#prompt: explosion
serickswrites · 2 years
Tick Tick Tick
Warnings: explosions, injury, blood, gore, broken bones, crush injury, unclear character status
“Just let Whumpee go,” Caretaker said into the phone that was gripped tightly in their hand. They would do anything to make sure Whumpee got out of the building safe. 
“You did give me what I wanted, that’s true.” Whumper’s voice was a soft purr in their ear. Caretaker hated that. Caretaker hated that they had to give anything to Whumper. 
“Don’t!” Whumpee’s breathy voice came from further away. Caretaker could hear the pain in their voice. And the terror. 
Caretaker hadn’t wanted to give Whumper what they wanted. But Caretaker had no choice. It was either that or Whumper kept Whumpee. And Caretaker couldn’t live with that. 
Caretaker heard Whumper take a breath. “Give me five minutes to get out of here. And then you can come get Whumpee.” Whumper hung up without responding, but before they did, Caretaker heard Whumpee’s muffled shouts in the background. 
It was the longest five minutes of Caretaker’s life. Every second that ticked by was agony. Five minutes. Five minutes and then Whumpee would be safe. 
Or so Caretaker thought. As Caretaker walked over to the building, ready to get Whumpee and take them home, an explosion rang out and everything got fuzzy. 
Their ears were ringing, their nose was clogged, and Caretaker had a sneaking suspicion that the fuzziness of the world had more to do with the dust and smoke that clogged the air. 
Whumpee. They had to get to Whumpee. 
Caretaker took off into the building. They didn’t care that it was probably unsafe. Didn’t care that the roof was caved in in places. Didn’t care that there was a fire in a back room. All they cared about was Whumpee. 
Caretaker let out a strangled cry when they finally found Whumpee. Whumpee lay in the center of the main room, a support beam from the ceiling obscuring their lower half. Whumpee’s wrist bone poked out. Caretaker was nauseous at the sight of the bone peeking out from Whumpee’s skin. Blood dripped from Whumpee’s nose and mouth and their eyes were closed. 
Caretaker immediately dropped to their knees at Whumpee’s side. “Whumpee? Whumpee? Whumpee?” Caretaker said urgently as they tapped Whumpee’s cheek. 
Whumpee groaned, eyes fluttering open. “C-C-Careta’er?” Their voice was hoarse and tight. 
“I’m here, I’m here. I’ve got you, Whumpee.” Caretaker said as they pulled out their phone and called 911. 
Whumpee needed help desperately. Between the compound fracture, probably head injury, and being crushed by the support beam, Caretaker knew Whumpee needed help now. 
“T-T-Tried toooo w-w-warn you,” Whumpee whispered as they blinked, eyelids drooping. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” Caretaker said as they petted Whumpee’s hair. 
“B-b-bomb forrrrr y-y-you,” Whumpee said after they swallowed a few times. 
Caretaker’s heart sunk. Whumper had never been planning on letting Whumpee go. And now Whumpee was fighting for their life because of Caretaker’s stupidity. 
“It’s ok. I’m ok. Help is on the way, Whumpee. Hold on.”
Whumpee took a shallow breath. “Hurts,” they said as they blinked up at Caretaker a few times. 
“I know. I know. I’m so sorry, Whumpee. This is my fault.”
Whumpee’s eyelids drooped once more. “C-C-Can’t br-bre-breathe.”
Caretaker’s heart was in their throat. “Keep breathing, Whumpee. Help is almost here. Stay with me.” 
“S-S-S’ryyyyyy,” Whumpee whispered as their eyes fluttered shut once more. All the tension drained from Whumpee’s body.
Caretaker tapped Whumpee’s cheeks urgently again as they spoke, “Whumpee! Whumpee! Open your eyes. Stay with me, Whumpee.”
But Whumpee didn’t open their eyes. Didn’t stir. They lay there peacefully in the rubble of the building around them. Covered in blood and dirt, Whumpee lay still even as Caretaker begged them to open their eyes. Lay still even as emergency services team pulled in. Lay still as the team pulled Caretaker from their side. And Whumpee lay still even as Caretaker began to sob, desperately pleading for anyone to help Whumpee.  
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slippy-socks · 1 year
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yeehawgust day 16: prairie fire
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 136
 There is a small child floating in the Watchtower. 
