#this was fun thank u andy!!!
ruvviks · 19 days
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sweet sunshine girl ☀️ ↳ shots by the talented @mojaves, edited by me!
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@velocitic, @lestatlioncunt, @euryalex, @ordinarymaine, @bialanwake;
@mojaves, @shellibisshe, @dickytwister, @mnwlk, @rindemption;
@ncytiri, @calenhads, @noirapocalypto, @florbelles, @radioactiveshitstorm;
@strafethesesinners, @fashionablyfyrdraaca, @aemondtargeryen, @radioactive-synth, @katsigian;
@estevnys, @elgaravel
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
Hi! Wondering if you’ve ever thunk thoughts about a cooking competition/ bake off AU seeing as: 1.) cozy, 2.) you’re obsessed with soup, 3.) your entire characterization of Bakugou (I think you’ve compared him to Gordon Ramsay before somewhere)
Omg!! I have not, specifically because I have already read the cooking AU of my dreams, where Bakugou is a dickhead chef whose image you have to rehabilitate lol. But to be able to write about that much food... you do make an excellent suggestion....
Omg but it would be so fun to make our Reader a home-taught baker who butts heads with formally-trained patissier Bakugou!! Or one of those poor sops on those shows for people who can't cook and Bakugou is the cranky pro chef wrangled onto the judging panel. I can almost taste his wrath...
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astrobei · 2 years
hi suni astrobi my beloved dear suni ❤️🫂
sending you a valentine's day prompt because i can annnnnd.
i challenge you to write miwi bc i need more miwi in my life. you can do whatever you want with this, but i want to see little baby will making a valentine's day card for his best friend, mike. bonus points if it has like paladin mike and dragons and all that other good ole fashioned dnd goodness.
hi andi andiwriteordie my beloved dear andi <3 happy valentine's day !! as a special present for you, here is my first ever attempt at writing miwi :^)
On Sunday night, Will’s mom brings home a bag of candy.
This, obviously, grabs his attention before anything else– brightly packaged somethings that crinkle loudly when his mom puts the bag down on the kitchen table. He can see them peeking out through the thin white plastic of the Melvald’s bag, and immediately perks up.
“What are those?” he asks, because it’s not rare for his mom to bring stuff back from work– especially on late nights like this, when she knows that Jonathan is busy with homework and no one’s had a chance to cook dinner, not when she’s been out all day and his dad is– well. His dad sure isn’t about to cook dinner, and Will has learned how to heat stuff up in the microwave but they’re currently out of everything that he can stick in a microwave. Will expects her to whip out a couple of TV dinners, and he kind of hopes she will, because it’s late and he’s hungry.
He peers over the long end of the table, trying to catch a glimpse, because the TV dinners don’t usually look like this– all pink and red and crinkly. His mom laughs, then holds the bag open by the handles so he can look inside. “Candy,” she says, “for your class Valentine’s Day party tomorrow.”
Will stopped listening after the word candy. He doesn’t know what Valentine’s Day is, and he doesn’t really care, because the bag is full of the brightly wrapped candies and chocolates that he saw in the store the other day when his mom took him inside. “Whoa,” he breathes out, and reaches out to stick a hand into the bag, even if just to make sure that what he’s seeing is real. A whole bag, full of candy. The wrappers crinkle some more, loud under his palm, and he pulls out a heart-shaped lollipop, flat and an almost aggressive shade of red. “Is this for us?”
“Oh, no way,” his mom laughs some more. “This much candy? All your teeth are going to fall out.”
Will grins. “My teeth are already falling out,” he says, pointing to where he’d lost his first one just a couple of weeks ago. He’s still not used to it, the strange space in his mouth where there didn’t use to be one before. He sticks the tip of his tongue into the gap there, and his mom rolls her eyes good-naturedly.
“Maybe that’s because of all the candy you ate at Halloween,” she says, and leans over to ruffle his hair. “It’s not good for you!”
“Danny in my class already lost three teeth,” Will mopes, “and he got three dollars from the tooth fairy, so maybe if mine fall out too–”
“The tooth fairy will refuse to give you money because you let your teeth rot on purpose,” Joyce says, and Will slumps into the chair next to her, pouting. “It goes against the tooth fairy laws.”
Will might only be six, but he knows that there’s no such thing as tooth fairy laws. There can’t be rules just for one person. That’s ridiculous. He tucks the lollipop from earlier into his pocket before his mom can see, though. Just in case. “What’s the candy for?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow,” his mom says, walking over to the kitchen and opening the fridge door. “Your class is having a party, and these are for your friends.”
Will frowns. “What’s– Valentine’s Day?”
“It’s a holiday about celebrating the people you love.” Joyce emerges with a loaf of bread and a few slices of cheese. “Grilled cheese okay for dinner?”
They’ve had grilled cheese for about four days in a row now, but Will doesn’t mind. His mom makes them perfect. He nods. “Yeah!” 
“You have to eat the crusts this time,” she says. “Don’t think I didn’t see you throw them away last time.”
Shoot. So close.
“Fine,” Will agrees, then leans over to pluck another candy out of the bag. It’s pink this time. He thinks it might be strawberry-flavored. Will isn’t the biggest fan of strawberry, but candy is candy after all.
“I heard that,” his mom chides, back still turned to him, as the candy wrapper crinkles loudly under his fingers. “Put the candy back, Will.”
No! So close again. Will scowls at the traitorous sweet in his hand and tosses it back in the bag. “How did you even hear that?”
“I have superpowers, remember?” Joyce points to her ears and shoots him a wink. She’s probably right, Will thinks glumly. His mom has ears on the back of her head– or whatever it is they say.
“Why do my kids in my class get candy and I don’t?” 
“They’ll give you candy too,” Joyce assured him, flipping a sandwich over in the pan. “That’s the whole point! You trade candy and Valentine’s Day cards.”
Cards? “What kind of cards?”
“You can look in the bag. I picked some of those up on the way back from work.”
Will sticks his arm bag in the bag and shuffles it around, until soft cellophane gives way to the sharp edge of cardstock. He pulls one out– “Be mine,” he reads aloud, then wrinkles up his nose in confusion. “Huh?”
“Cheesy, huh?” Joyce slides a plate in front of him, and smiles. “Speaking of cheesy–”
Dinner! Will’s stomach rumbles, and in the face of a perfectly made grilled cheese sandwich, thoughts of Valentine’s Day slip instantly out of his mind. 
They don’t stay out for long, though.
