#hair treatment doctors
cosmeticfind · 11 months
Hair Treatment Doctors Near Me Fixes Hair Problems
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The best hair treatment doctors near me know the new treatments for hair loss and other scalp conditions. By choosing these doctors, you will have access to some of the best care and new treatments for your type of hair loss. They are dedicated to finding the cause and the best treatment for your type of hair and scalp condition. They also provide convenient care and known for their expertise in treating different hair problems.
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teoriaespacial · 9 months
I'm a bit sad bc my doctor told me to get laser hair removal on my armpits :(((((((
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the-trans-dragon · 1 year
It's an odd comfort to experience a Bad Fibromyalgia Time after a long long period of not having this intensity of it.
Like it sucks slsjskdjd of course but
Very validating to experience some of the moderately severe symptoms and realize "wow this fucking sucks, this isn't normal at all, most people do not deal with this and I did a great job at surviving this for years. I deserved way more credit than I myself. Good job, past-me. You were goddamn tenacious."
The validation is nice
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fellermedicalny · 6 months
Quick Glance at a FUE Hair Transplant
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Your smile fades away whenever you look into the mirror after noticing growing baldness—anxiety and feelings of low self-worth creep in, causing more disastrous effects on your mental health. Hair Transplant Long Island is the most effective and near-permanent solution to your hair loss condition. However, you should choose the right hair transplant clinic and the best surgeon for your treatment. Your doctor is the right person to guide you on which hair transplant Long Island you must choose after a comprehensive hair diagnosis. 
There are two hair transplant techniques: FUE Hair Transplant New York and FUT. In this blog post, we will focus especially on FUE Hair Transplant.
What is a FUE Hair Transplant?
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants in New York are performed by extracting individual hair follicles from the donor site and implanting them correctly onto the recipient site. This will make the hair growth in the new region look thicker.
FUE Hair Transplant Long Island came into existence to replace the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) technique. The procedure involved taking a piece of skin containing hair follicles and implanting it into the recipient area.
The ideal candidate for an FUE Hair Transplant in New York is the one with receding hair or balding who still has sufficient hair in the neighboring region for a Hair Transplant in Long Island. 
You are unsuitable for a FUE Hair Transplant in New York if you lack sufficient healthy or thick hair to implant into the thinning or balding region.
How much does a FUE Hair Transplant Cost?
The overall cost of a FUE transplant procedure depends on the following factors:
How much hair is taken out and transplanted?
How many surgeons are present in your area to perform the procedure
How often your surgeon performs FUE Hair transplants in New York
How much experience does your surgeon have?
You are more likely to pay for the procedure because most health insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic surgeries. 
You will also have to pay for prescribed medicines for pain or other side effects that might occur after the procedure.
While evaluating the cost, you should consider the time taken off for recovery. It might take 3 to 4 days at home. Generally, companies don’t cover hair restoration procedures under medical leave policies.
How does a FUE Hair Transplant function?
Once you get older, the three-stage cycle of hair growth and regrowth shortens until follicles don’t regrow hair. 
The process seems different for everyone. Some men show signs of baldness in their 20s, while others lose hair later in life.
FUE Hair transplants in New York regain hair by replicating these hair follicles with new ones that can still grow.
Once the hair surgery is done, these follicles start emerging hair in the region that previously had thin hair or balding.
Procedure for a FUE Hair Transplant
Let’s look into the working of a FUE procedure.
Your surgeon will remove the hair in the region where follicles will be extracted and in the transplant area.
With a micropunch tool, they will take out hair follicles.
The surgeon will make various small incisions using a needle or other small, sharp tool where the removed follicles will be placed.
They will place the follicles into the tiny incisions.
Your surgeon will clean and apply the bandage on the region for recovery.
The Takeaway
Try to research more about hair transplant procedures. It is important to find the right surgeon and clinic to provide you with more natural-looking results. During the initial consultation, clear your doubts about the procedure.
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procyonidaez · 9 months
it might be nice to be on more medication to manage like my anxiety or my psychosis or my insane mood swings or my depression or anything but every time i try new meds i get fucking worse or literally have a seizure so im honestly considering binge drinking since this whole smoking weed every day thing is wearing out after 3 years of daily use
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jamiebluewind · 7 months
Oh my god could I stop being sick please? It's been two freaking months and I got shit to do!
