#hajime is the one who's sticking more to the cute line of work
yume-fanfare · 2 years
something something the fact that hajime and mitsuru more or less assume and understand that ra*bits are going to follow different paths probably sooner rather than later but are also the two that want it to happen less
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dira333 · 5 months
Latte me be your lover - Iwaizumi x reader
requested by @ur-local-simp - tagging @shoulmate for reasons
Haikyuu taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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"A hot coffee for a hot guy."
You roll your eyes. Hajime just thanks the barista and steps to the side to let you through.
The very second he turns away the smile drops from her lips and she scowls at you. But you've been anticipating it, your own smile saccharine sweet.
It's like this wherever you go. They hit on Hajime until they realize he's not coming alone. Some of them are embarrassed at your sight, others... not so much. And it's not like you're his girlfriend by any means - well, except the means of where you dream about it every night - but they don't know that, right?!?
"Are you going to call them?" You ask as soon as some caffeine has entered your bloodstream.
"Who?" Hajime grabs your hand and pulls you back, narrowly saving you from stepping into dogshit. Ugh.
"The barista. She wrote her number on your cup."
"She did?" He furrows his brows as he inspects the little paper thing that's wrapped around his cup to keep him burning his hands.
The amount of smugness you feel when he slips it off and uses it to pick up the dogshit and throw it away is insane. If only you could go back and tell her. Also, your crush is seriously environmentally motivated. Go, Hajime!
"One Latte Machiatto with extra Caramel drizzle," Hajime tells you before turning back to the girl ordering. "Anything else?"
"Your number?" She purrs, completely disregarding the line forming behind her.
"What number?" Hajime asks, stiff as a board. From where you're standing you can tell how tense his shoulders are. Bless him.
"Your phone number, duh," she laughs and you have to admit, she's really pretty. Her teeth are a little too white for your taste, though, but you know she'd be Oikawa's type. If only she'd come in yesterday when you had to endure his whining for a whole shift. It's not your fault he cannot get a girl.
"Sorry," you slip up to him, press into his side like a cat. Breathe, you scream at him in your thoughts, but your smile is sweet as you hand her her drink. "He's taken."
"Are you sure?" Terushima asks.
"Absolutely," you tell him, willing Hajime to work a little faster.
"You didn't even give me a chance." Terushima's not above begging to get a date, it seems. "I got a tongue piercing, you know." He sticks out his tongue but all you can hear is the splish-splash-clatter of someone dropping a drink. When you turn, Hajime's already on his knees, red-faced, wiping up the remnants of what was supposed to be Terushima's coffee order.
Terushima grins knowingly back at you. "So, since I have to wait a little longer..."
"No," you tell him, stone-faced, "Never."
"Come on!" He whines. "Like, one date?" His eyes flicker to where Hajime's disappearing in the back. "We could make him jealous."
Heat errupts in your cheeks. You knew you'd been pretty obvious in your advances, but this takes the cake.
"Don't ever ask me again," you tell him through your clenched teeth, seconds away from stabbing him with a fork. "You get me?"
He laughs, carefree and easy as if this doesn't matter to him at all.
"All good, all good. Say, do you have the number of your coworker? The cute one with the blond hair?"
You harrumph. "Give me yours," you insist, "I'm not giving out Yachi's number to strangers."
"I'm not a stranger," he defends himself, "We've been in a class for more than a year. But here," he makes a whole show of it, scribbling his number on a napkin and handing it to you, "My number. Take care of it."
You snort and tuck it into your pocket, only realizing Hajime's back when he clears his throat awkwardly behind you.
Hajime's been distant for the past week.
It's not unusual not to hear much from him for a few days, especially during exam season. You don't think much of it at first, because even though you've been crushing on him for the better part of your three-year friendship, you both still have a life outside of each other and the hell-hole you call work.
But then you're suddenly working your Monday shift with Makki instead of him. You've never worked Mondays without him. It's the worst day to work except maybe the weekend and he had to pinky promise to never let you down when the boss asked who'd cover it - you got free weekends but still, are pinky promises nothing worth anymore?
"Where's Hajime?" You ask Makki. The guy only shrugs. But he's been Hajime's friend longer than he's been yours so you don't think he'd tell you even if he knew.
On Wednesday you work with Mattsun. And boy, does he know what's going on. You can read it in the tilt of his eyebrows, the curve of his mouth.
"Spill," you tell him, "Or I'll never give out your number to cute girls again."
"I have a girlfriend," he replies lazily. You narrow your eyes at him.
"And apparently so do you," he continues, "Or rather, a boyfriend."
You furrow your brows. "Since when?"
"I don't know..." He doesn't seem to take this seriously at all. "I'm just telling you what Iwaizumi told me."
"Hajime told you I have a boyfriend."
"Mhm," he smiles brightly. "And then he asked to switch shifts with me."
Hajime has the decency to look guilty. He's ducking his head and it's probably only his manners that keep him from shutting the door on you.
"Why did you tell Mattsun I have a boyfriend."
He grimaces, but his mouth stays closed.
"Hajime," you insist, voice low, "I don't have a boyfriend."
"Maybe not yet," he argues, "But Terushima..."
"That's what this is about?" You ask, "Terushima asking me out? He's done that for months and I've never shown any interest. What makes you think I would change my mind?"
"You took his number," he tells you, eyes flickering around, lips pushed forward in something like a pout. "And he's got a piercing-"
"Hajime," you say, more than just exasperated, "Girls flirt with you every time you step out of your room. If I cut contact with you every time we wouldn't be friends anymore, would we?"
He flinches a little, but he's too stubborn to give in. Yet.
"No one's flirting with me," He insists, now an angry line between his brows, "You're imagining-"
"I've been flirting with you for the past two years," you add. If you're going down, you're at least going down with everything you've got.
Hajime freezes. His eyes are wide and his hand tries to grab the door but misses.
"You- what?!"
"What do you think writing my first name with your last name means? Or writing your name on my skin pretending it's a tattoo? Or cuddling into you during movie nights?"
"You run cold!" He defends himself, "A-and... And you said my name was pretty!"
"YES!" You huff, "Because I'm in love with you!"
Hajime's mouth opens and closes without any sound coming out. Your heart is hammering painfully against your chest. One more second, you tell yourself, one more second you'll give him before you finally give up.
His hand shoots out, grabs yours, and pulls you inside before you've fully finished that thought.
"Really?" He asks, a shy smile spreading over his face. "Really really?"
"Really really really," you promise, offering him your pinky. "I swear."
"Wow, you've got bad taste," you tell Atsumu when he's finished his order. He balks at you, but you snicker and his twin joins your teasing.
"I'll never come to visit you at your job again," he threatens and you shrug. "Sucks to be you, I guess."
"Come on, don't be like that," Atsumu wouldn't be Atsumu if he didn't try and wheedle his way into your favorites again. His eyes flicker to the side and he grins. "Can I at least get your number?"
Hajime's chest slams into your back. You can feel his anger without turning to look.
"She's taken," your boyfriend huffs behind you. "Don't be disrespectful!"
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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kazuichikazuichi · 2 years
Kazuichi for the ask game ;)
oh my goodness.........KAZ MY BELOVED. i've spent well over 2 hours non stop writing all of this out lol help me😭 i love him so much, he is my favourite character of everything ever, so thank you very much for asking about him!! i hope this is enjoyable to read, and to anyone who doesn't like him all that much, maybe reading this will change your mind! :) <3<3<3
favourite thing about them: so many things, he is so so so special to me!!!! he also partially reminds me of myself, and i am very attached to him :) i love his character design (and i love that it's explained yknow? it's not like oh yeah he has naturally pink hair for no reason), i love his voice and speech patterns, i love how clingy he is, how realistically scared he is compared to some other characters considering he took part in a literal killing game, how smart he is, how 'normal' his talent is (it's a realistic talent idea for a school like hopes peak, its a normal talent someone could develop after years of working in their family's shop, and its academic so the school would want him yknow? like no offense to e.g. mondo, i love him but why would they want a biker gang leader in a school like that lol😭) anyway i'm already rambling and im only on the first question oops lol. final favourite thing to mention is his tiny braid. soooo cute n silly. and i love his earrings. and how one sleeve of his jumpsuit is cuffed higher than the other. okay no i need to stop rambling now
least favourite thing about them: i don't like how he's so often dismissed as just a comedy character or a pervert or whatever. i wish he'd been written in a little more depth so he could be given a chance by fans who automatically dislike him. i love him so much and i want everyone to experience the joy of loving him!!! he is a sweetheart inside i promise
favourite line: engines revving!!!!! ✊😛✊ lol i also like i'll bury you and your hamsters 6 feet under!!!! and general gundham insults they all make me giggle
brotp: literally EVERYONE omg, i love his friendship potentials with the whole sdr2 cast! buuut some i particularly enjoy are ibuki, fuyuhiko, akane and mahiru :) kaz and ibuki would be so SILLY together i love them, i wrote a pekobuki fic with her and kaz being bffs and it was so much fun to write! she would love to put his hair into fun styles and paint his nails :) fuyuhiko aaa i love them together (also love them as a ship) i like the idea of fuyu being the voice of reason between them, telling kaz off when he needs to and keeping him grounded in reality! akane would sooo be like a sister to him i love her, they would get into lots of mischief together, have food fights, wrestle in mud etc lol. then mahiru aww also so like a sister to him, but akane is more like a twin and mahiru more like a big sister :) mahiru would help him look after himself, help him comb chewing gum out of his hair if hiyoko sticks it in there lol etc. also love him and nekomaru as friends too and ughh i could literally list every character here with a specific headcanon for their dynamic
otp: i'm gonna have to say soudam!! i absolutely adore them, they're so sweet and i think about them all the time :) they could be so good for each other if they settled their differences. one of my favourite dynamics is that gundham has feelings for him but kaz is just too silly to notice lol. i've published 9 fics on ao3 so far, 4 of which are soudam, including a 5-chapter fic (i normally just write oneshots, and the only other future multi chapter fics i have basic mental plots for are also soudam lol so you can tell i love them) they are just so special to me :) some other kaz ships i enjoy are him with fuyuhiko(!!), hajime, and i also quite like him with nekomaru too! :) and my fave non sdr2 ship for him is leon, their ship name is bubblegum rock, isn't that just the cutest name ever?!
notp: if there's gonna be a notp it's gonna have to be sounia, i love them both dearly as characters but just not together. my interpretation of his crush on her is that he is gay, and uses her as a fake crush to hide his sexuality to avoid getting bullied, and his reasoning is that she's a very conventially attractive blonde PRINCESS, nobody would question him for having a crush on her, right?? hence why he finds her hobbies weird etc and doesn't show an interest other than "wow she's so hot" lol. i don't think he realises at ALL how uncomfortable he makes sonia, he's just glad that she doesn't like him so he doesn't have to actually be in a relationship (my 5 chapter soudam fic started with this idea by the way!) and i like to think that if she sat down with him and properly explained why it's not right, he'd cave in and come out and apologise a lot and cry :( also think his treatment of her is partly just, he doesn't understand social cues and social norms very well (me too kaz me too) so he just is doing his best to appear normal :'(
random headcanon: when he listens to music, he sings and dances around his room with a hairbrush!!! but he would be VERY embarrassed if anyone found out :) i have lots of silly little headcanons like this for him that im probably going to post one day! i just think about him 24/7 so i have lots of things like this to say
unpopular opinion: i've seen quite a few people headcanon him as having adhd before, but i personally see him closer to being autistic! not sure really why, i just do! :)
a song that you associate with them: even though he's my favourite character ever i still found this super tricky to answer, song questions don't come easily to me i guess. but! my favourite artist right now is poppy, so "immature couture" by poppy! she has lots of different genres of songs but this one is SO girly and camp and i think kazuichi would love it and secretly listen to it a lot and dance around his room with his hairbrush microphone :'))) here's a link to the song!
favourite picture of them: SO TRICKY ummm my favourite sprite is the engines revving one lol with his tongue out but also love the beanie down over the eyes scared one. i love so many pictures but as a soudam shipper i suppose i will say this one bc ughhh they are just too cute!!:
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some honourable mentions are his chapter 2 diner picture looking out of the window, his pictures in the chapter 1 party, and all of those anime screenshots like there's one of everyone on the beach where he's being buried by sonia and chiaki, one where he's at the top of a christmas tree next to gundham a picnic one etc. i love them all (i haven't seen the anime so no idea where these bits come in but i haven't seen scenes surrounding them just singular pictures?)
this was so FUN!!! ihad plans to write fanfic tonight but im glad i spent my time doing this bc it was so much fun, thank you for submitting him :D there's one more character in my inbox but it's midnight for me rn so i will either do it later tonight after a break or in the morning, if anyone else would like to submit a character for me to talk about that would be awesome!!
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sugakuns · 4 years
[ʜᴄ] | 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
being childhood friends with kenma, akaashi & iwa + telling each other they’d be married when they were younger
ᴀ/ɴ: gender neautral pronouns
— kozume k.
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you’ve known kenma basically since the day you were born
both you and his family lived in the apartment building and you happened to live next door to each other which was both a blessing and a curse
since kenma was quite shy he had never really iniciated any conversation or play with you so you overcame your own shyness to play with him
mostly the two of you would play with dolls or go out in the local park but as soon as kenma got his first gaming device he would never go outside
even when the new kid kuroo came along it took him a while to warm up and try to play with you and kenma
kuroo noticed how throughout primary school you seemed closer to the quiet boy
you’d hang off of his shoulder and call him cute names like “kenma-san” or “kenken”
so one day kuroo gave you the idea to propose to little kenma
yes, at 7 years of age kuroo told you to ask 6 year old kenma to marry you
so you did
with little plastic rings from a magazine your mother had bought you
“kenken, im giving you this ring because it means we’re married, okay?” kenma nods and takes the ring, even going as far as slipping it on his ring finger
“Kenken!” Your voice bellows throughout the gym, hands extending out as you throw yourself into a frankly violent hug. Kenma stumbles a little, hands grasping your waist as he trieds to stablilise himself from the running hug. His hair tousles from the impact, the stray strands brushing along your cheeks as you pull away.
“You’ll never guess what I found!” Your smile is large, beaming under the fluorescent lights belonging to the gym ceiling. Kenma states curiously, his expression close to one of a curious kitten. Practice had just ended and currently Kenma and Kuroo were the only ones there due to waiting on you.
Your fingers swiftly dance along your screen as you locate the picture you had taken of your family’s photo album. There was one particular picture of both you and the now faux blonde, both smiling (albeit kenma’s looked a little forced) and showing off the plastic rings you had won in a vending machine the day prior.
“Remember? I forgot we’re married!” You giggle as Kenma stares at the picture on your phone. He hadn’t forgotten that day - yet he hoped you would - the day his childhood crush told him that they were getting married. He hadn’t put much thought into you remembering what happened on that day but when he thinks about it he feels a warm, blooming senestaion fill his chest.
“You’re married?” Kuroo chuckles as he swings the keys around his index finger in an attempt to look suave. You nod quickly whereas Kenma blinks coyly at the taller male. Kuroo can feel the chuckle bubbling up from his chest into his throat yet he catches it last moment at the sharp state he’s getting from his friend.
“Yeah..We’ll get really rings later” Kenma muses, a lazily sweet smile resting on his lips.
— iwaizumi h.
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so you actually knew oikawa before iwa,, so he was the sole reason you even met hajime
iwa was actually a little jealous of oikawa since the two of you were closer and he developed a puppy crush on you 🥺
the two of you were around 8 and iwa still held the crush he had since he was 5 - yes he didn’t give it away surprisingly (since he was a child)
so one day, when the both of you were playing and oikawa had planted a kiss on your head cuz he was feeling all confident iwa got jealous
“me and [y/n] are married stupidkawa!! you can’t do that!”
you just went along with it and told oikawa he had cooties LMAO
“Oh my god, you will not believe what I just remembered” Oikawa exclaims, hands clutching at his alien themed pillow. The three of you usually had sleepovers, even at your older age, and Oikawa usually hosted them since his house was bigger.
The three of you were perched on his bed dressed in your pajamas. You and Iwa were leaning against his beds headboard and Oikawa was laying further down the bed, leaning against the wall beside his bed.
“Your brain works?” You tease, chucking lightly as Oikawa dismissively sticks his tongue out at you. Iwa sniggers at your fast witted comment, even going as far to ruffle your hair.
“Yes.” Oikawa deadpans “But, seriously, remember when we were kids and Iwa-chan got jealous because I-I kissed you and he said- he said you two were married!” Oikawa howls with laughter at his own words, barely able to even spew the sentence before he clutches at his stomach to stabilise himself.
Your eyebrow raises, watching as Oikawa laughs to himself. Iwaizumi states dismissively too, arms crossing along his chest.
“We flamed you after that, Tōru” You state, remembering the relentless teasing that both you and Iwa inflicted on the poor boy.
“Plus, we’re dating..Iwa gave me an actual promise ring” you point at the ring on your finger (which was way too expensive for your liking) which reflects under the dim lighting in Oikawa’s room.
Oikawa pouts, laughter seizing as he sees his plan to fluster the two of you didn’t go through “You’re both boring”
— akaashi k.
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akaashi didn’t have a lot of friends when he was younger
so you were really his only proper friend,, so he’s find himself with you most of the time
a lot of the time the two of you would play in the public park or at his house
and you two would usually play volleyball since akaashi liked it and you enjoyed it too
he hadn’t really thought snout his feelings for you since he thought they were normal to have towards a close friend
but one day you got quite jealous of all of the other (mainly girls) people who would flock to akaashi
so you simply told them that you two were married so they couldn’t take him away from you
akaashi, like kenma, just went with it
“Bokuto-san, what are you doing?” You ask as you watch the two-toned ace feverishly flick through your childhood memorabilia. He smiles as he comes across old photos of you and his new ‘bestie’ Akaashi; cooing as he looks at the tiny baby shoes that used to for your small feet.
The two boys had came over to study for a test but along the way Bokuto had become distracted and noticed the shiny box on your bedside table. He was more of a magpie than an owl at the moment, diving towards the shiny items rather than the dull items.
“What’s this?” He holds a poorly written letter between his index finger and thumb, staring at the crooked writing on the lined paper. It’s a little crumbled, plastered with stickers and has a massive love heart on the back. You flush as you realise what letter it is, the letter you gave to akaashi to sign if he wanted to marry you.
Bokuto squeals, jumping up and allowing the box to fall recklessly onto your bed. He practically screams as he swings the old piece of paper around.
“You’re married!” He seems more excited than confused, almost acting as if the two of you were actually married.
“Bokuto” Akaashi starts “If you keep this quiet from the rest of the team I’ll do even more serves for you tomorrow”
Bokuto jumps in excitement, the old piece of paper forgotten as he animatedly thanks his friend in advance. You can’t believe that you had forgot to take the little piece of paper out of the box since you had already thought about Bokuto finding it.
However, you can’t help but smile. That was how Akaashi asked you out in first year, reactating the letter you had made in childhood.
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seijorhi · 4 years
Nothing Fucks with My Baby
The (not so) long awaited Hitman AU 👀
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
TW Blood, minor violence, referenced/implied murder, stalking, implied kidnapping
Iwaizumi has one rule. No kids.
They could be the damn antichrist for all he cares, if they’re underage, they’re off limits. Anyone else is fair game - kind old ladies, rich corrupt businessmen, housewives, politicians. He doesn’t give a shit so long as he gets paid, and paid well.
You were fair game.
He never cares why. Iwa has better things to do than listen to meaningless justifications and vendettas. They make no difference either way - he’s being paid to kill, so he’ll kill, ruthlessly and without prejudice. All he wants is a name, a picture and whether or not they want brains splattered on pavement or something a little more refined. An address doesn’t go astray, but he’ll work with what he’s got, it’s the reason he can charge a fucking premium.
But you… you weren’t what he expected. He’s used to filth. Liars, cheaters, bottom of the barrel trash. Every once in a while some poor idiot gets caught up in something they don’t understand and ultimately pay the price for it, but good people don’t often end up in files splayed across Iwaizumi’s desk. He’s not used to innocence, and as far as he’s concerned, you’re as close as they come.
He supposes that things might have been different if they’d wanted you dead quickly. 
But they didn’t want that. They wanted you to disappear without a fucking trace. It wasn’t a kindness - it just meant more work for him. It meant that instead of staring down the barrel of a sniper rifle perched in the window of an empty apartment across the street from yours, he’d have to get his hands dirty.
If you want somebody to blame, sweetheart, why don’t you start with them?
In hindsight, he probably didn’t need to go inside the little coffee joint you worked at. He could lie to himself and say that it was an excuse to get closer to you, to see if you had friends at your work who might try and get in the way, but the simple truth was that he’d been up since four in the fucking morning, and he might just have shot somebody out of sheer irritation if he didn’t get a hit of caffeine and soon. 
Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?
And it wasn’t like you were going to recognise him. Three days in, and as far as Iwa can tell, you don’t have the slightest idea that you were being watched, much less that the pair of eyes watching belonged to a cold hearted killer. 
People tend to be a little more scared when they sense he’s coming - there’s a kind of innate fear that seeps from every pore as they scurry about trying to hide, trying to put off the inevitable - but you, you’re just blissfully oblivious, flitting around with those wide doe eyes like you haven’t got a damn care in the world. 
He honestly doesn’t know whether he wants to envy or pity you for that sweet naivety. 
Currently though, he’s more concerned with whether or not you can make a half decent cup of coffee. 
“I asked for an extra hot latte.”
Or he would be, if the asshole with slicked back hair and an expensive suit hadn’t cut him off just as he was about to step up to the counter to shove the coffee you’d just made him back in your face. He watches your eyes widen for a split second before you smile - apologetic and demure before you can even open your mouth.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is it not hot enough?” 
The moment the words leave your lips, you all but flinch. Both you and he know that despite the fact you mean them sincerely (which kind of surprises him, considering that if your situations were reversed he wouldn’t have been nearly so generous) they’re a mistake.
The asshole sneers down at you like you’re nothing more than scum on his shoes. “If it was fucking hot enough, I wouldn’t be wasting my time complaining, now would I?”
