#hanna anafeloz
eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Okay, here me out—originally I thought that the colour of a demon’s eyes determined the colour of their contract marking, but Sebastian disproved that so I’ve tried again—the colour of the Faustian mark is determined by the equality of the contract.
Aka., Sebaciel is purple because it’s relatively equal, because purple is a blend between red and blue which are their eye colours; Clauois is yellow because Claude was always in control (his eyes are yellow), and the same goes for Hanois.
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eemoo1o · 2 years
I wonder if Hannah’s animal representation is a snake, or something, but one that’s big and long and not venomous for like symbolism or whatever
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windstir · 10 months
i like to think ciel and alois have experimented with makeup at some point, probably grell's, hannah doesn't seem to wear much other than the occasional purple lipstick (hideous, but i will spare her because she's kinda cute)
ciel enjoys more of a natural look, while alois loves glam looks (but in his day to day he would def wear a more natural one because he thinks he's gorgeous already, he just wants to enhance that beauty)
also they broke one of grell's blushes and ciel was banned from the house for 2 days (weekend)
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grelleswife · 3 years
Hannamey Headcanons
@bapydemonprincess requested some Hannamey headcanons for an OTP ask meme; my answers are included below!
I'm assuming that we're in a more auspicious version of the Season 2 verse where O!Ciel wins and stays human, although Alois eventually dies and leaves Hannah free to pursue her love in peace.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Mey experienced a full bi panic when she first laid eyes on Hannah in that seductive black dress. The maid didn't recognize her feelings at the time, but she had a crush. Although Hannah didn't show it, the comely young maid caught her eye straightaway. The demonness was quietly amused by how taken Mey Rin was with her; Hannah knows exactly what kind of effect she tends to have on the sapphics >:3. Due to her devilish instincts, she sensed that Mey had a tragic past, and that she'd sent many souls to an early grave (the act of killing tends to "mark" the spirit in ways some demons can perceive), which piqued her curiosity. 4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Mey Rin! She tends to fall fast and hard in romantic relationships. As a demon, Hannah took longer to acknowledge her growing attraction for the maid as something other than carnal desire. 5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Both of them did, to an extent. Mey Rin was distraught because she knew she shouldn't harbor romantic feelings for someone who served an enemy of young master, while Hannah, after becoming acquainted with the pain of grief through Luka's death, was none too keen on being entangled in an intimate relationship with a human. Love could not be suppressed for long, however... >:3
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Sort of. Their first few trysts occurred under the cover of nightfall, in the woods near the Phantomhive manor. That way, Mey Rin wouldn't have to risk a visit to the Trancy estate, and Hannah was sufficiently far away from the grounds to avoid Sebastian detecting her. However, their first proper date took place when the Phantomhive servants went on a trip to London. Mey Rin split off from the rest of the group to have a rendezvous with Hannah at a little cafe. They both started off a bit awkwardly (Mey was a bundle of nerves and Hannah felt uncharacteristically shy), but once the conversation got going, the bubbly, smiling maid of Phantomhive soon drew Hannah out of her shell. The demonness bought Mey a plateful of the tastiest pastries on the menu; of course, Hannah didn't eat or drink anything herself, but dear flustered Mey was too caught up in the moment to notice. When it was time for Mey to rejoin the other servants, Hannah walked her part of the way back, and the two held hands. >w< 3. What was their first kiss like?
Mey Rin bid Hannah goodbye after one of the demon's nocturnal visits, but they both lingered, neither wanting to be the first one to leave the secluded forest spot. Hannah took an indecisive step towards Mey Rin. Then she tenderly cupped the maid's face in her hands, bent down, and kissed her. When they parted, she whispered a simple "Good night" before disappearing among the trees, leaving Mey Rin red-faced and trembling. The maid dreamily stumbled through the next day, grinning and tripping on air. The demonness wore no perfume, but she smelt of petrichor, and a whiff of the earth after it rains never fails to remind Mey Rin of that first kiss. 7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
It depends. Hannah is melancholy, withdrawn, and secretive, while Mey Rin tends to be cheerful and outgoing in environments where she feels secure. However, if Mey Rin is nervous or unsure of herself, Hannah will take the lead in order to spare her lover the anxieties that come with prolonged social interactions. She'll gently pat Mey Rin's back or hold her hand to help the maid stay calm. 8. Who gets jealous easier?
