#happy valentine’s day miracles do happen
edsbacktattoo · 2 years
bf just walked in and said “happy valentine’s day” and gave me these
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joyous day
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pinkthrone445 · 7 months
-"You are my miracle"-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Soft, fluff, fluff, fluff, FLUFF
Warnings:I don't think so
Summary:The kids decide to put together a fake wedding for you and your girlfriend Melissa on Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone, sorry for not writing something longer, but I thought the day deserved something sweet and cute.
Six months, six months it took Mel to get to know you completely and open up to you. It took her a year to finally accept that you were girlfriends. Six more months to move in together. And it took her just a minute at the right time to realize that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you.
Melissa Schemmenti was a determined woman, she had tried a lot of things and she knew what she wanted and what she liked and what she didn't. Marriage was something she had tried before and she was pretty sure she didn't want to go through it again. That's why a couple of years ago she had broken up with Gary, she knew what she wanted to and he wasn't going to convince her of changing her mind.
A year after that, you arrived at school, a new transfer teacher, a new energy in the place, and a new love in the redhead's life. You came like a typhoon, dragging everything in your path, including her heart.
The redhead didn't expect to fall in love, she didn't want to, but it happened, it happened so fast that she didn't even notice it until you were already oficial girlfriends.
Mel felt something with you that she hadn't felt in a long time, comfort. Love is not about who turns your life upside down, love makes you feel comfortable, happy and at peace, and that's exactly how she felt with you. You never demanded more than she gave you, you respected the limits she had, you were sure and determined about what you wanted, you didn't let yourself be managed by others, you were perfect for her.
There were a lot of things that you and Mel had talked about from the beginning, not to marriage, but yes to children and moving in together, no to mommy king yes to costumes and role play, and a lot of stuff more. You wanted to get married but she didn't, so you adapted. She moved in with you even though she loved her home, compromising her part. Love was to give the best of both parts and that's what you did, neither of you gave 50-50, yours was to give one hundred percent each other.
This was the third Valentine's Day you spent together, you usually didn't do many things for that special day, you went home and did a movie marathon with your favorite snacks, but this day, something at school changed everything.
Mel taught a grade of third-graders, you taught second-graders, when kids are that young, their curiosity is through the roof, each thing they learned generated more questions and more curiosity, they wanted to know and experience everything that was possible as quickly as possible. They had recently found out what Valentine's Day meant, they had also found out that you and Mel were a couple, which made their imagination work and somehow convinced you and Mel to do a fake Valentine's Day wedding in the school gym.
The children planned everything and handed out invitations. Along with the art teachers, they had prepared dresses for you and decorated the gymnasium, with Gregory they grew flowers for the bouquet and with Barbara they chose songs to dance the waltz, they even chose bridesmaids and groomsmen.
You never thought you'd be nervous about a fake wedding, but this touched on something you'd kept deep inside. Seeing yourself in the mirror with that fake dress made of toilet paper and colored cutouts, made you think about what a real wedding with Mel would be like, you knew it was never going to happen and you would never insist on it, but it was nice to dream. Life with Melissa was perfect and you wouldn't risk it by insisting on something like that. Having her in your life was enough and nothing would get better than that, not even a piece of paper saying you were married. Right?
You sighed looking in the mirror while one of the teachers combed your hair
-"Everything fine?" - She asked and you nodded looking at the votes youe kids helped you write
-"Yes..."-You smiled and let her continue to comb your hair.
One of the little kids dressed very elegantly came to pick you up a few minutes later informing you that everything was ready at the gym. You carefully grabbed your bouquet and smiled at the sight of Gregory waiting for you outside in a smart suit made of cardstock.
When you got to the Gym Gates you sighed trying to ease your nerves, if this was just joking, why did you feel so nervous? None of this was real, once they finished all this theater, Melissa would still be your girlfriend and everything would be normal as before.
Gregory smiled and started walking down the aisle when the doors opened, the whole school was there, the children sitting neatly next to their teachers, the walls decorated in white, soft music in the background and at the end of the road, Melissa in a dress also made of paper, which made you laugh. Arriving at her side, Gregory handed her your hand and then took her corresponding place next to you, while next to Mel was Barbara. Mel stroked your hands gently and looked at your dress smiling as the officiant, Mr. Johnson, introduced the ceremony
-"You look beautiful... Is that designer's?" - she joked and you nodded laughing
-"Yes, The most experienced in the business, he has almost all his life of experience to show" - You joked laughing and Mel kissed your hand leaving a kiss marked with her red lipstick. Mel's hands were also sweating a little, was she nervous too?
