#handy man kiri
totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt. 2
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
I do not own ANY of the fanart or screenshots used with my fics.
Pt.1 here. Pt.3 here.
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You ended up sitting in his family's marui so he could prepare food for everyone instead of just you. You get up to try and help him, but he shooes you back to where you were sat.
"Is there a reason behind you being nice enough to make me food?" You asked the intimidating man infront of you.
"Is this not a custom that humans have when they court a potential mate?" Tonowari asks and you feel the heat rush to your cheeks.
"M-mate? But I'm human." You say and he looks you up and down.
"Were human. You're Na'vi now, and a very beautiful one at that." Tonowari says.
"In any case, I haven't passed an iknimaya so I am not an adult in the people's eyes." You said and he smirked.
"I can train you." He said as he set down a leaf with a serving of food on it. At this point, his children ran into the marui and stopped in their tracks.
"Hey (Y/n)." Tsireya said as she grabbed herself a serving of food and sat down next to you. Ao'nung grabbed his food and sat across from you, and Tonowari sat down on your other side.
"So you're not human anymore." Ao'nung said.
"Really? I couldn't tell." You said and Tsireya laughed lightly while Tonowari held in his laugh.
"Ha ha. Are you planning on training now?" Ao'nung asked and Tonowari nearly jumped at the chance to answer his son.
"I will be teaching her. To hunt, to breathe, to ride an ilu, and eventually a tsurak." Tonowari answered his son.
"I better keep my med kit handy. I can't say I'll be a natural. I've been in the books since I was a kid." You said and they looked at you oddly. "Oh books? They're uh paper stacks that have information on the front and back of every page." They still didn't have the idea fully grasped but didn't say anything about it.
"We will start tomorrow to test your breath endurance." Tonowari said and you nodded.
"I mean I was on the swim team in high school and college. It's how I paid for my schooling." You said. "Uh competitive swimming is a sport on Earth."
"The only thing that sounds fun about your planet." Ao'nung joked and you laughed as well.
"It was sometimes, but there were some people that were too into it. They'd cut any and all hair off of the body so they could slice through the water faster." You told him and he looked even more confused. "Anyone here would've been able to outswim all of those people. I mean you're naturally evolved to be in the water. I mean this is a fin... You can't tell me otherwise." You say as you run your fingers over the fins on the side of your left arm. Tonowari snatches your hand and looks at it.
"I think... I think the Great Mother cleansed your body of all demon blood. Only three fingers and a thumb." Tonowari pointed out and you were surprised. You hadn't noticed that it was different from Jake's.
"I assumed that I would have four fingers like Jake." You said quietly then looked outside to notice it was approaching eclipse. "I should probably go home and rest it's close to eclipse." You say as you stand. "Can I help clean up?"
"No, you were a guest. Plus it's my turn to clean up after dinner." Ao'nung says.
"I will walk you home." Tonowari volunteers and the two of you set off in the direction of your home. "We will need to get you clothes that fit you." He says breaking the silence you look down at your body and realize how your clothes sit on you.
"I didn't even realize how much smaller my clothes are on me now. I'll start weaving a new outfit." You say and he nods.
"Until it is ready I know the weaving circle will most likely have extra pieces they've made. So long as we make an exchange with some extra material they'll be willing to part with them." Tonowari says and you stop outside of your marui.
"Thank you for dinner, and allowing me to care for Kiri." You say.
"That's the issue. Tsireya was not fully trained to be Tsahík before her mother passed away. You said Ronal implanted her wisdom into your mind. She did that so you could complete our daughter's training." Tonowari said. "I bid you goodnight."
"Goodnight Tonowari. I look forward to you teaching me." You say as you disappear into your pod and close the flaps loosely. You never fasten them in fear of being needed to tend to someone during the night. You lay down on your mat and fall asleep quickly.
The next day you were awake bright and early, ready for a day of training with Tonowari. You prepared yourself a quick breakfast, ate, then left your marui. You found a good place out in the open so it would be easy for Tonowari to see you when he was ready to start. You decided to start working on your breathing and slowing your heart rate. You had sat in the same spot only for about half an hour when footsteps approached you.
"I see you're ready to go." Tonowari said as he reached you.
"Yes. I didn't want to keep you waiting." You said as you opened your eyes and looked up at him.
"We will start with diving, move into riding an ilu, and finish with learning to hunt." Tonowari says and starts making his way over to the docks. You get up and follow behind him as you fiddle with the top the aunties gave you this morning. "Let me see how well you can dive." You take position and dive into the water head first and continue down. You swim a little further ahead and you're soon joined by Tonowari.
"You dive very good." Tonowari signs and you thank Eywa that Kiri has been teaching you their Na'vi sign language.
"Thank you." You sign back and he looks at you shocked.
"I'm surprised you know our sign language." Tonowari replies.
"Kiri has been teaching me." You sign to him and he nods once. He starts leading you through the reef showing you the designated hunting areas, and the best places to get clams. At the end of the tour of the reef, he leads you to the shallows to teach you to ride an ilu. He clicks his tongue to summon the creatures and he eventually has two that come up to him.
"In order to successfully hunt you must learn to ride an ilu. When the time comes I will teach you to ride a tsurak... Unless you want to start on a tsurak." Tonkwari teases and you feel the color drain from your face.
"No, no. I'm not Jake. I'm not going to get ahead of myself." You say and chuckle nervously. He smiles warmly at you and then guides one of your hands to the ilu. When your hand makes contact it chitters happily then grab your queue. You calm yourself from your nerves then make tsaheylu and you feel your heartbeat move in sync with her heartbeat. You mount her and Tonowari makes his way around you positioning you correctly.
"When riding an ilu position is important. They move through the water fast, and you need to have a good grip on the handle." Tonowari says and you nod. "You can tell them what to do through your connection." You get a good grip on the handle and will the ilu to move forward slowly. It does so and then starts picking up speed as you get accustomed to riding it. You make your way back to Tonowari and dismount your ilu.
"You learn fast. Now you learn to hunt. Come." Tonowari says then leads you to one of the designated hunting areas.
"Any advice?" You ask him.
"Anticipate their movements and aim for their forward movements. I will demonstrate." Tonowari says then leads you down and takes aim at a fish. He pulls the trigger on his weapon and it delivers a killing blow to the fish. He turns to you with a cocky smirk and you mimic a small clapping motion. He quirks a brow and motions for you to try, and your teasing facade falls a bit. You'd never hunted a single time in your life, so you knew you'd mess it up somehow. You readied your weapon and steeled your nerves then snuck up on some fish. You aimed at a fish and waited for the right moment then pressed the trigger. Your jaw dropped in surprise when it hit its target and you turned back to Tonowari still wearing your surprised expression. He smirks at you again and you gather your hunt while he gathers his and you both surface.
"I thought I was going to miss... I've never hunted before. Or fished." You said and he led you over to your ilu and showed for you to place your fish in the ilu's bag.
"Maybe you were meant for life with the Metkayina." Tonowari suggests and you look back over the horizon.
"That had to be beginners luck. I say I try again and see if I can do it again." You tell him and he looks impressed.
"If that's what you wish then we shall continue hunting." Tonowari says and reloads his weapon and you do the same. Continue hunting the two of you did. You just continued to get better and Tonowari was very impressed by your abilities. When you both decided that was enough for the day you realized you had way too many fish for just you.
"Hey Tonowari... I got carried away and definitely have way more fish than what I need." You said sheepishly and he couldn't help but agree.
"The weavers and elderly will most likely appreciate the fish." Tonowari says. "We should head back." The two of you mount your ilu's and race back to the village. When you get back it's slightly past midday and you follow Tonowari's lead. He teaches you to prepare the fish to be cooked and eaten and then takes you to the weavers.
"Olo'eyktan!" One of the women says happily as the two of you walk into the area.
"My student caught too many fish today and was wondering if anyone wanted to make a trade." Tonowari says and motions for you to show your extra catch. You do so and are met by silence for a moment, but two women jump up at the same time.
"This is perfect timing! My mate has fallen ill and I'm providing for our family. I'm Ra'ina." Ra'ina says as she starts showing you what she has to offer for trade.
"Your mate is ill? Why haven't you come to me? I can help." You say as you look at her in question.
"Oh, he didn't want to bother you with all the responsibilities you have now." She says sheepishly.
"Nonsense. My job is to heal people. That is why I am here. I will retrieve my medicines and go with you to your marui to help your mate." You said and she nodded.
"Thank you (Y/n)." Ra'ina said with a smile.
"I'm Sya." The other woman says and you can tell by looking at her, that she is still very young. "I don't know if you were there last month, but my father passed away. My mother is still mourning so I've been trying to provide for her and my younger siblings." She says and you frown. You must have come in right after his funeral because you don't remember attending his service.
"She was not here at that time Sya. I'm sorry for your loss." Tonowari is quick to jump to your aid. "I'm sure if you ask assistance from my hunters we would be glad to help where we can." He offers the young woman and she smiles in a thankful manner.
"Thank you Olo'eyktan." Sya says and you look at what both women are offering in exchange. Ra'ina was offering a top and Sya was offering a loincloth. You split your hunt between the two and they're both thankful for the fish. You smile at your new clothing as you leave the weavers with Tonowari.
"Alright I need to retrieve my items so I may work on healing Ra'inas mate." You tell Tonowari and he nods.
"Then it is good we finished lessons for today." Tonowari says as the two of you stop infront of your marui.
"This is my stop. Thank you for teaching me Tonowari." You say and he dips his head.
"You're welcome. It is my pleasure to teach the woman I plan to court." Tonowari says and you feel yourself blush. He lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of your hand. "I will see you tomorrow (Y/n)."
"Have a good evening Tonowari." You tell him and he turns and walks away. You can't help but allow your eyes to roam over his retreating form. Taller than you by atleast a foot, broad shoulders, tattoos, good with children... You felt yourself mentally swoon at the God of a man named Tonowari. You turn and make your way into your marui and gather your supplies and then make your way back to the weavers. The entire evening your mind couldn't expel the thought of what Tonowari's plans are. He wants to court you, and you aren't planning on objecting or rejecting.
The next day you sat in your marui with Neytiri, Tsireya, Kiri, and Ra'ina. You were all kind of just joking, gossiping, and having a pleasant conversation as you all worked on individual projects. Neytiri was working on a gift for Jake, Tsireya was making a bracelet for Lo'ak, Kiri was mending some of her siblings' things, and you and Ra'ina were working on a new mat for her and her husband. A knock sounded on your door and you looked up to find Jake smirking at Tonowari.
"I told you they were all in here." Jake says with his voice full of humor. Tonowari rolled his eyes in amusement.
"Are you looking for something?" You asked them.
"Well..." Jake starts bashfully and you know someone is hurt. You send an apologetic look to the ladies.
"I shall return as soon as I can. I must attend to Jake's mess as per usual." You joke with them and they all chuckle, including Neytiri.
"Neytiri! My beautiful mate... You wound me by not standing up for my honor." Jake says dramatically and you smack the side of his head.
"Take me to the wounded." You demand.
"Do you see this Olo'eyktan? She abuses me." Jake says with a pout and Tonowari looks away from the two of you.
"See what? I didn't see anything." He says and Jake sighs in defeat and then starts to lead the way.
