#hair turning darker bit by bit a transformation unwanted but needed
schismexe · 8 months
blurred thinkin. try n block miasma bt not possible. think. ttrpg so dont go crazy n can know can feel budding lifething
alice? smth. sweet name. misplaced feelin. blonde wavy too innocent looking n feeling n some ways stuttery meek mumbley sorry sorry sorry takenpossessed by thing not sorry no guilt will do can kill and then after a panic the memories are in intense flashes and its notmenotme but too too too too close merging together
0 notes
violet-knox · 4 years
Third Wheel
Year 7 - Chapter 57
Summary: An unwanted guest joins your study session and Severus is less than enthusiastic about it.
Word count: 5422
A/N: I didn’t expect this update to come so late, I’m so rusty but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I honestly cannot wait to get to the next part in this series and I wish I had the time to power through year 7. Good news is this is my last semester so once finals are over in a few months, my schedule should be a lot more predictable. 
Previous Chapter - Chapter 1 
(Y/H/C) = your hair colour
“Why would you invite him?” Severus couldn’t have reacted worse when you’d broken the news to him about the additional invitation you’d extended to a certain Ravenclaw without so much as consulting him first. Then again, what more would you expect from the person who’d been nagging you almost every day for alone time these past few weeks, claiming you were spending too much time out on the field and not enough time in his arms. 
“He said he’d been struggling to keep up with Slughorn so I thought, what would be the harm if he joined us?” You looked up at him with the most apologetic eyes you could muster, realizing just how betrayed he must have felt when he’d heard mention from your own lips of another boy intruding on what was supposed to be your time alone as a couple. 
“Do you know how hard it was to regain Slughorn’s trust?” His voice rose, his hands dramatically flaring about in comparison to his usual collected self. 
“Severus-” You’d stopped him in the middle of the empty corridor at the agitated tone he gave you. It hadn’t even crossed your mind the trouble he had gone through securing the empty classroom from that walrus of a man. But Severus had brought it up yesterday as if it was no big deal, like it was as easy as flying a broom on a clear and still day. You’d never imagined the situation looking as bad as it did to him when you’d invited Connor, and the more Severus went on, the worse you felt for what you’d done. 
“I was looking forward to an entire day alone with you.” He looked down at you with a frown you thought you’d never in his life cause and it broke your heart to know a choice you made upset him to this degree, the annoyance hidden in his tone making you wish you had the heart to tell Connor to leave when you got to the potions classroom. 
“I’m sorry Sev. I should have been more considerate,” you said, taking a step towards him, your fingertips gently sweeping across his hairline, pushing those long black strands away from his face. You’d love more than anything to see that frown transform into that sweet smile he’d always give you right now. “Let me make it up to you later?”
You wrapped one arm around his neck, letting the other cup his jaw as your thumb swiped his cheek. Looking into your eyes, he saw them soften, matching that gentle smile that always had his heart racing knowing, it was all for him. His own lips couldn’t help but curve to match yours as he melted into you.  
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he whispered, biting his bottom lip and eyeing yours with a mischievous look. 
“You tease!” You let out a crooked chuckle, lightly pushing both your hands on his chest, letting them rest there as he tightened his grip on your waist. Maybe he wasn’t as mad as you’d imagined after all. “What did you have in mind?”
The soft melody of your voice disappeared down the narrow hallway where he stood pressing himself closer to you, trapping you between his body and the wall. Severus let the corridor settle into complete silence, grasping onto your voice as it travelled away before responding. 
“We’ll, I wouldn’t mind waking up next to you again.” He teasingly nudged at your nose, whispering his desires to you, trusting you with his heart. He knew you’d understand, that you’d feel his desperate need for your presence weighing on his chest and eventually give him exactly what he wanted.
“That can certainly be arranged,” you whispered, pulling him closer, feeling the buckle under the jumper he wore press into your stomach. You gave him a little smirk, unable to keep your excitement down any longer. You had to tell him. There was no delaying this any longer. He deserved to know and besides, this little secret project you’d been trying to find the right time to share with him could very well help with his desperate need to spend every waking moment of the day with you. 
You nudged back at him and let out a small giggle as you both danced around the idea of a kiss neither of you would ever deny. You smiled, feeling the light brush of his breath against your lips. Weaving a hand through his hair, you tangled your fingers between his locks, gripping them tight as you held your place, millimeters away from his lips. 
Severus had no intention to give you that kiss he knew you craved, and he didn’t have to wait long before he felt your teeth grazing his bottom lip, your hands gripping him tight, pulling him flush against you. He grinned at your evident desire for him, taking a few steps forward, pressing your back against the concrete wall. You arched your back as the cold stones nipped against the thin fabric of your top, threatening to steal the heat building between you and Severus. 
You’d barely been together a year and he already knew how to take your breath away, teasing you, pushing you into his arms as you always seemed to find your heart begging for his touch. Finally, you gave in and pressed your lips against his, soft, loving moments passing by as you cherished every bit of his taste. Moans flowed through his throat like a melody the instant your lips met, satisfied by your show of defeat.
He parted the kiss just when your eagerness began to show as you dug your fingers deeper into his hair, your tongue swiping his bottom lip. You almost cursed when your excitement was cut short by his need to push your desire for him further. Well, if that’s how he wanted to play, then so be it.
“Meet me in the Astronomy Tower after dinner today?” You bit your bottom lip, batting your eyes ever so subtly as you teased him, rocking your hips and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck.
“Or,” he said as he edged forward, sure to press his chest to yours. “We could forget about potions and head there now.”
You smiled in satisfaction when you saw that twinkle of desire in his eye, begging you for your touch. “Tempting, but you know how behind I am Sev.”
And it wasn’t a complete lie. You truly had fallen behind, and Severus had taken it upon himself to book time in the potions classroom to catch you up. It was such a sweet thing for him to do, something you knew he’d never do for anyone else.
“Fine,” he sighed in defeat, taking your hand and resumed your way towards the dungeons. 
This year had barely begun, and it had already proven to be a lot more of a challenge than you’d initially anticipated. The first game of the season was approaching rapidly, and you still had so much training to put your team through (though they would claim otherwise). Severus, of course, did his best to support you without letting go of the burning need to spend time with you. At times, you wondered whether or not he’d take offense to bringing up the possibility for him to join a club or to simply expand his social circle a little more so long as he kept away from those horrible Slytherins he used to hang around before you’d come along. 
You were grateful for the kind, passionate man he was growing to be, but you couldn’t help but think back to the years he’d spent wasting time dabbling in the Dark Arts with his horrendous ‘friends’. His life surely would have turned out much darker if he hadn’t abandoned them but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find other hobbies, other people to hang around. You shouldn’t be the only person in his life he felt comfortable around.
“Hey Connor,” you greeted your friend as you walked into the Potion’s classroom, the Ravenclaw boy already setting up his station, potions ingredients laid out, textbook on the table and cauldron set atop a burner.  
You placed your bag on the table, grabbed your textbook and flipped it open to the first page of the Amortentia chapter. Keeping a mental list in your head, you made your way over to the storeroom to retrieve the ingredients you’d need for your potion as Severus went to fetch you a cauldron. 
“(Y/N) says you’re a wiz in potions,” you heard Connor try to strike up a conversation with Severus and you smiled at the idea of your boyfriend interacting in a conversation that didn’t end with him demanding his converser to eat slugs. You only hoped he wouldn’t shut down the idea of speaking with Connor before putting in some effort.  
“Did she.” Severus couldn’t have sounded more agitated if he tried. 