They’re visibly not human, a too-big cloak of purple (what shade no one knows, all they can describe about the cloak is purple, nothing else) hanging from them as big Lazarus-green eyes glare down in something of a pout. The child huffs, blowing white hair out of their face despite it shimmering and shifting on its own already. 
How the child, inhuman or not, found their way into the Watchtower- without setting off an alarm no less- is a concern. A very large concern, but it can wait because there is a four-year old (if the child is the equivalent of a human child that is) at oldest staring down at them. 
 “Do you know where the speedsters are?” the child piped up after an awkward stare-down, none of the league members present quite sure what to do in this situation. It was probably around time to call Batman… or they could call Flash instead. 
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #100
In the anti ecto acts it states that all ecto entities must be given to a government agency but it doesn’t say which agency. Danny after the nasty burger incident decides to take advantage of this fact and gives himself up to the justice league. The Justice league doesn’t know how to handle the teenage ghost that showed up one day and said he was turning himself into a government agency.
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dat1angel · 1 year
Danny the tiktok star
DPxDC au
So Danny, as any high school teen would do, makes videos on the latest video sharing social media site. In this case that's tiktok, although if we look at the time that Danny Phantom came out Vine might be more appropriate...
Either way, he makes silly little videos that range from funny jokes, A Day in the Life at Casper High, Space Fact Friday, POV: You live in Amity Park, roasting whatever ghost happens to be attacking that day, ect. He gains a small following of people who like his content but it's nowhere near being able at call himself tiktok famous. Until one post...
"Hello, my name is Danny, and this is my Official Application for Bruce Wayne to adopt me"
He jokes about how he is a young teen male with black hair, blue eyes, and a questionable home life which makes him the perfect candidate for a Bruce Wayne adoptee. The video goes viral so Danny leans into the bit and starts making more of that content. Photoshoping myself into a Wayne family photo, What I would wear to a Wayne gala, Taking a 'Which Wayne Are You' quiz.
When the Wayne kids find his account they think it's hilarious and keep an eye for new posts from him. One day Tim is stuck in a boring WE meeting so when he gets a notification that Danny posted a new video he will gladly take the distraction. He wasn't expect what he would find...
The video opens with the camera facing Danny, but he's not in any of his usual filming locations. It's hard to tell what exactly is happening around him but there's shouting in the distance and the sound of sirens. In fact, it looks as if Danny is leaning against an ambulance. Danny looks unusually pale and has what looks like a shock blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The camera is shakey and when he speaks his voice comes out weak.
"Hey guys... It's Danny. You know how I joke a lot about being adopted by Bruce Wayne?..."
Danny pauses and takes a shakey breath. It seems like he loses his grip on the phone for a moment because the camera fumbles before being held upright again. It's not a great view, but viewers can catch a glimpse of a destroyed building in the background, firefighters still working to get all the flames doused. When Danny starts speaking again he seems to choke on the words.
"W-Well, something happened and.. I'm k-kinda and orphan now? So uh..." Danny gives a small sad sounding chuckle that fades into a light cough, "this is my official application for Bruce Wayne to adopt me. Internet, do your thing..."
The video ends.
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So the GIW finds a way to preform a huge scan in the town in order to find any hiding ghosts.
But unfortunately, the entire town reads liminal, and the GIW panics, thinking that they are dangeruos (even though they aren’t)
So what do they do? Fake an explosion.
The explosion originated from the FentonWorks lab, wiping out the entire town. But because everyone is a liminal and not a ghost, they all die.
People passing through the town see it in ruins with (green?) flames and calls the fire department from the next town over. Turns out the town has enough radiation that the JL was called.
The government tells them that it was a lab explosion. They look for survivors, finding none
There are however 5 missing bodies from the total count
After checking the town population, counting bodies, the JL realizes that Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Dash Baxter, Daniel and Jazz Fenton bodies are missing.
After a bit of digging, Dash is found in Gotham visiting his cousin Stephanie Brown and his aunt Crystal Brown.
Batman, Superman and Zattana have to break the news to the 16 yo that his entire town, his entire life, his entire family went up in green flames. The government told them that, and they don’t have any reason to not suspect foul play.
They tell him that the radiation form the FentonWorks lab made the portal explode. Dash knows better. The Fentons were crazy, but they were geniuses. They wouldn’t let that happen in 100 million years. Something’s up.