Jonathan’s room door is open, and he has his back to the door, but he turns around as Will peers through the doorway. “Oh. Hey, Will.”
Will shuffles his feet, hesitating. Is this a stupid question to ask? Surely Jonathan won’t think he’s stupid. Jonathan never thinks Will is stupid, even when Will asks dumb questions or says dumb things or acts super annoying. “What’s Valentine’s Day?” he blurts out.
Jonathan raises his eyebrows. “Huh?”
Maybe Jonathan doesn’t know. That’s a weird thought, though, because Jonathan knows everything. He’s in third grade now, which seems big and grown up and far away. It’s old enough for your grade to have an actual number. Not like kindergarten, which Jonathan says is, like, zero grade. “Valentine’s Day,” Will says again. Mom had been so vague about it, and he’s still not sure what’s up with the lovey-dovey stuff. Maybe Jonathan can help. “What is it?”
“Um,” Jonathan says. “It’s– the holiday of love, I guess?”
Oh. That’s lame. “Ew,” Will says, making a face. “That’s gross.”
“Tell me about it,” Jonathan sighs. “Why are you asking?”
“I have to celebrate with my class tomorrow,” Will sighs. “And mom got candy but I’m not allowed to eat any.”
Jonathan makes a sympathetic noise. “Lame.”
“I know!” Will exclaims. “And I don’t even– love anybody. Gross.”
“Well,” Jonathan says thoughtfully, “it doesn’t have to be love love. It can be, um. Any kind of special somebody.”
“Special somebody?” That’s a weird thing to call someone. “Huh?”
“You know. Is there someone special to you? Someone you really like?”
Will likes a lot of people. His teacher is really nice. He likes mom’s boss at the store, because sometimes he lets Will pick out a piece of candy from the display. He likes Jonathan, and he likes his mom, of course. But people who are special–
“Mike,” Will decides immediately. It’s an obvious choice, because Will hadn’t ever had best friends before Mike came into his life earlier this year. They do everything together– playing at recess, eating lunch, sleeping over at each other’s house. The other kids in the class even talk about them like they’re one person– MikeandWill– which makes Will smile. It’s nice to feel like he’s a part of something. Mike is special. Mike makes him feel special.
Something funny happens to Jonathan’s face, super fast, and then it goes back to normal. “There you go,” he says, then nods. “You can make something for Mike.”
“Like what?”
“Um, I don’t know. Draw him a card?”
“Mom already bought cards,” Will sighs.
“Make him a special one,” Jonathan shrugs. “Because he’s– um. Your special somebody.”
Will grins, wide enough that he knows his missing tooth gap is showing. Sue him. He thinks it’s cool, even if Jonathan has, like, five of them and doesn’t care. “Thanks, Jonathan!”
“Uh, yeah!” Jonathan sounds a little confused as he calls after him, but Will is already on his way to his own room. “You’re welcome!”
When Will gets back to his room, he pulls out his crayons and his paper, sits down at his desk, and–
He stops.
Oh no.
What is he supposed to put on a card? For Mike, especially, who’s one of the coolest people Will knows. What if he thinks it’s lame? What if he doesn’t want a card? What if whatever Will makes is so boring and awful that Mike laughs?
Will shakes his head. No, he thinks. Mike won’t laugh at him. Mike would never laugh at him, and that’s why he’s so special– everyone else laughs at Will, sometimes, about his clothes or his hair or the way he talks. But Mike doesn’t. Mike thinks he’s cool, and Mike thinks he’s fun, and Mike likes all the same stuff as he does– the kind of stuff that everyone else in their class thinks is lame but Mike doesn’t.
Will stares down at the blank sheet of colored paper. Blue, because Mike likes blue. And Will’s got a twenty-four pack of crayons and he doesn’t know what color to draw in, but everything else, the candies and the cards in mom’s bag, had been red or pink, so maybe Will should draw in red or pink too. And– everything else had, like, hearts on it, so maybe he can start there.
“For Mike,” Will says aloud, slowly and carefully, as he writes the words at the top of the paper. He’s pretty sure he spelled it right. He knows he’s got Mike’s name correct, at least. F-O-R. For. 
Yeah. That looks okay.
The heart is next. Will tries to make it big enough to take up most of the page, where the paper has been folded in half down the middle. It’s a little lumpy, but– yeah. You can totally tell it’s a heart.
He opens the card to the inside, and pauses again. Great, he thinks, because what is he supposed to write on the inside? He’d already drawn a heart on the front, and it would probably be a little lame to draw another one on the inside.
“Think,” he groans out loud, putting the red crayon down and peering into the box. Half of them are broken, and some others are worn down to nubs, so it’s not even like he has a lot of options here.
What sort of stuff does Mike even like? Mostly the same stuff Will does, but then maybe that would be like Will is making a card for himself, and not for Mike. He looks at the paper some more, like maybe something will appear on it, fully-formed, if he stares long enough.
Nope. Nothing. 
Will sighs, and thinks harder.
Mike had liked that book they read in class last week– something about a knight rescuing a princess from a tower. Will hadn’t really been paying attention, because it was kind of boring and, like, sappy and about love, but Mike had been totally into it. Will had looked over during group reading time and his eyes had been huge and his jaw had been, like, on the floor. Will didn’t really get the appeal, because, again, it had been totally cheesy and sappy and gross. But Mike had found a stick at recess an hour later and brandished it like a sword, and Will had been too busy laughing to properly express how lame he thought the whole thing was.
It wasn’t lame when Mike did it, though. That’s why Mike is special– nothing’s lame when he does it.
Will picks up a crayon. He has an idea.
Don’t think it’s lame, Will prays, fighting every instinct in his body that’s telling him to squeeze his eyes shut and hold his breath. Please don’t think it’s lame.
Mike hasn’t said anything yet. Maybe he really does think it’s lame.
Will is starting to wish that maybe the asphalt of the playground could just open up and swallow him whole. Mike totally thinks it’s lame. Maybe Mike didn’t even want a card. Maybe Mike is weirded out. Maybe Mike–
“Did you really make this?”
Will blinks. Mike doesn’t sound weirded out. He sounds– impressed? Maybe?
“Um. Yes,” he says anyway. Mike’s eyes are wide where he’s staring at the card in front of him, and Will holds his breath after all– just a little– for one second, then two, then–
“Will!” Mike says, face breaking out into the biggest smile Will has literally ever seen him smile. “This is awesome!”
Oh, thank god. “Really?” Will can’t keep the relief out of his voice when he asks.
