#happy truck day losers!!!!!
vqlisms · 1 year
heyyyyy happy august fifteenth anyways completely unrelated anyone wanna get stuck in a timeloop wherein we both get increasingly traumatised as we try and divert our inevitable deaths over and over and over together ahaha ha a
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asukafigure · 1 year
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Kindest Girl I Knew (Went Out For a Run)
#tw car accident#tw death#hexy posty#in 5th grade i met a girl that was really nice. she was kind to everyone. even the “losers” and people she wasnt friends with#i was somewhay friends with her. in the same way the almost anyone was friends with her. i hung out around the same people#i knew her and had classes with her through 8th grade#we ended up going to different highschools#a couple weeks ago i was told about a road closure due to a car accident and avoided it when i went to work that day#later that night my mom asked me if i knew a specific girl and she informed me that she was involved in the accident. that she had been hit#she had died in the hospital only hours after she was hit#when my mom got home that night we cried and hugged for hours over a girl that i barely knew#she had only gone out for a run on a sunny day and she got hit by a car.#when we graduated highschool she was voted as the “kindest student” for senior superlatives#every memory i have of her is of her smiling and happy and kind.#she was 18. she was my age. she couldve been anyone else. but it was her#she was waiting at the intersection and a large truck with a trailer attached hit her and the tree behind her#she was alive when she was brought to the hospital in critical condition#people have been putting flowers and gifts and candie and such by the tree that was hit. theyve been holding memorials at that tree.#i went to that tree a couple days after and brought flowers#i felt like an ass. sitting and crying over a girl that probably didnt remember i even existed#i prayed for the first time in a long while#she was so damn kind to everyone#even now. weeks after the accident. i still see flowers and candles at the tree when i drive past it for work.#i still turn down my music when i drive past that corner#hexy venty#hexy arty
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coeurify · 1 year
actually on my knees begging for a girl next door blurb with Ellie
like imagine moving into the house next to her’s and her being all grumbly and closed off because she cannot physically face the reader because she’s just a loser lesbian and OMG THE UNKNOWN PINING SUJDJSNSNDB
giggles.. cause like.. yea.
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if we r talking modern!ellie, oh god would it be the most cliche shit ever (plz tell me if u want jackson!ellie version cause i’d be happy to do that too. or jus more of this concept) [not edited]
⋆˚✿˖° im talking, ellie looking out from her window in her old house, eyes narrowing as a moving truck pulled into the pretty blue house next door. the neighborhood had been recently taken over by young families, which ellie hated— cause why was she being interrupted in her ‘laying in her bed while blasting music and complaining to herself’ alone time by a bunch of kids screaming outside? either way. she expected another one of these cases.
⋆˚✿˖° but then you popped out, trying to handle three boxes all on your own, cheek pressed against the cardboard as you yelled something ellie couldn’t hear to whoever else was in moving truck. you had glanced over at ellie’s house, maybe even up at her window. and maybe ellie was just dramatic, but she flipped away from that window and face down onto her bed so quickly she was pretty sure it was a new record. because fuck you were pretty.
⋆˚✿˖° and it only got worse later, when el was pulling her hair down from its bun, glancing the sun pressing below the clouds. her fingers moved to close the curtains of her window, and there you were, standing at the window directly across from hers. like— shit straight from a taylor swift music video or something.
⋆˚✿˖° and you, almost as awkward as her, let your hands fall down from their place above your head. you had been putting up shades, but once you caught the gaze of your messy haired neighbor, you smiled at her. fuck, you smiled and waved and ellie just turned away and shut her curtains. you know, like the master at social interactions she was.
⋆˚✿˖° a twin frown painted both your lips at the interaction that night, and at the same time you both huffed out, “god, why’d i do that?”
⋆˚✿˖° nothing really got better from there. not when your family forced you over to ellie’s house with a plate of cookies, your sweet smile the first sight ellie had seen that day as she turned the doorknob to shoo away some girl scout selling something. “we don’t need— oh— oh hi.”
⋆˚✿˖° you looked so fucking pretty. ellie was sure it was fake. maybe she was still in bed dreaming. maybe this was about to turn into one of those really weird s- never mind. you were talking now, and not asking to borrow sugar, so definitely real. “hi! uh— I just, we— i mean, my family, we just wanted to introduce ourselves. and give a gift i guess,” you glance to the plate of wrapped up treats and chuckle lightly. because really, cookies?
⋆˚✿˖° ellie was about red as the shirt she was wearing, stammering a thank you as joel creeped behind her at the door. “you the new neighbors kid?” joel had asked, making ellie clam right up. she backed away from the door, like— just side shuffled out of your view with an awkward wave.
⋆˚✿˖° your eyes followed her, fighting back the odd sense of disappointment that you were no longer staring at the freckled and flushed face of your new neighbor. “uh, yea—yes sir.” you eventually spoke again, offering your grin to joel instead.
⋆˚✿˖° one time joel was doing yard work the same time your family was outside working on the garden. you were fanning your sweating cheek with your hand, the warmth from the sun along with carrying in and out heavy tools was not exactly ideal, and you only felt more heated when ellie came outside the door at the exact moment joel ended up making conversation with your mother.
⋆˚✿˖° “your girl in college?” you could hear him ask, but it was lightly muffled, your attention instead on watching as ellie struggled to bend over and tie her converse against the wall. what an odd way to do it. she was balancing some sort of notebook between arm.. maybe pencils too? did she draw? or maybe write? why couldn’t you stop wondering about it?
⋆˚✿˖° your mom answered joel’s question with some version of the story she always does, gushing about how you were doing so well in school, how she was so proud of you. you didn’t tune back in until joel was speaking again, “ah yea, my — well, ellie, she’s in school too. physics major. but she’s got this thing for astronomy too. kid’s always talking about double majoring.”
⋆˚✿˖° god, she was cute and smart? and her name was ellie? you swore the sun got even hotter at the thought of her talking to you about quantum something-or-other, just nodding along. god you could see it now. a hand in that pretty auburn hair.. mumbling ‘mhm.. whatever you say ellie.’
⋆˚✿˖° then you saw her trip down the stairs on her porch as she looked over. full on hand on the side of the stairs to keep her from eating shit on the rocks there. you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, stifling a giggle as you wave her way. only to be given a tight lipped smile as she quickly moved away to her car. god. what an odd girl.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie simply lost it the moment she sat in her car, groaning loudly as she slammed her sketch book on her face. “stupid fucking shoes!” she muttered, as if it was the shoes fault for tripping, and not the way she had been intently staring at your face from across the yard. definitely not.
⋆˚✿˖° but really she couldn’t help it, you looked so good, you were wearing shorts, and ellie was happily taking in the sight of skin before that evil fucking creaky porch board got her tumbling down. fuck. she couldn’t ever talk to you again. not ever. she let her head fall to the steering wheel as she went through a million and one ways to simply become invisible and escape any way of running into you. maybe she should become nocturnal.
⋆˚✿˖° but when she let her head fall to the steering wheel, it honked. like a loud, drawn out honk that had you, joel, and your mother’s head turning to the direction of the sound.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie screeched, and you pressed fingers to your lips to contain another smile. you were pretty sure living here was going to be kind of great.
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tthoughtdaughter · 6 months
the girl across the street.