Even before he found himself dabbling in his current line of work, Iwaizumi never considered himself much of a knight in shining armour. The world’s a shitty place, it’s not his job to go around fixing things and softening blows. He’s not a cold, emotionless bastard, as most people assume, he just has better things to do than run around playing a damn bleeding heart and sticking his neck out for strangers. It’s not his problem and as far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t owe anybody shit.
Impassive olive eyes watch as you try and backtrack, apologising again, offering to make him a new drink, explaining that the reason the coffee wasn’t as hot as he wanted was because you were trying not to scorch the milk- for naught.
You in your naive little world don’t seem to realise that the asshole doesn’t actually give a shit about the coffee. He wants a power trip, and you’ve given him the perfect excuse. He wants to yell and scream and stamp his feet and take all of his repressed anger and feelings of inadequacy out on you so that he can feel like a big man. He wants to see you whimper and cry and bow down before him.
It’s pathetic, but Iwa’s content to watch it play out, drumming his fingers against the wallet in his hand, more irritated with the delay in getting his own coffee than the outburst itself-
Until the asshole reaches for his latte. 
Iwa’s good at reading people, predicting their movements before they’re even made. It’s a necessary skill in his profession, one that’s saved his skin more times than he can count. He sees the little vein in the asshole’s temple throb, his jaw tighten, and the moment his hand twitches towards the still steaming cup of coffee, Iwa knows that he fully intends on throwing it at you.
He moves quicker than a man of his size has any right to, an iron grip wrapping around the asshole’s wrist, squeezing. He glares, sneering down at the man who all of a sudden doesn’t seem quite so angry, much less imposing. 
“Get out,” he hisses.
It’s not a request.
But the asshole either has a death wish or he’s trying to salvage what’s left of his fragile ego, because his beady eyes narrow and he opens his mouth - no doubt to spew more vitriolic bullshit.
Iwa twists.
Not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough that it sends the man to his knees, whimpering like a kicked puppy, desperate to relieve the pressure on his wrist. 
“I said,” he begins, his voice colder than ice, “get out.”
Yet he doesn’t spare the asshole another glance, not even as he releases his grip and the man skitters away like he’s been burned. The cafe is deathly silent, and without even glancing around, Iwa knows that they’ve managed to draw the attention of most if not all of its patrons.
And for once, he doesn’t give a single fuck.
Iwa’s eyes, his attention, all of it is focused entirely on you - on the wide eyed, stunned look on your pretty face. It’s a violent outburst, not nearly close to what he’s truly capable of, but in the quiet little cafe on a dreary Tuesday morning, glaringly out of place.
Will you burst into tears, he wonders. Ignore it, brush it aside and pretend it never happened? Stutter out more apologies for causing a fuss, for making a simple mistake? He somehow doubts you’ll be the type to scold him for it. No, you’re far too meek for that.
You surprise him, smiling slowly instead, and it’s like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm.
It’s a far cry from the contrite air you’d graced the asshole with earlier. It’s hesitant, nervous, but it’s very much real, and Iwa finds it difficult to stop the corners of his own lips from twitching upwards in response.
“Thank you,” you murmur.
He inclines his head a fraction. “Don’t worry about it.”
You don’t charge him for the coffee, even when he practically shoves the bills across the counter into your hands.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shyly parrot back at him, and he almost fucking snorts when there’s a warmed chocolate chip muffin waiting with his coffee when it’s ready.
He’s being paid forty grand to make sure you’re dead by the end of the week, and you’re here giving him free muffins. Oikawa would see the humour in that. Of course, Oikawa would have absolutely no qualms in charming the absolute hell out of you seconds before he pulled the trigger. Realistically, he shouldn’t either. It’s his job, nothing personal.
To say he enjoys killing is probably a stretch, but he takes pride in it. Iwa’s good at what he does. It’s simple. Easy - so long as he follows his own rules.
This shouldn’t be any different. You’re cute, he supposes, in an odd sort of way. Innocent.
It shouldn’t have an effect on him. 
It doesn’t, but-
He could have killed you two days ago. He’d be willing to bet good money that he could’ve walked right to your apartment, knocked on your door, made up some bullshit excuse on the spot and you would have smiled and invited him right inside. 
And it’s not like you’d stand a chance of being able to fight him off.
Over the past few days there have been at least twelve different moments that Iwaizumi could have stepped in and snuffed that pretty little life of yours out without making a fuss and it would have been easy.
But he hadn’t.
There’s a difference between surveillance and stalking - it’s a fine line, a blurred one maybe, but it’s there all the same. After yet another night spent camped out watching you move about your apartment - cooking dinner for yourself, zoning out on the couch and fiddling with your phone while the tv plays in the background before finally curling up in bed in the early hours of the morning - Iwa comes to the realisation that he’s crossed it. 
He wonders why it doesn’t bother him like it should.
The next day, he goes back to your little coffee shop. There’s no muffin this time, but your face brightens when he walks through the door and when he goes to pick up his coffee there’s a tiny, bite sized cookie sitting atop the lid.
“Don’t tell my boss,” you whisper, darting a glance back over your shoulder even as another pretty little smile graces your features.
Something unexpectedly warm and pleasant sings through his blood, and this time Iwa allows his own lips to twitch into the faintest hint of a grin in response.
You really are a truly awful judge of character.
Maybe that’s your downfall, that beautiful, naive innocence you just bleed. It’s a wonder that nobody’s come along to take advantage of you, especially when you are so very ripe for the taking. 
Well, nobody until him, he supposes. 
Iwa doesn’t know for certain why the men who want you dead do, he doesn’t particularly care either, but he does know that whatever their reasons are, it’s not enough.
Neither is forty thousand dollars.
It takes time, more than he’d like, to find the root of it all. It’s messy and he has to call in a few favours from old friends, but Iwa is nothing if not thorough.
He’s never particularly enjoyed killing, but there’s a certain satisfaction he gets from watching the light leave their desperate, pleading eyes knowing that he’s finally done his job. When he comes home, his shirt flecked with blood, his hands still dripping with it and coaxes your stricken, tear stained face up into a lingering kiss, Iwa feels content.
They wanted you to disappear entirely, he made sure that you did. 
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sgwrscrsh · 4 years
winter days: underneath the tree
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☁️a/n☁️ this made my heart very warm to write even though i pulled an all-nighter to get it done because my time-management has gone to shit after finals. requested by @sachirou-senpai​. thank you, ellie, for giving me a reason to bring back my boys. i’ve missed ‘summer on you’ so much. this can be read as a stand-alone or as a spin off of ending b, my fave. either way, merry christmas to my babes who celebrate! i have one more christmas fic for tmr and then i’m hiding away to plan + write an smau.
includes: female!reader, poly!seijoh four, post-timeskip (very minor manga spoilers), lots of domesticity, a little suggestive bit, a lot of eating and sleeping now that i realize, a christmas tree, matching pajamas, a very special christmas gift, makki slapping your ass once, a lil teary moment w tooru, homemade curry + pancakes (but not together), lots of cuddling, lots of love, happy holidays, 4.35k words
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shivering slightly, you unlock the door to the rather spacious apartment you shared with your four boyfriends later into the evening than you would’ve liked. 
yes, four boyfriends. whom you love very much and are loved by in return.
living with four towering hunks has it’s ups and downs, but you wouldn’t trade tooru’s extensive skin care regiment sprawled across the bathroom counter; hajime’s bag of protein powder that he always forgets to put away; issei’s boots that you always tripped over when you came through the front door; or takahiro’s costco-sized box of cream puffs in the freezer that he insisted he would finish by the end of the month, almost half a year ago, for the world.
you made sure to stomp off the snow stuck on your boots before entering the building, but you couldn’t help but sigh at the warmth that greets you once you toe them off.
“ahhh,” you think. “thank goodness tooru convinced us to invest in heated floors.” another perk of having four boyfriends was that two of them brought in enough bank for you to seriously consider becoming their cute little housewife. snorting, you shake your head, though the idea of prancing around in a maid outfit to tease them seemed very appealing. “maybe we should make hiro dress up and clean the house since he still hasn’t found a new job yet.” 
“what’s so funny, sweets?” speak of the devil. makki’s head pops out from the bathroom nearest to the front door, steam rolling out and droplets falling from his hair, signifying that he had just taken a hot shower. wordlessly, you stare at him, lost in thought imagining the water caressing his toned body, but a second later, he gets a better look at you and laughs. “you look like a wet dog!” your glare loses some of its edge when he takes in your own damp strands. 
“did someone say something about a dog?” tooru comes bounding round the corner, and you could’ve sworn he drooped a little when he realized it was just you in the hallway sans dog. turning your icy glance on the setter, you open your mouth to complain about how mean the two of them were being to you when your prince charming comes in to save the day.
“you two, stop bullying the poor girl and let her take a warm bath before she gets sick!” iwa chides as he helps you unbundle the layers that protected you from the snow and sharp winds of the winter. pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and promising to pick out comfy clothes for you, he ushers you into your spacious en suite where a steaming tub full of rose petals awaits you. hajime chuckles at the starry eyes you give him, heart warming at the love and appreciation shining clear as day on your face, before he leaves to grab a clean pair of underwear, one of issei’s t-shirts, and a pair of his own sweats, knowing you much prefer to wear their clothes at home.
submerged in the bath, you exhale contentedly, eyelids fluttering shut as you enjoy the product of iwa’s consideration and foresight. letting the stress of work and the chill of the outdoors melt from you, you stay in the water until it cools and your fingers prune. a lone thought of how much more you would’ve enjoyed the bath if the boys had joined you flits through your mind, but you jolt when you open your eyes and find issei sitting on the counter with a towel and your robe in his lap, some of the water sloshing over the side of the tub. 
“oh thank god, i was scared you fell asleep and would drown or choke on a rose petal.” you giggle while he wraps you up in your robe before gently toweling your hair dry. “you can’t leave me to deal with the three of them alone.” 
rolling your eyes, you retort easily, “if anything, i’d feel bad about leaving hajime to deal with the three of you alone. the poor man puts up with enough from his team, he doesn’t need you guys ganging up on him, too.”
“well i’ll have you know, sometimes he really enjoys us ganging up on him.” his cheeky quip paired with his wiggling eyebrows earns him a smack on the chest but regardless, you let him sweep you up into his arms and drop you on the massive bed the five of you shared. “get dressed, babygirl. as much as i’d love to spend more time with you naked, i gotta help haji finish dinner.” with a quick peck on your lips, issei leaves you to do just as he said. 
emerging revitalized and relaxed, your mouth waters at the smell of homemade curry, distracted enough to not notice tooru’s arms wrapping around your shoulders and waist. 
“hey, cutie, i’ve missed you,” he sings, face snuggled into the junction of your shoulder and neck. you spin around in his hold to slip your arms around his slim torso, relishing his firm lines against your soft curves. 
“‘ve missed you too, tooru.” and you really did, grateful that all of you were able to take time off work and he was able to come home a week before the holidays, giving the five of you a whole month to spend together before he had to jet back to argentina for his next bout of training and practice games.
“hell yea! group hug!” makki comes running towards you guys, only for you to twist out of his reach at the last second, sending him straight into the sofa behind you. “oof, that was cold, y/n.”
you stick your tongue out at the strawberry boy. “yea, well that’s what you get for laughing at me when i got home. sucker.” still entangled in tooru’s embrace, you feel his body shake with mirth and bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from dissolving into giggles when you see a pout take over hiro’s pretty face.
“dinner’s ready,” comes iwa’s call, beckoning the three of you into the kitchen before you could antagonize each other some more. once you all got your servings of curry, you settle into your proclaimed seats on the large sofa, your body comically small compared to their tall frames dwarfing the cushions. noting the way tooru threw his long legs over iwa’s and how mattsun and makki leaned against each other as they ate, you fold your legs to tuck your feet under takahiro’s thigh and dig in to your meal with some trashy reality show lighting up the tv screen, completely certain that the warmth in your chest was from the company of your loved ones more so than the piping hot potatoes in your stomach.
during breakfast the next day, you blearily rub the sleep out of your eyes before taking a sip of your coffee, a satisfied “ahhh” escaping your parted lips as you lean against the kitchen counter. slowly peeling your eyelids open, you notice all of their gazes were focused on you. “yes? can i help you?” you ask amusedly, awake now that caffeine had be introduced to your tired body.
“how are you still so gorgeous in the morning?” you blink at the dreamy look on iwa’s face propped up in his hands with his elbows on the surface of the island. looking around, you see the other three matching the athletic trainer’s pose and expression next to him. thinking over your messy bedhead, mysteriously stained pajamas, and almost impressively dark eyebags, you want to scoff, but the unfairly handsome men giving you their undivided attention despite all of that (“because of all of that, y/n-chan,” tooru would argue) make you blush instead.
“you’re one to talk, haji,” you opt to remark, hoping to divert their focus from you and your rosy cheeks. “and don’t look at me like that,” your pointed finger swinging wildly between the four of them like the needle of a compass. “you already know you guys are way outta my league, you don’t need me to tell you that.” with one last flourish, you wave your hand dismissively before grabbing your mug with both hands, palms warming against the ceramic.
“as wrong as you are, you can’t blame us for wanting to hear the love of our lives compliment us first thing in the morning as we admire her natural beauty,” mattsun grins once he sees the success his words have at deepening the flush on your face. tooru nods gravely in agreement, but it’s makki’s one-two combo of a wink and an air kiss that breaks you. you roll your bottom lip between your teeth to stifle a laugh but release it immediately when the playful atmosphere takes a heady turn. clearing your throat, you pay no heed to their hungry expressions, knowing full well that they all noticed your little action and how they would react to it.
“a-anyways,” you stutter, “i’m gonna go get ready ‘cause i have things to do today so-” you try to slip by, leaving your empty cup in the sink, only to get caught in your tracks by hiro’s long arms. 
“ah, ah, ah, princess. and where do you think you’re going?” soon enough, you find yourself surrounded by your smoking hot boyfriends and heat up in anticipation of their next moves. 
“this so isn’t fair,” you complain aloud, though you were just as eager as they were to get you out of your worn sleep clothes. 
“tough shit, babygirl. guess you’re just gonna have to add four more things to your to-do list, huh?” 
naturally, you leave your errands for some day later in the week when you’re able to walk properly again.
the opportunity comes when you rise earlier than the rest of them, a rare occasion where you found yourself graced with the freedom of sleeping on the outside instead of being sandwiched in the middle of the bed. tiptoeing about, you brush your teeth and get dressed, somehow managing to not wake any of the sleeping beauties. you scribble little love-filled messages on post-it notes and stick them around your apartment on your way out, but not without one last soft smile in the direction of the bedroom, the sight of the four of them cuddled together through the door left ajar renewing your motivation to accomplish your tasks and come home sooner. 
with your laptop bag in tow, you set out for your first destination, settling into a corner booth at the coffee shop with a full cup and a pastry. once you finish your breakfast, you pull out your laptop and get to work, scouring the internet for the perfect gifts for your lovably imperfect partners. you rack your brain for any recollection of any moment where they would’ve let a potential present slip into conversation and light up when you come across volleyball print pajama pants. you check the availability of the sizes you needed and upon realizing that they were all in stock and would be delivered before christmas, you place your order without a moment’s hesitation. satisfied with your progress, you pull up the animal shelter’s hours before heading out of the cafe, the barista’s greetings and the jingling bells echoing behind you. 
by the time you return home, it’s late in the afternoon and you’re greeted by a wall of warm bodies as soon as you step through the front door. 
“where’ve you been, babe?” once again, takahiro is the first to meet your return, but this time he plants a sweet kiss on your lips with his long fingers encircling your waist after his inquiry. 
“oh, you know,” you sigh, dazed from the saccharine embrace. “out and about.”
“busy day? hope it was productive.” you nuzzle into tooru’s chest, feeling the timbre of his voice through your skin, and nod.
“as a matter of fact, it was.” their eyes soften at the proud grin stretched across your face. but your grumbling stomach just had to ruin the moment, making the three of you stare at each other before bursting out in chuckles.
“you skipped lunch?” oiks asks, wrapping each arm around yours and hiro’s waists and guiding you into the kitchen. you rub the back of your neck sheepishly.
“i guess so? i didn’t really notice i was hungry until now.”
“good thing we saved your favorite from that chinese place down the street for you,” mattsun comes up behind you and lands a kiss on the crown of your head. you beam gratefully up at him and skip over to the fridge to retrieve the takeout.
“welcome home, love,” iwaizumi emerges from the bathroom to complete the set and gives you a once over. “you look tired.”
“gee thanks, hajime.” he rolls his eyes playfully at you while you wait for your food to heat up in the microwave.
“what time did you get up this morning?” 
“uhhh,” you start, mouth full. at iwa’s stern glare, you swallow before answering, “seven-ish? earlier than i would’ve like for a vacation day but it was worth it.”
“hm, well i’m glad you had a good day at least.” you shuffle over to kiss his cheek before dropping yourself on top of where tooru and hiro were cuddling on the sofa, eyes drifting around the room to take in the holiday decorations adorning the space.
“thanks, haji. but you’re right, i am sleepy.” suppressing a yawn, you lean back against the broad chests behind you and tuck back into the paper container. “can we take a nap once i’m done?”
“sure thing, babygirl.” the innocent smile mattsun sends your way turns mischievous with his added comment. “we really tuckered ourselves out while you were gone.” you nearly choke but makki’s hand thumping your back helps you dislodge whatever food got caught in your throat. iwa shakes his head and looks to the side in an attempt to hide his face, but the reddening tips of his ears give him away. meanwhile, oikawa catches your eye and winks.
“how else did you suppose we keep ourselves occupied when our baby wasn’t home?” you get up to toss your now empty container, shaking your head as you go. 
“i’m glad to see you at least got the christmas tree up before going at it. god, you’re all insatiable.”
“i mean, it’s hard not to be in this relationship,” hajime grumbles.
“aww, iwa,” makki pushes his lips into an overexaggerated pout. “you make me hard, too.” full-bellied chortles escape the four of you, ignoring iwaizumi’s indignant huffs.
“whatever,” comes his miffed reply, but you know he takes all your antics in stride. soon enough, he returns to the living room with a stack of blankets and finds you and issei added to the pile of limbs tooru and hiro founded. somehow, hajime situates himself to fit perfectly in your cuddle fest, blankets sprawled about to keep you warm.
one last yawn leaves your mouth before you mutter a sleepy, “night, guys. love you,” barely registering the quiet “love you”s you get in return as you drift off, the lights adorning your christmas tree twinkling above you.
christmas day, you wake up before the others again, this time more than willing to feign sleep and revel in the warmth of your shared bed. luckily, you don’t have to wait long for your boys to stir. sitting up, you stretch your arms above you head and begin to climb out of bed only to be caught by the wrist and dragged back down.
“haji, please,” you draw out. “we can finally open the presents under the tree!”
“i don’t care, it’s too early for you to leave me, princess.” you hum as he pulls you closer to him, revisiting your mental note that iwa is much more openly (and selfishly) affectionate in the mornings. 
“oi, the rest of us are still here you know.” face buried against tooru’s back, mattsun’s muffled complaint gets hajime to loosen his hold on you. 
“yea, yea,” he props himself up on his elbow to lean over you and kisses the former middle blocker’s temple. “unfortunately.”
“so mean, iwa-chan,” oikawa pipes up, stretching his arm across you to caress your boyfriend’s toned arm before lacing his fingers with makki’s. the pink haired man himself, still half-asleep, squeezes tooru’s hand before sitting up.
“hey, wait. it’s christmas, isn’t it?” takahiro’s question reminds you of the package you received a couple days prior, prompting you to spring out of bed before one of them could reel you back in. the four watch you rifle through the closet and resurface with the pajama pants you ordered.
“merry christmas!” you cry excitedly, tossing each boy their respective pair and eagerly awaiting their reactions. “they’re matching pj’s! look, i got one for myself, too.” thankful that you chose to go to bed in just one of iwa’s godzilla t-shirts and underwear last night, you rush to slip on your volleyball print pants. the boys take in your childlike joy, chests tightening at how precious you are. “hurry up, i want you to try them on so we can match!” at your insistence, they roll out of bed and dutifully don your gifts. 
“oh these are actually really soft,” tooru murmurs thoughtfully, fingering the fabric on his thigh.
“right?” you pipe up, nearly bouncing off the walls. “i wanted to do something to commemorate our first christmas together in this apartment and i thought these were really cute since volleyball is what brought us together in the first place.” eyes meet each other as you all reminisce that special summer, grateful that you stayed close despite your individual journeys after graduation.
suddenly, the doorbell ringing catches your attention. a brief glance at the clock on the bedside table tells you it’s much later in the morning than you though, but you’re quick to answer the door.
“who could that be?” the boys are left wondering, wandering out into the living room in time to see you wave goodbye to whoever it was with a large gift-wrapped box sitting on the floor next to you. 
“babe? who was it?” tooru is the first to ask the question on all of their minds. 
“oh, just my best friend. they wanted to drop this off on their way to their parents’ house.” you gingerly pick up the box and bring it to where your boys were waiting for you. “go ahead!”
“go ahead?” hajime parrots. 
“yea! open it!”
“it’s not for you?” takahiro ponders.
“well yes and no. c’mon just open it already!” you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet at this point. tooru finally takes the initiative to remove the lid of the box, eyes widening when he sees what it hid.
“oh my gosh,” he breathes. the other three nearly knock heads with how quickly they lean over the opening.
“is that-?” a furry little head pops up over the edge of the box, round eyes peering up at the four of them.
“a dog! yes!” you squeal. “he’s a shelter dog!”
“he is?” hiro is in awe, slowly reaching out to cradle the little guy in his arms.
“i met him the other day when i woke up early and ran errands without you guys. isn’t he just the cutest?” big hands dwarf the small pooch as they gently pet his head and stroke his fur.
“does he have a name?” tooru has the good sense to ask. 
“mhm, the lady at the shelter said his previous owner named him ponyo.”
“ponyo…” issei whispered, eyes shining. 
“i know we’re nowhere near ready to start thinking about kids,” you start, the topic of the conversation instantly drawing their attention. tooru even ignored ponyo’s little tongue lapping at his fingers. “but i thought we could use an addition to our family.” 
