#hannibal rant post
dr-goatman · 8 months
gods, will graham and hannibal are so codependent
hannibal saw that will wasnt on time for his appointment, so he looked visibly sad and hurt, a rarity. he locked his hands together to keep from calling him, and likely to try and soothe worry. he looked a tad confused why he was feeling these things AND THEN HE DROVE A FUCKING HOUR JUST TO SEE WILL, AT THE FUCKING FBI WHATEVER ITS CALLED hannibal needs will. he may not like that he needs will at first, but that doesnt change the fact that he does.
will graham went to fucking europe to find hannibal and discover his past. on the way he broke into hannibals childhood home, got held at gunpoint by chiyoh, hannibals kinda-sister [i love her btw], kissed her, got thrown off a train by her, then walked lord knows how long, INJURED, to civilization, and then continued on to search for hannibal, finding him, then eventually getting almost killed by him [again]. BUT it was particularly brutal this time, he literally like was getting a bonesaw taken to his fucking skull, he was gonna get his brain eaten
anyways, yet he returned to america with hannibal, then hannibal turned himself in after a bit just cuz will said he didnt wanna know where he was, what he was doing, etc. 3 yrs, will doesnt visit him in his 'jail' cell, [he lives in a glass cage thing in a mansion, wouldnt rlly call that a jail cell], after that 3 yrs, shit goes down w dolarhyde [love him btw] and will needs hannibal, desperately. u can tell hes been thinking of him this entire time yet wont even admit it to himself.
eventually shit goes down AGAIN and hannibal and will run away together, knowing damn well dolarhyde is after them. hannibal stand in between the window and will KNOWING dolarhyde is outside, just so he would take the shot, not will. they eventually fall off a cliff in each others arms, but according to the writers or someone, apparently they aint dead, which is shown in the last scene where bedelia is missing one of her legs, shes holding a fork in self defense and there are 2 other places set at the table, her leg as a main dish, she is being fed herself, which is just like what hannibal did to that one dude, starting with the leg[s]
except now will graham is along for the ride
[this is all ignoring SO much, such as hannibal always being will's first call when he needs help, and will being hannibals 'fascination' [see: obsession] so much so that since even before we meet bedelia, [who at the time was hannibal's therapist] she knows will graham by name and has been spoken to about him.
to the point that she KNOWS he is hannibals obsession.
bedelia LITERALLY compared will to bluebeards last wife, and said shed prefer to had been the last. shes mildly jealous but so is will, and thats ok!]
[i love bedelia, btw, shes so awesome]
also as the series progresses we see hannibal, the extremely put together and posh man, become slowly more and more undone and relaxed
at the same time, it takes will, the extremely messy, frazzled and almost careless man, and it makes him more put together, he dresses nicer, looks more cleaned up and put together
he doesnt shake like an abused puppy, he is more snippy [see: bitchy]
and hes not sweating all the fucking time im so srs, there are so many shots of him just drenched in sweat and its honestly funny, its insane how much he sweats
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
One thing my brain keeps going back to about Pacific Rim (besides the rad giant robots) is the whole existence of kaiju organ harvesters and their implications.
Like, you have Hannibal Chau, a bizarre and interesting character, but we’re presented with a black market operation that seems mostly interested in the “alternative medicine” uses of kaiju parts.
But my brain demands to know: what does the corporate kaiju harvesting industry look like? Sure kaiju blood is toxic, but there are plenty of toxic materials that have useful applications. Are there chemical companies studying kaiju organs? Big-Pharma jumping on the kaiju bone-powder bandwagon? Are bio-tech firms studying kaiju hide to make tougher materials? Agribusinesses clamoring to acquire kaiju crap for fertilizer?
I’m picturing something like the age of whaling, when humans hunted giant animals and carved them up to feed insatiable industries. Whale-oil lighting lanterns for entire cities, whale-bone being used in everything from knick-knacks, tools, umbrellas, and corsets. Ambergris alone was used in perfumes, medicines, cooking. It was even added to wine as an aphrodisiac.
We glimpsed how kaiju affected pop-culture. Now picture a kaiju smashing a city, but the stock market going up for construction companies (rebuilding the cities), vulture real estate (buying the destroyed land cheap), and all the other corporations that profit from the systematic dismantling of a kaiju corpse and making money off of its parts. Sure, a city was roughed up and who knows how many thousands are dead, but it’s a better windfall when a kaiju makes landfall. It’s always less profitable when jaegers kill them too quickly; sea-based extractions are so much more expensive.
