#happy feast day to my patron saint <3
saint-ambrosef · 2 years
Happy Feast of Saint Ambrose!
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COME, Redeemer of the earth, and manifest thy virgin-birth. Let every age in wonder fall: such birth befits the God of all. Begotten of no human will but of the Spirit, Thou art still the Word of God in flesh arrayed, the promised fruit to man displayed. The Virgin’s womb that burden gained, its virgin honor still unstained. The banners there of virtue glow; God in his temple dwells below. Proceeding from His chamber free that royal home of purity a giant in twofold substance one, rejoicing now His course to run. O equal to the Father, Thou! gird on Thy fleshly mantle now; the weakness of our mortal state with deathless might invigorate. Thy cradle here shall glitter bright, and darkness breathe a newer light where endless faith shall shine serene and twilight never intervene. All praise, eternal Son, to Thee, whose advent sets Thy people free, whom, with the Father, we adore, and Holy Ghost, for evermore. Amen.
-- St. Ambrose's Advent hymn on the Incarnation, as recorded by his student, St. Augustine.
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izicodes · 9 months
My 2023 Projects
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Wednesday 3rd January 2024
I thought it would be cool to share some of the projects I made last year that I liked and enjoyed working on! Most of them were small projects, some were projects I built straight after I learnt a new concept and a few are discontinued (I won't finish them anytime soon)!
I really hope, which I know I will because it's natural for me at this point, to make lots of more cool projects! This year, I want to make more with other people! Coding alone is cool and all but with other people I get more inspired!
Lastly = always remember to build projects that you're interested in. Projects you will have fun working on for a while. Every single one of these projects I've made, I was interested in somehow. And I had fun!!
Anyhoo, check out the projects below~! 🙋🏾‍♀️😊🖤
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Basically a formatter for Tumblr posts by adding custom colours to your text! Even learnt how to make FireFox extensions so I could add it as an extension to my browser - link 1, link 2
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Web Odyssey
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I looked at old Windows GUI on Pinterest one day and decided to recreate the GUI with HTML, CSS and JavaScript! - link 1, link 2
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Cat Fact Generator
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For one of the projects I did for the #3Days1Project challenge, I created a cute cat generator. Learnt how to work with APIs and a CSS library (Pattern.css) - link 1, link 2
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Studyblr Valentines Gift 2023
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It was valentine season in the Studyblr community and I participated! I made a poem webpage for a studyblr who was learning Russian! (I don't know anything in Russian but for a couple of weeks I learnt some of the poems!) - link 1, link 2
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Saint Jerome Tribute Page
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I made a page for my favourite patron saint, Saint Jerome, for his feast day (Sept 30)! I haven't had time to complete it fully and there's no live page for it but I did make posts about it! - link 1
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Trigun Quote Generator
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Just finished the Trigun anime series at the time so I decided to make a project for it for the #3Days1Project challenge! The anime is so good, it is my 2nd favourite (JOJO comes 1st place) - link 1, link 2
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Froggie To-Do
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Just came from learning the absolute BASICS of React.js, so I wanted to test my skills so far so I made this project! Shared it on my blog and some people started using it for studying (which made me so happy!) and it became a mini open-source project because random people started adding mini features to the app! Very special project for me! - link 1, link 2, link 3
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hughungrybear · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I got tagged by @telomeke (the link to their post is here). Thanks for the tag! 😊
1. Are you named after anyone?
I came from a predominantly Catholic country so it is common to name babies after saints. Ironically, despite my saintly name, I was a real Tasmanian devil to my parents, teachers, and peers 😅
2. When was the last time you cried?
The last time that I sincerely cried was when my Dad passed away. I was eleven. After that, every event that made me "cry" barely wet my eyes 😅
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't plan to have any. I like kids - especially when I can hand them back to their respective mothers 😅 I don't have anything against motherhood, but I can barely support myself. Under the circumstances, it is not wise to bring another life into this world that I cannot support.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oh boy. I used to do track and field, basketball, and soccer (football) when I was still in elementary (grade) school. However, my conservative home country deems these sports as too "manly" and therefore not appropriate for a growing 'lady'. So, they made me switch to cheer dance😤. Well, let's just say I have never danced again ever since lol.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Let's just say that sometimes, using sarcasm is the only way to retain my sanity 😅
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The tone and shift of voice when they talk. Not entirely sure why though 😅😅😅
7. What’s your eye color?
Hazel brown with hints of darkest grey.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings. I will not subject myself to torture by watching horror films/series no matter how critically acclaimed it is. That's because I have a very vivid imagination and I really love a peaceful sleep 🥲
9. Any talents?
Does mixing chemicals and formulating new adhesive products count? 😅 I can play the keyboard, and write poems and short stories (although, it's been a long time since I wrote my last one). I also do embroidery during my spare time.
10. Where were you born?
Funny story. I was born on the eve of our town's patron saint's day. Before the feast day, the town's roads are closed in preparation for the upcoming festivities. Unfortunately, my mum's water broke during an intense cleaning session of our house on the eve of the feast. Since the roads were closed, my father and grandma (my mother's mum) were forced to call a midwife and perform a home birth. Curiously, I did not cry as my mum pushed my small baby form out of her womb. Fearing that I was a stillbirth, the midwife had put me near an electric stove to help warm me up. It was only then that poor baby me started to cry (to the relief of everyone around)😅
TLDR: I was born at home but only showed a definitive sign of life in our old family kitchen.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading books, scrolling through various socmed (Nowadays, though, it's mostly Tumblr and Reddit), and listening to some brand new music.
12. Do you have any pets?
When I was still living in my home country, I used to have dogs. However, moving to Australia, I was forced to leave them behind with our trusted relatives. We still Facetime though, so there's that.
13. How tall are you?
Sadly, I'm five feet flat, I am still hoping for some (miracle) growth spurt even in my thirties lol
14. Favorite subject in school?
I love history. I love reading about the beginning of things. I also had high grades in literature simply because I am an advanced reader (that is, I have already read the books on my teacher's list even before they have released them to the class).
15. Dream job
Somewhere where deadlines are a mere suggestion lol
Onward tagging (I know some of you have already done this, but give this poor hungry bear a break, I'm running out of people to tag: @lost-my-sanity1, @sparklyeyedhimbo, @imlivingformyselfdontmindme, @waitmyturtles, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @plantsarepeopletoo, @actually-yikes, @dribs-and-drabbles, @ablazenqueen, @alan-apologist, @ellasaru12, @queersouthasian, @lamonnaie, @rei-the-head-shaker and anybody else who wants to play😊
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
Muse: Kenneth Chase "Jeffrey Hawk"/ The Clown, William Afton/ Clown Springtrap, Domenico " Nicky" Giuseppe SanGiovanna/The Ringmaster (my three stooges lol)
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The Clown
1.) The Greatest Show Unearthed by Creature Feature
" Welcome to the lower birth The greatest show unearthed We appear without a sound The darkest show around We will leave you in a daze Madness, murder, dismay We will disappear at night With blood on the concrete..."
2.) The Carnival by Amanda Jenssen
" Hammerman, you make me dull I'm going to the carnival I'll sit beside and watch them play It's gonna be an awful day..."
3.) Put on a Happy Face! by Jagwar Twin
" Flip the switch, flip the stove World gone mad, let's start the show Get your kicks and let's go If you're sad, don't let it show
Say I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today They say put on a happy face 'Cause we're tick-tock, tick-tock Ticking like a timebomb..."
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Clown Springtrap
4.) Our Little Horror Story by Aviators
" Five nights left to find you One last thing to tend to You'll fear what I can do But you'll never run Ghosts warn of my actions But I'm the main attraction You'll bring my satisfaction Our little horror story's just begun..."
5. A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature
" One by one we bite the dust Kick the bucket and begin to rust Give up the ghost when your number's up We all fall down
Ashes to ashes, bones to paste You wither away in your resting place Eternity in a wooden case We all fall down..."
6. One Foot in the Grave by Creature Feature
" I've got one foot in the grave And in its shackles I'm its slave And here I lie With all the night The pearly gates turned me away In this sarcophagus I lay No longer dead but I am bored of breath
I can feel the cold night air I can feel the decay there I can feel it in the wind In death I have been born again..."
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The Ringmaster
7. Slasher by Aviators
" Starved out in dust to make a killing For shares that we won't see Our minds feel hate and flesh is willing We hurt what lies between One second passes and you're gone Our weapons drawn but Somehow these kills won't make us whole We've sold our souls..."
8. Scarlet Vow by Aviators (though replace 'she' with 'he' lol)
" Lock your doors She's coming back to even out the score Vengeful spirits do her dark commands In the devil's hands Now the fire's in her breath Scarlet vow Taken by the girl who you cast out You're not the only one with chants to sing Or a prayer to bring But her patron saint is death..."
9. Death of a Dollmaker by Creature Feature
10. Here There Be Witches by Creature Feature
" Unholy hexes, dark incantations Our days are numbered just sacrificial lambs Depraved and corrupted agents of darkness Chosen by the black mark of the beast Archaic volumes, forbidden writing Blood ceremonies, sermons for the damned This curse must be lifted before the full moon Or we're all just meat for the feast..."
Tagged by: @silvcrignis (thanks boo! >:3)
(Anyone who wants to do this!)
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11th July >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Feast of Saint Benedict, Abbot, Co-Patron of Europe
Thursday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time.
Feast of Saint Benedict, Abbot, Co-Patron of Europe
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
First Reading Proverbs 2:1-9 Apply your heart to truth.
My son, if you take my words to heart, if you set store by my commandments, tuning your ear to wisdom, and applying your heart to truth: yes, if your plea is for clear perception, if you cry out for discernment, if you look for it as if it were silver, and search for it as for buried treasure, you will then understand what the fear of the Lord is, and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord himself is giver of wisdom, from his mouth issue knowledge and discernment. He keeps his help for honest men, he is the shield of those whose ways are honourable; he stands guard over the paths of justice, he keeps watch on the way of his devoted ones. Then you will understand what virtue is, justice, and fair dealing, all paths that lead to happiness.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33(34):2-11
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast. The humble shall hear and be glad.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called, the Lord heard him and rescued him from all his distress.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
The angel of the Lord is encamped around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Revere the Lord, you his saints. They lack nothing, those who revere him. Strong lions suffer want and go hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 5:3
Alleluia, alleluia! How happy are the poor in spirit: theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 19:27-29 They will be repaid a hundred times over and inherit eternal life.
Peter spoke to Jesus. ‘What about us?’ he said. ‘We have left everything and followed you. What are we to have, then?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I tell you solemnly, when all is made new and the Son of Man sits on his throne of glory, you will yourselves sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or land for the sake of my name will be repaid a hundred times over, and also inherit eternal life.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the feria (Thursday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Thursday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Hosea 11:1-4,8-9 I am the Holy One in your midst and have no wish to destroy.
Thus says the Lord:
When Israel was a child I loved him, and I called my son out of Egypt. But the more I called to them, the further they went from me; they have offered sacrifice to the Baals and set their offerings smoking before the idols. I myself taught Ephraim to walk, I took them in my arms; yet they have not understood that I was the one looking after them. I led them with reins of kindness, with leading-strings of love. I was like someone who lifts an infant close against his cheek; stooping down to him I gave him his food.