“Yeah!” Mike nods rapidly, never once taking his eyes off the paper. “This is awesome!”
“You already said that,” Will points out, but he’s smiling now too. “You really don’t think it’s lame?”
“No way!” Mike points at the crayon outline of a figure against the blue paper. “Is that me?”
“Duh,” Will says, pointing to where he had drawn an arrow and written Mike. Just in case there was any confusion. “It’s you as the knight. From the story.”
“I love the knight from the story,” Mike announces, and Will immediately feels like a million pounds of weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Thank god. 
“I know,” Will giggles. “You almost killed me with the stick you were waving around.”
Mike gasps. “Excuse you. It was a sword.”
“Sure,” Will says. “Okay. It was a sword.”
Mike looks like he’s going to say something else, and then he stops. He shakes his head. His voice is quieter now when he says, “You really made this for me?”
Will doesn’t know why they keep coming back to this. Obviously he made this for Mike. That’s why he’d labeled the drawing with his name. Mike. He’d meant for that to help, in case there was any confusion, but maybe he hadn’t labeled it well enough. Maybe two arrows next time. Or maybe he should add Mike’s last name, just in case Mike thought he made it for the other Mike in their class. “Duh,” he says again, because he isn’t sure what about this Mike isn’t understanding. “It’s for– Valentine’s Day.”
Mike goes a little pink. Will’s not sure why, because they’ve been sitting in one spot for all of recess so far, and Mike hasn’t been running around at all. “Really?”
“Jonathan said I should make a card for someone special.” Will tugs nervously at the zipper on his jacket. Why is he nervous? It’s only Mike. “And I think you’re special.”
Mike’s mouth drops open. He closes it, then opens it again, in an excellent imitation of their class goldfish Bubbles. “Really?”
Maybe Mike’s words just aren’t working today. Will feels like that a lot. He gets it. “Duh,” he says, for the third and hopefully final time. “You’re my best friend.”
“Wow,” Mike breathes out. “You’re an awesome artist, Will.”
Okay, maybe it’s Will’s turn for his brain to stop working. He’s not sure what’s so awesome about his drawing. You can barely even tell it’s Mike.
“Um, yeah,” Mike stares, like this is obvious or something. “You can totally tell it’s me! No one else in our class can draw this good. You should do it more. I think you could get, like, famous or something.”
Will doesn’t know about all that, but something warm and fuzzy is swelling up inside him anyway. Surprised and pleased at the praise. “Oh. Thanks, Mike.”
“I wish I made you something,” Mike says sadly, still staring down at the card, like he’s trying to absorb it with his eyes. “My mom just made me get the ones from the store for everyone.”
“It’s okay!” Will smiles. Really, he doesn’t need a card from Mike. He’s just happy Mike liked it.
“You can have my Reese’s,” Mike offers. He doesn’t fold the card up and put it in his pocket like Will thought he might, but holds it carefully in both hands and looks over at him, eyes wide. “Someone gave me one for our candy exchange, but I think you like them more than me.”
Will grins. “Okay!”
Mike hesitates, then suddenly, moves forward and throws his arms around Will’s shoulders. It’s sudden enough for Will to stumble backwards, a little caught off-guard by the puffy weight of Mike’s jacket and body against his. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Will,” Mike says. “You’re my best friend too.”
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campbyler · 1 year
can i ask what your guys’ writing style is? like how you write or plan for big fics like this?
hi!! thank you for this question! (some minor-ish CH2 SPOILERS INCOMING BTW so if you haven’t read it yet i suggest coming back to it once you have!)
the three of us all have a tendency to Overwrite so much, and andi and thea have outlined their fics extensively in the past, but i (suni) only started doing so in the last few months and it was because of this fic! we did so so so much planning before ever starting to write, even all the way back when we first conceptualized this fic in january. we have maybe three or four different versions of the outline, a whole document to organize what songs we’re choosing for each chapter to put on the playlist, an entire google slides presentation of the timeline in order to keep track of it LOL so there has definitely been very meticulous planning that we’ve put a lot of time into! our earliest version of the outline looked something like the first pic fkwjdkwk (thea was in the trenches. andi was Stressed about the outline. i was sitting back laughing my ass off)
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and the second two are from our current working outline that we are at this very moment using as we write (ft some Key Plot Moments for you). we have all 15 chapters of the fic outlined like so and already had them outlined for a while before even starting! that way there’s no confusion among the three of us over what happens when and where and to whom. since we all planned the fic together and have a good idea of the flow of events (barring individual scene choices and stuff ofc) we usually start writing the chapter once the person before us is a reasonable way through — that way, there’s enough for us to work with so we have content to reference from the previous chapter, but it’s early enough to get a head start so we (hopefully) don’t get too backed up!
basically, it’s a really long fic with a lot of lore and a lot of Events and we needed to keep track of it. so we wrote it all down. we also have a google doc for everything. biiiiig fans of shared google docs. yes, this did all take months. lol. yes we are very proud of ourselves. hehe 🤸 thank you for this question! feel free to hit us up for more writing process related inquiries anytime, we’d love to talk to you guys about it!!
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coffinsister · 9 months
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requesting andrew like this?
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I'm the bad bitch tryna take advantage of him btw
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jamessunderlandgf · 10 months
andie and nadine…. andie and chloe……… andie and both…………..
andie and nadine are giving golden retriever black cat energy which i am hugely into actually. andie waking nadine up at the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise and head out for an expedition as soon as possible and nadine doesn’t have it in her to be miserable because andie is just so excited to go. she would soften a little bit by being with andie for so long. chloe makes a comment abt it one time and nadine glares at her so hard. if looks could kill.
andie and chloe would also be so good cs they both share a common interest in thievery treasure hunting so the general excitement between the two of them abt hunting something down together is electric. definitely some passionate kisses on the top of cliffs and in caves just out of pure joy.
all three of them… WOOF. yeah. well. polycule of the fucking century i will tell you that. powerpuff girls dynamic
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orcelito · 2 years
Ykno it's interesting seeing ppl being like "how is Akechi/Joker winning..." literally most of our fandom is like. Insane lmao. Just bc you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't influential for polls
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minasweep · 1 year
top 5 fruits!!!!!! <33
omg I could go on for AGES of how much strawberries mean to me !!! They have so much sentimental value to me from the strawberry milk I'd pick out at the store when I'd go on family fishing trips to every strawberry season coming home after school to find a crate of strawberries on the table sent over by my aunt from a local festival !!!
the best peaches I've ever had in my life were Georgia peaches from a makeshift stand on the side of the road near an intersection that were so juicy and sweet we haven't been able to find ANY that can begin to compete with the memory of them but we still look every time we go shopping for fruit!
gonna b real cherries have more sentimental value to me (specifically maraschino cherries) bc a wonderful guy I know told me the story of how they're his favorite because his mom would bring them home for him from her job and that story sticks w me so much ♡ (black cherry is also such a good flavor!!!)
what I wouldn't give rn. at this very moment. for a mango fruit cup with tajin and chamoy. so sweet so wonderful also there's that mbmbam bit abt a hypothetical mango cult from yahoo answers what's not to love !!!
if it didn't cut my tongue after so many bites I'd eat it so much more frequently vv similar to my love for mangos it's always wonderful in a fruit cup !!!