“y/n, princess, we obviously all love him already, but we’re busy with work- well, most of us are. who’s gonna take care of him?” hajime questions, almost reluctantly.
“i mean, hiro is home all the time since he’s still unemployed (“i said i was looking, damn!”), but i actually got promoted so my schedule is way more flexible and i can work from home most of the time.” your voice trails off bashfully, but they give you no time to be embarrassed, swallowing you up in a huge hug. 
“why didn’t you say anything sooner, baby? we’re so proud of you!” now you know how the dog felt being smothered by their affection, not that it was anything new for you.
“uhh, surprise?”
“fuck yea, surprise! god, you’re incredible. lemme make a list of things we’ll need to get for ponyo once the stores reopen tomorrow.”
“you didn’t.”
“i did, with help from my best friend.” going into the lowest cupboards in the kitchen, you show off the bag of dog food and water and food bowls you bought soon after visiting the shelter. “his bed and crate are in the other closet by the washroom.”
“how did we get so lucky?” takahiro asks aloud, making you blush as the others nod in sync, all of them blown away by your thoughtfulness.
“this is nothing. i just wanted to show you guys how much i love you.” you play with your fingers, a little overwhelmed now that the initial excitement has worn off. “oh wait!”
“there’s more?” tooru asks, shocked.
“but wait, there’s more!” mattsun and makki chime in simultaneously, making you laugh as you retrieve the last present. you hop over to where tooru was sitting on the sofa with ponyo on his lap, scooping the dog up and locking the two of you in the bathroom. a couple minutes later, you open the door to let ponyo scurry over to his dads, who coo softly once they see him come around the sofa.
“when did you have time to do this?”
“my pants were a little long, so i hemmed them one night after you guys passed out on the sofa watching your old volleyball matches. i kinda guessed ponyo’s measurements based on standard info i found on the internet, but it fits perfectly so i’m glad!” looking at the little sweater you made for your new family member out of the extra fabric from your pj pants, you couldn’t stop the pleased grin that broke out on your face. “now even ponyo matches with us!”
while your gaze was trained on the tiny dog that was exploring his new home, theirs were stuck on you, your resemblance with a proud mother struck something in them, giving them thoughts of you with their children. yes, children. but for now they shoved those images to the backs of their minds, meeting each other’s stares to confirm they were all in silent agreement.
“we’re gonna make breakfast, you just sit there ‘n look pretty while you watch ponyo, yea?” issei announces before pulling you into a searing kiss as he walks by. 
“not that that’s hard for you,” iwa tags on, kissing your cheek and ruffling your hair following mattsun into the kitchen.
“but i’m always hard for you.” you yelp when hiro playfully slaps your ass, flipping him off as he trails after the other two with a loud hoot. tooru comes up behind you and rubs your sore cheek, spinning you around so that you were face to face.
“why’d you do this to me, y/n-chan?” you meet his frown with a confused look of your own. “now it’s gonna be even harder for me to go back to argentina.”
“oh, tooru,” you wrap your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to bring him close. “you have the next few weeks to spend with us and our new baby.” as if he knew you were talking about him, ponyo pads over to sit by your feet, tail wagging. oikawa sighs melodramatically.
“a few weeks is nothing compared to the months i’ll be gone!” 
“oi, shittykawa, you better not be complaining after everything this morning,” hajime hollers from the kitchen.
“love you, too, iwa-chan!” tooru calls back instinctively then he looks back down at you, his eyes giving away how much leaving will hurt him and it nearly makes you tear up with him.
“tooru, baby, it sucks every time you leave us, but you’re following your dreams and doing what you love. and we want to support you all the way, even if it means doing so from across the world. but with my new work schedule, i’ll be able to call or text you pretty much whenever. and just think how much sweeter it’ll be the next time you do come home to us. so don’t be too sad, okay, my love? we’ll all be here waiting for you.” 
as the last words leave your lips, tooru has you pulled flush against him, arms wrapped tight around your body. his face was hidden, but you could feel the sobs in hot breaths against your shoulder. you guided him over to the sofa and let him cry, petting his hair and peppering kisses on his tear-streaked face until he tired himself out. 
issei, hajime, and takahiro come out of the kitchen with stacks of pancakes and all the fixings, setting them down on the coffee table in front of you once they see tooru snoozing in your lap. iwa picks ponyo up before he could get a bite of your breakfast while you gently shake your boyfriend awake. mattsun and makki set up ponyo’s crate and bedding, leaving him with a toy to keep him occupied while the five of you filled up your plates.
sitting in the living room of the apartment you shared with your four boyfriends on christmas day, stuffing your face with fruit and whipped cream topped pancakes that they made, in matching pajamas with your new rescue dog scampering about, you couldn’t ask for a better gift underneath the tree.
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taglist: @lovemeafterhrs​ @sachirou-senpai​ @honey-makki​ @kenmaki​
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Normal world AU where the different buildings are just random groups of people and all of them ended up moving to the small village near the supposedly ‘haunted’ mountain that Samon and Enki grew up on bc property values are low as shit, and all of the minors are adopted by the guards. Qi has basically just grabbed Upa and Liang and ran the hell away from the Chinese mafia. Samon sees this random man dragging two half-dead children with him and this is now the very first time any of the new residents of the village find out the ‘hauntings’ that lowered property values were just a teenage Enki post massive growth spurt and a very small and over-energetic Samon that haven’t been seen in well over a decade.
- Hajime has, unfortunately, agreed to look after Jyugo and Nico while Rock and Uno try to find legal jobs, but it’s a lot on him. He and Seitarou help Uno and Rock fight a case to get custody of the two minors. Yamato is helping Tsukumo get a restraining order against his former agent and various paparazzi, as well as going to therapy so he doesn’t constantly feel the need to put on a persona in front of others. Hajime is a teacher at the local school (since there’s a decent number of local kids and then the building children), Yamato is the school’s coach, and Seitarou sells uniforms/cute festival stuff but is also occasionally seen working with the age 7 and below kids because they’re all very small and nice.
- Kiji is trying to cure Honey of his anger management issues and Trois of his pyromaniac tendencies. His day job is making and testing makeup that everyone buys, like mascara and eyeliner and hair gel. His second in command is working in one of the other small shops, selling everyone clothes (he and Seitarou make the clothing together).
- Kenshirou is only here because some of his dogs are sick and this village has been weirdly good for their health. Along the way he lets Musashi and Hitoshi stay with him because they help on chores and the dogs love both of them very much. He helps with the local stray problem by opening a shelter and rehabilitating most of them (the few who can’t be fixed to near-perfect health are still loved and cared for). Hitoshi bakes lots of food and sells it at Shiro’s restaurant, which is also why his presence is appreciated. Musashi tutors online part-time after Mitsuru rigged up wifi for them. Between all three of their jobs they can afford a place that’s small but has four tiny rooms so each person can a private space. (They sleep in the living room that’s been transformed into the group bedroom).
- Mitsuru is considered the local nuisance in so many ways, but after all of his loudspeakers and amplifiers have been confiscated he’s forced to resort back to regular hand-made instruments, so he at least gets to learn something entertaining as he irritates everyone with his noise-making. He and Momoko live in the same house but there’s a line drawn on the inside and outside that splits the house in half so everyone realizes in all of ten seconds they’re not actually together together, just saving on rent as long-term friends. Momoko works on managing the more official stuff to keep the town from being erased. She’s the unofficial (until the next election of course) mayor of the town at this point. Mitsuru’s day job is rigging up stuff like wifi and helping Hajime with his shop class at the high school.
- Shiro moved here after hearing how wonderful the cuisine is. He approves of being able to gather fresh ingredients on the mountain. Rock is frequently seen at his restaurant, both as a customer and as a worker. Hitoshi was recruited within a week. (Hajime has some mixed feelings but Rock mostly stops acting like an idiot after the first day, so it works out well)
- Inori and Ruka moved here years ago (and dragged the Daisen brothers with them) and are pretty much the only residents who were here before everyone started moving out and the buildings moved in. They’re the only ones initially who know the story behind the hauntings and never shared it out of indifference. Inori works in construction of new buildings/clearing rubble from the old, the Daisen trio help train the different sports teams at the school, and Ruka technically co-owns the makeup business with Kiji but his preferred job is as an unofficial swimming instructor because the two of them don’t get along.
- Samon and Enki bring the village supplies and materials from the mountain and trade this way. Samon has a notable weakness for ice pops, popsicles, and zakuro shaved ice, which he gets to surprise Enki on days it seems like he might want it. The new residents are all pleasantly surprised by how sweet Noriko is. Shiro offers her a job after trying some of her desserts. She bakes on weekends and holidays only to avoid overexerting herself, but the rest of the time her jobs include checking people in, taking orders to Shiro and Rock, and keeping peace if someone starts arguments. Houzuki is the area acupuncture specialist and medic until the Otogi family moves in, but he switches to full time acupuncture and massage therapy after they take up the practice. (they’re better than him at medicine anyways and he’s ok with admitting it).
- Liang and Upa love training on the mountain. Rock joins them frequently, often chatting with Liang as they race up. Qi is marginally less interested in physical activity, but he’s willing to make the hike up with them because of the amazing plant both during the hike and at the arrival itself. In the long run, doing some exercise in this form helps him with his mental health a lot and makes him happier. Tsukumo joins occasionally and talking to Qi helps him gradually come out of his shell.
- Trois takes to the challenge of trying to be constructive in building things instead of weapons and explosives. The downside is he frequently teams up with Mitsuru (who has the most equipment necessary) and therefore there are unique ways of getting around the idea of non-destructive inventions. Honey figures out ways to get Mitsuru his speakers back on the condition that he can use the wiring for his capsules.
- Nico ends up really sad about the lack of wifi so he tries to work with Mitsuru to improve tech, but he’s got a hard time reading the manuals so now Musashi, accompanied by either Uno or Trois depending on the day, can be seen teaching Nico how to read instruction manuals.
- Yamato is still very proud of his Japanese heritage, but he also frequently encourages others to appreciate the culture they live in and the culture they came from. Thanks to him, there’s a small festival hosted each year where everyone brings something like food or games or clothing from their culture and share it with everyone.
- Kiji takes it as a personal challenge to help teach normal world culture to at least one of the Gokuu brothers. Enki is far less willing to go along with the idea that he needs help from someone, so it’s Samon. Inori, who had a similar idea for the last eleven years, is currently trying to teach Samon how to drive. It’s yielding mixed results, but he takes really well to motorbikes. Hajme and Samon have a brief ceasefire whenever the subject of motorcycles comes up.
- No one is allowed to bring up the time that Hajime got lost in the mountain. No  one.
- Kuu comes and goes as he pleases. Mostly he stays at Hajime’s house but sometimes he’ll somehow appear wherever Samon Enki and Noriko are presently staying and lies down in the lap of whoever is trying to meditate. Enki tries to ignore Kuu (and fails), Samon will give him small scritches and complain about Hajime in a quiet tone, and Noriko feeds and pets him.
- In their spare time, many of the adults critique the prison systems they rescued the others from. Kiji, Hajime, and Kenshirou work with Enki to fix things on a bureactraic level, frequently accompanied by Momoko when she isn’t a sole representative in front of various international governments. Hajime knows the prison model perfectly, Kenshirou understands the police aspect that ties into it, and Kiji has several decades of experience serving as a prison guard, and their combined knowledge leads to many of their proposals being pushed pretty far up the ranks. 
- Samon is working on fixing prisons on the level of how each inmate is treated. All the official and formal changes in the world don’t change that there’s also issues with inmates not receiving care, sufficient entertainment, decent things for purchase and not just whether or not they can afford them, all sorts of stuff that slips past the cracks in the paperwork. He’s also the one who’s pushing for  more rehabilitation programs with Kiji and Mitsuru’s help. Between Samon’s knowledge of physical needs of people, Kiji’s balanced addition of general knowledge of what kind of education and paperwork prisoners need for proper rehabilitation to stick, and Mitsuru’s experience in communication, they have a very solid structure. Mitsuru’s ability to middleman and talk to Momoko also helps push their ideas forward.
- Slowly the buildings become more friendly towards one another. Upa smiles more because Nico helped him get out of his shell, there is a photo of Tsukumo laughing as himself for the first time hanging on the wall of Shiro’s restaurant, and Kenshirou’s dogs all adopted different humans to befriend and bond with. Qi gradually gets over his fear of dogs thanks to Musashi and ends up adopting one who works as a service dog for him and keeps him away from panic attacks and self-harming attempts, as well as (gradually) learning how to tell what kind of health Upa and Liang are presently in and alerting the doctor if necessary.
- The time-honored tradition of feuds between the different non-inmates and adults in charge of them continues, but they added in some new competitions. There are now options for multi-building tug-of-war, kids vs adults (and variations) relays, one v one competitions, and general tomfuckery. Most of the time Momoko is the referee, Mitsuru commentates, and although they rarely join in, they tend to tag-team and secure a near-effortless victory. If it’s every person for themselves, Momoko wins unless distracted by Hajime, at which point the rule of funny is frequently used to determine a victor.
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fijiangecko · 4 years
The Gr8King
Camboy!Oikawa Tooru x Fem!Reader
+9k words
MDI, Explicit, Smut, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers
Read it on AO3 here
Finding an apartment for college was one of the hardest things you’d ever done. Searching endlessly through ads, you ciphered through countless creeps and dingy houses that were not up to code. Up until the second to last week of summer break, you had no where to stay, but a friend of yours from high school said that he knew a guy looking for a roommate within your price range. 
Thanking him a million times, you met up with Tooru Oikawa the next day at a coffee shop and got acquainted. You found him charming, and something clicked between you two immediately, a spark if you would.
Two days after you met him, you were moving in. And very quickly after that you met his best friend; the three musketeers were together at last. Hajime, Tooru and yourself were always together and you all got along extremely well. 
You were a middle ground between the two, somewhere between the lines of rude and flirtatious, but it made for some fun nights out. Hajime and yourself are even better friends than Tooru and you, but both of you agree that it’s because of the mutual “hatred”. He became your best friend in a matter of weeks, and people often assumed you were a couple. Every time, it was quickly denied as either of you stated that you would rather shoot yourselves than hook up with one another.
Fast forward almost a year later, and the three of you are sitting on the couch, watching some shit alien documentary Oikawa put on in the background.
“Do you think we should buy a bigger TV, Y/N-chan?” Tooru asks you while shoveling some noodles in his mouth.
“Dude, it’s fine. I mean if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Plus, I don’t have the kinda cash for that at the moment.” You stand up, stretching slightly while reaching out to Iwaizumi, seeing as his bowl is empty. “Unless you wanna pitch in?” Laughing softly, he places the bowl in your hand and shakes his head.
“No chance in hell I’m helping you losers buy a bigger television for your apartment.”
“Well that was uncalled for…” Oikawa quietly mumbles. “But! I think I’m just gonna buy a new one. You don’t have to worry about the money or anything. Think of it as our one year anniversary gift!” He wiggles his eyebrows and bumps his elbow into Iwa’s side as you roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen. You’re just glad that you make it to the sink before he can see the bright red on your face.
You weren’t sure when this started, but whenever Tooru teased you, a rush of blood would flow through your system. You’ve known each other for years at this point, and nothing like this has ever happened. You’ve noticed that he’s been building more muscle, almost like he’s glowing. You’re unsure, but not upset.
“How the fuck can you afford that? You’re at practice all the time, and you don’t have a job.” You turn around after washing the dishes, leaning into the counter as you speak. 
The two men quickly share a glance before Oikawa speaks. “I have my ways.” The flirtatious tone in his voice lures you in, wanting for the subject to change, and you give in to the pretty boy's ways.
“Whatever Flattykawa.” He sticks out his lip and pouts as you insult him. “I’m gonna turn in for the night, I have an eight thirty lecture and I still have to meet with a TA beforehand.” A yawn escapes your mouth as Hajime stands up from the couch, making his way to you and wrapping his rather large arms around your frame. The man has always been a walking space heater, and you place your arms around him. He rubs his hands on your back before saying goodnight and walking back to the couch. Tooru is still pouting, head turned to look out of the window as he sees his best friend hug his crush. The slight twinge of jealousy lasts for a brief moment, going away as he whispers a brief goodnight to you as well.
A week or so has passed since that night, and things are still the same between yourself and Oikawa. He did end up buying a new t.v., and you got the “old” one for your room. Not only that, but he’s been receiving packages all the time. Almost everyday he gets something shipped to the apartment, and you can’t help but wonder where the fuck all of this money is coming from.
It’s none of your business Y/N. If Tooru’s rich, then there’s nothing you can say about that. He’s just a little luckier than you are, with money, talent and looks he’s practically got no issues… Your thoughts run on and on as you sit at the bar, distracted from the homework on your laptop screen. It’s roughly seven or eight at night on a Monday night, meaning Oikawa’s home since it’s his day off. He doesn’t like being bugged when doing work of any kind, and tends to stay in his room until he’s finished doing whatever it is he’s doing. It was an agreement you both made when you first moved in to learn each other's boundaries and respect privacy at all times.
Your phone dinged on the other side of the counter, and you quickly picked it up to look at the notification. At the same time, Tooru walks through his bedroom door and into the kitchen. His unruly hair was even more disheveled than usual, and his shirt was nowhere to be seen. It’s a rather common occurrence for him to be shirtless, but it’s been happening more and more. Unaware of your gaze, he continued looking for a snack like nothing mattered. You glanced at him quite a few times, admiring the light viel of sweat covering his chest and the soft breaths as he took a few deep inhales.
Not taking any chances of being caught, you went back to checking your phone and saw a text from the group chat you had with a couple of gal pals. They were asking about going to brunch tomorrow and you quickly responded that you were down to clown before placing the phone back on the counter.
“What’s up Tooru?” Your eyes settled back on his frame as he turned to you, a smile grazing his lips. He liked it when you called him by his first name. Not that he’d tell you, but he thought it was cute that you only called him that when you two were alone.
“Nothing much Y/N. Looking for something sweet to eat…”
“Hmm, if I recall you’re the one who ate the last of the rice krispy treats.” You cocked your eyebrow, smirking at his over exaggerated reaction.
“And?” He placed his hand over his heart, “Just because I ate one of your rice krispies treats, and it happened to be the last one doesn’t mean I don’t deserve something sweet.”
“Riiiight, so by one do you mean five? Because I did take the trash out of your room the other day, and there just so happened to be some more wrappers in your bin.”
“Y/N. I would never, and when I say this, I mean never eat all of your snacks. I can’t believe you would accuse me of such a thing.” Oikawa sassed you back, feigning innocence.
“Mhm.” You hopped out of your seat and walked to your room. 
“Where are you going?” He calls out, a little dumbfounded that you up and left.
“Hold your panties dude, I’ll be back.” He crosses his arms and leans into the counter as he waits for a few seconds. He can hear your footsteps coming back to the kitchen only a minute or so later, and suddenly a chocolate bar comes flying at him. It hits him square in the chest, but he catches it as it falls.
His lips stretch out into a genuine smile, looking between you and the chocolate. “I love you Y/N,” Tooru says in a sing-song voice, but rips open the wrapper as he speaks. Once again, his words cause a sudden blush to cover your face and you practically run over to your laptop to use it as cover.
“Whatever Tooru.” He chuckles while getting something to drink, and you see that the group chat has popped off during your short encounter. Decisions had been made in a small amount of time, but now you have plans tomorrow.
“What’s got you so happy?” He says, mouth full.
“Oh, just going out with some friends tomorrow. Haven’t seen them in a while so it’ll be fun.” You don’t bother looking up as you type.
“So I won’t be getting a breakfast special?”
“Are you saying you like burnt toast and crispy eggs?” A soft laugh fills the space when Tooru throws the wrapper in the trash. He pads over to the living area and plops down onto the couch. 
“Vegging out for the rest of the night?” You call from the kitchen, still engrossed in the group chat.
“I think so. I’m all caught up with everything and a new episode of that alien series came out yesterday.” A hum in affirmation leaves your lips before sitting down next to him.
The rest of the night is quiet as Tooru watches his show and you text your girlfriends, both of you content with being next to one another in comfortable silence.
“So Y/N”, one of the girls smacks her lips once she places her champagne glass on the table, “You and Oikawa together yet?”
A blush erupts over your skin, and wanting to hide you start to shield your face into your shoulder. “No,” you mumble while the girls laugh at your reaction. They’re some of the only people, mind Hajime, that know about your crush. It hasn’t been that long since you’ve developed these feelings, but it’s starting to have an affect on your dynamic with him.
“Well,” another one of your friends starts, “I think you should hop on it girl. He’s fine as fuck, and I can’t help but imagine what he can do with that body-”
“Alright!” Your best friend breaks up the conversation, seeing you get more uncomfortable by the moment. “We don’t need to talk about Oikawa’s anything right now, but I am curious about him buying new things for your guys’ apartment all the time.”
“I don’t know guys. I think he’s just rich, or something,” you shovel some of your food into your mouth, speaking in between bites. The girls look around at each other and shrug it off.
“Maybe he’s got a side business.”
“Or he’s a sugar baby!” They all laugh, minus you who takes the idea seriously. 
Maybe he has a sugar mommy or daddy… I mean, he’s got the looks and personality… You pick at the food on your plate as they continue their conversation.
“I would kill to be a sugar baby,” one of them whined, “Then I could sit around and do whatever I wanted.”
“You mean you could sit around and watch porn,” your best friend interjects. Silence fills the space before another round of laughter erupts from the table.
“Okay, but hear me out…” Another girl whispers under the hollers that can be heard across the restaurant. “I started watching this camboy the other week and it’s really hot.”
“Oh, like the guys who jack off on stream?” They sip out of their champagne glasses.
“Yeah, but when you donate money you can request or get things out of it. The guy I’ve been watching has been doing stuff with some vibrators lately, and I can’t get enough.”
“So,” you look up at them all, placing your fork down, “there’s just this whole category of porn where people do what you want.” They all turn and nod, almost eagerly.
“Did you not know about this Y/N?”
