#haitian singers
haitilegends · 5 months
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À la Mémoire de JEAN BENJAMIN
Repose en Paix
Nous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille, aux amis et aux admirateurs de Jean Jacques Benjamin, un musicien de l'ombre dont la lumière a brillé intensément dans les domaines de la musique et de la culture haïtienne. Né le 14 septembre 1931, Jean Benjamin n'était pas seulement un chanteur, mais aussi un pianiste et compositeur profond. Son décès le 2 mai 2024 nous a laissé un vide qui ne pourra jamais être comblé, mais son héritage résonnera à jamais à travers sa musique et les vies qu'il a touchées.
La voix de Jean était un phare d'inspiration et de joie pour un groupe élite de mélomanes, portant la riche histoire et l'esprit vibrant d'Haïti à travers les générations et les frontières. En tant que chanteur principal pour l'Orchestre Riviera Hotel sous la direction du Maestro Edner Guignard dans les années 1950, aux côtés de légendes telles que le regretté Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin a mis en avant l'essence de la musique Big Band haïtienne, captivant les cœurs et les âmes avec des standards de Boléro haïtien jazzy et des compositions originales.
Ses mélodies, de la poignante: "Gisèle" dédiée à sa première épouse à l'émouvante: "L'amour", sont des trésors intemporels qui continuent d'inspirer et d'élever. L'art de Jean était un pont, reliant le passé au présent, la tradition à l'innovation. Sa musique, immortalisée par des enregistrements et des performances, reste un témoignage de son talent extraordinaire et de sa passion inébranlable pour son art.
Nous sommes reconnaissants pour les souvenirs, la musique et l'héritage que Jean Jacques Benjamin laisse derrière lui.
À son frère—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
À ses enfants—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
Aux petits-enfants—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil ; et un arrière-petit-fils ;
À ses neveux et nièces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
À — Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil et toute la famille élargie
Aux amis proches —Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
nos pensées vous accompagnent en cette période difficile. Puissiez-vous trouver du réconfort dans le fait que l'esprit de Jean continue de vivre à travers sa musique et les innombrables vies qu'il a touchées. Sa vie a été bien vécue, et ses contributions à la musique et à la culture continueront d'être célébrées pour les générations à venir.
Repose en paix, Jean Benjamin, une véritable légende dont les mélodies résonneront à jamais dans le cœur de ceux qui ont eu le privilège de vivre votre art.
In Loving Memory of JEAN BENJAMIN
Rest in Peace
We extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and admirers of Jean Jacques Benjamin, an unsung music man whose light shone brightly in the realms of Haitian music and culture. Born on September 14, 1931, Jean Benjamin was not just a singer, but a profound pianist and composer. His passing on May 2, 2024, has left us with a void that can never be filled, but his legacy will forever resonate through his music and the lives he touched.
Jean's voice was a beacon of inspiration and joy for an elite group of melomanes, carrying the rich history and vibrant spirit of Haiti across generations and borders. As a premier vocalist for Orchestra Riviera Hotel under the direction of Maestro Edner Guignard in the 1950s, alongside legends like the late Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin brought the essence of Haitian Big Band music to the forefront, captivating hearts and souls with jazzy Haitian Bolero Standards and original compositions.
His melodies, from the poignant "Gisèle" dedicated to his first wife to the stirring "L'amour," are timeless treasures that continue to inspire and uplift. Jean's artistry was a bridge, connecting the past with the present, tradition with innovation. His music, immortalized by recordings and performances, remains a testament to his extraordinary talent and his unwavering passion for his craft.
We are grateful for the memories, the music, and the legacy Jean Jacques Benjamin leaves behind.
To his brother—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
To his children—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
His grandchildren—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil; and one great-grandchild.
To his nephews and nieces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
To —Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil and the entire extended family.
To his close friends:—Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the knowledge that Jean's spirit lives on through his music and the countless lives he touched. His was a life well-lived, and his contributions to music and culture will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.
Rest in peace, Jean Benjamin, a true legend whose melodies will forever echo in the hearts of those who had the privilege to experience your artistry.
Sandra Gabriel Lmt
From Jean Benjamin with Love!
Voici quelques musiques supplémentaires.
