#happy birthday Whitney houston
nickisgirl · 10 months
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An edit I made for Whitney Houston's birthday today. :) still miss her :(
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whitneyehouston · 10 months
Happy 60th birthday to one of the greatest singers in the world Whitney houston
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thewhitneyhoustonblog · 10 months
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“You can fool people. You can fool anybody anytime of the day, but you can't fool yourself. At night, when you go home, you've got to be straight up with you.” - Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 - ∞)
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culturalappreciator · 4 months
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the beautiful, incomparable songstress Whitney Houston on what would've been her 60th Birthday!!
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akonoadham · 10 months
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sbrown82 · 2 years
Robert De Niro was really out here THIRSTING for Whitney Houston! 💅🏿☕️
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stupidlamename · 10 months
Happy 60th birthday to my queen, Whitney Houston, the greatest singer of all time. May her soul continue to rest in peace.
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brendalamour1 · 10 months
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🏳️‍🌈 Join me tonight for BFF,aka Brenda's Fancy Friday. Begins at 8pm EST ending early because I have an early Saturday morning show. So come be apart of week ending fun,laughter and shenanigans 🙃 🤪 🕺💃🏻😍🎊🍸🎶💯!!
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90shistory · 10 months
Happy heavenly 60th birthday to Whitney Houston
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blkcultureunlocked · 2 years
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Happy Heavenly Birthday to ‘The Voice’, Ms. Whitney Houston! She would’ve turned 59 today 🙏🏾🕊
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alwayscaskett810 · 10 months
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Whitney Houston - Born August 9, 1963 Died - February 11, 2012
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nickisgirl · 1 year
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Made the top one for Brandy's birthday, and the second one to remember Whitney Houston. (Plus I forgot to make a special pic in honor of her birthday so it also counts for that too. Also, I miss Whitney. :( )
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whitneyehouston · 2 years
UNiQUE ! Alien superstar
Happy birthday Whitney
Thank you for all you did for the culture . You took the brunt of it to open doors for the next generation singers . You layed the foundation and the next generation is handling it well . Look at Beyoncé . A legend .
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shelovesairjordan · 10 months
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icyg4l · 21 days
PAC: What Do You Need to Know Right Now?
Hello beautiful people. Happy Monday! Today is special because this will be my first fully intuitive PAC reading, meaning no cards just vibes lmao. This week Friday, I am having yet another Five Dollar Friday Sale so stay tuned in for that! Without further ado, please select the image that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to learn how to surrender to the Divine. I heard “the choice is yours”. Whatever major decision you’ve been contemplating on will ultimately be up for you to decide. You choose your own destiny but you don’t have to know all the steps/details of getting there. Have some confidence in your journey. Everything will be alright. This is for some of you, if you are a business owner or your love language is acts of service, you need to learn how to say no. Turning your services down to people who don’t deserve it is okay to do. All money isn’t good money. As you try to make a name for yourself, lean into your gut feelings. Don’t navigate through this world by being willfully naive. You know more than most. Some of you may have been encountering shady characters. I am channeling the energy of Douda from The Chi; very Devil-like, King of Cups (RX) type of energy. A lot of you have been dealing with two-faced men within the past two years but I am seeing a door shutting in someone’s face in my third eye. You are going to start walking away from people/places/things that no longer serve you. This newfound courage will result in long-term abundance and prosperity. Don’t be afraid to start over. Out with the old, in with the new, babe!
extras: jenifer lewis. “candace/candy”. florist. unable to wink. listening to whitney houston. weather forecast. “maurice/morris”. feeling underestimated. desperate housewives. fearful. cotton candy. yes indeed (2018). cold at night. arm wrestling champ. loose cannon.
