#hanschen cat tag
by changing just one character <3 becomes :3 -- they both radiate power, but in opposite ways. however. they are both representations of hanschen rilow
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totallytrucked · 3 years
someone in my dance class has named their new baby Thea i’m literally crying
omg best baby name
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antihisoka-remade · 4 years
mr andy @tenderday tagged me to answer 20 questions and tag 20 people!
1. name: connor
2. nickname: discreetdaddydom73
3. zodiac sign: capricorn
4: height: 5’9 but i wish i was taller :/
5. languages: i’m fluent in english, i’m learning latin, and i’m going to start learning german soon! german is for school i’m not That Into sa i promise
6. nationality: american
7. favorite season: spring!
8. favorite flower: either rose or lavender
9. favorite scent: pretty much any floral scent or vanilla
10. favorite color: green but pink is a close second
11. favorite animals: tortoises, snakes, bearded dragons, and cats
12. favorite fictional character: i can’t pick just one but some of my faves r hanschen rilow (but only the play version), trina wiesenbachfeld, neil perry, ilse neumann, and nick carraway.
13. coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee is my favorite but hot chocolate fucks too. don’t care too much for tea unless it’s iced though.
14. average hours of sleep: 8-9
15. dog or cat: cat
16. number of blankets i sleep with: 1 or 2 depending on temperature but i can never sleep without one
17. dream trip: rome or athens. i’m a big history person, especially greco-roman history so i think id have a good time either place
18. blog established: like. 3 weeks ago??? but i’ve been on tumblr since 2015
19. followers: 23 because of Obvious Reasons
20. random fact: when i was 10 i was able to coerce a government employee into letting my family sit in on a congress session
i’m only tagging @waspadvocate. that’s it only kyndall has to do this
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The Mere Exposure Theory
by Insertpoetryhere
Martha did not believe in love at first sight, but she was really starting to run out of ways to describe her attraction to this soulful stranger.
Meanwhile, Moritz is stuck with an unhelpful roommate and a crush that won’t go away.
Words: 1414, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Spring Awakening - Sheik/Sater
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Martha Bessel, Moritz Stiefel, Hanschen Rilow, Ernst Robel, Melchior Gabor, Wendla Bergmann, Ilse Neumann, Georg Zirschnitz, Otto Lammermeier, Thea, Anna, Patroclus the cat
Relationships: Martha Bessell/Moritz Stiefel, Hanschen Rilow/Ernst Robel, other past relationships mentioned
Additional Tags: Modern AU, coffee shop AU, Honestly it’s just cute, Hanschen has a cat named Patroclus, he is the standard of Asshole Cat, He is my favorite character, meet cute, mild angst later on but like really mild bc this is a feel good fic
from AO3 works tagged 'Spring Awakening - Sheik/Sater' http://bit.ly/2HkNg3T via IFTTT
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i was tagged by @xjuuno , i hope they liked the 12 days of yaoi song 
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to know better!
Nicknames: Dumb-ass, Singularity (its what i use for vid. games)
Height: 5'6
Orientation: nb Lesbian
Favorite fruit: Watermelon
Favorite season: winter
Favorite Flowers: is marijuana a flower?
Favorite scents: island breeze
Favorite color: light orange and yellow
Favorite animals:  Turritopsis dohrnii aka the immortal jellyfish
Coffee tea or hot chocolate: Coffee
Average hours of sleep: 6 hrs
Cat or Dog person: CAT
Favorite fictional character: roofie girl from me and my friends DnD campaign, she was dying from poison because of the roofie that was put in her drink (don't ask) and I healed her then we got married ♥
# of blankets I sleep w/: 1 but I use it as a pillow
Dream trip: Visiting NewYork city and seeing every show on and off Broadway
Blog created: in February of this year when I was really boerd in English
# of followers: We got 51 Jake Paulers up in this hizzle
I challenge @intyruswestan  @gay-art-freak @i-cant-find-usnavi @daveys-snake-facts  @snawsley @hanschen-ril0w @lesbianmezzo @neverbirds @thebiggestyamfan @penicillinsteve @lady-clockdragon @hueyemmerichs @ghostbian @whatevermakescyrushappy and @oh-the-snowinthemoonlight
(that's basically 20)
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lotussokka · 6 years
alphabet tag!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
i was tagged by @pennysworths (also how great is that url damn jerrica)
a // age: 18
b // birthplace: pa, usa
c // current time: 4:23AM (it’s 5:44AM now that i finished this)
d // drink you last had: milk
e // easiest person to talk to: my cat also @siriuslilys or whatever
f // favorite songs: right now probably first time he kissed a boy by kadie elder
g // grossest memory: i’m gonna pass over the csa memories and go with the time my brother and i tripped in a big section of cow manure that was so deep and swishy that we had to wait for our grandfather to come help us out
h // horror yes or horror no: hell no
i // in love? with alec lightwood, yes. with a human person, yeahno
j // jealous of people: hell yes all the time for like any reason. it’s a problem
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again? do i think love at first sight is rational and a reasonable way to find a significant other? no. do i fall in love with random ass people on the street? yes.
