#hao & friends
rennatelier · 9 months
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Gardening, sewing, baking cookies, and storing sewing supplies in an old cookie tin are just some of Granny Ham's favorite past times.
This clear vinyl sticker sheet and matching stamp washi tape are now available in the shop! 🐹🌻
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mirisss · 1 month
Wait & Wish
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Kim Jiwoong x reader x Zhang Hao
warnings: unrequited love, partying, I think that’s it. 
wordcount ≈ 5.5k 
Please reblog!
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The first day of senior year was both exciting and nerve-wracking. As I entered the classroom, my eyes caught sight of him – Zhang Hao. His mere presence seemed to illuminate the room, and my heart skipped a beat. I found an empty seat near the back, but my gaze lingered on him as he engaged in conversation with classmates, effortlessly blending into the vibrant tapestry of high school life.
Days turned into weeks, and my infatuation with Zhang Hao only deepened. He was not just a face in the crowd; he was a magnetic force that drew my attention like a moth to a flame. I admired him from afar, appreciating the way he treated everyone with kindness, his laughter echoing through the halls.
One day, summoning every ounce of courage, I decided it was time to break free from my silent admiration. After all, how could I ever know if there was a chance for something more if I didn't try? I approached him after class, my palms sweating with nervous anticipation.
"Hey, Hao, right?" I mustered a smile, hoping it didn't come off as awkward. "I'm (Y/n), we're in the same class."
His warm brown eyes met mine, and a friendly grin lit up his face. "Yeah, (Y/n)! I've seen you around. What's up?"
I stumbled through some small talk, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Hao, true to his nature, was easy to talk to. We discussed classes, hobbies, and before I knew it, we were laughing about something silly.
Days turned into weeks of this routine – shared conversations, stolen glances, and an ever-growing bond. Yet, despite our connection, I couldn't shake the uncertainty about his feelings. Sometimes, he'd look at me with a gaze that hinted at something more, while other times, his friendliness seemed to extend to everyone equally.
As our friendship blossomed, so did my feelings. I found myself yearning for more, caught in the delicate dance of teenage emotions. The question lingered in the air like an unspoken secret: Did Zhang Hao feel the same way, or was I merely another friend in his life?
Summer break felt like an eternity. I scrolled through my social media feed, catching glimpses of Hao's life through the snippets he shared online. As the days turned into weeks, I told myself that the infatuation I harbored for him would dissipate with time. After all, how could a crush survive the absence of its subject?
But as I walked through the school doors on the first day of the second year, my heart betrayed my rational thoughts. There he was, Zhang Hao, with that infectious smile that could light up the darkest room. It had been weeks since I'd seen him, yet the sight of him ignited a familiar flutter in my chest.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Hao's voice reached me, and I turned to find him approaching with that trademark friendliness. "How was your summer?"
"Oh, it was good," I stammered, attempting to sound casual while my heart raced. "Yours?"
He animatedly shared tales of his summer adventures, and I couldn't help but hang on to every word. The casual conversations continued, and we fell back into the rhythm of friendship as if the break had never happened.
Throughout the second year, Hao and I became inseparable. We shared inside jokes, studied together, and attended school events as a pair. It felt like a dream, and yet, my heart couldn't escape the reality that lurked beneath the surface. The more time we spent together, the deeper my feelings for him grew.
One day, as we sat in the library, surrounded by the hushed whispers of students engrossed in their studies, I mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room. "Hao, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, (Y/n)! Anything," he replied, his eyes sincere.
I hesitated, then blurted out, "Do you ever feel like... I don't know, there's something more between us?"
His brows furrowed slightly, a hint of confusion in his expression. "What do you mean?"
I stumbled through my words, trying to convey the complexity of my emotions. "I mean, sometimes it feels like you might... like me more than just a friend, but then other times, I'm not so sure. Am I reading too much into things?"
Hao's eyes softened, and he sighed. "I never want to lead you on, (Y/n). You're an amazing friend, and I care about you a lot. But..."
"But?" I pressed, my heart pounding in my ears.
"It's just... relationships are complicated, you know? I value our friendship too much to risk losing it."
The words hung in the air, a bittersweet acknowledgment of unspoken feelings. As the school year progressed, our friendship endured, but the tension of unrequited emotions lingered, casting a shadow over the moments we shared.