After a while, they gave you time to read the vows you with the kids had prepared, after clearing your throat, you started reading the notes
-"Melissa... You make me happy like when I eat my favorite candy, you are beautiful like the cutest dog on the planet, I like how you smell like flowers, seeing you makes me as happy as when I found out that it was a snow day and I don't have to come to school and I can continue sleeping. Listening to you talk makes me want to dance with happiness like when I listen to baby shark...I wish I could spend my life with you almost as much as I wish I had the last dancing barbie doll. I will take care of you and I will always be ready to kiss your boboos when you fall playing in the park, I love you so much that I will lend you my favorite toys and give you part of my lunch. I promise to be well-behaved and not to fart in front of you and also chew with my mouth closed and brush my teeth before giving you a kiss on the cheek, I promise to do all that because I love you so much like I love my mom."-You finished reading the vows that the children gave you laughing, but when you looked up Melissa looked at you seriously which made you scared. Maybe this was too much, maybe Mel had regretted making this joke for the kids, maybe she was angry or uncomfortable. Before you could continue to overthink, the redhead put away the vows she had made with her students and sighed taking your hands and kneeling in front of you taking out the small paper ring she had in her pocket, you looked at her confused
-"(Y/N)... Will you be my wife" - Mel asked and you laughed watching her
-"Babe, that's why we are here at the altar... We are getting married..."-You whispered trying to goad her up but she didn't
-"I'm being serious... Would you marry me for real?" -she insisted again and you frowned
-"I don't understand" - You whispered and she smiled looking into your eyes
-"I said one time that would take a miracle to marry again... And you are my miracle... Seeing you like this makes me understand how lucky I am. You're the most gorgeous woman I know, you came into my life to improve it in every way, I know that I am not an easy person to get along with and you adapted to every part of my being, as if we were a complement to each other. The patience you have for me and the happiness you bring me is incomparable, I want to feel that every day for the rest of my days. I don't want to lose you just because I was afraid of getting hurt again or because I was a coward that didn't wanted to take the step and really commit to this relationship. I want you to be by my side like my wife for the rest of my days... What do you say? Would you marry me?"-she whispered smiling, the whole gym had fallen silent waiting for your answer, so quiet that you could hear your heavy breathing and your heartbeat. Mel was shocked when you knelt down in front of her to kiss her while you cried
-"I do! I wanna marry you" - You whispered over her lips making her smile and she carefully placed the paper ring on you
-"I'll get a better ring, I promise" - She whispered and you laughed kissing her again
-"This is perfect..."-You muttered, unable to help but grin from ear to ear
-"I think our vows were better than what she said..." - One of the kids commented out loud, making you laugh as the whole school applauded happy for you two .
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nonotnolan · 7 months
The Ends Justify The Means
As always, this February story is dedicated to my valentine, @mergeman
"Okay, but did we have to add him to the Hivemind?" Jordan said, looking at his unconscious boss with a look of resigned disappointment. "If I end up with an old man's vocabulary because of him, I'm gonna be so upset. This body looks too good to sound like a geezer." He tossed his shirt to the ground and gave me a flex. "See what I mean?"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Some humans stress-tested my 40% Free Will rule, and Jordan was definitely one of them. "One, bringing him into the Collective is the only way to bend his authority to our will. Two, the symbiote doesn't change our speech, it just enhances our knowledge. And three, the eventual goal is to overtake most of humanity anyway. We were gonna have to add Shaun sooner or later."
Jordan nodded, though I doubted he was paying any attention me. He was one of the part-time workers I had converted within the past two hours, and so his symbiote half was still checking out his new body. I can't blame it, I suppose.
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I wasn't sure this plan was even going to work, so I was glad we managed to succeed. Capturing the part-time college students who worked here had been easy-- a bit of flirting from a tempting body, a kiss to introduce the symbiote, rinse and repeat. Shaun had been much more difficult. We had to resort to ambushing him in the bathroom where there we no cameras. Jordan's strength held him in place while I pried open his jaw to insert the new symbiote. It was far from elegant-- Shaun was stronger than he looked-- but at least it worked.
Shaun finally opened his eyes, and looked at me with a wry grin. "Alright, sir. I know we have a lot to talk about, but let's retreat somewhere else, shall we? It's cramped in here, and I think Jordan is a few moments away from whipping his dick out."
"You're not wrong," I said, shaking my head. "We should probably leave him to it. If nothing else, it will be nice to talk things over someplace a bit... less pungent. I assume you know what is going to be expected of you?"
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"I do," Shaun says, crossing his arms. "Although I was hoping to talk to you about that one. I scheduled Darren to work Valentine's Day because I haven't had that day off for the past three years. This body's wife is threatening to make life miserable if I still have to work the holiday despite my recent promotion. I have a proposal for you."
I smiled at the audacity of this symbiote. Clearly its host body had a lot of confidence.
"Darren will still get the day off, of course," Shaun said. "But instead of working the day myself, I'll just tell Jenn that she's going to have to handle the shift solo. We don't need two store managers tomorrow night-- no one goes furniture shopping on Valentine's."
"You'll never guess what happened today!" Darren said, greeting me when I arrived home. He and I had been dating for a few weeks now, ever since I was granted control over this host body. Unlike the symbiotes who were mostly extensions of my mind and my personality, I had full control and full autonomy over my decisions. Coming out of the closet was one of the first changes I made to this host's former life.
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"Your store is actually closing for a holiday?" I guessed, walking up to him and hugging him from behind. I held him close, feeling the heat of his body against my borrowed chest. Humans were very big on physical contact, and it was a ritual I was more than happy to join.
