#hana uzumaki
onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
The Phoenix's feathers
So here is a tiny bit about how come that Takeo and Reina had those peculiars earings and how they started. A short scene to introduce a little bit of the flamboyant Hana, Reina's mother.
— Takeo and Hana —
It was quite a warm spring, the flowers started to bloom early. Hana took the chance to wander around the forest, knowing that among the highest branches of the trees Takeo was there, following her every step. She won’t deny that she enjoyed the attention that the big buff Aburame had lately given to her. She was pacing through the forest and with a laugh shouted so he could hear her “What would I give for some company!” She giggled and kept walking. Just a few meters went by and there he was leaning on a trunk, pretending that he had always been there “Oh! How come that you are here?” Takeo did not respond, instead he just straightened himself out. Hana’s smile was broad, her big full lips made her even rounder face work in communion. As a sequence of spheres that interlocked to form her face. “So tell me moth-man, what are you doing here?” 
“What is the reason behind your walking? Some meaning must be that you are so far away from your training field?” she mocked him while kept walking. Two of her steps were one of his. Puberty had hit both of them, and with 15 years old Takeo could perfectly pass for a full grown adult. Little did he know that he would reach 2 meters of height. He rumbled a small “Break-time” 
“So you have decided that the best place to spend break time is in the forest? Would it not be better to rest yourself in a hammock? “
“We do not have those” 
She hated when she was so “facty”. Stop in place and gave him a mean look, with her arms folded and started to scold him “You should have a wider vision as a shinobi. Technically everything could have the potential of being a hammock. We do not need the fancy things of those shitvilians…”
“No! shitvilians, to be a civilian you first need to be a civil being able to have morals and mind of your own. They have their heads covered in dirt, those being the most civil that are out there.” Takeo grumped 
“We shouldn't…”
“Speak ill of those that we protect? To be able to protect someone that someone needs to be in danger. Here the only ones that need protection are us from their bullshit and their stupidity. You know that well, you have started to do labor work like a full-grown-up. Do you think that someone that needs protection would have so many stupid parties just because there is rain? You know how much they are forcing HER to overgrown everything so they can have their stomachs full every single minute. They throw away tons of food! I have seen what they do!! Like it cost nothing and here we are harvesting a field that is killing my sister! Here we are mending their pants and shoes, being the slaves of a full village who is just full of …” The tears started to fall down. Takeo stood still “They fucking called you this morning to you and your father to amuse some people with your freaking insects! They are monsters ….They…” The tears fall uncontrollably. 
The Aburame stood there waiting for a clue to what to do. He sat near her, she hugged him although she did not receive the same. Buried her face on his shoulders. “I started to bleed…” confessed the girl. Takeo felt a cold chill down his spine, he grabbed her clothes “If I am bleeding already… my sister….” She let out a shriek and cried, covering the Aburame in tears. He let his cheek rest on her head, inhaled the familiar aroma and tucked her closer to him “She would be fine…” “Until they bleed her out birth after birth…” Silence reigned in the scene. “Takeo…” He raised her cochin to look at her “Do you know any…funny story?” That only meant one thing, she needed to ease her mind. He would help her “Do you know the old myth of the phoenix?” She let her lips form a small curve. “I have heard it many times,  Keiyodoshi and the phoenix…” silence, she bumped his abdomen “C’mon tell me. It is one of my favorite tales, I do believe that those things existed before we “ruled” the world. If not, how come people can describe those ancient tales so vividly?” Takeo looked at her “It is more probable that he was a shinobi with an affinity towards fire that did those things for money.” She gave him another push, he barely moved the giant. “Do not take the magic out of it!” She still had tears on her face, he started to tell her the old myth. 
On the way home, she stopped near a tree and grabbed something from the floor. “TAKEO!” 
“I am …right here.. do not need to shout” 
“Look!” two bright red feather in her hand
“The phoenix is blessing us! Now we can invoke him and fly out of here!” Takeo raised an eyebrow. Hana started to do the hand signs needed to do Kuchiyose no Jutsu. “C’mon!” she let her palm on the Earth. Nothing…
“It was worth the try”
“You need to have a deal with the creature…”
“And chakra…” Finished her. An awkward silence grew in them. Her chakra channels being completely destroyed was something that they discovered when Buna rescued her. A sudden blast of chakra when she was born broke her tubes, failing her to canalize that energy and letting it all go to waste constantly. She could not perform jutsu, and on the rare occasion when she could do something it never went as it was supposed to go. 