The awkwardness between Hao and me dissipated with time, like a passing storm leaving behind a clear sky. We fell back into our friendly routine, laughter echoing through the hallways, shared jokes lightening up even the dullest classes. But beneath the surface, a silent struggle persisted.
I couldn't shake the dreams that lingered in the corners of my mind – dreams of a connection that went beyond friendship. The subtle touches and affectionate words from Hao fueled the flame of hope within me, a flame that refused to be extinguished. It was as if he were sending mixed signals deliberately, leaving me suspended in a state of perpetual uncertainty.
Weeks turned into months, and I found myself caught in the paradox of our relationship. Hao was my confidant, the person with whom I shared my hopes and fears, yet I couldn't escape the nagging feeling that I was merely a side character in his story. The warmth of his friendship contrasted with the chill of unspoken truths, creating a delicate balance that threatened to tip at any moment.
One evening, as we sat in his room, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights, I couldn't hold back the weight on my chest any longer. "Hao, can I talk to you about something?" I asked, my voice hesitant.
"Of course, (Y/n)." Hao's eyes met mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of understanding in his gaze.
"I... I appreciate our friendship, I really do," I began, choosing my words carefully. "But sometimes, it feels like there's something unsaid between us. Am I just imagining things, or is there something more?"
Hao sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I knew this conversation would come eventually. Look, (Y/n), you mean a lot to me. I've never met anyone as special as you, but relationships... they complicate things. I don't want to risk losing you by taking that step."
The words hit me like a wave, crashing over my carefully constructed hopes. I nodded, my heart heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. "I understand," I whispered, a forced smile on my lips.
From that moment, our friendship continued, but a subtle shift had occurred. I navigated the halls of high school, living in Hao's presence yet feeling like a spectator in his life, a character who yearned for a different role in the narrative. The lingering touches and loving words persisted, but their meaning remained elusive, leaving me trapped in a story that seemed to have no clear resolution.
The approaching graduation day hung in the air like a bittersweet melody. Hao and I were both headed to the same university, an exciting prospect that, at the same time, carried an unspoken weight. We had chosen different majors, branching into separate paths that mirrored the growing distance I felt between us.
As we navigated the final months of high school, I couldn't escape the realization that our connection was evolving, not in the direction I had hoped. Hao remained friendly and happy in my presence, yet there was an intangible shift, like the ebb and flow of tides gently pulling us apart. We were heading toward different horizons, and I couldn't ignore the sense that I was becoming a footnote in his story.
The nights became a canvas for my unspoken desires. Each dream painted with hues of his laughter and the warmth of moments we shared. Love songs transformed into a soundtrack that echoed the symphony of my unrequited feelings. I found myself wondering if he ever thought of me, if the thought of our friendship slipping away ever crossed his mind.
The dilemma weighed heavily on my heart – should I persist in preserving the fragments of our friendship, or should I accept the inevitability of becoming a distant memory in his past? It was a question that echoed in the silence of my thoughts, a question with no easy answer.
As we donned our graduation gowns and tossed our caps into the air, I stood at the crossroads of uncertainty. The future stretched before us like an unexplored landscape, and the prospect of clinging to the familiarity of our friendship warred with the ache of unfulfilled longing. The truth was, I wasn't sure if I could continue pretending that my feelings for Hao were just a fleeting chapter of my life.
The decision loomed, and as we hugged in a farewell embrace, the unspoken words lingered in the air. "Keep in touch, (Y/n)," he said, his smile genuine but tinged with the awareness that we were venturing into separate worlds.
As I watched him walk away, disappearing into the crowd of graduates, I grappled with the choice ahead. Should I hold onto the threads of our connection, even if they threatened to unravel, or should I allow myself to become a distant echo in the corridors of his past? The answers remained elusive, shrouded in the uncertainty of the future.
The summer breeze carried with it a sense of change, and as I packed my belongings, preparing to embark on the journey to university, the anticipation of a new chapter in my life consumed my thoughts. Surprisingly, amidst the chaos of preparation, Zhang Hao's name didn't cross my mind even once. It seemed the whirlwind of excitement and nerves had swept away the lingering echoes of unspoken feelings.
The first day at university brought a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and the thrill of new beginnings. Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, I found myself at the orientation, navigating the maze of information about classes, campus life, and dormitory rules. It was there that I met Jiwoong, a guy a year above me in the same major.
