#had to ask my partner on telling this before answering and well they definitely don't mind but yes all that happened
nocturnal-birb · 6 months
hey birb! could I ask how you met your partner? I am genuinely curious how people get together these days.
It's not really something to talk much since I met my partner like almost 10 years ago and we've been best friends since then and counting but nothing going on- just platonic friend stuff until well Good Omens s2 happened and vavoom!
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
A Swing and a Miss
Crazy golf with the boys
Landoscar x reader
I'm in such a landoscar//poly-fic mood rn (pls send me thoughts/requests/recs)
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"I'm gonna kick your asses," Lando said to Y/N and Oscar as they approached the first hole.
F1 drivers were insanely competitive, both on and off the track. Y/N should have realised they were going to all be in competition together when she suggested crazy golf to blow off some steam.
It was a sunny day, a seaside town. The crazy golf place had way too many different themes, from animal safari to pirates cove and the Jurassic age. There were at least twenty five holes, all of them spiralling out away from a bar that sat in the middle. This was shaping up to be a fun day.
Oscar went first, since it was his rookie season. It had taken Y/N a hot minute to convince Lando to let him go first. The golfer was buzzing - Y/N had to wrap her arm around his waist to keep him there.
The first hole was in the animal safari part of the course. It was incredibly simple, with it being the first hole and all. There were no obstacles, just a couple of plastic lions to the side.
Oscar was no golfer. Lando watched in pain as he missed the hole again, and again, and again. It should have been an easy whole in one (at least for Lando).
"Oh, Osc," Y/N laughed at she wrote a five on the score card. "Baby, that was..."
"Shut up," he groaned as he strode back over, letting an impatient Lando began his turn. "I don't spend my my spare time golfing, like you nerds."
Y/N snorted as she wrote down Lando's very low score. "We're not nerds, Oscar. We're civilised."
It was Landos turn to snort. "Sure we are, cupcake." He smacked her ass as she walked up to the hole, taking the score card from her hands.
Y/N did it in two easy shots and the three moved onto the next hole. For this one, you had to hit it through a snakes mouth for it to come out in the ideal place.
Again, Oscar went first. Again, Oscar did terribly. The Aussie was was visibly tense as he walked back over to his partners.
As Lando took his go, Y/N pit her things down and placed her hands on Oscars broad shoulders. "Baby, relax," she said as she rubbed. "You're all stiff and locked up. You need to be loosey goosey, baby. Loosey goosey."
Loosey goosey. Oscar could do loosey goosey. He watched Y/N (there was no point watching Lando, who took golf way too seriously. He played much more than Y/N and, when they played together, they didn't get much golf done). He watched as she played down her pink golf ball and swung.
Her ball went straight through the snake and out the other side, appearing just beside the hole. When Oscar had tried he'd hit the side of the opening several times before giving up and hitting around it.
For the next few holes, Oscar was still trying to get into the swing of things. He was doing better, definitely, but he was still oh so many points behind Y/N and Lando.
"Drinks?" Lando suggested as they finished the safari section of the golf course.
He left Y/N and Oscar as the first of the jurassic holes as he went to get them drinks. Only beer that'll last them most of the course. When he walked back over Y/N had her hands wrapped around Oscar, helping him to putt. It was an adorable site, one Lando couldn't take his eyes off of.
Not only adorable. It was funny, too. Lando was taller and broader than Y/N, who was having a hard time wrapping her arms around him.
"We're not telling Lando about this, right?" He asked as he watched his ball roll into the hole.
"Of course not," Y/N replied and she reached up to kiss him.
Lando stood back for a moment, letting them have their moment. As Oscar pulled away from her he stepped forward, placing the drinks on a barrel beside the hole. "You two having fun?" He asked as he set himself up to take his shot.
"Yep," Y/N answered, her voice a higher pitch than usual. "Yep, did it in three shots as well. All on his own."
Oscars elbow hit Y/Ns arm, giving her a soft jab to tell her to shut up. But, when Lando laughed, he realised he knew. Lando knew what they had done. And he wasn't saying anything.
As Y/N took her go, Lando wrapped his arms around Oscar. Even with their height difference, Lando was always stood behind Oscar, holding him that way. The boys watched as Y/N hit the golf ball towards the hole.
The three of them drank their beers as they moved from hole to hole. When they moved from the jurassic section to the pirate seconds, Y/N let Oscar carry her golf club as she jumped on Landos back. "Thanks, Lan," she said and kissed his cheek as he walked.
When Lando put her down, he demanded a proper one, not just one on the cheek. And then he insisted she give Oscar a kiss for good luck.
Towards the last four holes, the competition got fierce. There was cheating involved, Lando using his foot to block their balls and Y/N hitting their balls into the shallow water that surrounded the holes.
The day was a day full of joy and laughter. There was a point where Oscar wrapped his arms around Y/N and lifted her up just before she took her shot.
"And our loser is," Y/N began as soon as they had finished the last hole and given back their clubs. "Oscar Piastri!" She called and clapped.
"Well done, Osc," said Lando as he kissed the side of his head.
"Yeah, yeah," Oscar muttered as he turned his head to kiss him properly.
Y/N cleared her throat, regaining the boys attention as she read out the next score. "In second place we have me," she said as the strode forward to give her a kiss on each cheek. And then she got a proper kiss from each of them.
"And the winner is Lando! But, seriously, did we expect any difference."
"No," Lando said as he grinned. He two got kissed by his boyfriend and his girlfriend. To celebrate properly, the day was filled with whatever Lando wanted to do. Which meant more golf, a nice dinner and a night in the bedroom, without much sleeping.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Girlies End
Previous Chapters: One Two Three Choose Another Ending
Jamil's phone had been non stop ringing for the past ten minutes. Which was unfortunate, because he was trying to take notes for Kalim, who would definitely forget everything the cat was telling them.
"Our next step will be to have you slowly work your way into Y/N and my daily routine," Grim pointed a yardstick at step three on the whiteboard he was standing in front of. "Recommendations include, offering to buy my tuna, buying me regular gifts, purchasing necessities we need around Ramshackle, like a new deluxe mattress, or deluxe slippers, or carpeting so that I don't need the slippers. Really, you can just use your imagination here."
"What about a new diamond choker, that's super shiny, so Y/N always knows where you are?" Kalim asked excitedly.
"That's brilliant! It's ideas like that that prove you're the perfect match for Y/N!"
Jamil would normally have been livid. But he knew that someone like you would quickly see that Kalim wasn't as complex an individual as you needed. And he would be right there for you to fall for…
And if not…well…he'd gotten quite good at controlling his signature spell. He couldn't say he hadn't warned Grim. He was practically begging him to do it at this point!
"Will you please deal with that buzzing? Kalim and I can't think!" Grim suddenly shouted at Jamil, as his phone rang for the umpteenth time.
He scowled, before muttering a "be right back" and answering the phone in the hallway.
"What?" He snapped.
He quickly apologized upon hearing his mother's voice.
"I was just wondering if Najma was settling in all right?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Jamil asked, completely confused.
"Well, she said you had a guest room all set for her, but I just wanted to make sure she was comfy, and that you were both behaving."
"Wait, Najma is here?" Jamil had a terrible, horrible, feeling in his gut that he knew where she was. 
"She said she saw you-"
"You're right mom, sorry, I've been overwhelmed lately and just got confused for a moment." It was a terrible excuse, he just had to hope his mother would accept it.
"Alright, just make sure you get some rest. Tell Najma I love her, and to be good!"
He breathed a sigh of relief as she hung up the phone. Then he made a beeline to Ramshackle.
The door was cracked when he got there, so he just walked right in. And the first thing he saw was Najma making out with you, heavily, on the couch.
He cleared his throat, and Najma looked up, startled, before bursting into laughter. Confused, you looked up and covered your face with your hands.
He watched as you looked flustered, and mumbled nonsense as though trying to explain yourself. Najma just looked smug.
"Sup buttface?" she said.
"Jamil, I can explain!" You said.
"Nah, he knows now, babe, might as well tell him," Najma said, gently caressing your cheek. She turned back to Jamil.
"Y/N and I have been dating ever since they came to visit a couple months ago. We didn't tell you cause we knew you'd flip out."
"I-gah-I'm not flipping out! But why would you do this?!?!?"
You shrunk deeper into the couch, looking at Najma like she would protect you from Jamil's yelling. Najma continued to look smug, even in the face of danger.
"You're totally flipping out. But it's cool. I know it's cause you're jealous that I landed a hottie like Y/N, and you're gonna die miserable and alone."
Jamil frustratedly ran his hands through his hair.
"Najma…Y/N…gah! Y/N, you like girls?" 
"Yes," you whispered.
"Yeah, Y/N likes girls, now get out of here so I can keep making out with my partner," Najma didn't even wait for him to react, she just grabbed your face and resumed kissing you.
"Y/N, tell Jamil to stop being a little freak, so I can keep kissing you," Najma said poutily against your neck.
You opened your mouth to respond, but Jamil cut you off.
"I'm leaving! Sevens, if mom asks me if I've seen you though, I'm ratting you out."
Najma flipped him off as he left.
Once he exited the building, he leaned against the outer wall and groaned. Leave it to his sister to ruin everything he'd spent months planning. He shouldn't have even been surprised.
Oh well, he'd let you tell Grimm that he wouldn't spend his life living like a millionaire at the Asim household.
The End
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
What They Text You: Applies to any...cause they're all a bunch of dorky teens and i dont care what anyone says.
• look at my new plant
• would you like to have tea tomorrow?
• you look so pretty 😍 leo you cant see me and? i bet you do
• am i really an old man???? 😭😭😭
• be honest, do you think raph can beat me in an arm wrestle? if you dont answer in 5 minutes, i will assume it's yes and i will prove you wrong.
• good morning honey. have a wonderful day today! ❤️
• are you still mad at me...? LEO YOU SET MY MICROWAVE ON FIRE. so is that a yes?
• have you eaten yet? you need to eat...and drink something other than (your favorite drink)
• i got benched because i can't stop throwing up. i'm fine! leo...you threw up blood literally 10 minutes ago. it was only a little 🙄
• i'm in desperate need of a kiss right now.
• check out my new katanas
• remember that i love you 🥰🥰❤️
• for the last time, i wont download tik tok. you know how bad i hyperfixate 😠
• stop playing candy crush and pay attention to me
• keep it up and you won't get the knots worked out of your shoulders.
• mikey just called me a boomer...i feel like i should be offended. you are a boomer. I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
• y/n, i love you, but for the love of god, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR SOCKS.
• *drunk* im in a relationship why do i have your name as my love cause my girl/boyfriend/partner will definitely not like that and i dont know who you are but they will kick your ass and i dont even feel sorry cause you arent love leo...you're drunk. NO IM TAKEN
• call me cause i would like to hear about your day and i miss you
• i love you my love ❤️
• come watch me bench im bored
• can you please come get mikey before i hit him?
• wear that giant sweatshirt to our date. ya look adorable in it
• why did you ask donnie to help you with your homework?? um...cause it's about neurons and receptors in the brain. i could've helped with google! 😒
• hey babe. how was your day? ❤️
• have i ever told you how beautiful you are? what did you do. nothing...? i just think you're beautiful. raphael. fine..i broke casey's nose. AGAIN!?!
• i'm so tired...wanna come nap with me?
• facetime me so i can show you this cool trick spike can do
• remember how i said i was going to be more level headed? well donnie's new robot almost broke my arm and it's no more. you lasted 1 day more than the last time.
• *you sent a selfie* yeahhhh that's my baby 😍😍
• eat or im fighting you.
• jokes on you ive always been completely unhinged and it's bold of you to think i cant be worse.
• im sick. can you bring me some soup? 😣
• i miss you like a lot and i hate when you're gone
• i love you a whole lot 😘
• im just gonna start carrying you everywhere if you dont stop tripping over NOTHING. im just gonna trip harder. Y/N NO.
• mikey said we're his parents just an fyi. he's always been my son
• i made waffles. you better come eat some
• damn babe you're fine 🤤
• no i wont do your homework for you
• tell shelldon to stop talking back to me before i ground him for eternity
• im in a house of IDIOTS. technically it's a lair. not now y/n.
• you look like a pile of swans in that sweater 🥰
• i can't sleep. wanna play online scrabble?
• sweetie you need to eat more than a bag of gummy worms and a bag of doritos
• you need to come sit with me while i work because i need an extra set of eyes. you just miss me 😏 don't start.
• don't call a plumber! i know how to fix the sink. i got this 😎 donnie the pipe exploded the last time you "had" this.
• *you sent a selfie* you look nice
• im gonna blow up. a person, a thing, a place, all of the above? yes.
• you need to drink straight broth, it'll help soothe your stomach ache
• im dying. you have a cold.
• i love you but please stop trying to assemble ikea furniture on your own.
• good luck on your exams/work project! 😘
• leo just called me an asparagus. i didn't know how to respond so his phone will self destuct in 5 minutes. DONNIE.
• you're so pretty 🥺
• i made you something and you have to come get it right now. im literally about to have my wisdom teeth out. reschedule it
• listen to the playlist i made you or else im disabling your pirated tv show service
• thanks for listening to me 💜
• babe come snuggle with me
• i made you brownies so come eat them with me while we watch crognard
• i haven't seen you in so long 😭 you saw me this morning. BUT THAT WAS HOURS AGO
• angelcakessssss i love you
• look at this cat video i found
• are you awake? mikey it's 3 am. good, so would you still love me if i was a worm? go to sleep.
• i bet you look like a cuddly bear today 🥰
• im so hungry. can you bring me ice cream?
• raph wont stop being mean to me. can you beat him up? cause a (your height) tall human can beat a 6ft turtle's ass 😑 i believe in you.
• im coming over with my new call of duty game and we're having a game a thon!
• i found a cat. mikey no. his name is gerald. MIKEY WE ALREADY HAVE 10 OF THEM. HALF ARE NAMED GERALD.
• i made you a mixtape i cant wait for you to hear it
• how mad would you be if i crashed the shell razor in a derby and broke my arm? very. then i did not do that.
• im sick. come help me feel better 😭
• call me cause april just told me something about casey that's wild
• i found this cool rock that i think you'll like
• it's so cool i can date you. you're for real the coolest. you broke my coffee table again didn't you? no...maybe.
• im bringing you lunch cause my baby needs to eat!
• this song reminds me of you 💕
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halucynator · 10 months
Hi can I get a imagine about Theodore Nott?
Okay so reader and (duh!) theodore are partners in potion’s class. Both slytherin. They are making the potion Amortentia (see where I’m going with this?), they sniff it, and then challenge the other to drink it making them infatuated with each other. Reader already has feelings for Theo since second year but never knew theo felt the same but since he’s a guy and guys act macho and tough, he pretends the feelings are only because of the potion towards their friends (only Pansy (our bff!) knows about our feelings towards Theo). Ending it with a confession of feelings and a truck load of smut?
If you don’t do smut, a fluffy ending please
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, confessions, shouting (like barely)
A/n: first of all, thanks for the request, I love it! Sorry this was so late x I kinda forgot about the fact that I finished it because I thought I posted it so sorry xx I also didn't give it a smutty ending (sorry!) Because I suck at writing smut. My reason before used to be bc I was uncomfortable but idrgaf anymore. It's just cause I suck at it and dont wanna disappoint you xx hope you like it 🩷
Also to all the other people who requested: I see your request xx I'm going to take some time to write it to do it justice xx
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You stumbled into Snape's potion class, knowing you were late. In your defense... you had none.
You sat down next to Theo, your good friend, after being told off by Snape.
"Today we'll be making amortentia. Can anyone tell me what an amortentia potion is?" Snape directed the question to the class.
Hermione raised her hand. Of course she did. Snape nodded towards her, gesturing her to continue.
"It's one of the strongest love potions rumoured to smell differently for each person." She answered.
"Correct. Now to make this potion you're going to need the following ingredients." Snape went on about the ingredients. After a while, he finally told you to make it.
As you stirred the potion, the smell of white musk, violets and faint smoke enveloped your senses. The smell of... Theo.
"God you definitely did not cut back on your vanilla perfume today y/n." Theo stated.
You just stared at him waiting for him to realise.
"There's no way!" Theo said as he realised.
"Only one way to find out." You said.
He raised an eyebrow as a gesture to continue.
"Drink it." You say.
"drink it." You repeat.
"if I drink it, you will have to too."
"okay, deal."
You knew you would regret it but it was already too late as you had already gulped down the potion.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
The next few hours were... traumatising (to say the least) for your friends.