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pairing: fem!reader x loser!ellie
summary: you’ve decided to move into a little house on ellie’s street, she sees you and almost dies from your natural beauty. being the big ass nerd she is, she decides to help you but continues to stumble on her words. instead of her helping you guys sit in your backyard for a bit and talk for hours only to find out you’re very similar.
warnings: none just fluff and ellie being a big loser.
a/n: ive been writing part 2 for ‘bad habits’ just wanted to take a break from it and write something i wanted to for awhile :)
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it was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for you to move actually. not to hot, not to cold, just right! you called the people and waited for them to come so they could pick up the boxes that were stacked in piles among piles in your parents house.
they came and you helped them with very little strength into the moving truck. (you js picked up the light boxes but the people appreciated it.) they offered a lift there but you politely declined and hopped into your car.
it wasn’t so hot, but you still felt the excessive need to put on the aircon. you turned up the volume as one of your favourite songs had just come on, opening the windows and turning off the aircon (since it would be such a waste).
the whole ride there was a vibe, you felt a little sad when you had to hop out but you were beyond excited to see what your new house awaited for you.
you’ve obviously seen the inside before when you were looking around, but you just adored the street, the house itself — everything about this place was just so welcoming and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your time here.
you looked around as you hopped out, the moving truck had gotten here before you and they were already effortlessly lifting boxes into your house. you admired the little garden that you could build on out the front of your house. there were flowers everywhere, and it just looked beyond beautiful.
you genuinely couldnt believe you scored such a place. i mean apart from the rent being so expensive, you were still super happy.
you were talking to one of the moving people when you saw a glimpse of a very handsome girl staring at you through your window. jesus, you thought. you zoned out, completely out of it like literally not listening to whatever the guy was rambling on about. you were just staring right back at the mysterious, beautiful girl through her window.
she averted her attention from your lower half to your face and got extremely flustered after realising you were staring right back at her.
‘fuck, she totally saw you looking! stop being a fucking idiot ellie.’ she repeated over and over, turning around, crashing her palm into her forehead and falling backwards onto her bed.
you stifled a giggle and the man thought you were laughing at him. he full on side eyed you.
‘s—sorry! what was it you were saying?’ you smiled politely at him. you were an angel in disguise is what ellie thought. pretty face, hair, clothes, body..
you were the definition of perfect. now you probably thought ellie was a big loser.
you didnt, actually the complete opposite of a loser. you thought she was beautiful, charming even. though you two have never actually held a conversation before, you enjoyed the thought of talking to her.
ellie really really really wanted to invite you over, maybe bring something over to welcome you to the neighbourhood. but she had no idea how to cook properly or even bake, ellie doesnt know how she lives on her own. but it already looked like her next door neighbour, marjorie, was already bringing freshly baked cookies over.
fuck marjorie and her old woman cooking skills, there goes ellies chance. she watched you embrace marjorie with a warm hug, your enchanting smile plastered on your face. she swears if she ever catches marjorie bringing over anything else shes going to fully box her.
‘cant wait til’ that old bat goes into a retirement home.’ ellie spat. its not like marjorie is so innocent either, she constantly tells ellie to dress like a proper woman, whispering to all the other old women on the street about her being a so called ‘dyke’. yeah screw marjorie.
ellie rolled her eyes and fell back onto her bed, only to go into a deep, well-needed slumber.
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the next morning, ellie had spent all day making a drawing of you, adding in all of your perfections, thinking whether or not to give it to you. she was in a deep ass ponder when she got a knock on the door.
‘marjorie, i dont have any more sugar!’ she yelled. then she heard your faint giggle. oh fuck.
she rushed up from her seat, completely forgetting to cover the very obvious drawing of you. she twisted the doorknob a couple times with her clammy hands.
‘h—hey! sorry..’ she stuttered. you just flashed her one of your smiles and came in. was she dreaming? why are you in her house? what the actual fuck is going on.
‘i uh, i got your text! you said you made something for me?’ you smiled again, this time it reaching your eyes. ellie looked so confused, like a lost dog.
‘i texted you?’ holy shit, holy shit. ellie was so baked this morning, she didnt actually mean to send that text to you. (please ignore the fact that reader literally didnt give ellie their number ellies just built different.)
her face dropped, all colour draining from it. ‘im so sorry, ‘i—i didint mean to actually send that text.’ she just babbled on and on and on until you glanced at her table.
‘who’re you drawing?’ you pointed at the table and she shuffled over to it. she shook her head and closed the drawing book. im such a mess, she thought.
‘’s no one.. not important.’ she smiled awkwardly. you just giggled, with your fucking cute mouth, she was internally dying, she felt so hot-headed.
‘oh! ellie, youre burning up! your face— its very red.’ you rushed over, concerned, oblivious to the fact that she was blushing over the thought of you.
ellie shook her head and shooed away your hands. she gave you a polite but very awkward, half-smile. ‘’m fine, its fine! i uh— dont wanna waste your time, you best be going.’
you frowned, was it something you did? why was she excusing you out of her house.
on the other hand ellie was stressing. ‘you best be going.’ who the fuck says something like that. she was staring at her feet, then she glanced up at your face and noticed the slight frown.
‘yeah, sorry. cya els!’ els? holy guacamole. she was even more red faced then before if thats even possible, the tips of her ears were quite literally bright red.
‘no-no wait, can you just maybe come by again tomorrow, i havent actually finished what i was making for yo—‘ shes said to much. you just stood there smirking.
‘so you did make something for me?’ she was completely and utterly dumbfounded. mouth agape and just nodding her pretty little head.
‘ill be here at this time tomorrow, dont fail me ellie.’ you grinned, you enjoyed teasing this “stranger”. not to mention she was completely ogling over you when she opened the door to you.
‘y—yeah!’ she swallowed hard. she waved as you left the house and you flashed her one of your stupid smiles with your pearly teeth that she’ll be thinking about for days.
well, ellie was officially fucked.
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muldermuse · 10 months
this is kind of a ramble so bear with me:
thinking about sending two sinners!gator into an absolute tailspin when he shows up to your house to see everything in boxes and your clothes packed up in a few suitcases by the door
he’s like ????? WHAT IS GOING ON WHERE ARE YOU GOING???? and just casually saying “skipping town” and going to kiss him and he’s like ??????
i can only imagine the catharsis of telling him that “there’s nothing in fargo for me, most of the town hates me and the ones who don’t just wanna fuck me, you’re probably gonna marry glenda which will only make everyone hate me even more if they find out i’m the other woman. So I want to live somewhere else. I’m not happy here.” and he obv freaks out
and maybe you’re just going to stay at a friends house while your place gets painted, but maybe leaving was on your mind (it’s easier to sell a house with fresh paint👀), and maybe you wanted to see how serious he was about coming with you…but none of that is any of his business…
i’m usually not an angst girlie but i’m on my period and it’s probably a safer bet to be melodramatic and pick a fight with a fictional man than one i actually know 😭😭
ok this ask made me feral, i felt so ANGSTY writing it
thank u so much for sending it through angel <3
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18+ only!! Angst below the cut!! Gator is mean and reader is maybe meaner. They're both terrible people. He calls her a whore, she calls him a lot of mean names. Mentions of smut but no actual smut.
Maybe, this is super far in the future for the two sinners fic or maybe it is not canon. who knows!!! not me!!!