"What happened? Who's hurt?" You ask Jake.
"Don't tell Neytiri." Jake says and you look at him quizzically. "Tonowari and I took the boys out to hunt so they could hopefully bond, but Lo'ak accidentally grazed Neteyam with a bolt from his crossbow." Jake explained and you sighed while massaging your brow.
"You realize she will find out sooner or later. I cannot heal an injury into non-existence before she returns home." You tell him and he nods.
"I know." Jake says.
"Besides they are children they will learn at their own pace. Whether it be, get out of the way of a lined-up shot, or don't shoot your sibling... Either way, it is a lesson learned." You tell him. When you walk into their marui Neteyam looks annoyed as does Ao'nung, and Lo'ak is panicking. Neteyam looks up to see you and holds out his arm and you kneel next to him.
"So what happened exactly?" You asked him.
"Lo'ak was talking to Ao'nung about something and wasn't paying attention to his hands. He pulled the trigger of the crossbow and it grazed my arm." Neteyam explained and you looked to Lo'ak.
"Kid... You gotta learn proper weapon etiquette. Your finger rests idle near the trigger when it's not in use." You tell him and he nods.
"I know. I just got really into the conversation." Lo'ak said and you sighed.
"I'm just glad that it isn't something severe." You said as you started to apply the few stitches needed for Neteyams wound. Once you finished and wrapped it in seaweed bandages you pulled Lo'ak and Neteyam into a hug. "I am just happy that both of you are alright. My beautiful nephews." You say with a joking tone and Lo'ak groans while Neteyam smiles at the praise. You turned to look at Ao'nung who was laughing at the interaction. "Don't make me pull you into this group hug kid."
"My dad wouldn't allow it." Ao'nung says when he realizes you started to turn toward him. You look to Tonowari who smirks at you.
"It would allow you to bond with ma (Y/n), Ao'nung." Tonowari told his oldest who did a double take at what his father just said.
"Did you just call her 'ma (Y/n)'?" Ao'nung asked his father.
"Yes. What else do you call the person you plan to court?" Tonowari says and Ao'nung looks at you shocked.
"You could call her yawne or yawntu." Jake suggested, and your cheeks start to burn with embarrassment and your ears fold back.
"I do not think you will have any problems with courting her father. Look at her reaction." Ao'nung started to join in on poking fun at you. You finished cleaning your hands and hid your face in your hands.
"I am retreating to my marui." You stated and stood up to leave. "Neteyam be careful with that arm. You could pop the stitches if you do any strenuous activity." You tell him and he nods.
"I am very aware Auntie. It's not my first time getting stitched up." Neteyam says and you nod then leave.
"Have fun doing whatever men do in their freetime." You call over your shoulder. You hear them laugh as you leave and a small smile makes its way onto your face.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
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200 followers special
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How they cuddle with you :(female version)
Neytiri :
Neytiri loves having you snuggled up at her side, your face pressed in her neck while she draps her arms around your frame tightly, if she could she'd never leave your side but her works comes in between, her favorite time of the day is when she returns home and sees the smile on your face, the way your features lighten up with her mere presence, your love for her radiated around you like an aura which she bathed in everyday and couldn't get enough of it, no night went by without cuddling, even if you had an argument earlier it will not enter in your hammock, what happens out the hammock stays outside, inside it you both forget about everything, melting in each other's embrace
Kiri :
She loves to lay her head on your chest, drifting off while listening to your heart beats, you fingers weaving through her soft hair, twisting the beads between your digits, while you're other hand roamed her back, caressing the nape of her neck, kissing her forehead once in a while, her breathing soft and even, you didn't care if she asked to cuddle in the middle of a war meeting, if she asks it, she'll get it and no force in this universe can stop you from doing that, she made you complete , fitting beside you like a missing puzzle piece being placed secure and you weren't letting go of her anytime soon
Ronal :
It's usually you who asks for cuddles rather than her initiating it but you didn't mind though, you asked for it enough for both of you, her hugs were minimal but her love for you was larger than the ocean, she loved having you in her arms but won't admit it much, she will show that she's about to say no but how could she say no to such a cute face? When cuddling her purs surrounds the pod, the soft hum lulling you to sleep within minutes, even when you try to stay awake purposefully, the sound calmed your soul, letting yourself relax in her warmth you snuggle up to her, when she feels it, she drifts off with a small smile on her face.
Tsireya :
Cuddling was your love language, even if you were sitting beside each other, either one of you had your arm around the other, if one is seen the other would definitely be around the same premises, the one thing that you never got tired of is each other's presence, you both were at peace with one another, if you were close outside your pod, inside you were glued together, connected by atleast one body part, or if you're really busy but we're sitting together then tsaheylu came at handy, the bond reverberating your emotions 10 folds.
Tuk : (platonic)
She's your baby and every request from her mouth were the final order, if she said she wants to cuddle all day, you WILL cuddle all day, no exceptions, even jake or neytiri can't pull you apart, everyone just gave up after a point, it was useless to argue when you two were together, she loves to spend her time with you more than her parents, while you laid in your hammock, she laid on top of you, arms wrapping around your neck almost suffocating you but you were too happy to complain in that moment, so you stayed still the whole night dozing off with your sister.
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A/n : y'all really? 200 followers in what 4 days? Man I'm near tears rn, i love you guys so much 😭 I'm really blessed that y'all are liking my stuff, even when i criticize the heck out of it, y'all love it so much it makes it go away, thank you so so so so much 🫶🏼🥹😘 (ignore the drafts pls I'm working on them)
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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1nf0dump-stud10s · 2 years
You were going out to the mall today. Somehow, kirishima had convinced you to go with the bakusqaud. They all had gotten permission to go. But you were nervous you had run away to ua from bad people. If you were to run into said people, that would be much scarier than mr.asawai. "Alright, guys, we got a plan or?" Kiri asked. You chipped up. "I need a new workout set." Mina responded that she seemed to know exactly where the best workout stuff was. "Ohh girl! I could help you pick out the best set!" She exclaimed. "Alright, how about we split up then?" Sero suggested. "Me and kaminari will go to the vape shop." they both winked at each other, which prompted a snicker from the rest of the group. " Oi, how about you to do that and then meet up with us at whatever store pinky brings us to good? Good. " So everyone settled on a plan. Before you guys split, you pulled denki aside. "Yo sparky, get me some to ok?" Denki gave a thumbs up then went along with sero. The normal feeling you got when you went into public faded away. The thought of them started to fade. It was replaced with the clumsiness of kirishima trying to find a good outfit and Mina and jiro pulling and poking to see what fit you just right. You laughed it was nice to have friends like this. You were safe, "Heyy y/n look, I think this might be it!" Jiro said, pulling out a black jumpsuit. "Woah, that looks good!" Mina said. She yelled to bakugo and kirirahima, who were an Ile over, looking at graphic tees. "Woah, that looks nice!" Kiri said. "Cool," bakugo said. Wicht coming from him was a really big compliment. "Alright, go try it on!" Wait, they weren't going to come with you? Mina and jiro began looking for their own things, and you began to paint. You didn't expect them to go in with you, but you were going to find them alone. Somehow, bakugo saw your internal panic. "Ay shitty hair, I'm gonna go to the dressing rooms with y/n k." He said Alright then you started to walk with bakugo to find the dressing rooms." "Shit, these things are like non existing." Suddenly, you bumped into someone. "Ah, sorry, my.. bad?" You looked up to see a tall person one of the ones you've been running from. You freeze as they grab your arm. "Y/n long time no see," they say coldly tighneigh there grip. "Le-let me go" you muttered frozen with fear as they chuckled at your pathetic attempt. You couldn't do it again, no way. Suddenly bakugo got in-between the two of you "Hey asshole, she said let her go" he said as you stumbled back to be quickly caught by. Jiro and mina "Who the fuck are you?" The guy said."Don't worry y/n we got ya" jiro said as she stepped in front of you. "Hey mister let's not get handys Alright?" Kirishima said harding. His hand and pressing it against the guy. "Yeah run along asshole, don't make a scene" bakugo said. The man locked eyes with you then smirked "this won't be the last you see of me y/n" that name in his mouth made you wana puke. The guy walked away as you broke to your knees. "Hey hey.." you started to hyperventilating. That couldn't have been real. Kirishima quickly got a employee's attention and informed them of the situation. "Listen to me y/n okay?" Jiro said. Suddenly your eyes started to focus again, they were all there. They were going to protect you no matter what. As you fell they all held you up even katsuki. They were gonna be by your side no matter what.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
I definitely will- I’ve been in a brain hole lately. But it’s getting better! Not a Drabble but I’ll share my current fixation 😂😂 just Kiri who hates riding in cars, but likes riding his motorcycle. Yeah I mean you can jam in your car, but have you ever felt real freedom?? The wind whipping around you on the highway, or how the sun feels when you go for a nice drive in the summer 😌😌 but I think he really likes to feel his partner behind him, arms around his stomach and chest pressed to his back. Sometimes when you wrap your arms around him, you put a hand over his heart- he likes to put one of his own over that hand for a moment. He’s the one to rub your knee at the stop lights, just cause he likes to share touches with you. Kinda letting you know you’re on his mind.
Thanks for letting me crash your inbox with my word vomit 🥺♥️- 🔥
Ugh, haven’t we all tbh!! BUT GOD..... this word vomit is almost too good tbh dkfasdkasdlklfkad.... the hand on his heart... the holding onto him... a motorcycle AHHHHH 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
THIS is making me think about how i also like the idea of Kiri in a big ol’ truck... one that he fixed up himself... Just like the with the motorcycle and freedom thing you talk about, having a car he made all nice by himself and getting to drive you around in it🥺🥺🥺
makes him feel all manly.... like he’s a good boyfriend and all.
He takes you to the mall, to see your friends, always waves when you get off and he sees you safe with other people... and when you hand him your card to try n pay for gas he always just uses his right at the last second when you’re distracted by the radio....
I LOVE HIM!!!!!! 🔥 on some big brain shit with the car boy!kiri.... horikoshi WHO???????
anyway.... PLEASE crash here anytime!!❤️🙆🏼‍♀️❤️
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redxriiot · 3 years
        Kiri’s relationship with blood is an interesting one, considering his family, specially on his mother’s side. Rather than send him in a more predatory state like it would his grandfather ( literally meant, the man is heteromorph with a Shark Quirk, after all ), he takes more after his mother in how smelling blood ELEVATES his emotions. Whether that’s exhilaration, anger, fear or even arousal–blood will always have that effect on him. Accordingly, the more blood there is, the more it affects him.
         Eijirou’s sense of smell may not be as strong as his mother’s or grandfather’s ( though it’s still remarkably better than most other’s ), but blood will always stand out to him lots over most other things. If he gags in being present at a bloodbath or otherwise reacts negatively, whether in progress or just coming across the end results, it will never be because the sight daunted him, but rather in fact because the stench of blood is so overwhelming to him.