Ephraim, how could I part with you? Israel, how could I give you up? How could I treat you like Admah, or deal with you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils from it, my whole being trembles at the thought. I will not give rein to my fierce anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again, for I am God, not man: I am the Holy One in your midst and have no wish to destroy.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 79(80):2-3,15-16
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
O shepherd of Israel, hear us, shine forth from your cherubim throne. O Lord, rouse up your might, O Lord, come to our help.
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
God of hosts, turn again, we implore, look down from heaven and see. Visit this vine and protect it, the vine your right hand has planted.
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 94:8
Alleluia, alleluia! Harden not your hearts today, but listen to the voice of the Lord. Alleluia!
Or: Mark 1:15
Alleluia, alleluia! The kingdom of God is close at hand: repent and believe the Good News. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 10:7-15 You received without charge: give without charge.
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘As you go, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. You received without charge, give without charge. Provide yourselves with no gold or silver, not even with a few coppers for your purses, with no haversack for the journey or spare tunic or footwear or a staff, for the workman deserves his keep. ‘Whatever town or village you go into, ask for someone trustworthy and stay with him until you leave. As you enter his house, salute it, and if the house deserves it, let your peace descend upon it; if it does not, let your peace come back to you. And if anyone does not welcome you or listen to what you have to say, as you walk out of the house or town shake the dust from your feet. I tell you solemnly, on the day of Judgement it will not go as hard with the land of Sodom and Gomorrah as with that town.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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SAINT OF THE DAY (October 4)
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On October 4, Roman Catholics celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian deacon who brought renewal to the Church through his decision to follow Jesus' words as literally as possible.
In a January 2010 general audience, Pope Benedict XVI recalled this “giant of holiness as a great saint and a joyful man, who taught the Church that the secret of true happiness is to become saints, close to God.”
The future Saint Francis was born on an uncertain date in the early 1180s, one of the several children born to the wealthy merchant Pietro Bernardone and his wife Pica.
He originally received the name Giovanni (or John) but became known as Francesco (or Francis) by his father's choice.
Unlike many medieval saints, St. Francis was neither studious nor pious in his youth.
His father's wealth gave him access to a lively social life among the upper classes, where he was known for his flashy clothes and his readiness to burst into song.
Later a patron of peacemakers, he aspired to great military feats in his youth and fought in a war with a rival Italian city-state.
A period of imprisonment during that conflict turned his mind toward more serious thoughts, as did a recurring dream that suggested his true “army” was not of this world.
He returned to Assisi due to illness in 1205, and there began consider a life of voluntary poverty.
Three major incidents confirmed Francis in this path.
In Assisi, he overcame his fear of disease to kiss the hand of a leper.
Afterward, he made a pilgrimage to Rome, where he deposited his money at Saint Peter's tomb and exchanged clothes with a beggar.
Soon after he returned home, Francis heard Christ tell him in a vision:
“Go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin.”
Francis began to use his father's wealth to restore churches. This led to a public quarrel in which the cloth-merchant's son removed his clothing and declared that he had no father except God.
He regarded himself as the husband of “Lady Poverty” and resolved to serve Christ as “a herald of the Great King.”
During the year 1208, the “herald” received the inspiration that would give rise to the Franciscan movement.
At Mass one morning, he heard the Gospel reading in which Christ instructed the apostles to go forth without money, shoes, or extra clothing.
This way of life soon became a papally-approved rule, which would attract huge number of followers within Francis' own lifetime.
Through his imitation of Christ, Francis also shared in the Lord's sufferings.
He miraculously received Christ's wounds, the stigmata, in his own flesh during September of 1224.
His health collapsed over the next two years, a “living sacrifice” made during two decades of missionary preaching and penance.
St. Francis of Assisi died on 3 October 1226.
Pope Gregory IX, his friend and devotee, canonized him on 16 July 1228.
Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of ecologists, merchants, environment, and animals.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.4
Alice Goes Down the Rabbit Hole Day
Anti-Bullying Day
Bird Day (US)
Cassinga Day (Namibia)
Coal Miners Day (India)
Compliment Someone's Smile Day
Dave Brubeck Day
Director’s Day (India)
Dodenherdenking (Remembrance of the Dead; 2 minutes of silence observed at 8 pm; Netherlands)
Firefighters’ Memorial Day (UK)
45 Day
Frustrating the Fairies Day (Ireland)
Greenery Day (a.k.a. Midori no Hi; Japan)
International Firefighters' Day
International Payroll Day
International Respect for Chickens Day
Journalistic Discrimination Awareness Day
Kent State Shootings Remembrance Day (Ohio)
K.I.N.D. Day (Kids in Need of Diapers)
Literary Day (China)
Maynard Ferguson Day
Memorial Day (Curacao)
Milan Rastislav Štefánik Day (Slovakia)
National Fitness Day
National FPIES Awareness Day
National Kids Fitness Day
National Library Legislative Day
National Weather Observer's Day
Petite and Proud Day
Relationship Renewal Day
Remembrance Day for Martyrs and Disabled (Afghanistan)
Remembrance of the Dead (Dodenherdenking; Netherlands)
Renewal Day
Star Wars Day (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker Day)
St. Florian's Day (patron saint of brewers, coopers & barrel-makers)
TFMR Awareness Day (UK)
Work At Home Day
World Give Day
Youth Day (China, Fiji)
ZZ Top Day (Texas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bourbon Independence Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
National Orange Juice Day
1st Thursday in May
Idaho Gives Day (Idaho) [1st Thursday]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Day of Prayer [1st Thursday]
National Day of Reason [1st Thursday]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Thank a Dance Teacher [1st Thursday]
Thank a Youth Worker Day [1st Thursday]
World Password Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Klitzibürg (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Latvia (from USSR, 1990)
Rhode Island (from Great Britain, 1776)
Feast Days
Bona Dea (Old Roman odes of Women's Mysteries)
Ceferino Giménez Malla (Christian; Saint)
Chewie the Cookie (Muppetism)
English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era (Church of England)
Feast of the English Martyrs (UK)
F.C.D. Wyneken (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Florian (Christian; Saint) [Austria, barrel-makers, brewers, coopers]
Godard (Christian; Saint)
God of Medicine Day (Taiwan)
Gotthard of Hildesheim (Christian; Saint)
Ilmarinen’s Day (Pagan)
José María Rubio (Christian; Saint)
Judas Cyriacus (Christian; Saint)
Keith Haring (Artology)
Ma Zu (Birthday of Goddess of the Sea; Buddhism, Taoism)
Michal Giedroyc (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (Christian; Saint)
Pesach Sheni begins at sundown (Second Passover; Judaism)
Philopoemen (Positivist; Saint)
Sacerdos of Limoges (Christian; Saint)
Space Pirates Day (Pastafarian)
Star Wars Day (Pastafarian)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [27 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Accidents Will Happen, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1979)
The Avengers (Film; 2012)
The Barkleys of Broadway (Film; 1949)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2012)
Bloodline, by Sidney Sheldon (Novel; 1978)
Cheese It, the Cat! (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce (Novel; 1939)
Good Thing, by Leon Bridges (Album; 2018)
Happy Together (Film; 1990)
Hush My Mouse (WB LT Cartoon; 1946)
If You Had My Love, by Jennifer Lopez (Song; 1999)
Luther (UK TV Series; 2010)
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1950)
The Mummy Returns (Film; 2001)
RBG (Documentary Film; 2018)
Rid Of Me, by PJ Harvey (Album; 1993)
Sixteen Candles (Film; 1984)
The Skies of Peru, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 2001)
Spider-Man 3 (Film; 2007)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Animated TV Series; 2021)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (Film; 1990)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Mona, Monica, Monika, Monita, Monique, Web, Webb, Webster (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 124 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 15 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 13 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 3 Bīja; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2023
Moon: 90%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Caesar (5th Month) [Philopoemen]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 30)
George Marti (1856)
Heather Kozar; St. Pauli Girl 2002 (1976)
Jan Primus, a.k.a. John I, Duke of Brabant, and possibly the inspiration for King Gambrinus, died (1294)
George Schmitt died (1897)
Alvin Donally patented a Bottling Apparatus (1897)
Florian Dauenhauer patented a Method and Apparatus for Picking Hops (1954)
Carl Schmock patented Refrigeration Equipment for Beer Cooling (1954)
John Miller patented a Transfer Mechanism for Conveyor Keg Palletizing Device (1965)
Redhook Brewing Co. incorporated (1981)
Alaskan Brewing became 1st brewery to install a CO2 reclamation plant (1998)
Russian River's Beatification 1st brewed (2004)
James Carter patented an Insulated Container for Keg Beer (2004)
Colin Johns patented a Brewing Process (2005) 
San Miguel Corp. patented a Method of Making Colorless and Artificially Colored Clear Beer (2006)
Tre Fontane approved as Trappist Brewery (Italy; 2015)
Brewery Openings
Nutfield Brewing (New Hampshire; 1994)
Cross Plains Brewery (Wisconsin; 1995)
Pelican Pub & Brewery (Oregon; 1996)
Cleveland Chop House & Brewery (Ohio; 1998)
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.4
Alice Goes Down the Rabbit Hole Day
Anti-Bullying Day
Bird Day (US)
Cassinga Day (Namibia)
Coal Miners Day (India)
Compliment Someone's Smile Day
Dave Brubeck Day
Director’s Day (India)
Dodenherdenking (Remembrance of the Dead; 2 minutes of silence observed at 8 pm; Netherlands)
Firefighters’ Memorial Day (UK)
45 Day
Frustrating the Fairies Day (Ireland)
Greenery Day (a.k.a. Midori no Hi; Japan)
International Firefighters' Day
International Payroll Day
International Respect for Chickens Day
Journalistic Discrimination Awareness Day
Kent State Shootings Remembrance Day (Ohio)
K.I.N.D. Day (Kids in Need of Diapers)
Literary Day (China)
Maynard Ferguson Day
Memorial Day (Curacao)
Milan Rastislav Štefánik Day (Slovakia)
National Fitness Day
National FPIES Awareness Day
National Kids Fitness Day
National Library Legislative Day
National Weather Observer's Day
Petite and Proud Day
Relationship Renewal Day
Remembrance Day for Martyrs and Disabled (Afghanistan)
Remembrance of the Dead (Dodenherdenking; Netherlands)
Renewal Day
Star Wars Day (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker Day)
St. Florian's Day (patron saint of brewers, coopers & barrel-makers)
TFMR Awareness Day (UK)
Work At Home Day
World Give Day
Youth Day (China, Fiji)
ZZ Top Day (Texas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bourbon Independence Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
National Orange Juice Day
1st Thursday in May
Idaho Gives Day (Idaho) [1st Thursday]
Make-a-Book Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Mom's Night Out [Thursday before Mother's Day]
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
National Day of Prayer [1st Thursday]
National Day of Reason [1st Thursday]
National Student Nurse Day [Thursday of 1st Full Week]
Thank a Dance Teacher [1st Thursday]
Thank a Youth Worker Day [1st Thursday]
World Password Day [1st Thursday]
Independence Days
Klitzibürg (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Latvia (from USSR, 1990)
Rhode Island (from Great Britain, 1776)
Feast Days
Bona Dea (Old Roman odes of Women's Mysteries)
Ceferino Giménez Malla (Christian; Saint)
Chewie the Cookie (Muppetism)
English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era (Church of England)
