#had dinner with her family & now i’m drinking hot chocolate
mxgyver · 2 years
today has been… a Day™️ to say the least
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ln4babygirl · 9 months
LN4 X shy reader 🔥
You and Lando fly home to visit his family for Christmas, Lando can’t keep his hands off you.
~It was a cold day in England when we landed to visit Lando’s family. I haven’t seen them all for months after the season has ended. As we were waiting to get picked up from the airport Lando noticed my goosebumps and placed his jacket over my shoulders and pulled me into his side- just like every time he notices that I’m cold. However this time it made me blush more than normal as his dad was pulling up to the pick up point at the airport. It’s not that he hasn’t seen us hug before but it’s normally a good luck hug or a well done hug.. I am very shy and especially around family. It took me months to be okay with lando putting his arm around me at the garage (not that I didn’t like it I just don’t like attention being on me). Landos sister Flo jumped out of the car to help put our bags in the boot and gave us both a quick hug whilst telling her dad to blast the heating up as I was “practically freezing”. Adam just laughed and told us to get in before me finger tips fall off, Lan pulled open the back door for me and ran around to the other side to let himself in. The car journey wasn’t long and the entire way Lando kept his hand on my thigh rubbing circles as we drove to help calm my nerves, when we pulled up to the beautiful house they all call home everyone ran inside as it had just started raining. Lando quickly got our bags out before joining us all inside. As we entered I could smell the hot chocolate that landos mum knew was my favourite, bluey was playing on the TV which only meant one thing- landos nieces were also here to greet us. They came running and crawling through and Mila jumped straight into landos arms squealing whilst everyone laughed at the adorable encounter.
A few hours had gone by and I excused myself to go and freshen up before dinner. As I was drying myself off with a towel Lan came into the room and rapped his arms around my waist and started placing delicate kisses on my neck and shoulders. I turned around in his arms and planted a kiss on his lips which made him smile his bright radiant smile that I would never get bored of seeing. I wiggled away from him to get changed and noticed him plant himself on the large bed in the centre of the room. As I grabbed my clothes to try and go to the bathroom to change he stopped me. I was hoping he wouldn’t do this on the trip but apparently I was wrong, he hates when I walk away to get changed his point being he’s seen everything already so why wouldn’t I get changed In front of him. The problem is he doesn’t remember every time I change in front of him it takes double the time as he just can’t keep his hands to himself- which eventually results in him removing all my clothes and lying me down on the bed. Just as I was explaining that we don’t have time for his antics as all his family are waiting for us he shakes his head and tells me to just change here. I’ve learnt to pick my battles and this is not one I can be bothered fighting.
We eventually make it downstairs and join everyone else at the table, everything is going well until Lando places his hand on my thigh, this isn’t unusual for him but I can see in his eyes that he wants something more. I try to take his hand off my thigh but he just squeezes harder and moves higher up. I started to blush and take a sip of my drink, just as I put my glass back down I feel hot breath on my ear and immediately know who it is coming from. Lando is leaning into me and tells me to be a good girl and I will get rewarded later and leaves a seemingly innocent kiss behind my ear but what nobody can see is the devil like lick he leaves before he kisses. If I wasn’t red before I definitely am now, his entire family looking at us sweetly as their son and brother appears to be lovingly kissing me to soothe my nerves but what they don’t realise is that his hand has now made its way to be touching the outline of my underwear. I squeeze my thighs together to try and make it harder for him but that’s no match for his strong hands, as he pried my thighs back open a bit with one hand he manages to slip his fingers under my underwear and feel all the way up my slit dipping his finger in when he’s done. My breathe hitched as he drew his finger up to my bundle of nerves and circled it a couple of times, he leans over again and whispers into my ear how wet I already am and how naughty I’m being for enjoying his touch at a dinner table- he then removes his hand completely and wipes his fingers off on my thigh smirking at me.
I thought this would be the end of his attack but as we all settled down on the large sofas to watch a film he pulls me on his lap and throws a blanket over the both of us. This would be a normal scenario but there was enough seating for 15 people in this living room so I wasn’t sure why he wanted me on his lap. His sister throwing some popcorn at him stating he didn’t need to make her feel so single at Christmas time, he just smiled in return and kissed my temple wrapping his arms tighter around me. It was about 30 minutes into the film when I felt him pulling my legs apart so they were on the outside of his legs. I turned to whisper to him but when I looked at his face and saw the smirk he had whilst watching the film I knew I was done for, not even a second later he was dragging his hand up my thigh straight to where his hand had previously been at the dinner table, he moved my underwear to the side and swiped his finger up my slit and chuckled. He leant down and bit my ear as he dipped his finger back inside my whole, whispering how good I feel around him and to stay quiet. I bit my lip and couldn’t deny that this was a massive turn on, his finger inside me whilst his family was focused on the film. He started to pick up his pace and added another finger to the attack he was currently completing. I could feel the knot in my stomach begging to tighten and he must have felt it too as he leant down again and told me to let go and that I had been such a good girl taking his fingers so well for him. This completely tipped me over the edge and he covered my mouth as I came clenching around his fingers. Just as he removed his hand from my mouth his brother turned to ask if we wanted a refill, landos fingers still inside me he nodded his head for the both of us. He slowly moved in and out of me as his brother returned with our drinks. Lando then removed his fingers from inside of me and grabbed the glasses from his brothers hands, at this exact moment the screen went white and you could see landos fingers glistening as he took the glasses from his brother. I nearly chocked on nothing and Lando has his famous smirk back on his face, I was hoping his brother hadn’t noticed but when I looked up at him and he had the same smirk on his face as Lando and shaking his head I knew he had seen and knew exactly what had been going on. I buried my head into landos chest and could feel him chuckling whilst stroking my hair to soothe me, if this wasn’t embarrassing enough landos brother fist bumped Lando before going back to his own seat. I am definitely never getting changed In front of Lando again. ~
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idontplaytrack · 21 days
Amber Appleton x reader fic where they start a family? amber being scared before the baby comes but then ofc is the best and sweetest mom ever and reader falling even more in love with her because of it. thank you <3
Grow Old
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, mentions & descriptions of pregnancy and birth, anxiety, fluff
“I know it's kinda scary, but it's only temporary doubt
I've done a lot of stupid things
But promise that you're gonna stay long enough to grow old with me”
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You and Amber were down to the final month before your baby girl was due. And honestly, since the third and final trimester began, Amber’s been really worried and anxious and just doubting herself a whole lot. It made your heart ache to witness how she talked and saw herself, when you were sure that she’d be the best mother ever. Not perfect, but you knew she’d do the best to give the baby the best. You would too, no doubt about it. You were so excited, but also, pretty nervous. Things started to seem so close and so real…this new chapter of your lives. One that you both had been waiting for for the last handful of years, following what seemed like endless failed attempts to conceive in the last five years, nearly six. Everything was ready for her arrival, friends and family were excited, but not as much as you and Amber were. But of course, being first-time parents, anxiety was often the emotion taking the lead of the control panel of your minds as of late.
You were at work when Amber sent you a text to let you know that she’d gone on her walk. You two had agreed that she could go anywhere and do anything as long as she felt up to it and stayed safe, and that you knew her whereabouts in case of emergencies— knock on wood. Since you were getting off work soon, her text was so that you wouldn’t be surprised to see the apartment empty when you got home. Amber couldn’t stand being home as much for the last week or so, always wanting to get out and go for walks in the neighbourhood. You got that,she had a lot of thoughts racing through her mind and those walks helped her clear her mind and calm her down. But she mainly only does that whenever you aren't home. When you were around, she would a hundred percent be spending all the time with you.
Gathering your stuff, you clocked out and went to your car, ready to go home to your wife. Before you started driving, you sent her a voice memo to let her know you were on your way home already. Luckily, the traffic wasn’t as bad as it usually was, so you got home earlier than anticipated and even got her favourite takeout for dinner— and dessert as a treat since she’d been feeling low. It never failed to bring a smile to her face, so you loved doing that. Once you got home, you set the bags down on the dining table and went to get changed before laying the table. Amber wasn’t home from her walk yet, but you knew she would be soon so you wanted everything to be ready once she was home. Now standing in the kitchen, you were making hot chocolate for drinks to go with the meal. While waiting for the water to boil, you rested your palms on the counter, rolling your head to try and relieve some of the ache and tension from your work day. As you set the two mugs down on the dining table, you heard a familiar jingle of keys coming from the other side of the front door. Amber was home.
“Hello, my loves.” You beamed, walking up to her to give her a kiss on the cheek then one on her bump as you gently caressed it.
She smiled back at you while you led her to the table, to sit down. “Wow, you had time to get my favourite and arrive home early?”
“It seems the universe knows I need to get home quickly and without the usual stress of horrendous rush hour traffic. Work was so busy today, so I’m glad to be home with my girls” You grinned, “Come on, let’s eat.” You sat down opposite from her and you both promptly dug into the food. “I met up with Ricky and Jordan today. Went for lunch and a drive…it was nice seeing them again after such a long time.”
“I’m glad you had a good time, Ams. Pity I couldn’t join you guys.”
“There’s always next time.” A tiny smile tugs at the corners of her lips, “How was work?”
“Same old things, which you know aren't typically all that bad but I just had a report to turn in today so I’m just a little tired in that sense.” You explained, “She didn’t give you too much trouble today, did she?”
