#haewon fluff
jinlias · 2 years
Hello! Can I request #61 from promt c with haewon please?
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“sully, i already told you and haewon this isn’t going to work” sighing, you take a turn by the kitchen, the youngest hot on your feet.
“but unnie, i only want to know so i have an idea of what to get you for christmas!”
“nice try, i know haewon put you up to this” you turn to face her, tapping the top of her head and walking to the fridge. “im making hot chocolate, do you want some?”
“only if you tell me what you want for christmas”
“i don’t want anything!” a frustrated chuckle leaves your lips as you turn on the stove. “so, sneak around do whatever you need to tell my lovely girlfriend she doesn’t have to get me anything”
“oh come on, she’s not gonna accept that”
“see, i knew she was behind it”
“fine, whatever. you caught me” she shrugs and stomps her foot, leaving with a huge pout when she hears the front door unlock. “i do want a glass tho!”
shaking your head, you begin to stir the drink in the pot when a minty scent fills your nostrils, a warm pair of arms wrapping you in a hug. “i hope you’re planning to make me some too”
instantly, the spoon drops from your hand as you turn and wrap your arms around her neck, missing her just as much as you would had she been away for months. after pecking her lips, you fake a gasp, taking in her appearance.
“Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?” haewon throws her head back in laughter, your moment only being interrupted by sullyoon’s flash peeking from the side of the wall.
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defrosted69 · 10 days
Que Sera Sera (Oh Haewon)
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Very Fluffy and Haewon like
The larger arm was circling the golden numerals surrounding your watch, and the clock was ticking along as usual. Since you have been waiting for this your entire life, today was meant to be special for you. You got ready for this day by getting up earlier than normal and wearing your best outfit. It has all come down to this after endless days of speech practice and preparation about what to display your crush.. 
You brought her favorite flowers from a nearby flower shop and messaged her to meet in the Bay Area, where you first met. That girl has helped you through your entire life of anguish and pain. She was the sunshine you treasured, and you wanted nothing more than for her to be pure and untouched by civilization. It began with a simple act of assisting her in catching her dog, progressed to becoming friends, and then to falling in love.  
Perhaps it was destiny as many would call it, that you met in the first place. Arriving at the place where it all began you patiently waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
But nobody came through. 
The sun was finally setting, and the blue sky had become orange, resembling what many scientists refer to as the golden hour. Even though the meeting time was early, you still had optimism before the clock struck 6 p.m. You sat there on the edge of the sea, watching the small ships sail by and the music the sea was making. Every splash it made put you at rest, and then you heard the voice of the person you'd been waiting for. Your face lit up as you jumped down the wall and saw the girl.
With another man. 
You'd never forget that laugh, which threw your mind off track. Her grin was worth a thousand gold. It was supposed to be you in that position, but it wasn't. The man she was with was making jokes and making her laugh, and it was clear that the two of them loved each other. You watch with a heavy heart as they go past you despite the fact that they are only a few feet away.  
You could feel your heart breaking piece by piece as the girl you love was taken away by another man. Realizations began to surface in your mind as a sour chuckle came out of your mouth. 
"I'm so stupid huh?"
You thought to yourself. Perhaps a little backtracking was required. She never really exhibited interest in you, did she? Sure, you were interested in her, but did she make an effort to pique your interest? Perhaps it was your imagination that led you to believe she was interested when, in fact, she was simply being a nice friend.
You groaned and stared at the boque you purchased. Every flower that was present there represented something. The roses, tulips, and sunflowers were a nice combination, but they now have no meaning. Walking away is the best thing to do right now, and a little drink won't hurt, right?  
However, after a few steps forward, you came to a halt when you heard someone cry. Your gaze travelled in all directions before settling on a girl with her hands over her face, crying. much if you are already upset, witnessing someone else weep makes you feel much worse for them. Your fist clenched as you felt a firm thing in your hand. You had a bouquet of flowers ready to be thrown away right now, but doing so would be a horrible decision. You took a big breath and started your way to the girl. 
"Umm... Excuse me?" 
You called out of the girl. You weren't really sure if this was the best time to be nosy but you have to give the flowers to someone else instead of throwing them. The girl looked up and saw how puffy her eyes looked. 
"She must have been crying for a while now.."
You thought to yourself as you shook that thought off and handed her your bouquet of flowers.
"I know this looks weird but I think you deserve these flowers more than I need them." 
This was your best explanation to her, and to be honest, it was bizarre. Who in their right mind would give a stranger a bouquet of flowers and simply accept them? You were well aware of the repercussions of your actions, but the girl totally removed her hand, revealing her face. It was horrible to see how devastated she appeared, and you may recognize yourself in her because your heart had also been destroyed. 
Haewon just stared at the bouquet of flowers and for some reason, she was captivated by the patter of the flowers that were in there. 
"I know... It's weird for a stranger to give someone I don't know flowers but I hope this would make it less painful?" 
Haewon looked up to see your face. She was able to recognize faces from her fans and individuals she had briefly met, but seeing your face was her first time meeting you, and the agony she was bearing was quickly alleviated by your simple offer. 
Without thinking, Haewon softly accepted the flowers, her eyes ogling them. The perfume was soothing her down, and she could feel a little grin on her lips. You, on the other hand, grinned slightly, knowing that your actions had made someone happy. Perhaps this day served as a lesson for you rather than a heartache. Kindness, after all, was a pleasant sensation.  
"T-Thank you.." 
Haewon weakly said as you could only nod your head. 
"It's alright. Ummm, I'll be going first then. Goodbye."
Your job was done and there was no more reason for you to talk to the girl. She needed time for herself and what you did was the start of her to calm down and pick herself up. 
She stopped you on your tracks as you looked behind you to see the girl clinging to the flowers close to her. 
"What's your name?" 
Strangely enough, you felt like saying your name wouldn't be harmful. But considering that you're the one who gave her the flowers, it was only right for her to know your name. 
"Y/n Park." 
She nodded her head and bowed at a particular angle surprising you. 
"Thank you Mr. Park. I will remember your kindness." 
Feeling flustered, you shook off her actions and said
"N-No need to bow that much Miss." 
Haewon straightened herself up and smiled at you. Her grin actually caught your attention. It was ridiculous of you to compare someone, but Haewon's smile reminded you of someone you used to know or was familiar with. Perhaps you've seen that smile before but can't pinpoint where it is. 
"Ah, I almost forgot, I'm Oh Haewon by the way. Nice to meet you." 
"Like wise.. Umm.. See you around Ms. Haewon." 
You wanted to leave right now since you hadn't expected to feel so bewildered meeting someone for the first time. Your brain told you she was someone you knew, but she wasn't someone to you. It confused you so much that it eclipsed your sadness.
Haewon, on the other hand, was smiling broadly as she began to walk back to the JYP office, the bouquet in her hand. People around the building were surprised to find Haewon smiling with flowers in her hand, despite the fact that she had been sorrowful earlier. Your kindness had left a mark on her thoughts, and her members were eager to see her grin.  
"Unnie-eh? Where did you get that?" 
Kyujin canceled her hug to their leader as everyone's interest reached a height. They were worried about her since she had been quite dull or tired for the past few days. Even though they attempted to make her laugh and smile, they knew it wasn't enough, and when she went AFK for the past several hours, they became concerned.
"Oh? A guy gave it to me." 
Her statement made everyone widen their eyes as they all looked surprised and shocked. 
Who was the person that gave their leader a smile that was genuine that they couldn't bring out?
"Another day, another boring working day..." 
You sighed and prepared for your job. You were an officer worker, and despite the monotonous nature of the job, it allowed you to pay your rent and eat. You left your apartment and followed the regular path you normally take to the bus station to wait for the bus. Your gaze was drawn to your phone, and despite the fact that it was empty of text notifications from anyone, you were staring at the most recent message you had sent her.  
You sighed and closed your phone. The bridge that was built around that friendship you had with her was diminished. Repairing it was impossible as your mind was occupied with the moments you two shared. Even though it was one sided, it was still painful for you. 
Arriving at your work office was pretty much the same. Sitting down, opening your computer, checking the files, and printing papers. It was your typical office scenery as you placed your bag below your table. Seeing that you have arrived, a friend of yours peaked over at your table. 
"So how did it go? ~" 
Your friend Yeonjun smiled happily hoping for good news but you just sighed and shook your head. This surprised him as he was sure that you had this in the bag. 
"Eh? Why? I thought last week was the day?" 
"Maybe I was just pondering things. It was a one sided love after all." 
Yeonjun gasped at you. He was for sure thinking that she was the one for you yet it wasn't. Maybe his gut instinct was right. 
"Remember when I told you that something isn't right with the relationship you had with her?" 
"looks like I was right." 
He laughed at you and you could only sigh as what Yeonjun said was right. You were merely blinded by all this stuff she did that you had thought that she likes you. Thinking back on it now, you cringed remembering the things you did for her. 
"Well it's in the past now. Let's forget about it and move on" 
That was your motto in life. That kind of saying has led you into this situation. You weren't complaining, of course, since you believe that nothing in the past is that important, and you should move on with your life. Everything has a purpose for you, thus there was probably a reason you met her.
That's why your heart split into a thousand pieces. 
Sure, the occasion may be lost and become a hazy memory, but the emotions will not. The sensation of heartbreak will return time and again. It may not be exactly what you expected, but it will undoubtedly appear in some form. One example would be when you were watching a film. That movie you were viewing coincided with the period you watched movies with her. It was in that film that you fell for her, and it brought back memories of the sorrow.  
"I guess you're right. But anyway-" 
"Y/n, Chief is asking for you." 
A workmate of yours came near your workplace as you just nodded your head at her. Yeonjun looked at you confused. 
"Why is the chief asking for you? Did you do something?" 
You shrugged your shoulders, unsure. You never failed any previous reports because you always submitted them on time, and sometimes even sooner. The chief was not a scary person, but he was very severe with his employees. To avoid upsetting him, you left your office and walked to the chief's office, knocking before entering his chamber. His workplace table was tidy and well-organized, unlike the majority of the company's employees. 
"Ah, Y/n, take a seat." 
You sat across from him as he took out a folder and handed it to you. You took it and opened it, and the first thing you noticed was the name of the corporation labeled on it. Your eyes widen as you look at the chief in surprise, as he simply grinned and chuckled.. 
"Sir, why is JYP Entertainment on this file sir?" 
"Well you see Y/n, we're sharing our investment to one of its kpop group and I want you to write about the progress of our investment on them especially since their comeback is approaching. I want a full detailed report done after their comeback is done. Got it?" 
Not wanting to disappoint your chief, you accepted it and thanked him for the opportunity. Leaving out of his office, you smiled happily that the chief has trusted you on such an important task at hand. Yeonjun saw your smile and couldn't help but feel intrigued. 
"What's the big smile for? You're getting promoted?" 
"Nope, well, hopefully if I do well on this task, I could get promoted." 
Yeonjun clapped his hand in amusement and support of you. Not wanting to waste any time, you immediately started to work on your computer, researching JYP Entertainment and learning about the stocks of the firms that had invested in it. Your eyes immediately spotted the spikes and falls of each company's inventions on the groups under the label, and you made sure to record them for future reference in your report. 
"Perhaps I should visit JYP entertainment tomorrow."
Your regular work hour consisted of producing reports and researching information. But after the clock struck 7 p.m., it was time to go home. Packing your belongings and exiting the building, you proceeded down the familiar night street. You noticed a billboard showcasing JYP idols, including ITZY, Twice, and Straykids, but one group was unfamiliar to you. But for some strange reason, one idol looked familiar to you. You shrugged your shoulder and started walking, thinking that you'd remember her when the time came.  