Feast of the English Martyrs (UK)
F.C.D. Wyneken (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Florian (Christian; Saint) [Austria, barrel-makers, brewers, coopers]
Godard (Christian; Saint)
God of Medicine Day (Taiwan)
Gotthard of Hildesheim (Christian; Saint)
Ilmarinen’s Day (Pagan)
José María Rubio (Christian; Saint)
Judas Cyriacus (Christian; Saint)
Keith Haring (Artology)
Ma Zu (Birthday of Goddess of the Sea; Buddhism, Taoism)
Michal Giedroyc (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (Christian; Saint)
Pesach Sheni begins at sundown (Second Passover; Judaism)
Philopoemen (Positivist; Saint)
Sacerdos of Limoges (Christian; Saint)
Space Pirates Day (Pastafarian)
Star Wars Day (Pastafarian)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [27 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Accidents Will Happen, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1979)
The Avengers (Film; 2012)
The Barkleys of Broadway (Film; 1949)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2012)
Bloodline, by Sidney Sheldon (Novel; 1978)
Cheese It, the Cat! (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce (Novel; 1939)
Good Thing, by Leon Bridges (Album; 2018)
Happy Together (Film; 1990)
Hush My Mouse (WB LT Cartoon; 1946)
If You Had My Love, by Jennifer Lopez (Song; 1999)
Luther (UK TV Series; 2010)
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1950)
The Mummy Returns (Film; 2001)
RBG (Documentary Film; 2018)
Rid Of Me, by PJ Harvey (Album; 1993)
Sixteen Candles (Film; 1984)
The Skies of Peru, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 2001)
Spider-Man 3 (Film; 2007)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Animated TV Series; 2021)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (Film; 1990)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Mona, Monica, Monika, Monita, Monique, Web, Webb, Webster (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 124 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 15 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 13 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 3 Bīja; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2023
Moon: 90%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Caesar (5th Month) [Philopoemen]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 46 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 30)
George Marti (1856)
Heather Kozar; St. Pauli Girl 2002 (1976)
Jan Primus, a.k.a. John I, Duke of Brabant, and possibly the inspiration for King Gambrinus, died (1294)
George Schmitt died (1897)
Alvin Donally patented a Bottling Apparatus (1897)
Florian Dauenhauer patented a Method and Apparatus for Picking Hops (1954)
Carl Schmock patented Refrigeration Equipment for Beer Cooling (1954)
John Miller patented a Transfer Mechanism for Conveyor Keg Palletizing Device (1965)
Redhook Brewing Co. incorporated (1981)
Alaskan Brewing became 1st brewery to install a CO2 reclamation plant (1998)
Russian River's Beatification 1st brewed (2004)
James Carter patented an Insulated Container for Keg Beer (2004)
Colin Johns patented a Brewing Process (2005) 
San Miguel Corp. patented a Method of Making Colorless and Artificially Colored Clear Beer (2006)
Tre Fontane approved as Trappist Brewery (Italy; 2015)
Brewery Openings
Nutfield Brewing (New Hampshire; 1994)
Cross Plains Brewery (Wisconsin; 1995)
Pelican Pub & Brewery (Oregon; 1996)
Cleveland Chop House & Brewery (Ohio; 1998)
0 notes
whereareroo · 2 years
WF THOUGHTS (3/17/23).
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
We all know that Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He also happens to be the patron saint of engineers and the patron saint of paralegals. He knew how to build things, and he taught Irish builders how to construct stone arches when building churches. He was also a legal scholar, and he played a key role in drafting legal codes in Ireland.
I think Saint Patrick should also be the patron saint of public relations professionals. This guy knew how to make himself famous and how to build a successful “brand.” There is no definite proof of when or where he was born. Most of the stories about him cannot be verified. Some scholars even question his existence. Nonetheless, Saint Patrick is the most popular saint in the world. Today, more than 1,500 years after the estimated date of his death, billions of people are marching in parades and celebrating the life of Saint Patrick. The guy obviously has one of the best public relations teams in history.
When I think about Saint Patrick, I always feel sorry for Saint Joseph. Joe’s feast day is March 19th. Joe should fire his public relations team. They’ve done nothing for him. We don’t know anything about him. Nobody thinks about him.
Saint Joseph should be a superstar saint like Saint Patrick. He was married to the Mother of God. He helped raise Jesus Christ. Despite his key role in the history of the world, he’s barely mentioned in the Bible. His genealogy is summarized in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but that’s about it. After Jesus began his public ministry, the Bible only mentions Joseph once. When somebody asked about the identity of the new inspirational preacher, a person in the crowd responded: “Is he not the carpenter’s son?” (Matthew, 13:55) Saint Joseph has been the victim of a total public relations failure.
Doesn’t everybody like the strong, silent type? Don’t we love stories about heroes who work quietly in the background to make great things happen? I think Saint Joseph would be known as a superstar if he had a better publicity team. He’s a superstar in my book. There should be big Saint Joseph parades every March 19th.
Have fun on Saint Patrick’s Day. Try to save some energy to celebrate Saint Joseph on the 19th. It’s not his fault that his publicity team is a disaster.
0 notes
seekfirst-community · 2 years
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The Feast of St Scholastica, Virgin and Foundress of a Religious Order. 
"Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the animals that the Lord God had made.
"The serpent asked the woman, “Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?” 
"The woman answered the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden; it is only about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, ‘You shall not eat it or even touch it, lest you die.’” 
"But the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is evil.”
"The woman saw that the tree was good for food, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some of its fruit and ate it; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.
"When they heard the sound of the Lord God moving about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden." (Genesis 3: 1 - 8).
Friday 10th February 2023 in the 5th Week of February  is the feast of St Scholastica, Virgin and Religious. (480 - 547). Italian. Religious nun.  She founded the Benedictine Nuns that continue to serve the Church for 1500 years. Scholastica is the twin sister of the great St Benedict. St Scholastica is the patron saint of education, convulsive children and  Benedictine Nuns.
The first Reading from Genesis 3: 1 - 8 is one of the best known Scripture in the Bible. Call it the Story of the tragic Fall. At the root of the Fall of Adam and Eve is their lack of faith in God. Eve chose to trust the words of the Serpent over the words of God. 
Every trial in life is a trial of faith. Who do you believe? God or Satan, the Father of lies. At the heart of Religion is Worship. God created us. We worship Him and show allegiance to Him. The Fall of Adam and Eve introduced a necessary and important element into Religion: Sacrifice. God is not a vengeful God. So God made Thanksgiving the very heart of Sacrifice. 
What a happy fault of Adam and Eve that brought Jesus Christ to come as our Redeemer and Savior. How fortunate we are for the faults of Adam and Eve. 
I was asked recently: What are my obstacles to faith? To trusting God completely? The powerful, merciful and mysterious Providence of God is the greatest obstacle. 
Others have answered: the obstinate evil and suffering in the world. This group may point to the category 7.8 earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in the past couple of days. 
The Church light of the world urges us to trust in the mighty, merciful and mysterious Providence of God that governs all things. In all changes, our God remains faithful. 
Daily Bible Verse @ SeekFirstcommunity.com
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
Always be my plus one - part 3
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Ok, look, it's 4 am, there are going to be typos, and we're just going to have to deal with it. I also tried to find a gif that was Tyson and Cale but I couldn't find one in the gif insert thing on here so I just went with this one (it feels weird to change it up but like, oops)
I make no promises that you aren't going to be mad at me for this part so have fun !
This is shorter than the last part, coming in at around 5k words.
The only warnings I have here are implied sex.
Translations for the Italian in here: "tu sei uno stronzo" - you're an ass(hole)
stronzino - little asshole
Also want to thank @justjosty @zinka8 @hockeylvr59 @hockeywocs anons and I'm sure I'm forgetting people for helping me write this part but ily all I'm just dumb and tired
Read the previous part here!
Series masterlist
Valentine’s Day
The Feast Day of St. Valentine is traditionally celebrated in the Western Catholic Church on February 14, to honor the patron saint of love. Though not traditionally celebrated as a Catholic holiday, millions of people celebrate the day of love with those who mean the most to them. While pessimists of the day say it’s a ‘holiday made up by greeting card companies,’ approximately 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent in the United States alone, not including cards given by school children to their classmates. Couples enjoy the holiday with a romantic night out, presents, flowers, chocolates, etc., while those who don’t have someone or don’t care do whatever they want without the pressure of living up to a holiday that doesn’t mean very much in the grand scheme of things.
February 12, 2022
“Where are you going tonight?” Matthew’s voice came through his younger sister’s phone. He had called early in the week to see if Anne could babysit Harper so he and Stephanie could do something for Valentine’s Day without having to shell out an extravagant amount of money on a sitter.
“I’m, uh,” Anne hesitates, “going out with Tyson. Sorry.” She hears Matthew let out a sigh on the other end. “Hey, stronzo, why don’t you ask Lucy? Her and Jason never do anything on Valentine’s Day.”
Matthew starts talking about how the last time he asked Lucy last minute to watch his daughter, despite their girls being best friends, she ended up going on a fifteen-minute rant. While Anne gets her heels on, staring at herself in the mirror and admiring the floor-length, red dress she had on the slit going up the side for no one but herself, Matthew continues to tell her about how his twin goes on and on about needing a schedule at all times, how she can’t just drop everything in a moment’s notice because he wants to do something with his wife.
“Hey, Matthew,” she cuts him off, trying to shrug her coat on, “Why didn’t you ask Lucy or Sebby after I said no earlier this week?”
“Because I didn’t think you actually had plans.”
“Again, tu sei uno stronzo.”
“I am not an ass!” he detests.
“Fine, you’re a stronzino, happy?” Anne hears him stammer again, not letting him get a word in, “I have to go, I’ll talk to you later, ok? Ask Ma, Dad’s off in Florida right now so she would probably love to have Harper for the night.”
He lets out another sigh, Stephanie’s voice coming through in the background despite Anne’s inability to understand what she was saying. “Fine. Have fun with Tyson. I don’t need another niece or nephew around Halloween, though, ok?”
“Don’t be gross,” she says, hanging up and finally heading out the door.
Her cousin Adriana was getting married to her soon-to-be wife, Izzy. Her family had no idea that she was the only one who still talked to them, her mother having a fight with her brother after their parents died when Anne and her siblings were younger and vowing to never talk to him again. So far, the stubbornness that seems to run through her mom’s blood going strong since it had been over a decade since she had last seen her brother. Anne was invited to Uncle Frankie’s daughter’s wedding, but no one else in her family.
Adriana and Izzy had this Valentine’s Day-themed wedding, everyone asked to wear red or pink in theme with the holiday, Anne not doubting that there would be paper hearts and cut-out cupids as the decor. The wedding gift she bought them, one of the first things she found on their registry that Anne could afford, was shipped to the apartment they already shared two weeks ago, Anne just needing to remember the card.