“I mean,” you could feel the heat rise on your face again, “I’ve heard of people jacking off on streams, but I didn’t know it was that popular…” Some of them laugh softly at the notion, but others try to explain further.
“You know, you might like it. I can send you the guy's username I’ve been watching. He streams every Monday for sure, and a few other times during the week. I’ll just text you.” She winks and the rest of the morning is just catching up with everyone.
Over the course of the past few days, your curiosity grew about cam culture and what it entailed. It’s been over a year since your last relationship and it has taken a toll on your sex drive. You aren’t about one night stands or friends with benefits, so you just stick to watching, listening and reading porn when you need to get off, and as the days went by you needed the release.
Making sure your room was locked, you opened your phone and searched through the texts to find your friends suggestion.
“Gr8King”, you whisper to yourself while typing the name into the search bar. The livestream pops into frame and the man is fully clad in a slutty maid outfit, teasing his own nipples with his fingers while he speaks ever so softly into the mic. His head is above the screen, allowing you to only see his mid and lower body down to his calves. He’s lean and toned, and you can feel your own arousal growing at the sight.  The notification tones going off every few seconds, hundreds of people donating and thousands watching as he moves a hand slowly down his torso, grabbing the hem of the skirt.
“Should we move on to something more,” he moves closer to the mic, breathing softly and talking in a deeper tone, “sensual?” The vibrations from his voice cause chills to run down your spine. You run a hand over your clothed sex, dying for friction while clenching your thighs.
The skirt comes off, falling to the ground and it leaves him bare on screen. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath it, and his cock is already getting hard. The tip is red, leaking with precum as he moves his hand up the shaft, rubbing the head with his thumb and smearing the liquid around.
Messages increase from the viewers, begging him to do something more, but he stays in his position. “I can’t do anything until the masters say I can,” he whines. Never in your life did you think that you would have a thing for guys in maid outfits, but what was left of the outfit and him calling the audience “master” fueled your curiosity.
That’s when you realize the small animations on screen. Based on the donations, there’s a vibrator going on and anytime someone donates they can change it, and if they exceed a certain amount they get called “master” for the night. More people donate, rapidly changing the speed and he bucks his hips into his fist, moaning breathlessly. “Not- not so much,” he releases his hand except for the pointer finger, running it with a feathery touch from the head to the base. A larger notification shows on screen, a “master” donating a rather large sum of money. Once again, the chat waits in anticipation to see what he’ll do next.
“Looks like master wants me to fuck my dirty little fleshlight while the vibrator gets turned up all the way.” He turns to find what’s necessary, and you stare at the screen, biting your lip.
Am I really enjoying this that much? Your eyes are glued to the screen, waiting in anticipation for what’s about to happen. He returns to the frame, toys in hand and resumes the broadcast.
“How could I deny my masters when they’ve given me so much? I need to be a good boy for them..” he purrs into the mic, teasing the head of his cock on the entrance of the clear fleshlight. The vibrator goes to max, and he shoves the toy down his length, moaning viciously.
Embarrassment floods your system as you listen to this random person whisper sinful things into your ear as he reaches his peak. It’s definitely foreign to you, but the throbbing between your legs makes you want to watch more.
Watching the “Gr8King’s” streams becomes almost routine over the next few weeks. You convince yourself that it’s healthy for you to jack off whenever he streams, but deep down you know it’s just an excuse to stare at some guy guy's body while he talks dirty. In fact, this past week you’ve found yourself wanting to donate for the first time, but you don’t have money to just throw around willy nilly so you just lurk.
The stream boots up, this week being just a normal show where he takes suggestions from any amount. You settle into bed, getting prepared for the night’s activities while listening to the voice call you pet names like “cutie”, “gorgeous” and countless others.
It was a stressful week full of work and school, so you decide to take the time now to really let loose and let him guide you to your climax. He talks about nothing in particular, but does as his audience wants while moaning and playing with himself, leaving you panting on your bed, waiting to release at the same time.
Taking all the time in the world, he edges himself multiple times. You can barely hear his words as you desperately try to keep up, but you can feel the knot grow even further in your lower body. After teasing for almost fifteen minutes, he starts to whimper, begging the audience for relief. The way he speaks into the mic is weirdly familiar, just a few phrases here and there catch you off guard, almost as if you know him. This feeling is quickly washed away from the growing knot in your stomach. The audience give into his pleas immediately and you feel the shock waves of pleasure wrack your body. The high washes over and you pant to regain composure. After lying on the bed for a few seconds, you lazily get up and wash up very quickly before hearing a short growl come from your stomach.
Making something quick, you watch some TikToks on the couch as you eat, too entranced by the memes to see Tooru walk out of his room. Once again, he is shirtless, but he spots you on the couch before entering the kitchen.
He slows his pace to admire your flushed skin and glow as you laugh. His heart beats quickly, and he targets the fridge. You can hear him in the next room over, but you don’t bother to call his name, figuring he would join you shortly.
A few moments later, you hear his bedroom door shut and you’re left alone. “What the fuck?” You check the date on your phone, making sure it’s Monday. He usually watches his alien show with me on Monday’s since we can hang out… With a frown, you turn on the t.v. The newest episode plays out as you mindlessly scroll, wondering what was wrong with him.
Two days later, you finish watching a stream, taking longer than usual to clean up and head back out to the living room, wanting to clean some before Hajime comes over. Much to your surprise, it’s being worked on by Tooru, who’s wearing a muscle tank top and some running shorts. He’s panting quietly as he bends to pick up various pieces of trash, but it leaves you stunned.
When did he get so buff? You peered at his abs and pecs through the large slits on the sides of his shirt, but he turns and catches you staring.
“What’s up, Y/N-chan?” He’s got a sly smirk plastered over his face. Your reaction is involuntary heat takes over your body. Without saying anything, you turn and go back to the safehaven of your room.
Tooru is also stunned over your movements, expecting some kind of sassy retort. Then his phone dings in his pocket. Still freaked out over what happened, he checks his messages and sees you’ve texted the group chat you both have with Iwaizumi.
[I think I’m sick, so you guys have fun tonight <3] His brow furrows; now he’s just confused.
“The fuck did you say to her man?” Hajime shoves a piece of sushi into his mouth, talking between chews. Tooru and himself sat at the counter, talking over some movie that all three of you were supposed to watch.
“I made a joke about her staring at me since I was wearing workout clothes, but I thought she was gonna just punch me or something.” He places the chopsticks down on his plate and tries to think. A light goes off in his head, Hajme can see that, but the look is quickly replaced with one of defeat.
“Imayormaynothavebeenavoidingherforthepastfewdays.” All at once, Oikawa speaks in a rushed and hushed sentence, hoping his best friend caught on.
“Excuse me: what.” There’s no playful tone in the air. Hajime popped that balloon and glares daggers into that thick skull of Oikawa’s.
“I,” he plays with his hands, “may or may not have been avoiding her over the past few days.” The first go around was quieter, but Iwa hears it more clearly, finally understanding what’s going on.
“You’re a fucking moron, you know that right?” Hajime places his utensils down, “I’m not going to get in between whatever’s going on here, but you both need to figure shit out. You can’t just avoid her all of the sudden. Not that she’s said anything to me, but she might be going through something and having one of her best friends just avoiding her out of the blue might not be the best thing for her.” Oikawa’s eyes widen at the words of wisdom. He makes a mental note for later, and the night goes on with the two men watching Godzilla for the 100th time.
Monday afternoon rolls around, and Tooru walks through the door of the apartment, finished with his classes. You’re making some tea to get some homework done, and he marches into the kitchen, raiding the pantry and fridge.
“You okay man?” Your brow pops up in concern. He didn’t have practice today, so why was he acting like this?
“Huh?” He turns with some food stuffed in his mouth. After swallowing, he answers, “Yeah, I’m good. Just wanted to talk with some friends on chat tonight so I wanted to eat quickly.” Hesitantly, you nod, returning to your laptop on the counter. What you couldn’t see was how his heart rate picked up after seeing you in the kitchen. He’s been wanting to confront you about his sudden absence in your life, but everytime he sees you he gets extremely nervous and bolts.
Tooru finishes up with whatever, and practically runs to his room, slamming the door. He scolds himself quietly behind the closed door for not saying anything to you.
Rude. You focus on homework for another thirty minutes or so and check the time, knowing that your weekly ritual is gonna be starting in the next fifteen minutes or so. Packing everything up, you move into the bedroom, checking the lock on the door for the thousandth time before settling down.
In minutes, “Gr8King” appears on screen, this time in a sports uniform. He starts out like normal, teasing the audience with his voice, running his hands along his body as countless people donate and chat in real time.
Just as he’s about to take his jersey off, a notification dings somewhere off camera and he tenses. “Excuse me cuties,” in a rush, he moves out of frame, slightly knocking his camera from it’s normal setup.
In the background, you spot a poster on a wall that’s eerily familiar. It’s light blue, with a man jumping high, arms reaching back as he prepares to attack. A net is settled before him as a volleyball is high in the air. There’s words in a foriegn language, except for the large letters at the bottom of the poster: “Argentina”.
This causes you to stop what you’re doing. You’re not entirely sure why, but the poster pokes and prods at the back of your mind. It’s a thorn you didn’t know you had.
Why does this guy have an Argentinian volleyball poster? The live stream continues in the background while your eyes haze over. Why does this bug you so much? It’s not like I know the dude, but he did seem familiar in a sense...
That’s the last piece. Everything falls into place as you hastily slam the laptop close. Your breaths are heavy as you finally understand. He’s not fucking rich, he’s a fucking camboy! Your fingers run themselves through your hair over and over as your brain tries to process what’s happening. 
I’ve been watching Tooru fuck himself for weeks and had no idea. I was watching the guy I’m crushing over please himself for thousands of people, and he’s just down the hall. What the fuck. You try to stop fidgeting, but your anxiety starts to spike.
“Maybe it’s not him. Maybe this is just a weird fucking coincidence that some streamer has the same schedule as Tooru and the same volleyball poster,” legs pacing around the room, you try to rationalize the situation. Talking out loud helps you realize what’s happening, but you speak quietly to ensure he won’t be able to hear you. Your heart is hammering in its cage, the rapid beating making you dizzy.
Before making any hasty decisions, you walk out into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence…” You pull out your phone, turning the sound all the way down and go back to the stream. You don’t actively watch, bouncing your leg as you lean on the counter, and wait for it to end.
You realize it might be a while, and you creep through the hallway, wary of the floorboards that creak and press your face onto his door, listening as closely as possible. Very softly, you can hear moans and grunts, but no actual words. Maybe he’s just working out...
The stream is still playing on your phone, but you return to the kitchen. Not much later, it ends and you wait patiently, timing everything from when it ends. Preemptively, you fill an extra glass with water and set it down. Five minutes pass, and Tooru walks out of his room, sweaty and shirtless. He turns the corner, taking the glass with a small thanks before going to the living room.
The timing makes sense. If he’s the Gr8King than it would make a lot of sense...
[Hajime we need to talk] you type and send before returning to your room, avoiding Tooru. He notices your disappearance and frowns, debating on fetching you. He misses the time you two used to spend together, and he scolds himself further for not bringing it up.
Taking a deep breath, he tells himself to “man up” and sends, [hey, i'm here for you if you need me :)]. He presses his lips into a line before hitting send and placing the phone on the couch next to him.
“So what’s up? Not to be rude but you never wanna go to the juice bar…” Hajme laughs lightly, hiding how nervous he is to be meeting up with you.
“I need to ask you something,” you sip the green smoothie, smacking your lips in disgust at the flavor. “And I need you to be honest with me.” Making eye contact, you set the cup down on the table.
“Y/N you’re freaking me out,” he meets your eyes and clenches his jaw.
“Well,” the blush rises in your cheeks, “I always joke about where Oikawa gets his money,” Hajime tightens his grip on his own cup, but remains silent. “I thought it was weird that he got packages all the time when he was either at home or at practice. Then I realized when he was at home, he’d lock himself in his room.” Your face is bright red and you take a deep breath in. “A friend of mine suggested something to me a few weeks back, and when I looked into it I saw something I don’t think I should have.” You look up at the ceiling, avoiding Iwa’s strong gaze. You don’t say anything, trying to think of a way to ask in the least embarrassing way possible.
“What is it Y/N?” He speaks with a small voice.
“Istooruacamboy?” You whisper, still looking up. Hajime’s face also breaks out into a blush, but he chuckles at the events. His chuckles grow into full on laughter as he buckles over and you’re stunned into silence. This continues for a few minutes until he calms himself down, wiping a few tears from his eyes while he looks up to you.
“I can’t believe you found out by watching him.” Some would say it’s impossible, but your face turned two shades darker as you slap him on the chest.
“Fucking asshole! You fucking knew, didn’t you?!” You punch him in the bicep for good measure as you scold him. His laughter is brought back while sipping on the rest of his drink.
“He started after the first semester of school, just trying new things. He told me it was interesting to him, and I said I wanted no part. He hated working at that sports store, you know that, and when he started to get popular there was no going back.” You sit silently, letting him explain. “I hope you don’t think that he’s like, sex crazed or anything… He’s just doing it for the money as far as I know and he likes being able to work from home.” He smiles, acknowledging his friends work but finishes his drink in silence, waiting for a response.
“I don’t think any different of him,” you shake your head and begrudgingly take another sip. “I just- It’s hard for me to take in? I think? Like, I wanna be supportive for him, and I’d like to think that I am but that doesn’t change that I want to be more.” Hajmie nods in affirmation, already knowing that you have feelings for your mutual best friend.
“I'm gonna keep saying it, just tell him. Tooru’s a good guy, and you two deserve each other.” You bite your lip and keep silent. “But first you should tell him that you know about the cam stuff.” Iwa is nonchalant about it all, and grabs your cup, finishing off the drink.
You sit on the couch, bouncing your leg but keeping an eye on the package that sits on your lap. It was something for him, but you don’t open it. You just sit there, eye’s on the door, waiting for him to get home from practice.
This is a stupid fucking idea, I should just go back to my room. Your leg bounces faster, and the anxiety bubbles in your stomach. You have no idea what’s gonna happen when he steps through that door, but you were set on telling him tonight.
Just then, the sound of keys entering the lock draws you away from your thoughts, the handle jiggling slightly before it turns and Tooru steps through. He’s dressed in sweats and a tee, hair damp from a shower and a gym bag hanging from his shoulder. He kicks his shoes off and enters the living area, setting the bag down without noticing that you’re watching his every move. Moving into the kitchen, he still doesn’t acknowledge that you’re there as he grabs a glass of water and walks back down the hallway to his room.
“Tooru!” You don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to get this over with. He stops his movements, and pulls an earbud from his left, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah?” He’s unsure what’s causing your outburst, but then he notices the package sitting in your lap, hands softly grasping it to keep its place in your lap. A wave of panic settles down his spine as he slowly spins around and walks to the couch, taking a seat on the other side from you. His eyes are glued to the package, but he notices that it isn’t open.
“I have something I wanted to tell you,” you start softly, placing the cardboard box between you both. He gently sets the glass of water on the glass coffee table and folds his fingers together, settling them on his lap.
“And what’s that?” He’s still shaken, but looks into your eyes.
Your heart starts to pound. What if this is a mistake? He looks like he’s about to throw up. Shaking the doubt from your head, you take a deep breath and hold your gaze. “I know what you do.”
His head cocks to the side, taking in your words. “I’m sorry Y/N, but what does that mean?” He hopes you aren’t alluding to what he thinks you’re getting at. 
Another deep breath and you start again, “I know why you spend so much time in your room.”
Tooru’s face flushes with color, the pink hue finding its way onto his skin and he laughs anxiously at your words. “I don’t think I follow.” He’s trying to change the subject, hellbent on finding a way out of this. “Are you saying you know that I masterbate Y/N?” He’s trying to tease you, hoping this conversation would stop and you would hand him his package and be on your way.
Cue your face turning red, but you huff in annoyance, throwing the box at him. “Yeah, if you mean that you’re streaming it.” He catches it and looks at you, eyes are blown wide, and he realizes this is the worst timeline to be alive in. You, on the other hand, are annoyed that you had to say it out loud and stand up, folding your arms and staring him down. “I don’t care, but I wish you would’ve said something to me. As your roommate and your best friend,” ouch, that hurt, “it would’ve been nice to know.”
With that, you march into the kitchen, looking for a way to cool off, but a pair of arms sneak around your waist as you rummage through the freezer.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” he mumbles into your hair. The close contact wasn’t abnormal, but it never felt like this. Your body heats up when his breath hits your skin, but you remain in your place. “I just- I didn’t know how you would react and Hajime kept telling me to talk to you about it, but I always get too nervous to bring it up.”
You spin around, his arms still on your hips, and watch his face carefully. He looks concerned still, but there’s a small pleading in his look. “And why were you nervous?”
Tooru’s face turns a shade darker, “It’s just weird, I guess. You’re one of the only girls in my life that I'm kinda serious about I didn’t wanna loose you if you thought that I just thought about sex all the time.”
Was that a confession? Your head starts to spin when he realizes what just happened.
“I MEAN, uh, you’re one of the only girls that I consider a big part of my life, you know?” He’s frantic and stumbling over his words, but you stay absolutely still. His grip on your hips loosens, he wants to run into his room but sticks it out to see what you do.
Instead, you surprise him by nuzzling yourself further into his neck. “You’re very important to me too, Tooru.” Your voice is soft, and muffled against his neck but he smiles into your head, living in the moment. He wraps his arms around your frame, squeezing you tight against his firm chest. 
“I’m kinda serious about you too…” The statement was almost lost to the hum of the a.c. unit, but Tooru caught your words and he stiffened up. You stay exactly as you are, praying to whatever god is out there that this all works out in your favor.
It takes a few seconds for him to come back to earth, realizing how hot your face is against his skin, but once he regains consciousness he chuckles. The vibrations ripple through your body, as you both remain in one another's arms. Your first thought was that he was laughing at you, and the panic settles under your skin. He can feel you start to pull away, but tightens his grip on your body, effectively trapping you in this position.
“Iwa-chan’s right, we are idiots.” Everything is so confusing. Does he like me back? Is this a joke? What does Hajime have to do with any of this? Countless thoughts along these lines run through your head, and Tooru knows this. “We’ve both been pining over each other for months.”
His words process with high speeds as you pull back. He had loosened his grasp, but his hands remained on your sides as you both stared into each other's eyes. You search his for answers, while Tooru finds comfort in yours. 
He laughs breathlessly once he can see your body relax, and he dips down to meet your lips. Tooru’s movements are fluid, moving both hands up to your jaw while tilting his head. You gasp once his soft lips meet yours. They taste like his dumb chapstick that he carries around everywhere. 
Tooru takes it slow, moving at your pace while humming into the kiss. Pulling back after a few seconds, you lean forward to catch his lips before he detaches himself. Rubbing a thumb on your cheekbone, he flashes the most brilliant smile. In the year you’ve known him, this is the most genuine and beautiful thing you’ve ever seen him do, and you can see it in his eyes.
“Y/N,” his voice is ever so soft, gliding in the air from his lips to your ears. Tooru’s eyes hold nothing but adoration in them as you stare into each other's eyes. “I don’t want to be serious with anyone but you.”
The bright blush returns to your cheeks, the warmth between your two bodies rising exponentially. His thumb doesn’t stop moving across your cheekbones. He's in total bliss as nothing in the world could matter more than what was happening at this moment in your shared apartment.
You smile up at him and grab onto his hand that's stroking your face, and just hold it closer to your skin. After a light squeeze, you both shift positions to hug once more, Tooru's arms latching around your waist and yours around his neck.
"Thank you," he states, the world muffled from your hair as he has lodged himself in the crook of your neck.
"For what?" You mumble back, rubbing an arm up and down his neck.
A deep chuckle causes your body to rumble, and a soft breath cascades down your neck before he pressed feathery kisses behind your ear. They're lighter than air, but you can sense he's holding back a bit. "For not being upset with me, for putting up with me, for accepting me, for everything." His whispers are woven into your skin, goosebumps rising up and down your spine as he speaks.
You push yourself further into his chest, a silent affirmation that everything is okay and will be okay. He smiles as he continues to press his lips to your neck, humming in the silence.
After a few minutes more of embracing one another Tooru pulls away, hands grazing your hips as he stares deeply into your eyes. His chocolate iris’ swirl with several emotions as you take in the vulnerability. You have only known Tooru as the charming, flamboyant character he puts on around almost everyone else. Maybe once or twice in your year of living with him have you seen this side of him, in which he offers himself as he is, not as who he wants to be perceived as.
Tooru presses a quick kiss to your lips and puts some pressure on your hips, signalling he wants to move. You both relocate to the couch, where he traps you in his arms and lap.
“I’m curious,” you reposition to look up at him, but he chuckles at your wide and curious eyes. “How did you find out about my streams?” A teasing grin makes its way on to his lips and your brain short circuits.
“Uh.. about that…” You purse your lips, looking anywhere but him, embarrassed of the insinuation of your actions.
Tooru breath fans against your neck, his face dipping down into that crook once more while letting out a low laugh. Sparks fly between you two when his lips brush your ear. He whispers, “You’ve watched me, haven’t you?”
With lightning speed, you snap your face to match his, but he’s quick to recover the initial shock with a deep kiss. He cranes his neck to further the kiss, pulling at your bottom lip with his own. Still startled by his teasing, you give in easily to his antics and within seconds his tongue has entered your mouth.
A low growl escapes him all while you succumb to his movements. His hand snakes up your side, settling itself on your rib below your breast. Tooru rubs his thumb in that spot, but you are lost in his taste to feel his hand.
You start to move in sync with him, moving together and letting each other take the reigns. Oikawa adores your feisty spirit, and when it starts to show through your movements, it only excites him more. You explore his mouth with your tongue, and suck on his lower lip as he slowly moves his hand back down your sides to cup your ass.
Now that you’re in control of your actions, you feel his hand stop right above your butt, almost as if he’s asking permission, but you grab a hold of his wrist and shove it down. That hand lets go of his arm and down to the hem of his shirt. A few fingers make contact with his toned stomach, and he shivers at the cold sensation.