She looked at the feather “I am gonna make some earrings” Takeo raised both eyebrows “What is the utility of earrings?” 
“Trying to look pretty” She kept walking, starting to fantasize how they could make  her look once they were pierced in her ears. Takeo was behind her, he thought that she was already pretty enough and that those filthy feathers would not accentuate her beauty more than her smile did.
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---- Here is a little drawing of the earign that both, father and daughter, wear in honour of her mother. A quick sketch of Hana when she was 14, that is the time that this scene happened.
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alybur635 · 2 months
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Sketched a few nart characters for twitter and almost forgot to share em here!
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
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I love Tsume Inuzuka sm 😭😭 She’s the only female clan head (that I can think of). Kiba is rather brash, but he definitely respects that women are capable shinobi and I would say his mom is a huge influence there.
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
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naruto textposts 11/only g-d can save you now
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My Naruto AU Headcanons:Itachi Uchiha
Itachi was trained by Minato and learnt Flying Thunder God jutsu from him. Itachi also figured out how to add Fire Style to Rasengan,and taught Minato how to add his chakra transformation to it,which was Lightning Style.
Minato is the only one throughout history to teach FTG to two of his successors:Genma Shiranui and Itachi Uchiha.
Kushina spent quite lots of time with Itachi after Obito's death. She is one of main reasons Itachi is not just so great at casting sealing jutsus but legendary Talk-no-Jutsu as well.
This skills were useful against Mangetsu and Mei,as he slowly guided them to light. They went from rivals to enemies to comrades and to friends.
Minato died with his head resting on lap of 5 years old Itachi,poking on the uchiha prodigy's forehead in his last moments.
Itachi's best friend and soulmate is Mangetsu(INFJ),who is complete opposite of Suigetsu(ESTP). They are so intimate it's unreal for most people.
Mangetsu is a very affectionate person who likes to depend on Itachi,often hugs him and lightens his mood. The irony of this is that Mangetsu wanted to kill Itachi so bad for 4 years. INTJ X INFJ=Golden Pair
Sometimes,Tsume teased Itachi,asking him to go on a date with Hana. Hana scolded her mother once she told Itachi "Afraid us half-canine anomalies would taint your noble uchiha blood?" Which earned her a shocked expression on Itachi's face,who just said "What?"
Ayame liked to cook for Itachi and waited for him whenever he came back from a mission. Itachi believes Ayame to be one of the best chefs in the village. He encouraged Ayame, who genuinely thought Itachi's good enough to match her.
Itachi mentored Yugao for two weeks after Shisui's death. By the end of the training session,She had mastered 4 different kenjutsu styles and significantly enhanced her physical prowess. Danzo originally wasn't gonna let Itachi do it,but Itachi said he'll make sure konoha will have one of the absolute best swordsmen ever. He succeeded.
Out of all Akatsuki members,Itachi enjoyed Konan's company the most. Konan would visit him once in a while,and prevents the illness from paralyzing him. She kept it a secret. She was like an elder sister to him.
Deidara's death hit Itachi hard. While the former had beef with the later,They mutually respected each other and got to hang out a few times. Deidara sensed Itachi's sadness and could empathize with him. Deidara missed Kurotsuchi badly. Itachi never slept ever since Mangetsu died under full moon. Deidara occassionaly lied beside him,staring at the moon and stars.
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jacksgreysays · 6 months
Bleak!primadonna AU brainrot continues (2024-04-04)
… I think I’m just becoming the blog of hyper-niche DoS future fic because… my brain… still rotting… from bleak!primadonna AU. At this point, I think there is no NOT!bleak primadonna AU, so maybe the bleakness doesn’t have to be specified anymore. The primadonna ‘verse, as it were….