m // middle name: i was going to write how i hate my middle name but then i remembered i can tell you guys. bc im nb and dont really have a problem with my first name, i decided i was going to change my middle name to a guy name so i can go by my middle name professionally. i chose ryan... unfortunately that makes me A. Ryan Lastname... a ryan 🤦🏼‍♂️ but i cant change it bc it’s already My Name like in my soul and stuff
n // number of siblings: one
o // one wish: for shadowhunters to be saved 
p // person you called last: my mom
q // questions you’re always asked: “are you going to be able to do that?” “are you sure you’re going to be awake for that?”
s // song you last sang: well i’m currently humming along to gay sex by be steadwell
t // time you woke up: like 8:30PM yeah i’m like completely nocturnal rn
u // underwear color: pink and purple camo (they were the last ones clean)
v // vacation destination: i’d love to go see @siriuslilys in wa
w // worst habit: picking at my skin oh my fucking god
x // x-rays: yes??
y // your favorite food: chocolate milkshakes, as of late
z // zodiac sign: gemini
apparently most of jerrica’s friends have already done this??? but she was the first i saw so i’m just gonna tag people and hope you havent already done it. you don’t have to do this is if you don’t want to either way. @thea-and-melitta, @i-admire-enjolras, @ktmuskrat, @cxptnluna, @echoroll, @linhcindre, @candle-inthe-mirror, @foxyhufflepuff, @hanschen-ril0w, and @feelssogoodinmyarms (or maybe i don’t need to tag her since mobile thinks i’m her right now)
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changing-my-major · 6 years
I got tagged by @hauntedmansionsnhalloweenparties a million years ago and i only now i remembered, but in favor of spamming my Meme Blog i’m just gonna do this here!
Answer 20 questions about yourself & then tag some other blogs.
1) Name: jason
2) Nicknames: jay, jace, bucky
3) Height: enough
4) Orientation: gay and in love with Michael Arden
5) Nationality: hillbilly
6) Favorite Fruit: peaches! peaches are the only valid fruit!
7) Favorite Season: winter
8) Favorite Flower: queen anne’s lace
9) Favorite Scent: paint
10) Favorite Color: white
11) Favorite Animal: s h a r k s
12) Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: gatorade
13) Average Sleep Hours: not enough (5?)
14) Dog or Cat Person: cats every day
15) Favorite Fictional Character: i would be a fraud if i said anything other than hanschen rilow and quasimodo.
16) Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 3-4
17) Dream Trip: i’ve always really wanted to go to avellino, italy, where my family is from
18) Blog Created: a little bit over a year ago
19) Number of Followers: 154
20) Random Fact: i’m a tenor but when necessary i can sing soprano 2/alto
I tag @s-omethingnext2normal @crowleycrown @cydoniaandromeda and @kalkunium
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hansirilow · 7 years
tagged by @eracitor I haven’t done one of these in forever but !