“Impatient much?” Tooru repositions you so you’re straddling him. You don’t break off the kiss and place your hands on either side of his face, the tips of his hair tickling your fingertips. His large hands grasp under your thighs as he hoists the both of you up and off of the couch. Hastily he moves down the hall and into your room, busting through the door and gently he places you down on the edge of your mattress.
You pull away, breathless and stare into his eyes once more. The tension in the room is thick, but warm and comforting. He smiles at the look in your eyes, knowing that you’re in no way anxious of what’s about to happen.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? We don’t have to do anything before the first date.” His smile is intoxicating, and he doesn’t want to pressure you in any way.
“I want you Tooru, I’m good,” this time you rub a thumb across his cheekbone in reassurance. Smiles on both of your faces, he dips back down to capture your lips and push you onto your back.
Your mattress is firm underneath you, the bed frame shifting under the weight of two people. The cold sheets scrunch under your back contrasting the warm embrace of Oikawa as he dips down on top of you, running a hand through your hair.
“Do you trust me?” He speaks while hovering over your body. You push yourself up to meet his lips, giving him a quick peck on the side of his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” You laugh and lay back down, pulling the front of his shirt to pull him down with you.
Tooru laughs into the kiss, pressing his chest into your own. All of his kisses are electrifying, the spark runs up and down your spine while you both like with one another.
You take the next step and tug at the hem of his shirt while wrapping your legs around his lower half. His skin raises in temperature but he follows suit, practically tearing the fabric off of himself. You watch Tooru get shirtless and fully take in his figure.
It's not like you haven't seen him like this, but this is the first time you've ever actually took a good, long look at Oikawa's figure (knowing it was him, at least). He works out regularly for volleyball and maintains a good diet, and it shows. His chest is firm when you place a hand on it, and his abs create a valley down his stomach.
As you feel him up and down, Tooru stares at your face as it scrunches curiously. "Like what you see cutie? It shouldn't be anything new."
You blush but smack his chest in retaliation. A low laugh escapes his lips, but he sneaks a hand to the bottom of your shirt, poking a few fingers into your stomach in a wordless question of what to do. You squirm in your position and he helps remove your shirt.
Arms cover your chest instantly as you realize you're wearing one of your older bras that isn't the most flattering thing on the planet.
Noticing the shift in tone, Tooru gently unfolds your arms. "None of that Y/N." You don't put up any resistance as he speaks sweet and salty worlds into your ear. His hands are coarse and rough, calloused from years of training but he untouched you with a softness, almost as if he was handling a dove.
He kisses your neck making his way down your chest while reaching underneath you, unclasping the bra and throwing it onto the floor.
With your breasts exposed, Oikawa pins your arms on either side and continues down your clavicle, down through the valley between your chest. You whimper when he suddenly takes one of your nipples into his mouth, gently biting and sucking of the soft bud.
Instinctually you squeeze your thighs together, but he stands between them and he hums into your breast, knowing you're starting to grow impatient. Tooru's other hand moves to the opposite breast, kneading it in his palm.
A soft moan escapes your lips and you roll your hips into his, shock waves of pleasure wrack your body while your cunt starts to throb.
Oikawa moves further down your stomach, reaching the button of your pants. He peers up at you, pupils dilated and hungry. You nod and lift your hips while he removes both the pants and panties you were wearing.
He stands at the edge of the bed, removing the rest of his clothes and let's his cock spring free. It's red at the tip, which reaches up to his abs from being hard.
Tooru’s hips meet yours, laying his long cock over your bare stomach while rubbing soft circles into your thighs. “Look at how deep I’m gonna be inside of you cutie.” A quiet whimper leaves your lips, wrapping your legs around his waist in a silent plea. His eyes burn into your skin.
“Tooru, please…” The desperation in your voice only spurs him on as he drinks you in, lying bare, begging for him. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, and his dick hardens further at the sound of your voice. 
A switch flips in his brain once you swirl your hips, and a smirk pulls at his lips. He leans forward, pressing his body into your, getting dangerously close to your ear and fanning hot breath over your skin. Chills erupt from the sensation and make their way across your body, causing a whimper to involuntarily escape your mouth when his hot skin presses into your cold chest. “What do you want, Y/N?” Tooru’s voice is quiet, but the vibrations from his words have an effect on your body you thought wasn’t possible. He presses feathery kisses into the sweet skin on your neck, causing you to tilt your head.
“I want-” Your voice is breathless as you search for words. “I want you to-” Suddenly, he slips his dick in between your folds, slowly moving his hips up and down, getting himself ready with your slick. The electricity of his movements force a moan through your throat, Oikawa relishing in the sound of your voice as he uses his thumb moves to apply pressure on your clit.
Still breathing hot air onto your neck, he mumbles, “You want me to fuck you, is that it?” Your eyes shut as a thousand tiny confirmations leave your body, physical and not. He revels in the moment, realizing the control you both have over each other. He can’t help wanting more of you, all of you. Your aura is intoxicating, and Tooru feels drunk off of your presence. 
“Please.” He continues grinding his length down your folds. “Just fuck me already.” Your voice is raspy, pleading for movement, connection, anything. Arms folding around his neck, you grind harder into his cock while he continues to rub the sensitive bud.
“So impatient.” His voice is dark, sultry and enticing. It draws you in, leaving you stunned and you can’t think straight anymore. “I bet you’ve wanted this. Watching me stream, you got to see all of me little cutie,” Tooru readjusts himself, placing the tip at your entrance, drawing circles with it. “Now I get to see all of you.” 
He slowly pushes forward, letting his dick get sucked in to you as you cry out at the contact. Oikawa starts to lose himself at the feeling of your pussy when it twitches. His eyes never leave the sight of his cock disappearing into you.
You take a moment to breath as his hips lay flush with yours, but you take action and raise your hips. He hisses at the movement, not expecting you to set the pace so quickly.
Snapping out of it as you move your hips back, Tooru moans loudly and grabs one hip and leans over you, placing his other hand next to your face. His face gets inches in front of yours, matching your movements and leans in to take your lips once more.
His hips move back and forth, building up speed through both of you ravenous moans and whimpers. Through the sounds and movements, you feel his cock penetrate you with endless force, as if it fits perfectly inside of you.
You moan his name as Tooru pounds into you, scratching at his back from the waves of pleasure. Feeling you clench around him almost teasingly, the hand on your hip moves to your clit, and Oikawa starts to rub circles.
"Fuck Tooru!" You press your nails harder into his skin and he growls at the sensation. You can feel yourself getting close, the knot building larger with every second.
He pulls back from your lips and looks at your face. Your eyebrows are scrunched and your eyes are shut. The way his hips move is better than you could’ve imagined, even more sexual than his streams. Oikawa shifts his position to hit you deeper, his dick just barely hitting your cervix.
"I'm close," you mumble from bruised lips. He can’t hold himself back much longer and his thrusts become erratic. Tooru plants his lips on your ear, speaking a thousand words to you which you’re unable to hear. His thrusts and deep and fill you to the brim. The pleasure becomes too much for you to be able to focus and with one thrust you tense and the knot snaps.
He moans your name loudly when he feels your walls clench down on him. Swiftly, Tooru pulls out and finishes on your stomach, white ropes decorating your soft skin.
His head is still next to yours, but you’re both panting. It takes a few seconds for both of you to come back to your senses, but he prys himself up and off of you, looking down on his work. “You’re gorgeous Y/N, just fucking stunning.” He admires your glowing form while you stare at him, a smile adorning your features.
Oikawa moves first, placing another soft kiss to your lips before going to the bathroom for a warm towel. You lay in bed, just thinking about everything. How did I get here? You never thought that watching camboy porn would ever lead to you getting with the guy you’ve wanted for a while now, but if it works out then it works out you guess.
He returns a few moments later and cleans you up, throwing the rag with the rest of your clothes and climbs into the sheets, maneuvering you onto his chest where he cuddles you and runs a hand through your hair.
You close your eyes, breathing onto his bare chest and take in the beat of silence. You can’t see it, but Tooru looks down at you and smiles. You’re finally his. He can finally hold you in his arms and give you all the love he thinks you deserve. His heart swells at the notion, and makes a mental note to thank Iwaizumi later in general since he feels in a giving mood.
Oikawa feels your breath even out, your chest rising and falling in a slow pattern. Your senses are drifting from you, but you’re able to make out a few things before you pass out. Tooru places a kiss on the crown of your head, pressing his lips into your hair and he whispers something before you completely fall asleep.
“I love you Y/N.”
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violetsoju · 3 years
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iwaizumi hajime · fluff · 1.7k
summary: iwaizumi seriously needs to get work done, without his mind going into overdrive
a/n: the product of spending too many nights in the library because i can't get work done back in my room
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The reason why Iwaizumi doesn’t like studying in the library open space is because there’s too many people.
High school students hogging seats that are evidently not enough to cater for the university’s own students. Half-zombified students surviving on energy drinks sprawled on the table, escaping reality by taking a catnap. Students with earbuds stuck into their ears, tapping away on their phones or watching videos under the cool air-conditioning instead of the scorching heat outside. Or those who Iwaizumi wonders how they even got accepted into university because they’re clearly illiterate, making sure everyone around them knows what’s on their mind despite the big red ‘quiet please’ sign hanging on the wall next to them.
“It’s distracting.” he grumbles. “How am I supposed to focus with so many people roaming around, not to mention the background noise I didn’t ask for.” The endless flow of people rolling before his eyes has him rubbing his temples in distress.
“It just means that you’re not focused enough, Iwa.” Your eyes never leave the laptop before you, fingers swiftly tapping on your keyboard.
He shoots a glare to your direction. “Why don’t you try sitting in my position and see if you’ll say the same.”
A scoff sounds in the air. “As if it’s not the same on my end.”
Iwaizumi should be used to squeaking noises on the polished concrete surface, given the years of spending most of his youth living in the school gym. But the shuffles and squeaks behind him now has his jaw clenched tight, fingers coiled together.
“Admit it. You’re just distracted by me.”
Two pairs of eyes lock. One with a glint of tease and mischief, one with a glint of exasperation and fatigue.
“As if.” You smirk at his response, clicking your tongue knowingly as you trail your eyes back on the bright laptop screen.
As if you’re the reason why he’s distracted. What absolute nonsense.
But if you’re not, why did he reply so hastily, mouth working faster than his brain, as if he was trying to hide something? As if someone broke the passcode to his closely-guarded safe that safeguards his hidden stash of valuables and treasures?
Is that why he firmly insists on studying in the quiet area, all the way in the deep end of the library, where one is confined to a study pod each? No random humans lurking in sight, just a laptop screen, and three mounted walls enclosing the small yet breathable space. The cries of help from keyboards being murdered mercilessly by the rapid finger smashing filling the air.
A space where everyone has their minds shackled to the device before them, head swimming in overloaded information too much for poor brains. A space where the only distraction is the faint cries only audible to oneself screaming this is too much.
That’s the space Iwaizumi needs to be in. And that’s the only distraction he needs.
Or the only distraction he can afford to have.
Because the rest are definitely too much.
One, in particular, is definitely too much.
His eyes act on their own will, something he can’t hold rein of.
It captures every small detail of the figure seated opposite him. You, to be specific.
The way your brows furrow together in complete concentration. He’s sure that you’ll be the one having wrinkles earlier than him, despite your constant nagging of how he shouldn’t crumple up his face in disgust at the sight of couples making out on campus in broad daylight.
The way you heave out heavy, long sighs every half an hour, like a fire-breathing dragon spouting flames from its mouth. Not as scary as Godzilla though.
The way you rest your temple against your knuckles, gradually tilting sideways like the Leaning Tower of Pisa as your elbows slip further. It’s a miracle you don’t lose balance at that angle.
The way your hand travels downwards towards the side of your neck, knuckles planted behind your ears to keep the weight of your head in place. Sometimes they’re curled together in a straight neat line. Sometimes they trek little lower, tucked under your jaw near to your ear. Sometimes just a finger is all you need to support the mass above your shoulders. Iwaizumi has honestly lost count of the number of poses you can make, which he has to admit, are better than those watch or jewellery models plastered on glossy magazine pages.
When your fingers wrap the side of your neck, or when your fingers splay across your neck and collarbone, he wonders if he can cradle your neck with his hand like a snug pillow. He knows how small your hands are compared to his large ones, how soft your palms are compared to his calloused ones, worn from years of practice. He wonders how it’ll feel against your smooth bare skin.
He wonders if he has his fingers wrapped around the nape of your neck, closing the gap by pulling you towards his chest to feel your heartbeat thumping against his, would your breath hitch, shudder under his touch from the sparks ignited from the sudden difference in skin texture, or would you melt into his touch, into the warmth of his palm that’s just a quarter of the fire in his burning heart that’s set ablaze by you?
When you part your lips to apply lip balm onto your dried lips caused by the low humidity, he wonders which lip balm you’re using today. Is it the normal original one? The peach flavoured one? Or the manuka honey one?
He licks his own dehydrated lips although he knows it would make it worse. When you smack your lips to even out the wax-like substance, he wonders how it feels like, how it tastes like. Does it really taste like peaches? Or like sweet honey dripping from your eyes at the sight of food?
He could find out by reaching out his hand to borrow it from you. But he wonders how it would feel like from your lips, how it would taste directly from your lips.
It’s a childish thought, but using a lip balm that has touched your lips on his is like an indirect kiss. High-school Iwaizumi would be a blushing mess at the thought. But Iwaizumi is all grown up now. If he were to want a kiss, he would want a direct kiss. Lips on lips. Flesh on flesh. Nothing in between.
But he remembers that his lips are slightly dry and chapped, which would be such a turnoff to mould it with your moist plump ones. But what better way to moisturise one’s lips with another?
When you tap your lips, deep in thought – as if taunting his previous thoughts – he wonders if he’s ever met anyone who does that instead of tapping their chin. And when you jab your thumb on your lower lip, knuckles brushing your upper lip, he wonders how your lips feel like. He has wiped away food stains from the side of your lips numerous times, but it was always the napkins that had the honour of gracing your skin. Are they as soft and plush as they seem?
Are they as dreamy and kissable as they seem?
He wants to find out for himself, to feel for himself. He wants to trace the curves of your lips with his fingertips, to feel each line carved on your lips, to memorise each slope and dip of your lips. If he can’t use his sense of taste to recognise your lips, at least he’ll know it’s you with his sense of touch.
Oh, just when he thinks that you look good in a certain lipstick colour, you prove him otherwise when you appear with a different shade the next day. It’s funny how all the shades of red and coral displayed look disturbingly identical in the shops you drag him into, but he can tell at first sight that they’re a different shade when it’s on your lips. He always finds it amazing how you blend different tones together to make your already desirable lips more alluring. It isn’t the colour that brings out the extra shine in you; it’s you who brings the pop of colour alive.
And he wonders how that pop of colour would look like on his bronze skin tone.
When you run your fingers through your hair in frustration, he wonders how it’ll feel like if those were his fingers. He’d run through them gently, soothing them out affectionately. He’d comb through each strand of hair with his fingers delicately.
He wonders how it’ll feel like with your fingers running through his hair, featherlike fingers caressing his scalp tenderly. It’s such a soft gesture that melts even the toughest of hearts. He wonders if you would tug his hair, if you would curl your fingers over his short cut. Would it be in playful manner? Or a desperate manner? Most importantly, when, why and where you would do that.
Let’s not get started on how your tongue peeks out the side of your mouth, running along your sharp yet cute fang teeth that could shred one into pieces. Or when you stick out your tongue teasingly at him when you catch him staring.
What’cha looking at? Eyes on the laptop, not me.
It’s a cute harmless gesture for you, but god knows how it’s a gesture drives his mind into overdrive. Something you're not ready to know about, yet.
There are too many wondering thoughts, thoughts deemed unnecessary and distracting when he’s with you. That’s why he insists on having a barrier wedged between the both of you, especially when he needs to get actual shit done. All he can see now is the crown of your head, and your sneakers beneath the table that are a few inches away from his. That’s all he needs and can handle on his plate right now.
Right now, there’s more important things to be done. Not that you’re not important. If you’re not important, you wouldn’t be driving him up the wall with such subtle movements and gestures.
Important things that require his attention right here, right now are things like the two thousand essay that’s due tomorrow. The e-mail from his professor regarding the group assignment progress that he has yet to reply. The mini army of tabs armed with journal articles waiting to be read.
Like any other day, Iwaizumi hopes and prays that his mind will cooperate with him to set gear into the right direction. If he could put off pouring his heart out for so many years, then these crazy yet valid thoughts could wait too.
He knows they’ll be worth the wait too.
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aitarose · 4 years
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iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, akaashi keiji
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notes: i binged a whole ass netflix show this morning and was like ‘omg i should probably write something today’ and for some reason i was in a wedding mood so here this is! i love all of these men and omg these are so cute like I WANT THIS AJDSKL
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IWAIZUMI HAJIME would be the guy that’d walk down the aisle, hand-in-hand with the little flower girl—leading her through the crowd and helping her toss pink and red rose petals across the scattered floor, encouraging her to smile and wave to your friends and family—you getting a little peak at the sight from around the corner, confirming your suspicions that you were marrying the greatest man in the entire world.
there was a sense of joy at the sight of him, a feeling that always seemed to arise in your heart whenever hajime was around. that warmth and security that he managed to bring in times of stress of nerves—just as you were feeling now, being miraculously calmed at the sound of his laugh, look of light in his eyes, radiating love pouring from his heart.
he was an amazing man, one who continuously lived in another’s shadow, yet had such a great mind of his own—a mind that you had never failed to appreciate and care for. seeing him now, holding the dainty hand of your little sister, beaming at her as she giggled with large roses tucked in the braids of her hair—you’d never been more certain that this was the best decision of your entire life—marrying him.
a feeling of pride came over you, secretly watching whilst he lifted her off of her feet, resting her bum on his hip and laughing loudly as she dumped the remainder of the petals on his head rather than the wooden floor. though you couldn’t hear what he’d said, there was no doubt that he was happy, that he didn’t mind the fact that there were sparse leaves stuck to his suit or seeds in his hair—nothing could erase the presence of completeness he’d come to know, all thanks to you.
straightening the fabric of your wedding attire, you took a deep breath, hearing the cue of the music you’d chosen together—signifying that it was your time to meet him at the end of the aisle, at the end of the line between for now and forever. as you bit your lips, taking your very first step into the eyes of the people, hajime’s eyes met yours. there was no fear in his gaze, no troubles or worries, just pure love and certainty. 
as your feet moved beneath you, autonomously walking past the awed crowd, stepping on top of the surviving petals, his stare never left yours—ensuring that everything would be alright, that this forever would be perfect as long as you were together. taking your hands in his, listening as the officiant began to speak their lines, a faint smile grew beneath his tear-filled eyes, three heavy words flowing from his tongue—”i love you”.
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MIYA OSAMU would be the perfect groom, the whole day going swimmingly from start to finish, nothing out of place or setting—only to end up sticking a piece of his own cake into your face, covering your nose in frosting and laughing at the shock in your expression, later getting some payback of his own in the form of a two-person food fight—attire aside and conformities lifted, just love in the form of good and old fashioned fun.
with the cool, silver handle of the knife within your palms, osamu’s grip above your own, resting over your skin like a guard, you sliced downwards, successfully cutting the first piece of your wedding cake—the first piece of the cake he’d slaved away for hours on, making sure that it was perfect, perfect enough to be deserving of you.
taking each of your individual forks from the tablecloth beneath you, you held up the utensil, turning to your newly wedded husband whilst he surprisingly pushed the plate upwards and into your face—the cold, wet feeling of moist cake covering your skin, dapping your nose, and sweetening your lips.
“‘samu!” you gasped, the white buttercream sticking to your makeup, smearing as he grabbed the sides of your face and pressed a deep kiss to your lips—the icing getting on him as well. “‘samu your face!” laughter bubbled from your throat at the sight of the mess he’d made, the clown like look covering his cheeks and jaw—somehow still managing to look like the most handsome man you’d ever laid your eyes on.
“you look ridiculous.” you mumbled against his mouth, pulling away to wipe a little bit of frosting from under his nose, kissing the tip of it gently. he grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as the guest began to head towards the remaining cake—finding your act of affection somewhat normal in retrospect to your relationship. 
osamu snuggled you into his body, resting his head atop yours as you admired the loving crowd that had gathered for your special day. sighing deeply, glancing over at you and kissing your forehead with love and meaning, he whispered in your ear—lips brushing against your skin, sending shivers down your back. “—and you look beautiful.”
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AKAASHI KEIJI and you would plan to have a first look, a little sneak peak at each other’s attire before the actual ceremony—only to have bokuto show up instead, wearing a makeshift wedding dress and covering his eyes as a surprise—having a good laugh with his best friend, before you turn the corner wearing your beauty proudly, rendering him speechless and love in the love of it all.
“i’m counting down from three, alright?” keiji called out, hearing the sounds of shuffling behind his ear, heart beating fast knowing that you were only inches away from him on one of the most important days in his entire life. “on three we both turn around, and i get to see that pretty look on your face, beautiful.”
“three, two, one.” spinning, expecting to see the one that he would soon be calling his, the only person he came to face was none other than his best friend—bokuto, who’d managed to squeeze into an old white, party dress, biting his lip and smoldering at keiji’s look of disdain. despite the confusion on his face, he let out a large laugh as bokuto clapped a hand over his shoulder, pulling him into a hug and shaking him furiously.
the two men humored each other, talking for a brief moment before the actual star of the show turned the corner—your outfit looking its best as your heart warmed at the sight. “looking for someone?” you asked innocently whilst your fiance spun at the sound of your voice, his jaw completely dropping, legs nearly buckling at the beauty that was you.
pushing bokuto aside, he made his way in your direction, disregarding everything around him as all that mattered was you in that moment and every moment that would ever follow. his hands encapsulated yours, palms locked together in a knot that would never be untied—a deep and passionate kiss being brought your lips as he lifted your jaw to his. 
“was wondering where my beautiful girl went.” he muttered, continuing to kiss you, ignoring the groans from bokuto who’d been complaining about how he was being ignored despite his effort in appearance. keiji rested his forehead against yours, taking in your scent and relishing in the feeling of being with you. “—can’t wait to see you at the end of that aisle. i can’t wait to make you mine.”