ANYWAY, JUST BEEN THINKING ABOUT HOW EXTERNAL WOMB STUFF (as originated by loveelemental and further developed by damnsmartblueboxes) AND HOW THE POLITICS OF THAT WOULD OR WOULDN’T AFFECT SOME THINGS.
Because, like, I try to adopt as much of DoS fanon as I can from other writers and I realized one that I have internalized but didn’t think to apply to the primadonna ‘verse is the idea that Hana Inuzuka is the next Inuzuka clan head and also she’s a lesbian and engaged to her partner (as per JohnBurtonLee’s I Got You which I, at this point, pretty much consider DoS beta canon in that it’s basically canon until very specifically said otherwise by Word of God)
Anyway, all that being said: whether or not the Inuzuka are matrilineal (as I headcanon for the Aburame) or they follow primogeniture regardless of the firstborn child’s gender, it would still fall to Hana to have an heir of her own. Which, you know, get a donor, etc etc. BUT, if they want the child to be as genetically close to a biological child from both of them as possible, either Kiba is the donor with Hana’s partner being the carrier—I’m going to call her Kaori for now—or if Kaori has male relatives (a brother, ideally) then Hana is the carrier.
But, what if Kaori’s family SUCKS? What if they’re ABSOLUTE ASSES? What if they’re homophobic bigots who don’t approve of the relationship, much less them having a child together? Hana and Kaori wouldn’t going to want their DNA anyway. (Sorry to give you a shit family Kaori, but you're marrying into a pretty cool one so... congrats?)
But then it’s also like… uh… Kiba is your annoying little brother who really didn’t believe we were engaged. Not out of bigotry or ill-intent, but it’s still annoying. And also, like, don’t really want to think about your little brother’s sperm.
What’s a wlw couple to do?
Because it’s not just about the gestation and carrying the baby to term, but the incompatibility of egg-egg or sperm-sperm conception.
But wait! Introducing the new HaruNara external conception and gestation machine(/seal?)! For the low low price of (I don’t know, the first generation may be free since it’s all prototype and experimental?) you and your partner(s) can have the biological child you’ve always wanted! No mess, no stress, no risk that an undercover agent from an enemy clan/village will steal your bloodlimit and/or extremely politically important heir! Highly trained and accredited experts of medicine and sealing will oversee the HaruNara process and your genetic material/future child will be fully protected by an elite team of Konoha’s powerful shinobi! We’ll help you make the family of your dreams! SIGN UP TODAY!
… if you didn’t read all of that in an infomercial voice, I messed up.
What I’m saying is, Hana and Kaori’s first child—who I am now calling Manako which means eyeball—was of the first generation of HaruNara babies (a process which I assume EXTREMELY involved Sakura, hence the name).
Keen-eyed readers may remember that I wanted Mimi Inuzuka to be a year above Shikadai, and that is still true. I’m just giving Mimi Inuzuka and older sister, because I want the sort of… bookend of Manako is of the first generation of HaruNara babies and Mimi is from the last generation of HaruNara babies (outside of the ANY clan alliance)
Because the HaruNara requires a sealing master (from the Nara Sealing Research Group) AND a medic specifically trained under Sakura. Although there are ANY medics trained under Sakura, there aren’t any non-ANY sealing masters—except maybe TenTen—who are trained in the use of the seals and equipment, of which those would be proprietary Nara technology anyway.
… and even if TenTen COULD, I don’t think she necessarily WOULD because she is indebted/grateful to the Nara for even putting her name on the NaraTen seals (still industry leader, decades later) and giving her those royalties as opposed to just, like, a one time “consultant/independent contractor” fee and then goodbye forever. I think, even if she isn’t officially part of the Nara Sealing Research Group, she does get invited a lot or consults enough (with appropriate/fair payment or additional royalties) that she wouldn’t necessarily turn her back against them. And, like, look. Even if it was decades ago, she did love Shikamaru and they were friends even when they broke up, so she also grieves for him too. I don’t know her stance on, you know, straight up murder the councilors who ordered his assassination. But I can’t imagine she’d so fully turn against Shikako—who, again, was even more her friend than Shikamaru, and so ACTIVELY contributed to TenTen’s career success—that she would scab against the Nara clan and run half of the HaruNara technique on behalf of Konoha unless they SPECIFICALLY ORDERED HER TO.
