate 3, Raphael's attentions for a young, ambitious tiefling turn into something deep enough for him to want her as his bride. There's only one problem - Raksha slays infernal beings for a living. (This is pretty much an experiment feat. a Raphael more in touch with his human feelings)
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"Perfume lingers about your flesh Like incense about a censer; You charm like the evening, Tenebrous, passionate nymph
Ah! the most potent philtres Are weaker than your languor, And you know the caresses That make the dead live again!
You tear me open, dark beauty, With derisive laughter, And then look at my heart With eyes as soft as moonlight"
[Les Fleurs du Mal — Charles Baudelaire]
[24 Ches, 1481 DR]
Raphael's mind was so inconveniently clouded by that mortal; a tiefling whose veins bore Archdevil Baalzebul's blood - his father's greatest and most hated rival.
Four long years he'd been watching, stalking her since she started her rise to Paladin Captain at nineteen until now, at twenty-three. At first, the Cambion didn't give much weight to her androgynous visage appearing in his dreams; not until he found himself fantasizing more and more about his hand lost in the sea of her inky black hair, with her muscular arms around his neck...
If Mephistopheles' ambition to oust Asmodeus mirrored his own, Raksha's rapid promotion wasn't too different from Baalzebul's rise as the Master of the Nine Hells' favorite - but unlike his father, Raphael saw that as something worthy of praise rather than enmity.
Fate was not without irony for the man who adopted and raised Raksha was the head of an extremist sect of the cult of Ilmater, the "Martyred Father" - the young tiefling's zealotry was one of the main reasons she managed to climb the ranks so fast: her dedication to purge the world from vice and sin brought her to the deepest pits of Avernus to fight against evil in its home.
But that didn't deter Raphael from wanting Raksha for himself, even if he was everything she fought against: she was the forbidden fruit, the sweetest he would ever taste.
He would stay in the mirror room at the House of Hope for hours, scrying the tiefling go about her life, without knowing he even existed if not for some fleeting glances whenever he visited the court of the Lord she served, the cathedral she lived at or the training grounds his beloved Paladin would train at along with her companions.
Raksha would look at him and ignore his presence as yet another curious, random person wanting to see the famous Holy Vengeance, whose sword slayed countless fiends from the Hells. Korrilla, sick of seeing the pathetic state of longing her boss was in, decided to prod him into doing something.
"Just go talk to her. You had a thousand mistresses" - the Warlock thought for a split second to her sister - "This... Raksha can't be too different from all the others, no?" "You are right, many were the lovers to entertain me in my boudoir"
Raphael's thoughtful eyes fixated on Raksha's reflection in the Scrying Eye and an almost paternal smile appeared on his lips: she was practicing the speech for her nomination as Holy Inquisitor that would have taken place that very night. He knew she wouldn't have stopped until it was perfect. A formal, high society event that would culminate in a ball was the crowning moment of a lifetime of sacrifices for her.
"But she's... Something I rarely met in all these centuries. A kindred spirit"
Korrilla didn't have a hard time figuring out why: personality wise, Raksha was incredibly similar to her master's younger self with her pompous, brash attitude - a pride not unwarranted, given her accomplishments.
"I guess it makes sense" the Warlock thought, shrugging. After all, that was the same man who would fuck an Incubus glamoured to look exactly like him so falling in love for someone who had a brain similar to his wasn't too far off.
"I'll have to ask you to keep an eye on the House for me tonight, Korrilla" - Raphael ran his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture - "I have a ball to attend to"
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