Imagine entire industries, entire economies that don’t just make money from the devastation of kaiju attacks, but grow dependent on them. And then the laws, the squabbles over those valuable, resource-rich kaiju corpses. If a kaiju attacks one country but keeps rampaging and is killed in the country next door, who has claim over the body? The party who was damaged more by it or the country where the corpse physically is? Bidding wars over “cleanup” contracts that cut corners and are only interested in collecting those sweet, sweet, kaiju parts as fast as possible, even if their official mandate is supposed to be the safe removal and cleanup of a toxic substance.
Once jaegers started getting efficient at killing kaiju, the people with all the money became less interested in solving the problem of kaiju attacks and switched to merely managing the industries that kaiju-killing feeds.
What? You want to put more resources into R&D to try and close the Breach? Whatever for? The kaiju comes out, jaegers kill it, and the “host country” gets the proceeds from the kaiju’s body. It’s a win-win for everyone. Why waste time, money, and effort solving a problem that isn’t a problem anymore?
Everything is under control.
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vampirepunks · 4 months
Seeing "proship dni" (or the variety of rude variations that folks think are cute/clever *sigh*) in controversial communities, attached to dead dove content, or on selfship posts makes my head spin every damn time
my brother in christ, who else is gonna stick up for you? the antis? lol. lmao, even.
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I think it's very important that we bring back this inherent understanding that actors are also just some fucking guys (gender neutral)
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killing eve // wishbone; crush - richard siken // letters to milena - franz kafka // a primer for the small weird loves; crush - richard siken
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slibbyjibby7000 · 10 months
The hate for Jack Crawford is insane, or at least how he's depicted in most AO3 writing that I've read. I know the man is a very righteous, justice-driven, man-- a man indisputably changed by Hannibal since he is more than willing to cross ethics and morality (an example being how he continued to eat Hannibal's food while suspecting Hannibal to be a cannibal and serving human to his guests) in order to stop someone who he deems as criminal or deserving of justice, especially their own method of how justice is granted. Like Hannibal had said, Jack and Will do have that in common! And I continue to believe that they do share a lot more than that in common! Despite Graham willingly placing himself in the role of a martyr and Crawford taking advantage of that, I think Jack did have concern over Will more than what Will could provide for the FBI. Yes, he took advantage of Will's empathy and disregarded his mental health and dwindling sanity, but he wasn't a heartless monster, he saw a man broken, relating to that since he and Will have both seen more than what a person should see, and he took advantage of what Will could provide before he lost WIll. They were friends only because they wanted to put the same people away and because Will understood Jack so I think he really couldn't hate Jack for that, even if he tried (empathy and all that). Naturally, Will could blame Jack for many things; I'm not justifying the pressure of what he's put on Will and how he stood back and watched the brain of his bloodhound begin to burn for the sake of solving a few cases or showing up years later to pressure Will into leaving the life he's built to capture the Dragon, but he is genuinely a determined man with a heart, demanding as he is. For that reason, I feel like a lot of people mischaracterize him as a heartless, self-absorbed man who wants to manipulate Will purely for his own obsession, yelling at him and abusing him, but I truly believe his motivation was saving lives and justice. He's broken and changed but his own real morals, however opaque, is justice. Will and Hannibal have little to no morals, no boundaries. Also, Will is very cruel and an absolute asshole when he wants to be, let's just establish that. As much as I adore that silly goofy man, the show humanizes him because we see what he's going through in his mind but Jack doesn't receive that, and Alana and everyone else don't see that except Hannibal. Jack's hard on him because he sees Will as the grown man that he is, intelligent and more than able to walk away when he wants to, and believes Will can handle it (in professional circumstances I suppose, and emphasizing the people being murdered) and if he couldn't, then Will isn't nearly as useful as he ought to be. Jack's influence on Will is a double-edged sword. While Jack recognizes and appreciates Will's skills, using them only to save lives, he also places considerable pressure on him, often without fully understanding the toll it takes because he doesn't receive another other than capability from Will. Repeatedly, he's concerned in the show and approaches Will on it, fully aware of what looking at this can do to people, but Will snaps back and Jack brushes it off because, again, he sees Will as the grown man he is and doesn't babysit him, Jack only calls Will because Will allows it. And that was for Will to change frfr. Love Will and Jack shouldn't be so villainized to such a drastic, uncharacteristic extent, even if the show does place him in a bad light. (AGAIN, THE SHOW IS MAINLY FROM WILL'S POV) ANyway, rant over, thank you, and goodbye!
