#had only 3.5 hours of sleep
calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 44.8/52: October 31st - November 6th 2022 | Reunited with Esther! 💄
I’ve lost count of how many hot pots I have eaten this week. This blog is turning into a hot pot specific review blog LOOOOOL the past 3 consecutive posts have been exclusively just hot pot. Anyway, I finally saw Esther again for the first time since her last shift in March. Was good to catch up after 6+ months. 喜欢跟小姐姐聊天!!! We had Yushang Hot Pot and it was my first time. Their soup bases are SO delicious to drink. We only ordered three things (meat/shrimp ball platter, beef slices, and fish slices) because we drank like 2.5 pots of soup each and got full off of the sauce bar fruits/side dishes LOL. I got the fish gelatin/chicken golden soup and it was very yum and flavourful. Feels so healthy too. Yay, good (and surprisingly affordable) meal!
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pepprs · 2 years
awake now but i just woke up from a horrible nightmare and im scared that it is an omen for 2023 😃👎
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mentallyisekaid · 9 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 3 ✦ 」
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5 [Part 3] Part 3.5
It's highly recommended to read the parts in order, otherwise few things will make sense!
A/N ~ hey there, if you're following this story but haven't yet seen my pinned post, you should go and read it since it's where I'll update general stuff regarding the fic~
Featured in this chapter, we have... a certain dubious duo?
Warnings: half-intentional ooc moments
Word count: 2.3k
A week or so had passed.
It's not that you were complaining about this endless 'trial period', per se. Still, just going through piles of boring documents, day after day - any immortal being would've lost their mind sooner or later.
Half a millennium dulled all shine there was to a mundane life, so seeking out a bit of excitement was crucial for maintaining sanity. But even making bets with Childe wasn't thrilling enough (though it did come close!)
Without a drastic change of pace soon, you might have just gone feral.
And your colleagues were quite aware of it~ In time, you better believe they would've even stolen the Moon from the sky for you if you only asked for it, but nevertheless, first, you needed to prove that they could trust you.
The Fatui took immense pride in loyalty - yet yours was very fickle, and they knew it. But rather than allegiance, what your Harbingers seeked for was sign of your devotion toward them, something that exceeded the boundaries of professionalism and demonstrated... a much deeper level of trust.
"Was revealing the secret of this stupid Vision a mistake, after all?" a thought that had plagued your mind.
Well, who could say... but apparently, it had been worth it!
No one could really fathom Pierro's decisions, but it seems that after hearing you'd confided a part of your past to some of them, the Director had thought you'd proved yourself enough. And maybe it was because he knew you just a bit too well, having been there all those centuries ago.
But did this mean that all of them now knew of your little conversation with Scaramouche, Columbina and Childe?
Well, such a thought hardly occupied you.
Because more importantly, you were finally about to get (*insert an ominous fanfare*)...
Your very first field mission!
Good riddance, eternal paperwork~
A sign of their trust, or... just another test?
You didn't care either way.
"Lady Harbinger," a Cicin Mage had bowed her head after entering your office. "The Jester has assigned you to an official errand with Lords Ninth and Second. You are to rendezvous with them at the gates. Effective immediately."
And girl, you couldn't have bolted out of that room faster! It made the poor Cicins squeak in alarm. The mage only sighed while shaking her head, not sure that you'd come out of this one with your sanity still intact.
So, your bored prayers had been heard. But by the gods, or a devil? A field assignment with this specific pair of Harbingers had the potential to turn out chaotic beyond belief...
and you were all for it!
It was daybreak in Snezhnaya.
The early morning air was even more frigid than usual, making your grip the coat on around you tighter as you waltzed through the snowy yard. From a distance, you could make out two shadowy figures next to the gates of Zapolyarny Palace, their menacing auras unmistakable.
When Regrator and Il Dottore were working together, anyone even remotely involved had better be on their guard...
Lest they wanted to end up in horrible debt.
Or as a part of human experiments.
But the shady banker and the heretic researcher had failed to intimidate you, and they found such fearlessness quite... captivating.
As you got closer, Pantalone offered you a warm smile.
"Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?"
"Hello... and no, *yawn*... it's impossible to get decent rest with these working hours. But," a smile made its way onto your lips, "I'm pleased to finally get to work outside of the palace~"
And with the two of you, it might just be twice as fun, a totally weird thought that you didn't voice out, and instead sighed:
"Though, at the cost of skipping my yummy breakfast pancakes..."
You took a bite from the frostbitten, red fruit in your hand. This earned a chuckle from Dottore.
"No, no, you won't get sufficient vitamins from that. How about trying the special pills I gave you? You'd help me with my research while you're at it, too..."
"I'm afraid your experimental supplements might end up turning me into a slime."
An apple a day hardly kept this doctor away. But much to everyone's surprise, you seemed to know how to handle his eccentric personality and... the segments. Even Scaramouche was impressed by this.
"Don't you look rather young today, Zandik?" you questioned with a hint of playfulness; a habit you'd picked up from Damselette.
The Doctor only replied with a smile, gently sweeping away a few snowflakes from your hair as if admiring a most precious specimen (no objectifying here, Dottore's just being Dottore~)
This one seemed to be of the more reasonable segments, if such a concept even existed - though regardless of the form, you were really quite fond of their antics.
Pantalone, too, was a difficult person in his own way, knowing how to both frustrate you to no ends, and yet make you feel so endeared.
As usual, the banker seemed just a bit too amused by everything.
That, and he found you adorable.
"Hehe, I must admit that dealing with the two of you off-duty is always rather delightful~ but we ought to leave duly," he stepped forward and offered you his hand. "After all, we wouldn't want to be late on Y/N's first mission, now would we?"
Dottore mimicked his gesture. "Indeed, off we go."
These two....
But on that note?
"Dare I ask," you raised an eyebrow, "what the mission might be?"
They only smiled at you - Pantalone while adjusting his glasses, Dottore with his expression half hidden by that asymmetrical mask, and both in a suspiciously mellow way.
You frowned. Pierro had definitely been up to something when sending you on a nameless errand, and with this dubious duo, no less...
and you were quite enjoying the suspense!
Three Harbingers waltzing through the snowy streets, a dozen of Fatui agents following close behind, was a slightly unnerving sight; one could only wonder who had wronged the infamous organization this time, and pray the lot wouldn't fall on them.
Someone sure was out of their luck today.
You tried to ignore the not so subtle gazes the citizens threw you as you walked past them, though understanding their curiosity.
It was the first public appearance of the rumoured 12th Harbinger, after all.
Feeling a bit self-conscious, you tried to distract yourself by focusing on the scenery. It had been over a month since you'd last set foot outside the palace grounds, but Snezhnaya's beauty never faltered...
At some point, you got a bit lost in thought.
Dottore's lazy comment, however, caught your attention.
"Now then, I've heard some interesting things about that Pyro Vision of yours…"
Pantalone smiled, as if oblivious.
You sighed. "Well, that's unsurprising. From Scaramouche, I reckon."
"Tsk, you have so little imagination." The Doctor clicked his tongue. "Then, allow me to ask you... How long do you think the oldest one of my segments has been around? Or, how efficiently all these clones are capable of gathering information? Or, how much more I can figure out just by knowing a few things about you?"
"Such roundabout hints, Doctor."
"What he's trying to say, of course," Pantalone chimed in, "is that the Second of the Harbingers has many... unconventional ways of finding out what his curiosity desires."
You sighed, "and he shares everything with you, because why not?"
Not very surprising.
It was granted that your secrets were never going to remain hidden from them forever, and frankly speaking, you didn't care. Pierro was already aware of every scandalous detail there was to your past anyway, so was there a reason for you to be so reticent about it?
Well, certainly not anymore...
but it was still a tad too early to completely let your guard down either!
A weird silence filled the air for a while, probably making the lower ranks behind you a bit uncomfortable.
But since Pantalone and Dottore didn't pursue on the topic, you thought, 'why should I either?'
Yet they obviously expected you to.
"Then," you sighed, giving in, "I assume you want to ask me about something? My Visions, no doubt."
Pantalone patted your head, "Only if our little Harbinger wouldn't deem it prying."
"I do, but go ahead."
Knowing them to be exceedingly shrewd characters, manipulating others so effortlessly, you realized these two could have easily lead you into a trap here. But somehow, this subtle controlling was always done gently enough not to hurt you.
And they never would, surely.
One way or another, though, they always found out what they wanted...
Pantalone gestured the Fatui agents to put some distance between them and the three of you - was it courtesy, or maybe... protectiveness? Either way, it would prevent bothersome rumours about your past from spreading any further, so you gave him an appreciative smile.
Dottore was walking leisurely with his hands behind his back, giving you sidelong glances.
"Then, tell me, Y/N - why do you think Celestia grants Visions so heedlessly? Why is it that even some of the strongest individuals never receive one?"
The vapor from your breath formed clouds in the cold air as you took a few deep breaths before answering.
"Well, I can only speak for myself. I've always been ambitionless and ran away from all my problems rather than facing them. So, thinking back, I never should've received a Vision in the first place, fake or not."
You sighed, "Rosalyne, on the other hand... I think she had every right to get a blessing from those crafty deities. She was assertive, gifted - a bit of a diva at times - but somewhere beneath lied a gentle soul."
And here you were again, talking about her; she haunted you when she was alive, and haunted you as dead.
Pantalone raised an eyebrow. "My, I've never heard anyone say such things about the Fair Lady?"
Dottore, too, seemed reluctant to accept these praises you directed at your sister, as he'd only seen her as a shallow, crude woman.
"Don't get me wrong, though," you commented, "she was no saint..."
You shrugged, "...nor was I."
The two Harbingers had quietly moved closer to you, now walking on your both sides. You only noticed this when their arms slightly brushed against yours.
"After my father created this... thing and gave it to me, and how I greedily accepted it, I always wondered if we had angered the gods so thoroughly that they didn't grant my sister a Vision out of pure spite."
Pantalone brushed a loose strand of hair from your face.
"Perhaps... you shouldn't be so merciless toward yourself."
"I'm not. Rosalyne and I were very similar, after all."
Dottore raised an eyebrow. "How so?"
"We both wanted what we felt we deserved - power, attention... acceptance. I don't know whose yearning was greater, but neither one of us settled for any less. So, I tied a manmade Vision on my hips, and Rosalyne left to study the art of liquid fire in the Akademiya; the divine refused to acknowledge us, so we searched for our due elsewhere."
Pantalone stroked his chin, seemingly amused. "Well, what a pair of blasphemous sisters?"
"However," the Doctor chuckled, "what you did surely made those self-important gods grit their teeth in frustration. I find such heresy quite commendable. Bravo, truly~"
"And then you went and became a Fatui Harbinger," Pantalone sighed. "Poor Celestia, they couldn't shackle you..."
You didn't know whether to laugh or cry at their comments.
"Though, I am curious about one thing," Pantalone continued. "You said Celestia 'rejected' you, yet here you are, with a bona fide Cryo Vision? Isn't that a sign that the gods did, in fact, accept you?"
It was something you'd been wondering ever since that day as well...
And the lamentable conclusion was this:
"Perhaps Celestia just took pity on me. Or, perhaps the Vision was intended as a warning."
"A warning?" Pantalone smiled eerily. "For what reason exactly, my dear?"
To keep your mouth shut?
To not cross such lines ever again?
And yet... "That's a story for a later time," you told them as well, smiling.
Dottore and Pantalone were adept at concealing how they really thought and felt about things, so you couldn't quite decipher their reactions to your cryptic words.
Still, a fleeting sentiment had flashed across their faces - resentment, perhaps. Not toward you, though.
Suddenly, they both stopped walking.
You took a few steps more before noticing and stopping as well, glancing at them over your shoulder.
"Well, would you look that? Time flies so pleasantly with Y/N around." Pantalone checked his pocket watch. "It seems we're here a bit early."
...and where was 'here', exactly?
It looked like a small, secluded village, somewhat. There were no proper houses, just some dilapidated cottages and cabins, and only a few of them. The people outside, wearing clothes way too ragged and light for this type of weather, had quickly fled inside once seeing the Fatui had arrived.
You knew there was a lot of poverty in rural Snezhnaya, but this was... well, it reminded you of the times when you'd struggled to get by as well - memories you'd rather never have had brought up again.
Dottore mumbled something about "these ones" being "too malnourished for test subjects" as he walked past you.
Pantalone had also went ahead with his subordinates, discussing some questionable economics that apparently concerned this place.
But you lingered behind them for a moment, lost in thought.
The people here have surely lost enough, so why choose to bring themselves even more misfortune by getting involved with the Fatui? I understand the way humans think less and less with every decade that passes...
Just now noticing that you hadn't followed them, the two Harbingers strode back to your side.
You quickly hid any remnant of hesitance from your face, giving them a smile.
"Time to prove myself, no?"
Dottore chuckled, "You don't seem too anxious about your first field mission, my little Harbinger, even though you don't know what's waiting up ahead..."
"Well," you sighed. "For the Tsaritsa, and all that... you know? And I reckon I've faced worse anyway."
"I'll ask you to elaborate on that some other time~ On a similar note," Pantalone mused, playing with your hair softly, "we all saw something in you that day, at the funeral, and it seems... you really won't disappoint us?"
You shrugged, "We should hope so."
And with their arms loosely linked around yours, the two Harbingers started leading you toward a particular cabin...
(to be continued)
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hailuchiha · 6 months
!! 18 + NSFW CONTENT!!
!! ALL characters involved are ADULTS ; NO minor characters!!
Summary: In a public confrontation with his little sister, sparked by his fiance Izumi, Itachi slaps his little sister. Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, she gets upset and leaves, refusing to talk to him. When Itachi goes to apologize, things don't go as planned, as neither sibling is on the same page, and each wants to be heard. Egged on by his sister's harsh words and acts of retaliation, Itachi gives in to his rage and attacks her once more, crossing a line that there's no going back from.
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incest; slight domestic/physical abuse; spit; slapping; non con; cnc; betrayal; anger; frustration; sibling incest; family drama; power imbalance; some verbal abuse; forced bj; choking;
Well... this certainly got out of hand. Again. I should really work on keeping my content concise T_T
Word count: 3.5+k
Familial Rift
He slapped her.
She could still hear the sound- like a whip cracking. Her face still stung, and if she touched it, she could feel heat radiating off of what she knew was his handprint on her face.
The young woman sat straight-backed on her bed, feet still firmly planted on the floor, staring blankly at the wall, refusing to cry.
Well, she was crying, since tears streamed continuously down her face, but the young Uchiha was determined to not make a sound.
There was a quiet knock on her door.
"Sweetie. Are you alright?"
The Uchiha wanted to scoff. She knew her mother meant well, but she was angry at the older woman too.
Their mother hadn't done anything when Itachi had backhanded her across the face. She'd just stood as till as the other bystanders, not moving a muscle till her daughter had calmly walked out of the hall.
Of course, the party didn't continue. At least, not for long. Sasuke had followed her shortly, walking behind her silently, happy to shadow her until she started to veer too far off. Then, her younger brother, who'd grown a whole head taller than her now and wasn't so little anymore, had taken her hand none-too-gently and led her back towards their parked car.
Upon reaching the car, they were quickly bundled in since Mikoto and Itachi were waiting for them.
"Get in. You're all going home first. As the host, your father and I will see to whatever needs to be done and return," was all Mikoto said before rushing back to the venue.