Grevy Newton Benjamin
Explore # 👈🏾
#Vocalist #HaitianPianist
#Chanteur #PianisteHaïtien #Compositeur #auteurcompositeurinterprète
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Composer #singersongwriter
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Haītilegends #SGLmt #collage by Sandra Gabriel Haitilegends
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spoiledbratblog · 2 days
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mywifeleftme · 7 months
316: Toto Bissainthe // Chante Haïti
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Chante Haïti Toto Bissainthe 1977, Arion
“These songs are mostly slave songs taken from the Vodou cult. They speak of the quotidian, of the suffering of exile, and the desire of Africa, not as a geographical place but as a mythical land of freedom. They express their resistance and their refusal: resistance to the colonizer, refusal of his politics, of his religion, of his culture, of his language.”
So begins Toto Bissainthe’s statement on the rear of Chante Haïti, her 1977 collaboration with a small combo of Antillean folk and French jazz musicians: vocalists Marie-Claude Benoît and Mariann Mathéus; percussionists Akonio Dolo and Mino Cinélu (Miles Davis, Weather Report, Gong); Patrice Cinélu on acoustic guitar; and Beb Guérin on the double bass. The songs indeed fuse the Vodou ritual of her native Haiti with the European avant garde sounds of her adopted milieu of Paris, where she had moved to pursue acting and found herself a de facto exile due to the political situation back home. Bissainthe had become a prominent figure in the French theatre, performing in new plays by Beckett and Genet and co-founding Les Griots, France’s first Black theatre company; by the late ‘70s, she was an acclaimed recording artist to boot. Her accomplishments made her a prominent figure in the Haitian diaspora and her activist streak is apparent throughout Chante Haïti, explicitly linking the grief and yearning for liberation in these traditional ceremonials with the country’s contemporary struggles.
Like many songs on the album, the Creole words of opener “Soley danmbalab” mourn the people's estrangement from Mother Africa, a crossing which can neither be reversed or repeated. It begins like a field recording, Bissainthe’s soulful, Miriam Makeba-esque voice set to a chorus of rattles and bells and gurgling masculine whispers. As the song develops, her melody wends like a stream through the dense jungle of percussion, dissonant bass, and counterpoint chanting. Eventually, Mino Cinélu’s arrangement becomes more free, the male chorus imploring the Oungan (a male Vodou priest) to intercede with the creator on the people’s behalf as the tune breaks down into an increasingly abstract bass and drum interplay, while the three female singers exchange birdlike vocal improvisations.
“Ibo Ogoun (Variations)” is even wilder, evoking a trance ritual, the spirits speaking in many tongues through the celebrants as they seek to summon Ogun, God of Iron and War, to lead the battle of liberation. One of the male percussionists times his tanbou beat so that it hits just as he sings certain notes, creating the illusion that he voice has suddenly lurched down an octave for a moment, almost like a DJ freaking a vocal sample. Bissainthe, Mathéus, and Benoît match the intense drumming with some crazy syncopations, sometimes talking, sometimes hissing and whispering, sometimes wailing and ululating.
Most of the album takes on a more meditative tact, anchored by Guérin’s plangent double bass. On the smoky “Papadanbalab,” an entreaty to the serpent creator Damballa to bear witness to the penury of his people, Bissainthe sways over a slinky jazz bass line, Patrice Cinélu adding mellow acoustic fusion licks. The song seems like a brief stopover in a Parisian club. But even the less overtly intense tracks pack plenty of musical interest. “Lamize pa dous” has this hypnotic rhythm that sounds exactly like a micro house beat—in fact, the first thing it made me think of was Ricardo Villalobos’ Alcachofa, or Animal Collective at their campfire ravingest. The song is about the moment of surrender to death, the winnowing of time represented by water encroaching on all sides, the realization too late that “we spend our lives trying to fill the sea with stones.”
Listening to a record like this, especially in light of Bissainthe’s note on the back excoriating the colonialist ethnographer who reduces Haitian folklore to “excitement and violence,” requires at least a smidgen of awareness from the white listener that Chante Haïti is not intended for them. The traditions it engages with are of deep spiritual significance to many Haitians, both in the ‘70s and today. But for those inside and outside the culture who are willing to approach it with respect, Chante Haïti is a fascinating fusion of Antillean and European musics, and a peek into a profound and secret history.
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
Tedy Releases Bombastic New Single "Rich"
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Today Haitian-Canadian artist Tedy releases his latest track “Rich”. Tedy posted a snippet of "Rich” just minutes after he recorded the track and people noticed, with Grammy winners SZA and Lizzo joining the chorus of praise, enthusiastically sharing teasers of “Rich” across their social platforms.
