#happy howloween! <3
shadyufo · 2 years
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Cryptids & Creatures of Folklore Drawtober Day 31 — The Werewolf Springs Creatures
As legend has it, in the late 1860s, a circus train traveling through Dickson, TN near what is now Montgomery Bell State Park, derailed and crashed. Once the dust settled, it was discovered that several of the wild animals escaped, including two “Wolfmen” from Borneo. Described as massive, half man, half wolf creatures, they soon began causing havoc in the surrounding area and set up their den near a natural spring called Hall Springs. A posse was soon formed to kill the creatures and the men tied a goat near the spring to bait them out. The creatures took the bait, and two of the men, before disappearing into the night. 
Sightings have popped up sporadically in the area ever since and to this day, locals still call Hall Springs by its nickname—Werewolf Springs.
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trickytwitch · 2 years
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glurbtea · 2 years
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Happy HOWLoween!!
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tigerdrop · 11 months
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happy howloween :3 kogo issued a Palette Challenge for october and so i have finished something. for the first time in 1 million years. Please clap
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pupzzz · 11 months
Happy halloween,, howloween 🐺 all puppies and little ones! Everyone! Hope you all get so much candy and have lots of fun! Or toys if you cant have candy! <3 Stay safe if youre trick or treating and dont stay out too late
If youd like, id love to hear what youre dressed up as! Or plans, anything, fav thing about halloween, fav candy or movie xD
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lycanthian · 11 months
trickle treat
hi !!!!!!!!!!!! happy howloween :3
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dpadstudio · 5 years
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Happy hOWLoween from your very favorite spoopy spiders! Otus and Twig are ready for trick or treat tonight and then off to celebrate Owlboy's 3 year anniversary tomorrow! Be safe out there little Owls! 
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doghausmtl · 7 years
DIY Howloween Costume: Monster Dog!
For our Bat Wings Cat Costume, check out our other post here.
One of the hardest parts of Halloween is choosing the perfect costume, but for those of us with pets that problem is even worse. Not only do we have to deliberate on what to wear for ourselves, but also what costumes our pets will be sporting!
Whether you’re on a budget, want an original costume, or just want to get your hands a little dirty with some DIY, we’ve come up with a spooky and adorable costume for the monsters in your life.
These can all be made with things found around your house, so be creative!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
thread & needle or glue
green fabric (for the body)
white fabric (for the teeth - you can just as easily use one of our white Döghaus paper bags!)
beige fabric (for the spikes)
two (or more) ping pong balls (googly eyes work, as well as eyes from your dog’s collection of tattered stuffed toys)
lots of your dog’s favourite cookies!
The easiest fabrics to use are ones that are a little stiff and keep their own shape, like felt. Any of these colours can also be substituted for your own choice.
Step 1:
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Loosely measure around your dog’s head, and again from the stop of their nose to the nape of their neck. Then sketch out a triangle with those dimensions and add an extra 2” to the shorter side. Cut it out.
Then sew or glue 4″ straps (shorter or longer depending on the size of your dog) to the corners of the fabric so that you can tie the fabric securely around your dog’s head. Or, if you have enough fabric to make it all from one piece, leave in extra fabric on either end as you cut your triangle. 
Step 2:
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Cut out a row of jagged teeth. They should be long enough to cover at least the distance between your dog’s ears, and have a lip thick enough to attach to the green fabric. 
Then slide the teeth so that only the jagged part of the teeth stick out, and centre them on the forehead. Sew or glue into place. 
OPTIONAL: Add ear slits to the green fabric. This is a better option for dogs with upright ears.
Step 3:
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Cut small triangles of varying sizes into the beige fabric. Mark the centre of the green fabric with a pen or pencil to ensure a straight line (although, staggered spikes could be just as cute!). Then glue or sew the flaps onto the green fabric.
OPTIONAL: For floppy fabrics, sew or glue a border into place to help keep the spikes upright. 
Step 4:
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Mark down where you want to set the eyes, then sew or glue them into place. If you’re using blank ping pong balls, don’t forget to draw in the eyes. A simple cross or black dot will do.
                      You’ve created a monster!