“Yeah, which is impressive if you ask me. Potions as never my strong suite, too much technique and precision. I’ve always preferred much more straightforward classes like Charms.” Poor Connor had brushed right past Severus’ tone, continuing his attempt at a conversation and you knew you had to hurry before Severus' patience ran thin. You’d done your best to calm him before entering the classroom, but there was only so much you could do since it had been your choice in inviting Connor that had worn his patience in the first place.
“I’m sure,” and there it was, the pessimistic reply you knew was coming. “What potion are you brewing?”
Finally, you’d finished gathering all your ingredients, huddling them all in your arms as you quickly joined the boys, setting yourself between them with Connor sitting adjacent to you. 
“Sleeping Draught,” Connor said as he turned on the burner under his cauldron. You sat down beside Severus, finding your station all set up and ready to go for you as you placed your ingredients on the table, just in time to hear Severus sneer at the simplicity of the potion Connor was brewing. You didn’t have to ask, you knew what was running through his mind right now; pure judgment and some words to describe Connor you hoped he’d never say aloud. 
“What will you brew, (Y/N)?” Connor asked, eyeing the ingredients you’d brought as if trying to figure out the potion himself. Ravenclaws always seemed to have a knack for challenging themselves every which way they could and you really did admire that, but sometimes you wished they’d pick the right time for such things. Trying to challenge McGonagall’s knowledge of Animagus’ in the middle of class like that blond girl had in yesterday’s class for instance, really wasn’t a smart move. 
“Amortentia,” you said. “It’s one of the hardest potions to make but Severus seems to think he can help me brew it.”
“It’s not as difficult as Slughorn makes it sound,” Severus spoke lazily as he looked over the ingredients you’d brought over, disappointed to find you hadn’t taken note of the advice he’d given you in class last week. “(Y/N), I told you to start with rose water, it’ll speed up the seeping process.”
“Right,” you said, kicking yourself for forgetting such a vital thing when he’d gone on and on about all the alterations he’d made to the potion, in an attempt to improve it in class. He’d always go out of his way to help you despite the dirty looks and the exchanged whisperings of ‘traitor’ comments he’d get from his own house and here you were showing less than no appreciation for it. “I’m sorry Sev, I forgot.”
“It’s fine,” he said irritably. “But maybe start taking notes in your textbook to make it easier like I’ve been telling you to do.”
Severus pulled out a quill from his bag and handed it to you before making his way to the storeroom to fetch the ingredient you’d missed. Smiling to yourself, realizing how much he’d truly tried to help you with your studies, you pulled out your inkwell and scribbled down ‘Rose water’ next to the list of ingredients.
Taking on the position of Quidditch Captain this year had taken quite a lot of work, and you just couldn’t help your mind wander during class to the various plays you’d been trying to work out the last few weeks. You’d been relying too heavy on Severus lately to take notes for you, and it wasn’t fair to him. You had to do better and start paying better attention in class. If you had, perhaps you would be spending your time snogging in the Astronomy Tower right now instead of reading this damn chapter and brewing this stupid potion all over again. 
Severus returned shortly after, swiftly taking his seat beside you and handing you the rose water. You thanked him with a gentle please forgive me smile before pouring in the rose water and turning on the burner beneath your cauldron. Making sure this time to jot down every alteration Severus suggested, you did your best to keep your mind off of Quidditch and make the most of your time with him while trying to catch up on your work. 
It wasn’t easy to get over the look of irritation Severus gave you every time Connor spoke, but the simple touch of your fingers rubbing gentle circles on his knee under the table was enough to keep him calm and push through the evening with minimal protest. And sure, he was glad you were taking notes and paying so much attention, but couldn’t you just write a little faster and speed this along? There was just so much time left in the day and if he wasn’t going to play one-on-one tutor with you tonight then the least you could do was finish your potion early and grant him some time with you before dinner. Holding on to the thought of your promise to meet him in the Astronomy Tower tonight is all he could looking forward to, convincing himself it would be worth the torture he was being put through now.  
“What the hell are you doing!?” Severus’ attention had snapped to Connor and you both froze at his sudden outburst. The air grew stiff and time suddenly passed five times slower than usual as you looked Severus wide eyed. 
“... Adding some Standard Ingredient,” Connor said slowly as if speaking to a wary mother bear protecting her cub, hovering a fist full of the herbs over his brewing cauldron. You cautiously placed your hand on Severus’ leg, gently rubbing it, silently begging him to keep his cool and tone down his theatrics. 
“You should crush it first,” he said as if Connor had missed a vital step that could lead to nothing less of a catastrophe. The seriousness in Severus’ tone was all too adorable and you had to press your lips together to keep from smiling when you could see how mortified Connor was from the storm your Slytherin boyfriend caused. 
“But the book says-”
“The book’s wrong,” Severus interrupted Connor the second he mentioned the stupid textbook filled with nothing more than old outdated recipes written by Potion Masters too cowardice to experiment and advance in their field. “It’s much more beneficial if you crush it and release its essence, it’ll strengthen the potion and speed up the brewing process.”
“No kidding? Thanks.” You were pleasantly surprised at Connor’s acceptance of Severus’ advice without even batting an eye at his teaching method. “Got any other tips for Sleeping Draught?”
It would have been an understatement to say Severus was caught off guard by Connor’s attitude; a deer caught in headlights would have had a less shocked expression on its face. Severus felt his throat dry as he tried to compose himself. No one had ever taken his help with the smile and gratitude Connor showed right now when he snapped like that, not even you. Then again, any price would likely be worth paying for knowledge in a Ravenclaw’s eyes, even if it meant the needed tolerance to deal with his temper. 
Unlike his Slytherin peers, he’d always loved having Potions with the Gryffindors, giving Lily a reason to spend time with him and of course, this year he was beyond grateful for every class he shared with you. Not once had it crossed his mind that sharing Potions class with the Ravenclaws would have likely benefited him much more, giving him the opportunity to have an actual challenging, academic conversation with someone. Connor, of course, was probably the last Ravenclaw he would have approached but if he was able to converse with him over such a simple potion, he could only imagine the type of conversation he could have with a Ravenclaw that had the mental capacity to brew potions properly.
You sat there in complete silence, wondering if either of them would notice you gone if you just got up and left with how deep in conversation they were in. It was sweet to watch them bond and you thanked Merlin Severus was actually talking so passionately with someone other than you. He finally seemed to have opened up to the idea of befriending Connor and you couldn’t have been happier. 
“Seems like you’re almost done.” Your thoughts melted away as Connor’s voice snapped you back to reality. Looking down at your cauldron, you realized the colour of your concoction had cleared, telling you it was ready for the last ingredient.
Reaching for the jar of rose petals, you dropped seven of them in your cauldron one at a time, the rosy tone of each petal seeping into the potion, darkening it as it began to take effect. Naturally, your potion was near perfection, though what more would you expect with Severus holding your hand every step of the way. 
“Just turn down the heat and let it simmer for a while,” Severus pointed out to you, packing up his things as he turned to the clock, realizing that by the time you cleaned up, you’d both have to head to the Great Hall for dinner. At least he still had the Astronomy Tower to look forward to.  
“So, what do you smell?” Connor peered over your cauldron, taking a small whiff of your potion. You set aside your ladle and hovered a safe distance over the steaming cauldron, closing your eyes and taking in the sweet scents, trying to differentiate between them. 
“Old books... freshly cut grass... ash from a burnt fireplace… and… potion fumes.” Connor gave a small chuckle at the last scent you described, unaware it was in no way intended as a joke but was indeed what you smelled every night you cuddled with Severus after your Potions class. Severus smirked as you exchanged a quick look of passion. “What do you smell, Connor?”