The song almost instantly went viral, amassing nearly 11M views across TikTok and Instagram (and counting!), and setting the stage for what will almost surely become the anthem of the summer – launching the Friday before the long weekend, and saying what we all feel.
“Rich” is a pop banger with a bombastic beat and message to match. On the song, Tedy is at his mostrelatable, confessing “I wasn’t born to work! … Don’t want to lift a finger … I just want to be rich!”  The track is ironic, playful, hilarious – an anthem of excess. With lyrics that brush off the idea of working for a living and instead fantasizing about waking up to piles of cash.
To celebrate the release of “Rich” Tedy will be cruising around the city in a vintage convertible while blasting his new song “Rich” in his very own quit parade. He’ll ride though Toronto’s financial district to gloat, stop at Trinity Bellwoods to hand out "I WASN'T BORN TO WORK" merch and pick up media along the way to discuss “Rich”; the viral anthem for those who dream of living large without punching the clock. 
“Rich” will kick-off an exciting start to Tedy’s new sound, with more new music on the horizon.
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successfulgoddess333 · 5 months
Hi baby
I’m going to talk a little bit about myself
I don’t wanna reveal too much
My face and everything else will remain anonymous for safety and privacy💕
My name is Honey(yes this is my birth name lol)
You can call me by my name or honeybee
Or even honeycomb
Do NOT call me beehive 😡
Unless it’s related to Beyoncè💕
Age: 23
I discuss the void state, Law of assumption,Reality Shifting (I haven’t talked about this yet but will if you need more info)
And All kinds of Manifestation methods
How to talk to Honey!!!
Just dm me any questions I don’t take asks anymore so if you have any questions just feel free to dm me
My mom is Afro Peruvian, Indian,and Haitian
My dad is Jamaican
I’m black hehe🤟🏾
I don’t do these I’m super private it’s soooo weird omg
What do I like??
Music food animals
Did I say music because
My favorite artists
I love all kinds of music
Even death metal occasionally
I like Harry Styles,Kid Cudi,Lady Gaga The Beatles,Ice Spice and many moreeeee
I also love movies
Literally almost any kind
But anyways
Let’s talk about something more interesting!!
Now that you know me(kind of)
I want you to know about this technique I discovered
It’s not new at all
In fact ppl on here have already talked about it I’m just late
As usual 😔
There’s a technique I want you all to try
It’s called the
“Wim hof breathing”
No methods are needed But if you really want one
Then here you go pookie
(Found this on a website but it won’t let me copy the link😔)
Find a comfortable position.
Breathe in deeply through the nose or mouth and through the belly to the chest. Then let the breath go unforced.
Exhale through the mouth, then immediately breathe in again.
Take 30–40 such breaths in short bursts.
Take one final, deep inhalation then let the air out and stop inhaling. Hold the breath until you feel the urge to breathe again.
Inhale very deeply to full capacity and hold for 15 seconds, then let it go. This completes the first round.
Repeat the whole process, steps #2-6, 3-4 times.
After completion take time to meditate and enjoy the state of deep relaxation
After the very last step you should be a deep trance like state you should be really relaxed
I recommend that you let your next subliminal play
Which should be
Either a theta or epilson wave track or pink noise
Make sure your desired subliminal that plays after is Not a guided meditation you wanna still be in a trance
Start affirming in that point
And don’t stop
Just feel how relaxed you are feel that powerless body but powerful mind
Your body is at ease your soul and mind collide in such ways that allows you to breathe freely without any stress no harm
In the void state
Your main goal should be getting peace
Because if you’re entering just affirm
You’ll likely put it on a pedestal you’ll get frustrated and give up
It is not a wish granter bitch
It’s you
Baby you are powerful
Baby you are pretty
Baby you can tap in the void
And make the bring the 4D to your 3D and make it your home
Don’t use the void as a wish granter
Use it for peace
Don’t treat the 3D like the enemy
Treat it like a friend
After all it exists the way it does because of your assumptions
Whether you say this is hard or this is easy
Sugar, you’re right either way
Because if you assume something then that’s how it’ll be
If you think you’re pretty you’re pretty
But if you think you’re broke
Then you’re broke
If you think you’re rich
Then you’re rich baby
You could have wings
Be the biggest singer or rapper in the world
Star in the next Dune Movie
Be best friends with Ariana Grande
Be a Scientist
Be smarter than Albert Einstein(I mean was he actually super intelligent if he lacked common sense)
You could be get a bigger butt!!