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Let your imagination run wild and let us know what creative costumes you come up with. And don’t forget that on October 28th from 11:00AM to 3:00PM we will be hosting our annual Autumn Photo Session with Chantal Levesque Photo! All pets who choose to wear a Halloween costume will be entered to win a 8 x 10″ print of their portrait! See our Facebook page for more details.
And for those that don’t have the time or patience to make your own costumes from scratch, don’t worry! We’ll be carrying a selection of comical, spooky, and adorable pet costumes this year, so drop in and have a look!
As always, keep your animals safe throughout these upcoming holidays.
                        And Happy Halloween!
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storystitchers · 5 years
Canceled due to rain 😦
BOO hooooo!!!!
We are so sorry to say that unfortunately, the October 26th Pick the City UP event, Super Heroes of the West Side has to be canceled this year, due to a whole lot of rain in the forecast.
Wellston Loop Community Development Corporation and Saint Louis Story Stitchers will definitely include you in the next joint venture.
Story Stitchers is still having two more Halloween-themed events in October!
We will give away the candy and books we have collected at these events.
HOWLOWEEN on the Loop 
Sunday, October 27, 2019
12:00-3:00 PM
Stitchers Storefront Studio
616 N Skinker Blvd.
St. Louis 63130
Free!! Scavenger Hunt stop! Win prizes!!
Creep Crawly Courthouse
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Event: 4:00-7:00 PM
Pick the City UP Story Stitchers Show: 5:30 PM
Carnahan Courthouse
1114 Market Street, Room 401
St. Louis, MO 63031
Free fo all! Games, prizes, kids come in costume!!
Story Stitchers performance is sponsored in part by the Regional Arts Commission.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!
Stitchers @ Halloween Happenings BOO hooooo!!!! We are so sorry to say that unfortunately, the October 26th Pick the City UP event, Super Heroes of the West Side has to be canceled this year, due to a whole lot of rain in the forecast.
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phatjosh180 · 7 years
RACE #164: SoJo Half
Sometimes I make good decisions. Sometimes I make bad decisions. But, often, I make really bad decisions — yet somehow turn out to be good all along. That pretty much sums this past Saturday for me.
I haven’t done a double race day or two within less than 6-12 hours of each other for quite a while — back in July of 2015. Or about 63 races ago. Oy, that seems so long ago.
Anyway, I chose to do it again (and I will do it again in a couple of weeks) for a few of reasons —
It’s good ultra training
It helps get me closer to my 180th race so I don’t have to do many back-to-back race weekends in 2018.
I wanted to.
I haven’t done the SoJo Half Marathon since 2013 so I was kinda excited to do it again. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I don’t do that well on flat-ish courses. But, I wasn’t running it for a PR or year best time. I was running it to prepare myself for February.
My goal going into the race was to get as close to three hours as possible. With my recent injury, energy levels and training — this would be a stretch for me, especially considering this wasn’t a canyon race and didn’t have the luxury of letting gravity help me along the way.
A post shared by KETOshua Snow Hansen (@ketoshua) on Oct 21, 2017 at 3:25pm PDT
The morning of the race was pretty uneventful. I made my way down to the finish line where the packet and bus pickup was around 5:30am. Once I got my packet I had about an hour before the last bus left for the starting line so I sat in the car to stay warm. I knew the starting line was going to be cold — and I didn’t want to wait for the gun time too long.
After hoping on the bus I met a Facebook friend Ashleigh — I always love meeting new friends, especially ones that have only been digital friends up to that point. Our conversation mainly centered around keto and what’s worked for me, her and her husband. Though I’ve been doing keto now for just over two months, I still feel very new to it. So talking with others about their experience with it is something I enjoy and need.
After getting to the start line I headed inside the University of Utah Medical Center where a group of runners huddle inside to stay warm and use some of the restrooms. Honey Bucket didn’t deliver the needed amount of port-a-potties so the lines to the bathrooms were fairly long. To make sure runners had the chance to use the restroom the race was delayed about five minutes as well.
Once we were off and running I decided to just keep a good efforted pace. I wasn’t too much concerned with my timed pace as I was with the effort. Just as long as my legs were tired and sore by the end of the run, I’d be happy. I wanted them to ache for the night’s race.
But, I knew if I focused on getting close to a three hour time that’d do the trick for me.