“Well— apart from making me need to pee what seems like a hundred times an hour, and kicking me in the ribs, she’s been a good girl. Cheeky, but good.” Amber giggles, “I”ve had it pretty easy, babe.” You reached over and put your hand on hers, giving it a squeeze as you flashed her a smile, Amber does the same back to you.
“Thank you. For getting my favourite for dinner.”
You gave her hand another squeeze,“Anytime.”
After dinner, you and Amber were snuggled on the couch enjoying dessert over some reality TV, then it was a movie that unintentionally made her emotional and cry. So you wanted to turn that off but she said she wanted to finish watching it.”You’re crying. You still wanna watch?” You squinted at her, concerned. She snuggled closer to you while nodding tearfully, “Yeah.”
“Alright, honey.” You rub her back, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, “Whatever you want.”
Seven days to go. The hospital bag was packed up two weeks ago and ready for the day. Amber was extremely tired, and understandably so. And quite frankly, she was achy all the time so that had her in a bad mood now. Nerves? They were definitely still there, but she couldn’t for pregnancy to be over and done with. Her feet hurt, so did her back and seemingly everywhere else in her body. She was getting so uncomfortable.
Technically, it could happen any time now. She could go into labour at any given moment.
“Hey.” You entered the bedroom and saw her lying down in bed but wide awake. It was past 10pm already. “I can’t sleep.” She sighs. “I know, I’m sorry.” You sat down with her. You helped her sit up, knowing that she’d want that. “I walked so much today.” A soft sigh falls from her lips as her hand rests on her bump.
“Soon, honey.” You cupped her cheek, stroking it tenderly with your thumb.
“I’m so tired.” Her voice shook, “I want her to come now.”
Well, she didn’t. The next two days were painfully long for her. She was the one going through it, but you were also going through it— that whole rollercoaster of emotions. Towards the end of dinner, Amber started to feel sick. Then, her back hurt, then contractions started. The first wave of pain hit and no matter what she did, it didn’t feel better like it would’ve with braxton hicks. All within the span of no more than fifteen minutes. You called her doctor and as expected, you were to stay home and time them until the pains were frequent and consistent. So until then, you had to make sure she was okay. Amber was advised to stay hydrated and take a nap in order to keep her energy levels up. She did just that without a fuss, quietly sipping on her tumbler of chilled water you sat right by her to massage her back in an attempt to relieve her back pain. After a few minutes you set her tumbler down for her and she leans onto you for comfort. Your hand found its way to hers, holding onto it after giving it an encouraging squeeze. “Just rest for now, honey.” You told her, “You wanna go lie down? I already put the absorbance sheet on the bed.”
“Okay.” She mumbles, nodding against your shoulder.
“Alright, honey, come on. I got you, easy does it.” You rubbed her back then wrapped your arm around her to help her up and walk into the bedroom so she could get some sleep while waiting for things to pick up their pace. You made sure you had your phone with you since you had to time her contractions for quite some time. Once you got her settled in bed, you sat down next to her so you could eye on her and everything. Making a mental note to check the hospital bag one last time, your gaze falls back onto her sleepy figure. She was sleeping on her left side, facing you and her eyes were closed. But you could tell she wasn’t asleep yet and uncomfortable. Amber ends up reaching for your hand, so you let her hold onto it while she slept.
Nearly two hours later, it was finally time to head to the hospital. They checked her in and got her settled in her room. They hooked her up to an IV drip for fluids and antibiotics after she changed into a gown then checked her progress. She panicked feeling it, squeezing your hand instantly. “Does it hurt?” The doctor quickly asked.
“That? No. Just didn’t know what to expect.”
Amber’s doctor— Doctor Elliott, nodded in understanding. She must know what Amber meant. She had kids of her own. “You’re at a three.” She declared, “Progressing nicely and everything looks perfect. Like I said, rest as much as you can and drink clear liquids if you’re thirsty. Ice chips are fine, if you’re hungry, or need anything…have any questions, let us know and we’ll be right here for you both. Checks will be every hour.” After Elliott left, AMber’s midwife and a couple nurses on shift came in to check on her and introduce themselves. It didn’t take long since they knew that Amber obviously needed some rest in anticipation for later. Very fortunately, things went forward smoothly. Amber got her rest, you took a 20-minute power nap before you were wide awake again watching her. With every check, she progressed further, but she also was in more pain because of it. Contractions got closer and closer, more and more intense, coursing through her body wave after wave. “Hold my hand, my love. Hold my hand.” You brushed your thumb over her knuckles, bringing her hand to your lips so you could give it a kiss, “Breathe through it, Amber. Just like we learnt. That’s it, that’s it.”
She takes in shaky breath and exhales slowly, her grip on your hand getting tighter by the second, until the contraction ended. This cycle repeated itself for what seemed like hundreds of times over the several hours of a truly agonising wait. “I’m sorry.” Amber swallowed thickly, “I’m so sorry for squeezing your hand so hard— oh, shit—”
She was going to throw up. Hastily, you grab the emesis bucket from the bedside table and held it under her chin just in time. You let go of her hand to hold her hair out of the way.
Cue the tears. And her waters breaking.
Once she puked, she was officially thrusted into the transition stage after nearly ten hours. The pain was now the worst of the worst, causing the tears to fall from her face in an unending manner. “You’re almost there, mama.” Dr. Elliot said, “Eight centimetres. You’re doing really well, Amber.”
Laid on her back, she stared up at the ceiling, tilting her head back trying not to cry even more than she already had. Amber opted for no meds, so she was definitely in a whole lot of pain. You couldn’t even imagine how bad it must’ve been. Yet she hasn’t even screamed once— she amazed you.
“Look at me, honey.” You said softly, “Amber, look at me.” You stood up, still holding onto her hand to meet her eyes.
“I can’t—” She hiccups, “I can’t do it, babe. It hurts.”
“I know it hurts, honey. I know. But you got this.” You brushed the sweaty hair out of her face, then planted a kiss on her forehead. “We’re so close, Amber.”
Within the next hour, it was time. Dr. Elliott returned with a team of people and everything was promptly set in motion. Amber’s legs were in stirrups for awhile but you realised she got uncomfortable so you just held her leg back while a nurse held the other.
“You’re a star, Amber. Breathe, dear. Take a breath.” Elliott reminded, “Breathe, mama. Breathe.”
Amber was swallowing her tears and nodding, unable to even utter a single word.
“You’re getting one?” Elliot asks, hearing her grunt and sniffling. “Push, and breathe through it. You got this, come on.”
Amber looks at you, and your free hand stroked her head, “You can do it, honey. She’s almost here, almost.”
She grabbed your hand and squeezed it through this wave of pain, biting on her lip to keep from screaming. “It’s okay if you need to scr—” The nurse says, worried.
Amber just shook her head profusely, still not saying anything. Amber’s eyes shot open, feeling sudden relief. Loud, piercing cries filled the room. A breath you didn’t even notice you were holding, was finally let out upon hearing that cry. Amber fully burst into tears at that moment, as did you.
She did it.
“Oh, I’m so proud of you.” You leaned down to capture her lips into your own, “I’m so proud of you, I love you.”
“Here she is.” Elliot placed the newborn on Amber’s chest, she calms down almost instantly.
Amber licked her lips, sniffling, “Oh, hi. Hi, baby girl.” Amber stroked her cheek with her finger softly, you just watched them. Finally feeling the calm after the intense chaos. And you just knew that you three would be absolutely fine. Your heart swelled at the sight, seeing them together, feeling yourself falling more in love than ever with your wife. How insane was all that? Not one scream. Not more complaints than she’d let out in the heat of the moment. That’s just who she was, doing what she needed do no matter how challenging it could get. She got through it, she got through it all. Because that’s who Amber was. Someone who doesn’t give up, someone who always believed and someone who always gave her all.
And you couldn’t wait to see how this new chapter unfold, getting to give your love to your little girl and getting to grow old with the strongest person you’ve ever known.
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
💭A/N: I’m not to satisfied with the ending of this one, but uh, here it is
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Hey love I hope your okay I thought of a little idea
Adhd reader and Christmas with Chris is chaos, and she gets overwhelmed with how everyone comes over and it’s just everything at once and chris sees this and takes her away from all of the and make sure she’s eaten and drunk water because I always forget and calms her down and it’s just sweet 🥹
Noisy Christmas
Chris Evans x Female Reader (ADHD Present)
Summary: Christmas with Chris and the family is always filled with fun, joy and love. Though you love to spend time with everyone, sometimes getting overstimulated and overwhelmed can put a pause to celebration, but your very sweet boyfriend will always come to the rescue
Warnings: non, overstimulated reader, hints of anxiety, ADHD symptoms, lots of fluffy soft Chris
A/N: thank you to my sweet bean for sending this request in, I love the idea! As someone who has very bad ADHD and gets easily overstimulated, this was very comforting to write I just hope I did it justice!
Word Count: 838
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 Christmas music mixed with cooking, loud chatter and lots of bodies surrounded the Evans family home. It was tradition for you and Chris to spend the holiday with his family, and Lisa was always the best host. You loved this time of year, with pretty lights, cuddles under duvets when the snow blows around the house, it was a magical time of the year. This time of year was beautiful but it often led to a little more of a struggle with your mental health, the dreary clouds, dark skies, it often left you feeling a little down and often a bit more sensitive to your surroundings. You’d been diagnosed with ADHD in high school, so it was nothing new to you when everything started to be too much, you were also blessed with the world’s best boyfriend. Always attentive, making sure you were comfortable wherever you both were, Chris truly was amazing. 
