#hangman x valkyrie
writercole · 2 years
The Confession
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Summary: Jake found her. Now what's he going to do?
Words: 1510
Warnings: Physical assault, confession of feelings, lying
A/N: I can't believe this is the end. I'm technically drafting this post before the series even starts for you guys so I have no idea how much you're going to even like it. But I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Aside from Sounds of Someday, I think this is my favorite.
Tag list is done. Please follow @coleslibrary and turn on notifications for story updates.
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Jake paced on the sidewalk, trying to figure out what to do. He’d finally gotten his mom to give up Y/N’s location. It was a fight that took a three hour lecture about hypocrisy and waiting too long, but she relented, threatening to disown him if he hurt her adoptive daughter again. He’d planned a speech before he got on the plane, rehearsed it for the several hour flight, but now that he was here, he had no idea what to say. On his third lap around the block, he finally got the courage to walk up to the door and knock, deciding to just wing it.
The door swung open to reveal a bleach blonde man a couple inches shorter than Jake, one he’d met only a time or two. “Billy,” he grumbled.
“Bagman,” Billy spat, leaning his forearm on the door frame. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to Y/N,” Jake told him, raising his chin and daring him to deny the request, “and it’s Hangman.”
“She ain’t here,” Billy informed him, “and I doubt she’d want to talk to you anyway.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means, Bagman, that she didn’t want you to know where she was for the last month. She told me that you’d fucked her over for the last time and that she was done with you.”
“Fucked her over?” Jake scoffed. “Are you sure you don’t have the two of us confused? I’m not the one who bailed on her four months ago after trying like hell to dull her spark for a year.”
“I didn’t bail on her,” Billy denied, “she broke up with me.”
“You were leaving her and you know it. Now just tell me where she is before I beat it out of you.”
“I don’t know why you’re even making a fuss over an easy whore,” Billy sneered. “You could get anyone you want, or so I hear. Though I have to say, it’s some damn good pussy for an easy whore.”
Jake didn’t even realize he was moving. He saw red as soon as the words exited Billy’s mouth, his arm cocking back and pushing his fist into Billy’s jaw with enough force to knock the man backwards several steps.
Tires squealing on asphalt was the only thing that stopped Jake from swinging again.
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She was rushing out of the house to handle an issue on base when Billy finally showed up to talk. Instead of telling him to come back, she told him to sit in the kitchen and wait for her. She didn't plan on being gone for almost an hour. She groaned in frustration when she finally climbed back into her car.
She was halfway back when her phone alerted her to camera activity on her porch. She checked it at a stoplight and swore when she saw that Jake was standing at the door talking to Billy. Unmuting the video, she listened to their argument as she drove, speeding and taking corners much faster than she should have. She pulled into the driveway and saw Jake swing, hitting Billy in the jaw.
“Shit,” she swore again, rushing out of her car and into the middle of the two men. “What is going on?”
“He just showed up here and punched me!” Billy accused, rubbing his jaw and shooting daggers at Jake.
“I came over here to talk to you and this guy,” Jake explained, pointing at Billy in the doorway, “wanted to start shit and called you an easy whore. So yes, I punched him.”
“I never said that!” Billy shouted, stepping towards Jake. “He’s the one who called you a whore.”
“You son of a bitch!” Jake yelled, lunging for Billy.
She grabbed Jake’s arm and he stopped in his tracks, taking a step behind her. She turned to face him with tears in her eyes. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is that guy,” Jake spat, “is a total jerk and you deserve someone better. Someone who respects you and would treat you like a queen.”
“And who would that be, Jake? I don’t exactly have a whole lot of options.”
“He’s just running his mouth so that he can sleep with you,” Billy goaded from behind her, “that’s all he’s ever wanted from you. Why he thinks you’re easy, I’ll never know.”
“You lying bastard!” Jake shouted as he pushed her away, pulling his fist back to hit Billy again, stopping when something got between them.
Valkyrie stood between them and pushed Jake back, reaching in her pocket and unlocking her phone. She navigated to the recording of the argument and pressed play, Billy’s voice clear as day repeating the words he was denying. She stared him down, daring him to tell her that the recording was wrong.
“Please stop lying, Billy,” she growled as she locked her phone.
“What? Baby, you can’t believe this guy. He’s dicked you around for how long now?” Billy rebutted, taking a step towards her.
Jake stepped up behind her, staring daggers at the man trying to bargain his way back into Y/N’s arms.
“Get out, Billy. You can’t own up to your actions, even when they’re on video. We’re done. Over. Go find yourself another easy whore,” she repeated, her words sharp and final. 
“Fine,” Billy spat as his eyes became fiery, “but don’t come crawling back to me when this piece of shit breaks your heart.” 
Before Jake could make a move, she had pulled her fist back and released it right into Billy’s nose. 
“Get. Out. Of. My. House,” she sneered as she looked down on him.
Billy turned and stomped away, firing up his car and peeling out of her driveway. She turned to Jake with slumped shoulders and watery eyes, looking up at his face in exhaustion.
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“Now, don’t be mad,” he prefaced, “but Mom told Phoenix when she called looking for information.”
“Why are you here, then, Hangman?” she sighed.
“You didn’t say goodbye when you left,” he said.
“Really? You’re here because I didn’t say goodbye?” she scoffed. “I told you that Simpson needed me -”
“No, he didn’t,” Jake interrupted. “Simpson didn’t call you back. You called him to get you out.”
“I don’t want -”
“You need to tell me why you left,” he whispered, “please. I have to know why you ran away.”
She sighed again, squeezing her eyes shut. “You have to know? Okay, fine. I heard you talking to Suze. Telling her that we weren’t together and that she didn’t need to be jealous. I couldn’t take it. I thought…” she trailed off, biting her lip and tapping her foot as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I thought that something had shifted the day before, that we had something. I know we said no feelings but I was right. I fell in love with you and you don’t feel the same way. So I left. You could have your time with Suze and I could get away and not have to see it.”
“Is that all you heard?” he questioned quietly, searching her face for answers.
“What else did I need to hear? You said plenty,” she snapped, her gaze finally meeting his again, fire burning behind the tears.
“I did say plenty, but you didn’t hear all of it,” he replied as he stepped towards her, hooking his finger under her chin to keep her focus. “I told Suze that it would never happen with her. That it was a mistake that I was ever with her and that you were the one I wanted by my side. 
“You see, it happened so slowly that I didn’t realize it. When Suze approached me, I looked for you, I tried to find you so that I could get away from her without my family asking me why I was pissed. When I finally found you, you were leaving. In that moment, when you were running away, I knew I was a goner. You jumped into that cab and you took my heart with you. I’ve barely been able to breathe since you’ve been gone.
“I know I said that I wasn’t trying to marry you, but that’s changed, Y/N. I’m hopelessly in love with you and I don’t want to spend another day without you by my side.” 
Tears started falling down her cheeks, the fire in her eyes had died out only to be replaced with hope and longing. “Don’t mess around with me,” she said, her voice wavering with emotion.
“I would never dream of it,” he assured her, his thumbs brushing the tears from her face. “You’re it for me, Y/N. And if you say no, if you tell me to get out and never come back, I will. But I really hope you don’t. I hope you give me the chance to be the man you have always deserved.”
“Jake,” she mumbled as she gazed up at him.
“Kiss me.”
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Everything: @thelastpyle @deangirl93 @evergreencowboy @katelyn--renee @fictional-affairs @paintlavillered @buckys-zomdoll @polireader @b3autyfuldisast3r @welcometothefandommultiverse @mlovesstories @supraveng @xoxabs88xox
Top Gun: @princessmisery666 @evansrogerskitten @bradshaw-fanclub @saiyanprincessswanie @luckyladycreator2 @princessphilly @ahockeywrites @clints-lucky-arrow @wildbornsiren @shanimallina87 @fuckyeahhangman @blue-aconite @hope-love-equality2 @peachiicherries @marvelousmermaid @therebeccaw @green-socks @imjess-themess @jostystyles @mayhem24-7forever @callsignaries @a-reader-and-a-writer @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meeting your boyfriends sister | Hangman fanfic ✨
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky
Timeline: Post-Top Gun Maverick
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Summary: She didn’t think she would ever be nervous about something like meeting the family. She has done it plenty of times before but what happens you boyfriend Hangman Seresin’s sister comes to town?
Charcters mentioned: Elena "Enigma" Seresin, Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado, Georgia “Peach” Wells and etc.
Top Gun Maverick AU
Amber Kazansky had been though a lot in her lifetime so far. From moving around as a child to different states to watching her aunt Carol die in her teens. Hell she has seen her father go through cancer and survive it.
She has seen friends break up, others get married and move on with their lives. So it was something she was fine with.
It was part of life, meeting people and trying to see if things worked. And if they did, you meet your lover’s friends. They get to meet your parents, seeing if they approve of your relationship.
But meeting her boyfriend’s sister? That was not one of them. So imagine her surprise when she founds out she’s in town for the weekend.
She. Was. Actually. Terrified! 
Yeah she Amber has met a boyfriend or two’s brother and sister in the past. But a naval base boyfriend’s siblings? Never. Jake Seresin was her first boyfriend to be a pilot and a damn good one. Sadly he wasn’t good at breaking news like this.
Because he decided to break the news right before they went to sleep the night before. He said he had something to tell over dinner but forgot about it. But he remembered it right before he turned off the bathroom light and jumped into bed with her.
And he said it so casually too! Like it was the most normal thing in the world?! She knew he had siblings but she wasn’t expecting for her to come over to visit her in the next 24 hours.
Which lead her to find herself roughly tapping her French tips against her desk the next morning. Biting the tip of her nail on one hand as the other typed away furiously on her keyboard. She was filing in information for her father. His assistant, Mindy, sent a small stack of paperwork for her transfer over into spreadsheets within the next couple of days.
She was so focused on her laptop screen, having Rocket Man playing from her speakers, that she didn’t hear friend come in.
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Georgia smiled chatting with Bradley at the door as he gave one kiss goodbye before she walked in. She hung up her jacket and set her lunch down on table nearby, grabbing her laptop from the cart. She left it charging earlier beforehand.
“Hey Amber.” She said with a peachy grin on her face as she started rambling about her morning. It was the cutest thing. Her eyes fell onto the blonde who was only half playing attention to what happened, making the brunette pause in her tracks.
“Uhh, earth to Sky? Amber, honey? Hello?” Georgia asked, waving a hand in the air and sighed, “Kazansky!”
“Huh?! What? I’m here, sir!” She yelled snapping out of it, ripping her fingernails away from the tips of her teeths, “Oh, what’s up sweets?”
“I was talking to you and you weren’t listening. That’s what’s up! What’s going on? Your usually cracking a joke by now.”
“You know. I can be very busy, busy, busy bee!”
“Ha! No. That ain’t it. Your always on a semi-busy monthly schedule but this is different. What happened? Was it Rooster and Jen?”
“Uhh, hmm. Did Coyote say something stupid again?”
“No he didn’t. Neil didn’t do anything either.”
“Ohh was it Cyclone’s girl Valkyrie?! She’s a tough cookie!”
“No it wasn’t. Nor was it anyone else like Frostbite.”
Georgia’s eyes widen and gasped, “You and Jake had a fight? What did his sorry southern ass to do you? I’ll talk to him. I’ll get Phoenix and Frost as my backup. No one hurts my girl and gets away with it!”
Amber couldn’t help but laugh as she leaned against her chair. Peach was such a doll sometimes. Always so sweet and charmingly spiritual with the way she carried herself. She tend to get nervous and annoyed sometimes but other than that she was well..a peach!
Honestly she needed that today. A laugh from a friend.