name: Jasper
nicknames: Jaspee is probably my only real nickname other than like... Hansi and stuff
gender: male
height: 5’4″
star sign: Capricorn
sexuality: gay/queer/idk at this point but I ain’t straight
hogwarts house: Slytherin
favorite animal: oof idk I love lions and big cats
average hours of sleep: 7ish? I’ve been sleeping awful lately
dogs or cats: both, I know I just said big cats are my fave but I love dogs so much too
how many blankets i sleep with: Only 2 cause my room gets wicked fucking hot over night and idk why tbh
dream trip: Japan someday cause it’s so pretty there and wow
dream job: an actor and a writer. Basically Andy Mientus
when i made this account: 2013............. get me out of here
why I made this account: I started as a glee and newsies blog..... yikes
number of followers: 1600 something (but I’m fairly certain at this point that more than half of them are just just bots and the other half are all deactivated)
reason for url: Hanschen Rilow. I’m not even involved in the spring awakening fandom anymore cause I’m an old man but it’s still my absolute number one show
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, thank you for tagging me x
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charlesleesbutt · 7 years
Rules: Answer 20 Questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Killian
Nickname: Hanschen. I think that’s the only nickname still relevant rn.
Birthmonth: May
Height: 5 ft 3
Ethnicity: American/Polish
Orientation: Pansexual
Fruit: Strawberries and kiwi. Season: Spring and Summer (“Every other day~” ahaha) Books:  The Song of Achilles, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, Aristotle and Dante discover the Secrets of the Universe, Archie comics. Flowers: Roses, Bleeding Hearts, Tulips. Scent: Maybe cookies baking?? Animals: ALL. Pandas are my favorite though. I also like raccoons and cats. Beverage: Water, Canada Dry Ginger Ale Hours of sleep: Around 7 or 8
Fictional Characters: Hanschen Rilow, Anatole Kuragin, Fenris, Jack Kelly, Racetrack Higgins.
Number of blankets you sleep with: As many as I can find or like 1 depending on the weather/night. Dream Trip: Disneyland in California. It’d be so nice to take the train out to California and stop at all the cool sights out West. I’d also like to spend some time in California in general. ALSO I’d LOVE to go back to NYC for Broadwaycon and/or to go see Great Comet. Blog created: 2011/2012???? Number of Followers: 977
I tag
I’m lazy to tag people today but I promise I want to get to know y’all!!!! PLS feel free to do this if you see it and want to!! :)
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melchixr · 8 years
1 AM Texts
Anon Said:  "I'm gonna nut and cry at the same fuckin time" ok it's 3am and I'm laughing but also imagine Hänschen saying this 2 literally Anyone about Ernst
Although this isn’t a prompt. I wrote it like it was one. Ur welcome, gods. When will I ever sleep.
Words: 1290
1 text from: hand-sins rilhoe
Ilse rolled over to look at her phone, seeing now that it was 1:33 AM and there was on her lockscreen, ‘I need advice.’
Ilse slowly unlocked the phone, which had been laying beside her, to shoot back, ‘what the f u ck do u need??????’
There was only a second pause before there was a vibration and a message popped up.
‘He’s liking pictures of cats on instagram. What does that mean?’
Ilse let out an audible groan, careful not to wake up Wendla, who was peacefully passed out on her chest. 
‘he likes cats, hans. can i fuckign sleep now. pls and thank. ‘
Ilse put her phone down on the mattress again, hoping to float back into a peaceful sleep with Wendla’s hair tickling her nose. But barely thirty seconds passed before the phone vibrated again. And although she felt like screaming at the top of her lungs, she picked i up to read:
‘But like, he liked 17 all in a 3 minute span all from different accounts.’
‘maybe he went onto the cat tag i don’t fuckin know guudnight.’
That was the final straw. Ilse chucked her phone over Wendla’s sleeping form, now sure that she was going to sleep and sleep hard.
That was until a minute later when she heard the ear drum shattering vibration. She wanted to ignore it at first, then she heard another. And another. Her mind drove her to reach over her girlfriend blindly and grab at the phone. When she looked at the screen to what she had woken up for, she couldn’t help but sigh.
‘Okay but what does it mean?
How much does he like cats?
Oh no, what if he’s a furry, Ilse?’
Ilse tossed her phone, this time all the way off the bed. After hearing it hit the carpeted floor with a thud, she finally closed her eyes and curled up to Wendla.