Darren chuckled as he turned around for a quick kiss. "Okay, so it wasn't a miracle. But it was still pretty crazy! Shaun texted me, and approved my vacation time for tomorrow. Can you believe that? I've never known him to change his mind like that before."
I just smiled at him. "Maybe your District Manager yelled at him about it? You did submit that request a few months ago." As much as I hated feeding white lies and omitted facts to my boyfriend, I couldn't justify telling him my full truth this early in the relationship. Anyway, the only way I'd be filling him with a symbiote would be if we broke up and he posed a risk to my secret. I wanted a relationship with an equal, not a masturbatory fling with a clone of myself. Anyway, what was the phrase? The ends justify the means.
"Well, maybe." He paused a few minutes to consider this possibility before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, and I'm not going to question it. I'm just glad you kept those dinner reservations! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's date!" He smiled, and I could feel my heart melting. I would do anything in my power to make him happy.
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running-with-kn1ves · 8 months
A/N: Decided to name our ‘PUNISHMENT’ fic boy Malachi, lemme know if this is a win or a fat L my scrumptious pogchamps. ALSO happy valentines day! (Posting this early let me be)
CW: Toxic relationship, possessive/obsessive behavior, suggestive themes, mentioning future seggsual acts/fantasies
Synopsis: Out on a group date for Valentine's Day with your possessive, jealousy-ridden boyfriend is never a good idea, especially when he finds the special surprise you’re wearing for him.
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“Hrmm… seems like they have a lot of Valentine's themed stuff on the menu.” 
“Well it IS the season! No other reason for it being so packed in here...” One of your friends across the table perked up, slightly annoyed at the stuffy atmosphere.
She was right, every table was filled, every booth full of chattering couples or first blind dates, even double or thruple dates just like the one you were on. 
You were lucky your friend's boyfriend had managed to snag this place a week in advance, else you might be thigh to thigh with everyone else in a tinier booth. Ha, as if YOUR boyfriend would allow that; you'd probably be on the edge of the shared booth seat, nearly falling off just to save you from being ‘too close’ to anyone else, even your own friends. 
“Annoying… I don't get why going out on Valentine's Day is so important, what happened to dates in the privacy of your own home.” Said the devil you were thinking of, that comment nudging to how he was far more in favor of spending a “romantic” evening home alone with you instead of being here with your two friends and their spouses. 
“Awe, is puppy dog Malachi upset he has to share? We planned this weeks in advance, so suck it up, we have a right to see OUR friend tonight.” That same friend hissed. 
Your other friend nodded. He would’ve added on, if it weren’t for the death stare your boyfriend was currently drilling into everyone else across the table. You hadn’t been out in a group setting like this in… who knows how long.
“Oh, really? Don’t fucking--”
“C’mon you guys,” You grabbed onto Malachi’s thigh, a tight squeeze making him stop in his angry tracks to look down.”I’m here right now, shouldn’t we be catching up, not fighting? I missed you, missed this.” 
Your sincerity seemed to ease them up, a flash of contrition on your female friend’s face. She hated your boyfriend, clearly, wearing a scowl when she turned back to Mr. moody himself. He rested his face on his palm, looking at the other couples every now and again, always keeping a short glance at you out of the corner of his eye to make sure you weren’t having too much fun. 
One of the spouses --you had forgotten the name of by now after the evening’s short introductions-- had begun talking, complaining about coworkers or customers, one or the other. 
Wow, has it been so long that your friends have completely different lives now, new people that they spend their time with that you weren’t even told about? Well, its not like you’ve exactly been open to receiving that kind of news, or able to be, with so little time to make phonecalls lately, your phone always seeming to disappear, phone numbers no longer existing in your contacts… it was truly a miracle you managed to have this outing, and Malachi thought so too. 
“I swear if she prods at me again,” Your jealous guard dog of a boyfriend started, hand clenching the red, heart-embroidered table cloth.
“Take it easy, okay? I know you don’t want to be here but-- just do it a little longer, for me. Thats what we agreed, right?”
You took his hand in yours, bringing up his clenched fist to your lips. You thanked the skies that physical affection always seemed to drown out his fiery temper. You wondered how much longer that’d last. 
“Fine. But I can’t stand looking at them anymore, come ‘ere.” Malachi patted his thigh, hands moving to your hips to help bring you to your new seat. 
“Seriously? We’re in a.. A nice restaurant, with my friends--”
He gave you a knowing look, one that said ‘if you don’t listen, i’ll drag your ass back to the car without the pleasure of friendly goodbyes.’ 
You didn’t know if you could handle the embarrassing shit he put you through anymore. It tested the strength of your will and the integrity of your soul at this point. 
You did as he demanded, slowly making your way to sit on the edge of his lap. Most of those around you didn’t seem to notice, an occasional glance looking to see what you were doing, but ultimately going back to the lively story of one of the nameless significant others. You tried to hover above him, afraid to fully commit to sitting down on top of him, but a small ‘what are you doing’ and forced downward push of your hips made your butt make soft contact with his lap. 
