#happy birthday sherrybaby14
sweetness47 · 5 years
Pinky Promise
Pairing Bucky x reader
This is a late present for @sherrybaby14​ 😊 Happy Birthday Sweetie <3 . There are some flashback moments in italics, part of the background story.
Warnings: some underage smut-ish stuff, smut, some fluff, language, child abandonment, child kidnapping, parental rejection dark moments, etc… MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!! DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THIS OFFENDS YOU!!!
Summary: You and Bucky grew up as neighbours, you always watched each other’s backs, always defended the other. Both of you were close with Steve as well. But it was Bucky who was particularly close to you.
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Five years old, Kindergarten
A shy YN entered the classroom, clinging to the skirt her mother wore. She didn’t want to stay here, there were too many people. And they all looked super scary.
“Mama, I want to go home!” she pleaded.
“You will be fine sweetie, promise. I’ll come back in a couple of hours to get you, ok? You’ll have lots of fun.”
The teacher, Mrs. Bird, came over. “You must be YN. I’m Mrs. Bird. There’s some dolls over here, I can show them to you if you like.”
The teacher held out her hand, and YN looked at her, then looked more closely at the room. Toys filled all the corners, there were dolls, toy cars, building blocks, coloring books. Slowly, more out of curiosity, she took Mrs. Bird’s hand and together they went over to where other girls were playing with dolls and clothes. YN’s mother took that opportunity to sneak away, thankful for the distraction the teacher had provided.
She knelt down, finding a blonde hair baby to play with. She took some dresses and began trying them on her, then another girl came and snatched the doll away.
“My doll.”
“No! I had it first!” YN yelled back.
“Too bad.” The other girl sneered at YN and pushed her.
“I think that girl had the doll first. Give it back to her.”
Both girls turned to a young boy. “Buzz off kid.” The other girl turned to ignore him.
The boy took the doll, and gave it back to YN. The teacher came over, and pulled the other girl aside to talk about her manners.
YN looked at the boy who had now sat down beside her. “Thank you. I’m YN.”
“My name is James.” The boy said, holding his hand out for her to shake.
She did. “This your first day?” she asked.
James nodded. “You?”
He turned to her. “Wanna be best friends?”
“Sure.” She replied.
“Here.” He held out his pinky finger. “Let’s pinky promise. We will always be friends, always help each other, always.”
She connected her pinky with his. “I like that promise.”
Her mind wandered, away from the pain, away from the nightmares. The memory, if that’s what it was, was nice, a good distraction. Where was this? When?
The conditioning resumed. Tears fell from her eyes as her mind took her away again.
16 Years Old, High School
“You gotta be kidding Buck. No way. Uh uh. I am not wearing heels that high. Nope. Not happening.”
“C’mon YN, they will look really good with the gown.” He pleaded.
YN turned to Steve. “Are you gonna let him rag on me like that?”
“Leave it Buck. She doesn’t have to wear the shoes. They are a bit high. You don’t want your prom date to end up on crutches do you?” he said to his friend.
“Fine.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “It was only a suggestion.” He placed a chaste kiss on YN’s forehead. “No one’s going to notice the shoes anyways, they will be too busy staring at the dress.”
Steve laughed and nodded. “True enough.”
“You guys are going to make me blush.” YN chimed in as she did a fancy twirl. The gown she’d picked off the rack was perfect size. The blue satin moved gracefully around her, making her shiver when material brushed against her skin. It was a halter top design, the low V accentuating her breasts. Small beads adorned the waistline, giving the illusion of a belt, and completing the delicate piece of clothing. “This is definitely the one.”
“I have to agree.” Bucky came over to stand beside her. Steve joined as well. “You look stunning.”
She blushed furiously, and went back to the change room. Bucky paid for the dress and made arrangements to get it shipped to her house.
Bucky had been right in suggesting everyone’s eyes would be glued to the dress. YN always dressed plain, not wanting to stand out, yet here she was, the most beautifully dressed tonight. How had she let Bucky talk her into this? Her mind screamed at her to run, seek safety of her home, but her heart was right where she wanted to be, with James “Bucky” Barnes.
Her eyes flitted open, the room was blurry. She watched as people walked around, whispering amongst themselves, all kinds of tubes and needles everywhere. Her body was strapped down, helpless…she didn’t know what or where she was, she wasn’t even sure anymore who she was. The conditioning resumed as one of the fuzzy figures injected something into her IV.
16 years old, Graduation
The party lasted well into the night. James took Steve home, then drove YN back to her place. “I love you Buck.”
The words surprised them both. Yeah, they’d been dating for a while, but neither had actually said the words…till now. Bucky leaned over to kiss her, his lips soft, inviting YN to open hers. He moaned as his tongue found hers, dancing together in the heat. “I love you too, YN.”
The kiss deepened, Bucky reaching to hike up her skirt, while YN worked at undoing his belt and pants. Truthfully, they hadn’t planned to go far, but neither wanted to stop. It felt right. YN lifted her hips as Bucky slid off her underwear, then moved his hands to cup her mound. She was soft, wet with desire for this man. He slipped a finger inside, and she gave a soft cry as her body adjusted to the invasion. Then he moved it, slowly, covering her passionate pleas with bruising kisses.
His hand then left, and he moved her to lay on the seat of the car. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.
Always the gentleman, she thought to herself. “Yes.”
Bucky nodded, and in one swift moment, he was in, thrusting past the barrier of her innocence. Tears stung her eyes, but she smiled up at him. His look of concern was heartwarming, so she gave a nod of assurance that indeed she was ok. He moved then, pulling out then pushing back in. YN experienced her first orgasm, the explosion sending unimaginable pleasure through her.
“Bucky! Oh god…”
He moved faster, spurred by her response, and YN found herself wrapping her legs around his waist. He was all muscle and pure sin. And he was hers. He came shortly after, spilling his seed inside her, collapsing on top of her. Both were panting and sweaty, but neither regretted that night.
“Her conditioning is complete. She is ready for testing.”
“Well done Dr. Let’s see what she can do.”
YN looked at the room she now found herself in. She was no longer strapped down, no tubes attached to her arms, and she was fully clothed. The suit was light, breathable, and allowed her to move with ease.
Two soldiers came in, no guns, but stood ready to strike. YN looked almost bored.
Until they moved to attack her.
It was almost too fast to see with the human eye, the way she grabbed the arm of the first soldier, tearing it from his body, then gouging his eyes out. The second soldier wrapped his arms around her, trying to contain and limit her movement, but she took both hands and grabbed his head from behind. She pulled him over her, and punched a hole in his chest, literally, pulling out his heart and smashing it on the ground.
All that took about 20 seconds.
She stayed there, waiting for instructions. The Doctor and the other man came in to the room. The man looked her over. “Hail Hydra!” he saluted her.
“Hail Hydra!” she replied.
Yes. She was ready.
Steve looked at his friend in wide disbelief. “No way. She was too smart to have ever been captured by Hydra.”
Bucky stared right back. “She wasn’t, originally. She was like me. A victim of circumstance. I wouldn’t lie about this Steve. You know me. You know how I felt about her. You honestly think I would make shit like that up?”
“It’s entirely possible that this YN could have fallen victim to the same circumstances as James.” Natasha interjected.
“Maybe, but if that’s the case, who knows what kind of conditioning she’s been through. And would we even be able to get her back?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders at Steve. “You got me back Rogers. Don’t you think she deserves that chance too?”
Cap sighed. “True enough. But it’s going to be tough getting past the defenses. Hydra’s pretty well fortified.”
Black Scorpion. That’s what they called her now.
Her old name and old life a distant memory, fading farther as the days went by. She no longer heard the name YN. No longer did anyone treat her with anything but respect and indifference. They were probably scared of her. She was the best weapon they’d ever made. Even better than the Winter Soldier had been. She was flawless.
They had used an improved version of the Super Soldier Serum. Superior to any used before. Her skin was impenetrable now, she had no need of bullet proof garments. Knives were useless as well. She was the perfect killing machine.
It was based on nanite technology, tiny microscopic robots that had integrated with her DNA, bonding with her blood, giving her instant healing and armour.
She’d been part of Hydra’s experiments for decades. YN was given the original Super Serum to preserve her life, then they worked on perfecting it, and her.
The Black Scorpion lived true to the name, the perfect Hydra operative. She never missed a target, never botched a mission, never failed…period.
She’d encountered the Avengers a few times, but her mask shrouded them from making any kind of headway as to her identity. When not working, she remained inside the base, she had no need for food or sleep, so she trained, meditated, and trained more.
Those Hydra soldiers who weren’t scared of her tried to get her into their beds, but were unsuccessful. She had no need of such activities, and she certainly wasn’t going to engage in them with those losers.
There were times where, if she did close her eyes, she would have flashes of what seemed to be dreams, images of a child and others like her, playing together. Visions of going to school, eating at diners, plagued her.
But there was one that haunted her most of all.
It was a boy, well the first images were a young boy, but they were friends, then more than friends, then…well that’s where it usually ended. She could never see anything beyond that. And while she no longer had emotion or knew anything other than what was current, the images continued to appear, eventually even happening while she was awake. It never affected her missions, and no one was ever aware this was happening. She never told a soul.
Her outside façade never showed anything but the calm, cool, collected Black Scorpion. Her mind struggled between the conditioning and the flashes of this boy. She had to find out who he was, and why she was dreaming of him. But she didn’t have any security clearance for the computers that occupied the rooms. So she had little to help her in her quest, but was determined none-the-less.
“You’re absolutely sure this is where she’d be?”
“I’m sure.”
Nat stood by Bucky. “I believe you. Let’s get your friend.”
Steve sighed. “Ok. But, stealth? Please?” He looked specifically at Bucky first, who rolled his eyes, then at Natasha.
“Duh.” Nat stuck her tongue out at Cap, who shook his head.
Bucky scoured the area, counting the guards and gathering intel, including the easiest way in. He found it: a service tunnel that lead to a secluded grove of pines. The electrical building was there. It was a perfect place to sneak inside and get to YN.
But their stealth was no match for a certain Hydra operative who happened to be watching the fields, desperately trying to find a way into the computer systems, hoping it had some intel on her past. The flashes and images were becoming more frequent, and it terrified her, she who had no emotion, who’s humanity had been stripped away by decades of brainwashing.
She didn’t alert any of the other soldiers. There was no need for anyone else. She had taken on these people before, and could easily do so again. Donning her mask, she made her way quickly to the service tunnel she saw them heading toward. Her plan…take them out…permanently.
She hid in the shadows of the first corner, listening for the anticipated footsteps.
Bucky was the first down, followed by Nat and then Cap. The tunnel was dimly lit, but manageable. There were no guards down there, it was just the opposite, an eerie quiet filled the long hallways. Bucky’s senses were on high alert, as were the other two. They moved cautiously down the passage, listening for anything.
Almost too late, Bucky caught a very faint intake of breath from around the corner, just before Black Scorpion came charging at them. The three Avengers scattered, avoiding the long sword flying in their direction.
“There will be no escape this time. You will all fall to Hydra!”
“Not in this century, bitch.” This from Widow, who took out her own baton to combat with.
Her laugh sent chills down their spines. “Your imaginary feats of escape and heroism are small, and will ultimately lead to your demise.” She scoffed. “Why would only three of you come here? Do you have a need to die so quick?”
“We’re looking for a friend of ours.”
Scorpion turned to the famed Soldier. “We don’t have any of Shield’s agents in our cells, though you are welcome to become prisoners.”
“She isn’t a Shield agent. She is a friend. From our childhood. Her name is YN. YFN YLN.”
Scorpion stopped, staring at Captain America. Then her eyes floated over to the man beside him. Dark hair, scruffy, but the eyes…blue as the sky on a clear day. It couldn’t be. The boy from her visions was Hydra’s traitor?
Bucky caught the confusion in Scorpion’s eyes. “Please. If you know where she is, tell us. I love her. I always have, always will.”
Scorpion couldn’t speak. She had to retreat, clear her head. She turned to flee, but Bucky’s swift motions caught her attempt, grabbing her arm and swinging her around. The force of the movement caused her mask to fly off, leaving two speechless Avengers.
The object of the mission was standing right in front of them.
Nat snuck around while Scorpion was preoccupied and gave her enough sedative to knock out a tyrannosaurus. Her stinger was made with a metal alloy not of this world, able to penetrate anything, even Cap’s shield. The perfect weapon that was Black Scorpion slid slowly to the ground, her eyes never leaving the Winter Soldier’s.
 17 Years Old
Her period never came. It was due two weeks ago. She smiled to herself. Bucky would be thrilled when she told him. They were going to have a baby. She knew she was young, but they would make it work. He already had a good job. They could get a small place somewhere, settle down, get married.
The only other thing she had to do was tell her parents. They were good role models, loving, caring. She couldn’t not say anything. This was going to be their grandchild. They would surely be happy, right?
“Mom? Dad? Can we talk?” she approached them after dinner.
“Sure honey. What’s wrong?” her mother coaxed, motioning for YN to sit on the sofa beside her.
YN bit her lip and looked down at her lap for a moment. “I’m pregnant.”
There, she’d said it. Now all she had to do was wait for the shouts of joy, the hugs.
But they never came.
Instead, her father stood from his chair. “What?”
Her mother looked horrified. “You’re pregnant? Who…?” she stopped. “It’s that boy, James something. Isn’t it? What did he do? Did he force you? Is that what happened?”
YN shook her head. “No. Nothing like that! James and I love each other. He’s going to marry me, and we’re going to be a family.”
The hard slap echoed through the room, tears stinging the reddening cheek on YN’s face. “You slut! How could you shame us like that? Your parents! We loved you, cared for you, and this is how you repay us? You ungrateful little girl. Go to your room, NOW!”
YN ran up the stairs to her room, slamming the door and flinging herself onto her bed. Never, in her 17 years, had her mom and dad ever hit her. That hurt almost as much as the actual slap. Possibly more. Why wouldn’t they be happy? It wasn’t like James was going to abandon her. They had to know that, right?
She cried herself to sleep. When she finally woke, she was greeted with a splitting headache, and the realization that she wasn’t at her home. In fact, she was pretty sure she wasn’t in the same city. Where was she? How did she get here?
She wandered around, the dark alley producing frightening shadows, hints of danger lurked everywhere. She walked to and fro, up and down the streets of the foreign town, hoping this was just some bad nightmare. But no luck. After hours of aimless searching, the pregnant teen sat on a nearby park bench, shivering, crying uncontrollably, praying for a miracle.
Her eyes flew open, immediately tensing as she glanced around the white room. She was in some kind of hospital room, or infirmary. Same thing. But what, why…Her mind reeled over what she could remember, which wasn’t much at first. Scared and confused, she hopped off the bed, only to be met with one kickback of a dizzy spell. She collapsed, shaking, as her weak limbs struggled to get up off the cold cement. The nanites that were inside her had gone dormant, sleeping while she slept. They would get her back up in a few minutes, but that wasn’t the biggest concern.
Numerous flashes of different scenarios crossed her mind: murder, fighting, killing people…then children playing, laughing…
The boy with the blue eyes.
She was unaware that someone had entered the room. Strong arms lifted her off the floor, gently placing her back into the comfort of the bed. Those same blue eyes met hers, concern etched across his beautiful face.
“You ok?” his voice was just as sinful as the rest of him. She nodded. “What do you remember?”
She shook her head. “I…I’m not really sure. There’s so many chopped up images in my head right now, it might as well be an entire theatre of movies times 50.”
He chuckled. “Do you remember your name?”
“Bla…” she paused, “No, it…it’s YN.” Her eyes widened. “Buck?”
Bucky let out a huge sigh of relief. “Yeah doll, it’s me.”
YN began to frown, which was quickly replaced with tears of remorse. “Oh god…Buck, I’m so sorry. I…”
He gathered her into his strong embrace. “Shhh, don’t apologize. It wasn’t you YN. It was Hydra.”
She held up her hand. “No, Bucky, please let me finish.” He stopped, facing her. “I never wanted to leave you. I wasn’t given a choice.”
He leaned back. “What are you talking about? You wrote me a letter saying you were going to college. You wanted to remain just friends. I stopped hearing from you, eventually, and I joined the army.”
She shook her head. “No, I didn’t go away to college Buck. My parents sent me away.”
His features darkened. “Why?”
“Because I was pregnant. We were going to have a baby.”
His jaw dropped. His voice barely a whisper, “What?”
“They were so mad, telling me I had shamed them. I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. When I woke, I was in a strange town, no other clothes than what I wore, no money, no note, no goodbye. Nothing. They abandoned me.”
The metal hand curled into a fist. “Those bastards. Why didn’t you contact me?”
“I couldn’t. I had no way to do anything like that. I was almost starved to death when this couple came by and saw me alone on the park bench. I hadn’t eaten or drank anything for 2 days at that point. They offered me a place to stay, and I accepted. That was my first encounter with Hydra.”
“It was too good an offer to pass up at the time. I was scared, pregnant and alone…and I was hungry. I didn’t know much about them beyond what they told me. I told them about the baby, and they appeared even more concerned. So they took me in and gave me a new home. They helped me go shopping for clothes for the child, a cradle, everything I would need. They seemed to live a simple life, no phones or anything. They bought whatever I needed or wanted, so I never had any need for an allowance or a job.”
“When the baby started to come, the couple rushed me to a special ‘hospital’ where I could have ‘the best care’ possible. We had a son Buck. But then everything went downhill. I wasn’t even given a chance to hold him. He was taken from the room and I never saw him again. That’s when they started experimenting on me. They gave me the Super Soldier serum to keep me from aging while they worked to perfect it. They did outside trials too, hence Captain America and you, but it was my body they used as their test subject. While I was under, they had subliminal messages playing, conditioning to make me forget who I was. This went on for decades.”
Bucky listened in horror, his stomach threatening to heave his recent meal. He couldn’t believe those assholes had done this to her. To his YN. “God, YN. I never knew.”
“I know. I don’t blame you. I would have contacted you if I knew how, or had the tools to do so.” She bit her lip. “But our son is out there now. They are probably raising him, training him right from birth that Hydra is his life. We have to find him.”
He put a hand on her shoulder. “We will. Promise. But right now, you need to rest.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
She smiled. “Pinky promise?”
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
let someone see right through > bucky barnes
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|| pairing: Bucky Barnes x black!reader
|| rating: explicit
|| word count: 4446
|| warnings: drinking, implied mention of death, past infidelity, smut, sex, a little bit of angst, oral sex (female receiving)
|| summary: two strangers meet in a bar on their birthday.
|| challenge: @sherrybaby14 prompt challenge - The reader and bucky share a birthday and have some intense birthday sex.
|| challenge: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan star’s follower challenge - Cafune: the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love
|| square filled: @buckybarnesbingo B1: Kink- One Night Stand
|| link: ao3
|| note: i did not realize that when i signed up for sherry’s challenge that it would fit some many other things I’m working on, lol. This was inspired by so many things... seb’s endings, beginnings movie, billie eilish’s listen before i go and i love you (stole a line for the title), the prompt itself... so many emotions, lol. hope you guys enjoy.
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You move into the packed bar from the street, instantly having to curve your body to slide through a dense group of people. You steadily pick your way to the bar and by the grace of God, find an empty seat next to a well dressed stranger. You smile absentmindedly at him as you plop down, turning your phone over on the bar to block the barrage of incoming text messages and wiggle your fingers towards the bartender.
“Hi darlin’” the man smiles, winking at you, “What can I get ya?”
“Umm, a martini? Dry.”
He nods his head towards you, “You look young.” He smiles again, holding out his fingers.
You roll your eyes as a playful smile curls onto your lips and dig through your clutch, whipping out your ID, “Not that young, I’m sorry to say.”
He glances down at it before handing it back, “Happy birthday. This one’s on the house.”
You smile genuinely, accepting your ID back, “Thank you. That’s sweet.”
You let out a breath as you tuck your ID back in your purse, “I’m sorry,” you hear a voice say, making you snap your head towards it, “I don’t mean to get in your business, but, today’s your birthday?”
The man beside you smiles softly at you as he spins the tall glass of golden liquid between his hands. You can’t help but smile back. He’s handsome. His jaw is strong and covered in a light stubble, his eyes are big and blue; deep set. His hair is short and messy. It looks soft and you’ll be goddamned if you’re not a sucker for a soft haired man. What’s the word again? Fuck, you can practically hear it rolling off of Antonia’s tongue…
You shake your head quickly and cover the side of your face with your hand when you realize you’ve drifted off. You laugh at yourself and nod, “Yes, sorry. Yes, it is my birthday today. Sorry I - it’s been a long day.”
“That’s okay,” he answers, the smile still occupying his face, “It’s my birthday too.”
“No shit?” Your eyes light up as the smile widens on your face.
“No shit. Thirty eight.” He nods slowly, dropping his eyes back to the glass in front of him. 
“No shit!” You exclaim, turning your attention back to the bartender for a brief moment as he slides your martini in front of you, “Me too. I’m thirty eight today too. How funny.”
He turns back to you, a lopsided smirk on his face before he takes a sip of his beer, “You don’t look thirty eight.”
“Do you honestly think I’d admit to being thirty eight if I wasn’t telling God's honest truth?” You laugh, “You don’t look thirty eight either, to be perfectly honest.”
He shrugs as he chuckles and finishes off his beer before waving for another, “Women lie about their age all the time.”
“Yeah,” you agree, sipping your drink, “They do, but just a little tip for you here, they usually age down, not up.”
“Not necessarily,” he says, wagging his finger, “I’ve run into quite a few eighteen year olds that are suddenly twenty seven.”
You close your eyes and scrunch your face as vivid memories of your eighteen year old self rocket to the forefront of your mind, “Not gonna lie,” you laugh, “I used to do that.”
“See!” The friendly stranger smiles, pointing at you quickly before he dissolves into laughter again, “I believe you though, just this one time, I’ll, I’ll believe you.”
“Well, thank you.” You laugh, playing along with his sarcasm. You lift your glass towards him, “Cheers to that, huh? Two thirty somethings believing one another.”
The two of you clink your glasses together and each take a sip, your eyes lingering on one another. You shy away, dropping your head and tucking some of your loose curls behind your ear. You cover your smile with your palm as you rest your elbow against the bar and blink back at him, quite enjoying the fact that you have his attention. His smile grows at you, his eyes move around your face and down your down neck before he breaks the contact to take another taste of his beer. 
Your phone vibrates loudly against the old bar again, causing you to groan loudly. You pick it, your friend Antonia’s face lighting up the screen. 
“Antonia, please.” You say instantly as her thick Brazilian accent pours into your ear, “I’m fine. Yes! I’m fine… because I wanna be alone, okay?... okay, yes, fine… okay, I’ll call you in the morning… I promise!... Yes!... I’m hanging up now… Antonia, Antonia, I’m hanging up.”
You tap the little red button to end the call and roll your eyes, but still laugh a little, “God, she's the worst sometimes!”
“Worried about you?”
“Yes,” you groan, “Like I’m five years old or some shit.” 
He chuckles, still spinning his glass slowly, “May I ask why you’re alone on your birthday?” He asks after a few moments of silence, his voice and tone low and serious. 
“Mmm,” you hum, “By choice really. I just… I don’t know, I just wanted to be by myself today. Enjoy my own company for once, you know?”
He nods slowly, “I hear that.”
You watch him as he fumbles with his glass and picks at the small, white napkin underneath it. Your eyes fall to the leather jacket that covers a black polka dotted button up and then drift back to his profile, “And you?” You ask, “Why are you alone today?”