A post shared by KETOshua Snow Hansen (@ketoshua) on Oct 21, 2017 at 3:27pm PDT
The first 2-3 miles were fairly uneventful as we meandered around Oquirrh Lake and made our way toward the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. There we were encountered the largest and — really — only sizable hill of the race. I walked the hill. Well, fast walked it like a gold mentalist in the Senior Olympics.
After taking a quick picture at the top of the hill with the temple, I made the descent down the hill on the other side. It was glorious. Gravity was very much my friend at that moment. So I let it guide me for as long as it’d allow me.
Around this time I noticed a lady in front of me a hundred yards or so ahead of me. She was dressed in a pioneer costume of sorts and I told myself — I’ve got to pass her.
But, she wasn’t a very easy pass.
She kept a good pace with me and this somewhat frustrated me, because I just wanted to pass her. I told myself — I’ve got to beat the pioneer woman — so that my focus. I felt that if I consistently kept in front of her for a mile or two she’d eventually start walking and then I could lower my pace a bit.
But, nope.
A post shared by KETOshua Snow Hansen (@ketoshua) on Oct 21, 2017 at 3:29pm PDT
She kept a good pace. It wasn’t that she had a long stride, in fact it was quite the opposite. She ran with small quick steps. Somehow they made up the difference in my long legged strides in the same amount of distance?
Either way, after another couple of miles I was determined to pass her. We yo-yo’d quite a bit and around Mile 5 she got ahead of me. I was sore in my attempt to keep up with her. I cursed her unknown name for the next couple of miles until I had to stop to use the restroom at the Mile 7 aid station.
It was a hard decision to make, but I really didn’t want to pee my pants in pursuit of her, so I made a quick stop of it. But, as soon as I got out of the Honey Bucket she was way ahead of me. I was bummed. I thought the pioneer woman got the best of me.
But, I didn’t want that to deter me. There was still a little less than a half of the race left, so I wanted to give myself the chance to catch up and pass her. I had to give the effort, otherwise I’d always remember this race as the one time I was out ran by a pioneer.
It wasn’t going to happen.
A post shared by KETOshua Snow Hansen (@ketoshua) on Oct 21, 2017 at 3:35pm PDT
So for the next 3-4 miles I kept a good pace going. My legs were sore from the efforted push — exactly what I wanted — to catch up with the pioneer woman. I kept her within my sight for the most part.
I noticed her starting to take short walking breaks so when she did, I pushed myself a little bit faster to make up the distance. I did this 3-4 times between Miles 7-10. By Mile 10 I had caught up to her and we were almost neck to neck.  But, I didn’t to stay that way, I wanted to create distance between the two of us so I just focused on that push.
By the last couple of miles I was ahead and once we ran onto the Jordan River Parkway Trail I glanced back momentarily to see where she was located. She was walking down the hill toward the Parkway aid station — and I knew I had her. If she was going to walk a downhill, she was probably going to walk the Parkway.
I regrouped myself a bit at that point — stretched a bit and downed some of my Powerade Zero — before going back to a good running pace. I was spent, especially from my effort to catch, maintain and pass the pioneer woman. I desperately wanted to walk, but I tried not to.
I knew I was close to the finish line, so I tried to push myself as much as I could. I only took a couple glances back, but I didn’t see signs of the pioneer woman. This made me happy.
A post shared by 🔼That’s me, Josher (@josherwalla) on Oct 21, 2017 at 3:46pm PDT
I kind of chuckled to myself just thinking that in this race of marathoners and half marathoners the most competitive race didn’t determine the overall winner or an age group. It was a race that no one knew about — not even the pioneer woman herself. Yet when I crossed the finish line I felt like I won the race.
Once I was done, stretched out and refueled I did find the pioneer woman and we talked briefly. She thanked me for pushing her as she tried to keep up and ahead of me. I chuckled and said, “Likewise! You did great out there!”
So in the nature of winners and losers — we both won. We both provided each other with a goal and we probably killed ourselves too much in the process. But, you know what? I’m glad we did.
With my legs sore and near death I was ready for a nap and meal before my second race of the day.
A post shared by The Runcast (@theruncast) on Oct 5, 2017 at 5:14pm PDT
RACE #164: SoJo Half was originally published on PhatJosh | My Life Running.
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