She was fully prepared to just sit in the corner with a bunch of people she didn’t know and watch as her cousin got married to the love of her life. Anne wasn’t sure that that side of her family would recognize her after how many years, guaranteeing her to spend her time on the sideline.
Anne slips into the back of the church, seeing no one she knew or recognized to even go up to and sit with them. Everyone was dressed in red, pink, and black. A bit too much for her own taste, but at least she looked good in red and would have worn the color anyway. ‘Note to self, no themed weddings,’ Anne thinks, not particularly fond of the lack of color or real choice that everyone had in figuring out what to wear.
A blonde boy in a red suit walks by her, too far past her to get a good look at him. There was something about him that caught her attention. Anne knew that walk, but she had no idea where she knew it from. It didn’t stop her from admiring him from afar, though, the short blonde hair and the obviously fit physique under the suit captivated her for whatever reason, leaving her practically unable to pay attention to the ceremony in front of her. Not that she cared, at this point she was just there to enjoy the free food she knew would be good at the reception later.
Anne sat at the table against the wall, her cousin not bothering to make a seating chart and just leaving it up to the guests to sit where they pleased. That meant she didn’t have to talk to anyone she didn’t want to, being virtually left alone at a wedding where she knew no one.
“Anne?” a familiar voice snaps her out of the trance she fell into watching Ana’s sister and brother-in-law, Catie and Danny dancing with their two daughters, remembering seeing their pictures on Facebook when they were born, not realizing how much they had grown.
She turns to the man in the red suit who had her attention throughout the ceremony. “Cale?” she smiles at him, not sure how the two had missed they would be at the same wedding this weekend. Since New Year's Eve, the two of them had been texting, calling, FaceTiming, they had hung out, spent the night with each other, Cale insisting he buy her dinner at least once a week. The only reason they weren’t dating each other was because neither of them had said they were. They both said they were busy this weekend, but who would have thought they would end up at the same place. “What are you doing here?”
“Izzy’s brother and I grew up playing hockey together. I grew up with her. What are you doing?” he asks her, taking the seat next to her.
“Ana’s my cousin. Her dad is my mom’s older brother.”
Cale smiles at her, Anne’s heart racing at the sight of it. “So I get to meet your family?”
Anne shakes her head. “I’m the only one here,” she tells him, explaining the family drama that went on between Frankie and Teresa.
Cale looks down at his lap, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his suit jacket. The red bowtie, red pants, red jacket even against the black shirt were so much Anne couldn’t tell if his cheeks were red because of the reflection of his clothes or for another reason. “Tyson’s met your family, hasn’t he?”
She nods, taking his hand in hers. “I told you, Tyson and I are just friends. I needed someone to come with me to a family thing, so he came with me.” Cale nods, not entirely sure that something wasn’t up with her and Tyson. Something was off, there was something he was sure Anne was leaving out, but he wasn’t sure. “Hey, I’ve seen Tyson, what, three times since New Year's? All of them when I was with you. I like you, Cale.”
Cale leans over for a kiss, his hand grazing Anne’s thigh, sending a shiver down her spine. “How about we dance like we did on New Year's?” he asks, standing from the seat, shrugging off the red jacket before he extended his hand out to her.
She rolls her eyes, getting up with him anyway. “I told you then, too, that I don’t like dancing.”
“And yet,” he says, pulling her close, his hand finding the small of her back while he presses his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes, “you danced with me all night then, and you got up to dance with me tonight.”
Anne laughs, knowing he was right, burying her face in his shoulder, swearing she heard some camera’s clicking, probably the wedding photographer hanging around somewhere and taking pictures of the guests dancing.
“I know I have to say this about the brides when they come in,” Cale whispers in her ear, “but you are the most beautiful girl here.”
Anne could feel herself blushing, her mind flashing back to New Year’s Eve when Tyson told her she looked beautiful. He seemed so genuine saying it, Anne thinking back and not sure if he meant it or was actually pretending. But with Cale, she knew. Cale meant it. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she tells him, ghosting his lips before kissing him.
Being with Cale felt fine. Not perfect, but fine. It was right, but not correct, and Anne couldn’t figure out why.
Everyone starts clearing off the dance floor, the bridal party getting ready to come in. Cale takes Anne’s hand and leads her back to the table where he left his jacket, some other people finding their home base at the same table. Cale knew one of the men at the table, probably from their little hockey group that involved Izzy’s brother. The bridesmaids and bridesmen, as the DJ put it, started coming in, Cale leaning back with his arm slung around the back of Anne’s chair. She leaned back into him, his fingertips dancing up and down her arm as they watched everyone come in.
They watched Ana and Izzy dance their first one as wives, Anne’s stomach starting to make noise as they waited for the food to come.
Cale leans over, nervous about what he was about to whisper in her ear. “Are you hungry for food or maybe something more?”
Anne felt her entire body go numb at his words. They had been seeing each other for a month and a half already, so was what he was insinuating really that strange of an idea? “That depends.”
“On?” he asks, nibbling on her ear before kissing the skin right behind it, losing any sense of care over who at their table was potentially watching.
“On how long you think we need to wait before we can slip out without it being rude?”
Cale inhaled sharply, wishing he could say right now. “At least until they cut the cake. Unless,” he says, his hand moving up her thigh, slowly in case she decided she wanted it to stop, “Unless you wanted to try to find somewhere to sneak away to now.”
“Not for our first time,” she tells him, reaching up to cup his cheek. “And not with my family around,” she laughs.
“I’m fine with that,” he tells her, kissing her. “Your place or mine, though?”
“Well, I drove myself here.”
“And I got a ride.”
Anne smiles, crossing her legs in hopes that whatever she felt would be stifled by that simple action. “So it looks like it’s going to be mine.”
They spent the rest of the night waiting for the moment the cake was cut so they could leave as planned, Cale’s hand never leaving her leg unless he really needed both hands to do something.
Anne could feel her heart racing as she watched Ana and Izzy smash their cake in each other’s face, Anne looking over to Cale and smiling. “You wanna go?” she asks, her keys already out of her bag and in her hand.
Cale drags her out without saying a word, Anne leading him to her car. He walks over to the driver’s side, his arms wrapped around her waist with her back pressed against her car. “You’re sure about this?” he asks her, his eyes flicking between hers and her lips.
“Yeah,” she says, kissing him before he opens the door for her. She couldn’t wait to get home, sure she broke a few traffic laws as she sped back to her apartment with Cale sitting next to her in the passenger seat, his leg shaking the entire time.
They got to the elevator, Cale leaning against her against the wall with his lips pressed against hers, Anne’s hands already working to unbutton his shirt. Cale’s kisses trailed down her jaw to her collarbone, his grip tightening on her waist.
Anne pulled away to lead him down the hallway, practically running, partially due to anticipation for what they were about to do, and because Anne could feel a breeze on her back, indicating that Cale had already unzipped her dress. That, coupled with the fact that Cale’s shirt was already open, his jacket in his free hand, Anne had no desire for any of her neighbors to be given the chance to see her and however Cale was to her already getting naked before closing the door.
As soon as she unlocked her door, Cale had her turned back around, kicking the door closed as he carried her to her bedroom, Anne able to feel everything about him against her body. Cale laid her down on her bed, his lips never leaving hers as he positioned himself over her, sliding her dress off while she did the same with his shirt. Anne’s breath hitched at the sight of him, his body perfect while he stared her down, the first time she saw the typically innocent boy she had been seeing with a mischievous grin covering his face, his eyes darkening at the thought of doing what they had both been wanting to do all night.
“You’re sure about this?” he asks one more time.
Anne nods, taking his face in her hands. “Yes, Cale. I’m sure.”
February 13, 2022
Anne woke up the next morning, the events of the night before rushing back despite finding the space he had occupied in her bed empty. Her dress was on the floor, Cale’s red bowtie somehow having ended up on her night stand. Maybe he left it there as an excuse to see her again, making a mental note to put it in the living room so she would remember it the next time she saw him.
He had slipped out at some point that morning, Anne playing the voicemail that he left her while she slipped on a t-shirt to cover herself. “Hey, Anne. Sorry, I couldn’t stay, but morning skate was calling. I,” she hears him sigh, knowing he had a stupid grin on his face for whatever it was he was about to say, “I can’t wait to have another night like last night with you.”
It was her turn to have the stupid smile on her face as Cale continues, “Um, anyway, I’ve got something going on with JT and some of the other guys tomorrow for Valentine’s Day, a, uh, charity thing? I think? So would you be free this weekend for a proper date for the holiday? You know, not as crowded, not as much pressure, ideally the same outcome, if you’ll allow it? Oh, hey Tyson,” she hears him say, figuring that he was calling her on the way into the rink despite her being unable to hear Tyson. “Yeah, I’m planning Valentine’s Day with Anne. No, not tomorrow night, this weekend. Uh, Anne, I’ve gotta go, but let me know about, say, Friday night? Alright, talk to you later. Bye.”
Valentine’s Day date with Cale? Part two, more like, but still. Anne liked the sound of that.
“So, uh,” Tyson starts, already dreading what he was about to hear from his teammate given what he had heard him say into his phone. “You and Anne?”
“Yeah,” Cale breathes out, chuckling at the thought of what happened last night. “We, um,” Cale couldn’t even get a full sentence out, acting like a child who just got the toy he had been begging his parents for on Christmas morning. He couldn’t remember the last time he was that happy. “We spent the night together last night. I left from her place this morning.”
More of their teammates were filtering into the locker room, looking at Cale’s face turn bright red while Tyson stood there with him looking like he just about wanted to die. “Ok, but did you spend the night, or spend the night?” Ryan asks.
Cale started to stammer out nonsense, not really wanting to divulge the private details of his and Anne’s night despite the guys teasing him and congratulating him for what he wasn’t saying.
“Guys, keep it civil. Anne wouldn’t want us talking about any of this,” Tyson pipes in, Cale letting out a sigh of relief as the guys disperse to get ready for morning skate.
“Thanks,” Cale tells him, going off on his own to get his gear on.
JT appears by Tyson’s side, a stupid smirk on his face. “Would Anne not want us talking about anything, or would you not want us talking about anything?”
“Well, Anne definitely wouldn’t.”
“Oh, come on, we both know Cale would never.”
“Doesn’t mean I want him to have the chance.”
“You’re treading in deep water, dude,” JT sighs.
Tyson looks at him, hating that he knew what he meant. He had barely seen Anne, despite her brother’s texts from the night before asking if Anne really couldn’t watch Harper because of the two of them going out, Tyson going along with the lie just in case. “I don’t know what you want from me.”
“It seems like you don’t know what you want from Anne, either,” JT shrugs. “But Cale does, and he got it.”
February 14, 2022
12 hour shifts were the only shifts Anne knew. And they were the shifts that Anne detested the most. She was fine the first ten hours, but the last two always seemed to suck more than anything, leaving her exhausted for the rest of the day, into the night, depending on when she got home in the first place.
All she wanted to do was order dinner from the Thai place down the street, having it delivered despite her really not needing to since it was within walking distance, plop herself on her couch and watch whatever reality TV Lucy had texted her that she thought Anne would like. Anne knew she would turn it off after a single episode and switch to Food Network, but at least she could tell her sister she tried.