“That’s right… that’s better.” He cleared his throat, putting one arm around your waist and the other on your knee. You directly blocked his view, your boyfriend not moving to see the rest of the group, instead leaning against you like a perfectly shaped body pillow. 
“Can’t you atleast act normal? Don’t you have any shame around other people,” You whispered, knowing that one of your friends was reading the uncomfortable expression on your face and was in turn, giving a similar expression of discomfort. 
“Hey, you know how bad I can be, this isn’t even the worst of it. You want me to really embarrass you?” 
A waiter  broke the quiet spat you were having with him, asking if you’d like another drink. He didn’t acknowledge the man behind you, either out of not seeing him or to purposefully avoid the dark eyes digging into his soul behind your shoulder. 
You croaked out a polite “yes please,” looking for your friend’s fellow responses. They all answered in kind, the waiter scurrying away to another busy set of tables. 
Malachi scoffed, coiling around you tighter. 
“D’you see that? I knew we shouldn’t have come out here, in front of prying eyes… bet he’s hit on every other pretty thing he’s seen walk in here, so don’t get any ideas.” 
 You almost turned around to gawk at your boyfriend, such an insensitive and insecure string of words wounding you. 
“I would never..” 
You almost let him ruin the rest of your evening, the dreadful pit of wanting to go home entering your tired mind. But you promised yourself you’d try to make an effort in repairing your friendships, attempting to memorialize your friend’s smiles and laughs, trying to come up with the names of their spouses you had just heard a half hour ago. If you wouldn’t see them again for a while, atleast you could have this. 
And with the two-second memory your boyfriend often displayed,(except for when it came to your “betrayals”) he was enamored with something new. 
“Oh, what do we have here…” Malachi tip-toed down the elastic waistband of your pants, looking at the lacey red lingerie underneath. It wasn’t hard to spot, not when it was a drastic change from your usual tame undergarments. Well, tame for him, he had seen them all at this point. 
You wouldn’t have noticed his prodding peculiarity if it weren’t for that worrying heightened pitch in his voice, one that always started trouble. Fingers nipping your tummy and around your wrist weren’t unusual, you had become accustomed to it from how he pawed at you at home, never seeming satisfied, but this, wasn’t the usual lack of personal space.
“Hey! You weren’t supposed to see that.” You slapped his hand away, having which already gotten a full touch of the goods you were hiding. 
“What is that supposed to mean--” Malachi started, and you knew he was about to expect the worst. You shut him up as fast as you could. 
“It’s supposed to be for tonight, idiot!” You whispered with a harsh tone, starting to get fed up with his childish reactions, which always seemed to jump to conclusions. “...Did you forget that it’s Valentine’s day or what?”
You barely let the words escape from between your teeth, not wanting to admit the silent internet escapade you went on to find something that wouldn’t tear your ass in half or be so tight you’d be left with more marks from it than him. But even so, after the sneaking around in trying to catch the package before he could and clearing out your emails as soon as possible, he still managed to see it before you had planned. 
Now, you wondered if it was worth it, with the lace itching your chest and the other giving you a wedgie. 
“awe.. no way, for me? All for me?” Malachi was promptly sweet on you, much different than the heel-biting mood he was in a short few minutes ago. 
You leaned back to get close to his ear, shifting your eyes anxiously. You really didn’t want your friends to know about the violently ravenous side of your boyfriend that wouldn’t stop him from making a scene about it here and now, which you anxiously tried to prepare for in case of the worst. “It’s for when we get back home…so lets just enjoy our time here, just sit still with me for a little longer.” You tried your usual ‘gentle parenting’ method, holding the heavy knuckles around your waist, to soothe him into letting you spend just a little bit longer with your friends.
Malachi kicked his feet, exasperating at this newfound interest and the ways he could torture you with it, could make you beg him for its secrecy. Oh how he could envision having you at his mercy, so cute and sexy but ultimately deserving punishment for going behind his back about something so temptatious, something another man could see and take if he weren’t there.  
“But now, baby I don’t know if I can wait.” He grinned, raking his teeth over his bottom lip so much it looked like it hurt. You felt him shift underneath you, leaning up to grind against your backside. “Man, you really should’ve hid it better, ‘cause now its all I can think about..”
You rolled your eyes, feeling his heavy exhale against your cheek. Your friends were too immersed in their own conversations with their loved ones to notice anything else, legs strewn over one another and fingers interlocked as they felt the cheap haze of their Sweetheart Cocktail’s and Rosé’s of Love. You would’ve much preferred to be tipsy along with them by now, but the truth is you were too nervous with the possessive man beside you to truly let loose anywhere other than alone. On top of that, the scolding you’d get from him for being so relaxed was not worth the extra headache. 
And yet, the wanton expression he held for you, the hands that fiddled to get deep and play with his surprise, made you feel so wanted. More wanted than your friends had  made you feel this evening. They just looked at you with concerned frowns and confused cocks of their heads as they questioned to why you were still with this crazed maniac. 