“That’s not exactly what Jake said…it wasn’t a fight! We didn’t fight each other for anything. Oh god, I’m sweating. I don’t like this.” Amber admitted with a soft chuckle.
“Oh god something is up if you’re sweating bullets out of nervous. Come on, spill it out!” Georgia encouraged with a certain look.
“I’m meeting my boyfriends older sister today!”
“OH MY GOD! That’s great. From what I received from past relationships, that’s a good thing. That means he likes you, a lot! I’m so happy for you!”
“Now is not the time to be supportive! I’m freaking out, what if she doesn’t like me? What if she hates me and tells Jake stop dating me?! Tell him to aim higher?! That I suck! Cause technically, it’s kinda my fault I put him on a death defining mission to come back to Top Gun. Oh god she’s gonna hate me!”
Georgia stood there with her jaw dropped onto the damn floor. This was one of the first time she ever seen Amber Nic Kazansky in such a frenzy. This woman was always cool, calm and collected from the moment she met her. Giving her advice, by saying if everything is okay and sending a message to everyone on deck she meant every word she ever said.
Yeah sure, she had her moments where she lost her cool like an X-Men during a fight with Wolverine or something. Living up to her callsigns. Like when Jake and Bradley were arguing in the classroom or when Cyclone refused to listen to her and Maverick during the missions they went on.
But this?!
Here she stood in her office freaking out over meeting the family. It was honestly kinda hilarious to her. If she wasn’t such a good friend she would’ve recorded this and sent this whole thing as a video to the group chat.
But honestly it was cute though. It reminded people like her that the Kazansky family was just as human as the rest of them.
It was Georgia turn to calm her down.
“Hey, Amber. Amber, honey look at me. Look at me. Good. Just relax you’re gonna be fine.” Georgia encouraged, holding her shoulders.
“Wh-how? Sorry. How did you react to meeting Jen? She’s practically like a sister to Rooster.” Amber replied, taking a breath.
“Yeah well, I was freaking out cause her dad is sorta a legit legend, but I found her that she’s a total goofball. So maybe eh-what’s her name?”
“Right, pretty name. Maybe Elena is the same way, just some cool chick. So go on, your gonna be late.”
“But what if she doesn’t like me and Jake didn’t say anything about me? Oh god what if she hates blondes?”
“Ok, now your rambling. Relax, you just gotta prove why your the first Mrs. Hangman. That ring on your fingers means something, right?”
“Right. Right..i yeah, I got this.”
“You got this! Now go on, I have a meeting with Wraith now.”
“Okay but..”
She didn’t have a moment to say anything else because Georgia practically pushed her out the door. She could’ve sworn she’s rubbing off on the brunette with her actions. Amber relaxed her shoulders, she was right. Elena probably a cool girl, relaxed and lay back.
But she was also beauty.
She seen the picture of her last night before she went to sleep. She was stunning with beautiful long blonde hair, pretty eyes glowing like a goddess of the sun and a lovely smile that take someone’s breath away. From just her pictures she seemed like the best women in the world.
A ray of sunshine wrapped up in pretty dress.
Hell she wanted to date her!
The moment Amber entered the cafeteria, her heart stopped. She saw her.
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God she was even prettier in person. Laughing in mid conversation with Frostbite—Rachel, chatting about god knows what. 
Elena was enjoying herself greatly. It made her smile.
Her outfit was so sweet, her smile was sung by as she laughed and her makeup made her shine.
Amber pushed her hair out of face walking over to the pair who sat at the table, chatting about they’re active services. Once she got closer she heard them a lot clearer.
“Oh stop it!” Elena said mid laugh waving her hand, “You’re the one who got her first air to air kill last week. You should be overjoyed! It’s amazing.”
“Ok it’s not as cool as you! Yeah sure, Jenny and Wraith encouraged me to do it but still.” Rachel added with a chuckle, “You have been to so many different places. That’s awesome.”
Both girls acknowledge her walking over to them.
Frost smiled sheepishly and chuckles, “Hey, have you met Elena? She’s new.”
“No, I haven’t.” Amber repiled with a soft smile turning to the blonde, “Hi.”
“Hey.” Elena said with a smile, “Nice dress.”
“T-thanks. So is yours, I love the pattern!”
“Thank you! I got it from H&M, big sale last month.”
Rachel got a phone call and realized it was one of their friends, excusing herself as she left with a small wave. That left both women to stand there awkwardly chuckling, before Elena realized what her was name again. She remembered her brother telling that her that his girlfriend worked here in the building.
She assumed this was her? But she could be wrong.
So she smiled pointing to the seat in front of her and said, “Sit. Please. Sorry I’m a little nervous, which is rare because I’m not like this.”
“It’s fine, I’m nervous too. Jake has told me about you.” Amber repiled with a smile, sitting down across from her. 
“Ohhh! You’re his girlfriend? I’m sorry, he didn’t even show me a picture of you, just told me your name. He just told me that I’ll probably bump into you today.”
“Hahaha! He told me the same thing, he can silly sometimes.”
“No, he can be an idiot sometimes.”
Both girls chuckled breaking the ice a bit.
“He just said, ‘hey since your coming here for the weekend! Come meet my girlfriend.’ That’s all he said.” Elena explained with a chuckle, “I was supposed to be here last week but my boss decided to change my schedule.”
“No, it’s okay! Things happen, my schedule ain’t always the clearest either. Literally Jake just threw that information at me last night so casually. I was freaking out…I mean, you sound cool according him.” Amber repiled as she shyly smile.
Elena found it cute. How did her brother get a someone like her? She seemed so sweet and honestly pretty nice. She felt bad she didn’t get information from her baby brother beforehand, she was completely clueless about this girl.
But it a good thing in her opinion, a clean slate.
“Sounds like him, she tends to tell people stuff and never make himself clear. He’s like a bird strike, I guess.” Elena said with a smile, thinking about all the times her little brother messed up.
“Oh your correct. He knocks someone off course and brings you along for the right. But it’s a nice ride.” Amber added thinking about something and smile, “How about we start over?”
“How so?”
“It’s kinda been a long week for us and I think we should just relax..”
“I like that. Actually I love that! Good idea.”
Amber smiled holding out her hand for the blonde to shake and said, “Hi, I’m Amber Nic Kazansky. Very nice to meet you, Ms. Seresin.”
“Haha! Nice to meet you too, Ms. Kaz—” Elena replied, stopping herself realizing what she just heard and laughed, “Wait! Kazansky?! You’re the Admiral’s daughter?”
“Hahaha yes. Why? I’m sorry that last name kinda surprises people.”
“Surprises people?! How did-? No offense, but i thought the admiral’s kid would have guards nearby or something…sorry.”
It was Elena’s turn to become shocked and a bit nervous but excited all at the same time.
She didn’t know her baby brother was dating the admiral’s kid?! For how long, she didn’t know. He aimed high! Respectfully, she would date an admiral’s kid too if they let her. Even steal her brother’s girlfriend off his hands!
She was impressed. Very impressed.
Amber chuckled, “It’s okay. People like to make rumors around here.”
“Real question, how did my brother pull you? No offense, but he’s a little stupid.” Elena replied with a laugh.
“I guess I like ‘em a little dumb.”
“Oh I like you.”
“Hahaha, the Seresin siblings are one of a kind.”
“And clearly my brother has good taste in women. He got it from me! Where do you work?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing!”
“You first.”
“Okay um. I’m a training officer for recruitment here. I overlook plenty of paperwork for research, send people on missions and organize them.”
“Lieutenant, huh? Respect. I’ll love to see your office some time.”
“What about you?”
“Oh! I work as a lead engineer at the aerospace engineering firm.”
“Wait! Really? That’s so damn so cool.”
“Thanks! I worked on designing cutting-edge aircraft with advanced maneuvering capabilities. All kind of planes.”
“How have we not met before?”
“I have no idea.”
“My uncle Mav, he was the one to worked with you guys for a project a while back. Uh, The Darkstar projects?”
“Yes! That was him?! Everyone was talking about it! He reached so high on the list that day and survived being ejected.”
Both girls laughed, kept chatting and smiling the whole time.
Amber decided to walk her around the building and probably head out to lunch later on. Elena smiled liking that idea very much, holding the door for her as they walked out of the room. Realizing they had nothing to worry about, it was all Jake’s fault that they were so nervous in the first place.
Little did they know Jake Seresin was sitting across the room with Rachel, Javy and Neil watching the whole thing, with his jaw on the floor. He glad they didn’t hate each other or anything but he wasn’t expecting for it to go so well.
Neil was laughing at his reaction and muttering, “Your screwed now.”
“W-what just happened?” Jake asked, sipping his glasses of a water.
Rachel snorted, “I think your sister just stole your girl. Honestly i don’t blame Amber, she’s cool. I’ll date her.”
That was when Jenny walked in with a smirk hearing her and asked, “Who would you date, Frosty?”
“Uh huh? What? Shut up, I’mma shut up now.” Rachel said, rested her head on her shoulder.
“Weirdo.” Jenny repiled with a scoff, grins at Javy and asks, “What we talking about?”
Javy grinning back and chuckles, “The Seresin siblings.”
“I made a huge mistake letting my sister and girlfriend meet, didn’t I?” Jake added downing his drink with a sigh.
His friends just laughed.
Thanks for reading this one! Tell me what did you think about it?
Remember to like, comment and share ✈️
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @hanlueluver @gcthvile @topgun-imagines @hangmanbrainrot @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @whitewiccan @msrochelleromanofffelton @buckysteveloki-me @djs8891 and etc
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Best friend's little sister | Javy 'Coyote' Machado
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Pairing: Javy 'Coyote' Machado x Fem!Seresin!Reader (call sign: Valkyrie)
Summary: Don't let Jake know that her little sister and his best friend are in a secret relationship. Easy, right?
Word count: 2.3k
Requested? Yes / No
Warnings: mentions of death, javy doubts himself, reader helps him see he's better than that, secret relationship, mentions of sex, idk maybe i'm missing something.
A/N: THIS IS THE FIRST COYOTE THING IN MY BLOG WHOO! Thanks Coyote anon, I needed an opportunity to explore Jake being a big brother and here I have it. Changed the part of 'getting caught on a date' bc i got carried away and i completely forgot about that part. oops. I also tried a new form of writing, i'm not sure if i like it, but if i can't experiment here, then where? Hope y'all like ti <3
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado and Jake 'Hangman' Seresin are best friends. There's no doubt about that. Having graduated together in Top Gun as the two best pilots of their promotion, the duo became inseparable ever since. Even though they ended up in different stations after graduation, that friendship never halted. 
Another thing that left no place for doubt is the fact that Javy and Y/n liked each other. Everyone with eyes could have known. It wasn't that hard to see the quick, awkward glances they shared with each other, making the girl blush profusely due to the eye contact. It would have been easier for Coyote to make a move on her if Y/n 'Valkyrie' Seresin didn't share a surname with his best friend. Yes. She was Hangman's sister. Twin, actually. Because being related wasn't enough, no. They had to be twins. 
Valkyrie was the younger one for three minutes, and Hangman took the role of big brother those 180 seconds gave him. He would always protect his sister. In kindergarten. In elementary. In high school. Even in the Navy. Because, yes, the Seresin twins did everything together. And when Jake announced to his family on a Sunday dinner in mid July that he'll be going to the Naval Academy, Y/n simply said: "We're going." 
Hangman could be older, but Valkyrie was always there to protect his brother from the many tense situations Jake's cockiness led him to. They always had each other's back.
There were two people that Hangman did not leave behind when they were flying. Coyote and Valkyrie. If something happened to those two because he wasn't where he had to, he would never forgive himself. He trusted them more than anything. 
And they betrayed this blind trust Hangman had on them. 