Pile Two: I feel like you are going through some physical changes. You could be pregnant, soon-to-be moving, upgrading your furniture, painting your house, learning how to do makeup to be an MUA, etc. You could be doing multiple things at once right now. Your ability to shift from one gig to another is admirable. You’re very versatile. You’re an independent person but you should know that you don’t have to carry the work alone. You have people around you that are willing to help and nurture your talents and skills. The car you drive was created because of team effort. The food you eat is consumable because of a team! The books you read were not solely published because of the author, but because there was a team behind them! Nobody is truly by themselves, honey! Allow people to experience your energy. I feel like it took a long time for you to be this comfortable with yourself. But ultimately, you are human and you need people around you! You will know who your people are when you get around them.
extras: diana/deana. red flags. movie theatre. drug major. oomf. cheese lover. movement. smokey. black eyed peas. rice & peas. red nails. classic manicure. turning 30/milestone birthday.
Pile Three: I feel like you’re guarding your energy right now, Pile Three. You’ve been caved in with your lover, lol. I didn’t mean for this to turn into a love reading but heyyyy, I see you! :). Your union was not supposed to last as long as it has on the surface but it did. I am sensing that it was originally a one night stand or a summer fling. However, it was divinely orchestrated to be that way. I am seeing those Pinterest drawings of soulmates in my third eye. This person is someone you’re aligned with on a soul level; this is karmic. However, karmic ≠ codependent. Make sure that you have your own life outside of this person. This person does have all eyes on you and vice versa. I can tell that the passion is mutual. If you are planning to go on a vacation with this person soon, expect a promotion in your relationship to happen. This promotion could be an engagement/wedding, moving in together, meeting the family, etc. I see you two eating slices of fruit on the beach, feeding one another while smiling and giggling amongst each other. This is a lovely connection thus far. I also see you being spoiled with gifts of your choice. This person is a gift giver for sure, along with wanting to spend quality time with you! However, this is just the beginning. Ground yourself in the present moment. Savor and soak up every waking day with this person.
extras: montgomery, alabama. jason/justin. sam. cartier glasses. fake ID. retribution. academy. pork. glamorous. marjorie. fake gym rat. attracted to pheromones. high achiever. monie/monet. kansas.
Pile Four: This is for a few of you, but some of you could have known someone that was recently released from jail/mental health facility/nursing home. You could be their caregiver/keeper. Others of you have family members/a partner that are financially dependent on you. I know that you feel burdened by this. Both the financial burden and the mental burden can be frustrating. I do see your situation improving. Someone is lightening the load. I feel like you are going to receive extra support, specifically from another woman. She is going to offer help & it will no longer be a job carried by one person. Whoever this is, they have been in your position before so you don’t have to worry about being pitied or feeling lesser than her. Another thing is that you should definitely get started on your laundry. I feel like you are going through a bout of depression right now. Start off with the small tasks first then do the big things. You need to take your time & be patient with yourself.
extras: air jordan’s. new microwave. corn on the cob. jogging. morph. telling stories. future focused. gold rings. coffee. marlboro. notre dame. golden shepard.
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bebepac · 1 year
Garden Party Photo Op
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics prompt “ Say that again.... I don’t think I heard you right the first time which will appear in bold
I am also participating in @choiceschallenge-may2023  prompt for vacation.
Without further Ado and it’s been a long time coming since the last update on this series The Life of Riley Book 2:  This is chapter 8 in this series.   
This chapter also contains a companion chapter in Heroes and Villians  called Arch Nemesis
The Book: TRR
The Pairings: Liam x Riley
Rating:  PG
Warnings:  Adult Language
Word Count: 2428
Mood Music Monday Submisson: "When You Believe"  by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Summary:  Riley  attends a garden party with a challenge involved to see who will be crowned Cordonia’s Most Photogenic Couple, the prize a weekend vacation to Greece.
Original Post: 05/14/23  at 7:14PM EST. 
A/N: As mentioned any chapter of Life of Riley carrying this callsign 
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will have a companion chapter in Heroes and Villains.  The chapters will be similar in plot, but different subjects and perpectives will be focused on, the two chapters together tell a complete story from different vantage points. 
AN2:  I hadn’t planned on updating LOR yet, but I did get a request from the lovely @queenwalton​ as she is a fan of this story line, and it’s a late birthday gift.  So happy belated birthday friend, late but I made it. LOL. 