Crystal Brown is his new guardian, but maybe Crystal can’t take care of him fully (remember Dash in liminal too) so Bruce Wayne offers his home.
Batman finds the entire thing sketchy, but doesn’t have enough evidence that something is wrong. Maybe Dash Baxter can fix that
After a couple months, Bruce gets a call from Diana about a teen girl and adult boy who claim to be from Amity Park
Apparently the Fentons had two undocumented children. Dan(te) And Dani(Elle) Fenton. (Dante (19) was in the ghost zone, and Elle (14) was traveling, the government kept the entire thing under wraps, so she doesn’t know about the explosion)
Bruce ends up inviting them to live in the manor, and the moment Dash sees them, he knows something up because the Fentons only had 2 kids, and Dante and Elle look exactly like Danny.
Bruce took DNA samples of Dante and Elle and compared it to Jack and Maddie Fenton’s bodies to see if they share DNA. They do.
Dante and Elle find out that Danny’s and Jazzes bodies are missing, and instantly think that the GIW have them (they do. The GIW found that these five kids have the highest radiation levels and took them for experimentation.
Just basically an entire conspiracy about ghosts, the government, and an explosion
Kinda different than what I usually post, but I like this a lot
Any media is welcome as long as you tag and comment :))
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skylersprompts · 9 months
DC x DP Prompt *26*
In one moment everything was good. His parents accepted him as Phantom and were actively reworking their theories. In the next moment he felt like his core was about to shatter in millions of little pieces. His parents, sisters and friends died.
The explosion happened, even though it had been a different day, different circumstances and different reason. They wanted to celebrate his death day, to show him that they cared.
He was in so much agony from losing his fright, that he saw them to late. The Guys in White captured him, before he was even able to transform.
He never got an answer to how they knew he was Phantom, because ecto-scum didn't deserve anything.
Danny didn't know how long he had been there, only that they started to get careless. The GiW wanted to transport him to a new facility, but something happened outside and the Van had to stop.
The agents with him left him alone to deal with what ever had coursed the disturbance and he took his chance.
The door was unlocked.
The door was open.
He bolted.
He wasn't able to use his powers at the moment, because of the bracelet that contained them, but there was enough chaos for him to slip away, even locked into his human form.
After a good distance he looked down on himself. He wasn't wearing anything meant for the streets, just a fully covering medical gown.
So he started to look around the ally and he was lucky. In one of the dumpsters was some kind of costume. It seemed like a Halloween costume, but it was better than nothing.
He looked at it and deemed the Robin Costume a good fit and quickly changed in it. He even found the mask and shoes after some digging!
In his full Robin Costume he hurried to get further away. But luck was never on his good side, so it didn't take long for a rough looking agent to find him.
It only took one small shot out of the agents ecto-gun for Danny to crumble to the floor. And a few seconds later he felt fists and insults hitting him.
And maybe it was the lack of sleep, the loneliness, the pain or a combination of everything. But he knew that the only thing he wanted right now, was his Dad to save him and give him one of his world famous bear hugs.
And even though Danny knew that his Dad was gone, he couldn't hold his cries for his Dad in any longer.
It only took a few seconds before the agent was flying away from him and Danny was lifted in the air, swinging up
"Robin, are you oka-? You are not Robi-. Are you okay chum?"
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 3
Danny smiled back at the elf boy. Ever since landing in Hyrule this guy has stuck by his side and did everything in his power to help him, even going so far as to learn English and teach Danny Hylian. If it wasn't for Link Danny doesn't know what he would have done.
They were in Hyrule field, practicing Dannys portal and teleporting powers to see if he could open a portal home or teleport there. He began thinking about how pure and clean Hyrule was since it didn't have a drop of pollution and how cities were supposed to be gross and polluted. So he began focusing on pollution, smog and filth, hoping that that would take him back home.
He didn't expect to teleport a city into Hyrule.
Five minutes.
Jason had only brushed his teeth and washed his face and in that time all of Crime Alley had been thrown into another dimension. Typical.
Whats more it looked like they were in a green grassy area. A legit apple forest was to the North of them and probably one of the clearest, cleanest rivers he had ever seen was directly East of them. God, he could see the fish swimming in the water.