The next morning arrived faster than you imagined because you were dressed for work. You left your apartment and were set to go to JYP Entertainment. Your chief has already informed the company of your arrival, as you ensured that all of your belongings were in your suitcase. Grabbing a cab, you informed the driver of your destination while watching the scenery unfold as the taxi passed by buildings and establishments. The ride was brief, as you paid for your taxi and exited the vehicle. You instantly noticed the tall structure in front of you since you didn't anticipate it to be so large.  
"Considering that JYP Ent. Is a huge name, I can't expect less from them now can I?"
You were ready to enter the building when you noticed a girl in distress, looking for something on the ground. When you saw her struggle, you sighed and checked your watch. Ten minutes before the company's board meeting. Perhaps you can afford a minute or two, right?
"Miss? Is everything alright?" 
You asked as the girl looked at your direction but her vision was blurry as she can't properly see you. In desperate help, she nodded her head. 
"Y-Yes, have you seen some glasses nearby? I-I can't properly see without them." 
You decided to aid her after hearing her gentle voice and despair, and there was a pair of glasses on the floor not far from where you two were. You went to fetch it, brushed a few dust particles from the glass, and handed it to her.  
"Here you go miss. I believe this are yours?" 
You handed the girl her glasses, which she quickly placed on her eyes. She smiled cheerfully and bowed at you. You simply brush off her thoughtfulness as you realize how her beautiful eyes drew your attention. She was wearing a mask, so you couldn't see her face, but her eyes revealed that she's a very pretty girl.  
"Thank you Mister for helping me." 
"Ah No it's fine. I'm just trying to help, I guess." 
"Umm.. P-Perhaps your also entering the building mister?" 
"Huh? Oh yeah I am." 
The girl beamed with happiness as she smiled underneath her mask. Although you can't clearly see it, her eyes show that she was smiling underneath her white mask. 
"I-I can help you tour around. Where are you going by the way Mister?" 
"Ah, the board member room? Where meetings happen?" 
You tried your best to describe the place you were heading to as the girl immediately know where that place was. 
"Ah, I know where that is Mister. Follow me." 
The girl walked ahead as you followed her from behind. Entering the building, you were immediately amazed by the interior design as you were at awe. The girl chuckled softly seeing your reaction. 
"Woah, this place is... Amazing." 
"Hehe, well that's JYP for you." 
The two of you entered the elevator and to your surprise, many people suddenly stormed leaving absolutely no space for you or the girl. Not wanting to let her get squished, you used your body to cover her from the crowd but the position for it was awkward to say the least. You were literally balancing yourself with just your feet and arms leaving the girl blushing and her heart pounding so fast. Perhaps it was because of her introverted nature that she immediately picked up what you were trying to do as she couldn't help but feel her heart race. 
As the elevator stopped, the crowd got smaller and smaller until it was just you and her. 
"You alright?" 
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Thank you again for protecting me, Mister."
"Ah, it's nothing. Just uhh.. Trying to help?" 
The girl chuckled at your poor attempt to joke but somehow it worked on her. Realizing that it was just you two in the elevator, you decided to ask for her name. 
"Ah, by the way I'm Y/n Park. And you are?" 
The girl hesitated at first but she ended up saying her name anyway. 
"Seol Yoon-ah. Yoona for short Mister."
As the elevator door opened, you nodded in response to hearing her name. Lily told you that this was his floor, and hers was still much higher. You got off the elevator and thanked her again for her assistance, while Lily simply waved it off and waved you farewell as the elevator door closed. Walking along the strange hallway, your mind was still preoccupied with meeting Lily, and you were relieved that you had already made a friend in the building, as the conference room was within sight. You knocked before entering the room.
Sullyoon on the other hand finally arrived at their practice room as all her members were there ready to start their practice session for the day. Haewon, their Leader, saw Sullyoon entering as she greeted her as she greeted her back. 
"Morning Sully, you sure took your time." 
"Ah well I kinda tripped on the way and my glasses fell of my face so I couldn't see." 
Hearing what Sullyoon said made everyone worry for her as they surrounded her. Sullyoon just smiled and chuckled at her members. Before she would be overwhelmed by this much attention but being together for such a long time now made her already aware of their behaviors. 
"That must have been terrible. Anyway, did you get it back?" 
Bae asked as Jiwoo gave her a stare of disbelief and confusion as her question already had an answer. 
"Unnie, she's literally wearing her glasses now." 
Jiwoo's comment made everyone laugh as Sullyoon chuckled. 
"Well a sweet guy helped me in finding my glasses and also protected me earlier on the elevator." 
Sullyoon smiled and blushed remembering your actions as this reaction got her members thrilled and curious on who made Sullyoon blush. 
"Spill the tea girl." 
Lily said making everyone agree to their oldest as Sullyoon spoke the name that Haewon was familiar with. 
"Y/n Park. I think he's a new employee here." 
The girls squealed except Haewon who had her eyes widened in surprise and in shock. Kyujin seeing their Leader frozen got her curious. 
"Why the long face Unnie?" 
Kyujin's question snapped Haewon out of her trance as she sighed and reminded her members of the bouquet of flowers in their dorm. 
"Remember those flowers that I'm taking care of right now?" 
They all nodded their heads as Haewon smiled brightly captivating her members. 
"He's the same person. I'm sure of it." 
Now it was everyone's turn to act surprised by their leader's claim. Haewon on the other hand was smiling brightly as she can finally meet the person that brought a smile on her face. 
"I know love at first sight is stupid but....I am stupidly in love after all"
The meeting ended after you were presented with a variety of scenarios in which stocks could rise or fall. Overall, your focus was on the group NMIXX, and according to the projections, they have a good possibility of attracting other companies to invest in them, given the tendency of their fame rising with each comeback. That being said, NMIXX is still a long way from the success of the other groups in the organization, but in your opinion, this was a solid step.
Exiting the meeting room, you decided to head to the building's cafeteria to fill in your soft growling stomach. You placed a hand on your stomach as you chuckled. 
"I wonder how I survived that meeting without my stomach growling like a lion"
But the happiness on your face faded when you realized your previous guide, Sullyoon, was no longer with you. You sighed and placed your hand on your brow, knowing that you had to explore this vast and expansive edifice on your own. You retraced your steps in order to find the elevator; however, your initial thought was to ask the receptionist on the ground floor. However, it appears that your desire was so intense that you became disoriented and strayed into new area.  
"I don't think I went pass this one earlier...shit"
You attempted again to recollect your previous steps, but your brain digested food instead. Frustrated that your brain wasn't cooperating with you, you decided to look for a snack bar machine nearby and eat that for lunch. However, it appears like locating a snack bar is like finding the lost city of Atlantis: seemingly impossible. By this point, your hunger had sapped the vitality from your legs, which were about to give way. You stumbled on the floor because your stomach was causing you pain because it was so empty.  
"Damn it. Why is this building so huge anyway!"
You cursed the engineer and architect of this structure on your head, causing their following generation to suffer tremendously. With a sigh, you sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. You wanted to rest your legs a little because the continual walking earlier made them tired, and hunger played a vital role in making you stumble on the floor.. 
But, unbeknownst to you, Haewon was passing by and quickly noticed you. She gasped, not expecting to find you in such a state, as she approached you. Your ears perked up as the heavy footstep became louder by the second. Turning your head in the direction of the stomps, you saw a girl dash towards you like a savage bear, instilling panic within you. Haewon paused her pace as she kneeled in front of you, holding your cheeks and scrutinizing your face.  
"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Do you want to kiss me? Or are you perhaps injured? Ah! Do you want me to take care of you?" 
Everything was moving so fast that your brain couldn't process what was happening. But your eyes did saw Haewons face and there you immediately recognized her. 
"H-Haewon? I mean, Miss Haewon." 
Haewon gasped as she covered her mouth in amazement and in shock. Her cheeks was visibly turning red and her eye pupils wanted to turn into a heart shaped when you said her name. Haewon was glad that you still remembered her and that she couldn't help but feel emotional. 
"Y-You remember me..." 
"Yeah of course I would. It wasn't that long anyw-huh? Are you crying?" 
Haewon suddenly felt so happy that her eyes began to produce tears of joy. You were confused on why would Haewon suddenly start getting teared up. You immediately tried to comfort her by taking out your handkerchief as you offered it to Haewon. 
"He's even offering me his handkerchief... I fucking love him!"
Haewon tumbled into your arms, both of you on the ground, and Haewon hugged you fiercely, inhaling your smell. You were bewildered and baffled as to why Haewon ran toward you, clutching you fiercely.  
"D-Did I do a mistake on giving her those flowers? Hah! We're those flowers poisonous and now she's seeking revenge?!"
Both of you were clearly a dumbass but perfect fit for each other but didn't realize it yet. You stood back up with Haewon holding you tight as you apologized to her. 
"I'm sorry Haewon. I.. I didn't mean to bring harm to you with those flowers.." 
Haewon chuckled and smiled at you. Her eyes looked so warm and showed signs of love. But you were captivated by her smile as her vision of you was glowing.
"Dummy~ Why are you apologizing? I still have those flowers you know." 
"S-So this isn't an act of assault?" 
Haewon but her lips not wanting to laugh but her body betrayed her as she began laughing her ass off. You were visibly confused seeing her act from being sad to suddenly laughing like a lunatic. You feared that Haewon was a crazy girl. 
"Your Funny Y/n. Ah, wait hold on, let me help you up." 
You and Haewon both stood up, and the timing couldn't have been worse. Your stomach growled the loudest, and if you thought embarrassment was bad enough, consider the physical discomfort of an empty stomach. Haewon was quick to react, pulling out a chocolate bar from her pocket and cheerfully giving it to you..
"Here you go Y/n. You might need it more." 
"A-Ah, thanks Haewon. I'll repay you back somehow." 
Haewon just giggled as you munched on the chocolate bar like it was no tomorrow. Without even a minute passing by, the chocolate bar was already gone. And Haewon smiled at you. 
"Looks like someone's hungry."
Haewon shook her head as she pointed at the nearby elevator. Nearby elevator. nearby. Elevator. 
Oh how stupidly blind are you for not being able to see that an Elevator was just near where you are. A look of disappointment and relief was evident on your face as this got Haewon intrigued. 
"Is something wrong Y/n?" 
"Ah, no, it's just that I was looking for an elevator singe earlier and I just believe that it was right in front of me" 
Haewon laughed at your sweet error as you and Haewon entered the elevator and began talking. She informed you that the flowers you gave her on that day were still alive and in her dorm, which you were delighted to hear. Haewon then began to question why you were at the building after you informed her that you would be supervising your company's financial development on the group NMIXX. Haewon smiled from ear to ear when she heard her group come out of your mouth.. 
"NMIXX has a bright future ahead of them in the industry seeing how amazing their growth is amazing." 
"Well what can I say? They are pretty and talented."
"Is that so? I haven't really looked up the members actually." 
Haewon was saddened by this, but an idea occurred to her: she wanted you to be astonished when you met NMIXX, her group. As the elevator doors opened, signifying that they had arrived at their destination floor, you and Haewon exited. The walk to the building cafeteria was short, and when you got, you were shocked by how large it was.
"Woah, this place sure is big.." 
"Yup, come on, let's get our food." 
Haewon bravely grabbed your hand and brought you to the food department. Her unexpected physical touch caught you off guard, and a blush spread across your cheeks. You've never touched a girl's hand like this before, and it's made you feel something.
Haewon delivered you your food tray and gave you helpful advise on what to eat. Honestly, Haewon persuaded you to take the greatest cuisine available as the two of you seated at a table. Haewon smiled as she watched you, her hands supporting her face.  
"Say Haewon, how come you're familiar with this place?" 
"Hmm? Cause I work here." 
"Oh? What department are you from?" 
Haewon raises her eyebrows at your question as she found it confusing. Her brain couldn't understand what your words meant as you noticed her facial expression showing confusion. You couldn't help but chuckle at her. 