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy or claim my writing, works, themes, or headers as your own
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Gundham, Kazuichi, and Mikan with an Ultimate veterinarian S/O
warnings; light cussing, unedited, inaccurate depictons of what vets do, gender neutral pronouns for reader, gn!reader
Request; Hi there! Can I request gundham, kazuichi, and mikan with an Ultimate veterinarian S/O? Maybe they have wild animals by their side all the time :) thanks!
◊ Gundham would trust you 100%
◊ He relies on you a bunch.
◊ Knowing that you are a veterinarian who loves animals, is all he needed to know to trust his life and the dark devas life with you.
◊ Gundham is pretty protective and careful with his devas, so if anytime the devas showed signs of a small sickness, he’d immediately go to you.
◊ He’d be so concerned for his devas so he would always go to you to see what’s wrong.
◊ Most of the time, the devas are fine and Gundham was just being a worried dad.
◊ But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t get a biiiiiiit happy every time he rushed into your clinic with a worried expression on his face.
◊ You assure him that his devas look fine, but he still insists you check them thoroughly.
◊ As usual, they are fine and he looks relieved.
◊ Though actually, one time he had faked his worry for the devas so he could have an excuse to see you.
◊ He was planning to ask you out while you examined his loyal companions.
◊ “So erm, how are my dark devas doing? Perfectly, I assume.” He spoke in his low tone of voice. “Well, Maga-G, Sun-D and Jum-P are doing fine. Except for Cham-P, he may be a tad dehydrated. If you monitor him carefully and make sure he drinks water, he’ll be good.” Gundham nodded with a nervous but confident grin, words not quite hitting his ears yet, “Indeed, so would you like to- Wait WHAT-?” Gundham paled, registering your words a bit too slow and freaking out.
◊ “Cham-P iS DYING?? WHAT WILL I- Oh goD-” Gundham hyperventilates, grabbing your hands unconsciously and squeezing them so tight it slightly hurt. 
◊ “Please, S/o, save his life!!”
◊ You looked at him with surprise, face heating up at the sudden touch.
◊ ”G-gundham, Cham-P isn’t dying, he just needs to drink more water.” You cut off.
◊ Gundham suddenly froze, face heating up from the realization of his hands in yours.
◊ “O-oh, I see my mistake.” You laughed at his reaction, relishing in the feeling of his hands still resting in yours.
◊ “So what did you want to ask me earlier?” Gundham’s eyes widened, “Oh uh- I was just wondering if... Yo-you’d help me nurse Cham-P back to health?” He chickened out at the last minute, mentally scolding himself for losing his confidence.
◊ Though you knew that wasn’t what he meant to say since you had told him about Cham-P after he had tried to ask you something, you still accepted happily.
◊ Your animals and his dark devas had a few debates as you and Gundham helped Cham-P drink from the water nozzle thingy.
◊ “Water is not wet.” Maga-G scoffed, examining his nails. “Okay but, water makes things wet, so how is it not wet?” Your bird argued, looking at Maga-G with disbelief. “I have to pee.” Jum-P blurted out, hopping back inside the cage to do his business. “Can I come!?” San-D followed suit, hopping into the cage as well.
◊ “What do you think they’re talking about?” You questioned, looking at the animals argue.
◊ “Obviously, they are discussing their plan to destroy the world. My dark devas have the intelligence of a god!” Gundham boasted, staring at the dark devas with pride.
◊ “-No, you’re wrong, I’m right, shut up.” Maga-G ended the argument unfairly, stomping his foot down(if you get the reference, ily).
◊ Kazuichi would be scared when he first saw you walk by with your army of animals following you.
◊ “I-is that a tiger!?”
◊ He’d be kind of intimidated by you at first, not wanting to get on your bad side and have your animals maul him.
◊ Other than your army of animals catching his eye, he thought you were pretty cute.
◊ Though he was itching to ask you out, he was too scared to go within 5 meters distance near you.
◊ He’d kind of just, scream cheesy pick-up lines to you.
◊ “HEY S/O! ARE Y-” “What!?” “ARE YOU-” “Can you come closer!? I can’t hear you!” “HAHAHA, N-NEVERMIND IT’S NOTHING!”
◊ Eventually, Kazuichi warmed up to your animals(it’s kind of the opposite really-).
◊ Funny story how actually, Kazuichi was working on the underbelly of his machines, and he needed his wrench. Assuming Fuyuhiko was still there—Which he wasn’t—, he asked for a wrench.
◊ (un)Luckily for him, one of your dogs had been there, and it had picked up the wrench and brought it to Kazuichi’s outstretched hand. 
◊ “Thanks, Fuyu.” He accepted the wrench, expecting a grunt of ‘You’re welcome.’
◊ He, however, did not expect a very loud, “BORK!” in return.
◊ He screeched, wincing as he jolted up and hit his forehead on the hard metal underneath his machine.
◊ Not long after the bark echoed through the area, you had come running, your forehead creased from worry.
◊ “Oh, there you are!” You huffed out in relief as your eyes caught sight of the familiar coloured fur.
◊ You looked down at Kazuichi’s bottom half sticking out underneath from a machine, hearing a groan coming from him.
◊ “Kazuichi?” You squealed when you heard a- “S-s/o!?” come from underneath the machine, A “BANG!” following after.
◊ “Ow- U-uh hey S/o..!” He greeted waving his hand awkwardly from underneath the metal. 
◊ “Uh, A-are you going to come out?” You asked, concerned for—what sounded like—his head injury.
◊ “U-um nope. It’s uh, it’s cozy underneath here.” He refused politely, not wanting you to see his red face. 
◊ Literally red(or pink??) face; Blood had been running down his fucking forehead from the two hard bonks against the metal.
◊ The dog could smell the bullshit(and the blood) emitting from Kazuichi’s words, and bit gently onto his sneaker, urging out a scream from the pinkette.
◊ It pulled him out from underneath the machine, revealing his bloody forehead.
◊ You gasped in shock as you hurried him up to his feet, hastily bringing him to your clinic.
◊ He blushed at your close proximity, letting you drag him to a waiting seat.
◊ He watched warily as your animals ran into the backroom of your clinic, bringing you medical supplies as you carefully examined his forehead. 
◊ The animals watched you two as you disinfected his forehead, making Kazuichi nervous from the many tiny animal eyes glaring into him.
◊ He tensed as he felt a ferret climb his shoulder, clenching his eyes shut. 
◊ The ferret kissed him on his forehead, leaving you and him speechless.
◊ Well shit, the ferret had more confidence than you.
◊ Mikan thought your ultimate was pretty cool!
◊ Since you were both in the medical field, you two had many things to talk about, therefore getting along unsurprisingly well.
◊ At first, she was a bit scared of your big animals, your small ones not so much.
◊ All your animals seemed to really really like her, and they’d be pretty protective of her.
◊ If Teruteru had said something perverted to her, one of your bears would maul him. 
◊ Everyone cheered as the bear kept on swinging TeruTeru’s arm in its jaw.
◊ That one time Hajime made Mikan cry, one of your lizards had slipped off Mikan and bit his finger.
◊ “Not cool, Hajim-“ Nagito started, before glancing down on his bloody finger, “Oh shit, are you okay??” 
◊ There’s always at least one of your animals stuck onto her just in case she gets picked on by Hiyoko or TeruTeru.
◊ They always have her back!
◊ If Hiyoko insulted Mikan for no good reason, the monkeys would pull her pigtails whilst the cats quickly ran to her dorm to shit inside it.
◊ Hiyoko stopped messing around with Mikan after that.
◊ Those times she trips and falls in very inconvenient positions, the animals cover her or scare everyone else away until you or someone trusted comes and helps.
◊ As the animals always have her back, she always has theirs.
◊ If someone tried to attack one of your animals, she’ll cover the animals and take the hit for them.
◊ Though before anyone could get hurt, your tiger had already pounced on the assaulter, tearing off their pants and watching as they ran away from the humiliation.
◊ If you’re busy healing one of the animals and can’t take care of the rest at the moment, Mikan will be your number #2 and she’ll help in any way she can!
◊ She remembers each animal’s feeding time to heart, never forgetting to feed them or give them water.
◊ She cherishes the animals almost as much as she cherishes you.
◊ She adores how kind you are to the animals and her, falling in love with your sweet personality.
◊ Mikan kind of becomes your wife and the animals being your shared children together.
◊ It’s really cute when you see the animals cuddle up to her while she pets them, it just makes you want to get on one knee.
◊ You are indefinitely thankful for her care, you’re sure you love her.
◊ Sooner or later, you two finally get together.
◊ All thanks to your animals actually, they did that classic nudge where you two kissed on accident.
◊ After you two get into a relationship, expect lots of cuddles.
◊ Correction, expect lots of cuddles with the animals.
◊ They regularly interrupt your quiet time with her by climbing in between and around the two of you, creating a safe and warm barrier. 
◊ As you’re always caring for your many animals, you sometimes forget to take care of yourself, so she’d also make sure you were okay too.
◊ Since she was the ultimate nurse, she knew humans better and so she knew when you weren’t taking care of yourself.
◊ She would get concerned for you as you overworked yourself, therefore reminding you to take care of yourself-
◊ Before immediately apologizing for her worries, afraid you thought she was clingy. 
◊ After assuring her you could never think that she was clingy, you promised her you’d take care of yourself, kissing her worried tears away.
◊ You’d do anything for Mikan, and she would do the same.
note; sorry if it’s a bit rushed!! i hope you enjoy anyways though, tysm for reading!
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shinsoussimp · 4 years
Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know. I just wanted to follow up from my previous requests with the flirty top male manager™. So, this time maybe Kageyama, Oikawa, Iwaizumi and maybe, (just maybe) either Takeda or Keshin Ukai. Only if you write for them obviously. (And maybe not the co manager reader for (1/2)
a/n: yes!! i was hoping that you would send in more of these i had fun writing them last time :)) but for takeda and ukai do you have any ideas for who the reader should be for them? my mind is blanking lol
a/n: requests are open!
Warning: slight nsfw
Kageyama, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi with a flirty manager
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Tobio Kageyama:
oh boy.. he has no idea how to deal with affection
especially an abundance of it coming from you
so he sticks to the same line pretty much every time
“tch, shut up.” before quickly turning away so you can’t see his face flush
“kageyama nice hit!” “tch, shut up.” “i like your shirt!” “tch, shut up.”
but he never turned away fast enough, you saw how you affected him
he was in the gym alone trying to get more practice in when you walked in to lock up
“oh you’re still here.” he shrugs and does another jump serve, the ball falls to the ground in the back corner of the court
“that was a good one.” he immediately tenses up and his face flushes red again
“tch, shut up.” he says before making his way to the locker room
you chuckle and grab his wrist turning him around
“where you going? don’t be shy. i like when you look like a tomato.” you tease
the his hands flew up to his cheek trying to calm himself down
you step closer and closer to him until his back hits the wall
“you’re cute.” he looks down and lets out a shaky exhale “t-thanks”
“oh? no ‘shut up’ this time?” you chuckle and lean in letting your breath fan across his face “good.” 
you take out the keys to the gym and put them in his hand “lock up when you’re done.” you say before walking out of the gym
he slides down against the wall until he’s sitting on the floor, completely dumbfounded by what just happened
Toru Oikawa:
omg he loves the compliments and all the attention you give him
you’ll compliment him on his appearence, his volleyball skills pretty much anything
and he’ll be like “you’re too kind, y/n. thank you~” and he’ll act all bashful in a teasing way
but that’s him trying to cover up how much you affect him
he’s like completely fallen for you but he doesn’t know if you’re just flirty by nature or you like him too
but he’ll find out the truth soon enough
you we’re eating in your classroom trying to catch up on some school work when he walked by and saw you
he decided to go in and say hi
he walks over to your desk and looks down at you shyly “hi, y/n” 
you look up and smirk resting your chin in your hand
“oh look who came to visit me.” you slyly look him up and down and he blushes when he notices your gaze on him
“y-yeah.. you-uh you looked lonely.”
you stood up and lean against your desk
“you sure that’s the only reason?” you push off from the desk and lean in closer to him
he falls back slightly, now sitting on the desk next to yours
you put your hands on the desk on either side of him and tilt your head
“well?” he blushes and shakes his head “i-uh.. i missed you. i guess.” he mumbles
you lean down in his ear and nip at his ear a bit causing him to jump
“i like making you nervous.” his shivers feeling overwhelmed because your voice, your body, you’re just so close to him “hmm, meet me after school before heading to practice. we’ll walk together.”
then you sit back down at your desk and start working on your school work again
“right.. after school. see you then..” he says before dashing out of the classroom to try and calm himself down
Hajime Iwaizumi:
so i don’t really see him as someone to get nervous that often so he goes back and forth with you most of the time
you’ll be like “i like your hair iwa, did you get a haircut?” and he’ll be like “glad you noticed~”
this makes you very happy because you guys constantly one up each other with the flirting
to the point where the rest of the team notices
“damn iwa you tryna suck up to the manager?” “nah he just wants to fuck him” “yeah, get a room you two!” 
but even with all of this flirting, neither of you did anything past that
he was, conveniently, leaning against the wall waiting for practice to start
you come in front of him and trap him between you and the wall
“oh this is new.” he looks at you with dark eyes 
“someone had to make the first move.” you chuckle and lean in closer 
he bites his lip and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling your body closer 
“i guess you beat me to it then...” 
you lean down to his ear and press your hips into his, causing him to groan a bit
“i like hearing you make that sound. i wonder if i can hear it more often?” 
he sighs and nods “hell yeah.” you chuckle and press a firm kiss to the side of his neck
“guys! you’re basically fucking each other, stoppp!” the rest of the team whines and you two both pull away from each other, faces flushed and awkwardly laughing “practice is starting!”
you run over to the ball cart and he joins his teammates
but everyone can see you two stealing glances at each other the whole practice
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seijohsfairy · 3 years
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When your boyfriend gets pissed off, he’s dangerous. Definitely when you just so happen to be on the receiving end of it. day 04 of kinktober
.warnings. brat taming, orgasm denial, degradation, daddy, manhandling, a lot of jealousy, oral (giving), hairpulling, spanking, little bit of voyeurism .wordc. 3.5k
There’s something so frustrating about the way you’re smiling. He can’t explain it, well— he can but he’d rather not, since it’s nothing to be proud of. Under normal circumstances he thinks you’re the most beautiful person on the planet when you’re smiling, but right now it sets a deep groove above his brow and pulls his lips into a thin line. Oikawa motions his hand around before sliding it through his hair, laughing along with you when you giggle up at him. It’s a genuine laugh, for once, crinkling his eyes at the corners and pulling his cheeks a bit chubbier, and you’re not dealing much better.
“What are you glaring at?” Mattsun comes up from behind him to follow his look, before humming. “Ah, the girlfriend. Those two really get along well, huh.” He smiles, before putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I don’t know, Iwa, seems to me like they’re having more fun without you than with you.” It’s a teasing tone that he can’t miss, but it still doesn’t help. Mattsun’s already turning away again, tossing one of the balls into the crate. “Makki, start cleaning this up already, we have to close up soon!”
He should be glad that you get along with Oikawa. He is glad, but when his friend throws an arm over your shoulder there’s nothing holding back the jealousy that swirls to the surface. It’s like his brain has a blackout for a moment. He’s pulling you out from under him within a second, as you squeak at the sudden pull on your wrist. Oikawa’s arm falls uselessly to the side, and you turn to him with wide eyes. “Haji-” you start, but his glare cuts you off. He’s already walking away with you in toe, not even sparing any of the other guys a look.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut that pretty mouth.” Your lips close automatically, dragged behind your boyfriend who’s frown digs so deep into his handsome face that you’re worried it’ll stick. Oikawa raises an eyebrow to the both of you as he’s hauling you behind him. You just raise your shoulders in response before disappearing from view. Iwaizumi shoves open one of the locker rooms, the abandoned boys’ one, pushing the door into lock behind you. When he rounds on you, you take a tiny step back. “I’ll give you three seconds to explain yourself before I do what I really wanna do right now.” His voice is so much deeper than normal, it makes your knees feel weak.
You freeze under his gaze, but still send him a look. It’s not like him to get so defensive over you. Even though you know you shouldn’t, you can’t help but feel like pushing him just that bit further. “Hajime, we— we were just talking. You know that he’s always a touchy guy, it isn’t just with me.” He does know, but still his lip curls up and his eyebrows pull tighter together. “You’re angry for no reason. Tooru is my friend too.”
“Oh, Tooru is your friend now, is he?” When he walks a bit closer, you instinctively sit down on the bench to lower yourself for him. Your cheeks feel hotter than normal, but you keep his eye stubbornly. “You know what Tooru isn’t?” He cocks his head to the side, coming to stand right in front of you so that you have to look all the way up at him. You put your hands up against his belly, in an attempt to create some space maybe, but your wrists are just caught in his large palms and held together in one hand. The other hand brushes past your cheek and up, before he grabs hold of your hair and tugs your head back more. “Tooru isn’t your fucking boyfriend. So are you going to say sorry or are you going to keep being a slutty fucking brat?”
You should. You know you should. But your mouth is faster than your brain sometimes, and it’s out before you know it. “Sorry for what?”
He raises one eyebrow, just one, but it’s enough to let you know just how badly you’ve fucked up. You instantly wish you could swallow your tongue, but it’s too late. If there was any chance of getting out of your punishment, you’ve just kicked it straight out the window. “Get on your hands and knees,” he says.
You blink at him, and pout a little. “No, daddy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” With your hands still held in his he pulls you off the bench and you hiss from the hard landing on the colder floor. “I said I was sorry,” you whine when he lets go, looking up at him even more now. “Don’t be mad.” He doesn’t just look it, you can tell from the darkness in his eyes he is genuinely pissed.
“Shut up. Bend over.” For the first time in a while your empty pussy clenches from both arousal and fear. It’s not easy to get under his skin enough to make him mad, but Oikawa clearly does it more easily than anything else. You get on your knees for him, watching your boyfriend over your shoulder. Hajime moves his jaw back and forward once, before clicking his tongue. “Actually,” he sits down on the bench then, and looks at you, “bad sluts like you don’t even deserve that dignity. Lay over my lap, now. If you wanna behave like a brat I’ll treat you like one.” The rumble in his voice is enough to get you up and moving over to him, but you frown too.
You didn’t even do anything wrong. As soon as you’re within reach he takes your arm and pulls you into his lap, tipping you over so that your blood rushes between your ears. You hold onto him to keep from falling over entirely. “Hajime!” A palm connects sharply with your ass, the heat of impact surging through you. You shut your eyes and shudder, grabbing onto his thigh where you can reach and the other keeping from connecting your face with the floor.
“What was that?” he grunts, dipping under the waistband with touches he knows will drive you crazy. You can only whimper in anticipation. He pulls your pants and panties down your ass and leaves them halfway down your thighs, before humming when you don’t immediately respond. His one hand comes down on your ass again, even harder this time, and you whine. His free hand tangles in your hair, pulling your head up so you’re only holding yourself up on his strong thigh. Your back arched so far back for him it will ache. “What’s wrong, baby? You look like you’re gonna cry.”
He chuckles when you crack your eyes open enough to look at him with wetness around your lashes. “Isn’t this what you want? You want daddy to punish you for being a greedy slut.” He waits for a moment for a response, for you to say you don’t want it, but nothing comes. Even if it hurts, you could never deny him anything. You open your mouth to talk back when he kneads the sensitive skin between his strong digits, but before you can get anything out he’s spanking you again. Your body twitches and you are shoved forward more, whimpering and tearing up at the perfect sting.
It’s not surprising the ace can deliver blows to make you all mellow, you knew this was how it was going to go, but that doesn’t keep you from crying as he smacks the tingling skin another time, and one more. “You got anything to say, brat? Or do I have to make you count them until you can’t anymore?” You mumble a tiny ‘no’, as your boyfriend finally lets go of the deathgrip on your hair to let you rest over his lap again. “I’m not going to feel bad for you, you pathetic slut. You knew this would happen when you were drooling all over Oikawa earlier.” With another blow, you whimper and press your face against his leg, spreading your legs more. It doesn’t really work with the way your pants are keeping them together.
Still, you feel the tracing of his fingers over the glowing skin, trailing down to your holes and huffing. “How did you say it?” he taunts, rubbing his digits around in your slick just enough to make you frustrated at the wait. “Say his name again, slut, you were saying it all cute for him earlier. So fucking lay on my lap like a desperate bitch and say it for me now.”
You look up at him from your pitiful position and whine in displeasure. “Daddy, please. I don’t want to, I only want to say your name.” He means it though, his movements crawling to a halt when you don’t listen the way he wants you to. It’s not like you mean to be a brat, but how can he ask this of you? Wouldn’t it just make him more angry? Just the tip of his tongue peeks out to wet his lips, but it’s enough to show you he’s serious. You sigh and bite your lip, but give in. “I said Tooru is my friend too. But—” Hajime shoves two fingers right into you without mercy, stretching you out so well it makes your toes curl. His warm hand pressed up against your sensitive skin and his fingers move out of you before you can catch your breath, before they are being curled inside you again with relentless pumps.
“But does Tooru own this cunt?” he grumbles, pulling you higher up his lap to get a better angle, which makes you moan out even louder. “Does he have his fingers inside your wet mess, hah?”
“No— hng- no, he doesn’t. Only you, daddy, just you,” you babble out, keening when he scissors you open to fit another finger in. “Ah, aah— daddy, please. Feels s’good, I’m so sorry.” With the three thick digits breaking you open, you can only hold onto him and hang on in hopes that he’ll get some of his frustration out before he fucks you, tears running down your face. You’re still mostly dressed, but you know you look like a total mess. In the back of your mind you wonder if practice is over any time soon, but you can’t truly find it in yourself to care. Sometimes even Iwa needs an ego boost, and if this is the way he wants to take it, you’ll gladly oblige.
“Are you dripping down your thighs for me, or is that all because of Tooru?” he asks again, brushing up against your spot so well that black spots litter your vision with each pump of his hand.