Hannah. Demons jealously guard the souls they hold dear, and are very protective of their mates. If Hannah catches someone trying to make a move on her woman, she'll either wrap an arm around Mey Rin's waist and hold her close, or step between Mey and the (real or imagined) rival...giving them a deadly glare that makes the bravest heart quail. She bares her fangs and lets her demonic essence show, her long hair writhing like Medusa's serpents, until the interloper beats a hasty retreat. However, after a few conversations with Mey Rin on the subject, Hannah learns to calm down a little. 9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear?
Under normal circumstances, I don't think either of them is given to making crass remarks. Hannah prefers subtle innuendos--double entendres or inside jokes that no one but Mey Rin will understand. She'll smirk knowingly when she catches Mey Rin's longing glances at her cleavage (causing the maid to turn into a blushing, incoherent mess). Mey Rin gets a little bolder when she's tipsy; she'll climb into Hannah's lap and whisper about all the things she hopes the demon will do to her when they're alone. Shortly thereafter, Hannah finds an excuse to leave the party early with her lover so that she can make good on Mey Rin's suggestions. ;)
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Mey Rin! She gave Hannah a small gift (a little embroidery piece of an owl), and when she saw how stunned the Trancy maid was at the gesture, Mey Rin blurted out, "Why do you look so surprised? You know I love you, yes I do!" She was mortified by her outburst and slapped her hands over her mouth, but Hannah just laughed and gave her a warm hug. 2. What are their primary love languages?
physical touch and acts of service, with quality time being a close second. Like most demons, Hannah views language as a tool for manipulation--in her mind, actions speak far louder than words when it comes to revealing a lover's true intentions. And since Mey Rin spent most of her childhood and young adulthood deprived of meaningful connections with others, she craves small intimacies like having the demonness brush her hair or hold her when she needs comforting. 4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Very often! They're extremely snuggly in private. Mey loves to sit in Hannah's lap or rest her head against the demon's bosom, and Hannah dotes on her human. They have to be cautious about overt PDA in the Victorian period, but no one will look twice if two very good lady friends stroll arm-in-arm together... 8. Who's better at comforting the other?
Mey Rin is a little better at this because she's naturally warm and empathetic. However, Hannah has a quiet, reassuring presence, and she learns to tell when Mey Rin is feeling sad or vulnerable and needs a little cuddling. 10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
As explained above, physical affection! 12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Hannah calls Mey Rin "beloved," her flower, or her little princess; Mey Rin is initially hesitant to speak so familiarly with an ancient, powerful demon, but she'll sometimes call Hannah "honey," "love," or Chinese terms of endearment.
Domestic Life
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Demons' concepts of mating bonds aren't the same as our ideas about marriage, so it never occurred to Hannah to make a formal proposal. But one day, Mey Rin wistfully confessed that she would love to be Hannah's wife, if society were more open-minded about that sort of thing. The demonness couldn't bear to see her human sad, so she used her powers to make a pretty engagement ring (amethyst set in gold) to give to Mey shortly after this conversation. If they couldn't have an official ceremony, then damn it, they'd make their own. 2. What's the wedding like? Who attends?
It's held in the Phamtomhive garden, among the roses (Sebastian and Hannah reached an uneasy truce after Alois's death), and all the Phantomhive servants attend. The triplets are also there to assist with the ceremony, strewing flower petals, carrying the ladies' wedding trains, and so on (my headcanon is that they're babey demons who serve as Hannah's subordinates). Lizzy, Sieglinde, and Ran Mao are Mey Rin's bridesmaids. Both Mey and Hannah wear beautiful dresses (pink and purple, respectively). Instead of having a religious official preside over the ceremony, the ladies exchange vows that they wrote for each other. 4. Do they have any pets?