#hc#//He learned of this when he visited his mom's family and accidentally cut himself while jumping a fence with his cousins#//Soon as he stepped in the house; his grandfather zeroed in right on him and he had to get out ASAP#//Kid actually feared for his life when he saw the man's teeth bare at him and start lurching forwards#//Doesn't stop him from adoring the fuck out of his grandfather (even with a grudge he holds; but that for unrelated reason to incident)#//Notably; and similarly to actual sharks; the man's draw to the blood had been less bc it WAS blood#//But bc Ei has HIS blood too. In other words; bc he's ALSO part shark that it drew his gramp's attention more than most others' would#//Even if he is more 'human-looking' like his mother; but it doesn't change that he has those attributes like her/his grandpa#//Other animal heteromorphs (like say Tsu or Gang Orca) would always be in more danger of Kiri's gramps than 'regular humans'#//Accordingly; their blood draws Ei's attention WAY more; only with less actual predatory instinct compared to his grandfather#//Makes it real handy when finding injured folks; he'll admit it. Is also why he's VERY thankful Fat Gum does post-mission MEALS too#//Gets HELLA meet cravings after a particular messy rescue; or even spars. Though he can play it off remarkably well.#blood mention tw#//So then I guess this explains his blood kink jkdfhd#//I KID; I KID#//Though that's a whole OTHER thing to unpack#;mun has spoken#//Combine a shark quirk and a geokinetic one; you get a living shark fossil??? jksbhsf#//I mean; y'all should see my old post comparing Kiri to the Harley Quinn series King Shark and Apokolips War King Shark hskdbfdf#//The resemblance is UNCANNY#//Can you BELIEVE I wrote this up bc I had THINKINGS after seeing the Suicide Squad trailer and listening to the Beastars OP#//I was supposed to do drafts too lol. How do y'all even tolerate me#//Makes it kinda tricky to hide injuries from him; but more subtle ones/smaller amounts of blood tend to be brushed off by him too#//Because he's gotten used to the smell of blood he gets from himself when his teeth cut the inside of his mouth#//Lmao; folks with good sense of smell have to suffer the fact that his breath's got a hint of blood at all times#//And his mouth has a salty-sweet taste BECAUSE of how often he accidentally hurts himself with his teeth#//Guess saying he tastes like cherries ain't that far off; I guess. Got that nice tart taste to him bc of it; plus the sweets he eats#//his sense of smell is also a key component in how he always found things to snack on as a kid; and in extreme cases huntingwhen older#animal death mention tw#//Whoop; gotta add that. MAN; this went WAAAAAY off-topic lololol. Welcome to how my thought process works; everyone. But y'all knew that
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Level Two
Word count: 2.6K
Cw: pussyjob, exhibitionism, slight voyeurism, oral (fem!receiving), infidelity if you squint, unedited.
This fic and the fics following will contain monster fucking, cucking and threesomes!! If you are not comfortable, try out some of my other works, and Miggi's creations, but if you wish to proceed, remember, sharing is caring.
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From a young age you were taught to keep your emotions in check. Queens must never show weakness to enemies. Crying and screaming were to be left in private, so that you came off as cool and collected. The Mushroom kingdom needs someone level-headed. They need someone they know won't act rashly.
You came to a conclusion that you were the one they needed, the Queen that could handle herself in any situation. You could get a husband, rule a kingdom, maybe even raise some spawns of yourself. You were convinced you had the bag, but now, sitting on a boulder at the falls and watching two sweaty, bulky men wrestle and growl at each other, you weren't so sure.
You had been trying to keep your emotions in check the whole week. Kirishima was constantly inviting you to hang with him and Bakugou, and you didn't know how much you could take. Kirishima's kisses had you on fire,, his big hands grabbing at your ass and tongue sliding against yours, but Bakugou's heated stares and occasional touches had your head spinning in confusion and arousal. He had a weird thing for grabbing and kneading at your hips, and it was starting to get to you.
Kirishima had invited you to join him and Bakugou in a swim at the falls, the water there crisp and beautiful, said to bring years of youth to whoever was worthy. Of course, you agreed. Any princess would jump at the opportunity to swim in a magic body of water with her suitor and his dreamy friend. Kirishima had shown up in blue swim trunks, an extra change of clothes cradled in his strong arms and some sandwiches to munch on later. Bakugou wore a black loin cloth, bigger and a little longer than the one he usually wore. His choker and bracelets were laid out in the grass next to Kirishima's clothes and the food, but he didn't look any less intimidating. If anything, he looked even scarier, hair drenched and falling down around his eyes, glowing red as he growls and bares his fangs, pouncing on Kiri and snarling out threats.
"M'gonna destroy you, Red."
"You have to catch me first, Bro!"
Kirishima dives under the water, Bakugou following shortly after, and you chuckle to yourself. 
Soon, though, you start to get worried, cause it's been almost 2 minutes and they haven't come back up. 
Calling their names, you shrug your cover up off and get in the water, shivering slightly at the chill. As you get deeper and deeper, water up to your chest, you start to panic.
"Kiri? Bakugou? If this is a joke it's not-ah-!"
You scream in surprise and slight fear as you're suddenly lifted onto a broad, scarred chest. Your thighs are on either side of it, and  tense up when you feel the vibrations of a deep, raspy chuckle, and you fight the urge to thread your shaky fingers in ash blonde hair.
"Bakugou, put me down."
You try to keep your voice leveled but he picks up on the tremble, big, warm hands reaching up to grab at the fat of your hips, lifting you up further onto his chest.
"That wouldn't be fun now would it Princess?"
You gasp, glancing down at how your cunt is inches away from his mouth, drool spilling around the corners as he struggles to keep his eyes on yours.
“Seriously, y-you gotta…” your voice wavers as you meekly push at his drenched hair, momentarily losing your train of thought when he’s tongue lolls out, sticky with saliva and long. “What if Kiri sees us?”
“If ya keep quiet, he won’t.” The fleeting look of hunger and a nip on your thigh is all the warning you get. 
Bakugou guns for your cunt before you can answer and you act like he shocked you by the way you lurch forward, jaw slanted, clinging to his curved horns, entire body shivering from the firm laps on your mound. Even with the bottom half of the swimsuit on, you could still feel every lick in pin point detail, every nudge of his hot muscles between your folds, just barely pressing into your hole and tongue flicking over your clit. Bakugou can feel it too- the way you're throbbing on his tongue, can even taste the mix of his drool and your arousal seeping through quicker then he was lapping. It drove him wild.
He groans, eyes a little crossed to watch his handy work, hoists you higher and shakes his head further between your legs and your eyes roll back when he starts sucking on your entire pussy. Too hard for you to keep quiet. Too hard for the slurps not to sound exactly like what it looks like. 
“B-Bakugou, it’s too much!” You pant, quick and shallow, yet use your weak grip on his horns to hump his face desperately. “I think I’m g-gonna… gonna…!”
He growls, literally growls like the beast he is, and you almost do cum just by his fiery look up at you with a mouthful of your twitching cunny, unlatching with a wet pop that has sticky strings of your slick smacking on his chin. 
“Take it off.” He demands, words coming out muffled because he’s already back on your cunt. “Wanna taste you cummin’ in my mouth. C’mon, Princess. Lemme drink you up, baby.”
A shaky hand slips between the two of you, pulling your bathing suit to the side, and the next moment you’re squealing to the heavens above when Bakugou curled his tongue into you, spreading your walls apart on his tongue. His eyes flickered closed with a deep moan at the sensation of you spasming around him, juices nearly flooded into his mouth, but he gulps it down greedily, Adam’s apple bobbing and cheeks hollowing. 
You have no idea how long you stayed arched in his mouth riding out your orgasm, unable to tell if you were seeing clouds or if your vision really went that blurry. For one last time, Bakugou shook his head on your cunt and pulled back with a “puah!”, hot huffs of his breaths panting on your drenched up sex. God, you tasted better than you smelled. Bakugou would live between your thighs if he could, make you moan and squeal like you did, make you flush and look completely fucked out, so pretty as you stare down at him with lidded, hazy eyes, plump lips parted to catch your breath, gentle fingers raking his hair and the base of his horns that sent shivers down his spine. 
He’d have you forever if he could. If only you weren’t promised to-
“Bakugou, you drowned or something? Where are you, man?” Kirishima���s voice comes from behind some boulders a small distance away from where the two of you are and your heart skyrockets to your throat, the sudden tightness in your gut clenching all of you up in dread. Bakugou on the other hand just slid you down into the water, trying to keep any splashing sounds to a minimum, though both of you had to swallow back a sound when you brushed over his bulge on the way down. 
Bakugou swims by you in time to Kiri finally rounding the rocks, brows creased and a little pout on his lips, and you relaxed a bit when you realized he was upset over swimming alone all this time. His eyes flick from Bakugou to you, pout disappearing as he perked up a bit in surprise.
 “(Y/N), when did you get into the water?”
You open your mouth but don't get a word out. “Came in lookin’ f’us.” Bakugou says nonchalantly, glances over his shoulder to you and you don’t miss the heat of his stare bouncing up your form for a hot second. “Clearly worried over nothin’.”
Oh, this bastard…
Kirishima hums as he swims your way, gives you his million dollar sweet smile with a gentle cup of your cheeks. “Sorry, baby. Didn’t mean to make you worry.”
Your bottom lip puckers in a pout even though you’re already long since mad, specially with his thumb brushing drawing circles on your cheek. “Just warm me next time. Thought you idiots drowned yourselves…”
“Sorry sorry.” He laughs and pecks you a few times all over your face, until he’s kissing you on the lips, a kiss that goes on longer than expected as he slots his mouth with yours and moves his lips with passion and adoration. Your mind gets fuzzy, consumed by Kiri’s kiss and body still reeling from your moment with Bakugou, your thighs clenching underwater because your insides craved for more. 
When Kirishima pulls away, you catch a fleeting glance over to Bakugou, a heavy and solemn look on his face, conflict in his eyes before he turns away too late once he caught you staring and it all comes rushing down on you- the clear weight of guilt on your shoulders. The worst part is that you don’t know what it’s aimed at- for going behind Kirishima’s back like this? Or for making Bakugou see you with someone else while he gets scraps of affection?
You tell Kirishima that you’re alright when he asks if something is wrong, then go back to growing when he turns to resume wrestling his friend. 
Way to keep your emotions in check, huh?
The rest of the morning goes by fast, the guys wolfing down their sandwiches and still being hungry, Kirishima offering to run into town quickly and grab some more food.
You agree, standing up to go with him but being surprised when he pushes you back down, a look you can't place in his eyes as his own flicker to Bakugou, who's uprooting weeds next to you.
"Stay here, 'kay?"
You nod, dazed, and watch him disappear into the bushes, stealing a glance to Bakugou. 
You tilt your head at him, but he won't meet your eyes, a scowl on his face as heat creeps up his neck. 
"I said I'm fuckin' sorrry. I went too far. You belong to Kiri, it's not m'place to-mmpf!"
You cut him off with a searing kiss, sliding yourself in his lap and grabbing his hair, making him stutter out a moan into your mouth, big hands gripping your hips and lifting you onto his abs, grinding you against him. 
You furrow your brows, the feeling of his abs rubbing against your puffy clit feels heavenly but you wanna touch him. You felt him when you were in the water earlier, throbbing and pulsing against you. You wanted him in your mouth.
He snarls against you, demanding attention back on him as he nips at your bottom lip before sliding his tongue against yours, panting heavily as his hands flex against your hips. You try to slide down a little more, moving your hands to rest on his meaty pecs and getting distracted by his puffy nipples.