#nasty bronchitis that ending up putting me in the hospital#I'm behind in doing real life things but also just so freakin tired#i wanna do dumb tumblr stuff#but i already have a post wrote up with links to all the info on shubble/wilbur situation so people don't have to look 50 different places#BUT I also don't wanna make every post I have time to make about... THAT#THAT'S DEPRESSING#but i said i would and I'm a person of my word so...#it's been over a month since I've been able to make a sound#you'd be surprised how bad it is sensory and emotion wise to not be able to laugh or make sounds when you cry or groan in frustration#I'm in PT too because I was so weak by the time I got in the hospital that I couldn't stand#was literally coughing so hard and so constantly that I couldn't keep down food#lost about 25 lbs in 3 weeks according to the doctors (I'm overweight but that is still a LOT for anybody that's not exercising to lose)#going to push myself today because my hair has gotten so thick and long that it's causing too many sensory issues#also a bit of gender dysphoria just to keep it interesting#the person who cuts my hair is aware of how sickly I am and is having me come in when she hasn't been doing a hair treatment before me#still there's a risk of an asthma attack or just collapsing from the short walk#literally do not care#my hair is thick and hot and too long#let me be an androgynous gremlin!#also my cat says hi (he is slapping my phone like No phone love me NOW!!! XD )#bluewind talks
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deepikashomeopathy · 1 year
Best Homeopathy Medicine Hair Fall Treatment in Noida | Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
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Homeopathy is a centuries-old holistic healing system that operates on the principle of 'like cures like.' It employs highly diluted natural substances, often derived from plants, minerals, or animal sources, to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. The individualized approach of homeopathy treats the person as a whole, taking into account physical, emotional, and mental aspects to find the most suitable remedy.
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/category/hair/
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Best Hair Fall Treatment for Men in 2023
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Men can lose their hair for multiple reasons. Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary disorder that affects more than half of the male population over 50. However, stress or other autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata can cause men to lose their hair.
Although one cannot always stop hair loss, several therapies and hair loss treatments might be able to slow the process down.
Hair loss and baldness result when new hairs stop growing or fall out too quickly. It's typical to lose somewhere between 50 to 100 hairs daily. Because new hair grows to replace lost hair, this loss is typically not noticeable.
Depending on the hair loss, you can observe gradual hair thinning, receding hairline, or an abrupt bald patch. Hair loss can act on the entire body or just the hair on your scalp.
Causes of Hair Fall 
Men's hair loss may be brought on by:
Genetics and Family History
A genetic disorder known as androgenic alopecia causes men to lose their hair over time. It could manifest as thinning areas on the crown of the head or a hairline that is slowly retreating. You are more likely to experience hair loss if your family members do.
Drug-Related Conditions
Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or hormonal problems, might result in hair loss. For instance, bald spots or thinning hair may be brought on by thyroid problems, bacterial scalp infections, or the hair-pulling condition trichotillomania. Alopecia areata (bald patches) is a condition that develops when the immune system kills hair follicles.
Medication and Medical Procedures
Several drugs prescribed to treat ailments like cancer, depression, gout, heart disease, and arthritis can cause hair loss as a side effect.
Events or long-term stress may cause temporary hair thinning.
Diagnosis of Hair Fall in Men
Before making a diagnosis, your hair expert will probably perform a physical examination, ask about your health and family history, and quiz you about your diet and hair care routine. You could also get the following tests done:
A blood Test 
It could assist in identifying medical issues that can result in hair loss.
Pulling Test 
Your doctor carefully removes a few hundred hairs to count the ones that fall out. It makes it easier to determine the process' shedding stage.
The Scalp Biopsy
To study the hair roots under a microscope, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin, or a few hairs pulled from the scalp. It can assist in determining whether an infection causes hair loss.
Optical Microscopy
Your doctor examines hairs clipped at their bases using a specialized tool. Discovering potential hair shaft diseases with the aid of microscopy.
Treatment Options Available for Hair Fall
AHS Clinic offers multiple hair transplant and treatment options that cater to all needs and situations. Our hair expert will conduct an advanced hair check, and only after knowing the root cause for hair loss and the stage of hair loss will he suggest a hair restoration option.
The treatments offered by the AHS Hair Clinic include:
Advanced Laser Therapy
Strand by Strand Cosmetic
Strand by Strand Ultimate
AHS Complete
Home Program
Schedule a Consultation with an Expert Hair Doctor
If you face many hair fall issues, the first step is to reach the root cause. You can rely on the AHS Hair Experts, who will perform an advanced hair check and suggest the best hair fall treatment accordingly. Our path-breaking technology guarantees results that bring back your hair and your confidence.