“What I would do to bend you over in front of these idiots, make you do more than say my name while wearing these adorable lacey little--” 
“Don’t tell me you’re already thinking of heading out.” Your female friend piped up, looking at the credit card Malachi put on top of the split receipt that has been sitting lonesome for a good while. 
He almost broke, annoyed at the sudden interruption. 
“Afraid so,” Your anticipating boyfriend gleamed, not even her sour attitude dampening the rising excitement in his perverted mind and tightening pants. “We have some other plans to attend to.”
“What could be more important than friends?” She asked, looking at you to advocate against your controlling spouse. 
You felt a greedy palm reach up your shirt, falling back down to paw for the thin garment below your waistline. 
“If we don’t go now.. I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Can’t promise that I won’t  rip these fucking shorts off you here to see what all is underneath.” He whispered against you through gritted teeth, barely able to stop from kissing you raw. 
“We’ll stay… just until the waiter comes back for his tip.” You choked out, not letting on about the roll of Malachi’s hips that pressed you up against the table. 
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lightlycareless · 21 days
Don't mind me, I'm just posting a little something that I had in mind, a continuation of Naoya's and Y/N's many HS adventures :) in other words, their first official Valentine's Day.
warnings: fluff. a tiny small hint of smut, implied by someone else. please read this part first followed by this other one to get the full picture!! and I guess this too.
Happy reading :)
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Your first valentine’s day with Naoya—like, the actual one and not the fiasco that transpired last year—is one that has you very excited. And how couldn’t you?! Naoya had been very… enigmatic when preparing you for today.
“Clear out your schedule after school, princess. All the way down to the weekend.”
“Huh? Why?” you ask, feigning ignorance—as if you weren’t waiting for this exact moment since you started dating him. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know, guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
But you couldn’t wait! Not at all! In fact, such was your excitement that you could barely get any sleep— it was a miracle that you managed to get a few hours of rest before eagerly jumping out of bed, getting ready, and subsequently making your way to class while fervently imagining all the surprises Naoya had in store for you.
Well, whatever it was, there was no doubt in your mind that it would be much better than whatever your classmates discussed—glad that you no longer felt out of the conversation, not entirely that is, for you still had to figure out what your boyfriend was planning…
Thankfully, it wouldn’t take long for you to see the first details of his extensive itinerary, much to your eventual embarrassment.
It would begin with the so-called cupid’s mail service, a way for the student council to take advantage of help couples who wished to send gifts to their significant other’s while raising funds for whatever expenses they might have—such as graduation costs, school trips, so on and so forth.
Last year you were undoubtedly upset for not being sent anything throughout the day, so this time around, Naoya made it his personal mission to not let that happen again, under any circumstance!
And what extravagant way to assure so.
“Senseeeeei, can you give us a moment to deliver the mail?”
Teachers were no strangers to the excessive ways enamored students got to be when prompted—however, none of them had experienced a besotted Naoya, an heir with all possibilities within his grasp motivated to impress his beloved.
“Sure, go ahead.” The sensei responded, barely glancing at the mountain of gifts that made him assume they’d be here for a long time and returning to the blackboard; readying whatever subject followed to retake class once they were gone.
However, as soon as he began his attention would be forced back onto the students the moment they collectively gasped, realizing that the gifts didn’t pertain to various senders, no. Only one—and with a sole receiver too: you.
“All this for you, Y/N, how lucky!” Mei Mei says while placing down a large bouquet of red roses on your desk. “To think that last year you didn’t get a single thing until the very end… you truly are one fortunate girl.”
“Is this—is this really all for me?” You murmur, still in disbelief that Naoya had gone above and beyond with his gifts—but isn’t he always like this, though?
“Oh, this is just for the first class, your beloved boyfriend scheduled more for later.”
“Wh—what?” you breathe, turning even redder, comparable to the roses in front of you. Mei Mei chuckles at the curious sight. “M—more?”
“Don’t forget the note.” she says, plucking an envelope from the bouquet and handing it over to you. “Now, say cheese~”
“Huh, what now?” You stammer, then startled by the bright flash of her cellphone, recollecting the so-called proof Naoya demanded of the goods being delivered—he didn’t want to risk being played the same card he applied last year, this was only a necessary request.
“Well, my job here is done. Have a nice Valentine’s Day, Y/N; Naoya sure is expecting you to have one.”
“Need another desk?” The teacher would suggest after seeing you awkwardly trying to continue with your work through all the items cluttering your counter.
“…yes, please.”
And as Mei Mei promised, more gifts came soon after—from expensive boxes of chocolate from brands you’ve never even heard of in your life, to jewelry and other things you once mentioned wanting before: like a new case for your phone, a cute shirt you saw at the mall (with an additional gift card of a exuberant amount in it if you wished more) and of course, all the mochi you could eat.
Everyone around you wouldn’t take long to begin murmuring about your situation, commenting on how they never expected Naoya to be so passionate about his girlfriend—or anything that wasn’t berating others!