Around other people you could pretend you were only flirting with Theo because you drank the potion. Other people except Pansy.
Pansy knew you liked him. Well, in your defense you never really told her. She was your best friend and you were going to eventually tell her but she guessed even before you could.
With the potion, you couldn't tell if Theo actually liked you or was just pretending. That's what he told all his friends. But in all fairness, so did you and that didn't necessarily mean it was true. He said he was infatuated with you because of the potion but you so desperately hopes he actually liked you. And the stupid potion wasn't helping.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
"You need to tell him!" Pansy said as you walked around her room telling her how you're ere contemplating if he liked you or not.
"What if he rejects me?" You ask, worried.
"Pfft have you seen him? He is so in love with you." She says.
"It could just be the potion!" You stated.
"You don't get it, do you? I mean before he drank it. He acted love struck then as well!" She said.
"What? No he didn't. He had a girlfriend at that time. And he wa making out with her. And doing... other stuff." You said disgusted.
"Guys tend to try and impress the person they like. He literally acted tough around you. All the time." Pansy said.
"I guess there's only one way to find out." You stated sighing as you gave in.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
You marched into the common room with Pansy write behind you making sure you don't change your mind.
"Theo can I talk to you?" You ask politely.
"Uh, yeah." He said.
As you walked out with him you just kinda said it.
"I like you. I've liked you for ages and it's okay if you don't like me back. You aren't inclined to. I smelled you in the potion and I never told you and I just felt that if I told you it would ruin our friendship and I didn't-" your words were cut short as Theo placed his lips against yours.
"Did you kiss me to get me to shut up? Wise choice." You said as you pulled away.
"Yeah that's one reason." He said giggling.
"What's the other reason?" You asked.
"Why do people usually kiss?" He answered you with a question.
"I know I just wanted to hear you say it." You said blushing slightly.
"I like you too." He said genuinely meaning it. You knew that wasn't the potion.
"Now can I kiss you again?" He asked.
"I'd like that very much." You said.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
Thanks for reading! This was on the back burner for a while and I kinda forgot about it bc I thought I posted it so sorry about that xx hope you liked it 💖
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denwritesandcries · 7 months
Heart Stealer – Shauna Shipman
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Pairing: shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: In which Shauna Shipman steals not only your favorite pen during class, but your heart too.
Word count: 3,4k.
Content: no crash!AU, cursing, suggestive, fluff, mutual pining, making out, weird teenagers who don’t know how to communicate, everyone hating on jeff (as they should).
Note: This is basically 3,4k words of reader simping over Shauna.
English is not my first language.
You're not sure when exactly you started noticing her, like really noticing her, but now you can't stop. It's like there's a part of your brain dedicated to cataloging every little detail about Shauna Shipman that you can find.
Maybe it was that time in english class when she turned to the side and shyly asked you to borrow a pen without looking in your eyes. Until then, you had never paid enough attention to your surroundings to know that she always sat next to you.
Anyway, you give her your favorite blue pen without giving it much thought, but when class is over Shauna just puts her own things away and leaves without giving you a second glance.
A week passes and it's as if she hasn't spoken to you; Shauna doesn't give your pen back, which is a bit rude, but you buy a new one – it's not the same, that pen was really good – and start paying a little more attention to her after that.
‘Cause damn, she's a really pretty pen thief.
You don't quite understand why she keeps it, she doesn't use it; That's one of the first things you notice, that she doesn't write with blue ink, just basic black.
Whatever, you won't bother her for that, admiring the way her hair falls over her shoulders during class is much more worth it.
That's probably when it was then, because after that you start to notice her everywhere you didn't before, red flannels catching your eye in the hallways. You find yourself learning things without even realizing it, recording everything you come to adore about Shauna Shipman; the way she wrinkles her nose when she doesn't understand a question on the test, how she always keeps her voice low when talking to people or how she's the first to raise her hand to answer what the english teacher asks in class just because she wants to show that she knows.
You swear you're not a stalker at all. The fact that she probably doesn't even know about your existence isn’t relevant. Are you a little obsessed, though? Yes, definitely.
It was just a silly crush then, that is, until your cousin Jeff started dating the captain of the football team, Jackie Taylor.
Jackie is good, great in fact; too good for Jeff who could be extremely clueless most of the time, but that doesn't matter, they are together and everyone at school knows that wherever Jackie Taylor goes Shauna Shipman is right behind, you can't have one without the other. So you start hanging out with both of them by extension, because as much as an idiot Jeff is, he manages to be a pretty bearable cousin – most of the time –, as well as being your ride home.
The four of you end up forming a little group with a really weird dynamic that works to a certain extent; with Jackie-Shauna being Jackie-Shauna, you and Jeff annoying each other every chance you get, Jeff and Shauna ignoring each other's existence, Jackie being really sweet to you – not really a change since she's your lab partner since the beginning of the year – and you and Shauna hardly ever speaking, but still side by side so you don’t third wheel whenever Jeff and Jackie go out.
That last part doesn't work well as much as the rest, not for you, at least.
You all end up hanging out a lot, which means Shauna is now everywhere, not just in the hallways or the class you share, she's really everywhere and boy, you are fucked.
You go with Jeff to the football games so he can cheer on Jackie – it sucks having to rely on the ride – and Shauna, of course, is there. She's the fastest of the Yellowjackets, you can tell, because your eyes can't stop searching the field for a second when you're in the stands. She is the fastest and is not afraid to face when someone from the other team says or does something stupid during the game, her face red and sweaty from the activity.
One day Shauna curses the game referee who dares to give her a red card for punching – and breaking – the nose of a girl who made fun of Jackie for committing a foul during the second half. She manages to do this without screaming at any point, which ends up being the thing that surprises you the most.
She doesn't look guilty at all as she puffs out her chest and lifts her chin at the girl with the bloody nose and makes her way back to the locker room; all you can do is stare at the whole thing with your jaw dropped because no one should have the ability to look that good after beating someone like that.
Shauna must feel your stupefied gaze on her, because when she turns around, her brow is furrowed and her big brown eyes stare at you with a mix of irritation and confusion: “And what are you looking at?” she asks.
You immediately steps back, because Shauna Shipman may be hot, but she's also scary as fuck. “N-nothing!”
If she didn't think you were weird before, she certainly does now.
You were right about that, now Shauna is the one staring at you. She stares a lot, all the time. You think she doesn't care that you know that, but she looks away whenever you look back at her anyway. It's strange and makes you nervous in a somewhat humiliating way, because she remains quiet and with a serious expression staring into your head even when you're just at school simply talking to some friends she doesn't know.
What ends up being embarrassing is how you're learning that you like her being so shameless like this. It's one more thing to learn about her. Your brain simply registers automatically: ‘Things to adore about Shauna Shipman’; She’s not shy about tackling whatever interests her – and look, it’s you! –, until they face her back, then she becomes shy as if she was actually being subtle; she’s good at fighting but avoids confrontation; she has an opinion on absolutely everything but generally lets people decide for her. You want to know more, more and more.
You work part-time at a pet store after school and Jeff usually leaves you there when he’s not busy, accustomed to your commute. On the days he can't, however, he tells you and you go walking, it's not that far.
Now, one day he just doesn't tell you that he won't be able to take you and you're left waiting for him like a fool on the curb in the school parking lot, damn it, Jeff.
Until Shauna's voice takes you out of your inner despair.
"Do you want a ride?"
When you lift your head there she is, her arm resting on the open car window, a dark red flannel folded up to her elbow and oh my god.
Oh, I want more than a ride, you think.
“Yeah,” you say and give her a small smile as you approach the car, “That would be good.”
She nods in acknowledgment without meeting your eyes as she reaches over to open the passenger door for you. That's another thing you noticed: Shauna doesn't tend to keep much eye contact and in your case she seems to avoid it completely.
You don't bother trying to fill the silence, there's not much to talk about when Jackie isn't around, Shauna doesn't seem to like it when you talk to her, so you don't expect this time to be any different.
But it is.
“Want to pick a song?”
“Huh?” You blink.
“A song,” She repeats, pointing with her chin to the glove compartment without taking her eyes off the road for even a minute – Shauna has always been a responsible driver.
Occurs to you why it's different this time. It's not the first time Jeff has left you in the parking lot, that idiot, but it's the first time Shauna has come to your rescue, even though she's seen you in this situation before. Now she's giving you a ride and trying to talk to you.
Which means, holy shit, Shauna Shipman is talking to you because she wants to.
"Of course!” You rush to open the glove compartment to check the small selection of CDs in there, not giving much thought when Shauna takes the exact route to your job without even asking.
You choose one and put it on the radio, leaning back in your seat waiting for the first song starts, then Shauna straightens up in her seat and says to you smugly:
“Oh, you probably don’t know this band, they’re very underground, but I really like it.” She nods with a smile.
An amused snort escapes your chest, “Queen's underground for you?”, you tease with a raised eyebrow.
Shauna lets out an outraged squeal and tightens her grip on the steering wheel: “They were!” she insists, “At least until they became trendy.”
"Right." You laugh because you're not going to upset her when she has the most adorable pout on her face.
You spend the short trip listening to the most unknown Queen songs that Shauna's CD brings together – these are the good ones! – and for what seems like the first time, you and her actually talk and the happiness you feel is greater than you could have imagined. When the road comes to an end, Shauna seems extremely disappointed at having to leave you and you try not to think too much about what that means.
This small event seems to turn a key in your relationship and you and Shauna seem to get closer all of a sudden, not that you're complaining.
She takes on the responsibility of being your personal chauffeur after school, taking you from one place to another with no hesitation as if it had always been that way.
“What if that asshole forgets you again?” She asks with those sad eyes staring at you – that's another change, now she looks you in the eye! Which ends up not being so good when it comes to denying her things.
“Shauna, that asshole is my cousin.” You scold weakly.
Well, you can't question that.
You show up to her training when you don't have to work and you don't miss the way she seems to brag about it to her teammates, which only makes you show up more and more, even though you know nothing about football; you study together in the library, even if you only share one class; you, her and Jackie walk together between classes in the hallways and even stand side by side waiting to leave when Jackie disappears with Jeff at some stupid party.
You learn new things about Shauna every day and reading her is better than any other book you've ever tried. At some point, in your head, 'Things to Adore About Shauna Shipman' becomes 'Things to Love About Shauna Shipman' and it feels right.
She likes practically any food that contains meat and puts barbecue sauce on absolutely everything, leaving you horrified when she does this to a steak that is bleeding from being so rare when you have lunch together; She likes the warm, expensive beer that Lottie Matthews serves at her parties, she doesn't like getting drunk, she likes the taste, Shauna is weird like that and you're even weirder for finding it endearing. Sometimes, when you're outside smoking with Natalie and her sad emo friend, Kevyn Tan, Shauna comes over with a cup of beer in her hand – just one, she insists, because she's going to drive later – and sits down next to you quietly with one hand casually placed on your thigh while enjoying the drink; she lets Jackie dress her for these same parties, but she always chooses a piece of clothing that stands out, usually one of her flannels, she seems to have thousands of them; Shauna likes to read, but she loves classics, 'real books' as she calls them, with long words and old vocabulary, the second you pay attention she talks about them for hours and hours. You learn to like it too and Shauna seems to completely melt when you're the one who makes a Virginia Woolf or Emily Brontë reference when you talk.
One day, the team practice happens earlier and Shauna apologizes profusely for not being able to leave you at work, you dismiss her worries with a quick hug before leaving – not noticing the way she freezes in her place – and Jeff quickly agrees to take you there, he won't admit he missed you, but you know he did.
Later, the bell on the store's door signals someone's entry and when you turn from your spot at the counter, Shauna is there.
You tend to serve some Yellowjackets quite often, mainly Misty Quigley buying cat food; sometimes Van and Tai buying food for the abandoned dogs near the trailer park, Mari buying a hamster every two weeks – you have no idea what she does to make them all die or run away so quickly –, Nat showing up simply to hangout and smoke from time to time. You get along relatively well with all of them, but Shauna had never appeared until now.
She's still in her blue and yellow uniform, hair pulled into a ponytail and face softly red. The sight makes your throat dry.
Shauna looks a little like a lost puppy when she comes up to you at the counter.
“Hey,” she mumbles.
“Hey,” you reply, a smile playing on your lips. And then, just because you can't resist: “Did you run here after practice just to see me?”
Shauna seems like a deer caught in the headlights, “No!” She denies it, as if she hadn't been caught doing just that, "I just realized I leave you here all the time and I've never been in the store before."
You don't say anything and she simply shrugs innocently before starting to circle the place and you watch her with an amused snort.
She's not a pet person, you might say, but she apparently finds a fascination in staring at the colorful fishes in the aquariums when you come from behind the counter to restock and organize missing items on nearby shelves.
It's a small store and it's a pretty slow day with just you and another employee working in the back, so you and Shauna get into a relaxed mood spending time together when she decides she's going to stay until your shift ends without saying anything.
The company is good. At some point you jokingly say that since Shauna is here she could help you move the food packets because they are too heavy for you and she just goes there and does it. The way she lifts a bunch at once makes your breath hitch and you want to run your hands over her flexed biceps and you notice how Shauna hides a smile, as if she knows.
After that it's like there's a very thin line waiting to be crossed between you. Maybe it's always been there and you never noticed.
There are things about Shauna, things you like to think she says or does only to you, that your brain catalogs more than others, especially in moments when you're alone, like now.
Things to love about Shauna Shipman, you think; the way she subtly gasps when you need to rest your hand on her waist to pass through the store's narrow aisles; the fake annoyed look she gives you when you say something so stupid you just know she's pretending not to like it; the way she ends up snoring with laughter and scaring a customer you were serving after something you said and then she refuses to talk to you for the next fifteen minutes – the long that she can – giving you a dirty look because It's your fault, dammit.
But Shauna doesn't leave, no matter how angry she claims to be with you.
Things to love about Shauna Shipman, you think again, when your shift is over and she simply grabs your hand and leads you to her car, stating, "Let's go get ice cream."
She hates her middle name as much as she hates cute nicknames – you think it's just because she doesn't have one – and she won't tell you what it is because she doesn't want you to use it on her one day; her favorite color is blue, dark blue, but she usually wears shades of red because she says the football uniform is enough; she marks her books with lots of post-it notes of different colors, to remember her favorite chapters, phrases and quotes and revisits them almost daily; she keeps a hand on you whenever you're near, on your shoulder, your hip, your thigh. One day you left her reach when she had an arm around you at a party to get more drinks and when you came back she asked what she had done wrong, looking at you with those sad brown eyes.
Shauna takes you out for ice cream even though it’s already dark, an anxious air hovering between you. She grabs your favorite flavor without you having to tell her which one it is and you sit on the hood of her car, shoulders brushing together.
“You…” Shauna starts hesitantly, eating the bitterest chocolate ice cream she could find, “Do you wanna come to my house?”
You've been to Shauna's house before, but only with Jackie and Jeff. Never alone. Is different. You both know it's different.
"Yes." You say, hoping you don’t sound as desperate as you are, “I’d really like that.”
The smile she gives you makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
You only have time to unbuckle your seatbelt when Shauna parks in front of the house before she's on top of you watching you with dark eyes.
“Are you just going to stand there and watch me?” You scoff with more confidence than you actually have, your hands finding her waist.
Shauna looks completely outraged and in a second her lips meet yours without permission just because she knows she doesn't have to ask.
Her mouth is still cold and slick against yours from the ice cream, but her entire body is hot as dough ready to be molded in your hands. She wraps her arms around your neck, hands pulling your hair tightly and you feel her smile against your lips when she hears your low moan.
“Is that enough action for you?” Shauna asks mockingly, breathing fast, her practice uniform clinging to her body.
“Hm-hm,” you deny, a drunken, passionate smile painting your face, “Not as much as I’d like.”
Shauna looks like she wants to reply to what you've said, but then you're leaning in again, lips meeting hers with more urgency, tongue pleading for passage at the seam of her mouth, and it's all heat and electricity as she pulls you against her body. Your hands separate her t-shirt from the uniform shorts quickly and slide underneath it, short nails scraping the happy trail softly across her toned stomach and Shauna whines.
You can't help but break the kiss, Shauna follows your lips with a needy expression.
"What?" She asks, frustration bordering on her voice.
You shake your head and bite your bottom lip, “It’s really good,” you say. Shauna arches an eyebrow. "It's perfect. Touching you– it’s perfect.”
The way her hips thrust into yours and her face turned completely red tells you that she liked what you said a little too much.