He pushes his balled fist into his cheek and rests his head against it as he gazes back at you. His eyes search yours, as if he’s wondering if he should really tell you or not. A sadness washes through them and you sit up a little, your lips parting as you inhale, “Sorry, you don’t have to tell me.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” he smiles, his eyes drifting from you, “My twin sister, Rebecca, she um…”
His voice trails off and you grab for his hand, holding it tight as you fight back the sudden emotion in your throat. You shake your head quickly, trying to push the wetness that has invaded your eyes away and let out a breath. You don’t even need to hear the rest to know it’s tragic, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry to hear that.”
Your voice is warm and soft, so soft that you’re not even sure that he heard you over all of the noise. You watch as his eyes fall to your hands, as your thumb slowly strokes the back of his hand, wanting to comfort him. He squeezes back. 
“I just like being alone today.” He whispers as he swallows hard.
“I hear that.”
Your eyes drop to your hands. You watch as he lifts them, the pads of his fingers sliding along yours. He flattens his palm against yours and presses your fingers together, smiling a little as his large hand nearly swallows yours. On any other occasion, this connection would be weird; but for some reason, you’re bonding with this stranger that shares your day - and fast. His sadness matches your own. It’s a connection that you haven’t felt or wanted to feel in a really, really long time.
“I lied,” you say softly, watching as he links your fingers together, “I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend last year on my birthday. I walked in on them.” You curl your fingers around his and press your thumb into his palm, “She texted me today, wishing me a happy birthday,” you laugh, “Isn’t that fucked up?”
He nods slowly, “That’s really fucked up.”
“She wanted to get together so we could talk and I just, I panicked. I didn’t want her showing up at my apartment so I just grabbed my jacket and walked here.”
He stares at you intently, his blue eyes piercing into you as you pour your heart out to him, “I’m sorry.”
You shrug and let out a breath through your nose, “It happens, right?”
“It shouldn’t,” he says softly, “Not to people like you.” 
You blink back at him as his words swirl around you. He lets his eyes roam over your face as you stare back at him. That lopsided grin appears on his face again and he releases your hand, only to press his index finger into the tip of your nose, “This is a cute nose.”
You scoff but let the giggles pour from your chest. You down the rest of your martini and ask for another, before rubbing your face with your hands, “What are the odds that two sad ass people would meet up at the same bar on their birthdays?”
“Divine intervention maybe.”
You laugh gently as your second martini is placed in front of you. You don’t pick it up, you just look at it for a second before turning your head back to this gentle man. You find him looking at you - licking his lips slowly, and just looking at you. Your heart starts to beat a little harder; a little faster. Your breath stays easy and gentle but your mind starts to race with thoughts that haven’t crossed it in a long while. 
You reach for your glass and sip it slowly, flicking your eyes up at him over the round rim. You set it down, a soft clink sounding at the delicate glass collides with the wood of the bar. You rest your head against your palm as you lean against the bar, a smile of your own spreading on your lips as you gape at the soft haired, sad thirty eight year old next to you. You grab his hand again and twist your fingers within his, feeling the warmth of his skin against your own. 
He presses his thumb into your palm and rubs it gently, bringing your hand to his face. He puts his lips against the backs of your fingers and closes his eyes as he breathes you in. You lift your free hand and push it to his cheek, rubbing softly, letting the prickle of his short beard tickle your skin. He nuzzles into you and you’ve never wanted to take someone’s sadness away so bad. 
You tilt your head as you sweep your fingers over his chin, stroking gently as he relaxes into the touch of a pure stranger. It starts to click for you, right in that moment, as the two of you bond over the soft touches from one human to another. You never understood how this could happen, how you could meet someone in a bar and want to take them home. To want to ravish them and have them ravish you without knowing a damn thing other than the connection that the two of you built in an instant.
You’re the type to see forever in someone’s eyes - but that’s where you fucked up, isn’t it? Maybe it’s better to see just tonight in someone’s gaze.
“Two sad strangers.” You say softly.
He nods slowly again, “Maybe we were meant to save each other tonight.”
You take a breath, and then another, and another as you tilt your head in the opposite direction, staring at him all the while, “I’m starting to think that too.”
He tilts his head too, to match yours, and licks his lips again before sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, “You like being in love.”
You blink at him and swallow. He doesn’t form it as a question. He states it, like he knows it. Like he can smell it on you that you aren’t that girl - but that you desperately want to be for him. You need to move on - and he knows it. 
“I can love you for tonight if you want me too.” He answers himself, his voice gentle and low. 
You nod before you can really think about it. You stand and grab your phone and clutch from the bar, digging through the small gold purse to throw some cash down. You take one last taste of your drink before you grab his hand again, barely giving him time to pay for his own drinks. 
You push out into the New York night, a brisk, sharp, cold breeze smacking against your body. He throws his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into his body, trying to shield you from the assault. He lets you guide him a few blocks towards your apartment in silence, shoving his hands in his pockets when you come to your building. You hold the door for him and head for the old elevator, waiting as he steps in before you shut the thin, metal scissor gate. 
You push the lever to the number of your floor and with a jolt, the two of you are hoisted up into the building. You stand on one side, he stands on the other, hands shoved in his pockets as he leans against the opposite wall - his eyes on you all the while. You swallow hard as you place your hand to your chest, suddenly flush with heat under his intense gaze. 
He pushes away from the wall as the slow elevator climbs higher into the building. Your breath becomes audible as he moves into your space. He slides his palm along your cheek, slipping the tips of his fingers into the edges of your hair as his thumb sweeps along your bottom lip and chin. Your lips part as your eyes bounce between his. He flattens his thumb on your cheek again and pulls you into him, crashing his lips to yours with force. 
You moan when his tongue slips along the roof of your mouth. He pulls away just long enough to tilt his head before he dives back into you, bringing his other hand to your face to hold you. He pins you against the wall and pushes his knee between the two of yours as he kisses you hard and deep. He pulls away again, but stays away - his mouth hanging open, his breath rough, his cheeks red. 
You stare back at him as his fingers curl around the back of your neck. Your chest heaves as you bite your bottom lip, quick flashes of what was before playing before your eyes. Your boyfriend, the feeling of his hands on your body, his lips on yours - reminding you of him. His laughter rings in your ears, his eyes stare back into yours…
“Are you okay?” 
The words bring you back into the present, back into the elevator. Your ex is gone and you blink back at the man before you. His eyes are wide and wild as his thumbs stroke your cheeks, “Are you okay?” He asks again.
You nod quickly and lean into him, wanting him to help make you forget. You push your mouth against his, moaning again as the old memories fade and the sounds of your mouths bounce off of the walls of the old, rickety elevator. It comes to halt seconds later but neither one of you seem to notice. You push your chest into his as you press your fingers into his lower back, pulling him into you harder, harder, harder. 
His thigh is back between your legs as he nips at your jaw with his teeth, before pushing your head towards the ceiling with his fingers. You squeeze his leather jacket in your hands as you push your hips forward, rubbing your hot sex along his thigh as he nibbles and pecks at your exposed neck. You hiss loudly and let out a groan when he bites down into your flesh softly.
“God-” you breathe as he pulls your lower half into his. 
His hands drift up your sides to find your breasts. He kneads them gently, slowly, as he pushes you harder into the wall, his tongue slipping along your bottom lip before it invades your wet mouth again. His lips move down your neck, along your collarbone, before they press into your cleavage through your shirt. He slides down to his knees, his lips trailing your body, his hands gripping your hips firmly as he goes.
He releases your hips to skim your bare legs with his fingertips, his light touch tickling your deprived skin as they skip along your limbs. He presses a hot kiss to the inside of your knee as you grip his shoulder and push forced, focused breaths out of your mouth. Within the blink of an eye, his face has disappeared underneath your skirt, his lips and nose pressing hard against the bundle of nerves at your center. 
You buck into his face as you hiss, biting down into your bottom lip. He presses the tip of his tongue to your clit, stroking it lightly through your underwear before he nuzzles face first into your heat. He takes a breath, a deep breath, and you shudder at the thought of him wanting your scent to fill him - to intoxicate him. 
You continue to push your hips into his face as his tongue pushes underneath your panties. Your body jerks at the sudden warmth and wetness his tongue provides - the soft friction - as he laps at your slit. You slam your back against the wall and let out a moan as the synapses in your body all start to fire, focusing your energy, electrifying your mind. 
The elevator starts to drop suddenly, and you slam your hand against the emergency stop button, halting it before it descends.
“Fuck,” you breathe heavily, “Sorry,” you call loudly to whoever called for the metal box, “Sorry, we’re- sorry.” 
You continue to mumble as you push on his shoulders, encouraging him to stand and move to the gate. You push it open and move off of it, your suitor close behind. You feel his chest against your back as you fumble with your keys, nearly dropping them when his fingers curve around your hip. You slam your key into the lock and twist it as he tightens his grip, digging the tips of his fingers into your skin. The door pops open and with a push of his hand, it swings and crashes into the wall with a loud thud before it starts to swing back closed. 
He pushes you forward, keeping his hand around your waist as the two of you cross through the threshold. He shuts the door with his foot and spins you around before wrapping his arms around your waist again. You drop your keys, your purse, your phone to the floor as you throw your arms around his neck and allow him to pick you right off of your feet. You press your hands into the side of his face as you kiss him again, smacking your lips against his as you steal his breath.
He holds you up with his sheer strength, your boot clad feet dangling before you wrap them around his waist. Your hands push into his jacket, stripping it from him, pushing it right off of his shoulders. You start pulling at his shirt, untucking it from his tight, black jeans before your fingers begin to pry at the buttons. Within seconds, his shirt is crumpled on this floor with his jacket, his bare, sculpted chest pressed against yours as he lays you down on the floor. 
He leans over you, holding himself up with one hand as the other pulls at your white top. He pulls it over your head, tossing it somewhere behind the two of you before he rucks your loose skirt up your waist. His fingernails scrape at your hips and thighs as he pulls your thong down your legs. You fumble with the button and zipper of his jeans, yanking it down before you push your hands underneath the denim, gripping his ass in your hands. 
He works the thick material down to his thighs before he falls on top of you, crushing his body to yours, pinning you to the floor. He encases your head in his hands as you pull his face back down to yours and kiss him again as he slams into you. You inhale deeply and slam your eyes shut as he fucks into you again, your body sliding up the wood floor. He flattens his mouth to yours and you take the opportunity to bite his bottom lip as his nose presses against yours -  his hips grinding and pushing into yours. 
You reach down and palm his ass, pushing your fingers into his warm, thick flesh as he fucks you on the floor in the hallway of your apartment. Your free hand moves into his hair, grabbing a fist full before you pull on it, his hot breath washing over your face. It is soft - his hair - just like you thought it’d be.
Cafuné - it comes to you suddenly; the word you couldn’t think of earlier. It echoes in your mind as your fingertips scratch at his scalp before you pull on his hair again. You can hear Antonia’s voice as she rambled on in her thick Spanish accent. I just love to… mmm, cafuné… how do you say in ingles? Fingers in the hair, eh? There is nothing better than that. 
You know what it means now. There really is nothing better than the feeling of his hair between your fingers; ethereal in this moment. You keep your hands in his hair and on his ass as he pushes his hips into yours, your muscles spreading for him. You’re nose to nose, mouth to mouth as you both grunt and groan into each other, swallowing each other's sounds as you breathe one another in. You stare into his eyes, his busy, big, blue eyes and he smiles back at you, and even laughs as he fucks into you. You laugh too - the joy, the freedom, spilling right out of you. 
He slides in and out of your wet muscles with ease as your hands grip his sides. Your fingers explore him as he ruts into you - up his back, into his hair, around his shoulders, along his biceps - then back to his ass. God, what an ass. You bite his chin as his hips get quicker, more frantic as the pressure begins to build between the two of you. 
Your legs start to shake, your toes curling as you quiver around his length. He works your breasts free of your thin bra and sucks one into his mouth, his tongue circling and flicking your nipple. You dig your nails into his skin as he pushes into you, his cock tickling the deepest part of you. He tugs at your nipple with his teeth before he sucks on it again - groaning into your skin all the while. 
You come hard. Your hips jerk up into his as they continue to pump into you. You bite down onto his shoulder, muffling the screams and squeals as your orgasm rips through your body. He grinds into you with all of his strength until he’s spilling into you, hot ribbons of his seed coating your walls as he spurts. 
You both drag in ragged breaths as you start to come down from the high you’ve made. He keeps his arms around you, encasing you, as he stares down at you. His mouth hangs, his eyes wander your face like he’s trying to etch it into his memory. He leans down and places his lips to yours in a chaste kiss; a soft kiss. Then he’s separated from you again, his eyes staring down into yours again.
Minutes have passed, maybe an hour - neither one of you are really sure. He’s slid off of you and lays on his side, his palm flat on the side of your face. Your leg is thrown over his hip, an arm strewn underneath his head as you stroke his long forearm. His black jeans are still pushed down over his ass as he buries his free hand into your hair. He brushes random strands of hair out of your face as he blinks at you, his eyes heavy as his thumb strokes your eyebrow. 
You lay there, just like that, all night. You both eventually drift off to sleep, corralled within each other's arms as the night turns into day. You breathe in deeply as you roll over onto your side, the sun breaking into your sleep state. You crack your eyes and find him there, his eyes already open, already on you. He smiles, and you do too. 
The two of you dress in silence. You offer him your bathroom as you wrap yourself in your silk robe. All the feelings that you thought you’d have after a night like that aren’t present, not even in the slightest. There’s no shame, no awkwardness - your mind and body, your spirit is free. Light. 
You follow him out to the elevator, your hands laced together during the short walk. He pulls the scissor gate and steps inside, letting you close it behind him. He leans forward and so do you, smiling and giggling softly as you kiss through the gate.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.”
You smooth your hair away and laugh, “Nice to meet you.”
“Happy birthday, stranger.” He says, pushing the lever to the ground floor. 
“Happy birthday, stranger.” You whisper back, wiggling your fingers slowly as he’s pulled down the building, out of sight. 
You move into the bar, pushing your way through the crowd as you fight to the bar. You’re not sure it always seems to be so busy on this particular day. 
“What can I get for you sweetie?” The bartender asks as soon as you approach.
“A martini please, dry.” You answer, a wide smile on your face.
“Can I get your ID really fast?”
“Of course,” you nod, digging through your purse, “It’s my birthday today.”
“Oh yeah?” He smiles back at you, glancing down at the thin plastic card.
“Yeah,” a voice sounds behind you. You don’t even have to turn around, you just smile back at the bartender as your heart flutters and the memories of the year before flood your mind, “She’s thirty nine today. Can I get a beer please?”
“ID, sir?”
You shake your head, “No need,” you say, pointing towards Bucky as he wiggles up beside you, his hand slipping around your hips, “It’s his birthday too.”
He leans against the old bar, a smile on his face as his eyes link with yours. You’ve missed that grin of his, “Hello stranger.” 
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jtargaryen18 · 5 years
Someone You Loved
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Graphic is from @rainbowkisses31​ (who I adore 😍)
The story is for @sherrybaby14​‘s birthday challenge. Happy birthday to a lovely lady and a fantastic writer. I hope today is one of your best. 😍💖💕
Permission is not given to post this story elsewhere. Reblogs here on Tumblr are cool and appreciated.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only Warnings: Explicit sexual content, dub-con (not really), oral sex (female), bondage (slight) Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Reader  
Prompts: Stalker,  One person has clothes on, other nude, Bikers,  Someone You Love – Lewis Capaldi
You sat on the back porch of your cabin, enjoying a beer while you swung lazily on the old bench swing with its creaky chains. The view of the mountains was spectacular, the cool green woods surrounding you on every side. You could smell the rain on the breeze that was gaining strength.
And just as you knew the rain was coming, as the stormy clouds began gathering across the sky, you knew he was coming too.
It had been five years since half the population disappeared. You’d known without being told he’d been taken by that phenomenon. You knew even before Steve Rogers called to bitterly let you know.
You hadn’t heard from Steve, from any of the Avengers who’d survived, in all that time. For the first couple of years, it had been a blessing to be left alone and you’d enjoyed it. You’d been able to find a place to settle, to find a stable job and keep it. To breathe.
After that, you’d dated here and there. No one had claimed your heart and most of them had no idea what to do with your body. For several months last year, you’d hooked up with people here and there. It was easier than trying to date, easier than constantly having to explain “no, it’s not you, it’s me.”
When the truth was, it was him.
You hadn’t wanted to fall in love with Bucky Barnes.
You’d gotten an internship at Stark Industries while you were in grad school. Somehow, you’d gone from working some gopher job for one of the security sectors to working to support the Avengers themselves.
You knew his story, had always thought it was sad that someone so handsome and brave had died as he had. Then you and the rest of the world found out he hadn’t died at all. He’d been forced to serve HYDRA, the enemy of his best friend. You had access to more information than the general public in that position. You’d learned about the brainwashing, the things they’d forced him to do.
When he’d joined the Avengers, you’d gone out of your way to make sure he had what he needed for missions, meetings, and just in general. Sure, you’d been crushing on him. You were in your early twenties then. You had no idea he’d be interested in you too. You’d been playing with fire.
Bucky had taken everything you offered. Then he’d taken you. For a time, you’d been happy. At first his attention, the attention from someone like him, had been everything your romantic little heart had ever wanted.
While he was old-fashioned, a complete gentleman in your day to day lives, in the bedroom, Bucky needed complete control. Those first weeks were thrilling, and he’d pushed your body and senses beyond anything you’d ever imagined.
Bucky had never hurt you but over time his obsessive behavior and jealousy began to scare you. When you disagreed with his plans in everyday life, he’d fuck you until he got his way. When you talked about the future, you had plans to use your Master's degree once you completed it, Bucky had plans for you to stay with him.
It was that he was taking your choices away more than anything that made you afraid. Steve had even tried to intercede on your behalf. Steve had really tried because, according to him, no one made Bucky as happy as you had. No one brought him out as you did.
When you fled, you should have known better. Bucky had been one of the world’s deadliest assassins. He’d hunted down people all over the world for HYDRA. You hadn’t stood a chance.
Steve would call you when you ran, beg you to reconsider, promise to work with you if you’d just come back to Bucky. Not long after that, Bucky would find you. He’d always find you.
Until the last time you ran…
The Snap had happened. Thanos happened. Half the world dissolved into piles of ash and that included him. It had been a mess, even in the life you’d barely established here in the Appalachian Mountains.
But it had also freed you…
For what?
Now you were almost thirty, working at a job that most days you didn’t enjoy. You had a few friends but they either fucked a different guy every night, which wasn’t your scene, or were married with families. And it was the latter you found yourself envying. They had comfy homes with pets and toys scattered across the floor and frames filled with pictures of happy life moments that your life was void of. Their arms were filled with little chubby babies and toddlers, their beds filled with husbands who went to work to help provide for them and took them out to small family restaurants on the weekends.
You wondered if they knew just how lucky they were.
When the rain started, you shivered at the drop in the temperature. Setting down your empty beer bottle, you headed down the stairs and out into the rain. When it went from a gentle rain to sheets of water, you just stood there with your face to the sky, letting it soak into your skin because you wanted to feel it.
How long had it been since you’d felt anything?
You didn’t know how long you’d been out there when you’d climbed back up on the porch, went into your cabin through the kitchen door.
The light turned on in your darkened house, startling you.
Bucky seemed so large in your kitchen, your gaze taking him in. Your heart squeezed in your chest because on one level, you were happy to see him.
But there was no denying the spike of fear that shot through you at the same time. Bucky, in these moments when he found you, could be highly unpredictable.
His long hair was gone, bringing back that rakish soldier you’d gazed at in the museum all those visits when you were a teenaged girl. He was dressed in all black, leather and some tactical gear. It looked like he’d come straight from a mission.
Maybe you were the mission.
Bucky whispered your name, those blue eyes intense and sharp on you as his gaze roamed over you.
You stood there shivering, dripping water all over the wood floor of your kitchen. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you made yourself meet his gaze.
“Steve said you survived,” Bucky told you, moving closer.
You automatically took a small step back, not sure after all this time how this would go.
When he took another step, you were backed against the counter. Bucky moved closer, an arm planted on each side of you, caging you in. He loomed over you, filling your vision until your heart started racing in your chest, alive in a way it hadn’t been in years.
“You trying to catch your death out there, baby doll?” he whispered, his flesh hand lifting the side of your wet face, his thumb smoothing up your cheek.
Sniffling, you shook your head. Your shivering only got worse and you knew it wasn’t just because you were cold. You leaned into his touch.
“It’s been five long years,” he whispered.
“It’s been a long time,” you replied.
“For you. For me, you left me again only a few weeks ago,” Bucky went on. “I would have expected you to find someone in all that time, start a family… But here you are. Alone.”
You don’t know how alone I’ve been.
But you couldn’t tell him that. You weren’t about to own it.
“Why is that, doll?” he whispered.
You dropped your gaze. You didn’t want him to read in your eyes that you while he scared you, while he wanted to own you, you’d missed him.
“Hmm?” he prompted, those warm, strong fingers tipping your chin up.
You wouldn’t look him in the eye. “I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do.”
You did.
You didn’t fight him when he bent to scoop you up, carrying you down the hall to your bathroom. He sat you on the closed toilet while he closed the door, turned on the heat.  Going down on one knee, Bucky began peeling your wet clothes off you. Your t-shirt, shorts, bra, and panties. You let him.
As you watched he pulled a couple of huge fluffy towels out of the closet, grinning at you as he approached you.
“Some things never change, huh?” That grin widened, messing with your insides. “You always did love these big, fuzzy towels.”
Under other circumstances, it would be funny to have a man as deadly as him all in black leather and tactical gear drying you off like you were a child.
It wasn’t until then you realized his arm was different. Darker, more elegant. Timidly, you reached your hand out, sliding your fingertips along the shiny surface. Those blue eyes tracked your movements, darkening. You knew where this was heading.
You snatched your hand away like he’d burned you. Bucky paused in his efforts.
“You can touch me,” he told you gently. “I want you to touch me.”
He left the towels on your floor, turned the heat off, and picked you up again bridal style. This time he carried you to your bedroom. You didn’t want him to put you down. 
When did his arms become home?
Setting you on the end of your bed, he followed you down, on his knees in front of you. You tried to curl in on yourself, wrapping your arms around yourself.
Undoing the buckles at the front of his uniform, he shrugged out of the straps. Placing his hands on your knees, he pulled them apart, insinuating his clothed form between them. Carefully, he grabbed your wrists, pulling your arms down into your lap.
“It might as well have been five years for me too,” he leaned forward, whispering against your lips. “I need you.” His mouth claimed yours for a slow, heated kiss. “I need you so fucking much.”
Your entire form trembled in his grasp. Releasing your wrists, he slid his arms around you, pulling you around him close. Bucky tempted you with slow, careful kisses, his hands smoothing over you and reminding you of the delirium he could make you feel. Hot and cold sensations ran through your body like fever.
His mouth blazed a path across to your ear, the tender flesh beneath it.
“You left me, baby doll,” he whispered, so sad it made your heart clench. “Why do you have to leave me? Hurt me?”
The sincerity of his words, his voice, broke you a little. He had you gasping as his lips and tongue teased the slim column of your throat and his hands sought out all the places he knew you were vulnerable.