When the best of the best were called back to Top Gun for a classified mission, the Seresins were there. Being the third also counted as being part of the best, and after graduating and ending up in the same base, Valkyrie became Hangman's wingman. People around the base called them 'The Devil's twins' as they never failed a target, their aim was ways on point, and if you were unlucky enough to see them behind you in the radar, well. You could prepare yourself to say hello to the Devil himself. Of course they would get involved in such an important mission. 
When Javy saw her entering the Hard Deck with her brother, he thought that he was seeing a deity in front of him. One of the legendary valkyries had come down from Valhalla to end his suffering and open the doors of the feast hall in which he'll spend the rest of his days, drinking and eating his problems away. He wanted her. God, he was infatuated. 
Valkyrie could see every thought in Javy's eyes. She knew he wanted her. But she could never get involved in such a way with his brother's best friend. What if something went wrong? What if they ended up hurting each other and Jake had to choose one of them? Of course Y/n would never make him choose. She wasn't a little girl, she could be in the same room with her ex and be fine about it. However, Jake would choose her. Always. And he would probably never have his friend and his little sister in the same room again. Y/n couldn't do that to him. She couldn't be that type of person.
But when someone looks at you as if you were the most perfect creature to walk on Earth, it tests your willpower. And Y/n couldn't ignore her feelings any longer. After Coyote almost crashed his airplane when blacking out due to the high-Gs, Valkyrie waited for everyone to leave the locker room and approached the male, who was still a bit shaken up. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” said her, sitting next to him on the bench. He nodded, acknowledging her feelings with a distant, agitated expression. Javy didn’t think he was going to make it. His first instinct was to pull up and save the expensive aircraft, but he realized later on, that he should have ejected from it. All he could think of was you and the amount of things he wanted to do with you but didn’t because he was scared of Hangman. 
 “I know. I fucked up. I should’ve been better.”
Y/n could feel the remorse in his muttered words. She moved closer, her hand squeezing Coyote’s one, trying to reassure him. “It’s not your fault, Javy. Those were a lot of Gs. It was bound to happen.”
“You didn’t black out. Nor Jake. You’re better.” he said, his eyes falling to the soft hand that was holding him and caressing her knuckles with his thumb. “You’ve always been better than me.” 
Y/n looked at him, and instead of expressing all the thoughts that were in her mind, she dropped his hand and flicked his forehead. “Darling, you’re an absolute idiot. I’m not and I’ll never be better than you. We’re working under a lot of pressure and our bodies are tired, you egressed with a force of 9-Gs, Javy. It’s not usual and we just need a few tries ‘til we get used to it. It’s not that big of a deal and you’re not a bad pilot for it.” 
Javy ran his fingers through his forehead, trying to sooth the pain from her flick. “No need to hit me like that.” 
“It was just a warning. Next time you doubt yourself, I’m doing it harder.” she said, laughing and rising from the bench. 
“I doubt myself with a lot of things, you know.” Javy looked up at Valkyrie’s face, lightened up by that sweet smile that was always there, even in the worst situations she managed to smile. It was like an angel. 
“Well, tell me those things. Let’s see how wrong you are.” she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the lockers, waiting. 
“I already told you about you being better than me” 
“Complete bullshit. Next” 
“I think I should work on my aiming skills. Your brother is always better” 
“That’s some kind of superpower he has. He aims like Legolas himself, but doesn’t have proper social skills. Nothing to envy if you ask me. You, my friend, have a very good aim and an excellent ability to flirt with every girl we’ve ever encountered. So, again, bullshit. Next.” 
“I don’t know if I can stop ignoring my feelings for you any longer.” his words, coming in a whisper, as if he was trying to not be heard by Jake, fell heavy against his tongue. 
Y/n and Javy looked at each other, both realizing that the ball was now in her court and she needed to make a move, or retire from the match. She was scared. All those years, all those glances, the light touches, the whispered conversations, the little small gifts after coming from a deployment, the FaceTime calls at 2 in the morning when one of you couldn’t sleep… all those things could become something more at that moment. Or become a memory if Y/n rejected him. 
With her heart beating faster than it should be humanly possible, she answered: “Don’t ignore them” 
Valkyrie had never been kissed with such an intensity. His hands were fierce, pulling her closer while his plump lips were soft, tender and loving. She knew, then, what being loved felt. And it was a feeling that she wanted to experience every single day of her life. They kissed for a while, until they heard someone approaching the room and pulled apart, as if they had been struck by lightning. That day, Coyote and Valkyrie began their secret relationship. 
They learned which were the best places to hide and kiss like hormonal teenagers during the next months. They knew every corner, the empty offices, the perfect angles to hide behind an F-18. It became easy after a while. But lying to a brother should never be easy, Y/n thought. And she was afraid that the longer they kept it hidden, the harder would be for Jake to forgive them. 
Now, the Dagger squad is deployed to the Pacific Ocean in an important operation. Being on the carrier offers a big amount of places to hide, and several different opportunities to be away from Jake’s sight. “We should tell him, Javy.” says Y/n, laying down on Coyote’s bunk bed while her brother, who shared a room with her boyfriend, was away on a meeting with Rooster. 
He is laying on her, his head pressed against her stomach so she can pet his head. He’s obsessed with her hands, how they are strong to control an aircraft yet soft enough to give him comfort. It’s a complete mystery for him. 
“We’ll do it, baby.” he turns his head, pressing kisses over her clothed stomach, a tiny smile appearing on her lips. “Let’s just wait until we finish this deployment, okay?” 
Valkyrie nods, grabbing Javy by the collar of his shirt and making him move closer to her lips. She just wants an innocent kiss. But no kiss remains innocent with Javy. His hand moves from her hip to the curve of her ass, kneading it through her uniform pants. She gasps at the sudden action, and he slides his tongue inside her mouth. 
“What the fuck is goin’ on here” says Jake from the doorway, shock and anger in his voice. 
Y/n pushes Coyote away from her with such force that he falls from the bed. Luckily, they were on the lower one, so he doesn't get hurt. He just hopes that Jake doesn’t hurt him after this. 
“Jake, let me explain…” Javy begins, but Jake is not having it. 
“Y/n, you’re my sister. I’m hurt because he’s my best friend and he hasn’t told me anything either but I can understand it, somehow, wanting to keep the new girl a secret from the rest. I get it, we’ve all done that before. But you? We tell each other everything!” Jake’s words hurt you more than anything. He’s right, you tell each other even the most tiny details of your life. And you have left it out from the most important one. 
“I know, Jake. I-I’m sorry but he’s your best friend and I wanted to know what was going on between us before telling you anything.” 
“Tell me, then” says her brother. 
“Tell you what?” 
“What is going on” 
Her eyes look everywhere but her brother’s face. She doesn’t know if she should tell Jake this without telling Javy first… but here goes nothing. “We’ve been dating for a few months. Two, almost three.” 
Jake ignores Javy’s presence, the only explanation he wants to hear right now is from his little sister. “Is he treating you right?” 
She lets out a dry laugh. “Of course, Jake. You know him. He’s a good man” 
He sighs deeply, shaking his head. “And are you serious about it or is it just-”
“I’m serious, Jake,” Coyote states, interrupting his friend mid-sentence. “I’m not messing around with her” 
Jake turns and looks at him for a moment, before talking to his sister again. “How serious?” 
“I love him” she confesses, her cheeks growing hot under Javy’s stare. She hadn’t told him about it yet. 
“...damn, it’s serious” Jake looks at Javy and then, as if nothing had happened, the blonde pilot hugged Javy. “Welcome to the family, Machado” 
Javy and Y/n let out a breath at the same time, knowing that Jake is not mad anymore. “Thanks, Jake” 
“My mom is gonna love you. Anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds but let me take something first” says Jake, while moving around trying to find Coyote’s bag. “Here it is” 
“What are you doing?” asks the owner of the bag, who has joined Valkyrie’s side and is now holding her hand and whispers softly for only her to hear. “I love you too” 
Jake opens the khaki sack and takes out a blue box that was hidden inside Javy’s toiletry bag. “I’m making sure that you don’t have sex with my sister when I’m on the same carrier than you” 
Valkyrie rans from the dorm faster than an F-18, leaving the two men alone. She never had to talk about sex with her brother and is not going to begin now.
“I’m trusting you my sister. Do something to her, and I don’t care if you're my best friend. I’ll kill you anyway” Jake warns. 
“I’m gonna marry her, Jake. It’s too soon now. But I will. I’m not letting her go” this confession makes Y/n’s brother smile warmly. 
“I always knew you would end up with her” says Jake, patting his future brother-in-law on the shoulder. 
“Then why did you put on that show?” 
“Because it was my job as an older brother! C’mon, help me find Rooster. He owes me fifty bucks” 
Javy is now very confused. “Why?” 
“Because we had a bet going around. And I won” 
Javy stops walking, turning to face his friend. “What? Did you bet on us?” 
“My bet was that you had been dating since the Uranium mission. And I was right” 
“I can’t believe this” Coyote laughs, totally shocked by the news. 
“Wait until you find about the other one” says Jake, walking about with a smug smile. 
“WHICH OTHER ONE?” Javy yells, scaring a few people that come out from their rooms to look at him. He apologizes quickly and leaves the area. This isn’t exactly how he thought Jake was going to deal with the whole thing, but at least he hasn’t have to hide anymore from his best friend. 
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Friends Don’t 
Based off the song ‘Friends Don’t’ by Maddie and Tae
Jake (Hangman) Seresin x reader (callsign Valkyrie)
Warnings: little angst, mostly fluff (I don’t think there’s any cussing but just in case I’m putting a warning for it.)
They don’t cancel other plans
Have conversations with nothin’ but their eyes
They don’t hear each others’ 
Names and forget to concentrate
Hits a nerve and lights your up like dynamite
You and Jake Seresin have been friends since you’d both started in the naval academy. And over the years you’ve become best friends which is what you tell yourself as you look across the bar at Jake who’s silently asking you to save him from some girl flirting with him with his eyes. Any other day and he’d be perfectly happy with flirting with the random girl on front of him but today you almost lost Phoenix and Bob and it’s been rough on everyone. As you’re about to go over to him to save him Rooster calls out to you, “Hey Val, goin to save ur boyfriend” winking at you, face turning bright pink, he turns around and leaves. Rooster is the only person other than Phoenix that you told about your long time feelings for your best friend and even then it was by accident. You were drunk and Penny insisted that he drive you home because she wouldn’t be able to. On the drive you burst into tears causing him to become extremely worried, until you started ranting to him about your more than friendly love for your best friend. You told Bradley everything that night. You told him how Jake would cancel plans if it meant you needed him, how you spoke to each other with your eyes, and how you forget to think when his name comes up. And when Bradley parked in front of your house he held you and said that it was all going to be okay. So as you walk away from him to save Jake, you thought of he could be doing something as mundane as taking out the trash for you and it would still make your heart flutter. Every. Single. Time. once you’ve finally made it over to him you hike your thumb behind you and say that Maverick needed to talk to him about something. As you’re walking away from the girl he mutters a quiet ‘thanks’ and the night goes on. 
Friends don’t call you in the 
Middle of the night
Couldn’t even tell you why, 
They just felt like sayin’ “hi”
Jake would often call you on nights that he couldn’t sleep and he knew you’d pick up. You’d talk about anything and everything, and as you fall asleep on call with him you try to tell yourself that this is just what friends do. That all friends call and fall asleep on the phone with each other. “Its normal” you whisper to yourself as you hangup the phone the next morning. 
Friends don’t stand around 
Playin’ with their keys
Findin’ reasons not to leave, 
Tryna hide the chemistry.
Drive a little too slow
Take the long way home
Get a little too close. 