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gothicwill · 9 months
Please make a post abt the marketing/promo of hannibal im geniuenly curious
Gladly. I will take any chance to bitch about this lol
ok so um. The Hannibal promo sucks. This is a well known and joked about a lot on here. The big reason that it’s bad is because the NBC execs wanted an American actor (they proposed Hugh grant) to play Hannibal, but Bryan fuller pushed hard for mads.
He finally succeeded in casting him, but at that point the network had lost faith in the show and didn’t expect it to do well anyway.
The lack of interference and expectation from nbc DID allow fuller to make the show much more campy and experimental though, so it’s not all horrible :)
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Promo is there to attract audiences to a show. It’s meant to vaguely capture its aesthetic, themes and give an idea of the plot.
So here what we got:
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Nice grey void. I guess there’s animosity?? I couldn’t tell you anything about these two.
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This one kinda captures the gothic-ness with the color scheme, but that’s it. They could’ve used body parts on that table or something. Someone on tiktok said that this would’ve worked better if it was set up like the last supper painting and I couldn’t agree more!
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This is as good as it gets. The colors are nice. The eyes not being visible is mysterious. The handkerchief is a nice touch to people who know about Hannibal lecter from the movies and such. But the heart of this show is the relationship between Hannibal and will, and that’s never shown.
I’ve already mentioned in a previous post how much the logo sucks so I won’t get into it again lol.
Let’s contrast this with a show that I think has excellent promo: good omens
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I can tell you at a glance what this show could maybe be about. The logo is in a fun and flamboyant font, which reflects the tone of the show (Plus angel and devil motifs!!). The opposing colors tell me that the angel and devil have different personalities. One is holding tea and the other wine. They live on earth. It’s perfect.
Sorry for the long ass post, I’m just very passionate about this 🫡. I only covered the season 1 promo because I think it’s the worst, but it’s similar with seasons 2 and 3.
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annagxx · 27 days
Something that you like but not everyone gets it?
my love for the most psychotic and unhinged shows and movies, I feel such a comfort watching them whenever I feel fucked. For instance Hannibal, Hereditary, Gone girl, euphoria, The Taking of Deborah Logan and list goes on n on. Anything that's bit fucked up or scary
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cannibalovers · 3 months
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ANOTHER will wip i cannot stop painting this man.
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aster-spiral-30 · 5 months
Worst-written TV shows I’ve seen in my short life so far:
-Girls (HBO)
(only for a few episodes, I had raw hatred for every single character in it)
-Hannibal (NBC)
(I sat through all of that godawful AO3 fanfic -Michael Mann, Jonathan Demme, & Ridley Scott movies are superior adaptations)
(Only for a few episodes, mighty Christ, how I hate the Dutton family except for their abused lawyer/ slave)
-Death Note
(the first show I regretted watching as I got older, not a single likable or interesting character in there- kill em all)
-American Horror Story after HOTEL
(only the teasers & intros are good after that)
Shows like Velma & Big Mouth were way too obvious- those shows are so bad that it’s not even worth making fun of ‘em.
…Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are on the thinnest ice you can imagine.
Watch Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Fargo (the movie & the show), The Sopranos, True Detective (seasons 1 & 4), I Think You Should Leave, The Boys, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Cuphead Show, & The Regular Show instead.
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murderfathers · 6 months
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Dangerously Yours (1944)
I finally listened to the first episode of the 1944 radio show Dangerously Yours AKA what you hear in Tv Girls “Cigarettes Out The Window” and i couldn’t help but think of this quote as Hannigram because in this radio show Katherine (portrayed by the white text as Will) is sent to kill Rudolph (portrayed in Red text as Hannibal) but she ends up falling in love with him and rudolph with her and she ends up betraying her country and it got me thinking in how Will ended up realizing Hannibal is truly in love with him and he somehow always gets into Will’s life and Will can’t escape him. Hannibal is dear to Will because he’s the only one that truly sees him. therefore betraying HIS country. (aka the FBI)
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rey-jake-therapist · 3 months
It's kinda hilarious but mostly sad for me that from the moment I muted the JohnLock tag because I was tired of seeing so-called TLJCers "meta posts" from 8 years ago and was looking in vain for Sherlock fans who had other interests than a non canon ship, I just... Don't see Sherlock related posts anymore? Except for a couple of Adlock and Sherlolly posts, but I don't engage with these ships either so 🤷
I took my Sherlock x OC fic off AO3 because I ended up losing interest. Never did I take off a fic from AO3 after only three chapters! And it wasn't even because it wasn't read: I was actually surprised to see it bookmarked, receive several kudos and even a couple of lovely comments. The kudos were anonymous for most of them but so what. It was nice to see the attention anyways. So it's not a case of "woman bitter because her shitty fanfic wasn't successful". Considering I had only three chapters online, it was a promising start.