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years
hmm ab/ap... house md. pokemon. pasta BHJUIFGUJ OH ALSO the beauty of the world. mostly cause your name but also cause ik you love geography :,-) OH OH AND p2 of course. also just the letter A, and video essays and fun and laughter ... i need to stop or ill keep going so sorry erm x
i have so much i could say in response to all of this and how Sweet it all is (or funny bc. bc. the pasta. helpfndkddn) and how it all makes me so 🥹🥹🥹 but i will sum my feelings up with:
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Send an ask saying what reminds you of me!
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ebsmind · 9 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 ❀ tom blyth x fem!actress reader
summary : reader is tom’s gf and stars in the new A Good Girls Guide to Murder (book to tv adaptation) as Andie Bell
warnings : none besides reader playing a dead girl in a tv series
a/n : i can’t believe i caved…. BUT IDC THIS WAS SO FUN TO MAKE 😼
also everyone in the orginal casting for aggtm is the same (except andie ofc)
and ofc i just wanted to tag and say thank you to my fav people on here 🫶🏻 yall are one of the main reasons why i did this 💗 @ghostfacd @marvelsswansong @goosita @maysileeewrites i love yall!!!
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ynuser a + s ❤️
tagged : @/hojay92 & @/rahulpattni27
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tomblyth so proud of you my darling ❤️
↳ ynuser i love you
ememyers my fav dead girl 🫶🏻
user1 ur literally the only one who could play andie
user2 slayed the house down houston i’m deceased
user3 please tell me you read the series before auditioning
↳ ynuser yup i did 😼
↳ tomblyth you’re such a bookworm 🙃
rahulpattni27 the andie to my sal 🖤
↳ ynuser always 🤍
hojay92 MY BABIES
❤️ by creator
user5 pls if i was tom i would be weary of y/n and rahul bc they’re a little too friendly
↳ user6 u need to chill they are literally costars who play each others love interests
rachelzegler gonna read the books just so i can watch this show
↳ ynuser rachel in her bookworm era??
user7 slay
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tomblyth quick trip to paris with lovie
tagged : @/ynuser
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ynuser you make me so happy
↳ tomblyth and you make me the happiest man alive
↳ user1 pls i want what they have
ynuser also can we pls talk about how happy i was to see the eiffel tower 😭😭
↳ user2 the video he posted of you squealing when the tower shimmered 🥺
user3 can y/n fight? bc the all black fit is doing something to me
↳ ynuser my mom made me take karate when i was 7
↳ user3 OHHHH?????
user4 god i love my parents
rachelzegler where was my invite???
↳ joshandresrivera leave the love birds alone babe
❤️ by creator
user5 rachel just like me fr
user6 tom NEEDS to put a ring on it before i do
rachelzegler just posted on their story!
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ynuser trailer for aggtm is out now!! go watch it 🤍🕵🏻‍♀️
tagged : @/ememyers & @/hojay92
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ememyers 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
❤️ by creator
user2 y/n was born to play andie
tomblyth so incredibly proud of you!! you killed it ❤️
↳ rahulpattni27 she truly did!!!
↳ ynuser awwww thank you guys!!! i love you both 🤍
user3 tom and rahul interacting??? oh my
user4 SLAY
rahulpattni27 ❤️❤️❤️
❤️ by creator
holjay92 my baby!!! the perfect andie 🥺
↳ ynuser momma!!! ily
user5 holly 🤝🏼 supporting all of her kids
user6 just by the looks of the trailer this show is gonna be SO GOOD
oliviarodrigo can’t wait to watch!!! i miss you
↳ ynuser i miss you more!!
user7 tom being so supportive >>>
rachelzegler you played the best dead girl there could ever be
↳ ynuser bae ily 💗💗
↳ tomblyth ummm what about me???
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raggedytiger · 7 months
how do you draw so.. raggedy ann..
aargh such high praise!! this ones especially for you!
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for real thank you so much :D a few people have said this, esp since i've drawn ragatha. and to be honest i am pleased as punch. i've been watching that 1977 movie on repeat it's so beautiful.
if you wanted an actual answer, i don't know if i'm bright enough to be able to explain it, but i think its mainly a mix of medium and the way i draw fabric!
the raggedy ann & andy movie is traditional hand-drawn animation, ann herself being primarily animated by the one and only Tissa David. most of my character art is scanned in from pencil on paper and edited for higher contrast. this might be why, since that gives it a slightly sketchier finish, which raggedy ann definitely has (in comparison to like, recent ghibli movies).
as for fabric, i really like drawing fabric. it's so fun to make ragatha as soft and stitched and pillowy-looking as possible, especially compared to a kind of rubbery, stretchy-toy pomni. in my head, ragatha hugs pretty much replicate the feeling of being cosed up in bed.
earlier today me and a friend were at college on a bear-hunt online for this spread, which he found, and which is so fun and informative:
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note the unironed dress, baggy shoulders, and hands like mittens a size too big! literally adorable.
i want to get my hands on the book that this came from because hoo boy there are some beautiful drawings from it i've seen dotted around niche animation blogs and forums.
anyway thank u so so much and if you were looking for an attempt at answering your question then i hope u have it ^_^ if not then anyone can feel free to ask/recommend/show me stuff about illustration & animation bc it is my study and i love to talk about it! if anyone wants the few other development pages of the raggedy ann & andy movie that i've managed to scoop together then do ask!! (& if anyone has links to more then u know what to do o_<)
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ebongawk · 7 days
ok ok ok ok ok HOW ABOUT a drunken kiss with hellcheer 👀 and if u make it sad so help me god i WILL fly to u and beat ur ass
4. A Drunken Kiss
They were playing fucking spin the bottle.