“Honey, can I get you another mug of hot chocolate?”
Lisa’s voice snapped you out of your haze and you blinked quickly before sending her a soft smile 
“I think I’m okay for now, thank you though”
She nodded placing a comforting hand on your arm before making her way back towards the kitchen as you turned yourself back to the chaos. Your fingers beginning to pick at the skin around your nails the louder everything got, the more you seemed to tense up, your breathing becoming a bit shallow.  In the midst of your uneasiness, Chris had made it over to you, sensing your discomfort from across the living room, knowing you and your brain all too well, he needed to get you to a quiet spot. 
“Hey pretty girl, can I steal you away really quick?”
Looking up at him you nodded, and he took you hand in his before leading you upstairs and into his old bedroom, the noise from downstairs finally tapering off, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, you sank down onto the mattress behind you.
“Here’s the deal baby, we’re going to hangout up here for a little, I brought my laptop, snacks and some water, but firstly I need to make sure you’re okay”
His hands held your face gently and his thumbs rubbed along your cheekbones gently, almost quietly urging you to talk to him
“It was just a lot, the music, the people, just got to be too much noise…”
He nodded listening to every word you said before you spoke up again 
“I don’t want you to think I hate spending Christmas with your family because I don’t, it just-it’s a lot and my head hurts”
“I don’t think that at all y/n, your comfort is important to me, truth be told I knew today was going to be a bit crazy, but I know you love my family and spending the holidays with them, it’s just a lot of noise when everyone is over, so I understand honey”
You nodded showing him a small smile as he got up beside you and pulled you into him, letting your tired body rest against his chest 
“I have my laptop up here, so you pick a movie and ill organize our snacks and drinks, most of the crowd will be gone in a couple hours and we can have a nice quiet dinner with my mom, she’s making your favourite too...”
At the sound of that you perked up a little bit and leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his lips, he always seemed to know exactly what you needed to come back to him and silence your brain. He helped you get under the blankets while he set up his computer, handing you some water which he made you take a couple sips of before jumping in beside you
“Thank you for always taking care of me, sometimes I feel like you know me better than I know myself”
Chris chuckled at this while his hand ran through your hair gently, your head on his chest as you paid attention to his heartbeat
“I love you pretty girl, I will always be here to support you in any way I can, you’re my favourite girl in the world, besides who else can I sneak off with to eat snacks and watch cheesy movies with?” 
You laughed knowing he loved the peace and quiet just as much as you did, his anxiety often playing up in social situations much like your ADHD
“I think you just wanted to get me alone and avoid your family…but I love you too, so much”
Christmas and the holidays weren’t always easy for you, but with Chris by your side, you knew everything would be okay. The sound of your laughter mixed together filling the tiny bedroom where you both hid away, it may have been a noisy Christmas, but in this moment, you settled into calm that had enveloped around you, more than happy to escape with you ever so caring boyfriend. 
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smilingformoney · 9 months
Rickmas 2023: Day 19. Hope | Severus/Persephone
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Read now on Ao3 or below the cut:
December 1978
The work for the Dark Lord didn’t stop for any holiday, not even Christmas.
Severus preferred it that way. He found no joy in Christmas anymore. He hadn’t for years, not since his mother - his only real family - had died. So when other Death Eaters were reluctant to carry out orders over Christmas for the sake of family time, Severus stepped up and volunteered to fill in for them, spending as much time as he could carrying out the Dark Lord’s orders.
Including, of course, his one main order: getting information from Persephone Payne. So when Christmas Day approached, he invited her over for Christmas Dinner, knowing as he did that she didn’t have family to go to. Whether they were estranged or dead, she’d never let slip, but Severus knew enough to know she’d be alone for Christmas.
The dinner mostly cooked itself, leaving Severus and Persephone time to sit on the sofa and drink their way through the bottle of mulled wine she’d brought over.
“So, your first post-Hogwarts Christmas. How have you been spending it?” she asked.
“I’ve hardly had time to think about it, I’ve been so busy with tasks for the Dark Lord. A lot of the others are spending time with family so I’ve been covering for them.”
“Is he okay with that? Surely he’d expect them to put him first?”
“He certainly wasn’t happy about it, but he knows raising the next generation of wizards is important, so nobody got crucioed. Especially when I said I’d pick up their slack. He seemed pleased that I was willing to put the cause first. Not that I’ve… got anything else to do at Christmas. I’m all alone here.”
Persephone snorted. “He’d get on well with my boss. Always gives me the Christmas assignments because he knows I’m the only one without a family. I’m glad you invited me over when you did, by the way - the next day he asked me to work today and I had an excuse to say no.”
“Glad I could help,” Severus laughed. “Sounds like your boss is worse than mine. At least he let me do what I want today.”
“And you chose to spend time with me?”
“Yes, of course! I remembered you said you don’t have family, so I thought we could be alone together.”
“Ha. Well, here’s to being alone together.” Persephone raised her glass and drank. “I have to admit, I miss Christmas at Hogwarts. Nothing beats the elves’ cooking. And I usually got the common room to myself - at least until you started staying behind too,” she said with a friendly nudge. “Shame we weren’t friends then.”
“I tried to talk to you,” Severus admitted, fidgeting slightly with the glass in his hand. “But I never had the courage.”
“Was that why you never thanked me for the hot chocolate?”
“The first Christmas you stayed back, I left you a hot chocolate and a note. You never said thanks, so I figured maybe you didn’t get it or you didn’t like it —“
“That was you?!” Severus frowned. “I thought - well, I don’t know what I thought. I didn’t recognise the handwriting. And… nobody knew about my mother. Only Slughorn and Lily.”
Persephone winced awkwardly. “I… may have overheard you telling Lily. And by overheard I mean eavesdropped.”
“But the hot chocolate — how did you know about the hot chocolate?”
“What do you mean? I just thought you’d like it.”
“With cinnamon? From the stall in Diagon Alley?”
“Well, yeah, that’s the best hot chocolate you can get.”
Severus sank back into the cushion, his mind spinning. The mystery of the hot chocolate that appeared on his bedside table that Christmas had always plagued him. Who had put it there, and how had they known about both his mother’s death and the significance of the hot chocolate? And all along it had been Persephone who left it, having overheard him telling Lily — and the hot chocolate was just a coincidence?
“My mother and I used to have that hot chocolate every year,” Severus admitted. “It was something of a tradition for us. Then she died and that very same hot chocolate appeared. I thought - but it was just you being… nice?”
“I know, me being nice is rare.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re always nice.”
“To you. I like you. Don’t like anyone else.”
“…Did anyone ever tell you that leaving hot drinks and mysterious notes next to a person’s bed is not the most efficient way of making friends?”
Persephone laughed, almost choking on her wine, and Severus smiled.
“So that’s why I don’t have any friends! What should I be doing instead? Leaving cold drinks?”
“Well, signing the note would be a good start. I’d have thanked you if I’d known it was you.”
“I was the only other Slytherin there, I thought it would be obvious it was me! Damn, we really did just keep missing each other at school, didn’t we? Lucky that we were both in the Leaky Cauldron last July, huh?”
“Yes, very lucky,” Severus lied. Luck had nothing to do with it. I was looking for you.
“You know, Severus, I… I haven’t enjoyed Christmas in a long time. But this… this is nice. Gives me hope, y’know? That people like you and me can still have merry Christmases.”
“People like us?”
“You know… people without families. I only ever feel lonely at Christmas.”
“…So do I,” Severus admitted. He’d been staring into the bottom of his now empty glass, but now he looked up at her, and she smiled a cautiously warm smile, one which set his heart aflutter.
“Can we do Christmas next year too?” he asked. “At yours, perhaps.”
“Yes! Yes, I’d like that. Even if we get married and end up with our own children, we should still see each other every Christmas. Make sure neither of us is lonely.”
December 2000
“Here they come…”
“Oh, no…”
The bedroom door swung open at exactly 5am, and Severus hid under the duvet.
“Dada’s not here,” he said firmly.
“Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!” Ariadne squealed excitedly as she and her twin sister jumped onto their parents’ bed.
“Christmas is cancelled. Dada’s going back to sleep.”
“No, Dada, wake up! Father Christmas put a million presents under the tree!”
“Get your sister up first. Jump on her while she’s asleep. That’s an order from Dada.”
Laughing rather maniacally for a two-year-old, Ariadne raced out of the room, followed by April, and through two walls Severus heard the girls screaming excitedly as they burst into their older sister’s room.
“Those two need to calm down. It’s only Christmas.”
“It’s their first proper Christmas, Sev! And it’s their birthday too, they’re excited. They were too young to understand it last year.”
Persephone rolled over, stretching, as if she’d just woken up serenely and the screaming, bouncing two-year-olds hadn’t bothered her. Then again, she was married to him, so surely nothing could faze her.
“No Grinch this year, you promised.”
Severus sighed. “I suppose. Besides, it’s hard not to enjoy Christmas when I have you.” He wrapped an arm around her, holding her in close, savouring the peace and her warmth until he had to get out of bed and face the chaos of the day.