“You, you!” you whimper, digging your nails into his leg. “I only love you, daddy. Only you.” The coil in your belly is already so tight it’s making you ache, even with the lacking pressure on your clit. He’s just that good with your body, and you moan out for him as you suck your bottom lip into your mouth. Your body trembles pitifully in his lap, building so high. The blood pounds loud between your ears.
“Wanna cum? You’re super close, huh,” he chuckles, and you nod your head desperately up and down. But right as you’re about to fall over the edge, he pulls his fingers out of you, slipping them into his mouth with a growl. You full-on cry out as you feel your high slip away, lifting your body from his lap to glare so hard you can feel the sparks. It hurts. Hajime sucks his fingers clean, and just pulls your panties and pants back up. The sound that comes out of your throat is one of true desperation, but you can’t even help it. You wipe your hand under your eyes with one hand, being put down by your boyfriend as he tutts his lips. “Hold it. Maybe I’ll let you cum after.”
As you sit on the floor feeling sorry for yourself, the man goes to search through his bag, back turned to you. And you really, really have to convince yourself not to just finish yourself off. He’d have you crying out for hours if you did. When your boyfriend turns back, he tosses the tie of his uniform your way. “Put it around your eyes and open that pretty mouth for me. I’ll give you a chance to make it up to me.” You play with the fabric in your hands for a moment, before biting your lip. You’re still at the edge of crying, your lashes clumping together and your legs weak, slick center aching to be filled so bad it makes you a bit dizzy. That or the blood rushing back down. “You don’t want it?”
“No, I do,” you quickly mumble, putting the makeshift blindfold on to cover your eyes. You just love seeing his face so much when you take him into your mouth, which— thinking about it more, is probably why he’s doing this to you in the first place. The fabric pushes your wet lashes down, making sure you’ll look as fucked out as possible after. But you open your mouth regardless, licking your lips as you hear the sound of fabric in front of you. The warmth of his body even so far away is comforting, and so is the hand that brushes past your cheek. “I love you, Hajime.”
“Quiet, brat,” he mumbles, though you can hear it’s a lot more gentle than his harsh tone earlier. You reach your hands up to hold onto his thighs, as he rubs the head of his cock against your cheek with a soft sigh. You moan, reaching out your tongue as far as possible. You can almost see the way his handsome face contorts as he slides himself over your tongue and into your mouth painfully slow. The way his eyes flutter, bottom lip being tucked between his teeth. He always looks so hot like that, and your center clenches at the thought. “Open wider.”
He pushes himself in then, the taste of his precum in your mouth and his thick cock filling your cheeks all the way to the back of your throat, mind-numbingly slow. His groan is perfect, fingers tangling into your hair and yanking you forward until your nose is against his skin and keeping you there for a bit before letting you back up. “Want me to use you?” he asks, and you’re quick to hum around him as he slides back in. The pressure makes more tears, seeping into the blindfold. Hajime grunts when you hollow your cheeks and suck harder, rubbing your tongue along his length and squeezing his thigh in the process. He pulls his hips back, then holds onto your face and sets a pace that has you choking around him. But it feels so good.
“That’s it, fuckin’ take my cock all the way.” Your other hand moves under him to cup his balls and squeeze, which makes him thrust forward even harder. You gag and drool until he lets you back up for air and repeat that until you’re whining and moaning around him, as his perfect sounds make your thighs ache and your empty pussy clench tight. When you push on his hip bone he grunts in displeasure, but pulls your hair back to let you up. “You got something to say?”
“Daddy, fuck me,” you gasp out when he gives you air again, digging your nails into his thigh, “please. Please fill me up with your cock. I want it so bad.” Hajime hums for a moment and brushes his thumb through the mess running down your lips and chin. But he doesn’t do anything else, so you push your thighs together more for any kind of friction. He wants to drive you crazy, and it’s working. “Fuck, I’ll do anything, daddy. Just please let me sit on your cock, please. Want nothing more than to feel you in me, to have you stuffing my cunny and to fill me with your cum.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles at your overeager answer, and brushes his tip back over your lips once more. “You gonna behave now?”
“Yes, yes, yes. I’ll be good. Please.” When you feel his hands at the back of your head you almost start crying from relief, your needy pussy definitely dripping through your panties at this point. The coil in your stomach is so tight that you feel like you might evaporate any second if he doesn’t have mercy on you soon. The blindfold drops down your body and you immediately stand up to shove your pants and panties down your legs, as your boyfriend chuckles again. He sits down and pulls you into his lap, slotting your thighs around his hips and rubbing his cock through your gushing slit, while you wipe your lips with the back of your hand.
Then you pout at him when he lines himself up, and he understands your expression enough to kiss you for the first time since he pulled you in here. His warm mouth feels perfect against yours, but you’re pulling away soon, grabbing between your bodies to hurry it up. “Alright, desperate brat, calm down. I’ll give you what you want,” he grunts, lifting you up a bit to position you better. You sink down before you can think about it, letting his thick cock stretch you wide open. And as you whine around him, dropping your head back in pleasure, he grabs your ass tight and starts rocking into you. “Who fills you up like this?”
Hajime plants kisses on the exposed part of your neck, thrusting up hard as you do your best to meet his movements. The wet sound of skin slapping together fills the room, along with your mixed moans and grunts. It’s almost impossible to get any coherent thought while being stuffed to the brim, but you manage to lift your face enough to answer him. “Ha- ji- me,” you mumble, reaching up to grab onto the softer hair at the base of his head to have something to hold onto. Your muscles strain to keep up with his relentless pace, your high building way too quickly for your liking.
“That’s right. Only me. This slutty cunt will only ever belong to me, got that?” You don’t answer, just dropping yourself down on him and feeling the smack of each pump, your thighs slamming into his and the coarse hair rubbing against your clit until you feel like you might go crazy. “I own you, don’t fucking forget it again.” He reaches between you then, to brush your puffy clit hard and fast, with your mouth opening and tears dropping down your face. But before you can cum a sound catches you off guard, you almost wanna scream at the interruption. Iwa pulls his hand away even though you try to hold onto him, looking over your shoulder. Your phone is buzzing in your discarded pants.
“Just ignore it,” you plead. Of course he doesn’t. Iwa lifts a brow, before he motions you off. You have to bite your lip to hold in a sigh and slip off him with slick dripping down your thighs to pick up your pants and shuffle through the pocket. Your orgasm is right there, you can almost taste it. You freeze for a second when you see the name, but walk back to your boyfriend in the hopes that he’s just as desperate to cum as you are. The buzzing stops. You get back on his lap and send him a look, before he’s pulling you back closer to slide in again. You moan at the feeling and drop your face to his neck to hide away, letting him roll his hips into you. “It was Oikawa.”
“Call him back,” your boyfriend grunts. You feel the rumble of his chest against your cheek. You try to dissuade him, but he just thrusts harder into you so that you’re shut up, and pushes against your back to arch you into him entirely. “I’m not asking.”
With shaky hands you find the number and start ringing, looking up at your boyfriend with pleading eyes he pointedly ignores. The click of the line comes fast. “Oh, you rung back quickly!” Tooru sounds over the phone, and you bite your lip to hold in any sounds as you’re bounced up and down the ace’s cock. “I was just checking if you were still in the gym or not. We didn’t lock up yet so if you left already I’ll have to ask the coach to do it.”
“No- need,” you hiss, mouth cracking open when your boyfriend’s hand slips back between your bodies to rub at your sensitive bud ever harder than before. “Still here, I’ll lock up.”
“Okay, good… You okay? You sound a bit stuffy, maybe you’re getting sick. I have some tea that might help!”
Before you can say anything back, Iwa snatches the phone out of your hand and puts it to the side, putting you down on the bench and lifting your legs to your chest to pump into you harder. “Forget it, I’m not waiting on Shittykawa to finish talking.”
“Hajime, wait! Let me— Oh shit,” you cry, clenching around his cock and making him groan.
You try to reach for the phone to turn off the call if Tooru didn’t already, but Iwa just grabs hold of your wrist and bites down on the skin between your neck and shoulder to get your attention. “Fuckin’ leave it.” He pounds into you hard and fast, enough to make the entire bench rattle with each snap of his hips and his balls smacking into you. “Say my name properly,” he mumbles, and with each motion you forget about the phone a bit more. “Right now.”
He grabs hold of your thighs even harder, and you can only hold onto his shoulders while you’re rocked on his cock. “Daddy! Fuck, please pleasepleaseplease.” You don’t know if the call turns off at any point, but you stop caring after the first orgasm.
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whootwhoot · 4 years
»»—— 𝘛𝘛𝘛𝘊 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1: "𝘐𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘰𝘶𝘵" ——««
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Akaashi Keiji x Fem! Reader 
author’s note: hey guys! this is the first chapter for my 50 followers fic “Third Times The Charm” (TTTC) hope yall like it^^ it’s looooong so ill put it below the cut 
(quick note, I took the privilege of putting myself in this HAHAHAHA)
☕ synopsis: Iwaizumi Y/n, a student who goes to Aoba Johsai as well as the second year manager for the school’s male volleyball team. What happens when she sets eyes on the cute setter from Fukurodani?
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[ CHAPTER 1 - It might just work out ]
You stare in awe as words can’t express the short rush of excitement every time you watch the volleyball players spike the ball. 
“Y/n~” your friend and third year manager for your school’s volleyball team, El hums as she gets your attention. 
“What are you looking at?” 
“The game obviously.” 
El bumps your shoulder with hers, sitting closer to you as she shows her sly smile
“Oh ho, you didn’t specify.” 
“Elaborate on that please.” you ask, eyeing your friend with a curious look 
“Are you watching the ball or the pretty guy setting the ball?” 
You notice how El emphasized on the word “setting”, looking back at the court as she motions with her fingers. 
“That one?” 
You proceed to playfully punch her shoulder 
El lets out a giggle as she leans closer towards you  “I can get his number for you.”
“That’s funny.”  “Besides, I can get it on my own.” El smirks when she sees you rolling your eyes 
“So you’re interested.” 
“NO- I mean, like, that was hypothetical.” 
“Your reaction reaaaaaally isn't helping here.”
The sound of a volleyball hitting the ground cuts El off as the both of you turn your heads over to see the team your cute setter is on, cheering. 
You groan while standing up, heading towards the exit of the hall, with El following closely behind. 
“Awww giving up already?” 
“What do you think?” you wink
“Woah~ were you always this bold or did this happen because you feel like getting back at your ex?”
“C’mon El, I was always this bold. That man just wasn’t worth it.” 
“Now that’s my girl!” El excitedly puts her arm over your shoulder as you slowly conjure up a plan in order to take your pretty setter on a date. 
“Anyways did you see the guy with spiky hair? He’s adorable! The way he cheers makes me want to smile…” your mouth curves into a small smile as your friend continues to gush about the team members from just now. 
“Oh, fuck.” you grumble under your breath.
“Language.” your brother gives you a glare as you stick out your tongue at him.
It's always an awkward situation whenever someone says “Iwa-chan”, but hey it isn’t your fault for having the same family name as Hajime. 
Break time at the volleyball camp is chaotic, just a bunch of teenage guys fighting for meat while the team managers watch or help cook the meat. It’s hilarious to watch too.
“Hey El, can you help me with this, I need to uh, leave for a moment.” 
“Sure?” El raises her eyebrows as you pass her the tongs. 
“I’ll uh be riiiiiiight back.”  You swear you saw El wink and mouth “Good luck” at you when you left. 
“That’s him! Perfect, he’s not around him right now.” you take a deep breath while hoping your plan will work out like you planned. 
“Hi there! You’re uh, Bokuto right?” 
“Yup!” the boy enthusiastically replies, you look downwards to see his hands holding a plate filled with meat.
“Woah- uh Bokuto-san I have a small request if you don’t mind.” 
“Sure! I’ll gladly help a cute girl like you!!” being stunned by the sudden compliment, you fidget with your hands even more.
“Uh the setter on your team, the one with messy black hair?”
“You mean Akaashi?” 
“That’s his name?”  “Nevermind” you quickly continue to ask your questions.
“Does he have a… you know uh, a girlfriend?” the question came up in a whisper 
Your face flushes pink as you fumble with your hands
“Not so loud! It was just a question!” 
Before Bokuto answered he took a huge bite of his meat, chewing it as he reply 
“MhMm I don’t know, why don’t you ask him? He’s over there.” 
“nO-” you raise your voice at him
Before the charming boy can see you, you take off running as fast as you can. Your heart beats fast with an equal amount of embarrassment and excitement. You’ve never felt this nervous before, not even when trying to get your ex out on a date for the first time. With that being said, that man was definitely not worth it. 
You can feel your face heating up as you slow down your steps, out of breath as you sit down on the stairs in front of the hall. 
Well that didn’t work out well, neither did your first attempt this morning. You had your lines ready to ask him, but before you could talk to him your brother yelled for you.  “Dammit Hajime, did you really have to ruin my chances of talking to such a gorgeous man.”
Here you are now sitting in front of the hall, you let out a soft sigh while hugging your legs. 
You didn’t just find Akaashi attractive, the way he has his focus completely in the court when he plays just draws you in more. You want to know more about him, he started out as a complete stranger, but the more you watch him play the more interesting he gets.
He doesn’t celebrate by cheering as loudly as possible, he stands there quietly, always observing and deciding which was the best move. 
He is like the sunset, you want to see more of it as the time goes on. As soon as the sun sets and the orange sky slowly fades to black, you wish to look at it over and over again. 
“Maybe love just isn’t for me yet…” “Dammit y/n don’t let him get to you! Your ex lover was just an asshole who thinks you are undeserving of love.” 
You lightly slap both sides of your cheeks before standing up, determined to find a way to talk to Akaashi. You take a look at your surroundings as you head inside the hall, it was empty at that time with only the belongings of the volleyball players placed on the benches. 
Your eyes sparkle as you come up with a plan.
“Akaashi come get your stuff.” 
“Bokuto-san… have you been taking photos with my phone?” 
“Why? Is there something in your phone?” 
Bokuto walks over to Akaashi as he holds out his phone,
“Is that a picture of a phone?” 
“Who’s phone is this?” 
“How would I know?” 
“It also has a phone number typed on the screen.”
Akaashi narrows his eyes as he tries to make sense of the photo. He noticed that there was a figure of someone with slightly longer hair in the photo, presumably a girl who took it. There was also a keychain in the shape of an owl connected to the phone in the photo. 
“Maybe you should give them a call or text.” Bokuto suggests as he hands Akaashi his bag. 
“That would be weird… and I don’t even know who they are.” 
“I mean, that person took a photo of their number for a reason right? Akaashi just relax, it should be fine.” Bokuto reassures 
Akaashi stands up, the thought of texting the person who took that picture intrigues him, but should he? What if that person took the wrong phone? What if it was a prank? 
“C'mon Kaa’shi, you won’t know unless you try.”  “And hurry up, the bus is waiting!” 
Akaashi can’t help but softly smile at his friend, you ought to be careful when taking advice from Bokuto-san, but taking this one wouldn’t hurt right? 
“Gosh y/n stop it.” 
“Stop what?” 
“You can’t even sit still on the bus right now.” 
El leans closer before asking “What’s got you so excited.” she asks as she raises one eyebrow.
“Shhh keep it down El!” 
“You took a photo of your phone with your number on it with his phone?”
“Genius right?” 
El lightly slaps the side of her legs, laughing  “And now you’re waiting for him to call you?”.
“Hey in my defence that was the only thing I can come up with, don’t blame me for having such amazing ideas.” you mock the word “amazing” while waving your arms in the shape of a rainbow.
“Plus, third times the charm.” 
“Hmm y/n, it might just work out.” 
You blush slightly at the thought of that, looking over to the window “Maybe it might…”
“HEY- “STOP PLEASE- STOP THAT!”  El suddenly starts tickling you, making you laugh while yelling for her to stop
“This is payback for not getting the cute spiker’s phone number for me!”
“HeY- that isn’t my fault! You could’ve gotten it yourself A- STOP”
“You done?”  the both of you turn your heads to see Hajime standing beside your seats, glaring at the both of you.
“Some of us are trying to rest here.” 
“Sorry Haji…” you mumble at your brother. 
“Iwa-chan, don’t go too harsh on our managers!” Oikawa yelled from the back of the bus 
“Yeah, don’t go too harsh on us Iwaizumi-kun.” you can’t help but giggle as soon as El said that.
Hajime then looks you in the eye to tell you
“Oh y/n, you’re doing the dishes tonight.”
“Wait... it’s my turn already?” 
“No, but i thought it’d be fun to mess up our turns.” 
“You can’t do that!”
“I’m older than you.”
“Doesn’t change anything.” he smirks as you stare at him with your mouth wide open 
“Can you believe him?” you cross your arms as El pats your back, chuckling at your dismay.
“Haji, I’m heading to bed now.” 
“All right, good night Chicken.” 
“Stop calling me that or I’ll tell Tooru-san you think he looks better than you.”
“Using my pride against me huh, well played.” 
“Shut up.” 
Hajime smirks and shakes his head while you run up the staircase to your room.
You jump onto your bed, happily tossing and turning on it. Just as you reach for your phone, the notification buzzes and it falls from the table. 
“uUghH…” you try to reach it from your bed, stretching your arms as far as you can so you wouldn't need to get up. 
“Who’s this?” you mumble to yourself, staring at the unknown number who just texted you.
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Do I know you??
Who are you?
WhaT 😕 😕 ?? How did you get my number??
You were the one who left it on my phone with a picture
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“What the hell? Who’s stupid enough to do that?” you read in disbelief
“Tap tap tap” the room was quiet, just the sound of you typing on your phone
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
😔 That’s some lame excuse you got there buddy.
Are you kidding me? Is this a prank? 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“Psh someone probably pranked this poor person.” you were about to drag his contact into your blacklist until a sudden realization hit you like a bullet. 
Are you the idiot who was stupid enough to leave someone a picture of your phone number?
“Oh shit.” 
- end of chapter one - 
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(author’s end notes: omg thanks for reading this far, im sure this was very very hard to read thru^^)
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usamizuki · 4 years
lucky bastard
happy birthday to the one and only iwaizumi hajime!! a day late, but oh well. here’s a little iwa/f!reader! posted on ao3 as well!
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzzzzzzzt.
Iwaizumi wriggled in the comfort of his bed, not wanting to face the fact that there’d be morning practice to wake up to. The alarm from his phone kept buzzing in his ear, and reached over and slammed the “snooze” button with the grace of an elephant. Normally, Iwaizumi would have no trouble getting up. He was used to the routine of wake up, practice, school, practice, pass out, but he tossed and turned all night for fear of what’d be waiting for him at the school.
It was his birthday, meaning Oikawa would be a tremendous pain in his ass.
Oikawa always made a huge deal for Iwaizumi’s birthday, ever since they’d been kids. Iwaizumi recalls the time in middle school where Oikawa woke up an hour earlier to drape Iwaizumi’s desk in a mess of tacky streamers and a crudely drawn poster that bore the words: “Happy birthday, Iwa-chan!” Iwaizumi’s shoe locker was filled with little notes saying things like “Happy birthday! Maybe this year you’ll get a girlfriend?” or “woah, fourteen already? You look like an old man.” Iwaizumi’s greatest gift that day, in his opinion, was taking his sweet time in beating his best friend’s ass.
All I want is a peaceful day with my girl, Iwaizumi thought to himself as he rose from the bed, shrugging off the sheets and turning towards the bathroom. Is that too much to ask?
The sun was barely hanging in the sky yet, yet Iwaizumi was eyeing his phone nervously for a happy birthday text from you. He knew that you would still be peacefully asleep and he couldn’t stop himself from envisioning you with messy, tousled hair and cute little snores: evidently, Iwaizumi couldn’t wait to see you. Despite him checking his phone every five seconds, he knew that a birthday text was probably out of the question. Iwaizumi had held off on telling you that his birthday was tomorrow. The two of you became a couple fairly recently, after you had mustered up the courage to ask him out after his evening volleyball practice. He didn’t want to pressure you with getting him a gift or anything so soon, but Iwaizumi couldn’t lie to himself. The best present would be you, and only you. Iwaizumi would be over the moon if he’d just have one entire day to spend with you without having to worry about Oikawa’s antics.
Of course, his phone didn’t ping with any new notifications. But what was I expecting, Iwaizumi huffed, and went back to brushing his teeth. I didn’t tell her about it, anyways.
“In conclusion, he doesn’t know that you know.” Oikawa’s eyes twinkled with mischief, and you suddenly felt your stomach drop. M-maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to ask Oikawa for help…
“Now, now, (y/n)-chan! Don’t look like that!” Is he a mind reader? “I’ll have you know that I’ve been the sole person in charge of making Iwa-chan’s birthday the best day ever for seven consecutive years!” Oikawa threw his fingers up in a piece sign and grinned at you. You just sighed in response, but gave him a little smile in return.
“It’ll just be a little prank, right?” You tried to convince yourself as Oikawa decorated his best friend’s shoe locker with flimsy neon papers. He had sneaked out of morning practice early to come help you with Iwaizumi’s birthday, which he almost never does. You were surprised at first, but then came to realize that Oikawa was a best friend who would pull out all the stops for the brunette. “I’m sure he’ll appreciate a little surprise…” Your voice faltered, losing confidence in the little plan that you and Oikawa had devised.
“Exactly!” The little hearts that Oikawa had taped onto the locker started to peel off. “You just have to ignore him for the most of the day, and then bam! Plant a good one on him during practice.” You immediately reddened, hiding your flushed cheeks behind your hands. “And as an added bonus, I’m giving him the day off. He’ll have you all to himself, the lucky bastard.”
You giggled and punched Oikawa in the arm playfully, earning a dramatic “Ow!” from him and attracting stares from the rest of the students around them. It was nearing the start of the first class, so more and more people were starting to fill in the halls. Oikawa spotted Iwaizumi from the corner of his eye and quickly pushed you to the other side of the wall. “Go, now, before he sees you!”
Tripping a little bit over yourself, you managed to hide behind another set of lockers. Seeing as you had time to kill before your first class, you decided to stick around and eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Haaaaaaaaappy birthday to y—”
Iwaizumi slapped a hand over Oikawa’s mouth, which reduced his singing to a muffled “mmph.”