Nobody spoke on the drive back home, and it had made the young woman feel a tad bit better to see her baby brother glaring daggers at Itachi from his spot beside her in the backseat.
She shook her head to get rid of the ugly, fresh memories seered into her mind.
"Go away, mother," she responded, only raising her voice loud enough to be heard through the door.
She ignored whatever else her mother said. From what she could see from the movement under the door, the young woman knew her mother remained outside her door for a few more minutes before eventually leaving.
It felt like days later, but what couldn't have been more than an hour or so, when she was startled awake by knocking at her door. In the haze of sleep, she moved on auto pilot, crawling out of bed to open the door.
Only, the moment the door opened and she met her brother's dark gaze, all the memories of the night came rushing back. And with them, the anger, the rage, the betrayal. Gritting her teeth, she didn't let Itachi so much as get a word out before she slammed her door shut again.
Or, she tried to.
He'd been quick to react, his reflexes much sharper than hers. His foot was wedged in her doorway, refusing to allow her to shut him out again.
"Fuck off!" she yelled, voice wobbly with rising irritation and a panic she couldn't place.
"Just listen to me," he said, voice low in contrast to her high pitch.
Even as she shook her head violently, Itachi pushed his way in, shoving her back enough to breach her sanctuary before closing the door shut behind him.
The lock clicking into place had the young woman backing away slowly, eyes warily watching him close the distance between them.
He had the audacity to look hurt and confused at her reaction.
"Why are you being like this?" he said finally, his voice quiet.
No response.
She didn't even want to look at him.
"For fuck's sake," he sighed, as if he were dealing with a disobedient child. "It was an accident, alright? I didn't mean to."
The young woman didn't even deign to scoff in response. She kept her gaze fixed on the wall behind him, just past his shoulder.
"Will you say something?" he finally demanded, his tone no longer passive.
"You wanna hear something?" she finally snapped, chest heaving from the strain of keeping a lid on her emotions. She didn't want to expose herself that way to him- to let him know he could have such an effect on her. "You are nothing but a goddamn brute, and I want nothing to do with you," her voice was strained, venom dripping from her words. She knew it must hurt him- good! She wanted it to hurt.
Despite her fake bravado, she took another step back when Itachi stepped towards her, a dangerous look in his eyes.
"W-What? You're gonna hit me again? Because you're so powerful and untouchable?" she said, standing her ground despite the tremours wracking her body.
Itachi didn't say anything. She flinched when he raised a hand, her eyes clenching shut, bracing for the pain.
But it never came. Nothing happened.
Her eyes snapped open when her face was gently cradled.
She winced when a calloused thumb stroked her bruised cheek.
"It must have hurt so much," he said eventually, eyebrows twisted in concern. "Forgive me, little sister. I really got out of hand."
Pathetically, she wanted to give in right there. She wanted to let go of the rage she was holding on to, and to throw her arms around him and weep into her older brother's chest like she used to.
But she could not do that. She was no longer a little girl; and he was no longer her protector. In fact, he'd laid hands on her in front of the whole clan- humiliated her without a second thought.
Taking in a shaky breath, she shoved his hand away, giving him a look of disgust.
"That's gotta be the understatement of the fucking year. And a shitty apology to boot," her voice was flat with considerable efforts to keep her emotions in check.
He opened his mouth to respond, barely uttering a syllable of her name when she held up her hand, glaring at him coldly.
"No, Itachi! I've had enough. You... You humiliated me, abused me, in front of everyone, for that brainless whore without even bothering to talk to me," she saw his eye twitch when she addressed Izumi as such, but she couldn't care less. This was the first time she had used such vile and harsh words for her brother's fiance, whom she had always treated with respect and tried to be friendly with. Well, no more of that, she thought bitterly to herself, now that Izumi had shown her true colours. "Since you so happily humiliated me in public, I'll only accept your apology if you make just as big of a gesture in public."
She didn't see Itachi's balled fists as he shook with barely concealed rage. What she said may have very well been true, but he was not listening past the abusive language she'd used against his fiance. He may or may not love the woman, but she was to be his wife, and the future co-leader of the clan. He could not have his sister getting used to talking about her that way.
In the blink of an eye, his hand was wrapped around her slender throat, grip vicelike as he choked her into silence, the only sound being her laboured gasps as she attempted to breathe past his hold. Her hands gripped his wrist, trying to pull it off her throat, but Itachi was bigger in stature and muscle and remained quite unaffected by her attempts.
"It seems I came too soon to apologize, little sister," he leaned in, tilting his head to breathe against her ear. "In fact, perhaps even apologizing was a mistake. A whore like you shouldn't be put on a pedestal."
He took no pleasure as he saw her eyes widen in shock at his words, tears immediately springing to her pretty doe eyes. His grip tightened reflexively when she swallowed, his gaze drawn to her heaving breasts as they brushed against his forearm.
After a moment of intense eye lock, he unhanded her none too gently, her head snapping back from the motion. With herculean effort, he turned his back and walked stiffly to the door, not wanting to stay and do something irreversible.
It was a small thing that broke his last holds on his sanity.
A shoe.
Thrown at him in hurtful retaliation. Colliding solidly between his shoulder blades.
It didn't even hurt, really. But it was the principle of things.
It hurt his pride, stoking the poisonous flames.
Within a moment, he was upon her, invading her space. A loud slap rung out through her bedroom, too sudden for her to even react with a gasp. Her wide eyes stared up at him, mouth agape as his palm-print started blooming on her other cheek already.
Idly, Itachi thought the look suited her. That he should keep her marked with his handprints.
"What the-" was all she managed to get out as he forced her to kneel with a painful grip on her beautiful, dark tresses.
One hand clenched in her hair keeping her in place, Itachi quickly freed his cock, which had come to attention sometime during his visit to her room, and shoved his angry, fat cock into her mouth just as she opened it in protest.
His gaze was cold as he looked down at her choking on his cock as he held her in place, his grip in her hair not allowing her to pull off.
Her hands clawed desperately at his hips, tapping, hitting, whatever she could think of to get him to let up.
But Itachi had a lesson to teach his beloved sister.
"Mhm," he protested, almost mildly in comparison to his initial rage, and used his vicious grip to shake her head in warning. "Since you like using this dirty little mouth so much, you'd better learn to put it to good use. Whether you like it or not, you have a lesson to learn, and I have all night to teach you."
The shock from his words made her mouth go slack, only the tiniest bit, and Itachi hummed in approval, pulling out minimally before sliding his cock back in, pushing in deeper. He knew he was girthy, but right now, he was in no mood to baby his sister.
The subtle, wet sounds coming from her throat were going straight to his groin. The fact that she was clearly inexperienced didn't deter him. Her throat kept constricting, trying to evade the penetration that he had no plans on taking away; more and more spit collected in her throat and mouth, making his passage more pleasurable for him, and the sounds that much more palpable.
Itachi wasn't in any hurry. Once he knew he had her in place, Itachi rewarded her by patting her head gently, only to then use his grip to pull her up and down on his cock. He bit back a groan at the sight of her puffy lips stretched painfully wide around his sex as tears streaked down her face from the repeated breach of her oesophagus.
"I'm surprised this is the best you've got, baby sister... Are you sure you're not holding out on me?" he couldn't help but mock, groaning in pleasure at the resulting reverberations along his fat cock when she made unintelligible protests.
"Alright, alright," he huffed patronizingly, fucking into her sweet little mouth a couple more times before yanking her face against his pelvis just as he slammed in.
He could feel her throat spasm in panic, her nails digging into the meat of his calves where she gripped him in desperation. But Itachi didn't want to let go. Not yet. He liked seeing her gorgeous face pressed into his pubes, her teary, panicked eyes looking up at him in a silent plea for mercy.
And mercy he did take, his heart always having been soft for his sweet sister.
He pulled out just as suddenly as he'd invaded her mouth, his big, fat dick now glistening and dripping with her saliva.
With a satisfied hum, he yanked her up. She swayed slightly, still struggling to catch her breath, lips swollen and slick with spit.
"How pretty," Itachi hummed, using his thumb to wipe some of the drool from the corner of her mouth. "This look suits you."
While she didn't respond, this time, Itachi knew it was more because of physically being unable to rather than doing it as a sign of disrespect.
Still, he wasn't done with his sweet girl.
She was still in the pretty peach dress she'd worn to the party- the only Uchiha to opt for such light colours. She'd been so happy to get dressed for today too, only for things to go south...
His hand went behind her to pull her flush against him using the grip on her tiny waist. She collided with him with a muffled huff, and Itachi stroked small circles into her back.
"Got nothing to say?" he said softly against the top of her head, before placing a little kiss there. "We're not done here, you know."
An amused smile pulled at his lips when she stiffened in his arms.
His sweet, silly little sister. Did she really think he was done with her?
With one hand, he held the bottom of her lovely dress up and our of the way as he pushed her back, arranging her on her back on the plush mattress.
"I-Itachi please," she said, her voice only a whisper now, throat too scratchy from being fucked so thoroughky for her to manage anything else.
"Shhh. Let big brother make it up to you," he said none too gently, leaving no room for argument.
While he was glad she wasn't loud anyway, Itachi suddenly found a newfound appreciation for the location of his and her rooms being at this end of the mansion, away from Sasuke and their parent's rooms.
Uncaring of her halfhearted plea, Itachi ripped off her sheer leggings, tossing them aside, before moving on to her panties. His eyes widened when he pulled them off, eyes zoning in on the thick, creamy wetness pooling in her dark frilly panties, thin liquidy strands stretching to connect back to the pretty petals of her cunt.
"Fuck," Itachi hissed, shoving her thighs wide open to watch her cunt being spread before his eyes. "Fuck... You little whore, you really did like me using your mouth like that."
"A-Aniki don't call me that," her voice was small and muffled from behind her hands.
Itachi gave in and pressed his lips to her wet cunt, licking into it with the hunger of a man starved. Her thighs clenched around his head, her long mewl like music to his ears. But he was having none of that.
With one hand, he bunched up her dress, making sure it stayed up her waist, he shoved her thighs open with his other hand, slapping the soft flesh for good measure.
"Don't close them," he commanded, voice low from strain.
Then, he was dipping his head again, practically moaning against her velvety lips, his longue laving into her slick, warm cavern as he tasted her, trying to bury deeper and deeper. He pulled back after getting her properly wet and the slick slurping sounds filled the room.
With a heated gaze, he watched her flushed cheeks, where with one hand she muffled her needy sounds while with the other she clenched and pulled at her hair.
Fuck, he thought, the sight making his cock throb as he idly palmed her pussy. Did he ruin her enough that she needed her hair pulled now?
Almost thoughtlessly, he raised his hand, before bringing it down with a resounding wet slap against her pussy. The impact made her yelp, her hips raising from the mattress, and Itachi hummed in appreciation.
Unable to wait more, he lined up his cock against her sopping entrance before pushing the fat, angry head in. Their groans mingled as his sheer girth stretched her tight walls almost painfully despite the sopping wetness easing the way.
He smirked as her legs dropped open wider, her hips raised almost needily, and she still refused to meet his gaze.
Using a few shallow thrusts to gauge the amount of force needed, Itachi finally slammed in, groaning as his heavy balls slapped against her ass on impact. His hand gripped the flesh of her thigh painfully at the sight of her mouth falling open in a silent scream as her voice caught in her throat.
"Not feeling so bitchy now, are you, sweet sister," he huffed, hands twitching against her skin. But she probably was too far gone to hear the need in his voice.
Adjusting their position so he was kneeling between her legs, his knees propping her thigs wide open, Itachi draped himself over her, caging her body under his by placing his hands on either sides of her head.
He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers as he started thrusting, setting a hard pace from the get go, watching her face scrunch up, her lip bitten raw as she tried to muffle her mewls.
This won't do.
Ever the caring brother, he slapped her across the face, lightly, only to swoop in and capture her sweet lips the moment she released her bottom lip. He licked into her mouth, moaning at the taste, his movements getting harder as she overwhelmed his senses.
He pulled back, breaking the kiss with a wet sound, and smirked down at her blown out pupils and slack mouth.
Mine, his brain ordained, and Itachi didn't even want to fight it.
With a gentle grip, he tilted her face just so, before spitting into her mouth.
There was a flash of something in her eyes- recognition, or awareness- but she met his gaze, blinking once, before swallowing. As if that wasn't enough to drive all his blood south, his sweet little sister then opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out for more.
And fuck if he wasn't a goner.
"Fucking filthy," he muttered breathlessly, fucking into her at a harsh pace.
Who was he to say no? He spit on her face, watching the clear, sticky glob slide down her cheek before finally spitting into her waiting mouth.
His pulse picked up at her happy little moan as she swallowed his spit again before licking her lips.
Something about the whole scene awakened something primal in him, and he descended upon her, licking into her mouth hungrily, their kisses becoming sloppy. He yanked the neck of her dress down, groaning at the sight of her large, naked breasts bouncing so prettily as he ravaged her on his cock.
When he gripped both breasts in his hands, the fat flesh oozed out between his fingers, her ample breasts practically spilling out of his palms. He squished them together, watching her squirm, before slapping them till they were a pretty pink, and her nipples swollen and erect.
His thrusts almost slowed down to gentle rocking while he played with her breasts, licking and sucking at her nipples, groaning in pleasure as she arched her back at the feeling, only further squishing her lovely breasts into his face. The young Uchiha was practically putty in his hands, moaning and mewling so prettily for him, her hand cupping the back of his head to her chest, clearly not wanting him to stop.
"You should see yourself right now, little sister," he muttered into her plush skin as he bit into an engorged nipple, earning him a pained shudder.
"D-Don't stop, aniki," was her only response, her legs wrapping around his waist, effectively driving her point home.
"Then again... It's my fault you're such a spoiled little princess," he chuckled breathlessly into her skin before pulling her ass onto his lap and angling them so he fucked down into her each time he slammed in.
Her moans grew louder as he drilled into her, reaching deeper with this new angle, his fat cock pounding her silken walls and rearranging her organs with each thrust.
As he slotted his mouth over hers, swallowing her pretty screams, he planted his feet firmly, continuing to pound her relentlessly. What his princess wanted, she would get, especially after the very harsh lesson he'd given her today.
Her nails dug into his scalp where her hand was still buried in his thick locks, while her other hand clawed at his back, her legs tightening around him as he kept fucking her to completion. Itachi groaned into her mouth when her pussy started clenching around him, set on sucking him dry on each pump. He kept thrusting as her walls clenched around him and she came on his cock.
With one last thrust, he shoved in, burying himself in her walls to the hilt and emptied his thick, copious load into her fertile womb.
When he broke away from her, their mouths remained connected by strings of saliva, and she pulled him back into an open-mouthed kiss.
"Still mad at me?" he asked, a smile in his voice as he pulled out of her.
She gasped at the sudden emptiness, her pussy clenching a few times around nothing, and the sight made him want to bury back home.
"M-Maybe," she said with a pout, idly rubbing their mixed cum back into her walls as it slowly dribbled out of her.
Itachi chuckled, retrieving a bunch of tissues from her dresser to wipe her dripping cunt.
"Still want the public apology?"
"... Something like that," she said, voice getting quieter as her eyelids grew heavier.
"Alright. Consider it done," he leaned down to place a kiss at her temple. "Now go to sleep, princess."