What was most surprising though was the elf people. They weren't causing trouble per say, but hes definitely had to save some of them that wandered in out of curiosity. After the second or third one he saved he noticed a fence had popped up around all of crime ally over night. There were signs on the other side of the fence with some kind of official seals on them. So elves have political leaders? Works for him, he can guess that the signs say something to the effect of "Stay out" and it should make his job a bit easier. That and the numerous woven baskets left surrounding Crime Alley filled with fruits, veggies, cloth, clothing and soap.
Jason wasn't expecting some of the elves to get through the fencing to throw an unknown liquid into Crime Alley and then run. He panicked at first, thinking this was some kind of attack, but after testing it, he discovered it was just soapy water. He didn't understand at first but soon began getting reports from his men that anyone who wandered out of the city was being captured, thrown into the shallow water of the river, and scrubbed with long poled mops.
Rude. I mean, he gets that the elf people have probably never dealt with pollution, which means they never had to smell it, but still. Rude.
Red Hood gets a bit twitchy when he learns the kids who wander out get captured but chills out once he learns the children are never harmed.
The hylians are taking them in, bathing them, clothing, teaching them to cook and teaching them thier language. They are given lots of clothes and toys and the option to stay with them if they have no where else to go. Jason has no idea about this until a short blond elf guy and a teenage human twink talk to him and explain whats going on, the twink even apologized to him and explained that all of this was his fault.
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CW: explosion, hearing loss
‘Stay still, don’t move. You were hit pretty hard by the blast. Whumpee, don’t move. Whumpee! I said stay still!’
‘I can’t hear anything you’re saying. I can’t hear anything.’
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 4 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
The Nasty Burger Explosion still happens, and Danny is left without his friends, family, and the only teacher who ever tried to help and encourage him in school. He manages to skirt around Vlad's custody by discovering a cousin of his Dad's he'd never heard about (1). He reached out to her, crying and begging for her to take him in. To not let Vlad anywhere near him.
Needless to say, after hearing a desperate teenager call her in tears and discover that besides Danny, her cousin Jack and his family had recently died in a horrible "accident," Lois nearly upends everything to go and get Danny from a middle of nowhere town in Illinois. After talking with Clark, of course. She didn't get one word in, however, cause he heard the entire phone call from the other room, though unintentionally.
After arranging for Mama Kent to watch over a still young Jon, they drove as fast as possible to meet this boy that already had their hearts in an iron grasp. When they first lay eyes on him, they immediately want to comfort him. His black hair is a tangled mess, his eyes bloodshot and red from crying. He sits in the corner of the school secretary's office, curled up in the small seat with an overstuffed backpack clutched tightly in a trembling, white-knuckled grip. A girl with dark skin and her hair held back by a headband sits with him, but she gets up and walks over as soon as she sees them enter the office. Danny doesn't seem to notice or even look up from where he's staring at the floor tiles.
"He's been hiding here for the last few days since he called you. He hasn't gone home once except to pack the bag he has with him." The girl explains. She holds out her hand to Lois for a handshake. "Valerie. You could say I'm a... friend of his (2). I'm assuming you're the cousin?"
Lois nods solemnly. "How's he been? He wouldn't tell me why he wouldn't go with his parent's first choice of custody. I've been worried."
Valerie grimaced and looked back at Danny before looking her directly in the eyes. "I can't say much without revealing anything i shouldn't. Let's just say Vlad has an unhealthy obsession with Danny, and it's unsafe to be around him. If he trusts you, he'll be the one to tell you the rest."
Clark and Lois share a look before they both nodded.
Valerie sees their acceptance and relaxes. She'd actually been tense the entire time she'd been talking with them.
"Well, with that said, I'll be going now." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked down with a sad expression. She looked back up at Lois with a deep sigh, and only then did Lois realize that Valerie looked to have been crying recently too. Looking between both adults, she made a quiet request. "Take care of him, will you?"
This time Clark is the one who finally speaks up. "You have our word he'll be safe and cared for."
Valerie's shoulders slump with a shuttering sigh of relief. "Thank you."
Once she left, Clark and Lois slowly approached Danny and sat to either side of him. Only then did he finally look up from the tiles and see them. His eyes ghosted over Lois but immediately locked onto Clark. He stared up at him, his eyes glassy with unshed tears.