We do but, but friends don’t. 
There was one night about a year ago before Hangman left for a rough mission. He stood by your front door fiddling with his keys trying to find reason after reason to stay with you even after you’d just spent ALL day watching movies on the couch together. He tried to tell you that it was too late for hime to drive, which you responded with the fact that if he stayed he would just have to wake up earlier because you lived much farther from the base than he did. He convinced you that you should stay with him so that he didn’t have to take an Uber. So the next morning you drove him to the base to drop him off, he drifted into sleep and rested his head on your shoulder. He grabbed your hand from your steering wheel and rested it in his own. He woke you up a little earlier then should have so you decided to drive the backroads to the base.  And again you sit there telling yourself while stopped at a red light that your best friend cuddling into you while you drive him to base is completely normal for a couple of friends to do. 
They don’t almost say “I love you”
When they’re downtown somewhere, just a little drunk
They don’t talk about the future and put each other in it 
And get chills with every accidental touch.
After the big mission when you almost lost Maverick and Rooster. Everyone went to the Hard Deck to celebrate not losing them and completing the mission. You left early, exhausted from the day you’ve had. 
You were cuddled into bed and almost asleep when you heard a soft knock on your front door. You check the time as you get out of bed. 11:55pm. You sigh knowing that there’s only one person who’d bother you at this time of night. You drag yourself to the door, opening it you see the man you thought but he’s nearly blackout drunk hanging over Coyote and Fanboys’ shoulders. You were about to question them when Coyote noticed your confusion and started speaking. “We were putting him in the truck to take him home when he started blubbering about not wanting to be alone and he told us to take him here, we had to ask around for your address but we finally got it out of Rooster. We’re sorry if this is weird…” You said it was fine and led them to your spare room that had some of Jakes clothes on the floor already. You could see their faces as they tried not to make it obvious that they were being nosey. They looked like they wanted to question you about you friendship with their friend. They decided against it and set him down on the bed. They left not long after making sure he looked comfortable on the bed. When they left you went back to the guest bedroom where Jake was, you moved to remove his shoes for him. Guessing that it would be more comfy for him. As you’re pulling the laces on his shoes he starts mumbling to himself, “mm, val?”
“Yep its me Bagman.” 
“S’ not my name. How’d I get here?” He slurred his words when he spoke to you, eyes still closed. “Coyote and Fanboy brought you here from the bar, Jake” putting emphasis on his name so that he heard you. “Oh, ok. You wanna know something?” You simply hummed in response. “I think about you a lot more than a friend should, like ALL the time. And I think about our future and no one else is there except you and me…” he drifts off smiling to himself. Once you’ve gotten both his shoes off he makes grabby hands at you like a child. You move to give him the hug you know he wants, but he pulls you down and moves to lay on top of you. “Jake, I have to go to bed.” You gasp as you tap him to get him off you. “Sleep here, like old days.” He slurs into your hair, petting it and pulling you closer. “Your not gonna let me go are you?” He makes a noise that sounds like ‘no’. So you stay how you are and get comfy so you can sleep.
Friends don’t call you in the middle of the night
Couldn’t even tell you why, they just felt like saying “hi”
Friends don’t stand around playing with their keys
Findin’ reasons not to leave tryna hide the chemistry
Drive a little too slow, take the long way home
Get a little too close. We do but, but friends don’t. 
The next morning you wake up before Jake, you got out of bed to grab some water and Ibuprofen for his headache that he’ll be bound to have when he wakes up. You set them down on the bedside table and go to take a shower. 
When you get out you go downstairs to make some breakfast, you see Jake standing at the kitchen island holding his head in his hands. When he hears movement on the stair he looks up. He notices its you and he smiles. “Mornin darlin’” his texan accent coming out more than usual in his morning voice causing you stomach to flip more than usual. “Morning Jake.” You move through the kitchen getting everything together for breakfast. At some point Jake started moving around the small space to help you. He turns on some music so you both can get a rythym going.
By the time its mid afternoon he says he should probably get going but the longing look on his face is begging on hands and knees for you to let him stay but because it isn’t something friends should do you agree with him and walk him to the door. He gives you a soft disappointed look turns around and leaves. 
I keep telling myself it might be nothing
But one look in your eyes and, God, there’s something
You can lie to me and say you don’t
But I know you do, and I love you too
It’s been three days since you saw Hangman last. You’ve seen some of the others because they’ve come by but you haven’t left your house since the night Hangman blacked out drunk on top of you. You two have done stuff like that before but somehow this was different. You saw the desperation in his eyes and saw the same in yours and yet you still sent him out the door. 
But tonight you were finally leaving your house to go to the Hard Deck. It was some of the aviators last night so Rooster and Phoenix Gathered you up and put you together for the night so you’d be there to see your teammates altogether for the last time. 
When you three got to the bar it was packed full. You guys moseyed your way to the back where the pool table and darts were. Speaking of darts, you looked over and saw exactly who you’d thought you’d see there, Hangman, playing darts and making perfect shot after perfect shot, even with Coyote holding a hand in front of his eyes. He only missed once because Bob called you over to play 2 v. 2 with him against Phoenix and Rooster. You knew it an impossible matchup that you wouldn’t win but it wasn’t to win it was to have some fun. 
After about four games of pool two shots, and enough time to be able to drive everyone was tuckered out and chose to go to each respective home for the night. You all hugged each other goodbye and to your separate cars to leave. Your hand Reached out for the handle of your car when someone cleared their throat behind you. Turning around you the familiar blonde hair of the man you grown to fall in love with. “Hey, Jake how’s it going, have a good night.” You asked him the simple questions but he let out a bitter laugh at your words. “Am I okay. I haven’t seen you in three days. And part of that is my fault for not reaching out. And I know that after that night it was weird because I probably said something. But right now I’m about to say something that we’ve both been feeling but haven’t said. I love you.” He sighed and took in all the air he possibly could. “I have been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you but at the time I was young and naive and just wanted to sleep with as many women possible but I never involved you in that. And for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I held onto you this long but I know now. I’ve held onto you because I love you, because I was subconsciously waiting for the right time to tell you this and ever since that mission last year when you drove me to the airport I’ve known. if you don’t feel the same way that’s fine but ill have to leave cause I can’t stand being just friends anymore, but if you do feel the same then be mine, be mine forever and go everywhere the navy puts me so that I never have to leave you again for so long.” He panted after his speech, and continued, whilst moving to wipe the tears that you didn’t know were coming down your face. “Be mine so that I can love you unapologetically.” Without warning he leans in and presses his lips on yours moving seemingly in-sync. You pull away first, chest heaving before breathing out, “I love you too.” Giggling to yourself when he picks you up off the ground and twirls you.
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night
Couldn't even tell you why
They just felt like saying hi
Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys
Finding reasons not to leave
Trying to hide their chemistry
Drive a little too slow (slow), take the long way home (home)
Get a little too close (close)
We do, but friends don't
Oh oh oh
Friends don't
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potato-girl99981 · 2 years
Don't Let Me Drown: Prologue
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin x pilot!reader
Warnings: angst angst angst, mentions of depression in future chapters, eventual smut
Reader's callsign: Valkyrie
I'm lost on the sea
Drifting away
Trying not to drown
In the emptiness of today
You're like a ghost
Hidden beneath the waves
Dancing alone in a dark room
Imagining you're here with me
Words never said
Touches never received
I'm dancing with my ghosts
The ones I've lost and the ones
I've never got to meet
You are only but a shadow
Always dancing next to me
What I would do to finally give in
Let the waves cover me
Sink into the depths of my mind
And never let you go
With every new heartbreak
I feel more and more numb
They all have some of you in them
Your eyes, your smile, your humor
But it's never you
Always disappointed
Heart broken once more
How much can I take?
I fall for people that don't exist
Trying to see a glimpse of you
I see you in every movie I like
Hear you in every song I listen to
I wake up alone in a cold bed
I fall asleep, afraid of the silence
Because I can't hear you breathing next to me
Are you still out there somewhere?
Sometimes I fear
That we are not meant to be
Forever searching
But I don't even know your name
I don't know your face
But still you're always there
In stranger's gaze, in friend's joke
A line in the book, a note in the song
Stories that never came true
Dreams long forgotten
The depths are calling me
Cold and dark
Singing my name
I feel you in my dreams
Always present
But never revealed
The pain in my chest growing
With every breath I take
Without you by my side
Sometimes I want to know
If you feel the same
Do I also haunt your dreams?
Call out to me
And I will find my way
Every night is a new dive
Deep into my mind
I'm trying to find you
But it's too dark
The water's too cold
Are you even real?
Year after year
I'm losing hope
Losing myself in those moments
That I get to spend with you
When the sky is dark
and my eyes are closed.
Never fully living, only existing
A prisoner of my own imagination
I would do anything
To finally find you
Before the waves take me
Dance for the last time
Words finally said
Touches finally recieved
Taking my last breath
Drowning in the feeling
The ocean was her sanctuary. Its depths were where she found peace, a respite from the chaos and noise of the world above. As a naval aviator, (y/n), callsign Valkyrie, was no stranger to danger and excitement, but beneath the waves, everything was different. The world was slower, quieter, and infinitely more serene.
She descended deeper and deeper, the pressure building around her as she swam. The only sound was the rhythmic beating of her heart, a steady metronome in the darkness. She felt weightless, free from the constraints of gravity and the expectations of others. In this moment, she was alone, and that was exactly how she wanted it.
Valkyrie had always been drawn to the water. As a child, she would spend hours swimming in the lake near her home, losing herself in the cool embrace of the current. It was there that she first discovered her love of diving, of plunging into the unknown and exploring the mysteries of the deep.
Now, as a trained and seasoned naval aviator, she returned to the water whenever she could. It was a reminder of her humanity, a way to reconnect with her true self amidst the chaos of military life.
As she dove, the world around her grew darker, the sunlight fading away into obscurity. But she was not afraid. In fact, she welcomed the darkness, the sense of isolation and solitude that it brought. She felt alive in a way that was difficult to describe, connected to the universe in a way that transcended words.
For a moment, she forgot about everything else. The call back to Top Gun, the fear that came with each mission, the weight of expectation that always seemed to be on her shoulders. In the depths of the ocean, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the moment, the quiet and the calm, the sense of absolute freedom.
As Valkyrie continued to dive, she felt herself losing touch with the world above. Her body felt lighter, her mind clearer, as though the water was washing away all of her fears and doubts. She knew that she would eventually have to return to reality, to the chaos and noise of her everyday life. But for now, in this moment, she was content to simply exist, to be at one with the ocean and the universe beyond.
But then, as Valkyrie began to ascend, the weight of her reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She thought about coming back to Top Gun, the adrenaline, the pressure of flying a fighter jet. She thought about the danger, the stakes, the constant need to prove herself. And she realized that in some ways, freediving was a metaphor for her life as a naval aviator.
Just like in the deep, she had to constantly push herself to go deeper, to go faster, to go further. She had to navigate the unknown, the darkness, the pressure. And just like in the deep, she sometimes forgot about the world around her, about the people who loved her, about the things that truly mattered.
Valkyrie couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she broke the surface of the water. She had found peace in the deep, but it was a fleeting peace. She was a naval aviator, and she would always be a naval aviator. She couldn't escape that reality, no matter how deep she dove or how long she held her breath.
