#haikyuu!! mafia au
sassycheesecake · 8 months
A/N: I have been really into dark romance and shit, ever since I got that TikTok recommendation. I hereby present yakuza!Shinsuke Kita x Reader. Part 1/2
‘Shit. Shit. Shit! I am late!’, you curse yourself as you almost bolt out of the train, as soon as it stops and its doors open.
You accidentally ran into a lot of people, shouting quick apologies over your shoulder, still running to your workplace.
Thank the heavens for your stamina.
Finally arriving at the Tokyo Ambulance Rescue Station, you quickly run inside and each of your coworkers stops what they are doing to look at you.
Huffing and almost wheezing like you’re having an asthma attack, you step inside and head to the female locker room without looking at any of your coworkers.
Already feeling disgusted by your sweaty state, you change into your paramedic uniform nonetheless. 
Now in fresh clothes, you trot your way to one of the ambulance vehicles, seeing your friend Makima checking the equipment in the backpacks and making sure everything is filled up. 
Gulping in nervousness, you approach slowly.
“Glad you decided to show up. Almost done.” Makima tells you in a deadly calm voice. Makima is one of those people who despise being late, whether it's herself or someone she is waiting on. She is only a few years older than you but still your superior. Great, this is just your first month after graduating but you were so tired last night that you forgot to put on your damn alarm for the next morning. 
Not that this is an excuse, but your showing up is all that matters right?
With shaking footsteps, you make your way into the vehicle and start apologizing in a rant.
“Makima I am so so sorry, I promise it will never happen again!”, you frantically explain yourself, still out of breath.
The long-haired redhead briefly looks at you before bursting out laughing and you don’t know if this makes you feel better or worse. 
Giggling, she closes up the i.v. medication backpack and storages it back underneath the cabinet of the bandages. 
“(Y/N) don’t worry about it really, shit happens to all of us. No one is perfect and everyone here at the station was late once. Even me.” Makima explains and you can feel yourself being able to breathe easier already.
Just when you were about to reply to her, your beeper went off with a loud annoying peeping voice.
You run to the rack, where your black jacket with your name and the words T.A.R.S. are stitched into, and hop into the passenger seat of the vehicle.
Reading the screen at the front, you groan at the message that the fire station has sent you.
It’s probably the troublesome homeless teenager Denji again. You have met Denji twice now. Once beaten up badly and lying knocked out cold in an alley where he was found by a couple of passengers. The other time you found him almost bleeding to death due to a deep stab wound in his thigh, which he explained he simply got mugged. 
Nonetheless, you press the buttons for the siren and the blue lights, while Makima steps on the gas to rush to the scene. 
The rush and adrenaline are running through your system, making your heart bounce in excitement. Saving lives in acute situations is your thing! It’s a working environment that always comes with new foreign things and patients. Each day is different, which is exactly what your brain needs. Even if you have to drive through the massive city of Tokyo, the different kinds of people and the stories you get to tell your parents sometimes, are worth their shocking and even disgusting expressions sometimes. 
Once you were called to a restaurant, in which a patient had an allergic reaction and went into a nonlethal anaphylactic shock. 
The patient told you that his date was so horrible, that he purposely ate onions, even though he is allergic to them. 
All just to get away from her.
Shaking your head, the logic of men never ceases to amaze you. 
Arriving at the scene, you see two people leaning over a young guy that is laying on the sidewalk. He is already turned to his side, making sure in case he needs to throw up, he doesn’t choke on his vomit. Mentally thanking these people for performing the stable lateral position on the unconscious boy.
You grab the mobile vital monitor and the backpack that includes material for giving an I.V. including meds and an infusion. 
Before Makima grabs the breathing and the medical suction pump, she turns off the siren but leaves the blue lights on. Pressing the lock on the car keys, the ambulance is securely locked. Unfortunately, people tend to break into ambulance vehicles and proceed to steal the medications.
Both women are rushing to the patient, quickly going through the ABCDE approach, and they manage to load him onto the stretcher after making sure he didn’t overdose. His heart is beating abnormally fast, his blood pressure is at 75/40 and when you shine a small flashlight to take a look at his eyes, his pupils are dilated.
There’s no doubt about it, that Denji got his hands on cocaine.
After giving him Adrenaline and Naloxone, his condition stabilises and Denji begins to stir.
Blinking his eyes open, a bright light immediately greets him and Denji swears he died. 
He feels incredibly nauseous and his head is spinning like he just went on countless rides on a spinning wheel. 
You hover over Denji’s pale figure, a vomiting bag already in your right hand. 
“Denji? Can you hear me?” You ask him in a concerned voice.
When Denji was about to answer, he rapidly sits up and snatches the bag out of your hand, and hurls right into it.
Rubbing his back in a comforting manner, you sit beside him on the stretcher.
Makima is giving a quick report to their station boss, before joining you in the vehicle.
The sight of Denji vomiting disgusts Makima, deciding to wait outside because she can’t stand the smell or sight of someone throwing up.
“Denji, I think we should really take you to the hospital, you’re only 16 years old, where did you even get this stuff?” You ask him in a worried voice.
“It’s none of your business, let me out! I need to go!” Denji snaps at you, beginning to stand up. 
You know you shouldn’t fight someone who just woke up from a drug rush, so you let him stand up.
Standing on wobbly legs, he places his hand against the vehicle wall to stabilize his balance.  
Breathing heavily out of his mouth, he was about to open the vehicle door when Makima already beat him to it.
Surprised that he is up, she moves to the side to let him step out of the vehicle.
Denji almost falls flat on his face and his pale face makes you even more worried about him. 
“Denji, are you sure you’re okay? Do you want us to call anyone?” 
“Stop acting like you fucking care about me. I am just a street rat. I don’t need your pity! Just leave me the fuck alone!” He angrily spits at you, like a moody teenager that got his phone taken away. 
Makima and you are watching him walk away, still unbalanced but both of you leave him be.
“You’re welcome by the way for not letting you die today!” Makima yells after him. Denji shows his middle finger up in response and continues to stomp away.
Sighing in defeat, Makima and you get back into the vehicle and you are making your way back to the station.
Giving the report that the patient refused to cooperate and come with you, you drive back.
The clock strikes 22:00 and Makima and you are finally free to change after the night shift has arrived. 
Farewelling Makima goodbye, you begin to walk to the train station.
Having your headphones in your ear, you scroll through your Spotify playlist and choose ‘Glitter and Gold’. 
You had a really busy day and barely had a chance to go to the bathroom. 
Entering the women’s restroom, you look up from your phone, and the sight before you freezes immediately.
Right in front of you stands a very tall guy with sandy-blonde hair, he has to be at least 6’1 and he is holding a lot of tissues against his arm, blood soaking each tissue.
The stranger holds a painful expression while putting pressure on his arm.
His muscled body is leaning against the sink, the blood on his upper arm dripping down right into it. 
Brown eyes rapidly look in your direction, his face shining with curiosity.