“If I… hurt you so much,” you whispered, gasping when his cold hand slid over your breast, “why do you keep coming after me?”
Bucky pulled back to gaze into your face, his smile so gentle. “Because you’re mine… Because I kinda like the way you numb all the pain.”
More kisses across your chest. Taking your hands in his, he pressed them to his head, into his hair. Your fingers clutched in the thick, short locks as his mouth closed around one of your nipples. His moan was a deep, hungry sound when you pulled because you remembered he liked that, the vibration had you shivering in his clutches.
All you could do was hang onto him as he teased your breasts with his mouth, knowing just how to use his lips, his teeth to make the tips into rock-hard little points. Bucky knew how to make you ache.
He was so careful with you, so patient. Why this time? Because it had been five years for you? Because he thought that was what you needed?
Bucky was wrong. You wanted more.
Trying to force his head back, you pulled yourself back, further up on the bed. All you had to do was what you’d done in the past. You didn’t want him to woo you. Not now. Your need was too great.
“Bucky,” you panted, pulling your knees to your chest and drawing up into a ball, “I can’t… Please…”
Those steely eyes were a wicked blend of disappointment and lust. You were sure he was disappointed. But the dark heat creeping into his expression told you he was going to have you either way. Where normally this part of the conversation inspired fear, it had your libido growing fangs. You wanted him rough and dominant. You craved him.
“You were doing so well,” he whispered, stalking up the bed after you. He stopped to pull off the tall boots he wore, but that was all. He came after you until he crowded you against your headboard. “You were being so good for me…”
“Please,” you begged, knowing he would think you were begging him to leave you alone, leave your small cabin in the woods.
You wanted anything but that.
His metal hand clutched in the wet locks of your hair, pulling your head up and back until you were forced to look at him. It was just enough to get your attention but not enough to hurt. Yet.
And you wanted him to make you hurt a little.
“As long as I draw breath,” he said against your lips, “I’ll always come for you.”
You did your damnedest to feign fear. “What… would you have done if I had belonged to someone else? Had children with him?”
Bucky’s gaze was unwavering.
“I’d have felt sorry for the poor bastard,” he admitted. “I know what it’s like to be someone you love.”
And you did love him.
“But I wouldn’t let you go,” he wanted you to know. “I wouldn’t let him keep what’s mine.”
Faster than you could blink, you found yourself on your back. Your blinds were ripped from the window over your bed and he pulled the length of nylon cord free from them before tossing the remnants across the room. He had your hands bound to the brass bars of your headboard with an efficiency that left you breathless, made all the quiet days of nothing begin to fade into the background.
You felt alive.
“God, it’s been too long,” he whispered, his dark gaze drinking you in.
Bucky was on you then, his mouth and hands teased your breasts for only a beat before he was moving down your body, not bothering to remove even the black leather jacket he wore. The cool leather felt heavenly when he threw your legs over his shoulders, dove for you with his mouth.
And then you were at his mercy. While his hold on you was tight and unyielding, his mouth was soft, gentle. And he knew it. Knew you needed more. Quick flicks of his tongue against your clit had you fighting to breathe above him, fighting against the cord he’d secured you to your bed with. He brought you off the first time just like that while your heels slid on the leather of that jacket, on the muscled expanse of his back.
He made you sing when he began fucking you with his tongue, your cries filling the room while you struggled helplessly in his hold. You wanted him to think you were fighting to be free of him because that’s what brought out the dominant in him. It was hard for you not to fight to press yourself into his face, to beg him for everything.
You came twice more on his fingers, his tongue teasing your clit until you couldn’t breathe. You begged him until you weren’t even sure what you were saying.
When he finally rose to his knees, undoing his belt, ripping open the black pants he wore, you were pretty sure you were begging him finally.
Bucky smiled at you, a triumphant smile, as he took himself in hand.
“Who do you belong to, baby doll?” he asked, lowering himself over you. When you felt the swollen head of him sliding along your folds – and you were soaked – you tried to wrap your legs around him, pull him closer.
“You, Bucky,” you managed. “I’ve… always belonged to you.”
When he began pushing into you, your heart raced.
His eyes slid closed as he slid slowly into you, savoring the feeling of being inside you again. Once he reached the end of you, he moved over you. His hands slid up into your hair, your bare breasts brushing against the jacket and the black shirt he wore beneath as he began to move in you.
“Never letting you go again,” he whispered against your lips.
His movements started slow and easy and you were grateful because you hadn’t been with anyone in some months, and no one as big as him. Gradually, as his lips chained kisses over your face and breasts, his thrusts gained in speed and power. He took most of your cries into his mouth as he kept up a dirty rhythm, angling his thrusts trying to find your sweet spot.
And find it he did.
Then he angled all his thrusts to hit it, making you come apart on his cock within seconds. You were a gasping mess beneath him, but his movements never faltered.
“Gonna give you this every night… when I’m home,” he said breathlessly, his hands sliding up to wrap around your wrists. “Gonna love you until… you can’t think of anything else.”
You were already there. You couldn’t think of anything else but Bucky fucking you, bringing you to the edge of oblivion over and over again. You came twice more on his cock, loving the edge of pain his thrusts brought as he rode you hard, chasing his own release now.
You screamed into the quiet of the cabin, the world fading as he lingered above you, his face wrecked as he reached his own pleasure.
The world faded in and out for you, leaving you in a realm somewhere between dreaming and sleep. You hissed at the sting when he pulled his cock from your center. You sighed in relief when your wrists were released, feeling the flow of blood return to your arms and hands. You felt the whisper-soft touches of his hands and lips over your body as he cleaned you up, tucked you under the covers.
Then you heard him talking, but not to you. He was on the phone.
“I found her,” he said quietly. “She’s doing just fine. I’m bringing her back with me in a couple of days.”
Where once panic would have claimed you, now you breathed out a sigh of relief.
If there was one thing you’d learned in the last five years? Bucky’s needs, desires, obsessiveness, and tempestuous moods? Living with them again would be so much better than the five years you’d spent without him, dwelling in solitude and temporary bodies.
“I have my bike with me,” he went on. “I’ll rent a car and drive us to DC. We’ll take a jet up from there.”
Your eyes slit open, seeing him smile as he ended his conversation. “Thanks, Stevie... I am happy.”
Closing your eyes, you rested. You could pretend to be asleep but he could tell the difference somehow. He always could.
You heard the rustle of fabric as he finally stripped off his uniform, then the dip of the bed as he slid in behind you. Tucking an arm up under your pillow, he wrapped the other around your waist and pulled you back into the heat of him. The feel of his skin against yours made you happy, had your lips curling into a smile.
His lips pressed to your shoulder. “I love you.”
Your only answer was to snuggle back against him.
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Maternity Leave
The fifth part to Get Your Fix
Special credit to @sherrybaby14​ who requested the idea for the first part.
Warnings: non/dubcon sex, sex pollen, breeding kink, mentions of birth control, forced pregnancy.
This is dark!Steve Rogers and explicit. 18+ only.
Note: So this is the final part of this series BUT because it is crossing over with Heart-Shaped Box, we will see our reader again through that as well as in a possible epilogue depending on how it all unfolds. I’ll be working on HSB for tomorrow hopefully! So enjoy. Another ticked off the list.
Let me know what you think with a reblog or reply if you can! <3
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It was the day after your birthday. You were sat in the busy restaurant, the dulcet tones of jazz buzzed below the voices of patrons. Steve made certain you were early; enough that your reservation had yet to be prepared for you. Nearly a dozen seats set aside for your party. Your chest filled with dread as you looked at the empty chairs.
You jiggled your leg nervously. You played with the skirt of your dress and ignored the man beside you. You had tried on several outfits before you dared to leave your apartment. You were starting to notice the subtle rounding of your stomach and your breast were terribly swollen. While the sickness had finally relented, it had been replaced by an intense hunger; one which had you nibbling on the breadsticks greedily.
“Remember, proteins,” Steve chided as he slipped his arm over the back of your chair. “And drink lots of water.”
You dropped the last half of your bread stick and glared at him. You reached for your water and drank deeply. You set it down and crossed your arms as you turned away from him. His hand slipped onto your shoulder and he leaned in.
“I’m just looking out for you and the baby,” He intoned. “Please, don’t be like this in front of everyone.”
“Like what?” You snapped at him. 
“I understand, your body is changing,” His other hand went to your thigh. “Hormones… but it’s for the better.”
“Stop touching me,” You hissed.
“What?” He scoffed as he squeezed your leg. “I can’t knock you up again.”
“Oh, shut up,” You elbowed him away and grabbed the bread stick. 
“How long has it been since you’ve seen your mom?” He asked suddenly. “You should see her more often don’t you think? Especially now with the baby…”
“Are you threatening me?” You turned on him and swallowed your mouthful.
“Not you,” He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. “I only wanna keep you safe. You and the baby.”
“You-- Don’t you ever.” Your nostrils flared as you jabbed the piece of bread towards him. “That is my mother--”
“And I’m sure she’ll be a wonderful grandmother,” He smirked. “But I can’t have anyone around my child who I can’t trust.”
“You’re sick,” You shook your head, “You really are.”
“I think you like it,” His hand wandered to your thigh again. 
You went stiff but didn’t push him away. It was better to ignore him. He seemed to thrive on your spite. Besides, you were more concerned about the lunch. Not only would your family be there, but your boss and several of your co-workers. Everyone who mattered in your life. Steve had been so careful to fit them into his little blueprint. 
You sighed and rubbed your stomach without thought. Steve’s hand left your thigh cold but settled over your own. You kept your eyes ahead and tore your hand out from beneath his. He pressed his palm to your middle. He held it there as you glanced at the door.
“You’re growing,” He whispered excitedly. 
“Shh,” You batted him away as you saw a familiar redhead at the doors. “Nat is here. Bruce too.”
He drew away reluctantly and stood as your first guests approached. You rose and greeted them along with Steve, thankful for a buffer. You sat and checked the time. You wished you could hit fast forward on this whole farce. Better yet, you’d give anything to undo all that had led to it.
Tony was the last to arrive. He always was. Pepper badgered at him as they approached the table and apologized for their delay. Your parents were introduced and they apologized that your sister could not make the gathering. You smiled numbly as you watched the interloping of friends and family. You just wanted to hug your mom and beg her to take you with her.
“I was surprised,” Your mother said gaily, “She never said much about Steve but I mean, what do you say?”
You cringed at your mother’s fawning. Steve basked in the golden light of his reputation and looks. It was easy for him. He had deceived you just as easily. You sipped your water quietly and longed for the chardonnay Wanda nursed diligently.
“Well, I’m afraid to say that’s my fault,” Steve preened. “It’s a lot easier to figure these things out when it’s just the two of you. Especially as co-workers and--”
“Oh, yes, our golden boy is just as bad as all the others,” Tony piped up. “But don’t worry, I have a team for damage control and they’re used to cleaning up after him.”
Steve rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Yeah, but they wouldn’t be so skilled if they didn’t work for you.”
Tony shrugged and took a drink. “Well…” Pepper elbowed him and your father laughed to himself.
“The important thing is that you’re happy,” Your mother said. “It’s good to be cautious.”
You grumbled and stabbed at your salad. You wanted to sink the tines into someone in particular but you resisted as there was too much of an audience. You nodded and shoved your mouth full of lettuce to keep from a smart remark. 
“Well, we did try to be…” Steve stood and you craned your neck to look up at him. You swallowed as he took his glass and your heart stopped. “I’d like to say something.” Your eyes rounded and you shook your head frantically. “While I did bring you here for a birthday, I, or we, have some news.”
You could barely breathe as you watched through a haze. The words were muffled and yet all too clear as he spoke them. You gripped the edge of the table. 
“Steve…” You whispered but he ignored you.
“We know it’s a bit early but we’re very excited to go on this adventure together,” Steve reached down and took your hand. He pulled you up to your feet and you avoided the gaze of every person at the table. You stared at your plate. “We’re… pregnant. Three months now.”
“Jesus, this guy works fast,” Tony said.
“Tony.” Pepper remanded.
“A baby!” Wanda sang and you winced.
You lifted your head shyly and looked to your parents. Your father’s brows were raised as high as they could go but your mother beamed in delight. She stood and swiftly rounded the table. Steve let go of you as she drew you into a hug and you let her. If you had any strength left in you, you wouldn’t be able to keep from throttling Steve.
“Congratulations,” She held you at arms length and took you in. “I should have known.”
“Mom,” You warned. “Really…”
“Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you,” She hugged you again and then sidled past to hug Steve too. “You take care of my girl.”
“He better,” Your father said curtly from across the table. He still hadn’t moved. 
“Working on,” Steve assured as he waited for you to sit first. “Actually, there is more.” You squinted and looked at him. “We’re moving away from the city. We’ve been looking at house just north of here.”
“Wait,” Bruce said. “Wait, you’re… moving?”
“Well, she won’t be able to work in the lab much longer, will she?” Steve countered. “Even if we stayed, she’d have at least a year of leave to take care of the baby. You’ll be down a tech anyway.”
“Steve, you’ve really done it,” Tony teased. “First you fill my desk with paperwork and now you’re stealing my best tech.”
You were breathless. Stunned. He hadn’t mentioned anything about moving away from the city. Sure, he’d alluded to getting you out of your single apartment but not this. And your job? How many times had he sworn you wouldn’t lose it and now he was taking it from you by force. You sat in a daze.
“Excuse me,” You stood suddenly. “I gotta… use the restroom.”
You stormed away to the small alcove that led to the facilities. You touched your forehead and tried to think. As you turned back, Steve was there and you growled. 
“Goddamnit, you wanna give me a minute?”
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?! I’m not moving and I’m not quitting my job.” You spat. “How can you-- I’ve worked years for this and now you’re just going to take it all away and for what? A baby? A stupid baby?”
“For a life. A family. For us.” He grabbed your arm and shoved you into the men’s. He locked the door behind him. “Look, I found us a real nice place. Perfect for us; for the kids.”
“Kid,” You insisted.
“We’ll see,” He countered. “Now, you need to calm down. You don’t wanna stress out the baby.”
“You’re stressing me out,” You returned.
He inhaled deeply and his jaw tensed. His eyes darkened as he glared down at you. 
“Well, you do have options; the first is you go along willingly and your mother, your father, your sister, well, they get to come visit and it’s all just one happy family.” He backed you up against the sink. “The second is you keep being a little bitch and I’ll drag you up there myself and you won’t see any of them again.”
“Yeah, right,” You scoffed. “And when they wonder why their daughter is MIA?”
“You’re acting erratic. Your recent history at work shows a change in behaviour; you been dodging phone calls from your family.” He smirked. “I’ve bought you a house, I’ve taken care of you, and all of a sudden, you’ve just left. You’ve run away and poor Steve Rogers is left to raise a child all on his own. A child you abandoned so callously.”
You gaped at him. You sputtered and your lip trembled. “You’re… insane.”
“I’m doing what I have to for my family,” He leaned in so that his nose almost touched yours. “For our family. So, settle down, put a smile on, and let’s go back to lunch.”
You suspected that even if the hormones hadn’t ravaged your emotions, you would be distraught. You stood in your empty apartment and looked around at the bare walls. How quickly your entire life was packed away into boxes. How quickly it had become someone else’s. You went to the window and looked out at the moving truck below.
Your last day at the lab was harder. You could see Bruce was upset but he wouldn’t say it. He only smiled and wished you the best. Promised to see you at the shower, as everyone else had. It was all about the baby now. All about that life growing in your stomach with each day. You could no longer hide it now in the midst of your fourth month.
And it didn’t deter Steve. It only seemed to inflame him. When he was near, his hand was on your stomach and it never took very long until it wandered. Until he was all over you and you were lost in the same delirium which started this mess. Your own weakness. For him.
The door open and closed. It echoed in the airy apartment. You turned as Steve put his hands on his hips and took in the expanse of the barren room. He sighed, content.
“The movers are heading out. We’ll follow them up and get settled in tomorrow.” He said. “Couple hours on the road but we should be in time for supper.”
You shrugged and stepped away from the window. “Okay.” You said dully. You didn’t want to leave; that meant it was all so final. Even as your body changed, as you felt the life inside of you bloom, it just wasn’t real to you. It was like a nightmare; vivid and suffocating.
“You’re gonna miss this place, aren’t you?” He met you at the counter that divided kitchen and living room. “Trust me, our new place is nicer. Bigger.”
“You really don’t care, do you?” You turned to him. “So why do you pretend?”
“What?” He blinked.
“If you cared about me at all, you wouldn’t have done this. You wouldn’t force this on me. You wouldn’t--”
“I have done this,” He cradled your face and pressed himself to you. “Because I care.” He turned you so that you were between him and the counter. “Because out of a dozen, hundreds, thousands of women, I chose you.”
“Steve,” You grabbed his hand. “Please.”
“You’ll have your memories but we’ll make better ones,” He slipped his hand out from beneath yours and gripped the edge of the counter as trapped you against it. “But we can make another before we go.”
“Ugh,” You pushed on his chest. “Really?”
“Turn around,” He leaned in. “Come on.”
“Let’s just go,” You tried to shove his arm away but he didn’t budge.
“Or we can make a pit stop along the way?” He offered. “Hmm?”
You rolled your eyes and turned slowly to face the counter. His pulled away from the counter and dragged his hands down your back and lingered on your hips. You shivered as his fingertips sent a thrill through you. You grasped the edge of the counter as he backed you up just slightly. He hooked his thumbs under your pants and pushed them to your thighs.
You leaned on the counter as his zipper whispered behind you and the denim of his jeans brushed against your ass. You hung your head. It would appease him as much as you. Lately, you had grown ravenous. You read online that it was the hormones but that was an easy excuse.
He slid his hand between your legs. You were already wet. He delved between your folds and flicked over your clit. You twitched and let out a gasp. He did it again. He pushed himself against you and slipped his hand out to guide his cock to you. He wetted his tip and eased past your swollen lips.
You bent lower as he sank into you slowly. You let out a rattling breath as he buried himself entirely. He gave a careful thrust and you arched your back. He bent over you and pushed your shirt up as he stretched his hand across your stomach. He nuzzled your neck as he held you to him and began to rock.
“See how much you’re growing?” He purred as you closed your eyes. You grasped at the counter as he moved against you. 
You panted as the sweat formed along your back and thighs. Your walls strained around him and you pushed back against him eagerly. His motion sent tingles along your spine as he sped up with each tilt of his hips. He kept his hand on your stomach as his other gripped your shoulder. He fucked you harder as the mewls rose louder and louder from your lips.
The slick sounds bounced off the corner of the apartment and danced around you. You hissed as you felt the steep rise. Your core thrummed and you dug your nails into the countertop. Your lips formed an O as you came silently, too enraptured to make a noise. You shook in utter delight and clung to the moment of bliss.
Steve kept his arm wrapped around you and pulled you straight. You were on tip toes as he rutted into you. His grunts were loud and untamed. He snarled as he climaxed. He spasmed as he came and his ragged breaths brushed over your hair. He held you close as he stilled and lingered inside of you. He kissed your crown and held his lips there for a moment.
He released you gently and pulled out of you. He was quick to draw your panties back up and his semen seeped into the cotton. He tucked himself away as he rounded you. 
“Don’t,” He warned. “Jeans up. I want you to stay like that. I want me in you until we get there.”
You gulped and reluctantly pulled up your pants. You zipped up the fly and shuddered as you felt his cum cooling in your panties. He reached out and straightened the hem of your shirt, certain to graze your bump with his fingers.
“Come on,” He smiled as he took your hand. “We got a long ride.”
The drive was long. For the first hour, you were restless. Then you dozed to the steady turn of the tires and the bustling wind of the highway. When you woke, you were on the lazy curved streets of some suburban retreat. You yawned and sat up in your seat. Steve reached over and squeezed your leg.
“Almost there,” He assured you.
You nodded and crossed your arms as you watched the houses pass. You missed the city already. 
The sun was on its decline as the street lights flickered on. Mothers called to their children to come inside as you passed. The lawns were all neatly trimmed, the houses cookie cutter, and the picket fences pristine. You frowned. 
Was this to be the rest of your life? This humdrum feminine mystique?
You looked over at Steve. How could a monster be so daft? Is this all he ever wanted? A swatch among this quilt of antiquated domesticity. He turned down another winding street and another until he finally pulled into a driveway next to the moving truck. The house was like any other; another lifeless clone. 
You stared up at your new prison as Steve got out of the car. He came around to your side and opened the door. “I’m gonna check on the movers and then we’ve got dinner plans.” He checked his watch. “Running a bit behind but it was worth it.”
You grumbled and climbed out of the card reluctantly. Dinner plans? You hovered around the car as Steve headed for the front door. A mover emerged at the same time and he laughed off their near collision. You watched as he chatted with the man in his torn jeans. He clapped his shoulder and strode back down the drive.
“They’re almost done,” He smiled. “Should be by the time we’re done with our housewarming.”
You shook your head, confused. He grabbed your hand and led you down the drive to the sidewalk. “What’s--”
“Well, there was one friend who couldn’t make our little lunch but he wants to welcome us to the neighbourhood,” Steve pulled you up the next walk. 
“Can’t I change first?” You looked down at yourself. “I mean…”
“No one will know,” He grinned. “And besides, we’ve already kept them waiting.” He stopped at the front door and rang the doorbell. You squirmed beside him. He nudged you as he waited for an answer. “Smile.”
You forced your lips to curve though it felt like more of a scowl. The door opened at last and woman stood before you. Her eyes were wide but not unwelcoming. She wore a red dress with polka-dots and a pair of mary jane flats.
“Steve,” She greeted meekly. “And this is?”
Steve introduced you and stepped forward to kiss the woman’s cheek. “Bucky hiding from us?”
“James is in his office.” She answered as she clung to the door and backed up. “Please, come in. Dinner’s waiting.”
“Thanks,” Steve waited for you to enter first and followed closely. The woman turned away quickly and scurried down the hall. You heard a knock and then her voice. “James, they’re here.”
She returned and waved you after her into the dining room. Plates and cutlery were set out, waiting for you. She looked at Steve and then you. Her eyes rounded as she saw your stomach. You shielded it with your hand and she blanched. She tore her eyes away quickly.
“Sit,” She said. “Please.”
She clasped her hands together and retreated to the kitchen. You sat as you listened to her clinking around before she returned with a tray. She set out a pitcher of water and a bowl of bread. She flitted back into the kitchen and emerged with a platter of roast beef. Next, a bowl of steaming potatoes and another of roasted veggies. As she set down the last, a shadow appeared in the doorway.
“About time.” Steve chimed as he stood. He shook the dark-haired man’s hand. 
You recognized him though you’d never met him. Steve introduced you with a smile. You shook his hand in kind and sat back down. His wife, or whatever she was, emerged once more and sat beside him. She played with the gold chain around her neck. 
“So,” Bucky began to serve himself from the platter of roast. “How far along are you? If that’s not too forward.”
You sniffed and poured yourself some water. “About four month,” You answered evenly.
“Mmm,” He nodded and glanced to the woman beside him. “We’re still trying.” She nodded and kept quiet as she scooped veggies onto her plate. She chewed her lip as she sat back and glanced over at Bucky. “But you know, the trying’s the fun part.”
She looked down embarrassed. You peeked over at Steve as he watched her too. He was unfazed by her reaction though it made you uncomfortable. Although it never seemed to bother Steve. You tried to smile at her but she avoided your gaze and poked at her food with her fork.