They were so plump and flushed, they looked so sensitive it probably fucking hurt. You pull away from his mouth with a whine, trying not to smile when he chases your lips.
"You sure about this, Princess? If Kiri finds out he'll be-fuck, baby, Whaddya'doin?"
You don't answer, just give him a look under your lashes as you suckle on his nipple, eyes closing in bliss as the smell of him envelops you, fresh and crisp from the water but still musky and smoky. 
You scrape your teeth against him gently, then lick over the reddened area and moan as you suck once again.
You notice he had gone almost deathly still, and you look up at him only to almost cream yourself at the sight.
His eyes were rolled back in his head, fist in his mouth and drool spilling around the corners, dribbling down his flushed face and neck. He was trying so hard not to moan, cause he knew if he made a sound it would be loud enough for the whole Mushroom kingdom to hear.
He fucking loved getting his nipples played with, but virtually no one knew and he tried to play it off but fuck, you had him melting. 
"Yhew don' like it?"
Your words are muffled around his tit, saliva slowly trailing down his chest and forming a puddle in the divets of his abs.
"I-fuck, cut it out brat."
He tries to sound authoritative, but his voice is whiny, and you can already feel the bruises he's pressing into your hips. You hum, leaning back to look at his flushed chest, earning yourself a sigh of relief-quickly turning into a choked whimper when you switch to the other nipple, using one of your hands to tweak and pinch one while the other hand threads into his hair, grazing the sensitive base of his horns and knocking his eyes back, mouth dropping open and hands coming up to silence himself, allowing you to try and shimmy your way down onto his lap.
His unoccupied hand grips your hip even tighter, trying to keep you up and away from his cock.
"Bakugou-! Wan' yer cock"
You slur, grinding your hips onto his stomach, covered clit rubbing against his bushy pubes.
"You couldn't handle it sweetheart. We shouldn't even be doing this."
You roll your eyes, popping off his nipple and withdrawing your hands from him, reaching down to pry his hand off of your hip.
"Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot handle? You don't know what-oh."
You're cut off when he drops you down, cock sliding through your folds even over the bathing suit, so big and veiny you could feel every pulse and twitch through your bottoms.
You immediately push your swimsuit to the side, rubbing your slit up and down his dick, clit getting caught on various ridges and occasionally twitching when a throbbing vein rubbed against it. You couldn't keep your sounds down even if you wanted to, leaning forward to moan into Bakugou's ear, feeling a shudder rip through his spine.
You were making his mind foggy, he couldn't stop his hips from rutting up, knot starting to swell even though he tried to hold it back. He couldn't do this right now, even getting this far dangerous, he was way too close to his rut and couldn't risk getting you pregnant, no matter how much that thought made his head spin. Fuck, he couldn't stop thinking of you slamming those perfect fucking hips down onto his knot as you begged him to give you his kids, pleaded with him to make you a mommy-shit
His head falls forward and sharp teeth dig into your shoulder, a snarl vibrating your body before your thighs, pussy and stomach are drenched with thick cum. He can't stop, hips jerking and thighs shaking as he roars into your skin, knot still swollen and sensitive but the burning need inside of him is satiated for now. 
Before he can even lift his head up to say something, he catches a whiff of arousal, and strangely enough it isn't yours. It smells more woodsy, intense with a sweet musk, somewhat...manly?
Oh fuck.
Bakugou scrambles to get up, looking at you in horror and then looking over to the trees, catching a glimpse of dark red eyes before they disappear behind a nearby tree.
"Clean yourself off in the water, Kiri will be back soon."
You stare dreamily up at him, confused as to why he looks so uneasy all of a sudden but obeying nonetheless, standing on wobbly legs and feeling dense and gooey cum drip down your legs in long streaks, a nagging feeling in the back of your fuzzy mind telling you how much of a waste it was that none of it was inside you. You make your way back to the water, unaware of two sets of red locked onto you.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
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Man I am so freaking horny
You don’t understand why you feel so flushed and warm the longer dinner goes on. Thighs almost trembling with how they’re twitching as you struggle not to rub them together to stimulate your dick. Mom and dad and Kiri are all here with you - you weren’t going to touch yourself in front of them no matter how hard you got.
But you also couldn’t get up and go take care of your problem in the bathroom, they’d see your little cock pressing against your basketball shorts, begging for attention. They might even see the way it throbs as it fills even more full with blood, hot to the touch and begging for attention.
You’ll have to wait for mom and dad to finish, for Kiri to finish. 
“We’ll clean up, won’t we bro?” A boisterous voice breaks into your thoughts of how it’ll feel when you can finally touch yourself later, and you flush deeply as you bring your attention back to the conversation.
“Um...” Is there a way for you to get out of cleaning? You don’t know how much longer you’ll be able to stand keeping your hands away from your lap. You’ve started sweating. Hopefully nobody will notice.
“Yeah, we’ll clean while you and dad go start that movie you’ve been talking about. We don’t mind.” Kirishima smiles when your unfocused gaze finds him across from you at the table.
Mom and dad take so long leaving, chatting about this and that and the other, dad taking so long to chew, the pair of them deciding to suddenly break out wine to take to the living room with them.
Kirishima’s already up and moving around the table, gathering plates and cups as he slowly begins to clear it off.
The second dad and mom disappear through the doorway, you make a break for it.
“I’ll be right back, gotta go use the bathro-” The napkin you have clutched against your front is tugged away, Kirishima suddenly so much closer than he was before. 
“Look at how hard you are, that’s so cute.”
“Wha-Kir-Hey!” A yelp escapes your throat as your stepbrother reaches into your shorts, followed by a low groan as his hand makes contact with your swollen cock. Fuck, your hips twitch forward as soon as you feel his fingers.
“Boys! No fighting!” 
Slitted red eyes are focused on your face, watching you close your eyes and pant as the redhead starts to slowly stroke you, up and down, thumbing over your tip, chuckling a little. “Yeah, no fighting. Just let that shit flow through your system. It’s workin’ real nice so far.”
Did he.... did he drug you?
Maybe that’s why your skin is so hot. Why you don’t mind your stepbrother’s hands working over your cock. Why your hips keep humping forward, why you’re falling against him until he practically has to hold you up as he chuckles darkly.
“C’mere.” You feel like whining when his hand retracts from your shorts, leaving you with a hard-on that almost hurt, but then he’s tugging you forward, pushing your shoulder so you’ll bend over the table.
You don’t want to bend over the table, you want him to keep touching you.
But everything’s so foggy, and you’re so weak compared to the beast that is Kirishima - it’s easy for him to manhandle you into place and pull your shorts down to your knees.
Hands cup your balls and you gasp, melting into the touch as the hand travels upward to pull your dick so it’s no longer trapped between your stomach and the table top. Now it’s pressing against the edge of the table, heavy and flushed between your legs and you’re struggling not to wiggle - you want to cum.
You want to cum so bad that it no longer feels like a want, it feels like a need.
“Kiri, kiri please.”  Everything’s burning hot, and you’re going to cry if he doesn’t touch you again, you need to cum so bad you’re humping the table like a stupid mutt, dirtying mom’s tablecloth.
“God, that’s so hot.” And then Kirishima wraps a hand around your dick, and starts jacking you off with intent.
He’s got a solid rhythm, hard and fast and you can’t stop the ragged little pants coming from your mouth, the raspy, tiny moans you can’t keep inside as you writhe. He’s going so fast, you’re gonna cum, oh, fuck, you’re gonna cumfeelssogoodkiri-!
Kirishima pulls your orgasm from you so fast that it leaves you lightheaded, arousal still pulsing through your stomach even as you shoot your load onto your basketball shorts, where your stepbrother is pointing your dick.
His other hand starts playing with your balls. 
“That was fast. ‘S okay though, this little guy-” Here he flicks at your exposed tip, and you sag against the table with a flinch, knees knocking together. “Won’t be going down anytime soon. We’ll have all night.”
The sound of an exaggerated explosion floats in from the living room, followed by gunfire. The reminder that mom and dad are barely a room away makes you bite your lip, eyes squeezing shut even as you start humping against your brothers hand again.
“What did you-what did you do to me?” And you sound so pathetic, like a child, but you can’t help the way you’re whining. His hand feels so good, not doing anything but rubbing idly at your cock, other hand fondling your balls.
Kirishima leans over you, licks at your ear. He’s hard, you can feel him against the side of your ass, erection prominent through his jeans. “I’ll fuck you in front of mom and dad, wouldn’t that be so hot? I’ll tuck you under a blanket and finger you open while we watch that movie with them, and then when you’re all stretched out? I’ll pull you onto my lap and start grinding into you real slow, slow enough so that they won’t notice.”
No, oh no - he’s wrapping his fingers around you fully again, starting to squeeze at your cock.
“I’ll show you how to cum without touching your dick. Won’t be able to give you a handie with our parents right there, y’know? But ‘s okay, I’ll find the right angle and rub against your prostate and crush it, milk you real good.”
Your hips stuttered forward and you whimpered, clawing at the table. You couldn’t control yourself, entirely subject to the whims of your overly-aroused body.
Kiri huffed out a laugh at your desperation.
“First though, you’re gonna blow me while I’m doing the dishes, alright? You can touch yourself as much as you want to while you do though, I don’t mind a little show. You like jerkin’ yourself off real fast? You came so fast the first time.”
One, two, three, four quick strokes of Kiri’s hand left you reeling, choking on air as pleasure dropped into your tummy like a rock. 
“Or you like it slower? Build yourself up to it for a while?”
Your brother slowed his pace, fully relishing the slick, wet sounds his hand was creating as he leisurely fisted your dick.
“Wait, ‘m gonna-gonna-” You tried to babble out a warning, but it was too late.
But Kirishima stroked you through it, rubbing the tip and giving it extra attention just to see you writhe that much more before his hands finally left your body.
You felt like you could barely breathe.
Kiri reached down, pulled up your shorts for you and snapped the waistband against your skin, completely oblivious (Or did he do this on purpose?) to the fact that your cum was pooled on the inside, wet and gross against your skin.
“I guess you like both, but hey, I don’t judge. You look so hot when you’re cumming though, all shaky and desperate and cute like that.” The praise made your ears heat up with shame.
“Grab the dishes off the table on your way into the kitchen, okay? Mom and dad won’t like it if we slack off.”
In a daze, you simply did as you were told, picking up the dishes before slowly following beside Kirishima.
He smiled down at you, shark teeth on display. 
Kirishima was a pervert.
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
🦊mmk so, since you ask for headcanons I shall try to deliver. So ya know how a lot of guys never hold a new born until they have one? So like imagine the BNHA guys.
Bakugou while he loves his kids is nervous but once the baby is in his arms he would never let it go other than to you. I feel like he may actually spoil the baby into only sleeping while being held possibly cause there is just this tiny tiny human. Who has to rely on you and him for everything.
Kiri, while apprehensive just cause of his size is super excited as you help him properly hold the baby. "You sure I won't crush them? You sure it's ok? I love them so much!" He is cut off from his fretting when the tiny child grabs the very top of his pinky (the only finger it could attempt to hold). He too becomes very attached and spoils his babies holding them while they sleep and you have to insist he set then down for the nap so they can sleep without skin to skin contact.