“Christmases are going to be a lot more chaotic now with those two around.”
“Mmm… I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I’ll tell them you said that.”
“You will not.”
“Better get downstairs before me, then.”
“What - Sephy!”
But she was already up, waving her wand to dress herself; Severus jumped out of bed too, scrambling for his own wand, knowing he was doomed. But even so - being doomed to a happy life with the family he loved wasn’t so bad after all. If only his younger self had known where he’d end up, happy and safe and loved - it may well have given him hope.
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Mi Ángel De Nieve (Ona Batlle x Reader)
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Day 5! We love Ona here so enjoy this
Winter in Manchester was very different to what you were used to, this was your first year experiencing it and snow wasn’t something you were expecting. You had joined Manchester United from Barcelona this summer, finally joining the love of your life in the English city. Ona had been trying to get you to transfer for a couple years now but you had dedicated your life to Barca and wasn’t going to move until they no longer wanted you. That happened this summer with you and a few of the other longer term players like your best friend Leila leaving for new opportunities.
The fact that Leila had moved to the same city was perfect, it was the first time ever that you had your favourite people, your chosen family all in one place. You had played your final game of the calendar year on Saturday against none other than Manchester City, you and Leila facing off for the first time in your careers. The points had been shared and you and the rest of the Spanish girls had gone out for a dinner to celebrate.
You and Ona were wandering back from the restaurant hand in hand when you felt the first cold spot land on you. Looking up at the sky you were shocked to see the small white dots slowly floating down. Snow wasn’t something you ever got to see growing up in north Spain, the temperatures never dropped low enough for the weather to occur so you momentarily paused to take it in.
“What’s up amor?” The small tug at your hand helped focus your attention on the younger woman, her curious gaze staring back at you.
“You’ve been in this country too long. It’s snowing. I don’t see snow.” The realisation that crossed Ona’s face was comical, you laughed at the expression before placing a kiss to her cheek. “Its cold can we go home please.” Ona didn’t hesitate in pulling you along the path as the snow got heavier and heavier, small white specks sticking to the both of you as you got closer to the warmth of home.
Pulling your slightly damp coats off, you and Ona were both relieved to be inside the dry and warm appartment. One was quick to put on the fairy lights strung around the living room in honour of the festive season and you made your way into the kitchen to make each of you a hot chocolate.
By the time you had got the drinks ready and wandered back into the living room Ona had already got changed into comfy clothes and snuggled herself under a fluffy blanket. “What you putting on bebé?” You spoke as you put the hot beverages on the coffee table and as Ona replied you leaned on the arm so you could hover your face over hers.
“I was thinking home alone marathon? You’ve not watch them right?” The glint in her eyes as she spoke about the Christmas films had your insides lighting up. Leaning down that little bit more you pressed a series of kisses to her forehead and cheeks before pulling back.
As the younger woman pouted at you you walked backwards towards your shared bedroom. “Okay load it up I’m just going to get changed.” You turned with a wink in her direction and hurried off to get sweats and a hoodie on.
Walking back in you laughed at the pout still residing on the woman’s face. Pushing her forward and slipping under the blanket with her now in front of you, you pressed a few kisses to her neck which only made her grumble.
“Hey bebé?” When she turned towards you, you didn’t hesitate in capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. One that had the both of you smiling into pretty much as soon as it happened.
“Okay better. Now we can watch the films.” Giggling at the Manchester player you pulled her as close as you could get her and settled in for a night of films.
A few days after this and the snow was here to stay. Another layer had settled overnight and you were even more excited to see it today when you woke up. There was no training and no other responsibilities to be done so you had asked Ona if you could spend the day doing all the things you do with snow.
The days started with breakfast and coffee, the latter essential for Ona to function for the rest of the day. Then you got your winter clothes out of your wardrobe, clothes that until this year were only used to ski in. Making sure all the bits that needed to be tucked in were indeed tucked you trudged out into the complexes garden.
The floor was littered with tiny animal prints from the foxes, cats and maybe even squirrels making their way around. The trees had a perfect amount of snow on them to make them perfect to gaze upon and the sun was slightly shining through so the air wasn’t so cold.
Ona had requested the first thing you do was build a snowman so you had both set about rolling balls in the snow and by the end of it you had a small half body height snow man with little pebble features.
Deciding he was Instagram worthy, you pulled Ona into a three person, well two person and a snowman, selfie and posted it to your stories. Leila's instant reply complaining of being left out had you rolling your eyes. After texting her to come join if she was that fussed you laughed at the instant no you received. The woman screamed hot weather lady and you weren’t the least bit surprised she was not going out.
Just as you put your phone in your pocket you felt the cold snow hit your neck. The shriek you let out would be embarrassing if anyone other than your love heard you. Speaking of said love you turned in the direction the snow came from and was gobsmacked to find Ona doubled over trying to stop her laughter with a hand over her mouth.
“Oh it’s on.” You threw a snowball that she managed to dodge and for the next few minutes you and the brown haired woman ran and threw and giggled in your own little world.
You had just about had enough of the small nimble woman dodging everything so you used the only thing you had over her. Speed. You ran right at her when she was least expecting it and gently tackled her into the snow.
After flopping next to her laughing at the shocked face she had on you took her hand and stared at the sky. “It’s so peaceful. There’s something so pure about snow that it makes you want to lay in it until your body goes numb because of the cold.”
Ona just listened to you speak. She would never tire of listening to your soft inner thoughts. After a period of quiet you stood up only to look down at her, eyes closed and smile of her face Ona started moving her arms and legs. You stepped back to give her some room and pulled out your phone to video what she was up to. After a few moments you stopped just before she did and subsequently stood up.
You took a quick photo of her looking down at her work just at the right time. Her shadow from the setting sun was perfectly in the place her body had just been. The angel wings she created spreading out from her shadows body.
You captioned the photo ‘I always knew she had the soul of an angel. Here’s your proof.’
Ona wouldn’t see that photo till after you had drifted off behind her on the sofa later that evening and the new nickname of mi ángel you had developed tonight all made sense.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 10 months
28 - German christmas market - Crygi
only if you’re into that idea ofc, no pressure!
Ooooh i love reading Crygi, so let's give writing a shot! (and a Jasya mention bc well, I’m me) Also, I've never been to a German Christmas market before, so a lot of this comes from talking to friends and internet research.
"What are we doing in this neighborhood?" Gigi asked as she looked out the passenger side window. The street was lined with different decorations than where she and Crystal lived.
"I told you, you'll see what it is soon," Crystal said as she turned left at the stoplight.
Gigi tried to look closer at the pedestrians walking along the lit sidewalk, but none looked like they were giving her any clues about this surprise.
She thought she and her girlfriend would just go out to a nice dinner and then watch The Polar Express at home in their pajamas, but now she had no clue where Crystal was taking her.
"Here we are," Crystal said as she pulled into a line of cars that led into a paid parking lot. As she waited for the cars to pull forward, she fumbled in the dark car to look for her wallet.
Eventually, as Crystal paid the fee and they were allowed in, Gigi recognized they were at a park on the other side of the city. She watched some families and couples that were walking to the main entrance.
"I still have no idea why you brought me here," Gigi said as she got out of the car. She rebuttoned her crisp, white faux fur coat as the chilly air hit her.
"You don't see those lights?" Crystal pointed out as she reached into the backseat to get two pairs of gloves, passing one pair to the other.
As she pulled on the baby pink pair of gloves, Gigi looked in the direction the strangers were walking toward. In the short distance, there was a tunnel entrance made of small lights to the park.
"Are we looking at Christmas lights?" Gigi guessed as she and Crystal joined hands.
"Kinda?" Crystal said as they entered the mesmerizing light entrance. The lights were all bright white, and some even made patterns of detailed snowflakes along the sides.
As the couple reached the main section of the park, the walkways were surrounded by different stalls selling food and trinkets. The smell of sweet roasted nuts and balsam welcomed them as they joined the market crowd.
After window shopping and looking through the main row of stalls, the couple sipped Belgian hot chocolate as they sat close to the playground.
“How did you find this place?” Gigi asked as she warmed her hands on the hot paper cup.
Crystal took a long sip before speaking, “Daya told me about it when she and Jasmine came here last week. Jasmine’s uncle is one of the pierogi vendors and she said the market was worth the drive.”
“She was right, this place was worth the drive out here.” Gigi smiled before taking another sip.
“I’m surprised you haven’t even taken any pictures yet.” Crystal pointed out. Which was surprising to Gigi too, since she was the type who always wanted to capture the moment.
“Maybe later, but I don’t think my phone camera can do all the lights any justice.”
As the couple finished their drinks and continued shopping, the young families of the market slowly left. The night was growing older, and some stalls were starting to close for the night.
“I don’t think my bag can hold anything else,” Gigi said as they made their last round of the stalls. Her canvas tote bag barely holding onto her shoulder.
Crystal led her to the next row of stalls, missing the exit they were heading towards. “We just need to pick up one last thing.”
“What’s that?” Gigi asked as they stepped in front of a booth with displayed ornaments. Some wooden, some ceramic, and a few glass.
Crystal gave the booth attendant her name, and they dug through a box under the table. The person pulled out a small gift bag with tissue paper peeking out. She thanked the attendant before leading Gigi off to the side, away from the crowd.