"What I meant is that, what part of the company do you work for? A manager? An assistant manager? An employee or an intern?" 
Haewon finally understood what you said as she shook her head. 
"I'm an.... Uhh... " 
Haewon didn't want to admit too soon to you as she wanted it to be a surprise to you. So her brain decided to look on for a possible work for her in the company. Of course she can't be a manager since she has no experience about it but perhaps the easiest is the right answer. 
"I work as a...." 
Your eyes show anticipation as your sights never left Haewon. This somehow made her feel nervous as she gulped a bit. 
"I work.... As a... D-Dance choreographer!" 
"A what?" 
"A dance teacher! Yeah... I work for teaching the dances for the groups here." 
Haewon smiled, hiding her actual identity from you. Aside from wanting to surprise you, she did not want to overwhelm you with the notion that she is an Idol. Everyone she encountered abandoned her once they discovered her true status. It is painful for her, but she has become accustomed to it. But now that you had her heart, she didn't want to let you go.  
"Ah, A dance teacher. That's good to hear Haewon." 
"Y-Yeah, anyway what about you Y/n. What brings you to the company." 
"Well I was assigned to write about the financial report on the group NMIXX since the company I work for has invested in them." 
A huge smile appeared on Haewon as she couldn't help but feel excited by your words. She felt like faith is telling her that you were the man for her as she was to you. If there were people who believed in destiny then Haewon was one of them. 
"Say Y/n." 
"Do you wanna meet NMIXX?"
You wanted to refuse because it wasn't really necessary for you to engage with the group considering that your only task was to write a report on the financial side of things. 
"It's alright Haewon, I'm oka-" 
"But the leader has something to say to you." 
That got your attention. There was no indication that you had ever met the leader of NMIXX. But, if you interrupted your steps, there was one person you met in this company that you didn't know much about: Yoon-ah. Surely she can't be an idol working in this facility given that she was fully wrapped up and visible.
"Yeah no, Yoon-ah is definitely an idol"
You thought to yourself as Haewon saw you show a face of realization. 
"Thinking about it, there is one person I met earlier. Her name was Yoon-ah. I think she's an Idol here." 
Haewon giggled and simply nodded her head. Haewon then stood up as she handed you her phone. 
"Add your number in my contacts so that I can stalk-I mean call you when NMIXX need a hand. It's not bad to be friends with an Idol you know?" 
You softly snatched her phone and entered your number. The rest of the day was unremarkable, except that you found Haewon attractive and enjoyable to be around. For the first time in your life, you were excited to go to work the next day, all because of one person, Oh Haewon.
The next day rolled by quickly and you were met with Haewon who was patiently waiting for you in front of the building. Seeing her made you smile as you walked towards her. 
"Hey Haewon. You didn't have to wait for me you know." 
"It's alright. Come on, NMIXX is waiting for you." 
Haewon quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you to the elevator. Your cheeks were once again flushed as a result of her actions, but Haewon didn't seem to care. Haewon held your hand during the way to the NMIXX room, as if it were the most natural thing to do. Haewon then came to a room, which you knew was where NMIXX was. Feeling overwhelmed, you questioned Haewon if this was really necessary.  
"Umm Haewon. I don't think we should-" 
"It's alright. I'm with you. And here we go~" 
Haewon opened the door dragging you in as your eyes saw 6 girls eyeing you up and down. You gulped in both fear and anxiety. Haewon on the other hand was smiling ear to ear but Sullyoon saw who was beside her leader, Immediately gasped and said
"Ah, Mr. Park. It's nice to meet you." 
Sullyoon was the first one to greet you as the others followed soon. You also greeted them but your eyes landed on a familiar figure who was smiling softly. 
"Ah, Miss Yoon-ah. I Didn't know you were an Idol." 
Sullyoon giggled cutely as she nodded her head. 
"It's nice to see you again Mr. Park, I didn't know you were close with our leader." 
"I'm sorry, what now?" 
You inquired while the rest of the group laughed at your reaction. You looked to your side as Haewon sneered. It was here that you discovered Haewon was not a dance instructor. She was too pretty to be just a dancing instructor, and her voice was as silky as polished jade. You had to blink a few times as the knowledge hit you.
"Haewon you're an Idol?" 
"Oh No I'm a chef Y/n. Duh, of course I'm an Idol. Surprised?" 
She gave you a smug grin as you giggled and nodded. Everyone was listening and watching your reaction to the discovery, but their focus was on how your hand and their leader's hand were intertwined with yours. A smirk appeared on their faces as they all looked at each other, with the same thoughts in mind.. 
Days passed, and you and the rest of the group, particularly Sullyoon and Haewon, grew closer. Haewon was the sparkplug who brought vitality to your day, whereas Sullyoon was the peaceful girl who made you feel at ease. Obviously, you weren't a blind man, as you can see that both girls were vying for your attention. 
Sullyoon occasionally grows brave and clings to you as if you were a magnet enticing her. Haewon was secretly simmering with jealousy as she entered the fray and erupted with her own methods of capturing your attention, and boy did she succeed. When you were taking a break from writing your report on your laptop one day, Haewon came over to your side, essentially becoming your personal secretary. She was offering you beverages and food, encouraging you, and rubbing your shoulders. She was basically caring for you as a wife should. 
In all honesty, this interfered with your work, and you would occasionally spend your concentration on keeping Sullyoon, but particularly Haewon, in check by reminding them that you were here to work. But Haewon understands how to hug your heart and draw you closer to her. The simple things she does for you, such as helping you, talking to you, bringing you food, and sending you good morning and good night texts, really warm your heart.
But the conclusion of all this all arrives at one chance that Haewon will take. 
The promotions for NMIXX were finally completed, and as you expected, NMIXX's fame and popularity grew even more, while your company's investment increased significantly. It was a win-win situation for all parties, and with that, you were officially ready to file the final investment report and exit JYP Entertainment. As you packed your bag, you realized how much fun you'd had with the gang. Your face lit up with a little smile as memories passed before your eyes. But as you usually say 
"Que sera Sera." 
Grabbing your bag, you gazed around the practice room one more time, remembering the pleasant times you had laughing, eating, and telling stories with the others. You breathed deeply, knowing it was a great ride. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Grabbing the door handle, Haewon burst through it, her eyes sad. She bit her lips, holding the sorrow her heart was experiencing right now. 
"Y-Y/n... I... I..." 
Feeling the pain in her eyes, You pulled her close to you allowing her to hug you. Her arms held you like today was the last day on earth and you could feel her sobs carrying on the pain of letting you go. 
"Haewon, Why are you crying?" 
"J-Just b-because...I'll miss you... You know that.... Right?" 
Haewon said through sniffles as she looked up to you and you found her adorable. Her pig teary puppy eyes accompanied with her small frown, and her snot coming out of her nose made her adorable. You smiled as you pulled out your handkerchief and wiped her tears and snot. 
"Haewon, You can always message me, you know? It's not like we're not gonna see each other again." 
"B-But my schedule will be busy and I won't see you and..and…"
Haewon cried once again as she buried her face on your chest. You patted her back and comforted her for the meantime. It felt like hours for Haewon hugging you but in reality it was only 10 minutes. She pulled away with her eyes a little puffed as you smiled and said
"I'll be going now Haewon. Thank you, for everything." 
When you stated those words, you felt choked up since your emotions had suddenly surfaced. You departed swiftly, not wanting to exhibit your anguish, even though Haewon smiled and possibly gazed at you for the last time. She also felt regret because she knew now was the perfect time to confess, but she thought that letting you go was better. Her heart broke again when the sound of thunder boomed through the glass window. Haewon moved up to the chair and table in the room, watching the rain fall heavily on the ground.  
Haewon felt as if the universe was wiping the wounds on her heart with rain. She sighed and groaned as she let her head strike the table, making a slight Thud sound, but her skin felt scratchy against the table. Lifting her head, she noticed an envelope, and her interest was piqued. She opened the envelope and found your final report. She gasped as she realized you had left the most critical thing you needed. 
The final report. 
Haewon was about to go out and give you the envelope when a sense of realization hit her. 
"Shit, I don't know where he lives at"
Haewon grumbled, feeling frustrated and disappointed with herself. But Faith had different ideas for Haewon. Cupid did not want the story to finish here, so he pointed his arrow toward Haewon's head. Her eyes widened when she reopened the envelope.  
"Of course! The company's address is right here. But... It seems I have to deliver this tomorrow.."
The rain continued to fall, and lightning could be heard for miles. Haewon watched the rain fall, while you were soaking as you entered your flat. You weren't really aware of the weather tonight, but the rain made itself apparent. You quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately, it was too late. Your inadequate immune system caused you to feel a heavy burden on your back as your body heated up. As you try to treat the illness by taking medication. You covered yourself in your blanket and hoped for the best.  
As the sun rose, Haewon stood in front of the firm building, holding your most crucial mail. She took a deep breath before entering the company building. Much to her surprise, the company building was different from JYPs in that everyone going past was dressed professionally rather than casually. People began to murmur when Haewon arrived, taking everyone by surprise. She didn't wear a mask or a huge hat; she showed her entire face. She then inquired about your department's location from the reception table, after which they directed her to the room. Haewon didn't hesitate to enter the elevator and soon the employee realized that Haewon was on the elevator, they all left just for Haewon to have the elevator by herself.
"Ah, the perks of being famous."
She thought to herself as the elevator doors opened, and Haewon walked confidently across the floor, surprising everyone. When Yeonjun looked up from his table and saw Haewon approaching them, he was shocked and perplexed. Yeonjun stood up, stopping Haewon in her steps.
"I'm sorry Ms. Haewon but only authorized people are allowed here." 
Yeonjun stood his ground as he took a sip from his drink. Feeling confident by herself, she chuckled and smiled towards the guy. 
"Oh didn't Y/n Mention? I'm his girlfriend." 
Yeonjun spit out his drink to his side, surprised by Haewon's unexpected allegation. Haewon's eyes widened as the liquid sprayed their Cheif, who happened to overhear her arrival. Yeonjun apologized promptly to the chief. 
"I'm so sorry chief!" 
The chief, bathed in Yeonjun's drink, simply waved his hand dismissively, more interested with what transpired between your journeys and how you managed to capture the heart of one of Oh Haewon's  
"I don't mind it Yeonjun. I'm more intrigued on how Y/n managed to captivate ms. Haewon here." 
Despite the uproar in the office, Haewon realized she had just caused a storm and a misunderstanding, but this was the only way to assist you. She was prepared to take the punishment she would receive later, but just now she didn't care.  
"Whatever will be, will be."
She thought to herself. But her vision saw an empty seat with your name on it. It piqued her interest seeing your absence. 
"Umm.. Where's Y/n?" 
"Ah, He's Apparently sick. Probably got caught by the rain yesterday." 
Yeonjun spoke as he cleaned up the mess he had caused on the floor. This quickly put Haewon into full worry mode. Despite her self-proclaimed status as your girlfriend, she has no idea where you live. But with her front face, she took a big breath and inquired about your location.  
"Yeonjun-ssi, do you know where he lives? I wanna take care of him" 
Hanni's bold statement made Yeonjun stop and have his eyes widened in surprise. He was about to say your address when an Idea popped into his head. He smirked as he stood up and laid out his plan. Haewon chuckled and agreed on the plan of Yeonjun. 
Today was the worst day for you. Not only did you become sick, but you also don't know where you put your final report, which damaged your chances of moving up in the firm. Your heart was broken, and nothing will change your frown right now. Everything was going so beautifully for Haewon, but everything else was falling apart.  
"I hate my life..."
You grumbled as you laid in your bed, thinking about what you should do next. Your phone rang, and it was a message from Yeonjun informing you that he had arrived at your door with food and beer. Yeonjun knew you were ill and tried to cheer you up. With a heavy feeling and a weak body, you stood up and approached the door, opening it.  