Chuckling nervously, he starts talking with his deep voice.
“Don’t scream, don't call for anyone. Just got a little scratch on my arm.” 
Blinking a few times at his wound, you slowly step towards him.
Your approach is making him tense, his non-injured arm moving to his side, where he holds a dagger in case you want to attack him.
“Your wound looks pretty bad. Don’t worry I am a paramedic, I can take care of that if you want to.”
The blonde-haired giant looks at you for a few seconds, making sure you’re not lying. 
After a few moments of tense silence, he nods unsurely.
Breathing out slowly, you awkwardly glance at the door and at him a few times. 
“Uhm. Just follow me then, I need to take a proper look at it. I have my materials at home so come home with me so I can patch you up properly.” You explain to him.
His eyes watch you carefully, hesitantly he nods and puts his maroon jacket back on.
“Do you have a belt or something on you?” You ask him as you both exit the public restroom. 
The tall stranger nods and takes off his belt to hand it to you.
Grasping the belt you begin to tie it around his arm, so the wound hopefully stops the bleeding until you both arrive at your place. 
Wincing at the tightness, he thanks you quietly.
As you both begin to enter the train, which is thankfully empty around this time on a weekday, you ask him what happened to his arm.
“Not that's yer business anyway, so I’d rather not say.” He avoids your curious look. 
“But that wound is pretty deep! You need to go to the hospital and get that stitched up probably.” You try to reason with him.
“I am serious. Drop it.” He snaps at you with an angry frown.
Accepting his request, you decide to drop it. 
With nervous hands, you glance down at the metro floor and wait in silence to arrive at your destination. 
Ten uncomfortable minutes later, you both arrive at the subway station that is close to your apartment.
Unlocking the door with your key, you enter inside and wait for him.
The blonde hesitates for a few seconds, glancing down the hallway nervously before deciding that you’re not a threat, and enters as well.
Gently closing the door, you urge him to follow you into your bathroom where your medical kit lies underneath the sink.
You direct him to sit on the edge of the bathtub and he complies without question.
“I need to see your wound properly in order to clean it up.” You tell him while putting on medical gloves and setting the necessary materials like the stitching materials, disinfectant wipes, and fluid, and scissors. 
He winces while rolling up his sleeve to present you with his injury. 
You start by taking a wet washcloth and gently dabbing it around the area, quietly apologizing whenever he hisses and flinches away from the touch.
As you are now able to see the injury better, you see that it’s actually a bullet wound, hence the bleeding was so heavy.
Shocked that he has this kind of injury, you remember that he doesn’t want to talk about how he got it. 
“Lift your arm please, I need to know if the bullet is still in the muscle tissue.“
He gives you an incredulous look since lifting his arm would only worsen his pain. Nonetheless, he complies.
Quickly looking around his arm you don’t see an exit wound, closing your eyes in pity for the stranger, you know what you are going to say next, definitely won’t be easy.
“Let me guess. That thing is still in there.” He looks to the ceiling of your bathroom with a tight smile.
“U-Uhm yes. I told you to go to a hospital. It needs to be surgically removed. I really recommend it Mr….”, you drift off as you don’t recall knowing his name.
He looks at you and realizes he’s never introduced himself to you properly. 
“Name’s Atsumu Miya, ya can call me Atsumu.” 
Later on, Atsumu enters the familiar door of the headquarters of the ‘Fox Den’ and lets out a heavy sigh.
The pent-up frustration from the fight with Karasuno, the pain, and the treatment that he had to bite through with you is making his body insanely tired from exhaustion. 
Nonetheless, he needs to give a report to his boss, the leader of the Inarizaki gang of Hyogo. 
Atsumu walks down the hallway that has multiple doors connected to it and since it’s awfully quiet, Atsumu guesses that most members are either asleep or away on missions.
Entering the lift at the end of the hallway, he presses the ‘5’ button for the conference rooms and where also the office of his boss. 
Swinging back and forth on his heels, Atsumu waits until the elevator stops and continues his path to the room of the leader of Inarizaki.
Once he arrives at his destination, he knocks first, before entering.
“Hey Kita, 'm back from the mission." The blonde says when he steps into the office.
A man who has silver hair with black tips in it, is sitting at the desk and he briefly looks up from his laptop with a stoic face, before looking down again, continuing to type something down. 
Ignoring the warm greeting of his boss, Atsumu plops down on one of the chairs in front of the desk and puts his arms behind his head to stretch.
Unfortunately, he completely forgot about the injury on his arm, immediately putting the injured arm down again with a winced hiss. 
The head of the gang looks at his trusted friend before a slight frown of concern decorates his face. 
“What happened?“ he asks in a calm voice.
“Oh, you know the usual. Just some fuckers from Karasuno in our territory and one of them fucking shot me.“ Atsumu explains while gently rubbing over his arm, feeling the wrapped bandage from you underneath his jacket. 
His frown deepens at the mention of their rival gang, the Karasuno crows, but listens quietly. 
“Do you need medical attention? Do you want me to send Ginjima or Riseki up?“ He continues to question him.
“Nah, I am good Kita. Got stitched up by this cute girl that I met while I was bleedin‘ out like a pig in a women’s restroom by the train station.“ Atsumu pulls his sleeve to reveal the bandage.
Kita glances at the bandage on his friend‘s arm, a mix between concern and anger but also suspicion haunts his face. 
He slowly gets up from his chair and rounds his table with slow steps, making his way toward the older twin.
The injured man looks at him with curious eyes while raising his eyebrow in confusion.
The silver-haired man stares at one of his most trusted right-hand man with a neutral expression and puts his arms behind his back.
“Tell me more about this mysterious medic girl.“ He demands.
Atsumu grins mischievously at his boss and begins to tell him about his fight to the encounter of meeting you. 
Yawning, you stretched out your exhausted limbs and climbed into your comforting blue soft blankets. The feeling of your head hitting the cushy pillow makes you sigh in bliss. It was a long day, first the rowdy patients, then getting vomited on by a drunk homeless person that almost overdosed, and then there was the injured blonde-haired stranger you met tonight. You’re not going to lie, it was a whole mountain of stupid to just invite a stranger over to your apartment. Anxiously, you remember, that he mentioned he didn’t want to go to the hospital to get patched up because he needs to stay anonymous. 
The only question is…
Why does he need to do that?
Your thoughts are interrupted when your phone vibrates with a message. You curiously pick it up to see what the notification is. 
Eyes widening in shock and also a concern, you glance at your screen.
Unknown number
‘Thank you for taking care of my friend. I would like to repay you some time for your kind service’
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hitoshi-yuuto · 2 months
Haikyuu rich kids AU
AU where some of the characters are rich kids
They have known each other since their childhood, because they hung out in the same social circle (Rich kids)
Hinata Shouyou
- Son of the richest man in the world, makes him the second richest person in the world.