You took a step back and gave Connor room to hover over the cauldron instead. “New books… leather… lavender… and … the smell of grass after rain,” he said, smiling as he stepped back. Perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea to inhale such a strong potion by the look on Connor’s face. It was like a drug you could never stop taking, the scent you smelled when you were close to Severus combined with the scent of the air around the Quidditch pitch in spring had to be the most majestically addicting thing you’d ever experienced.
“What about you Severus?” You spun around and asked, mostly curious to know if he’d smell your scent.
“Must you ask?” He rose a brow at you and brushed off your question as if the answer was written in the air in front of you. Giggling, you tucked your hair behind your ear, a light blush of pink appearing across your cheeks. The look he gave you was all you needed to see to know what he desired most; you.
Severus fought back a smile watching your face light up with obvious bliss. It was amazing how well you both had learned to communicate with one another like this, the trust and bond that had built between you. He’d never felt anything like it before, but it made him feel complete and he was ever so grateful for everything you were to him.  
“I’m going to see if I can snag some empty vials,” you said as you quickly hopped out of your seat, wandering away from them, worried Connor would catch onto the spark you’d accidentally ignited between you and Severus. It wasn’t that you wanted to hide your relationship from him, but the air between him and Severus had already been so dense since the day they’d met and you didn’t want Connor to assume that just because you were dating, didn’t mean you couldn’t all be friends. Besides, they were just starting to bond, there was no need to break the harmony that was forming between you three now when it had yet to settle.
Connor turned his attention back to his own potion as you left and Severus began eying his cauldron, noticing he was practically finished as well. Such a simple potion should have been easy for a sixth year to brew, in fact Severus was sure that given the chance, he could brew it with his eyes closed in less than a half hour. He pitied Connor really, what sort of Ravenclaw could possibly perform so poorly in Potions? Then again, not everyone had grown up with a Potion’s Mistress as a mother, learning potions at a young age in an attempt to tether themselves to the Wizarding World without a wand at hand. 
Throwing all distaste for the boy you’d decided to befriend aside, he walked over to him and began instructing him on the last steps of the potion, explaining the science behind Sleeping Draught when he was asked. You’d returned to find Connor in deep concentration as he followed the scribbles Severus had drawn out on his version of Advanced Potion Making. Quietly making your way back to your cauldron as to not disturb them, you simply observed Severus and the passion that emulated off him as he tutored Connor. 
It took everything in you not to burst out in glee at Severus finally opening himself to the possibility of spending time with Connor, but knowing he’d immediately lunge away if you’d shown even a slimmer of delight, you did what you could to retain yourself. Instead, you brought your attention back to your own cauldron, looking down at the potion that had suddenly appeared almost pitch black to you with a glimmering layer of emerald green covering the surface, giving it quite the alluring look. You filled up all three vials you’d snagged from the storeroom (no need for Slughorn to know that) and reluctantly wove your wand over the cauldron, vanishing the remainder of the potion. 
“Find any more of those vials (Y/N)?” Connor asked, turning off his own burner and setting his ladle down. You leaned over his cauldron to find a nearly perfect Sleeping Draught before your eyes went back to him. You were going to say no since the less vials that went missing, the less suspicious Slughorn would be, but such a potion could really come in handy. You couldn’t really tell whether it was the stress of your N.E.W.Ts class, the pressure that had grown on you as Quidditch Captain or the sorrow you felt at the thought that it would be your last year at Hogwarts, your future and Severus’ still so unclear but, you’d hardly slept over the last month, always waking in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep.
“Yeah,” you said, “There’s a tone in this wooden crate under the shelves on the left.”
“Thanks.” And with that, Connor set off towards the storeroom, leaving you and Severus a alone at last. Unable to hold in your excitement any longer, you turned to Severus, smiling as if you’d found out a happy little secret he was too embarrassed to speak of. 
“So, does this mean you’ll finally consider Connor a friend?” You whispered to him, smiling from ear to ear as you leaned in just a little closer.
“I have no bloody clue what you mean (Y/N).” Severus fell back into his usual defensive self, his hair falling over his face as it would when he felt the need to hide himself from the world. He hadn’t done that to you in quite a while and it just had you giggling at the situation. Who knew Severus Snape could be so easily flustered?
“Oh come on!” You took a step closer as you began teasing him. “You like him.”
“Shut up,” Severus immediately spit out, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks, regretting his words as soon as they left his lips. Wide eyed, he looked at you, praying you took no offense to his agitated tone, only to find that smirk on your face still resting there, silently badgering him.  
“Fine,” you said, putting on an overdramatic show of annoyance as you quickly turned your back to him and looked over your shoulder just to display your taunting smile. “I supposed I’ll just go to bed after dinner tonight.”
Severus grunted in discontent at the mention of you cancelling the only thing getting him through this treacherous evening, knowing fully well you didn’t mean it by the sarcasm in your tone. 
“So,” you said as you shook one of the vials filled with Amortentia in front of him. “What colour do you see?”
Severus smirked, quickly spinning around to take a peek at the storeroom, checking to see if Connor was still rummaging through the crates, looking for empty vials before gently pulling you into his arms by your waist. “(Y/H/C),” he whispered to you. “And gold.”
“Gold?” Your cheeks speckled pink as you smiled. Is that really the colour he associated with the thought of you? How royal. 
“Of course,” he said, letting his hands slip down to rest on your hips. His eyes flickered down to your lips as he slowly began to lean forward. He really didn’t get enough time with you. 
The rustling from the storeroom followed by the creek of the door Connor closed had Severus sliding his hands off of you. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked past you, feeling his frustration rise to a level he himself was unaware he could reach. If only he could apparate you both away right now or reach for his wand and scare off the intruder. But even if he had either ability, he knew how disappointed in him you’d be. Besides, the nosey Ravenclaw didn’t seem so bad after all. At least he had half a mind compared to those Gryffindor’s you hung around. 
You let out a gentle sigh as you pressed your lips together, your eyes following Severus as he made his way around you until he’d disappeared behind you. Turning your attention back to where you’d seen Connor approaching, you found yourself face to face with him, holding up three of his own vials.
“That man needs to organize that room better,” he said as he stepped towards his cauldron and began filling up the vials one at a time. 
You chuckled in agreement, but your mind had strayed, and it was too late now to snap back to thoughts about something as bane as potion. There was really only one thing to do now; pack up as quickly as you could, say goodbye to Connor and find a dark corner alone somewhere to enjoy the remaining fifteen minutes you had left before dinner. Looking over at Severus as you made your way back to your own belongings, you saw him zipping up his own bag, obviously with the same thought you had running through his head. 
“Here you go Connor,” you said as you passed a vial of Amortentia over to him, another to Severus and the third found its way safely in the inner pouch of your bag. “Careful with that, it’s very strong.”
“Of course. And here,” he passed you a vial of his own potion, handing one to Severus as well and like you, stuffed the third in his bag. You thanked Connor (on behalf of Severus as well as yourself) for the Sleeping Draught as he quickly wove his wand to vanish the remainder of his potion. 
“Well, we better head to the Great Hall,” you said as you sloppily put away your cauldron, grasping at every potion’s ingredient Severus hadn’t grabbed first. “It’s almost time for dinner.”
The speed you both were cleaning made Connor appear as if he was living in slow motion, just barely finished with closing up his bag as you both returned from the storeroom, grabbing your things and making your way out the door, you shouting a quick ‘see you’ to Connor (once again on behalf of you and Severus) as you left him in the potion’s classroom. 
