#happy fall 2022
meegan420 · 2 years
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Happy Fall Y’all-Hammy edit
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stephreynaart · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Dipper and Mabel!!
Perfect song for the perfect pair
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assassin1513 · 2 years
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🧡🎃Happy Halloween everybody 🎃🧡
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cloudcastor · 2 years
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“Destiny’s Force”
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years
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This year, continuing the GF 10th Anniversary celebrations, I decided to do a kind of tribute to some of the show’s minor characters through the group’s Summerween costume choices!  I’d be surprised if you can’t guess all of these, but I’ll put the key below a read-more below.
Also, bonus:
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From left to right, above:
Fiddleford as Tyler Cutebiker (the “puma shirt / panther shirt” returning in the next season is one of my favorite little sight-gags in the show).
Ford as Dreamboy Craz.  (Going the extra mile with the dyed hair! Mabel helped.)
Stan as Dreamboy Xyler.
Wendy as Deep Chris from Sev’ral Timez.
Melody as Bud Gleeful.
Soos as Bats Biker.  (Annoyed at myself for this one; realized way too late that the pose I’d chosen for Soos and Melody would block the actual “BATS” tattoo.)
Grenda as Manly Dan.
Candy as Toby Determined.
Dipper as Farmer Sprott.
Mabel as Quentin Trembley.
Pacifica as the Mattress King.
(Background is a screenshot-redraw/adaptation.  Xyler and Craz are, obviously I think, based directly on their fun dance in Dreamscaperers.  I have a real soft spot for those boys.)
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yen-stanning · 2 years
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The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) spooky lockscreens/wallpapers
please like or reblog, if you save :)
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dreki · 1 year
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happy holidays @lambentwarg!!
there were so many cool ideas in your prompts it was hard to pick one! anyway I had a LOT of fun drawing this, I hope you like it!
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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hope you had as much fun as i did watching you guys fall into my traps👻💛 @lunalovessasha @avonleaisland
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hkthatgffan · 2 years
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As today is Summerween, here's some classic old photos of the Gravity Falls crew at the 2013 Disney TVA Halloween party.
You may spot some familiar faces here ;)
Check out the FULL ALBUM HERE
Happy Summerween, Fallers :P
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ostdrossel · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving!
This year, I am thankful for health, nice weather, my loved ones (including kitty), all of you wonderful people, and the fact that I get to enjoy Grackles a lot longer than usual but not in the overwhelming numbers from summer. I see one at least every day, but upon closer inspection, it appears that there are several individuals. I wonder if they will now actually spend the winter here, that would be a first. I hope you are surrounded by good people and have a good meal today. If you are shopping for Christmas presents, consider my calendar, it is still on sale until tonight. Happy Thanksgiving!
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sparkle-bat-witch · 1 year
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source  🎃 https://www.instagram.com/witch.upon.a.starr/
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Fall(ing) in Love
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Riley x Drake
Rating: PG, Fluff
Warnings for this chapter: None
Word Count: 1,265
A/N: This is from my prompt list/wheel asks event
This ask is for Drake x Fluff x Fall and comes from @kingliam2019
The top two pictures in the mood board were sent to me by @peonierose in a separate ask.
Thanks to both of them for the inspiration for this piece!!
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” She asked.
“Nope!” Drake smiled at her as he thrust a helmet into her hands, “You’ll find out when we get there, now put the helmet on.”
“Ok,” Riley shrugged as she took it, “Keep your secrets then.”
Twenty minutes later they pulled into the lot for the Stormholt County Fall Festival.
“Really?” She asked as she pulled the helmet off.
“What? You don’t like fun?”
“Hello.” She laughed, “I love fun! But who are you and what have you done with Drake Walker?”
He put a hand over his heart, “You wound me, Riley. I can be fun.”
“Oh yeah?” She challenged, “Prove it!”
“What?” he laughed.
“I said…” She shoved the helmet into his stomach, “Prove it, Walker!”
“Oh, I will, then you’ll have to eat those words, Brooks!”