And then Shauna is opening the car door, hurriedly sliding out and pulling you with her, mumbling an anxious “let’s go” as you stumble your way into the house.
You laugh when she fumbles with the key in the lock and she gives you an annoyed look, cutting off your laughter when the door opens and she presses you against it, pupils completely dilated, hands shaking to touch you.
It occurs to you then that maybe Shauna was just as obsessed with you as you were with her.
She looks at you, big brown eyes needy and asking and you don't hesitate to kiss her again and it's all heat and skin and it's right.
Another thing to love about Shauna Shipman: the way she gasps in surprise and pleasure when you turn her around and press her against the door.
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ttullp · 1 year
baby, i’m jealous ! oneshot operation name pure love, go eunhyuk x reader this has been on my drafts for so long time to let it go ig
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eunhyuk had arrived a bit earlier then expected. you both had agreed to meet up at the train station a few hours after school to go watch a movie together. the initial plan was to go together immediately after school, but lets just say something abruptly came up that you had delay it by a few hours.
he was aimlessly scrolling through his phone, as he was trying to think of a reason as to why you suddenly delayed your plan. as if on cue, the song that reminded him of you played on his earphones. his lips slightly quirked upwards, remembering the times where you both had just started the relationship. the times where you would introduce him to the songs that piqued your interests, the songs you would both listen to on the bus on the way to school.
he looked at the time, it was already 3.55 pm. the movie you both were going to see is at 4.30, and the agreed time for you to meet each other at the train station was 3.45 pm. 'i guess she still has something to deal with' was what he thought as he looked around the station. everyone was busy minding their own business and tending to their own lives.
once again, eunhyuk finds himself staring at the people passing in and out of the entrance, hoping to find a familiar figure amidst all the crowd, you. just as he was lost in daze, he spotted you trying to go through the flock of people finding their way out
eunhyuk stepped towards your direction and reached out his hand with the intention of pulling you out to a less crowded place.
he grabbed your right hand and dragged you to a less cramped space. he wondered if you suddenly gained more weight overnight, it was just the fact that he didn't recall you being this particular weight when he had pulled you to his side.
"ah, eunhyuk! you're here already" you beamed as the familiar sight of his facial features come into vision.
before eunhyuk could reply to your greeting, he noticed a hand clutching onto your left hand, a male's. looking right past your shoulder was another familiar figure with eyes that match their blonde golden hair. even if he's wearing a cap, his features wear easy to distinguish.
"gee y/n, why'd you suddenly walked so fast" grumbled the said blonde
"baek dohwa." eunhyuk spat out coldly, glaring at him "what are you doing with my girlfriend and may i ask why you're grasping onto her hand so desperately?" emphasizing the word 'my'.
"well your girlfriend here insisted on me coming" dohwa scoffed, also emphasizing the word 'your'.
eunhyuk could feel turmoil raging in his heart, the weird feeling he would feel whenever he sees you being with someone else other than him. was it sadness he felt? anger? was he angry that you decided to spend your time on with someone else?
he didn't know. from what he could tell, baek dohwa was nothing but a playboy.
"uhm-" you stepped in the middle of both of them "eunhyuk if we don't get going were going to miss our train" eunhyuk gritted his teeth "lets go."
you trailed behind you boyfriend, looking back and waving a quite goodbye to dohwa. dohwa waved back at you with a smirk.
glancing back at your raven haired partner, his dissatisfied expression definitely noticeable.
"are you mad?" you questioned "no" he answered, a hidden tone that somewhat made it sound as if he was mad.
the sound of both your footsteps being heard amidst the bustling crowds, you checked time on your phone, it was already 4.05
both of you had probably missed the train at this point, oh well.
you stopped in your tracks, pulling eunhyuk gently by the hand, also stopping him. your eyes met his gaze, his eyebrows quirking up, 'why'd you stop?' clearly written on his face, as if he's annoyed
"you know dohwa's my cousin, right?" you sighed, as if the blonde being your cousin isn't a known fact going around your school, your boyfriend just so happens to not know
"what?" confusion now painted all over his facial features yep. he definitely didn't know.
"i was heading towards here and bumped into him on the way, he decided to tag along even when i told him to mind his own business" you scoffed, being used to his antics by now
"oh i see.." he replied, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, contemplating what to say next "so are we going to catch that movie, or..?"
you chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hand "sure, lets go"
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alexdelray1 · 7 months
can i ask for a jealous mizu getting overprotective over her girlfriend when taigen gets a little too close and flirty?
You order, you get.
Mizu x Fem Reader
Little smut in the end. Very little.
Anyway, the girlfriend will be presented here as a lover because I don't know if in those times partners were called "my girlfriend" or "my boyfriend" before the engagement.
-Look out.- Mizu said suddenly out of nowhere and we stopped. Me Mizu and Taigen were just going to a 'tea party'.
-What? There's something here. I don't see anything. - Taigen said, looking around.
-I'm not talking to you. Only for Reader. Do you see this leaf in front of you? - she asked me and I looked at her with confusion and after a while I noticed a leaf lying 3 meters in front of me.
-Yeah. What about it?- I asked her and crossed my arms.
-It's winter and here is an autumn leaf. Don't you think that's a little suspicious? It's definitely a trap. - she said seriously and I looked at her with slight disbelief.
-Yeah, if this is a trap then Mizu as well can be a woman. - Taigen joked, finding out something we haven't told him yet because Mizu doesn't want to talk about it. We looked at him like he was a ghost.
-Why are you looking at me like that?- he asked with surprise and we looked away.
-You know what? Maybe you can tell us how you won your 20th fight? - I answered the question with a question and he started to go further and tell the story.
I started to go too, but Mizu didn't give up. She grabbed my waist and we walked around the leaf together with my sigh.
When we were about 10 meters away, she let go and let me walk in the middle again.
-And this little bastard um… Are you listening to me?- Taigen asked me with distrust.
-Yeah. I was just so fascinated by this fight that I started imagining everything. - I lied and he smiled. Mizu wasn't that thrilled with this conversation, but she was able to cope.
-Can I show you my chest so you can have a better visualization?- Taigen grabbed his collar.
-Unfortunately, I can only look at one man's chest. - I gestured with my head at Mizu, who was looking at him as if he had raped her house and burned her mother.
-Oh, I forgot you were Mizu's lover. Dude, you have to show what's yours more, because someone might steal it from you. - Taigen said to Mizu. My partner was about to say something, but Ringo beat her to it.
-But no one can steal the Reader. She is no one's property and we should respect her more. Reader is the only woman here and may feel weird. - Ringo put in his two cents and winked at me and Mizu.
Taigen looked at the ground and sighed.
-Okay, I'm sorry Reader for calling you a thing. And you, Mizu, should show more affection for your lover. - Taigen commented and Mizu nodded.
-Mizu..! We're close to the camp. - I said and Mizu pressed me to the ground and took my coat off.
-Taigen knows that we have our partnership matters to discuss and Ringo always sleeps like the dead. And I have to show you some more affection from me. - she said and put her hand into my pants. I layed my hands on her shoulders and tried to be silent.
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
The Marriage Pact Part 5 (Slight NSFW)
In Sickness and in Health
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A/N: Buckle up this is a LONG one 🤭
Synopsis: You get some advice from Urban and confront Jack about how he's been acting towards you once you leave him high and dry in the middle of his world tour. All you want is for the two of you to be on the same page, but when something gets revealed to you, you have to decide what is the best thing for your peace of mind moving forward
Pairing: Fiance!Jack Harlow x Fiancée!Reader
Series Masterlist
Special thank you to @hoodharlow for giving me a few ideas 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
"Baby, it's not a big deal!" Jack said once you had finally caught up with him later in the day since the text had gone unanswered.
The text bubble kept appearing and disappearing for about five minutes before Jack just stopped trying to explain it over text knowing that it wasn't going to go over well. But now that you were in front of him, it wasn't going well now either. 
"How is it not a big deal when you are basically all over her!?" You asked as you shoved your phone into Jack’s face that had the picture of him and Neelam and all he did was roll his eyes. Making you think that he wasn't taming anything that you were saying seriously.
"It is literally just a picture."
"With someone that I don't even like and I told you how I felt about her and what do you do? Take a picture with her while you're half naked."
"Your jealousy is showing again." Jack simply muttered and you couldn’t do anything but roll your eyes.
"Oh, I'm going to be showing a lot more than that if you don't get your fucking shit together. And it's not jealousy. It is literally about respecting me as your partner and who is about to be your wife! Or did you suddenly forget that you put this ring on my finger?"
"I didn't forget a damn thing and I have my shit together, it's you who is so damn insecure. So every woman that I take a picture with, you think I want to sleep with them knowing that I have you? You're it for me and I don't want anyone else. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that."
All you did was stare at him. Once he had called you insecure, you didn't hear anything else after that.
He knew that saying that would hurt you based on you telling him that your ex would constantly say that and would gaslight you into thinking that everything that went wrong in the relationship was your fault and wouldn't take accountability for what he had done wrong.
"Shit, baby, I didn't….." Jack started to say as he realized what he had said previously and was trying to backtrack, but you weren't having it.
All you did was hug yourself as you stepped away from him. It was something that you had been working on and you knew that it was going to take time in order to break out of that mindset.
"Y/N, I didn't mean that and I know how…"
"If you didn't mean it then you wouldn't have said it. I have things to do so I guess I'll see you later."  You said while trying to turn away from him, but he pulled you back.
"Baby, just listen to me for a second. Please." Jack pleaded with you as he grabbed your hand, but a verbal answer didn't come out of your mouth until you knew he wasn't going to let this go. 
"No, I'm not doing this with you right now."
"We don't run away from our problems, we talk about them."
"Wouldn't have to talk about them if you didn't keep creating them." 
That instantly made him go quiet.
"We just wanted to take a picture. That was it."
All you did was stare at him before you even bothered to respond.
"Like I said, I guess I'll see you later."
"Baby, I'm sorry, okay? If I would have known that you would be this upset about it, I wouldn't have done it."
"Why wouldn't you think I would be this upset seeing as she definitely isn't my favorite person to be around? And I don't like her being around you so much." You asked while looking up at him.
"Here we go again with this shit. It is literally HER JOB."
"A job that I have had for how many years? And all of a sudden you and Chris decided that I need help?"
"How many times are we going to go over this?" Jack asked you while running a hand through his curls.
"As many times as it takes to get through your thick skull because obviously it hasn't worked quite yet." You answered while sitting down, but Jack took this opportunity to sit down next to you and slide you onto his lap no matter how hard you were trying to get away from him.
"I love you, you know that right? And like I said, I'm sorry and it won't happen again."
"Do I?"
"Y/N, come on. Don't be like that."
"How can I not be like that?"
"Like I said it won't happen again and I'm not letting you get up until you tell me you love me."
"I love you, now let me get up."
"I…. seriously?" Jack asked as he looked at you and all you did was shrug.
"I told you now I have things to do. Let me go."
"Hold on. What can I do to make this up to you?" He asked as he kissed your nose and smiled at you with those blue eyes that you loved so much. 
All you did was look down and play with your engagement ring and kept quiet until you heard Jack speak again.
"How about it's just me and you for the rest of the day? No distractions."
"No phones, just me loving up on my baby girl. So what do you say?"
"No interruptions?" You asked and all Jack did was smirk.
"Baby, I'm putting the do not disturb sign on the door to the hotel suite and putting my phone on DND. Is that a good answer?"
"I guess it's a good start." You said while shrugging even though deep down you knew for a fact that you were letting this slide a little too easily. However, arguing and fighting with Jack was one of the last things that you ever wanted to do. It took too much energy and if he said that it wasn't going to happen again, you were going to take his word for it. All you could do was hope that he didn't go back on it.
"Good because I already have everything set up. I was going to do this today anyway, just as a thank you for everything you do for me. That's why I had you go out with Ari earlier."
"I… you didn't have to do that." You said while shaking your head as Jack stood up and placed you on your feet.
"Yes I did. You're important to me and I never want you to forget that. We're in this for the long haul." Jack answered as he leaned down to kiss you.
"No one or anything is ever going to come between us because I'm not going to let them." He added while starting to pull your top over your head.
"I want to take a bath with my fiancée, how does that sound?"
"It sounds good. No complaints from me."
Jack simply nodded as he continued to undress you and finally got himself undressed as he went to run the water.
When it was warm enough, he got in first so that you would be able to sit in front of him and held onto your hand to help you so that you wouldn't fall.
Once you were settled all you did was lean against Jack's chest as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed down your neck.
"I love you and I'll never get tired of saying it." Jack softly whispered in your ear before kissing underneath it.
"I love you too. I just…. want us to be on the same page. I don't like arguing with you. I don't think we ever got into this many disagreements before."
"And I don't like arguing with you either or getting you upset. That's literally the last thing I want. My job is to take care of you and not hurt you. I haven't done a very good job of that lately, but I promise that things will be different moving forward."
"I'm holding you to that."
"Baby I…." You breathlessly let out as you and Jack got into a comfortable rhythm.
He promised to take his time with you and he was doing just that while also making sure that no one disturbed the two of you with both phones being placed on DND and face down on the dresser in the bedroom.
Jack then placed both of your legs on his shoulders making the hold that you had around his neck grow tighter.
"That's it, pretty girl. You're taking me so well." Jack said as he placed several kisses upon your lips and slowed down.
"You feel so good around me and I know I'm not about to last much longer."
Jack then slid out of you and took one long lick across your folds which instantly made you gasp.
"Mmm, baby don't stop, don't stop." You told Jack as your hands made their way to his curls and simply held his head in place while he continued to pleasure you.
"Shiiiit." Jack then inserted three of his fingers while still keeping his mouth on you and you were doing your best to stay quiet since the last thing you wanted to hear was a noise complaint because you were too loud. It didn't matter if you two had your own suite or not.
Jack then slid his fingers out of you and instantly went to suck on your clit and made sure to hold you down because he knew if he didn't that you would try and move away from him.
At this point, no sounds were even coming out of your mouth because of how much pleasure that you were in and it was only a matter of time before you came all over Jack’s face.
In order to get you to your peak faster, Jack sucked your clit harder  and without warning, you felt a gush of liquid release from you and cover Jack’s face as you let out a gasp, but he obviously didn't think anything of it as he still continued to pleasure you.
Once you had finally come down from your high, Jack then slid back into you making the both of you moan in pleasure.
You then noticed him increase his pace as you held him tighter knowing that he was close.
Not even a minute later, you felt him release in you as he collapsed on top of your chest as you kissed down his neck.
"I don't know what I did to get you to squirt all over my face, but I'm definitely going to try to make it happen again." Jack said as he leaned down to kiss you and he noticed that you were shying away from him.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked as he began caressing your face.
"I just…."
"Nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. Just happens sometimes when I make you feel good. I know we're both still learning what you like and don't like and I'm always going to go at your pace, okay?"
All you did was nod as Jack leaned down to place several kisses all over your face before going to your lips and all you did was flip him over onto his back startling him.
"Damn, I knew you were strong but I wasn't expecting that shit." Jack expressed as he looked up at you straddling him.
"I want you to teach me how to ride you." You said and could tell that he was startled by this.
"Are you sure you can go another round? I don't want to…"
"Yes I'm sure, so hurry up."
"Class is in session then. I'm loving this view already."
A few days had passed and you were finalizing the details of the mini trip that you were taking Jack on to surprise him to give him a much needed break from tour life. He had a week and a half off in total and three of those days would be used to fly the two of you to Japan in order to take him to the Pokémon museum since you knew that he had never been before while the other days the two of you were going to spend wedding planning.
You told everyone under the sun not to book anything for Jack for those particular days and you were excited to be able to have him all to yourself. You had been planning this for a while and couldn't wait to see the look on his face when you told him.
All of you were at dinner after one of Jack’s shows and you had been stealing food off of his plate when you suddenly heard Neelam pipe up.
"Oh, Jack, I booked you for a photoshoot and interview next week. On Wednesday and Thursday."
"Okay, that's fine." He responded not thinking anything of it but you looked at her as if she had three heads.
"Um no it's not fine. I have said from the beginning of this tour to not book anything for the next week and a half. You should have cleared that with me or Chris, but I see you just went on and did your own thing."
"I didn't think it was a big deal. It's a good opportunity for him to get a few more things in before Christmas."
"Well it is a big deal seeing as the bulk of those days were for wedding planning and for something I had planned for him. I obviously said not to schedule him for anything during those days for a reason."