Melchior was possibly the worst Mario Kart player Ilse had ever met. He was fumbling and falling off of the track and rocking back and forth with stress vibrating through his body. She’d never seen him so worked up. And she’d been his friend with him through every single final they’d ever taken.
“Melchi!” Ernst cried out from where he sat on the couch, holding the other controller and playing calmly. “Why are you so bad? It can’t possibly be that hard.”
“It is for me. Shut that cock holster you call a mouth,” Melchior spat out after falling off a bridge and coming in dead last while Ernst crossed the finish line.
Suddenly, from where she stood in the kitchen, watching the whole game unfold, Ilse’s phone vibrated.
1 text from: hand-sins rilhoe
“I swear to fucking god,” She muttered to herself and stared at the notification. “If it’s saying he wants Ernst to holster his goddamn-”
“What was that Ilse?” Moritz asked as he entered the open kitchen in the tiny apartment they somehow crammed 3 people into.
The redhead looked up, shaking her head rapidly. “Oh, nothing, Mo. I was just waiting for the popcorn.”
As soon as Moritz finished walking his dirty sup to the sink, she unlocked her phone to see the message on her screen.
‘I'm gonna nut and cry at the same fucking time. Do you see Ernst in that yellow sweater and skinny jean combo because I’m LIVING.’
Ilse looked up and saw Hanschen sitting calmly on the arm of the loveseat, his eyes glued to Ernst. Martha was talking to the blond, but he only watched as Ernst stood and walked over to where Melchior sat in His Beanbag™.  
‘if  u ever text me that sentence again i’ll break my phone. i swear to the lord’
All she did was watch as Hanschen looked down to his phone and then look back to Ernst. The tall boy was now bent over and trying to hug and console Melchior, who was making a show of pushing him away. The whole room was laughing at the pair, besides Hanschen, who seemed to be just enraptured by Ernst’s ass.
‘u  are the thirstiest person i’ve ever met, rilow’
Ernst looked at his phone one more time, then looking over his shoulder at Ilse to see her disapproving glare. The man just smiled a big, dumb smile, big grey eyes sparkling as he did.
“Hansi!” Ernst cried out, his lisp, taking Hanschen’s attention right back to him. “Come here and play a round. Melchior’s a sore loser.”
Ilse had never seen anyone move faster than she saw Hanschen move from the couch and right up to Ernst.
Ilse promised herself that if she got a single text from Hanschen tonight she’d bash her skull in with a rock. All she wanted was to be go out as a group and, for the first time in the past three months, not get live updates of what Hanschen thought of Ernst’s smile.
Or Ernst’s hair or eyes or ass or legs or laugh or ANYTHING.
So when she saw her phone vibrate, she almost ripped her arms off. It was absolutely blowing up, just sitting on the table between her and Moritz.  Right across from her, was Hanschen, staring down at his lap instead of eating the burger in front of him.
When she looked at the texts, she already knew what they said.
‘Oh my lord, he’s sitting right next to me.
His knee just brushed mine, I’m ready to marry him.
Okay but have you ever seen a boy so pretty?
He’s a literal angel from heaven drinking a shake.
I literally want to kiss him to badly. What do I do?’
“Hey, Ernst?”
Both Hanschen and Ernst, who was stuffing his mouth with one of the french fried he stole from Hanschen’s plate, looked up at Ilse. Hanschen had a look of fear in his eyes that Ilse had never seen before. And Ernst just looked with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, Ilsie?”
“Read this for me, okay?”
As Ilse handed her phone across their plates and sticky table surface, Hanschen’s eyes blew up twice their normal size. He lunged over, almost knocking over his coke in the process. “Ilse, I don’t think that’s at all necessary!  Why don’t we finish our dinner and go-”
It was already far too late. The phone was already in Ernst’s hands and so was Hanschen’s life.
He read it once, twice, three times, before looking up at Hanschen with a shocked expression.  “Wait. Is this….Hanschen’s contact.”
“Yes,” Ilse muttered, leaning forward in her seat to watch this all unfold, the two boys sitting side by side. “It absolutely is.”
Ernst’s mouth fell open, not looking over to a very red faced Hanschen. “Oh….Well….That’s a….Wow….”