A/N: so... there's a mention of cars... i don't normally write modern AUs but this time, it just fit into the plot. also, i see it became kinda sweet at the end... i guess i just can't imagine itachi as being completely unhinged or for his gentle side to not come out at the end when it concerns his sibs?? anyway, hope you liked it anon!
prompt filled for this anon request
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leilani-lily · 7 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 3)
So I'll admit, this one got a bit long (¬////¬) I hope that's ok, but there's a little treat at the end so I promise it's worth it.
Also. Should mention. This next chapter implies DEATH and CANNIBALISM so 。°⚠︎°。 please be warned!! 。°⚠︎°。
Other than that, please enjoy the next chapter, and let me know what you think thus-far (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. You start your first shift at an ungodly hour and brew a fresh pot of coffee to help you get through it. Alastor happens to come by and joins you for a cup. You discuss various topics, including how you died. Word Count: 3.5 K
Chapter under the cut!
You pour the freshly ground beans into the coffee maker and flicked the switch.
It’s too damn early to be awake right now. 
You yawn and stretch as you lean against the kitchen counter, waiting for that liquid gold to stop brewing so you could drown your sleepy sorrows. Normally you’d never be caught up and awake at 5am, but here you were. 
Charlie had set a schedule for when each round of meals should be prepared: Breakfast from 7-10, lunch from 11-2, and dinner from 4-7. When you first went over the schedule, it all made perfect sense and you thought nothing more. Until you realized very too late that breakfast STARTING at 7am meant you had to be up and cooking at ungodly hours.
You wipe your bleary eyes and feel yourself sagging from fatigue, but soon enough the warm smell of coffee began to enter your senses, and you felt a little more relieved. At least you had coffee. Coffee was your best friend.
You grab a cup and (inset how you make coffee) before grabbing the finished pot and topping your mug up. You sigh in relief as you sink into the stool at the kitchen’s island, taking your first sip and feeling the warmth coat your throat. Bleary eyes blink happily as you sit hunched over, mug clutched in your hands and close to your chest. You just needed this one mug to wake up, then after you would start prepping for breakfast.
You were only sitting a moment before you heard the click clack of steps coming down the hall, alerting you to sit up more straight. Somebody was already awake? On purpose?? The footsteps slowly got louder the closer the unknown entity walked towards the kitchen. They suddenly stopped for a moment, filling the air with an eerie silence. Before long, the footsteps continued to close in before finally a tall form clad in red stepped into the doorway. It was Alastor.
“I thought I smelt the delicious roast of freshly made coffee~!”
You blew out the breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding. With a warm smile, you get up off your stool. “Good morning Alastor, may I pour you a cup?”
Alastor’s eyes seemed to light up at the idea. “Why, you certainly may~! Just black would be delightful, thank you.” He twirled his microphone as he walked up to the kitchen island, settling on the stool beside you on the corner. You give a polite nod and grab another mug. You could feel his eyes burning into you from behind, so you begin light conversation.
“Did you sleep ok? I’m surprised to see anyone awake this early in the morning.”
You turn back to Alastor and hand him the new full mug, his eyes seeming to dance as you hand him The Precious. “Indeed I did! Though I’ve never been much of a heavy sleeper. Only ever need a couple of winks before I’m back on my feet.” He took his first sip and sat for a moment, savouring the flavour until giving a sigh.
“Still better than conjured coffee, but not quite the same as what I remember.”
You cock your head curiously and sit back down on your stool, your own mug in hand. “ ‘What you remember?’ ”
Alastor hummed and took a sip, but then turned to you and crossed his legs, leaning one arm on the counter, “Back when I was topside! I had such fine equipment that helped me to brew the perfect cup. I’ve tried to replicate the taste many times now, but they can never seem to measure up.” He looks deep into his mug, as if the answers might be swirling inside. 
You watched him carefully. His life before he had died. You felt a pang of longing for a moment, reminiscing in your own memories before you had dropped down to Hell. Though he didn’t appear to be in pain, you could understand the longing for tasting or feeling things that you had such fond memories of when alive. 
“Still,” Alastor continued, snapping you from your thoughts, “This is one of the better one’s I’ve had. Lately I haven’t had the time to brew a proper cup, so conjured coffee it is,” He snaps his fingers real quick, and a yellow mug poofs from thin air, steaming with what you assume is to be magical coffee. The mug has “Oh Deer” printed on it, and you do your best to hold in your snort. Alastor sneers at the conjured mug.
“Has a strange aftertaste I’m afraid, so to have a homemade cup ready for me to drink is indeed a treat!” He snaps his fingers again and the yellow mug disappears, turning back to you and clutching the cup you gave him closely. He tilted his head to you.
“Is there anything you miss from when you were topside?” 
He must have caught you getting nostalgic earlier, you thought. One thing popped into your head immediately when it came to tastes of the past. Something that you didn’t realize you had missed so desperately until now.
“My mom,” you smile warmly, looking off in the distance as you remember, “she used to make this delicious dessert for me every year for my birthday. ‘Death by Chocolate’... Ironic now huh?” You laugh a moment, and Alastor’s grin widens at the joke. “She always insisted on making it for me without fail, and it was such a simple recipe but it made me so happy.” You feel your grip tighten on your mug. When was the last time you even had that dish?
“Ahhh, yes,” Alastor sighed, “Nothing can truly beat the taste of a mother’s cooking. My own mother was a pro in the kitchen!” he clutched the air making you smile at his antics, “Oh the meals she’d put together for the neighbourhood. Always making sure to feed everyone who was hungry. Her hearty dishes were something quite unmatched.” Alastor takes another sip while you ponder for a moment.
“Is that why jambalaya is your favourite food? Because your mother used to make it?” you ask. Alastor’s eyes open and roll over at you as he sips from his drink, his lips pursing into a smile. Swallowing his mouthful, he gives you an impressed look.
“Well well, quite the clever little lady now aren’t you~?” he grins, making you blush from the compliment. That seemed to amuse the radio demon as he chuckled softly to himself. After a pause, he speaks up again. 
“I must say, from what I can tell so far I’m shocked to even find you down here. Tell me my dear,” he rested his head in his palm, giving you a quizzical look. “How did you end up in Hell?”
Oh God.
You knew this question would come up in conversation eventually… it just wasn’t your proudest moment. You look away as an awkward laugh escaped your throat, making Alastor perk up in curiosity. Well now he had to know.
“Come now my dear,” Alastor crooned, making you look to him hesitantly, “You can trust me! I promise to tell you my story if you tell me yours.” He snaked closer to you until he was on the edge of his seat, not seeming to want to let this go. You eyed him for a moment, before finally giving a sigh of defeat.
“Alright well… I just want you to know now that I don’t do this anymore! It was a one time thing that got me into this whole mess so,” You gesture to your surroundings as if to indicate Hell itself. Alastor leaned back into his stool and faced you attentively, eyes sharply focused on you. You take a sip of coffee before beginning (you suddenly wished for something stronger).
“When I was still alive, I was a local cook for our town’s restaurant. It wasn’t anything fancy or world class, but everyone seemed to enjoy my cooking. Anyways, I always experimented with different ingredients and flavors in my spare time. I tried all different types of things, possum, caribou… Deer,” you wince a moment and you swear you see Alastor’s hair flicker a moment (Hair? Ear? Hairy ear? Ear-y hair?). But his face doesn’t change and he remained quiet, so you continue.
“Anyways, I wanted to find a flavor that no one had tasted before. Something really off the map and challenging to work with so…” you look back to Alastor briefly, who only nodded at you to continue. “... I managed to find something very different. Very… human-y.”
You could see the lightbulb switch in Alastor’s brain as a screeching microphone sound played. His eyes slowly grew wide and his spine straightened, his smile growing even wider. You could feel yourself panicking and begin to babble.
“So when it came time to taste test it, I guess I hadn’t done as good of a job picking the bones out as I thought,” you were sweating at this point, “Cause in the end I found myself choking on… his… thumb.” You stared into your coffee cup. You didn’t dare look at Alastor. The way you died was so embarrassing. Other people got shot or stabbed. You fucking killed yourself by not mincing properly. 
There was a long awkward pause as you wait for his reaction, sweat starting to pool on your forehead. Alastor suddenly burst into laughter, his hand clutching his stomach as he leaned back into his stool. Yep, there it is. You groan to yourself as your head falls into your hands. The radio demon got in a good few guffaws before turning back to you.
“My dear,” he laughs, “How do you simply ‘find’ a human body??” His response shocked you, you thought he’d be more focused on the choking part. With a ‘matter of fact’ expression, you reply:
“Oh, well I killed a guy.” 
“... W-WHAT?!”
Alastor keeled over on the kitchen counter, shoulders shaking as a new wave of laughs overcome him. Realizing how wrong that came out, you became very defensive.
“Well- ! He deserved it!” You bellowed, “He practically stalked me at the restaurant, he was creepy to the waitresses, some who were MINORS mind you! He was a huge dickwad and nobody liked him anyways! So I-!” 
“Y-you decided to serve him up on a platter as a new dinner special~?” Alastor was giddy with joy.
“What?! Oh my god, NO!” you scream, standing from your stool suddenly and cheeks blazing red. Alastor’s laughing track had now kicked in as he started gasping for air. “JESUS I would NEVER force anyone into that! It was a one time thing I swear!” You cross your arms and huff, turning away from him, “After I died I vowed never to do that again and have been a ‘clean’ cook ever since.”
Alastors laughter was finally dying down into shakey snickers, wiping a tear from his eye and the laughing track fading away. You were so embarrassed and angry at yourself. See, this is why you didn’t tell people! It was one of the worst decisions in your life, and now you had to pay for it in an eternity in Hell. One stupid mistake and then karma kicked you in the ass.
“W-well my dear,” Alastor had finally composed himself, straightening out his jacket and grinning with delight. “I’ll admit I didn’t think you had it in you; who would’ve thought a girl so charming as yourself could be capable of such wickedness~?”
Though you knew he meant it as a compliment, it didn’t feel like one. You sighed and sat back down at your stool defeated. Alastor noticed and lifted your chin with a knuckle.
“Awhhh chin up my dear~!” he smiled, “You said so yourself that the man you killed was unjust and a stain on the world, so think of yourself as a hero! You saved your waitress friends from ever being harassed by him again!” He looked at you almost with a sense of pride, and you knew deep down he was trying to make you feel better. Still, this topic was one of the things that you knew you’d regret forever. 
“How about this,” Alastor pulled his hand away, “Why don’t I tell you how I ended up here? I’m sure it will make you feel less like a monster.” Now that piqued your curiosity. Less like a monster? You had murdered someone. And cooked him! What could possibly be worse than that?? You found yourself leaning in closer, ready to hear his story. Alastor chuckled in amusement and leaned back, crossing his legs. 
“Now then. The reason I’m down here is because,” his eyes flashed open and he looked you square in the face.
“I’m a serial killer.”
There was a long, heavy pause as you let that sink in. Oh. 
 … Oh. 
“R-right,” you stutter, “Y-you mean you WERE a serial killer… right?” your throat suddenly felt very tight. Alastors head flung back as a single laugh burst from his mouth, only for him to look back down at you grinning and half lidded.
… Well then. Strangely enough that did make you feel better about your sins. Granted you were slightly terrified now, but oddly enough it did do the trick. He was WAY worse off than you.
“As to how I died,” Alastor continued on, completely unbothered by his previous statement, “I was shot one night while burying one of my victims.” he leaned closer to you and blinked, a tiny red x suddenly starting to glow in the middle of his forehead. You gasped at the sight, secretly wanting to touch it but daring not to.
“A hunter had mistaken me for a ruminant of sorts, and that's how I ended up here.” He blinked again, and the x began to fade back into his skin. 
You were enthralled by his tale. His way of dying was so much cooler than yours. Your gaze from his forehead slowly traveled up to the top of his head, where two little black horns peeked out from his hair.
“Huh. So that’s why you have these little antlers here-!”
You didn’t even think. You weren’t even aware of your actions until it was too late. You had reached out and the tips of your fingers had barely even caressed his antlers until his hand suddenly snatched your wrist. There was a chill in the air as you felt all the oxygen being sucked out of it. The lights flickered as Alastors background static stopped all together, the kitchen falling deadly quiet. His eyes burned crimson as his gaze flicked to your outstretched hand, before his death glare zipped back to you. His yellowed grin had creeked up so high on his face you thought it would crack. His body grew longer and began to fill the room, shadows beginning to fill the room. You could feel yourself start to tremble as his eyes bore into you.
“Careful, my dear,” Alastor hissed, his radio voice coming out slightly distorted, “Others have died ₣ØⱤ ₣₳Ɽ ₴₥₳ⱠⱠɆⱤ ⱤɆ₳₴Ø₦₴.”
You felt his grip tighten on your wrist and a shiver ran down your spine. You had never seen this side of Alastor before. And in that moment you truly believed he was the serial killer he claimed to be. You gave a quick nod of your head, your heart racing in your chest and your wrist beginning to ache from the hold he had on you.
The radio demon's bloodshot eyes flickered over you for a moment more before his body finally began to shrink in size, the shadows slowly melting away and the lights returning to normal. Eventually he returned back to his default state and let go of your wrist. You pulled it back immediately and clutched it against your chest, your heart pounding as your skin prickled. 
Alastor leaned back in his chair and stared at you, his eyes calculating and grin sharp. His fingers tapped the top of his microphone as he appeared in deep thought. You looked back at him, still scared but also wondering what was going on in that mind of his. Was he thinking of ways to kill you? Oh fuck, was he going to fire you? You felt yourself swallow dryly. He looked you over once. Twice. Eyes squinting a moment before he speaks again.
“You’re lucky that I like you y/n.” Alastor stated, making you blink in confusion, “You have passion, spunk, brains, and a hard-working spirit. And though you ended up in hell, I sense a kindness in you that is rare to find down here.”
… Were you having a stroke? Did Alastor kill you already and you were just dreaming? What in the actual Hell was going on. 
“Having said that…” Alastor began to lean closer to you, making you flinch, “I’ve decided to allow you to touch them this one time, and this one time only. However,” He closed one eye but let the other open, his pupil suddenly glowing and threatening to burn you.
“If you touch anything else I will break all your fingers off before shoving them down. your. throat.”
You got the message. You quickly nod your head again, too scared your voice will betray you. Alastor glared at you for a couple seconds more before closing his other eye, presenting his antlers to you. You looked at them for a long time, hands itching to touch them but still feeling nervous. You take a gulp and ask with a croaky voice:
“Are… Are you sure I’m allowed to-!” 
“Don’t make me change my mind, y/n.” Alastor replied flatly, his eyebrow twitching with annoyance. 
“Ah yep okie.” you stutter, taking the hint and finally reaching out. You hand hovers over the antlers for just a brief moment before finally grazing them with a feather-like touch. 
You were shocked to feel just how velvety they were. The slight fuzz on them wasn’t what you were expecting, and soon you found your hand drifting over the curves of the bone. It was so soft, and surprisingly warm and soothing to the touch. It wasn’t long before you were gently stroking the antler between your fingers and thumb. Your other hand itched to join in, so you hesitantly raised your other arm and slightly grazed the other antler. Alastor’s eye twitched for a moment, but he made no other move, so you took that as a good sign. 
Soon both of your hands were rubbing his two black antlers, your inner child giddy with the warmth and texture. You rolled the tips between your fingers, your thumbs glided over every curve it could touch. Your hands occasionally brushed over Alastor's hair and you couldn’t help but admire how soft it felt on your wrists. You sneaked a peek down at the man in question and tried to repress a smile. 