"Baby, it's not a big deal, can't you just move it?" Jack asked not wanting an argument to ensue, but it looked like one was about to happen anyway.
All because he took her side.
"Did you just say to me that it's not a big deal?" You asked while looking over at Jack who looked as if he was trying to choose his next words carefully.
"Uh oh." Was all Urban whispered before taking another bite of his food.
"We do things together all the time, it's just one thing and the wedding planning can still happen. I'd rather do the interview and photoshoot during my break from tour anyway. Just get it out the way."
"That still doesn't excuse the fact that Neelam over here is not staying in her lane and respecting boundaries." You said while crossing your arms and looking at her.
"I got 100 dollars on Y/N." 2fo whispered to Quiiso who quickly nodded his head to agree.
"What the? What is your actual problem? I was hired to do a job and I am doing said job. Not my fault you're so focused on wedding planning and not your soon to be husband's actual career." Neelam said and everyone at the table looked at you for your response.
"Excuse me? Who the actual fuck are you talking to because I know for damn sure that it isn't me. I have done this for more than ten years by myself and I damn sure don't need your help. So do me a favor and learn to stay in your place like I said. You're lucky that you didn't get your ass beat because of that picture you decided to take with my man knowing that you had absolutely no business doing so."
"And this is the one you're supposed to marry soon? You could definitely do better." Neelam said to Jack and that could be heard was a collective gasp at the table.
"So, Jackman, you're actually going to let her talk to me like that?"
"Can we just drop this? I'm doing the photoshoot and interview."
"And just forget about what I have planned?!"
"I have the opportunity in front of me so I want to take it. Like I said, we can change things around to do it later."
All you did was nod your head and simply slid your chair out from the table in order to leave.
"Fine. Urby, do you want to go with me to the Pokémon museum in Japan since Jack doesn't want to?"
"Oh shit. You didn't say that's what it was!" Jack said while looking at you, but all you did was roll your eyes.
"Anyway, Urby. Do you want to go? Everything is booked."
"I… well…"
"Never mind. I'll ask Ari and make it a girls trip but as of right now, good fucking night." 
The next day, you woke up early and kept yourself busy to avoid having to run into Jack. Even though the two of you slept in the same room, you were asleep before he got back and was gone before he woke up. He had been blowing up your phone left and right, but you weren't giving him the time of day. 
Future Hubby- Baby, where are you? I haven't seen you all day
You- and you're not going to
Future Hubby- Come on Y/N, I didn't know that was what you had planned. I feel shitty about it.
You- It doesn't fucking matter. If I said that I had something planned for you, the courteous thing to do is go along with it because of all of the time and effort I put into it. And do you feel shitty? Because the fact that you didn't defend me last night from her speaks volumes. Go bother Neelam since you want to be up her ass so bad.
Jack tried to send you another text, but soon realized that you had blocked him.
He was currently with Neelam and Urban at the moment and all he did was sigh.
"Nee, let's get something straight. Do not ever disrespect my girl again. She knows me a lot better than you do and knows what I need. I know you’re trying to help, but I just want the two of you to get along. But please realize that my future wife is not going anywhere."
"Hmm a little too little too late for that." Urban muttered under his breath and Jack shot him a look. 
"But she…"
"But nothing. That's my girl and what she says goes. If you want to plan something, clear it with her moving forward."
"I just want to help since that's the whole reason I was brought on."
"And you can help without stepping on anyone's toes. Don't let it happen again."
While all of this was going on, Urban had been texting you and letting you know what had been happening.
Urby- Ooh look who finally grew some balls and stood up for his wife!
You- He can shove it for all I care. Too little too late. 
Urby- Same thing I said smh but he did put her in her place even if it should have been done months ago. Oh and he's asking if you could unblock him
You- No.
Urby- I'll relay the message lol
Next thing you knew, you had an incoming facetime call from Urban and knew it was Jack calling. And sure enough when you answered you were right.
"Baby! Unblock me!"
"And what makes you think you deserve to be unblocked?"
"Stop playing! Because I'll be your husband soon."
"And that's the best answer that you can come up with?"
"Please baby girl. I love you and I'm sorry."
"All you've been doing is apologizing lately and I'm sick of it."
"I know… I…"
"Bye Jackman."
Without another word you hung up.
It was now around 11 at night and Jack was knocked out cold when you went to go and find Urban. You did end up unblocking him however, you still didn't want to talk to him.
Urban had let you in and the two of you were now outside as he listened to how you felt about what had been happening regarding Jack lately.
"Come on Y/N,  you had to have seen this coming from a mile away."
"How could I have seen this coming?" You asked Urban while you sat across from him on the balcony. You know he had to have been looking for you by now, but your phone still hadn't gone off with so much as a text message or a call. It was almost as if he didn't even care and that bothered you to no end.
"You know he’s a whore and it's always been like that, you turned a blind eye before but now that you're on the receiving end, everything isn't always what it seems huh? As much as he brushes it off, he is still insecure and embraces any type of attention that women give him even though by now he should only want that attention from you." Urban told you and you couldn’t help but for your eyes to water.
This was the last thing that you wanted to hear right now.
"You thought that he would change for you? I mean that's fair seeing as how much he loves and cares about you, but is that enough to make him do it? I mean you said yes to marrying him so you are just as responsible for this as he is. He's my best friend too, but he has shown you time and time again the traits of someone who doesn't actually want to be tied down or married." Urban quietly confessed as he took a swig of his Modelo. 
"Then why in the world would he ask me to marry him in the first place? That's a serious commitment."
"Because he knows that you're the only one that is going to put up with his shit, no matter what he does and no matter how much it might affect you as horrible as that sounds. He knows that you're always going to be there. Just because his ass turned thirty doesn't mean that the maturity aspect is there. Y/N, I am in no way, shape, or form trying to hurt your feelings, like I said in the beginning, the last thing I want to see is both of you heartbroken but especially you. You don't deserve this."
"I just don't know what to do anymore. It's a continuous cycle. He does something that I don't like, I get pissed off, he apologizes, and does something else and the cycle continues. But this one takes the cake. How could he side with her when I have been there for him through everything? I have never steered him wrong and I have always had his best interest." At that point, Urban had handed you one of your favorite wine coolers knowing that this was going to be a long night.
"You know what you need to do. Put yourself first and I guarantee that will be the wake up call he needs to get his shit together."
"Does he even want to marry me anymore? That's the ultimate question."
"Now the only person that can answer that is him, but from the outside looking in…. Would you want to be married to someone who disrespected you like that yesterday?"
“I guess not.”
“You’ve been living in a fantasy world and now it’s time to wake up.”
You stayed with Urban for about another hour or so and you decided to take his advice.
From now on, you planned on putting yourself first.
When Jack had woken up later on the next morning with his alarm blasting in his ear, he reached over for you and frowned when he noticed that your side of the bed was empty and cold meaning that you hadn’t been there next to him for quite some time.
All he did was sigh as he got up and started to get ready for the day, figuring that he would see you at some point and hoping that you at least were a little less mad at him than you were yesterday. 
Once he had finished getting ready, he figured that he would at least check your location to see where you were since the two of you shared it with each other at all times just in case to be safe and got an even bigger frown on his face when he saw that you had turned yours off. 
He couldn’t even remember the last time you had done that and immediately hit your contact in order to call you. He needed to know where you were and if you were safe. 
He called you at least three times and was immediately sent to voicemail before he began to send a series of texts, hoping that you would at least answer those.
Future Hubby- Baby, why is your location off? Where are you? You know we always keep it on
Future Hubby- Hold on, where the hell are all your bags?! 
Future Hubby- Y/N, answer me right now. Where are you and what is going on?!?!
When he didn’t get an answer from you, he immediately called Urban.
“Urb, where’s my girl? Have you seen her?”
“Well, good morning to you too and no. After our talk last night…..” Jack immediately cut him off.
“Wait, after what talk? What is going on?”
“All I’m going to tell you is that you need to realize what you have before you lose it. Do what you will with that information.”
“What did she tell you? All of her bags are gone and she turned off her location. We always know where the other person is at all times. I just need to know that she’s safe.”
“It’s not my place to tell you what she told me but if the two of you are going to get married a lot of things need to get fixed before you do.”
“I’ll talk to her, but can you just tell me if you see or hear from her?”
“Sure. Hmm, I wonder if this has to do anything with me telling her to put herself first.” Urban said while thinking out loud.
“What?! Not my fault you’ve been treating your girl like shit. You made your bed so lie in it. You should have stood up to Neelam and took up for her when that whole thing went down at dinner, but instead you did it the next day. So many situations that you have put yourself in when it didn’t have to be that way. If you want to marry her so bad, you need to show her that you value her and that she’s important to you because right now from the outside looking in, it looks like you want the single life with having marriage benefits.”
“I don’t want to be single!”
“You could have fooled me. You need to show her that you are in and I mean all in. Hopefully you fix it before it’s too late. I take it you haven’t seen her instagram story either?”
Jack put him on speaker before going to look at it and his stomach dropped.
You had postponed the wedding.
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y/n added to their story
Meanwhile you were back in Louisville at your condo puking your guts out for the fifth time today. This had been going on for the last two weeks, but you didn’t say anything or mention anything to anyone thinking that it was just a stomach bug and that it would pass. However, when you touched down in Louisville and hit your favorite bakery to get a few different snacks to take home with you, the smell of your favorite cupcakes made you nauseous and you then became nervous.
Bottom line is that you knew what this was.
You had watched enough television shows and seen it in real life among your family members and friends to know there was only one clear cut explanation for what was going on with you.
You were pregnant and needed to take a test and make an appointment with your OB/GYN to confirm it and you were absolutely terrified.
“So much for being on birth control.” You muttered to yourself as you gripped the sink to help you get up from the floor and heard your phone ringing from the bedroom.
Without even having to go and look at it, you knew it was Jack since he had a different ringtone than everyone else.
You knew he was probably freaking out since you were nowhere to be found and you turned off your location which you knew he was probably pissed about since that was something that the two of you never did. 
Not bothering to answer him, you dabbed at your face with a warm washcloth before brushing your teeth and grabbing your wallet and keys to go to the nearest drug store in order to get the test along with some ginger ale and saltines in the hopes of settling your stomach.
It was only a matter of time before Jack would be on your doorstep and it probably would be in less than 24 hours.
Well, Jack found out last week that Gabrielle’s baby wasn’t his all to now eventually find out that you were now pregnant.
That was about to be a hell of a conversation since he was currently the last person that you wanted to be around.
You were tired of giving him so many chances and as you played with your engagement ring, you started to wonder if you had made the right decision by saying yes to him.
Bottom line was that if you were to slip the ring off and give it back to him at this very moment, you probably wouldn’t regret it. But you knew yourself better than that. Down the line you definitely would.
You were now going to be someone’s mother and had to set a good example for them even if that included not marrying their father. 
Jack had touched down in Louisville later that afternoon in the hopes of hopefully finding you since he knew this was your safe space, just like it was his. He was going to see his parents first before setting out to go and find you and was hoping that they had seen you so that the search could be kept short.
But once he entered the house, he was surprised to see you in the kitchen with Maggie hovering over the stove and sipping on sparkling water. Once his mom spotted him she had nothing but a smile on her face, while you on the other hand just kept a straight face and turned back to the stove in order to continue making the sauce for the pasta dish you were helping Maggie make. 
“So, do you have something to tell me?” Maggie asked while looking over at Jack, who looked back at her confused.
“Tell you what?”
All Maggie did was continue to smile as she looked between the both of you but you weren’t uttering a word.
“Y/N, I see why you came home early from tour and I can only imagine how traveling would take a toll on your body. And of course this one over here had to come and check on you in order to make sure that you were okay. You did the right thing by coming home and being close to us as well as your parents. You know we’ll look after you until Jack finishes up and can be here full time with you.”
“I’m lost, can someone fill me in?” Jack asked as he tried to make eye contact with you, but you just weren’t giving him the time of day. 
“Oh, like you don’t know. No need to be like that. I can’t wait to plan for the baby shower.”
It was at that moment Jack’s heart fell out of his ass.
All he could do was mouth ‘What the fuck is she talking about?’ to you and all you did was look at him with a tight lipped smile before mouthing back ‘It’s not yours.’ which instantly made him roll his eyes since he knew for a fact that it was his.
“And I absolutely love this shirt, Y/N. Did you get one for your mom too so we can match?” Maggie asked you as she held up a shirt that you bought her that said Worlds Best Grandma and Jack just knew he was going to faint while you were steadily quiet and tasting the sauce to see if it had enough seasoning in it. 
“Yes, I got her one too. She’ll get hers tomorrow since she flew home to visit my grandma in D.C. And the food is just about ready.”
“Umm, where’s dad and Clay?” Jack asked while he looked around and tried to keep his stomach from being in knots.
“They were out doing something so we made sure to make enough for them so they have it when they come back.”
As you were trying to eat your food in the hopes that it wouldn’t come back up, Jack was sending you texts left and right.
Future Hubby- You better stop playing because this shit isn’t funny. Now are you actually pregnant?
You- Who’s this?
You- It isn’t yours so why are you worried about it?
Future Hubby- Now we all know that’s a lie. And why did you just leave without saying anything? Do you know how worried I was about you? Don’t ever do that again without saying anything to me. I thought something had happened to you. And postponing the wedding?! Without saying anything to me!?
You- You’re lucky I didn’t call it off completely with how you’ve been acting towards me. Eat your food and stop texting at the dinner table. It’s rude.
The rest of the dinner was awkward between you and Jack and luckily Maggie didn’t notice anything was off between the two of you. She was simply on cloud nine with the fact that she was going to be a grandmother and that was the only thing she could talk about. However,  you knew that this was about to be a whole ordeal with the two of you finally got home.
And you were going to let him have it and not hold anything back. 
The two of you drove separately and once the both of you were parked in the driveway, Jack got out first before jogging over to you to open your car door for you.
He held out his hand for you to take and you simply brushed him off. 
“Baby, please. I know you’re mad….”
“Don’t start with me, Jackman. I’m tired and I want to lay down.” You said while walking up to the front door and sliding the key in.
“But we have to talk about this. You’re pregnant with our kid, didn’t tell me and also postponed the wedding and didn’t tell me. I had to find out through your instagram post so what the hell is going on?! You just left!” Was all that you heard Jack say from behind you as you entered the house and you took a deep breath before you rolled your eyes and turned around to face him.
“Because I am so utterly sick of your shit! For you to tell me that you love me so much, it sure doesn’t feel like it! There was a time that you would prioritize me and we weren’t even in a relationship! You don’t even do that now and we are!”
“I know I’ve messed up, but…”
“That’s putting it lightly.” 
“I just…”
“No, there isn’t any excuse that you can pull out of your ass to make me instantly forgive you for everything that you’ve done. Our so-called friendship has literally turned to shit ever since I said yes to marrying you and I’m wondering if I even made the right decision by letting you put this ring on my finger.”
“Y/N… you don’t mean that. I don’t want anyone else but you!”
“Really? Because you sure don’t act like you do. You had the nerve to call me insecure, but so are you because you have to seek validation from every single woman that you come across and I have absolutely no idea when you got like that. I have told you from the beginning that you have always been more than enough and not to change for anyone, but I don’t even think I recognize the person standing in front of me anymore. Is it to make me jealous? Let me know that you have options and can leave me the second that you get tired of me? All I want is for us to be on the same damn page and now we have to add a child into this hot mess express.”
“I never looked at it like that, but I don’t plan on leaving you for anybody!”
“Did you ask me to marry you because you knew that no other woman would probably put up with all of your shit and always be there for you?” You asked and Jack looked at you in disbelief.
“I asked you to marry me because I love you! How many times do I need to say that?!”
“Or is it because your whoring days are over with so you figured hmm let me just marry Y/N so I won’t be single for the rest of my life.”
“Where is all this coming from?! You know I hate arguing with you and us being at odds. For the last time, I asked you to marry me because I love you and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and keep in mind YOU AGREED.”
“And that was before I knew you were going to lie to my face, let people talk down to me, and almost have a baby on me.”
“Can we just sleep on this and talk about it again in the morning? I don’t want to do this with you or end up saying something that I’m going to regret.”
“It doesn’t matter because I’m leaving. I’ve said my piece.”
“You are not going anywhere and it is literally pouring outside. I want you safe. You already ran away from me once and I for damn sure am going to do anything in order to prevent it from happening again.”
“I am leaving because I don’t want to look at you and I’m convinced that you don’t even love me like you claim that you do.”