Yet, I lost interest because my passion for the show wasn't fed by exchanges with other fans. I mean, I had a few very nice discussions, -I don't want to tag anyone but the three of you I have discussed Sherlock with several times should easily recognize themselves 💜-, but before I muted the JL tag I spent more time scrolling down than anything else. I think it's a shame because there was so much to this show than a ship. With my story I wanted to explore Sherlock's past, uncover a potential trauma caused by something else than Victor Trevor's death, open a discussion about this, about his relationship with his brother, his sister and his parents.... And I KNOW that Sherlock's relationship with John, wether it's considered platonic or not, is very important. I just wish I could find something else to discuss than Sherlock's feelings for X or Y, or his sexuality.
Some could say it's pretty much the same thing for the Hannibal's fandom: there's no doubt that if I muted Hannigram I wouldn't find any Hannigram related posts. Or I'd probably find anti Hannigram posts, ew. The big difference to me is that Will and Hannibal's relationship is at the core of the show. The show is called "Hannibal" but it could just as well be called "Hannibal and Will": even if you don't ship them, take the relationship out of the equation and the show has nothing left to say, like... Literally.
Don't get me wrong, Sherlock without the pair Sherlock/John would probably be crap, but it would still have Sherlock's relationship with his family to cover. And boy there's much to say, imho. While Hannibal has no one else than Will. Will has no one else than Hannibal. That's the story. Also Hannigram is canon. So it makes sense to me that most of the fandom's posts are focused on Will and Hannibal. It hasn't stopped me from starting a pre-Hannigram fic because I'm very intrigued by the professor Lecter had an affair/student Alana Bloom storyline they hinted at in season 2, but I know I won't lost interest in this fandom anytime soon, because I feel fed by it. And this weird/toxic/and yet very romantic relationship between these two weirdos keeps fascinating me, even after four rewatchings! Besides, most Hannibal fans are unhinged which is I must say, a quality I appreciate very much 😁
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puppydoggraham · 3 months
Formal petition for hannigram haters TO STOP TAGGING THEIR POSTS WITH HANNIGRAM.
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Oh. My. Word.
Does this neurologist have his own personal late-model MRI machine that he operates out of the back of his clinic?
Did he buy the thing off Alibaba or something?
Because if that MRI was done at a hospital (as with every single MRI I have ever gotten; and there have been many), there would be a record of that scan having taken place; and the scan would not have been done by the neurologist; and the results would have been reviewed by a radiologist.
…a radiologist who would notice that there was something serious organically wrong with the brain.
Something that could be treated, with (coincidentally enough) almost the exact same treatments they gave me immediately when they finally realized something was wrong with my brain. (Steroids to bring the swelling down immediately, followed by an immune suppressant like Rituximab.)
Maybe if Hannibal had sent Will to (just as a totally-random example) Booth Street Neurology in Ottawa, and they had just run the wrong goddamn tests because they didn’t have ready access to an MRI… Maybe then I would’ve believed it.
But like… I’ve seen some shit neurologists.
Neurologists who (as alluded to above) did the wrong tests and pronounced me totally healthy, even as the autoimmune condition in my brain festered.
Neurologists who knew about the problem, but then just fucking lost track of my very significant goddamn test results and never followed up.
Neurologists so fucking bad at their jobs that I was strongly encouraged by other neurologists to report them to the licensing board.
There are ways that what the authors of this show wanted to achieve with this episode could’ve happened; ways that would’ve been entirely plausible to me.
But this ain’t it.
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sketchyface · 7 months
I love the Hannibal fandom and I am a Hannigram shipper, but I hate it when people intentionally or unintentionally demonise/mischaracterise the other characters to make Hannigram look better
Like yeah, nearly all characters have done shitty things but most of them aren’t inherently bad people. Just people struggling and not knowing how to deal with it because the situation is complex and/or they’re being manipulated in some way
Hannibal is inherently a more horrible person that the rest of the main cast and that’s fine! You don’t need to make them worse! His morals are fucked and that’s what makes him and Hannigram interesting!
Sorry for the rant, I’m tired and just needed to get this out
Edit: I’ll probably make a longer rant about this in the future, cuz there’s a lot of other shit I want to say
Edit 2: Also if you know any Hannigram fics where the characters aren’t demonised or mischaracterised pls tell me
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deerainy · 10 days
I'm back 😭 it has been the longest week of my life.. I moved and had no sleep and started my new job I'm so exhausted, I'm sorry but I think I'll only be able to post a new chapter tomorrow, I'll have a somewhat free week then so I'll definitely do my best to update more often!
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