“A couple of months won’t make much of a difference. I’m sure our little ones will get along.” Steve said cheerily.
She grumbled and Bucky nodded. He ate diligently as the woman stared up at the ceiling.
“So, uh,” You began through the tense silence. “You have a lovely house. How long have you two lived here?”
“How long…” She began and looked to Bucky again. He shrugged at her. “I just moved in um, well, you know it all just blends together.”
“I’ve been here about a year,” Bucky said. “Wanted to fix it up a little before she moved in, you know?” She nodded and crushed a roasted yam with her fork. He sighed and grabbed her hand. “You know, if you actually ate the food, you might not be having so many issues.”
You reeled in shock at his tone. She apologized under her breath and tore her hand away. Her lips curled in barely restrained irritation. He shook his head and went back to his food. 
“Well, early on, I couldn’t eat a thing so it might be a good sign,” You offered. “Stomach would just turn so quickly--”
“Harder when you have to eat next to him,” She growled as she tossed her fork on the plate. 
“Don’t,” He warned. 
You looked at Steve again but he only seemed amused by the scene. As you turned back to her, she flipped her plate over so that her food smeared across the table. She crossed her arms and glared at Bucky. 
“What are you going do, hmm? We have guests.” She sang the last words like a bird.
Bucky set down his fork deliberately and sighed. He cleared his throat and smiled over at Steve and then you. He stood and squeezed the woman’s shoulder. 
“Excuse us, she’s on some supplement right now and they're not agreeing with her.” He reached down and grabbed her elbow and made her stand. “She’s a bit hormonal.”
She seethed as he turned her away and directed her into the hall and around the corner. You heard a door slam and muffled voices.
“What the fuck?” You turned to Steve and he shrugged.
“Oh, you know, they fight like cats and dogs but the chemistry is--”
“They’re gonna murder each other,” You gasped. “The two of you are fucking nuts.”
“You know, she said the same thing,” Steve chuckled. “I think you’ll get along.”
“What has he done to her?”
“Well…” He paused and raised his finger for silence.
You listened. You didn’t hear anything at first. Then it slowly drifted through the wall. Moans. Hers and his. The rocking of some unseen furniture. Steve tilted his head coyly.
“Just a bit of tension,” He said. “You know how it is.”
“We should go.” You lowered your voice.
“Without saying goodbye? Oh, come on, we’re all adults here.” He said coolly. “They shouldn’t be too long.”
You sat back, stunned. Your eyes ran along every inch of the wall, the polished wooden floors, the carefully arranged flowers. It was all so perfect; so precise; so very fake. Your eyes went to the window, the siding of the next house; your house. The breath went out of you and you cradled your stomach.
The woman’s voice was louder now and hard to ignore. Is that what you sounded like? You glanced over at Steve and gulped. He leaned on the arm of his chair as he reached to touch your arm. Your heart clutched and the world stood still, held in the palm of his hand.
“Isn’t it nice?” He said. “You’ll have a friend. The kid too.”
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threeminutesoflife · 5 years
Bucky’s F’ing Knife
Pairings: Bucky x Reader Summary: Title about summons it up. Warnings: 18+, praise kink, knife play, fear play, small part abt blood, slight dub-con, Winter Soldier mask, misuse of a knife handle🙀 Words: 2.6k
a/n: Happy Birthday, @sherrybaby14  Thanks for the all laughs and great stories- wishing you the best, Birthday Girl- lots of love to you!
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Bucky left you standing by the door as he walked further into the bedroom, “Want you to do something for me.”
Looking at how serious he was, your laughter trailed off from the joke he told moments before in the hallway.
“Do you trust me? Cause I plan on collecting the favor you owe me, beautiful.”
Bucky’s confidence seemed to take up even more of the bedroom as you stared from the doorway. His sudden change in attitude made you tiptoe into your question, “What’s the favor?”
With a greedy half-smile, he said, “Wanna play with the knife, darlin'.”
You cleared your throat trying to hide the tiny thrill running through you. This was your opportunity to finally ask him, “Will you wear the mask?” 
Arms crossed his chest, he wasn’t about to answer your question so easily, “You addin’ a favor on top of the one I’m collecting from you?”
Maybe this wasn’t as ideal of an opportunity to ask as you thought. Bucky didn’t give any indication of answering your request, while he waited for your next move. He had you and your hopeful curiosity right where he wanted- delectable prey; wringing your hands together, biting your lip as you tried to convince him and yourself that you’re ready for this.
You locked the bedroom door and hoped this showed him how willing you could be, because you just wanted that one small thing in return. “I trust you. Please?”
Bucky smirked and nodded in agreement. “Strip down to your panties and bra. Be a good girl.” He watched expressionlessly as you shed your clothing. 
“Your turn, handsome?” a touch of unease tickled your statement into a question when you saw Bucky remove a knife case from the bookshelf.
Bucky walked barefoot into the closet, the sound of a discarded belt hit the wall. Walking out bare-chested, clad only in jeans, he had the Winter Soldier mask tucked under his arm.
Just watching him made you absentmindedly curl your toes in the carpet, his ab muscles constricting as he casually dropped the items on the end of the bed. Even doing mundane movements, the man turned you on.
Bucky could hear your heart race with anticipation as he purposely flexed and rolled his muscles. Before leaving the closest, he reminded himself to pace his movements. He knew the more aloof he acted, the quicker your arousal fanned. He could get drunk on your trust alone. Your dilated pupils and pouty mouth made his dick twitch when he caught you glancing at his tented pants. 
For a man built so dense, he moved delicately and precisely. Crowding your senses, Bucky’s large frame wordlessly walked you back towards to his bed. Your knees buckled when the back of your legs connected to the mattress. Falling, your ass bounced on top of the bed as Bucky loomed over you and said, “Lay back, get comfortable.”
Gingerly picking up your leg, Bucky knelt over you and kissed your ankle. Relaxed, you smiled coyly up at him and propped your arms under your head. Basking indulgently in his attention, a little purr escaped you as his lips explored further up your leg. You sighed and squirmed with pleasure until he suddenly caused you to hiss with a sharp bite to your calf.
“Bucky,” you gave a pained protest as your arms slid out from under your head. You were about to reach out for your leg, but the look Bucky gave you made you detour any movements. You grabbed the blanket instead from the pain radiating off your calf. You saw he bit hard enough to leave an impression on your flesh.
You tried to ease the sting with humor, “You said you’d wear the mask, Hannibal.”
With a laugh, Bucky reached behind and slipped on his former Winter Soldier attire. Bare-chested, jeans hanging low on his hips, you couldn’t resist sitting up to trace his Adonis belt. Hills and valleys of hard muscle and soft skin, your body wanted to curl against him and find release.
Bucky inhaled deeply, a strangled muffle behind the mask. His muscles contracted under your warm hand. His body’s reaction only encouraged your roaming further. As you angled your hand to slide under the button of his jeans, Bucky roughly collared your wrist and stopped your exploration.
“Nah-ah.” He raised the blade to your face and your eyes crossed to focus on the sharp tip before your nose. You gulped as he tersely nodded his head with his next instructions, “Don’t touch. Lay back. Now.”
What exactly did your request for the mask bring out in him? You could tread through his change in personality, right? You weren’t in over your head, yes? Unease swam in you as he squeezed your wrist sharply to solidify your compliance before letting go.
This was still your Bucky, you reminded yourself as you peddled away from the blade, from him. You attempted to nestle yourself back against the headboard, but Bucky clamped his hand down on your ankle and swiftly pulled you down the length of the bed to him.
He pressed your ankle roughly into the mattress and locked you in place. “I only said, lay back. I did not say, move away.”
Eyes wide, you took in your boyfriend’s transformation; shoulders broader with the mask, thighs thicker under the jeans. His presence and dominance doubled with him perched over you. Soft brown waves curtained the brutal mask, a visual conflict. 
“Thought this was going to start off more promising, darlin'. Are you sure you can listen properly?”
You nodded in confirmation, entranced by the authority in his eyes. How much more of the Winter Soldier lay dormant?
This was still your Bucky?
Bucky’s eyes cut into you as you attempted to appease him and soften the furrow on his brow. The mask was donned by your request, but you were ill-prepared for how it morphed Bucky, physically and otherwise.
“I’m sorry. I’ll listen better.”
Bucky raised the knife to gauge your sincerity.
Don’t move.
His metronome movements ticked and tocked the large blade before each of your eyes. With each tilt of his wrist, the silence grew.
“I know you will,” he said with one final tick of the blade. He needed you pliable and trusting for what he had planned. “What’s our safe word, sugar?”
“And why’s that our word?”
“Because only you can protect me from the monsters.”
“Good, girl. Only me.”
Even if the monster is you? But what surprised you more than that rancid question was the thrill running through your core at the thought of being in danger, from him. You were soaked.
“You say our safe word, I stop. Understand?”
“Good. Listen carefully to my next words then, sugar. You don’t use our word, I don’t stop. Understood?”
As soon as the word passed your lips, Bucky spun the knife and tilted the blade’s tip against your chin.
Don’t flinch.
He roughly cupped either side of your face; the worn handle and his warm palms pressed against your cheeks. Blade rested along your hairline, your blood pulsed underneath. “Let’s see how well you listen, sugar.”
This was your Bucky?
Your body clashed with fight or flight. You felt hesitation at his challenge, a subtle dark promise painted in his eyes; but the coil in your core tightened for this bare-chested, masked dominance. 
“If I slide my knife between your legs and finger your pretty pussy. You think you’ll end up with nicked thighs, darlin'?”
Bucky sat back on his heels and turned his attention to your bruised leg. His metal fingers circled the teeth mark indentations and traveled down the length of your shin. The knife’s tip followed the same path with this other hand, pausing and spinning softly in the dimpled valleys his canines left.
Bucky danced the blade along the top of your foot and waltzed it back up along your leg. The gentle pressure of metal and the anticipation of his movements made your breath quicken. You closed your eyes and rubbed your thighs together smearing your wetness.
Bucky smacked the blade against your skin causing you to jolt in surprise.
Muffled tsking, he shook the knife at you, “Poor listening skills. When did I tell you to move?”
You swallowed back the choke in your throat, “I’ll be better.”
“That wasn’t the question.”
“You didn’t say I could move. I’m sorry.” You took a gamble and braved on to explain your needs, “But, Bucky- fuck, I’m trying-”
“Damn, you’re a horny brat,” the Winter Soldier chuckled at your expense.
You relaxed at the familiar timbre of his laugh, “I am. For you.”
Fuel to fire, his eyes flashed at your words. Bucky abruptly moved forward, your throat tightened in on itself when you saw him dangle the blade high above your thigh.
And then, he let the knife drop.
With a brisk lunge, he caught the blade before it could pierce your thigh. You exhaled the fear, but your knuckles stayed locked around the blanket.
Bucky scanned your body, assessing if you moved from the figurative chalk outline. Satisfied, he focused back on your legs. Humming behind the mask, he dragged the blade along your thigh and slid it under the edge of your panties.  A flick of metal to lace, one side of your panties cut. 
This was Bucky?
“So flimsy,” Bucky humored as he repeated the action on your other hip. “So fucking pretty.”
Bucky turned over the damp lace and hummed in appreciation at the vulnerable state of exposed yourself.
“You’re just aching aren’t you?”
Before you could answer, Bucky dipped his masked-face down to your core. His forehead by your pelvis, he nudged the masked-mouth against your clit and inhaled deeply.
Laughing at your obscene moan, he brought his face up to yours. The marks of your wetness on his mask.
“Feel what you do to me, baby?” He pressed his erection against your thigh. “All this trust you give me. Makes me so fucking hard.”
You looked at him with pleading eyes, you needed to touch.
Understanding, he granted you permission, “You can move, but just your hand.”
With a slight nod and a long blink, you moved your arm up to cup his denim erection.
Bucky pressed himself into your palm, forcing your wrist down unto the mattress. He moaned behind the mask as he bridged himself over you and ground his erection into your hand.
You palmed Bucky tighter and mewled when he rocked his hardness quicker into you. The muffled noises Bucky made behind that mask, how it felt to have the Winter Soldier rutting himself against you- all this power literally in the palm of your hand, spurred on your desire.
“Fuck… babygirl,” Bucky panted out.
Caught up in the moment, you tried to sit up and get closer to Bucky but he stopped you with a hand to your chest.
“No. Back down.”
“But. Bucky plea-”
You wanted to tell him to smash the knife into the headboard already. You wanted to wrap your legs around him as he plunged deep into your tight pussy. You wanted him to use the embedded knife as leverage to pull himself up and watch his muscles flex as he pounded himself back into you.
You wanted, you wanted, you wanted…
Your plead was cut off when you were harshly shoved back down into the mattress.
Bucky’s fingers splayed out across your chest as he pushed more of his weight onto you, causing you to whimper. 
At the sound of your discomfort, Bucky lifted his hand from your chest and walked his fingers between the valley of your breasts. “Listen to me, and I’ll reward you.”
Perching himself over you, he pressed his forehead to yours. The mask pressed against your nose, his hair tickled your face as he loomed over you. His eyes expressive above the mask, “Gonna make you cum so hard for trusting me.”
This. This was your Bucky.
You ran your hand over your bra and squeezed your breasts tightly. Your nipples pebbled as you rested your hands back against the mattress.
“Good girl. Look how fucking pretty you are. All hungry and eager for what comes next.”
“...What are we doing next, Bucky?”
Without answering, Bucky circled your kneecap and thigh with his knife. You moaned further back into the mattress at the feeling of metal scratching your smooth skin. Your heart hammered in your chest as you tried to anticipate his next moves.
His eyes gleamed with a silent idea, “Relax baby, it’ll be better if you do. Move your legs apart. Farther.”
Bucky slowly led the blade between the inside of your thighs. A soft whisper of a sharp knife against your wet pussy. He pirouetted the tip of the blade delicately around your folds and lightly tapped the flat side of the blade against your clit.
Chuckling darkly, the Winter Soldier pulled the blade away, “Look how shiny you left my knife, dirty girl.”
He flipped the blade over in his hand, spinning it quicker than you could focus. Metal, handle, handle, metal- you couldn’t keep up.
He growled out your name and pressure his erection into the side of your thigh as the blade continued to swirl.
Bucky’s brows furrowed and eyes darkened, he looked more menacing now than when he dropped the knife above your thigh.
He ran his thumb along the blade; north to south, south to north. The pad of his thumb flattening out around the edge of the sharp blade.
And then you saw it. A small trickle of blood from his thumb dripped slowly down. Did he feel that? You squeezed your thighs together, slick thick.
Your eyes darted to his and then to his hand, following the dotted trail of red migrating down his wrist. Without thinking, you extended your hand and let your fingertips touch the warm red line. A flash of want exploded from your core as you smeared the line into a fading descent along his forearm.
Bucky groaned loudly as he watched you under him- wet and ready, curious and pliable. Switching positions, he moved from your side and straddled himself on his knees above one of your parted legs. Flipping the blade over to his metal hand, he freed himself from his jeans.
Fuck, he was a sight. Mask fixed on and blade clenched in his metal hand, cock in his other palm.
You watched Bucky, his head tilted back in pleasure as he stroked himself, a smear of red coloring his shaft from his bloody thumb. He pointed the fixed blade at you, and you nodded in understanding as you pressed your back further down into the mattress and spread your soft wet thighs even further apart.
With a flick of his wrist, Bucky released the knife in the air and caught the bladed edge in his metal hand.
Without warning, he surged forward and plunged the hilt of the knife into your pussy. You screamed out in fear but threw your head back in pleasure when Bucky dragged the handle of his knife against your walls.
Heavy breathes behind the mask, he encouraged you, “Make it yours, baby. You take it so good.”
He curled his metal fingers tighter around the exposed blade, and moved the knife’s handle in and out of your tight cunt.
Bucky savored this view of you, wanton and cumming on his knife. Even with the mask, you saw the hungry appreciation on the Winter Soldier’s face.
Curses dropped from your lips as your calf muscles shook and cramped through your release.
Dark praises fell from his mask, “Give yourself to me, every fucking piece.”
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honeyhan-123 · 5 years
The (Original) Plan
Summary: Canon Divergence, set after the evens of CA: The Winter Soldier. Having been deprogrammed, Bucky and Steve set out for revenge, tracking down each and every member of hydra that played a part in Bucky’s torture. When they find out that Brock has an adopted daughter, they hatch a sinister plan involving her to punish him. 
Warnings: Dark!Stucky, non-con, breeding kink. Please if this fic may trigger you in any way shape or form please do not read it. 
Word Count: 3.9k
AN: I actually hate this current title so if anyone has any better suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. This was partially a request by the lovely @the-soulofdevil​ - I’m sorry it has taken me so long - as well as a fic entry for the incredible @sherrybaby14​ ‘Fall Into You’ Challenge. My prompt will be in bold. 
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My Masterlist 
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The sound of glass shattering woke you up, alerting you to the fact that something was wrong. Brock was never that careless. As you opened the drawer of your bedside table as quietly as you could, you heard the sounds of a scuffle coming up from downstairs. 
Gripping the glock he had given you for your sixteenth birthday, you inched the door to your bedroom open, being sure to keep your steps light as your crept down the hallway towards the top of the stairs. You could see down the grand staircase, all was quiet with a little strip of light peaking through under the living room door. Your grip was tight on your gun as you drifted down the stairs, reminding yourself to turn the safety off and trying to remember all the times Brock had taken you to the gun range. 
The sounds of fighting had now faded but that only made you more anxious. Why hadn’t Brock called out to you letting you know that he was okay? You tried to reassure yourself, maybe he didn’t realise that you had woken up or maybe he was making sure the coast was clear. You didn’t realise that these thoughts had clouded your vision, impairing your judgment, until it was too late.  
You didn’t see him coming and before you could even think about firing your gun he had his arms wrapped around you, one hand twisting your wrist until your were forced to drop the gun which he scooped up and placed against your temple. One strong arm was around your stomach, holding your back him to you as you heard the click of the gun coking and he shoved you forward, causing you to stumble. 
You didn’t dare disobey him, knowing that if he had managed to overpower Brock so quickly, you didn’t stand a chance. While Brock had wanted you trained in self defence and able to handle yourself, he had tried to keep you as far away from his Hydra life as possible, claiming that he didn’t want you tainted like he was. 
Your mouth dropped in shock as you opened the living room door, your eyes immediately fell on the man you called your father as he sat, strapped into one of the dining room chairs, his hands behind his back, unable to move. Blood was spilling from a cut on his forehead and one of his eyes was already swelling from where he had evidently been hit. 
Your heart broke as you watched the man you had called a father since you were five years old when your parents had been killed while working for SHIELD. He had been your father’s best friend in his death, your father had specified that he wanted you to go to Brock, trusting only him to keep you safe. 
You knew just by watching him that it was unlikely both of you would survive the night. You were sure your eyes reflected the fear that held you paralysed as you mouthed the words to him you didn’t know you would ever be able to say again. ‘I love you.’
You felt the man behind you push you forward, causing you to fall on you couch that lay right in front of the chair Brock was strapped to, banging your head on the arm rest as you scrambled into a sitting position. 
‘Well well well, look who finally decided to join the party. Our guest of honour.’ Your eyes broke away from Brock to flicker over to the man standing beside him, recognising him easily from the news. Captain America. 
All of a sudden the stronger than normal arm wrapped around you and the fact that neither you nor Brock had ever even stood a chance made sense. You realised the figure behind you must be Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. And judging by the wild look in the Captain’s eyes, he was here to kill Brock for everything he had done with Hydra. If you were scared before, now you were terrified. These man hated Brock, he had stood for everything they fought against. 
Ever since the fall of Hydra a few years ago Brock had been running. Running from Hydra and SHIELD alike, insisting that the two of you had as little contact as possible to keep you safe, to keep you hidden from prying eyes. You hadn’t wanted to leave him for so long but you both knew it was for the best. After three years, Brock had finally thought that maybe he was in the clear if he kept his head down and so he had rented a house, all the way in the Berkshires and you had been more than happy to come visit him for the weekend, driving up from New York to see him for your birthday. 
‘You know, after I got Bucky back we thought long and hard about what we wanted to do to each member of Hydra if we ever got our hands on them. It used to be a little game we would play and for the longest time we struggled to decide on what to do to you. How to make you suffer like we did. That was, at least, until we found out about her. I gotta admit Brock, I’ve been dreaming about this for a while now, I’ve just been so excited for it, what about you Buck? Have you been excited for tonight?’
‘Oh yeah Stevie. I think Brock’s punishment will definitely be my favourite. It was a real pain having to wait for this pretty little thing to come home though, thank God she’s here finally.’ Both men started edging towards you and you tried to resign yourself for what was obviously about to happen. You didn’t want it to, but you knew that they were far stronger than you and even on the off chance you did manage to escape, they probably had continuation plans, it seemed like they had been planning this for a while now. 
‘Do you know what it felt like to be completely at your mercy? The real me having to simply sit back and watch as you made the Winter Soldier obey your every command, ruining countless lives?’ He stood in front of you now as he spat his words at Brock, tugging on your elbow, forcing you to stand again. ‘You couldn’t possibly know what that was like for me but you’re about to.’ With that he pulled a knife out of his thigh holster and sliced up through the thin material of the tank top you had worn to bed before tugging your pyjama shorts off, leaving you in just your cotton panties and you tried to shield yourself with your arms wrapping around your modesty. 
‘Naw Doll, don’t be shy. We just wanna see you.’ Captain America pinned your wrists behind you as the other reached up to your breast, squeezing your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You tried to twist your body out of his grasp, away from his fingers but he just held on tighter. Bucky stood on your other side and wrapped his metal arm around your waist, gripping you so tightly that you knew you would have bruises there in the morning if you were still alive. 
‘We don’t want to hurt you Doll but if you make us angry we may not have any choice, we won’t hesitate to spill your blood all on this nice carpet. Do you understand Doll?’ You simply nodded your head, too afraid to speak but apparently he didn’t like that as he squeezed your nipple even harder. ‘When the Sergeant or I ask you a question I expect you to answer, are we clear?’ The tone he used with you sent a shiver through your body as you tried to clear your throat enough to allow you to speak. 
‘Yes Captain.’ 
‘That’s a good girl’ his lips murmured into the skin of your neck, trailing from your ear to your shoulder, pausing to inhale the scent of you. 
‘What did I tell ya Stevie? I knew this one would be an obedient little girl.’   
‘Mmm… that you did Buck. Why don’t we get this show started?’ A smirk took over Steve’s face and his hands pushed down on your shoulders, forcing you to fall to your knees on the smooth carpet. He clenched your jaw in one hand and turned it towards Bucky, who was freeing his cock from the tac pants he wore. He leant towards where you sat, kneeling, and pressed the tip against your closed lips, you were overtly aware of Brock sitting barely a meter away. 
‘Come on Doll, open up. You don’t want to keep me waiting. It would be such a shame if something happened to that beautiful face.’ Fighting the tears that were welling up behind your eyes, you obeyed him, opening your mouth just enough for him to force his cock down your throat. You were in no way prepared to take someone as large as him, gagging almost instantly against his pelvis. 
‘You can do better than that baby.’ He grunted out above you as he pulled back out before thrusting in again, barely giving you any time to breathe as he fucked your mouth, holding your head still so you couldn’t pull away. Your jaw started to ache as he continued forcing himself inside your mouth, his tip practically going halfway down your throat while his metal hand wrapped around your windpipe, further cutting off your airway. 