Eyes still closed, his wide grin had actually softened a little; his eyelids drawn shut and looking heavy. The static noise that usually buzzed in the background had hushed down to a lower decibel. Even his head in your grasp seemed a little heavier; was he actually enjoying this?
His ear fluttered against your hand (you were now convinced those things were indeed ears) and you so badly wanted to stroke those too. If his antlers were soft, imagine how soft his ears would be?? And if rubbing his antlers felt good, you bet stroking his ears would feel even better.
But you dared not risk it. He had made himself very clear from the beginning that he had personal boundaries, and you had to respect them. 
“Times up~!” 
Alastor’s eyes popped open and he pulled back abruptly ending… whatever that was. You felt a tinge of disappointment as his antlers left your grasp, but you felt like it was probably for the best. You could’ve kept petting them for hours. 
His eyes flickered to the side of the kitchen, refusing to meet your gaze, and one of his ears flickering again subconsciously. You stifled a giggle in your throat. Poor guy. You were pretty sure he liked that more than he wanted to let on. You decided to put him out of his misery.
“Thank you Alastor, you really do have lovely antlers.” you bow your head to him slightly. That seemed to perk him up. Alastor smiled proudly, clearly aware of how nice they were and happy for your acknowledgement.
“And I’m sorry about invading your personal space earlier,” your smile faltered a bit as you looked away, feeling sheepish about being so intrusive earlier, “clearly I wasn’t thinking straight…” You felt a friendly pat on the top of your head.
“Bah, it’s water under the bridge my friend, no need to worry your little head over it.”
You felt your eyes widen in surprise. 
Your lips curled up into a smile. You had to admit, you didn’t expect your first friend at the hotel to be the quirky serial killer. But so far he has surprised you in more ways than one. And you were happy to continue to learn more about this mysterious demon you had somehow befriended. 
“Now, what's on the menu for today y/n, I’m practically starved! Man-cakes and eggs perhaps~?”
“Alastor I swear to GOD.” 
And with that, that's all the chapter's I have written for now. I hope to be able to write again soon. Your patience is appreciated (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Thanks for reading! Please like, comment, and reblog! And let me know what you think so far ♡〜٩( ˃▿˂ )۶〜♡
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kindnessisweakness2 · 6 months
Emily winced as the needle glided over her hip bone. She liked the pain but sometimes when the needle hit that sweet spot she couldn't help but bite down hard on her lip or pull a funny face. "So i heard that someone has become quite the special guest around Charming royalty." Emily's tattooist Mimi grinned as she continued to ink the dark black lines across the curve of her hip. Emily couldnt help but roll her eyes, a smile spreading on her face at the mention of Jax. "I dont know where you heard that Mimi, maybe the Charming gossips are wrong this time." Mimi pulled a skeptical face, the smile never leaving her. "Well if thats the case, why are all the girls in this shitty town having a crisis over the fact that Jax hasn't slept with anyone since a certain someone stormed into TM?" Mimi wiggled her eyes at a shocked Emily. There was no way Jax wasn't sleeping around. The girl she put in her place last night was clearly a recent fling. Jax's sex life was nothing to do with her. Before she could overthink it anymore, the bell above the shop door rang. Mimi removed her gloves before heading to the reception area.
Emily took the moment to breathe. She was having a 6 hour session today and was already 3.5 hours in. Cara was having a lazy day, trying to ease the hangover she was left with after last nights party. "Em, you have a visitor." Mimi spoke breaking Emily's thoughts. Maybe Cara decided to actually leave her bed today. "Oh okay-" Shifting to her side as much as she could, trying to keep her position on the bed, Emily shoved the privacy screen back fully expecting to see her best friend. Instead she found Jax stood there looking as sexy as ever, holding a TO-GO bag from Harry's Diner. Emily's eyes widened in embarrassment, she was currently half naked on the tattoo chair and clearly was not expecting her visitor to be Jax. Jax's eyes widened for a completely different reason. She was fucking sexy as hell lay on the bed in nothing but a black thong and a black V-Neck cropped shirt. The ink on her legs and stomach just added to the awe of her. The designs contrasting against her sunkissed skin. Her hair pulled high into a messy bun and her face bare of any make up. Clearing his throat Jax had to force his brain to form words. "I know you mentioned your appointment yesterday, and i thought id stop by with food." Jax could feel his cheek's tinge pink and he hated it. Emily smiled at him, patting the stool next to her. "Take a seat Teller, you can feed me while Mimi here inflicts pain on me." Mimi giggled as she took her seat, pulling on a new pair of gloves. "So much for wrong gossips aye?" She quipped. Emily shot her a look before turning to Jax as he sat on the stool. "I also need to give you the heads up that Juice is currently in your house. I think him and Cara really hit it off." Jax spoke as he opened the bag of food pulling out a coke for her. Emily smiled as she gratefully accepted the drink. "Thats fine. From the way Cara talked about him last night i think he's going to be a regular at my house. She's really into him. Hopefully he doesnt take it too hard when she goes home though, shes only here for 3 weeks." Jax nodded holding out the tray of fries for her, Emily leaning over as much as she could to feed Mimi a few. "So there was one other thing i needed to talk to you about." Emily leaned back in the chair, wincing as Mimi started shaving on the sensitive curve of her hip. Biting her lip she looked up at Jax, nodding for him to carry on so he knew she was listening. Jax's breath hitched in his throat as he looked at her. God the urge to push her back and take her right there on the tattoo chair was immense. Clearing his throat he mentally kicked himself and forced his brain to form words. "I'm going away for a few days. Up to Nevada to see my uncle." Emily hated how the words made her stomach sink. It made her realise how attached to him she had gotten. "You dont have to explain yourself to me Jax. Enjoy the time with your family." Jax smiled at her and it made her heart leap in her chest. Just like every other girl he flashed his pearly whites at. The reality was she was at the bottom of a very long list of women who would give their left leg to be the one Jax chose to have a life with. She could deny it to everyone else but couldnt to herself anymore. She genuinely liked him. "Well the thing is some of the guys are going with me, so we're all leaving from the clubhouse in the morning. I was wondering if you'd come by? Alot of the old ladies and family will be there. Cara can say bye to Juice and i can see you before i go." Emily's cheeks glowed pink as she realised he wanted her there. He wanted to see her. Mimi turned to wipe her tattoo gun and collect more ink. Emily was thankful for the momentary break, her skin was warm and sore after almost 4.5 hours in the chair. Making eye contact with Mimi as she leaned down to resume the assault on her skin, she didnt miss the smirk and knowing look she recieved. "Sure why not. Ill never hear the end of it if Cara doesnt see Juice off."
Both of them grinned wide at each other. Emily happy that he'd admitted he wanted to see her, but trying to keep her metaphorical feet on the ground that they were just friends. Even if her head wanted to be up in the clouds day dreaming about what her and Jax could have.
Jax was happy that he got her to agree, knowing already that he would miss her terribly the next few days while he visited Jury.
He hadnt even left Charming yet and he already regretted agreeing to the visit.
Here you go guys!
I hope you are all enjoying this. Apolgies it has been so long since posting, i have been having issues with my account!
Let me know what you think so far and where you would like to see this go!
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thewillofdeez · 9 months
Mihawk vs The Seals
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Summary: Every year, hundreds of seals return to Kuraigana Island to mate, including Mihawk's nemesis. His name is Neil.
Characters: Mihawk, Zoro, Perona, Neil the Seal as I imagine him in the One Piece Universe
Warnings: Some minor language, bittersweet mood. It's not crack, but it's almost crack. Crack-lite, if you will.
Note: Listen. It's extremely important to me that you know three things before you read this.
1) I haven't written anything substantial in several months. I was hoping to get The Warlord and the Revolutionary final chapters up today, but this happened instead.
2) I have been heavily on Neil the Seal TikTok.
3) This is my first day taking Adderall. I wrote this in 3.5 hours, starting with nothing more than a very vague concept. I guess that means it's working.
Take that all for what you will. Should I have published this? Maybe not. But here we are.
It was another day on Kuraigana Island for Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona. The two young pirates had been living with Mihawk for only a few months. Spring was slowly starting to reach the island, the weather beginning to warm ever so slightly. The three pirates sat down at the breakfast table, when Mihawk heard it: A loud, emotional braying sound from outside. He sighed heavily, placing his coffee cup on the table. Zoro and Perona exchanged a look.
“What,” Zoro said slowly, “The ever-loving hell was that?”
“That is the worst sound I’ve ever heard,” Perona added. “Like a vacuum cleaner sucking up a small elephant.”
“The seals are back,” Mihawk stated plainly, already feeling a headache coming on.
“The…seals?” Perona asked tentatively.
Mihawk sipped his coffee and sighed. “Every year around 300 seals come to this island to mate. For the next two weeks or so, the beach behind the castle will be their mating grounds.”
Perona’s eyes lit up, and she floated quickly to the window to look outside. A number of large, gray-ish blue seals were already beginning to gather on the beach. “EEEE they’re so cute!”
"They’re not cute,” Mihawk shot back, “They’re a menace. They’re loud, they take over the whole castle grounds, and they shit everywhere . Once they leave I have to have a company come in and rake the beach like a giant litterbox, and I have to spray down the bridge and patio every day. It’s a nightmare. A loud, smelly, destructive nightmare”
Zoro was trying not to chuckle at his mentor’s annoyance at seals of all things. “Can’t you, like, do anything about it?”
"Of course not,” Mihawk replied curtly. “They’re wild animals, I have no control over them. However, I did try slicing one up to send a message my first year here. They didn’t care. Then I just felt bad about killing it. I ate nothing but seal meat for weeks. Got a nice rug out of it though.”
Zoro laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and Mihawk narrowed his eyes. “You laugh now, Roronoa, but you won’t be when it’s 3am and you can’t sleep because there’s a seal orgy happening outside your window.” Mihawk drained his coffee cup and stood. “Both of you, come. We need to check the seal-proofing on the castle before we begin training for the day.”
“Seal-proofing?” Perona asked, floating behind him.
“Yes, I’ve boarded up several of the lower entrances because if I don’t they will get inside the castle. The last thing I want is to come downstairs to find a pile of seals sleeping in the living room. Again.”
Zoro and Perona followed Mihawk outside. Numerous seals were gathered, mostly on the beach, but some were beginning to flop their way up the paths, and some were swimming in the lake. Mihawk walked confidently through the fray, watching his step as he went. Perona eyed them cautiously. They were much larger up close, and distinctly less cute. “Mihawk,” Perona asked cautiously as one brayed loudly at her, “Are they, ya know, dangerous?”
“For someone like you, perhaps,” he replied calmly, though irritation still laced his words. “They can be quite territorial, but generally if you keep your distance and don’t bother them, they won’t bother you. I recommend flying a little higher than you normally might to avoid any trouble.” Perona immediately obeyed, floating an extra few feet off the ground.
The three made their way around the perimeter of the castle, checking various entrances to ensure Mihawk’s make-shift seal proofing was holding up, and making repairs where it wasn’t. Upon the path, a seal blocked their way. It was easily the largest Zoro and Perona had seen so far, its enormous body marred with the scars of many years in the ocean. Mihawk stood before it, narrowing his golden eyes and crossing his arms. “Hello, Neil.” The seal brayed loudly in response, flecks of saliva misting the three pirates.
Mihawk only continued to glare as he wiped his face with his sleeve. “Move,” he demanded. Neil barked in defiance, rolling over onto his back in a move Mihawk could only presume was seal for “fuck you, make me.”
“You, uh…you named the seal?” Zoro asked hesitantly, again trying to hold in his laughter to not make Mihawk any angrier than he already was.
“Yes, I’ve named several of the more annoying ones. This is Neil. He’s my nemesis. I hate him and he hates me.”
Zoro placed a hand over his mouth, turning his back to keep in his laughter, but he couldn’t do it. He let out a loud guffaw, bracing his hands on his knees as he laughed. “Neil the seal?! You gave him a rhyming name? And he’s your nemesis ?!” Neil let out a bark too, it almost sounded like laughing.
Mihawk’s face grew red. “Neil, move!” he demanded. As the seal let out a series of short, mocking barks it finally obeyed, moving off the path and towards the beach, satisfied that it had thoroughly humiliated Mihawk enough for one day. Mihawk took a deep breath and continued down the path.
“Watch your step, Zoro,” Mihawk stated as they walked, without even looking at the young man behind him. Before Zoro had a chance to ask why, he felt his boot land in something squishy.
“Ugh, dammit,” Zoro lamented, pulling his boot from the glob of seal poo Neil had left behind with a thwack .
“Haha!” Perona taunted in a sing-song voice, “You stepped in seal poo!”
Zoro grumbled, trying to wipe the bulk of the mess from his boots in the dirt. “It’s gonna be a long two weeks.”
And boy was it! Mihawk hadn’t been exaggerating about the noise. It was exceptionally loud, to the point where they were all constantly exhausted from lack of sleep. Perona even attempted to sound-proof her room by stacking her plushies in front of the windows, but despite her rather impressive collection, no amount of plushies was enough to keep the noise at bay with the room’s enormous, gothic windows.
Zoro and Mihawk’s training was often interrupted by the seals flopping along between them, paying absolutely no mind to the two men and their large, sharp swords. One day they attempted to move their training inside to the dungeons, only to find that a dozen seals had broken Mihawk’s barrier, and were now mating loudly. Between chasing the seals outside and cleaning up the mess the animals had made, they got no training done that day. As they cleaned and mopped, Mihawk could have sworn he heard Zoro grumble something about “never wanting to see a seal dick again.”
And then there was Neil. Though Zoro had laughed when Mihawk confidently declared Neil his nemesis, the giant seal did seem to find a perverse joy in tormenting Mihawk, personally. As Mihawk defiantly took his afternoon tea and daily cigarette out on the patio, despite the noise and the smell (a holdover from his younger days, and one of the few simple pleasures in his life), Neil would flop his enormous body up the stairs and honk directly at the swordsman, one time knocking over the small table and sending his teacup shattering on the ground before flopping away, letting out short, loud honks that Mihawk was positive was laughter. Perona tried her best to glue the teacup back together, but it was rather leaky and had to be discarded.
Neil also enjoyed standing directly outside of Mihawk’s window and bellowing at night, and occasionally charging directly at him. Mihawk was strong, but he wasn’t indestructible, and one thousand pounds of seal would certainly hurt him. Then of course, there were the daily “gifts” Neil left on the front doorstep. They appeared in the morning after breakfast, so Mihawk had no evidence that it was Neil, but he knew deep down that it was him.
One day, roughly two weeks from the day they began appearing on the island, the seals began leaving, their mating for the season done. Mihawk sat outside with his afternoon tea and his cigarette, not making the same mistake of placing the teacup on the table twice, lest Neil see it as an invitation. Zoro stepped outside, leaning over the bannister as the seals began slipping into the sea.
“How do you do this every year?” Zoro asked genuinely. “I’m exhausted after dealing with it once.”
Mihawk shrugged as he took a drag on his cigarette. “It’s only for two weeks out of the year. It’s annoying certainly, but it’s a small price to pay for the otherwise silence and isolation of living here.”
After a moment of silence, Mihawk chuckled, a noise Zoro rarely heard from the man. “You know, one time I was getting ready to set out to sea for a Warlord meeting. A mandatory one, another one of those ‘show up or you’ll lose your position’ things. I got to my boat and Neil was there, lying on deck, sound asleep. I tried to get him to move, but he wouldn’t.”