"Thanks Yeon-" 
"Gosh you look horrible. Let's fix that shall we. Hehe~" 
A familiar female voice made you look down and saw the girl that captured your heart. Her bright smile was still on her face despite the rain that was pouring on your surroundings. 
"H-Haewon what are you-" 
"Ummm Yeonjun Apparently can't come cause he was dragged to a blind date, So here I am. I brought chicken and medicine." 
You noticed the heavy bag she carried and you felt bad that a small girl like her had to carry such a bag. You reached down to help her but Haewon shook her head. 
"It's fine Y/n. I'm a strong woman, I have muscles on my arms. So, Umm... Can I come in?" 
You snapped out of your stupor and allowed Haewon to enter your apartment. Your apartment wasn't too huge or little. It was large enough to accommodate at least four people, and Haewon made herself at home. She hurriedly got out the chicken and soup she had bought earlier for you. Yeonjun's strategy was easy. Yeonjun would message you that he was going to visit you, but it was actually Haewon who came to you.
"Haewon I can help you-"
"Just stay in bed Y/n. Don't overwork yourself, cause today, you'll be taken care by the great NMIXX Leader, Oh Haewon. So feel blessed. I just don't do this to anyone you know.....except you" 
She mumbled the final part so you couldn't hear it. You lay back in your bedroom, wondering how Haewon knew about your condition, but there was a bigger problem at hand: it was your first time having a lady around, and you had no idea what to do. You began to overthink what to do, which just exacerbated your headache.  
"Heyy~ can you sit up Y/n? I got you food." 
Listening to her command, You sat up as Haewon setup the small foldable table on your bed. Her bright energy and smile really makes all your problems disappear. 
"You don't have to move Y/n. Imma feed you." 
You blushed at her words, wanting to decline her offer. But her bright and exuberant enthusiasm was too much to pass up, and she was offering after all. It isn't like you told her to do it. So you simply nodded your head as Haewon began feeding you. She took a spoon of the soup she had bought earlier and gave it a few blows with her mouth. Your eyes landed on her lips, which caused your heart to beat. 
"Say Ahhh~" 
You opened your mouth as Haewon gave you a  spoonful of the soup and you were surprised by how delicious it tasted. 
"Oh wow, Haewon this is delicious." 
Haewon giggled, and the sound made you grin. Haewon began feeding you while also telling you fascinating stories that never fail to make you laugh. Haewon was never boring to be around, but what about you? You're a boring guy in general. So it was a miracle that your fate became intertwined with Haewons. 
"By the way Y/n." 
"You left your report yesterday on our practice room. So I gave it to your chief this morning along with Yeonjun-ssi. He's a nice guy." 
You felt at rest after hearing what Haewon said because Haewon had solved your biggest concern. Honestly, you began to wonder how you deserved someone like Haewon. But suddenly a thought occurred in your head. 
"Wait, the office isn't allowing anyone to enter. You need permission from me to enter." 
Haewon gulped as she knows that she has to confess everything starting from the time she fell for you. If fate once gave her an opportunity to confess before, today was her last chance to admit her feelings. It was now or never for Haewon as she took a deep breath. 
"Umm well you see....please don't get mad at me okay?" 
You can tell Haewon was trying to hide something as her bright energy was nowhere to be seen and her eyes were looking down trying to avoid your gaze. 
"You what?" 
Haewon had the words on her mind, but her body was hesitant to say them. Those are the words she wants to say. She was uneasy about expressing those things, but then she remembered her life motto. "Whatever will be, will be" . She simply decided to speak it, not caring about the ramifications in the future. 
"I told them that I'm your.... Girlfriend...." 
For a little period of time, the world seemed to stand still. Hearing the final word she said made you go back to the first time you met Haewon. Was fate actually making arrangements just for you at this moment? Or was it just a coincidence that everything came together at this exact moment?
Haewon began to feel trapped by the quiet, and tears began to rise up in her eyes. She understands that betting on fate can be risky, and today she would pay the price.  
"I-I'm sorry. I-I'll get going no-" 
You pulled Haewon to your embrace. This time, it was you who held her like it was the last day on earth as you didn't want to let her go. 
Who cares if faith played a part of all of this or if fate has more problems for you to face in the future. 
"Whatever Happens, Happens." 
Haewon widened her eyes when you said those words. She couldn't help but hug you back tightly. 
"I don't care what happens in the future, Haewon. But right now, all I care is what is happening now. I wanna focus on the present as the future can wait. All I want is this. For you to be in my arms. Call me selfish but I just want you in my arms right now Haewon. I have fallen too much for you that I can't let you-"
Haewon pulled away from you with tears streaming down on her face. Her bright smile has appeared as she said
"Que sera sera. I love you too Y/n." 
She leaned forward, bridging the gap between you two as her lips pressed against yours. Regardless of the soup and chicken sauce on your lips, Haewon kissed you with love and passion. Haewon began to chuckle as you kissed her forehead, and both of you pulled away.  
"I love you Haewon." 
"I love you more than myself Y/n." 
She hugged you tight as both of you were clinging to each other on your bed as a realization hit your thoughts. 
"Umm, You might get sick Haewon. You should-" 
"Stay and cuddle you? Absolutely." 
You chuckled at her comment. Your monotonous life was about to change because Haewon had won your heart. From one-sided love to meeting her crying, then meeting her again, and now she's holding you in your bed. It was certainly an exciting journey, but from now on. You are aware that your relationship will endure numerous challenges that will separate you from one another. The route will not be simple for either of you, but no matter what happens in the future, you will always stay true to your moto. 
“Que Sera Sera”
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baelabong · 1 month
ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ꜰᴜᴇᴅ (ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ, ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ,ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ)
ʜᴇɪʀᴇꜱꜱ!ɢ!ᴘ! ʜᴀᴇᴡᴏɴ x ʜᴇɪʀᴇꜱꜱ!ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Plot: a bunch of rich kids fighting because of generational rivalry
Warnings: g!p, breeding, lowkey manipulative haewon
Wc: 5k
Rq: yes
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The air in the boardroom is thick with tension, the silence oppressive. You sit across from Haewon, her icy gaze meeting yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. The contract lies between you, an unspoken challenge.
"Sign it, and we can both walk away from this mess," Haewon says, her voice calm but laced with a cold edge. Her perfectly manicured fingers tap the table impatiently, the only indication that she’s not as composed as she appears.
You narrow your eyes, refusing to be intimidated. "You think this contract will end it all? Our families have been at war for decades, Haewon. A few signatures won't erase the history between us."
She smirks, leaning back in her chair, her posture relaxed yet commanding. "History is written by the victors. And I don’t plan on losing."
Your heart pounds, anger simmering just beneath the surface. For years, you've been groomed to despise her, to see her as the enemy. But sitting here, face-to-face with the woman you’ve heard so much about, there’s a spark of something else—something dangerous and forbidden.
"You’re so sure of yourself," you say, trying to keep your voice steady, though the intensity of her gaze makes it difficult. "But this isn’t just about business, and you know it."
Her expression hardens, the playful smirk disappearing as quickly as it came. "What’s it about then? Revenge? Justice? Or is it just about proving you can beat me?"
Your silence speaks volumes. It’s all of those things and more. But admitting it would give her too much power over you, and you can't afford to let that happen.
"Think about what you’re throwing away," she continues, her tone almost coaxing now. "All for some petty vendetta. We could both walk away from this with our empires intact. No one else has to get hurt."
The sincerity in her voice catches you off guard, and for a moment, you wonder if she really means it. But then you remember your father’s stern warning, the weight of responsibility that rests on your shoulders.
"This isn’t just about me," you finally reply, your voice firm. "It’s about my family. About everything they’ve sacrificed to get us here."
"And what about you?" Haewon asks, her voice softer now, almost gentle. "What have you sacrificed?"
The question lingers in the air, heavy with implications. You want to brush it off, to act like it doesn’t matter, but the truth is, you’ve given up more than you care to admit. Your childhood, your freedom, even your chance at happiness—all sacrificed at the altar of family loyalty.
"I don’t have a choice," you say, the words feeling like a confession.
"There’s always a choice," Haewon counters, her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat.
Before you can respond, the door bursts open, and your father storms in, his face red with anger. "What the hell is going on here?" he demands, his voice booming through the room.
You stand up quickly, instinctively moving to his side. "We were just discussing the terms of the contract—"
"Terms?" He cuts you off, glaring at Haewon with barely contained rage. "The only terms are that her family finally pays for what they’ve done."
"Father, please," you start, but he waves you off.
"No more talking," he says, turning his attention back to Haewon. "This ends now."
Haewon stands, her demeanor calm despite the chaos unfolding around her. "Mr. Kim, if you’d just—"
"Save it," your father snaps, his eyes narrowing. "You think you can charm your way out of this? You’re just like your grandfather. A snake."
Haewon’s eyes flash with something dark and dangerous, but she doesn’t respond, choosing instead to meet his gaze with a steely determination.
You can feel the situation spiraling out of control, and for the first time, you’re not sure which side you’re on. The lines between right and wrong, loyalty and betrayal, start to blur.
"Enough!" you shout, your voice ringing out in the tense room. Both your father and Haewon turn to look at you, surprise etched on their faces.
"We’re not going to solve anything by yelling at each other," you continue, your heart pounding in your chest. "If we keep this up, we’ll destroy everything. Our businesses, our families, everything."
Your father’s face softens slightly, but his eyes remain hard. "And what do you suggest?"
You glance at Haewon, a silent understanding passing between you. "Let’s negotiate. But this time, we do it my way."
Haewon’s lips curve into a small, almost imperceptible smile. "Agreed."
As you sit back down, the tension in the room doesn’t dissipate, but something shifts. For the first time, you’re not just an adversary. You’re a player in a game where the stakes are higher than ever.
And as you lock eyes with Haewon, you can’t shake the feeling that this is only the beginning.
The first time you meet Haewon in a professional setting, it’s during a high-stakes negotiation between your two companies.
You sit at the head of the table, trying to project confidence as you go over the proposal. But the air is thick with tension, and you can feel Haewon’s eyes on you, scrutinizing your every move.
"Is that the best your family can offer?" Haewon’s voice cuts through the room, calm but with an underlying sharpness that makes you bristle. Her eyes lock onto yours, and you can’t help but feel a surge of frustration.
You take a deep breath, keeping your composure. "We believe this deal is in the best interest of both parties. A partnership could benefit us both."
Her lips curl into a smirk, a look that’s both infuriating and oddly captivating. "A partnership? How quaint. But I don’t settle for anything less than absolute control."
You can feel the eyes of your team on you, waiting to see how you’ll respond. The pressure is suffocating, but you refuse to let her see you falter. "Control doesn’t always guarantee success, Haewon. Sometimes, collaboration is what’s needed to ensure victory."
She leans in, her voice dropping to a level that only you can hear. "Victory is what I always achieve, darling. Don’t forget that." The way she says “darling” sends a shiver down your spine, a mix of condescension and something else you can’t quite place.
Before you can respond, the meeting ends in a stalemate, and the teams begin to file out of the room. But Haewon lingers, watching you with those unreadable eyes.
As you gather your things, she approaches, her steps deliberate and slow. "This isn’t over," she says, her voice low and smooth. "We’ll see who comes out on top."
You meet her gaze, refusing to back down. "I wouldn’t expect anything less."
She smiles, a small, knowing smile that makes your heart race in a way you’re not prepared to acknowledge. "Good. I like a challenge."
With that, she turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, your mind racing with a mix of anger, frustration, and something more complicated. The confrontation had left you rattled, not just because of her words but because of the way she looked at you—as if she saw something in you that no one else did.