BUT EVEN THEN, I have to imagine the number of times she must have had “don’t interfere with clan affairs” thrown in her face regarding the Hyuuga Caged Bird seal and now she can throw it back in Konoha’s face. But, like, in a plausible deniability sort of way.
All that being said: the ANY alliance may very well be keeping this technique to themselves and either separately contracting (with all profits going to ANY alliance only, rather than it being split with Konoha) or charging an EXORBITANT FEE to those who are trying to hire them via Konoha official paths.
Because, like. You can’t tell me the Kantokusha clan of Hidden Grass don’t have the village under their thumb. That’s why they were so desperate to get rid of Shikako, someone who had seemingly defeated their ultimate technique.
And while Konoha has other methods of income, older and more established than the HaruNara seals, you can’t tell me the ANY alliance wouldn’t be extremely pedantic and petty about proprietary clan techniques. Again, just pointing at the Hyuuga’s Caged Bird Seal.
Of course, the ANY alliance isn’t trying to make more enemies—if anything, they are trying to do the opposite, and woo other clans to their theoretical secession—so they’re not being extortionate about it. But they are making it clear that this is a clan/alliance technique, not a village technique.
To be clear, this switch from it being a Konoha service to an ANY clan specific service is because of The Incident—hence why Mimi is part of the last generation of Konoha serviced HaruNara babies--so it’s not as if the ANY alliance have been denying or overcharging the Inuzuka use of the HaruNara process. And also, it may very well be that Hana and Kaori have reached the number of children they want (unsure if it’s just her and Manako or if I want them to have a/multiple siblings in between) and it’s just coincidence that they bookend the window of time where the HaruNara process was a village service and not an ANY alliance service. BUT I just thought that would be an interesting way to frame the Inuzuka’s involvement/opinion on the Incident, especially since I am REALLY thinking about writing another Primadonna ‘verse segment and it involves Team Chiyako which has Mimi Inuzuka and the Branch Hyuuga teen that Shikadai has a crush on.
Anyways, how do you look at all of your beautiful, rambunctious children and not be extremely grateful to the person who literally made it possible for them to exist. And, you know, wouldn't any Inuzuka member also want to tear to pieces the people who try to harm their family? Considering I imagine if the Inuzuka clan had a motto it would be something like Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, I can’t imagine those Hana's personal opinion would be would be too different from her Inuzuka clan's opinion (unlike Chiyako and Tsunade’s, lol)
The Inuzuka are not official allies with the Akimichi, Nara, Yamanaka. They are also not official allies with the Aburame and the Hyuuga even though members of their clans get put on the same teams often due to synergistic abilities. I don’t know who they are official allies with, but we do know that they joined Konoha at roughly the same time as the other clans and have since been a pillar member of the village.
So the question then becomes: does the fact that their current clan heiress (Manako) and her sibling(s) exist because of Shikako Nara outweigh the generations of loyalty to Konoha?
Here’s where I thread this needle: I don’t think they would secede… but I do think they would gladly support a different Hokage and are fully in favor of Naruto stepping down. I think, if they have clan vows the same way the ANY alliance does, that Hana (with approval from Tsume and whatever elders or equivalent thereof that the Inuzuka clan has) changed them before Manako and her sibling(s) became genin and would have to say them.
I think Manako might not even be on a jounin led tead. I think Manako probably went from the Academy, then straight back to specialized Inuzuka clan training, both because she is heiress and also so that she wouldn’t necessarily have to swear oaths of loyalty to the village over her clan or to the current Hokage in particular.
Which makes Mimi’s placement on Team Chiyako interesting if she is the only one of her siblings(? Although, it could just be her and Manako) who didn’t get recalled back to clan training after the Academy. What oaths did she make? Are the Inuzuka very deliberate in their wording of loyalty to the village (but not the Hokage?) in protecting the people, but not the administration.
I think, if the Inuzuka can’t make Shikako Hokage (and if this WERE closer in time to the Incident, they probably would have voted a no-confidence in Naruto, had that been a route available to them) then they are part of the group who either want Kakashi back in power (even though he very much DOES NOT WANT) or are of the belief that if they can’t have a Hokage they can be loyal to, they will either FIND or MAKE a Hokage they can be loyal to.