Clark shrunk his broad form down a little, concerned his build might be intimidating for the young man. "Hi there, bud." He said in a soft tone. "I'm Clark and this is Lois. We're here to pick you up."
When introductions didn't seem to get a reaction from the teen, Clark's brow furrowed further. "Something wrong?"
Danny finally blinked and quickly ducked his head back down to look at the floor. "N-No." He croaked. "Sorry. For a moment there, I thought you were-" He choked on his words and seemed to have difficulty swallowing. He was shaking, his face hidden against his knees with one of his arms braced over his head to hide even further.
When he finally managed to finish his sentence, Clark's heart shattered completely.
"I th-thought you were my dad."
Clark looked at Lois with lost, watery eyes only to see she was in the same exact predicament. She couldn't stand seeing Danny so heartbroken any longer and leaned over to wrap him in a hug, Clark soon following. After a while of shushing and murmuring words of comfort, Lois gently spoke up.
"Why don't we get your things in the car and we can get on the road."
Extracting himself from their warm hold, Danny took a deep, shuttering breath before nodding.
"Is there anything else we need to get from the house? You have everything?"
Gripping his bag tightly to his chest, he nodded again. (3)
"Yeah. I do."
Side Note:
(1) He found out through Tucker. He'd searched through Danny's family tree for any living relatives in case Vlad ever actually managed to kill Jack or something else happened to both his parents. He just never imagined it would be for this reason specifically.
(2) Yes, she knows Danny is Phantom now. She did not know before. She found out after she tried to pin the blame for Danny's friends and family on Phantom while Danny was in earshot, and he basically blew up at her and broke down. She's horrified and feels terrible, so don't be too hard on her. The confrontation also happened on school grounds with a bunch of other kids present, so a good majority of the student body knows now, too. If not from seeing it first hand, then by word of mouth. They're keeping it hush hush so nobody with bad intentions towards ghosts comes looking for Danny. Valerie will be the main defense against any ghosts that pop up, as well as a few other kids she trained.
(3) Before he left, Danny did disable and completely dismantle the ghost portal and translated all his parent's research into a code him, Sam, and Tucker came up with before destroying the originals as well as the entire lab itself. Natural ghost portals can still pop up in Amity Park tho, since the ghost portal kinda oversaturated the town with ectoplasm. Valerie and the kids she trained are just a precaution.
Haven't come up with a title for this one yet. I'll add it later when it pops into my head though.
Funny enough, this actually isn't what I planned to write for this prompt. It did involve Danny getting adopted into the Kent family, but there was going to be something entirely different happening. Apparently, the characters had other plans. Oh well, I'll save it for the next one, I guess. It might be a second part of this, actually. We'll see!
Enjoy the angst & hurt/comfort tho!
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loudlittleecho · 4 months
Danny Phantom Prompt: Too Late to Save Them
Ok! There are similar concepts floating either around here or AO3 (or both), but I haven’t been able to find this particular angst path. (Though I’m sure it’s around)
Canon Divergence After TUE (The Ultimate Enemy)
Danny fought his evil self, but was too late to save his family. Clockwork didn’t reverse time to save them— they were always meant to die. It was their “time.”
Danny was flown backward from the explosion, his body hurtling along with the rubble. 
The rubble. 
When the dust settled he heard sirens in the distance. Saw. . . a torn red beret beside his foot.
His. . . 
Distraught, confused, exhausted, Danny notices a woman crouched down beside him. She’s speaking to him, but he can’t hear her; there’s a dull buzz all around him, and the world seems more. . . narrow. It’s hard for him to focus on what he’s seeing. 
And then she. . . freezes. 
The world freezes in time. 
The ghost, Clockwork, is floating behind her. He has his hand out, waiting for something. His expression unreadable, but Danny understands. 
His fingers lightly grasp the thermos holding his future self. As though in a trance, he lifts it up to Clockwork. Gives him the thermos. 
Clockwork accepts it, continues looking at him impassively. 
Resumes time. 
. . . 
The days go by. He is released from the hospital in the care of a caseworker. She is talking to him gently, but he doesn’t hear what she’s saying. 
He's had many people talk to him, so many people gazing at him with pity. He can't be bothered to care.
He is led to a car, someone buckles him in. The car begins driving, and soon is parked in front of Fenton Works.
His home. 