“Now you’re talking utter bullshit. I would give up everything for you in a fucking heartbeat, but because of the person that you are you wouldn’t let me do that! You don’t do that for people that you don’t love! And we need to talk about you postponing our wedding without even letting the groom fucking know.”
“At this point, do you even deserve to? The only reason why you found out I was pregnant is because Maggie said something. Because I didn’t want to talk to you.”
All Jack did was run a hand through his curls as you were now making your way to the front door.
“Don’t fucking call me that!”
“Do not leave this house!”
“And who the fuck are you to give me orders? Last time I checked, I was a grown ass woman and can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“Just… I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom if you don’t want to be near me, but just please don’t leave.” Jack pleaded with you as he grabbed your hand, but all you did was shake your head.
“You have a show tomorrow so I suggest that you fly back at at least eleven in the morning so that you’ll be there on time. Good fucking night.”
“I’m not flying anywhere until we fix this!”
“Oh, Neelam won’t miss you too much?” You sarcastically said before snatching your hand out of his.
“I don’t think I should be your manager anymore since you want to go along with what she says all the damn time so she’ll have you all to herself.”
“WHAT?! We are NOT doing this right now!”
“Well, I am. Now me and my baby are going to get some rest in my condo and if you don’t stop getting on my fucking nerves and hurting me, the next time you’ll see me will be in the delivery room. Now for the last time, good night.”
As much as he didn’t want to, Jack watched you go to your car and back out of his driveway and knew that he could only be frustrated with himself. He was going to do everything that he possibly could in order to get back in your good graces and prove to you that you were in fact the only person that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. 
The only reason why the two of you were at this point was because of him so he couldn’t put the blame on anyone else. You had given him chance after chance only for him to keep disappointing you every single time.
To try and relax, he hopped into the shower and had placed his phone on the sink just in case you called him or needed him for something, but at this point he highly doubted it.
He stayed under the warm water for about thirty minutes when he got out and checked his phone to see that you had turned your location back on and he could now see it.
Jack was about to put it back down, but did a double take when he noticed that you weren’t moving anywhere and that you were still only three blocks from your shared house. Almost an hour had passed and you should have been at your condo by now even if it had been raining.
As he held his phone, a call from an unknown number came through and he had a gut wrenching feeling that it had to do with you and why it had your location showing at a standstill.
“Mr. Harlow? This is Dr. Spencer from Norton hospital in downtown Louisville. Your fiancée Y/N Y/L/N has been in a car accident.”  
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Two sides of the same coin - Officer
Buck and Tony were the perfect gay couple. They lived together since years, almost never argued and, most importantly, loved each other unconditionally. Their relationship was so close that they often said they were practically married anyway. In fact, their parents even got along quite well with each other!
They shared the same interests including a love for video games, so today, as usual on a Saturday evening, they were lying on the couch together, playing and played some relaxing video game. They had ordered pizza before and were happy they didn't need to leave the house anymore today. It could have been an evening like any other Saturday evening, but it wasn't.
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Tony felt a bit uncomfortable and shifted around in his seat before he reached under himself, fishing out a small sparkling coin.
"Ha! Thought I was sitting on something! Look at that." He showed Buck the shiny piece of metal.
"What is it?" asked Buck curiously.
"I don't know, it just appeared out of nowhere," Tony answered. As he took a closer look however, the coin just vanished into thin air. "Huh, weird!"
"Maybe it was just some cookie and it crumbled apart when you picked it up", suggested Buck.
"Perhaps...", Tony said, not really convinced and tried to get back to his game. However, he was finding the video game increasingly boring. He glanced over to see if Buck was still concentrating on the screen, but Buck's eyes were focused on him instead.
"What?" he asked, feeling embarrassed.
"Nothing," Buck replied quickly.
"No, tell me what you're looking at."
"You," Buck said simply.
"Me? Why?"
"Because you are sexy," Buck admitted shyly.
It seemed like Buck was in the mood today. Well, why not. "How about we watch some porn", suggested Tony.
Since a few minutes ago, Buck was feeling increasingly horny. He was rarely in the mood for sex, but today was different. So, when Tony suggested to put on some porn, Buck agreed quickly. After all, watching two men fuck each other was pretty hot stuff after all.
When they turned on the TV and found a nice gay movie, they settled down onto the couch again and watched the scene unfold. It was about a cop controlling traffic who forced a speeding man to suck his cock instead of paying. The guy obviously liked sucking cock and sucked on the officer's hard dick while getting fucked from behind by his partner.
Buck was already rubbing his own cock through his jeans when he saw how the two guys kissed passionately.
Tony also found concentrating on the porn movie much easier than the game before. Somehow, he had found the game a bit too difficult to follow today. His eyes were glued to the police officer on the screen, and he also massaged his cock in his sweatpants.
Without looking to his boyfriend, he asked: "Do you think a police uniform would suit me?"
"Sure," Buck responded at once, picturing his boyfriend in a police uniform. Both of them weren't exactly fit, so he had to use a bit of fantasy to imagine Tony as a burly policeman, but yeah, it could definitely work.
"And then there's my hair," continued Tony, stroking his medium black hair. "I should cut it shorter, right?"
"Yeah," Buck nodded enthusiastically, thinking about Tony as a cop with a short buzz cut. It would certainly make him look more intimidating.
While they were both fantasizing, the movie had come to an end. Tony immediately started a new one and discarded his shirt and pants. Now only in his boxers, he fished out his cock and started stroking it slowly.
"And if I were a cop, what would my uniform look like", he asked.
Buck found this whole conversation oddly erotic, so he answered without hesitation: "I think it would be blue."
"With golden buttons", added Tony, imagining himself being dressed in a tight uniform. He couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of having a big bulge in his pants. He imagined how people would react if he walked past them in such clothes.
Buck was so into the conversation that he didn't even notice that on the tv screen, the scene had turned into a mmf threesome. Tony was still watching it but found it oddly exciting. How had he never noticed that bouncing boobs excited him?
Buck was feeling light-headed. The mental images of Tony in a police uniform didn't seem so far off, actually. He had a good fit build and wore his hair in a short buzz cut already. He just needed a bit more muscle, and of course, a uniform. He briefly imagined how it must feel to be his uniform? To cling to that muscular body, to cover that firm ass.
"You would go commando of course", Buck fantasized, "Nothing between your dick and me..."
"You?" asked Tony and switched the porn channel. Straight porn. A busty blonde being fucked by a cop. Why not? "You want to be my uniform?"
Buck didn't mean to say it out loud, but the question alone made him stroke his cock even harder. "Yes! Think about it! I could be your vest, and your pants, and even your boots!"
Tony wasn't sure what to think of that idea of being this intimate with another man, he was no fag, after all. On the other hand, that wasn't a man he was talking about, but a mere object, a bit of fabric, leather and metal.
Buck didn't know what hit him. He was a human being, but right now, nothing felt righter than being just a set of clothing, wrapped around this man’s chiseled physique. The large muscles that danced when he stroked his cock to each moan of the girl on tv, the heavy balls that made a sweaty slapping sound, the muscular butt. With a cry of ecstasy, Buck came, shooting cum all over his body. At the same time, he deflated, like a balloon losing air. His feet were the first to change, becoming black combat boots. His legs followed suit and turned into a pair of blue police pants, while his cock and balls elongated into a black leather belt with a weapon holster. The cum quickly dried into his chest, as it turned into a blue vest with badges on them and a white undershirt. Finally, his head turned into a black leather police cap, as the last remains of his human mind faded away.
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The last thing he sensed was that the police office on the couch finally came, spewing cum all over himself. A big strong hand grabbed his undershirt body and wiped away the cum with it. The uniform part gladly absorbed all of it, adding one more stain to the numerous ones that were already there.
Tony, the police officer sighed. He needed that break. There hadn't been any hot woman speeding today and he had felt blue-balled. Perhaps he should just start stopping hot babes for no reason. Yeah, he grinned. That sounded like a great idea. He quickly got dressed, not caring about the wet cum stains on his undershirt. Of course, he went commando. He always did, he just loved the thought of not having anything between his large cock and his uniform pants. And the bulge was a real eye-catcher for the ladies, too.
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If you enjoyed this story, you might like my other ones in this theme. Also be sure to check out this cool blog!
569 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 5 months
Flash Drive
Lee Jooyeon
Summary:Jooyeon accidentally left the flash drive he needed for a class presentation with you. Naturally you went to his class to return it for him, which somehow ended up with dating rumors about you two. (non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
It was your off day. You didn’t have any classes to attend to, so you were gonna use your free day to relax, study and get your laundry done. You grabbed your laundry basket and headed to your small utility room in your apartment. You began to load the laundry machine. When you pulled out one of your sweats from the basket you noticed that there was something in one of the pockets. You reached your hand into the pocket and pulled out a flash drive. A wave of confusion washed over you. Why did you have a flash drive in your pocket? You hadn’t used any flash drives recently. Then it hit you. This was Jooyeon’s flash drive. He asked you to hold onto it yesterday because he was paranoid about losing it while you guys went out to dinner after finishing your classes for the day. The flash drive had his presentation on it for one of his classes. That’s when another hit of realization hits you. This flash drive has his presentation on it that he was supposed to present today! You quickly threw on a pair of shoes and practically went flying out the door of your apartment. 
Meanwhile Jooyeon has just gone through his bag for the third time. Panic started to settle in. Did he really lose the flash drive that he needed for a really important presentation? A presentation that makes up most of his grade. 
“Dude, what are you looking so frantically for?” One of Jooyeon’s group partners asks. 
“Just something,” Jooyeon answers while rummaging through his bag, yet again. 
“Wait, don't tell me you lost the flash drive,” Jooyeon’s other partner says. 
“I swear I put it in my bag,” Jooyeon defended. 
“What are we gonna do? You know how important this presentation is.”
“Looking for this?” You appeared behind Jooyeon. Holding the flash drive out, dangling it in front of his face. Jooyeon lets out a breath of relief, letting you drop the flash drive into his palm. 
“You're a lifesaver. Why do you have it though?” Jooyeon asked, turning around to face you. Now he is able to take in your appearance. Hair messily pulled back and you're wearing your lounge clothes that you usually only wear at home. He notices that your breathing is a bit labored too. Did you run here?
“You asked me to hold onto it last night. Then forgot to take it back,” you tell him. 
“Ah that’s right. When we had dinner,” he said, now remembering that he didn’t put it in his bag. 
“Yep, you’re lucky I found it before I washed it with my laundry. Anyway I’m sure you guys want to go over your presentation before presenting, so I’ll leave now. See you after class” you tell Jooyeon. 
“See you. Thanks for running this to me.” He held up the flash drive.
“Sure thing. Do well.” You gave him two light punches on his shoulder. With that you took your leave.
“Jooyeon!” a dude a couple rows back called out. Jooyeon turns around to look at the guy. 
“Yeah?” he asked. 
“Was that your girlfriend?” he questioned. 
“Why?” Jooyeon feared that he knew what was coming. 
“If she isn't I was going to ask if you could give me her number.” There it is. Exactly what Jooyeon feared. Because technically no, you weren’t his girlfriend. However he was planning on confessing to you. He still doesn’t exactly know when yet, but he is going to confess to you. He could do it sometime next week, next month, next year, sometime in the next ten years, but he was going to do it. Jooyeon definitely doesn't want anyone else trying to take you from him, so he lies. 
“She’s my girlfriend.” He only feels a little bad about lying. He does plan on making you his girlfriend, so it won’t be a lie forever. 
“You’re lucky,” the guy says. 
“I know,” Jooyeon replied cheekily and turned back around. 
“Y/n I didn’t know you were dating Jooyeon.” Your friend stated upon taking their seat next to you. 
“Who spread that rumor?” you laughed. “Jooyeon and I are only friends,” you informed. 
“Really? How come people are talking about Jooyeon’s pretty girlfriend who dropped off his flash drive yesterday then?” 
“I don’t know. I mean I did drop off his flash drive, but I did it as a good friend,” you say. You wouldn’t have minded dropping it off as his girlfriend though. Truth be told, you thought about what it would be like to be in a relationship with Jooyeon more than you should. Then again how could you not think about dating Jooyeon. He would walk you back to your apartment whenever it was late. He buys your favorite snacks. Even if you’re too busy to actually see each other he always texts you. He leaves little doodles in your notebooks for you to discover later. He insists that it wasn’t him, but who else would have left the exact plushie you were talking about wanting on your desk. 
“I guess people just misunderstood then,” your friend said. 
“Yeah, I guess.” You wish it wasn’t a misunderstanding though. 
After classes you headed across campus to go meet Jooyeon. You took a seat on one of the cement around a big planter. 
“Are you waiting for Jooyeon?” a random guy asked you.
“Uh, yeah,” you answered a bit awkwardly. 
“I was a bit sad when Jooyeon said you were his girlfriend. I wanted to hit on you,” he disclosed. Wait, it was Jooyeon who spread the rumor about you two dating. That must mean that he likes you too. Why else would he spread such a rumor?
“Oh, sorry to disappoint,” you joked. 
“All good. It makes sense that you’re taken. He better treat you right though.” 
“Y/n!” Jooyeon calls for you. 
“He does,” you answered. You got up to go meet Jooyeon. Who was feeling uneasy because he saw the guy talking to you was the same guy who wanted your number yesterday. 
“You ready to go?” you checked. 
“Yeah, but uh what were you two talking about?” Jooyeon had to ask. He has to know if that guy was hitting on you despite knowing that you were his “girlfriend”.
“He said he felt sad when you told him I was your girlfriend because he wanted to hit on me.” You gave Jooyeon a look. “Care to explain?” Jooyeon knew he was screwed. 
“No.” Jooyeon began to quickly walk away. 
“Jooyeon wait!” You caught up to him and grabbed his hand. “I’m not mad, but I do think we should talk,” you say. Jooyeon could only feel partially relieved. He was glad that you weren’t mad. He was still nervous about talking to you about it though.
“Ok,” Jooyeon responded. He let you drag him somewhere where there weren't many people around. 
“Why did you say I was your girlfriend? You know we aren’t together,” you questioned. 
“I know. I’m sorry, but that guy said if you weren’t my girlfriend then he wanted your number. I couldn’t give it to him though. I know you aren’t my girlfriend, but I was planning on confessing, so I didn't think it would do any harm if I lied a little bit. I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend in the future. I know it was probably not the right thing to do, but I didn’t want anyone else to steal you from me,” Jooyeon rambled out, long winded. 
“Yeah?” He can barely hold eye contact with you. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” you stated. 
“Like- like me?” Jooyeon’s heart races. “So you’ll be my girlfriend then?” he questions.
“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend,” you smiled. Jooyeon pulls you into a loving embrace. 
“Thank you. You saved me again. It would have been so embarrassing if I had to tell them you weren’t actually my girlfriend,” Jooyeon says from over your shoulder.
“Yeah what would you do without me,” you joked. Jooyeon laughs and pulls away from the hug. 
“Come on. Let’s go on a date.” He laces your hand with his. The two of you happily walk off campus together.
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Street Hearts Connection | Bada Lee Imagine
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pairings: bada lee x fem!reader
genre: fluff idek?!/!/
a/n: i was inspired from the street hearts nyc videos and i thought it was a good idea to make a bada imagine sorry if it sucks i tried my best😭
The host excitedly gestures to the two blindfolded girls sitting at the table, ready to participate in her game of romance and luck. She smiles at the camera and proclaims, "Welcome to Street Hearts where we pair two strangers on a date to find out if its a match or is it a pass"
"Im here with....?"
Y/N clears her throat and responds "Y/N"
Bada can't help but bite her lip at the sound of Y/N's sweet voice "Bada"
"I can already feel the chemistry- LOOK she's blushing and smiling" The host can't help but laugh as she points out Y/N's flushed face and blushing smile, Y/N covers her face out of embarrassment.
"How are you two feeling?"
"Nervous" both Bada and the host laugh at her answer
"Alrighty, let's not drag this on any longer" the host said, with all three smiling. "Let's take off the blindfolds" Bada agreed, as the two girls waited for the host to lift their blindfolds.
Y/N's heartbeat was racing as she closed her eyes from the bright light. She felt the butterflies in her tummy as she wondered what she'll see once she opens her eyes. With her eyes still closed, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. In a flash, Y/N opened her eyes and was stunned to find an absolutely breathtaking woman standing in front of her.
Her face broke out into a bright smile as she took in the gorgeous girl who stood before her, her heart still pounding and her face feeling warm.