By which I mean: if I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, not only is Mimi Inuzuka the kunoichi on a team one year older than Shikadai, she also, like TenTen, wants to be like Tsunade. But, unlike TenTen, its not because of healing, it’s because she’s a female Hokage and Mimi is going to be the next one if she has any say over it.
I do think the most “healing” of the candidates is Shikadai, given it is a rift between Konoha and the Nara specifically, but hell… at this point, anyone else might be enough to get the ANY alliance to stay. Sarada who, even if she is still genetically a Sakura-Sasuke child, would have been raised by Sakura-Ino-Sai is arguably part of the ANY alliance… maybe?
Because. Almost all of those Uchiha repopulation program kids I made are of age or younger than Shikadai. (Sakako doesn’t exist in primadonna ‘verse, sorry. Add another check in the bleakness column.) So either, they ARE using the HaruNara machine(/seal?) as an officially allied clan of the ANY clans (ANUY alliance? Hm… I don’t like that) OR it is one of the only Konoha official usage of it post The Incident—by which I mean, Konoha is subsidizing some/most of the exorbitant costs so that the Uchiha DON’T officially join the ANY alliance—OR… they aren’t using it and they’re just going old fashioned surrogacy (as it was originally written) but you HAVE to imagine that absolutely frustrates whoever is in charge of the program (probably Sakura, let’s be real) because there is this method to make the program so much more efficient if it weren’t for FUCKING POLITICS and it HAS HER NAME ON IT.
Oof. Yikes.
Anyway, sorry I went on a tangent. Many people are gunning for that Hokage spot, Mimi Inuzuka included. I think she was deliberately put on a jounin led team because Hana or Manako could smell/see the way the winds were blowing in Konoha. The Aburame heiress/future head as well as a Branch Hyuuga representative being on the same team—those two (and maybe the Uchiha, gotta figure that out) being the most likely to join the ANY alliance in secession—would need a stronger tether back to Konoha. And while the Inuzuka may have self-isolated a bit due to lack of faith in the Hokage, they are still loyal to the village as a whole. And then their third teammate is a Kurama because I’m already playing the next generation parallel game, so I needed a genjutsu user. BUT I have also made their abilities synergize, so this team does make sense functionally as well as, uh, metaphorically? Politically :D
FINAL TANGENT before I let this brainrot go, 1) Kareru Uzumaki definitely exists in this ‘verse because 2) the first generation of HaruNara babies are younger than him because the techniques didn’t fully gel together UNTIL Shikako discovered the seal he was in so 3) AT MOST there is eight years difference between the oldest of the HaruNara babies and Shikadai’s year, and I don’t even think that much but I can’t be bothered to do math right now.
Hopefully this rambling around will lead to an actual legible ficlet. If you made it this far, sorry for this disaster of a post.
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chloegamesbroficial · 10 months
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D.Va and her new partner Naruto Uzumaki. 🐰🦊
Credits: Bing AI
Warning: I did not create this art, this art was made by AI (Artificial Intelligence)
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ruttarbee · 8 months
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Same person, different font
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chiefatticcreator · 1 month
Does Kiba know about his mother and sister riding Naruto's Big Cock Express? Don't know if Tsume and Hana want him to find out or not.
With how strong his sense of smell is, he absolutely knows. But it's an open secret in the family. Kiba doesn't ask, Tsume and Hana don't tell, and that's it.
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Himawari's byakugan in action!
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Anko: *Inflicting Extreme Amount of Pain on random poor bastard*
Kurenai:…what’s with Anko? Did someone steal her Dango!
Sakura: The idiot stupidly friendzone Mitarashi-san. Didn’t take it well…
Hana: *To Sakura* On the contradictory. Anko take it quite well. Because Naruto isn’t in the hospital is testament on Anko control over herself
Kurenai: *To Sakura* And I didn’t have to help Anko with burying the body.
Sakura: 😟
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cc-sasuke · 6 months
(cc) Naruto: Congratulations, Sasuke! It’s about time you proposed to Sakura!