“You don’t think that was rude of us, do you?” You whispered to Severus as you speed walked down the hall of the dungeon making your way towards the basement. “I feel a little guilty for running out on Connor like that.”
“No, no. It’s fine, I’m sure he didn’t pick up on anything.” Severus honestly couldn’t care less right now how Connor felt about their abrupt exit. All he cared about were the remaining eleven minutes till dinner he had full intention of using to his benefit, making you wish you’d never invited Connor to their late evening of studying potions together.
Once out of sight of roaming students, Severus quickly took your hand and pulled you into a nearby corridor, aware of the little time he had and immediately resumed the dance you were playing before your afterhours potions class. His lips connecting with yours, his hands found your wrists, pinning you against the wall, slowly sliding them to rest above your head. 
Always so needy and you absolutely loved feeling wanted in this way. He lived off your love for him and you’d felt the same way for a while now too. You moaned into his mouth, back arched, your chest pressing against his as you gently tugged your hands down, wanting nothing more than to feel him under your fingertips and that is exactly the reaction he was looking for. 
Tightening his grip around your wrists, he firmly held his place, quickly parting from your kiss leaving you completely unsatisfied only to leave the gentlest of kisses down your jaw and towards your neck. He didn’t bother loosening your tie and instead pressed his lips to the fabric of your collar, teasing you even further. 
“Severus,” you whined, your legs ever so slightly beginning to rub together as you desperately tried to free yourself and take from him what he so evidently was denying you. But unfortunately for you, his resilience and your weakness for his kisses kept you locked in place, having to slowly endure this torture he was putting you through. 
It wasn’t long before you found yourself whimpering at the loss of contact when Severus exclaimed time was up, picking up his bag from off the floor, stepping back from you. Never had you felt so unhinged with him before and because you knew him so well, you were sure his actions were a result of the invitation you’d extended to Connor to apparently ‘ruin your evening’. 
“So, shall I see you in the Astronomy Tower after supper?” Severus asked with a grin, his tone giddy as if he’d just found out he’d come first in all his classes. You quickly picked up your bag and crossed your arms, showing him just how unhappy your denied request for his affection had made you. But of course, you couldn’t be mad at him for that and the smile that made its way to your lips gave that away. Spinning around on your heels, you huffed in annoyance, making a bit more of a show than you’d intended, and stormed away.
“Is that a yes?” he chuckled, shouting after you, content that his point had come across much stronger than initially intended. Smiling to himself, he could only think of the events that would take place after dinner tonight as he jogged a few paces to catch up with you. 
Yup, that’s a yes.
Next Chapter
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miistical · 7 years
Samhain Sunset
Minister Marvolo Slytherin was a fair politician. He did wonders for orphaned youths and helped educated the general public about the advances the Muggle world had successfully made. Even when he had been just Lord Slytherin he was highly sought after by witches and wizards alike—anyone who wanted any such fame or notoriety pleaded and bribed and seduced their way to his side though all failed in their attempts. While a Dark wizard, he was the epitome of a gentleman. Truly, there wasn't a witch or wizard alive surprised by his run and win of the minister's office. Of course some weren't as accepting of Lord Slytherin's policies but their voices never took hold. The pureblood Lords and Ladies were only too happy to back a fellow Lord and the rest of the populace was satisfied by his namesake and his concern for their children. Young witches and wizards were special and needed care and protection and Lord Slytherin had made that case his central focus since joining the Wizengamot. And now, firmly in his second term as minister, Lord Slytherin had begun campaigning for creature rights. His office was usually lit by candles alone and it created an atmosphere of serenity. The soft scratching of his quill was often the only sound in the room, his breathing near silent. However, the minister was not alone that fine evening. While the minister worked on a recent bill that Lord Malfoy had brought up under his discretion, the second body in the room moved restlessly. A smirk curled his mouth but Marvolo Slytherin did nothing more and continued to read through the intricacies that went into giving creatures land rights. A huff and more shifting drew his eyes for a second but that was enough to send a wave of amusement through him.
A young man, his green eyes bright against his dark skin and darker hair, had draped himself across one of the chairs, his legs thrown over one of the arms. A random book rested on his lap and he was absently thumbing through it, his eyes flickering from page to page. The minister knew, should he ask, that the other man would be able to tell him any detail from the text. Warmth bloomed in his chest, a small and contained thing, and the minister turned back to the legislation. The young man swung his legs and waited with growing impatience. He knew that the darling minister was taking his sweet time just to bother him and he hated how well it was working. However, he knew Marvolo couldn't keep him waiting for much longer. They had both agreed on celebrating Samhain together and sunset was just over an hour away; he could wait just a bit longer. Just as he submitted himself for more waiting, Marvolo finally sat back. The young man perked up from his lounging position and threw the book on the nearby side table. With one last flourish, the minister signed his name and sent the paper on its way. The parchment folded into itself and just barely managed to fly off to the archives before the young man had perched himself on the desk. The minister threaded his fingers together and watched the other with a sense of smug satisfaction. The man arranged himself more comfortably, his feet resting on the cushion on either side of the minister's knees, and leaned back on his hands. He grinned and asked, his voice a teasing thing, "Are you finally done loving your job more than me?" Tom smirked, his eyebrow raised in amusement. "Be careful Harry, lest you become jealous over paperwork." Harry huffed an exaggerated breath and stuck his nose in the air. His mouth curled in distaste and he sneered, "Lords do not grow jealous." He immediately dropped into a leer and leaned forward, his palms pressed into the hard wood of the desk. "Besides, I'm the one you go to bed with." Tom leaned forward in return and rested his hands on Harry's hips, dragging him closer until he was barely on the edge of the desk. However, before either of them could get any closer, three heavy raps on the wooden door interrupted them. Before Tom could call out, the door opened to reveal Senior Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge. Her simpering voice reached the two men before she even cleared the threshold. "Minister, I am so sorry to bother you, but the Lords wish to have your immediate attention and I just couldn't stop them—" When she finally looked up, she stopped dead at the sight of Harry on the minister's desk, his legs spread wide and waist twisted. At the sight of Minister Slytherin looking past the boy's shoulder, her mouth hung open, a strangled gasp choking her. Her sudden and abrupt stop did not deter the incoming Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot; Umbridge was unceremoniously pushed out of the way and into a corner of the room. Every face of the Wizengamot was in varying degrees of shock and were met with an amused quirk of Harry's brow and the minister's unimpressed stare. "Is there something you need, ladies and gentlemen?" Lord Abbot spluttered out, "Minister!" his voice completely shocked. Over him Lord Shaklebolt said, "Mister Minister, surely you understand how inappropriate this is!" Before Tom could reply with his usual tone of drawling derision, Lord Black cut in. "Quiet down you posh arseholes," he yelled, "they're not actually doing anything! Really, good on you minster for having a better sex life than these prudes." Lady Parkinson glared at the vulgar man. She snapped, "Lord Black! That may well be, but this office is still a professional setting!" The ever-practical Lady Longbottom nodded and eyed Harry. "I do agree with you both somewhat but I am most wary about our young man here." "Wary?!" Lord Prewett shouted. "Minister, he is a child! You can't seriously be in any sort of relationship with a boy?!" As each Lord and Lady gave their unwanted opinion, Harry could feel Tom's hands slowly tightening their grip