The days that follow are filled with tension as both families prepare for the next round of negotiations. However, you can’t shake the feeling of unease that Haewon’s presence seems to have stirred within you. Despite your determination to see her as nothing more than an enemy, there’s something about her that keeps lingering in your mind.
One evening, as you’re going over documents in your office, your father calls you in for a meeting. His expression is stern, his tone serious as he informs you of a new development.
"We’ve been approached by the Oh family," he says, his voice laced with contempt. "They’ve made a proposal—a marriage alliance."
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. "A marriage alliance?" you repeat, disbelief coloring your voice.
"Yes," he confirms, his eyes narrowing. "They want to solidify their power by marrying Haewon to a member of our family. And they’ve asked for you."
The room feels like it’s closing in on you. The idea of marrying Haewon, of becoming part of her world, is both terrifying and… strangely compelling.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. "We can’t agree to this. It’s a trap."
"Of course it is," your father agrees, his voice full of disdain. "But they’re desperate. Haewon needs a wife to continue their bloodline, and they see this as their best option."
The realization hits you—Haewon doesn’t just need a partner; she needs a wife to secure her position and fulfill her family’s expectations. The proposal is as much about survival as it is about power.
"And what do you want me to do?" you ask, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside you.
"We refuse, obviously," he says, his tone final. "But I need you to be the one to tell them. Make it clear that we won’t be manipulated into some outdated, archaic arrangement."
You nod, though your mind is far from made up. The thought of facing Haewon again, of telling her that you’re rejecting her, fills you with a strange sense of dread. But there’s no other choice—you’ve been given your orders, and you must follow through.
As you leave your father’s office, you can’t help but wonder what Haewon’s reaction will be. And, more disturbingly, you wonder why you care so much.
The ballroom is an opulent display of wealth and status, filled with the crème de la crème of South Korean society. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the polished marble floors and lavish decorations. The sound of clinking glasses and polite conversation fills the air, but underneath the superficial pleasantries, the tension between your families simmers, threatening to boil over at any moment.
You find yourself seated beside Haewon at one of the long, elegantly set tables. It’s no coincidence—the seating arrangement is strategic, a forced proximity that neither of you can avoid. Haewon is the picture of composure, her tailored suit hugging her figure perfectly, her every movement exuding confidence and control. She greets those around her with a polite smile, but you can sense the underlying tension in her posture.
Your father, seated on your other side, wastes no time in making his feelings known. “I heard your company is struggling to keep up with the new regulations,” he says, his tone casual but his words barbed.
Haewon doesn’t miss a beat, her smile never wavering. “Regulations are an opportunity for innovation,” she replies smoothly, her voice carrying the weight of someone who’s used to winning.
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you listen to the exchange, the thinly veiled hostility cutting through the polite veneer of the dinner. You try to focus on the meal in front of you—a delicate arrangement of courses designed to impress—but it’s impossible to ignore the charged atmosphere.
As the conversation shifts to other topics, Haewon’s hand slips under the table, brushing against your knee. The contact is subtle, almost imperceptible to anyone else, but it sends a shockwave through your body. Your breath catches in your throat as her fingers rest lightly on your leg, the possessiveness in her touch unmistakable.
You shoot her a glance, trying to gauge her intentions, but she’s already turned her attention back to the conversation, responding to another of your father’s pointed remarks with her usual grace. The duality of her actions—cool and composed on the surface, but possessive and demanding beneath—leaves you feeling unsteady.
By the time dessert is served, the tension is almost unbearable. The rich chocolate torte on your plate goes untouched as you struggle to maintain your composure. Haewon’s hand hasn’t moved, her fingers occasionally tightening around your leg, sending shivers up your spine.
Finally, she leans in close, her breath warm against your ear. “Let’s take a walk,” she murmurs, her voice low and insistent.
Your heart races at the suggestion, but you know better than to refuse. With a nod, you quietly excuse yourself from the table, following Haewon out of the ballroom and into the cool night air.
The gardens outside the venue are a stark contrast to the opulence of the ballroom. Here, the air is fresh and crisp, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the cool breeze. The moon casts a silver light over the neatly trimmed hedges and winding paths, creating an almost magical atmosphere.
You walk in silence for a few moments, the gravel crunching under your feet. The distance from the ballroom feels like a reprieve, but the tension between you and Haewon is still palpable. The facade you both maintained during dinner begins to crumble, the weight of everything unsaid pressing down on you.
“Why are you doing this?” you finally demand, turning to face her. Your voice is a mix of frustration and something else—something more dangerous, more vulnerable. “You have everything, Haewon. Why can’t you just leave us alone?”
Haewon stops, her gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat. “Because, *Y/N*, you’re the only one who ever challenges me,” she says, her voice low and steady. “The only one who doesn’t bow down or cower in fear.”
You open your mouth to retort, but the words die on your lips as she takes a step closer, her presence overwhelming. She’s close enough now that you can feel the warmth of her body, smell the faint scent of her perfume—a mixture of jasmine and something uniquely her.
“I’ve spent my life surrounded by people who want something from me,” she continues, her hand reaching up to cup your jaw, her touch both gentle and commanding. “But you—” she trails off, her thumb brushing lightly across your cheek. “You make me want something I can’t have.”
Her admission hits you like a punch to the gut, the raw honesty in her voice leaving you breathless. For a moment, you’re both suspended in the gravity of her words, the world around you fading into the background.
Before you can respond, she kisses you. The kiss is hard and demanding, a clash of pent-up frustration and longing that neither of you can control. You’re powerless to resist, your anger melting into a desperate need as you kiss her back with equal fervor. Her hands move to your waist, pulling you closer, and you can feel the rapid beat of her heart against your chest, mirroring your own.
You pull away slightly, breathless and dazed, your lips tingling from the intensity of the kiss. Haewon rests her forehead against yours, her breathing heavy as she tries to steady herself.
“Why does it have to be like this?” you whisper, your voice trembling with the weight of your emotions.
“Because we’re on opposite sides,” Haewon replies, her voice barely above a whisper. “But that doesn’t change what I feel.”
You’re silent for a moment, the reality of your situation crashing back down on you. “What about our families?” you ask, your voice filled with uncertainty. “What about everything that stands between us?”
You step back, the distance between you suddenly feeling like a chasm. “We can’t,” you say, your voice cracking under the weight of the words. “We can’t do this, Haewon. Our families… they’ll never allow it. And I can’t—I won’t betray them.”
Haewon’s expression falters, the mask of confidence slipping just enough for you to see the pain beneath. “You’re choosing them over us?” she asks, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and hurt.
“I’m choosing the only life I’ve ever known,” you respond, your heart breaking with every word. “I can’t just walk away from that.”
The silence that follows is suffocating, the weight of your decision hanging heavy between you. Haewon looks at you, her eyes filled with an emotion you can’t bear to face, before she finally nods, her jaw clenched in an effort to maintain her composure.
On a rainy evening, you find yourself waiting in a dimly lit café on the outskirts of Seoul. The soft patter of raindrops against the window provides a soothing backdrop to the storm of emotions you’re feeling. You’ve chosen this place for its anonymity, hoping it will shield you both from the prying eyes of your respective families.
As you sip your coffee, the bell above the door jingles, and Haewon steps in, her hair damp from the rain but her expression composed. She scans the room briefly before spotting you and making her way over.
“Hey,” she says, sliding into the seat opposite you, her voice soft but laden with the weight of unspoken words.
“Hey,” you reply, trying to keep your tone casual despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through your mind. You reach across the table, your fingers brushing hers in a gesture that feels both intimate and illicit.
Haewon’s eyes meet yours, and for a moment, the world outside the café seems to disappear. “I’ve missed you,” she says quietly, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.
“I’ve missed you too,” you admit, your voice cracking slightly as you struggle to hold back your emotions. “But this—us—it's so complicated.”
“I know,” Haewon says, her gaze dropping to the table. “But I can’t help how I feel. Every moment we’re apart, I keep thinking about what we could have.”
A sigh escapes your lips as you look at her, the conflict within you mirrored in her eyes. “We can’t keep meeting like this, Haewon. What if someone finds out? What if they—”
“I don’t care,” she interrupts, her voice tinged with frustration. “I can’t keep living this double life. I need you to understand that.”
You reach out and take her hand, your thumb brushing over her knuckles in a soothing gesture. “I do understand,” you say softly. “But there’s so much at stake. Our families… everything we’ve worked for.”
“I know,” Haewon replies, her expression pained. “But sometimes, the risk is worth it. Sometimes, what we have is worth fighting for.”
Despite the turmoil, you and Haewon continue to find moments of intimacy, each one a fleeting escape from the reality you both face. One night, after a particularly tense business meeting, you find yourselves alone in a private suite of a high-end hotel. The room is dimly lit, the city lights casting a soft glow through the large windows.
As soon as the door closes behind you, Haewon pulls you into her arms, her lips finding yours in a passionate kiss that speaks of longing and desperation. The kiss deepens as she presses you against the wall, her hands roaming over your body as if trying to make up for all the lost time.
You respond eagerly, your hands threading through her hair, pulling her closer. The intensity of the moment is both exhilarating and overwhelming, the knowledge that this is all you can have adding a bittersweet edge to your desire.
Between kisses, Haewon whispers against your lips, “I can’t stop thinking about you. About us.”
You pull back slightly, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you look into her eyes. “I know. But this can’t go on forever. We’re running out of time.”
Haewon’s eyes are filled with a mixture of longing and frustration. “I don’t care,” she says, her voice shaking slightly. “I just want to be with you, even if it’s only for a little while longer.”
You can’t deny the pull of her words, the depth of your own feelings. “Alright,” you say, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions within you. “We’ll make the most of the time we have.”
As your lips meet again, the world outside fades away. Haewon’s hands move with deliberate tenderness, slowly undressing you both until you’re skin to skin. The heat between you intensifies, and she guides you to the bed, her touch gentle but insistent.
Haewon’s breath hitches as she hovers over you, her eyes searching yours for any hesitation. Seeing none, she leans down, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispers, “Please, let me take you.”
Her voice, trembling with need, sends a shiver down your spine. You nod, your consent unspoken but clear in the way your body arches into hers.
Her voice, trembling with need, sends a shiver down your spine. You nod, your consent unspoken but clear in the way your body arches into hers.
With a tenderness that contrasts the urgency in her movements, Haewon enters you slowly but deliberately. The sensation draws a soft whimper from her, and she pauses, as if savoring the moment. “You feel so perfect,” she murmurs, her forehead resting against yours.
You close your eyes, losing yourself in the rhythm she sets, in the way she moves inside you with a mixture of reverence and desperation. The guilt and turmoil that await you both outside this room momentarily fade as you surrender to the intimacy you share, each touch, each kiss, a silent promise to make the most of the time you have left.
As you cling to her, your fingers digging into her back, leaving long red marks, making Haewon hiss.
Haewon’s restraint begins to crumble as her need overtakes her. She starts moving faster, her breath hot against your neck as she presses deeper into you. The intensity of her movements pulls a moan from your lips, one that only seems to drive her wilder.
“God, you feel so good,” Haewon groans, her voice rough and desperate. She leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. “I’m gonna fill you up,” she whispers, the words cutting through the haze of pleasure enveloping you both.
Her thrusts become more frantic, her hips snapping against yours with a force that leaves you breathless. The bed creaks under the weight of your shared desire, the sound mixing with the ragged breaths and moans that fill the room.
“Make sure that a new bloodline is secure for my family,” Haewon murmurs, the words spilling out between gasps. There’s an edge to her voice, a mix of urgency and something darker that sends a thrill down your spine. “I’ll make sure of it… make sure you’re full of me.”
The intensity of her words and the way she’s taking you, claiming you, sends you spiraling. You cling to her, your nails digging into her back as the pleasure mounts, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge.