“Open it.” She said as she passed the bag to Gigi. As she carefully peeled back the tissue paper, she found a ceramic ornament of three leaves of green ivy placed in a triangle. In cursive red writing, the top leaves said Crystal and Gigi, respectively, and the bottom had the current year.
“It’s beautiful, I love it.” Gigi smiled as she held the ornament by the red ribbon. “I thought we weren’t much of a traditions type of couple?” She asked with a playful smile.
“It wouldn’t hurt to have a couple of annual things to look forward to,” Crystal said as she gave a quick peck to Gigi’s cheek.
Gigi couldn’t wait to show her friends and close family the magic of this Christmas market. But for this year, it was just meant for them.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December 2/24
Written for Klaine Advent 2022. Day Two: Cork
December, 1999
“Burt, you’re being crazy.” 
“I’m not crazy, Liz.  I’m being practical.” 
“Yes, practically crazy.” 
Six-year-old Kurt sat on the floor of his living room, warm and comfortable in his Sesame Street pajamas, his Barbie and Ken dolls in a nice row in front of him, with all of their accessories spread out in a protective radius around them.  It was important to little Kurt to make sure each doll wore what best fit their personality - he had so many stories for them in his head, and everything had to be just perfect.  But it was hard to concentrate - he didn’t get to stay up past his bedtime very often, and the fatigue from a very long day was beginning to set in.   
It was exciting to see what his parents were up to after he went to bed.  Sometimes he would pretend to be asleep, and crawl to the edge of his bed and peer out - just to listen, but most of the time the TV was on too loud to really hear anything.  Tonight was different though.  Tonight was a special night.  Tonight he could stay up with them as long as he wanted.  
They sure were acting weird though.  
Dad had been unusually antsy all day - checking the house over, making sure the windows were sealed shut and that the furnace was working accurately.  There hadn’t been a storm - it had been a nice, sunny day even if it had been too cold to go to the playground.  He and Mom had had hot chocolate and colored in his coloring books and watched Wizard of Oz redone in color.  All the while, Dad was stockpiling cans and blankets and flashlights and batteries onto the kitchen table.  They had to eat dinner in the living room.  
Mom watched him silently, a smirk on her lips as Dad ran around the house.  Now that it was evening, she sat in her usual spot on the couch, near the lamp, a book in her lap while she uncorked another green bottle, pouring a white fizzy liquid into one of her fancy glasses.  She had let Kurt play on his own but she had watched Dad more than she read her stories.  
Dad, finally, seemed to finish his tasking, coming to the living room, hands on hips as he remained deep in thought.  “Look, if anything is going to happen tonight, I just want to make sure my family is safe.” 
“Safe from what?” Mom asked, her question was gentle, as she took a sip from her glass.  “I’m pretty sure absolutely nothing is going to happen at midnight.  The computers aren’t going to explode or come to life or whatever it is you are afraid of.  We’ll just roll into the new year - and it’ll be just as boring and routine as last year.” 
Dad let out an unsatisfied grunt.  “Well - not nothing.  We will be rolling into a new millennium.”  
“That’s next year.” Mom grinned.  “There wasn’t a year zero, so technically, we’re still stuck in the old millennium for another year.”  
Dad let out another grunt, and waited a long time before speaking again.  “But all the numbers are changing.” 
Mom shook her head at him.  “Kurt, c’mere,” she said, patting her lap.  Kurt stumbled to his feet.  Mom seemed to know that he was getting sleepy, which was really unfortunate because he had just figured out which Ken doll deserved the very lovely three-piece suit.  “Would you like some of Mommy’s fancy drink tonight?” 
Dad scrunched his nose at her.  “You’re not really going to give him that, are you?” 
“It’s sparkling grape juice, Burt, do you have any objections to that?” 
Kurt would be lying if he said he wasn’t thrilled to be drinking the bubbly juice, but the gruff look on Dad’s face made him hesitant.  “It’s fine, baby,” Mom assured him - handing him her glass.  Kurt took a tiny sip.  It was sweet and fuzzy and had the same tingling feeling soda gave him.  He wished he had his own glass, so he could hold it like Mom and feel like he was at a fancy party.  Mom kissed his forehead and he relaxed into her, allowing himself to take another drink.  
Dad came over to sit next to them, his calloused fingers brushing some hair out of Kurt’s eyes.  “I hope you get your mother's sensibility, kiddo.”  Kurt didn’t really understand the statement but it made Mom smile.  
“Well, I hope you get your dad’s big heart.”  
The two of them shared a sweet, lingering look.  It seemed to Kurt as if they were having some kind of conversation with their eyes - but what was being said, Kurt didn’t yet understand.  Mom then shuffled Kurt to her side, settling him in-between them, then gave Dad a quick kiss before getting to her feet.  
“Kurt, stay here with Daddy for a moment.  I’m going to get more glasses, and we’ll make a toast to the end of the world.”
“You think you’re funny - but when the power goes out, don’t come crying to me.  Also, grab a couple of those flashlights on your way back in here.” 
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linzsaw · 9 months
My Monthly Favs What’s in my cup:
Every morning I drink iced coffee made from my one & only Nespresso machine. The past few months I can’t get enough of the double espresso blend, and then I add a bit of whole milk (happy cows only) and sweet cream. I can’t find anything better from Starbucks or anywhere else. Sometimes if I’m craving a hot drink, I’ll head to Dutch Bros for a hot Carmelizer and it is totally worth the cringy 9 minute forced convo with the DB crew. I also start my day with electrolytes, currently in the watermelon flavor. It’s surprisingly really delicious but I miss the Electrolyte Synergy blend that I was drinking for a long time, which has been sold out for almost a year now. :’)
What’s on my plate:
Dinner lately has been the laziest in America. After our trip, Drew & I either have the same ole chicken, rice and veggies, a spicy “mexican bowl” or some form of pasta, usually with Raos Arriabatta sauce. This week we’ve been stuffing our faces with Trader Joe’s frozen meals. We promise to be better next month, but we are really exhausted and the last thing we feel like planning are meals. However, for the last week of December we actually have some things planned for the holiday weekend. On Friday, we’re hitting up the town as we do every year to walk around and see the lights, and find festive little bars to try out new Christmas cocktails. We plan to spend Christmas with just the two of us. For Christmas Eve we are making our annual corn beef, cabbage and carrots because apparently we are super Irish (confirmed by 23&me which btw leaked all my genes to hackers). On Christmas we are having tri-tip, garlic & butter brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes. The Christmas cookies we’re making this year include White Chocolate Cherry Shortbread cookies, Peanut Butter Blossoms, & Holly Leaves. Okay and now that I’ve told you all that, the Christmas cocktails we decided on this year are The Mistletoe Kiss (a vodka, soda water, rosemary & cranberry drank) and Bad Santa White Russians. I also heard that Moon X Pinot Noir from Trader Joes was really good and lately the Redvolution just isn’t doing it for me.  Let me know if you want any of these recipes, ladies. I will make sure to find GF, DF, and V options. 
What’s on my bookshelf:
I’ve finished two of the Colleen Hoover books, and now I’m reading another one of hers called Verity. It’s kinda depressing but that’s kinda the vibe as of late so I’m into it. 
What’s in my playlist:
We love the Sia Christmas album. It’s so fun and happy. Believe it or not, Andy introduced me to it lol. It’s so good!! Other songs I’ve been into are I remember everything by Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves. It reminds me of a family member rn which is very depressing to me. Fun to cry to. Bubble - STAYC, Surround Sound - JID 21 Savage, Baby Tate, Adora Hills - Doja Cat. 
What I’m up to:
Making our house into a winter wonderland of lights. Watching hella hallmark movies. Being seriously lazy, not working out or eating healthy. Walks with Snoop around the park. Mandala scratch off nightscapes. Reading at 3am when I was jetlagged. I had a sleep study this month too, no sleep apnea for me, back to mouth taping! It really does help with quality of sleep for me. You should try it! Also magnesium spray on my feet (shout out to Aly). This has helped with my restless leg syndrome that we’ve all experienced. This weekend, we’re making all our foods and cocktails, going downtown, driving around with hot choc to look at lights, and heading up to Rocky Mountain to hike a bunch of mountains. 
Skincare Saviors:
My skin gets so dry in Colorado, its TERRIBLE. And now that I’m saving for a house, I had to break up with my amazing esthetician, who by the way I stole this template from. I’m obsessed with Dermlogica thanks to her. I use a miscellar water if I wore any make-up. If not, I just double clease with my face wash. In the AM I’ll use my Rosehip Triple C+E Firming  Oil, followed by COSRX snail mucin essence, and a magical mix of calm water gel and intensive moisture balance. 