What kind of full-fledged high school seniors played spin the bottle? Wasn't that reserved for, like, thirteen-year-olds? But Stacie Mancini had drunkenly shouted, "Oh, my God, we should play a game!" and someone had suggested this, so now a bunch of almost-twenty-somethings were gathered in a half-assed circle as an empty bottle of vodka spun around and around.
Stacie landed on Andy Fuckface, and she looked mildly disgusted, which. Good for her. She still sucked his face for a solid five seconds. Andy landed on Tracy Mathews, Tracy landed on Jason Carver. Jason didn't even look at his fucking girlfriend before he stuck his tongue down Tracy's throat.
Chrissy, for all intents and purposes, looked like she didn't even want to be there. She flinched when Jason leaned toward the center, but otherwise made no show of being an active participant in the game.
And Eddie, with his front row seat to the action from the dealer's perch in the corner, had to wonder why no one seemed to fucking notice how uncomfortable she was.
Staying sober for these gigs was a goddamn chore. While it used to be fun to watch the chaos and debauchery unfold, being privy to the disgusting nature of inebriated human teenagers got old.
Maybe he was a little cynical. Because this shit had stopped being fun around the exact same time he caught the aforementioned Ball-Fondling Carver sneaking upstairs at a different party with Theresa Peretti.
It was the first and only time he'd ever considered getting involved.
Like, okay, so maybe sometimes he felt a little bad when he caught people who had significant others mackin' on those who were not the aforementioned significant others. But fuck it. Not his circus, not his monkeys, right?
He'd ruined that little unspoken rule of his that Monday at school. Seeking Chrissy out, small and drawn and sad as she was, and had straight up told her what he saw. No beating around the bush, no bullshitting.
Whether or not that had anything to do with the fact that Chrissy treated him like an actual human being was meaningless.
She'd just blinked at him. Then, instead of the anger or upset he'd been expecting, she let out this vague little laugh.
"Oh. Um. Thanks, Eddie, but... Could you maybe keep this between us?"
"What? Did you hear me, Cunningham? That asshole--"
"No, I know. And, truly, I appreciate you telling me. Just... Just trust me, okay? I'll handle it."
He'd wanted to scream. To rip his own hair out and throw it at her like that would lift the starry-eyed curtain she was clearly hiding behind. But that was, like, two months ago, and he still saw her tucked under Carver's arm day in and day out, so Eddie had resigned himself to bearing witness to her silent suffering on the off chance he caught a glimpse of her in the hallway or any of their shared classes.
Why the fuck anyone would stay with a whole ass cheater made no sense, so Eddie stopped trying to understand the popularity masses.
"Oh, shit, that's pointing at the freak," someone whispered, drawing Eddie's attention out of his own head and back into Chance Kinicki's hazy basement. He blinked, meeting Chrissy's gaze from the other side of the room, and put the pieces together.
It had finally been her turn to spin the bottle, and it had landed between two of the nearer bodies and was trained on him.
Which. What the fuck.
"Nah, man, let her spin again," Carver slurred, waving a loose wrist in the air. "She's not gonna lock lips with trash. Right, babe?"
Oh, he was such an asshole. Eddie wanted to knock him down a peg or five. Preferably while sober, so he wouldn't have the excuse of his intoxication to blame getting his ass handed to him by quote-end-quote trash.
Chrissy said nothing. She just stared at him, wearing something in her expression that Eddie couldn't identify. After a few tense, quiet seconds, Chrissy stood, stumbling a little through her own drunkenness, and made her way across the room. Shaking off Jason's grabby hands as she stepped around people and bottles before coming to a swaying stop directly in front of Eddie.
"Hi," she muttered, looking down at him with ruddy cheeks and glassy eyes.
Shit. Shit. What the fuck was happening? Eddie's hands twitched where they were sitting on his thighs, staring up at her like she was an angel come to deliver some new commandment.
Thou Shalt Not Lust After Unattainable Girls Who Are a Little Too Intoxicated to Make a Rational Decision. Or something.
"Uh," he managed, the word strangled up from his throat like she'd wrapped her dainty little fists around it. Like all of his oxygen already belonged to her. Fuck, all the oxygen in the room belonged to her. "Hey, Cunningham."
"'M supposed to kiss you," she continued, tilting her head to one side as her eyes wandered along the grooves of his face. Settling on his lips once she'd taken her fill. "The game says so."
"I wasn't playing the game, princess," Eddie reminded her gently, glancing around her to see the audience watching them with rapt eyes.
Chrissy just shrugged. Like that was enough of an explanation.
"That's okay," she answered. "The bottle knew, Eddie. Right? It knew that I..."
Then, before he could react or breathe or fucking think, she was petting his hair back from his face, leaning down, and pressing a slow, soft kiss right to his lips. Like a fucking deer in the middle of the road, he froze, unable to parse together half a thought that wasn't whoa.
Fucking fireworks.
He finally got enough wits about himself to pull away, because she was drunk and he wasn't and none of this was right, which wasn't fair but that was neither here nor there.
"Oh," she breathed, blinking at him, some of the haze in her eyes clearing. Her cheeks had gone even pinker, lips still half-puckered like she wanted to lean back in and taste him all over again.
"Hey!" Jason barked, struggling to stand from the floor, blazing eyes staring daggers at Eddie. "Get off her, freak!"
Dude, he wasn't even touching her.
"Shove it, Jason," Chrissy responded before Eddie could ask him if he was serious. She leaned toward Eddie, half-shielding him with her body, and he really thought she was gonna fall into his lap, she was so goddamn unsteady. She managed to stay firmly planted, using a hand on his shoulder to keep herself straight, and actually stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend.
Eddie wanted to die, it was so fucking cute.
"I'm dumping you."
The fucking gasps that erupted across the room were actually comical. Eddie couldn't have stopped himself from laughing if he'd tried. Which, he did not, because it was too goddamn funny. The cackle he let out drew the attention to him, but, Jesus, fucking worth it.
Before he realized what was even happening, Chrissy was taking his hand, pulling him along behind her as she escaped up the stairs. Her considerable strength barely gave him a moment to grab his box of tricks as she hauled him from his gig as the weekend fun-bringer.
Why he was part of her little storm-out, he couldn't explain. But he wasn't exactly unhappy about it, either. As it was, for effect, he raised a devil horn at Jason's flabbergasted glare on his way out.
"Wow," Chrissy said as they escaped into the chilly April night. "Wow! I just did that!"