Anne walks to her apartment, dragging her feet to her door when she sees someone sitting on the ground, his head down looking at his phone. “Tyson?”
He gets up, grabbing the two bags he had with him as the smell of food filled her nose. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my fake girlfriend,” he says, raising the bags while Anne opens the door to let him in.
“I’m confused,” she tells him as he sets everything down.
“Well, Matthew called me on Saturday asking if the two of us were sure we couldn’t watch his daughter, and I figured he might as well have some sort of photographic evidence as proof of us spending Valentine’s Day together,” Tyson explains. “So, I figured I’d go all out: flowers, dinner, and a present. You know, really convince them that we’re together.”
Anne stares at him for a second, not sure why her heart was racing at the thought of him going out of his way to keep up this facade with her family. “I don’t think I like that you and Matthew are so ‘buddy-buddy.’ Or that fact that he didn’t believe me the first two times I told him I was busy on Saturday night. And I thought that you guys had a charity thing tonight?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Tyson asks, handing her the container of food as she joined him on the couch, the Thai food she was planning on ordering right in front of her. “We have a groupchat. Yeah, it’s me, Sebby, Lucy, and Matthew.”
Anne scoffs, rolling her eyes at his failed attempt at a joke. “And let me guess: you gossip about me the entire time.”
“Actually,” he says, his mouth full of food, “you never come up. They think of me as the fourth sibling. The name Anne means nothing.”
Anne laughs, Tyson admiring the way her eyes closed as her smile grew. God, he wished he had gotten to her before Cale did. Why did he have to leave her alone at all on New Year’s Eve? If he were by her side the entire night like he had wanted to be, then he wouldn’t have to pretend to be her boyfriend, he could actually be getting somewhere with her.
“Hm,” Anne hums, swallowing her mouthful of food. “You said flowers and a present. When do I get those?”
“You can get them now on the condition that I can take a video to send to your siblings,” he offers, pulling out his phone and pushing the bag with the flowers and gift behind him. Anne rolls her eyes, smiling and nodding while he starts the video. He hands her the card first. “Read it.”
Anne pulls it out of the envelope, glitter getting everywhere and making her cringe, knowing that it would be impossible to get off her scrubs later on. It was covered with roses and hearts, bringing her right back to the wedding that weekend. “No one has ever made me feel like this. To the woman I love: Happy Valentine’s Day,” Anne reads, feeling a lump forming in her throat. The card was so corny, a little too corny for her taste, but coming from Tyson, she didn’t know why she loved it. She shakes her head, laughing at Tyson. “I love you, too,” she lies.
Tyson swallows hard at her words, wishing she meant them, pulling out the flowers from the bag and handing them to her. She looks down at the flowers, trying to figure out what they are before looking up at him. “Queen Anne’s Lace?”
“Queen Anne’s Lace for my Queen, Anne,” he tells her, cringing at his own words.
Anne giggles, placing them in her lap. “And my favorite flowers, anyway. Thank you, Tyson.”
“Wait, I have one more thing,” he says, hoping that the camera wasn’t shaking too much while he reached for the gift he bought her.
He hands it to her, a small red box wrapped with a gold bow. She unties it carefully, opening the box and gasping at the sight of it. A golden necklace with a white enamel heart as the charm, a golden pattern outlining the heart. “Tyson, it’s,” she starts, unable to find the words, “it’s beautiful.”
He stops the recording, figuring he had enough to hit send to his ‘girlfriend's' siblings. “Let me put it on you,” he says, Anne turning around and moving her hair out of the way. “I thought you would like it.”
Anne studies his face, the smile plastered on it despite her knowing that he didn’t mean it. “You didn’t have to do this.”
He shrugs, grabbing his food off the table and staring at it now in his lap. “It was fun. I’ve never had a girlfriend who I could buy presents like this for. I mean, I still don’t, but I have you.”
“Oh, come on. You, Tyson Jost, have never had a girlfriend? Look at you,” she says, praying that she was careful with the words she chose. “You’re gorgeous, you’re sweet, you’re funny, you get along with everyone you meet.”
Tyson hated hearing Anne go on about him, knowing that she was just saying it as a friend instead of something more. He scoffs, trying to save face from whatever pain or other emotion he was feeling. “Come on,” he says, not believing her anyway.
“I’m serious!” she insists, reaching up and starting to fidget with her new necklace. “Any girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend. I’m lucky to even have you as a fake boyfriend.”
Tyson nods, turning his body to face the TV instead of Anne. “So what are we watching?” he asks, changing the subject and putting his feet up on the table, Anne doing the same.
“Whatever’s on Food Network?” she suggests, holding the remote in the air pointed at the TV.
The two of them settle in, Tyson not paying attention to the show she had turned on. “Hey, what’s that?” Tyson asks, racing over to the red fabric that was on Anne’s coffee table.
“Oh,” Anne blushes, taking it from Tyson. “This is Cale’s. He, um, let it the other night,” she explains, Tyson watching her turn his teammates bowtie over in her hands.
“So you and Cale are doing pretty well?” he asks. Anne looks at him, not sure if she really wanted to tell him about it. “Come on, we’re friends. You can talk to me about anything.”
“I mean,” she says, putting down the bowtie on the table, not taking her eyes off of it. “We’re together? I think?” Tyson already hated that he even offered to listen to her talk about her and his teammate. “I like him. A lot. And I know he likes me, but,” Anne lets out a sigh, not sure where to even take her sentence.
“But, what?” Tyson asks.
“I don’t know,” she shakes her head, looking confused. “Everything is great, but it’s, I,” she stammers. “Something is off, and I can’t figure out what.”
Tyson stares at her for a second, trying to figure out what to say. “It’s probably just that it’s new,” he shrugs. “Everything seems weird when you’re still figuring it out. You and Cale will be ok,” he tells her, hating hearing those words come out of his mouth.
February 19, 2022
Anne stared at herself in the mirror, the black turtleneck she borrowed from her sister coupled with a beige skirt and black tights on her as she got ready for her date with Cale. He was bound to show up any minute, promising each other they weren’t going to do gifts due to a general lack of time on both ends. She didn’t believe that he wasn’t going to get her a gift, however, sneaking out to the bakery down the street and buying some pastries that the two of them would like, giving them an excuse to both show up back at her apartment. And if he didn’t give her a gift, then she got the pastries all to herself.
If not, she could share them with Tyson, who had been showing up at her place or asking her to go to his place any free chance they both had.
She heard Cale knocking at her door, Anne rushing as fast as she could in her heels to answer. Cale was standing there, a black crewneck similar to her own turtleneck, paired with dark jeans, black boots, and a grey coat. Cale kisses her hello, one hand behind his back with the other resting on her hip. “Every time I see you I don’t think you could get more beautiful, and yet, you do.”
“You’re cheesy,” she jokes as he kisses her forehead, Cale laughing against her skin. “But you,” Anne says, resting her hands on his chest, “get more handsome every time I see you, too. And, you’re hiding a present behind your back, aren’t you, even though we said no presents.”
Cale laughs, closing the door behind him. “Maybe I saw this and had to get it for you,” he admits, kissing her again and holding up the bag near her head.
“Should I open it now or should I do it later when we come back here?” she flirts, holding the bag in her hand.
“Oh, we’re coming back here?” he teases her, trailing kisses down her neck.
“I might have gotten some dessert for us so we had an excuse to relive last Saturday. Plus, you left your bowtie here,” she gestures to it, still sitting on her table, “And I was thinking maybe you wear that tonight instead of keeping it off?”
Cale raises his eyebrow at her, a silly smile on his face. “And what else would I be wearing?”
Anne shrugs, pretending to act innocent. “I was thinking only the bowtie,” she tells him, feeling his grip around her tighten at the thought.
Cale kisses her again, unable to keep his hands off the girl in front of him. If he could, he would forget dinner altogether and just go straight to dessert, but he knew Anne wasn’t that kind of girl, and he wasn’t about to force her into anything she didn’t want. “Hey, I like that necklace you’re wearing,” he says, twirling the charm around in his fingers. “The heart is perfect for Valentine’s Day.”
She reaches up and takes his hand in hers. “Thanks. My sister got it for me a few years ago for my birthday,” she lies. She couldn’t tell him that Tyson had gotten it for her for Valentine’s Day.
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borom1r · 2 years
insane abt SAW hours!! uhhh I know we've talked a lot abt Lawrence + symbolism, but have you got any parallels that come to mind when thinking of Mallick, Strahm, and/or Eric? I think you've touched on Some things for these 3 but I always love hearing yr meta,, other than that, maybe your thoughts on Mallick/Strahm interactions within the polycule? (personally I can see them being romantic eventually, but it def takes a while and happens some time after Strahm finally begins to feel more comfortable)
hmmmm well for Strahm most of my associations r musical.. nd for Eric obviously it’s Big Strong Dog Who Will Isolate You From Other People (I Can’t Help But Want That) — unfortunately I don’t have a lot for Mal? just bc in canon he’s rlly not a very substantial character..
gonna take this opportunity 2 link The Devil & Mister Jones bc Uhhhhh Strahm song. (especially in th notion of him v. Hoffman — “this world is fragile + all he wants is a chance to prove it” but also I think he’d just like Spoon). also heavily associate him w/ Chris Isaak in my head
i WILL however also take th chance to expand more on birthday associations like i did b4 w Lar hehe;;
Eric’s birthday in my head is 8/19, which means he’s a Leo!! his birth flower is Gladiolus (calm, integrity) + his birthday is a feast day for Saint Sebaldus, patron against cold weather. His birth cards are the Tower and the Chariot, which share the issues of balance, control, solidity and war — however they differ greatly in their tactics. These birth cards represent a struggle with self-control, and if imbalanced the Tower specifically manifests in violent and disastrous ways. However, at their best they are afraid of nothing and will rise to meet any challenge. August birthstones are Peridot, Spinel, + Sardonyx; I associate Sardonyx most w/ Eric, since it’s associated strongly with strength and protection!! (it’s also said to bring happiness in marriages hehe)
Mallick’s is 11/30, + that makes him a Sagittarius, n his birth flower is (white) Chrysanthemum which stands for loyalty. His birthday is actually a feast day for Saint Andrew the Apostle! he has a lot of patronages but for Mallick, he’s the patron against convulsions and fever. Mallick’s birth cards are the Devil + the Lovers. they’re a mirror, both brilliant individuality and crushing loneliness; deep love and inevitable loss. At their worst, they can be cruel, deceitful, shallow and irresponsible. At their best, these cards represent an incredible, harmonious power. November birthstones are Topaz and Citrine, n I tend to lean towards Topaz for Mallick since it’s said to promote truth and forgiveness
unlike th others i didn’t actually have a solid birthday for Strahm b4 this cuz the others came abt while discussing William’s birth flowers tattoos — anywayz his birthday is 1/11, which makes him a Capricorn. his birth flower is the snowdrop, which has evolved to symbolize symbolize sympathy and hope; however, it originally symbolized death + was believed to bring bad luck if you plucked them + brought them indoors. He doesn’t have any really interesting patronages from any of the saints w/ feast days on his birthday (only 3; one patron of a city, + the patron of file makers n patron of book sellers). Strahm’s birth cards are the Star and Strength. The Star is unafraid because of her distance from things; Strength is unafraid because of her power. Imbalanced, the Star puts herself in harm’s way while Strength swings between extremes— moody and sullen to rash and angry, voracious for any stimulation to starving herself of joy. At their best, these cards are graceful, beautiful, peaceful and strong. January’s birthstone is Garnet, which is associated with the heart + passion/inner fire. its a symbol of love + determination.