Book an appointment with AHS Expert or visit the nearest clinic to solve your hair loss problem and promote hair regrowth.
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zarrin99 · 1 year
Patient’s FAQ on Hair Transplant Transformation
Hair transplant transformation refers to the significant change in a person's appearance and confidence that occurs after undergoing a hair transplant procedure. This surgical technique involves extracting hair follicles from a donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp, and implanting them into the areas experiencing hair loss or thinning. Over time, the transplanted hair follicles establish a new blood supply and start growing natural, healthy hair.
The transformation is remarkable because it can restore a person's hairline, density, and overall hair coverage, creating a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The results of a successful hair transplant are permanent and can provide a long-term solution to hair loss concerns.
The advancements in hair transplant techniques, such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE), have greatly improved the outcomes of the procedure. Modern techniques result in natural-looking hairlines, with no visible scarring or obvious signs of a transplant. This naturalness of the results has eliminated the patchy, visible hair plugs associated with older transplant methods.
Overall, a hair transplant transformation can be a life-changing experience, boosting self-confidence and restoring a more youthful appearance to individuals dealing with hair loss.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Urticaria – also known as hives, weals, welts or nettle rash – is a raised, itchy rash that appears on the skin. It may appear on one part of the body or be spread across large areas.
The rash is usually very itchy and ranges in size from a few millimetres to the size of a hand.
Although the affected area may change in appearance within 24 hours, the rash usually settles within a few days.
Doctors may refer to urticaria as either:
• acute urticaria– if the rash clears completely within 6 weeks
• chronic urticaria –in rarer cases, where the rash persists or comes and goes for more than 6 weeks, often over many years
A much rarer type of urticaria, known as urticaria vasculitis, can cause blood vessels inside the skin to become inflamed. In these cases, the weals last longer than 24 hours, are more painful, and can leave a bruise.
When to seek medical advice
Visit your doctor/ General Practitioner (GP) if your symptoms don't go away within 48 hours.
You should also contact your doctor / GP if your symptoms are:
• severe
• causing distress
• disrupting daily activities
• occurring alongside other symptoms
Who's affected by urticaria?
Acute urticaria (also known as short-term urticaria) is a common condition, estimated to affect around 1in 5 people at some point in their lives.
Children are often affected by the condition, as well as women aged 30 to 60, and people with a history of allergies.
What causes urticaria?
Urticaria occurs when a trigger causes high levels of histamine and other chemical messengers to be released in the skin.These substances cause the blood vessels in the affected area of skin to open up (often resulting in redness or pinkness) and become leaky. This extra fluid in the tissues causes swelling and itchiness.
Histamine is released for many reasons, including:
• an allergic reaction – such as a food allergy or a reaction to an insect bite or sting
• cold or heat exposure
• infection – such as a cold
• certain medications – such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)or antibiotics
However, in many cases of urticaria, no obvious cause can be found.
Some cases of long-term urticaria may be caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissue. However, this is difficult to diagnose and the treatment options are the same.
Certain triggers may also make the symptoms worse. These include:
• drinking alcohol or caffeine
• emotional stress
• warm temperature
Read more about the causes of urticaria.
Diagnosing urticaria
Your GP will usually be able to diagnose urticaria by examining the rash. They may also ask you questions to find out what triggered your symptoms.
If your GP thinks that it's caused by an allergic reaction, you may be referred to an allergy clinic for an allergy test. However, if you've had urticaria most days for more than 6 weeks, it's unlikely to be the result of an allergy.
You may also be referred for a number of tests, including a full blood count (FBC), to find out whether there's an underlying cause of your symptoms.
Read more about diagnosing urticaria.
Treating urticaria
In many cases, treatment isn't needed for urticaria, because the rash often gets better within a few days.
If the itchiness is causing you discomfort, antihistamines can help. Antihistamines are available over the counter at pharmacies – speak to your pharmacist for advice.
A short course of steroid tablets (oral corticosteroids) may occasionally be needed for more severe cases of urticaria.
If you have persistent urticaria, you may be referred to a skin specialist (dermatologist). Treatment usually involves medication to relieve the symptoms, while identifying and avoiding potential triggers.
Read about treating urticaria.
Complications of urticaria
Around a quarter of people with acute urticaria and half of people with chronic urticaria also develop angioedema, which is a deeper swelling of tissues.
Chronic urticaria can also be upsetting and negatively impact a person's mood and quality of life.