-Spoiled kid born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, Tends to spend money as if he had it infinitely (which is the case)
-He didn't have any friends when he was younger because everyone was after he's money, he created a false identity in high school and was able to have his first real friends (Karasuno)
-His language of love is giving gifts, he doesn't know how to show his love otherwise.
-He bought the Karasuno High School to donate more funds to the volleyball clubs
- Is better at volleyball than in the canon since he has been playing since he was a kid with his friends, and he pays volleyball players to teach him.
-He fell in love with Kageyama when Karasuno learned that he was rich and that Kageyama's only reaction was: All I care about are your volleyball skills.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
- Coming from a family of famous doctors/hospital directors and son of the CEO of most of the greatest pharmaceutical companies and laboratories around the world.
-He and Sachirō support each other as people who don't want to follow in their family's footsteps.
-Even if he doesn't want to become a doctor, it runs through his veins and he's very good at it.
-He and Shouyou were best friends until they were 13 years old, since then they say they hate each other but we all know it's a lie.
-When he fell in love he thought he was sick, it put all the hospitals on alert.
Komori Motoya
-Son of the mania of the restaurant and food industry in the world.
-Loves to take friends to great restaurants
-Is a fine cook
-Spend his time inviting Kiyoomi and Atsumu to great romantic restaurants.
-He is the sponsor of Onigiri miya
Semi Eita
- Son of the Emperor of Japan, his family is everywhere in Japanese politics, his father is also the owner of seven of the biggest car brands.
-One day someone annoyed him, and he got him kicked out of the country, don't annoy the next emperor.
-Surprisingly his family supports his dream of being a singer, his aunt says that it will make a great image of him when he becomes emperor.
-Spend his time mocking Shirabu saying that he is going to become his empress.
Lev Haiba
- Son and heir of the most powerful mafia in the world
- As kill someone for the first time when he was eight years old.
- When they are old enough, he and Alisa will share the mafia as co-leaders
-He lived in Russia for the first 10 years of his life, before moving to Japan to be protected from a war, then decided to stay in Japan until he was 18 years old because he liked it so much. (Help Alisa manage the Japanese branch)
- Having grown up in the mafia world his standards are very different, he will be able to talk seriously about torturing someone while smiling.
-Also better at volleyball for the same reason as Hinata
-He confessed to Yaku at graduation, he expected a rejection and then panicked when Yaku told him yes, "you had to say no I'm a mobster I've killed people!" Yaku still said yes and if seven years later he finds himself killing someone to protect Lev it's between Lev and him alone. (Lev was devastated to have let Yaku dirty hands)
Hirugami Sachirō
- Son of the most famous volleyball player, his family is filled with super famous celebrities.(Lots of actors)
- One word from him and your reputation is ruined
- He has seen, heard, and done too many things, even if the end of the world comes tomorrow, he won't blink twice.
-He has a LOT of followers on his social media
-He's the reason Hoshiumi is the most followed volleyball player on the internet.
Yahaba Shigeru
-His parents run a really popular clothing chain in Japan.
-He was not born rich, his parents became rich when he was like twelve, He was then thrown into the lion's cage that are the rich children, and he was adopted by the group of weirdos above
-Being the only one who didn't grow up from this background, he is the only one with a real conscience, if you ask him he'll say that he is a babysitter.
-Aoba johsai seriously wonder how he manages Kyoutani, Yahaba will answer that compared to the six psychopaths he is simple.
When they met
Shouyo Kiyoomi & Motoya 4/5 years old
Eita & Sachirō 8/7/6 years old
Lev 10/11/12
Shigeru 12/11/13
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language 😅
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cherxyx · 1 year
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A small piece part of a upcoming series 🤍.
The master list for this series and the other ones. Dynasty
warnings: children mentioned, arguing, blood, mentioned of murder, ABUSE, READER (y/n) DOES GET HIT, yelling, cussing, reader (y/n) gets backed up in a corner, both can be looked at as toxic, toxic relationships, throwing objects, mentions of past abuse
Italic + bold is past tense
Italic is present tense
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11:40 PM
"Mommy, are we going to grandma's house because you're mad at daddy?" questioned your oldest child, the question making you want to cry and yell. But you weren't going to burst into tears in the presence of your kids.
"No, sweetheart, Grandma misses you both," you say, looking between your two children. You said your goodbyes to them and your grandmother, making sure they were both belted up. You made sure to Thank your grandmother for taking them this weekend on such short notice.
"Be safe," you yelled while they drove away out of the driveway. When they were out of sight, you headed to your house. "Such an idiot," you murmured as you walked back into the house.
(Clicking read more is you consenting to read dark content. You have been warned)
12:30 AM
You and him have been arguing since you returned home. "You're such a fucking idiot, why the fuck did you come home drenched in blood?" "Didn't you think the kids were awake?" From across the room, you yelled at him.
You had both made your way up to your guys' shared room. He was no longer wearing a shirt and was simply wearing black pants. "Listen, I knew the children were there, but-" "but what," you interjected. His jaw had clenched and he glared at you with those eyes that seemed to stare directly through you. But you weren't about to give up.
"Interrupt me again, and I'll throw your ass outside," he stated, anticipating you to do something, but you didn't. You wanted him to explain himself. "I realized the girls were here, but I assumed they were in bed because it was 11 p.m."
"It's Friday, so they can stay up as late as they want, you fucking idiot." "Rule 1 of the house is to make sure you don't walk in with blood all over you," you yelled at him, tossing his bloody shirt at him. He caught it before it hit him in the face.
"The first rule of the house is that you don't fucking throw shit at the person who runs the house." "The person who has gotten you everything!" He responded by yelling back. Because of the ranting and rage, both of you were breathing heavily.
"I'm so really going to get on you for throwing shit." "Remember that time you threw a fucking vase at me?" you asked, approaching him. He moved closer to you, grinning, "I only threw it because you threw a pan at me." At this point, you were both standing face to face. inches apart
"What a terrible father. "Reminds me of your father," you notice when his smirk fades and his jaw ticks again. "I'm leaving and going somewhere else," you mentioned as you turned around and proceeded to the closet. You began packing while mumbling under your breath curses, grabbing a bag and clothes to pack in.
You knew he was staring at you, those same eyes boring through you. "No, you're not," he said as he approached you. You looked up from your bag to see him close to you. "Yes I am, you bast-" you couldn't finish your statement before his hand landed on your cheek.
You fell awkwardly into your nightstand. You were holding your cheek, as you figured out how to get out of the room. He approached you, grabbed your neck, choked you, and slammed you back into the nightstand. The impact forced you to grunt.
"Remember what I said? "What did I fucking say, you bitch?" he screamed in your face, tightening his hold on your neck. "That I wasn't leaving," you said hastily. You looked about desperately to see if there was anything you could use to get him off.
"Look at me," he whispered, and you gazed up at him, tears welling up in your eyes as a result of his grip. "I will kill you if you ever look at me and tell me I'm a bad father." He paused, “No, I won't murder you. I will torture you every day until you break, and when you break, I will kill you," he said suddenly letting go.