As she swam back to shore, the weight of her reality settled over her like a shroud. She knew that she would have to return to Top Gun, to the call signs, to the danger and the pressure. She knew that she would have to put on her mask, her helmet, her flight suit, and become Valkyrie once again
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noirapocalypto · 7 months
Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴᴀʀᴇ + 5 ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ
Tagged by @katsigian to do this fun little tag game. Thank you! 🖤
5 Songs:
(I'm picking from my own playlist since my oc playlists haven't been updated in a while. 😅)
Genesis - BONES (Salem's voice claim and one of his inspo's)
Skelz - That Mexican OT
Shout - Tears for Fears
A la PM Puse en Alto - Doble ONE Flow Lethal (one of Renato's songs)
Johnny Dang - That Mexican OT
Three Ships You Like: I'm gonna keep it real with you folks, I'm not much of a shipper so this took me a while to figure out. But if I had to pick some -- Swerve Strickland x Hangman Adam Page (I don't normally ship wrestlers, but this one has me by the balls), Zuko x Sokka (Avatar the Last Airbender), Sansa Stark x Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones--never shipped this actively, but I thought it was cute)
First Ever Ship: Same as above, I don't really remember shipping much in my youth. I'm pretty sure I was a Zutara shipper though at some point (Katara x Zuko from AtLA)
Last Song You Heard: Formaldehypde Footsteps - BertieBanz
Favorite Childhood Book: I read the entire Cirque du Freak series one summer. Really enjoyed it at the time. Never saw the movie, thankfully lmao
Currently Reading: Some book about palmistry I got from the library
Currently Watching: Dark Side of the Ring
Currently Craving: I could kill for an agua de limón.
Tagging (with zero pressure!): @a-pirate @kidomega91 @iamsancho @togepies @valkyrie-of-the-light @cybersteal @cccyberia64 @hazellblogs @venboo @athenapalmer
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readerthatreadsss · 2 years
Last updated 07/30/23.
So...my last post has been gaining me a few followers so I thought I'd make a post detailing specific characters that I'll write for.
I'll also copy and paste my past post about what I will and won't write at the end.
Also, anything I write will be X fem! Reader.
(I will be constantly updating this post as I become more comfortable with writing for more characters)
Marvel men
-Miguel O’Hara
-Marc Spector/the rest of the Moon Knight system
-Matt Murdock
-Frank Castle
-Peter Parker (all three)
-Steve Rogers
-Bucky Barnes
Marvel women
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Shuri (WIFE-sorry lemme calm down)
-Carol Danvers
-Darcy Lewis
Stranger Things (it's a short list cause most of the characters in the show are literally children :)
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Hopper (yup you read that right cause I love DILFS)
-Robin Buckley
Criminal Minds
-Every single one of them. (Nah I'm just playing)
-Spencer Reid
-Emily Prentiss
-Aaron Hotchner
-Jennifer Jareau
-Derek Morgan
-Luke Alvarez
Triple Frontier
-Every character except Ben Affleck's.
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
-Damon Salvatore
-Stefan Salvatore
-Elijah Mikaelson
-Rebekah Mikaelson
-Klaus Mikaelson
Miscellaneous (characters from random fandoms/movies)
-Javier Peña (Narcos)
-Lloyd Hansen (Gray Man)
-Joel Miller (TLOU)
-Jake 'Hangman' Sersin (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
-Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
-Castiel (Supernatural)
-Soldier Boy (The Boys)
-Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
-Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
-Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
-Siobhan Roy (Succession)
-Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale)
More to be added...
(Looking over this list I have arrived at the conclusion that I am a whore-)
In terms of what exactly I’m open to writing? I can write headcanons, blurbs, and one-shots. Specifically smut, angst, and fluff. The more descriptive you are in your requests, the easier it is for me to write them. But I don't mind the challenge of having to make my own plot.
Kinks/scenarios I’ll write smut for? Almost everything EXCEPT;
-Lactation kink
-pegging (into it in real life but I have no clue how to write it properly I'm sorry)
-Wax play (note I didn't say temperature play because I will write some stuff with Ice)
-Age play (specifically where a character is purposely behaving in a childlike manner/ baby talk. Daddy and Mommy kinks are welcomed tho!)
-CNC and noncon (I’ll definitely write some VERY MILD dubcon if asked tho)
-sexual activities with m1n0rs
-Domestic Vi0lence/ SexuaI abus3 (spanking is a yes tho)
-Scat & Piss
-Race play
-SEVERE knife kink (like I'll write a small knick or slice that barely bleeds or something but anything else is a no for me sorry)
-S3lf Harm/Su1cide (this is not to say that I feel any way towards people who struggle with these issues but I don't think I'm able to effectively represent them in my writing without triggering myself (as someone who has/is struggled with depression) and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone)
Anyways, that’s it for now! Like I said, feel free to make requests or even just send me a regular question or comment to get to know me! 
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Impact x AEW Dream Card
I've actually done one of these before but both rosters are so different since then that I thought I'd make another.
PreShow: Joe Hendry vs. Orange Cassidy
PreShow: Willow Nightingale vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Nyla Rose vs. Killer Kelly
Casino Ladder Match: Alex Reynolds vs. John Silver vs. Deaner vs. Angels vs. Kip Sabian vs. Black Taurus vs. Trey Miguel vs. Preston Vance vs. Ethan Page
Adam Cole vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Rich Swann vs. Wheeler Yuta
The Bunny and Penelope Ford vs. Courtney Rush and Jessicka - Tornado Tag
Ultimate X: Danhausen vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Bandido vs. Kenny King vs. Samoa Joe vs. Laredo Kid
Taylor Wilde and KiLynn King vs. Young Bucks
House of Black vs. Kushida (I know he is more of a NJPW guy but he has worked a bit with Impact too), MCMG
Taya Valkyrie vs. Trinity
Evil Uno vs. Mike Bailey vs. Stu Grayson
Steve Maclin vs. Kenny Omega
Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley - No DQ
Josh Alexander vs. Bryan Danielson
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Masha Slamovich vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
Lethal Lockdown: Eddie Edwards, Frankie Kazarian, Ace Austin, Chris Bey vs. Hangman Adam Page, Jay White, Lucha Brothers
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charnelhouse · 4 years
Most works are NSFW and contain smut. 18+ only
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Din Djarin Drabble/Request Masterlist
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Rick Flag Drabble/Request Masterlist
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Thor Odinson Masterlist
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Duncan Idaho/F!Reader:
In the Stillness of Remembering
he tastes like the old gods
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Frankie Morales Masterlist
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Santiago Pope Garcia/F!Reader:
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Geralt of Rivia/F!Reader:
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Eddie Brock/Venom/F!Reader:
A Drink
Scare Maze
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Bucky Barnes/F!Reader:
What Happens in Dublin
Don’t Freak Out
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Charlie Hunnam Character Drabble/Request Masterlist
Other Pedro Pascal Characters:
darlin' (Joel Miller x F!Reader)
Swan Song (Agent Whiskey x F!Reader)
Black Sheeps (Dave York x F!Reader)
Out of Sight (Thief!Pedro Pascal x F!Reader)
Other Characters:
my love is vengeance - (Battinson x F!Reader)
Sate - (Michael Myers x F!Reader)
Period  - (Michael Myers x F!Reader)
Girl Friend (Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader)
First Aid - (Franke Castle x F!Reader)
Bar Solutions - (Franke Castle x F!Reader)
Before - (Tom Redfly Davis x F!Reader)
Spider - (Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader)
God - (Billy Lee x F!Reader)
Belong (Yelena Belova & Reader, Bucky Barnes)
For Those You Love (Yelena Belova x F!Reader)
Stranded (Yelena x Harley Quinn x F!Reader)
Bar Daydream (Valkyrie x F!Reader. TF Poly Universe)
Tell Me (Valkyrie x F!Reader, Heimdall x Valkyrie)
Search (Loki x F!Reader)
Chainsaws and Parking Lots (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x F!Reader)
sugar pie, honey bunch - (Steve Kemp x F!Reader)
fix me up - (Tyler Rake x F!Reader)
Jake - (Hangman x Reader)
but you’re pretty when you’re mine (Daemon x Rhaenyra)
in the pit (Harwin Strong x Rhaenyra)
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eightysix-baby · 2 years
🍓,🍎,🍐,🍉,🍒,🍌,🍊 right back at ya 💚💚💚 (only if you want to do them all though!)
send me a 🍓 and I’ll make a moodboard of things I associate with you
I also tried to go more for an aesthetic moodboard 💚
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send a 🍎 and I’ll try to describe you as if you were a book character or someone in a song
You ever been reading/watching something and think ‘this main character is so boring when is x going to show up??? Sam Is that character , They’re the character that people on tumblr would make all their edits of . the side character who may be quiet in the background at first but once you meet them you immediately fall in love when we see how funny and kind they are a . bit of an outsider but that just makes them all the more unique and lovable  because they are unapologetically themselves and they make others feel comfortable to be themselves too. Might take a little while to get to know them but those who do consider themselves lucky to have such a loyal friend by their side.
send a 🍐 and I’ll describe my first thoughts on the mutual you send from when I met them
I first found your blog because of hbo war and I might have stalked your blog for a bit 🙈 lol and thought that you seemed like a cool person so I finally decided to message you
send a 🍉 and I’ll describe the first things I want to do with my mutual once I see them in real life
of course the very first thing is give you a giant hug! Then I'd have to introduce you to the doggys and have a movie marathon. We'd have to go to the beach and universal studios :)
send a 🍒 and I’ll describe/make a combined aesthetic for me and my mutual
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send a 🍌 and I’ll say what characters I think of when I think of my mutual
Sirius Black,Bucky Barnes,Loki,Tony Stark,Billy Russo,Wanda Maximoff,Peter Parker,Harry Osborn,Michelle Jones,Valkyrie,Erik Lehnsherr Spike,Richie Tozier, Rupert Giles,Fred Weasley,Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, the Darkling,Alina Starkov,Jesper Fahey,Pickford and Michelle , the Tenth doctor, Velma Dinkley,Aaron Hotchner,Spencer Reid and so many others
send a 🍊 and I’ll say what song I think of when I I think of my mutual
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writercole · 2 years
Reading the best benefits and lowkey its kinda weird that they both call anne mom (well obv not jake, she is his mom) but it feels weirdly incesty
I knoooow but she's been there for Val since high school when her parents kicked her out so for half her life, Val has seen Anne as her mother figure. Anne looks at it as practice for when Val becomes her legal daughter in law.
She knows it's happening. She just has to bash some heads together first.
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jackiequick · 1 year
—A little distraction wouldn’t hurt | Hangman Fic 🏖
Top Gun Maverick Au ☀️
Summary: When Jake wants something he gets it, even if it means he has to embarrass himself or the lady he loves a little.
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Amber ‘Skysolo’ Kazansky, Hangman x OC
Requested: Yes or no
Fic length: Short.
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It was a breezing warm Thursday afternoon in the middle of July. The building was constantly being used up as a way to conduct a way to cool off for the people who worked there the entire week. And today was no different, expect for the fact that the workload wasn’t the best.
Usually Amber Kazansky can get it done, especially with her wingwoman by her side. But today Georgia ‘Peach’ Wells decided it was the best idea to spend a day at the beach instead with their friends. Nor did Jennifer Mitchell stopped by for a quick game. She couldn’t blame them, it was a nice day to stay laying down as the sun kissed your skin. In result, she was left alone with a laptop and paperwork to be hand picked then signed.
Her glasses slipped down her nose every time, she pushed back to the rim of her nose like it was a game. Music softly played from the radio, a random list of summer songs, as she tapped her foot. Amber was so engrossed in her files, she didn’t hear the knock on the door or for it being opened for that matter.
The door slowly swung open gently as the smell of sprinkled oranges and light lemon filled up the room. In came Jake Seresin wearing a brown collared shirt, jeans and sneakers as well as his classic black sunglasses.
He smiled at the lady in question, “Hey.”
“Hey.” She gave a short reply, typing up a email not even glancing up at the man.