Angioedema is swelling in the deeper layers of a person's skin. It's often severe and is caused by a build-up of fluid. The symptoms of angioedema can affect any part of the body, but usually affect the:
• eyes
• lips
• genitals
• hands
• feet
Medication such as antihistamines and short courses of oral corticosteroids (tablets) can be used to relieve the swelling.
Read more about treating angioedema.
Emotional impact
Living with any long-term condition can be difficult. Chronic urticaria can have a considerable negative impact on a person's mood and quality of life. Living with itchy skin can be particularly upsetting.
One study found that chronic urticaria can have the same negative impact as heart disease. It also found that 1 in 7 people with chronic urticaria had some sort of psychological or emotional problem, such as:
• stress
• anxiety
• depression
See your GP if your urticaria is getting you down. Effective treatments are available to improve your symptoms.
Talking to friends and family can also improve feelings of isolation and help you cope better with your condition.
Urticaria can be one of the first symptoms of a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis.
Other symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
• swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet
• feeling lightheaded or faint
• narrowing of the airways, which can cause wheezing and breathing difficulties
• abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
• collapsing and becoming unconscious
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homunculusrex · 1 year
saw somebody on tiktok try and say that being sluggish in the morning and having a low libido is a sign of PCOS so buy my vitamins and im like HAVING HIGH T GIVES YOU A LOW LIBIDO?! have u met a trans man.
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drgolberg · 2 years
Best Hair Loss Doctor in New York City
PRP Treatment for Hair Regrowth in NYC!
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Searching for the best hair loss doctor in NYC?
Dr. Goldberg is most sought-after specialist in New York City (NYC) for most effective treatment and PRP therapy.
Connect with us today for hair loss treatment NYC and you will get the enhanced results.
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drjyotiayurveda · 2 years
Ayurvedic Doctor in Indore | Ayurvedic Clinic India
Dr. Jyoti is Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Indore, her hospital is right now in the top ayurvedic clinics of Indore, India.
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kratijain06 · 2 years
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Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Udaipur
If you're not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. Laser hair removal in Udaipur  is effective on the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other regions.
Website URL- https://udaipurskintreatment.com/
Mobile Number-9460006594
Address-Near Maya Misthan, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001, India
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drgaurobindamohapatra · 12 hours
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Looking for hair loss treatment in Bhubaneswar? Dr. G Aurobinda Mohapatra is the best hair transplant specialist all over in Odisha. For book an appointment just visit us at www.drgaurobindamohapatra.com Or call us at 7847989007.
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printmarkind · 6 days
Best Hair Fall Doctor in Faridabad
Hair fall can be distressing, but with the right medical help, it can be effectively treated. If you're searching for the best hair fall doctor in Faridabad, look no further than Dr. Radhika Raheja at Radical Clinic. With years of experience and a proven track record, Dr. Raheja is recognized for offering the best solutions to hair loss problems.
What Causes Hair Fall?
Hair fall can occur due to several reasons, such as:
Genetic factors (hereditary)
Hormonal changes (like during pregnancy or menopause)
Poor nutrition
Stress and lifestyle habits
Scalp infections or medical conditions
Identifying the root cause of hair fall is crucial for effective treatment, which is where a dermatologist like Dr. Radhika Raheja excels.
Why Choose Dr. Radhika Raheja?
Dr. Radhika Raheja is one of the most trusted names in hair fall treatment in Faridabad. With her vast knowledge and experience, she provides personalized treatment plans based on each patient's unique condition. Her approach combines advanced medical techniques and patient care, making her the best hair fall doctor in Faridabad.
Expertise at Radical Clinic
Radical Clinic, led by Dr. Radhika Raheja, offers cutting-edge treatments for hair loss. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology and treatments, such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy, mesotherapy, and advanced hair restoration techniques. Every patient receives a tailored solution that focuses on addressing the root cause of hair loss.
Treatments Offered
At Radical Clinic, a variety of treatments are available, including:
PRP Therapy: Using the patient’s own platelets to stimulate hair growth.
Mesotherapy: A treatment that nourishes hair follicles by injecting vitamins and minerals.
Medications: Prescribed solutions to treat underlying scalp or health issues.
Hair Transplantation: For severe cases of hair loss, this offers a permanent solution.
Why Dr. Radhika Raheja is the Best Choice
Years of experience: Dr. Raheja has extensive experience in dermatology and hair restoration.
Personalized care: Every patient receives a custom treatment plan.
Advanced technology: Radical Clinic uses modern and effective treatments.
Proven success: Numerous satisfied patients have experienced successful hair restoration.
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