“Haewon,” you manage to gasp out, your voice trembling as the sensation overwhelms you.
“Say my name,” she demands, her pace quickening even more. Her teeth graze your collarbone, her breath hot against your skin. “Let everyone know who you belong to.”
“Haewon,” you cry out again, louder this time, your back arching as she pushes you closer to the brink.
“I’m close,” she growls, her movements growing almost frantic. “I’m so close… I want to feel you come around me. Now.”
The command in her voice, the raw desire and possession, sends you over the edge. You cry out, your body tensing as pleasure crashes through you, and Haewon follows seconds later, her hips jerking against yours as she groans your name, filling you just as she promised.
For a moment, the world is nothing but the sensation of her inside you, the sound of her ragged breaths mixing with yours. Slowly, the frenzy of the moment ebbs, leaving you both trembling and breathless.
Haewon collapses beside you, her arms still wrapped around you tightly, as if afraid to let you go. Her face is buried in your neck, and you can feel her heartbeat slowing against your chest.
You’re both silent for a long time, the only sound the soft rustling of the sheets as you cling to each other, the reality of your situation creeping back in. But for now, neither of you moves, unwilling to let the moment end.
“Thank you,” Haewon whispers finally, her voice soft, almost broken. “For this… for being mine, even if it’s only for now.”
You don’t respond, instead, you hold her tighter.
One evening, after a particularly brutal encounter at another business meeting, you meet Haewon in a secluded location—a luxury hotel room you’ve both come to use as your hideaway. The moment you walk in, the tension is already suffocating, your emotions swirling in a chaotic storm you can no longer contain.
“You were ruthless today,” you accuse, pacing the room with a fury that’s been building for months. “You knew exactly what that deal meant to my family, and you tore it apart like it was nothing. You don’t care about anyone but yourself, do you? It’s always about what Haewon wants, what Haewon needs!”
Haewon stands by the window, her gaze cold and impassive as she watches you. “I did what I had to. Just like you would have,” she responds, her voice devoid of emotion, as if your anger means nothing to her.
“That’s it?” you scoff, feeling your blood boil. “After everything we’ve done, everything I’ve given up for you, this is how you treat me? I showed you how committed I was to you last night, Haewon! I gave you everything, and this is what you do in return? You destroy what’s left of my family’s business without a second thought?”
Her indifference is like a slap in the face, and it ignites something feral inside you. “You’re heartless,” you spit, your voice shaking with a mixture of anger and hurt. “You use people, discard them when they’re no longer useful to you, and now you’re doing it to me.”
Haewon doesn’t flinch at your words. Instead, a smirk tugs at the corners of her mouth, as if she’s amused by your outburst. “You knew what this was from the start,” she says, taking a step toward you. “You knew exactly who I am.”
Her calm, almost mocking tone drives you over the edge. “I hate you,” you snarl, but the words are hollow, your body betraying you as she approaches.
Before you can protest further, Haewon’s lips crash against yours, her kiss rough and possessive, leaving no room for resistance. Her hands grip your hips, and in one swift motion, she pushes you onto the bed. The intensity in her eyes as she hovers over you sends a thrill down your spine, your anger morphing into something darker, something primal.
“Don’t pretend you’re any different,” she hisses against your lips, her breath hot and sharp. “You’re just like me, willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.”
You try to hold on to your anger, but it slips away with every touch, every rough caress. As Haewon tears at your clothes, her hands moving over your body with a mix of brutality and familiarity, you find yourself wanting more, craving the way she dominates you, the way she makes you forget everything else.
Haewon enters you without warning, the suddenness of it pulling a cry from your lips. She moves with a brutal kind of passion, each thrust harder than the last, her pace unrelenting. You cling to her, your nails digging into her back as you curse her, your words a mix of anger and desperation.
“I hate you,” you gasp, pulling her closer, wanting her deeper despite the venom in your words. Her big dick hitting all the good spots in you as you continue “You’re a selfish, manipulative—”
But your words are cut off by a moan as Haewon slams into you harder, her lips curling into a dark smile. “Keep talking,” she taunts, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “I love it when you curse me while I’m fucking you.”
The contradiction of your anger and the pleasure she’s forcing out of you leaves you dizzy, lost in the overwhelming sensations. You can’t hold back the moans that escape your lips, the way your body arches into hers, needing more, craving the way she’s taking you, claiming you.
Haewon’s laughter echoes in your ears, dark and full of control. “You can’t resist me,” she says, her tone triumphant. “No matter how much you fight it, you always come back to me. You love this, don’t you? You love how I fuck you, how I make you forget everything else.”
You squirt out while clenching as hard as you can on Haewon “shit shit shit shit, keep clenching on me. Ive only fu-fuck fucked you once yet your trying so hard to milk me dry”
“Do you want my babies that bad?”, Haewon snickers
And in that moment, it’s true. The anger, the accusations, they all fade away as you’re consumed by the way Haewon pounds into you, her movements rough and unforgiving, but exactly what you need. You cling to her, pulling her closer, as if she’s the only thing anchoring you in this twisted reality.
“I hate you,” you whisper one last time, but the words are empty, meaningless as you surrender completely to her, lost in the intensity of her touch, her dominance.
“You’re mine,” Haewon growls, her pace quickening, her thrusts becoming more frantic, more desperate. “You’ll always be mine.”
And as she pushes you over the edge, taking you with a force that leaves you breathless, you realize that you don’t care. Haewon shudders, emptying herself in you, not pulling out.
“Can I please stay in you?”, she whispers against your shoulder as you nod.
Carrying you as you wrap your legs around her waist, her cock still in you, making you moan as she brought you two to the bed, kissing you. The toxicity of your relationship is forgotten in the haze of pleasure, in the way she makes you feel alive, wanted, and completely hers.
In the end, all you can think about is how much you love this, how much you love her, even as she destroys everything around you.
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bellaaae · 6 months
Yn being the definition of chaos [567k views]
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— Clip 1✰
<Yns solo live>
Yn was on her bed doing a live scrolling through the comments.
Comment:Please show your feet
“Show my feet? Is it allowed?” Yn asked staring into the camera.
She paused to think for a few seconds before later showing part of her feet to the camera.
“YN-NIE!” Haewon yelled from downstairs.
Yn made a “oh I do dead” face because she had forgotten that haewon was watching this live.
— Clip 2✰
Nmixx were up doing random things when the door knob twisted meaning the mentor was about to come in
They all rushed to the bed to pretend to sleep.
It was too late for yn to get on top of the bed making her get caught by the mentor.
“What are you still doing up?!” The mentor asked yn in a strict voice.
“Mentor….i really need to pee!” You whined doing the pee pee dance.
“I feel like my bladder’s boutta burst!” You explained to the mentor.
The other members were silently laughing while the mentor sighed and looked at yn with a done face.
“BE QUITE AND GO BACK TO SLEEP,if I come back here and find you still awake-“ the mentor cautioned yn.
“Yes sir!” Yn said and went back to her bed.
— Clip 3✰
<Nmixx have to guess the song based on the emoji>
“DETECTIVE BUNNY! (Yn) X3” Yn yelled raising her hand.
“Stray Kid’s God’s Menu?” She guessed the song proudly because she knew it.
“Correct!” The staff responded.
“Do it like this” haewon advised yn.
“DU DU DU DU DU DU!” Yn said dancing with her hands like she was chopping something.
She looked extremely cute and funny.
She continued the dance before pausing.
“Is the dance step correct?” She asked the staff looking at the camera.
“I don’t think it is?” Jiwoo replied smiling.
“You looked cute while doing it so it’s alright” sullyoon told yn.
— Clip 4✰
<Yn and haewon cooking dinner>
“Yn can you help me crack the egg?” Haewon asked yn politely.
“Sure” Yn said and picked up the egg.
She was about to use a spoon and crack the egg but something came across her mind making her change her decision.
Yn placed the egg on top of her forehead and cracked it hard on her head.
The egg cracked open but not in a very neat way.Some of the yolk dripping off from Yn’s forehead.
She made a disgusted face from the smell.
“Yn are you do-“ haewon said but got cut off when she saw the way the maknae looked messy.
“Don’t worry anymore.Go wash your face and come back!” Haewon told yn shooing her out of the kitchen.
— Clip 5✰
Nmixx were doing a live in the practice room
While the other members were busy other things Yn and Kyujin stood in front of the phone.
Yn suddenly pressed a big mouth filter making her face look funny.
Kyujin screamed while laughing.
Yn was smiling with the big mouth filter.
— Clip 6✰
Nmixx were doing the same pose but yn got it wrongly.
She accidentally stuck out her middle finger.The editors blurred it out.
Jiwoo screamed a little,laughing making the members to look at them.
They were all shocked.
Haewon the leader was in a panic mode.
The members were laughing and in a little panic mode.
She slapped Yn’s fingers and hand.
“Isn’t it the right pose?” Yn asked confused but Jiwoo was still tapping her fingers.
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uchinagai · 3 months
“ met thru internet “ - Giselle smau
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➢Synopsis: two oomfs and huge Red Velvet fans, seolhee and Giselle, decided to join Selca Day, which caused Seolhee to fall in love with the girl; little did she know, it would go completely wrong
➢Pairing : non idol!giselle x fem!oc (seolhee)
➢Genre: smau + written, wlw fluff, non idol!, angst, friends-to-lovers (?), giselle in huge denial while seolhee would kill for her.
➢status: ongoing
➢updates: whenever I can
➢warnings: interlized homophobia slightly, heavy language, giselle is in huge denial due to fears of being heartbroken, mentions of alcohol use and use of alcohol, idk more . . .
➢featuring: All of Aespa, Yeji (itzy), Yunjin (Le Sseafim), Hyunjin (stray kids), Ryeoun (actor), Seol Inah (actress), Choi Hyunwook (actor), Rei (IVE), Haewon (Nmixx) Belle (kiss of life) more to come...\
AN: this story will be HEAVILY inspired by my current wlw situationship because I need to take it out somewhere lowkey, also something like nevertheless K-drama also I don't think this smau will be long? idk we will see :3
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P R O F I L E S - Starstruck Divas || Pride Posse ||
more to come
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jjayeongi · 2 years
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in which nicholas keeps pushing you away and acting quite coldly toward you despite your attempts to make friends with him. no matter how hard you try, jay, your brother tells you to stop because he believes nicholas would never give in. besides you have a secret admirer right? who always sends you letters, so, let's just forget him.
pairing nonidol!nicholas x fem!reader
genre collage au, angst, fluff, crack, smau w written chaps, enemies to lovers (?), more tba.
warnings swearing, kys jokes, my unfunny jokes, more tba.
featuring jay hoon sunoo (enha) ej (&team) lily haewon (nmixx) will add more...
status on going, slow update
taglist open @angelic-jeonghan1004 @bluehourjun @nichobins @tya0 @renjunba3 @dxlicateee @jaxavance @dancinginthetaillight @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @jaylabb @diestheticu @cherriegyu @lcv3lies @paolennenicole @o-0hypen @makiswrld
📝 well 😅😅 remake my old work i didn't even start, &team debuted so STREAM UNDER THE SKIN!!!! i know yall rlly looking forward for this, well good news LOVE LETTERS IS BACK
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PROFILE .ᐟ.ᐟ one (´-ω-`) two
CHAPTERS .ᐟ.ᐟ (timestamps and date are not important)
ep 1 || first attempt
ep 2 || still dont know dude
ep 3 || yn have a crush
ep 4 ||
ep 5 ||
old perm taglist @nikipedia07 @evelynn-king
©jjayeongi do not plagiarize.
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yenalogyy · 2 years
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Oh Haewon | Late Surprise
Happy belated birthday to the leader!
The clock showed 11:50 PM. Currently sitting on the sofa in silence was Oh Haewon, staring blankly at the tv which was showing her favorite show. Even though it had shown a funny scene, she did not crack a smile even in the slightest due to how clouded her mind was.