Jiwoong was a striking figure, almost god-like in his appearance. His handsome features were complemented by a warm and welcoming demeanor. He exuded confidence, and as we struck up a conversation, I couldn't help but notice the striking contrast between him and Zhang Hao. Jiwoong's humor was infectious, and in some inexplicable way, he reminded me of Hao, yet there was an undeniable difference.
As the days unfolded, Jiwoong became a reassuring presence in the whirlwind of new experiences. We attended classes together, explored the campus, and shared laughter that echoed through the hallways of the dormitory. It was a friendship that developed effortlessly, as if the universe had orchestrated our meeting to ease the transition into this new phase of life.
In Jiwoong, I found solace and companionship. He made the unfamiliar feel familiar, and his humor became a beacon of light in the occasionally overwhelming landscape of university life. Yet, in the quiet moments before sleep claimed my consciousness, Zhang Hao's face would sometimes flicker in my mind, a ghost of a memory that refused to fade entirely.
The duality of my emotions remained, the past and the present entwined as I navigated the intricacies of university life. Jiwoong was a breath of fresh air, a new chapter unfolding, but the shadow of unspoken feelings and the memories of Zhang Hao lingered like subtle echoes, reminders of a time that felt simultaneously distant and near.
Two months into university, Jiwoong extended an invitation that promised to add a spark of excitement to my freshman experience—an invitation to a party hosted by the upperclassmen. The exclusivity of the event, where freshmen could only attend if invited by someone from the second year or above, fueled my anticipation. I eagerly accepted, thrilled at the prospect of attending my first university party.
As the night of the party approached, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbled within me. What do you wear to a university party? I spent hours deliberating before settling on a cute yet slightly sexy top paired with my favorite pair of jeans. The outfit struck a balance between casual and stylish, and I hoped it conveyed the perfect mix of confidence and approachability.
The night finally arrived, and I stood before the mirror, assessing my appearance with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The top hugged my figure just right, and the jeans accentuated my curves. A hint of nervousness fluttered in my stomach, but I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone.
Jiwoong arrived in his car, and as I stepped out to join him, a rush of confidence washed over me. His eyes lingered on my outfit, and a genuine compliment escaped his lips, making my heart flutter. The night had an air of possibility, and the sound of laughter and music drifted through the air as we made our way to the party.
The venue buzzed with energy as we entered, the rhythmic beats of the music vibrating through the air. The dim lighting cast a playful ambiance, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. Jiwoong guided me through the crowd, introducing me to his friends and fellow students from different majors.
As the night unfolded, the initial nervousness melted away, replaced by the joy of newfound friendships and shared experiences. Jiwoong and I danced, laughed, and immersed ourselves in the vibrant tapestry of university life. The party marked a significant moment in my freshman year, a memorable chapter illuminated by the glow of laughter, music, and the camaraderie that blossomed under the neon lights.
As the music pulsed through the crowded room, Jiwoong and I found ourselves lost in the rhythm, dancing for hours as if time had slowed just for us. The world around us faded into a blur, and for a while, it felt like there was no one else in the room but him and me.
As the DJ transitioned into a more sensual song, the atmosphere shifted. The lights dimmed, casting a soft glow over the dance floor. Jiwoong, with a subtle yet confident move, placed his hand on my waist. The touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I met his gaze, finding a depth of emotion in his eyes that mirrored the unspoken connection we had been building.
In that intimate moment, the distance between us closed. Jiwoong leaned in, and the world around us seemed to vanish. The music became a mere backdrop to the soft, lingering touch of his lips against mine. Time stood still as the kiss unfolded, a gentle exploration of emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface.
The sensation was electrifying, a blend of passion and uncertainty that hung in the air. As the music played on, we pulled away, our eyes meeting in a shared acknowledgment of the uncharted territory we had just entered. The crowded room, the pulsating music, and the whirlwind of the party all faded into the background, leaving us in a suspended moment, caught between the reality of the party and the newfound awareness of something changing between us.
The magical kiss left my heart pounding, and as we broke away, I found myself gazing into Jiwoong's eyes. In that moment, I felt seen in a way I had never experienced before. Confidence surged through me, and the world seemed to sparkle with newfound happiness, especially when Jiwoong's smile hinted at a shared joy.
As he leaned in for another kiss, my anticipation mirrored his. I moved closer, eager to capture the enchantment of the moment. However, just as our lips were about to meet once more, a sudden wave of anxiety washed over me. My eyes, which had been locked onto Jiwoong's, nervously wandered away and landed on a figure standing a few steps behind him.