on his hips. Harry placed a single hand on Tom's and softly rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. While he tried to get Tom to relax, he sighed theatrically. "I know, I know, we've heard it all before. I suppose it is true that our relationship is a little unfair." Umbridge, finally out of her stupor, stepped forward with a plastic smile plastered on her face. She glanced between the two men and said, "Now, young man, the minister is a respectful Lord and we can't be having such distasteful rumors spreading about him. Besides, the minister is surely too esteemed for such a young child - perhaps once you've finished your education you could return to your... relationship. However, I'd suggest that you come with me so we can take you to the Obliviators and—" Already tired of her talking, Harry snorted. He waved his hand and cut her off. Before she could restart her tirade, the green eyed man bent his legs and hooked them around the minister's chair. Looking the Undersecretary dead in the eyes, Harry pulled the chair further in between his legs, causing Tom to rest with his arms curled around Harry's hips. "Honestly, you're all idiots." Harry rolled his eyes and glanced at Lord Black. "Not you Sirius, you're always welcomed." Lord Black grinned and winked at him before bowing. "Why thank you, my Lord." Harry chuckled at the mild mocking tone. He turned back to the others, lips pressed in a thin smile. "Here you all are, so concerned about the minister but none of you have even asked how Marvolo is feeling! Why he's only 84 and yet here I am, 224 and in a relationship with him. The age is quite off in my favor, you know." With that Harry let his smile slowly transform into a grin, his pearly fangs flashing easily. A few of the Ladies gasped, their hands flying to their throats, while some of the Lords stepped back in instinctual fear. (Lord Black, Lord Weasley, Lord Shaklebolt, and Lady Longbottom actually laughed. 'Of course,' they all thought, 'of course the minister would have a vampire as a lover.') However, Umbridge did not share in the mix of fear and mirth. Instead, her face became blotchy in her anger and embarrassment. Harry didn't even let her open her mouth. Not wanting to deal with her ugliness any longer, the man waved a hand. His magic came to life under his gentle persuasion and wrapped around Umbridge, silencing her and locking her limbs in place. Shaking, Umbridge projected her loathing through her eyes but Harry simply returned it with an impassive gaze. He calmly told her, "Now listen closely, Madam Umbridge. If you try anything against any of the Lords here, I will kill you. If you try anything against the minister, I will use you as my own personal food source. And if you ever try anything against the Ancient and Most Blessed House of Peverell again, I will have you sentenced and Kissed. Do you understand me, madam?" Harry released her and she fell to her knees with a thud, one hand reached out to help steady her. He restated, "Do you understand me, madam?" She looked up and scrambled to her feet. Umbridge spat, "I'll have you arrested for this!" Tom, finally out of patience, tightened his grip on Harry. His wand smoothly slid into his hand and, with a sharp flick and silent incantation, Tom obliviated the woman. She swayed, her balance gone, and only stayed up thanks to Lord Malfoy's quick reflexes. The blond aristocrat bow to the minister and said, "I'll take her off your hands, minister." The Lord steered her through the door and they were gone. The other Lords, though some were hesitant to leave their colleague, hurried after Lord Malfoy. The rest who tried to stay were then herded out the door by a grinning Lord Black. Right before he closed the door, the Lord looked back and winked. Harry, unable to keep a straight face any longer, started laughing before the door even closed. The vampire turned his grin on Tom, whose face had returned to its natural mask of polite disinterest. Harry ran his hands up Tom's arms and across his shoulders. "We should definitely do that more often." Tom sighed and gently squeezed Harry's hips. He wondered aloud, "What have I done to deserve your tiring affections?" Far too used to the question, Harry leaned forward and swiftly changed from having Tom between his legs to straddling the man's thighs. He melted against Tom's broad shoulders and purred into his ear, "You impressed me. No other wizard has magic like yours - I would have been a fool to let you go. Not to mention," he leaned back and flashed his fangs another time, his eyes dark and smoldering, "you were the one who had practically jumped me when you learned who I was. Lord of House Peverell, who could resist?" The last syllable ended with a hiss. Tom, his own eyes a bleeding red, smirked and pulled Harry even closer, their bodies molded together. Each arch and bend of their bodies fitted perfectly and Harry surged for a kiss. There was nothing gentle about it, their teeth already clashing while their tongues tangled together. Harry let Tom take control of his mouth and moaned in delight. The coil in his stomach became tighter and tighter and Harry was soon rocking into Tom's stomach, puffs of warm air fogging up his glasses. In a rare fit of control, Harry wrenched his mouth from Tom's, only to drag his lips down the man's throat. His eyes half-mast, Harry scraped his fangs across the delicate flesh, red lines blooming in his wake. Tom growled at the feeling and grabbed a handful of Harry's hair in return. He yanked Harry's head down, the burst of pain only adding to the haze in Harry's head. Tom eyed Harry's own throat before reaching up and mouthing at the skin behind Harry's ear. Harry keened, his hands clutched at Tom's shoulders. Tom worried at the skin with his teeth, Harry's dark skin challenging him to leave a visible mark. While Tom's mouth bit and sucked at the sensitive skin, his right hand wandered down Harry's spine before resting on the swell of his ass. With a firm hand he pressed down and a broken moan was forced out of the vampire. Harry went to lean even further into Tom's warm body but Tom was already leaning back before he could. The green eyed man tried to blink through the heaviness of his lust while Tom happily eyed the mark he had been able to leave. Harry whimpered and tried to press against Tom again but Tom held him off by the waist. He hauled Harry back up on the desk and Harry pouted as he glared at his lover as Tom stood and moved around his desk. "Really?!" Harry whined. Tom just smirked and straightened his clothing. Harry groaned and flopped back against the wood. His eyes followed his tease of a lover as Tom went through the motions of smoothing down his robes, giving away nothing of their brief entanglement. Tom looked back at Harry's unimpressed gaze and raised an eyebrow. "We do have a previous engagement to attend to, Hadrian." Harry rolled his eyes and wrinkled his nose at the use of his first name. He groaned one more time before jumping down and walking over to sulk by Tom. Before Harry could pout much longer, Tom closed the distance between them, his hands on Harry's waist, and looked him in the eye. He murmured, "We have a ceremony to conduct and a proper bed at home, Hadrian. Do you still wish to spend the evening here?" "Well," Harry drawled, his eyes twinkling as he pressed himself back against Tom, "when you put it like that, how can a lowly peasant like me say no? Get to it, old man!" Tom twisted and apparated them straight into the Forbidden Forest. With Harry's coven living within the grounds, as well as Tom's own relationship with Hogwarts' Headmistress McGonagall, it was no problem to gain apparition permission on Hogwarts grounds. They paused just to reorient themselves and then they were both off, brushing back the curving leaves and branches with their magic. It wasn't long before they came across the creature wards, a set of barriers that only allowed creatures and approved humans though. Harry went through first with Tom right behind him. Instead of the vast continuation of forest that the wards tricked approaching people into seeing, the two entered a large clearing that was the home of the forest's thestrals. Harry immediately went over to the horse-like creatures, cooing at them as they affectionately nipped at his hair and clothing. Tom stood back and watched Harry as he pet each thestral on the snout and elongated leather neck. Harry had always been of a better temperament for the creatures of the forest, sentient and otherwise. Instead Tom dealt with the polices of the centaurs and left the innate fondness of the forest dwellers to the vampire. Tom easily remembered the first meeting between the two of them. He had gone to the vampire coven's Elders, as well as the centaur herd's leaders, to propose an alliance: if they backed him in his run for minister, he would put forth legislation that would return their rights to them. Tom had just gained their support when Harry had burst in the room, his smile wide and gleaming, and had interrupted the entire meeting to ask the lead