The day was her special day, and she was getting birthday wishes from her family and friends. But there was one person who hadn’t wished her a happy birthday, nor had he even talked to her.
She constantly looked over her phone, hoping that it was her boyfriend, Jung Y/N, who’d finally revealed himself and celebrated it with her. But it wasn’t. It was one of those promotion messages you’d get every so often.
She sighed, as the clock now showed 11:58. She soon decided to get ready to sleep, when she heard her door bell ring.
Who could it possibly be?
She peeped through the peephole, and was in awe at who had shown up on her front door. The person had an awkward smile, with a bag on one hand. She unlocked the door, and revealed herself.
“Happy birthday!” He said,
She stood there, in disbelief at what she was seeing in front of her eyes. It was the person whom she was waiting for the whole day to celebrate her special day. The person who hadn’t shown himself from the morning, until that moment.
“Haewon-ah? Happy birthday…?”
“Did you really just- purposefully wait until 11.59 to say happy birthday to me?”
“Yes. I-“
Just as he was about to explain himself, she took the door knob and was about to close the door on him. Unfortunately for her, he had quick hands which prevented her from closing it any further.
“Wait, let me explain!”
“I hate you. Go away before I close this door and snap your fingers off.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I just thought I’d do something different this year. Look! I bought a cake for you!”
“Go. Away.” She let go of the knob and pushed him slightly away. She had her head hung low, her hair covering her face making him unable to confirm her look. Soon after she sniffled as she had her hand wiping her seemingly bawling eyes.
“Hey, Haewon-ah.”
“I hate you.” Her voice sounded quavering, as she finally lifted her head, revealing to him her red eyes.
“I… I’m sorry.”
“I thought you’d forgotten about me, Y/N. Promise me that you’d never do this again, okay? I really don’t want to think that I’d lost you.”
Feeling guilty, he pulled her into his arms before giving her an answer.
“I won’t. I swear I’ll never do something that’ll make you think I’d lost my feelings for you. Cheer up, okay?” He let go of the hug, cupping her face as a smile finally showed on her face.
“Let’s go inside, Haewon-ah. Or else we’d be freezing out here.”
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likelyfox · 1 month
Would It Change?
F!Reader x Bae Jinsol
wc: 1.8k
tags: fluff, friends to lovers, first kiss
You never really considered yourself close to Bae which made sense, she was considered as the popular girl in your school. 
However it wasnt that uncommon for you to always try to somehow get her attention, she is still the popular girl after all so it makes sense…well that's what you thought.
Bae, being the popular girl she is, she never caught on how you tried to talk to her. Maybe just starting a small talk in the hallway would change her mind and actually pay attention but at the same time you thought she wouldn't pay attention to someone like you.
Everything changed in College. With the beginning of the first year of college starting you didn't expect anything apart from you practically only being close to Haewon as she chose the same major as you, wanting to be the supportive friend she was. While waiting for the professor to come in, you were talking to Haewon about anything to fill the time in, that was until someone arrived in the class.
“Hey, Y/n” Haewon said pointing at someone, you quickly looked to be met with Bae. It was a surprise for you as you didn't expect her to be in the same major as you but nonetheless she was.
“Oh” You said
“Go talk to her, you have the chance to get close to her finally” Haewon said
“No. Not yet.” You said
“Why?” Haewon asked
“It's only the first day” You said
“Alright then” Haewon said
Just a couple of days you said to yourself, maybe letting her know that you are in the same major will make Bae notice you, instead it didn't. Haewon knew that if you waited for Bae to notice you would just turn into you, never even getting closer to her.
“Hey Bae” Haewon said
“Oh hey” Bae said
“It appears we are in the same major!” Haewon said in a bright tone
“Yeah I noticed, I guess we are really meant to be!” Bae said
“Maybe we are” Haewon said “Any plans today?”
“Not really” Bae answered “Wanted to hang out?”
“Sort of.” Haewon said “Y/n does”
“Oh. Where is she?” Bae asked and as if on cue you arrived.
“Hey” Bae said
“Hey!” You said
“So I'm the popular girl you couldn't get close to!” Bae teased
“I'm glad i can talk to you now” You said
“Haewon told me you want to hang out” Bae said
“Sort of yeah, are you free tonight?” You asked
“I am” Bae said “When exactly do you want to meet?”
“Whenever you can” You said
“Alright i will text you” Bae said to which you nodded.
This was it, you would finally be able to get closer to Bae, the girl you deemed as a Popular girl a couple years back. Nonetheless you were waiting for Bae to text you. While waiting you were thinking where to even go with her, however at the same time you sort of knew that Bae would have decided and planned everything already.
When the time rolled around she finally texted you the place to meet at. You quickly got ready and went out.
“Hey, i'm glad you ended up coming” Bae said
“I wouldn't say no to you!” You said “So…i sort of didn't plan anything”
“And that's fine because i did” Bae said “Just follow me”
And you did, Bae led you quite far to the point you thought that she might be leading you to a place where anything could happen but after a bit of walking you finally reached a beautiful view of a river, even with the sun that was slowly setting it made the scenery even more beautiful.
“Oh wow…this looks insane” You said
“I know right!?” Bae said with excitement
“Something straight out of a movie” You said
“I thought it would be a nice place to finally establish our friendship” Bae said “Alright, why didn't you come talk to me all these years?”
She asked as you and her sat down on the blanket Bae set down on the ground.
“You seemed hard to talk to” You said “I always saw you the popular girl who doesn't have time for people like me”
“Seriously?” Bae asked to which you nodded “I also wanted to get closer to you”
“You did?” You asked
“Yeah” Bae answered “And i thought you were the popular one”
“Huh. Its weird how we viewed each other” You said
“Yeah, but hey at least we can get closer now!” Bae said
You and Bae continued to talk, Bae mostly talked about her life, dreams and the future and you listened. Bae was easy to open to, funny and smart she knew how to get you open up easily which hadn't happened with anyone else. Even with Haewon, who's your childhood friend didn't make you open up this fast and easily, but with Bae it was a lot easier and safer.
After what felt like hours Bae stood up.
“So. This was a fun night” Bae said
“It really was” You said “So are we friends now?”
“Oh totally” Bae said “We should hang out more”
“Now that I have your number I would love to!” You said
Both of you said your final goodbyes and went to your places. All of this talk left you with a lot of thoughts but the most important one probably was that you and Bae were friends now. Something you deemed impossible just a couple of years ago.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months you started getting closer and closer to Bae. Haewon noticed especially how close you had gotten to Bae and she seriously felt happy as Bae was the person you wanted to be friends with and now that you are, she felt happy for you.
Everything felt awesome and for good reasons. 
You, Bae and Haewon were all walking after a long day at College, Bae and Haewon did the most talking as you just listened occasionally listening and also speaking up but mostly listening. It didn't take long for Bae to arrive at her house.
“It was nice talking to you two” Bae said
“You too” Haewon said
“Oh and another thing” Bae said before giving you a kiss on the cheek “Bye!” She quickly ran off to her house leaving you wondering what just happened. 
It wasn't anything you didn't expect, Bae usually gave you a hug before finally ending the day between you and her but this time? This time it was a lot different.
It wasnt that you and her were alone there, it wasn't, Haewon was also with you and saw the whole scene. She hesitated for a moment before answering but she did speak up to break the awkward silence.
“Well that was interesting” Haewon spoke finally breaking the silence
“Didn't know you two were at that stage already” Haewon said
“We aren't” You said
“Yeah right, then why do you look as if someone dropped a surprise party on you?” Haewon teased
“But why would she do that? She never does it, apart from just jokes but…” You said
“You and Bae are so cute, it hurts sometimes” Haewon said
“How so?” You asked
“Well, you two know that you are finally friends and are really close and she is really talkative with you, she smiles whenever she looks at you or whenever you talk.” Haewon said “And the way she just turned to you, kissed you and ran away? That is definitely something.”
“I guess but it's just out of nowhere, no?” You asked
“Of course it is.” Haewon said “Look, talk it out with Bae tomorrow”
“Yeah. I will.” You said before saying your final goodbyes to Haewon.
And that's what you did, the next day you and Haewon arrived a bit earlier than expected but you didn't care all you wanted and needed was to talk to Bae. After what felt like hours Bae finally arrived.
“You are happier than usual” Haewon said
“I am?” Bae said “I guess I'm just in a good mood today!”
“That's great to hear” Haewon said
"Hey" You said
"I'm sorry about yesterday it was just something i was dared to do" Bae said
"By who?" You asked
"Not a problem now is it?" Bae said before going past you and Haewon to her own friend group. Haewon looked at you for a brief moment before speaking up
“A dare.” Haewon said “Who am I to figure out the thing between you two, right?”
“Did you notice how she-” You said
“Dont worry about it, Y/n” Haewon said “Talk to her later”
The day passed with you distracted, your thoughts frequently drifting back to Bae and the kiss that had set off some sort of an alert of emotions. When the day finally ended, you decided to just go to Bae.
“Hey” You said
“Oh hey!” Bae said “You usually wait for me outside”
“I know, but i want to talk to you” You said, Bae knew what you wanted to talk about.
“Yeah” Bae said “Go on then.”
“Was it really a dare? I just don't understand why you did that…i hope that kiss doesn't ruin our friendship” You said
“It wont, but it was sort of a dare and more of me wanting to kiss you” Bae said “Of course i couldn't kiss you on the lips, but well i hope you understand”
“Do you have feelings for me?” You asked
“Y/n, I do. This friendship made my feelings come back but i don't want to hide them anymore” Bae said 
“This is a lot” You said “I also have feelings for you”
“You do?” Bae asked to which you nodded.
“Is this where we are at now?” You asked
“We are dating. Girlfriends.” Bae said
“Oh my god!” You said excitedly
“Now that that's settled, how about I finally do what I wanted yesterday?” Bae said before pulling you behind the building where usually no one walks. Bae pushed you against the wall of the building before kissing you.
Bae's lips were warm against yours, and the world seemed to blur around you, leaving just the two of you in that hidden spot. The kiss was soft at first, tentative as if she was afraid you might pull away. But when you didn't, when you kissed her back with the same urgency, she deepened it. Her hands rested on your waist, pulling you closer.
When she pulled away, both of you were out of breath. There was a short silence before Bae spoke up.
“What would Haewon think?” Bae asked
“I don't know” You said “But i'm so happy to be with you”
“Me too.”
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the-roo-too · 1 year
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cupid -> schoolmate! kim jiwoo
-your favourite genre was always romance. you loved the books from a very particular bookshop. the owner’s granddaughter always disliked romance books. she liked seeing you in the bookstore though.
warnings: y/n being very obvious; mamamoo are b e t t i n g
genre: fluff!
notes: plot idea goes to @cfvgbhndun-new-blog 🫶 i don’t think i’ve actually seen someone write for jiwoo?
jiwoo always thought it was kind of stupid of you. while she herself wasn’t a romance fan, she could easily recognise the titles you’ve been reading- all of them were sappy love stories. and you could live out your romance dream, if you’d ever take your nose out of the book and see her standing there.
she’s told this to her grandma. said woman laughed at jiwoo for eight minutes straight (she counted) and said she wouldn’t even be able to woman up and ask you out, even if you noticed her.
jiwoo also told this to kyujin, who should have her side as she’s the older one. the younger laughed almost as hard as the grandma. that was the moment jiwoo stopped coming to older and younger people for advice.
“i bet you 5 bucks they’ll end up together.” the teacher said, slamming the money on the desk. the other three women in the room looked up at her weirded out.
“yongsun? did you forget your meds again?” one of them asked teasingly.
“yah! you’re almost the same age, byul!” yongsun whined at the younger woman, at which the trio bursted into giggles.