My heart sank as I registered the familiar face – Zhang Hao. A jolt of panic surged through me, and I instinctively jerked away from Jiwoong. My body, overtaken by the unwelcome anxiety of the unexpected encounter, left me caught between the joy of the present and the shadows of the past.
Jiwoong, sensing the abrupt shift in my demeanor, gazed at me with a questioning expression. Confusion flickered in his eyes as he sought to understand the sudden change. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
My eyes flickered between Jiwoong and Zhang Hao, torn between the conflicting emotions that swirled within me. "I... I just saw someone I know," I stammered, attempting to mask the unease that gripped me.
Jiwoong turned to follow my gaze, his eyes narrowing as he noticed Hao standing a few steps away. The atmosphere shifted, and an unspoken tension settled between us. Jiwoong's gaze returned to mine, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. The weight of the unspoken past hung in the air, leaving me grappling with the unexpected collision of two worlds that, until that moment, had existed in separate realms of my life.
As Zhang Hao walked closer, his gaze locked onto mine, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions enveloped me. It had been months since we last saw each other, and there he stood, seemingly better than ever. His appearance was impeccable, as always, but the usual bright smile that adorned his lips was notably absent, replaced by an unfamiliar frown.
The air thickened with an unspoken tension as Hao stopped in front of me. His eyes, once warm and inviting, now carried a hint of hurt and confusion. "Hey, (Y/n)," he greeted, the words tinged with a touch of uncertainty.
"Hi, Hao," I replied, my voice betraying the mixture of emotions that churned within me. The unexpected reunion intensified the unease that had settled over me since our eyes first met.
Jiwoong, sensing the weight of the situation, glanced between Hao and me. The atmosphere around us became charged with an unspoken history, a narrative that seemed to transcend time and space. As Hao continued to gaze at me, a thousand unspoken words lingered between us.
"I didn't expect to see you here," he finally spoke, his tone carrying a subtle undercurrent of emotion.
"Yeah, well, things change," I replied, attempting to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil within.
Hao's frown deepened, and for a moment, the silence hung in the air like a heavy cloud. The energy shifted, and I found myself caught between the past and the present, torn between the familiar warmth of our shared history and the uncertainty of the future. As the party continued around us, the reunion with Zhang Hao marked a pivotal moment, a collision of worlds that forced me to confront the complexities of emotions that lingered beneath the surface.
As Zhang Hao requested a private conversation, Jiwoong, sensing the tension, intervened with a cautious inquiry. "Are you sure about this, (Y/n)? Everything okay?" he asked, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
I hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to address the unresolved emotions with Hao and the potential impact on my budding connection with Jiwoong. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Let's meet up again in 15 minutes," I assured Jiwoong, sensing his reluctance but also his respect for my decision.
Reluctantly, Jiwoong agreed, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he disappeared back into the pulsating energy of the party. I followed Hao outside, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth and intensity of the party.
Once we were alone, the atmosphere thickened with unspoken emotions. Hao's gaze bore into mine, and with a tinge of anger, he demanded, "Who was that guy, (Y/n)?"
I took a deep breath, the weight of the past and the present converging in that moment. "His name is Jiwoong. We met here at university. He's a friend," I explained, choosing my words carefully.
Hao's expression shifted between frustration and confusion. "A friend? That didn't look like just friendship back there," he remarked, his voice tinged with an edge of bitterness.
"We're just friends," I insisted, feeling the need to defend the newfound connection with Jiwoong.
Hao's gaze softened, and a hint of hurt crossed his features. "I didn't expect to see you with someone else, especially like that," he admitted, his vulnerability breaking through the façade of anger.
The complexity of emotions hung in the air as we navigated the delicate dance of addressing the unspoken history between us. The reunion outside the party became a confrontation of feelings, a moment where the past and the present collided in a tangled web of unresolved emotions.
The anger surged through me, an intense wave that broke the surface of composed emotions. "Maybe I wouldn't be here with someone else if you had given us a chance, or done something, months, even years ago!" The words burst forth from my lips, carrying the weight of pent-up frustration and unspoken feelings.
Hao's eyes widened momentarily, as if taken aback by the force of my words. Then, a mix of emotions flickered across his face – surprise, guilt, and a touch of defensiveness. "What are you talking about, (Y/n)? We were friends," he responded, his tone tinged with a hint of confusion.