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She smiled when she woke up, stretching out her body while still nestled in the soft plush covers and mattress that felt like she was sleeping on clouds.   Opening her eyes, she glanced around the ornately decorated room. Waking up there every morning, always felt like she was in a dream.  She jumped up, from her bed running  over to the balcony, throwing open the doors, as if she expected the gardens below not to be visible.
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  But it was, every single morning.  She had been in Cordonia a little more than three weeks; the ending of the second week at the palace where she was participating in Prince Liam’s social season.  She was living her own Cinderella story thanks to the crown prince of Cordonia Liam Rys, who after spending the night with her in New York, asked her to come visit him in Cordonia for a week, and then asked her to stay. Now this was her life. 
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Balls and garden parties, and vying for the hand of a Prince that honestly had already made her life different, and she hadn’t even said the words “I do” yet.
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Riley Brooks was not the only one living their own Cinderella story that had Liam to thank.  A young Nicolas Karahalios had everything he owned packed in a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and was standing at the palace gates waiting for entry to live at the palace for the duration of his training. This was different. Previously he was only visiting the palace for training,  now he would be actually staying on site.
“State your full name, and what your business is at the palace.”  
“Karahalios, Nicolas A. I’m beginning level two training for the Kingsguard.”  
The sentry took out a clip board and scrolled through the names.  Nico sighed in relief when the guard picked up a pen and checked his name off the list.
“You're early. Head through those double doors there to take your photo for your level two identification, and from there, you’ll go to uniforms for your cadet training attire.”
“Thank you.”
“Good luck, kid.”  The guard nodded to him, opening the gate.  
“Thank you, Sir!”  Nico slid the strap of his bag up higher on his shoulder and stood in amazement as the palace gates opened for him. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.
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Nico was officially one step closer to becoming a part of the KingsGuard.  Nico stood tall in front of the wall with the Cordonian Crest
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 to take his photograph for his badge.
“Look straight ahead.”  The person instructed him.  Nico smiled.
“Don’t smile in this photo.”
“Oh, sorry.”    
Nico quickly made his face serious and level once more.
“Your badge will be ready in a few minutes.  Since you were the first one here, it won’t be so long,  you can go to uniforms and get settled in, in the cadet dorm, and  don’t look so shell shocked.  You made it this far.”  
“Thank you sir.”  
When Nico finally made it to the cadet dorms, he finally decided to call his mother.
“I made it mama! I’m the first one here.”  
He panned his phone around the room. The first side of the room housed the bunks for sleeping,  the other side  had furniture,  desks, and a huge wide screen television.  
“This is nicer than where you were previously sharing an apartment.”
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“And Mama, when I become a guard, I’ll have my own quarters here, in the palace.”
“You can do it Nico.  I know you can.  Thank you for the money you’ve been sending us.  I was able to get Athena a beautiful dress for graduation.”  
“You don’t have to thank me for that, Mama.  It’s what I’m supposed to do.  I’ll be able to take care of you someday.”
“You already do that Nico.  I’m proud of you.”  
“Thank you Mama.  I’ve got to go now , some of the other cadets are here now.”
“And you can't be on the phone with your mother, I understand.”  She chuckled softly.
“It's not that. I love you mama.”  
“Go make friends. I love you too, my sweet little Dianooúmenos." (Egghead)
Nico laughed,
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 "Goodbye Mama." disconnecting the call.
His mother didn’t realize this was serious, that no one would really be making friends.   People wanted positions in the guard, and everyone had legacy advantages but him.  He was considered to be the outsider that didn’t belong;
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 the only one who didn’t treat him that way was Demitri who preferred to be called Dima for short. Dima was the closest person to a friend he had of the cadets.  Nico had already claimed a top bunk for himself. Dima decided on the one next to him. Nico worked twice as hard as the others, and Dima was at his heels.
After Nico had unpacked, he changed into his workout clothes.
“What are you about to do?”  
“Take a run around the wall.”  (The Palace perimeter)
“Want company?”  
As they walked out of the dormitory room, Dima looked at him.  
“You know, you’re not the only one with something to prove, Nico.”