Black dots started appearing in your vision, warning you that you needed air but Bucky wouldn’t let up with his thrusts, no matter how hard you slapped at his legs trying to free yourself. In your peripheral vision you could see Steve walk around beside Bucky, his cock in his hands, pumping himself at the same pace which Bucky was rutting into you, his dark blue eyes fixed on you as his moans mixing with Bucky’s. 
Bucky’s thrusts started stuttering as he sped his pace up, his moans became even louder and you realised his was nearing the finish. A surge of hope fluttered through you, maybe if you got him to cum in your mouth, he would be done with you for the night. Previous experiences with boys generally proved that after they got to cum, they were useless. 
Swallowing your pride and any remaining dignity, you started moving with Bucky and not against him while swirling your tongue along his length. It was hard at the speed which he was going as well as how obscenely thick he was but you managed, pulling out all the tricks you knew, praying that he would just hurry up and finish. 
Instead of swatting against his thighs, you now used your hands to massage his balls, moving your fingers in a firm circular motion on his sac, feeling it tighten underneath your fingertips. You knew he was truly close now, it was impossible to separate each individual moan coming from his mouth as they just ran on continuously from each other. 
You felt Steve reach and grab your other hand, the one that wasn’t fondling with Bucky’s sac, and guide it to his cock, rubbing it along his shaft. You could tell that he was close as well, just by the look on his face you could see out of the peripheral of your vision. 
You felt it a moment before it actually happened. Bucky’s hand tightened around your throat and the fingers tangled in your hair pulled you closer to him, your face squashed by his pelvis, truly and completely cutting off your airway now as he came, halfway down your throat, giving you no choice but to swallow for fear of choking on it. He held himself in your mouth for a moment, relishing in his orgasmic bliss, before shoving you off, nearly causing you to fall back. You were saved by Steve’s hands however, gripping onto the hand which was still working his cock as he positioned you right in front of him, his own cum spraying out, landing in streaks across your face. 
‘Oh Dollface, you have no idea how good that felt.’ You wanted to squirm away from Steve’s hands as they reached out to pat your hair, treating you as though you were some pet of his. You didn’t dare speak out, merely letting the pure unadulterated hatred on your face speak for itself. 
‘Oh don’t be like that Dollface, I felt what you did with your tongue, the way you took me so well. I bet you’re wet already.’ Horror seeped into your veins at Bucky’s words, cursing your naive nature. Of course once wasn’t going to be enough for the two super soldiers in front of you. ‘Now be a good girl and take off your panties.’ 
Your body refused to move, staying rooted to the spot even when you saw Steve start to strip, lying down on the couch, eyeing you expectantly. You didn’t see it coming but you should’ve. The harsh slap to your cheek had you head whipping to the side, your eyes falling on Brock instead. 
You saw the message conveyed in his stare, the way he begged you to do what they said, no matter how grotesque if it meant you would be able to live. All he had ever wanted was to give you the best life possible after your parents had died and now that he had dragged you into this situation the guilt was crashing into him. You didn’t blame him for what was happening though, and staring at him one last time, you looked away before doing what he said and discarding your panties on the floor.
‘See that wasn’t so hard now was it?’ You didn’t bother replying to Bucky as his hand caressed your cheek, fingertips brushing over the mark he had left just seconds ago. ‘Now go and sit on Stevie for me, I’ll join you too soon.’ You didn’t want to know what he meant by that last part, opting instead to numbly walk over to where America’s Golden Boy lay, one hand behind his head, the other gripping his shaft as he stared at you. 
‘You heard what the Sergeant said. Be a good girl and sit on me.’ You swallowed down the bile that threatened to come forth as you straddled his thighs, your cunt resting just above his cock. The hand that had been playing with himself twisted, his fingers now pressing against you, slowly swiping up and down your entrance. ‘It’s just like you said Buck, she’s already wet for us.’ 
You wanted to scream. It wasn’t for them. It was because of them, because of the fear they had caused the run through your veins. 
‘Girls like her always are Stevie.’ You resisted the urge to roll your eyes Steve continued his ministrations between your thighs, easing one finger into your hole, using his palm to rub against your clit as he worked you up. You hated that despite the fear and loathing you felt for him, he was still able to elicit a reaction from you, forcing you to swallow down the moans that tried to tumble out of your mouth. Even with your eyes locked on Steve’s chest, you could still see, out of the corner of your eyes, Bucky undressing, shedding himself from his tac gear as he neared the couch. You had no idea what these two men had planned but when Steve moved his fingers further back, towards that hole, you started to realise, panic taking over. 
‘Uh uh uh Dollface, don’t you dare move. We’re going to take good care of you now.’ You wanted to die as Steve brought you closer and closer to the edge, feeling that familiar coil start to tighten inside of you. How could you be feeling like this with these men? With what they had planned for you? 
As usual your body refused to listen to your mind, even when you felt that sharp sting of his fingers entering your virgin hole. ‘Oh god Buck, she’s so tight. Even tighter than her sweet little cunt. I’m almost jealous that you’re gonna fuck her there.’ Steve moaned at the way your walls clenched around his fingers as he added another one, pushing them in and out, opening you up for his best friend. 
‘Don’t worry Stevie, we have all the time in the world. I promise you can have a go at it after.’ You felt his body behind yours, settling himself on the couch, straddling Steve’s legs as well. So this was how it was going to happen. You thought to yourself in despair. 
However you couldn’t despair for long as that coil which Steve had slowly been tightening had finally reached its breaking point, your body shaking as the waves of pleasure overcame you, the moans which you had tried so hard to hide were filling the room. 
You watched as Steve tugged you closer, his hand slipping around to position his cock at your entrance. ‘I think she’s ready now Buck.’
‘Good because I’m sick of waiting.’ Without any further warning, both men pushing into you, a yelp escaping at the stretch, at the burn you felt. It didn’t help that Bucky was much longer and thicker than Steve’s fingers had been, or that Steve himself was better well endowed than anyone you had been with previously. 
Tears started leaking down your face as you felt them move in tandem, one pushing in while the other pulled out, using your body as they saw fit. The pace they had set was brutal, the sound of skin slapping filling the room in addition with their moans and your choked back sobs. 
You watched as Steve raised a hand, wrapping it around your throat, pulling you down closer to him as he thrusted up into you, his tip hitting what felt like your cervix as he moved. At this new angle, you were right in front of his face, forced to look at him as he fucked you. Maybe if you closed your eyes, you would be able to pretend that you were somewhere else.
‘No Dollface. Eye open and on me.’ A rouge tear escaped as you opened your eyes once more, staring into his baby blues wanting nothing more than to be anywhere else, especially when his hand dipped down between your thighs once more, right above where your bodies were connected. 
You couldn’t take it anymore, the feeling of both Bucky and Steve inside of you, in addition to having his fingers flick over your sensitive nub had your body spiralling out of your control, the waves once again threatening to crash over you. 
‘Oh Buck, I think she’s close. The way she’s clenching around us, just begging us to fill her up.’ 
‘Mhmm, I think your right Stevie, let’s take her over the edge with us.’ You felt one of his hands creep up from where they had been gripping your hips to your breasts, flicking over your nipples as he groaned out above you. ‘Can you imagine, these perky little tits being filled with milk. How good would that be?’
Steve barked out a laugh in between his thrusts. ‘That wasn’t part of the plan Buck.’ 
You could feel Bucky’s shoulders shrug above you. ‘Fuck the plan.’ 
Steve rolled his eyes but still, there was a smile on his face thrusting up into you more harshly than before. ‘It would be a pretty sight. Just thinking about it makes me wanna cum.’
‘Do it Stevie, fill her up.’ Steve apparently needed no further persuasion as soon you felt him spill inside of you, warm spurts against your walls which clenched around him in turn. He thrusted a few more times before making sure you had completely milked him dry before pulling out, focussing on the movement of his fingers on your clit. 
Even though he had just said how badly he wanted you pregnant, you were surprised when you felt Bucky pull out of your ass, shifting your body before plunging into your pussy. Your face was now pressed against Steve’s chest as Bucky rutted into you, relishing in the familiar clench of your walls, signalling just how close you were. 
‘C’mon Stevie, get her to cum for me. I’m so fuckin’ close. I just need her to cum for me.’ With the continual swirl of his fingers, and Bucky hitting that sweet spot inside of you, both men brought you right up to the edge before pushing you over, sending you tumbling into the abyss. 
You could still feel Bucky empty himself inside of you, his cum mixing with both yours and Steve’s; yet there was a strange distance you felt as well. Your entire body shaking in the afterglow, trembling against Steve’s body as you lay over him. Never before had it been like this afterwards, the continual, never ending waves of pleasure racked through your body and you suspected that the fear you had felt definitely played a part.
Your vision was blurry, unfocused, as you felt Steve sit up with you, his arms wrapped around your middle as a coat was thrown over your body, your panties and sleep shorts gently slid up your legs, a cool finger swiping at the cum that seeped out of you, trying to push it back in. 
You watched in dazed confusion as Bucky and Steve gathered their clothes, redressing quickly, seeming to have a silent conversation. Bucky crossed over to you, zipping up the coat he had thrown over your shoulders and kissing your forehead gently. ‘Okay Dollface, I need you to go with Stevie now.’
You were confused, sluggish, as you felt his grasp your elbow, pulling you up. Where were you going? Why wasn’t he coming with you? 
As though he had managed to read your mind Bucky put your irrational fears at ease. ‘I’m going to be right behind you. I’m just going to get some clothes for you.’ You nodded even though you didn’t want to, letting Steve pull you from the room. You tried to glance back into the room, your eyes locking with Brock’s. A silent farewell. 
You knew that you should be doing something, fighting somehow, but in your current state, your body hung limp, barely just allowing you to walk in a straight line as Steve led you from the house, towards a shiny black car parked in your driveway. You watched as he held the backdoor open for you, eagerly climbing in to escape the cold. It was only as you stared down at your shaking hand that you realised that this was what people meant by going into shock. That was the only way to explain the numbness taking over your body. 
You could vaguely hear the sound of a gun go off somewhere in the distance, the car door open and Bucky climbing in, his hands free as Steve took off. You watched as the house slowly shrunk the further the car got along the street before disappearing altogether. You had no idea where you were going now but glancing between the two men sitting in the front seat, you knew they had big plans for you. 
Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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cockslutpadalecki · 4 years
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1st - Yesterday - @winchest09 - Cannonball - @shotsbyshae
2nd - He Wasn’t In Love With You - @sorenmarie87 - Silence of Senses - @crispychrissy
3rd - Silence - @impala-dreamer - Bite It - @chocolateheart
4th - The Slightest Touch - @negans-lucille-tblr - The Concubine (Prologue) - @cherienymphe
5th - The Crumbling Difference Between Wrong and Right - @stusbunker - Honey Trap (2) - @threeminutesoflife
6th - One Pair At A Time - @crispychrissy  - Five Times I Fell For You - @luci-in-trenchcoats
7th - I Know You - @idreamofplaid - Blood In The Water - @irrelevantwriter
8th - Undiscovered - @evansrogerskitten - Hunger - @impala-dreamer
9th - The Concubine (1) - @cherienymphe - The Concubine (2) - @cherienymphe
10th - Protector (Masterlist) - @fictionalabyss - Siren (3) - @opheliadawnwalker3
11th - Broken Sleep - @tropicalcap - Siren (4) - @opheliadawnwalker3
12th - The Concubine (3) - @cherienymphe - Self Control - @gagmebucky
13th - Shackled (1-11) - @itmighthavebeenintentional - Marked (8) - @there-must-be-a-lock
14th - A Nice Little Deal - @andybarberslxt - Daddy Dearest - @cherienymphe
15th - Not Much Left - @impala-dreamer - Anywhere - @sapphirescrolls
16th - Hollow - @thoughtslikeaminefield - Hindsight is 20/20 - @threeminutesoflife
17th - You Shook Me - @myinconnelly1 - Smoke Screen (1) - @opheliadawnwalker3
18th - Howl - @manawhaat - Even Dead Dinosaurs Have Feelings - @imanuglywombat
19th - Magic Dick - @imanuglywombat - Smoke Screen (2) - @opheliadawnwalker3
20th - Bankrupt - @mypoisonedvine - The Concubine (4) - @cherienymphe
21st - Marked (9) - @there-must-be-a-lock - Marked (9.5) - @there-must-be-a-lock
22nd - Shackle Her From Wrist To Wrist (With Sterling Silver Bracelets) (6) - @cpn-hydra - Shackled (12) - @itmighthavebeenintentional
23rd - Up All Night - @fvckingavengers - Be Very Afraid - @sherrybaby14
24th - Fear Itself - @sherrybaby14  - Irreconcilable - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
25th - Sweet As Sin (3) - @nikki-writes-stuff - Sweet As Sin (4) - @nikki-writes-stuff​
26th - Benedict Arnold Reporting For Duty, Ransom Sir - @imanuglywombat - Misery Business - @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s
27th - Shattered Like A Stone (Masterlist) - @thoughtslikeaminefield - The Concubine (5) - @cherienymphe
28th - The Concubine (6) - @cherienymphe - WILD (Masterlist) - @kittenofdoomage
29th - People Can Lick Too - @sherrybaby14 - The Highest Bidder (1-3) - @pagesoflauren​
30th - Happy Birthday, Mr Barber - @imanuglywombat​ - Truth Be Told (Masterlist) - @princessmisery666​
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
Birthday Boy
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Trying to make up for last years birthday celebrations you take Steve on a path down memory lane with some fun peppered in.
Warnings: SMUT. Unprotected Sex, fingering, oral, cock warming, choking, and cursing. 18 an older only, do not read if under the age of 18. This isn’t for everyone, if any of these situations bother you please read no further.
Word Count: 6,623
A/N: This is for Steve’s Birthday! Also to celebrate by participating in @sherrybaby14 Happy Birthday Steve Flash Challenge. Much longer than a drabble but meh. Unedited so I could post it in time. I’ll go back and edit it. Probably, maybe, we’ll see. Enjoy! Reblogs, comments and asks always welcomed!
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Steve scratched the back of his head in confusion. Didn’t Sam tell him you would be here waiting for him? Looking around the deserted Avengers Lobby you were nowhere to be seen. It was the day before the 4th of July and most departments within the building had closed early for the day leaving a rather empty lobby this afternoon. A frown fell over his face, maybe Sam got it wrong and you were waiting in the garage?
Just as he start to head for the garage one of the exterior doors busted open to show a bike courier running in with a flushed face. He clearly had been rushing. Steve raised an eyebrow, placing his hands in his slack pockets as the courier stopped in front of him and bent over trying to catch his breath.
“For you Mr. Rogers- uh Captain Rogers,” the courier panted out holding a slim envelope up towards Steve remaining bent over. Steve eyed the envelope questionably before taking it from the young man’s hand.
“Do you need some water kid?” Steve offers watching him stand up straight face still red.
“Oh no, no” The young man barely a teenager by the looks of it waves his hands in front of himself.
“I’ve got too many more deliveries to make.” He took in a deep breath and looked at Steve with a growing admiration. “Can’t believe I get to deliver to you though! The Captain America!” Steve couldn’t help the smile that pulled at one side of his mouth at the courier’s excitement.
“Thank you for getting this to me so promptly kid,” The courier nodded his head vigorously.
“Oh of course! 30 Minutes Delivery isn’t just a company name it’s the motto!” Steve nodded his head seeing the same logo on envelope also on his shirt. “I gotta go! Have a great 4th!” The kid started walking off but came to a stop.
“Oh Geeze!” He turned back around to Steve. “Happy early Birthday Captain!” He waved enthusiastically and then turned to jog back to his bike.
Steve shook his head smirking, the kid reminded him of Peter with his level of zest. Looking back at the envelope he saw it was addressed from you to him. What on earth where you up to he wondered.
Ripping the envelope open glitter exploded out and Steve groaned. He should have known you’d do something like this. He shook his hands looking down to see his button up shirt covered in glitter, the creases of his pants littered here and there and the floor below covered with the craft product as well. He swore he could hear you giggling in his head. You were going to be in trouble for this, he swore it.
Looking in the envelope he saw a card and pulled it out, a simple ‘Happy Birthday’ greeting on the front, he opens it to see your hand writing instructing him to dress casual and meet you at Coney Island Luna Park by 6 for pre-birthday fun. He smiled at all the hearts you drew on the inside of the card and the cheesy way you put both of your initials with a plus sign in the biggest heart you drew.
Steve would be lying if he didn’t say he was relieved it was just an evening at Coney Island. Last year you and Tony had thrown him a huge birthday party he was not comfortable at the entire night until it dwindled down to the core Avenger group. Though tomorrow being his birthday you could always have more up your sleeve. He sighs shaking out his shirts and pants, feeling only slightly guilty at the glittery mess he was leaving on the lobby floor. You couldn’t text him or call him about meeting there no, you and Sam clearly plotted together on this one.
Looking at his watch he shook his head at the slight time crunch you had caused for him. He’d need to get to south Brooklyn from upper Manhattan not to mention he would need to change clothes entirely given the glitter and needing a more casual outfit at your request. Heading back upstairs he smiled wondering if he had enough time to fling some of the glitter left in the envelope on Sam.
You pulled your hair behind your ears as the wind picked up behind as you stand in front of the Luna Park entrance. You were sure Steve would like this much better than last year. Still disappointed in yourself for giving into Tony’s idea of throwing Steve a big birthday party.
Really, you knew better after being an Avenger for 4 years and with Steve nearly 2 of them, at this point you should have known it was a bad idea. Sometimes Tony was too damn convincing. When Steve had seen all the people there you could instantly tell he was uncomfortable but he played the part of happy birthday boy well and it broke your heart a little for him to have to fake anything on his birthday. This year you were determined to get it right!
This idea of a Coney Island date before his actual birthday came after he told you about how much he and Bucky would waste money at Coney Island. All the dames Bucky brought and or picked up while there leaving Steve the constant third wheel. Even with being a third wheel Steve never sounded upset about the time spent there. You had so much more planned for him but that was for you to reveal later.
An uncontrollable smile took over your face watching Steve stroll up the side walk in a pulled down cap, jeans and a tight black shirt. You licked your lips eyeing the outline of his chest underneath the shirt, he never knew how to wear a loose fitting shirt, not that you minded. Steve’s arms wrap around you once in his reach and pull you to him tightly, in kind your hand slip around his neck playing with his hair at the nap of his neck.
“Hey doll,” you smile into his chest at the nickname. “Hey birthday boy,” you muffle back into his chest. He kisses your forehead before pulling away to appreciate the light blue sun dress you wore with wedges giving you a few extra inches.
“You enjoy your card?” A sly smile pulls at your lips watching his brow furrow at your antics. “Everything but the glitter.” You giggled exactly how he imagined you would at the site of him covered in glitter.
“Captain America not a fan of a little bit of glitter?” He rolled his eyes at your sweet tone.
“That was more than a little bit of glitter and you know it. You’re going to pay for that.” His tone was gruff and your eye lids dropped half way looking at him.
“You promise?” You lick your lips at the possibilities. He stars down at you but was caught off guard when someone pushes past him, suddenly making him aware of your public location.
“Later,” He winks at your pout.
“Let’s start the Birthday fun!” You took his large hand in yours pulling him towards the entrance of the park. He remains at your side, intertwining his fingers with yours you look up at him continuing to walk.
“I’m not going on the cyclone.” You laughed at the grimace Steve gave. “I can’t believe it’s still here.”
“Are you jealous something almost as old as you still this sturdy?” You faced forward, leading the both of you towards the Coney games, knowing Steve for the most part was not a fan of rides.
“Are you saying I’m not sturdy?” He sounds almost hurt at the insinuation.
“Oh you and I both know you’re a sturdy ride.” You wink at him enjoying the faint blush blooming on his cheeks.
Steve handed you would be the tenth stuffed animal he had won for you. You had warned him to tone down his strength else he’d draw attention to him but he ignored your warning.
“I could never win these back in the day,” he confesses with a small frown as he hands you the giant stuffed bear in-between your already full hands. “I was too weak back then and I always wanted to be the guy with the gal who had all the prizes because her man could win them.”
“Oh Steve,” Your heart ached and warm all at once at his words. “I would love for you to get me all the prizes but I’m running out of room to hold them.”
Steve laughs titling his head back noticing your head almost covered by the prizes. Why did they all have to be giant stuff animals? As the two of you made your way to the next booths where he could win you something you started giving the current prizes to children passing by.
When Steve saw what you were doing he smiled until the corner of his eyes crinkled, overwhelmed at how generous you were being. It was one of his favorite things about you, never took more than you needed and sometimes even less than what you needed. The latter being something he would scold you for from time to time. You look up at him as the little girl you had just given the last prize to excitedly shows off the bear to her parents.
“Oh,” You seem suddenly unsure of your actions. “I’m sorry Steve I know you were winning those for me but it was just so much and I thought kids would probably enjoy–” He pulls you to him and kisses your lips gently, ceasing your rambling.
“It’s perfect,” he spoke pulling his lips from yours staring into your eyes. “Come on doll, I want to win you everything I can so you can give it away.” You sigh in relief following him to the next booth.
“Get me all of them Steve!” You cheered him on.
After winning you several more prizes that seemed to all be some type of stuffed toy you had given them all away except for one. Smiling down at the Captain America plush you couldn’t help but hug the toy to you as the two of you stood in line at a food truck.
“Hm, never thought I’d be jealous of myself,” Steve muttered dipping his head down towards the toy’s head pushed between your breasts. You pull the toy down but Steve caught your arm shaking his head.
“No no, I like it there.” He winked down at you before walking up to the truck window and began ordering for the both of you. Flabbergasted at his comment you stood behind him silently.
You couldn’t stop yourself as you dug into the truck food with vigor sitting on a picnic table across from Steve, smiling whenever your eyes would meet. Steve’s brow furrowed looking around the park noticing all the remaining attractions, a few booths, some machines, and attractions though definitely updated it all had a strange sense of nostalgia. The thoughts of Bucky and times long ago were prevalent, like a shadow around each corner as the sun began to set.
“Hey,” you recognized the bleak look falling over his face. “Come back to me.” You whispered, grasping his hand resting on the table across you. His head jerked to you, eyes clearing and a soft smile played at his lips.
“I’m here,” He smirked at the sauce dripping down your using his other hand he wipes the sauce away with his thumb and without missing a beat you turn to his thumb pulling it into your mouth. Sucking the mess from his thumb his eyes leveled with you, his lips curled up into a predatory smile as you graze your teeth along his retreating thumb.
“Naughty girl,” His voice a bit deeper than normal, with a sly smile you wink at him. “Maybe I didn’t want to waste of the delicious food?” He shifts in his seat and you could just imagine the hardening cock in his jeans. It was definitely time for your next part of the birthday celebration.
Without a further word you took both of your trash to dispose of it then grabbing you plush Captain America and the pulling the real one by the hand on to the next adventure. He called out your name inquiring where you were leading him but you didn’t respond the entire time. You finally stopped in front of an arch way displaying ‘Wonder Wheel’ in large letters with a giant Ferris wheel behind it.
“Another artifact like you,” your words held mirth as you stuck your tongue out the side of your mouth looking up at Steve. His eyes widen starring up at the Ferris wheel he rode growing up in Brooklyn.
“Wow,” He looked down when you pulled him further into the line. “Uh, I don’t know about this doll. It’s so old you know and it goes up real high.”