You’re not sure how he found out. You’ve quietly handed your notice in at work and said goodbye to the few in this shitty town you care about. Jenson, Jax and Steve have been ghosted (but you know that they’d all come back with a simple ‘you up?’ text). You weren’t going to tell Gator you were leaving- he didn’t deserve a goodbye. You’d planned to go for 3 months as your place was going to get renovated in that time (you’d been saving up for years to make it more of a home). So, you thought that the months away would be an opportunity to become a new person. A better person. Someone who didn’t fuck pathetic Sheriffs. If anyone looked in; they’d think you were going forever. You’d decided that as soon as you left, you’d block Gator and when (or if) you returned, you’d avoid him like the plague.
The U-HAUL parked in your drive probably gave it away. Or when Glenda saw you filling up your truck and made a snide comment about what you were doing. Or maybe it was when you fucked him 2 days ago he made a passing comment about how empty your home looked. Since then, the entire hall area is covered in boxes filled with your possessions. You try not to let it depress you that your whole life has been packed up in a matter of days. You need a fresh start, you’re moving in with a friend a few towns over and you can be whoever you want to be for a few months. No one there has to know that you’ve been fucking a loser in a relationship for the best part of 2 years. You know it’s him as soon as he knocks on the door, no one knocks as loud as him and other people wait to be invited in. Gator lets himself in as you’re checking your backpack one final time.
“The fuck is all this shit?” He kicks a box that’s in his way and you’re thankful you don’t hear a shatter. “Saw the U-Haul and uh- Glenda saw you fillin’ up. Plannin’ a trip or somethin’?”. He tries to sound unbothered but you know him better than that.
You don’t look at him when you tell him, “Yeah, I’m leaving”. You tell yourself that it’s because you’re checking your backpack but really it’s because you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins and you’re trying to compose yourself before you lose your shit.
“The fuck did you jus’ fuckin’ say?”
“Sorry, I’ll say it slower because you’re a fuckin’ idiot. I am leaving”. You draw out the last three words and stare at him. You can hear your heart thumping in your ears as you try to read the expression on his face. It’s a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness. A soft kiss his pressed to his cheek as you walk into the dining room to check your toiletries box. That’s the only pleasantry you’ll exchange with him today- or maybe ever again.
His boots stomp behind you as he follows you in. “Well, where are you goin’?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m there, Gator. Now you can fuck off back to Glenda and play fuckin’ happy families for the rest of your life”.
“Well- why are you leavin’? You’ve never mentioned this before”. His voice breaks as he speaks, either a sign he’s getting choked up or he’s getting really angry.
You can feel the anger rattling in your chest and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears becomes overwhelming. “Why am I going? Gator, everyone in this town fuckin’ hates me or thinks that I’m a total whore because of your fuckin’ bitch of a girlfriend. Who- by the way, you’re goin’ to marry because you’re too fuckin’ chickenshit to upset your crazy daddy…” You slam your hands on the table and take a quick breath, “Gator- I fuckin’ hate it here, I’m miserable and I can’t do it any longer- it’s killin’ me”.
He’s stood opposite you and fuck, does he look mad. He doesn’t move for a minute but then shoves your boxes off the table and kicks them when they hit the floor. After a few seconds, he kicks them again with more force and slams his hands on the table.
“Yeah, real fuckin’ mature Gator, breaking my shit beca-“
“What about this? What about us?” His voice is more muted than you’ve ever heard it. His breath is shuddering gasps. You’re unsure why it enrages you.
You laugh cruelly, “What us? What the fuck are you talking about? Gator, you have a fuckin’ girlfriend who you’re going to marry.”
“Yeah but when has that stopped you- huh? You can’t put this all on me. You’re jus’ as bad as me.”
He moves to stand in front of you. The energy in the room is charged, usually, when it feels like this between the pair of you, it would end in some angry sex where you’re both trying to dominate the other person but you both know that isn’t going to happen today. 
“You’re movin’ away to be a fuckin’ whore somewhere else... or because you’re jealous of Glenda. She gets all of me and you jus’ get the fuckin’ scraps”. His smile is wicked and his eyes look darker than you’ve ever seen them.
You take a step closer to him, “I couldn’t think of anything fucking worse than havin’ all of you. You’re a pathetic fuckin’ daddy’s boy who’s never won anythin’ in his life”. You get close enough to whisper in his ear, “you’re a fuckin’ loser, Gator.”
You hate how much you want to fuck him in this moment and by the red bloom that’s creeping up his neck; you know he feels the same.
He leaves your home silently. He kicks another box on his way out and you finally hear a shatter. His tyres spin as his car races off your front lawn. 
You should block his number and know that that is the end of this awful affair. 
But you both know that it isn’t.
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jungkookslipring · 8 months
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2 am
summary: you and your best friend had a rough day at work, but the group chat remains alive and well
pairings: reader x bff x Wonwoo x Jeonghan x Minghao
genre: slight angst but w/ a happy ending
relationship: platonic
You ever have those days where it starts off shitty but ends on a good note. That wasn’t your situation unfortunately. Today your day started off pretty great. One of your favorite bands dropped a new song, and you FaceTimed your bestie to jam out together at the crack of dawn. But as your day went on, it started taking a turn for the worst. Work kicked both of your asses, more than usual, and everything seemed to get worse before it got better. You two were exhausted by the time you got home from your 9-5. You both talked about it over dinner, knowing that getting whatever was bugging you off your chest would help. It did in a way, but that didn’t change what happened. You both bid each other a good night and went to your separate rooms. Hours passed and you haven’t slept a wink. You tossed and turned for a while, even ignored screen time so you could sleep properly. Nothing. You pulled out your phone and not only saw it was 2 in the morning, you noticed your friend was online. You threw on a shirt so you wouldn’t accidentally flash them, and knocked on their door.
“Yo” they say in a groggy voice. You creaked it open and saw them with one AirPod out of their ear, you could hear the new song playing.
“They filled this shit with crack I swear” they said as you give them a tired chuckle.
“You can’t sleep either?” they ask, briefly pausing the song. You shook your head.
“Nope,” you say yawning into your hand.
“What should we do?” They ask, pulling out their other AirPod. You shrug.
“I don’t know we could watch something?” You ask. They nod as you jumped into their bed and grabbed the remote, scrolling through Netflix to see if any of your shows came out with new episodes. While you were rewatching your favorite supernatural episodes, your phone lit up. It was your giant group chat that had wayyyy too many people in it.
Minghao: Who’s up
Jeonghan: Go to sleep
Minghao: but maaaaa
Jeonghan: Istg
Y/BFF/N: We’re up
Wonwoo: Who’s we
Y/n: Who do you think
Minghao: Kiss
Y/BFF/N: why are you the way you are
Jeonghan: please pardon my dear son
Minghao: pardon?!?!
Wonwoo: I’m going to sleep
Y/N: Who wants free food
Minghao: Bet
Wonwoo: Bet
Jeonghan: Bet
You two shut off the TV and quickly throw on a sweatshirt and sweats. You two hop in your friends car and speed off to the guys’ apartment. You pull up almost ready to honk the horn but remember it’s 2 am and you didn’t wanna get yelled at tonight, again. Your friend texted the guys that you two were parked across the street, and not too long later, three crackheads zoomed down the steps after quietly shutting the door.
“Get in losers we’re going shopping!” your friend yelled out the window, nearly blowing out your eardrum. You gave them a look before slapping their arm playfully.
“What’s the move?” You ask as the three pile into the back of your truck.