Bada was visibly taken aback, her breath hitched as she looked at the girl in front of her, and didn't know what to say to initiate a conversation. are you going She looked utterly breathtaking, Bada was not expecting her to be this stunning. "Hey-fuck Im nervous now too"
Bada couldn't help but laugh, hiding her face with her beanie, her long, dark hair falling over her face. She felt a bit shy and embarrassed, trying to keep her laughter in check.
She looked over at Y/N, and was relieved to see that she was laughing too, just like her.
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"How's your love life going?" The host asked Bada, but she had quite the direct answer.
"Dry" was all she could say, leaving little room for elaboration.
The host turned to Y/N, who was listening intently, and nodded along.
"My ex-boyfriend is now gay, and my ex-girlfriend is straight, that pretty much explains everything," Y/N shared with a casual shrug of her shoulders.
"Are you okay, babes?" The host asked Y/N jokingly, putting her hand on her shoulder.
Y/N laughed, rolling with it and nodding along.
"Is that a red flag to you?" The host asked Bada, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Bada laughed at the question "Well, suddenly I'm colorblind" she said with a smirk. Y/N was glad they were sitting because she would've likely fallen over.
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"Who was your first cartoon crush?"
The host asks Y/N, which caused her to groan in embarrassment.
"No, it's embarrassing," She pushed the mic away, not wanting to talk about it.
"Come on, tell us, tell us!" Bada chants along, wanting to hear the secret.
"Tell us"
"Fuck it- the candle from Beauty and the Beast, I know Im weird"
"I mean I can't blame you," Bada says, grinning wickedly, already anticipating the next question. "He was kinda-"
"Alright alright, moving on," the host interjects with a light chuckle, and Bada grins even wider, "They're literally the same person"
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"Physical traits like a good smile and cool style definitely catch my eye, but really, I look for kindness, compassion, and realness in a partner. I want someone who's in my corner, even when we disagree. And I gotta admit, I don't mind if they're a bit weird too" Bada answers with a smile, playfully glancing at Y/N
Y/N could sense that the last part of Bada's statement was about her, and she felt her face heat up with a light blush.
"Smooth, what about you?"
"Someone who's smart, funny, and has a good heart. I need a partner who makes me feel safe, respected, and appreciated you know- also tall.. they need to be taller than me" Y/N said, and Bada stood up.
She took Y/N's hand to pull her close, looking down at her with a mischievous grin.
Y/N giggled and tilted her head up to look at her, realizing what she was doing.
"See? I'm taller." Bada said with a teasing grin and laugh, the host threw the microphone and got up
"You two don't need me anymore"
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"What do you do for work"
"I'm a barista," Y/N answered smiling
"Wait, really? Which café?" Bada asks in surprise, now curious to know where Y/N worked.
Y/N chuckles slightly and winks at her "At the SOL café, you should come by sometime"
Bada nods happily, replying with a quick, "Alright, bet,"
"What about you? What do you work?" Y/N asks Bada, and Bada smiles in response.
"I'm a choreographer," she replies, her tone sounding both humble and confident at the same time.
Y/N hides behind the host, gripping her arm tightly while whispering, "She's hot."
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"What's your girl dinner?" The host asks, and both girls answer quickly, smiling at eachother.
"Bada," Y/N says with a shy but playful expression, while Bada smiles back with a light blush on her face.
"It could be her"
The host stares in disbelief at the girls answers
"Are you sure this is your first time meeting?
.·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·..·:¨¨ ≈☆≈ ¨¨:·.
"Okay, now it's time for our Streethearts Sparkboards, where we're going to find out if you would go on a second date with each other."
The host's smile grew wider, her eyes glued on the two girls' writings.
Y/N was quick, writing down what she wanted with ease and glancing over at Bada, who was still writing. If Bada said no, Y/N knew she would never recover from the humiliation and embarrassment. Still, she held out hope that it would work, wishing and praying that Bada would say yes
"One, two, three... Show us your answers," the host commands, as Y/N and Bada quickly turn their Sparkboards around. Y/N can't help but grin a bit wider at Bada's answer
'YES (can i have ur number)'
Y/N nodded and excitedly exchanged her phone with Bada before typing in her number. Bada, looking directly at the camera, winked and smiled.
Some people nearby had stopped what they were doing had watched the whole date
When the host made the announcement, the nearby spectators began cheering and clapping in celebration
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calpurniatypes · 2 years
𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒆 ; 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕
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you mention to steve that you want to have a child, and he goes... well... a lot off the rocker
warnings; breeding kink, penetrative sex, oral ( female recieving ), dirty talk, talk of pregnancy, fucking hot steve
my overall masterlist
the light above you collected moths under the summer night as you lay, stretched out, on a pool-sunbed, flipping through the pages of one of steve's mother's magazines.
both of his parents had now passed away, which, though sad in nature, was freeing for steve. you'd never been a fan of either of his parents since he'd told you about the ways they'd reared steve. or, should you say, hadn't brought him up. you and steve had finished cleaning out their rooms, going through old junk and vintage items three weeks ago. you'd moved back to hawkins from chicago, where you'd been a successful author, managing a large publishing company, and he'd been a salesmen working a steady job as manager of a large chain of stores.
it only had made sense to move back to hawkins, though you two shared unpleasant and traumatizing memories in the town. recently, after the passing away of her parents, nancy and jonathon had returned, along with their daughter. will and his partner, whom you'd met a handful of times, still lived here, and the chief, who you'd always regarded as a father figure, was getting frailer.
now, as you thumbed through the pages of the magazine, your eyes caught on a specific article, the title long worn away by time and cheapness.
reading through the pages, your chest tightened at the ideas floating on the page. children, sex, raising babies into strong young people, all things that seemed too vulgar to be in a sixties magazine.
as you kept taking in the words, a sort of excitement billowed inside of your chest. the idea of motherhood had been something you'd liked, even as a child, when you'd stuck your tongue out at all dolls and anything remotely motherly.
now, though... you wanted that baby. you wanted the love you would share, you wanted steve to experience fatherhood in a positive light.
as the screen door open, you jumped slightly. "sorry, col, didn't mean to scare you," steve said, moving to lay down on your lounge chair next to you. you set down the magazine on the table, leaning up to kiss his lips tenderly.
he nestled against you and wrapped his arms around your middle.
"how was the grocery?" you asked, breathing in the thick night air.
shrugging, steve answered, "same as always. I did run into erica, though. pregnant, and back in town for the weekend to visit her mother."
your eyes opened wide, "erica sinclair is pregnant?"
he nodded, "yep. and glowing too."
you closed your eyes, envisioning erica with her own child. then, as though on a slideshow, the image faded into you, standing with steve, a child holding both of your hands as you walked down the sidewalk.
"col?" steve asked, turning to you.
the image was still in your head as you traced his lips with your eyes. "steve, don't you ever want to have children?"
he took a sharp breath, and through his eyes you could tell he was running through answers. then, slowly, he nodded, "with you, yes, totally. do you?"
you let yourself think before talking too quick, "yes, yes, yes. i mean, yes with you, definitely."
steve paused at the hearing of the those words. he was thrilled. he'd always wanted to have a child, to be a better father then his was.
but seeing erica in the store, that had made him want it more. it could have been anyone, but the look on her skin as she glowed. that was something he wanted you to have. he wanted you to glow in that way. he wanted you to be full. he wanted you to have his child.
"when?" he asked, and you could hear the lust creeping into his voice.
"you got a new job, i've been signed a contract, we have the money and the community surrounding us..." you drew out, tapping your fingers along the side of your jeans.
"so now. you want to have a kid now." he finished for you, and you nodded quickly.
"yes. if you want to, of course, only if you want to."
steve answered quickly, "i really want to."
you gazed at each other for a moment, and then it was like something from a film. your lips contacted each others in midair, and steve pulled you onto his body, his hands gripping your waist and shoulder.
it was so heated between the two of you that you thought you might have a fever. he reached down to unbutton your jeans, and then pulled his hand away.
"is everything okay?" you asked, and he shook his head.
"i need to have you, and i can't have you out here," he motioned around you two, where his neighbors could clearly peep into his yard, his voice husky and deep.
"then let's go somewhere we can be alone," you got up, and steve was next to you a second later. hands connected, he pulled you up the stairs and into his room.
sitting down on the bed, he watched as you stood in front of him.
"take off your clothes," he commanded, and you shuddered at the way his eyes were practically fucking you already.
you pulled your cotton shirt up, leaving you in just a sports bra, and then unbuttoned your denim jeans. now just in your panties and bra, steve's hand slipped to his crotch.
you moved to him and straddled his body, grinding into his hard cock. his hands found your back and you breathed against each others mouths, his right fingertips locked against your scalp, yours on his own.
before you could tell where you were, steve had set you down on the bed, pulling off your panties as you lay on your back.
his hands were cold against your clit, and you moaned instantly at the feeling of his fingertips. he rubbed small circles with one hand as he pulled his clothes off with the other.
"aren't you a good girl, darling, letting me get you ready for my cock, huh?" he said, and you moaned. you were wet now, and you swore you were making a puddle of juices on his blanket.
your back arched with pleasure as his mouth found your clit, flicking along the sensitive bundle of nerves. "steve," you groaned into the air conditioned coolness of his room.
"keep talking, darling," he breathed against your pussy, sucking against the bottom of your clit, his nose rubbing circles into the top half. you could feel him smile against you as you repeated his name, over and over.
"oh, god, steve, oh god thank you," you moaned out, and you could feel yourself reaching your high.
it came on you like a train, hitting you with so much pleasure that your vision, or whatever was left of it in your hazy, steve-drunk mindstate, was dotted with white.
slowly steve rose from your clit, and pulled your face into his to kiss you messily. you could taste yourself along the fine curve of his lips, along his tongue as it plunged into your mouth.
you could feel his fingertips leaving your head and moving down, down, down, to his crotch. you listened to the wet squelch as he pumped his cock several times, and then he pulled back from you.
"move back, darling, against the pillows," he whispered, and you complied, your body slow after your orgasam.
"steve," you whispered, the syllables slow coming out of your mouth. "get in me right now."
"so demanding, honey." he tisked, and though normally you would grin, now you only wanted his cock inside of you. "but i'll give you that, if you want it."
he pumped his cock again, and you watched with half clothed eyes as he pressed his tip into you, his legs outside of yours, your chests smushed together as he slowly entered you.
"always so fucking tight, darling," he grunted, "gotta get you stretched out."
it always took a while for him to enter you, but this time you wanted him more then you ever had before. the seconds ticked away like hours, and when he finally bottomed out, you both moaned at the same time.
"god, i love you so much. let's get you full, darling," he said, his mouth against yours.
it seemed now that the only thing you could say was his name, and the moans falling around every word were so harmonic that steve could cum just at the sound of it.
"can i come, please?" you asked, finally straying away from sounding like a broken record. it took almost everything you had to even speak, and your eyes were rolled back.
"no," steve moaned, "let me come with you, darling. hold i."
you could feel his rough, deep thrusts become sloppier, and his fingers, which were wrapped on the cheeks of your face, became harder. he was getting close, and you were already at the edge.
"oh, honey, is this so hard that you can't do it? you have to come for me? well, my little cock-drunk whore, you are just going to have to wait. won't breed you if you come." the words coming from steve's mouth were so dirty that it brought you closer to coming.
"please, please," you pleaded, forcing yourself to stare at his eyes. he could see yours watering, tears threatening to spill.
"hold it, honey," he commanded, and the thought of him not coming inside of you kept you from your high. you wanted his child.
"so excited to see you fucking full and swelling, darling. so excited, so fucking excited." it took you a moment to realize that his hands had moved from your face and were now on your back, pulling your bra off your body.
his face met your breasts the second the fabric disappeared. he sucked, nipped, and bit at your nipples and the supple flesh of your boobs. "god, i love you. so beautiful, so beautiful. all for me, your mine."
"steve, i can't hold it, please," the pleasure was so intense, so deep, that you started to sob.
"let go with me, darling," he pulled his face away from your tits, and the second he gave you the go ahead, you did just that.
if you thought your last orgasam was good, this one was mind bending. you lost yourself, your body, where you were for what seemed like years.
it was only steve pulling a pillow from behind your back that brought you to life. you were shaking, hard, from the exhilaration of it all. tears stained down your cheeks, and you wondered how one person could be so beautiful. his hair was long and messy, and you held your hands to his head as he positioned a pillow underneath your hips, propping your pussy into the air.
his fingers prodded at your opening for a moment, and you watched his face as he stuffed his cum deep inside of you.
"can't let it slip out, darling. we'll get you fucking swelling on the first try."
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
Photo, motto!
Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi are shocked to learn you have no social media accounts, and decide to change that. However, things don't go as planned.
wc: 1.6K
tags: jujutsu kaisen, just crack honestly, slow-burn Nanami x OC/Reader, some fluff if you squint, the chaotic trio being chaotic (I love them).
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". A sequence of short stories and one-shots related to Nanami x Reader x Higuruma. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots and short stories, please visit my masterlist :) 
Disclaimer: these stories are NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
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You were lazily flipping your finger on your phone's screen while you read an article on hydrangea's colors. Every time you flicked your finger, the phone took quite a few seconds to respond, rendering it a nearly daunting task. The thing was ancient by this point, but since you weren't much tech-savvy at all, you never bothered to get a new phone in these last 6 years.
The class was finished, and the first years were blabbering on about something. More specifically, Yuuji and Nobara were having a pretty heated debate about the best 'filter' — whatever the hell that was — to use on a photo before posting it, and Megumi sighed, refusing to break the tie between the two of them.
"Sensei!" Nobara exclaimed, pulling your attention.
"Hm, what?" You asked, having your eyes still glued to the screen of your phone, annoyed at how slow it was.
"We want to know if you find that a feed with no-filter photos is better than a feed with heavily edited photos!" Yuuji chirped in. "No filter is clearly better, real and all!"
"Are you two really going to harass sensei with that nonsense?" Megumi asked, annoyed.
"Of course! And just so you know, I want my pictures to look pretty, not realistic, duh." Nobara answered, not realizing Megumi had used the word nonsense.
"Oh, I can definitely tell that from your feed!" Yuuji replied jokingly, prompting Nobara to pull him by his collar, ready to sucker punch his face.
"What are you guys on about?" You finally asked, looking up. "Filter? Feed? What?"
They stopped for a second and the trio looked at you, perplex.
"You don't have a Picgram* account?" To your surprise, the one to ask that was Megumi. Even with the nonchalant facade, he was still a teenager, after all.
*Yes, I'm avoiding saying other social network names in this, sorry about the cringe.
"The what now?" You asked, earnestly, having Yuuji and Nobara look shell shocked.
"What do you mean you don't know what it is?" Nobara inquired, incredulous. "It's just the most famous social network in all of Japan!"
"Oh, I don't care much about those. I just use my phone for texts, calls, taking pictures, read, listen to music, and that's about it."
"Ah, sensei, you must create an account, then!" Yuuji said, spirited, releasing himself from Nobara's death grip and frolicking towards you.
"Hm, okay, I guess. Good luck trying to do anything on that phone, though" you said, having him sit beside you. After Yuuji took your phone on his hands — cracked screen, unkempt as hell, and clearly in overtime duty, his face contorted in horror.
Nobara came and stepped towards you both, taking in the decrepit state of your smartphone with her eyes.
"Sensei, maybe you should get a new phone?" Yuuji inquired, gently.
"Not maybe. Surely. This is just about to crumble to pieces" Nobara noted.
Megumi crept up behind the other two students.
"Oh, come on, it's not that bad" you replied, scratching your head.
"It definitely is" Megumi stated, unprompted. "Jujutsu sorcerers are well paid, sensei. You can afford one."
"It's not that I can't afford one, Fushiguro, I just don't need a new phone" you replied, lifting an eyebrow in annoyance. "Just get on with it and do the thing."
"Eh, fine, fine!" Yuuji replied, opening your browser app. He basically set up your account, followed his own and Gojo's accounts, and then motioned himself by your side to show you how it worked.
"So, here are your messages" he pointed to the corner of the screen.
Obviously those were the text messages, that was a worldwide used icon since the nineties.
"I figured out that much, Itadori" you answered, asking yourself when did these teens begin thinking you were so technologically inept.
He cleared his throat and said, "sorry". 
You saw a message coming in from Gojo. Upon clicking, you and Yuuji waited for a few seconds until it opened. It was a greeting dog sticker. Of course.
"Well, and how does this work?"