I took a step closer, my frustration refusing to be contained. "Friends? Is that all you ever wanted us to be, Hao?" I shot back, my voice sharp with the sting of disappointment. "You never made a move?, never showed any sign that you wanted more? Hao, you constantly kept leaning in, saying loving things, touches that seemed like more than something you would give to just a friend,"
Hao's brows furrowed, and a subtle tension hung in the air as we faced each other in the dimly lit space outside the party. "I... I didn't want to ruin our friendship," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the ground.
"Ruin our friendship? Do you know how much it hurt, watching you send me mixed signals, never knowing where I stood with you?" I continued, my frustration fueling the words that poured out. "I waited, Hao. I waited for a sign, for anything, but it never came."
He looked up, and the vulnerability in his eyes momentarily softened the edges of my anger. "I didn't realize you felt that way," he confessed, a touch of regret in his voice.
"Of course you didn't. Because the two times I asked you if we were more than friends, wasn't clear enough?" I retorted, the bitterness of unspoken words hanging heavily between us. "Now, seeing you upset because I'm with someone else – it's too little, too late."
Hao's expression hardened, a mix of frustration and realization. "So, what? You've moved on just like that?" he questioned, the hurt evident in his eyes.
"I had to," I replied, my voice quieter but no less resolute. "I can't keep waiting for something that might never happen."
The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of unspoken regrets, a poignant reminder of the complexities that had driven a wedge between us. As the argument lingered in the night air, the echoes of our words carried the unresolved emotions that had defined our relationship, leaving us standing in the shadows of what could have been.
The heaviness of the argument lingered, settling like an unwelcome weight on my shoulders. In the midst of the tension, I found a moment of clarity, and the words spilled out, each one laden with the pain of unspoken truths.
"I silently begged for you to love me," I admitted, my voice a fragile whisper in the night. "I wanted it so badly, Hao, yet I knew deep down that it could never happen. You made that clear. But I stayed, and I tried because I loved you, and you gave me hope, even though you hurt me each time."
Hao's eyes, a mix of regret and realization, met mine. The vulnerability that flickered in his gaze didn't erase the years of heartache, but it spoke to a shared history that neither of us could escape.
"Now that I'm finally happy, when I finally found someone who makes me smile and who likes me back, you suddenly want me?" I continued, my frustration and disbelief underscoring each word. "I can't keep living in the shadows of what could have been, Hao. I deserve to be happy, too."
He took a step forward, a plea in his eyes. "I didn't realize how much you meant to me until now," he confessed, his voice tinged with remorse.
I shook my head, tears threatening to spill. "You had your chance, Hao. I can't keep holding on to what might be. Jiwoong... he makes me happy. He sees me, he wants to be with me, and he doesn't keep me hanging in uncertainty. For once, I'm not living in the shadow of someone,"
Hao's expression shifted, a mixture of understanding and regret. "I messed up, (Y/n). I should have been more honest, more open about my feelings. But it's not too late, is it?"
I took a step back, the space between us filled with the weight of the past and the present. "It's too late for us, Hao. I can't go back to the pain and uncertainty. I've moved on, and I need to see where this new path takes me."
As I turned away, the echoes of our shared history lingered in the air, a poignant reminder of the choices that had shaped our journey. The tears that had been held back finally escaped, a mix of sorrow for what could have been and relief for the possibility of a new beginning.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I met Jiwoong's gaze. His eyes reflected concern, and then anger as he directed his attention toward Hao. Jiwoong wasted no time, sensing my vulnerability. Without a word, he removed his jacket and gently draped it over my shoulders, his protective gesture providing both warmth and comfort.
As the jacket enveloped my frame, I became acutely aware of the chill in the night air. The contrast between the cold reality of the situation and the warmth offered by Jiwoong's gesture highlighted the emotional tumult I was experiencing.
Hao, standing a few steps away, observed the exchange with a mix of regret and realization. The tension between the three of us lingered in the air, a tangible force that underscored the complexities of the moment.
Jiwoong, still wearing the anger on his face, spoke in a calm yet firm tone. "I think it's best if we go back inside," he suggested, his gaze never leaving Hao. With a protective arm around me, Jiwoong led the way, leaving the unresolved emotions of the confrontation behind us.