+ oooooo Mallick/Strahm... thts an interesting thought..
obviously i think tht comes about in th “Strahm joins the ‘Hoffman’s Bitter Exes’ side polycule” scenario bc i think Mallick wld immediately clock Hoffman as rancid and just refuse to be around him, ever. (he absolutely calls Gibson like “MATT WHY DOES HE WALK LIKE HE HAS TO SHIT ALWAYS” and Gibson starts cackling bc he immediately knows who Mal is talking about and oh my god. oh my god.)
2 get back 2 th point, i think yr right in that it takes a very long time for them to warm up to each other (in general not even like romantically too bsdfskjhk)— i think it helps that Brit probably gets along gr8 w/ Strahm. it gets to the point where they can share a Look + Mal is just like. Ah Yes, They’re Going To Murder Someone And The Body Will Never Be Recovered (affectionate). Brit has 100% perfected the smiling with her teeth, super polite voice, I’m-talking-like-I’m-your-friend-but-they’re-going-to-find-you-dead-in-a-ditch vibe. Strahm just stares someone down until they take psychic damage. pairing them together is like. unstoppable. (they’re the only reason Mandy hasn’t started teaching Adam to make traps bc while they would absolutely be non-lethal the last thing ANYONE needs is Adam with the power to home-alone their fucking house. he’d probably give Lawrence a heart attack and THEN where would they be?)
i think it probably doesnt help tht Mal’s over one morning n sees Gibson steal Strahm’s coffee from right in front of him. n Strahm wraps his arms around Gibson’s waist + completely deadpan goes “Fall asleep tonight and no one will recover the corpse.” (Gibson just takes a sip n smirks like “yea good morning to you too sunshine.”) — Gibson may vibe w/ that sorta shit but Mal definitely Does Not and i think that kinda.. discourages him from rlly getting close to Strahm
its probably like.. the first time Mal sees Strahm w/ Eric that he kinda like... “oh?” —like on a bad day, Eric’s lying on the couch w/ Strahm stretched out on top of him, n Mal’s on his way to the kitchen when he overhears their conversation. both of Eric’s hands are under Strahm’s shirt ‘cause it’s warmer n he likes the skin-to-skin contact, Strahm quietly reassuring Eric that Jigsaw wasn’t right, Hoffman wasn’t right (and wouldn’t that hurt all the more, because John was just some sick freak with a god complex but Mark was his friend, Mark went through training with him and gifted him with a blanket for Daniel when they were born and let him crash on his couch the night Eric’s wife announced she wanted a divorce. he can’t just shake off Mark’s condemnation the way he sometimes can with John. because Mark knew him. and still stood by and let Daniel get tortured, let everything happen to Eric, and doesn’t that mean there’s something fundamentally wrong with him?).
that’s probably the first time Mal reeeeeally sees Strahm’s gentler side n starts to open up to th idea of being more than friends (Mal wakes up first one morning n makes everyone coffee on a day where it’s just he n Strahm n Adam n Gibson, so he knows its double trouble when it comes to stealing Strahm’s coffee. Peter comes down last n there’s no mug waiting for him n he’s like ???? + honestly a lil hurt ‘cause wow does Mallick really not like me?? until Mal pulls it down from the cabinet above the coffee maker + hands it to him like “I knew one of these two would just steal yours if i left it out” + wow Peter is. heart eyes)
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Eye of the Storm 8
Warnings: nonconsensual sex (series), unwanted touches, prolonged eye contact which makes me wanna believe in the Church and all it’s saint to ask for absolution.
This is dark!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a new servant at the palace of Asgard but the job isn’t so easy as you thought.
Note: Yay another chapter of the Asgardian bitch boys causing trouble for our reader (much like @lokislastlove​ is causing trouble in my dms)
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Your days with Loki passed swifter than those with his brother. Your work was mostly uninterrupted as Loki left early and returned in the late afternoon with some tasks to attend to as he ate dinner. His orders were few as you brought his meals without prompting and he was content to his privacy upon bathing and retiring. 
In the time you spent as the Prince's chambermaid, you began to think it far preferable. Even if you were a pawn in his game, his treatment almost atoned for his purpose.
It had been less than a week since you had last seen the king and since Loki insisted that the king marry, it was his responsibility to see it through. Every single detail. It was Thor’s way of punishing his brother’s impudence. As the queen had arrived days early, the wedding was pushed forward. No longer scheduled for the day after her planned arrival, it was to be the day of. 
On the day of the nuptials, you brought up Loki's breakfast and he was already awake. He ate at his desk as he flipped through a ledger, an emerald robe around his slender figure. You stood by the door, ready to clear his plate when he was done.
He turned to you as he wiped his hands and stopped you from stepping forward as he turned a palm out to you.
"You know what day it is?" He asked.
"The day of the wedding, your highness," You answered.
"It is," He smiled as he stood and crossed to the large wardrobe against the wall. He pulled open the right door and reached inside. "All the palace staff will be hard at work, in fact I did have to pull a few hands from the streets to fill in the holes in the roster." He turned back, a length of forest green silk hung from his grasp. "My footman Bradin will continue to see to my brother and so I shall require you to act as my cup bearer."
"Cup bearer?" You echoed. "But--"
"Firstly, you must put more effort into holding that tongue," He warned. "Secondly, it is a formal occasion, not some feast, so you shall stand by, diligently, and keep my cup full. I have faith I should be wanting for wine quite often."
"Yes, your highness," You dipped your chin in deference.
"And so you shall wear my colours," He neared with the dress, "I shall provide you a belt as well and you might forgo that stained monstrosity," He pointed to your apron. "Your duty is simple, I've seen you faced with far greater. You will serve me and you will keep silent. Understood?"
"Yes, your highness," You answered.
Loki had a way of speaking which was gentle yet patronizing. He expected what he said to be heard and his desires to be appeased. He was far more subtle than his brother but in a way, it suggested he was far more dangerous.
He held out the garment and you took it from him. You folded it over your arm as he adjusted the belt of his robe and gripped his lower back as he stretched. He turned away, seemingly done with the conversation.
“You may clear the dishes and go change,” He commanded as he strode to the door of his bath chamber. “I expect you ready within the hour. Do await me in the receiving chamber. You might sit on the balcony and enjoy the sunlight in my absence.”
“Your highness,” You accepted and he disappeared through the door.
Those times when you left upon your own had become so foreign and were just another facet of serving Loki which felt strange. You couldn’t gripe however, even if that gnawing in the back of your mind never quite let up. It was like limbo. You didn’t expect to be in the prince’s employ forever and the inevitability that the king would put his foot down made you ever uneasy. It was only a matter of time and the minutes, hours, and days did seem to move quickly.
When Loki found you on the balcony staring down at the ground far below, he frightened you. You turned to him and bowed your head. He was dressed in a black jacket trimmed in a similar gold to that around your waist. His dark attire made him look even taller and his green eyes seemed to glow as they carried their usual imperious glimmer. They took you in and he arched a brow.
“Presentable,” He remarked. You didn’t expect anything more as he flicked two fingers in a signal for you to follow him as he swept back through the archway. “The ceremony shall begin shortly. You will go to the feast hall and aid the other servants in the last of the arrangements as I ensure that the bride and groom make it to their vows.”
You nodded, thankful not to to be forced to sit through the long and tedious wedding rites. You’d heard that nobles tended to take hours to read them aloud whereas peasants could be married in a matter of minutes.
He spun back to you and brought his hands up just before your shoulders. You stopped short as he framed you with his fingers and squinted. He snickered as his facade finally cracked.
“You do know my brother is going to be mad at the sight of you,” He slithered. “Oh, I can’t help myself though. He has been rather unbearable in your absence. More than usual.”
You pursed your lips and lowered your lashes. A servant would never dare speak ill of any noble, even if humoured by another.
“Don’t you fret, he will have a wife to keep him in line and she is not the type to abide his nonsense,” Loki assured and turned once more as he led you across the room. He opened the door himself and ushered you through to the corridor. “Oh my,” He shut the door behind him and hovered his hand just beside your arm as he looked at you once more, “I did a terrible job at guessing. It is rather… snug.”
“It fits,” you assured him as you touched the silk across your stomach. “Thank you, your highness.”
“So long as you can pour wine, I suppose it does not matter,” He said. “Well, my dear, you best be off and I must hurry if I am to meet the cleric. Ugh, I do despise weddings.”
He waited until you moved to part. You listened to his footsteps mirror your own as they faded down another corridor. Soon enough you could no longer hear them and as you reached the stairs, you paused. You weren’t stupid enough to trust Loki but you truly couldn’t guess what he was up to.
The feast hall was a flurry of activity. Instead of the long benches formerly facing the trestles, each guest was to be seated in their own cumbersome yet elaborate chair, with only a few of the further tables lined with cushioned stools. The golden cutlery, freshly polished was laid out carefully, and silk streamers were braided and twisted along both tables and columns.
Melora was among the hive of workers. She looked you up and down as you helped cover the last table with an ivory table cloth trimmed in silver and red. The king’s chair would be hung with his sigil and the new queen’s would wear her own.
“We’re all very curious about what has become of you. We only ever sight you when you’re sleeping or waiting on the cooks,” She said. “I see the king does treat you well.”
“It is the prince’s generosity,” You assured her. “I’ve since been reassigned.”
“Pity,” She gave a sarcastic frown. “I’ve recently been placed in a new posting as well. I get to sweep the upper floors now, I might just see you upon your own duties.”
“Perhaps,” You smiled, shrugging off the tinge of envy in her tone.
You carried on and found yourself in a sweat as Agnes called for the servants to assemble in the corridor. The high collar of the dress was damp, though even your bare arms felt smothered from your excess. As before, servants were selected to be servers and you were sent to stand at the table just to the left of the marriage dais. 
Loki would sit there with several of the high lords, a generous vantage of the bride and groom. You were suddenly nervous as the other women lined up with their ewers and a silence seeped into the airy hall. It was as if every single servant was holding their breath in anticipation.
When at last there was a sign that the feast was about to commence, you stood rigid and stared at the door along the other end of the hall. Your head snapped back however as another opened opposite it, hidden just behind the couple’s dais. 
You watched as a woman entered, her skin a rich brown and her eyes as dark as onyx. She wore a bejeweled scarf along her hairline, a swath of braids overflowing beautifully down her back. She walked with shoulders back and head high, the king emerged just behind her. Neither appeared happy.
You looked away at once, your eyes on the chair before you, where the prince would sit. The woman, the queen you assumed, Calla, whispered something as a chair scraped, followed by another. You felt the heat of another’s gaze and ignored it. Don’t look, don’t look. You knew it was Thor watching you, even with his new wife right beside him.