"Down here, you can pick a photo to post, and you basically follow people on the app to see the photos they post, comment on them, give them a like and things like that!" Yuuji answered.
"Hey, Yuuji, did you have sensei follow me?" Nobara asked.
"Let me show her how to post a picture first" he lied, pressing on the plus icon.
When he pressed it, multiple images of flowers and plants appeared, having some landscapes sprinkled across your photo library.
"Oh, these are beautiful!" Yuuji said, delighted.
"Let me see!" Nobara exclaimed, butting her head beside Yuuji, and gasping. "Oh, the flowers, they're pretty!"
"Oh" you huffed out, smiling, slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, I guess."
Then, Yuuji and Nobara went silent for a moment, something very uncharacteristic for them.
"Hm?" You hummed.
They both seemed to be slightly blushing and said nothing.
"What is it?" Megumi asked, butting himself on Yuuji's other side and widening his eyes a little. "Oh. Uh..." He began, "I-I've been to that bakery, it's very good."
What the hell?
You got up and stood beside them, realizing that they had caught you red-handed. 
On the screen, was a picture you had taken of Nanami in one of your missions, clearly without him seeing it or noticing you did so. He just seemed so satisfied and happy munching on his ciabatta sandwich that you just had to take a picture of that.
"H-hey, just-" you stuttered, blushing violently. "Students, stop messing on my photo library!"
"I'm sorry!" Yuuji said, fumbling your phone back at you. It fell on the table, and when you got a hold of it again, your blood ran cold.
The photo had accidentally been posted.
"Uh?! Posted?! What?!" 
The trio paled in an instant.
"I- I'm so so so sorry, oh my-" Yuuji was stuttering, completely mortified, hands covering his mouth.
"God..." Megumi said, sighing deeply. "I'll be outside waiting for you guys to finish this."
"Itadori, stop. Stop talking" you stated, inhaling deeply. "Nobara, please delete this" you said, handing her the phone.
She tapped on the screen, first delicately, then stronger, following a sequence of angry, nervous taps.
"W-what? What is going on?" You inquired, also mortified.
"It's frozen" she answered. 
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Gojo was reveling on a matcha ice cream while he roamed the streets of Tokyo.
As the sorcerer walked, he got a notification on his phone. Upon checking, he realized you had followed him on Picgram, and promptly followed you back, sending his classic dog greeter on your DM's.
Given that he wasn't doing much, Gojo decided to doomscroll for a while, checking out the feed for some minutes, and realized there wasn't anything particularly interesting.
After refreshing, however, a photo of Nanami, that had clearly been taken without him noticing, appeared on his feed.
Checking the profile, Gojo realized you were the one to post the picture, and took a print-screen of it as he laughed mischievously to himself.
Oh, this is going to be fun, he thought as he opened his text messages with Nanami.
GS: Hey, Nanamin!
NK: Don't call me that. 
GS: I have something for you.
NK: ... What?
You and Nanami were at the usual bar for yet another drinking session after work. He had just told you about his mission for the day, and you were about to tell him about the students' debacle, just before stopping in your tracks. 
You were both silent for a few moments.
"So, do you remember that bakery? The one that has a great ciabatta with pesto that we went a few weeks ago?" He inquired, lifting his glass of whiskey to take a sip.
You looked at him suspiciously. "Yes, I remember."
"I think we should go there tomorrow. I wanted to try the newer options from the menu, their bread is exquisite" Nanami answered, still holding his glass up.
"Uh, sure, I guess." This is very sus.
"Maybe..." the ratio sorcerer said, gravely lowering his glass on the bar counter, "we should also take a picture, their food is very well presented, after all."
Oh, no.
"Nanami, I'm so so so sorry! I just thought you looked so happy with your sandwich, it was an accident, the first years are relentless, I didn't mean to-"
Nanami was clearly amused hearing your apologies as he nonchalantly took another sip from his drink, unwavering.
When you were done blabbering, Nanami held the urge to smile, as he resumed speaking.
“What was that you used to call me back at Odate?” The sorcerer asked, filled with satisfaction, ready to deal the killing blow with no mercy at all.
"Oh, come on, Nanami! Please don't." 
Your pleads fell on deaf ears.
"Oh, I think I remember” Nanami said, vindication from ten years of teasing stewing under the monotone of his voice. 
“Don’t you dare, Nanami...” you warned, vermilion face pulsing with embarrassment.
“You used to call me ‘stalker’" he stated, highlighting the last word, before he proceeded. "So, how does it feel to actually be one?”
“Nanami, come on, I'm not a stalker! Ugh” you sighed, covering your face in shame.
This time, he couldn't hold the amusement grin.
You grunted before proceeding. “Guess I’ve earned this one, but come on, that was ten years ago! How did you hold on to that grudge for so long?”
Except it wasn’t a grudge. Well, maybe just a little bit.
I need a new phone.
End notes:
This one was so fun to write. About the "stalker" thing, it's referring to my mid-long fic, Sand and Snow (you can check it out here), given that reader is based off of my OC from S&S :) Hope you had fun! xoxo
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thezombieprostitute · 2 months
Hi dear! If you're doing sleepy prompts, can I please get 12. “No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days” with Curtis? 💜💜
You know what? I'm gonna revisit Biker Curtis for this one. I'm sure this isn't going to go how you were thinking in any way, but it technically is answering your prompt.
Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: Reader is Tall and Plus Size female.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Language, Stalkerish behavior
Part 1; Part 3
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Ever since you and your friends left Snowpiercer last week you swear you've felt like you've been watched. You could never identify any one actually following you, but you felt like you were on edge every time you stepped foot outside.
Despite Mason's bad interaction with one of the bikers it was agreed to try the place again. After all, one bad drunk doesn't mean the entire gang is mad. Especially after Curtis stepped in, pulling rank. The fact that a decent person was clearly in charge really helped boost the place in your friend group's eyes. Plus, you really did like the burgers.
As you arrive you feel relaxed for the first time all week. Maybe it's the fact that you're with your friends, maybe the place discourages creeps. Either way, you're happy to be able to breathe. 
Apparently your group is memorable, given how Tanya lights up when she sees you. 
“You still designated driver,” she asks you. 
“Yup,” you nod. “Now and forever.”
“Then not only is your soda on the house but so is your burger.”
“Tanya, that's too much,” you exclaim. “Andrew’s work deserves to be paid for. Those burgers are divine!”
“Don't you worry about that, Sweetie,” she shakes her head. “Also, ladies,” she addresses your group, “the owner wanted me to tell you your appetizers are all half off as an apology for what happened last week.”
You blink a few times as your friends cheer and start ordering. With your orders placed and the first round of drinks in hand you all settle in at the same table as last week. 
As the chatting and catching up starts Mason looks at you and says, “No offense, but you look like you haven't slept in days.”
“None taken,” you assure. “Just been feeling on edge all week. Like I'm being watched.”
“And you haven't seen anyone?”
“Nope. But I have been making sure to change up my routes and routines, just to be safe.”
The conversation, food and drinks continued for a while, your friends soon in high spirits, when the bikers came in. You were happy to have just sat down with the next round of drinks when they came in. You didn't have to dance around the crowd this time. 
And you got to lock eyes with Curtis when he came in. 
His deep blue eyes had definitely shown up in a few daydreams of yours. The memory of his calloused hand and gruff voice as well. You doubt he's thought any more about you since last week. You give him a smile before turning your attention back to your friends. 
Curtis is grateful that Edgar is the only person close enough to notice the hitch in his breathing when you smiled at him. He had plans in case you didn't return but here you are. And you remember him fondly enough to smile at him. He tries to return the smile and hope it looks okay. He’s not used to smiling in general but for you he’ll make the effort. Your smile doesn’t fade as you turn back to your friends so, hopefully, that meant you liked what you saw. 
Ever since last week, Curtis knew you were going to be his queen. For him that meant you’d be his partner, his equal, and deserving of the respect of your people. He’s seen you as a responsible, caring, yet fun-loving person. This past week his intel has told him you’re also incredibly alert, cautious and intelligent. A few of his men noted you could tell you were being followed and the entire week no pattern of behavior could be established. You were as smart and capable as you were caring and responsible. 
You were everything he could ever want in a queen. But as much as he wanted to make you his, he knew you weren’t likely to respond well to him declaring his desire. He had to play it slower than he liked. Thankfully some reliable intel was collected on you and he’d be able to use that to make you his. Your smile made him hopeful you were interested.
Edgar poked his ribs, “you gonna be okay, there?”
Curtis shook his head, “yeah. Yeah. Just glad she’s here.”
“Well, you did say she was the one. Clearly fate is agreeing with you,” Edgar smiles before heading to the bar to order Curtis’s usual for him.
Curtis tries his best to look at you without being obvious about it. He’s not used to being so nervous but you’re special, important, and he doesn’t want to scare you off. Social skills weren’t his forte but for you he’ll put in the effort. 
It takes several minutes but he finally sees you get up to go back to the bar. He waits a few beats before heading up there as well. He stands next to you as you order the next round for your drinks. Your height means he doesn’t have to try to make himself smaller to appear less intimidating, another social skill he wasn’t good at. Curtis knew how to keep his head down but he could never keep himself small. With you he’ll never have to. 
Tanya takes your order and turns to him, “and you want your usual, Curtis?”
“Yes, please,” he nods. You turn to face him, smiling, and he swears your smile is the prettiest he’s ever seen. 
“It’s good to see you again, Curtis,” you croon. “Thank you, again, for your help last week.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles, “like I said. Shouldn’t have had to help.”
“And yet, when it was needed, you helped. So thank you.” You see him blush and you swear this incredibly handsome man is only more attractive with a tinge of pink in his cheeks. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about Egg-head tonight,” Curtis informs you, sending a glare over to the man in question. You follow Curtis’s gaze and see Egg-head shrink down into his seat. Looking back at you Curtis continues, “all the guys know you and yours are not to be pestered, no matter how drunk.”
“That’s incredibly kind of you,” you marvel. “Between you and yours keeping us safe and the owner giving us discounts on the great food, I think we’ll have to make this place our go-to.” Curtis’s eyes widen so you quickly offer, “unless it’s too much work for you. If it’s too much of a pain to keep an eye on us, we can find a different spot.”
“No, no,” Curtis stammers. “I’m just…this place isn’t usually a regular spot for anyone but bikers.”
“Will that be a problem? Are we going to have to get our own bikes or anything?”
“No,” he chuckles to cover for the shakiness in his breath at the image of you in his leather jacket. “There’s no prerequisite for becoming a regular here. Except for being nice to the staff. Right, Tanya?”
“Damn right, Curtis,” she asserts as she hands you the next round of drinks and a refill on the nachos. “So you’ve got nothing to worry about, Sweetheart. Andrew gets more compliments on his food every time you visit than an entire gang of bikers gives him in a month!”
“In my defense, it’s very good food,” you chuckle. “And while you saw my friends kinda drunk last time, you haven’t seen them go all night. You could easily say we’re too much and never let us back in.”
Tanya snorts, “if I can put up with an entire gang of bikers with this one’s help,” she points to Curtis, “I can take care of your group of gal pals with your help.”
“Oh, you’re the adult of the group as well,” you ask Curtis.
“Part and parcel with being in charge,” he nods.
“Well it’s good to know you’ll be clear headed in case any trouble comes up,” you beam. “Thanks for everything, Tanya! The way they’re going through nachos I’ll likely be back in about 10 minutes.” 
Tanya laughs as you walk back to your table, food and drinks in hand. She watches Curtis watching you move gracefully between groups to get to your table, using your height to your advantage to keep the food from bumping into others. “So when are you making your move,” she asks him.
“I…I’m working on it,” he grumbles, grabbing his drink before heading back to his table. 
Edgar watched the whole thing and congratulates Curtis on doing so well, “she was smiling, chuckling, I think she’s into you!”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my brother,” Curtis argues.
“It’s because you’re my brother that I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true,” he counters. “But I couldn’t hear anything over the noise. What all did you talk about?”
“She and her friends are thinking of making this place their regular spot,” Curtis tells him.
“Thank fuck,” Edgar responds. “Does that mean we can call off the guys? Let her get some peace and quiet from being followed around?”
Curtis sighs and ponders. “Okay, pull them back. I’ll figure out a way to casually run into her before their next visit. In the meantime, make sure Gilliam knows his gift went a long way to keeping her around and Tanya deserves a raise or a bonus.”
“I’m pretty sure Tanya’s ‘bonus’ is having another sober adult around to help her.”
“She’s got a kid,” Curtis chides. “She needs monetary compensation more than anything.”
“Fair, fair,” Edgar placates. “Are you gonna be able to keep everyone in line while you’re watching her, though? You’ve been pretty focused on watching your giantess’s every move.”
“She’s not a giant,” Curtis hisses. 
“Fine, but you do pay a lot more attention to her than you do to your people when we’re here. That’s something that’s not going to go unnoticed by some of the more unruly members.”
Curtis nods in agreement, “lucky I’ve got you and a few other officers to help keep them in line. Anyone acts out, breaks the rules, gets made an example of. I may be a little distracted but that doesn’t mean I’m not in charge.”
“Sure thing, Boss. In the meantime, I think your gia….um, your…your girl is talking about you with her friends.”
Curtis barely manages to control the urge to look in your direction, “what makes you say that?”
“They’re all taking turns looking at you and giggling while she keeps looking embarrassed,” Edgar smiles. “I think you’ve got their approval.”
“I hope so. It’ll be an important part of getting and keeping her.”
“You’re really set on her, even though you barely know her?”
“I don’t know how to explain it, Edgar. Sometimes you see someone and you know they’re going to affect your life. The fact that it’s backed up by her having all the traits I’m looking for? And then some? The fact that I truly believe she could hold her own against any of our gang? You know I’m not one for sentimentality but it feels like fate to me.”
“If it’s fate, why don’t you just go and tell her what’s going on now?”
“Fate gives you the chance, the opportunity. You can still fuck it up.”
Edgar nods, “I still think you should just go ask her out. Sometimes a direct approach is best. Especially when she keeps glancing your way.”
“Fuck,” Curtis whispers, painfully steeling himself from immediately looking towards you. Edgar laughs at the reaction. Curtis glares at Edgar, “if this goes south, scares her away, I’m blaming you.”
“I’ll accept the blame if it’ll save everyone time and energy into your attempts at flirting,” he chuckles.
Curtis takes a few breaths to steady himself. You’re walking back to the bar, empties in hand, when he gets up to follow you. A few of his gang give him an encouraging pat on the back as he walks past them. The gang knows Curtis is a great president for their group; prefers negotiation but won’t hesitate to fight, insists others get medical attention first, makes sure they’re all taken care of. But they know flirting has never been in his skill-set so they’re happy to encourage him. 
He stands next to you at the bar as you thank Tanya and tell Andrew how much the food was enjoyed and he smiles. Sensing his presence you turn and smile wider at him. He feels unusually shy but he has to do this. “Would you, maybe, want to go out sometime? When we’re not taking care of everyone else? Just the two of us?” 
He swears he sees a sparkle in your eyes as you consider.
“I have to ask,” you start, “if I were to say ‘no’ would that mean we couldn’t come back?”
“No,” Curtis shakes his head. “There’d be no animosity, no reduced protection, nothing like that. If you’re not interested, you’re not interested.”
You hold out your hand, “can I put my number on your phone?”
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Part 1; Part 3
Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would! Also tagging @krirebr just in case Ask notifications are wonky.
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jamilelucato · 4 months
Unlikely - Emmett Cullen
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Summary: Edward Cullen discovers a surprising secret when he inadvertently tunes into the thoughts of a fellow student, [y/n] [y/l/n], revealing her crush on none other than his brother, Emmett. As their unexpected connection unfolds, both face the complexities of love and the challenges of their supernatural existence.
Pairing: [y/n] [y/l/n] x Emmett Cullen
Universe: Twilight
Author's Note: So, I have had this in store for a while, waiting for the right time to post it. I feel like Emmett deserves I do it. Btw, I can't promise a part 2 or something like that. For an unknown reason, it's been hard for me to write characters kissing and stuff. But get them flirting below.
Info: Emmett here is supposedly enroled in the same year as Edward and Bella, because I wanted to keep him in school whereas I wanted Rosalie gone. Love Rosalie, though. I'm telling you this because it's not canon, so... there you go.
### Edward was the first to notice, of course.
He wasn't paying much attention until this girl's thoughts popped louder than the rest of the cafeteria.
Edward already had so much trouble — keeping tabs on Bella Swan — that his most minor concern was the other students at Forks High School.