“Ice cup and tteokbokki” Wonwoo says almost immediately.
“7/11?” Jeonghan asks giving you puppy dog eyes.
“Step on it!” Minghao and your bestie yell at the same time. You two could already feel your moods lifting. Before you knew it you five were walking around 7/11, grabbing ramen, snacks, and ice drinks. After you paid for everyone’s food, you nodded towards the door, instead of sitting down like you normally would.
“Where are we going?” Jeonghan asks.
“You’ll see,” you say with a smirk, your friend’s face already lighting up.
“Are we getting kidnapped?” Minghao asks.
“Beats going to work tomorrow,” Wonwoo says sipping his drink. You all pile back in the rowdy boys are already fighting over the middle seat.
“Don’t spill in my truck,” y/bff/n scolded jokingly.
“They’ll kick you out on the freeway,” you say with the most serious face possible before you two broke out into cackles. You drove a good 10 minutes until you reached a hilltop that overlooked the skyscrapers. You guys have been up there countless times, but the fresh air after a day like today did your body and mind wonders. You dropped your tailgate and everyone piled in, laying out multiple blankets and dispersing all the snacks. Everyone laughed and ate to their hearts content, groaning at how full they were just from the ramen and drinks an hour later. You all laid in a cuddle pile staring at the stars in comfortable silence until Minghao spoke up.
“God this was so needed” he whispered. You lifted your head to look at him.
“Bad day?” You ask. He nodded slowly. The guys all hummed in agreement. Everyone had stressful jobs, and it was only the beginning of the week.
“Thanks for reaching out Minghao,” Y/BFF/N said as she rested her head back on Wonwoo’s chest. Everyone once again hummed in agreement as you all cuddled closer. Your day may have sucked the life out of you two, but you could count on the ones you love to make your heart beat again.
taglist: @felixmainacc@felixburneracc@myforevermelody143@dunno-wut-to-do@itzsana-kiddingmenow
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octuscle · 1 year
My friend’s in search of a pool boy for August. He recently told me to download this Chronoviac app to help him look. We’re buds, so I agreed, even though I suspect by “pool boy” he just wants me to keep an eye out for twunks. But while I thought it would be like Craigslist or maybe Uber or something, the link he sent me just has one big button: “ACTIVATE SCENARIO”. Am I supposed to press that? Am I doing this right?
It's early in the morning. You still have some time before you have to go to work, so you can have a look at it. And hey, it's your buddy, what can happen? Push the button!
If you need to think, it's best to go for a run first. That clears your head. And obviously you need a clear head. Since when do you go running in the morning? You have running shorts and top hanging above your desk chair. There are running shoes in the hallway with not-so-fresh socks in them. You are really confused. But your morning 10-kilometre run is clearly in your mind's eye. So you get ready and start running.
Fuck, that was a good time for the distance. You are in top form today. A quick protein shake and then get into your hybrid Hyundai and off to work. It's really hard for you to concentrate at your desk today… For one thing, it's hard for you to sit still and not move. On the other hand, you find the air conditioning incredibly stuffy. Fortunately, as the day goes on, you receive fewer and fewer enquiries about the planning figures for the next year. Instead, you are asked every now and then to look for a blocked drain or a defective socket. Actually, that's not the job of controlling now. But you are happy when you can get out and move around.
During your lunch break you go to the company gym. There's usually no one there at that time. But only losers take lunch. A big protein shake after training is enough for you. When you go to your locker after training, your suit is gone. Dios mio, you think, why is there an overall with "Janitor Marques" hanging in the locker? You get annoyed every time that your engineering master's degree from the Dominican Republic is not accepted here. You studied climate engineering. And you graduated with honours. And here you are allowed to refill toilet paper and repair the flush. Fucking gringos. And the money isn't even enough for a decent life. But luckily your little pool service business is doing quite well. Someone was looking for help on the noticeboard at the gym. The guy who advertised the job sounds chilled out and you can even use the pool by arrangement. In return, you have to maintain the equipment, clean the pool and the terrace and occasionally help out at pool parties. At the university in Santo Domingo, you were a popular DJ at student parties. Maybe you can do the same here.
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After work, you hop in your pickup truck and drive to the guy looking for pool service. The interview goes close and smoothly. Finally, your new client, who is a pretty hot guy, asks if you'd like to try out the pool. And takes off his shirt. You follow his example without hesitation. The first pool party can begin!
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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serotonins-stuff · 1 year
Bnha boys at the beach°•.•°•.•°•.•°•..
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(Part 1)
Including: Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Hawks, Shoto Todoroki and kirishima.
Sypnosis: You go to the beach with your boyfriend.
Warnings : fluff, a bit segestive on Kiris
(Oneshot+ scenario!!!!)
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Always finds a way to surprise you, which makes the day even better.
Makes sure to drench you in sunscreen before you set foot on the beach.
He's very prepared, like a full on beach bag and picnic basket prepared
If he's not in the mood to swim he'll sit on a beach towel and guard you from afar, with sunglasses just to make sure a creepy dude doesn't get a bright idea. He's blowin their ass up if anyone tries to mess with his girl.
Will only swim if he's in the mood to.
When he is in a mood to swim he's the type to try racing you to the furthest part of the ocean net.
Will purposefully slow down when racing you, so you can at least have 1 win. But Obviously won't let you get more points than him
"I won!" You panted when you reached the ocean net.
You had to challenge Katsuki to a race. Well.... races considering you've had a total of 10 and won none of them until now. Even if Katsuki won the other 9, flexing your little victory was very much necessary.
"Take that loser!" You cackled, making him huff a breath of amusement.
"Yeah," you lifted your head with confidence. "I must be a real badass if I beat the King explosion murder at swimming."
"Are you challenging me to another round?" He sneered, already knowing your answer. You don't even know how but by some miracle you won. Maybe he was out of breath or his arms got tired, either way, a win is a win.
"Not a chance" you turned the offer down. Already making your way back to shore, but slowed down because Bakugo decided to swim backward right in front of you. He was facing you with a smug expression on his face.
"I think you're just scared I'll get 10points"
You rolled your eyes at his statement, a smile making its way onto your lips when you suddenly came up with an idea. As soon as he opened his mouth to say another word, you splashed a whole wad of water onto his face. Temporarily blinding him while you made your escape.
"The hell?!" He shouted as you swam away, giggling at how easy it was to escape his wrath. Just as you reached a part when your feet finally touched the ground, your boyfriend's voice could be heard along with violent splashing. He was coming your way, and fast.
You stopped when he finally went silent, Confused.
"Giving up already Kaccha-" you were cut off when strong hands lifted you from underwater, hoisting your thighs on either side of his hips.
He kept your legs on his lap and laughed victoriously.
"You thought you were going to win that easily babe?" He smirked while you tried to pull away from him.
"You're a pain you know that?" You joked, landing a soft kiss to his grinning lips
Keeps you entertained, whether it be with food, affection or his nonstop rambling.
Takes a lot of selfies with you.
Isn't aware of the fact that he follows you everywhere in a cute way ofc. Are you going to the bathroom? He's going too. Are you throwing away your trash? He's going too.
He'll be so deep in conversation with you that he once almost walked into the women's bathroom with you
There is a lot of food involved with this man, wouldn't mind spoiling you to every food truck in sight.
Wants to try swimming to the deep side so he can see a shark.
This man is really just happy to be there with you, he'll stand in the shallow water with you to just admire the view.