"Yeah, uh––"
"Oh, shoot, we gotta get outta here," Chrissy stated, glancing back over her shoulder. Grimacing and rushing him toward his van just as the front door of Chance's house swung open, an absolutely irate Carver standing in the muted light.
They ran, Chrissy surprisingly steady on her feet, and laughed the whole way to his van. He unlocked the passenger seat, diving across the center console and yanking Chrissy in after him. Carver had slipped at one point, the alcohol probably rushing around painfully in his head, and was struggling back to his feet just as the rest of the laundry basket team finally came out. Chance and Patrick were both obviously trying to hold back their laughter, but Eddie didn't bother finding out what happened next.
He started the van and peeled the fuck outta there.
Chrissy was still laughing, although it was much quieter now. No longer filling the night air with little tinkling notes of her joy, it was more like the soft music of wind chimes outside. Following them as they ate a few miles of concrete in the otherwise sleepy town.
"So, uh. You want me to take you home, or––?"
"No." He kinda expected her to be staring out the windshield or her window, but instead she was looking directly at him. Not offering him a modicum of relief from the weight of her gaze. "I do not want to go home like this, Eddie."
"Can we, like, go to the lake or something? Please?"
Well, how the fuck was he supposed to say no to that?
The back of the van was stuffed full of blankets, pillows, a mattress from Gareth's younger brother's bunk bed and a few couch cushions off the spare couch on the porch, because he and the guys had gone down to Indianapolis to see Metallica during the week and had slept in the van instead of coughing up the dough for a motel room.
Chrissy made herself right at home, making the bed until it was nice and soft before throwing open the back doors of the van where he'd parked at Rick's house. Staring out over the lake as it twinkled with starlight. Like a bunch of white Christmas lights were hidden beneath the lapping waves.
He sat next to her, trying to breathe around the way she cuddled into him like she fit right in the circle of his arms. Which. Yeah. She did, but if he thought about it too much, he'd drive himself crazy, so.
They talked a little bit about how she'd just publicly dumped her boyfriend. About how relieved she was, now that the farce was finally over, because she'd been wanting to do that since way before he told her about the cheating. How happy she was to be there with him.
Which. He didn't know how to comprehend that, really. So he let it sit in the air, soft and gentle as the breeze that made music of the leaves outside, and breathed it in. Pulling it into his lungs like her little admission would coast through the oxygen in his blood and make itself part of his fucking DNA.
"Hey, Eddie?"
"Can I kiss you again?"
God, how was she so cute? The sleepy cadence of her tone, still slightly slurred with alcohol.
Shit. Denying her felt stupid as fuck.
"Ask me again when you're sober, yeah?" he said, desperately playing at lighthearted. "Might change your mind in daylight."
"Mmm," she hummed, her voice so fucking adorable. "Doubt it."
Hand to God, he hadn't fucking meant to fall asleep. He didn't know where Chrissy lived, exactly, but he figured he'd let her sleep off the drunk for a little bit before he roused her awake and got her address.
Yeah. Stupid move on his part, awakening when the sun hit his eyes first thing in the morning.
Because now he knew, intimately, the way Chrissy blinked back into consciousness in the morning light. The way the sun's rays, just barely peeking up over the wooded horizon, hit her hair and made it glow like fire. The way she sniffled, looking around in confusion before her eyes landed on him.
The way she smiled, bright enough that her eyes slipped closed and her nose scrunched up.
"Morning," she breathed, rolling over from where she'd been plastered to his side so she could stretch. Said so casually, like she wasn't ruining his entire fucking life just by existing.
"Uh," he started, his voice gravelly. Half-choked and terribly embarrassing. "Morning, Cunningham. Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep."
Chrissy hummed, finished with her stretching. Then, like it was the most natural thing in the world, she rolled right back into him. Tucking her face into his shoulder for effect.
Yeah. He was dead. He'd, at some point between school yesterday and Chance Kinicki's house, died, and now he was having those crazy imaginations where his unstated dreams were coming true.
"'S'okay," Chrissy mumbled into his chest. Prompting him to wrap his arms back around her. Because why the fuck not? "I, um. I definitely didn't mind."
Yeah. Heart attack. Stroke. Car accident. Something.
"Hey, Eddie?"
"Yep?" God, the way his voice broke, you'd think he was going through fucking puberty again.
"Can I kiss you again now?" A breath, like she heard the way his goddamn heart skipped a beat, before she added, "I promise I'm sober now."
Oh fuck him.
"You, uh––" He coughed, clearing his throat. "You actually want to?"
Shit, she giggled, and he fucking felt it against his ribs.
"Yeah," she said, easy as pie. Easy as Sunday morning. Easy as anything. "Yeah, I've, um. I've wanted to for, like, a while now."
He would've sworn he felt Cupid's arrow hit his blackened little heart.
"Chrissy, you can kiss me whenever you want," he croaked. "Like, uh. Now, later, tomorrow. Y'know. Open real estate here for you."
Christ, that giggle. He wanted to swallow her whole.
She tilted her chin back, that gorgeous grin lighting up his dingy van better than any spotlight ever could.
"That's good," she murmured, staring up at him. "'Cause I get the feeling I'll take you up on every offer."
Jesus Christ, he hoped so.
(And she did.)
kiss prompt!
(and a very happy birthday to @astorytotellyourfriends 😘🩷🖤)
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
Hana Kimi is super cute and light and funny (well, mostly light) and I highly recommend watching it if you can find it.
I can see that for bakugou so much.
Re: big brained for this: why, thank you :bad_bitch:
Add it to my watch list lmao. You have truly opened my eyes this evening.
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ezra-trait · 7 months
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hello! some time ago i requested u in this post to suggest me some characters to makeover and, finally, here they are :D
andy & peter were suggested by @roboobin
connor was suggested by @agawinsims
abigail was suggested by @alelelesimz
ryuko & sam were suggested by some irl friends!
it took me a real long time to post them 😭 but i had sm fun while making them, thanks u all for ur suggestions!
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materassassino · 4 months
Q or U, whoever you decide!
Thank you for this one! 🥺
Minific prompts
U - Coming Home
“Can you stop fidgeting?”
Joe blinks, jerked forcefully out of his reverie by Andy’s forceful hand on his knee. He hadn’t even realised it had been bouncing. He looks at her, and she groans.
“Not the eyes, Joe...”
“I’m sorry!” He isn’t. “I can’t help it!” That’s the truth.