Love you long time,
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daisynik7 · 10 months
ok it’s not the worst, but the extreme perfectionist in me is wailing and shrieking, especially considering i bought a new cooking thermometer for this. otherwise it was really nice, good food, small family dinner, and me on the couch in fetal position because i literally just got my period now of all times lol 🥲 forgive the tmi i’m actually spiraling. maybe one day i’ll allow myself redemption, but for now i’m sticking to my korean holiday dishes, less thermometers and more leaving pots on the stove for hours on end lol. 
but thank you for your sweet words my love nonetheless, it makes my so happy to hear you had a great time at the wedding! i just saw you posted a drabble with nanami inspired by that and i’m excited to read! and honestly your doing your liver a favor as well, but that boba combo sounds so good! 
treat yourself to a hot chocolate if it’s chilly, and if not i still expect you to do at least one nice thing for yourself this evening, by now i hope you’ve recovered from the drive and the loads of energy spent, sending a belated delivery of love, hugs and smooches, and the prettiest flowers to account for the time i’ve been knocked out on my sofa lol
hope my lovely wife has an amazing rest of her week! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
it's okay sweetheart!! we are always our own worst critics. I'm sure the turkey was absolutely delicious! I love getting new cookware! a good thermometer is essential when making any types of meats. And I'm so happy to hear you had a nice dinner. holding you dearly during this time of the month, it always seems to come at the worst times. 😩. I haven't ventured into cooking a turkey myself yet, so I'm sure it's stressful. the first time I'll try it, I bet I will also spiral lol. but I'm so proud of you for doing it in the first place! so so proud of my wifey as always! ♥️
the wedding has made me mushy all week! been feeling especially full of love these past few days, idk how to explain it. thank you for reading that cheesy drabble, your support always means the world to me, you have no idea.
I've been drinking hot chocolate this week! it's been getting super chilly here, so I'm bundled up and doing all the right things to keep myself warm. remember you told me how you would put your blanket in the dryer and snuggle it while it's still hot? I've been doing that because it's SO COZY OMG.
kissing you so tenderly right now! I hope the rest of your week is also amazing! I know you're going through it bc of your period, so do what you can to make yourself comfortable and happy. I love you snookums! I'll talk to you very soon 😘
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writing-rat · 1 year
Talking it Out
Pairing: Familial. Delia and Lydia.
Content Warning: Self-harm, Talks of blades, talks of mental health
Summary: Lydia has found a way to cope with her mother's death. She does it in the bathroom where she gets caught.
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It was the 1 year anniversary of Emily’s death. Charles was upset, but not as upset as Lydia. The previous week, Lydia had been locked up in her room. She was not even exiting for food, Delia or Barbara would leave it outside her room with some notes for her to respond to, asking if she was ok and if she needed anything. Lydia would respond to each one, and would message her dad or step mom if she needed anything else.
It was late night when everyone was asleep, even Barbara and Adam, which wasn’t as often as when they were alive. Lydia slowly started to creep into the bathroom, not wanting anyone to notice what she was going to do. She was holding her phone tightly as she knew her razor was underneath her case. That was how she hid it. Eventually she was inside of the bathroom as she closed the door and locked it, her eyes starting to leak tears out. She started to take off her phone case as she pulled the razor out and was quick to put her phone down, unaware of the clatter it made. She gulped as she looked down, sitting down on the bathtub, closing her eyes as she slowly dragged the razor down her wrist. She was soon untensing, looking at the blood drain from it. She was so mesmerised by it as she kept cutting herself, making sure they were all as shallow as possible. She didn’t need them to be found out. 
That was at least until there was a knock on the door, then a pick locking sound. Lydia froze, wrist and razor in place. There Delia stood after opening the door, concern plastered all over her face. Once she saw the position, she rushed over immediately, tears starting to leak out of Lydia’s eyes starting to sob. Delia was next to her at that point, rubbing her back. “Shhh, it’s ok. It’s ok. I am going to get a medkit and clean them, ok? Then we can talk,” she reassured. Lydia was nodding as she was letting Delia do anything, feeling defeated about everything. She also knew she would have to talk with her dad, which made her nervous. She didn’t want to fuck up their relationship that was slowly improving, so much so she that she was comfortable coming out as lesbian. She was quickly accepted though. In fact she had brought her girlfriend over and they had a nice dinner.
Soon, Delia was back with the medkit and went back onto the floor, helping to clean the motionless Lydia’s cuts. She stayed silent as she worked, not wanting to trigger the smaller girl any further. Delia was quick with her work as she knew what she was doing. She had experience in the past after all. Soon, she was looking at Lydia. “Come on sweetie, let’s go downstairs now, hm? Get a hot drink and some snacks,” Delia spoke. Lydia nodded, slowly starting to get up. She was numb inside as she just followed Delia to the kitchen, where she was sat down on a stool. She kept looking at the table. 
“Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?” she asked the depressed girl, who just was looking down before she shrugged. “Hot chocolate,” she murmured out. Delia nodded, grabbing some crisps for Lydia and handed them over, making the hot chocolate while doing so. It took around 5 minutes before Delia was sat down next to Lydia. “Are you ready to talk?” Delia asked Lydia slowly, rubbing her arm gently. “I just…” Lydia started. “I just… miss mom. I miss my old town and friends. I miss everything and I know I should move on but I just can’t. I wish that I was more understood at school too,” Lydia spoke, sobbing halfway through. Delia kept rubbing her arm before she was sure she could speak. “You are strong for a girl your age. Trust me,” Delia spoke. “Only a handful of people have been through as much trauma as you have. Now, I’m not saying this to comprare your trauma. It affects people differently trauma. We can find better ways to cope, how about that?” Delia asked the smaller girl.
“Are you going to make me go to therapy?” Lydia mumbled out, taking a sip of her drink, not caring if it burnt. “Yes. I’m sorry but I have to. I bet you don’t want to tell us a few things after all,” Delia responded. Lydia nodded. “We will research good ones. Do you want to ask anything else?”
“Will you take my blades away?” Lydia asked nervously, to which Delia also nodded.
“I’m sorry, I have to to protect you,” Delia spoke quietly. Lydia nodded.
“Can we… implement everything tomorrow? I’m tired is all…” Lydia then asked. Delia nodded. “Of course. You don’t have to go to school tomorrow as well so sleep in,” she spoke. Lydia smiled a little as she was nodding, starting to go upstairs to fall asleep. 
She knew her father would eb told, but that was for another day.
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motownfiction · 2 years
smell of snow
On Christmas Day, Sam wakes up with the smell of snow stuck in his nose.
The forecast said there might be snow last night, but he wasn’t taking it very seriously. There was no snow last night, and all hope for a white Christmas seemed lost. As it turns out, while he and everyone else slept, the ghost of Bing Crosby was working his magic somewhere. There’s the perfect amount of Christmas snow outside … enough to look at through the window, illuminated by the gold lights on the Doyles’ Christmas tree, and know that everything will be OK from now on. Because it’s Christmas, and there is snow.
Sam’s not sure why he’s always been so fond of a white Christmas. He’s twenty-two years old, and he’s driven through too many bad Michigan winters to be impressed by the stuff anymore. It’s not like when he was a kid, and he used to believe that snow was made of glitter.
Or is it? Is it still just like that, and he feels like he can’t admit it? Now that he’s moved out of his parents’ house, he’s obsessed with what it means to be an adult. Do adults drink hot chocolate after a long, cold day in the winter, or do they find something else to keep warm? Do adults carve out special time in the evening to lie on the couch, stare at the ceiling, and dream about falling in love with the perfect person again? Do adults like Bomb Pops, or is that just him? When he was still a child, his mother always said he had the spirit of one … almost like it was a bad thing, almost like she forgot to remember that she still eats smiley face potatoes. Sam always admired his mother’s youthful energy … always wanted to figure out a way to preserve it for himself. But when she didn’t seem to appreciate it, he didn’t know what to do. He still doesn’t know what to do. Every second of his life is consumed with maturity, with propriety. He thinks about brown shoes, black coffee, and white gloves. At least, he thinks he should be thinking about white gloves. Do mature people wear white gloves? Or is that just butlers and Disney’s Cinderella?
Sadie tells him that he doesn’t need to worry so much about looking the part. That as his twin, she knew he was plenty grown up.
You have your own apartment, and you make rent on time, she said last night at Christmas Eve dinner, when Mom made another crack about Sam’s love for Christmas cartoons. You look out for other people when they need you. You’re a grown-up, Sam. Trust me.
Her words ring in his head as he opens the door of his childhood bedroom and walks into the living room. The snow is there, through the window, lit up by the Christmas tree. The stockings are slung on the back of the couch, which always makes Sam laugh. Get a load of the family without a fireplace. He notices his stocking, with a canister of Pringles and a glass bottle of Coca-Cola sticking out from the top, which makes him smile. And that’s when he realizes why he loves Christmas snow. It’s not about the snow.
It’s about Christmas.
It’s about the one day a year where no one expects him to feel sorry for having joy, for smiling, for singing and dancing past the age of six. It’s the one day a year when he can take his own advice: Don’t be embarrassed about whoever you are. Everybody’s obsessed with maturity until it’s Christmas. It’s like Halloween for grown men who like Cocoa Puffs.
Sam opens the door and takes in one more smell of snow. He grins.
This is his favorite day of the year, he thinks. This is the one day that will never do him wrong.