The jacket draped over my shoulders, a physical manifestation of Jiwoong's care, brought a soothing sense of reassurance. The warmth of the fabric, combined with Jiwoong's steady presence, provided a shield against the emotional storm that had unfolded outside.
As we returned to the party, the night continued, but the encounter with Hao lingered in the background. The jacket served as a tangible reminder of the protective embrace I had found in Jiwoong, and as we navigated through the pulsating music and laughter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the newfound warmth that had entered my life.
Jiwoong led me into a quiet corner, concern etched across his face. "Do you want to talk about what happened out there?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.
I took a deep breath, the weight of the recent encounter with Zhang Hao lingering in the air. "Yeah, I think I should," I replied, appreciating Jiwoong's willingness to navigate the complexities of the moment.
As we found a secluded spot away from the pulsating rhythm of the party, Jiwoong's eyes met mine, awaiting an explanation. "Who is Zhang Hao?" he inquired gently.
I hesitated for a moment before deciding to open up. "He's someone from my past, Jiwoong. We were friends, but it was complicated. I had feelings for him, and it never really went anywhere. Tonight was unexpected, and I just needed to confront some unresolved emotions," I explained, my voice carrying the weight of the unspoken history.
Jiwoong listened attentively, his expression understanding. "I appreciate you sharing that with me. You don't have to face these things alone," he reassured, his hand reaching for mine.
As his fingers intertwined with mine, I felt a sense of comfort. The honesty between us became a bridge, connecting the past with the present. The quiet corner, once filled with uncertainty, transformed into a space where two people navigated the complexities of their histories, laying the foundation for a shared narrative yet to unfold.
In the quiet corner, as Jiwoong's understanding gaze held mine, he leaned in once more. His hand cradled my cheek, a gentle touch that felt like a reassurance in the midst of emotional echoes. Our lips met again in a soft, lingering kiss, a shared moment that spoke of comfort and connection.
I kissed him back, the warmth of the embrace dissipating the residual tension from the earlier encounter. In that simple exchange of affection, the unspoken promises of a new beginning emerged, overshadowing the shadows of the past. The quiet corner became a sanctuary where two hearts, entwined in the dance of shared emotions, found solace in the language of a kiss.
As our lips parted, a subtle blush painted my cheeks. Jiwoong, with a playful glint in his eyes, smiled at me. "Guess I needed that second kiss I didn't get earlier," he remarked, his tone light and teasing.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his playful comment, the tension from earlier dissipating further. Jiwoong's easygoing nature and sense of humor added a layer of comfort to the moment, turning what could have been an emotionally charged night into a shared experience filled with laughter and newfound connections.
Feeling a sense of vulnerability, I knew I needed clarity about where Jiwoong stood in this evolving connection. The fear of uncertainty, born from past experiences, gnawed at the edges of my emotions. Sensing my unease, Jiwoong looked into my eyes with a reassuring understanding.
"You're not alone in this, (Y/n)," he said, his voice carrying a genuine sincerity. "I don't want you to feel like you're in the dark about us."
Relief washed over me at his words, and before I could articulate my concerns, Jiwoong easily erased the lingering fear. With a soft smile, he took my hand in his and said, "How about we make this official? Will you be my girlfriend?"
His simple yet heartfelt question dissolved the lingering uncertainties, replacing them with a warmth that blossomed in my chest. I met his gaze, and with a smile of my own, I nodded. "Yes, Jiwoong. I would love that." The weight of the past began to lift, and in that moment, a new chapter unfolded, marked by shared laughter, understanding, and the promise of a connection that held the potential to rewrite the narrative of my heart.
Later in the night, as the party's lively atmosphere began to wind down, (Y/n) and Jiwoong, the new couple that had emerged from the emotional whirlwind, prepared to leave. Amidst the fading music and the soft glow of fairy lights, Zhang Hao found Jiwoong standing alone, a somber expression on his face.
Approaching with a heavy heart, Hao took a moment before speaking, "Take care of (Y/n), Jiwoong." His words carried a weight of unspoken regret and acceptance, acknowledging the changing dynamics of the night.
Jiwoong, unfazed by the gravity of the moment, responded with a smug confidence that echoed through the dimly lit space. "I already am."