Literally can't stop looking at you, and emphasizing how beautiful you are in your bathing suit.
A tease >>
"You should try this one" Kiri muffled while handing out the snack for you to taste "It's better than the other one we had"
He reached the food over to your lips, and you took a generous bite. The flavors instantly melt in your mouth
"Woahh" you hummed in delight.
"I know right?!" He cheered, going on about the different seasonings and textures, till he spotted some food on your top lip "Wait babe you got a little something on your lip"
You were about to reach over to wipe it off but the sudden pressure of Kirishima's lips on yours kept you paralyzed. It was quick, and he went back to talking about the different flavors again. Acting like nothing happened just now.
You were so flustered from the unexpected movement, but the needy side of you needed to see that again. So while he wasn't looking, you put some of the sweet treats he was eating all over your top lip. Hoping he would give you another one of those kisses.
When he looked up again he chuckled at the sight before him.
How were you so damn cute?
"If you wanted a kiss you could have just said so babe" he leaned towards you teasingly. Instead of a kiss being planted on your lips, it was a hand instead. You were visibly disappointed he wiped the dessert off of your lips with his hand
He sucked the remaining food off his fingers and continued eating, chuckling at your reaction.
You were tired of how normal he was acting. He was amused because he just wanted to hear you ask him for a kiss.
You weren't going to boost his cute little ego by doing that so instead you pulled him roughly by the shoulders and gave him an abrupt yet intense kiss.
He was breathless by the time you pulled away and confused at why you didn't carry on. He waited for a bigger kiss but it never came. Your eyes were glued to the ocean and you acted as if nothing happened.
"That's not fair" the redhead whined, leaning into you but you dodged his advance.
"If you wanted a kiss you could just said-" you didn't even get to finish your sentence she his plan gripped either side of your cheeks and kissed you.
"Since when do I need permission to kiss my girlfriend?"
Todoroki Shoto
Going to the beach with him is calm and relaxing.
Honestly just like to stare at the ocean with you and take a walk on the sand where the waves tickle your feet
Gives the BEST massages
Prinses treatment? .yes
You guys go looking for seashells to add to your collection.
Can't stop looking at you like you're the most beautiful person on the Planet
You guys could literally talk about ANYTHING and it wouldn't be weird.
"Hey sho?"
"Yes love?"
"Look how pretty this seashell is!" You said excitedly, handing it to him so he could examine it. He held it up to the sky, letting the sunlight pass through it while tilting it side to side. The seashell was very small yet had a nice brown marble pattern.
"It's beautiful" he said in awe.
"I know right?" You joined him, observing the seashell on a deeper level. "We should add it to our collecti-"
You were cut off when he suddenly put the shell to your chest. "It would look beautiful on you."
A grin made its way onto your face when he said that. His sweet words warmed your chest. So was he admiring it this time because he was thinking of how it would look on you?
At some point throughout your beach date, Shoto told you he was going to the bathroom but instead came back with a necklace of the seashell you picked up earlier.
"For you my love" he said coming up behind you to tie it behind your neck.
"Shoto you didn't have to!" you turned around to hug him quickly, which he gladly returned. "How did you even do this?"
The seashell was now encased in reasin, and it had never looked so beautiful before.
"I got someone from one of the stalls to make it for me
"Thank you Shoto" you said looking straight into his eyes, giving him a peck on tge lips "This really means a lot"
"Anything for you"
Flies you around until he find the perfect place to watch the most beautiful sunset.
Knows all the beautiful places to go.
Uses his wings to make big sand castles for some of the little kids on the beach.
Makes himself a sand mermaid tail and asks you if he looks cute.
Absolutely refuses to get his wings wet in the water.
I feel like he would be warrry of the ocean, not terrified of it or anything but just comes up with excuses not to get in.
If you tease him while he's flying you he'll have what I like to call "engine faliure"
"It's beautiful" you gawked in awe, staring into the ocean as various dolphins dove around. Keigo had given you a piggyback ride while flying to show you the wonders of nature. Wonders that nobody else has the chance to see. Currently, he was flying you over the ocean where all the marine creatures came into view.
"I know right?" He said lowering you both a bit so you could stick your hand into the golden ocean. Just then, a dolphin glided on your palm. Making you yelp in surprise and your boyfriend laughed.
Eventually, the air around you both dissolved into a comfortable silence.
The sun was setting into a beautiful deep orange. Its light cascades so gently onto the shimmering sea.
"How many time do you come here?"
"I've only been here once, and I knew I just had to bring you." he rubbed your legs soothingly. "Just to see that smile"
"Thank you Keigo" you thanked attacking the back of his head with kisses. Causing him to wobble in the air.
"Distracting your pilot isn't a good idea baby"
"Well why not?"
"Because then there will be an engine failure"
"What's an-"you were cut off with sudden power if wind hitting your face. Keigo diving downwards rapidly.
"KEIGO!" you yelled at him, clutching tightly onto his clothes for support, and closed your eyes to brace for impact. All you heard was his chuckles of amusement as he stretched out his wings last minute. His wings cause the water around you to splash. You knew he wouldn't dive in, not when he wouldn't want to get his wings wet anyway.
"Now that" he started going hightmer up into the air "Is what we call engine failure""
"You're so silly"
Who would you like to see in part 2??? 👀
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!!
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What is every skeleton's reaction to a strange human making a kidnapping attempt on him?
Undertale Sans - He's in the back of a random guy's car, chilled as hell, and he keeps talking just to annoy his kidnapper. He's not really kidnapped anyway, he could just teleport out of here anytime he wants. He's having fun. He can tell the guy is not really dangerous, so he takes advantage of that to teach them a lesson about kidnapping the wrong people. Eventually, Sans gets bored and simply disappears.
Undertale Papyrus - Well, he's always happy to make new friends but that gun on his head starts to seriously bother him so out of nowhere, he grabs the gun, opens the car window and throws it outside. Now, isn't it better to talk? Go on, he's a very patient skeleton. Tell him why you have so much anger in your heart, he's sure he can help. Undyne is so confused when later that day, a random man runs to her, crying, and begs her to arrest him for kidnapping a monster.
Underswap Sans - He's playing the dumb little hostage until his kidnappers lead him to his base, then he suddenly attacks, knocks them all down in ten seconds, then peacefully unties himself and calls for backup. That's not the first time it has happened, is it?
Underswap Papyrus - The man screams at him to jump in the truck and to knock it off. Except a loud car passed at the same moment and Honey only understood "Knock me off". So, uh, sure, it's a weird demand but who is he to judge. He takes his grocery back and explodes it against his kidnapper's head. Then Honey realizes he might be in trouble now and just teleports out of here.
Underfell Sans - Oh man, not again... It's the third time this month. Red starts to argue with the kidnappers, asking them why they still haven't moved on from trying to hurt his brother when neither of them is threatened by anything. Damn, he even knows one of them has kids. Don't you have better things to do than harass him constantly? It's not his fault you're all losers!
Underfell Papyrus - He can't believe he got kidnapped by a tiny three-year-old child. He was on his way, in a park, when a random child ran to him and dragged him towards the playground and now he's the prisoner of a bunch of children and if he dares to move they all start crying and their parents giving him death stares??? How did that even happen? He's not ok with this! Someone helps him????