(part of @nosebleedclub january challenge -- day x! it’s barely still tuesday here, so i’m barely on time again)
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aesopsoul · 6 months
holiday niche
(nov. 29 2021)
our holidays used to be spectacular, a gigantic event that lasted until the next week, having the time of our lives with endless gifts, wonderful food at all times of the day, and the best part? family. 
now, i’m not one that is extremely immersed within the family, like my other kin. as time progressed, however, i’ve come to conclude that i adore observing and absorbing my family and their little niches that only occur in the holiday season. 
as the years come and go, holiday gatherings have dwindled down to just my parents and sister, my grandparents and aunt.
which i believe my family has agreed to be just enough.
i suppose the best way to define our little cluster of a family is "tight-knit." i never knew much of the family drama until fairly recently, and i learned that there’s a pretty good reason we don’t visit cousin jennifer and don’t go out of our way to see her snot nose kids, either. every member of our family has something slightly off with them, that seems to come out more often than not during the season of giving. 
my aunt’s favorite aspect of the season is seeing my sister, me and my father, she loves to talk to us and only us.
it's always has been that way. we won’t even have the time to take our shoes off or to put down the food we brought with us before she swoops in to take us to her bedroom and watch the newest funny video she’s found online.
her room, while a bit cramped, is a safe place. lit mostly by natural light, candles, and a single lamp, it’s cozy and safe. incense burning and the sound of water filtering through a mini rock formation that sits on her dresser, her posters from korean bands and japanese films covering her walls from corner to corner, polaroids and printed family photos from the 2000s, her rabbits, and scenery stuck in her mirror that sits on her vanity, in which is covered in multiple hairbrushes, korean skincare, miniature figurines, and a stack of photos not yet hung up. the floor pillows and blankets covering the carpeted floor offer a sense of comfort, since we all can’t fit on her twin sized bed safely anymore. 
if we weren’t hanging in her bedroom, it would be the kitchen/dining room that we all would be in. my grandmother seemingly permanently stuck within the confines of the kitchen, whether it be by the counter or over the sink, i would sit on the barstools or stand by the oven and talk to keep company, telling of my recent affairs with the general public between my jobs as a barista and a cashier, there are always quite the characters. my grandparents tend to not leave the house as much, simply with their fear of the current global pandemic and world affairs (as well as my grandma never getting her license renewed), my aunt takes them on outings as often as she can, depending on her insufferable job at the county police force. my grandma always tells me that she’s glad im able to relay the funny and bizarre aspects of the world to her as often as i can, and always says “oh im glad i don’t work, i simply would not be able to handle it!! people suck.” and while she is right that people do suck, i also love seeing people and how they get excited about whipped cream on a hot chocolate or the polite chuckle in response to kids crying in the cart behind them.
i love being around people and just observing them.
with dinner drawing near, my grandma always calls out to the rest of us, despite the fact that we’re all still in the dining room,
“now go grab something to drink!”
and we listen, my sister and i head to the finished basement to the mini fridge; stocked with sodas, chocolate milks, and waters. selecting a sevenup or sunkist, we are offered a glass by my grandma for such high-end drinks. 
once we are all seated at the table, and food is passed around, my grandpa- seated at the head of the table- asks my father- who is seated at the other end- if he had caught the game last night. it never mattered what the game was; basketball, baseball, or football, my dad’s response was always “i saw half of it, turned it off whenever we were so far gone there was no chance.” and with a hum in response from my grandpa, he would divulge into a play-by-play to my dad of the final moments of the game, regardless if the points were 45-2, with our designated team being the 2. With always the dreaded questions of how school or work has been lately, i love to tell of the fun characters that come into the coffee shop in town, or how my classmates still don’t know the difference between your and you’re. treading lightly on the current political climate, since so many of us have such opposite views, it’s better to just sigh dramatically and go “it’s been rough” and leave it at that.
the clinks of forks and knives against the fine china as someone gets up to get another helping out of the linked crockpots, dinner slows until the final fork stops. in which we are left to clean up and talk of anything new and exciting that’s left to discuss, as my grandmother retreats to the kitchen, and my aunt, sister and me into her bedroom, we let the adults talk until it’s time for dessert of either a pie, cake, or an array of small treats. either way, the main aspect that always brings us back to harmony is food. and nobody knows it better than my grandmother. 
regardless of the season or time of year, there is the comfortable routine that is always brought on by the smaller part of our family, and frankly, im glad we stopped with the overwhelming amount of family within one place. the stuffy air, and the lacked avoidance of political and social talk. perhaps it was always meant to be this way.
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where-is-francis · 3 years
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Rules Of My Blog
Pronouns: Not Specified
A/N: Tried to leave the holiday very vague bc I’m tired of only seeing xmas fics. I wanted to include gifs for everybody but tumblr has that dumb pic/gif limit so. Please ignore the mass amount of tags lmao.
TW: None!
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Steve Rogers
Steve never really celebrated much since he came out of the ice
Besides the usual gift for Peggy, he kind of ignored the holidays
He did, however, love to take in the decorations and the energy around him
His merriment started after you two got together
You’d go all out for your first combined celebration; decorations, gifts, and my god — the food
Using his family recipes meant the world to him
“Well, they can be here in spirit,” you’d say before giving him a quick peck
He actually enjoyed all of the movies you’d insisted he had to see
The man is also a sucker for eggnog
But his favorite part would have to be sharing a dance with you under the mistletoe
You had become the single reason he loved the holidays again
Natasha Romanoff
Like Steve, Nat never really celebrated much either
It was nice to see everybody so happy, but she was usually tucked away in her room — or on a mission — when the time came around
Clint had invited her over multiple times, but she never felt right about going
So, you decided to surprise her
She’d gone out for a week, asking you to keep an eye on her place
When she got back, she couldn’t believe it
You had meticulously decorated the space, moving your own decorations to her apartment
Presents lined a small table, placed with some festive snacks
The look in her eyes was that of a kid; every box that was wrapped was meant for her
“Why did you do this?”
“You deserve it. Now, come help me finish some cookies — they’re fresh out of the oven.”
Needless to say, she started to love the holiday season
Thor Odinson
When he first heard about all of the holidays, he was so excited and went to learn about every one
You told him about them a few months prior so he could get in the spirit
And, well, he did just that
He couldn’t pick a favorite part until you told him about Santa
Before you could tell him it’s for kids, he cut you off
“He leaves gifts? And expects nothing in return?”
“Well, he does like milk and cookies—”
“I will make this Santa-man the biggest feast he has ever laid eyes on!”
After that, how could you tell him?
He loved every little festive activity
If you needed to hang or drape streamers, he would do it for you — not wanting you to fall and get hurt
Cooking was notably his favorite — the variety of dishes made him nostalgic for feasts on Asgard
He enjoyed picking out your presents; a nice mix of things from Asgard and local shops on Midgard
You both ended the day watching snow fall outside the windows, curled up with some coffee/hot chocolate
Clint Barton
As soon as Halloween was over, Clint would shift into Holiday Mode
He’s not really one for festive music, but he does like watching some classic movies as they run on tv
The two of you are most likely found eating takeout for dinner; completely stuffed after sharing presents
There’s always so much snow at the farm, and he uses that to his advantage
You’ve never seen a grown man get so excited about making snowmen
However, it wouldn’t be a Barton celebration without winding down with a nice drink at the end of the night
It’s the sight of you, asleep, by the fireplace that reminds him what the season is all about
Tony Stark
Tony used to dread the celebrations — excluding parties — until you came along
With his love language being gift giving, this man has no chill during the season
Every year you have to prepare yourself for the amount of gifts
And the parties, oh my god, there’s too many to keep track of
So when you spent a few days with him in near-isolation, completely shut off from everything, it was a nice change of pace
He made sure everything was taken care of beforehand so that you had all of his attention
And it worked out perfectly
One of your many gifts was a vacation to one of your dream destinations, and there you spent the passing days
“You know, I think we should do this more often — a nice retreat is proven to increase productivity.”
“Tony, so help me God, you need to learn how to relax.”
That was true, but being with you for the season was the closest he ever got
Bruce Banner
Holidays stress him out
Well, they used to, before he was with you
There’s always so much shopping and wrapping
And he never knew what to get anybody, especially you
He figured he would try though, spending the day(s) cooped up in his lab weren’t very fulfilling during that specific time of year
You decided to surprise him by spending time just sitting in the room while he worked
“Shouldn’t you be out being festive or something? It must be boring for you to just… sit here.”
“As long as I’m with you, that’s all I need.”
The dork was totally at a loss for words
So you opted for a simple kiss instead
You were the best present he could’ve asked for
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Like my work? I appreciate that! I’m a blog for gn/male reader content. Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💕
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
Together Again
Pairings: Dave York x female reader
Warnings: Fluff, anxiety, smidge of angst, co-parenting, language, mild smut.
A/N: Ok so this is my first time to do writer-Wednesday. Fingers crossed 🤞 Thank you to @writer-wednesday for these amazing weekly prompts 😘 also I threw this together in like an hour on my phone so apologies for any mistakes.
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This was his idea.
He wanted to spend time together again,as a family. Something which hasn’t happened since you both separated. He said it would be good for the girls, although you didn’t see how pretending to be a family again was going to help, but you went along with it anyway.
You missed him.
You missed him so much. How could you not. You were both childhood sweethearts, ones that lasted the test of time. At least until he came back half dead from a job. That’s when your whole life began to spiral. All the lies he told, all the people he had killed. It all became to much and you both decided to go your separate ways.
Standing at the entrance to the airport, the girls chatting excitedly about the trip, you spot him in the distance. He seems sad.
“Daddy!” Molly shouts as bot herself and Alice run towards him. You can’t help the smile that spreads over your face at the sight. He drops all his bags and pulls them into a tight hug. Dave was always such a good father. His eyes flicker towards you and wave of heat washes over you. You begin to subconsciously fix your hair as he approaches you.
“Y/N, you look….you look beautiful,” he says as his eyes take in the outfit your wearing.