He smiled down at her, his copper and gold flecked eyes sparkling with humor. The late afternoon sunlight filtered through the chestnut hair that hung in his face and she momentarily lost her breath as she gazed up at him.
Why had she never noticed how breathtakingly handsome he was?
Probably because she’d been too distracted by Liam to notice.
But she wasn’t distracted anymore, and she was starting to notice a lot of things about him.
Like the way his laughter delighted her, the way the deepness of his voice sent waves of butterflies through her, the way the weight of his stare sometimes made her uncomfortable, but not in a bad way.
“It’s not a date, Max!”
“Yes, it is, Riley! He invited you somewhere, you agreed to go, you’re in here getting dressed, worried about how your hair looks! That’s a date, blossom!”
“What? No!” She shook her head as she fluffed her hair again, “It’s just friends getting together for the afternoon.”
“Uh huh.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I’m Drake’s friend and I didn’t get an invitation to whatever it is he’s taking you to.”
“He’s just trying to cheer me up, Max.”
She’d been upset after the coronation, but not exactly heartbroken. She had declined to join the engagement tour, but she’d stayed in Cordonia at the Beaumont’s invitation.
It had been months and she hadn’t heard from Liam, nor had she attempted to contact him. It was probably for the best, really. What the hell did she know about being queen?
Drake, on the other hand, had been a frequent visitor to Ramsford.
“Keep telling yourself that if you want, sis, but that boy is one hundred percent in love with you! He hasn’t been coming here three nights a week because he likes our vineyards!”
She threw her hairbrush at him, “Shut up, Max! You’re wrong!”
Wasn’t he?
“Come on!” Drake reached for hand, dragging her towards the festivities, “You’re going to love this!”
She followed him through the fairgrounds, barely noticing anything they passed, she was too focused on how her hand felt in his.
Like it belonged there.
They stopped in front of a booth surrounded by barrels of apples.
Riley groaned, “Apples, of course… come on, Walker!”
“You don’t even know what we’re doing yet!” He protested.
“Enlighten me then.”
“First, you pick your own apple, then you insert the stick in it, like this.” He demonstrated then pointed to a spinning vat full of caramel, “Then you dip it in there.”
“Oooh! We’re making our own candy apples?”
“Told you this would be fun!”
“Ok, ok. This isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done!” She laughed.
She picked an apple, inserted the stick and followed him to the caramel vat.
“Now, make sure it’s on the stick good, or you’ll lose it in the caramel.” He told her.
“Since when are you an expert on dipping apples?”
“Uh…since forever! Sav and I used to come to this festival every year! I’ll have you know that my candy apple making skills are secondary only to my s’mores making skills!”
“Okay, show me how it’s done!”
“Here,” He said covering her hand with his as she dipped her apple, “You’re going to want to spin it like this.”
She was abruptly aware of how close his body was pressed against hers as he guided her through the process.
“Thanks.” She said, feeling suddenly shy.
“You’re welcome.”
They ate their apples as they walked through vendors selling trinkets, assorted games and random entertainers.
He slipped his hand into hers again as they entered the corn maze, “Don’t want you to get lost.”
“Right.” She agreed.
But he didn’t let go of it once they exited the maze.
She wasn’t complaining.  
“Hey,” he tugged on her hand, “You hungry?”
“I could eat.”
She felt a surge of disappointment when he dropped her hand to pay for the food.
They ate gyros, and drank pumpkin spice apple cider while they listened to a local band on the outdoor stage.
“This is really fun.” She admitted.
“Told you I knew how to have fun, but this isn’t even the best part!”
“Oh, really?”               
“Yes, really! Come on!” His excitement was contagious as he lead her to the other side of the festival.
The sun had set by the time they reached their next destination. “What is this?” Riley asked.
“This is the Jack-o’-lantern fiesta!” He told her.
“This is amazing, Drake!” She exclaimed as they strolled through the display.
There were rows upon rows of intricately carved jack-o’-lanterns flickering in the night.
“So, you like it?”
“Yes, I love it!”