The blond had given up in seeming like he was innocent. The young man sat there, his face buried in his hands and his elbows propped up on the table. “I’m. So. Sorry,” He hissed under his breath and ran his hands through his hair, destroying his well groomed and perfectly placed ideal. “Ilse,” He muttered over to his best friend across the table. “I want you dead.”
“You really wanna kiss me that badly?”
Hanschen’s head shot up like a bullet. “Absolutely.” He spat out quickly before looking over to Ernst, who smiled back like a giddy middle schooler.
Moritz was the first to move from his shocked state, taking a long sip from Ernst’s strawberry milkshake before stating. “What the fuck just happened and are we still going over to Ilse’s after this or….?”
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veronicroquet · 8 years
about meme
tagged by: @talkhard tysm I never get tagged in things !!! 
 gender: female 
star sign: aquarius 
height: 5'7 (I think???) 
sexual orientation: straight 
hogwarts house: hufflepuff 
favourite colour: dark purpley-red or blueish-purple
favourite animal: I know it's basic but cats 
average hours of sleep: usually 7-8
cat or dog person: CATS !!! Fun fact: I'm afraid of dogs. I've never had a bad experience with dogs or anything, idk where it came from 
favourite fictional characters: MORITZ STIEFEL MY SON (spring awakening), Heather McNamara (Heathers), The Emcee (Cabaret), Allison Reynolds (The Breakfast Club), Hanschen Rilow (Spring Awakening), Mark Cohen (RENT) 
favourite singer/band: when I'm not listening to musicals, I'll usually listen to Troye Sivan and The Wombats 
dream trip: I don't really like travelling but I'd like to visit New York
dream job: I'd love to have a job in musical theatre, but I'd have to work on getting rid of my stage fright first (yikes) 
when this blog was made: October
number of followers: 70
what made you decide to make this blog?: I was just starting to really get into heathers and I tried looking for fan accounts on Instagram but I couldn't really find any, so I googled heathers and a tumblr page came up 
I tag: @yourundeadheathers @iknowhim @katiebells (idk if you've already done the tag or not but I thought I'd tag you anyways)
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the coolest kitten in town. i'm going to jail
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booksnbarricades · 8 years
Tagged by: @anna-bananarama and @sept-huit-stayalive thanks friends Rules: answer the following questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: I have so many oh my god. Tabi (or other spelling variations), tabs, tab, tabuta, tobby, tobuta, tabichen (although we kinda forgot about that one), and mom Star sign: aries Height: 5’ (pitiful amirite) Time right now: 11:50 pm Last thing I googled: patroclus pronunciation Fave music artist: I don’t even know all I listen to are showtujes Song stuck in my head: currently nothing since I’m listening to music but the last thing I remember having stuck in my head is Round and Round from The Fantasticks Last movie I watched: legally blonde Last tv show I watched: probably Shadowhunters
What I’m wearing right now: sweat pants and a cat sweater When I created this blog: about a year and a half ago I don’t remember The kind of stuff I post: musicals/theatre, books, memes
Do I get asks regularly: hah no please ask me stuff
Why did I choose my URL: that was back when les mis was like the only musical I was really obsessed with and the rest was books. Therefore, books and barricades (for the alliteration Gender: cis female Hogwarts house: ravenclaw Pokémon team: valor I guess. I never played. But I like red Favorite color: red. As mentioned Average hours of sleep: like 6 or so Lucky number: 3
Favorite characters: angel dumott schunard, hanschen rilow, ernst robel, all of les amis de l'ABC honestly, patroclus
Dream job: probably actor. Or possibly teacher. Possibly. Number of blankets I sleep with: one
I’m tagging: I don’t know dude I knwo luke no one. Jusr do it if yoy wanna
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favourite hernst headcanon is that as a teen, hanschen was an unintentionally embarassing pretentious dumbass, the memory of which very much amuses adult ernst who is a very intentionally embarassing sweet dumbass
like. ernst quotes "i'm like a pussy cat. i just skim off the cream" on the daily and hanschen can't do anything about it
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i swear ive seen this before but gotta make sure so
has the spring awakening fandom acknowledged the resemblance between hanschen rilow and this cat
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