I mean didn’t necessarily have a pancake ass
But I definitely didn’t have a Nicki Minaj
And bestie you can too!
Plastic surgery who???
Do we look like a Kardashian-Jenner?? I think the f not🙄
The void is our plastic surgeon
You wanna a smaller nose?
Got it
Tig ole biddies?
Got it
Nicki Minaj butt?
Got it
Floor length hair?
Got it?
Whatever you want to change about yourself
Got it!
And for the last time babies
Mentally just be
Physically sleep
In that moment baby
Forget the 3D and its fuck ass bob
Because the 3Ds not your enemy but its your puppet
You’re a ventriloquist CONTROL THAT MF
The 4D is you
The void is you
Quit saying what you can’t do babe
“HoNEy I StiLL didNT gET inTO tHe vOiD”
You did it
You just didn’t know
Bro the void is just recognizing you’re asleep
And getting in contact with your mind
Which is where you already go when you go to sleep
So ha
There’s your answer
When we fall asleep
That’s where we go
The mf Void State
The only thing your cute ass has to do baby
Is just be aware
When Neville Goddard says just “BE”
Bitch just BE
That’s it
Be aware
Like that SpongeBob episode
“Be the crane”
Be the Void
It’s just you love
So why you stressing
Why complicate something YOU created?!
Baby girl make it make sense
Own your power bitch
I love you My darlings
Month is almost over
Bring me my success stories
Or I’ll be your sleep paralysis demon 😈
(Just kidding)
Or am I;)
Imma keep pressuring you to listen to this(NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED SUBLIMINALS)
But I like this one🫠
Wrong emoji
I can’t find that cute one at the moment I’m rushing cuz I wanna eat my burger!
because it’s soooo peaceful
Slade is the best
I love you ⭐️💕
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yumenoyousei · 1 month
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I asked for a commission of my DC OC Shay from @jnephrite and look at my girl!! 😭 She so pretty I can't even😭😭😭 Always loved @jnephrite art so seeing Shay in hers is a blessing 🙏🏾
And since the fic is almost halfway through posting, I thought, might as well introduce Shay properly!
Full name: Shay Michelle Frank (♀) Occupation: Graphic Designer / YouTuber Height: 5'9"  Birthday: September 16th  ☀Virgo 🌙Aries ⬆Aquarius Proud African American/Haitian & Gothamite  Hobbies: Poetry, Arts, Rap/R&B music, help the Gotham North Community Center, Discover new artists (both musically and visual arts)
Shay was born and raised in Gotham, close to the infamous Crime Alley, by her maternal grandmother, Marie-Monique "Manmi Mo" Antoine, and with her 3 years older brother Zachary "Zee" Frank. Her mother died of childbirth (she had had complications with Zee which was why she was hospitalized when pregnant with Shay) so her whole family distrusted the American health system. This is why when her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, they didn't go to the hospital and only went to the illegal clinic. (Also; money.) Her father is unknown. 
Ever since young, she went to the Gotham North Community Center, mostly run by the Black and Latinx communities of the Crime Alley neighbourhood. Her grandmother would teach the children about mostly Black literature but also all sorts of arts which is why Shay is such a creative person. That's also where she met Jason Todd for the first time when she was around 4-5.
Her brother very early on started to "run the streets" and started to hang out with bad crews, but always had his heart on his sleeves. He just couldn't find other ways to get money to make sure Shay had the right education/a chance away from crime.
Her grandma died when she was almost 17 and her brother died not even 4 weeks later (2 weeks after her 17th birthday) because of a dispute between gangs. (Allegedly) 
After her grandma and Zee died, she went to live in Metropolis with her second-degree cousin, Jennifer Antoine, until she graduated from university. Even when in Metropolis, she would go as much as she could back to Gotham to see her people/help the center.
She started a YouTube channel talking about Gotham's art and musical scene to change people's persepective of Gotham after too many people at Metropolis U "pitied" her for being a Gothamite. 
As soon as she was about to graduate, she applied to work at Wayne Entreprise back in Gotham. She got a job as a graphic designer and moved back to her city.