But her thoughts were loud and clear. I can't believe it! I… I am crushing on him! Gods, embarrassing…
Edward Cullen frowned. He was always around teenagers, and more often than not, they'd find themselves in love. Why was this random girl's mental voice so loud and clear, then?
He's never paid attention to me before. He just borrowed me a pen. Get a grip on yourself, [y/n]! The girl's mind shouted, reprehending herself.
"What is it, Edward?" Bella asked, calling back his attention to her. Edward was curious about the other students, but no one in the world came before Bella Swan to him.
"Someone's called my attention," Edward answered, letting Bella grasp his hand.
"Good or bad?" she asked.
"A student," Edward answered, unsure yet if listening to the random girl's thoughts so clearly was a bad sign. "She's found herself crushing on someone."
Bella looked puzzled. "Oh, well. It happens to all of us," she jested but still looked worried. "Any idea why her voice is louder?"
Even after all those many months apart, Bella quickly understood Edward's gift. But the loud voice had disappeared.
"It was [y/n] [y/l/n]. But I don't know who she's crushing on that can be so bad…" Edward let his sentence trail off, looking around the cafeteria for the human.
Emmett's face lit up, and he chimed in. "[y/n]? I talked to her today in Biology class. She's my lab partner."
Bella moved her neck to face Emmett better. "I did not know that."
Emmett shrugged. "I mean, it's not like we interact. She's been my partner for a while in that class, but you know…" he didn't finish his sentence, embarrassed to tell Bella what he really thought. But Edward read it all in Emmett's mind: but I don't usually bother with humans.
Edward pressed his lips together, reacting to his brother's thought. He also didn't want to tell Bella that he agreed.
"But what was it about [y/n], anyway? Is she in danger?" Emmett asked, not showing his concern. To Bella, it all seemed like curiosity. But to Edward, well, he saw Emmett's thoughts trailing off.
"No, not at all," Edward nodded. "I don't think I've tuned to her thoughts before, that's all. It was just so loud a minute ago."
"Ah," Emmett let out. What was she saying? I know you won't tell me, but you sure as hell told Bella.
"What I said is what I heard," Edward affirmed, answering Emmett's mind. 
"So she has a crush, good for her!" Emmett said, raising his tone just a bit but enough for Bella to notice. 
Before Edward could intrude on his brother's reaction, Emmett left.
Emmett sat at his seat, tensed. Being a vampire and all, he had no need for breathing, definitely no need for oxygen. But it was a habit to do so, to get a grasp of scent and also to act more "human". However, that day, he felt like he was hyperventilating.
So Edward had heard [y/n] had a crush on someone. No big deal. Was she one of the funniest girls he ever met? Yes. Did she have such a crooked smile that made her more beautiful? Yes. Did she seem to always understand him, even when he barely spoke to her? Yes. But that meant nothing and would stay meaning nothing, for she was a human, and he was a vampire. 
Emmett concluded it would have been better if Edward had not mentioned any of [y/n]'s thoughts. In fact, since Edward was always so focused on Bella, Emmett thought [y/n] would stay out of his radar. Goddammit.
"Hey, Emm," [y/n] said, catching Emmett by surprise as she sat beside him.
[y/n] was in many other classes Emmett was enrolled in, but Biology was the only course they actively sat together. Well, one time in English class, Emmett was left out of group partners, and [y/n] politely and unexpectedly asked him to join her group. But that had been one time.
He wouldn't admit it to his siblings, but [y/n] had caught him off guard. Emmett had been so distracted thinking about her that her scent passed unnoticed when she was finally there.
"Hi, [y/n]!" he replied, quickly cleaning his throat after noticing his "hi" had sounded a bit too high-pitched. He wished he had a nickname for [y/n] as she had, with time, shortened his name after the forced proximity. He had tried out some possibilities in his mind, but he was a man of his time, and just calling her by her first name and not simply "miss" was too much for his little mind.
"It's snowing today," she prompted, shifting her eyes from his face to the window nearby.
"I noticed," Emmett nodded.
"Do you plan to snow-fight your siblings?" she asked shyly after becoming embarrassed by his gruff reply.
Emmett's face lit up just a bit, and he hoped it was invisible for [y/n]'s human eyes. She's trying to make small talk, he concluded, smiling internally.
"You've noticed I do that, huh," he playfully leaned his head.
[y/n] smiled. "Last year, I saw you trying to hit Alice. She was quick though," she said, moving her shoulders as if to shrug, but not quite. "I just hope you don't plan to have your fight in the cafeteria again."
Emmett's eyebrows were eager to shoot up, but he controlled them just in time. So [y/n] had noticed him and his siblings since the year before. Of course, she had known Emmett since their first high school year — or should he say her first high school year? — and of course, one thing or another, she was bound to catch up about the Cullens. But to have detected him launching Alice a snowball... and to remember it, that was something.
"Be careful then," Emmett joked. "I can't make any promises."
"Oh, please," [y/n] rolled her eyes, shifting the way she sat so she could look to the front of the classroom. She continued without facing Emmett, "As if you would ever hit on me... I mean, on me! No! I mean, hit me! With a snowball."
Her face was so red Emmett thought her head was going to explode. Did humans' heads do that? Did they explode?
[y/n] saw he looked concerned, but she misinterpreted it. Emmett had barely noticed her slip in language use.
"I don't mean you would hit on me at all," she kept shaking her head as if to erase her language mistake. "Not that it matters; both are something you would never do," she whispered now, more to herself than to the boy, but being a vampire, he heard it all. "Forget it, Emmett. I'm so sorry."
Emmett was instantly calmer, but not because he was glad she apologised — why was she apologising again? — but because the redness was slowly disappearing from [y/n]'s face, which definitely meant she was not gonna explode, he felt very relieved, which surprised him. When Edward had mentioned, the year before, how easily humans could die, Emmett had thought his brother was being absurd. But he was worried about this human girl beside him for some reason.
He planned to ask [y/n] if she was indeed all right, but the professor walked in, and all the chances he had to do so seemed to disappear.
[y/n] could not, for her life, tell what Mr. Banner was going on and on about. Was it about cells? About nature? She was utterly unfocused, even though her eyes were fixed on the weird teacher. Well, actually, she would fix her gaze at anything and anyone, if that was enough, to avoid looking to her left and eyeing Emmett Cullen.
All her mind could do was blame herself. She had known Emmett since the Cullens came to the town; there was no reason for fuss. The family was undoubtedly the most beautiful of all. All of them could be models, including Dr. Carlisle, whom she met when she unintentionally had to stitch a bruise. Since entering high school and having known them, her gaze was fatally met with Emmett's.
It was not as if he had reacted in any other way, if not with boredom. She grew discouraged after each "incident" but continued to spy on the Cullen family. However, whenever Rosalie and Edward caught her staring, [y/n] felt uneasy and quickly averted her gaze. She knew there was no point in admiring Emmett Cullen when he already had Rosalie Hale by his side. So, who was [y/n] compared to the stunning blonde goddess?
[y/n] was extremely surprised when she witnessed the Cullens' return to Forks.
Seeing Bella Swan go through a "mourning process," [y/n] felt understood because she had felt the same way, although on a much smaller scale. However, she would never have confessed it or let it show. Who was she to miss the Cullens?
She never expected Edward Cullen or Emmett to come back, but one day, there they were. [y/n] arrived late one day and had not noticed the extra car in the parking lot. When it was time for biology class, [y/n] was caught off guard to see that she had a new (old) partner already sitting at the table they were supposed to share.
Letting herself dive into this thread of thought, [y/n] was sure that it was not at that moment, when he returned, that she saw herself surrendered to Emmett. Yes, she had gotten more loose and relaxed when she noticed that Rosalie had not accompanied her siblings or Jasper Hale because they had graduated. But Edward's gaze still haunted her. Something told her that the whole family moved by the boy's fault (even if the rumours said that Dr Carlisle had accepted a better job), so [y/n] was afraid that Edward would make his family move again.
After secretly paying attention, she was surprised to detect that Bella was also afraid of them disappearing again.
Before Biology class ended, [y/n]'s mind replayed a specific, very recent memory. The day before, she was about to write something down when her pen started failing. She thought she wasn't reacting noticeably, but somehow Emmett glimpsed her sudden need.
"Do you want a pen of mine to borrow?" he asked, already holding the thing out to her grasp.
[y/n] raised her eyes from her notebook to meet his golden gaze.
"Oh, thank you," she smiled, borrowing the pen.
Emmett had said nothing more and returned his gaze to Mr Banner. [y/n] thought she ought to do the same and rushed to write down the rest of the speech.
When the class had ended, [y/n] turned to Emmett before he could head out. "Here you go, Emm," she smiled at him, trying her hardest to look polite. "Thank you."
The nickname must have gotten him off guard — even though [y/n] was sure she had called him so before — because his golden eyes widened.
"You can keep it," he said, not a hint of hesitation, even though his expression seemed hesitant.
"Oh," [y/n] gasped. "Thanks again, then," she smiled with her cheeks high, feeling they were reddening.
It was then he surprised her: Emmett smiled.
She did not see it coming at all. [y/n] had talked to the boy before. They had even joked around — when Mr Benner said something sex-related, the duo was really juvenile for that topic, and they would always let a little chuckle out — but that smile was different. It was wide, genuine. Emmett showed all his beautiful white teeth at her, and she was mesmerised by the whole view. He had dimples.
Emmett Cullen had dimples!
[y/n] remembered stumbling in her words, trying to find something to say because she wanted Emmett to keep smiling. But he simply nodded at her and got up, leaving the classroom before [y/n] could form a coherent thought.
She spent the whole day revisiting the memory of his smile and dimples. She was frozen in that Biology class; it was as if she never left. In her mind, she kept the conversation going. She knew he was a clown — she liked him best of all the Cullens for it — and so perhaps, she could have prompted a joke, such as "Do you think we're so poor compared to you, rich Cullens, that I need a pen as a gift?" It could've been funny; maybe he would've kept smiling. Perhaps he would laugh but really laugh and not hold back as usual.
But, in the end, she said nothing, just like today.
When Mr Banner announced they were free, [y/n] instantly turned her gaze to Emmett.
"Oh, sorry there, Emm," she swallowed hard, trying to keep her brave facade as she spoke to him. "It seems there's no longer snow for your fight."
He shrugged, and a light of playfulness hit his face. "No problem there. I can just punch Edward straight up."
She wasn't sure if it had been his innocent way of speaking or if it had been the mention of just the right brother, but [y/n] cracked up in one of her loudest laughs yet. The students who hadn't already run out of the classroom all turned to stare at her.
Emmett seemed to get in a shocked state. He wasn't expecting that reaction.
"I'm sorry," [y/n] said, trying to catch her breath. It was not easy; she still wanted to laugh. "I... I don't know why that was so funny."
"Maybe because Edward has a very punchable face," Emmett suggested, letting go of his restraints and following [y/n] in chuckles.
"I'm sure you've done that many times," [y/n] raised a brow, instigating him to go on.
"Unfortunately," Emmett tilted, "no, I have not."
"Oh," [y/n] did not see that answer coming, "too much of a good brother?"
Emmett snorted a laugh. "Definitely not that. I just never seem to catch him," Emmett knew why that was so, whereas [y/n] would never have a clue: Edward read his mind any time Emmett tried to catch the sibling by surprise with punches or simply trying to give a scare.
As much as [y/n] wanted to continue the conversation, she had the next class to go to. She sighed lowly, but Emmett heard it right away, and he couldn't help smiling at her silly human reaction to leaving.
[y/n] stared at his smile like a child watching Santa come down from the chimney.
"Dimples," she thought aloud, not realising it until it was too late. Hoping Emmett didn't notice, she averted her eyes and started gathering her books, but the Cullen had heard it all too well.
He remained silent, though, allowing her heartbeat to stead again. When she was already up, probably about to nod him goodbye, he said, "You have dimples too."
Red is definitely her colour. How have I never noticed before? Besides that cute turtle neck she was wearing, when the red flushed her cheeks, that was...
The image totally got Edward by surprise. He was walking out of one of his classes when, passing the hallway, a mind ahead called his attention to a particular image. Then, the voice! The oh-so-familiar, very annoying mental voice of none other than Emmett Cullen.
In seconds, Edward was beside his sibling. "What was that?"
Shit! Emmett's face was as embarrassed as his mental voice. The sibling quickly started singing some random annoying pop song to pull Edward out of his mind, but it was too late.
"Why were you thinking of [y/n] like that?" Edward asked.
"Like what?" Emmett replied, but Edward's question worked, making Emmett revisit his thoughts, and [y/n]'s face popped up again, with Edward getting a complete view.
The old-school vampire was suddenly repulsed and stepped slightly to the side.
You are the one in my mind! Emmett accused him in thought.
"Not because I want to, believe me!" Edward exclaimed, returning to his spot next to Emmett. "Brother, I better hope you know what you're doing."
"I'm not doing anything," Emmett said defensively.
Edward raised a brow, wishing Emmett could read his thoughts and see how foolish in love Emmett had thought about [y/n].
"Stay out of my business," Emmett nudged his brother. I can't find anyone pretty anymore? 
"After having Rosalie, I highly doubt you'd think that of a human," Edward answered Emmett's unspoken question.
"Rosalie and I... we're not a couple. We have our fun; that's all," Emmett said. "Besides, we haven't had fun in decades; you know that."
Edward knew because he had read their sex-deprived thoughts before. Still, he had thought Emmett was evolving, for he had stopped picturing Rosalie in a… needy way. But now, it seemed it had a different reason why.
Suddenly, another piece fell into place.
"She has fallen for you," Edward gasped in such a whisper only vampire hearing could catch it.
What? Emmett's mind shouted. "Don't be silly," he said aloud.
"It was definitely you [y/n] mentioned having a crush on yesterday," Edward continued his theory, forcing them both to stop walking and stay in the middle of the hallway. "That's probably why she caught my attention; she must have exclaimed your name! In thought," he added, although it was apparent.
"Are you sure about this?" Emmett asked, out of habit mostly, for he knew that no amount of hoping could make Edward wrong, not when he had a sibling so powerful.
Emmett's mind was racing as he tried to process it all. It was the first time Edward had trouble keeping up with him. Emmett was generally slower, even mentally, than Edward, but that was not the case now as he tried to understand everything about [y/n]. Edward caught up to some images — [y/n] blushing, [y/n] making a joke and laughing alone, and then the terrifying one. It was similar to the ones Edward had regarding Bella, too: [y/n] with eyes so red and skin so pale that there was no denying her heart no longer beat.
But when Edward returned his gaze to his taller brother, Emmett was not sad at the view, not half as much as Edward was when he thought of Bella as a vampire.
"Stop it," Edward begged, noticing Emmett's mind went on; he had started enduring the idea of Bella talking to [y/n] about what it was like to love a monster.
Emmett shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. "Sorry, man. It's just that...I never thought someone like her would fall for me."
Edward's worries shifted topics. "Why would you say that?" Edward had felt like that; he still felt like that with Bella, always thinking of himself as a killer and not deserving of love. But Emmett was most comfortable being a vampire out of all his family members. So, his brother had never thought to see him doubting himself.
Emmett's thoughts were faster than his tongue. Not even Rosalie fell for me, not really, and she was the one that found me, and she's our... species. [y/n] is a human girl with a life ahead of her, a full one at that; I don't see how she'd fallen for me. "Are you sure it's love?" Emmett asked out loud.
"Well, she thought it was a crush," Edward replied, returning to his own memories of [y/n]. But he didn't dwell on them for long. Edward was still trying to process Emmett's confession about Rosalie. He had always seen Emmett as cheerful, never realising that his brother might also feel unloved. They had more in common than Edward had ever thought.
Emmett sighed, and even before Edward could say anything — advice or a comforting word — Emmett lowered his head. "I know, Edward. I understand the risks."
Edward frowned. He couldn't believe Emmett immediately concluded that Edward would be mad at him. Of course, there were risks, not just because the girl involved was human. Even if Emmett didn't think Rosalie loved him (and Edward, being a mind reader and all, agreed), she would also cause some trouble. 
But who was Edward to judge his brother's choices regarding a human?
"Look, if you decide to pursue this relationship, I'll support you."
Emmett smiled, surprised but yet feeling grateful for his brother's support. Thank you, he thought, and Edward nodded.
Edward thought love was a powerful emotion, and he couldn't blame Emmett for feeling like he did. However, he hoped that Emmett would make the right decision, whatever that may be.
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