“I promise it’s just as sturdy as you,” Steve ran his tongue over his bottom teeth leaning back on his feet he looked down at you. “Not to mention who beautiful the night sky is going to be facing the ocean!”
“Doll,” his voice laced with growing anxiety.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve jumped out of planes without a parachute so what danger could there be in a Ferris wheel?”
“I have a shield to help with landing,” He looked less and less happy about the idea as the line shortened.
“You’ve got your shield!” You pulled on the shield sewed to the plush Captain America doll; Steve gave you a small smile and sighed in defeat. Happy at persuading him you lean up on your tip toes and wrap a hand around the back of his neck pulling him down towards you. Pushing your body flush against his you press your lips gently against the skin below his ear causing him to shudder and wrap an arm around your waist.
“I promise I will make it worth your while.” You whisper softly into his ear before nipping at his ear lobe and leaning back on your feet letting go of him. His arm loosens around you at the bite but tightens once more looking down at you in curiosity.
“Next.” You peel yourself from his grip and turn towards the Ferris wheel attendant who called for the two of you. Handing him tickets from your purse you had purchased before Steve had met you at the park.
Steve frowned adjusting his pants to make room for the arousal your behavior had caused. His brows lifted up watching you mutter something he couldn’t hear to the attendant and barely catching the sight of the $100 bill you slip into their hand.
Smiling brightly back at Steve you grip his hand pulling him to the large outer Ferris wheel carriage another attendant was opening for the both of you. Steve helped you into the box and following afterwards.
There were two bench one on each side of the Ferris Wheel, you sat on the one facing outward and patting for Steve to join you. He did but not without cringing the teetering of the box at weight change.
“What was that about back there?” He inquires pulling you to his side an arm draped over your shoulder. Shrug at him and let out a small ‘meep’ when the Ferris wheel started to move slowly. In reaction Steve pulls you closer to him your hand rested on his lap instead of being squeezed between the two of you.
Once you felt the two of you were at least half way up your hand began to wander towards his inner thigh, gently kneading him there, his eyes cut down to you but you smile at him innocently. He wasn’t fooled though. You began to lazily trail your hand up and down his thigh, purposely letting the tips of your fingers barely touch his growing erection.
“Doll,” his tone full of warning but you ignore him. Instead you pull your legs under you sitting on them the movement swaying the booth a little. You kiss him softy at first, trailing your hand up and down his thigh again.
Steve didn’t take kindly to you ignoring him; he threading his fingers in your hair and pulls your head back gently. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Taking care of my birthday man?” You bite your bottom lip and Steve’s eyes narrow on your lips.
“No one can see, unless you want them to.” A deep red blush covers his cheeks as he mutters a “No.”
You curled your fingers around his clothed hard cock, he curses under his breath looking down at your hand then back at your face. He pushes your lips back to his he was rough though, nipping at your lower lip you gasp and his tongue invades your mouth. In response you unbutton and unzip his pants your hand slipping into the slit of his boxer briefs. He groaned against your mouth as you wrap your fingers around his warm cock tugging at it gently through the slit exposing him to the air.
You looked down at his cock and whimpered, it was so flushed and throbbing in your hand. You tighten your grip and Steve jerked your hair making you look at him.
“Taste it,” he encourages you, pushing your head down. You oblige leaning down your ass lifting in the air as you held his thigh with one hand, the other resting against his hard chest. You gently lick the tip and smile when his cock jerks at the touch.
Unable to resist any longer you wrap your lips around the head and began to swirl your tongue along the head. Steve threw his head back, a faint thud against the window, he lets out a groan.
“Just like that,” he mutters under his breath as you took him deeper.
His hand trails from your hair down your back and pulls your dress up revealing your lace underwear. Oh he was definitely going to rip those off later. He grips one of your exposed ass cheeks then gives it a heavy slap. The force of his slap causes you to take his cock further down your throat with a moan. Wiggling your butt he smirks at the show slapping the opposite cheek, in return you took the rest of him down your throat, feeling his soft blonde pubes.
“Shit,” he gasps out unable to stop the way his hips jerk up when you pull up stopping half way to go back down. Purposely swallowing around him, your tongue rolling around any part of him you could touch. Trailing your free hand up his thigh you cupped his balls still within his boxer briefs.
His breath falters. “Doll,” he whimpers when you pull your head up and went right back down in quick sessions. “Please,” he jerks his hips up shoving himself into your receding mouth. With his other hand he grips your head and holds you down. You moan around his cock, feeling liquid pool between your legs.
You loved it when he used your mouth, hell when he just used you.
He pulls you completely off his cock, pulling your head back to bend your back at an almost painful angle. His eyes were nearly all black when he pressed his mouth to yours, spittle glistening on your lips. His tongue trailed along your tongue groaning into you at the taste of himself. With his grip still in your hair he pulls your head back looking you in the eyes.
“Who’s mouth is this?” His voice gravel from his arousal. You whimper at his words shifting your hips together. He smacks your ass harder than before and you swore the sound echoes outside the Ferris wheel booth.
“Who’s” he pulls your head down, your mouth barely touching the bright red pulsing head of his cock, “is it?”
“Yours Captain,” he groans and shoving his cock all the way down your throat, gasping as you gagged on him at the sudden intrusion. He pulls your head up quickly and pushes back down just as quick.
“Yeah it’s mine” he mutters moving your head up and down on him gripping your ass with his other hand.
“It’s mine to use and abuse.” He grunted when your throat constricts around him causing him to hold you down at his base.
“You deserve to be used too,” He pulled you up just enough so you could catch your breath only to push you back down. “Getting me on this old Ferris wheel with such ill intent.”
Pulling your head back one more time he admired the drool trailing own your swollen lips, a groan pulled from his mouth when you licked your lips clean.
“Such a filthy thing,” He kissed you roughly before shoving you back down on his cock barely giving you a chance to breath as he started pushing himself up into your mouth. Tears started to pool at the corner of your eyes in response to the random gagging, but you wouldn’t let him stop, even if he could at this point.
“I’m gonna cum,” he groans out, his hips stilled as he started to move your head again on his cock. It was only a few moments later he held your mouth at his base; hips jerking you felt warm shots roll down your throat. Swallowing everything he had you slowly pull your head up when his grip releases.
He was still panting, coming down from the feelings you sent through his body. Smiling at him you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. Reaching behind you pulled a handkerchief out of your purse; one he had given you so very 1930’s of him.
His whole body jerked when you began clean up his lap the sensation being too much, his eyes widen at your actions.
“Doll you shouldn’t be doing that–” He protests and went to still your arm but you swatted him away his post-orgasm euphoria letting him be bested.
“It’s your birthday,” You countered continuing with your task.
“Yeah but…” his voice trailed off as you finish and put the handkerchief in your purse and slip his softening cock back into his boxer briefs. Steve swatted your hands away to button and zip his pants up. You went to retort about you taking care of him but he stopped you before you could start.
“Hush we’re almost on the beach side,” At his words you turned around seeing the bright stars above the ocean. The city was way to light polluted to be able to see any stars but facing out towards the ocean you could actually see some.
Steve pulled you into his lap both of you staring at the night sky as the booth descended.
“Where are you taking me now?” Steve grumbles beside you, he was getting tired of walking around with so many people around and it was getting late. You pat his arm wrapped around you as you pull your cellphone out smiling brightly at the text you got.
“Who is that?” Steve felt a surge of envy of your attention being diverted from him.
“Remember me saying my friend that’s got a place in Brooklyn near where your mom’s was… Well she tends to be out of town around this time of year.”
“Yeah,” Steve trailed not sure he understood what this had to do with anything.
“Well she said we could crash at her place for the holiday weekend.” You smiled up at him.
“This way it can just be us, she’s got a nice 3 story walk-up across from Prospect Park.” Steve whistled at the location.
“Those aren’t cheap places doll,” You nudged him with your shoulder as he led the two of you out of the park. “Oh hush, it doesn’t matter. It’s ours for the night or weekend if we want!”
Steve nodded his head, staying in Brooklyn with his girl for his birthday sounded fantastic. No giant parties, no one knocking on their door interrupting their solitude. Just the two of them.
“She said the fridge has minimal essentials so if we want more food for the weekend we’ll need to get it.” Steve shrugged at your comment though slightly elated at the idea of doing something as domestic as grocery shopping with you.
“Well let’s head there. Figure we’d take my bike?” Steve question rhetorical, he knew you never drove. “Yeah just don’t go too fast.” Steve chuckled at your concern.
“I’d never let anything happen to you doll,” he kissed you before leading you to his bike.
The place wasn’t too far but far enough that Steve was able to admire sights of the Brooklyn he once knew merging with the 21st century. He pulled up to the walk-up and realized he could remember when they built these houses; he was barely 10 when they were finished. Shaking his head he trailed behind you as you entered a code into the deadlock keypad to the house.
Once the two of you shuffled inside he could make out familiar duffel bags on the couch in the living room. The both of you pulling your shoes off and setting them on a shoe rack next to the front door.
“Doll,” he dragged the l’s out inspecting the duffel bags closer.
You suddenly felt guilty for some reason, as if you had tricked him. “Yes Steve?” You tried to sound sweet as possible.
“What are our bags doing here?” You toed your foot into the hardwood floor pulling your arms behind your back.
“Tony may have helped a little in getting bags I had packed here so we could stay for however long we wanted.” Steve smiled at you pulling you into his embrace.
“And here I thought I’d just get to see you naked the whole time.” You pulled his ball cap off and threaded your fingers through his hair.
“I mean I could,” you gave him a licentious smile. He groans as if imagining you naked already.
“Yeah you should,” he leans down to kiss you but you slip out of his hands. His brow furrowed in confusion. You pointed to the bags which he quickly picked up and then crooked your finger at him. He followed you without a word as you made your way to the guest room.
Once he was in the room he sat the bags down and threw you on the bed only to pull his pants off before he pounced on you as you bounced on the mattress giggling.
“About that naked thing,” He wiggled his eye brows at you causing the giggles to continue. He silenced you gently kissing your lips then the corners of your mouth, trailing down your chin to your neck where he began to nibble on the skin.
You cooed, your hands wrapping around his waist pulling his shirt up so you could grip his muscular back. He grinned against your neck and sat up, wedging his hips between your spread legs. He quickly pulled his shirt up and over his head followed by your dress. He let out a pleased groan, his hands starting at your waist trailing up your stomach kneading your skin as he reached below your bra.
One hand slips underneath you unhooking the bra with finesse that took years to obtain, the other hand tossing the bra somewhere in the room.  You grip at the waist band of his underwear whimpering when you push your hips up against his hard cock, the friction setting your skin on fire. Steve groaned, his hands falling on the bed at your sides holding himself up as he bears down on you.  
You lean up nipping at his ear lobe and kissing your way up his chin to his lips. Gently pressing against him and you were met with his never ending intensity. Tongues fighting for dominance as his hands take yours from his waist and hold them at your side pushing you back down into the mattress with one hand.
Pulling your hands above your head he holds them with one hand bruising strength and began to rub his cloth covered cock against your slick pussy. The juices soaking into his boxer briefs, he groans putting his chin to his chest looking down at your soaked panties. He licks his lips looking back at your face; a soft whimper passes your lips at that predatory look.
“You gonna let me fill you huh?” You felt your lower abdomen quiver at his words thick with his Brooklyn accent when he lost himself in his lust.
“Yeah you want it,” he muttered letting go of your waist slipping into your underwear to rub your clit with his thumb. You arched your back up crying out hands jerking against his hold but when he applied pressure you stilled.
“Please,” You half gasped out at his attention, his pressure light and slow almost torturous.
“Please what?” He smirked down at you.
“I want to cum, please.”
“You’re gonna have to do better than that.” He began to increase the pressure of his thumb
“Please Captain make me cum,” you began to rotate your hips. “I want to cum, I want your cum.” Steve groaned and increased his pressure on your clit, letting go of your wrists to rip your underwear off with minimal effort and shoves two fingers into your slick heat pressing his palm against your clit.
You nearly screamed out, the sensation too much as he began a brutal pace. Your head began to toss back and forth on the bed his attentions sending rippling pleasure up and down your body.
“You want to cum?” He taunted, leaning over you. You nodded your head not able to say yes as you moaned louder, a tightening feeling spreading in your lower abdomen.
“Not yet,” he pulls his hands away from you and you sob out loud, your legs flailing in anger at his denial. Without another word he grips your throat and you still, your legs resting over his thighs.
“Such a good little slut,” he praised and you couldn’t help the feeling of pride that washed over you at his words.
“You’re gonna be good for me right?” You muttered a yes.
“Gonna take my cock, gonna let me fill you up? Be such a good doll for me right?” You felt your head fog with lust at his words.
“Yes Captain,” You whimper out pushing your pelvis down on his.
“I love it when you call me that.” He growled out.
Steve spurred into action; pulling down his boxer briefs until completely off. Pushing your thighs wide apart he gripped the base of his cock, trailing the head up and down your slit enjoying the way his precum and your juices made the head glisten. He shifted up to standing on his knees pulling your waist with him your lower half up in the air. The height different bending you at the neck.
“Tell me if it’s too much okay?” You nodded meekly as you whimper feeling the head of his cock press into you.
When he thrusts himself into you regardless of your arousal and preparation there was that delicious burn of stretching. You both cry out, your hands gripping at the air as he holds your hips still with both hands. “What’s wrong baby girl?” he taunted.
“So full,” you gasped out, trying to rotate your hips but his grip was too firm. He tutted your attempts as he slowly pulled himself out then slammed back in causing you to cry out again as your body went limp with pleasure. He chuckled at your cries and set a punishing pace.
“Who do you belong to?” He grunts out between closed teeth, his brow furrow.
“You,” Voice hoarse from the over use and bent neck.
“Who?” A hand lets go of your waist and two fingers begin to run circles around and gently pinch your clit. You feel the deliria of pleasure start to settle in, almost missing his question.
“I belong to you Steve,” he stilled “Captain” You all but gasp out, he leans over your prone body peppering kisses on any skin he can reach, continuing his assault on your over worked slick pussy.
He groans pulling you from him only to flip you onto your stomach as if you were light as air. He sat back on his heels pulling your waist over his lap. Your legs wrapped behind him on reflex, hands stretched out on the bed in front of you, his cock slowly pushing back into you.
“You drive me crazy,” he mutters out, a hand on your lower back guiding your ass back and forth on him. You faintly hear him growling his eyes entranced at the sight of his cock slipping in and out of your sopping wet pussy.
Your eyes shut tightly the sensation of his slow intrusion sending shocks up and down your body settling into the tightening of your lower abdomen. Steve hand snakes down below you, rubbing your clit quickly to offset his leisure pace. You arch your back down with a sob, the sensation too much you shutter around him losing yourself to the release of pleasure.
He grunts feeling you spasm around him setting his pace back up in tempo, pounding into you with strength that would certainly leave bruises. “Cum in me,” You coo, your body jerking against the bed at his thrusting. He nearly howls at the words his body seizing up, his pelvis flush to your ass cheeks filling you at your request.
It took a while before either of you caught your breaths enough to move. He pulls his semi hard cock out of you. You couldn’t control the way your hips push back, primal need to always feel him. He would have normally chuckled at your actions but he’s mesmerized by his cum leaking out of your bright red pussy.
“Oh no no,” his finger push the dripping cum back in, you releasing soft whimper from your lips at the feel of his fingers pushing on the overworked flesh.
He twisted his hand pushing his palm against your clit, his fingers still inside of you keeping his cum inside as he began to rub his palm against your clit causing your back to arch back down again a deep moan pulling from your lips. He placed his other hand on the back of your neck sending you down the path to orgasmic bliss once again.
Steve felt consciousness slowly start to filter in as the morning sun began to shine in the room; he reached over for you but frowned when he found nothing but crumpled sheets. Opening his eyes he slowly sat up, his senses returning after a late night of his favorite activity. Smelling bacon he licked his lips standing up with a stretch.
He spotted across the room that you had set out his favorite sweat pants on a reading chair. Deciding it was time to find you he worked towards getting pants on so he could hunt you and the bacon down.
You danced naked underneath the apron to a song stuck in your head. Your hair up in a messy bun as it was unsalvageable to be down anymore after last night. You felt your thighs clench at the thought of everything the two of you did. Returning you focus to cooking you flipped over the bacon wondering when the birthday boy would wake up.
Strong muscular arms looped around the front of your waist, the other cupped a breast gently pulling you back into warm uncovered chest.
“What are you wearing or rather aren’t wearing,” he rough scratch in his voice made you push your thighs together once more.
“You asked for naked the whole time.” You remind him, pushing the bacon with your spatula. He hummed in appreciation, rutting his morning erection against your back side.
“So I did,”The hand on you breast snaking in the valley between your breast to gently wrap around your throat pulling you head to the side he began to kiss along your  neck.
He pulls his sweat pants down enough to pull his cock out. He dips his hips low to be able to rub his cock between your ass cheeks chuckling as you wiggle against him.
“Steve…” A soft gasp escapes your lips while you throw a hand behind you reaching up to grip the nape of his neck. “The bacon.”
“You can still finish the bacon don’t worry.” His hands wrap around your waist lifting you up just enough to nudge the head of his cock between your wet lips. When your body betrayed you jerking at the slight pain on over used flesh, he pulls away but your feet hook around his calf anchoring yourself.
“No I want it,”
“Doll” His voice full of concern.
“I like it when it hurts,” Your confession earning a groan from Steve against the back of your neck, “You’re gonna be the death of me.” Sliding you down until you were at the root he gently bit your neck moving one arm to warp around your lower abdomen keeping you tight against him.
You are panting head thrown back as you try to focus on anything but the searing feeling of him so deeply inside you once again.
“Don’t forget about the bacon.” Steve murmurs against your neck before he starts to draw patterns on your skin with his tongue, you shake your head looking down at the close to burning bacon.
Quickly you take it out of the pan, leaning just slightly over to pull new bacon into the pan, a whimper pushing past your lips at the shift of him inside you at the movement. Steve flexes his hips panting against your neck. Your head feels fuzzy trying to focus almost impossible with him sitting so deep in you. The telling tightening and need for release growing with each second he stayed within you.
“Finish our breakfast doll,” His voice barely above a whisper giving away that this was driving him just as crazy.
Once the bacon was finished you turn the burner off and barely have a chance to put the last of the bacon on the plate before Steve turns the both you around pushing your chest down on the marble kitchen island. He swirls his pelvis groaning out between ragged breaths.
“It’s almost unbearable to be surrounded by your tight pussy and not do anything,” He smacks your ass causing you to clench around him with a soft cry. That is what sets him off. He rears his hips back nearly completely out of you and slams right back into you with so much force you’d certainly have a bruise later along your thighs from the island marble.
He began pounding away into you with abandon, groaning out your name intermittently like a mantra. The sensations were too much for your overworked body, crying out his name you spasm around him. Steve’s steady pace became jerky his fingers pressing tightly into your flesh as he filled you once more, his forehead dropping  to  your shoulder gently biting at your sweaty flesh riding out his orgasm.
Laying the side of your face on the cool marble you try to cool yourself down as hot puffs of air escaping your lips with Steve panting into your skin.
“Happy Birthday Steve.” You can feel his lips upturn against you neck. “Best one yet and the days not even over.” Barely a mumble against your skin.  
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cake-writes · 5 years
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Pairing: Steve x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Breeding Kink, Fluff, 18+
Word Count: 1.7k
I wanted to write some fluff for our favourite Captain’s birthday, as per @sherrybaby14′s challenge! So I did. ✌️
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It started with a simple comment.
“Our kids would never act up like that.”
You and Steve had gone shopping like a normal, domestic couple for once. You needed some new t-shirts because your favourites had been ripped up during the latest mission, and he thought it might be nice to make a date of it. Steve wasn’t too fond of large crowds, but it was lunchtime on a Tuesday and the shopping mall was pretty quiet.
Not quiet enough, unfortunately.
After you checked out a few stores, you stopped at a little café for a coffee break. He ordered a plain black iced coffee because it was a hot day, and you selected some weird seasonal concoction. Something about pumpkins and spice. Didn’t make much sense to him.
It was a relaxing break when you first sat down, but then a lady with three unruly children in tow came in. The kids kept popping their heads under (and over) seats, bothering patrons, and one of them was playing a too-loud game on dear mommy’s cell phone.
You weren’t normally one to judge. She was by herself, so maybe she was a single mother and that gig was certainly tough as hell. Maybe something bad had happened to her today. Maybe she was sick, or worrying over something – there were plenty of reasons for it, but the snide comment escaped you nonetheless because the kids were noisy and you were trying to enjoy a date with your boyfriend.
Steve didn’t respond, and for a minute you thought he’d been offended by what you said. His thoughts were usually pretty similar to yours: did his best not to judge, did what was right, had good morals – so maybe it upset him that you weren’t really as understanding as he’d come to believe.
When you glanced over at him, though, the breath hitched in your throat. He wasn’t upset at all.
No, instead Steve slowly took your hand in his and leaned in to whisper into your ear, “Our kids?”
His breath was hot on the shell of your ear and it sent a shiver down your spine. You immediately forgot about the three obnoxious brats wreaking havoc in the café. All you could focus on was the carnal implication in his words.
Your words.
His thumb gently stroked the skin on the underside of your wrist as you responded breathily, “Yeah, Stevie. Our kids.”
The idea of it turned you on like crazy, and it was ridiculous because this was absolutely not a good time to have them. You and Steve were Avengers, for fuck’s sake, and you had a duty to uphold, let alone the fact that you’d been dating for a little more than a year – but it clearly turned him on, too.  
You’d barely made it back to his room in the compound before he had you up against his bedroom wall, two fingers deep in your cunt, his lips and tongue assaulting your neck as he muttered some of the filthiest things he’d ever said to you.
“Gotta get you ready, doll,” he breathed, hooking his fingers up into your g-spot in just the way that made you see stars. You knew what he was getting you ready for. Neither of you had actually tried before, but you were on birth control, so it was harmless either way.
“Want you, Stevie,” you whimpered, bucking your hips against his hand. “Need you.”
The desperation in your tone was enough to get him to remove his fingers, and then he quickly replaced them with his cock. Even having two of his fingers still wasn’t enough to completely ease the stretch, but it was a pleasant burn, the way he filled you so, so well. Your hiss of pleasure did nothing to hide the fact that you were absolutely soaked for him.
Once he was fully sheathed inside your slick heat, he kissed you again – messy and wet, all lips and teeth and tongues. He wasn’t making love to you tonight, no, not now. Not when the two of you were so worked up by the goal you were inadvertently working towards.
Steve broke away to press sloppy kisses your throat, and you laced your fingers with his as he held one of your hands up above your head against the wall. You slung your other arm around his neck and held onto him desperately as he thrust up into you, his movements slowly becoming more and more erratic.
He was already so close. You were too.
“Come inside me,” you gasped, and he squeezed your hand in response.
“Gonna fill you up,” Steve groaned against the sweat-slicked skin on your neck. “Gonna make you mine.”
The whine that escaped your throat brought him even closer to the edge. “Give me a baby, Stevie, please—”
“Love you, sweetheart, fuckin’ love you,” he babbled like a prayer, quickly unlacing your fingers to fist the hair at the back of your head and kiss you again. He wasn’t gentle, and you didn’t want him to be; his tongue swept into your mouth with a certain dominance that sent you reeling.