At the start of the fic, "Awakening in Gotham", she is 22 and has been working at WE for almost a year.
Read more about Shay (and her love story with Jason) on AO3! (Trying to update every week!)
Random notes about Shay:
As I wrote in the fic's notes, the first reason for creating Shay was: who the fuck would stay in Gotham that isn't a criminal and/or a vigilante??
So I created a black girl who loves her community and sees all it could be while being very conscious of what it is and its dangers. Then I went, hey! she'd be good with Jason while I was starting my Jason Todd Thirst so obv my fic turned into romance. lol
The name comes from Belgian rapper Shay, Montreal-based singer Shay Lia, and Haitian Montreal-based singer Shah Frank. As I was creating Shay I was obsessed with all three of them and the name Shay Frank wouldn't leave me.
Ngl, I gave a lot of me to Shay; like her Haitian roots and GAD but very quickly she went her own way and grew in this character I'm proud of. I'd like to say I also gave her my music taste but she is way more into hip-hop than me and she rejects most of my pop playlists (sadly).
Because Shay was based on me, all her entourage I created is based on people in my rl. lol
I also absolutely wanted her to be friends with Bernard because I absolutely love Bernard (and Bat SO who are civilians? Tim and Jason bonding over the fact their SO are the only civilians in the Batfam?! So many fun things to do!!)
Zee is also a character that I love, based on one of my favourite cousins, and I got lowkey mad at myself halfway through that he was dead. So I have an AU where he didn't die in my head lol 
I'd like to write a oneshot of it when I'm done with this fic.
Last fun fact about Shay that I wasn't able to put in fic yet: all the rogues annoy her (mostly because they cause mayhem that cancel events) but she madly respects Poison Ivy because of her convictions and: "is she wrong tho?" 
I have a lot of other small notes about Shay and the Shay-verse but I'll post the rest when the fic is completed!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Why Edouard is my favorite character so far
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Okay, I gotta talk about this boy. Because gods, I love him so much.
While Castlevania has once again done it (meaning: I basically like all the important characters, with the exception of Erzsebet), Edouard is really my favorite. And I am gonna explain to you why.
First, of course, my inner bard is very happy about this boy singing all the time. I already talked about the importance of music and, fuck yeah, I am very much here for it.
But no, the reason why I love this boy so much is, that he so clearly goes against the grain to do what is right.
He is a free Black. For those who have not read my earlier blog about the Haitian Revolution: In Haiti they had three classes of people. Whites, Free Blacks and slaves. Free Blacks were often the kids (or grandkids) of the white owning class, and often were ery wealthy. Both things we see in Edouard.
But here is the thing: Most free Blacks were against the Revolution, where against abolition. Because their riches also depended on the slaves doing free work.
And here we have Edouard, who most certainly also profits in one way or another from slavery being a thing. And he not only helps slaves escape, but he also helps to organize and finance the revolution. He even is there in the fight, even though he is a fucking opera singer. He is no fighter. And still he is there. And when Annette gets send to Europe though Cecil's vision, he is just there by her side, even though he does not need to. Even though he has what appears to be a lover waiting for him.
And when he gets turned into a night creature he is just such a pure soul, that he does not loose himself. In fact, he finds out that he can bring some of the other creatures back. And when Annette in the end tries to free him, he stays, for the other night creatures.
Because he is just such a good man.
Gods, I love him.
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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Several African American blues singers and musicians composed songs about the culture of Hoodoo, including W.C. Handy, Bessie Smith, Robert Johnson, Big Lucky Carter, and Al Williams. African American blues performers were influenced by the culture of Hoodoo and wrote songs about mojo bags, love workings, and spirits. Their songs brought awareness of Hoodoo practices to the American mainstream population.
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Several blues songs describe love charms or other folk magic. In her "Louisiana Hoodoo Blues" Gertrude Ma Rainey sang about a Hoodoo work to keep a man faithful: ""Take some of you hair, boil it in a pot, Take some of your clothes, tie them in a knot, Put them in a snuff can, bury them under the step…." Bessie Smith's song "Red Mountain Blues" tells of a fortune teller who recommends that a woman get some snakeroot and a High John the Conqueror root, chew them, place them in her boot and pocket to make her man love her. Several other Bessie Smith songs also mention Hoodoo. The song "Got My Mojo Working," written by Preston "Red" Foster in 1956 and popularized by Muddy Waters throughout his career, addresses a woman who is able to resist the power of the singer's Hoodoo amulets.