The words hung in the air, a subtle yet impactful exchange that marked a shift in the narrative. It turned out that Zhang Hao was the side character in (Y/n)'s story, and not the other way around. The realization settled over Hao with a quiet poignancy, as he watched (Y/n) and Jiwoong make their way toward the exit, their intertwined fingers reflecting a newfound connection that had taken center stage in (Y/n)'s journey.
As the door closed behind them, Zhang Hao remained in the fading echoes of the party, a character whose significance had been redefined. The narrative had evolved, and in the quiet aftermath, he stood as a silhouette in the background, a part of (Y/n)'s past but no longer a defining chapter in her story.
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hourlyhoon · 5 months
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∬  ﹒  ┄  ◦  𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 ... 🥟    ⊼
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whumpetywhump · 4 months
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Tunnel (2019) - Ep. 8
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nootnootwook · 5 months
christmas cookies
pairing: zhang hao x fem!reader
genre: (childhood) best friends to lovers
in which: you and hao bake christmas cookies together even though you are both fire hazards in the kitchen.
warnings: reader chokes, kisses, lowercase intended !! in love and concerned hao, fluff fluff fluff, not proof read !!
series masterlist !!
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“hao stop it!” you shout shielding yourself from the flour which is currently being thrown at you.
“nuh uh, this is payback!” your best friend says back while grabbing another handful of flour to throw in your face.
as of right now, you are about an hour into your baking experience with hao and it’s been eventful to say the least. in the time that you have currently spent trying to make cookies together you have:
1. remade the dough
2. dropped three eggs on the floor
3. got butter everywhere
4. remade the dough again
5. thrown flour at hao
6. finally put the cookies in the oven
7. gotten flour thrown at you
8. fallen even more in love with your best friend (and you didn’t even know that was an option)
to be completely honest you’ve been harbouring feelings for hao ever since you became friends when you were kids. he was just so charming even at the age of 5 (he gave you his spade in the sandbox) and you just couldn’t resist the cheeky little prince that the universe so graciously gave to you.
even now, at the ripe age of 23, the two of you continue your tradition of baking christmas cookies together without somehow burning the kitchen down and you just can’t seem to take your eyes off of your best friend.
he is always so kind and thoughtful towards you, although it may not show in times like this where he’s attacking you with flour, and with each passing day you find yourself falling for him more and more.
you wouldn’t exchange this for anything in the world. what more could you want during christmas other than laughing with your best friend (read; the love of your life) while making sugar cookies with christmas songs playing in the background and the fairy lights-
and apparently a coughing fit to interrupt the moment. (it turns out that breathing in flour isn’t the brightest idea.)
“woah are you okay?” you hear the laugh in hao’s voice immediately disappear as he puts down the bag of flour and runs over to you while patting your back. “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to make you choke” he says sheepishly as you catch your breath again. he fills up a glass of water and hands it to you.
“no it’s okay” you say while taking the glass. “thank you” you say after taking a sip. you look at hao only to find him staring back at you already. you notice he starts to move towards you holding out his hand which you soon feel resting on your flour-covered cheek.
he wipes away the tears which you didn’t realise have formed while you choked on the flour but doesn’t take his hand away while you stare into his eyes. his eyes flicker down to your lips momentarily as he starts leaning closer to you. you close your eyes and lean up towards him. you can almost feel his breath on your lips when-
beep beep
the cookies are done.
he immediately pulls away and you turn away from him thankful for the flour on your cheeks for covering the redness which has bloomed on your face.
“sorry, i’m sorry” he says and massages his neck. “you go and get cleaned up i’ll get the cookies” he says and you leave as quickly as possible.
you hop in the shower quickly to get rid of the flower in your hair. did that really just happen? did i really almost kiss my best friend.
that is all you could think about during your short shower along with what do you do next? do you bring it up? do you stay quiet? do you go up and kiss him?
despite all of your rushing thoughts you threw on one of the shirts hao gave you and walked back into the kitchen.
“the cookies are basically cooled now so we can decorate them soon” you heard hao say as if nothing had happened.
“oh that’s great” you said a bit disappointed that he decided to ignore the situation. you thought that maybe this could have finally been the time where you could have done something about your feelings for him. “you go clean yourself up i’ll get the decorations out” you said with a forced smile and he left the room but not before shooting you a slightly worried look.
you let out a small sigh after he left the room and your eyes teared up slightly at the thought of him basically rejecting you. you got all of the decorations for the cookies out and set them on the table. you blinked away your tears quickly as you heard him coming back into the room.