Shouto I think would appear stoic at first. Of course he will hold the baby, it's his child and parents are suppose to do that. But he quickly is having feelings ™️ about if he can be a good father and give his kids a better like than he had (which we all know the man will!). He becomes quite attached particularly one the baby can hold its head up on its own and it's giggly and playful. That would be one of his favorite stages of children I think.
Midoriya is just awestruck. His his beautiful little baby who his beautiful wife brought into the world. After watching you labor all damn day he starts to think you're the real hero. He's seen many bloody scenes and injuries but nothing prepared him to see the after birth. But it was worth it for the cooing bundle in his arms and for once he will take a break from writing in the baby book (he totally spent weeks picking out just the right one) to enjoy his child.
Denki is actually really excited albeit slightly nervous. He's been dying to meet the baby and so he is so fucking eagar to meet the tiny life you two created.
Sero is on of the most low key about it with only Shinsou being similar. Worst case scenario he can tape the baby to his body just in case! Which he totally does. I feel like the tape will be very handy for child rearing.
Shinsou was fucking ready to hold the baby the moment you were ready to let him. And then, when you've nodded off he just sits on the rocker observing every little thing. Even if it's just a small move of the fingers. And when you are a little more awake you look over, careful not to disrupt the moment.
"You're gonna be strong and beautiful just like your momma. She's went through so much to bring you into the world. The best gift she's ever given me. I love you little girl." He has a soft smile the whole time and you hate to interrupt the moment but you can't help but sob at the sweet scene before you.
Just some fluffy domestic bnha guys and their babies!
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author’s note(s): this !!! THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED !!! also this won’t be long but in the future i wanna do more of this for each boy 🥺✨
warning(s): none except for fem!reader + bakugou, kirishima, todoroki, deku, kaminari, sero and shinsou bein dads :(
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bakugou: i agree and know for a fact that as soon bakugou has his hands on your baby for the first time you’re not getting them back!! he definitely is the one to get up in the middle of the night instead of you to put baby back to bed so he can spend extra time with them. He’s super protective too, watches anyone holding his kid like mfin hawks ( pun intended ) but will show them off in a heartbeat— cos that’s his fucking kid.
kirishima: legit cries when the baby is born, he’s an emotional dude and he’s gonna be super proud of you calling you manly for a safe delivery!!!! but the tears don’t stop there, eiji’ll literally just cry whenever the baby coos at him, holds onto him with their tiny hand and falls asleep on him. he hates being apart from your baby and whines when you put them down for a nap away from him!!! so you always let kiri be the one to wake them up.
todoroki: shoto is definitely scared that he’ll turn out to be his father, so at first he’d be very cautious around your baby and make sure he does everything right. panics when the baby cries and doesn’t know how to handle it until you reassure him that you don’t know what you’re doing either :( if baby falls asleep on shoto, he’s not moving an inch. todoroki will get mad at you if make even the slightest noise while your little one sleeps on his chest. the first time he makes the baby laugh he almost cries :(
midoriya: omg yesss? izu passes out in the delivery room and you can���t tell me otherwise; he’s seen so much in all his time of being a pro hero but nothing would prepare him for childbirth?? i also feel like hed ask for a lot of help from inko— you’re both nervous new parents and having her around helps you guys a lot. deku takes a lot of notes on his kid for weeks, holding baby in one arm while he observes them and takes notes on all the little habits of yours that baby has. you guys spend a decent amount of your late nights with the baby, theorising about the quirks they’d have.
kaminari: yourself and denki get blessed with a happy baby, have you seen that man?? he’s like a walking ball of sunshine and your kid would always be happy around him!! like you said with shoto, kaminari much prefers the phase when baby can sit up on their own and starts to crawl or babble, hed chatter away for hours with the baby and make them giggle so much you would have to remind him to let the baby take a breather :((
sero: sero is probably the most prepared to be a father out of all of them?? hed read up on things, want to bottle feed to he can help you split the load, assembled the nursery and cribs and buggies all by himself :(( i feel like sero is a very hands on dad!! he loves the baby carrier, and will wear it around the house while he’s on paternity leave— carrying the baby around with him while doing chores and finishing paper work!!! hanta also would make his own baby food??? i just feel like that man is so ahead of the game best dad ever !! your baby would be such a daddy’s kid too :(
shinsou: finally!! our boy shinsou!!! you cannot tell me that this man doesn’t take the night shift purely so he can stay up and sing your baby to sleep, hitoshi has lullaby after lullaby prepared for your baby so much so that eventually they sleep through the night. they’re so attached to him :( because he’s also really chill and prepared to be a father— just bouncing them up and down gently while he walks through the house to soothe little babba. after putting the littol one down, shinsou takes care of you and runs you a bath because you’re the best momma in the world <3
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realcube · 4 years
moan in their ear prank with bnha boys 🎵
navi | taglist | masterlist 
all characters aged up!
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characters: kirishima, bakugo, hawks & dabi
content warning: heavy sexual references, swearing, choking - minors dni
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eijiro kirishima
♡ you were just sitting next to kirishima on couch and then the idea just popped into your head so you just leaned in and..did it
♡ i mean, y’all were in the privacy of your own home and you decided against filming it so what was the worst that could happen ?
♡ he faltered and his eyes popped out of their sockets for a moment-
♡ but then he was like..no...my precious, innocent, sweet, angel s/o would NEVER moan in my ear like that...i must’ve just misheard them
♡ so he felt really bad for a second for mishearing what you said as a moan so he’d turn to look at you with a trembling jaw like, ‘uh- what was that, babe?’
♡ RETRGFYUIKJH mans just gave you permission to lean in and do it again !!!
♡ so you did 
♡ and this time his heart literally skipped a beat bc in his mind he just realised that...oh, my precious, innocent, sweet, angel s/o would moan in my ear like we’re in a porno
♡ he wasn’t ready to accept that fact yet though so he finally choked out his final inquiry, ‘is there something wrong with your throat, baby? do you want me to get you some soothers?’
♡ although that may seem like a kind, caring offer, the sinister and condescending tone in his voice suggested otherwise - he literally just wanted you to tell him that you didn’t moan in his ear like a hoe....
♡ ‘there’s nothing wrong with my throat, kiri.’ you couldn’t help but sigh at how oblivious he was acting, ‘do you want me to do it again?~’ you cooed upon noticing his eyebrows furrowing slowly.
♡ as much as kirishima wanted to pound you till you’re crying for flustering him like that, he forced himself to suppress said urges and instead just crack a honeyed smile, ‘maybe save those beautiful sounds for bed, hm?’
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katsuki bakugo
♡ geez you must have some balls if you are willing to try this prank on bakugo
♡ but you don’t even bother try record it bc you know that your phone will be blown to smithereens 
♡ plus, his reaction is for your entertainment only :)
♡ so you approach him at his desk while he is doing paperwork and ruffle his hair like you usually do before leaning down to his ear - except this time, instead muttering something supportive like ‘your doing such a good job, baby’ or ‘shall i cut you some fruit?’, you just moan in the most pornographic way possible
♡ the pen he was holding exploded and ink went every where
♡ he literally just stared into the void for a moment to process what just happened before turning to you and barking profanities, ‘what the fuck was that?! are we living in a porno now?! how damaged is your tiny, little pea br--’
♡ honestly, he wasn’t even mad at you for the action of moaning
♡ he was just mad that you were able to incite a reaction from him - that you were clearly amused by - and how said reaction leaded to him breaking his favourite pen and getting ink all over himself, the wall and the documents he was working on 
♡ at this point, you kinda zoned him out until he nudged your shoulder, asking if you were even listening to him, to which you responded, ‘you’re so rude, bakugo. it was just a little prank. it’s not my fault that you have pen-breaking issues.’
♡ RGFDDTYHGH that only made it worse
♡ not only did you have the audacity to moan in his ear like you were some slut, but now you were calling him by his second name as if y’all haven’t been married for the last two years! like bitch- that’s your second name too now!
♡ you swiftly turned around to leave the room in a huff (to get a cloth in order to clean the mess bakugo made) but he made the mistake of grabbing your shoulder and spinning you around so you could lay your eyes on his bright red face and throbbing erection
♡ ‘who the fuck are you calling ‘bakugo’?! why the hell did i pay for an expensive ass ring if you’re just going to call me ‘bakug--HEY STOP STARING AT MY DICK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?’
♡ anyway *cue rough angry sex*
♡ also y’all are both rich asf so the ink on the walls weren’t really a problem- you just said fuck it and bought a new house 
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♡  y’all prank each other all the time tbh so he’s developed somewhat of an immunity by now
♡ toothpaste oreos he literally smelt it out
♡ when you said another guys’ name in bed he simply fucked you silly till you couldn’t talk anymore <3
♡ and the ‘you could’ve been nicer to me today’ thing, he literally just flipped you of bc hE KNEW IT WAS A PRANK ><
♡ however, he has to admit, you really got him with this one 😳
♡ partially bc he thought you had retired form trying to prank him due to your past failed attempts so this one really came out of no where and caught him off-guard 
♡ which was exactly your plan from the beginning 😈
♡ so you were just sitting across from him at the dinner table, (except he was the only one eating - you just liked to accompany him) scrolling when a tiktok popped up of a girl trying the prank on her girlfriend and you knew it must’ve been a sign from god that you NEED to do this prank on him
♡ so you got up from your chair and casually walked by him to head to your bedroom but not without leaning in to moan in his ear first 
♡ luckily your support course education came in handy and you successfully performed the heimlich maneuver on him 
♡ bitch he was scarred for life after that 
♡ he heard the sounds of an angel ring in his ear and he wasn’t sure if that was you or the ones from heaven that he was boutta meet 
♡ he just kinda just that there are stared into the void like ◉_◉ for an hour after that tbh 
♡ revaluating ALL his life choices
♡ and you thought it was best to just...leave him be 
♡ but anyway once his little crisis was over he blew your back out lol ✨💗
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♡ he’s the only one that’d be chill about it tgfgfhujhnvb
♡ you probably had the idea lingering at the back of your mind and just decided to try it out today bc yk why tf not 
♡ so you crept up behind him while he was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and just did the most anime girl moan you could muster
♡ he’d maybe chuckle if your anime girl impression was pretty accurate but besides that he’d just be like ‘eh, what was that? are you horny? bc you know if you’re horny i’m going to do something about it.’
♡ any excuse to smash
♡ he’d do it on the LOV couch as well he really has no shame 
♡ though on the outside he may look like :/ on the inside he is definitely :)
♡ just bc he is like ‘awh my bbg is actually being forward for once, good for them’ 
♡ and if you are not dtf or pretend then he’ll literally be so confused like ???huh????why would you moan then???? like how dare you???? you did this...for what????
♡ ugh fine he’ll take your cuddles instead 🙄 it’s not like he really really likes them and adores the way your hair smells or anything
♡ but if you let him hit then like tell shiggy that you won't be able to do any villain work in advance bc you won't be able to walk properly for a week after that
♡ he ain’t holding back this time either bc you’re clearly desperate for him
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espressokiri · 3 years
Ok, I have a request! Class 1-A with a classmate who's a witch and is very curious about quirks since she didn't know anyone with quirks growing up (really like's Baku, Kiri, Nejire, Kami and Todoroki's quirks, she thinks they're pretty)
Class 1A x F!Reader
In which Class 1A deals with a classmate who has been hidden from the world of quirks and practices witchcraft.