Steve had you so pinned to the wall that you couldn’t get away even if you wanted to – and of course you didn’t want to, but just knowing that he was going to fill you up, knowing that he could hold you there and just make you take every fucking drop of his cum whether you wanted to or not was what finally pushed you over the edge.
You came with a strangled cry just as he buried himself to the hilt, spilling hot inside you. He groaned against your lips as you milked him dry, your walls clenching down on him so hard that you could actually feel each spurt of him inside of you. It made you feel so ridiculously satisfied, like you’d fulfilled whatever primal duty the two of you were meant to do. You loved it.
You felt boneless in his arms as he gently eased you onto the bed, leaving just for a moment to fetch a wet washcloth to help clean you up just like he always did. You barely even noticed until he came back and gathered you in his arms, pulling your back against his chest with the rest of your body in between his spread legs.
When he offered you the washcloth, you looked up at him with a dazed smile and shook your head.
You didn’t want to clean up. You wanted to leave every bit of him inside of you, on the off-chance that something actually worked. It was stupid and impulsive, but in the heat of the moment, you wanted it – and when his cock twitched against your back, you knew that he did too.
“I love you,” you told him, bringing your hand up to the side of his face to pull him down for another kiss. It was gentle and leisurely this time, like the two of you had all the time in the world together to savour it.
When the two of you finally broke away, Steve pressed a kiss to your forehead and then buried his face in your hair. He couldn’t help but rest his hands on your abdomen, right above where he’d emptied himself inside of you. 
“I love you too.”
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Another simple comment.
“Man, I’m exhausted. This baby’s gonna be a real fighter.”
It slipped out so easily, so casually from your lips that it felt natural – like you’d already told him. You didn’t even realize, though, until you didn’t get a response – then you looked up from the sofa to where your now-fiancé was standing.
Steve was looking at you so, so tenderly, his blue eyes wide and full of love.
Recently, your period was a week late, and you took a couple of tests that gave a positive result. Then you asked Dr. Banner run some bloodwork, and it was officially confirmed: you were five weeks pregnant.
You hadn’t figured out how to tell him yet, and it was difficult to even decide on anything because your brain was a hazy mess from the hormones and extra energy expenditure. The last couple of days, you’d been absolutely exhausted – blamed it on the late nights at work, or maybe food poisoning or the flu that’s been going around. You’d only been taking extra vitamins for the last few days, and your diet and sleep weren’t exactly the greatest when you kept having to get up to vomit in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t that you weren’t happy for it, because you were. It was just – sudden. Despite the fact that you and Steve had discovered a mutual breeding kink almost a year ago, the two of you weren’t actively trying for a baby - but you weren’t not, either. You weren’t terribly consistent with your birth control, and both of you loved it most when he finished inside. He didn’t always, but definitely more often than not, and who even knew if his swimmers were actually, well, swimming to begin with?
Tonight was a particularly tiring evening. You were still getting used to it all, and you hadn’t slept a wink the night before. Steve, on the other hand, slept like a log just like he always did. In recent nights you almost started to resent him for it.
You’d just laid down on the sofa with a soft, satisfied groan when you said it – accidentally told him that you were pregnant.
Steve was at your side in an instant, sitting down next to you as you settled into the sofa. His palm came to rest upon your thigh when he asked, hesitantly, “Are you–?”
You offered him a weary smile. “Six weeks tomorrow.”
His hands were soft and warm on the sides of your neck as he pressed kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, and then your mouth – gentle, tender, and full of love. When he pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes were almost sparkling with his adoration for you. “We’re gonna have a baby?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought your lips to his again for a slower, sweeter kiss. Then you whispered against his lips, “Yeah, Stevie. We are.”
He kissed you again, and again, and again, and that night he made love to you in a way that shook you both to the core. The love that the two of you shared was incomparable. 
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(If you like my work, please consider donating to my Patreon or my Ko-Fi!)
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sagechanoafterdark · 5 years
AfterDark 2K Challenge
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I’m very honored to announce that 2,000 of you wonderful people have decided to follow me. It brings me so much happiness to share my work, head cannons and obsessions with each and every one of you. 
In celebration of everyone following me I will be hosting the traditional challenge! Now I had a hard time picking what to do, but after talking with some friends I think a medley of options is well suited. So here’s what I’ve got.
Choose a song and a character, then write a fic based on that song. In your fic, you can use the song any way you like - as inspiration, playing in the background, however you choose to use it.  
Choose a trope/AU/Prompt and a character, then write a fic including your chosen piece. In your fic you can write anything you want to, obviously, the sky's the limit! Just be sure to include the trope/AU/prompt.
Let’s celebrate!
You obviously don’t have to follow me but I'd appreciate it greatly if you did
Please try to keep it in the Marvel fandom. Cross overs are alright but I don't usually stray too far outside of other fandoms on this blog. 
Open to all marvel ships (just no underage), this includes ofc’s
Tag your work appropriately. If you do non-con/dub-con please tag it as such.
Please send me an ASK with your first and second choices and the character(s) you want to write for.
Please use a Keep Reading regardless of length
2 entries per prompt/song, if this fills up I’ll add more songs and prompts
You can combine if you would like but you will only be tagged under one prompt/song
Please tag @sagechanoafterdark and use the tag #Afterdark 2K Challenge. If I don’t like it within 48 hours, Tumblr messed up (as usual) so feel free to send me the link. We know how unreliable the tagging system is, so please, please use the tag for the challenge in your first five tags; it helps me find them. 
Due date is my birthday April 10th. It’s fine if you don’t meet it – just make sure you submit the link to your fic when you do publish.
Write whatever your heart desires. Romance. Smut. Horror. Angst. Non-con. Dub-con. Humor. Just have fun.
Pick Your Challenge and send me an ASK with the number and pairing.
Songs & Lyric Link to Spotify Playlist
 “Now in this twilight how dare you speak of grace.” Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons @iwantutobehapppier​ w/ Steve
“I feel like I might fade into the dark, fade until I’m gone.” Far From Home - Sam Tinnez
“Now you're mine, but what do I do with you, boy” Kill of the Night - Gin Wigmore @mom---nicole​ w/ Steve @lilulo-12​ w/ Bucky
“Made of plastic, and elastic, he is rugged and long-lasting. Who could ever ask for more?” Coin-Operated Boy - Dresden Dolls @shotsbyshae​ w/ Steve
“Travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something.” Sweet Dreams – Eurythmics @sinceimetyou​ w/ Steve
“ Rock me, sock me, baby you got me ridin' to the end.” My Kind of Lover – Billy Squire
“Pour salt into the wounds, that you’ve caused me.” Let it Bleed - Unlike Pluto @angrybirdcr w/ Bucky x OFC
“Now It burns across this shattered earth, I lift my eyes to fire.” Falling Sky - Red @iced-capsicle w/ Steve or Bucky
“If I was a shadow and you were a street, the cobblestone midnight is where we first meet.” Fade Into You -  by Sam Palladio & Clare Bowen
“Oh, they made me a shadow, and blackened my bones, but I will rise.”  Woke Up a Rebel - Ruben and the Dark
“I’ll come back for you.”
“Never trust a man that can dance.”
“I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: the kind you would kill for and the kind you would die for. But you, you’re the kind of love I would live for.” @lilulo-12  w/ Bucky
“I deserved a better goodbye.” @atthediscowithoutpanic w/ Bucky @sherrybaby14 w/ unknown 
“I don't owe you a damn thing.” @whimsicalatbest​ w/ Peitro
“Let. Her. Go.”
“You can’t have him and it’s killing you inside.” @0dakyu​ w/ Steve
“Whatever you do don’t make a sound.” @mdemontespan1667 w/ Steve or Bucky
“Don't even think about it.” @gothgirlmahi​ w/ dark!Carol 
“Give me one more shot.”
Enemies to Lovers @xoxabs88xox w/ unknown
Bed Sharing @blue-like-barnes​ w/ Steve
Coffee Shop
Fake Dating
Raise/Watch a Baby @rubberbucky​ w/ Bucky 
Body Swap
Mission Critical
Mutual Pining
Mafia AU @the-soulofdevil w/ Steve & Bucky
College AU @itgetsdarksometimes35 w/ Steve & Bucky
1940′s AU
Alternate Dark History AU
Historical AU
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A sequel to Get Your Fix, Withdrawal, and Placebo
Special credit to @sherrybaby14 who requested the idea for the first part.
Warnings: non/dubcon sex, sex pollen, breeding kink, mentions of birth control, forced pregnancy..
This is dark!Steve Rogers and explicit. 18+ only.
Note: Okay, so the fourth part is finally done! Thanks to everyone who has waited patiently for this. I wasn’t planning on posting this today tbh. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think! <3
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A couple days after the gut-wrenching revelation and you were still in disbelief. The news hadn’t even quelled Steve’s libido; if anything, he was even more persistent. You were in the lab as usual, glued to the table as your eyes scanned the floating screen before you. Swipe, swipe, type, go here. It was just as any other day. Other than the pit in your stomach...and the child.
As you finished up the last file of results, the com buzzed and Bruce hit ‘answer’. Tony’s voice came from the speaker. “Y/N? You there?” He asked and the other scientist went back to his work.
“Yeah,” You answered. There was a tone to his voice you didn’t like.
“Could you come to my office for a moment?” It was phrased like a question, but it wasn’t.
“Yep,” You gave a squeak and the speaker went dead. You were thankful that Bruce was as oblivious as ever. You stood and gulped. You just had a bad feeling about this.
Just outside Tony’s office, your stomach was starting to storm. Was it morning sickness or stress? Both, probably. You knocked and Tony called from the other side. You opened the door and your chest clutched. Steve was sat across from Tony, grinning as he watched you enter warily. 
“Come, sit. Close the door.” The head of Stark Industries sounded every inch the stony boss.
You shut the door and took the seat next to Steve. You were already shaking as you waited for the levee to break. This was it. You were certain, even with the asshole at your side, that you were about to be fired. The two may have been buddies but it didn’t keep them from disagreeing. Tony sighed and took a paper from atop his desk and slid it over towards you.
“Read that.” He advised dully, “And sign when you finish.”
“What is it?” You edged forward on the chair.
“A safeguard,” Tony explained, “To cover my ass because the two of you can’t cover your own.” He shook his head at Steve, “I get it. what with me and Pepper it seems hypocritical, but this is still a business. I can’t have your personal relations getting in the way of it.”
“I’m not...fired?” You asked softly.
“No, no, I wouldn’t, no not at all,” He almost laughed at you, “You’re a good worker. I’ve never had a lab tech who didn’t threaten to bring out the green guy in Bruce. I like you.” He dropped a pen on top of the form, “And I’m happy for the two of you. Especially this guy,” He pointed to Steve, “About time he got a life.”
You cleared your throat and reached for the form. You sat back and began to read over the font. You could feel Steve staring at you. 
“It’s really just a formality,” Tony comforted.
Steve reached across the gap between your seats and touched your hand, “I told you it’d all be fine,” He said sweetly, “Come on, honey, and sign. Let’s make it official.” 
You looked up to him and wiped the scowl from your face before Tony could notice. You nodded and brought the pen up shaking to the line. Another was beside it; already signed, Steve Rogers. You scribbled across it and placed it back on the desk as you stood.
“Thank you,” You said to Tony, “Really. I love this job and I just couldn’t imagine losing it.”
“What about him?” Tony raised a brow, “Go on, you two. Enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts.”
With your dismissal, you stood. Steve was all too eager to act the gentleman as he took your hand and led you to the door. He only released you to open it and you shot him a dark look as you entered the hallway. He closed the door as he joined you and once more was holding your hand. You reluctantly walked along with him as he set off down the hall.
“So, have you made an appointment yet?” He asked sweetly.
“No,” You grumbled, “Would you stop?”
“What?” He turned to you as you stopped and tugged him back until he let go of your hand.
“Acting like this is normal,” You crossed your arms, “What you’re doing is...is...wrong. You’re sick!”
He suddenly darkened. The whole room seemed to shift as his eyes dilated and his chin squared. He scratched his beard with a snarl as he glared down at you. Slowly he bent to look you in the eye. “You’ve got to realize that this isn’t about you anymore.” He placed his hand flat on your stomach yet it felt like a lead weight, “So you will do as I say. For the sake of the baby.”
You narrowed your eyes as your lip curled. “Fuck the baby.”
He exhaled deeply and leaned back to glance over your shoulder. The hall was empty. He smirked. “Now you listen to me,” His hand shot up to your chin and latched on roughly. His face was barely an inch from yours as he loomed over you, “You do anything stupid and I’ll just put another one in you. There is nothing you can do. No escape.” Your jaw hurt and you touched his hand as you whimpered, “Your mine. More importantly, that’s mine.” He nodded to your stomach, “And no one is going to hurt my child. Including you.”
He let go and straightened up, his chest rising and falling as he stretched his arms. He casually took another look along the hallway,  turned and slung his arm over your shoulders. “Fuck, you got me all worked up,” He said in a low voice as he led you along, “Why don’t you take an early lunch and meet me in the training room? Team’s out for the day.”
“I’ve got a lot of work to you,” You mumbled weakly.
“That wasn’t a question,” You turned the corner and he stopped you before the lab. “You’ve got me all riled up and you’re going to finish what you started.” He kissed the top of your head as if he wasn’t speaking in sinister tones, “And then when we’re done, you’re going to call your doctor like a good mommy.”
A couple days later, you were due for your first appointment. Calling itself had been a chore. Steve sat beside you, your phone on speaker, and you begrudgingly asked for the receptionist to schedule a time. He keyed in the time and day in his phone and you held in a sigh. You hated the light in his stupid eyes; how bright and blue they grew whenever he spoke of your pregnancy. The way he reached over to touch your stomach. You had told him to stop doing it where people could see.
You were getting ready to leave the lab; a long lunch to be atoned for by staying late. It was convenient really; an excuse to avoid Steve. As you said goodbye to Bruce, you hooked your handbag over your shoulder and headed for the door. It slid open before you could even press the button and Steve stood in the doorway. Your eyes widened and you quickly stepped out and closed the door behind you.
“What are you doing here?” You hissed.
“Taking you to your appointment,” He said as if you were dumb, “No baby of mine is going to take the subway.”
“I take the subway everyday,” You scoffed.
“Well, not to their first appointment,” He returned, “So, do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” He waved you down the hall and you reluctantly went along. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get rid of him. “I kinda want a girl.”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged and preceded him into the elevator. “I haven’t really thought of it.”
“There’s a lot to think about,” He hit the button for the parking garage, “Vitamins, tests, eating habits. We want a healthy baby. Not to mention we’ll need to find a place for us...all three of us.” He touched your stomach and you resisted the urge to shove him away.
“I’m just fine in my apartment,” You grumbled.
“Well, I’m not living there and my place isn’t big enough for the baby.” He raised a brow dangerously, “It’s gonna need stability.”
“God, you sound like my mother,” You snapped and pulled away from him.
“Speaking of, I should meet my future family-in-law,” He ignored your anger and smirked. “I think maybe we should invite them to town for your birthday and tell them the good news. I think you’ll be showing by then anyway.”
“My birthday? That’s not for--”
“Another month and a half,” He interjected smugly.
“You’re not meeting my family,” You snarled.
“I’m going to have to eventually.” He stretched his arm over your shoulders as the elevator doors opened, “I mean, you can’t hide this from them forever...and you’ve already met my family. We’ll have to figure out how to tell the team.”
You cringed and let him guide you through the parking garage. Before you had been anxious about the single appointment but now you were in existential dread for your life.
The doctor said that you were about a month and a half along. You had fought for most of the appointment not to hang your head. Steve sat holding your hand through the ultrasound and the following consultation. He eagerly accepted all the pamphlets offered by the doctor and scheduled the second appointment himself. You could’ve smacked him. 
Why did it have to be you? Why couldn’t he have found another poor soul? Even a willing one?
“I gotta go back to the office,” You said as you climbed into the car.
“Stay late tomorrow,” Steve insisted as he pulled closed his door.
“I can’t, I told him--”
“Call and tell him you’ll be back tomorrow,” He interrupted as he turned the engine. “You’re gonna be busy.”
“Do you ever stop?” You muttered.
“You make it difficult to,” He slithered, “Honestly, that whole appointment I was rock hard. Still am. I just...” He began to drive, his lip running over his lips, “I can’t believe you’re having my baby.”
Neither can I, you thought. “Please just take me to work.”
“Call Bruce or I’ll do it myself.” He stopped at a light and glared over at you, “God,” He reached down and rubbed his crotch. “I can’t wait to fuck you all day.”
You huffed and took out your phone and dialed the lab. Bruce answered and you fed him some spiel about still dealing with a stomach bug. When you hung up, you stewed for the rest of the ride in silence. Steve’s hand crawled up your thigh as he pulled into his parking lot and you bit down on your irritation.
You climbed out of the car and followed him reluctantly. He turned back as he opened the door to his building and reached to grab your hand. He shoved you ahead of him inside and followed, a smack on your ass to keep you walking.
It was like any other time. The moment you stepped through the door he was on you. He tore your purse away and tossed it carelessly to the floor. His hands were all over tour body; neck, chest, stomach, ass. His fingers worked lithely at unbuttoning your fly and he pushed down the zipper. Your feet moved clumsily as he pressed himself to you, his weight leading you across the room.
He slipped two fingers beneath your panties, your jeans tight against his hand. His crotch was flush to your ass and he ground his hips into you as he nuzzled your neck. You struggled to keep your balance as he moved your body with his. You legs pressed to the side of the couch as his fingers snaked lower. He slid them over your clit and between your folds. You closed your eyes as he dipped into the wetness gathering at your entrance.
“I’ll be gentle,” He purred in your ear, “For the baby.”
You cringed as his fingers played with you. You couldn’t help your body’s reaction. You shivered as he spread your slickness; focusing on your bud as he growled into your skin. His lips brushed your throat and you tried not to moan. Despite everything he had done, the hell he had dragged you into, you couldn’t deny the potency of his touch.
His other hand grabbed the waist of your jeans, tugging them down one side at a time until the denim was past your ass. His fingers kept up their dance on your clit and you hissed at the electricity which shot through you. You heard his zipper and felt the smooth head of his cock as it pressed against your lower back. He stroked himself slowly, his knuckles rough against your back as they moved.
He groaned as he slid his cock along your ass, stopping just beneath to tickle your entrance. You bent slightly, bracing the arm of the couch as he leaned against you. The head of his cock stretched you as he pushed inside. You shuddered as your nails dug into the vinyl. You hung your head and his fingers added to the sensation of him against your walls. He bottomed out with a sigh; the fly of his jeans sharp along your flesh.
“I can’t wait, you know?” His voice was deep, airy, “To see you swell. Can’t wait to fuck you just like this. Or maybe you can be on top. Your stomach round; so big.”
His free hand went to your belly as his other flicked your clit in circles. He moved in and out of you slowly. Your thighs shook, legs held snug around around him by your jeans. Your breath picked up as the ripples began in your thighs, crawled up your spine, and your walls pulsed around him. Your orgasm piqued so unexpectedly you yelped. You smothered it to a snarl between gritted teeth as he kept his pace easy; steady.
“That’s it,” His breath was hot as it washed over your hair. “Are you cumming for me, baby?” He chuckled, “You are, you dirty girl.”
“Sh-sh-sh…” You were trying to tell him to shut up but it just came out as dusky breaths.
He sped up and you were forced to bend further over the couch. His hand glided over your hips and to your ass as he stood straight. He spread your cheeks as he watched himself fuck you, the sight roused him further. He moaned and his thrusts came faster, deeper. He slammed his pelvis into your ass, his hands on your hips as he held you in place. Your legs trembled as the rough denim of his jeans chafed your ass.
“You want me to cum in you, mommy,” You blanched at the nickname but were too incensed to think straight. You were slung halfway over the arm as he fucked you relentlessly. “Tell me you want my cum.”
You grunted and pushed your head up. “I--” You squeaked between words. “I….I-I-I want your cum.” Your orgasm stunted your words and you grasped at the cushion desperately. The murmurs tumbled from your senseless lips.
“Ah, shit, shit, shit,” He bent over you and pushed your head down into the couch. Your hips ground painfully against the arm beneath his weight. Your entire body went limp and he continued to pound into you. “Ahhhhhhhh.” 
His voice quavered as you felt him explode within you but he didn’t stop. He kept thrusting even as he softened. It wasn’t long before he was hard again and his hands were around your neck, pulling you back so that your back was arched painfully. With your pelvis still pressed to the couch, he rutted against you, your feet barely on the floor.
You could feel his cum leaking out around his cock and down your thighs. More spilled forth from him with a series of carnal grunts as he choked the breath from you. You were gasping as he let go of your neck at last and you fell over the couch once more. This time he pulled out and you felt the gush.
He caught you as you began to slip and dragged you on to the cushions. He undressed you roughly and without words; his pants eager; predatory. You let him as your heart raced and the heat tingled along your flesh. You sat up as he guided you against the back of the sofa, your legs splayed open before him. He stripped himself just as methodically, the front of his jeans covered in a mixture of cum.
He got on the couch, his knees beneath your thighs as he pressed you to the back of it. He slipped inside of your easily; your body trapped between his and the vinyl. “I’m going to fill you up,” He hummed and ran his fingers through the cum smeared along your thighs, “Until your covered in me.”
Bruce wasn’t too happy when you got back to the lab. He was impatient that you had missed yet another day and you couldn’t blame him. You sat across from him and caught up on his reports as he silently went about his work. You were even more annoyed that Steve was starting to get in the way of your work. Even now, you were tired out from hours of fucking. You hadn’t expected him to go so long but his stamina was as superhuman as the rest of him.
It was early afternoon. The lab door opened and Bruce’s dark mood didn’t crack as he looked up at your unexpected visitor. These days though, Steve was rarely unexpected. He lorded over you like a persistent wraith. You looked over your shoulder as he neared, tray in hand. You would’ve rolled your eyes if you had the energy. As it was, you could barely process the endless font in the folder before you.
He placed the coffee in front of Bruce who pushed away enough of his sourness to smile and thank him. Then a bright pink smoothie was before you. You squinted at him and he grinned back in a dare; go on and say something. You set down the folder and did your best to seem unbothered. “Thank you.”
“No problem, babe,” He bent and pecked your forehead. “Thought you could use it. And I got you a few other things.”
Bruce shook his head and focused on his current project. You stood and swept the smoothie of the table smoothly as you nudged Steve towards the door. 
“Thank you but I do have a lot to catch up on.” You turned back and called to the grumpy scientist, “One moment, okay?” You urged Steve into the hall and the door whooshed shut behind you. “Seriously, you’re going to get me fired.”
“They’re not going to fire you.” He laughed, “Trust me. Tony’s been telling me to get a life and I don’t think he’ll complain now that I have.”
“Got a life?” You hissed, “Okay, if that’s what you call it.”
“You weren’t complaining last night,” He remarked, “In fact, you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
You inhaled and glanced around the hallway. “Right, what is it?”
“Hmm?” He raised his brows with a smirk.
“What did you bring me besides the smoothie? Which I won’t be drinking, thank you,” You said bitterly.
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s good for the baby. Besides, I’ve found you need little enhancement when it come to your libido,” He winked.
“Steve,” You warned, hands on your hips.
“Just a little something for you and the baby,” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small paper bag that rattled, “Prenatal supplements.”