centaur where she wished the unicorns to move to. Easily masking his annoyance, Tom had turned to one of the Elders and asked after Harry's identity. While the centaurs explained to Harry where the unicorns should be next, the vampire Elders explained to Tom that the new man was Hadrian Ignotus Peverell. Tom had immediately recognized the significance of the name and had then sworn to gain Harry's alliance as well. It took Tom months before he realized that Harry was older than him and another few months for him to realize that Tom had stopped trying to garner Harry's alliance and had started to try and gain his affections. (Harry had found the entire thing very amusing and had pretended to be a bit more oblivious than he really was.) When Tom was finally successful, the vampires and centaurs were only too happy to aid Tom in his conquest. As Harry was the only person the unicorns allowed near, Tom had immediately gained their trust when Harry expressed his interest in Tom. Just as Tom shook himself out of his reminiscing thoughts, the centaurs entered the clearing. The sun had just touched the horizon and Tom estimated that they only had an hour or so before they had to start their Samhain ritual. However, Tom again stayed back while Harry greeted his old friends warmly. When all the pleasantries were out of the way, the centaurs were quick to point them in the direction of an area that would benefit the most from their ritual. Harry easily thanked them and latched onto Tom. The two began their walk in silence and continued it in such a fashion. Occasionally Harry would run a bit farther and wait for Tom's long strides to catch up with him. Harry's contentment rolled off him in waves and even Tom could not help but feel the same—it wasn't often that they could just simply enjoy each other's presence and Tom was glad to spend his time with a like-minded individual who still managed to challenge him as Harry did. They repeated the process multiple times with breaks where Harry just leaned against Tom, his face nuzzled into Tom's shoulder. By the time they reached their destination, the sun had sunk down halfway and was steadily disappearing. The area was easy to identify by the sudden drop in magic reserves. Harry immediately went off to gather kindling while Tom took out his wand and methodically cleared the ground of debris. By the time Tom finished cleaning up, Harry had gathered all the wood he could hold and placed the bundle into the center of the small clearing. Tom waited for Harry to back away a few steps before he flicked his wand and set the wood on fire. Harry easily Conjured the two ritual bags they had made earlier that week and handed off one to Tom. The taller man slid his wand back into its holster and took the 12 o'clock point of the fire pit. Harry stood across from him at the 6 o'clock spot and the two waited until the sun finally settled down for the night. The moment night fell upon them the two released their hold on their magic and buried it into the ground. Breathing in deeply, the two men centered themselves and then they started. Harry began walking and went first. He untied his bag and threw in sage. "May Mother Magic purge this land of filth and poison. May Mother Magic remove the negative energies that surround this land and stimulate mental and emotional clarity." His voice was steady and deep, the words spilling from his lips easily. Tom reached the 6 o'clock point and went next, his voice like silk as he threw in mint. The fire burned brighter in turn. "May Mother Magic renew the positive energies of this land. May Mother Magic draw forth the potential of this land and provide protection for all its inhabitants." Back and forth they went, each herb adding fuel to the fire, making it burn higher and higher. Soon the flames lost all its red until it was a deep purple and brilliant green. And still they continued. Ginger was thrown and Harry spoke, wishing confidence and luster. Thyme was thrown and Tom spoke, banishing those who wished harm and balanced the Dark and the Light. Harry added ivy and lavender, praying to Mother Magic for love and purity, restfulness and strength. Tom fed in peonies and juniper, chanting to Mother Magic, hoping She blessed the land with health and safety. The forest around them had calmed and quieted until nothing was left but for the crackle of the fire and their very own breathing. Tom and Harry slowed to a stop and Tom threw in his bundle of jasmine. He rose his arms, as if about to embrace the heat, and spoke one last time. "May Mother Magic encourage the dreams of the creatures of the forest and may She bless them in all they strive to achieve." The fire pulsed in a wave of warmth. Harry silently let his own bundle of roses fall into the pit. He rose his arms as well and spoke one more time. "May Mother Magic attract true and deep love and may She bless the creatures of this forest with their soul match." The love in his voice transferred easily into the ritual and the fire pulsed again before exploding outward in a burst of energy. Harry swayed with the wave and Tom went down on one knee. Their light magical exhaustion had them resting for a while, their breathing labored as they watched the nearby leaves become brighter and the blooms more vibrant. Once his breathing returned to normal, Harry managed a stumbling crawl over to Tom. They laid next to each other and just watched the fire slowly return to normal. When the fire finally calmed down enough to resemble a normal one again, Tom wandlessly cast a Tempus. The floating letters of 11:44 stood out in bright contrast to the darkness that slowly creeped up on them. Tom sighed and moved to stand, a grunt catching him off balance as Harry caught his sleeve in a quick grip. Tom sat back down and turned to the other man, eyebrows furrowed. A quick brush of lips easily cleared the tiredness from his eyes and the confusion from his features. He leaned back just enough to whisper, "I love you, Tom." Without a word Tom leaned back in, closing the few inches between them, and gently returned the sweet kiss. He murmured against Harry's mouth, "And I love you as well, Harry." Harry smiled sleepily and slurred, "I'll need to feed in the morning." Tom nodded and reached for Harry's hand. He hauled them both up, Harry's weight resting heavily against Tom, though he couldn't really find himself to be annoyed about it. As they stood the fire slowly died until it disappeared with nothing but a whisper. In the sudden darkness Tom somehow managed to apparate them straight into their bedroom without Harry getting splinched. Harry whined and nuzzled his face into Tom's neck while Tom Vanished their outerwear. Harry shivered and shuffled closer to Tom. While he had been more than happy to have Tom warm him up earlier, all Harry wanted now was to sleep in Tom's arms. The vampire walked them to the bed and pulled Tom into him, letting them both fall back onto the bed. Tom raised himself up over Harry, his forearms pressed into the bedding. Harry wrapped his arms around Tom's neck and arched up to kiss his cheek. Tom leaned down to kiss Harry properly. The older wizard hummed lazily into the kiss and pulled back with an indulgent grin. The two push and pull their way up to the head of the bed. Harry waved his hand and the covers were pulled from under them. They slowly floated over them as Harry wrapped his entire body around Tom. The two were face to face, Harry's warm breath flowing over the top of Tom's throat. He whispered, "Happy Samhain." Tom, his eyes already closed, gripped Harry tighter. "Happy Samhain."
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
Silver ombre hair: the 18 hottest color combinations this year
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/silver-ombre-hair-the-18-hottest-color-combinations-this-year.html
Silver ombre hair: the 18 hottest color combinations this year
A silver ombre hair is a hair color that is darker at the roots and gradually turns into a silver or gray shade when it goes down the tips. This technique on silver curls can also be combined amazingly well with other fashion colors such as pastel and blonde.
This is trend that’s equally mystique and edgy and is incredibly versatile, matching any skin tone there is! Silver could be a challenging color to wear on its own because of its lightness, but going with the ombre style makes the journey much easier and laid-back.
Experienced colorists recommend using hair-strengthening and moisturizing products to keep your strands in a healthy state and prevent damage from coloring your hair with an unnatural shade.
Ciara, Nafessa Williams, Kelly Osbourne and Cardi B showed with their latest fashion statements how feasible this sexy hair color is. In addition, the specialist for color corrections, Lidia Prass, has brought the magic that comes from silver and beach waves to life.
You are one step away from your stylish dream! Choose your favorite photo of Silver Ombre Hair from the updated gallery below and capture the look right away!
Brown and silver
How would you describe this look?