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Hoodoo practitioner Aunt Caroline Dye was born enslaved in Spartanburg, South Carolina and sold to New Port, Arkansas as a child, where she became known for soothsaying and divination with playing cards. She is mentioned by name in the Memphis Jug Band's "Aunt Caroline Dye Blues" (1930) and in Johnny Temple's song "Hoodoo Woman" (1937).
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Blues singer Robert Johnson is known for his song about going "down to the crossroads" to sell his soul to the devil to become a better musician. Some authors suggest that the song invokes a Hoodoo belief in crossroads spirits, a belief that originated in Central Africa among the Kongo people. However, the devil figure in Johnson's song, a black man with a cane who haunts crossroads, closely resembles Papa Legba, a spirit associated with Louisiana Voodoo and Haitian Vodou
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
PAPERCUT BAND AU HCS (ft their gangs mayb..) I BEGG this is a life or death situation 🧎🧎
band au,,,the world cheered,,,,
•if theres one thing about a haitian, they gonna pick up a guitar, curly plays guitar, lets add other members in here for funsies and say dallys the drummer, sodas the singer, and angelas the backup singer and also bass player
•darry and tim could serve as like, half bodyguards and half managers, they dont trust anyone else in fear that they would b exploided, the shepard gang r like also mini bodyguards
•the looks pony and curly give each other on stage gotta b crazy
•dallas goes hard as hell w those drums and sometimes forgets to wear ear plugs so one of the other members could go “did u hear what curky told pony” and dallys goin “HUH??” cause he cant hear, just constant ringing😭😭
•ponys the only one who could get curly to practice
•speaking of practice, since u can use a piano to tune a guitar, curly likes to use that as a way to get some alone time w pony so they can “fully hear the notes”
•for some songs, ik curly and angela argue about who gets a solo
•if theyre a popular band ik everyone but pony goes crazy over fan mail, but when pony gets fanmail, curlys a lil jealous but also smug cause like yea, pony DOES look good, glad u noticed that guys
•pony draws the posters/album covers, its way cheaper, dally and curly r always telling him to add “cool” details
•ik theyre that band that has unexplainable photos from backstage, even if u could explain em its somehow even more confusing
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haitilegends · 5 months
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89845aaa · 12 days
Says the guy who lives in a gated mansion with private security. “You pissants need to be tolerant of illegal imigrants, while I lord over you, because I’m better than you!”
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riverofjazzsims · 1 year
Obsidian Baptiste
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Obsidian "Sid" Baptiste
24 yo Local Singer
Aspiration - Musical Genius
Creative, Hot headed, Music Lover, Dance Machine, vegetarian
Likes - color black, jazz music, family oriented, animals - especially cats, boho & polished fashion, small talk & deep thoughts, dancing, music, wellness, spirited sims
Dislikes: ambitionless sims, color red, ranch music, Pink or green Hair, Gossip & Pranks
skills charisma 5, Singing 4, Cooking 4, Handiness 3, writing 4
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Sid is the daughter of a Puerto Rican mother and a Haitian father, who also happened to be one of the biggest Gang leaders in the last 20 years. That was until his family was targeted leaving Sid's older sister dead and her face permanently altered after a car bombing. Her father is in WITSEC and she hasn't seen him in since she was 5 years old. Sid and her mom have moved around over the years in an attempt to distance themselves from the life. Her familys past has been kept a secret from the world and hopefully that skeleton will remain deep in her closet. Both Her and her Mom currently are living in San Myshuno in the spice district. Sid is a self taught musician and can play piano and guitar in addition to sing. Sid sings at several of the local clubs in SanMy several times a week and has headlined the last 3 years at the local festivals. Family is big to Sid considering her background and secretly hopes one day her father will be back in their lives. Like her dad she is a creative genius but has a quick temper luckily, well at least for the most part Sid has found a way to channel that energy into her music. But something is missing, Sid wants what her parents had, and so now she is looking to love someone just as much as her music.
** @therichantsim damn my work life, well I did complete but not in time here was my submission for becoming mrs blackburn 2
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dear-indies · 9 months
Hey Cat! Could I please get some FC idea for a black male who can play young up and coming singer vibes? Young as in twenties!