Yet, here he was, spoiling you with all things unimaginable, and that was barely to be the tip of the iceberg.
“Well, at least Naoya had the decency to help you move all these things to your dorm” Shoko commented as she watched the group of students Mei Mei ordered to relocate all of your gifts, work. “Don’t think you would’ve been able to do all that by yourself.”
“No, I wouldn’t.” you breathe, still embarrassed by all that transpired. Being the center of attention is something you never handled well, and more often than not, you tried to pass under the radar.
And yet, as much as you disliked it, it was impossible for you to not enjoy it this time around, for it came from something so sweet as your boyfriend wanting to show his ever-growing adoration for you.
“All this is so excessive, Y/N. I can’t help but wonder what you gave him to evoke all this?”
“I don’t recall anything in particular… I just gave him some chocolates I made.” You murmur, Shoko chuckles. “What?”
“It’s ok, no need to act coy with me. I just know you must’ve given it to him real good.”
“Oh. My. God. Shoko!” you gasp, eyes wide as your friend added onto your embarrassment. Just what you needed!
“Ugh, that is so gross.” Satoru would scowl; the only reason why he was around was to check if the rumors were true, see if Naoya had truly become even more unhinged in the name of love. “I would never do anything like that for a woman.”
“Mmm… maybe not for a woman; but what about a man?” Shoko teases, Gojo quickly becomes flustered, doing what many couldn’t: silence him. “That’s what I thought.”
“Whatever… at least I’m not the one being humiliated—look.” Satoru would then nudge to the person standing by the end of the hallway—a nervous Naoya waiting for you while holding another bouquet of flowers, this time purple roses accompanied by a small Gengar plush in the middle; a sight that has you freezing on the spot, overwhelmed by his seemingly endless gestures of appreciation and all those that were to come.
“We’ll leave you two alone.” Shoko says, grabbing Satoru by the arm and pulling him away. “Have fun!”
“Thanks, Shoko.” You murmur before shyly making your way towards your boyfriend, staring at him for a few seconds, finding the right words to say before settling for a simple greeting. “He—Hey, Naoya…”
“Hello, princess.” Naoya manages to say through the tightness of his throat, excited to see you after a long day of schoolwork, and worried that you might’ve not liked his gifts.
That, of course, is something that wouldn’t perturb him much longer after seeing the way you happily received the flowers from his grasp, a wider smile on your lips as you relished their smell and decoration.
“Did you like your gifts?” He asks, placing his arm around your waist and pulling you closer; your heart skips a beat as you lean into him.
“Ye—yeah… I liked all of them.” You admit with a nod. “They were… really nice. Thank you.”
“I wanted to make it up to you, for the shame I put you through last year.”
“Oh, Naoya—don’t say that.” You fret, wanting to leave that in the past. “It was nothing but a misunderstanding…”
“I still made you feel bad, and that is something I will never forgive myself for.”
“Well, if you must know… today succeed all Valentine’s days I’ve ever had.” You happily declare, much to Naoya’s unexpected concern.
“I fear I might’ve shoot myself on the foot, then.”
“Because I’ve set the bar too high, I’m not sure if I’ll be capable of surprising you next year.”
“Just spending the day with you is enough for me.” You gently reassure, making Naoya’s heart melt.
“Then I think what I have planned next might be of your liking.”
“Wait, you have more?”
“I did ask you to clear out your schedule for the rest of the week, didn’t I?” Naoya teases,
He then reaches for his pocket to take out a set of two tickets—the biggest surprise yet.
“I got us a reservation to visit that park you wanted to go to—Disneyland, I believe? From the accommodations to the transportation, I’ve taken care of everything, all my pretty princess needs to do is be ready by—wait, Y/N? Y/N!”
You don’t remember much after that, outside of an overwhelming shock and happiness that deafened and blinded your senses, leading you to assume that you simply… passed out.
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khuzena · 2 years
Que sera, sera
♡ˋ°•*⁀➷Rin itoshi x reader
Summary: the story which dives in the beginning and the end of you and rin. He doesn't believe in miracles, though he thinks you are one. He's thankful that what will be, will be. And its you and him.
Warnings: none, fluff to angst, angst to fluff. Childhood friends to strangers to lovers. Slow burn, maybe not i dont know. Happy ending.
A/n: GAAAHHHHHH SORRY I WAS SO TIRED I COULDN'T FINISH THIS ON VALENTINES DAY AWWW MANNN. Its also been a long time since i wrote fics so bear with me with this one and it ain't proofread plss.
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For the longest time, Itoshi Rin treated you like shit. Muttering how everything about you is lukewarm and how everything you say is nonsense.
You still remember when you two first met in the playground, at that time Sae never left him yet, Rin still having those chubby cheeks as he runs around in the playground, happily dribbling the ball when the ball suddenly hits your knee.
"O-ow!" You groaned in pain, before you burst into tears as your left knee reddens.
The boy at the swing runs towards you, "Are you okay?" He asks you, he looks concerned for you as guilt creeps up as he doesn't know what to do when sees you cry.