Warnings: Possible wrong depiction of witchcraft (I was not sure if you meant witchcraft like something from the MCU or actual practice so I'll mix them both in.)
Genre: Fluff
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It was a sight for neighbouring students to see class 1-A flabbergasted. It was especially pleasing for the one and only Monoma Neito of class 1-B, who was cackling in the background, to hear something as absurd coming out of Y/n's mouth.
"So you're saying it's not magic but a mutation in human genetics?"
"How are you even in class 1-A without a quirk or knowledge about quirks?"
Y/n shrugged and pointed at Aizawa who merely slapped her hand away at the rude manner.
"Y/n may be quirkless but she has shown something far more spectacular for someone as mundane as her, something I don't believe anyone with a quirk could achieve." Aizawa drawled, "Y/n is a witch and has mastered the art of witchcraft."
"Isn't that technically a quirk?"
"Whoa a real witch! In our school!"
"Do you ride broom sticks?!"
"Whoa! Do you have a wand? Is it like that really old movie, Harry Potter?"
It's going to be a long day.
"You're like a human firework!"
Bakugou's hands released his quirk dangerously close to Y/n's face but she kept staring in awe, despite the loud sounds the small explosions emitted, Y/n found it absolutely amazing at how the human body was able to create such a thing.
"Your quirk is so cool!"
"Kaminari! I don't know if you know this but you could definitely come in handy during medical situations! That electricity you can produce can help someone restart their heart! Like a defibrillator! You’re like a stun gun, defibrillator, and a generator! Three-in-one!”
Kaminari had grown increasingly red as Y/n went on about his quirk, never has the boy been this ecstatic about this own quirk until this new girl showed up and praised him every second. Ego slightly inflating each time. 
“T-thanks Y/n! I’ll be the best hero for you!”
“Yes, you will! With all this practice you’ll even stop frying your brain after extensive amounts of voltage discharge! You’ll be unstoppable!”
“Marry me.”
“What was that?”
“AH! N-Nothing!” 
Kaminari continued to let out a screech as he spotted multiple spiders around the training room they were in, “ah, Loki must be calling me.”
Kaminari had forgotten she worked with a norse deity.
“Awe man I ran out of matches and lighters.”
Y/n was pouting as she gently held a candle in-between her hands, She was ready to make an offering to Loki but had no access to lighting up the candle. She knocked on the door across from her room and waited patiently.
The door swung open, revealing a confused Todoroki as he stared down at his new classmate. “I was wondering if you have a lighter or a matchstick? I need to light this candle urgently.”
Todoroki stared at her with furrowed eyebrows before he lifted his pointer finger up, a small flame barely licking his skin.
Y/n blinked once. Twice.
Todoroki ignored her outburst and lit the candle with ease.
“Loki would like you! You’re half flame! Well, I think he’d like you.” Y/n muttered as Todoroki looked slightly intrigued. “Who is Loki?”
“Oh! He’s a deity I work with! I needed to light this candle to give him my offerings!”
“Yeah! He really likes cinnamon or candy!”
“How does he help you?”
“Well, he gets me out of tight situations, I don’t really know how to explain that but he does help! That and helps me own up to my problems or situation! There’s so much more but I don’t want to take up too much of your time! Thank you for your help, Todoroki.”
Before Y/n could go, Todoroki stopped her. “Maybe one day I can learn more?”
Y/n’s eyes shone bright at his interest and nodded excitedly.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE DEATH CARD?” Kirishima screeched.
“It’s not a bad card! It just means you’re afraid of the changes that will come or that are happening in your life right now!” Y/n reassured as she placed it back in her tarot deck and shuffled them. Kirishima calmed slightly and slumped back down in his seat.
“Hey, Kirishima?”
“Can I see your quirk?”
“Uh, sure. It’s nothing special or flashy!”
Y/n scooted closer to the male and pressed a finger to his arm, Kirishima gave her a confused glance before hardening the area her finger was prodding. “Whoa!”
“Do it again!”
“Again! Again!”
Kirishima could swear she looked like a child at that very moment, excited at the thought of feeling his quirk despite him being nonchalant about it. “Oh man that’s so cool! I wish I had a quirk, or knew about them! It sucks how my parents kept me around the quirkless so I wouldn’t get bullied or something. That’s what they said anyway, but look at me now! In U.A! Filled with people with quirks!”
“You’re so cool, Y/n.”
The words came out before Kirishima could process them.
Y/n smiled at him before focusing back on her cards, “lets see where these cards take me.”
Immediately a card falls out and Y/n picks it up before flinging it across the room. It was The Tower.
(A/n) Hey there! I hope you like this depiction of your request, I did try to write Nejire’s but despite having caught up with the manga and seeing more of her quirk being used in it, I need more visuals and detailed information regarding her quirk as my brain simply cannot understand it. I do know it is motion waves and it’s a really powerful quirk but I do not know enough information about it to be able to write to my satisfaction. I apologize for leaving her out.
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deartouya · 2 years
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all works are identified by genre : suggestive, fluff, angst.
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fics + drabbles
dating hcs : established relationship, fluff.
the things that makes your relationship with dabi and the way he behaves in a relationship.
starry skies : established relationship, fluff. ( 754 )
fluffy stargazing valentines date.
hands so tender : established relationship, bath fic + sick fic. ( 1027 )
dabi's never been good at accepting help, but--when it comes to you--he's never been good at denying himself of something tender.
cold cold man : established relationship, fluff + slight angst
my piece for the only truth is music collab.
the horror and the wild : mermaid au, siren!dabi x pirate!reader
dabi continues getting himself captured by your crew and you’re running out of excuses for why he’s suddenly escaped. he does, begrudgingly, come in handy. for my right below the surface series.
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cupping their face : bakugou, deku, kirishima, shouto, denki, hawks, dabi.
petnames they use for you : bakugou, deku, kirishima, shouto, denki, sero, mina, momo, hawks, dabi.
how they kiss : bakugou, deku, kirishima, shouto, denki, sero, mina, jirou, hawks, dabi.
attractive things they do : bakugou, deku, kirishima, shouto, denki, hawks, dabi.
how they hold your hand : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, tamaki, hawks, dabi.
how they cuddle with you : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, sero, shinsou, tamaki, mirko, hawks, dabi.
their love languages : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, sero, shinsou, tamaki, hawks, dabi, jirou, momo, mina.
first i love you : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, hawks, dabi.
how they act when jealous : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, hawks, dabi.
how they act when lovesick : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, dabi.
them as parents hcs : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, mina, momo, denki, hawks, dabi.
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zukuist · 4 years
crushing [hcs]
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“how the bnha boys would act like if they had a crush on you”
includes : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, kirishima eijirou
your name is shortened to y/n, you have a powerful quirk
notes : i’ll be posting two times today just because it’s the end of 2020 :)) also i didn’t really proof read so.. sorry if there’s some mistakes
todoroki shouto
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man’s kinda clueless about his feelings at first
like.. “why does my stomach feel funny?? and why is my quirk acting up— wait.. maybe i’m sick.”
no shouto, you’re just pining over y/n
shouto’s a quiet person overall,
but ever since his feelings towards you became clear
he’s been trying hard to keep up a conversation
but don’t get me wrong, shouto won’t be as talkative as your regular extrovert
however— he’ll be trying his hardest to inquire things about your quirk, what you ate, etc
it’s a sign that he cares a lot, y’know?
it is canon that shouto loves to share his food with his friends to cheer them up
so this guy’s always sharing his food with you (regardless if you’re happy or not)
man’s very observant of you— and if anyone asked his opinion about you,
he could talk for days :)
it’s a subtle change to the unfamiliar people, but to his closest friends
they can tell when he’s pining over someone,
so yeah.
you’ll be the one to make the first move though
bakugou katsuki
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it doesn’t really feel like anything changed
because to the public eye, katsuki acts like.. himself.
loud, and explosive
and at first— katsuki tried to deny his feelings, because “shit like that will get in my way” don’t take it personally.
but he likes you a lot more than he’d ever anticipate??
so for you.. the sudden change of heart is there alright.
the first change is just him staring at you constantly,
because he doesn’t really know how to talk to you softly like how he’d want it to be
at first, he’ll only stare at you whenever your back is turned on him
but if you catch him, he won’t be afraid to stare at you— looking or not
the next thing is that bakugou’s words slowly become nicer
after training, he’ll just smirk and say “you’re not bad, dumbass.”
but c’mon, they’re still quite mean
the last part is just him secretly looking after you.
if you’re paired up with him during training (like in that one ova where they were in an underground mall)
his eyes will be trained on you
“just to make sure you don’t do anything stupid”
the bakusquad’s gonna tease him for those changes
but he’ll still deny those raging feelings
he’s a tsundere, change my mind :)
midoriya izuku
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okay so.. this is going to be really complicated
this man will be so blushy, and timid at one time
then he won’t shut up for another time
like.. he’s so comfortable around you?? but not at the same time??
he’ll be so blushy and intimidated by your beauty like..
“do i deserve to be around such a wonderful person?”
but he’ll also be oddly talkative, because you make him feel comfortable with himself
that literally didn’t make sense?? but oh well
similar to shouto, if you ask izuku’s opinion about you
he’ll never shut up omg
he’ll just go on a word vomit
especially to his mom lol— izuku only has to hope that you don’t accidentally come across his mom
because his mom will just gush about how “izuku talks about you all the time!”
his notebook has pages and pages about you
not just about your quirk— but also about your interests,
he thinks it’ll come in handy one day
also, his feelings towards you are very obvious?
the dekusquad notices right away, rip 🧎‍♂️
kirishima eijirou
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you’d assume this lil shark will be all confident and upfront with his feelings
actually.. no, not really.
he’s very friendly in general, but if you walk into the room—
he’ll just stop for a few seconds just to admire all of your features
with his cheeks literally red
his love language is probably the act of service, please change my mind
so that means he’s going to help you every chance he gets
(but if you really have the situation under control, then he’ll let you be.)
hmm.. eijirou coming to the terms with his feelings is probably by accident?
eijirou’s probably talking to mina about you
saying stuff about how you’re so cool, and he just loves being around you
then mina just randomly goes
“maybe you like them ;)”
and kiri’s just like
“😳 maybe?”
bakusquad as his wing woman/men? yes.
but in reality, kirishima’s really insecure— he just knows how to hide it well
but eventually, he’ll overcome that—
and he’s just determined to prove to you that he’s worth it (that is, if you accept)
take good care of him :)
©️ izukulie 2020, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not pass off my work as your own ❕
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
Imagine being that couple that breaks the bed during... y'know🥴 pt.2
A/N: Hey Y’all, I’m back at it again with the back at it again lmaooo Part 2 is here and I hope y’all like it.... This one is a little bit more vulgar (Characters are aged up 18+)  Here’s PT. 1 for those who haven’t/or want to read it.  And thank you guys so much for OVER 1K NOTES ON THE FIRST ONE. I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS GONE GO OFF LIKE THAT 🥺. AND I’M GLAD I MADE Y’ALL LAUGH AND FEEL THE SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT LOL
On your way there, you wonder if his honesty is going to be the result of another flustered mess that you can't see your way out of
You get to the store, and immediately everyone greets you; your face is welcoming, but on the inside, your grieving.