Zoro grinned. Mihawk so rarely told him anything about himself or his past. He was automatically intrigued, always curious to know more about his mentor, even if he’d never openly admit it. “How’d that turn out?”
Mihawk grinned right back, as if they were sharing an understanding. “I took a picture and mailed it to Sengoku. No note, just the picture. Didn’t hear a word back from him. Showed up at the next meeting like nothing happened, but Sengoku later gave me the same picture back, framed. He’d thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen: a powerful Warlord of the Sea, trapped on his private island by a giant seal.”
Zoro laughed softly. Something about the idea of the Fleet Admiral gifting one of his Warlords a ridiculous seal picture seemed absurd to him. But he’d seen the picture on the mantle, he knew it was real. Then, Mihawk spoke again. “He’s getting old.”
Zoro turned to him. “You mean Neil?”
Mihawk nodded. “I don’t know how old he is, but he looks more and more worse for wear every time I see him. I’d wager it’ll be another year or two before I don’t see him anymore. Or perhaps this will be the last time.”
Mihawk looked out in the distance, as Zoro took in the man before him. He could never be quite sure with Mihawk, but he felt that there was a certain sadness in his mentor’s voice.
“You kind of enjoy it, don’t you?” Zoro offered. “The back and forth between you and him. He keeps things interesting when there’s no one else around.”
Mihawk shrugged and put out his cigarette. “I won’t deny that I find him entertaining, even as he annoys the hell out of me. Animals are remarkable creatures. So human-like in so many ways, and yet not at the same time. I know he’s just a dumb mammal, but….”
Zoro only nodded, understanding what Mihawk was saying. He thought back to the Kung-Fu Dugongs in Alabasta, who took so strongly to Luffy after he bested them in a fight. He thought about the South Bird in Jaya that he enjoyed bothering by trying to get it to look in directions other than South. He thought of the Humandrills here on Kuraigana, who, now that he had bested them in battle once, had become some of his favorite sparring partners. And he thought of Chopper who, despite his Human-Human Fruit, was still at the end of the day, a reindeer. Animals really were remarkable.
A loud honking sound broke Zoro from his thoughts. Neil was flopping his way up the stairs, and landed at Mihawk’s feet, looking up at him. Mihawk looked down with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose you’re leaving?” Mihawk said. Neil only honked in affirmation. Mihawk nodded. “Well. Stay safe out there. You’re just about the size of a perfect snack for a Sea King. Basically a blubbery jelly bean.” Neil let out a series of those short, braying honks that sounded like laughter. He locked eyes with Mihawk for a moment before flopping his way back down the stairs. Mihawk rose and stood beside Zoro, and together they watched as Neil got in the water and, with one last look towards the castle, swam away.
Several months passed, and it was business as usual for Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona. As Mihawk and Zoro worked in the garden, beginning the process of harvesting the year’s yield, Perona floated up to them excitedly. “Guys! Come to the beach!”
“I don’t have time for a swim,” Mihawk said curtly as he plucked some tomatoes from a vine.
“Ugh, what? No! Just…just shut up and come with me!” She turned and floated away, clearly expecting the men to drop everything and follow her. Mihawk looked to Zoro, who only shrugged and rose to his feet, dropping his gloves in the dirt. Mihawk sighed and begrudgingly did the same.
The two swordsmen followed Perona, who kept looking behind to make sure they were following, though not nearly fast enough for her. And when Mihawk crested the hill and looked out at the beach below him, his eyes widened in surprise to see Neil there, honking loudly in greeting. And not just Neil - with him were six seal pups, perhaps a few months old.
Perona squealed in delight, doing flips in the air. “Aren’t they cute?!” Mihawk could only chuckle as he approached his old nemesis.
Neil brayed happily, bouncing on his flippers and pushing the small seals with his snout towards Mihawk, who crossed his arms and chuckled. “You wanted me to meet your children, huh?” Neil honked in affirmation.
Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona sat down on the beach, allowing the seal pups to approach them. He wouldn’t say it, but they were actually quite cute. “Congratulations, Neil,” Mihawk said, his lips upturning in a slight grin. “Shall I fetch you a cigar and some whiskey to celebrate?”
That loud, honking laugh again. The one Mihawk had grown so accustomed to over his time living at the castle, the one that made Mihawk confident that even if Neil couldn’t speak the language of humans, he certainly understood every word they said.
Neil watched as the pups sniffed around the humans, eventually deeming them safe enough to accept pets, and one even crawled into Zoro’s lap for a nap, as if he’d found a kindred spirit in the green-haired swordsman. Then, satisfied, Neil let out one last bray, before turning and flopping his way back into the water. Mihawk rose quickly, going after him, not even caring that the surf was covering his boots. “Neil! Stop! I’m not a babysitter! I already have two children I don’t want, I don’t need more!”
Neil only turned and looked directly at Mihawk, and in that moment, Mihawk understood: this was Neil’s last journey to Kuraigana Island. He wasn’t coming back. Whatever may have happened to the mother, Neil was leaving his pups in the care of someone he trusted. They were still too small to make it in the wild on their own, and Neil wanted to give them the best chance at survival and a safe haven to return to, just as he had been doing for so many years.
Mihawk nodded and approached Neil, who was still looking up at him with glossy, black eyes. For the first time, Mihawk noticed a cloudiness in the seal’s eyes: cataracts. For how long had Neil had this problem and Mihawk hadn’t even noticed? Could he have taken him to a veterinarian? Could he have gotten him help if he hadn’t been so preoccupied with their cat-and-mouse game? Mihawk felt a pang in his chest as he reached out and placed a calloused hand gently on Neil’s head, petting him gently.
“I’ll take care of them,” he said, trying to hide the hoarseness appearing in his voice. “As long as they’re on this island, they will be safe.” Neil blinked and honked lowly, something Mihawk could only interpret as “thank you.” And with that, Neil flopped into the sea and swam away, leaving Mihawk standing on the shore with Zoro, Perona, and the pups.
Mihawk allowed himself a minute to mourn his odd friend, then turned and walked back to where Zoro and Perona sat with the seal pups. It was clear the two younger pirates understood what had just happened, and Perona had silent tears streaming down her cheeks.
“So what now?” she asked quietly, gently stroking the seal pup before her.
Mihawk sighed, picking up one of the pups and holding it out in front of him. It looked quite like Neil, but had a smattering of light gray spots on its fur. Its glossy black eyes looked at him with curiosity and it cocked its head to the side, taking in the man before it, before immediately peeing. The swordsman could only laugh softly. This was definitely Neil’s child.
He placed the seal gently on the ground, and it happily bounced over to its siblings. “Well,” he said, “I’m going to go change my clothes. Then, I suppose, we’re going fishing. We have six new mouths to feed after all.”
Zoro and Perona smiled, Perona wiping the tears from her face. They rose and followed Mihawk, and the six seal pups flopped along cheerily behind them, ready to explore their new home.
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emsgwenstan · 1 year
death under moonlight
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Summary: Character is a teacher at nevermore who saves the lives of the students, confesses love to Larissa, hardly any y/n background story, if you don't know what a clairvoyant is probably best to research first, character dies in the end. Happy ending for everyone else tho.
Warnings: blood, death, hurt.
Words: about 3.5-4K I’d say? Sorry about editing!
It’s just become the norm now, event after event, death after death, it’s inevitable. But this, this is by far the most damaging. After the following incident with laurel gates there was no stopping what else was to come. More murders, disappearances and odd mishaps that didn’t add up.
Somehow the most unlikely of us outcasts had formed together in groups, protecting each other of some sort, no segregation between the werewolf’s, vampires, siren’s, gorgons and other species of students, the teachers would lunch with some groups and become a chosen family. The fear keeping everyone from stepping out of line, no detentions, suspensions or yelling to keep in check. It was horrible, not right. Every child was always with another even on occasion, the dormitory supervisors would let children room in others dorms to have an extra sense of safety. The teachers would often do the same, some would huddle in the teachers lounge with blankets and pillows all mingled together in hopes of a restful sleep.
Larissa though was forever restless never at ease, she would spend hours peering out her office window into the dead of the night just to be sure no one harms her children. She has been more recluse and closed of, but the second she steps out of the doors to her office, she only wishes to hug-and in a way mother every child she comes into contact with and mutter sweet nothings to ensure there safe and nothing will hurt them. However she feels so much guilt that she can’t keep that promise, she would rather do everything in her power than make a promise she isn’t sure she can keep.
You are very much the same, closed off and scared. More often than not you would wake from a monotonous sleep and wander the halls in a robe, usually you would run into Larissa herself and walk in tandem with arms linked doing a non obligatory night watch in silence, you could go round and round with out uttering a word, just a ‘you know the drill let’s go’ nod when you bump into one another.
Some nights you would pace the hallways of all the dormitories and pop into some when you heard someone possibly having nightmares or uneasy sleep. One time you heard growling and realised it was coming from Enid and Wednesdays room. You opened the door leaving Larissa leant up on a beam in the hallway, you walked over the sleeping children on the floor and made you way over to Enid, gently stirring her awake. “Hey, hey it’s ok.” Enid pried open her eyes and instantly tried to slow her breathing. You opened the bottle of water she kept on her bedside and handed it to her. “Thank you… sorry.” She said softly. “Another nightmare?” You asked. “Yeah.” she rasped. You took back the bottle and put the lid on resting it back on her table. You looked a the other end of the bed seeing Wednesday dead asleep, looking as if she had been placed in a casket. You smiled at the thought of her wrapped in colourful blankets.
Enid laid back down her eyes fluttering, you caught her looking behind you, turning to see Larissa in the door way giving a sympathetic smile for Enid, she's already asleep when you resume to gaze at the young wolf. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, Larissa took to bending down and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Love you mom.” Enid said while slightly readjusting herself. You smiled at Larissa and her sad but proud smile as she was staring at her with love and adoration. She pulled back and without question slid her hand from you shoulder to your own, tugging you to stand. She took the lead carefully stepping over Ajax and Xavier and you over Kent and Eugene. Making it to the door with out any disturbance you both took a last look at them, the boys on the floor sprawled out and the girls on the beds, Wednesday and Enid on one and yoko, divina and Bianca, piled on the other. Larissa doesn’t mind that the boys and girls are in the same rooms she trusts them enough to behave with no funny business.
Exiting the wing of the building arm in arm with Larissa you guided her to her quarters. “Do you want to stay with me, I know you probably don’t but the offer stands… if you do ever need or not want to be alone.” She whispered. “Sure. I don’t particularly want to be alone.” She led you in and threw back the covers of her bed, you hoped in next to her and turned off one of the lamps, as did she whilst eyeing the small clock on her table that read 3:22am.
Both on you backs tossing and turning, after about and hour or so you spoke. “This is awful.” She was silent waiting for you to continue. “I can’t believe how much fear we are living in… or existing in I suppose, no one’s really living at this point are they?” You ended. She was still quiet before saying. “It’s absolutely fucked.” She enunciated, You were surprised but you could tell she didn’t have the energy to keep her strong facade. “It’s all fucked.” You said blatantly. That was the end of it, no more words needed to be exchanged for you both knew what each other meant.
She rolled over to face you, out of instinct you moved up and put your arm around her and she rested her head on you forearm, you took her wrist and moved it to wrap around your waist and held her close to you. With your cheek resting on her forehead you said. “We’ll get through it, we always do, everything’s going to be ok. Your going to be ok.” She tightened her hold and sniffed. Larissa hasn’t the strength to properly cry, but you both being exhausted fell asleep eventually.
Only a couple hours later she woke and so did you. Now sitting by the fire, with a hot tea each just staring at the flames, adorning a blanket over you laps, cuddling close. You felt a little better that you weren’t lonely, but ultimately because she wasn’t either.
over the next couple of months it became routine to walk now hand in hand with Larissa around the school and finish the night in her room. Tonight she let you brush out her hair and put it in a loose braid, it was soft and smelled amazing, every so often you would look in the mirror at her peaceful face and smile a little wider at the fact that your offering her just a little peace of calmness and stress relief just by doing a small kind gesture. You get into bed, hold her close and have only a few hours sleep. Routine.
Today though was different, off. The gut feeling when somethings just not right. Being a clairvoyant with heightened senses can lead to over analysing visions or feelings that come to you although you knew for certain that something terrible was coming. It was about 5:30am when you left Larissa to go find Wednesday. Arriving at their room you snuck in to find most of the kids asleep apart from Yoko and Wednesday, both sitting in verbal silence, the only sounds were the occasional video from Yoko's phone and pencils to paper from Wednesday at her desk. They both turned to look at you. “Miss y/l/n?” They said in unison. “Hey, wens can I talk to you for a moment… outside?”
Leaving her desk but taking the paper with her, she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to speak. “Do you feel it to?” You asked. “I had a vision last night, something is going to happen but I can’t be sure as to what. I felt something dark before it, what I did see was a funeral I don’t know who’s or when but the whole school was there.” You furrowed your brows and leaned into put ur hands on her shoulders bending down eye level with her. “If you get anymore you need to come find me ok.” She nodded curtly as you let her go. “This is what I can make out of it.” Wednesday held up the paper for you to see. It was a drawing of what seemed to be the cemetery and other details that doesn’t make sense. “Ok I’ll try figure it out.” You spoke and waited until she returned into her room before you left.
Hours later you were in your own room getting changed when it all started, the loudest bang and blood curdling screams. The sheer amount of devastation when you ripped open your balcony door to be met with one of the towers crumbling and children scattering away from the rubble, and many, many people you have never seen before. All dressed in cloaks as if it were a cult or organisation, all seemingly outcast themselves using telekinesis or elemental magic. Your eye’s search for Larissa’s balcony.
You found her, hand’s clamped to the rail she found you to, as if you could telepathically speak Larissa and yourself immediately fled your rooms running past masses of children running to there assigned safety places for if or when the time came. Larissa called for you “Y/N!” Running to her you snatched her hand and bolted down the stairs. Proud of all the kids and teachers for making a b-line to their places. Running out into the woods to Xavier’s shed, meeting the group of Ophelia hall.
Making your arrival, every one of them looked terrified. All close together apart from Wednesday. Larissa strides over to them and knelt down on the floor trying her best to comfort the children. You could hear there whispers and asks of what’s going to happen, Larissa just hushed them. “I had another vision miss y/l/n.” Wednesday spoke solemnly. Your eye sight was set on the wall in front of you, suddenly everything fell into place. What was about to happen. Wednesday knew it to. Turning to look at her you gave an acknowledging nod understanding what she saw.
There was a reason why the vision showed a funeral. There was a reason why you weren’t standing in the crowd. There was a reason why you were supposed to be sacrificed.
To save your family.
Wednesday caught on to your knowing glance to not mention it. “wens can u pass me some paper and a pencil or pen.” You asked she did so and you got to work with writing a few things down. “I’m going to check up on everyone.” You said. “You can’t leave, it’s to dangerous and the sun is about to set your not going out in the dark.” Larissa tried to reason. “I’ll be fine you need to stay here.” After writing the letter and giving it to Wednesday to hold onto you trailed over to where Larissa was, taking her hand and pulling her to stand. You went to the door and led her out side ensuring no one was around first.