“we get it, unnie. but what were you saying? who are we betting on?” the youngest out of the bunch asked. yongsun rolled her eyes playfully and gestured the outside with her head.
there, on the hallway, they could see a pretty usual sigh. a couple kids running, someone carrying some lunch, and of course y/n l/n with her nose buried in a book. not far behind her, kim jiwoo was also following like a kicked puppy.
“oh, you mean the jiwo/n situation?” byul asked before laughing. “i don’t really think she’ll confess. l/n is too obvious and kim is very scared of rejection.”
“nah, don’t judge her like that! jiwoo is my top student, she’s very brave.” insisted yongsun.
“yeah, brave enough to listen to you banter about literature for hours!”
“shut up, wheein!”
“yongsun unnie, i add 5 bucks jiwoo will confess but l/n won’t recognise her.” the youngest added, putting her money on the desk.
“good one, hyejin. 5 bucks she just won’t confess.” wheein pat hyejin’s arm and added her money to the pile.
“y’all don’t have faith in them!”
“you have too much faith, yongsun. 5 bucks she’s gonna confess.”
“didn’t you say i have too much faith?”
“confessing isn’t the same thing as dating!”
“so, how’s it going with that girl you told me about?”
“grandma!” jiwoo whined at her elder and stopped putting the books on the shelves.
“what? i’m just asking! you’ve been talking about this girl nonstop for the past couple weeks…” the girl glared at her grandma.
“that’s so not true!”
“you begged me to move the romance section closer to the counter so you could see her.” jiwoo tried to think of a comeback but the smirk on her grandma’s face made her quiet and pouty. “okay, jiwoo-ya. go open the shop.”
the girl sighed and did as she was asked. maybe she’d get to see you come into the shop today.
you sat in your favourite bookshop. it was your favourite because of the cozy atmosphere, and how nice the owner was, and how many different romances you could get there.
it was hard to say actually why you liked romance so much. maybe you wanted to experience something like that in real life.
satisfied with a plot summary you just read on one of the books, you took it to the counter. the girl that stood there seemed awfully familiar, but it might have been because you visit the shop at least a couple times a month.
“hi, what can i help you with today?” the girl smiled sweetly at you.
“i wanted to buy this book.” you handed her the piece and started digging your bag for your wallet.
“sure, let me get that checked-“
“no no no- oh god, i am so sorry.” a mortified expression appeared on your face. “i think i forgot my wallet at home.”
“oh no, i am sorry to hear that. would you like me to-“
“agh, i’ve gotta look for it. thank you and i’m really sorry!” you ran out of the bookshop, missing the look on the girl’s face.
“bet news!” yongsun ran inside the room panting. “jiwoo brought some romance book! she had it on her desk durning my lesson!”
the other three teachers looked at her sceptically.
“maybe she started reading romance?” the youngest suggested.
“no, that can’t be. jiwoo hates romance books.” yongsun nodded along to byul.
“but you know who loves romance?”
“l/n?” wheein scoffed quietly. her bet was practically lost.
“l/n! she’s gonna confess, i’m sure of it!”
“maybe l/n won’t recognise her…”
“hyejin don’t wish bad for people.”
“i wish for my money to come back!”
kim jiwoo. you finally pieced the face to a name. before miss kim’s class, you saw her walking with the book you almost bought. on one hand, you were sad she bought it because now you couldn’t, but on the other, you could talk with her now! maybe she liked the same authors as you? she did work in a bookshop, she probably loved books as much as you.
just as you were packing your bag. the mentioned girl approached you. “hi, y/n!”
“oh, hello jiwoo.”
“you know my name?” she seemed really surprised, making you giggle.
“yeah, you’re just before me on the list.” your gaze fell to the book in her hands. for a second, you wondered why didn’t she put it in her bag, but carried in around like that. “you like romance too?”
“um, not necessarily. i don’t know if you remember but you wanted to buy that book but you forgot-“
“oh god that was so embarrassing.”
“so i bought it for you!” she smiled brightly and handed you the book.
“what?” you had to do a double take, looking at the girl in front of you, then at the book, and back at jiwoo.
“i figured you really wanted it and it gave me the chance to talk to you.”
“oh jiwoo, i can’t just- can i repay you somehow?”
“i know you don’t really know me, but i really like you. could you go out with me, and maybe it blooms into something more?”
the book fell from your hands. that seemed almost like a scene you read in a book. “sure.”
jiwoo let out the cutest giggle ever and you thought you’d melt on the spot.
wheein and hyejin grumbled in dissatisfaction. both lost the bet, now it was a fight between yongsun and byul.
“she confessed but they hadn’t started dating!”
“they just went on their first date! i’m sure they will after this!”
“isn’t this weird we’re four teachers spying on two of our students?” wheein asked, sipping her coffee. the four of them were trying to blend in the coffee shop where l/n and kim were on their first date.
“shut up wheein!” said yongsun. she then glanced at the two lovebirds and squealed excitedly. “guys they kissed!”
“pay up byul!”
“are we going to talk about how our teachers are spying on us?”
“not really. would you like to go on a date on thursday too?”
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xoioel · 1 year
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parings: NMIXX x 7th!Member Reader
genre: Fluff and Angst
warnings: none
summary: becoming the best version of yourself with the help of your members
note: hope you all will enjoy this series. let me know if i should add a tag list
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01 | intro
02 | i trust
03 | i love
04 | i never
05 | i am
more coming soon…
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© xoioel — do not copy, translate, or share my work.
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jinlias · 2 years
[7:38 pm]
haewon quickly browsed through the convenience store, having finally convinced the manager to stop after their schedule. she only called to tell you she’d be home soon, but she heard your sniffles, she heard your voice crack, she knew something wasn’t right.
she didn’t plan on prying. it could be something silly like a cute video of a puppy, or something serious, whatever it was, she knew that you’d tell her if you wanted to, and she was okay with that.
with a quick glance at her basket she notices what’s missing, she grabs your favorite chocolate off the shelf when she spots it, and heads straight to check out. yes, this is a rushed attempt to console you and take your mind off whatever has you breaking her heart over the phone, but she also missed you so much, she’ll put anything together quickly to make you happy.
so when she opens the door and barely gives too steps before you’re rushing off the couch to hug her, sniffling on her hoodie and probably leaving some tears there too, her heart both grows and shrivels at the same time. it grows because you’re here, in her arms, finally. she gets to hold and love you all night just like she had been wanting for a long time.
but it shrivels because she was right, she doesn’t care about it being serious or silly, your face is hot, humid with tears and very much swollen. she’d never seen someone so pretty while they cried, she just hated it was you
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daniistopg · 11 months
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Sweater Weather
PAIRING: (Bisexual!Lily x Bisexual!FEM!Reader)
Genre: Fluff, finding yourself.
Summary: You now have just realized, "What if you're gay?" but brushed it off. But your friend Lily made you come back to that thought.
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meowsforyujin · 8 months
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Clouds- haewon
(fluff! Haewon x fem reader, best friends to lovers)
Here you were again, like every Saturday, watching a movie with your best friend. Haewon had been in a particularly good mood today, happier than usual.
It could’ve been the powdered doughnuts you surprised her with, she practically jumped up and down for 10 minutes after seeing them. She was so cute. But it didn’t take long to realize the donuts were a mistake.
She was adorable. White sugar dusted all over her chubby face and she smiled giddily watching. She cuddled close to you and she smelt like flowers. Lavender to be specific. Every day it was harder and harder to deny your feelings for her. Who could blame you? She was an angel. You wanted her to be YOUR angel. No one else’s. You wanted to protect her from the world. Whether she needed protection from the world or not didn’t matter.
“Is there stuff on my face?” Haewon looks up at you slightly worried. You swear she’s never been prettier. She looked so irresistible. She looked so sweet.
It happened fast, and slow at the same time. Your lips pressing on hers softly. She almost instantly melted into your touch, your lips molding together. You felt like flying. She tasted like clouds. She felt like clouds, you couldn’t explain it if you tried. She was so gentle. So delicate.
it was when you heard a small whine that you pulled away and she pouted.
“Wait, I, “
you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want to continue anything without telling her how you felt. This was important.
She looked up at you with her big doe eyes, looking like boba balls, waiting for you to continue. She already knew what you were trying to say.
The soft kiss placed on your nose took you by surprise. “I love you y/n” she said and let out a slight giggle after, followed by another kiss on your chin.
You pulled her into a deep, gentle kiss. Words seemed unnecessary at this point. Her hands made their way to your hair, softly tugging.
You pulled away, not wanting things to get heated. You just wanted to cherish this the way it was. “I love you so much, my sweet, sweet girl” . She flashed you a gummy smile before pulling you into another kiss. You couldn’t complain though. You had a feeling you would grow addicted to this cloud like feeling anyway.
she was finally yours.
AYYY first writing. I’m bad at grammar so don’t judge. Lmk what other gxg you’d like to read or also lmk your thoughts!
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airaibunny · 1 year
hi everyone!
i’m going to be busy tomorrow, so there won’t be an update. but expect the following stories in the next few days(in respective order)
chaewon x reader “bubbles” (suggestive, fluff)
haesull x reader “please, unnie?” (smut)
mina x reader “do not touch” (smut)
assume what you will based off of the titles 😛🩷
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uchinagai · 3 months
Pride Posse
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Majors in music w winter, rina and ning. Very popular because of her looks at her university. sweetest soul if you become friends with her... somehow; it's easy over the internet, but in real life, thoughts and prayers. went through a horrible first wlw heartbreak and has been avoiding dating women even tho no man has managed to get her attention. Loves attention on her ONLY.
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Minjeong / winter
majors in music at the same uni as Giselle Karina and Ningning. always compared to Taeyeon or a puppy. very quiet, unlike her friends and people she hangs out with, and everyone wonders how she even managed to befriend Giselle, not knowing they came from early childhood. recently joined stan Twitter, so still confused puppy over things.
Jimin / Karina
majors in music. rumored nepo-baby around the campus (she, in fact, is but won't ever admit to it). spoiled her friends a lot and takes her Twitter life more seriously than the assignments she needs to turn in. "secretly" favorites Minjeng, and everyone obviously notices because they aren't very lowkey.
majors in music. hates stan Twitter more than anything but is still somehow surrounded by a group of them. comes from a rich family so befriending her is really out of the limits unless her friends introduce her to someone. really reserved person but still craves for an amazing wlw experience.
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She majors in architecture and loves it more than anything. got on Twitter by accident and met Giselle there. became super close, and they even hosted a small sleepover with her. She is a hilarious and silly person. slowly falling into brainrot humor.
She majors in history and absolutely beats herself up for it every single day. As soon as she finishes the semester, she'll definitely switch to music. She met Giselle with the help of Yunjin and is the least active member with Hyunjin. She always gets teased by others claiming that she and Hyunjin are siblings due to their same last name and facial similarities.
majors in literature and is the calmest person ever. He doesn't understand the point of stan Twitter, so whenever the topic comes up, he disappears into thin air.
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jjayeongi · 2 years
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in which nicholas keeps pushing you away and acting quite coldly toward you despite your attempts to make friends with him. no matter how hard you try, jay, your brother tells you to stop because he believes nicholas would never give in. besides you have a secret admirer right? who always sends you letters, so, let's just forget him.
📝 im so so so so sorry you guys have to wait :( i just don't have time and i apologize. happy new year everyone, thank you so much for supporting me, for help and comfort me, especially my moots. ive met so many people that made me happy and i want to celebrate new year with all of you, again, thank you.
taglist (open): @angelic-jeonghan1004 @bluehourjun @nichobins @tya0 @renjunba3 @dxlicateee @jaxavance @dancinginthetaillight @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @jaylabb
old perm taglist: @nikipedia07 @evelynn-king
©jjayeongi do not plagiarize.
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