The king cleared his throat. “Bradin,” He called to the footman who shut the door they’d come through, “You may permit my guests to enter and have the kitchens commence with serving.”
Bradin voiced his acquiescence and descended from the dias to march across the hall. He had the doors opened and announced the commencement of the wedding feast, though all you could hear was the crowd without buzzing with impatience. You tilted your head and looked down to the double doors as the nobles began to pour in, you kept your attention on them to keep from acknowledging the king.
Loki appeared at the end of the table though you hadn’t seen him amid the influx. He traipsed along the empty chairs and dropped into his with a flourish. He let out a sigh and reached for his goblet, all courtesy for other guests was gone. He held up his cup, an emerald shone from his middle finger.
“Dear maid,” He called over his shoulder. “I daresay such tedium did make me thirsty.”
You stepped forward and poured. Loki turned his cup as you finished and glanced over at you. He leaned back in his chair as he craned to see you.
“I do like that colour,” He mused. “You might keep that dress.”
“Thank you, your highness,” You lowered your chin and set down the ewer before stepping back.
Loki sat straight and watched the other nobles as they searched around for their seats, directed by the servants in livery appointed to the task of sorting the bodies. It was some time before all had stilled and yet they continued to chatter. The ruckus continued until a horn blew from the front of the hall and all looked to find their king standing beside Bradin who held a twisted golden horn.
Thor squared his shoulders and peered staunchly around the room, his subjects in communal awe and shame. He barely looked a man on his wedding day. 
“I will make it brief as we’ve all been so impatient for this feast,” Thor began. “So I will do no more than welcome my wife and queen, Calla, to her new kingdom and home. May the fates make our marriage a long and prosperous one.”
He raised his glass to Calla and drank. Fandral stood to your right and cheered, encouraging the rest of the nobles to break out in an uproar, clinking their cups and hollering. Thor sat and his wife attempted a smile at him. You wondered how he’d so quickly built such a wall between them as the woman hid her irritation with a sip of her own wine.
Servants appeared with trays full of food and the frivolity began. Guests were all too happy to indulge in both drink and roasted elk. Loki picked at his plate as he seemed disinterested in much of the affair. He sent the occasional glance to his brother, you suspected to make sure he had not riled his wife, and then returned to poking at his supper.
He placed his fork down and beckoned you forth with a finger. He grabbed his cup and held it for you to fill. You took the pitcher and poured carefully. You felt a brush along your thigh and then fingertips pressed to your hip. You looked down as Loki gripped your hip and purred a thank you.
The pitcher hit the lip of the cup and you spill some onto the prince’s dark trouser. You righted the jug and set it down as you reached for the cloth napkin untouched on the table.
“I’m so sorry, your highness,” You sputtered. “I didn’t--”
You began to daub at his tunic hem where crimson droplets had speckled and your hand thoughtlessly slipped lower as you tried to mop up the rest in his lap. He grabbed your hand and held it against his crotch, just for a moment, then slowly nudged it away.
“Now, now, your thoroughness does exceed propriety,” He was smirking as you recoiled and his green eyes flitted over to the royal dais. “What shall people think?”
Your gaze followed his and you found Thor watching you. His expression told you he had witnessed the entire disastrous encounter. You wrung the napkin in your hands and apologized once more before you stepped back against the wall. Loki took another napkin and chuckled as he wiped himself dry.
You bit your lip as you stared at the legs of the prince’s chair. You wanted to dissolve into air. Wanted to be nothing. You fought not to show your distress. 
“Oh, my brother is a simple man,” Loki spoke over his shoulder, “Even a wife cannot distract him so long.”
You looked up again. Loki nodded to the royal table and once more you dared to peek. The king had one arm around the back of his wife’s chair and the other fought hers in her lap. He groped her thigh as he pressed his lips to her cheek. His assault was out of place as he barely seemed to notice her at the same time as his eyes clinged to yours. As your gaze met his, he grinned and hugged Calla until she slapped his arm.
“Oh, this might have been a disastrous mistake,” Loki sneered. “But it is no longer my mistake.”
You shook your head and glared at Loki. You weren’t surprised that this marriage was much more than political ploy for him but you were repulsed by how easily he used those around him. You were a servant, you were meant to be used but Thor? His own brother? For all your distaste of the lecherous king, you couldn’t help but pity his familial binds.
“More wine,” Loki called as he raised his cup again. “And this time, do try not to make such a mess.”
You came forward and filled his cup again. Your eyes went back to the dais without thinking. Thor still watched you and his grin only grew as he caught your gaze. The hand not thrust between his wife’s legs went to the back of her head and he turned her forcefully. He pushed his lips to hers, the entire time he never looked away from you. 
You weighed the pitcher and lowered your head.
“Your highness, I should fetch some more wine,” You raised the ewer as you spoke.
“Oh, please do,” Loki bid. “Before our king decides to consummate his marriage before the entire court.”
The rest of the feast went on much the same. Loki kept finding reasons to call for more wine and his fingertips found new places to dance as his eyes taunted his brother. Thor was trouble enough as he harassed his own wife who was less than impressed by her new husband. You wondered if it were too late for her to absolve the union.
Thor and Calla’s departure marked the end of the day and at last the guests could retire, many drunk and stumbling. You were starting to think they cared more for the nine courses and casks of wine than their own king.
You followed Loki through the corridors, weaving past the inebriated and the loitering. He seemed little affected by his indulgences or the evening as a whole. Yet the more you stared at his shoulders, you found yourself wholly irritated by him and the royal will. 
You were tired of it all; you didn’t want to be another plaything for these spoiled brats, you’d only come to sweep and change linens. You were entirely ill-fit to do both.
Loki swept into his chambers and you closed the door behind him. He went to the chaise and sat heavily, leaning on his hands as he looked at you and smirked.
“What a night. More amusing than I could have expected.” He said.
You didn’t say anything. You stared back at him and he lifted a brow.
“What is it? You do seem to be holding something back, dear maid?”
“No, your highness,” You lied as you folded your hands together. “I am merely awaiting my next task.”
“I prefer boldness to impertinence,” Loki’s smirk fell, “So I suggest you speak whatever has turned you so sour.”
“I am only curious, shall I ready your bed? Draw you a bath?” You hissed, filled with a haughty breath. “Or perhaps you are more like your brother than you would admit and you’d prefer me on my knees?”
Loki blinked and his lips parted. He nodded and hummed as he considered you. He stood, slowly. His steps were deliberate as he neared and stopped before you. He reached up and played with the collar of the dress around your neck. He leaned in and lowered his voice.
“Not tonight.” He said, “This has been quite the day. You are exhausted. You are not thinking.” He took your chin between his index and thumb and made you look him in the eye. “I command you to go and rest for there will soon be another day upon us and much work to do still.”
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lawrenceop · 3 years
HOMILY for the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene
Song of Songs 3:1-4b; Ps 63; John 20:1-2, 11-18
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There are at least four depictions of St Mary Magdalene in this church. In the Crucifixion Chapel, she is seen both in sculpture and in the stained glass window at the foot of the Cross. She is easily identified by her long unbound hair, perhaps because she was often identified with the penitent woman who washed Jesus’s feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Scholars are more reticent these days about conflating this woman, who was possibly a prostitute, with St Mary Magdalene. However, Scripture does tell us that St Mary Magdalene had been possessed by seven demons, and Jesus had exorcised her - a story beautifully and compelling portrayed in the television series, ‘The Chosen’. Scripture also tells us that she was one of the women who accompanied Jesus on his preaching journeys, she supported his ministry, and she was present at the foot of the Cross. Hence, she is shown in the Crucifixion Chapel in this stance, at the foot of the Cross, often bent over the feet of Jesus adoring the One whose feet she was believed to have washed, and whose body she would anoint after his death.
For even though most of Christ’s disciples fled for fear, and would not go near the Crucified Lord, Mary remained steadfast and she longs to stay with Christ, to be near him, to cling to him if she could. For she, who was set free from sin and evil by Christ, thus loves Christ with all her heart. After all, she owes her life, her freedom, her happiness to him. Hence, as we hear in the first reading, she earnestly seeks him, whom her heart loves. And yet, in the Song of Songs, the Beloved who seeks the Bridegroom is a symbol of the human soul, of the Church. So, St Mary Magdalene stands for each of us. For we, too, have been saved from sin, set free from the shackles of sin, and we too owe to Christ our life, our freedom as Christians, our hope of eternal beatitude. So, each of us should say with St Mary Magdalene: “I will rise and go through the City; in the streets and in the squares I will seek him whom my heart loves.” Hence, at the close of the day, it is good and right that you should find yourselves here, for it is here that you shall seek the One whom your hearts loves.
For here he has first loved us, giving himself to you in the Eucharist. But, as for Mary Magdalene, so also for us, we might not at first recognise that the Risen Lord is present here, unless we have the gift of faith.
So, the second depiction of St Mary Magdalene in our church is in the Visitation Chapel. There, in the bottom left window, our Saint is easily identified by her long tresses. Behind her is a jar of precious ointment. This may be because, again, in pious tradition St Mary Magdalene has been conflated with the woman who anointed Christ’s feet with precious nard, but she is also one of the three Maries who came to the tomb early on Easter Sunday morning, as we heard in the Gospel, and she had brought with her spices which she had prepared for anointing Christ’s body, according to St Luke’s Gospel. But of course, she found the tomb empty. So, in this stained glass window, Mary looks up in hope and wonder, kneeling in a garden before an empty cross, and with her jar of spices next to her. This depiction, therefore, shows us St Mary Magdalene in the garden, looking for the One whom her heart loves, but the others had found the tomb empty, as we hear in St John’s Gospel. Mary Magdalene is left outside the tomb, kneeling in the garden in tears, and at first she mistakes the Lord for a gardener. So, too, we can come to the Mass, so caught up in our thoughts, our sorrows, our fears that perhaps we don’t at first recognise that the Lord is here in the Holy Eucharist. But as we kneel before the Lord in silent adoration, so we hope to be moved by love and faith; we hope to hear the Lord call to us in our hearts, and so we can respond as Mary does: “Rabbuni”, Master! For behold, here in the Eucharist, here in the Holy Mass is the One whom we our heart loves. Indeed, here is the One for whom every human heart longs.
Because St Mary Magdalene was such a faithful witness to the Lord’s Crucifixion, clinging to him even as he died on the Cross, so now Mary is given the grace to become the first witness to the Risen Lord, a preacher of the Resurrection to the apostles of Christ, and so, through her, this news goes out to the whole world. As such, St Mary Magdalene is one of the patrons of our Order of Preachers. Therefore, the third and final depiction of St Mary Magdalene is at the Rosary Altar, where she is numbered among the patrons of the Order, together with St Catherine of Alexandria. Numerous stories from the life of St Dominic recount that when Our Lady appeared to St Dominic, she was accompanied by these two Saints who became the patrons of the Dominicans, for one (St Catherine) was an eloquent philosopher and defender of Truth, and the other, St Mary Magdalene, was a faithful preacher of the Risen Lord and lover of God.