“Say that again... I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
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“It’s easy to ride on someone’s coattails, but making your own path is a lot more difficult.  More people should try it.  You and I are really more alike than we are different, you know.”
“Good to know.”  
“Come in Maxwell!”  Riley said when she heard his knock.  
Maxwell smiled as he walked through the door.
“You know, we have to stop meeting this way.”  
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Maxwell laughed  but the door remained open for Bertrand to walk through.   Riley tried to hide her annoyance.
“Yes Bertrand, what did I do wrong now?”  
He looked her over.  
“Nothing that I can tell as of yet, but you did just wake up, which already means you have a late start.”  
“Still getting used to the time difference.”  
“That didn’t matter last night when you were at the dive bar drinking with Drake Walker acting like you’re still a college student.”  
“You’re acting like Maxwell wasn’t there too.”
“Little Blossom! Way to throw me under the bus!”
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“I feel like I'm the only one taking this whole arrangement seriously, keeping you two in check is like herding cats.”  
Maxwell chuckled.  
“Do not encourage her Maxwell.”  
“Don’t encourage me Maxwell. You know how that antagonizes him.”  Riley imitated Bertrand’s voice.   Bertrand eyed her, shaking his head.  
“Today’s itinerary is simple.  You will be having lunch in the garden.   All suitors must wear white dresses for the suitor photo shoot.”
“Good thing I’m not surfing the crimson wave this week.”
“The crimson what?  Lady Riley if you are referring to feminine concerns…”  
“Or the monthly monster.”  
“RAWR!!!!!!”  Maxwell yelled, causing the both of them to break out into fits of giggles.
“You two!!! Stop it! I mean it.”  
Maxwell cleared his throat.
“We are very sensitive to those types of things, right Bertrand?  It’s a part of life women must deal with.”    
“This is true Lady Riley, if there is anything you need in that department,  I’m sure Maxwell can handle that for you.”
Bertrand straightened his tie taking  a deep breath to continue his conversation.
“Getting back on task, the purpose of the suitor photo shoot is to upload your candid photo with Prince Liam to the Crown’s social media website so the people can be part of the voting for Most Photogenic Couple.  You need to head to your appointment in the boutique.”
“It’s not needed, I have a  dress for the event, Bertrand.”
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Betrand laughed out loud.  
“With all due respect Lady Riley, I’ve looked at your social media, and I seriously doubt anything you brought from New York with you, when you were and I quote ‘living my best life YOLO club hopping with my bae’  would hardly suffice for a upscale luncheon with His Royal Highness and the King and Queen. Maxwell, talk some sense into her.”  
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Once Bertrand had left, Maxwell peered at Riley.
“Little Blossom….”  
“Trust me Maxwell, I have the perfect dress for the garden party.  I just need to get a steamer, and I can steam it myself to remove any wrinkles it has. I promise, I will look amazing.”
“I trust you.”  
Even though Liam had offered the Beaumonts funding for Riley’s social season expenses, she always felt if she could avoid spending Liam’s money, she would.  She did have the perfect dress.  It  was snow white and ethereal, gently clung to her curves in the right places, and flowy in all the others. Once steamed and after she had straightened her hair but used her curling iron to create loose waves.  Since it was almost time for her next batch of white roses from Liam to be delivered, she decided to use the current ones to make a garland of roses for her hair, making sure she saved one for something special for Liam. She wanted the whole world to know that she belonged there too.
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Liam was absolutely awestruck when he saw her walking towards the party, heading in her direction, him stopping her at  the garden archway.  
The way he stared at her made her feel special and desired.  Liam never gazed at anyone with the level of intention in his eyes.  
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After speaking for a few minutes, and the Prince pulling her close to him for a few moments, she continued on to the gardens,  meeting up with Hana first.  
“I’m so glad you’re here Lady Riley.”
“You know me,  fashionably late but always in fashion.”  Riley giggled. “I really like your dress.”
“Yours too! Where did you get it?  There was nothing like it in the boutique.”  
“It’s actually a dress I brought here from home.”
“It’s really pretty, I would have never known. You’ll have a really pretty picture with Prince Liam, with your dress and hair blowing in the wind.”  