A nervous energy is prickling just under his skin, lightning in his blood. He got the window seat on the train, so he’s been staring out at the miles going past, impatient to the point of near madness. It’s been a month. A whole month. How could anyone expect him to not start pacing the too-small cage of his own mind when his soul has been missing half of itself?
Separation has always made him twitchy, and wistful, and prone to morose sighing. Andy learnt this centuries ago, and still she insisted.
(He knows why. She wants time with them, with each of them alone, something sacred and only theirs. And he’s loved this, just him-and-Andy, like those centuries ago when they wandered across the entirety of North Africa while Nicky and Quynh went East. And Andy knows better than to think he hasn’t loved this, that he doesn’t want more of it. But, well… Nicky.)
He shrugs helplessly. Nicky is always present in his thoughts, in time with his heartbeat, even when Joe isn’t actively thinking of him.
She sighs.
“At least it’s not poetry,” she grumbles, sliding lower in her seat with folded arms and outstretched legs.
“The poetry is for him, where it isn’t wasted,” Joe says primly. She snorts at that, bumping her shoulder into his.
It is night by the time they arrive at their destination, the small country station almost completely black. They’re the only ones who get off there, stumbling tiredly off the train and into the dark. A car’s headlights turn on.
“Hey!” Nile calls from the window, waving. Joe brightens at seeing her, but his heart sinks when he realises she’s alone. He tries not to pout as he heaves his bag into the boot and settles in the back seat. He’s not sure he manages, but it’s dark enough that Nile probably doesn’t notice. It’s not her fault, anyway, it’s entirely his.
“Have fun without us?” Andy asks.
“He cheats at rummy,” Nile replies, sounding completely and utterly betrayed, making Joe burst out laughing.
The drive back to the safehouse is long and, to Joe, incredibly slow. Time is molasses now, his destination so close and yet so stubbornly out of reach. The road is narrow and packed in on either side by dense forest, so whenever they encounter another vehicle it’s a stalemate as they stare each other down, daring the other to back up.
Joe drums his fingers on his knee, toe tapping, as a bus stands its ground and waits, like it has all the time in the world, for Nile to ease into the sliver of grass on the side. They nearly lose a wing mirror to a tree trunk.
Finally they make their turning, and relief settles on Joe like sunlight. The light in the kitchen is on, and Joe sees his silhouette move from one window to another.
He’s out of the car before Nile’s even pulled the handbrake. He grabs both their bags, because he’ll never hear the end of it if he doesn’t, and keeps his eyes on the front door. It opens as he reaches it.
Oh, light of his life! A thousand poems couldn’t describe the vision before him! It is as if the shadows are lifted from his sight!
He dumps the bags on the doorstep and draws Nicky into his arms, burying his face in his neck.
“Halabik,” Nicky says, just the tiniest hint of reproach for not even getting inside the damn house, but Joe doesn’t care. He makes a plaintive noise against Nicky’s warm skin, breathing in deep, and beneath the smell of cooking and his cheap-ass three-in-one bodywash is that scent that is purely, perfectly Nicky. The scent of home.
Nicky pushes him away gently, earning himself another noise like a small woodland creature being oppressed, but it’s simply to plant both his hands on the sides of Joe’s head and pull him into a kiss. Joe melts into it, melts into the taste of Nicky and the warmth of his lips and body, and he is so ready to simply drag this man into bed and wrap himself in him in any and all ways possible.
“Let us in, you fools!” Andy barks, planting a boot on Joe’s ass – not hard, but a nudge.
They roll with it, breaking the kiss with a laugh, but refuse to part as Nicky drags Joe backwards into the house. Nile is the one to lug Joe’s bag in.
“It’s only been a month!” she says, shaking her head.
“We’re woefully co-dependent,” Joe says, making Nicky chuckle.
“There’s dinner,” Nicky says. “We were waiting for you two.”
Joe can’t resist planting another kiss on him, and a nuzzle for good measure. He can smell it, fragrant and mouth-watering, the kamounia Nicky always makes for a homecoming, regardless of where they are and what the weather is. Beef, most likely, out here, but Joe wouldn’t complain whatever it was.
It is late, but the good food and the bottle of wine ease the exhaustion from the sharp tension of travel to the mellow, warm bonelessness of coming home. Nicky hooks his ankle around Joe’s, smiles that soft, beautiful smile, and Joe lets it wash over him, lets the relief flow through him. He knows his bed won’t be agonisingly empty tonight, and his dreams will settle.
He leans into Nicky, pressing their shoulders together, and sighs in contentment.
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2knightt · 1 year
heyyy i love ur acc. SM. do u think u could do johnny x reader w some type of argument or the gangs reaction to having an argument?? like i dunno some one tryna come onto johnny and reader throws a lil bitch fit? IF NOT LITERALLY JUST IGNORE THIS LMFAAOA LOVE YA
↳you the fucking coldest₊˚✧
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➬ johnny cade x fem!reader
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you and johnny were the perfect couple, but every couple has their rough patch.
you had heard that your cousin was in, the two of you were real close before he moved up north.
but it’s not like you were gonna see ‘em. too lazy, you said.
one day, you were just chilling on your couch. it was hot in oklahoma, but who’s surprised? it’s always hot.
but this time, it was so bad you wanted to go into soc territory just for the pool they got.
you were about to say fuck it and go, until you heard a knock.
all your friends and johnny just come in, they should know that by now.
you sighed and got up and walked towards the door.
“hey, y/n! long time no see?”
your cousin just smiled and opened his arms, welcoming you in for a hug and you gladly took it.
you dragged him into your house where you talked for hours, catching up, reminiscing about the old days, laughing, all that good stuff.
the next day, it was still unbelievably hot.
so, you and andy thought it’d be funny to go into soc territory for at least an hour of being cool.
jam packed in there, you joked about how you felt like a fish in a sardine can.
the two of you got in after andy started scolding you for not putting on sunscreen.
you and him had so much fun! so much fun that you forgot about the people around you, like johnny’s friends.
two-bit thought it’d be funny to be a well known grease in a soc’s pool.
until he saw you, laughing with some GUY in the pool! splashing, chasing each other and basically flirting!
so you better believe he rushed right over to the curtis house to see johnny cade sittin’ on the couch.
“wo-woah, calm down two-bit. what is it?”
and johnny’s world came crushing down.
he was devastated, but even that would be an understatement.
was he not good enough? was he too quiet? too shy? did he not take you on enough dates?
the poor boy was on the verge of crying, ‘till dallas winston came in and started shouting some nonsense.
“how ‘bout we go pay your broad a visit later? right when they come back, huh?”