“Jesus Christ,” You snatched the pills as he held them out. “You were going to give me these in front of Bruce? Can’t you be a little subtle? ”
“They’ll figure it out eventually,” He shrugged, “Which is also why I stopped by. When should we tell them?”
“Never, preferably.” You retorted sharply. “But I suppose that’s not an option… I always thought you were supposed to wait until three months or whatever.”
“That’s not that long,” He said excitedly, “We could maybe invite everyone to dinner...or maybe at one of Tony’s parties?”
“Or just tell them privately, separately,” You muttered, “This really doesn’t need to be a spectacle.”
“Have you called your parents?” He asked suddenly. “We should arrange your birthday get together so we can tell them as we planned.”
“Okay, slow down, please,” Your chest was starting to tighten, “This is all a little too fast.”
“I know,” He preened as he pulled your hands from your hips, “I can’t wait for you to be the mother of my children.”
“Children?!” It was half a whine. “I don’t think so. This is the only one.” He laughed. 
“You’re not getting this, are you?” His hands squeezed yours and he leaned down to look you directly in the face, “The life growing inside of you is mine and so are you.” 
The shadow in his eyes made you flinch. You felt the walls closing in like his grip on your hands. You bit down on your cheeks as you swallowed back your fear and he tilted his head. 
“So, are you going to call your parents or shall I?”
tags: @meaganottiz02 @patzammit @thepettyavenger @biasedtitties @thosecikinnn @glitterypinkkitty @thoughtlesstales @selinbaskaya @lattaex @vitamingrant @lilithhellfire @bbyspiiice @ironlady1993 @blackpantherimagines @kweenkxtrina @heavenlyblyss @letsagomario @shikin83 @collette04 @breezy1415 @alexakeyloveloki @beautiful-and-strange @phoenix21love @momc95 @buckycaptspideypool @justballoonfishthings @ms-munchkin @whosmarisaaarw @kxllyxnnx @calspixie  @imdiegohargreeves @satinprincessxo @amethyst-the-thot @docharleythegeekqueen @iiqueer-vibesii @carol-damn-vers @l0rd-disick @jilldsumner @hufflebucky @lanabanana-86 @nerdypinupcrystal @notyourtypicalrose  @pink1031 @agent-spidey @wassupbitchesssss @lucifersnipnips @thirstyforsomeyandere @xxm3xxj @roses-and-absinthe @stuckybarton @ruff-m3rc @secretlyactivated @asleep-amid-the-flowers @sunstarskyhappiness @xxxelettaxxx @honeyofthegods @rainbowkisses31 @alphabloodfur @xdatbitch @quant-um-fizzx @couldntbedamned @scarletlingeries @directionerfae @bodhi-black @kyllorren @captainarp @sargeant-bbarnes @tuyetnhivo @heartislubbingdubbing @kiwihoee @vanishingod @aekr @purpliepanda @arkhamsanity  @lazinessisalliknow @grossceleste @fkngparadise @karabear0091 @jordysgirl87 @amelia-acero @praziameia @steadypetty @shayrey @spn-marvel-nerd @heartbeats-wildly @tea-with-seb @the-lululemon @abesottedlass @poppyshawn @obsesseds-world @jazztherebel  @heartislubbingdubbing @desir-ae @adreamemporium @ashrod98 @buckyxwintersxldier @buckybarneshairpullingkink @lazinessisalliknow @kastheabsolutepessimist @daggersofloki @odinson-barnes @marvelmaree @they-call-me-le
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mcudarklibrary · 5 years
Need a challenge? Want to push those writing skills? Do you like the pressure of a deadline? A prompt? A visual prompt? Look no further than these delicious challenges currently running here on Tumblr:
The beautiful @honeyhan-123​ is hosting a 50k personal word challenge! What’s that I hear you say? Well, for a whole month, challengees will be aiming to write a whopping 50k words! Due Date: ongoing 
Love the Dark but feel like you’re craving something other than Steve or Bucky? Well @searchforanotherway​ is hosting the perfect challenge for you! The Onyx Night Challenge is challenging us to write for other delicious MCU characters. So, do you need a little Dark!Clint in your life? Or fancy taking a dip in the old Dark!Peggy pool? This challenge is your cup of tea. Due Date: January 11th
Don’t let the name fool you, wombats are deadly as is the host of this blog (as the actual owner of said blog, I’m not deadly...) @imanuglywombat​ is hosting The Ugliest Wombat Challenge This one has pictures! Due Date: January 31st
What better way to celebrate your birthday than reading fanfiction? @sherrybaby14​ has the right idea and is hosting her very own mini-challenge And those prompts? Delicious! Our personal favourite is Kink #1: Fingers shoved in mouth. Due Date: January 13th
We love a milestone challenge and Kellyn’s 5k Writing Challenge has us reaching for the bubbly. Congratulations @kellyn1604​ on reaching 5k followers! Those movie quotes have us salivating. Due Date: April 1st
 Happy challenging everyone!
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Know of any other challenges we’ve forgotten? Let us know and we will add them!
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 17: Deliverance
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn  A03 Story Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites​ Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration with the prompt, “Why did you do it?” & @sherrybaby14 Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge with the prompt, “Show me. Prove that you can handle me.” Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. *Re-blogs are welcome. Plagiarism isn’t. *
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Twelve Weeks Later…
Grand Bahama Island was nothing short of paradise.
Clear-blue waters and sandy shores. All-inclusive resorts, fantastic cuisine, and a population that consisted of friendly locals, old money, and the nouveau rich. Privacy, exclusivity, and luxury, all wrapped up in an idyllic package.
And now, Bucky owned a piece of it.  
The deed was discovered inside an understated, navy-blue letter storage box. It had been found crushed at the very bottom of the heap of customary tributes and gifts Bucky received on his birthday. Banner, Sam, and Natasha had been helping him sort through everything and write thank-you notes for weeks, and they were finally in the home stretch.
Those lower on the totem pole gave cash or a nice bottle of booze. Others higher up on the food chain arranged to foot the bill for more extravagant things, like a tailor-made suit or a custom watch. People at the very top spared no expense, and usually gifted items like a trip to a destination of his choice or an imported car, but in this instance, someone had decided to give him a multi-million-dollar mansion just off the coast of Florida.
“It’s from Fury,” Banner declared. “Paperwork’s legit and the place is legally yours.”
Sam let out a low whistle, “That’s one hell of a birthday present.”
Natasha opened the final envelope from the pile and pulled out a stack of papers, “And here’s another.”  
Bucky quickly scrawled a personalized message to Fury before he set his pen aside and accepted the file. The pages had little sticky-note flags that drew attention to each place that required a signature, and all corresponding lines had been properly dated, initialed, stamped, and notarized.
It had taken awhile, but Steve finally signed the documents, and had formally stepped aside.  
“I hope you’re happy now,” Natasha muttered.
Bucky sighed and turned to Bruce, “Take this directly to Wanda, and tell her to transfer the money as discussed. Sam, go with him. I want you both back here and ready to leave in thirty minutes.”
Both men nodded and hopped to it, and once they were gone, Natasha crossed her arms over her chest and gave him the stink-eye. He pointedly ignored her huffiness, left the office, and went to double-check his luggage. He, Sam, and Bruce were due to fly out to Bermuda in three hours to set up shop, and after Bucky made sure he had everything he needed, he left his bedroom, and dropped the bag by the door.
“He’s gone,” Natasha snapped as she entered the living room. “Are you satisfied?”
“Don’t start,” he warned.  
“Given enough time, you two could’ve taken the whole of New York. You could’ve been an unstoppable, untouchable powerhouse, and your influence at home and abroad would’ve been limitless.”
“He wanted his freedom,” Bucky bit out lowly. “And I granted it.”
She laughed and threw up her hands, “Well, if you won’t have him, others will. I know some guys here who’ve been chomping at the bit for years, and they just can’t wait to get their hands on him.”
Somewhere on the fringes of his brain, he heard Natasha point out that Steve was smoking hot, filthy fucking rich, and had that whole “wounded, bad-boy” thing going on – all of which his future bedmates would find exceedingly attractive. She also surmised Steve was bound to fall in love again eventually, and might even get married someday. Natasha then went on to say she hoped to be invited to the wedding, and that if Steve and his future husband ever adopted children, she would be the best auntie.
Bucky wasn’t entirely too sure how it happened. One minute, Natasha was prattling about baby clothes, in-home nannies, private schools, and how expensive college tuition was; the next, he had her by the throat, and slammed up against the wall. How the gun got in his hand was a mystery, and he didn’t know how the barrel ended up pressed to the center of her forehead, either.
All it took was one look into her triumph-filled eyes for Bucky to know she’d keyed him up on purpose. Natasha was the only person in his life he truly trusted and cared for, and Bucky had never raised a hand to her before, but his violent overreaction was proof he’d let his emotions overrule his reason yet again.
Bucky immediately released her and lowered the gun, “Nat… Shit, I didn’t…”
“An unacknowledged weakness is a dangerous thing,” she wheezed.
He cleared his throat and took a step back, “I just… I need you to leave it alone, alright?”
Natasha closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall, “What you need to do is nut up, go to Steve, and beg for his forgiveness. You know he belongs here with you, so, stop fighting it.”
The long stretch of heavily-weighted silence was broken by the return of Sam and Bruce. Both men had been laughing and chatting excitedly about the upcoming trip, but when they saw the cannon in Bucky’s hand and the abrasions around Natasha’s throat, they fell silent.
“Everything cool?” Sam wondered.
Natasha coughed and waved him off, but it wasn’t until Bucky holstered his weapon that the tension dissipated. While Banner examined Natasha, Sam approached him, and asked if he was all good.
Bucky nodded and clapped him on the shoulder, “Just a misunderstanding. Won’t happen again.”
A few moments later, a text announced the arrival of their car, and as it was Sam’s job to ensure it was actually their ride and not some sort of ambush, he shouldered his rucksack, and headed down first. After Bucky received the all clear, Bruce picked up his duffel, mumbled that travelling with the Boss was a pain in the ass, and followed suit.
Bucky gathered his bag and told Natasha he’d text when they landed. He’d been waiting in the hallway for the elevator for some time before the door to his penthouse opened, and she came out to join him.      
“Can you forgive me?” he requested solemnly.
“Bring me back something pretty and I’ll consider it.”
“Just let me know what kind of jewels you want.”
Natasha said, “diamonds and rubies,” and on the heels of her quip, the elevator door parted. As they descended, she linked arms with him, placed her head on his shoulder, and confessed she didn’t want him to be alone. When he pithily told her that she’d end up with wrinkles if she didn’t stop worrying, she pinched his bicep hard, and called him an asshole.
Bucky grinned and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Stop busting my balls, alright? I’ll be fine.”
Whatever she may have said by way of response was cut off when the elevator signaled that they’d reached the ground floor. The driver was quick to stow his bags and open the door for him, but before he could get in the back seat, Natasha tugged his arm, and halted him.
“Just promise me,” she insisted. “Promise me you’ll think about what I said.”
Bucky was saved from having to lie to her when Sam leaned out and yelled that they needed to get a move on. The last thing he heard before Natasha slammed the door in his face was, “Steve’s in Île Saint-Louis,” and her blurted declaration caught not only his attention, but Bruce’s as well.
“That’s not good,” Banner spluttered. “If Steve’s in Paris… Oh, that’s bad. Very bad…”
Sam glanced at him and made a motion with his hand for him to continue, “You want to fill me in?”
Bruce launched into what could only be described as an impassioned tirade that lasted for the entire drive to the airport and all the way through take off.  
He informed that Mason Dubois, the only child and beloved son of multi-billionaire and former mob Boss, Luc Dubois, lived in Paris. They were direct descendants of Jules Bonnot, who founded the Bonnot Gang in France in the 1900’s. Luc had followed in his ancestor’s footsteps, but unlike Jules, he hadn’t been an anarchist, and he’d never been caught. Before his untimely death, Luc ran the biggest game in the country; when the father passed away, the son stepped in, and his political ties, fortune, and Bonnot lineage meant he had more money, status, and power than God himself.
It was common knowledge that the Hornec gang was the most active and notorious crew in Paris, and though Dubois received a cut of the profits, racketeering, drugs, and illegal slot machines weren’t his stock and trade. He and his associates were definitely upper-crust, white-collar criminals, and they were extremely well-funded and very well-connected.
Sam still couldn’t see what the problem was, which prompted Bruce to reveal that Mason Dubois was Wanda’s cousin by marriage. He’d been in town the night of Bucky’s party and Wanda had introduced him to Steve. They were both in the business, knew some of the same players, and had common interests. Mason was also considered one of the most eligible bachelors in France, and for all intents and purposes, Steve was single as well.  
The not-so-subtle implications of Banner’s long-winded diatribe made Bucky close his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose. As soon as the plane landed and they got checked in to the resort, he retreated to his suite, and poured himself a more than liberal drink.
Bucky had done the impossible. He’d reclaimed Brooklyn; restored his people’s confidence in full; asserted complete control over the West Indies; and had come back from what could’ve been a very costly and fatal mistake. He should’ve been glad his long-term plan had succeeded, but he wasn’t, and the more he examined the reasons for his uneasiness, the more uncomfortable he became.
Steve’s acquiesce to the terms and subsequent departure to Paris meant he’d decided to free himself from the last vestiges of their strained, complicated relationship. He was no longer under any obligation to Bucky or the Families, which meant all bets were off. Wanda could play match-maker all she liked, and as a free-agent, Steve could conduct business -- and climb into bed -- with whomever he wished to.
And there was nothing Bucky could do about it.
His former best-friend, past partner-in-crime, and soon-to-be-lost love of his life was in danger of being taken off the market in more ways than one, and Bucky knew Natasha’s parting words had been a last-ditch effort to make him come to terms with it. She wanted him to not only admit his feelings, but also face the consequences of his actions, and repair the damage.
If Bucky had been honest – if he’d, just once, put Steve first – maybe things could’ve been different. If he hadn’t pulled him back in; hadn’t lifted him up just to screw him over; hadn’t betrayed him and rejected him and broken his heart so many fucking times…
The sound of his phone going off prodded him out of his thoughts; he’d forgotten to text Natasha, which explained why she’d reached out first, but before he could type a reply, another message came through.
The words, “Let me handle Bermuda,” appeared, along with a URL that redirected Bucky the website of his preferred airline. According to the departure schedule, if he booked the ticket immediately, and hauled ass to the airport, he could be in France just after sunrise. Natasha followed up again mere seconds later with, “You go get him and bring him home.”
Bucky scraped a hand over his face, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. With his heart somewhere in the vicinity of his fucking throat, he penciled himself into first class, checked in before he could change his mind, and called down to the lobby for a car.
Though the prospect of an uncertain outcome terrified him, Bucky was going to Paris, and in twelve hours, he’d know for sure whether or not his change of heart was just in time, or far too little, and much too late.
Chapter 18: On Va Voir
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​​​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @lilliannaansalla
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mdemontespan1667 · 5 years
The Gift
Steve Rogers X Reader
Synopsis: You’ve been keeping secrets and Steve isn’t happy
This is for @sherrybaby14 birthday drabbles. (If there’s any interest I might write a prequel about how they met)
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“Are you sure you’re ok sweetheart?” 
“I’m fine” you lied, hoping that Steve wouldn't notice. 
The last thing you wanted was to spoil his birthday with your problems. There was a table for 2 reserved at Gentenlin’s and later you were meeting up with Nat and Bucky.
 “You’re sure there isn’t anything you want to talk about?” he asked again.
 “Yes, I’m fine, I promise.” 
You whirled around from the sink. Steve had hit the concrete island so hard it had cracked.
 “That’s it” he growled, “I know you haven’t been fine. I’ve waited for you to come to me but my fucking patience has run out.” 
He pointed his finger down the hallway to the spare bedroom.
The room was more of a catch all space. It contained an old fold out couch, some boxes, a desk and a battered nightstand. An Everlast heavy bag was suspended from the ceiling in the center of the room.
 “I know that’s one of your favorite dresses so if you don’t want it ruined I suggest you remove it.” 
While you were undressing Steve unhooked the heavy bag and threaded a chain through the ring in the ceiling. Your heartbeat jumped as you watched him attach the custom red, white and blue padded leather suspension cuffs. 
“Come here.”
 His tone left no room for disobedience. When you were standing next to him you raised your arms high over you head. You were forced to stand on your tiptoes as he secured your wrists.
 “That’s my good girl” Steve cooed in you ear. “Now tell me what you’ve been hiding.”
 The words started to flow like a torrent, your voice soft and small. You told him about the rejection letter you had received from your publisher. You had spent months researching manuscripts, plates, letters and carvings. Weeks of painstaking labor spent writing and rewriting each chapter, trying to make it all cohesive. And it had all been for nothing. Two years of your life wasted. Tears began to fall down your cheeks. Steve gently cupped your face with his hands.
 “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you shut me out?” 
The hurt in his voice broke your heart.
 “I didn’t want to ruin your birthday.” 
 He tilted your chin up. “Look at me. Don’t you know that the only thing I want in this entire universe is to take care of you?” 
 You felt so ashamed. “I’m so sorry. I should have told you.”
 Steve kissed your forehead. “I’ll make it all better.”
“Close your eyes baby.” 
You felt the satin blindfold settle into place. Steve’s fingers trailed down your back.
 “Are you ready?”
 “Yes,” you whispered.
 He smacked your ass. “Yes what?” 
“Yes Master, I’m ready.”
 “Much better.” 
Even though you were expecting it the first lash made you jerk. You gritted your teeth, trying not to scream. On the 4th lash you cried out, unable to stop the sound from escaping. By the 10th lash you were beyond forming words. The pain was excruciating. 
But there was peace in this suffering. With every lash your world narrowed until all that remained was the pain. All your worries, fears, and uncertainties faded away, leaving a clean slate behind. You lost track of blows at 20.  
Time passed. The burning sensation spread from your back. Your body began to thrum. The slight rush of air from the motion of the flogger made your skin break out in goosebumps. Your nipples grew hard. A different heat started to bloom. Steve slipped his arm around your waist, holding you up while he freed your arms from the cuffs.
 “Please” you whimpered.
 “I know what you need baby. I’ll take good care of you.” 
He walked you over to the couch, bending you over. You pushed your ass back towards him, wiggling against his jeans.
 “Please” you whimpered again.
 “Please what?” 
“Please fuck me Master, please.” 
You heard his jeans unzip and felt them pool behind your feet. Draping himself over you Steve wrapped one hand around your throat and the other dug into your hip. A muffled scream erupted from your lips as his cock slammed into your sopping pussy. Unable to brace yourself your body flopped like a rag doll with every thrust. Steve slipped his hand down, his thumb drawing circles around your swollen clit. His hand tightened around your throat, restricting your air. Dots formed before your eyes.
 Without warning your orgasm ripped through you. Your body tightened around Steve as you bucked against him. Immediately his pace increased. The slapping sound of your bodies meeting echoed in the room. Another orgasm started to build. You felt Steve’s dick grow fuller and knew he was close. Desperately needing to cum again you did your best to match his rhythm. He had stopped moving his thumb so you tried to grind your clit against it. His strokes became erratic. Moments later him stiffened, shooting his cum deep inside you. You were teetering on the edge.
 “Please Master, please I need to cum” you keened.
 Steve chuckled. “You don’t get to cum again sweetheart. You lied to me. That’s not acceptable behavior. You’re lucky I’m not spending the evening edging you.” He kissed the nape of your neck. 
He was nothing if not thorough with his aftercare. The endorphin high that you had been riding began to dissipate. With the loss came the inevitable drop. Your body started to shake. Steve pulled you into his arms, cradling you against his chest.  He made his way to the bedroom, stopping only long enough to grab the bottle of coconut oil from the desk.
 Once in the bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed and scooted back until he was touching the headboard. Bending you forward he gently worked the oil into you bruised back. When he was finished you snuggled against him, yawning loudly. Grabbing your weighted blanket, he covered both of you and began to rock you like a small child.
 “I’m so proud of you sweetheart. You embraced the pain I offered beautifully and with no complaint.”
 Steve stroked your cheek while he continued, “You trusted that I knew what was best for you.” 
He leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips. “Your trust and obedience are the only gifts I care about. Nothing could ever compare. I couldn’t stand it if I lost either.” 
You looked up at him, eyes shining with tears.
 “I’m so sorry Steve. I never meant to hurt you.” 
Your hand snaked down his chest landing on his cock. He was still slick with your juices. Your hand moved up and down with ease. 
“I promise not to keep secrets from you again.” 
He kissed you harder this time.
 “Why don’t you get down on your knees and show me just how sorry you are.” 
“Happy birthday Cap” you whispered as you rolled from his lap onto the floor. 
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thran-duils · 4 years
Quarantine tag game!
I was tagged by the best @sherrybaby14
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(Gif of me the last few weeks)
I’m not working. And I don’t have to/can’t job hunt since everything is closed.  
My husband and the cats. He works in the healthcare system, so he’s gone during the week. And we have been Lysoling his shoes lmao and putting his clothes into a plastic bag when he gets home and he does that laundry on the weekends.
Yes and no. Right now that I can’t choose what to do, it’s making me restless. 
We had a LOT of plans in March and April. Birthday parties for friends and fam, friends visiting, us going to the east side of the mountains to visit friends, we had a trip planned to go hiking in the Hoh rainforest next weekend with friends... let’s just say every Saturday (except our hermit weekend we have once a month for self care) in March and April was booked and half the Sundays. Watching each weekend pass by and see the stuff I had written on the calendar not happening is not the funnest way I like to spend time.
We watched Carnival of Souls for the first time last night. Odd but I can see the influence it had on horror movies following it. We watched Legend (2015) which was good. We watched Invisible Man (really good).
I finished season 3 of Sabrina finally and watched the first season of Luna Nera. We are working through West Wing from the beginning. Also watching season 3 of Attack on Titan and have season 3 of Castlevania to watch. Still working through Peaky Blinders and took up Thieves of the Woods. Ofc, Supernatural is back on and I’ve missed the last two weeks because I keep forgetting it switched to Mondays! I should stream on the CW.
I’ve been spinning (lol) Grimes’ and the Birthday Massacre’s latest albums A LOT. Run the Jewels released a few singles. Beach Bunny, PVRIS (GIVE ME THE NEW ALBUM!), Little Dragon released a new album, Gaga’s “Stupid Love”, Megan Thee Stallion’s got a new album, DRAMA...
I like to read a lot of different things at one time... “The Hand on the Wall (Truly Devious #3)” by Maureen Johnson, “Hold Me Closer Necromancer” by Lish McBride, “The Gilded Wolves” by Roshani Chokski, and “IT” by Stephen King (I have been reading this for 1.5 years LMAO and I am only on page 330 which isn’t even 1/4 of the way thru the book).
I am brushing up on my German and I took up Spanish thanks to Duolingo. Been doing that every day to feel like I’m not wasting this time. I have also taken up a workout routine the last month and am continuing that (added some extra work outs this month now that I’ve gotten into the groove). Texting friends, FaceTiming. Keeping the apartment clean because that puts so much stress on me when I see shit out of order. Sticking to our meal planning but still having a cheat day even though we can’t go out! This week, I found Arby’s curly fries at the store and we made our own Arby’s sandwiches with mock Arby’s sauce. That really made me happy.
Tagged: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord, @darklordsfavorite, @drhquinzell, @perseusandmedusa, @earthtokace, @afanofmanystuffs​ and others who would like to do it!
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Fav Fics
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