You began coughing and struggling to catch your breath. "Same empty threats" you said before coughing again. "I know. Wanna see if I'll do it this time," he sneered. You knew he'd do it if he wanted to. No, you replied while shaking your head.
"What I thought, unpack your bag and go to bed," he remarked as he exited the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. These nights had you questioning whether the arranged marriage was worth it or if you had fallen into a trap.
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skytooru · 1 year
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-> a short oikawa x fem!reader series
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series masterlist
summary. y/n moves from her home country into a completely new world, where she follows her hobby - kickboxing - into an underground world of drugs, violence and other crimes. Though, she doesn`t realize, she’s the main target for criminals at that time, until she’s kidnapped by no other than a childhood aquaintance, wanting to save her life.
genre. underground fighter/mafia, 18+
warnings. heavy depictions of violence, death, guns, kidnapping, angst, physical assault, blood/serious injuries, intoxication, crimes
general masterlist - kofi
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+ one
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status. in progress
all rights reserved - skytooru - 2023. please do not reupload or translate my work on any platform without my permission.
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lucyt-art · 26 days
Mafia boss tsukki and mochi 🍡
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moonlit-mizukage · 6 months
Chapter twelve
SUMMARY: Everything seems to be as normal as can be in Shiratorizawa's gang until Tendou's little sister, Y/n, meets a mysterious man named Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi is the right hand man of Seijoh. The two are quick to discover their true identities but continue meeting up I secret. Soon Iwaizumi develops feeling for Y/n and takes her back to his home. Matsukawa and Hanamaki unexpectedly make a visit to his home when they catch the two in bed together. Matsukawa is quick to recognize the face of Tendou Y/n. What will happen to Iwaizumi and Y/n? What happens when Oikawa finds out? Or worse, when Tendou finds out?
Trigger Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, knives, please keep in mind this is a gang au!
Taglist: open! Dm or comment to be added!
An: Sorry this stories been on Hiatus so long. My health hasn't been good at all but I'm back and better now :)
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Y/n waited outside the classroom for Iwaizumi. She texted him with the information and where to find the class. Y/n was also looking to make sure Aone came by today or she’s screwed. 
Iwaizumi walked up to the campus door closest to her classroom. He walked inside the building and walked up to Y/n. 
“Hey Y/n.” He said. Y/n jumped a little for show.
“Sorry, I haven’t seen him yet so I was a little scared when you called me just now.” Y/n fake confessed. If there was one thing they were good at, it would be lying. 
“It’s okay.” He pulled her in for a hug kissing the top of her head. 
Y/n was surprised by the random show of affection he did with her given the situation at hand. 
Iwaizumi pulled back. 
“Shall we go inside?” He asked. 
Y/n nodded as she walked inside the room.
It wasn’t long after Aone had come into the room. She pulled Iwaizumi’s sleeve. She motioned towards Aone with her eyes mouthing the word to him. Iwaizumi felt himself grow mad. He stayed seated though as the lecture went on. Iwaizumi couldn't think of a single thing besides killing this guy at that moment.
The lecture ended a few hours later as Iwaizumi and Y/n left the room. Iwaizumi couldn’t help but feel as if someone was following them. He led Y/n outside to a secluded area. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Aone’s brute build. Iwaizumi paid close attention to Aone seeing him stare and take what he assumed was a few pictures. 
After a couple hours, class ended and Y/n pulled Iwaizumi off to the sides. 
“I think he took more pictures of me.” Y/n said, doing her best to make it believable.  
“I definitely saw him take pictures.” Iwaizumi said. 
What Iwaizumi didn’t know was that they prepped for this situation last night. They bought a new phone and loaded it with pictures, notes, and Y/n’s address. Aone’s new phone contained almost everything about Y/n except she was Shiratorizawa. Shirabu, Goshiki and Y/n prepared for the worst. 
Iwaizumi began to walk from the room and follow Aone. He noticed Aone stopped and sat down. Iwaizumi told y/n to go ahead of him this time just to see how deep it goes. 
Aone followed Y/n through the building while Iwaizumi followed him. 
Y/n stood in line for food, Aone ordered exactly what she got, even went to the same cashier. Iwaizumi had enough.
“Hey buddy!” He shouted. Aone remained expressionless. “What the hell do you want with Y/n?” He asked as he stood in front of him now in the eating area. 
“Who?” Aone played dumb.
“Don’t play dumb or I will pound your face in!” Iwaizumi threatened. 
“I like her, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“You stalked her! I know cause I followed you!” 
 “So you stalked me?” Aone asked. 
Iwaizumi didn’t have a valid response so he grabbed Aone by the shirt and pulled him up from his seat. Aone growled. Iwaizumi pulled him really close to his face. 
“Leave her alone or I will deal with you.” He warned. 
“No.” Aone said, “I am not bothering her, I never approach her, so she's fine.”
“She’s terrified of you!!” Iwaizumi said. “You probably stalk her at home too, don’t you?” Aone remained silent. Iwaizumi grabbed his phone off the table, letting go of his shirt. “Unlock this!” Iwaizumi demanded. 
“No.” Aone said simply. 
Iwaizumi noticed it was a 4 number passcode. He typed Y/n’s birth year, it was wrong. He thought long and hard. Aone tried to grab the phone from his hand as Y/n finally walked up. She grabbed the phone and punched in 4 numbers. The phone unlocked. She stood there shocked.
“What did you type?” Iwaizumi asked. 
“1113…..The date of my dads death….” Y/n was frightened, pretending to be like how he would know.
Iwaizumi was falling for the scam. He pulled the phone out of Y/n’s hand and opened the photos. There were over 1500 photos of Y/n. Some at school, the store, in a car from far away and the worst, photos of her sleeping in bed through her window. 
“How the hell did you get these photos?” Iwaizumi snapped. 
“I did my research.” Aone said. 
“This isn’t research! You're a creep!” Iwaizumi went to grab ahold of him again but Y/n stepped in between them. 
“Aone, how do you know the date of the father’s death?” She asked, she was visibly shaking.
“I did my research on you, Y/n. I think we should be together. I know you and this guy aren't official.” He said. 
Iwaizumi let out a low growl. 
“How dare you! You better leave my girlfriend alone or I will personally kill you!” Iwaizumi snapped.  
“Girlfriend? Ha. I know she's nothing more then a fuck to you.” Aone said. 
Iwaizumi grabbed his shirt collar once again and ripped him up to his face. 
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up!” He growled in his face. Iwazumi pulled out a knife. People started to run away from around them, leaving it to be just the three. 
“What the fuck?” Aone raised his hands in defense. “Y/n I didn’t agree to this.” 
“Agree to what?” Iwaizumi snapped. 
Aone ripped his hand off his collar and backed away. 
“Ushijima will be hearing about this.” Aone said before running off. 
Iwaizumi turned to y/n, eyes wide and full of panic. 