This color is described as an icy pearl balayage. It is an intriguing color to look at because of the high contrast of the blonde to the darker base color. I love dimension and contrast in hair color because it keeps it from being blah or too simple. Her cut is very soft and has a ton of texture which complements a curled style perfectly!
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
This color is hard to get for most people because it is so bright. A customer's previous color history and darkness of natural color are factors that contribute to achieving that color. Customers with virgin hair and naturally lighter hair color can get this look fairly easily. This look is ideal if you are satisfied with a color that needs more maintenance. Proper salon products, minimal washing, and thermal styling are required to maintain this look.
If you have a lifestyle where you have to wash your hair frequently, this is not the right color for you. A big advantage of this color, however, is that it complements a variety of skin tones. It fits wonderfully to light to light women, but also complements medium brown to brown skin tones!
Blond to silver
How would you describe this look?
I loved creating this metallic silver ombre! I also went in and gave her a few fine layers to improve the movement in her thick hair. I love the soft blend in the silver and how soft, shiny and healthy it is when it uses the right care at home and the right pH in its lighter when it is in.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
There are a few things to consider when choosing silver. Above all, it's a process! Your hair must be white blonde before you can be silver, and that can take several appointments. It is also important to use proper care at home when undergoing such a process, otherwise the integrity of the hair will be compromised. Silver is also a very easy-care color. I usually recommend to my customers that they come back every 4-6 weeks to make it shiny fresh, depending on the customer.
Ash blonde and silver
How would you describe this look?
This look is a light ash blonde balayage. The cut was made with a razor to achieve feather-light rather than blunt ends. The style is loosely brushed curls or curls on the beach with a 1.5-inch curling iron.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
With this look, you can achieve the bright white appearance of the bleach without the rough root growing back and appointments being retouched every 4 weeks. I think it's best suited for someone with naturally ashen hair because the silvery blonde can make a strong contrast to naturally warmer hair.
For blonde hair, I always recommend having a purple shampoo ready when the toner starts to fade. I recommend Milkshake Purple Shampoo to really get rid of unwanted shades. If your hair is drier, I recommend Evo Hair Purple Conditioner.
It is also important to remember that there is a risk of damage with every blonde transformation. To avoid this, I recommend using Olaplex treatments (# 3 or 6) before the appointment and asking your stylist to use Olaplex 1 & 2 throughout the process, up to 70% of the break during your appointment to avoid. This is a really great style for anyone trying to get on board with the icy platinum look but not ready to commit to the frequent appointments of a full-on bleach-out.
Silver and platinum blonde
How would you describe this look?
It is a silver blonde with dimensional and shadow roots. What I like about this color is the transition from the root to the ends of the hair color. I assume that her natural hair level is between (level 5-6) lightest brown-dark blonde and her hair target is between ice blonde to silver blonde, which is light blonde and extra light blonde (level 10-12).
The most important and difficult part is a natural transition from natural hair color to silver blonde if the customer wants a really light color, including silver blonde, ice blonde or platinum.
I bleached and tinted her hair to make it lighter, and created about an inch or two of dark root to blend gently between her natural hair color and this, even as her natural hair grows again. I would also give her a blunt cut to clean the tips of her hair. It is better to style naturally than to curl your hair with a curling iron.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
You need time to make hair from natural dark brown or light brown blonde. In general, it really depends on how much red pigment the hair has. Asian hair has more red and brown pigment. It takes a long time for Asian hair that has dark brown hair to have this silver blonde color. Two or more sessions may be required. During the first visit, it takes five to seven hours to get lighter and firmer. The hardest thing is to bleach the hair to lighten as much as possible in one session.
Don't shampoo your hair too often as this will quickly fade the hair color. You can use dry shampoo between shampoos. Invest in a good dry shampoo to keep hair fresh. Try to keep the water as cool as possible while using the shampoo, as hot water will cause the color to fade faster.
Use sulfate-free shampoo instead of normal shampoo with a high sulfate and pH value, such as Fanola Fiber Fix shampoo, sulfate-free shampoo of formula 18, joico sulfate shampoo, etc.
Use purple shampoo once a week or every two weeks. It helps prevent silver blonde or blonde hair from returning to a warmer and yellow hue, as purple pigments help to lift it.
Silver metallic
The drop in this one is oh so good! We serve you caramel blonde, brunette and of course silver, my goodness!
Black and silver on short hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a textured, angled bob with a contrasting silver ombre. I love the drama of all opposites! Short to long and dark to light!
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
Silver, pastel and ash tones are always the best groomed hair colors, especially if you have naturally dark hair. The most important thing is that it is almost never accessible in one session! Baby steps and many Olaplex treatments always pay off. Regular toning appointments and purple shampoo and conditioner will also be your best friend. My favorite is Pravanas Perfect Blonde Shampoo and Toning Mask.
Silver and pink
How would you describe this look?
I love the silver and pink ombré look. The color scheme goes well together and this little piece of pink gives it a nice pop. It's styled with layers and uses 1.25 in the curling iron to give it gentle waves and complete the look.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
Achieving a silver look means being patient, and taking care of your hair with Olaplex is always my recommendation. To keep the pink in the end, she also bought the Schwarzkopf BlondMe Instamatic Blonde Strawberry. To keep her silver, she uses the No Yellow Fanola Purple Shampoo.
Silver and purple
How would you describe this look?
This look was inspired by a flower on a foggy day. It's a beautiful metallic with a bit of creative fun. I like the contrast between the colors, but also how they mix.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
This is a great haircut for all face shapes as the layers frame the face. As for home care, I would definitely recommend a colourfast shampoo and conditioner to keep the color. My favorite is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner. I would also recommend using cold water to wash your hair so it doesn't fade and bleed.
Silver ombre on dark brown hair
Dark roots to ashy ends, these types of transitions always look stunning. Upgrade these silver colors with gentle waves and an ombre!
Brown to silver
The softest chocolate color with vanilla ends. This is the ultimate sweet dream!
Silver and blue
Yes, you can wear two colors in one without the boldness of an ombre! Check out this wonderful blue-silver paint job.
Silver lavender
Just when you thought silver hair would seal the deal, silver lavender is the next big thing you can get! The silky texture with the cut brings these shimmering colors to life!
Silver and lilac
Reminds you of a fairytale garden? Make this pixie-colored hair swing, ideal for thick-haired girls, to tear themselves to pieces.
Silver and white
Leave your roots dark and change shades of silver and white to your hair. Naughty and wild, such a cold-blooded look!
Red to silver
Sparkling ruby ​​red is the hair color you never thought possible! A patient time in the chair would lead to this wonderful mix of colors.
Silver and rose gold
An ombre has reached the next level. Color combination, technique and haircut result in a flawless look.
Dark to light silver
The wispy ends with a lighter shade correspond to this whole dark, mysterious look. A flawless balayage job you have to try!
Silver and purple
It doesn't get any better than with a little silver and purple. Carefully balancing these colors created the most ethereal look.
The post silver ombre hair: this year's 18 hottest color combinations appeared first on popular hairstyles.
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Silver ombre hair: the 18 hottest color combinations this year
A silver ombre hair is a hair color that is darker at the roots and gradually turns into a silver or gray shade when it goes down the tips. This technique on silver curls can also be combined amazingly well with other fashion colors such as pastel and blonde.
This is trend that’s equally mystique and edgy and is incredibly versatile, matching any skin tone there is! Silver could be a challenging color to wear on its own because of its lightness, but going with the ombre style makes the journey much easier and laid-back.
Experienced colorists recommend using hair-strengthening and moisturizing products to keep your strands in a healthy state and prevent damage from coloring your hair with an unnatural shade.