He moved to bite Iwaizumi’s hand, and he flinched away before his best friend could even get a nibble. “You’re crazy,” Iwaizumi chuckled, looking at the arts and crafts shitstorm that was his locker. “always picking up after you, even on my birthday.”
Oikawa puffed his cheeks out, turning away from the brunette. “I got here early especially for you, and you repay me by grumbling? And all I wanted to do was do something nice for my best friend on his special day.”
“You call this something nice?” Iwaizumi bent over and picked up the heart cutouts that fell to the floor. “More like a pain.”
“Hmm! Whatever, I have more in store for you anyways.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. By the way, have you seen (y/n) around?”
You perked up at the mention of your name. Did he figure out the plan that quickly?
“Well, you just missed her. I said hi to her, but it seemed like she was in a hurry to get somewhere. Class duties, maybe?” Oikawa’s eyes landed on yours for a second, which was a signal for you to get your ass out of there.
“Ah, okay.” Iwaizumi let out a little sigh, which chipped at your heart a little bit. It was going to be worth it in the end, right? “I’ll catch her later, then.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes narrowed in frustration. He was bending the pen that he was holding, which was dangerously close to breaking. Halfway through the school day, and all he could think about was you! Normally, you would join him and Oikawa for lunch along Mattsun and Makki, but you apparently had to run errands for a teacher that time. Iwaizumi was looking forward to perhaps getting a bite of your home-cooked bento, or perhaps you’d buy him a cream bun from the cafeteria for his birthday…?
No. It’s useless, I haven’t told her about my birthday. The pen snapped in his hand. I don’t even have any right to mope about it.
“Woah there, Iwa-chan, no need to show off your strength. This is a classroom, after all.”
“Will you shut it?” Iwaizumi barked at Oikawa, just to get a tongue sticking out at him in return. “If I hear one more ‘happy birthday’ from you again, I swear, I will beat your ass at practice.”
“Ah, and this is the price of being Iwa-chan’s one (and only) friend.” Oikawa sighed, flopping arms onto his desk. “I shower him with endless presents, and only get paid dust. But it’s fine, since I'm such a selfless and giving bestie.”
“Can’t imagine ‘selfless’ and ‘you’ in the same sentence.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just grumpy because (y/n)-chan’s a little busy today.”
Hit the nail right on the head, huh, Shittykawa? I guess you can pick up on some things, even if that head of yours is filled with air.
“I guess so. But who wouldn’t be? I haven’t seen her at all today.” Iwaizumi’s lips tugged downwards into a pout. Oikawa is having a field day with this.
“Aw, is Iwa-chan lonely? Come on, I’ll buy you a bun from the vending machine. It is your birthday, after all.”
“I don’t need pity food.”
The preparations were almost in place. Thanks to Oikawa and your planning, the volleyball team was hard at work decorating the gym. Practice was still going on, but the coach had allowed a few party favors. Makki was struggling to put a small party hat on Kindaichi, chasing him around the gym. You laughed as you laid out an assortment of cupcakes and cookies on the table, to which the team members drooled at.
“(y/n)-chan, you’re quite the baker! Homemade too...” Oikawa said in approval, reaching to snatch a chocolate chip cookie. You smacked his hand lightly and made a disapproving noise.
“Not yet, Oikawa.” You eyed the door nervously, looking for any sign of Iwaizumi’s signature spiked hair. “At least wait until Iwaizumi gets here.”
He turned away from you to face the door as well. “Don’t worry about a thing! I have Mattsun on guard, and he’ll let us know when Iwa-chan’s coming!”
At the mention of Iwaizumi’s name, Mattsun came running in. “He’s coming, he’s coming,” He panted, waving his arms. “Turn off the lights!”
You quickly hid behind the wall, a handful of confetti in one hand. Holding your breath, you watched as Iwaizumi came in through the door. He was sporting the Aoba Johsai jersey, and his face was all twisted in confusion. “Huh, and I thought I was running late…”
As soon as Iwaizumi flipped the switch, a resounding “Happy birthday!” echoed throughout the gym. Confetti was thrown in the air, and the majority of the team barreled towards Iwaizumi, tackling him in a tight group hug.
“Y-you guys…” Iwaizumi was knocked to the ground, and the weight of the boys on him was crushing his lungs. “can let go now.”
The boys finally released him from their death grip and smiled at him, slapping his shoulders playfully. “Happy birthday, you lucky bastard.”
Iwaizumi dusted himself off and took a moment to actually appreciate the sight before him. The gym, which he considered a second home, was now decorated with strings that hung little paper stars and balloons. There was a poster tacked to the wall that read “Happy birthday, Ace!” Beside the poster was the table of goodies that the team was now lined up to feast on. You decided to approach him now that the team’s attention was on something else other than the birthday boy.
“Hey, you.” You smiled at him, a blush already creeping on your cheeks. “Having a good birthday?” You’ve pined over Iwaizumi for so long, but it’s unbelievable to you that he’s already yours. Every time you look at him, it always takes your breath away. His tanned skin with those mesmerizing sea green eyes. I could just melt.
“(y/n),” He breathed, reaching out to cup your cheek. Your eyes widened and you were sure that Iwaizumi could feel the heat rising beneath his fingertips. Since you guys were such a recent couple, he hadn’t been that big on being affectionate in public. Until now, of course. “you did this all for me?”
“Um, I had some help from Oikawa, of course!” You averted your eyes from the brunette out of embarrassment. “He was the one who came up with this, after all. I didn’t know your birthday was coming up until a few days ago. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to pressure you into getting me a gift so soon.” He shifts his hands to pinch your cheek lightly. “And what was with you ignoring me the whole day? Was that part of the plan, too?”
“It was! I’m sorry, Iwaizumi, now let go!” You tried to pull away from him, but he chuckled, leaning in and stretching your cheeks even further. You messed with him all day, and now it was his turn.
“Hey, now, lovebirds!” Of course, until Oikawa ruins everything. “Come get a cupcake. And Iwa-chan, don’t think you’re immune from wearing the birthday crown!” In Oikawa’s hands was a little paper crown folded neatly out of construction paper. You took the crown out of Oikawa’s hands and placed it gently on top of his head, smoothing the stray tufts of hair. Iwaizumi’s face was carefully neutral, but he was screaming on the inside. Jesus Christ, you’re too cute for this world.
He composed himself and turned towards Oikawa. “Guess I’m the Great King for today, huh, Shittykawa?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll let you get away with it this once! And as the previous king, I decree that you have the day off!”
Iwaizumi moved to protest, but Oikawa cut him off before he could even open his mouth. “No buts! The birthday king deserves his rest, no?” He shot a knowing look towards you, and a teasing grin made its way onto the setter’s face. “With his queen, of course.”
“... Shut up, Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi knew that there was no arguing with Oikawa once he had his mind set on something. It wasn’t all bad, right? He got to spend his day with his favorite girl.
You beamed and slipped your hand into his, tugging him towards the door. “I’ll treat you to some tofu, ‘kay? It’s all about you today.”
His mouth quirked up into a soft smile reserved just for you, and he squeezed your hand in response. “I really am a lucky bastard.”
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sumeshi-t · 5 years
A/N: Okay, a bit late I guess but I started writing this 19th July. Didn't make it in time. Also I forgot which blog I saw the prompts from lmao this is also kinda self-indulgent but hey what’s the use of making self-inserts for your self right
Pairing: OikawaxReader
Wordcount: 3,303 trash
Genre: angst??? try-hard angst yeah im sorry got lost in how to end it i--
*higanbana = red spider lilies. they are associated with final goodbyes, and legend has it that these flowers grow wherever people part ways for good.
tagging some cute lil haikyuu friends :( @floofwrites @akaashit-baeji @sportanime-maniac
"(y/n)?" Iwaizumi's voice sounded strained, tired even, as he spoke to you through his phone's mouthpiece. You ask what was bothering him on such a fine weekend afternoon. 
"It's been... bugging me for days now, it's such a pain in the ass." 
You hum, taking your time chewing the chips you've put in your mouth. You were binge watching movies on your free day when he called. "Well, you know, that isn't really part of my job. But congratulations on devirginizing your ass, I guess." 
Iwaizumi stutters, and you could clearly see the image of horror and embarrassment on his face in your mind. "T-That's not what I meant!" He clears his throat, before continuing. "Just... I feel like playing again. And I think I've become rusty for the past year."
He hears you gasp, and he wasted no more time in setting a meeting place before completely hanging up on you.
Warmth spreads throughout your chest at his sudden call and the reason why he wanted to meet up suddenly made you giddy. 
You and Iwaizumi go a long way back—way back middle school. By the time you graduated from college, he finally got accepted to play and be part of the National team. So you mustered enough courage and confidence, gathered some experience before applying for the team's physical therapist.
Luckily though, you got hired, and even received compliments from the coach saying that they have never seen the players perform to "such an extent".
It was a fun experience, the team had a great run during those times but one day, Iwaizumi decided to quit. Until now, you never knew why, but soon after he did, you also bid farewell to the team and began working in hospitals or nursing facilities.
So hearing that he wanted to play again set you in a good mood; you even start rummaging through your old files for the training regimen you used to give him, and brought it along with you.
You passed by a convenience store, grabbed two bottles of a light alcoholic drink, the celebratory mood getting to you.
Until you felt utter disappointment, confusion, and even a little annoyed at seeing who was there on the bench, waiting.
It was him. 
You suddenly wished that aliens were real so they could just take him. 
"You still call me that? Stop it. Where's Hajime?" You still weren't sitting, tempted to throw the bottles to his good-looking face before he could answer your question. 
Oikawa pouted, scooting over to make space beside him for you on the bench. "First name basis? You two that close already?" 
You didn't even try to understand the underlying tones that statement had. "None of your business. Now if you're not gonna tell me where he is, I'm gonna have to leave. Nice seeing you," 
As you turned around to leave, Oikawa stops you by saying, "I had him call you so we could meet here. So obviously, he's not coming." 
You hesitated, but with a deep sigh, you wordlessly made your way to the bench, placing all the stuff you brought between you and the brunette. He looks down at what you did, and when you weren't looking at him, Oikawa pops open both bottles with a little trick, trying not to smile that you decided to stay. He places your drink next to you, as he holds his own and takes a sip.
Oikawa just looks at you in silence, as your eyes focus on the red spider lilies before you; lined in a straight path, some surrounding the tree nearby. Both your face and his was unreadable, and when you couldn't bear the silence much longer, you took a breath before speaking.
"You didn't have to do that." your eyes narrowed, still refusing to look at Oikawa. 
"Do what?" the way he was feigning innocence got on your nerves a bit but you decided to settle things as mature as adults could be.
"...this whole thing, making Hajime set this up. There's actually, absolutely, no need for it."
"I just need an excuse to hang out with you." He answered immediately, gauging your reaction. Oikawa takes another sip of his drink, "It's been a while since we last talked, (y/n)-chan. I tried texting or calling you but I figured you probably changed numbers."
You bit your bottom lip, looking down on your feet. You take a single gulp of the alcohol and leaned back on your seat, trying to at least relax and feel more comfortable in your own space.
"Why? Felt bored?" You finally spare him a quick glance, and your ex had a long leg over the other, both hands now inside the pockets of his jersey jacket. There was a small flag of Japan by the chest and only then did you remember that he was now also a member of the volleyball National team; perhaps even their captain—you didn't know. Ever since leaving the team, you didn't bother catching up to any news about them. 
When Oikawa didn't answer your question, you mumble, "I heard... you were doing good." 
He shrugs, "More or less... and you?" The brunette sighs, scratching the back of his head. He turned to you with a  slight pout, which you couldn't tear your eyes off of. "Why are we talking like we have sticks up our asses? Iwa-chan sure is rubbing off on you real good." Oikawa whines, his nose stuck in the air after grunting. 
You didn't know why but you found it ridiculous, that you were reminded of the times when you were younger. A chuckle escapes your lips, making his brows raise at your sudden reaction. "God, are you six or something? Trying to be all cute and whiny?"
Oikawa smirks, "So first it's 'nice seeing you'; and now you're saying I'm cute? (y/n)-chan, I'm very flattered. But there's no need to tell me what I already know." He even had the audacity to wink at you and stick his tongue out.
You lightly punch his shoulder, rolling your eyes at his display of narcissism. "Hah, some things... really don't change." 
Oikawa's short burst of playful attitude came to a progressive stop, his calm demeanor slowly resurfacing. "Yeah... guess you could say that."
He then rummages through the files you brought along for Iwaizumi, and he hums in acknowledgment. "So you did become a PT." Oikawa was mumbling to himself, and you didn't even try to take back the folder he was holding. 
'It's better to have minimal physical contact as much as possible.'
You notice his brows scrunching together, and assumed that he was trying to read through the small fonts you used, as Oikawa wasn't wearing his glasses. But what you didn't know was that he was actually glaring at Iwaizumi's photo.
He returns the folder to you, "Think you can be my therapist?" Then, his other hand pats his bad knee thrice.
The question caught you off-guard; just as quick as the good memories flashed by, the bad and painful ones that replaced it were the hardest to ignore. It triggered the memory that began the downfall of your relationship with Oikawa.
See, you and him had made the relationship work through  some similarities and despite of your differences.
You were understanding and supportive of his passion and commitment to his volleyball career. You went to his games and cheered him on no matter the results were; when you had free time, you'd wait until night for him to be done with practice. Meanwhile, he never felt as though you were dragging him down; he even learned to appreciate classic rom-coms because of you and had some of your favorites next to his sci-fi stash; and of course, he fueled the drive you had for achieving your dreams of becoming a doctor.
The amount of selfies you've taken with him is unreal; your gallery also full of memes you both send to Iwaizumi even during dead hours of the night. You hated his gut sometimes, and he doesn't like it when even you nag at him; you were both stubborn, had a little pride here and there—but you knew you felt the happiest when with him, and he always told you that he felt the same.
College came. You were in different universities, but was in the same one as Iwaizumi's. When you were still a freshman, you still had some time to spare; meet up after practice, or him waiting for your class to end. 
It was interesting: you knew one way or another, a match between your university and his would be inevitable.
And Oikawa's team always won. 
But as the semesters went on, both of you spent less and less time together, talked more on occasion than how it used to be. 
For you that was fine, you understood that careers must be prioritized than relationships because both of you were at that age which would decide your individual futures. 
Sometimes you'd get jealous at some of your friends when they're gushing about their own adventures in the romance department that you even mockingly ask yourself if you're actually single.
The relationship just came to a point where you felt like you were the only one trying, making it an effort to meet or hang out.
You had to admit to yourself: it was tiring. And all these, you had no choice but to rant it all out on Iwaizumi—which was part of the reason why you two became much closer. It was completely platonic for you though, no doubt about that.
There was a particular match, you finally had some spare time from your busy schedule and brain-draining program, that you managed to watch it. Though, you were a little late, having arrived halfway through. 
Every step you took closer to the stands, the more you became eager to feel the rush of adrenaline through your veins, of having your throat going dry from screaming and cheering—
But you didn't expect that you'd instead have to swallow a lump in your throat and push back tears. 
When you arrived, the first thing you saw was your boyfriend, Oikawa, lying on the floor of the court, clutching his knee, teeth gritted, sweat and probably some tears on his pained face. And Iwaizumi, on the other side of the net, frozen in shock at what was happening to his bestest friend.
Next thing you knew, you were in the hospital.
It was a bad fall they said.
Probably the court was too slippery. A little misstep.
The worst was that maybe it was the beginning of the end of his career. 
The following days, weeks, weren't really the best. You could say bad things turned to worse things. 
The doctor was a bit too pessimistic for your liking, saying that Oikawa might never be able to use that knee again for volleyball, post-surgery. 
"Since when did you know about this? Was it after the Karasuno match? Or during your freshman year in college? Tooru... please..." you asked him, as he stared ahead at the wall, the usual cheerful dork now seemed to have aged ten more years at the hurtful words of his own doctor. 
Oikawa didn't answer. He didn't know how to answer and he felt that everything came crashing down as he began building his walls higher, keeping everything and everyone out—even you.
You reached out to caress his knee, and you noted the flinch he made under your touch. "Hey... I know it's hard right now, but... trust me, I don't think what the doctor said was true." You pursed your lips; still no reaction from him. 
"I mean... this is why rehabilitation medicine exists! I believe that this could still be worked on and you'll be in your best state in a few month's time, Tooru." You were speaking from your little therapist-to-be heart, the passion, the blood, sweat and tears you've shed so far serving as fuel to strengthen your resolve in wanting to help heal your boyfriend.
You pulled your hand away when Oikawa let out a scoff. 
He gave you a ridiculing look, "What do you know? I don't see you having any problem with your knee."
"T-Tooru... I—"
"Why? Just because you're a student now, you honestly think you could be my therapist?"
Were you hurt? Very. But then there was a voice in your head saying that Oikawa was in much more pain than you could imagine. And so you waited. Patiently. Diligently. 
You didn't want to let him see you crumble at his mere words that only stemmed from his self-loathing. This isn't him, this isn't him. It was your new mantra. 
You could only take so much. 
You still end up crying it out on Iwaizumi. He was able to provide you with the head space you could breathe in. You didn't realize that Oikawa could sense this. That was your mistake, you knew that but only after the split.
"Why don't you leave me alone? All I see from you now is pity. Guess what, (y/n), I don't need any of that from you. Right? I don't make you happy anymore right? You think I didn't know you've already found someone better?" 
This was his mistake. 
The memory of your tears, of your trembling hands, and voice breaking—still stung in his mind. 
"Not once did I pity you, Tooru, because that's not what you need. All this time, I've endured every word you hurled at me like I'm your least favorite person in the world." You sniffed, swallowed. 
"But if that's what's going to make you better, make you happier—then I'll go. I hope you understand how much I've exceeded my limits, only for you to throw me out over and over again."
You gripped hard on the doorknob, and said your final words. "And leave Iwa-kun out of this. I didn't think you would actually doubt a friend and your own girlfriend." You bitterly smile, causing the tears that pooled in your lids to fall.
"Maybe I was wrong to assume that I could become your stronghold through this. I'm sorry for disappointing you, Tooru. Get well soon,"
"And we never talked after that." he murmured, eyes reddening, jaw clenched in an attempt to fight his own tears from falling. 
And you?
You've downed half of your bottle in one go. 
You refuse to look at him because you knew your heart's wounds would reopen and be like onions to your eyes. You let the alcohol spread to make you numb. More, more, you said.
"It's embarrassing but... since you left I have no one to talk to. The days I spent in the hospital was a lot bearable when you used to visit me." 
You took another swig of the alcohol. Another bitter smile  on your lips more bitter than what was burning your throat. "Then don't talk to me now like you're coming back."
"Don't you want me back?"
Your heart ached at his question. You bit your lip, sniffing, trying to find the right answer—your heart wanted yes, but your mind wanted no. "Did I even mean anything to you? Was that all I was to you—just another person you could talk to?"
Oikawa winced at your words. "(y/n), I—I... of course not! You're worth more than that to me!" there was a shaky exhale, and a quick intake of air right after. You figured that he was choking on his own fought back sobs. "I... I'm sorry but I just miss you so, so, so much."
This time, you tried looking him in the eye—and all you could see was a mirror of your own pain. His ears were already red, indicating the emotions he was holding back on you—a trait of his that you can't seem to forget.
"There's a difference between missing someone and missing having someone, Oikawa." He flinched at how much you tried to put distance between the two of you for calling him that way. Oikawa tried to answer but you continued, "I, for one, miss you because I..." you gasped, letting the tears stream down your face. "Because I never stopped loving you, Tooru."
Oikawa was frozen in his seat, watching you as you harshly wiped tear streaks from your face, finishing your drink then gathering your things and standing up to leave. You quickly walked away without looking back, and that was the only time the brunette finally found how to move his limbs. He was so at a loss that he forgot his own unfinished drink on the bench.
"W-Wait, (y/n)-chan! (y/n)," Oikawa chased after you, unable to control his own strength once he grabbed your arm, making all your things fall to the grass. You pull your arm away but he holds you by the shoulders.
"Why are you leaving? I'm not going to push you away anymore, (y/n)." His grip on you got tighter, as if he was restraining himself from pulling you close to him and capturing your body in his. 
You look down, avoiding his stare, seeing red spider lilies once more by your feet where your things were scattered. 
His hands slide down to grasp your hands in his. They're still as warm as I remember them to be. 
"...Real feelings don't just go away."
"So why did you let me leave?" Your lips trembled, voice coming out in a whisper, voice cracking in the end. 
"(y/n), I know that what I did and said was wrong. I let my pride get in the way between us; I let my sadness eat me away." His hands were shaking now, a bit sweaty too. He sniffed, "You saw the messed up parts of me and stayed. But I was a jerk, a big asshole, for pushing you away. It was selfish of me... I... I didn't see that my in-actions would cause us to fall apart."
To your surprise, he pulled you in, burying his face near the crook of your neck. You could feel something wet seep into your shirt. "My biggest mistake was thinking I could live without you."
"But... I can see you're doing well now without me. Because you only waited this long to try and reach me? Why now when you could've done it before?" 
Oikawa hugs you tighter, shaking his head. "I just don't want to lose you; not again, not anymore. I love you (y/n), I never did stop."
Soon, he pulls away, eyes searching yours. You look up at him, and he wipes the tears from your face. "Can I be selfish one last time? Please give me another chance—I'll make it up to you."
You all but gently removed his touch from yours, and suddenly the air around you grew cold. 
"Tooru, I... I love you, I miss you, I forgive you. It was nice meeting you but... I don't think I'm ready to open my heart for you again. Maybe not now. Maybe not ever. Because I've made up my mind long ago to love you from afar."
You smiled softly and used the back of your hand to wipe his tears. Then, you stood on your tiptoes and placed a peck to his nose before turning away. 
Oikawa could only watch in silence at your retreating figure, wondering if this was the best thing for one or both of you. Everything now was even more unsure for him; except for the fact that a new-found determination sprang in his chest. 
Oikawa Tooru was going to win your heart back, no matter what it takes.
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