“Did he say Ushijima, as in the leader of Shiratorizawa?” He asked. 
Y/n stood in pure shock. Iwaizumi looked to Aone as he began to chase him down, wanting more information. 
Shirabu, Goshiki, Kindachi and Kunimi approached her. 
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” Shirabu asked. 
“Hajime… he just found out……” 
“Found out what?” Goshiki asked with a gulp. 
“About our secret.” Y/n said 
Shirabu and Goshiki looked terrified.
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Taglist: @universal-s1ut @what-dose-nani-mean @johnnysactualgf @dontmindtheevie @opchara
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rk-tmblr · 2 months
“Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss”
When Osamu snuck in through the back door, he didn’t question how much wealthier the house was; that was the whole point of this job—to scrape together a small sum. He crept through the shadows of the dark living room, biting his lip as he glanced at the largest TV screen he had ever seen, surrounded by an L-shaped couch that looked incredibly comfortable. Maybe he should have convinced Atsumu to come along... But his twin was busy fooling around with a raven-haired sniper he’d met recently, and Osamu said he could handle this himself. He sighed, hoping to find something valuable to make up for whatever he couldn't carry alone.
A creak echoed through the quiet house, and Osamu flattened himself against the wall. He recognized the sound—it came from the kitchen. But there wasn't any light to warn him of someone’s presence. Perhaps the owner had decided on a late-night snack. He gulped down the anxiety that made his breath tremble for a moment. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation tonight, but he didn’t want to leave empty-handed. Lowering the fox mask from his forehead, he rounded the corner to peer into the kitchen.
A lanky shadow sat at the table, moonlight streaming through the high window making the spoon in their hand gleam. Osamu couldn't see what they were eating, and unconsciously, he placed a hand on his stomach. It growled involuntarily, the sight stirring his hunger. Steeling himself with the thought that a captive might share their meal, Osamu checked his back pocket for the cable ties, then sprang into action.
The unsuspecting person didn’t resist as Osamu slammed him into the table, tying his hands securely—first behind his back, then to the chair for extra safety. Despite his lanky appearance, he had a surprisingly well-built frame.
“Took you a while. I was close to calling you out and offering you a seat,” the man joked as Osamu walked beside him to look at his face.
Green eyes twinkled in the darkness above the sharp lines of his features, challenging him fearlessly, even with his life potentially in Osamu’s hands.
“Thanks for the welcome, sweetheart,” Osamu whispered, glancing at the half-eaten cake on the table. Finally, he could pick up the spoon and taste it himself. Chocolate and coconut.
“Tastes good?”, the man asked.
“Had better, honestly,” Osamu replied, leaving the silverware against the plate, noticing a known brand name.
“It’s from the best pastry shop in town,” the man argued.
“I can do better, tho.”
That made the man chuckle, and Osamu stared at the wrinkles at the side of his closed eyes and the dimple where his smile became a smirk. Pretty rich boy. His thoughts tried to stray him from his goal, but he fought them back and decided to head upstairs, looking for the bedroom. Might he be so basic as to have his safe there?
“Where are you going? I thought we could have some fun...”, the man stopped him in his tracks. “You can’t leave me here all alone.”
“Watch me,” Osamu snapped back because he couldn’t entertain him, even if he would have liked it. It was dangerous, and he needed to clean out anything valuable before leaving.
“I wouldn't do it if I were you.”
This time his tone lose all the playfulness and something cold crept up Osamu's spine leaving goosebumps on its trail. Instinctively, he glanced around to identify the threat. Nothing unsettled him except-
“Kiyo-kun has you in the gunsight.”
-the high window. It explains the curtains absence...
“Why didn't he shot me when I manhandled ya, then?”, he played it cool like Atsumu would have done if he was there. I fucking hate him when he think with his- Osamu squashed down the longing for his stupid twin. He said he could have done it anyway. And he was going to. Just like he promised.
“'Cause he knows I like it when it's a big guy.”
That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Osamu rounded the table and opened a drawer to look for a rag. When he found it, he walked back to tie the man's mouth shut.
“Kinky,” came the unfortunate comment just before Osamu silenced him.
“Gonna grab a few things. Sit tight, sweetheart,” he left him behind and run up the stairs.
Incredibly, the upstair's rooms were more minimalistic than the other ones below. The long hallway let Osamu choose between three bedrooms -one so tidy that he thought it was unused, another quite empty with only a bed and a wardrobe, and the last might be of a teenager considering the mess inside. All of them with an en-suite bathroom. At the end of the hallway there was another flight of stairs that probably led to a louscious balcony, so he checked the last two doors left: a main bathroom -With a fucking jacuzzi, crazy riches!- and finally, the study.
Inside this last room, Osamu's blood ran cold. I fucked up, he hissed, licking his teeth. There was an ammunition display as big as an entire wall on his right, but the safe he was looking for was in the very left corner behind the solid wood desk. Osamu clenched his fists a couple of time and tried to think fast about what to do. He was clearly in a shitty situation, alone and also-
“Did you enjoy the house tour?”
He didn't flinched nor moved. Even if his own muscles ordered him to turn, tackle the man down and run away from there. Steadying his breath, Osamu glanced at the display's glass to see the man that he tied in the kitchen's chair, free and on his feet. Grinning like a madman.
"Ow, cat got your tongue, big guy?”, he laughed, walking lazily around Osamu as he had now the upper hand.
“How d'ya free yourself?”
"Don't you want to find out yourself?”, he tempted Osamu, sitting on the desk with skinny, long legs open wide and palms behind.
The man was unarmed. Anyway, Osamu knew better to underestimate him. He did once and now...
"Who are ya?”, he couldn't help but ask.
“Someone you shouldn't mess with,” the man levelled him with a serious look, “You're lucky I found you cute, otherwise...”
He didn't need to finish the sentence, his green eyes trailing the weapons shining inside the display. Osamu didn't have any other chance. It stung, but he didn't really want to die like this. He could probably try to rob another house -maybe below par- on the way home.
"Where are you going?” It was the second time he repeated the question tonight as Osamu started to backtrack.
“'M listenin' yer suggestion, sweetheart. I won't mess with ya.”
“Won't you?”, he pouted, "But I thought we could have some fun! None but a dumb big guy like you would ever try to sneak into my house.”
"Not in the mood, sorry.”
"Such a pity...”, he sighed and jumped from his sit to get closer, “At least, do want me to lead you the way out?”, his tone feigned innocence.
“No need, thank ya,” Osamu was already on the doorstep. The last step and I can-
“Oh please, I insist,” the man stopped, putting a hand on his shoulder, “I'd be a bad kumicho if I don't lead the people I welcome in.”
🥶🔪🩸💀 I know this doesn't exactly fit the prompt, but it was inspired by it and I thought it was right giving it the credit anyway. I hope you had fun reading this little shot I wrote for SunaOsa (with a foreshadowed SakuAtsu) and feel free to ask in the comment's section another prompt of the list with a ship you enjoy, if you like to read more. I'll be happy to write something down for you. <3
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fiflerovium · 2 years
WIP update of my MafiaSamu !!