Ciara, Nafessa Williams, Kelly Osbourne and Cardi B showed with their latest fashion statements how feasible this sexy hair color is. In addition, the specialist for color corrections, Lidia Prass, has brought the magic that comes from silver and beach waves to life.
You are one step away from your stylish dream! Choose your favorite photo of Silver Ombre Hair from the updated gallery below and capture the look right away!
Brown and silver
How would you describe this look?
This color is described as an icy pearl balayage. It is an intriguing color to look at because of the high contrast of the blonde to the darker base color. I love dimension and contrast in hair color because it keeps it from being blah or too simple. Her cut is very soft and has a ton of texture which complements a curled style perfectly!
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
This color is hard to get for most people because it is so bright. A customer's previous color history and darkness of natural color are factors that contribute to achieving that color. Customers with virgin hair and naturally lighter hair color can get this look fairly easily. This look is ideal if you are satisfied with a color that needs more maintenance. Proper salon products, minimal washing, and thermal styling are required to maintain this look.
If you have a lifestyle where you have to wash your hair frequently, this is not the right color for you. A big advantage of this color, however, is that it complements a variety of skin tones. It fits wonderfully to light to light women, but also complements medium brown to brown skin tones!
Blond to silver
How would you describe this look?
I loved creating this metallic silver ombre! I also went in and gave her a few fine layers to improve the movement in her thick hair. I love the soft blend in the silver and how soft, shiny and healthy it is when it uses the right care at home and the right pH in its lighter when it is in.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
There are a few things to consider when choosing silver. Above all, it's a process! Your hair must be white blonde before you can be silver, and that can take several appointments. It is also important to use proper care at home when undergoing such a process, otherwise the integrity of the hair will be compromised. Silver is also a very easy-care color. I usually recommend to my customers that they come back every 4-6 weeks to make it shiny fresh, depending on the customer.
Ash blonde and silver
How would you describe this look?
This look is a light ash blonde balayage. The cut was made with a razor to achieve feather-light rather than blunt ends. The style is loosely brushed curls or curls on the beach with a 1.5-inch curling iron.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
With this look, you can achieve the bright white appearance of the bleach without the rough root growing back and appointments being retouched every 4 weeks. I think it's best suited for someone with naturally ashen hair because the silvery blonde can make a strong contrast to naturally warmer hair.
For blonde hair, I always recommend having a purple shampoo ready when the toner starts to fade. I recommend Milkshake Purple Shampoo to really get rid of unwanted shades. If your hair is drier, I recommend Evo Hair Purple Conditioner.
It is also important to remember that there is a risk of damage with every blonde transformation. To avoid this, I recommend using Olaplex treatments (# 3 or 6) before the appointment and asking your stylist to use Olaplex 1 & 2 throughout the process, up to 70% of the break during your appointment to avoid. This is a really great style for anyone trying to get on board with the icy platinum look but not ready to commit to the frequent appointments of a full-on bleach-out.
Silver and platinum blonde
How would you describe this look?
It is a silver blonde with dimensional and shadow roots. What I like about this color is the transition from the root to the ends of the hair color. I assume that her natural hair level is between (level 5-6) lightest brown-dark blonde and her hair target is between ice blonde to silver blonde, which is light blonde and extra light blonde (level 10-12).
The most important and difficult part is a natural transition from natural hair color to silver blonde if the customer wants a really light color, including silver blonde, ice blonde or platinum.
I bleached and tinted her hair to make it lighter, and created about an inch or two of dark root to blend gently between her natural hair color and this, even as her natural hair grows again. I would also give her a blunt cut to clean the tips of her hair. It is better to style naturally than to curl your hair with a curling iron.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
You need time to make hair from natural dark brown or light brown blonde. In general, it really depends on how much red pigment the hair has. Asian hair has more red and brown pigment. It takes a long time for Asian hair that has dark brown hair to have this silver blonde color. Two or more sessions may be required. During the first visit, it takes five to seven hours to get lighter and firmer. The hardest thing is to bleach the hair to lighten as much as possible in one session.
Don't shampoo your hair too often as this will quickly fade the hair color. You can use dry shampoo between shampoos. Invest in a good dry shampoo to keep hair fresh. Try to keep the water as cool as possible while using the shampoo, as hot water will cause the color to fade faster.
Use sulfate-free shampoo instead of normal shampoo with a high sulfate and pH value, such as Fanola Fiber Fix shampoo, sulfate-free shampoo of formula 18, joico sulfate shampoo, etc.
Use purple shampoo once a week or every two weeks. It helps prevent silver blonde or blonde hair from returning to a warmer and yellow hue, as purple pigments help to lift it.
Silver metallic
The drop in this one is oh so good! We serve you caramel blonde, brunette and of course silver, my goodness!
Black and silver on short hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is a textured, angled bob with a contrasting silver ombre. I love the drama of all opposites! Short to long and dark to light!
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
Silver, pastel and ash tones are always the best groomed hair colors, especially if you have naturally dark hair. The most important thing is that it is almost never accessible in one session! Baby steps and many Olaplex treatments always pay off. Regular toning appointments and purple shampoo and conditioner will also be your best friend. My favorite is Pravanas Perfect Blonde Shampoo and Toning Mask.
Silver and pink
How would you describe this look?
I love the silver and pink ombré look. The color scheme goes well together and this little piece of pink gives it a nice pop. It's styled with layers and uses 1.25 in the curling iron to give it gentle waves and complete the look.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
Achieving a silver look means being patient, and taking care of your hair with Olaplex is always my recommendation. To keep the pink in the end, she also bought the Schwarzkopf BlondMe Instamatic Blonde Strawberry. To keep her silver, she uses the No Yellow Fanola Purple Shampoo.
Silver and purple
How would you describe this look?
This look was inspired by a flower on a foggy day. It's a beautiful metallic with a bit of creative fun. I like the contrast between the colors, but also how they mix.
Any advice for someone who is thinking about it?
This is a great haircut for all face shapes as the layers frame the face. As for home care, I would definitely recommend a colourfast shampoo and conditioner to keep the color. My favorite is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner. I would also recommend using cold water to wash your hair so it doesn't fade and bleed.
Silver ombre on dark brown hair
Dark roots to ashy ends, these types of transitions always look stunning. Upgrade these silver colors with gentle waves and an ombre!
Brown to silver
The softest chocolate color with vanilla ends. This is the ultimate sweet dream!
Silver and blue
Yes, you can wear two colors in one without the boldness of an ombre! Check out this wonderful blue-silver paint job.
Silver lavender
Just when you thought silver hair would seal the deal, silver lavender is the next big thing you can get! The silky texture with the cut brings these shimmering colors to life!
Silver and lilac
Reminds you of a fairytale garden? Make this pixie-colored hair swing, ideal for thick-haired girls, to tear themselves to pieces.
Silver and white
Leave your roots dark and change shades of silver and white to your hair. Naughty and wild, such a cold-blooded look!
Red to silver
Sparkling ruby ​​red is the hair color you never thought possible! A patient time in the chair would lead to this wonderful mix of colors.
Silver and rose gold
An ombre has reached the next level. Color combination, technique and haircut result in a flawless look.
Dark to light silver
The wispy ends with a lighter shade correspond to this whole dark, mysterious look. A flawless balayage job you have to try!
Silver and purple
It doesn't get any better than with a little silver and purple. Carefully balancing these colors created the most ethereal look.
The post silver ombre hair: this year's 18 hottest color combinations appeared first on popular hairstyles.
Silver ombre hair: the 18 hottest color combinations this year
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