“You need to stay here and keep them safe, I’ll be back soon, but first I need to tell you something… I love you. I’ve always loved you. I knew when I first met you, I knew when I was by your side at that god forsaken hospital when you were in that coma and I know now. I'm not sure how you feel about me and I know its terrible timing but it’s the only time I can tell you.” You said in a rushed whisper. Larissa was shocked, her eyes pooling with unshed tears, she leaned in and without hesitation gripped the back of your neck and kissed you breathless.
Pulling away with streams of liquid down both of you cheeks for different reasons, she told you she loved you to and embraced you tightly. “I love you so much y/n, I wouldn’t be here without you.” Placing another kiss to your forehead. Your smile faded knowing that that statement should be said after doing what your about to do. Leading her back inside, you crouched down to all the kids giving them a hug and with out noticing giving them small pieces of you, necklaces, earrings, rings and other small trinkets that you usually carry on you. Larissa was last and you slipped your phone into her pocket, with a little note with the passcode. Even Wednesday let you hug her.
Back at the door, taking a final look at your family, you leave with a watery grin. “I love you all.” Then closing the door behind you. “Why does it feel like she saying goodbye?” Ajax wondered, asking the question everyone was thinking. Wednesday was unusually quiet.
You made you way sneaking around the school to the places the kids were hiding, after ensuring there safety, it was time. Jogging through the woods to get back to the school grounds, you slowed your pace catching your breath to muster as much air as your lungs could capacitate to whistle with you thumb and pointer finger as loud as possible to draw attention to yourself, continuing to run further into the vast, wide spread of the nevermore's entrance.
"do you think this will be over by the morning?" Eugene asked Larissa. "I'm not sure sweetheart, you will all be sent home when its safe enough, as of today the school is officially on full lockdown. I'm afraid this may be the end of nevermore." she said solemnly almost breaking down at her words, but remains strong willed for her children.
"y/n should have been back by now shouldn't she?" Bianca said. all in unison turned to Wednesday, who was standing by a boarded window. "what aren't you telling us Wens?" Enid asked cautiously. "she asked me not to say." she answered. "where is she?" Larissa was quick to ask, her heart doubled in pace. nothing but a blank stare came from the girl. "Wednesday... where. is. y/n?" Larissa gritted in annoyance but doesn't know if she actually wants the answer. Wednesday took a deep breath for what she was about to say.
Finally making your way thought the gates, you whistled one last time. "hey! I'm over here come get me!" you yelled and just like that hoards of people came rushing. Dodging the large bits of rubble and fire thrown at you out in the open buying time until you knew all of them were there.
Larissa shot up off the floor "why didn't you say something!" she said frantically at Wednesday, Larissa kicked off her heals and pushed past the now standing kids to get to the door. "wait you cant leave you need to say here!" Divina and Kent said simultaneously, each grabbing an arm. "what I need is for y/n to come back, alive!" she shouted ripping her arms from there grasp. "this is reckless Weems." Wednesday stated. Larissa took a moment to collect herself and give them all a pleading, apologetic look, before turning back to the door jerking it open, "stay here and be safe." she commanded before slamming it shut.
Everyone that you previously saw was accounted for and you were ready, hardly getting to the center of the courtyard you stood, your head back harnessing power from the moon letting it fill your veins, the white glow traveling from your hands into your arms and up your neck, reaching just over your jaw spilling into your face. Your eyes turned completely white as well as your hair.
Larissa was sprinting barefoot through the forest to get you. “Y/N!” she was screaming, whipping thought the trees, wincing at the twigs that dug into the soles of her feet, the adrenaline keeping her from stopping. Noticing the light beaming from the sky, she was hell bent on getting to it having a feeling you had something to do with it.
"screw this we cant just stay here." Xavier said. "yeah lets go." Enid agreed. The whole group fled the shed looking to the sky bolting toward it.
Larissa made it to the iron gates, watching the scene unfold before her, the look of horror displayed on her face from observing you, she had never seen you or another being like that, now floating about eight feet off the ground. "Y/N." she screamed again. You hear her and glace to the direction of her voice. your first thought was to put a barrier, forcefield of a sort to protect her.
All the kids caught up to Larissa. "oh my god!" most of them said in shock. Larissa went to run towards you but was stopped by the barrier, leaving her and the kids banging on the invisible wall, yelling your name to stop your actions.
"now remember y/n, you cannot access this power, ever. if you do you will die, you will be sacrificing your life the second you tap into it your fate is sealed. us clairvoyants can only capacitate visions, extra sense ability and small intervenes with paranormal activity." your grandmother said while cupping you ten year old self's little cheeks. "and what do you do to access that power nana?" you asked with your legs crossed on the bench, playing with the dry lavender hanging from the celling beam in the kitchen. "well...we channel from the moon, some say that the event in which one uses the magic some of there features turn white but I'm not entirely sure about that little one, I have not seen it happen with my own eyes, I'm certain that you really need to want it for the power to work, unlike witches we don't need spells." she ended. "and how do-." you were cut of before you could ask the question. "that's enough questions for one day little one." she said, pulling you of the bench.
That one memories been a repetitive dream as of late and has proved helpful in this time, only now do you relies it was your subconscious preparing you. Sensing yourself draining of life and your body cold as ice feeling sore, so very sore, you couldn't help the tears streaming down your pale face, watching the sight of Larissa through foggy eyes trying with all she had to get to you, but you knew it was no use. the kids were no different struggling to push though the unpushable. In that moment you don't know how your able to control something you've never done before but it just goes to show what your kind can do in cases of protection.
summoning all your energy and will power, letting your tired eyes close, your whole being becomes illuminated, brighter and brighter until Larissa and all the children had to cover there eyes from the blinding light. Your out stretched arms start to tremble as you let out a shuddering bolt of energy with in the confines of the barrier.
'this is it' you thought.
Once the white glare subsided slowly, the first thing visible was the dead bodies of all the opposing outcasts, hundreds of mirror image, masked people scattered across the ground. Larissa reached her hand out to find the obstruction gone, not a second went by for Larissa to bolt to where you were last seen. The children stayed planted on the spot surrounded by deafening silence apart from the the quick footsteps of Larissa's feet against the gravel.
She came to a slow, absentmindedly using her hands to clear the fog, looking up a little she found you still floating in the air unconscious with blood tricking out of your nose a little further away from her before you suddenly fell. Larissa dropped to her knees, trying to break your fall whilst bloodying herself against the gravel. She held you in her lap, gently removing the hair that's fallen over your face. "y/n?" she whispered, lightly shaking you, her eyebrows furrowed and breathing rigged.
Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air. A wash of relief filtered over Larissa when she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Y/n." she said as a reassurance for herself. Your hazy eyes meet hers and all the white fades from your features, the rest of your non existent energy was spent of your last actions.
Raising your hand to her kind eyes you trace her facial characteristics, from her hairline to her brows, over her eyelids and down her nose to the outline of her lips, you muster a weak smile and stare into her eyes. "I'm sorry darling...but, it was always going to end like this. I- I...love you. I love all of you." you tried to breathe at a loss of air, pleading with your body to just stay for a moment longer. "Your my family Larissa,,,,, those kids are my family. I always wanted children... and you gave me a home with them even if they aren't mine." you said with a fatigued chuckle. "do you forgive me?" it came out croaky and broken.
Your question lingered, Larissa was trying to make sense of your words. "of course i forgive you sweetheart, but you going to be ok... right? your going to be fine." she said questionably, encouraging herself. "oh honey." you breathed. "you will be ok, I promise." your eyelids are getting heavy and your breathing slows. Miming the words 'I love you' to Larissa and letting yourself succumb to the comforting embrace of her hold. Your body finally went limp.
Tears welled in her eyes as she realized you were gone. "no." she demanded. "no. no. no. no. no. no." she repeated. "Y/N!" she was shaking your lifeless body. "y/n wake up! open your eyes. y/n open your eyes darling." her distress was breaking through. "y/n don't you dare, don't you dare leave me here, get up please!" Larissa was crying, find it difficult to breath. "don't do this to me I'm begging you." Larissa's yelling caught the attention of the kids, making there way over to you both.
Small, little gasps and 'oh no's ' were heard over Larissa's sobs, gasping for air, she let out the most deafening scream that wreaked her whole body as agony overtook her entire being. Everyone quiet, not willing to make a single sound, huddled and curling into one another silently crying at the scene Infront of them. Enid was the first to take hesitant steps toward the broken woman, pacing to Larissa and sitting on her legs wrapping an arm around the principle in an attempt to give a little support, she also took ahold of your cold hand noticing the light blue that had formed at your fingertips as well as your lips.
more and more of the surrounding students gathered around Larissa and tried there best to hold back sobs of their own. As time went by the sun started to rise once again for the first time with out you since the day you were born. A warm golden glow of the rays cast over your body giving the illusion of basking in the sunlight on a wonderful day, but that's what it was an illusion, for it was not you happy, bathing in the sunlight nor was it a wonderful day.
Without a word being exchanged, Larissa rose on shaky legs, her disheveled frame wobbling and lifted you off the ground cradling you to her chest, the children stood also and knew what she was doing, taking you to the mortuary. Following Larissa to the school van and helping her lift you into the back seat, she turned to them asking to alert the other students and teachers its over and to relocate back to school grounds, with a monotone expression.
Four days later was your funeral, Larissa managed to keep the students at the school until the day was over to attend, all the students had forgone there uniforms and dressed in their finest black clothes, each and every one adorned a pin holding a sprig of baby's breath and a simple white rose. Not a single biological family member of yours showed up.
As your coffin was laid on the lowering belt hundreds of people gathered to show remorse and empathy, some giving speeches and some sending prayers, Larissa couldn't find the strength to speak, but opted for laying the most expensive bouquet she could find on top of your coffin. behind the large rimmed sunglasses were red raw eyes that couldn't hold the amount of tears. "i love you." she said loud enough for the closest people to hear, saying it for the last time made her feel like she had just died, words she never had the chance to say over and over and over. An empty. cold. broken woman, is how she felt.
The rest of the day went as well as it could, Larissa distracted herself with attending to students, especially Enid, but she was lucky enough to have Wednesday by her side comforting her in her own way, whilst also fidgeting with all of the flowers and and catering to make sure everything was perfect, Larissa tried her best not to break down and make a inappropriate scene.
A few weeks after your death, Larissa drowned herself in work, pulling every string humanly possible to keep the school afloat, that she did, barely, but she did. Not letting herself be berried in grief, she kept on top of everything until she found herself for the first time in her life out of things to do, she was lonely and tired and so, so exhaused.
All the kids eventually returned to the school resuming as normal and Larissa paced the hallways to find the students that were with her that night to collect them and bring the kids back to her office for a conversation she knew was needed.
Finding them all and entering the principles office, she asked them to take a seat. "I just wanted to say, I'm so proud of you all and I hope your holding up ok, I'm sorry you were exposed to things that I'm sure you will never forget and I hope you feel comfortable enough to talk about them if you need to, I'm always here to talk, or offer support, even if you just need a hug." she said timidly.
The girls looked among themselves affirming something incoherent. "Wednesday has something to show you." Bianca spoke, confusing Larissa. Wednesday stood and reached into her bag and pulled out your letter and started to read it.
To my dearest family, I understand you will all be hurting at this time and for that i will be eternally sorry, I need each and every one of you to know how much I care and love you. starting with Eugene, you are so brave and talented little man, never be afraid to be yourself or put yourself out there. ajax, don't let your species define who you are, go and do what ever it is you want to do and don't not try because you think there's no point. Xavier, at the moment your dream is to be an artist, be bold in your work have fun and channel every feeling you have into all pieces you do, keep up with the way your going and you will get very far in an incredible career if that's what you chose. Kent and Divina, don't give up on each other, ever, your bonded for life and even if you piss each other off never drift apart your family is a foundation whether its a chosen one or blood related. Bianca, your worry in what people think of your intentions is your downfall be free to be who you are, the ones who you surround yourself with that love you for how you are and don't question your truth are who you need most and remember your mother doesn't dictate your life. Yoko, your a badass young lady who has a fire in you that burns brightly, never let anyone put it out, keep it smoldering for as long as you can and use it to seir the ones who think they've put the flame out. Wednesday, keep your sharp mind and detective abilities, but open yourself up a little more to the ones you love and the ones who love you and maybe, just maybe don't try to make things so difficult for principle Weems. Enid, your kindness is among the most I've ever seen in one person, always fight for your voice and stand up to what you think is right no matter the consequences, your love and wit are your strongest attributes, use them always it will get you far. And lastly Larissa, my sweet darling Larissa, for you I am the most sorry, but don't stop living your life because I'm gone, you are charming and strong, important and smart and so incredibly beautiful. I wish we had more time but it was never in out favor. we will meet again, that I guarantee so really its only a temporary goodbye keep in mind you were my last love and it will forever be that way and I'm so lucky for that, I however will not be yours, go and get out find someone who makes you happy and supports you don't be tied down or feel guilty because of me, and don't think for even a moment dearest that you aren't enough because you are and always will be, do a favor for me and keep the kids together, they need you just as much as you need them, family remember. As for now I love and cherish every single time we've all had together, I've left you all a small piece of me in the pockets of your clothes, wear them don't wear them its your choice, boys I gave you and a pair of earrings each that you could have mad into cuff links if you'd like or not it doesn't worry me pawn it in and get cash if that's what you rather. Girls i gave you my necklaces and rings you can exchange with each other and Yoko my fav pair of shades. Larissa i gave you my phone and all access to my photos of me and some of the kids and you when you weren't looking as weird as it may seem. just know im watching over each one of you and will be right by your side every step of the way.
sincerly yours y/n xxx.
And for the 7th time that week Larissa cried as she sat on the top of her desk. After a minute of processing the words, she remembered the phone and ran into her private quarters to fetch the coat she had been wearing that night, frantically searching for the pocket. The screen lit up as she turned it on. Leaving the room again, returning back into her office she looked at the lock screen displaying a selfie you took of Larissa tucked into your neck asleep and you with your nose nuzzling in her hair, eyes closed and a little smile spread across your face.
Larissa for the first time since your death smiled at the photo. "what is it?" Enid wondered. Larissa showed her the photo. "you really loved her didn't you?" Enid asked. "yes darling, i really did... And I still do." She ended, the glimmering chain around her neck caught the attention of Larissa and she placed her finger tips on along the metal, grazing Enid's collar bones she stared at it with admiration also realizing all the girls had jewellery of yours on to.
"I think we have been through enough for it to be fitting to call me Larissa in private from now on, if your comfortable with that I don't mind." She said. So many things have gone unsaid, but did they really need to be spoken if everyone understands the thoughts and feeling, actions and motives of each other? Obviously not. Your death may have been heart breaking but your are the one thing that brought all of them together. All together the children walked towards Larissa and had a big group hug, among the first but not even close to the last.
13 years have passed and its the time of year again when the 9 now adults come back for an early thanksgiving dinner with Larissa and her wife, the school hall is warm with light and laughter, although many years have passed, age never ceased to stop the unconventional family from being them selves. A chair always reserved for you at the table in a reminder your the reason they're all together, everyone of them upholding the promise of always staying bound, never straying away from each other.
Larissa found love again and her wife always respected the love she holds for you, every couple of months she walks with Larissa to visit your grave and helps with upkeep of the little flowers she planted there for you. sometimes she's stopped by old colleagues or people of the town who ask questions of that night, she simply says you saved everyone's lives and will be infinitely grateful. How lucky she was to have found you in her lifetime.