Posting here because I guess the Twitter algorithm hates my guts, as usual
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inarizakismanagers · 2 years
A/N: hey guys sorry for not posting in like forever, I do plan on writing more for this fic but releases will be slow. I may start writing some smaller drabbles and one shots more often, so feel free to message me for requests or leave them in the ask me section :))
Chapter 5
You woke with a pounding headache from the previous day's sex and alcohol induced coma, all of your decisions from the night before had hit you like a truck and now you had to mend the destruction they left in their wake.
The argument with your boyfriend, Yuji, would be particularly unpleasant to deal with however you knew the longer you left it the angrier he would become. His pride and ego had been hurt last night and he had been embarrassed in front of other people, a feeling of dread begins to pool in your stomach at the thought of his reaction. You had had first hand experience with your boyfriend's wrath all too often and it was not something you were looking forward to having to face.
You sat there contemplating your options, on the one hand you could get up and leave the stranger's apartment - Suna’s apartment to go deal with Yuji or you could avoid him today altogether. 
The thought of leaving him, breaking up with him had occurred to you many times but never as much as right now. There was no way you were going to go back to him in that relationship but at the same time the thought of attempting to break up with Yuji instilled terror in you. You couldn’t imagine how he would react or what he would do to you if you tried to break it off with him.
You settled on avoiding thinking about the subject, for now at least,you shifted your weight on the plush mattress turning to face Suna. You thought about the night you had spent with him, your cheeks dusting in pink feeling suddenly slightly self conscious at the thought.
Right now you were staring at dilemma number two, you didn't know what to do in this situation. You had gone home with Suna that night but you had no idea if you should’ve left already, you hadn't had many one night stands and the ones you did have the guy ended up leaving before you had woken up in the morning.
Not wanting to overstay your welcome and suddenly feeling in desperate need of a warm shower and change of clothes, you began to move to sit up and grab your clothes from the floor.
“Where are you going?” you heard a sleepy voice ask, you turned to face Suna heat rushing to your cheeks as you took in his form, his hair was a slightly tousled brown mop on his head, half lidded deep brown eyes watching you take him in. Your eyes dropped lower to his perfectly toned body and snake tattoo, for the love of mercy it was enough to make you wanna bash your head against a wall, why was he so freaking fine.
“You like what you see, darling” at that you snap your head back lowering it slightly in embarrassment, of course he caught you eye fucking him. “I’m going home, I need to shower and I have a lot of work to get done” you reply to his earlier question continuing to grab your stuff from the floor where it had been haphazardly thrown the night before. “Just shower here and let me make you some food, you haven’t eaten since yesterday it's nearly 4pm” he says checking his watch his tone is firm leaving no room for argument.
You’re slightly taken aback by his concern, but nod your head all the same when he raises an eyebrow in question challenging you to refuse.
“What would you like to eat?”
It was strange for Suna to wake up this morning, arms wrapped around your still sleeping, naked form. He wasn’t complaining though, he had only been able to fantasise for so long about having you in his bed, arms around you, kissing your lips. Now he’s got you where he’s only been able to dream of having you and he doesn’t make a single move to wake you. Too scared that when you wake up he’ll lose this perfect moment. Eventually, he feels you stir and closes his eyes, maybe if he pretends to sleep you’ll lull off too. You turn to face him, he feels your breath fan out on him and it takes everything in him to not wrap and arm around your hips another around the back of your head and kiss you.
Much to his horror you begin to get up and get dressed, why are you leaving? He thought the two of you had had a good night, he wanted to make you something to eat in hopes he could ask you on a date, a proper date because you deserved to be taken out and courted properly.
The other night he had been over excited at the thought of having you in his bed that he had abandoned his plan of asking you out on a date first. But he would do it right from now on, not just take you home after a night out.
He had convinced you to stay and shower and have food, he offered you a t-shirt, a pair of boxers and some joggers of his to wear as the only clothes you had to go home in was the skimpy dress you wore clubbing and torn up knickers. Of course when you put them on he saw that you were swimming in them, the clothes clearly being a couple sizes too big for you, nonetheless he felt a pang in his chest at the sight of you in his clothes. Something about seeing you in them just felt right to him.
He had made sure to cook whilst you had been showering, making two bowls of spicy beef ramen, setting the table. Normally, he’d have a maid prepare all of this but he felt a sense of contentment in being the one to take care of you.
Feelings like those were scarce in his line of work, so when they came you had to grab a hold of them and protect them at all cost. He thought more about how you would react when you found out what exactly it was that he did, as far as you were concerned he owned a nightclub that's it. Maybe that's all you needed to know at least for now, he was scared that you’d run if he told you, you were sweet and so pure with an easy going air that put people at ease. He, on the other hand, radiated an unapproachable, harsh demeanour that had people averting their gaze in fear when he looked at them.
The more he thought about it the more ridiculous he felt for thinking that you would want to be with him, however, he was nothing if not persistent and he had already decided you would be his even if he had to wait for you to realise it too.
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togo--mimori · 4 months
There's nothing quite like finishing a 200k Mafia au fic and just, wallowing over it for hours. I need more of this but for every single ship I have thank you
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saipaintsastory · 1 year
Take Me to Church
A BoKuro Mafia AU
CW/TW: bondage, mentions of violence, a smidge of attempted murder, a *small* kidnapping, a hint of dubcon, some oral fun and smoking.
My knees ached. No, everything ached. Where am I? My eyelids felt like they weighed a 100 pounds as I tried to open them. I tried to recall what happened, but it felt like my thoughts were slogging through mud and just wouldn’t connect. There was only one dim light in the room, but it stabbed at my eyes like a million-watt bulb. I couldn’t see much, but what I could make out didn’t make sense. I was kneeling on a tatami mat; in a place I didn’t recognize. I tried to move but instead only felt the raw burning of rope biting into my skin around my thighs, my hips, wrists, chest, neck, everywhere, it felt like.
I looked down at myself. Bright red rope snaked around my thighs and calves, up between my legs, caging my body up into a collar at my neck and down around my wrists which were secured behind my back. I was also stark fucking naked. What the fuck is going on? My head was still swimming in a fog as I scanned the room looking for any indication of where I was or why I was tied up and naked.
“It’s about time you woke up. I’ve been waiting forever.” A man’s voice came from the darkness to my left. It was soft, but there was vicious edge to it. I know that voice. Shit. There was a shuffle of fabric, followed by slow, heavy footsteps that had me squirming, ignoring the sting of the rope as it tightened with every movement. I needed to get away before this psycho got to me. I tried to ignore the way it squeezed certain places; the conflicting sensations of pain and fear with unexpected pleasure were overloading my still hazy mind.