Horrortale Sans - Welp. He kinda kidnapped himself actually. He saw a big truck open, and he smelled food, and he was hungry so... Yeah, he climbed in, the doors closed behind him, and now he's driving he has no idea where wondering if he should tell Willow or if Willow will get mad at him lol. At least he has cookies. Hundreds and hundreds of boxes of cookies. It's not that bad.
Horrortale Papyrus - So a grandma in the retirement house he's working in said she would kidnap him to make sure he keeps cooking only for her and he kinda thought it was a joke until she locked the door of her room once he entered and literally swallowed the key in front of his own very eye sockets while wiggling her eyebrows at him. Nobody told him this could happen???? He has no idea what he's even supposed to do now. He's kidnapped he guesses???
Swapfell Sans - He pets another cat on the way home and now Edge's cat, Doomfanger, is really mad he's cheating on her and kinda refuses to let him get out of the house. Nox tries to argue that it's quite hypocritical since she's cheating on Edge with him, but the cat refuses to listen and keeps biting his ankles very aggressively. He's a prisoner of his own house! That's crazy! Nox decides he has enough and bravely comes outside to face the demon, only to have Doomfanger beating him up like never before, and run back home with the tail between the legs to save his life. Nox is not sure how he's going to explain why he couldn't come to the Queen's meeting lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - He got kidnapped by two guys who can't work together. So Rus told one he heard the other said he would keep the money of his ransom for himself and just watched as the two guys argued together, then fought like wild animals. While they're rolling on the floor trying to kill each other, Rus simply gets up and leaves the building lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Why do people never learn? Instead of getting kidnapped, Wine kidnapped his kidnapper who is now crying like a baby in his living room and begging him to let him go. Why are you trying to hurt him when you piss your pants at the first contrariety? Are you stupid? Did you even read the mission paper telling how dangerous he is? Wine can't believe it. Kidnappers are so stupid these days. At least Underground they still had some reputation! Pathetic.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - As soon as the man asks him to come, Coffee turns around and runs away screaming at the top of his lungs, chased by his kidnapper lol. He got kidnapped too many times, he knows that being loud helps so he's going to be the loudest. Eventually, people come to his rescue. While they're fighting with his kidnapper, Coffee runs for his life, giving up on all of them to get home. He knows it's bad but man, having to talk to so many people is far worse than being kidnapped and he really doesn't want to do it.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Can I request hcs on how Hobie would comfort his gf who’s from Earth-199999 and her canon event is going through the infinity war & endgame? She’s a spider and her younger adoptive brother is Peter Parker and she loses him during the blip, then when she gets him back in endgame, she loses her father figure Tony Stark?
When you’re lost in the darkness…
I didn’t realize you said hcs until I looked back so I hope a fic is okay ):
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It’s been exactly a year. A year since the closest person you had to a father has died, a year since your brother had come back.
Hobie had met you when he went hunting for an anomaly in your world, getting some odd stares while doing so.
“So, yeah, that’s all that happened .” You said, grabbing a box from the truck.
“Wow. That’s uh.. crazy. But how’s your boyfriend? Hobie, right?” He asked, grabbing multiple boxes, they were almost towering over him.
“He’s uh.. he’s good.” You nodded. And he was spiderman, and there’s a whole spider society full of them, and he was considered a loser there.
“That’s good. When do I get to meet him? He sounds great.” He said, and put the boxes down when he entered the new apartment.
“You will.. eventually hopefully, he’s just in and out of town a lot cause of work.” You said, quickly making up that excuse.
“Got it…”
“So, how’s being spider man, spider man?” You asked him, grabbing more boxes.
“It’s uh..” he laughed “tiring. I’ve been thinking of taking a break or something. It’s been too much since..”
“Yeah.. I know.” You were an intern for stark enterprises, and you were close with Tony, and even pepper. You were also close with Happy.
He just smiled sympathetically. He knew the feeling.
It was the anniversary, and you both were quiet and clearly still upset.
Then, a voice called out your name. You snapped back at the familiar accent.
“Hobie!” You said, and smiled widely. You ran up to him and put your arms around his neck, he laughed and picked you up.
“How’ve you been?” He asked, and pecked you on the cheek as he put you down on the ground.
“Alright, I guess.” You shrugged.
“That’s good. Glad I’m back so-“
He was gonna say so I can help you unpack when he spotted a guy, already helping you.
He looked at you, and nodded to the guy. “Who’s he?”
“Oh! That’s Peter. Peter!” You shouted his name, he looked back and put the box down for a moment. He quickly went up to you both.
“So- this is- this is your boyfriend?” He pointed to Hobie
“Yeah. Peter meet Hobie, Hobie meet Peter.”
Hobie held his hand out for him to shake, which he did.
“Nice to meet the brother she talks bout’ so much.”
“And it’s nice to meet the boyfriend she talks about all the time.”
“Okay, I talk about you both a lot.” You rolled your eyes and laughed.
“So, how’s work..?” Peter asked, suspicious of the man in front of him. He folded his arms in front of his chest.
You’ve had past asshole boyfriends, and he really didn’t want him to be the same.
“It’s alright.. boring, but alright.” He said, looking at you. He wondered if you told him.
“That’s nice, nice.” He mumbled the last part. “So.. let’s get back to it.” He pointed to the truck and boxes, and turned around.
“Weird kid.” Hobie said, and looked at you walking next to him.
“He’s weird but.. he has a good heart.” You shrugged and smiled.
Hobie looked back to the truck and helped you unpack in minutes.
“You think he likes me?” Hobie said when Peter headed out.
“He literally said ‘I like him, he’s just a lot cooler than me..’ he’s just nervous.” You smiled, and put your hand on Hobies shoulder. “And Y’Know… today isn’t the best day. But we need to move on.”
“Yeah. It’s fine, I get it. You wanna know something?” He said, his voice almost in a soft whisper as he spoke. You both were cuddled up comfortably in your new apartment bed.
“When my.. you know, died, i quit being spiderman for a while. I blamed myself. I thought that I could have prevented it.”
“Oh Hobie..”
“But then I realized that thats just what happens.” He shrugged and looked at you.
“You couldn’t save him, and that’s all right. You can’t save everyone. You couldn’t have prevented it. It’s not your fault he died.” He said, almost like he was reading your mind.
Your lip quivered, and you kissed him again. He smiled at you and you smiled back.
“I love you.” You mumbled, falling asleep on him.
“I love you too.” He said, and kissed your forehead as you both fell into a peaceful sleep.
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx orrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels ls @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2
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navybrat817 · 11 months
Which Motocross babe would you want to spend Halloween with? What would you two do??
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All of them, Cia! I would've wanted to spend the day with all of them.
Loser would've taken his niece to a pumpkin patch, which Lucky went as well. And after taking his niece trick or treating, it's off to the party at Hal's place.
Yes, Cowboy convinced Belle to come to his party. You even offered to help him set it up, which he won't let you do any heavy lifting. He may even convince you to cuddle under the stars once everyone has left for the night.
Beast helps Sweetart pass out candy in your neighborhood before the party, which makes you fall for him more. You also sneak in some cuddles before you head over because Ari is just so warm.
Hothead apologizes to Spitfire AGAIN for the movie night prank. Bucky gets your food and drinks all night because he is a good boyfriend like that.
Oh, Champ and Daisy. Maybe you finally admit your feelings to Steve. Unless he beats you to it when you take a moment to go outside for some fresh air and he follows.