You were a sobbing mess on the floor as the aching got worse, Rin kept a distance before grabbing the playground sand and pouring it at your ankle, "sorry…"
The little boy trying to help you up when you two heard footsteps coming closer, Rin panicking as he realizes it's his brother walking towards them.
Rin stares at the ground when Sae scolds him for being too careless, the little boy now crying with you.
"You two should make up before the adults hear about this, Rin you go and get the first-aid kit and candy, I'll watch after them." The red-head yells as Rin bolts to their house. Later coming back with the first-aid kit and candy, watching his older brother do the work and rub medicine on your scraped knee. As the older boy treated your knee, your eyes met the culprit's gaze, he turned away in shame as tiny sobs left his lips from Sae scolding him earlier.
After that incident, you get a scraped knee, some candy and two new friends. Let's just say Rin's parents weren't too happy when they found out what happened.
The next day, Rin rings your doorbell as he asks your parents where you were, calling you downstairs as you excitedly run towards the gate.
"Oh you're back! What's that in your hand?" Younger you asked Rin as he fiddles a tiny bag in his hands; clearly anxious from yesterday.
The boy gulps before taking a deep breath and awkwardly handing you a bag full of chocolates, "I'm sorry for yesterday.."
Rin closes his eyes as he waits for some sort of punishment until he feels you hug him.
"Heh! No worries, these are my favorite chocolates so you're forgiven."
"Really?" His eyes beam in joy.
"Yup! This chocolate tastes good! Where'd ya get it?" You ask while munching away happily.
"My brother actually has a bowl of candy… you can come over and you can eat more chocolate there."
Your lips curled into a smile before you shook his hand, "what's your name again?"
"Awesome! I'm [name] by the way!"
As you sweep the floor, your broom brushes an old polaroid; it was from 18 years ago. You and Rin were cuddling in Sae's bed, not knowing Sae sneaked in a picture.
Smiling at the picture you reminisce again.
It was summer at that time. Luckily Rin's parents weren't home so you two had the whole house to yourselves.
"Mmm!" Stretching your limbs as you two lie on the couch, playing some mario kart while Sae prepares lunch for the three of you.
The aggressive pressing of the controllers and smell of fruits in the kitchen; you can remember it all perfectly.
"I'm gonna beat you, just you wait—! Hey!" Rin yells when you start tickling him and successfully taking the lead, making Rin's character fall off the map.
Rin's demise eliciting a loud giggle from your lips as you beat his ass after a whole hour of trying to one up each other.
Rin is fuming with anger as he complains to Sae, "No fair! You're cheating! Sae don't give her any chocolates! You're a cheater!"
"Bleh! You're just bad!"
Sae groans in annoyance as he prepares the table, "You two get over here and stop fighting or else I won't let you two play."
You two pout and start glaring at each other.
"That's right midget." You tease him before sitting right next to him, grabbing a plate of spaghetti.
"Shut up! I'm gonna be taller than you, just you wait!" Rin sticks his tongue out, teasing you with confidence but Sae gives you two an icy-glare, indicating that you two should just stop fighting.
"Rin, [name]."
"Y-yes!" Both of you stop fighting, at least not In Front of Sae. Hours go by and the night sky settles in.
Plopping in his bed while staring at all his trophies, "damn rin you won all these?"
Rin doesn't reply, fixing the bed sheets before lying next to you; letting out a small hmph.
You sigh, and make him turn around to face you. "Rin. Sorry for earlier."
Rin rolls his eyes, "lukewarm" he mutters under his breath.
After that you two look away and fall asleep. When Sae comes in however, he sees you two cuddling like kittens. Sae smirks to himself before grabbing his phone, taking a picture— close ups even so he can use this as blackmail later on. Let's just say you both did not enjoy waking up in each other's arms; spoiler alert: Rin actually did.
A few years pass by and you two find each other laying on the park, star gazing. These days Rin gets too lonely, his brother moving to Spain to chase after his career.
"S-so… Rin are you okay?"
The boy right next to you stares at the stars, ignoring your voice calling out for him.
Sighing in defeat, knowing Rin isn't in the mood to talk right now.
"I'm nervous actually, about the future." You say before clearing your throat.
Rin turns around and looks at you, "and?"
The stars were lovely, lovelier than anything you've ever seen.
"It just feels like time flies by so quickly, all of the sudden Sae is in Spain and now we're just- ya know… here."
Rin doesn't say a word again, only listening to the rustling of the leaves as it sways with the wind.
"I just wish we had more time. What if something bad happens in the future and we're not friends anymore?"
Rin sits up before flicking your forehead, "Hey what was that for?!"
"To stop your lukewarm talking, stop worrying about the future— I started learning some Spanish so when Sae comes back I can greet him and.."
He looks back at you, nervous and shaking; tears welling up in his eyes. He misses Sae too much.
You tap his shoulder lightly, pushing him to continue what he wants to say.
"Que sera, sera I think? I searched it up and it means whatever will be, will be. So stop worrying too much, you idiot" he rolls his eyes, trying to stop the tears from leaving his eyes.