Oh yes! Hannah sometimes takes in injured wild animals to nurse back to health, like a fox kit that got its paw stuck in a trap, or a robin that broke its wing, so they soon have a smol menagerie on their hands. 8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Mey Rin loves holidays like Halloween and the Chinese New Year, so Hannah learns about the associated customs and traditions to help her wife celebrate. For events like Halloween, they'll coordinate costumes (one year, they both dressed up as witches), and save up lots of candy to give to the local kids. Hannah uses her demon powers to add spooky touches to their home, like magical floating candles and ghostly shadows that appear in the windows when someone passes by. Mey Rin gets a huge kick out of it! 10. Who's the better cook?
Hannah. When you've existed for millenia, you pick up a few skills here and there, such as navigating your way around a kitchen. ;) She loves spoiling Mey with her favorite treats. 11. Who likes to dance?
They both do, though Hannah is usually the one to ask Mey to join her on the dance floor.
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abybweisse · 7 years
Maybe UT wants to unite somehow the brothers. Like Hannah in anime. He has a soulless BD's body of Ciel and a still living Earl with his own soul. So maybe his goal is to unite this soul with BD's body- to make the most perfect BD ever. And this is why he tries Sebastian, doesn't want to hurt Earl and tells him to take care of his soul.
This is pretty much something I’ve suggested before. Just recently I even revisited the idea (like… just yesterday) that Undertaker could be up to something like this... making him like the manga answer to either Ash/Angela or Hannah or BOTH. Ash/Angela wants “Ciel” to “heal his soul”, to forgive and forget (and they mess with his cinematic records in the attempt). Claude tries to make “Ciel” confused about his own identity… and tries to essentially fuse two souls into one body. Hannah’s secret goal is to reunite two brothers, even if that means only in death.
As I also said in that recent post, perhaps John Brown being so mysterious is really just a red herring. He might be an angel; he might not be.
We shall see! :)
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shieru-phantomhive · 9 years
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Beautiful Art by Yana Toboso Sensei 
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swaths-of-lavender · 10 years
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Why is Hanna wearing a wedding ring and you can only really see it in this last episode?
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kaschuss · 11 years
So glass harmonica DOES exist....
"Dance of the Sugar plum fairy" on glass harmonica
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oui-monsieur-chamber · 11 years
You know how Sebby is associated with a crow and Claude with a spider?
Are there animals that Hannah and the triplets are canonically associated with? And if not, what do you think they would be?
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abybweisse · 9 years
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Vol IV. P.52. Agni's description of the goddess Kali. I'm reminded of the research I did on Hannah from the anime. Among all the counterparts she has in mythologies, Kali stood out for its intensity. She isn't the closest counterpart to Hannah, but she still works. When Kali fights the demon she is victorious, but then she loses her shit and goes on a rampage, quite possibly causing more damage than the demon had, as Lau says. Only her husband's humility can bring her back to her senses. On the next page, Sebastian comments he should be careful if he visits India, to steer clear of such a powerful goddess.... My mind can't help but consider this possible foreshadowing to season two of the anime. Hannah Anafellows, if my previous analysis of her is correct, is a goddess (known by many names) who was demonized by Christianity as it spread across the land. She's particularly interested in children (in a motherly fashion) and has three of her own. Though she ends up losing a battle to Sebastian, she essentially wins the war by demonizing Ciel. In that way she defeats Sebastian. We last see her lying next to Claude's body, talking about finally being together as a family, of sorts, with Alois and his brother. With the defeated Claude, she is finally at peace, much like Kali being calmed by her husband. The parallels are strong, are they not? Sebastian, you don't even need to travel to India.... "Kali" could come to England....
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kuroshitsujifans · 11 years
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abybweisse · 10 years
WIP: analysis of Hannah Anafeloz
Much like the charts I made for Sebastian, I'm currently working on some for Hannah. My headcannon for her is her seal is different, her form is different, and her nails aren't black because she is not a demon from the Judeo/Christian tradition, but a pagan goddess holdover who has been demonized as Christianity moved into Germanic and Celtic regions.... ;)
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lanjenshi-blog · 13 years
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I hate you, fucking Hannbitch.
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