“You look cute. New frames?”
“Wanna take a break?”
“Can’t. Just started getting in line with these emails.”
Jake sighed, the whole time she didn’t even give him a glance or a smile. He thought for a moment asking if she wanted a beer or anything, it was a simple ‘no’ in response. He shrugged saying he’ll be back in half an hour and left for work.
Half an hour later she was still at it. Emails, phone calls, note taking for updates on new posts and other messages. Jake tried to distract her by rubbing her shoulder, getting her a glass of water and a snack to share, running his fingers cross her blonde hair and pretending to start organizing the office to catch her attention.
The man even sang along to the lyrics of a song from the radio.
Amber only looked up once or twice with a smile, giving him a sweet reply. Even a laugh came from her lips, which result in Jake laughing whole heartily.
But nothing that truly distracted her writing and or anything majorly strong enough to get her from standing up from her chair. Then Jake smirked. He knew actually how to distract his ladybug and get her blushing in the process, possibly. Honestly he didn’t know how he didn’t think about it earlier today, especially since it wouldn’t be the first time he done this. Well the other times were by accident, but this one would be on pure purpose and full conscious of what he will be doing.
Amber Kazansky was in the middle of a virtual meeting with other recruiters along with officers and captains to discuss plans transfer of planes, aviators and missions.
The women was pacing back and forth behind her desk, was knee deep with a conversation with Captain Wraith and Ark could new transfer students with a smile on her face.
“Ah yes i was thinking we could transfer Lieutenant Sugar Lopez here this week from Chicago over to the Northwest while Lieutenant Summit and the others take over here?” Amber asked glancing up from her paperwork.
Ark nodded from her square box on the computer screen, liking the ideas as she planned to rearrange a few shipments of flyers to California next weekend for work.
Wraith nodded running his fingers crossed his curls and said, “Okay good. Uh, Air Boss Johnson requesting to ship out Maverick and Valkyrie to the eastern side of the bay. How are dealing with this plan? He wants both siblings but Johnson hates Maverick for a reason I don’t care to know.”
Ark came up with a good suggestions onto how the plan could go as Wraith disused the idea, bouncing from one topic to another. A few peoples jumped in, chatting and comment about it all. Amber was half listening, taking notes that will be needed later for Cyclone and the Vice Admirals, adding a simple comment or two.
Amber stood up bend over her desk, writing down notes she gave to the Captains, Officers and Commanders with recruiters who joined in later on during the meeting. She heard her creamy white door swing open softly as the blonde Lieutenant walked in once again. She already figured it was Jake again picking up a forgotten item he must’ve left behind earlier.
Her eyes filled from the notepad and slowly her gaze fell onto the sight in front of her. Hangman had a outfit change. His signature sunglasses were laying perfectly on his face, he was wearing short instead of his dark jeans and his shirt was well…nonexistent.
Amber had to blink twice to make sure she was seeing this right. She must be dreaming right?
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, Lieutenant to the Dagger Squad with two air to air kills, add the confidence and audacity to walk down the hallways of a Navy building shirtless?! Like as if it was the beach?!
“OH! Don’t mind me, sweetheart. Just looking for my baseball cap, i think i felt it in your closet.” Jake said in a whisper grinning brightly as he looked around the closet behind the door.
His silly grin. His abs being kissed from the sun rays from the window. His slightly messy hair and nicely framed facial hair from not shaving the last few days. Hangman was known for being a goofy man from time to time, so this was normal. But not today, he was doing this on purpose.
Amber was stuck in a trace and groaned, the curse of the naval aviator during the summer time! Acting like smooth criminals.
Her named was called out by Wraith snapping her out of her trace as a few recruiters asked a couple of things. Amber’s eyes reverted back to her screen and hummed, “Yeah I’m still here..still here.” She went back to her conversation with the others on call.
The whole time Jake stood there pretending to looks for his baseball cap, which he already found but stayed looking like a idiot, still searching for it. His eyes stayed brightly lit with a smirk, pacing around the room pretending to search for something else.
He spoke with a random question, “Hey, i was thinking of buying a new volleyball this summer? You know, before we play me and the guys can do some push-ups too. Get all warmed up.”
She forgot her microphone wasn’t turned down and turned to him, “Honey I’m in the middle of a meeting..”
“But sweetheart, you didn’t answer my question. A new volleyball or football? Oh that sounds way better!”
“Both. And put a shirt on please..”
“Good and no. I’m heading to the gym later and then the beach.”
Jake strutted over with a rather cheeky smile and chuckled seeing the blush slowly rise on her face. Amber tried to look away, glancing at her computer wanting to stay professional as possible.
Hangman stopped himself from looping his finger underneath her chin, fully aware about the cameras on them and just smiles, “And i want you to join us.”
“But I’m working.” She winced with a matching smile blushing embarrassed, due to noticing a few recruiters looking at her from their screen.
“I promise you will have fun, sweetie. Beside you get to hang out with me and the daggers!”
“Stop trying to convince me!”
“Ah, so it’s working!”
“You can’t resist the aviator charming sweetheart, give up!”
“Jacob Seresin!”
A few recruiters smiled quietly. Ark smirked, Wraith rolled his eyes and some commanders teased quietly to themself.
Even Sunset was on the call later on and no one notice her appearance until she’s asked, “Honey care to introduce us to him?”
Amber mentally cursed herself and sigh, laughing a bit, “Why yes! This is Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. Him and his sister are highly respected here at the naval academy.”
Jake grinned brightly giving everyone on the call a two finger salute and said, “Hello there ladies and gentlemen!”
You could notice a few people in the call trying their hardest not to laugh and blush at the sight. The older generation rolled their eyes and laughed hard, they’re very much used it this due to the interrupted meetings.
The conversation between the group kept happening as Hangman gave a nice lighthearted opinion or two on the discussion at hand, listening in and commenting on the matter. Amber took notes tossing her idiot boyfriend a t-shirt to cover up.
Eventually the meeting came to a close as everyone saying goodbye and scheduling the next meeting for the upcoming weekend.
Amber sighed in relief with a smile, “And done! I’mma go change and we can-”
Jake grinned brightly and grabbed her hand, practically dragging them out the door as he yelled, “No need! I have your all stuff in the car.”
“Wait what—?!”
Thank you so much for reading! Tell me, what did you think about it? ✈️
Please remember to like, share and comment.
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @levijeanqueen @letsgotothefantasyworlds-blog @t-nd-rfoot @morgan108 @djs8891 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hangmanbrainrot @theloveoftoms @hanlueluver @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 @starkleila @gcthvile @buckysteveloki-me and etc
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Hold my hand | two
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Jenn Seresin (OFC) / Jake Seresin x Rowan "Red Queen" Jenkins (OFC)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions of break up, mission stuff, 'basic fighter maneuvers' class, mentions of pregnancy, abortion, and two men being simps.
If you want to get tagged, comment down below!
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Bradley can’t believe his luck. Not only does he have to deal with Hangman’s ass, but his ex-girlfriend is also part of the mission. And he wants to be mistaken, but he swears that the motorbike he saw in the parking lot is Maverick’s. 
Super secret mission and Maverick in the same place? The chances of him being involved in this are higher than he wants to admit. 
“Well, it seems like things haven't changed a lot. Hangman is still a dick, you are still in love with Jenn…” 
Bradley looks at Nat, rolling his eyes. “I don’t love Jenn.” 
Nat takes a sip from her beer and before leaving to talk with Jenn, she says. “Sure, and I have a secret child with Hangman.” 
He watches her walk away, noticing two pairs of eyes looking at him. Bradley makes eye contact with the object of his affection, the girl with the hazel eyes that he can still see when he falls asleep. He remembers how he used to spend hours studying those eyes, memorizing every color from green to brown, even the small golden drops near her pupil. 
“Valkyrie.” Rooster nods in her direction, wishing that he could walk closer and talk to her. But he didn’t have that right anymore. 
That’s more than he expected, actually. The music gets louder. Whatever song Hangman has chosen is as obnoxious as he is. There’s a way of fixing this.
“Hey, check it out. More patches.” Fanboy says, looking at the new wave of pilots entering the bar. “The hell kinda mission is this?” 
Rowan looks around the room, pondering the answer to Mickey’s question. “That’s not the question you should be asking. Everybody here is the best there is. Who the hell are they gonna get to teach us?” 
“I think I know.” Jenn says, looking at the man who had been talking with Penny. He is the one paying for this round of beers they're having. “Have you ever heard of Maverick?” 
“Maverick Mitchell? The only man to shoot down three enemy aircraft in the last forty years?” Rowan asks, knowing that the man is not only an eminence, but a legend. 
“Yep. That one.” 
“And how can you know that he’s gonna teach us?” Fanboy takes a pool cue and moves closer to Bob. 
“Because he’s sitting at the bar.” 
All the aviators turn around, searching for the man that Valkyrie has been talking about. To their surprise, the man is looking at them, a silent confirmation that the old timer is going to be teaching them. 
Fanboy clears his throat and leaves the beer behind. “Well, what a way to make a great first impression.” 
“He knows that we’re the best,” Payback reminds his wizzo, patting him on the back. “Let’s have fun before the mission starts.” 
“Cheers to that.” Javy says, raising his beer. 
The music of the jukebox suddenly stops, and someone starts playing on the piano. Jenn doesn’t need to look to know who it is. She only knows two men so obsessed with that song. And one of them is the one playing it right now. 
Phoenix motions Fanboy, Bob, Payback, and Red to join them, leaving behind the Seresins and Javy. Jake groans, watching as Bradshaw gathers all the attention. Even Red’s.
“Always wanting to be the center of the party.” Jake sits next to Javy, watching as his sister doesn’t tear her eyes away from Bradshaw. “Jenn.” 
She doesn’t answer. 
“Jenn?” He insists, but still no answer. “Oh my god, not again.” 
Javy looks at his friend, sighing. “Val, he broke your heart once. Don’t give him the chance to do it again.” 
“I won’t.” She replies quickly, darting his eyes between the man talking to Penny and the man playing the piano. “I’m just thinking how long is it gonna take before Rooster snaps.”
“Why would he do that?” 
Jenn turns to look at Javy, wondering if she should answer or not. But she doesn’t really care about keeping Bradley’s secrets anymore. “Maverick is Rooster’s godfather. He flew with his old man.” 
Jake stands from his seat, ready to throw a myriad of questions when Penny rings the bell, and the crow starts chanting. 
“Overboard, overboard.” 
Javy and Jake look at each other. “Come on, let’s have some fun before things get serious.” 
Jenn watches how her small family, accompanied by Payback, carries Maverick to the door. They are going to regret that so much tomorrow. 
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Next morning, they all stand on deck, saying hi to everyone. Jake watches Red from a distance, very interested in the pilot. She seems like the kind of girl who is friends with everyone and sees the good in people. And yet, she’s the best aviator of her generation. How those two personalities can coexist in the same body is something that Hangman doesn’t comprehend. But he’s willing to find out. 
“If you keep staring like that, you’re gonna burn a hole in the back of her head.” Jenn jokes, sitting next to his brother. “I never thought I’d see you fall for someone like that.” 
“I haven’t fallen for anyone, idiot.” Jake sighs, twirling a toothpick between his fingers. “Besides, you know that we’re not made to have those kinds of relationships.” 
Jenn lets her head fall forward, groaning at his words. “Don’t start with that again, please.” 
“Look, I’m just saying that none of us has ever had a proper relationship.” 
“Because we push everyone away, man. We’re not cursed or whatever you want to think.” She says, opening the F-18 manual in front of her. 
“You didn’t push away Rooster.” Jake mutters, knowing that he’s walking on thin ice. 