“i got all of the decorations so we can start now” you said trying to put a slightly cheery tone in your voice.
“finally, this is my favourite part” hao said with a smile.
now it’s been about half an hour of cookie decorating time and you decided that you want to tell hao about your feelings outright to get a straight answer.
you’ve come to your decision because these past thirty minutes have been filled with nothing but subtle and not-so-subtle touches from hao some of these consisted of:
1. his hand brushing yours while reaching for the sprinkles
2. him putting his arm around your shoulder while grabbing something on the other side of you
3. him holding you by your waist to move you over so he can stand where you stood
4. wiping icing from your cheek (and staring lovingly into your eyes)
so with the final cookie you had you wrote across it as neatly as you could in icing ‘i like you hao. christmas date with me?’ and waited for the right moment to give it to him.
what you failed to notice is how hao started at you the entire time you were decorating the last cookie. he saw what you wrote and smiled the widest smile anyone could have ever seen.
next thing you know you see a cookie being slipped towards you with ‘yes :)’ written on it messily. you look over at hao to find him staring at you yet again with nothing but love in his eyes.
you smile at him and burry yourself in his chest after putting your cookie down. he reciprocates the hug and wraps his arms around your waist.
“i cant wait to take you out” he whispers and you lift your head to look at him.
“i cant wait to go with you wherever you take me.” you say with a soft smile. “i’ll always be happy wherever you are. you press a light kiss to the corner of his lips and before you could even pull away hao places a hand on the back of your neck and pulls you back in for a proper kiss.
a/n: here is hao’s part of the series !!! i feel like the ending is slightly to short but hey ho what can you do
let me know how you are liking this so far !! all the support is appreciated thank you !!!
stay tuned for the next part let me know who i should write next !!!
library <3
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jellywook · 7 months
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☾₊ ⊹ haobin for @seokbaseone ✧˖°.
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feralplantwife · 7 months
I'm watching Love Between Fairy and Devil with my mom and we're 12 episodes in. She does want Dongfang Qingcang and Xiao Lanhua to get together... but is also convinced that Rong Hao and Changheng are in fact lovers on the DL 😂
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Meanwhile, in the yuehuaz gc...
Gyuvin: anyone want any particular snacks for the party tomorrow?
Yujin: food
Ricky: six raw rabbits
Seungeon: Breadstick
Seungeon: S
Hao: this reads like a potion recipe
Ollie: eye of newt
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jebeplanet · 5 months
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gunwookstan · 1 year
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Mortal Kombat Tournament Last Chance Preliminary
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Top 3 go to the tournament, the rest are eliminated forever.
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rennatelier · 9 months
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Wooden pins of Worry Rabbit and Veronica in cute plush forms. They're printed on cherry wooden and at only 1" tall, they remind me of little icing cookies! (please do not put them in your mouth)
They're available now on our online shop and ready to adorn your tote bags, hats, pin boards, or anywhere else you can attach their adorableness!
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incorrectplanet · 1 year
chen kuanjui: if i had eight limbs like an octopus, i’d touch hao-ge with all of them
zhang hao: ew
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firebuug · 2 years
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Have you ever generated a peanut so foul
ft. their ingame form below they developed horns yesterday
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whumpetywhump · 4 months
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Tunnel (2017) - Ep. 8 Tunnel (2019) - Ep. 8
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nootnootwook · 5 months
christmas with zerobaseone
a best friends to lovers series
status: on hiatus !!!
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under the mistletoe - kim jiwoong
in which: you and jiwoong both try to catch each other under the mistletoe.
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christmas cookies - zhang hao
in which: you and hao bake christmas cookies together even though you are both fire hazards in the kitchen.
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merry christmas - sung hanbin
in which: you and hanbin have your annual christmas sleepover
secret santa - seok matthew (in progress)
in which: you and matthew take part in secret santa and pick each other's names
advent calandar - kim taerae
in which: you and taerae make advent calendars for each other - both with a special surprise at the end
snow angels - shen ricky
in which: you and ricky play in the snow and later warm up with a cup of hot chocolate
movie night - kim gyuvin
in which: you and gyuvin spend yet another year watching christmas rom coms.
gingerbread houses - park gunwook
in which: you and gunwook spend an evening building gingerbread houses and dreaming about the future.
christmas card - han yujin
in which: you and yujin spend the afternoon making christmas cards for each other.
library !!
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