Kiri goes up to a clerk focusing on curtains and asks where to find a bed frame.
Willing to help, they show you where to acquire them. Kiri asks about different sets doing his best to seek out more superb quality. The clerk is understanding, looking to please their current customer, informing that they have more in the back.
He's grateful, and playfully the clerk asks why y'all need a new bed frame, and Kiri says,
"She called me “Big Daddy Riot,” and I snapped, and now we're here."
So straight to the point, the clerk blankly stares at you, but you hide your face not to make eye contact.
"A-anyway, whatever sturdy frame you have is fine, no matter the cost," pulling out his wallet, he says, "I'm ready to pay."
Now you should be embarrassed but now... You're kinda turned on. He was so serious about taking care of this that calling him big daddy was totally worth it.
No matter the purchase, he's very thorough with his expectations, the manly way.
And there’s just something so manly about a man pulling out his wallet with that "I'm willing to pay" attitude. Whether it's his tone, the way he grips his wallet, imagining it’s you being gripped like that (again)...🤤
You smile awkwardly to the clerk, “Give us your best, please?”
And so they do, not only with a complimentary warranty that you can renew anytime but with WATERPROOF SHEETS.
Heading back to the car, Kiri packs everything in the trunk and backseat, then comes to your side of the car. You get in saying, “Well, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” 
"Well, don’t speak too soon, Princess. They just gave us some high-quality merchandise, but we don’t know how long it’ll last.” Pulling out of the parking lot, he looks at you with a quick wink, “I mean, not everything can be unbreakable like me, right babe?"
This spicy, smart-ass.
It's definitely your fault, and he's gonna remind you all the way there.
Getting in the store, it’s not your first time there, so you already know where to find the frames.
Only you care that it matches the rest of the bedroom’s aesthetic, which could make the process harder.
Denki teases you, saying that it doesn't matter and that you should just choose a bed frame so that y'all can go the fuck home.
A clerk nearby sees y'all having a hard time, offering to help.
You tell them that you need a bed frame that fits your eccentric bedroom. They understand and go through the ones that you've already seen.
You say that you need something more robust than what's been displayed.
They nod, telling you they have the perfect set, disappearing to the back. They come back, and the set is perfect, but Denki is a skeptic.
"Hold on, babe, I'll handle this" He inspects the box looking at the weight of it, leaving no word on the damn box unread. He finishes and says, "Sorry, just had to make sure, wouldn’t want a part 2 of Pew Pew now, would we?"
Your eyes dart to him, the clerk is confused, "What's Pew Pew?"
Imitating a prince-charming tone, he says, "The weakness my true love bestows upon me it is strong and keeps me on edge."
The clerk waits for you to explain, but you say nothing.
Breaking out of character, he says, "Basically, she got on top of me and wanted to spell out my name, resulting in...... yeah."
He shows a photo, and your stomach drops to your ass, "WHEN DID YOU TAKE THOSE?????"
"When your fine ass was taking a shower, you're crazy if you thought I would keep this to myself!"
Y’all get the set, and buy more towels and get complimentary candles. You put Denki on WAP suspension too 😔 , lmao.
No offense but y'all a goofy-ass couple lmao
Y'all just be doing anything in the bedroom and now y'all at the store looking GOOFY-HYUCK
"Well, it started with how high could she jump onto me, and it resulted in a WWE match...."
Sero showed pictures of the private handy work that led you two to go shopping for something more sturdy...
Why the fuck does the room look like discount Cirque Du Soleil? His tape is all over the fucking ceiling, on the floor, and most importantly the bed frame because you dizzy, one brain cell together having asses tried taping the bed back together just to keep on fucking
Resulting in the frame FALLING TO SHREDS
The clerk has never seen no chaotic shit like this in their life!
It is so fucking bad they have to use EYE DROPS, just to confirm WTF they're looking at
"I know it looks bad, but at least we're not hurt" He smiles so earnest it’s almost as you weren't sexually destructive beings.
The clerk disappeared, coming back after 10 minutes with 3 other clerks as they carried a set filled with steel, metal chains, and high-quality leather.
The clerk said, "This is a one of a kind set; if you manage to break it, we will personally build you a steel cage so that your wrestling match can continue."
Sero looks at you, excited, "Wow, Babe, let's buy it."
Y’all buy the bed set and get a lifetime coupon of high-quality sex toys sent to your home, and of course, y’all try the shit out without thinking of the aftermath.
Back at square one, and the clerks are scared of y’all now 
Already at the store and Shinsou is doing all the talking to the clerk~
"I told her to go to sleep; she defied me, so I had to punish her..." Realizing he said it out loud, he looked at your face.
If only you could Thanos yourself
The clerk looked slightly uncomfortable, "Well, from what you are describing, I don't know how that would result in breaking the bed."
"Well, my Kitten is a little disobedient and needs many forms of... persuasion."
Putting his hand on your shoulder, he showed his wicked smirk.  
I mean, was he wrong? He wouldn't even let you do the talking. If you spoke out, he would turn up the vibrator attached to your clit.
That was the challenge he placed on you before y’all left the house, and you willingly obliged until he told you his condition. Now he had total power to switch the narrative like it wasn’t him waking you up in the middle of the night after coming back from a long day of heroism.
The clerk squinted at you with a worried/ suspicious look... "O-okay, give me a moment."
They come back out with an exclusive set that was just imported overseas. The box images make it look so beautiful and regal; you’re shocked, wanting to tell him how much you love it but don’t wanna say.
Knowing Shinsou, it’s a trap to punish you.
"Wow, that’s beautiful. We’ll take it.”
Sometimes his dominant side pisses you off, but it’s clearly a turn on, you want to mouth off, but you nod instead.
Shinsou pays for the bed frame along with some pillows, and the clerk offers complimentary essential oils that you can come back and get free refills.
Heading to the car, Shinsou sweetly asks, “Now that we have reinforcements, are you ready to go again, Kitten?"
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Sorry, I went on a tangent
girl-dad kirishima starts to think that he can't make any girls after your fifth litter of baby boys, but when you pop out his youngest, and only daughter whom your doctor once declared was to be a son, kiri is very ecstatic and it's very cute how he interacts with her
girl-dad kirishima that pays a little too much attention to her and spoils her rotten
girl-dad kirishima that has to learn how to braid hair and endure long hours of pretend tea parties dressed in a tight-fitting tutu with fake markup he thinks is making him break out (however, he doesn't care)
girl-dad kirishima that teaches her how to defend herself, tells her older brothers to look after their little sister
And finally, girl-dad kirishima pouts when he realizes that he isn't the only man in her life
Crying. Never apologize, bestie. Never.
Kiri with silver streaks in his hair breaking down in the hospital room when your sixth boy turns out to be your first girl. He wasn't upset at the news you were having another boy, per se... but to say he was hoping for a girl would be an understatement. He was pleading.
So there you are, fresh baby on your chest (coochie hurting) and boy name all picked out with Kiri just sobbing next to you because he finally, finally ended up with his girl after all. The nurses ask you if he's upset and should be removed and you're not sure how to tell them that he hasn't been this happy since your last kid was born.
Not that he wasn't this way with your other kids, but the whole being attached to baby thing gets taken to another level. He's just so enamored with your daughter that nearly every single second needs to be taken up with either staring at her or holding her.
And yes about the hair!!! I feel like when you were pregnant with your first baby, Kirishima taught himself how to braid just in preparation for a little girl... and even though it ended up being handy with your boys (because I'm sure a few of them have nice, long hair)... he never was able to use the skills fully and they went away. BUT NOW, now he's brushing up on them again... insisting on doing up your daughter's hair even when it turns out a little lopsided, he's trying so hard😭
He also makes your sons join in on the tea parties, too. As many of them as he can get at a time, almost getting mad when they don't put on the tiaras she picked for them or drink the fake tea she made.
And all the same, she's right there with the big boys for combat lessons or UA training. Gets brought along to watch even when she's little so she can pick up skills and know her support system lest anything happen. Even your sons who don't want to be heroes are there, too. Keeping her company and sparring with her when it's time to get into pairs. They literally just adore her and fight over who she gets to fight (see: play) with.
It's almost funny because it means that any boy she brings home has to face all six of the boys in your household. Poor guy probably isn't even a jerk and he's still being interrogated. You know Kiri has good intentions, but it's hard not to feel AWFUL for potential suitors... because he goes from mean and biting to tearing up as soon as they leave. Doesn't want his girl to grow up, that's all🥺
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thestarsanctuary · 3 years
hi! I was hoping you could do a Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima (separate) with an s/o that has Tourettes, preferably they/them pronouns please. I hope you're having a good day <3
Of course! I was gonna take a break in the middle of my (unspoken) break aka me being lazy, but this request was so nice I- I had to 😔✋🏾 it was definitely the heart. It got me.
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Bakugo wasn’t really sure when he first met you about why your head was twitching or why you were repeating the sentences Aizawa had said sometimes, as he didn’t know you had tourettes. He never even spoke to you like the others did so you never had the chance to tell him until Kirishima did.
When you two started dating he started seeing patterns of when you would get to stressed and start jerking or spouting out random things you heard from youtube videos, he did his best to make sure you knew he was there for reassurance, whether it was a hand on your hand or just pure presence.
There were times when you would have ticcing fits and he would have to sit and rub your back and watch you, and in those times you realized he really was there for you.
He likes to do this thing where he rants on about things he doesn’t like to try and distract you- I’m not sure how he has so much he doesn’t like but every time it’s a new odd topic....sometimes it can literally be something like how he hates trees because when it’s fall he has to rake up the leaves and you have to say
“Bakugo they literally help you not die.” It really is a mystery sometimes how he’s so smart.
Sometimes you can be a bit upset with your tics. It’s not that you’re insecure or that you’re ashamed, but they’re difficult to deal with. The control that you could have isn’t there and that’s stressful in and of itself, and in those moments Bakugo realizes the best thing he can do for you - is make you understand that you are just like the rest of the class and the rest of the people in the world.
“Listen it doesn’t matter if you’re different because to me you’re still cool, you’re still funny, you’re still incredibly sarcastic and while I don’t enjoy that for the most part- you’re my extra regardless of whatever you feel. Get that bull out of your head.”
I mean, he wouldn’t date anybody less than the best.
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Midoriya is the predictable character in the relationship. He researched about Tourettes and what he could do in times when you needed him, I mean he’s not perfect but he’d rather know something rather than nothing.
You tended to be the one who was more of a risk taker, and sometimes your tourettes got in the way of that- which could frustrate you to no end then causing harsher tics like hitting or yelling, and those were the times Midoriya tried to get anything too dangerous either out of your hands- or just out of the way so you didn’t get hurt, he was smart with it.
Other times he could be too much for you, almost treating you like a kid so you had to remind him that you know and understand precautions, but that you also want to live like everybody else and that is nothing short of your business.
You’re favorite activity with him was when he would help you study because he made it so fun for you. It could be hard to pay attention in class sometimes and do your work after school so Izuku would come over and assist you. He would make sure you guys took breaks and that you understood the topic at your own pace.