Jharrel Jerome (1997) Afro Dominican.
Micheal Ward (1997) Afro Jamaican.
Toheeb Jimoh (1997) Nigerian.
SANTAN / Dave (1998) Edo Nigerian - is pro Palestine!
Jay Lycurgo (1998) Jamaican, Sierra Leonean, and British.
Jaylan Evans (1999) Black and Haliwa-Saponi.
Dante Brown (1999) African-American.
Marcus Scribner (2000) African-American, 1/4 English.
Jonathan Daviss (2000) Afro Haitian.
Michael Rainey Jr. (2000) Afro Jamaican / African-American.
Chibuikem Uche (2000) African-American.
Hope Ikpoku Jnr (2001) Black British - is pro Palestine!
Jahking Guillory (2001) Afro and French Creole, Afro Haitian, Chamorro.
Asante Blackk (2001) African-American.
Caleb McLaughlin (2001) African-American, likely some Jamaican.
Here you go anon!
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
Mach-Hommy Explores Diasporic Duality on New Album #RICHAXXHAITIAN
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Mach-Hommy–the acclaimed and prolific artist who keeps his government name unpublished, maintains no social media presence, and covers his face with a bandana of the Haitian flag–releases #RICHAXXHAITIAN, his first solo studio album since 2021, out now on all platforms. Released in time for Haitian Flag Day (May 18th), #RICHAXXHAITIAN channels the troubled political evolution of Haiti, as well as its rich cultural inheritance. Galvanized by the country's turbulent past, Mach-Hommy presents a beacon towards a better future.
#RICHAXXHAITIAN is the fourth album in a tetralogy of albums that examine Mach-Hommy's relationship with his homeland and provide a wide-ranging account of how its issues intersect with problems facing the world at large. While the first album in the series, H.B.O. (Haitian Body Odor), reclaimed an ugly stereotype, and his two acclaimed 2021 albums, Pray For Haiti and Balens Cho (Hot Candles), chronicled hardship and recovery, #RICHAXXHAITIAN is a small musical panacea for his homeland amidst poverty and political strife, combating the public's negative images of Haiti by focusing on the greatness and prosperity of the country's diaspora. Over the course of the album, Mach-Hommy emphasizes the country's potential, strategizing ways that his troubled homeland could become an exemplar of Black cultural and economic excellence.
#RICHAXXHAITIAN draws from a variety of musical styles, welcoming producers like Grammy-winning producer Conductor Williams, along with Multi-Grammy-winning producer KAYTRANADA, Grammy-nominated producer Quelle Chris, longtime associate Sadhu Gold, and others, to indulge their most creative impulses. The album progresses from vintage samples from the pre-rock era to futuristic electronic, jazz, and soul music, sketching a potential path for Haiti to evolve from developing nation to Afro-Futurist paradise.
Last week's single, "#RICHAXXHAITIAN," a collaboration with KAYTRANADA and L.A. legend 03 Greedo, exemplifies Mach in the latter mode, using a house-inflected instrumental and an interpolation of Afrobeat legend Odion Iruoje's "Ikebe" to provide a luxurious platform for both emcees to flex their hard-earned wealth. Focus track "COPY COLD," produced by Quelle Chris, draws from the other end of the spectrum. The song features a guest verse from Black Thought, who has long praised Mach-Hommy and called him one of his favorite emcees, as both emcees unfurl some of their densest verses to date. Originally recorded as a demo during a difficult period of Mach's life, nearly ten years ago, Mach was inspired to dust off the old tape with the hopes of collaborating with an emcee of Black Thought's caliber on the track. Over Quelle Chris's rippling piano instrumental, the two rappers beat against the current mode of label-driven rap beef, instead elevating the art of the emcee with kindred spirit collaboration.
03 Greedo and Black Thought lead a long list of collaborators that make #RICHAXXHAITIAN one of Mach-Hommy's most ambitious albums to date. Mach connects with R&B/jazz luminary HEPHZIBAH on "SONJE," an Afro-Futurist and psychedelic highlight that approaches the dissonant highs of 70s jazz fusion. Buffalo-based activist/singer/songwriter Drea D'Nur graces "POLITickle" with her luminous vocals, putting a button on a song that directly comments on how global capitalism tramples culture and fosters poverty. Mach rolls out the red carpet for Roc Marciano on the brief, but brilliant "ANTONOMASIA," as the two underground heroes trade verses over big band jazz samples and tribal drums. Mach feels right at home when rapping with frequent collaborators like Your Old Droog, Tha God Fahim, and Big Cheeko, providing a familiar anchor for longtime fans and ice cold bars for anyone who might not be familiar with their chemistry.