The brunette turns her head, throwing a warning look at her brother. “Careful, Jacob.” 
A few rows away, Rowan, sitting behind Phoenix and Bob, leans closer to the female. “Hey, Nat. Can I ask you a question?” 
“Yeah, sure!” She says, turning her chair around to look at Rowan. “What is it?” 
“Is Hangman that bad, or are you all exaggerating?” 
Phoenix looks at Bob, who just shrugs because he doesn’t know the male Seresin as much, and then turns to look at Red again. “Don’t tell me that you’re interested in him.”
Rowan looks at the siblings, engrossed in their conversation. “He’s hot.” 
“He’s an idiot.” 
Rowan chuckles, shaking her head. “Is he really an idiot? I think he just says what we all think but don’t say out loud.” 
"Well, that might be true, but do you know why we call him Hangman?” 
“Attention on deck!” 
The conversation dies as everyone snaps to attention. Cyclone and Warlock approach them, but it is the latter who steps into the podium and addresses all of them, explaining who he is, how he welcomes all of them to this special training detachment, and then goes on and on reminding them who they are the best. The elite. 
“That was yesterday. You’ve all spent your careers flying close air support for troops on the ground, with little to no air-to-air threat.” Warlock explains, watching as the smiles drop around the room. Jenn and Jake look at each other, smiling at the idea of having a little bit more action than usual. Rooster, however, looks like he’s regretting coming here. 
Warlock describes a new fifth generation aircraft owned by the enemy that has put an end to the technological advance that the US Navy had for years. 
“Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.” 
Jake looks at Phoenix, winking at her and earning a middle finger from the female. Rowan, who sees the exchange, smiles a bit. Jake won’t ever admit it, but his heart might have just skipped a beat. 
“This mission,” Warlock continues, “requires four F-18 Echo solo pilots, and two Foxtrot dual seat teams. Half of you will make the cut, and half will remain in reserve.” 
“You can bet your ass that we will be on the final cut.” Jake mumbles to his sister, who only nods. 
“One of you will be named Mission Leader.” Rooster and Hangman share a glance. Fight’s on. 
Warlock moves on, now talking about the instructor and the experience he has. “His exploits are legendary, and he is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, call sign: Maverick.” 
The captain walks to the podium, F-18 manual in hand. Hangman squirms a bit in his seat, now thinking that acting like that towards his instructor maybe wasn’t as good an idea as he thought. 
“Good morning,” Maverick says to all of them, looking a bit longer in Rooster’s direction. “The F-18 NATOPS. It contains everything there is to know about your aircraft. What’s the load limit of the F–18?”
Jake answers immediately, always eager to seek out approval from his superiors. “7.5Gs. Section Four, Chapter Five.” 
Maverick nods, already thinking of the next question. “Max airspeed?” 
“Mach 1.8. Section Two, Chapter One.” Phoenix replies this time, not wanting to be less than Hangman. 
While Maverick keeps asking questions, Hondo stands next to Cyclone. “Sir. Bernie Coleman. They call me Hondo. I work with Maverick but, please, don’t hold it against me.” Hondo smiles, but Cyclone doesn’t. “I’ll stand somewhere else.” 
As he slinks away, Maverick points to Javy. “Lift limit?” 
“34 Alpha.” He answers. 
Now, Maverick points to Fanboy. “Maximum roll rate.” 
“Two hundred and twenty five degrees per second.” Mickey answers, very proud of himself. 
Now he points to Jenn, doubting for a second when he recognizes who she is. He shakes it off and asks her. “Maximum afterburner.” 
“42,000 pounds of thrust.” Jenn responds, quickly moving her eyes away from the instructor.
It’s awkward to answer these questions when the man asking them used to be at Bradley’s childhood home every Sunday when Goose and Carole invited Jenn over for dinner. She remembers how Bradley explained to her that he wasn’t on good terms with Maverick and his mom, as they both planned to pull his application for the Naval Academy. But Goose insists on having weekly dinners until ‘Bradley realizes that staying mad after all these years is not only a waste of time but also useless’. 
She wonders if Bradley has finally forgiven them. 
“Max rate of climb, everyone.” 
“Forty-five thousand feet per minute.” 
Maverick grabs the manual, looking at it for a second. “So you know the book. Inside and out. Along with the so-called limits of your aircraft.” 
All the aviators confirm that they do know it, not expecting their instructor to drop the book in the trash. “So does your enemy.” 
Jenn and Jake smile at the same time. At last, some action. “This is gonna be good.” 
Jake nods, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t know who’s gonna be leader, but I can’t tell you now that Chicken Little doesn’t stand a chance.” 
“What the enemy doesn’t know,” the captain insists, gathering the attention of everyone. “is you. Your limits. I intend to find them. Test them. Push beyond… Flying faster than the speed of sound with one split second to make a life or death decision requires a level of trust, feel, and instinct that doesn’t exist in any manual.” 
And he says this, looking directly at Rooster. Something that goes unnoticed by almost every pilot on deck. 
Except for Jenn. 
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Hours later, when Maverick initiates his ‘basic fighter maneuvers’ class, Jenn approaches the captain once Rooster, Fanboy, and Payback finish their turn. 
“Sir, there’s not enough Foxtrot teams for all of us.” 
Maverick looks at her. “It’s good to see you again, Jenn. I’m sorry that things didn’t work out with Rooster.” 
“Yeah… he kept saying things about my brother. Family is important for me, and he knew that.”
“I thought you two broke up because he-”
She clears her throat, looking around to make sure nobody can hear them. “I will prefer to keep things professional, sir.” 
Maverick nods, lookign at the floor for a second before answering her initial question. “Very well. You’ll fly with Red. I’m sure you two will make a good team.” 
Red, huh? It’s a good occasion to know more about her possible future sister-in-law. 
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“Hey, Jenn.” Rowan says, looking at her once, that the two have arrived at the practice area. 
“How do two siblings end up working in the same squad?” She inquires, turning inside the box to look at the other pilot. 
“Well, I guess we worked together so well that they never separated us.” Jenn chuckles for a second and sighs. “But if you ask my brother, he will tell you that we’re just really good pilots, and they can’t go on without their best duo.” 
Red snorts, thinking for a few seconds if she wants to know more about Jake Seresin or not. “I don’t think he’s a bad guy.” 
“He’s not. He's a bit rough around the edges, and his mouth is bigger than his head, but he’s a good guy.” 
“You really love him, don’t you?” Red questions, but more than asking, she states it. It's easy to feel the connection the two siblings have. 
Jenn chooses her words carefully. She wants Red to know that her brother is a good person, even though everyone thinks otherwise. “I’m alive because of him.” 
“That sounds ominous.” 
“You’re gonna have to get me a drink if you want me to tell you the full story.” Jenn replies, looking around, trying to find the captain. 
“Deal. Where the heck is Maverick?” 
Jenn inverts her plane, observing the valley below them. She catches sight of him, he’s flying really low. “He’s down there.” 
“Let’s turn and burn, Val.” Red says, inverting her plane and diving to go after Maverick. 
“Congratulations, girls. You’re the first ones to find me.” Maverick says, trying to escape Red. 
“Someone had to prove that we are, actually, the best of the best.” Rowan teases, knowing that all the other pilots are listening to the conversation through the radio in the officer’s lounge. 
Jenn can practically see her brother rolling his eyes after that comment. 
After a fierce dogfight, Rowan and Jenn, both flying like their asses depend on it, place themselves behind Maverick’s plane. “What do you say, Val? Can we do this?” 
“Please, my queen. Do the honors.” 
Red chuckles and smiles when Maverick’s plane is in her gunsights. “That’s a kill.”
When Maverick hears the tone, he nods. “Copy kill. Seems like I have to do some pushups.” 
“You don’t have to, sir.” Red offers, feeling bad about her instructor. 
“Nah, a bet’s a bet. Two hundred pushups. And I’ll be counting.” Jenn smirks, pirouetting around while celebrating the victory. 
Back in the officer’s lounge, two men seem to be a bit more happy about this win than the other aviators in the room. 
“Rooster, please.” Phoenix groans, throwing an empty water bottle at his head. 
Rooster almost jumps from his seat. “Hey! What was that for?” 
Phoenix leans closer to him, whispering in his ear so that Jake can’t hear them. “You can’t keep fantasizing about a girl that will never return your feelings.”
“You don’t know that.” He retorts, clenching his jaw. Fuck, he doesn’t need anyone to remind him how fucked up he is. Denial is all that’s left for him. 
“Dude, you yelled at her in front of everyone because she got an abortion without telling you!” 
Rooster gets up from the chair, looking down at Natasha. “That was my baby, too.” 
“It wasn’t a baby. It was a 5 week old fetus.” 
“She never told me. Only found out because someone saw her walking out of the clinic.” Rooster complains, raising his voice.
“She didn’t need to tell you shit, Rooster. It was her body. Jenn didn’t want to have a baby. She wasn’t ready. She doesn’t need to ask for permission.” 
Rooster bites the inside of his cheek. He knows she’s right. He knows. But… he can’t stop imagining how their lives would have changed with a baby around. They would probably be married by now. Or maybe not. It’s difficult to know. “I wanted to have a family with her.” 
Natasha lets out a groan of pure exasperation. “Jenn didn’t want to start a family back then. It’s not that hard to understand, for fuck’s sake! You got her pregnant, she aborted. You yelled at her at base, in front of the fucking commander, Rooster. It was supposed to be a secret, but everyone at base knew that Bradley Bradshaw knocked up Jenn Seresin!” 
“You got my sister pregnant?” 
Rooster and Phoenix turn to look at Jake, whose hands are closing into fists. 
Seems like not everybody knew.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
ecw anarchy rulz dreamcast
ecw anarchy rulz dreamcast
ECW: Anarchy Rulz cheats & more for Dreamcast (DC)
Easter Eggs
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Genre: Sports, Wrestling Developer: Unknown Publisher: Acclaim ESRB Rating: Teen
Heavyweight Belt Tour
Win the Heavyweight Title on any difficulty setting with any wrestler.
TV Belt Tour
Win the TV Title on any difficulty setting with any wrestler.
Tag Team Belt Tour
Win the Tag Team Title on any difficulty setting with any wrestler.
Toughman Belt Tour
Win the standard two player career mode on any difficulty setting with any wrestler.
Wrestle as Joey Styles
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with The Sandman.
Wrestle as Joel Gertner
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Mikey Whipwreck.
Wrestle as Lou E. Dangerously
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with “Beautiful” Billy Wiles.
Wrestle as Paul Heyman
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Dusty Rhodes.
Wrestle as Cyrus The Virus
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Rhino.
Wrestle as Jim Molineax
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Rhino.
Wrestle as John Finegan
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Angel.
Wrestle as Bill Alfonso
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Tony Devito.
Wrestle as Judge Jeff Jones
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Jack Victory.
Wrestle as William F.
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Balls Mahoney.
Wrestle as Valkyrie
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Jazz.
Wrestle as Shaman
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Chris Chetti.
Wrestle as Esophicus
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Yoshiro Tajiri.
Wrestle as Doug Gentry
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Masato Tanaka.
Wrestle as Candy Girl
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with C.W. Anderson.
Wrestle as Booger
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with The Prodigy.
Wrestle as Helia Monster
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Jason.
Wrestle as Gabe S.
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Lance Storm.
Wrestle as Rob Feinstein
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Danny Doring.
Wrestle as Martian Boy
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Tommy Dreamer.
Wrestle as Mad Goat
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Electra.
Wrestle as Jester
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Francine.
Wrestle as Jan E. Regan
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Little Guido.
Wrestle as Kid
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Steve Corino.
Wrestle as The D I
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Justin Credible.
Wrestle as Sally M.
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Dawn Marie.