“Thanks. You look great, have you been working out?”
“Yeah just a little, too much free time in my hands,” he says with a slight laugh. “Ok are we ready to go?”
“Yeah!! Can we make snowmen when we get there? Please oh please oh please?”
“We’ll see baby, ok?” You say a bright smile on your face as you and Dave share a look.
It’s beautiful. The mountains are covered in snow and little houses and shops are dotted along them. A village nestled into the mountain.
“Dave this is…breathtaking,” you say in awe as your eyes take it all in.
“It is,” he whispers. His gaze focused on you. Clearing his throat he ushers everyone into the cabin he has rented for the week. The girls are over excited shouting and screaming as they look around.
“I’m gonna need a drink,” you say half joking.
Dave is on you in an instant, his hand resting on your lower back, thumb rubbing soothing circles into your skin. Your breath catches in your throat at the feel of him after so long. You vaguely make out what he’s saying, something about relaxing in a warm bath. Suddenly he pulls his hand away, as if he’s just realised what he was doing.
“It’s ok, honestly. Old habits die hard.”
“Yeah I guess. I’ll eh…I’ll let you get settled, your room is down at the end. It has an en-suite.”
Making your way into the room you close the door behind you, slumping against it. The feel of his touch is seared into your skin. Closing your eyes you take a deep breath. God you wanted to feel his touch again.
Dave is kicking himself.
You had to touch her like that. Idiot. Now you’ve ruined everything.
He wanted this trip to be perfect. He’s missed the girls, seeing them everyday and he’s missed you. The separation isn’t something he wanted but he would do anything to make you happy, even if that meant him getting hurt in the process.
This trip was for him really. He wanted to play house again. Secretly hoping you’d enjoy his company and want him back. Fat chance now. He decided that you needed a little space and so he called the girls and wrapped them up well, ready to brace the cold air.
“Are we going to make a snowman daddy?” Alice says looking at him with those puppy eyes that he just can’t say no to.
“Sure baby, but first lets go to the local shop and grab some stuff. I was thinking we could make some pancakes for dinner and some hot chocolate. Sound good?”
“Ooh yeah.”
The next few days are spent making snowmen and skiing. The girls are so happy. So are you if your were being honest. This was something you had missed, just the four of you together. Dave hasn’t touched you since that night but you have definitely caught him sneaking glances when he thought you weren’t looking.
It set your pulse racing. Like you were both in high school again. The more time you spent in his company the more you didn’t seem to care about his other job. He’s always been a great dad and an even better husband. You had to know if he wanted this too, wanted you.
That night as the girls got settled for bed you decided to cook a dinner for yourself and Dave, making sure to grab his favourite wine from the shop earlier. Tonight was the night. Make or break. God you hoped it was make.
Dressed in one of your ‘nicer’ dresses you laid out the table and began to dish up. Dave stops when he sees you at the stove in that dress. The one he always loved.
“Oh just in time.”
“What’s all this.” He says a smile edging its way onto his face as he comes to stand beside you.”
“It’s a thank you, for everything this week. I’ve really enjoyed this time together.”
“Me too,” he whispers. His breath hit on your neck. A shiver runs down your spine and you desperately resist true urge to ask him to fuck you here and now.
“If….if you wanna sit…I’ll have dinner ready in two minutes.”
He moves from behind you and you think he’s going to the dining room but then you hear switches been turned off. Startled as his warm hands wrap around you, he chances a kiss along your neck and when you moan in response he takes that as a signal.
“I’ve a better idea. How about we skip to dessert. I mean…if you want..I…”
Turning in his arms you reach up and kiss him. “I want that very much.” He pulls you close and groans into your mouth as you grind your hips into his. You both fumble and pull at each others clothes as you make your way into his room. Once inside and the door is closed you both quickly strip and he lays you onto the bed, covering your body with his.
“Are you sure baby..that you want this..I don’t…”
“Dave I love you and I’m sorry about how I reacted but let’s move past it ok?”
“Yeah..god I’ve been waiting to hear you say that for so long. I love you too baby.”
With one thrust he enters you and you both moan in pleasure at the feeling of him inside you. He moves his hips slowly, savouring the feeling of your wrapped around him. It’s been too long. The room is filled with moans and gasps as you Both climax together.
Laying cuddled together panting, you run your fingers along his chest, playing with the few hairs he has before gently touching the scars that litter his chest.
“I’m sorry baby, I shouldn’t have asked you to leave I just it was just too much to hear I..”
“Hey,” he says softly his hand cupping your cheek. “It’s ok. This time apart has only made us stronger.”
“Yeah. The girls are going to be so happy to have daddy back home.”
Dave goes stiff beside you for a second and then he relaxes.
“”You…I can come home?”
“Only if you want…” Dave cuts you off with his lips on yours. “Yes baby, I want to come home. God I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme @luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat @misspearly1 @writer-darling @misspearlssideblog
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Much more cowboyrry x y/n Pleaseeee I’m obsessed
Okay I got you besfran 🫡
I’ve already made it clear but her family is just so obsessed with him
Like they could call over to invite him over for dinner or something and not bother to tell Y/n (mainly because they knew she would already be coming over, or that Harry told her)
And when they were “sneaking around” I feel like her family kind of knew. There is no hiding who is up in the middle of them night when you live in an old farm house with doors that squeal like a teapot everytime you open it
And they could catch the little pecks and the hand holding but never say anything to their faces
But definitely talk about it behind their backs
But let’s talk about cowboy dad Harry…
Like we know Edward, we love him
But what about their second baby?
I’m thinking it’s gonna be a girl
Maybe some cute name like Hazel or Fern
And once Edward was around one they would start trying again because they missed when he was a tiny, chunky baby and still had that newborn scent and was always asleep in their arms
And it takes a couple months but he finally knocks her up again
Omg he would be so happy when they found out it was a girl, over the moon excited
Already setting up her nursery and building a crib and painting if purple because they were going for a lavender and sage green for her nursery colors
Harry would run out and get tiny little cowgirl boots that had purple accents on them 🥺
Ugh he would be so so cuddly during her pregnancy
And both pregnancy’s were equally as exciting and special but there was something different about this one now that they had Edward
he was always cuddling up with her bump and trying to talk to it in his baby gibberish ☹️
Harry would be so so happy
Like he’s always tending to her every need and want even if she doesn’t want him to but during her pregnancies he’s a little more… extra with it
Going into dad mode now when she doesn’t feels good, constantly checking in and asking her questions “want me to fluff your pillow? I’ll go move Eddy to his bed if you want me to? Do you need another blanket? Need the fan on?”
He would never give himself a moment of rest but when he was finally done for the day he would fall asleep cuddled up with her bump every night after rubbing it and talking to it for as long as he would keep his eyes open
I just know the man is obsessed with pregnancy sex… let me just 😞😞
Feeling her bump and seeing her bump just does so much for him because he put that baby in her
And he would take every opportunity he got, even if he was tired from a long day of working in the heat he would still agree to lazy sex in the bat, or the shower, or something quick to get them both off in bed
And I just know he’s such a tit man (even if you don’t have much, it’s okay 🙏) especially during pregnancy when they are extra sensitive and big ugh
Just giving them a little squeeze whenever he can, but also being gentle because he doesn’t want to hurt her, resting his head on them and using them as pillows because he wants to cuddle and they are there for a reason, so why not? (which he likes to think is for him but they are obviously not)
And I could see her being so annoyed with him during the pregnancy
Maybe she’s in the kitchen, making a peach cobbler for dessert after dinner and he’s like “the oven is too hot, you don’t need to be around that.” Or when she’s outside playing with Eddy he’s like “did you check the temperature? Get inside, please. You two can go play in his playroom.”
Omg and what if she’s a Christmas baby 🥺
They would be sitting on the couch together, Edward cuddled up between then, drinking some hot chocolate or eggnog, frosty the snowman rubbing on the tv with the movie and the lights from the Christmas tree being the only things to light the whole house
And they are both multiple chapters into parenting books on baby girls or baby name books their parents or anyone in their family passed down to them now that it was there turn to make babies
I could imagine Harry’s side of the family so obsessed with y/n so it’s all balanced out
And they would come over all the time during her pregnancy, measuring her belly and keeping a log
Coming over at least every week so they could document each week of her pregnancy with measurements of the bump, photos from ultrasounds, photos of the soon to be family of four, her symptoms, her cravings, what had gone on that week, updates on what they were doing in the nursery, new little things they bought for her,all of the details
And they would gift it to the family on Christmas, and now they know why they were always measuring the bump, asking so many questions, taking so many photos
And it would bring them both to tears and once they got a moment of peace they would flip through it together and see her bump grow from when she was only a month and a half from a day or two before she gave birth
Omg what if she was born on Christmas or Christmas Eve (we could be twins, mine is the 23rd 🤞) 🥺
Stop they would be so excited like “best Christmas gift ever!!” But be so sad bc Edward couldn’t have a proper Christmas bc they were stuck in the hospital for a day with his new sister☹️ but at least he was young so he wouldn’t really know the difference
And they would scurry out of there as quick as possible if she was born on the 24th so they could go to their family’s Christmas’s
And everyone would be so so excited
And they would be so so tired but trading off with naps and things like that so the next day they would be ready to wake up with Eddy and give him the Christmas he deserves 🥺
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