(cc) Sasuke: I did not, that was a promise ring for her birthday.
When I propose to her, I want it to be a special day on its own.
(cc) Naruto: Oh =/ -might have told everyone with his shadow clones already, lmao-
// inspired by this - with @hana-akari
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wickermayne · 9 months
Naruto/Hana Inuzuka triple drabble. Scratching/biting kink.
The Inuzuka were known for their sharp teeth and nails.
Good for combat, good for synergy with their ninken.
And Hana loved to use them during sex.
“C’mon, chill the fuck out,” Naruto hissed, thrusting hard into Hana’s cunt, even as she clawed at his back, her nails vicious on his skin.
“Sorry, sorry,” Hana giggled, wet kisses along his jaw and down the column of his throat, her fingers stroking along the painful marks she left.
Naruto almost came inside her when she reached his shoulder, her teeth clamping down.
“G-God damnit!”
Naruto couldn’t even tell what the overriding sensation was; the pain of Hana’s canines sinking into his flesh or the amazing pulse of her cunt. It was like she wanted to have his brain fucked up, mixing up the signals.
Hana purred, licking the massive hickey she left behind and then flipped him over, so she was riding him.
Each roll of her hips pressed his back into the mattress, a fresh flash of pain over her claw marks, the air stinging at the bruise on his neck.
He’d never been so aroused.
Hana grinned at him, all teeth. “Sorry, but you look so pretty when you’re all scratched and bruised because of me.”
Naruto pouted. “Don’t you mean handsome?”
She laughed, her nails pressed like a threat into the skin of his chest.
Hana squatted up and down on his cock, the tanned skin glistening with her arousal, sticky wet sounds as she rode him.
“No. Pretty with red marks, with purples bruises…” Her eyes hungry with desire. “And I’m not done yet, Naruto.”
She scratched his chest with her sharp claws, thin bleeding lines, that mixture of pain and pleasure that melted his brain, grunting as he spilled ropes of cum into her clenching cunt.
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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Class photo!
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nyxire · 2 years
what do u mean there is a naruto fandom poll for a spin off manga
#*hyperventilating* i will be dragged back into the naruto fandom i will be dragged back into the naruto fandom i will-#there are so many options literally what the fuck#it's not faur#like. i want uzumaki lore. but i want that tobirama lore. but hey i also want sakumo lore. yeah i'll take some minato lore for the hell of#it why not.#BUT INSTEAD#we just have a bunch of characters who already have a bunch of decent lore to their name :/#like shisui. i admit could be interesting but not more interesting then any of the older gen ppl#WHO IS VOTING FOR THE FUCKING UCHIHAS IM GOIGN TO KILL U WITH MY BARW HANDs#WE HAVE ENOUGH UCHIHA LORE FUCK OFF#itachi is second which?? what the fuck do u want bro. half the fucking series is about itachi.#fuck off about sasuke & sakura aren't they already getting another book or sumthin#what do you want more kakashi lore for. like yeah he's a funny lil guy but sakumo whom we know essentially nothing about would be more inte#resting. i find madara boring and for the most part couldn't give less of a shit about jiraiya. which leaves obito which :/#seriously guys??? THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLEEEEE. im sorry this just maddens me.#like so many characters (some integral?? to others backstories or even the main plot) and you chose some of the most. just lame characters#ver. FUCKING NARUTO IS ON THERE 😭. Kushina. mito. sakumo. tobirama. TOUKA. hell you could choose hashi & tobiramas dead brothers#and it'd probably be more entertaining then any of those guys!!.#genma. hana. mikoto. FUCK EVEN IZUNA. (<- don't even know what his could possible be about) PLEASE just thinkkkk#the point is that there are just so many more interesting characters then like 10 character who r currently on top.#like 5 of them which manga fucking revolves around#like naruto. seriously. what more do u neeeed#nyx rants#sowry. im just angrye
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rojedir · 1 year
One interesting thing that's been on my mind since the Uzumaki trailer dropped was how the use of rotoscoping on the show seems totally inspired by director Nagahama's previous work on Aku no Hana (whose use of rotoscoping was a lot more contentious). It really nails a certain eerie and uncanny aspect of Junji Ito's work
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