A low laugh rumbled out of him as he draped an arm across her shoulders, “I guess it’s time to eat those words then, huh?”
“Shut up!” She slapped him playfully on the chest.
“No, I’m serious!” He laughed as he stopped walking and pulled her around so they were face to face, “I was right, you were wrong. What do I get?”
“What do you want?” She asked, her heart suddenly in her throat as she found herself staring up at him, bodies inches apart, heart pounding.
“I don’t know.” His eyes searched her face as he tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “I want….whatever you’re willing to give me.”
Her heart burst open as butterflies erupted from it. “Oh, yeah?”
His gaze stayed locked on her as he murmured, “Mm-hm.”
Drake was frozen to the spot, his heart thumping like a drum solo was being played in his chest.
He had no idea how this was about to play out. He wasn’t even sure they were on an actual date, because he had fumbled it so badly when he’d asked her.
Suddenly, she went up on her toes and he was kissing her.
Her kiss was so much better than he had imagined, and he’d imagined it a million times, at least.
Riley leaned into the kiss, it heated her insides and melted her heart. When they broke apart, a soft giggle escaped her.
“What?” He asked.
“Max thinks this is a date. Is it?”
A flush crept up his neck, “Do you want it to be a date?”
“Yeah.” She told him, “I think I do.”
A sappy grin broke out across his face, “Good. So do I.”
“I thought you didn’t do the whole dating thing.” She teased as they resumed walking, her hand slipping back into his.
“Yeah, well… I do now.”
Her heart filled up with happiness as they continued to stroll through the pumpkins, lights flickering from inside hundreds of jack-o’-lanterns, stars twinkling above them and a new found love struggling to life in two hearts.
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sunshinepixels · 2 years
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fall neighborhood
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
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Here are some photos that remind me of your work -thank you for helping the masses appreciate 1968/9 Elvis 🤒
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*squeals happily because I love this era soooooo much!*
I love them, honey! Thank you for sending them! 68/69 is just *chef's kiss* in all the ways. That cheeky tongue in the first one also sends my imagination all kinds of places. Not to mention that stance in the top right--I don't think I've come across that pink scarf pic before so yay! Peak Elvis, baby, doesn't get better than that!
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wordsfromshona · 2 years
The new wave of “he would never be able to love anyone or anything and would be low key abusive” hc’s coming out about certain characters makes me very uncomfortable
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serickswrites · 1 year
Warnings: captivity, torture, threatening behavior, restraints, falling from a great height, broken bones, unconsciousness
Whumpee struggled in the chair they were strapped in to. Whumper had come in, maniacal smile on their face. And Whumpee knew that meant only pain for them. 
Pain they had endured for countless hours. Pain that had marked their body. Pain that had lingered in their mind. Pain they could not endure any longer. 
They could only imagine what pain awaited them at Whumper’s hand now. They could only anticipate that it would not be good. 
“Ahhh, my little Whumpee. How are you?”
“Please,” Whumpee begged, “please. I won’t tell anyone. Just let me go.”
Whumper tutted. “Shouldn’t you be happy, Whumpee? You are the one who found me. Who almost caught me. And you’ll be my greatest work.” They stopped short of the window. 
“Greatest work?” Whumpee swallowed. They did not like the sound of that. It did not bode well for them. 
Whumper carefully cranked the window open, pulling Whumpee’s chair to the sill. “Greatest work, yes. You will be beautiful, Whumpee. Everyone will be in awe of your beauty.”
Whumpee began to tremble as Whumper tilted their chair over the edge. “Please!” 
Whumper smiled as they leaned in close and whispered, “With pleasure.” And they shoved Whumpee’s chair out the window.
Whumpee’s scream echoed through the clearing as they fell the two stories to the ground. Their scream cut off as they hit the ground and the chair broke beneath them. Pain exploded everywhere in their body. They had heard the sound of bones cracking and crunching as they landed. Heard the sound of Whumper’s laughter from the window. Heard the sound of the of birds chirping in the clearing surrounding the house.
And then they knew no more. 
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