Rusty and Princess bicker because Curtis doesn't understand why someone as prissy as you is at the party and you don't get how he can make Halloween NOT fun. If anyone catches you two making out in the dark hall, no one says anything.
Blue and Kitten may make eyes at each other during the first half of the party. It's only a matter of time before Chris drags you out to his truck.
I guess the real question is where is each couple hooking up. Or just snuggling because snuggles are great. Happy Halloween to all. ❤️
Love and thanks! ❤️
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Moonlight Chicken - Ep 8
I can't believe I'm at the end already. This feels so short after Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
No idea how this is going to end so I'll just dive in I guess?
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This is literally what I have been saying
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I love when they don't even try to make the hotel room they're filming in look like an apartment or a dorm room
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Aww I hope they will be very happy in their hotel room that doesn't seem to have a bed
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God, they are so damn cute
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Alright, you don't need to just say it like that
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I still think Alan and Gaipa should bond over both being in love with someone who doesn't love them back. I think Gaipa has just figured out that Jim is in love with Wen
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Aww I like that Heart is now included in their little family
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Aww he's finally moved on
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God, they are so cute
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I'm fine. Definitely not crying.
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I mean I don't think the owner of the truck needs to be in the photo if you want to sell it, but this would definitely motivate me to buy it
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Dude you can't just promote him and offer him a 30% salary increase in front of everyone else
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Oh my god is it actually happening???
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God, I am such a fucking loser. Just seeing him smile is making me actually cry
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I don't think Gaipa has realised Alan is hitting on him. Bless this sweet boy
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Aww Jim has set up a little food truck instead
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Pretty sure that's just because the wages are so crap
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Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
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Everyone who read my liveblogs having seen this already, and did not say anything when I kept yelling about these two, give yourselves a pat on the back. I am so happy.
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And, yay, the sad movie was not foreshadowing like I feared it would be
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Aww yay!
That was wonderful. One of the best Thai dramas I've seen so far!
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tiressian · 10 months
Happy SatoShoko couples day/mid-birthday! Here's a ficlet on the house.
Fluff. Rated T.
Confront enough supernatural horrors beyond human comprehension and you developed an immunity to fear—at least, Satoru assumed that to be the case, right up until he found himself face to face with the front gates of the Ieiri estate. Estate, not home, which looked to be in the full swing of preparations for a huge celebration. Everywhere Satoru looked, people were setting up things, or cleaning things, or offloading trucks loaded with things. Children—and holy shit are there a lot of them, Satoru thought—darted in and out of the chaos in a game of tag, oblivious to the scoldings and pleas to play somewhere less hazardous. 
A boy paused in his chasing just to stick his tongue at him. 
Satoru crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue back. The boy squealed  and scampered behind the closest adult, who had been in the middle of sweeping leaves off the pathway leading from the front gate. The woman laughed and Satoru was relieved to find he recognised it. 
Shoko glanced over her shoulder where the boy was pointing and smiled. She left her broom with the boy and walked over. Behind Shoko, the boy was now brandishing the broom like a sword, engaged with an invisible enemy. 
“Should’ve known you’d find the biggest kid here and try to take his spot,” Shoko said, arriving in front of him. She took his carry-on in one hand and his hand in the other and started tugging both down the path. 
“It’s about making a statement,” Satoru replied. “‘Quiet dinner with the family’ my foot. What’s all this for? You expecting the Emperor himself to show up?”
Shoko rolled her eyes. “We’d have brought out the expensive sake if that were the case. No, this is for you, loser. Take it in.”
“Feel like I’m missing a few steps here.”
“I’ve never brought anyone home before.”
Shoko smiled self-deprecatingly. “My great-grandmother, she’s got this… I suppose you can call it intuition. She’s never been wrong. She said the person I bring home would be my one and only.” Shoko briefly let go of his hand to put air quotes around the words. 
“‘One and only,’” Satoru snorted. “I take it this is an engagement party then?” 
She nodded. “My great-grandmother’s got a petty streak. For years I’ve been telling her I’ve joined a convent. Technically true. Sorry for getting you mixed up in this, but I’ve got an idea to get back at her and I think it’ll be worth it to see the look on her face when she realises she’s wrong for once in her life. I mean, she's not wrong, but I want her to wallow in being wrong for a bit.”
Satoru only took a few seconds to catch what she was tossing out there. 
“A public breakup party?” he guessed. He scratched his neck. “Man I dunno about that. What if she has a stroke?"
“My family will respect you if you go along with it, trust me. And if she has a stroke it’s fine; I’ll heal her.”
Sometimes the apple fell not too far from the tree, and other times the apple never fell at all, Satoru thought. “Would they really respect me though?” he said dubiously, because already so few people did. Somehow it stung a tiny bit more when it was non-sorcerers.
Shoko shrugged like that settled the matter and continued down the path. The boy paused in his sword fight to stick his tongue out at Satoru as they passed and Satoru, naturally, stuck his out in reply. Shoko chuckled and simply ruffled the boy's hair.
“Still… kinda feel like I should leave a good impression,” Satoru said. 
Shoko waved it off. “Don’t worry; we can get ‘caught’ making out in a broom cupboard after, promise. I just wanna fuck her up for a little a bit. Plus if you do this for me I’ll let you…” she stood up on tiptoe and whispered the rest, and Satoru’s ears were on the verge of melting right off his head by the end of it. 
Satoru did not need further convincing after that. In fact, it was he who led them down the rest of the path, a spring in his step.
Any and all fears neutralised. 
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asexualasshat · 8 days
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning:, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: IT (Movies - Muschietti), IT - Stephen King
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone is Alive Except Georgie Denbrough, Internalized Homophobia, Eventual Smut, asexual author writes smut, no beta we die like georgie Getting Together, Fix-It,everyone gets the happy ending they deserve, Gay Richie Tozier, bi Eddie kaspbrack, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Richie Tozier learns to accept himself, Richie Tozier is a Mess
Language: English
Chapter: 9/?
His friends swam. They swam and they splashed and they laughed. Despite everything, they laughed so joyously that Richie didn’t think they’d hear him when he so meekly asked “Hey guys? This is real, right?”
Just because the monster is dead, that doesn’t mean fear itself has been conquered.
Really, there wasn’t much to do before the losers arrived. Stan, Patty, Bev, And Ben would all stay here, while Mike would be with the Denboroughs, as the visit lined up with a meeting for Mike’s book. They didn’t need to make an itinerary since their only goal was to spend time together in a non-hellscape scenario. It was all very simple.
Three days before everyone arrived, Richie had asked about Eddie’s thoughts on the sleeping arrangements. Eddie was quick to say that Stan and Patty would be in the spare room while Bev and Ben took his room. He acted as if it was a non-issue that automatically meant that he and Richie would be sharing, that it wouldn’t be something they could hide. Richie tried not to freak out. Really, it didn’t matter much. Bev and Ben already kind of knew. Stan minded his business for the most part and Patty seemed the type to be very surprised but try to be chill about it. So it was whatever but the back of Richie’s neck still prickled.
The nerves mostly disappeared when Mike stepped out of his truck. He looked undeniably good. He always had, of course. But taking the weight of the world off his shoulders had done him some good. He had a relaxed smile on his face and his body moved with a newfound fluidity as he ran up to them, where they stood in the driveway, and pulled them both into a hug. “It’s so good to see you guys!”