“to confront her, ya dummy.”
his friend said, smacking the top of his head lightly.
and pay you a visit they did!
you put on your cousin’s favourite movie, made some popcorn, gave him his favourite soda, and right when you got comfortable, you heard another knock.
weird, again.
you opened the door with a sigh to see your boyfriend and dallas winston right behind him.
johnny looked pissed while dallas looked…normal.
his friend bent down and whispers something in his ear and walked off.
“so, where were you? at the pool?”
“yeah? wait—how’d you know?”
“oh so you don’t even TRY to hide it?! cheatin’ on me in public, y/n?! are you fucking kidding me??”
he shouted at you as you scrunched up your face.
cheating?? with who??
“what? i wasn’t cheating on you?! i never would, johnny! be serious right now.”
“i bet you have him in here right now. two-bit told me how he looked. wouldn’t be a problem if i looked, right?”
he said, squeezing his way into your house.
he locked eyes with andy real fast.
“…are you fucking with me, y/n?”
“what? that’s my cousin.”
“yeah fucking right!”
he threw his hands up in the air and stormed out of the place while you tried to explain.
he just slammed the door shut, leaving you speechless.
you cried and cried on your cousins shoulder while he apologized for not speaking up.
the next day, you went on a hunt for johnny cade.
you found him in the lot, he looked like he was cryin’.
“johnny? johnny please let me speak.”
all he did was give you the stink eye and walk away.
you kissed your teeth and rolled your eyes.
if he didn’t wanna hear you out, fine.
let him be like that.
dallas knew he fucked up. he knew he fucked up real bad.
he caught a glimpse of what he thought was your side fling through the window but he noticed, he looked an awful lot like you.
dallas winston went on his own misson, to find your mother.
he found her at her workplace and he dropped the question that’s been on his mind.
“hey, uh, mrs.l/n.”
“oh my! hello dallas, lovely to see you again.”
“yes, yes you too. uh, do you know this guy that’s been at your house? has brown hair, tall, sorta looks like y/n.”
“oh, andy? that’s my nephew. he’s just the sweetest! you should go talk to him, he’s visiting this crummy old city for awhile.”
ah shit. shitshitshit.
he just ruined your guy’s relationship!
scratch that—two-bit just ruined your relationship!
he ran while thanking your mother, he ran his ass alll the way to two-bits home.
he knew he’d be there, drinking, watchin’ mickey mouse, and whatever other bullshit he does.
dallas barged into his home and shouted for his friend, only to find him on the floor.
“what d’ya want, dal?”
“you fucked up, you fucked up realll good.”
“that was her COUSIN YOU DOPE.”
how was he supposed to know?
and that’s exactly what he asked, after the feelings of guilt washed over him.
“how was i supposed to know?”
“i knew with just one look! how couldn’t YOU TELL?!”
two-bit asked, jumping up to his feet.
dallas licked the inside of his cheek while looking of to the side.
“i dunno, explain it to johnny?”
“if they end things for real, i ain’t never believin’ in love again.”
dallas shook his head as two-bit walked through his door. he couldn’t help but agree with his friend.
they drove until they seen him walkin’ around, lookin’ like a bum.
“hey, johnny! get in! we gotta talk.”
johnny nodded and got in the back seat.
“we gotta talk about y/n.”
he groaned and leaned his head back against the head-rest, looking up.
“seriously? can’t we talk about somethin’ else?”
“no, johnny! we messed up.”
it’s too late for ‘mess ups,’ now.
johnny rolled his eyes and got out of the car while dallas chased after him.
“hey, man. we’re being serious.”
“how much she pay you?”
“nothing! i ain’t spoken a word to her.”
“yeah right.”
dallas sighed as johnny started walking in the opposite direction.
he walked to two-bits car and knocked on the window and two rolled it down.
“go n’ find y/n and tell her johnny’s sorry. he ain’t yet, but he’s gonna be when i tell everyone else.”
two-bit nodded and drove off while dallas started walking to the curtis house.
steve and soda were off work, ponyboy wasn’t in school since it’s the summer, and it’s the weekend so darry can’t work.
he basically kicked the door down, and shouted for everyone to get into the living room, NOW.
“what is it, dal?”
“yeah, what happened?”
dallas sighed and said answered their questions,
“johnny and y/n broke up over a the uh,”
“the cheatin’? yeah we heard.”
“yea..can’t believe she’d do that.”
“but she didn’t. that was her goddamn cousin. even asked her mom to confirm.”
the house erupted into gasps and groans.
“so what do we do?”
“convince them to talk to each other. they gotta come ‘round sooner or later.”
they annoyed johnny, and they annoyed you.
your whole days were filled with the gang shoutin’ your name, but you thought it was to argue over the false accusations.
so you walked the other way, and johnny did the same.
until, sodapop and steve finally cornered you.
“if you guys are here to yell at me, i ain’t no cheater!”
“we know, jeez.”
oh. now you kinda seem like a douche.
“oh. so, what do you want?”
“what the fuck, steve?”
“go with it, soda.”
they whispered to each other, while still glaring at you.
“yeah’ an-and i’ll kill ponyboy!”
“okay not that far.”
steve said, turning to look at soda.
you giggled to yourself watching their banter. you kinda missed them, just as much as you missed johnny.
“does he even wanna talk to me?”
“yeah girlfriend! let’s go to my house! he’s there, just bawling!”
even though you were confused at the nickname, you still went with the two best friends.
you three walked into the curtis house where you seen ponyboy rubbing johnnys back while they sat on the couch.
he was sittin’ with his head down and his hands intertwined.
they pulled darry’s chair so it was right in front of johnny.
steve sorta, pushed you into the chair.
johnny looked up and soda wasn’t lying. he had looked like he’s been crying.
the gang walked into darry’s room to leave the two of you alone.
you were the first out of the both of you to speak.
“i-i’m sorry johnny.”
“no-no. i’m sorry, y/n. i’m sorry i ain’t believe you, i don’t know why i acted like that. it was so stupid of me. and i still love you, i really do.”
you smiled and got out of the chair to sit next to johnny.
“that was real stupid of you. next time, just let me talk, okay?”
“i will. i swear, i’ll be a better boyfriend. just give me another chance.”
you kissed his cheek and grinned at his shocked face.
“couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, but you.”
you guys were having a sweet moment, just staring into each others eyes, living in the moment.
until you heard cheers.
“good for you guys.”
“wait, what?”
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may 27th, 2023. 8:56PM
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