Wrestle as Lance Storm
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Trainer.
Random Head Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Nova.
Big Head Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Simon Daimond.
Little Head Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Amish Roadkill.
Headless Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with New Jack.
Big Hands Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Super Crazy.
Big Feet Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with “Little” Spike Dudley.
Fat Man Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with “Big” Sal E. Graziano.
Hangman Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Kid Kash.
Ego Mode
Win the Heavyweight Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with Jerry Lynn.
Big Damage Mode
Win the Toughman Belt Tournament on the hard difficulty setting with the no blocking option on.
New Custom Stuff
Successfully complete one player career mode on the hard difficulty setting with a Custom Wrestler.
New Stable Stuff
Successfully complete stable career mode on the hard difficulty setting with any Stable, Featured, or Custom Wrestler.
Easy Reversals
Hold the belts with all the Featured Jobber Wrestlers.
Replacement Moves In Creation Mode
The following moves can be used as replacements in creation mode:Ready PositionUse the Gutwrench Powerbomb for Steve Williams’s “Dr. Bomb”Use the Sicilian Drop for Christian’s “Impaler”Use the One Arm Slam for The Rock’s “Rock Bottom”Use the Fallen Angel for Marc Mero’s “TKO”Use That’s Incredible for The Undertaker/Kane/Fit Finlay’s Tombstone PiledriverUse the Front Face Gutwrench for Faarooq’s “Dominator”Use the Ace Crusher for Steve Austin’s “Stone Cold Stunner”Use the Chicken Choke for Mankind’s “Mandible Claw”Use the 2x Arm Facebuster for Triple H/Chyna’s “Pedigree”Use the Rocker Dropper for Billy Gunn’s “Fameasser”Use the Death Valley Driver for the Godfather’s “Pimp Drop”Use the Sitdown Slam for Taka Michinoku’s “Michinoku Driver”Use the Swinging DDT for Big Vito’s “Paison Plant”Use the Novacaine for Edge’s “Downward Spiral”Use the Ball Breaker for D’Lo Brown’s “Sky High”Use the Superkick for Shawn Michaels’ “Sweet Chin Music”Use the Frontface DDT for Diamond Dallas Page’s “Diamond Cutter”Use the Jazz Stinger for X-Pac’s “X Factor”RunningUse the Vertical Body Press for Steve Austin’s “Lou Thesz Press”Whipped OpponentUse the Time Bomb for Wrath’s “Meltdown” or Test’s “The Grade”Use the Single Arm Slam for the Big Bossman’s “Bossman Slam”Tie-upUse the Hanging Powerslam for Billy Gunn/Bill Goldberg’s “Jackhammer”Use the Side Neck Buster for Al Snow’s “Snow Plow”Use the Front Brainbuster for Hardcore Holly’s “Hollycaust”Use the Old School Plex for Curt Hennig’s “Hennig-Plex”Use the Inverted Piledriver for Rikishi Phatu’s “Rikishi Driver”Use the Pinning Powerbomb for Droz’s “New Jersey Naptime” Use the Santoro Slam for Kurrgan’s “Kurrgan Shuffle”Corner movesUse the Rocker Dropper for Billy Gunn’s “Ass Kisser”Use the Train for the Godfather’s “Ho Train”Use the Bada Bing for Rikishi Phatu’s “Rikishi Drop”Use the Kick to Groin for Goldust’s “Shattered Dreams”Use the Overhead Press for Vinnie Vegas’s “Snake Eyes”BehindUse the SST (Severe Skull Trauma) for Goldust’s “Curtain Call”Use the Reverse DDT for Sting’s “Scorpion Death Drop”Use the Reverse Vertical Suplex for Prince Iaukea’s “Paisley Park”Use the Front Russian Legsweep for Jeff Jarrett’s “The Stroke”Use the Crossface Chickenwing for Norman Smiley’s “Norman Conquest”Use the Full Nelson Slam for The Patriot’s “Uncle Slam”Opponent down, at sideUse the Pinning Splash for Mark Henry/Viscera’s “Death From Above”Use the Standing Leg Drop for D’Lo Brown’s “D’Lo Drop”Use the Twitching Kneedrop for Road Dogg’s “Crazylegs Kneedrop”Use the Twitching Elbow for The Rock’s “People’s Elbow”Opponent down, at feetUse the Deathlock for Bret Hart’s “Sharpshooter” or Sting’s “Scorpion Deathlock”Use the Elevated Crab for Chris Jericho’s “Walls of Jericho”Opponent down, at headUse the Camel Clutch for Big Poppa Pump’s “Steiner Recliner”Use the Toehold Half Crab for Konnan’s “Tequila Sunrise”On turnbuckle, opponent standingUse the La Sillia for Mosh’s “Mosh Pit”Use the Shoulder Tackle for The Patriot’s “Patriot Missle”On turnbuckle, opponent downUse the Somersault Leg Drop/Arabian Guillotine for Thrasher’s “Stage Dive”Use the Swivel Splash for Val Venis’s “Money Shot”Use the Shooting Star Press for Marc Mero’s “Marvelocity”Use the Five Star Frog Splash for Eddy Guerrero’s Frog SplashUse the NJ Jam/Tennessee Jam for Grandmaster Sexay’s “Hip Hop Drop”Use the Frog Splash for D’Lo Brown’s “Lo Down”Use the Turnaround Moonsault for Marc Mero’s “Merosault”Use the Flying Elbow for Randy Savage’s “Macho Man Elbow Drop”
Currently we have no cheats or codes for ECW: Anarchy Rulz yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for ECW: Anarchy Rulz yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for ECW: Anarchy Rulz yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for ECW: Anarchy Rulz yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for ECW: Anarchy Rulz yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Let me love you || Rooster Fanfic 🎼
Summary: Peachy feels like unsure about Rooster’s feeling for her until he heard what his heart is saying..
Song fic: Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) by Ne-Yo
Notes: Fluff
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x OC, Rooster x Peach
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Top Gun Maverick Au Series ✈️
The beach water was glitzy outside of the windows, the porch wasn’t fill up with groups of people and inside the music was playing. Soft tunes and gentle smiles. The Daggers were bouncing around the bar as Penny, Lucky and other servers ringed up their drinks. Even some burgers and fries was being given. The older members such as, Wraith, Sunset, Maverick, and Ark, were there too.
But Peach couldn’t care less. Lately it felt was Bradshaw was just playing around, her feelings felt mixed. How could Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw fall in love with a simple brunette like her? Her friends like Amber Kazansky was blonde and confident.
Simple answer, Rooster adored her. From her giggles to her eyes, the way they shine. He wasn’t one to tell the world his feelings however he was willing to show them.
JenPen was laying back against a table, scrolling on her phone half listening to Falcon talking about Frostbite and how she’s crushing on her. The young brunette glances around to not noticing her best friend anywhere. She can hear everything in the room, from Hangman and his pals to Amber and her ladies chitchatting away. The music played on and on.
Until the sound of keys rang across the bar. The smile played on the man’s face as his sunglasses tipped off his nose, slightly. The glowing sun kissed skin being covered with his Hawaiian shirt.  He played the keys with such eases that it catch everyone’s attention.
He sang, “Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel..Had no example of a love that was even remotely real. How can you understand something that you never had..Ooh baby if you let me, I can help you out with all of that…”
Lucky turned down the music completely, allowing the music that played on the piano fill up the room. Phoenix caught wind of this, lowing in the light letting the natural light shine across the windscreen onto the warm barrier of the bar. Summit appeared next to her getting a better view of it all. JenPen pressed record on her phone as she heard Falcon’s footsteps carry over to Frostbite who sat a few feet away from them originally.
As if the music that Rooster swiftly made locked into the entire room, as people started finding who they would like to be their partners.
Falcon to Frost.
Lucky to Phoenix.
Valkyrie to Cyclone.
Maverick to Penny.
Wraith to Ark.
And the list went on.
However the musical taste didn’t fill a certain someone’s ears, just yet. Rooster kept singing softly, glancing over his shoulders around the corner of the room. Georgia ‘Peach’ Wells kept sipping her drink, looking out the windowsill ever since Amber went to the bathroom to freshen up.
Rooster sang another chorus with a soft smile, “I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile..I would like to show you what true love can really do.”
This time, Georgia’s ears rang softly at the very sound. The lyrics filled up the wind in the air, like it was swaying her to look back and face the middle of the room. Her ears perked up and her eyes glitz over at the room. People swaying to the music, chatting and very flirty with cheeky smiles. She stood up, letting the music guide her.
The breeze of it filled up the room. The harmonic soundscape and the beating hearts that rose onto the floor. The breathtakingly smells of fresh water from the sea entered the bar and the birds outside singing softly. The cool air. It felt right.
Peach appeared softly among the crowd of Daggers, smiling at the sight. Rooster in his element. The keys bouncing against his fingers in gentle motions, the bench he sat was big enough for two. Georgia looked over her shoulder to notice Falcon, who was currently blushing next to Frostbite, signaling for her to sit down.
She hesitated for a moment, before taking a seat next to the dark curly haired blonde. She sat down with her hands on her lap, playing nudged his shoulder to get his attention.
“Girl let me love you. And I will love you. Until you learn to love yourself..” Bradley sang with ease, glancing at the women who sat down next to him with a soft smile, “Girl let me love you. And all your trouble. Don't be afraid, girl let me help..”
It was like the song spoke volumes to what Rooster meant. Georgia listened to his words with a blushing smile. Falcon was blushing was well as she talked to Frostbite. The song did speak volumes.
Summit smiled at JenPen friendly and held his hand jokingly, “A dance, m’lady?”
Jen laughed in return taking her friends hand, “Why yes, of course.”
Rooster kept singing softly with a glorious grin, “Heart that beats. Heart that beats. Girl let me love you. And I will love you..Until you learn to love yourself..”
Georgia smiled at him, leaning into his shoulder as he rested his head onto hers. Rooster’s mother always told him, if you want something go for it even if it might be a mistake in the end, it’s always good to try. In result, without a second later, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw leaned in and placed a small kiss into Georgina’s lips smiling softly. She smiled softly blushing with surprise and glee, placed a shy small kiss onto the piano man’s lips.
Lucky and Phoenix swayed to the song with smiles. Falcon confidently offered Frostbite a dance, in which the shy blonde agreed. It was good, it felt good. Real good.
Amber returned from the restrooms fixing her blonde curls, taken back by the sight in front of her. She was only gone for 12 or more minutes. She smiled sheepishly a little confused.
“Uh what did i miss?” Amber asked taking a seat next to Coyote who laughed muttering, ‘a lot’.
Hangman handed her a ice cold beer bottle and chuckled, “You were gone for a hot minute, sweetheart.”
The trio laughed, especially when JenPen and Summit went over to grab some more beer watching the sight in front of them.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it. Remember to like, share and comment.
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @msrochelleromanofffelton @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @t-nd-rfoot @levijeanqueen @rooster-84 @superspookyjanelle @hangmanbrainrot @withakindheartx @mak-32 @morgan108 @hanlueluver @starkleila etc
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Hi! My friend who happens to be your fanboy anon sent me your way! I love your writing! I wanted to request a coyote x female reader where reader is hangman’s twin sister that also flies with them in top gun, her call sign is Athena and she’s dating coyote but they haven’t told anyone yet until hangman catches them out on a date 🫣
Okay, now you're Coyote anon. Nice to meet you, sweetie!
I am IN LOVE with the idea bUT we're having a problem here. I'm currently publishing a series with Rooster and a pilot with Athena as her call sign 😀 we're gonna need to change that sorry 😔
If you have any other idea for the call sign, let me know! If you're looking for a badass call sign I can suggest a few: Valkyrie, Banshee, Artemis...
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