“Izuku can you like- give an example?”
“Well it’s just kind of- wait what is an example-“
In many situations Midoriya LOVED holding your hand, like he did it at any time, any place. It was something he thought wasn’t too much in public and it was reassuring for you both. When you’re tics got too much you could squeeze his hand, and other times when he wouls get anxious or something would happen he would squeeze yours. It was cute and handy!
There were instances when Midoriya definitely had his mistakes with your tics and how to deal with them but he was willing to take his time and learn because who would he be without his perfect person stayin’ by his side?
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Kirishima is probably the most sympathetic with your tics because he stay prepared for them. It’s never been like “Kirishima can you” but it’s always been more like ‘Kiri how do you always know’ and there’s never been an answer that he gave other than ‘I gotta stay ready for my lovely lover~’
Kirishima likes to do this thing where he goes “neck” after you have a rough day with your tics and with massage your neck for you or your back, depending on how your tics were. He likes takin’ care of you, and it’s not like he doesn’t know you can’t take care of yourself because hey, you didn’t get into 1-A by being a pushover.
Sometimes you’ve had times when people in school just aren’t all that accepting and Kirishima will clap back unprovoked.
“Sometimes I think about how sad you have to be to make fun of them and dang man, you got a therapist?”
Other times you’ll basically respond for him, like I said, you can DEFINITELY take care of yourself.
Whenever you’re in the car or on the bus on a trip in the case that you’ve gotten real excited (which is natural being around your boyfriends and your friends at the same time) he’ll play this playlist he made of your favorite songs and sing to distract you. Does he sing well? That wasn’t the question- but he does sing, only for you though because the other students keep dissing him.
He has a reflex of rubbing your back during free period or at lunch. I don’t think this is relevant but it’s something super adorable, and sometimes he just gives you his hand to look at and play with when you have anxiety as well to keep you calm.
Also irrelevant but other times he’ll facetime you before you guys go somewhere and ask what to wear because he wants to match with you, and it’s so cute because you could lie so hard and he’d believe everything you say.
You two are kinda a power couple like- you both can hold your own but also are such nice people, good job makin’ the rest of 1-A feel lonely guys.
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Todoroki is a simple guy. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things for the most part because “why would I act like your guardian, if I’m literally your boyfriend” and that’s that.
He tends to try and keep you calm, as it’s something pretty simple for him, he knows a bunch of tactics for distractions or when those are obsolete, he’ll just sit there with you, and maybe rub your back or get a water bottle for when it’s done, he just never wants to do too much because he knows your capabilities, and he knows your limits.
He is also a large hand holder. Mostly because he doesn’t like the idea of PDA for the most part, and he doesn’t like leaving your side either, because you’re very comforting to him. It’s a given we all know he needs love and comfort please.
There have been times when people look at your because of your tics in public and Todoroki has had to give a little glare back because of the disrespect being blatantly put out. In rarer times you will both glare at the same time, those are the coolest moments of you as a couple.
Shoto doesn’t really care much for your tics only because he’d rather just make sure you’re ok then watch Avengers rather than treat you like a child if anything, and that’s because you told him first that you wanted a boyfriend not a babysitter (speakin’ facts) and at first he didn’t understand and he thought you didn’t want his help but soon understood otherwise.
Some cute things I like to think of are that he likes to put on your favorite songs when you’re anxious and try to dance for you. It’s not good- let’s start with that, because he’s kinda...stiff, but the attempt is absolutely adorable (and oh so funny).
Other things are he likes to call you cheesy nicknames when you’re cuddling because he likes your reactions everytime, because according to him, yeah he said it himself, you are very adorable when annoyed. Don’t @ me!
Overall he just loves spending time with you whenever he can, you’re truly a safe-haven for him.
Alright tourettes is a real thing y’all, so I didnt make this rainbows n cupcakes bc im sure that’s not always how it is.
If anything in this is offensive or too much for somebody I can take it down and re-do it! I’m not too sure how it is bc it feels kinda repetitive but we’ll see I guess, and thanks to the person who requested my day was fine thanks 😩✋🏾.
I also included some things I like to do (play with hands and listen to music) because i have anxiety and I known that can worsen tics and can also come with tics (a lot of ppl with tics have adhd, anxiety, or some sort of disorder along with it)
- SS <333333
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Have Patience to Lose It.-Shoto Todoroki
       Help and Hide Series. Todoroki Edition
      Bakugo Ed.  Denki Ed.  Kirishima Ed.  Midoriya Ed.  Shinso Ed. Iida Ed. Aizawa Ed. Tamaki Ed. Hawks Ed.  Dabi Ed. Shiggy Ed.
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         + Patience was something you always possessed. Uraraka, Iida, and Kiri liked to call it your second quirk. But you have to have patience to lose patience and one of the times you did nearly cost your life, figuratively of course, kinda. You had lost your patience on some students from other classes and realized your mistake quick. You ran like the wind only to meet Todoroki and ask for his help to hide you. He doesn’t seem to get the concept.
           The teachers at UA decided that the relations between the classes needed a little attention away from the tension. So they decided to create projects that required a member from multiple classes. I just so happened to get multiple members from Class 1-B and 1-C with me being the only one from 1-A. Also my group was one of the last one’s getting their work done due to lack of communication.
           “Finally!” Tetsutetsu exclaimed before flopping down on his back. “That took forever!” I rolled my eyes as I helped clean up.
           “I wonder why…” I muttered. I saw his head pop up slightly. His eyes were narrowed at me.
           “What was that?” A few of the others turned their heads towards us. I took a calming breath. I was already on edge from the whole thing.
           “It’s nothing.” I said while standing up and throwing away some of the trash. He had sat up and had his arms resting on his propped up knees.
           “Noo, you said something. Something like ‘I wonder why?’ What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He said annoyed. I took a big breath and shook my head.
           “Well to frankly honest it meant because some people couldn’t get off their ass and communicate with the group we didn’t get done as fast as we could have. I’m not pointing fingers but it would have help.”
           “Wow.” He laughed before scoffing. “You know this is why a lot of us don’t like you 1-A shit heads. You think you are above everyone else just because you are in the A hero course. I mean sure you’re water quirk is neat and really comes in handy but what can you do that is so heroic about it?”
           “Hey man. She does have a point some of us could have been better about where and when. There’s no need to go that far.” One of the others butted in. I gave him an appreciative smile before turning back to the steel boy.
           “Well you have no clue what I can do with my quirk so don’t even go there. Also, sorry I’m in the hero course and had absolutely no control in my placement but maybe there is a reason why the ones on the A hero course are in the A hero course and you’re not. If you had listened at all in the first days of class then you would have realized it’s not all based on quirks. It’s based on the whole package, sweetheart. So stop being little bitch about it and move on.” I snapped before my spine froze.
           “Oh shit.” Some of the others muttered. I looked at Tetsutetsu and two other students who were not happy looking.
           “Umm. I just lost my patience…don’t take any of that to heart, or..anywhere.” They slowly got to their feet. “I’m just gonna go…BYE!” I took off running.
           “Get back here!”
           “Hey don’t chase them!”
           “This is really unnecessary!”
           “This is why they wanted us to do this project because people like you Tetsu get way over heated!” I could hear one of the students snap just barely as I ran out of the building and out onto campus towards the training grounds. I was just about to run past a grove of trees when Todoroki stepped out.
           “Ah! Todoroki.” He looked up at me with a slight shocked face as I skidded to a stop in front of him. “Help me hide!”
           “Why?” He asked looking at me in the eyes.
           “I pissed off Tetsutetsu and a few others and now there on a war path behind me. Our ‘easing the tension’ project didn’t work in the slightest.” He gave me a nod of understanding.
           “How did you piss him off?” He asked after a few seconds. I glanced behind me.
           “Todoroki! I nearly whined. I saw his eyes widen but ignored it. “I lost my patience and snap at him, badly! And now he probably has planned my murder thrice times over in his head.”
           “You lost your patience? You?” He looked at me in disbelief before looking over my shoulder at something behind me.
           “Yes! I know hell froze over. Come on I need to hide until it thaws!” I went to run past him but he grabbed my arm firmly. “H-hey!”
           “Wait, hold on.” His eyes were still on the thing behind me.
           “L/N!” I heard Tetsu yell close.
           “Todoroki! Let me go!”
           “Let me see first.” He said still holding my forearm. I stopped struggling and looked at him straight. He looked at me.
           “I think we need to have you revisit the definition of ‘help’ and ‘me’ and ‘hide’ as well as the grammar behind it.” I said blankly as they ran up. Todoroki turned his attention back to them and a stern expression took over his face.
           “Now L/N…”
           “Is this really necessary?” Todoroki interrupted. Tetsu looked at him surprise for a moment before glaring. “The whole point of this project was to lessen the tension not accelerate it into an unnecessary and quite frankly a stupid attack.”
           “Stupid? She’s the one that berated and snapped at me and called me a little bitch!” Tetsute growled pointed at me.
           “Did you not deserve it? Because if I know anything about L/N it’s that she does not snap at anyone unless that are deserving off. Trust me, I have on the receiving end of as well as Bakugo, Kirishima, and Midoriya have.”
           “Well, I did kind of failed at communicating with the rest of the group but…” He scratched the back of his head before he got mad again. “But that doesn’t give her the right to say I was being a little bitch about class placements.” He yelled.
           “But you are.” Todoroki said straight out. “You have been from the very beginning. We have no control in where we are placed. It is all up to the staff and board of the school to make that decision and apparently they saw something in us then they did in you to put us in the class are in.”
           “Umm.” Tetsu blanched and stood there not saying anything.
           “And if you would like to dispute this further…” Todoroki lifted his left hand and a few flames rose from his hand. “We can take it elsewhere, Tetsutetsu.”
           “No were good.” Tetsu just shook his head. The others ran off while he stayed for a second longer before joining them.
           “Well that worked.” I said. I watched them walk back towards the school. “Why couldn’t they understand it like that when I told them?” I looked at Todo as he let go of my arm.
           “I’m not sure but know they understand.” He moved back to the tree had come around earlier and picked up a book.
           “Probably because you’re more threatening than I am.” I pouted, crossing my arms over my stomach.
           “Oh you can be plenty threatening on your own darling.” He came up close and pecked my cheek before standing at full height. I stalled, staring at the ground. After a minute, I looked up and saw him smiling at me.
           “Did you just call me….and kiss my…Oh my god.” He chuckled and gave me a big smile.
           “Come on.” He held out his hand. I grabbed it slowly. He grips it firmly before bring it up to his lips. I blush majorly and giggle. He pulls me gently to get me to move and we started to walk towards the dorms.
           “What were you doing when I came running up?” I asked.
           “I was just reading.”
           “If you were reading, why did you step out like that? As if you were going to leave without your book?” I asked confused.
           “I heard your running footsteps and was curious what you were doing. So I got up to see, stepping out from behind the tree just as you got close. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
           “Oh. Thank you. You really did help me back there.” I said accidently squeezing his hand. He squeezed back though and stopped us.
           “You never have to hide when I am here to help, darling.” He said looking me in the eyes before reaching with his free hand to pull my head forward. He gave my head a lingering kiss before pulling away and guiding us back to the dorms.
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