You watch your family in complete joy from your seat at the table. Always there and never forgotten, you know they will all be ok, your family will be just fine.
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I had my stents (8cm bits of plastic that were shoved up each nose hole) removed, tape from nose removed, and congestion was vacuumed out today and instantly I could breathe better than I can remember in such a long time!
My voice is kind of gone today, I can speak but only very quietly lol, but it's amazing how much better I'm feeling every single day.
Months ago (before I knew surgery date) I'd scheduled to volunteer on 9/11 and I thought that I might need to cancel, but now I realize it's actually going to be fine.
I've been tracking my sleep, and I've gone from being awake 3.5 hours each night, to last night only tracking 20 mins awake. I feel like tonight is probably going to be the best nights sleep I've had in years and I'm so excited for it 🥹
It turns out surgery wasn't ideal, it was originally scheduled for 2 hours, but ended up taking 3.5 hours - the cartilage in my rib wasn't great (already starting to calcify which doctor had warned was a possibility for my age) so a lot of the rib cartilage they took wasn't viable, but a bit of my septum was straight enough that they could reuse so they had enough to work with. He said that made it more difficult for him to do the procedure, but he said it was successful and doesn't impact anything long term.
Face and nose is still VERY swollen, and will take a few weeks to get back to normal, but he was proudly pointing out that even now my nose looks so much straighter than it did before.
I've read from people who've had this that they can smell things much better than they could before, so I'm about to go for a lunchtime walk to see if I can smell anything different in the neighborhood.
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faeriemarie · 9 months
january 8th, 2024
oh my god worst attempt ever last night. idk what i was on but it was just so fucking unpleasant snd gross. 100% the worst experience of my entire 4.5 year shifting journey.
so i started out on my side and set the intention to shift to my skins (uk) dr. i then relaxed by counting down first from 12 and then again from 13. once i felt sufficiently relaxed, i started in on my affirmations of “i am living in skins.” all the while listening to a shifting subliminal with epsilon waves. by this point it was around 12:00am.
so i was affirming and really feeling my dr. i used all 5 senses and for one singular moment it felt like i was really there. but all of a sudden i got really pissed off and just wanted to sleep. so i checked the time and realized it had only been 30 minutes. this was me at my point of giving up. but i said no, i am DEFINITELY shifting tonight.
so i took 2 ibuprofen pm, changed my subliminal to one with rain sounds, and went back to attempting. this time i just affirmed to fall asleep and wake up in my dr. this did not work at all. when i tell you i was up for 4 hours, wide awake, just affirming and affirming to fall asleep, i am being completely serious. and it was so unpleasant. i would fall in and out of consciousness in like 5 minute increments, but it didn’t really feel like anything. i started to feel so overwhelmed and overstimulated but i didn’t stop because i thought i just needed to push through the pain.
finally at 4:30am, i gave up. i turned off my subliminal, so it was completely silent in my room and just fell asleep. then i slept for 3.5 hours and here we are.
moral of the story, if your attempt isn’t working and it’s not fun, just stop. no amount of pushing yourself past your limits is going to help. just relax and call it a day. your dr will still be there tomorrow.
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britcision · 24 days
So I went on holiday last week! Free camping at the family trailer! (Free as in we didn’t have to pay for the site, we did do some restocking for the trailer itself and all other expenses)
So lemme tell you how that went :)
Day 1: drove up, which took an hour longer than usual cuz half the roads were torn up (ah the Canadian seasons… winter and construction). Made it there, met parents for dinner, found out heating and AC were still down so it was gonna get pretty cold.
Parents were fine because they have body heat, but it hit something like freaking 5 degrees so we broke out the winter sleeping bags about it.
Oh and got a second degree burn on my arm wrassling with the kettle trying to work out how/why it wasn’t whistling properly when it boiled (this remained unresolved and it just kinda did or didn’t at random). The trailer had sterile pads but no tape to apply them with, but I carry that in my car so it was fine.
And around 3am, a fuse blew so the lights wouldn’t turn on. Fridge and microwave still fine.
Day 2: woke up to discover the fridge, which contained my $$$$$$$$$ shots for at least 3 autoimmune conditions which can’t warm up for 15 minutes or they’re worthless, was no longer working. Microwave was.
I checked almost everything, asked my Dad if I had to turn anything off before playing with the actual fuse panel (unscrewed by knife because no screwdriver in the trailer anymore?? For some reason??). He insisted on calling and telling me to retry every single thing I already tried, then told me “no you can just play with the fuses see which has blown”.
The lights indicating blown fuses are on the list of things currently not working. :)
Luckily, I did manage to find and replace 2 blown fuses and got everything except the heater and AC working again before the fridge got warm. We went and checked out some spots to maybe do cosplay shoots!
Day 3: got most of the way to a cosplay shoot but my dumb ass decided to switch contacts at the site rather than scare the piss outta the cashiers at the 2 quick stops we made on the way, and something kept getting into my dang eyes.
I flushed it 3 times, taught my partner to flush it, and then had to bap a disposable lens back in anyway to drive down the street to the hospital, because every single optician who could do the 2 second check I needed to tell me if there was still something in my eye or I actually scratched the cornea (again) closed 10 minutes before this began.
So we hung out at the hospital for 3.5 hours, me with my eyes shut for about half of it because OW, in full view of the one single little scope I needed to borrow to determine if I could safely put contacts back in and drive to the trailer an hour away (very bad idea if there’s an actual cut or scratch on the cornea).
Flushed my eyes 3 more times in their bathroom and the red went down enough and the right eye started focusing so I figured if it’s a scratch it’s a small one and can wait til the opticians open tomorrow so we went home anyway. Both eyes fine, but there was Definitely still something in them until the last flush because it kept stabbing me.
Day 4: picked up a buddy from the bus station to join us for the rest of the trip, went about some of our favourite local spots to see wild gardens and waterfalls and shit.
Apparently the bus lost someone half way up who was supposed to get off at a specific stop but didn’t but that wasn’t our problem so it was fine. Only a 45 minute delay.
Stole some sticks from the arboretum :) and got back in time to light an early fire and toast smores!
Day 5: buggered off almost all the way back to the hospital we’d been to before, this time to go see a fen full of carnivorous plants. The other two kept leaving me behind by accident but I had the car keys so it’s not my problem.
We somehow lost a second little nature reserve on the way back but it’s fine. We made it to a second waterfall before partner started getting some serious pains (possibly smores related) and joked about going back to the same hospital, but it was one of their usual ones so we knew how to deal with it. No more smores for him though.
Day 6: big cosplay shoot that actually worked, I have shared pictures! Partner was pretty much stress dissociating all the way down aaaaand we may have nearly killed our buddy cuz one of the times we went off-roading and climbed under a ledge they got so dizzy they nearly fell and we had to stop to rest… fortunately at the shoot site around the next corner, so we got them fed and hydrated and had a break ourselves, then got to setting up light and such while they rested.
I climbed all the way down to the waterfront :) and! Someone recognized Delicious In Dungeon on our way back, but not Mithrun because anime-onlies. I still win though, cuz our other two were doing Name of the Wind and I think a really specific stage production of Peter Pan (it’s a cool costume) and they didn’t recognize that.
On our way home the GPS did decide to bring us down a spooky backroads we’d never taken before, despite driving this exact route 3 times previously on this very vacation and many times over several years before that. So obviously we said “fuck it” and went to check it out, which was good fun.
Then we got home and set up for our last fire, tried out our new smores grilling contraption to make bacon grilled cheese (it was goooooood), and me or buddy must have knocked the stove at some point, because around midnight the gas alarm started going off.
While partner, the smallest and shortest and worst-lunged of the group, had been inside on a bug murdering spree with the electric flyswatter.
We kicked his ass out, I checked the stove and determined it was not a more mysterious leak we’d have had to disconnect the propane for and lose the water heater, and opened all the windows and the door to let the propane clear out while we looked up what to do with a propane leak.
Buddy got in touch with their mom the former nurse to check when we should go to hospital about the propane poisoning (again we joked about going to the same one but for him) and determined that yeah, he was definitely poisoned and felt real sick, but so long as he stayed outside and did not get worse, puke, or pass out, he should be fine.
So, it getting cold again, I retrieved the cold weather sleeping bag and we put him in front of the fire, debating whether or not the smoke would make it worse. (He’s fine, the smoke probably didn’t help but again, it got Fucking Cold).
And then we waited about an hour 45 for the propane to clear, as determined by me sticking my head in and sniffing to see if I could smell gas every 15 minutes. We did not inform the nurse-mom of this method because we didn’t have a better one (the alarm stopped going off 5 minutes in and showed a green light but it still smelled REAL strongly of gas and I got a headache around the hour mark and got buddy to second guess the last few).
Nothing exploded and we didn’t get in shit for the alarm going off real loud at midnight, so all in all a success!
Day 7: we packed up our stuff, tidied the trailer, and met up with my parents again to turn the keys back over and headed home the long way, via another waterfall.
This time they’d opened the end that was shut last year (and sealed off the end that was open last year) so we got to hike upstream for a bit! And found some nice ruins and trees and all sorts of fun things.
A long drive, but not a bad one, and we got home and got everything sorted out to take buddy all the way back to their home the next day and the camping was officially over.
Oh and also we almost missed a turn on the way home, and when I turned us around to go get it partner was Brutally Attacked by all of the luggage piled next to them and we had to pull over to dig him out and check he was okay
And two very nice separate old farm gents stopped beside us to ask if we were okay (two of the only three cars we saw on they road, not bad)
Overall: BIG Everything That Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong energy, but all things that we were able to fix by ourselves, which was a blessing. Buddy may be once again regretting coming hiking with us, because I don’t think it’s hiking if you don’t have to use your hands at least once and they don’t exactly climb hills on the day to day
(But we were SO nice to them and stuck to the proper trails almost all of the time and didn’t go do my favourite detour off the big rocky beach and climbing the cliffside or nothin!)
And my back only gave out a little bit yesterday after we got everything put away, and it’s fine now so overall? It coulda been worse.
But now I need a vacation to relax and recover from our vacation.
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vikingnerd793 · 4 months
I upped to the normal dose amount today and:
I went for four walks (one was 20 minutes with my dog, the rest were short 5 minute dog walks)
Took a shower
Brushed my hair standing up
Ate three good sized meals and one snack
Sat up in a rocking chair outside after my walk (I did use a neck pillow for a little bit as my neck had some minor soreness after the 20 minute walk without a neck pillow)
Talked the entire day without limitation
Walked around the house without limitation
Sat up multiple times without any back or neck support
Only had some minor coughing when the med wore off, and very very minor side effects of the med
Do you know what I've done the previous 3.5 months? Went from bed to recliner. Period. No exercise. Sitting up limited. If I ever ate one good meal with maybe a small 2nd or third I was thrilled.
I kept a diary of all this for my neuro.
Only things i would say is I'm still not satisfied with the symptoms, BUT this is incredible progress, and this med does lose efficacy between 3-4 hours with the last dose stretching longer, and man I wish I had an overnight dose so I could get even better sleep and wake up better.
This is supposed to be a med that only works if you have the disease they suspect and....it's not just working, it's like plugging me back in to a degree lol
Here's hoping tomorrow is just as good or even better!
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wolfiemcwolferson · 9 months
Long distance piarles
Oh Mar, this made me squishy.
Pierre wakes up at 3 AM - blinking awake to stare at his phone and see just how much time he has left on this side of the country.
Four hours. They have to leave Charles' apartment in four hours and he should sleep - he should roll right over and throw his arm around Charles' waist, bury his nose in the back of his neck - but he only has four hours and he needs to sear every second into his brain.
Pierre will wake up at 3 AM in 21 hours and he'll not have the option to roll over in bed and stare at Charles' eyelashes or feel his warm skin underneath his palm.
He looks at him and all he wants is to be here in 21 hours. Pierre wants to not be flying across the country anymore. He wants...he wants this apartment with Charles. He wants to make him breakfast. He wants to unpack his suitcase fully. He wants to...be here with him for his everyday life.
He misses him.
Of course, he misses him and he tells him that every day - texts in the morning, texts at night, FaceTime calls, and emails sent from Pierre's work account that he shouldn't send and he had said when Charles had taken this job that they would do it for a year and re-evaluate, but Pierre is staring at him in the moonlight.
Is Pierre's job really worth missing this?
Is Pierre's shitty job that makes him miss Charles' birthday worth it?
"Charles," Pierre whispers, running his finger down Charles' nose. "Charles, wake up."
"Still dark, sleep time," he mumbles after his eyelashes peek open on one side.
Pierre leans in to kiss him this time, pressing the line of his body against Charles' fully. "No, wake up. I need to talk to you."
Charles' cracks that same eye, but his entire face has scrunched up. "I will remember to talk to my landlord about the heat, I swore I would and I won't -"
"I want to move." Pierre cuts him off and Charles' eyes fly open, scooting himself back by pushing against Pierre's chest.
Pierre licks his lips and realizes he should have...maybe waited - maybe he needed to get a plan before he brought this up, but when have the two of them really done that?
"I think I should move in with you and -"
"Shut up," Charles says, pushing himself up to sitting. "Do not tell me you are going to move here if you aren't -"
"Charles," Pierre cuts him off, reaching for his hand, smiling at him from his place on the pillow. "I was an idiot to let you move out here by yourself."
"Your job-"
"We'll figure it out."
"Your apartment -"
"My lease is up in two months."
"You didn't want to live on the East Coast."
Pierre pushes himself up to sitting now, thinking about how to respond, wanting it to be right. "I don't want to live on the West Coast without you. That's more important to me."
Charles tugs his hand free of Pierre's and chews on his thumbnail, looking at his knees and Pierre allows him to work through it in his mind.
"You're going to have to sell your car." Charles says, "Parking in this building is shit and we don't need two."
Pierre glances over at the clock on Charles' side of the bed - Charles' side of the bed - and he sees they have 3.5 hours now. He decides they should celebrate this decision with a long morning romp, and he sees the second Charles understands what he's thinking and smiles.
"I love you," Charles says and Pierre doesn't have to say it back with words as he slides his hand around his waist and leans in.
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xdarkestdesirex · 5 months
When Faith Meets Juvenile - Chap 3.5
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This is a Dale Holt x reader story. There's no (y/n) insert. I'm just avoiding the use of the reader's name, and it is female-based. There are hints of physical appearance but nothing in-depth.
This writing contains highly sensitive content like violence, drugs, the use of weapons, abuse, mental illness, hostage situations, talk of suicide, religious abuse, smut, and other mature themes. Reader discretion is advised. MUST BE 18+ TO INTERACT.
I do not allow anyone to copy, alter, or repost my work as their own.
2193-word count
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Dales POV
I got woken up this morning by Tyler pushing me awake. My head pounded from all the beers I drank last night. I swatted at the guy towering over me and pulled my covers over my head. But he just ripped them off, exposing my almost naked body underneath. 
“Get up. We have work to do.” Tyler’s voice was low and demanding. 
I put my hand in his face and flipped him off. The last thing I wanted to do was get up early and work. But I did despite my raging hangover. I wore a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and old work boots. When I exited my bedroom, I saw Pa slung back in a recliner with his hat covering his face. He must’ve come home late last night, so Ma made him sleep in the living room. It was his punishment if he was wasting his nights gambling. I quietly snuck past him and slid out the door. I walked a little ways away to where a barn sat on our property. The building was unused and run down, but we’ve been fixing it for the past year. Our Pa was the one who started it and bossed us around on what to do, but lately, he’s been gone for days on end, leaving all the work to us. Now Tyler is the one bossing us around. Though I would rather it be his ass telling me what to do than our old man. 