A figure stepped into the circle of light and squatted down next to me. The smell of his cologne bringing everything back into sharp focus in my mind, like someone had suddenly dumped cold water over me. My body reacted to the scent before my mind could catch up a moment later. A hint of wood smoke and whiskey trailed behind his cologne and the combination had me swallowing thickly. “I thought you quit smoking those stupid cigars, Bokuto.” I managed to force out, my voice hoarse and gruff.
“Well, you know I love a good Cuban after a victory.” He purred next to my ear. I couldn’t stop the wave of goosebumps the proximity of his voice and the heat of his breath on my neck sent crashing over my body. He stroked my cheek with the back of massive hand before whispering his lips over the shell of my ear, sending a shiver radiating down my spine. “Call me by my name, Tetsurou.” He breathed languidly, my cock filling out rapidly as I gritted my teeth against the sensation.
I tried to jerk my head away, but the rope bit into me, drawing a hiss from my lips and keeping me in too-close contact with the psycho in the suit next to me. Bokuto Koutarou; eldest son of the Bokuto clan, one of the Five Families. Childhood friend of one Kuroo Tetsurou, me, the only son of the Kuroo clan, another of the Five Families. That is, until the assassination of the Ushijima clan’s heir, sent the Families into a civil war. He and I were close once, and my heart ached at the memories that cued up in my mind. Young emotions, trampled under familial duty and forgotten over the years of manipulations and warring factions, all flooded back.
I hadn’t seen him since my father ordered the hit on him and his family three years prior.  I still had the scar above my eye from where he bashed my head in, almost besting me for good that day. He was stronger than I was, always had been, but I was quicker and just barely managed to escape with my life back then. This time though, I was at his mercy.  There was no escaping these ropes.
He stood up, slowly stepping in front of me, unbuttoning his shirt sleeves and rolling up the cuffs, his irezumi peeking out as it wrapped around his massive forearms. I remembered when he first got his ink; how the owl in flight that spanned the width of his broad shoulders was one of the most beautiful works of art I’d ever seen. The pang of longing in my chest made me sneer in response to the thought. As he bent down in front of me, I tried to avoid his bright golden gaze, hoping he couldn’t see the weakness I still had for him.  
“Look at me, Testu.” Bo said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. My eyes flicked to his mouth before I could avert them again. He laughed softly under his breath, the sound almost like the purr of a cat, went straight to my already half-hard dick, making it twitch involuntarily. God dammit. I tried to pull my knees together to give myself some sort of cover, but the ropes pulled so tight, it felt like my whole body was in a vice. “Christ Bo, what the fuck kind of knots did you tie?” I choked out as he continued to stare at me with that piercing gaze of his.
I tried to hold still, knowing if I moved any more, I’d probably strangle myself. Bo loosened his tie, popping the top button of his shirt open with a sigh. I hated myself for the visceral reaction my body had to watching him do these simple things. He leaned forward on his knees reaching a huge hand up to the scar above my eye. “It’s a shame that scarred, though it does lend a certain ruggedness to that face of yours.” He purred and I’d be lying if I said the feel of his touch on my skin didn’t make me want to melt into him. “You almost put me down that day, you know.” He continued and suddenly he wasn’t the rival I was sent to kill, but my oldest friend again.
“Bo I-“ I started, my voice cracking under the pressure from the rope. “What did I tell you to call me?” He interrupted and I looked up at him, a little confused. I couldn’t tell if he was toying with me or pleading with me to be the kids we once were again. His gaze was hypnotic and I couldn’t stop myself from falling into those golden eyes, just like I had as a kid. “Kou…” I whispered, transfixed by his stare. The corners of his mouth twitched up for just a moment before he crashed against my lips.
His kiss was hot and bruising and everything I’d ever fantasized about. His tongue split the seam of my lips and swiped hungrily into my mouth, swallowing the groan that escaped me at the feel of him. His hands cupped my cheeks as his fervent kiss enveloped me, body and soul. I’d wanted this for years. I purposely ignored the tiny nagging in the back of my brain wondering why this was happening now to focus on just how soft his lips really were. An eternity of bliss later, he pulled away with a gasp, pressing his forehead to mine. His hands roamed down my neck to my chest where he wrapped his fingers between the rope and my skin, gripping it painfully tight.
“I was supposed to kill you tonight, you know.” He whispered; his tone softer than before. “But just like you couldn’t do it three years ago, I can’t do it now.” I pulled back to look at him. He knew. He knew I couldn’t go through with it back then. I sighed and slumped as much as the rope would allow. “You knew all this time then?” I asked quietly. He put a finger under my chin tipping it back up to his line of sight. “That you lost that fight on purpose or that you were in love with me?” he asked with just the slightest hint of a smile. I could feel my eyes widen at the words, but before I could reply, he was closing the distance between us. “I’ve always known.” He breathed against my lips before kissing me deeply again.
I lost all semblance of thought as his mouth trailed kisses down across my jaw, down my neck, nipping at my collarbone as his hands slipped up my thighs, fingers gripping my hips in a bruising hold, betraying his own need. His touch was like fire on my skin, leaving every nerve exploding in its wake. A shuddering moan slipped from my lips and his grip tightened as he groaned into the skin of my shoulder. “Untie me, Kou. I want to touch you. Please.” I begged, giving up on all pretense. I felt him shake his head slowly against my skin and a thought crossed my mind; did he feel the same or was this all a sadistic game?
He leaned back to look at me, just as the thought cleaved its way through the heady lust that had pulsed through me a moment before. “I finally have you to myself. I’ve waited for this day since we were teenagers, Tetsu. I knew that was your father’s doing back then and while I’m sure they’re hunting for you as we speak, they’ll never find you here. You’re mine for now.” I watched him pull his tie completely off and rip open his shirt, buttons popping off, landing with soft plips on the mat.
He'd become even stronger, more defined since I last saw him without a shirt. His tattoos gracefully covering a chiseled chest, a large scar crossed his tanned abs and without thinking I tried to lean forward to kiss it. The rope bit into my neck and chest and I whined in spite of myself at the lack of connection. His fingers traced the length of the scar. “Is it stupid that I miss you every time I see this in the mirror?” Bo said quietly and I couldn’t help the smile that came across my lips. “So, you think about me a lot do ya?” I said, cocky tone matching my smirk.
He leaned forward, trailing a long finger down my chest to the knot of rope that sat just above my now dripping cock and I gritted my teeth to keep from begging out loud for him to go further. His lips brushed my ear, his hot breath sending waves of want across every inch of my exposed body. “All the time.” He purred and my hips twitched up reflexively. His fingers slowly moved below the knot, teasingly playing with my pubic hair and the need for him to touch me surrounded me tighter than the ropes that held me in place.