The caseworker is saying something. . . Something about his aunt Alicia. He ignores her, walking into the house. 
Into the lab. 
He hears her scurrying after him.
Ignoring her cries of alarm, he goes into the portal. 
He floats in the ghost zone. A few ghosts attempt to banter with him, push him around; but noticing his non reaction, leave him be. 
He can’t go home. Can’t go to Vlad. He has to keep his humanity to prevent becoming a monster. 
But how can he keep what he can’t feel?
He’s lost them all.
But he can keep his promise. 
“Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise.”
He floats further and further into the ghost zone. 
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autocrats-in-love · 3 months
Prompt (356)
"Is all that necessary?" the hero asked nervously.
The villain rolled their eyes and continued stuffing their bag with various explosives. "Trust me, sweetheart, this is the only way to kill them. Pass the C-4, would you?"
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 304
SO. Turns out that Danny is apparently a clone. Who knew? Not him! Would have loved to know that earlier, but he doesn’t exactly have time to freak out about that because Ellie is melting. She’s going to die if he doesn’t do something and he already gave so much ecto that they both look ten now, but the only thing he can do is pray to everything and Clockwork that this portal works. 
Because Ellie needs their Original’s dna to stabilize her, not his own slowly destabilizing blood, and that means going to another dimension to where they’re still alive. This has to work- even if they can never go back, it’ll be worth it if he can just make sure Ellie lives. She’s all he has now.
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #102
Damian went through a lot in his life, one of them was his Grandfather Ra’s selling Damian’s soul to the Ghost King for full control over the lazurus pits. This was years ago however, but it seems the past has caught up to him. His new classmate Daniel Masters was an odd one. Damian didn’t particularly like any of his classmates per se but Daniel intrigued him.
Danny liked Damian and wanted to be friends with him but he didn’t know how to approach him. Then he asks Damian to pass him something and he feels a pull on his core that suspiciously feels like when he’s giving an order to one of his subjects. Damian intrigued him and now he has to figure out why the son of Bruce Wayne has the Ghost Kings mark on him.
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serickswrites · 8 months
Why Won't It Stop?
Warnings: explosion, head injury, blood, bloody nose, unconsciousness
Caretaker staggered out of the burning building, Whumpee following closely on their heels. "Why won't it stop?" Whumpee whined.
"What?" Caretaker couldn't hear out of one ear.
"The ringing. In my ears. It's so loud. Why won't it stop?" Whumpee stopped walking and clamped their hands over their ears. "It's so loud, Caretaker."
"Whumpee, we were just in a major explosion. It's normal to have some tinnitus."
"Some what?" Whumpee let their hands drop. Caretaker could see blood trickling from their right ear.
"Tinnitus--ringing in your ears. I'm sure when my hearing comes back in this ear," they pulled on their left earlobe, "it'll be ringing and ringing and ringing."
Whumpee screwed their face up. "It's so loud."
"I know, Whumpee. I know. If there's something the medics can do, they will. Are you sure that's the only thing wrong?" Caretaker stopped and really looked at Whumpee.
Whumpee's hair and clothes were coated in a fine layer of dust. Both ears had blood slowly trickling down--both ear drums had probably ruptured in the blast. Whumpee's face was pale, but Caretaker wasn't sure how much of that was dust. They were sure they looked just as bad as Whumpee.
"'m fine. Why?" Whumpee stopped and stared at Caretaker.
"Because your nose is bleeding," Caretaker said as they patted their pockets for a tissue.
"Hmmm," Whumpee muttered as they took a stumbling step and listed sideways. "I....I....I'm gonna be sick."
Caretaker had a moment to register Whumpee's words as Whumpee dropped to their knees and collapsed forward. "Whumpee!" Caretaker tried to rouse Whumpee. But as Caretaker turned Whumpee onto their side and placed Whumpee into the recovery position, Caretaker's stomach dropped. Blood dripped in a steady flow from Whumpee's nose and had begun to drip from Whumpee's mouth. "HELP!" Caretaker roared hoping someone would come. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
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teethkid67 · 1 year
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kloktober d1 Fav Character and fantober d1 New !!!! some early dethklok days .. teasing each other n causing problems u know how it is :3
decided to use the "new" fantober prompt as in new fandom as well bc i am really new to mtl :3 buuuut i really like nathan n toki so here they are
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