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Where You Goin, Star
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky when the truck hauling her show horses breaks down as she is trying to leave for an event and he works for the mechanic. Passionate, secret love affair ensues. After a confrontation with her father, Bucky decides she deserves better than a poor biker like him and leaves town with his friends Steve and Sam.
Three years later, reader is trapped in an abusive relationship and about to give up hope of things ever improving, when Bucky comes back.
Chapter 18
Warnings: swearing, little angst
Bucky and Y/N went to her house to see what kind of shape it was in. When she filed for divorce from John she went to her old house, which was dusty and stale thanks to 3 years sitting empty, with an interior designer to redecorate and get the place ready to be lived in again. The trial ended faster than she expected so the work hadn't even been started yet.
Star spoke to the designer and learned that the paint crew was all sick and wouldn't be able to start for at least 2 weeks. And the living room and dining room sets she had chosen were unavailable with no eta. She paced the living room while being updated.
"I'm not sure what to do, I can find replacements for the furniture but we can't do anything until it's cleaned out and painted."
She sat next to Bucky on the milk crates that were on the front porch.
Bucky looked serious "Wait, I'm thinking."
"Don't hurt yourself" she snickered.
Bucky looked at her in awe, happy to see his fiery Star returning. He liked her much better than the sad, angry woman that John and her father had turned her into.
He gave her a big smile "We could paint. Get the guys over here and knock it out in a couple of days. Steve and I have done plenty of places, even have some tools."
She furrowed her brow "Are you sure? Obviously I can pay you all and-"
Bucky shook his head "Nope. You're not paying us, that's ridiculous."
She just stared at him for a moment "How is it ridiculous to pay someone for providing a service? It's way more out of line to expect people to work for you for free."
Bucky sighed "Star, we are your friends and want to help you. Besides I'll be living there too and want to help get it ready for us."
She still looked skeptical "I don't know, Jamie it just seems wrong. I've certainly never had any friends that refused money."
Bucky rubbed her hand "I don't know any of your other friends so can't speak to their motives but we aren't friends with you for your money or what you can do for us. We love you for you, doll."
She thought for a minute "Ok. You talk to them and after that we can go look for living room and dining room furniture."
Bucky spoke to Steve and Sam to get a group together to clean and paint the upcoming weekend. Then went with Star to look at furniture.
While they looked Bucky found a chair that he loved but when he saw the price he shook his head and walked away from it.
Star went to get the tag to add to her stack to take to the sales person when Bucky stopped her "What are you doing with that doll?"
She looked at him confused "Adding it to the stuff we're getting, why?"
He shook his head "I can't get it today, maybe some other time."
"I don't understand, this is for the house so I'm paying."
"I can't let you do that Star, it's not right. I'll save up and get it some other time."
Star giggled "I'm not sure what the problem is but I'm getting it."
Bucky took a breath and looked like he was going to say something but shook his head and stalked away.
Star dropped the tag and went after him but he didn't slow until he got to her truck.
She approached him, a little mad "What the Hell is going on with you Jamie?"
Bucky scoffed "I'm not John, Y/N. I don't need a sugar mama."
Her face scrunched in confusion "What are you talking about? This is stuff for our house."
He shook his head "No. It's for your house. I'm just the loser who can't give you what you need. If we had to live on my income, we'd live over my shop."
She clenched her fists "James Buchanan Barnes! You give me exactly what I need! Love and acceptance that my father never gave me. Money is just money and I'd rather be poor with you than rich with anyone else."
Bucky pinched his nose "You don't understand. It's easy for you to say it's no big deal because it never has been for you but for someone like me who has struggled all their life, it's a very big deal. I'm supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around."
Y/N looked at him sadly "Jamie, please. You do take care of me, in every way that matters. Let me take care of you back."
Bucky sighed "Star, it's not right for you to spend a bunch of money on me. I'm supposed to be spoiling you." He looked down and mumbled "What kind of man am I anyways?"
Star hit his chest "What kind of man are you? You're starting to piss me off Jamie. Don't you dare badmouth the man I love. My father was one of the richest men in the country and my mother had every physical comfort, the finest of everything but it didn't make up for his cruelty or his cheating or the fact that he was behind her death. She would have given it all up for some peace with someone who truly cared for her."
She was crying now "It's not my fault I was born into this but I promised myself years ago I wouldn't be some shallow, vapid debutante without a thought in her head. I've been working on my plans for my inheritance for years and will be doing more than buying the newest Fendi bag every season."
She wiped her tears "You're the first person since my mother that saw me as more than a well dressed pretty face."
She looked at him with teary eyes "You do spoil me, in all the best ways. The ways that matter to me." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. "I love you Jamie" she kissed him "and I'll spend whatever I want on you so either learn to accept it or, or just fuck off."
Bucky's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest "You love me?" He kissed her softly.
She gave him a half hearted glare "Yes, dumbass I love you, so you better get used to being loved by a generous woman with money and good taste."
Bucky laughed, he still wasn't entirely comfortable with her spending large amounts of money on him but he certainly wasn't leaving her. Not when he just got her back. "I love you too, my sweet shining Star."
She grabbed his hand "Good, now let's go waste some of my fathers money!"
They went back inside the store and picked a living room set. Then another store for the dining room. Another couple of stores for rugs, pillows, sheets, towels and dishes along the way.
Bucky was overwhelmed at the amount of money she was spending every single time she put down that black credit card but forced himself to keep his thoughts from escaping. He didn't ask for anything but smiled at her and tried to keep the concern from showing. He had to work on some of his old programming, pushing back the shame that tried to creep up on him for letting her spend so much money when he couldn't treat her. A real, official relationship was going to require some changes in his mentality but he would do anything for her.
Saturday morning they met Steve, Peggy, Sam, Peter, MJ, Nick Fury and even Dot at Stars house to clean and paint. They had it done in 3 days and the house was ready for new floors, cabinets & counters, which they left to the professionals.
It took another 2 weeks for all of the work to be completed, new furniture to be delivered and the house to be ready to move into.
Bucky, Steve and Sam had to work most days but Peggy, MJ and Dot helped her organize and put everything away. With their help it only took a couple of days.
The first night that Bucky and Star spent in the house everyone was exhausted from the days work so they just ordered pizza and drank the beer that she picked up for them.
After every one else was gone, Bucky looked around the house "Not too bad doll, I think this is the nicest place I've ever lived in. Still getting used to the idea of a real home that I don't have to worry about being kicked out of and isn't a room for rent in the bad part of town."
He pulled her into his arms and started kissing on her neck. "You're gonna spoil me Star. I'll have to think of some way to repay you."
Star giggled softly. "I'm sure you'll think of something. But for now, I'm very tired and sore. We have to get up early." She yawned "I get to start my work with my horses again. Gotta drum up some new riders to teach." She batted her eyes at him "I can probably fit you into one of my beginner classes, if you're interested."
Bucky chuckled "I was hoping for some private lessons but I'll have to figure out my schedule." He suddenly picked her up bridal style "Let me carry you over the threshold." Carried her into their bedroom and gently set her down on the bed.
Star shook her head at him "Carrying me over the threshold is a wedding night tradition."
Bucky winked at her "True but it doesn't hurt to practice. Among other wedding night traditions that we can practice if you're interested."
Star tried to hold back a yawn and Bucky laughed "You could have just said you were too tired doll."
They curled up together and crashed until her alarm went off before the sun was up.
@pattiemac1 @hhiggs
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