The presence of St Mary Magdalene at the Rosary Altar also reminds us that, through the Holy Rosary – Our Lady’s special gift to the Order – we who seek Christ by praying it devoutly and regularly shall also be led to see Christ, the One whom our heart loves. Therefore, we look today to St Mary Magdalene and her example of loving discipleship. We ask for her protection of our Order, of this Rosary Shrine and all who seek Christ in this holy place. And we pray in the words of this beautiful antiphon sung by us Dominicans: “O lamp of the world and gleaming pearl, who by announcing Christ’s resurrection merited to become the Apostle of the Apostles, Mary Magdalen, be ever our loving advocate with God who has chosen you.” Amen.
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marissapugliese · 4 years
Paper 3
Life and Wedding Rituals
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The culture of my family is Italian. My mother’s parents were born and raised in Sicily, Italy while my father's parents were born and raised in Calabria, Italy. My mother has two sisters who were both born in Italy as well. My mother was the first and last child that was born in America. My father and his younger brother were both born in America as well. Both my mother and father are the first generation of Italian-American in their families. Both of my parents' first languages were italian, and second english. They were both raised with an Italian mentality. The mentality of italians is to put family life over everything. You are to always stay loyal to your family, and remain close. Italian was both of their first languages as children and learned English as well. My parents were grown up with similar traditional beliefs, values, and lifestyles that stemmed from their parents (my nonni), and generations prior.
My mother and father met in their mid twenties, in Brooklyn where they both have lived all their lives. They were introduced to each other by mutual friends. My grandparents were pleased with both my mother and fathers and their choice to get married. They both came from families that had followed similar italian lifestyles. Although my family did have a preference that my parents get married to a person with the same culture, it was not required. Today my parents have the same preferences for me. I am more attracted to italian men in regards to getting romantically involved with. I tend to look for a partner who has grown up with the same traditional values as myself. Arranged marriages in Italy are no longer practiced for most families. Recently as I was having a conversation with my nonna she had told me that her parents brothers and sisters did end up in incestral marriages with their first or second cousins. We had this conversation when my third cousin Francesco was immigrating to America with his family. My nonna went on and on in conversation about how handsome he was and was speaking to her granddaughters with the intention of potentially setting us up. We all looked at her as if she was absolutely insane but incestory was something that was normal in Italy years and years ago but is something that sounds so absurd today. My mother’s sisters and father's brother had also been able to marry who they wanted, and it just so happened they had come from an italian cultured background as well. It just so happens that you sway to what you know. A couple years ago my cousin Frankie who was twenty-one at the time got his girlfriend pregnant. Both of the families including my cousin and his girlfriend agreed to keep the baby which turned out to be babies (twins). They were both brought up in families that were extremely faithful. In my family and the catholic religion it is traditional to get married before having sex (which has faded away over generations) and having children. Basically, the couple was together for 5 years prior to this happening but decided to have a shotgun wedding before the babies had arrived. It made their family members happy and it felt like the right thing to do morally. When my parents got married their lives and resources had merged together. After years of being in a relationship and in marriage, they shared a house, a bank account, level of their education. Many people in marriages do not share everything with their partner. Especially in today's society many keep separate accounts or any other independent resources they may have. My mother and father share almost everything, unlike their best friends who keep their money and spend separately.
My mother and father were treated as family on each of their sides. My mother refers to my dad's mother as mama, and his father papa, and vice versa. They are both extremely close to their inlaws, and both sets of my grandparents are close to each other as well. My nonno on both my mother and father's side were extremely close and had passed away a day after each other in the same year. My nonnas are still alive today and enjoy each other's company in and out of the family kitchen. My nonna rosa who is my father's mother is extremely close to my mother's side as a whole as well. My parents, and their siblings have raised myself, my brother, and my cousins in the same traditional way they had grown up. As I stated earlier, my mothers and fathers family are both from Italy but come from different towns or cities. My aunts and uncles share the same situation. Although there are different parts of italy, most lifestyles are similar. Italian values include spending lots of time with family, religion and maintaining Catholic traditions, and pleasurable meals prepared with dedication and most importantly love. As a child I was always surrounded by family, and was fortunate for that. Unfortunately, my dad's brother and his family live in Long Island so we only see them a few times a year. Most of my family on my maternal side live in the same neighborhood as me, one across the street on the same block, and one a couple blocks away. The rest do not live far maybe 10-20 minutes away. Since we all live so close we tend to see each other often. My maternal cousins and I even attended some of the same schools. I don’t consider them to be my cousins. I consider them to be brothers and sisters to myself. My mother and her cousins are extremely close and were raised on the same block which allowed them to have a sister or brother relationship with them as well. I refer to most of my mother's cousins as aunt or uncle because of the close relationship. Their children who are technically my second cousins are just as closed to myself as my first cousins are to me as well.
I do believe other cultures are close with their families as well, but the Italians idolize this in their families. Another important value in my italian family is religion. Almost ninety percent of Italians are catholic. My family is included in that ninety percent. Traditionally a good catholic would be one who goes to church weekly, prays, receives sacraments, respects others, follows the ten commandments, and has faith. Today it is extremely difficult to get to church every week so my immediate family tends to attend on religious holidays. Italian families tend to share an early dinner once a week with their families which catholicism is still provided in a moral structure. There are many patron saint days that Italian families celebrate. A popular saint day for Italians is on March 19th, Saint Joseph's day. A feast takes place in Italy that honors Joseph, husband to the Virgin Mary and earthly father to Jesus. It is also the day in which Italy celebrates Father's Day. And if your name is Joseph or Josephine, you will also be celebrating your “onomastico.” Since my family is living here in America, there is a traditional pastry we get every year on Saint Joseph's day. Italian tables are filled with fig dishes, including fig cookies, zeppoles, or sfinge dough fritters covered with powdered sugar as well. We celebrate with pastries because Saint Joseph is also referred to the saint of pastries. Every Sunday my family makes it a point to gather for an early evening dinner that is also a tradition in Italy. My grandparents made sure it was essential no matter how busy the family got.. There are three portions of this dinner, antipasto, primo corso, and secondo corso. Antipasto always comes first and most of the time involves fresh bread, bruschetta, olives, soppressata, and some cheese. The primo corso which means first course comes out a few minutes after which consists of usually pasta with fresh tomato sauce, or can be soup or stew. The secondo corso which means second course is usually meat, usually chicken cutlets on a usual Sunday. During this dinner we spend quality time laughing and lots of yelling. By yelling I mean speaking to one another. As Italians we spend to speak out loud. Till this day my family, aunts, uncles, cousins, and now my cousins children all join together for meals on Sunday filled with lots of food. The social life of italians revolves around eating, and celebrating. The love of food conforms to the traditional vision of an italian family.
The role of being a female in an Italian family has shifted as new generations come. It is still expected for women to take on household chores. Those chores include cleaning, cooking, laundry, and taking care of their children. Years back the women in these families were not expected to work or even learn how to drive. All labored work was saved for the men. My mom is the youngest of her two sisters and I believe that is when this shift happened in their family particularly. My two aunts are stay at home mothers and do not drive. My mother at a young age was working and continued working years after she gave birth to my brother and I. She still manages to work, clean, do the laundry, cook, and do whatever we ask her to do. She does it all well. The Italian women cater to their families and tend to put them first. Some would say we tend to be spoiled growing up.
The way others are brought up in their cultures are individualized for each family. For my family specifically due to our italian heritage the main important things are food, family, and our religion. These three things are what has shaped my family and the morals we have.
Glossary Items:
Nonni: Italian for Grandparents
Nonna: Grandma
Nonno: Grandpa
Calabria: town in Southern Italy
Sicily: town in Southern Italy
Onomastico: Name Day in Italian
Catholic: Religion
Virgin Mary: Mother figure of Catholic Religion
Jesus: Son and Savior of Catholic Religion
Primo Corso: First Course
Seconde Corso: Second Course
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11th July >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
Feast of Saint Benedict, Abbot, Co-Patron of Europe 
Saturday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time.
Feast of Saint Benedict, Abbot, Co-Patron of Europe
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Proverbs 2:1-9
Apply your heart to truth
My son, if you take my words to heart,
if you set store by my commandments,
tuning your ear to wisdom,
and applying your heart to truth:
yes, if your plea is for clear perception,
if you cry out for discernment,
if you look for it as if it were silver,
and search for it as for buried treasure,
you will then understand what the fear of the Lord is,
and discover the knowledge of God.
For the Lord himself is giver of wisdom,
from his mouth issue knowledge and discernment.
He keeps his help for honest men,
he is the shield of those whose ways are honourable;
he stands guard over the paths of justice,
he keeps watch on the way of his devoted ones.
Then you will understand what virtue is, justice, and fair dealing,
all paths that lead to happiness.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 33(34):2-11
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
I will bless the Lord at all times,
his praise always on my lips;
in the Lord my soul shall make its boast.
The humble shall hear and be glad.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Glorify the Lord with me.
Together let us praise his name.
I sought the Lord and he answered me;
from all my terrors he set me free.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Look towards him and be radiant;
let your faces not be abashed.
This poor man called, the Lord heard him
and rescued him from all his distress.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
The angel of the Lord is encamped
around those who revere him, to rescue them.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Revere the Lord, you his saints.
They lack nothing, those who revere him.
Strong lions suffer want and go hungry
but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times.
R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 5:3
Alleluia, alleluia!
How happy are the poor in spirit:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:27-29
They will be repaid a hundred times over and inherit eternal life
Peter spoke to Jesus. ‘What about us?’ he said. ‘We have left everything and followed you. What are we to have, then?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I tell you solemnly, when all is made new and the Son of Man sits on his throne of glory, you will yourselves sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or land for the sake of my name will be repaid a hundred times over, and also inherit eternal life.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the feria (Saturday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Isaiah 6:1-8
Isaiah's lips cleansed with a burning coal
In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord of Hosts seated on a high throne; his train filled the sanctuary; above him stood seraphs, each one with six wings: two to cover its face, two to cover its feet, and two for flying.
And they cried out to one another in this way,
‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts.
His glory fills the whole earth.’
The foundations of the threshold shook with the voice of the one who cried out, and the Temple was filled with smoke. I said:
‘What a wretched state I am in! I am lost,
for I am a man of unclean lips
and I live among a people of unclean lips,
and my eyes have looked at the King, the Lord of Hosts.’
Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding in his hand a live coal which he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. With this he touched my mouth and said:
‘See now, this has touched your lips,
your sin is taken away,
your iniquity is purged.’
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying:
‘Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?’
I answered, ‘Here I am, send me.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 92(93):1-2,5
R/ The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed;
the Lord has robed himself with might,
he has girded himself with power.
R/ The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
The world you made firm, not to be moved;
your throne has stood firm from of old.
From all eternity, O Lord, you are.
R/ The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
Truly your decrees are to be trusted.
Holiness is fitting to your house,
O Lord, until the end of time.
R/ The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
Gospel Acclamation
1 Peter 4:14
Alleluia, alleluia!
If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you,
for the Spirit of God rests upon you.
Matthew 10:24-33
Everything now hidden will be made clear
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘The disciple is not superior to his teacher, nor the slave to his master. It is enough for the disciple that he should grow to be like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, what will they not say of his household?
‘Do not be afraid of them therefore. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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