He began slowly kissing down my body. “Tonight’s (kiss) my one (kiss) chance (kiss) to have you (kiss) and if (kiss) you’ll let me (kiss) I’ll have you (kiss) seeing God (kiss).” His words punctuated with white-hot kisses had me trembling by the time he got to my thighs. My jaw ached as I tried with all I could to keep from begging him to touch me. My breath caught in my throat as I felt the lightest trace of his fingers run up the length of my aching cock, slowly swirling around the tip, teasing me in the worst and most delightful way. “So, Tetsu, can I?” he asked, his voice heavy with want. I looked down at him. The sight of those eyes staring up at me, lustful and needy almost made me burst on sight.
“Take me to church, Koutarou.” I exhaled, not caring how desperate I sounded. All the air punched from me as he swallowed me to the hilt, wrapping me in tight, wet, heat. I’d never felt anything so incredible in my life. As he worked me in all the divinest of ways, I slipped away into the gospel of Bokuto Koutarou.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
This story will include murder, eventual smut, cursing and torture. This is a mafia fic ya’ll, it ain’t always rainbows and smiles in there.
Feedback appreciated! Enjoy!
Chapter 2 “What I Am”
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~ Before Officer Sawamura arrives at the scene ~
“Would it kill that old geezer to let me have a fucking break for at least 24 hours? No of course not, ‘(Y/N) do this, (Y/N) kill that person’. I am overdue for a fucking vacation.“ You mimic Manjiro’s voice, you mutter angrily while assembling your sniper rifle together.
It’s pitch-black outside and the cold wind of Natori blowing in your face on the roof of the high apartment building that you are currently located at, makes you shiver. The only noises are the distant sound of mild traffic and the clicking noises of the connecting parts of your rifle.
Right across from the building that you are on, your target, a man in his mid-forties, has not been paying back his debt for two months now. The waiting is getting on Manjiro’s last nerves, which is where you are playing your part.
As the new hitman or actually hitwoman of Manjiro, it’s your job to eliminate the targets he sends you, no matter who or what time it is.
The last time you disobeyed his orders, meaning you rather slept than killed the next victim, Kyōtani gave you a surprise visit. And a not so friendly one at that.
You may be a woman but the yakuza doesn’t care about gender. Meaning, you will get the treatment like everybody else who disobeyed orders from the boss.
Luckily for you though, Manjiro has a small liking towards you, even though you’ve only been working for him for about 3 months now.
After the previous hitman Yahaba got shot down by the police, Manjiro needed a new puppet.
Before you became a part of the yakuza, you were a local weapon safety instructor for a small gun range. One day, someone tried to rob your store while it was just you and two guys about your age. One of them had milk chocolate colored fluffy hair, along with beautiful hazelnut-colored eyes, that shined with mischief and arrogance. The other one had dark, spiked-up hair and when you had a peek into his eyes, it was like staring into a dark mysterious forest. Both men had a tall and muscular stature and were competing with their shooting and it certainly didn’t look like they did that for the first time.
The way the green-eyed guy was always hitting bullseye was kind of hot to be honest.
The two of them were just practicing their shots when all of sudden someone slammed the front door open from the gun range and was armed with a gun. It was a younger guy, perhaps in his early twenties, with dark blue hair and uneven bangs. He was almost shaking with fear when he was holding a small gun in his hand. Before anyone could react though, you always have your rifle underneath the desk for safety reasons and it just took one second for you to get a clean shot right through his heart. It was like your brain automated its action by itself.
Your customers didn’t even flinch or look disgusted by the dead body that was now pooling blood on the gray carpet in the entrance hall.
The steam of your rifle was visible to the eye and the two men just looked at each other with undefined looks. The one with the dark brown spiky hair stepped over the body and turned the corpse on its back with his boot.
“Goshiki.“ He says without looking up at his friend.
“Well. At least that’s one problem less on our list.“ The other one replies with a click on his tongue.
Both of them turn to look at each other and then turn back to you.
Their dangerous glints in their eyes are making you uncomfortable and you try to reach again for your rifle, only to stop in your tracks after hearing their words.
“Say pretty girl… you’re an amazing shot. Probably better than Iwa-chan right here.“
“Screw you, Shitty-kawa.“ The dark brunette snarls at him.
Ignoring his friend‘s words, he continues to stare at you with a flirty smile.
“So listen. Here’s the deal. That kid you just killed is one of our rival‘s gang members. Since you basically saved our lives and took away some of our work, I want to make you a deal.“
You squint your eyes at him in suspicion but listen to what he is offering.
“Go on.“
“Technically we can’t let you stay alive. Yannow, the whole ‘no witnesses’ and shit. Soooo. Since I am so generous and a great handsome looking guy who has a weakness for beautiful ladies who can handle guns really well-“
“Stop beating around the bush and just get out with it!” The guy named ‘Iwa-chan’ yells at him.
“As I was saying. We could use a new member of our ‘family’. Our recent sniper was shot down by those cop pigs and our boss has been dying to find someone new to take care of people that piss him off. So what do you say? You get to live and work for us and we spare your life.”
After hearing his words, you begin to think. On one hand, you have nothing to lose and you cherish your life. On the other hand, as soon as you join them, you will be constantly on the run, no more living your normal life in safety and comfort.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the less friendly brunette slowly reach for his gun in his holster, in case you decide not to join them and to stick with the ‘no witnesses’.
Taking a deep breath in, you look at them with a serious look.
“Fine. I’ll join.”
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno
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cherxyx · 1 year
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Been wanting to do a dark series with different characters/different shows. I have many ideas, but I didn’t know what to do with them since I didn’t want to do cross-overs and have different storylines.
Much thinking that even if no body reads the different series, I can read them which is why I started this whole page. (also put my mind to rest from thinking about all this.)
These series will have dark content even if the warnings do repeat just know that the storylines are different.
You will tell which characters I am comfortable with writing from how the series goes and how dark the content is. All the characters in these series ARE AGED UP I REPEAT AGED UP, they also are OOC! THE SETTINGS MIGHT BE DIFFERENT AND SO WILL THE CHARACTERS.
The ones I don’t know about the characters will be put on a wheel to spin and decide. saying all this as if these aren't for me to enjoy lol/
main master-list…
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Window- Haikyuu characters
warnings: Dark dark content, student nurse!reader, abuse, murder, drugs, kidnapping, yelling, fighting, choking, aggressive smut, clubs: sex, fighting, gambling, character deaths, blood, OOC CHARACTERS.
My Queen- Jujutsu Kaisen characters
warnings: Dark content, grabbing, arguing, toxic relationships, crying, attacks, sa (not made by any main characters or y/n), beheadings, OOC CHARACTERS, sex, angst, and wounds. Based of some of movies with a twist.
Kalon- Attack On Titan characters
warnings: Death, abuse, guns, blood, crying, kidnapping, fight clubs, missions, smut, panic attacks, not really a happy ending, past abuse talks, loss of parents, OOC CHARACTERS.
More to come…
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
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I just feel like the world needed more mafia aus
Lore will be dropping soon 🫡
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lucyt-art · 21 days
Mochi's summer cut ☀️
[Krtsk mafia au]
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urlocaltannenbaumm · 2 years
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