Born in Newark and raised in Port-Au-Prince amongst the elders of his culture, Mach-Hommy has always strongly identified with his home country's struggle, and his people's resilience. Haiti was the world's first Black republic formed as the result of a successful slave revolt. The Caribbean nation's very existence was a thumb in the nose of white supremacy, heralding the gleaming potential of Black self-government in the new world. Of course, the colonial powers could not let this stand: shortly after Haiti won independence, its former colonial overlord France levied a punitive tax, designed to cripple the young nation's economy and prevent it from growing into a power in the Caribbean. Still, despite the various man-made and natural disasters that have plagued the island nation over the centuries, the people of Haiti have grown strong, developing an influential cultural tradition and a vibrant diaspora, of which Mach-Hommy is a proud member. 
Attempting to transform our modern dystopia into a utopia using only his rhymes and force of will, Mach-Hommy invites us all, from his most loyal investors to his freshest fans, to imagine a brand new world. With #RICHAXXHAITIAN, that seemingly impossible dream creeps ever closer.
“I’ve always wanted to rep for Haiti and the cultural and intellectual richness we’ve provided the world,” Mach-Hommy says. “From our musical styles like kontradans  that have influenced world music, our natural resources which provide so much raw  material for so many important advancements in technology, our thinkers that  pioneered philosophical movements and Black pride, and our spiritual leaders who  kept the religious traditions of Guinea alive and intact, the religious traditions of Ayiti….” 
Buy #RICHAXXHATIAN on vinyl, CD, and cassette at Zotanica
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I have a question about Black History Month? What do people even do?
Do they learn about specific countries from Africa instead of lumping the whole continent as ''where Black Americans'' are from?
Do they learn Zulu, Swahili, etc.?
Do they watch movies about Africa or made by Africans or about Africa?
Do they learn about some overlooked Black historical figures (And I mean real ones and not Black Cleopatra. Also bonus points for those who aren't musicians, singers, sports stars, or activists.)?
Or is it just a talk about slavery in America and MLK for the 100th time that is all year round anyway?
You know the cartoon story about how somebody wishes there was Christmas every day but it gets boring and less special because it's all the time and you need to actually do other stuff? It feels like Black Month and Pride Month are all year round in the US.
So, when I was in school we never did anything. This was in New York in the 90s and 2000s, though, so I don't know what happens now. I know most people outside of a school setting just use it to be racist to white people and perpetuate victim narratives. Which is sad, because there's a lot of "black history" that's really interesting to learn about. The integration of baseball, Harriet Tubman, Bass Reeves, The Haitian Revolution (most successful slave revolt in history), the history of Motown, the racist origins of gun control, Aunt Jemimah; these are just some of the fascinating people and histories that you could dedicate time to learning about during a Black History Month. Instead it's filled with hate and racism and people demanding free shit as recompense for slavery and oppression they never experienced, from people who never oppressed them.
All these months do, as they currently are, is further separate us and pack us into faceless groups based on the least important parts of who we are. I hate these months and days. I despise them. And I truly hope one day society heals itself enough so that the majority of people view them with the same contempt I do.
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goatpaste · 1 year
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took a bit for me to figure out how to put an image in the askbox but here she is! this is Renee Chancon and her stand [Electric Blue]. she's based on Regine Chassagne, one of the lead singers of Arcade Fire and her stand is based on an Arcade Fire song. she's also Haitian like Regine Chassagne is. her stand is mostly useful in a crowd, since its power casts an illusion that makes everyone in a crowd look just like her, so she can easily hide from anyone pursuing her. this only works on one to three people at a time and if the person she's targeting with her stand touches anyone with the illusion on them it reveals their true appearance.
her stand has also evolved as she changed as a person and became more comfortable with people seeing the real her. at first it looked like a nudibranch, specifically this one:
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its powers were different at first too, rather than projecting an illusion of herself outward it let her become invisible. I feel like her and Koichi and Lucy Steel would get along and bond over having stands that evolve because of personal growth.
hope you dont mind i drew them, they are so fun :3
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