“That’s the plan!”  
“Shall we go and grab a seat?”  
“Lets, my dogs are barking!”
“Okay Penelope.” Hana commented with a giggle.
As they turned  to take the first steps to start heading towards the suitor’s table, Olivia passed in front of Riley stepping on her foot.
Riley could not contain the curse words that tumbled from her mouth.  She was afterall A New Yorker through and through.  She was able to use curse words just as fragrant as a painter could make a picture on canvas come to life.  
“And that’s why you should be wearing heels and not dollar store sandals.”  
Riley decided not to engage the Scarlet Diva anymore at that moment, but the reckoning was coming.  She had to wait a bit for the crowd to calm down and It was time for lunch, and time for a little payback.  
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She decided to survey the serving tables before she enacted her revenge, and let’s be for real, Olivia had it coming.  Riley strategically started heaping food on her plate in a haphazard fashion.  Anything soupy with a sauce made it to her plate, and to drink? The biggest glass she could find was filled to the brim with red wine.  
Target acquired.  Riley made her way back to her seat with her plate that was heaping with food and her larger than life glass of red wine, when she passed by Olivia, she feigned slipping dropping the glass of wine over her head.  
Direct Hit!
“Whoops!”  Riley exclaimed.
Olivia gasped, jumping up, grabbing her arm.  Riley again slipped as if the ground where the wine had fallen off of Olivia had made the grass slippery and her plate of food somehow left her hands, landing all over Olivia’s dress.  
Flawless Victory!
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“My apologies, Duchess Olivia!!!!  It looks like I got your whole dress there. Clumsy me!!!”
She leaned into  Olivia with a smirk.  “Must be those cheap dollar store sandals not providing much traction on the grass.”
The Scarlet Duchess’s face was in fact scarlet and she left the garden party humiliated.  
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Riley went back in line and got her actual plate of food, finally making it to her place next to Hana once more.
Hana’s eyes were wide and unblinking.  “I really wasn’t expecting you to do that. But I’m glad you did.  She gets away with so much, I’m glad you stand up to her and for yourself.”
“Don’t let her.  All of you guys could stand up for yourselves too, and not let her get away with the things she does.”  
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“That’s just not how it’s done here.”  
“Well, it is now.”
Riley glanced across the way, Liam was smiling, shaking his head at her.  Riley smiled back, shrugging her shoulders resulting in Liam’s smile to widen even more.  
Photo Op Time
As Liam posed and took pictures with the other suitors, there were some nice photos in the bunch but they all lacked something special.  Riley went last, and as she walked in the Prince’s direction 
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his smile brightened and his eyes twinkled. His world stopped.
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“Natural chemistry has  finally entered the chat.”  
Riley fell into a deep curtsy looking up at Liam as she held out one of the roses she had clipped. 
“A matching rose for you Your Highness for your lapel, for our picture together.”  
“That’s a lovely gesture Lady Riley.”  
After placing the rose, Riley straightened it.  “Perfect.”
Riley faced the Prince for her photo as all the suitors before had done.  But once their eyes met, there was no denying the electric sexually charged energy of the two together.  Neither heard the snap of the camera until Ana De Luca spoke.
“Wow, that was a great picture, but I don’t think the people are ready for a photo with this much raw heat to it.”  
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“I request a copy of that one Ana.”
She nodded.  “You two don’t even need to face each other to create chemistry, it happens on its own.”  
Before Ana could actually direct them Liam and Riley fell into a pose different from all the suitors before.  
“There it is.   Perfect.  This picture displays " The Royal Romance.”  
All the suitors' pictures with Liam were touched up and uploaded to the Crown’s social media website for voting.  
Riley’s picture with Liam won by a landslide, meaning she would be going to Greece with Liam; the man she loves. The girl that had come from lowly beginnings being adopted, and losing everything she had to  meeting a kind attractive stranger was now around the world getting stamps on a passport she never thought she would fill, living her best life.
Cinder - fucking - rella  in the house or should we say castle?
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Just Breathe....
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