We had a radio hooked up to a few speakers, and we blasted music as we worked. The sun beat down on us, creating droplets of sweat on my body. We’ve been outside for a few hours and are progressing slowly. With Tyler and I doing the work, things don’t get done as quickly. Jay offers to help, and we let him, but the poor kid isn’t handy with tools. So Tyler only lets him help when he’s in a good mood. It would be good to have him out here with us every day. The only way he’s going to learn is by doing it. I reached into my back pocket to pull out a pack of smokes to see I only had one left. I put the end of the cigarette to my lips and lit it up. Instantly, the nicotine calmed the jitters I was starting to feel. 
We finished our work for the day and headed back to the house. To my surprise, Pa was still in the house. He had the refrigerator door open and was bent over, looking for something. I knew he was looking for his leftover beers from a few days ago. The ones I drank last night. 
“Who the fuck took my beers?” Pa questioned, his voice stern. 
“Who cares? You weren’t home to drink them.” Tyler said. He saw me take one last night and warned me against it, but at the time, my want to get drunk was more than worrying about my ass getting beat. 
“You probably drank them and forgot,” I said. I know it isn’t a good idea to provoke Pa, but sometimes the words flow out of my mouth without thinking.
“I bet you took them,” My Pa said, stepping closer to me.
I puffed my chest out, ready to start a fight with him, “I didn’t touch your fuckin’ beers!” I spat. Before I knew it, my Pa’s first was swinging in the air, colliding with my eye, knocking me to the floor. Tyler stepped up, getting between Pa and me, pushing the older man towards the door.
“Get out now!” He yelled. 
“You can’t kick me out of my own damn house!” All the yelling dragged our younger brother out of his room. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” His soft voice broke the chaos. 
“Nothing, I was just leaving.” Our Pa said, fixing his vest as he stepped out the door. 
I stayed there on the ground, recapping what happened in my head. Sitting up, I reach for my back pocket again, looking for my cigarettes to remember I don’t have any left. I rip the empty pack out of my jeans and throw them across the room, “Fuck!”
“Hey, Bro, why don’t we go to the store?” Jay asks.
“I ain’t got any money.” I slump back onto the ground. My eye was beginning to throb. 
“I can buy your cigarettes.” The younger boy stares down at me. The kid is too kind for this family. 
We get into the truck, and I drive us to the mini-mart. Before we entered the store, Jay gave me the cash I needed for my smokes. I didn’t bother looking around; I only wanted a stick between my lips, giving me a slight high to take the edge off. Once I got what I came here for, I returned to the truck and lit my cigarette while waiting for Jay to finish. I glanced at the review mirror to see a familiar figure looking at the truck. My heart stopped for a second when the figure started walking towards me. When she stopped not too far from the truck, she stood there for a minute, and I had to fight to hold back a chuckle. 
“You just gonna stand there and stare at me, Doll?” I said, blowing out more smoke. Her uneasy voice made it hard not to look and see her embarrassed face, “Did you want something?” I turned my head to finally look at the girl I hadn’t seen in a few months. She wore a long floral print dress over a white tee and a pair of white Converse. Her backpack was slung over her shoulder, looking like it would bust at the seams. Her eyebrows furrowed together, and she took a few careful steps towards me. For a second, I was confused about what would warrant that look, and then I remembered the reason why I was here in the first place. To get smokes to calm my nerves from my Pa hitting me. Shame washed over me, and I could feel my face harden. The last thing I want is for her to know what happened and get pity over it.
“Are you okay?” She said while reaching out to my face. I wouldn’t hesitate to have her slender and soft fingers touch my skin at any other moment, but right now, I just wanted her to back off. So I pushed her hand away from me before it could make contact with my broken skin. 
“It’s none of your fucking business.” I took another drag from my cigarette. She stumbled backward, and a flash of hurt glazed over her eyes. For that split second, it was tempting to grumble out an apology, but why the fuck would I care about hurting her feelings? I was getting angry at the thought of caring and more furious by the second while watching her fumble around with things in her bag. Then I was shocked when she handed me a piece of paper with her phone number. I could only stare at the numbers, dumbfounded over what was happening. Wasn’t she upset? She wants me to call her if I need to talk? Before I could even comprehend a thought, she walked away. My eyes shifted back and forth from watching her leave to the paper in my hands.
“Who was that?” Jay’s voice ripped me out of my trance. 
“Nobody!” I responded faster than I should have and shoved the paper into my pocket. Jay didn’t question me further and silently sat as I smoked the rest of my cigarette. I snuffed it out on the dash and threw it out of the window into the street. 
I spent the past hour and a half pacing back and forth in my room. Jay left to explore the forest like usual, so I didn’t have to worry about him lying in bed across from mine and watching me have this mental dilemma. She just gave me her number. Do I call her tonight? Should I wait a few days? It would be weird to call her after being rude to her. But that means I must call her and apologize for how I acted. Fuck! I’m not supposed to care about that! I grabbed my black Motorola phone and the keys to the truck. I needed to drive somewhere, clear my head, and take a private call. It doesn’t matter where I am, in the house or on the property; someone would manage to interrupt me and hound me on who I’m talking to. As soon as the truck starts, I whip out of the driveway and fly down the road. I rolled the windows down, allowing the wind to hit my face. I’m making sure not to go too far over the speed limit because if I get pulled over, it’s back to the cell for me. I found an empty parking lot close to town, so my phone is still in service. I pulled out the crumbled paper shoved into my pocket, and taking a deep breath, I punched in the numbers scribbled before me. After three rings, I hear a voice on the other end. 
“Hello?” A woman’s voice spoke on the other end that I wasn’t familiar with. I almost hung up, thinking she gave me the wrong number when I remembered what she told me.
“Hi, I’m working on a project,” 
“Oh! Luca, right?” The woman’s voice cut me off, “My daughter was just telling me about your project!” 
“Uh, yes, I’m Luca,” I paused momentarily. What if she’s expecting some dude named Luca to call her? “Is she available right now?” Fuck it, I’m just going with it.
“Yes! Of course! Let me get her!” This lady on the other end is way too excited. A minute goes by, and I hear muffled voices on the other end of the phone. It goes quiet for another minute, and I’m scared she hung up. When finally, the sound of her voice flowed through my ear.
“Hello?” She spoke softly.
“Uh, hey, it’s Dale,” my voice came out stiffly. “I hope you weren’t expecting some Luca guy to call you.” I heard her giggle on the other end, causing my cheeks to tingle with heat.
“No, I was expecting you. I had to come up with some guy in my class to tell my mother so she wouldn’t be suspicious.” Right, I thought, because telling her Ma she’s talking to me wouldn’t be a good idea. “I wasn’t expecting you to call me so soon,” She spoke again.
“I wanted to apologize for being rude earlier. I had a shitty day, so I was in a shitty mood.” I picked at the loose fabric on the truck seats. 
“I forgive you, but maybe next time, just let me know you’re having a crappy day?” 
“Doll, I can’t promise that,” I said, pulling a string from the spot beside me. I can’t imagine myself ever holding my anger back. I always lash out before thinking; sometimes, my thoughts are so dark they cloud my judgment. 
“I didn’t ask for you to promise me,” Her voice dripped in hot sauce, which surprised me.
“Damn, look at you being spicy.” I chuckle into the phone and hear her soft laugh blend into mine.
“S-sorry,” she paused to regain her composure. “What I mean is, all you have to do is try.” 
“I might be able to do that.” Wait, what did I just say? I barely know this girl, and she already has me agreeing to try to be a better person. I quickly changed the topic, so we’re not talking about me anymore. “You ever think about breaking the rules?” I deadpan myself. This girl is trying to make a saint out of me, and the first thing I can think of asking her is if she thinks about breaking the rules. A deep sigh comes from her end, and I can just hear the lecture coming on already.
“I often think about doing things that would get me in trouble, but honestly, my parents scare me too much.” Even over the phone, I can tell her voice has shifted into sadness.
“Do you want to take a risk?”
“What kind of risk?” 
“Hang out with me tonight,” I’m not sure what the hell I’m thinking, but it would be nice to take her driving. To just keep her out later than curfew and see how she is when she lets loose.
“Tonight!?” Her voice squeaks, “I-I don’t know.”
“All you have to do is sneak out, and I’ll meet you in the truck right outside the cul-de-sac.” 
“What would we even do?” Her voice is quiet.
“Drive around blasting music, find a field, and yell at the stars.” Something simple for her first rule-breaking, “And I’ll make sure you’re back before the sun comes up.” There was a long pause on her end until she finally said,
“Okay, what time should I meet you?” 
And this is the moment she started changing my life.
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I honestly could've kept chapters 3 and 3.5 together as one full chapter like I originally had them, but I felt like separating them to make it more exciting, lol (Is it more exciting?). Be ready for some more romance in the next chapter! But only a sprinkle, maybe 👀. Everything in this story is a bit of a slow burn, so feelings are developing, but it'll take a while to really go somewhere. Then being intimate is a slow burn, too, but hey, those baby steps will be steamy (yes reader is 18+ when smut happens) 🥵. With that being said, if you're not 18+ (As stated at the beginning of every chapter), please don't interact with this story! AND, one last thing, this all does lead up to the robbery and hostage situation at the motel. But will this be a happy ending? Or will it end just like the game?
Oh and don’t judge me for the “dripped in hot sauce” her tone was spicy so that’s the best way to describe it, lol!
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karmatheprowlthra · 7 months
Apologies if today's post sounds like insane rambling. 3.5 hours of sleep and a long day of the army ruining my mood have not been fantastic for my mental health x3 Today I think I'm gonna talk about Karma's main snak Space! He was mentioned in the last post under the name Vasya, so if you're confused, don't you worry! Since it's a long post, I'm gonna put it under a cut x3
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This is Vasya Kayashi! His nickname is Space because he has ADHD and has a lot of trouble focusing on any specific subject for too long. You could say he spaces out *wheeze* Okay sorry, bad joke. Space stands at 5'9" or 1.75 meters tall. He weighs about 170lbs, mostly muscle and a lil bit of chub (he cuddly boi :3). He is a sand cat, particularly known as a Runecian sand cat because that's where he is from. Like Karma, he (and everyone else in my worldbuilding) has a different anatomy than you might see most of the time, but lacks most of the abilities that the bigger felines like Karma have. Space, like Karma, is a soldier by trade! Being much smaller, he is far less aggressive than his large companion, but also far more methodic with his work. While Karma uses his strength to outright destroy his enemies, Space prefers to engage them from medium distance, or in ambush attacks.
Space's personality is a blend between introvert and extrovert. If he gets to know you well, he will happily talk your ear off about both his favorite subjects and yours. He loves to hear about the stories and things that people create, and enthusiastically encourages you to make the best that you can! However, if he doesn't know you well, he'll be very hesitant to engage in a conversation. He hates talking to authority figures aside from Karma, it gives him butterflies in his tummy.
Space is fond of video games, indoor rock climbing, writing and playfully fighting with others. He also enjoys betting, particularly with small prizes like who pays for dinner one night while everyone is on leave! He strongly dislikes tomatoes, excessive amounts of melted cheese, useless military regulation and running. Space was raised in the suburbs of his desert city and lived a relatively sheltered life. He decided at 17 years old that the military life was something he wanted to pursue and enlisted, joining the new specialized corps that were being introduced at the time. By sheer luck, he was assigned under Karma's leadership! The big feline quickly took Space under his wing, adopting him as a tiny and protecting him fiercely (I have some cute art I will share soon :3). At 19 years old, Space has served dutifully for upwards of two years. He has had many close calls that flare Karma's protective instincts, most notable of which was an encounter with an IED that left a deep scar over Space's right eye. The little sand cat was traumatized by the event, but ultimately recovered thanks to Karma's comforting and some quick medical treatment. Space is Karma's go-to snak for multiple reasons, among them being:
Space is a very tasty boi
Space needs comforting and seeks out Karma almost nightly, resulting in him having more belly time than every other Karma snak combined. The warmth and soft cozy flesh feel like a very comfortable weighted blanket to him, and he cozies right up without a care in the world :3
Space likes to squirm and massage Karma's soft tum from the inside, knowing how Karma enjoys internal belly rubs
Space is by far the least likely to complain if Karma eats him unwarranted. Even annoyance will quickly dissolve into purrs and nuzzles once he relaxes into the warm soft fleshy muscle!
That's about it for a simple description! Feel free to ask questions if you wish :3
(Important note! None of my characters respond well to teasing, and any preyish characters tend to be prey only to my other characters unless I know whoever wishes to do the nomming thoroughly! Please get to know me first if you wish to nom/be nommed by anyone uwu Also please refrain from making comments regarding these characters too vorish, I don't know exactly how to respond-)
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unpickled-olive · 9 months
brain is healing
I've always been depressed, but before grad school, I had interests. I was teaching myself woodworking, building things, drawing plans, and restoring rusty hand planes. I had bought my first ever digital microphone and was recording (bad) music. I was practicing the violin on a semi-regular basis.
I also had hyperfixations. I always loved the experience of being obsessed with something for a few weeks at a time, even if I felt empty when the feeling passed. Spending three weeks learning about homesteading, or being a travel therapist, or rollerskating, or learning Arabic.
Grad school wasn't a decision I made out of passion but out of necessity. After getting my Bachelor's in Linguistics (not a hireable degree but an extremely interesting one), I went as far I could with entry-level jobs before going broke and having a mental breakdown. So I decided that if I couldn't find a job I was passionate about, I would get one that where I could 1. decently support myself, 2. do something meaningful for others, and 3. have the freedom to pursue passions outside of work. My dream job became one where I worked 3.5 days a week.
The conclusion was to build upon my background in linguistics and go into healthcare via speech-language pathology.
But when grad school started, I noticed how quickly all of my passion evaporated. Over night, there was suddenly no more planning, drawing, violin-making.
From week 2 to week 100 of school, I didn't have any thoughts about it. I was emotionally drained and too busy to think about enjoying life. I felt like I'd sold my soul for a stable job and when summer and, winter breaks didn't allow me to do anything but sleep, I figured I would be like that forever.
The one creative thing I did that entire time was write a short little sci-fi story. While trying to read a research paper in the student lounge, I suddenly had an idea and deleted the notes I was taking. For three hours, I did nothing but sit there and type. But due to how inundated in academia I was, it was both super morbid (a story about how Earth is the only planet where life degrades and dies due to ageing) and super academic (it took the form of a research paper written by horrified alien observers). I was so in that world that the only thing I could write had an abstract, an intro, a methodology, a results section, and a discussion.
I'm currently 4 months free of grad school (I say like I'm in recovery), and I've noticed that passion and interest are slowly dripping back into my life. I've spent the last few days reading about Proto-Indo-Europeans, just for fun. I read a BOOK. I'm contemplating building an English joiner's bench. I'm even motivated enough to post something personal on a blog no one will ever read.
These days, learning feels like it takes more effort than it did before. I have this feeling that there isn't room in my brain for any more things, so I shouldn't get too excited. It feels like that, and like the inertia of not having exercised in so long. But I notice this feeling lessening with each month.
This is all to say: grad school couldn't kill my soul forever—it could only kill it for two and a half years.
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