The world felt peaceful like this, only you and him; the moon and stars as your witness.
A few years later Sae comes back though it didn't go as expected. You two were ecstatic when Sae came back but he changed. After that Rin and Sae were no longer 'Rin and Sae'; now they were just strangers.
Sae was a catalyst for what Rin would become. Rin stopped eating chocolates. Rin would overexert his body from practice and when you two talk it's nothing more than just 'hello'.
Needless to say you were hurt. This wasn't the Rin you knew, the new him is now an empty shell of what he used to be; no— the old Rin died when Sae came back and now you're left to mourn alone for the old him.
You don't watch Rin's practice anymore; you couldn't bear to see that bitter expression written on his face as he tries and tries to practice more just to catch up to his brother.
Months later, Rin was accepted to blue lock. He was gone again for months.
Staring at the small tv screen when you watch the U20 vs Blue lock match.
The camera pans over to Rin disheveled, on his knees when Sae comes over to him. You wonder what happened between them when they met again on the field that caused Rin to be beyond irritated even though his team won.
A week later, Rin comes back to the neighborhood park, kicking the football with tears in his eyes. Pouring all his anger on the ball, almost deflating the ball in the process.
A gust of wind blows on your face before you utter a weak 'hi'. It was like a teen romcom cliche but the thing is there was no chemistry anymore.
At Least… that you thought that there wasn't.
"Go away." He groans, fixing his shoe tie and running off to get the ball.
"I saw the game." You yell trying to get his attention. He kicks the ball again but this time with more force, the ball ricocheting and bouncing on the fences. "You did great."
Two words almost fell from your lips but cleared your throat, trying to make sure the 'Im proud' doesn't spill from your lips as maybe your tears will too.
Rin quirks his face into an expression you can't describe. Anger? Hatred? But when you stare longer at his eyes, watch how his chest heaves up and down shakily you can see a hint of sadness— as if he was a ripped doll, his heart torn apart, left to rot. He would never admit it but the way you stare at him with such pity, angers him. It makes his torn heart beat rapidly and his lungs bruise more, waiting for you to sew him up again; fixing him.
But he would never admit it, his ego warped mind and his dying heart. He doesn't notice it but he feels alive when he sees you again.
He doesn't know what to do when you stare at him with pity. The small child locked away a long time ago in the corners of his soul begging him to let it all out and cry in your arms; maybe you could see how he's hurting and maybe you'll stitch him up again.
But you don't. At least not now.
He shivers from the cold air, he's glad it's winter as the cold weather could freeze his tears away before you even see it. But it's not cold enough to turn his tears into icicles as he sheds a tiny tear, he swears if he could just open up to you, you would catch it.
His ragged breathing, his worried expression, the tears threatening to leak from his eyes all of it. You ingrain all of it in your mind, burning this memory into your brain.
You want to run towards him, hug him, comfort him like you did as a child. Your arms aching to hold his trembling figure but you don't, fearing it might ignite more tension between you two. So you just watch as he tries to hold back his tears right in front of you.
You say nothing and hand over a piece of chocolate. Watching him accept it and eating one for the first time, oh how he's forgotten the taste of this treat.
There was a silent agreement with you two. A simple nod and you two go back to your own paths now, wondering how the other one is doing right now.
Months pass by again and this time Rin won the world cup but you notice a change in him, a spark reignited in him. The same old spark when he first started playing football.
You couldn't afford to go to the actual world cup so you watch the match on your tv screen. Seeing him in person is better but never seeing him at all even on a screen is worse.
Months ago Rin would be red in anger, you don't know why but it feels like you should've done something. But now, even on the screen you could see him smile for the first time as he shakes hands with Sae.
Letting out a sigh of relief, maybe Rin is fixed, maybe he was the same rin back then. Maybe, just maybe you two could be on good terms again.
Then it happened.
You see Rin again at the park. The neighbors were talking about how the itoshi brothers were going back to the neighbor so you went to the park; this is where Rin has always been.
A leaf falls to your side and at that moment Rin notices your presence. Anxiety bubbling in his chest, he knows what he's done to you. He's scared that you'll never forgive him for how he treated you.
"I'm uh.." you stutter, the words stuck in your throat. Looking down in shame, if you only said this back then maybe you had a chance to fix him. He looks at you, he doesn't look as broken as before. His eyes no longer bear hatred, only melancholy and guilt.
"I'm proud. I'm proud of you." You've finally let the words out, the ones that have been dying to be said.
Rin has never been good with words and neither have you. Rin doesn't say anything, he stands up and kicks the football to the tree. That tree has been there for as long as you remember. It was the sign of your pact, your friendship.
He shoves his hand in his pocket, trying to find something. It takes him a while and he pulls out a tiny treat.
It was that same chocolate he first gave you as a child.
Que sera, sera right?
What will be, will be.
From the beginning it was you and Rin. In the end it will always be you and Rin.
You stretch your back after finishing sweeping and dusting the living room. Your shared house should get some renovations by now but oh well, Rin's schedule has never been that generous to give you both enough time.
The warm sun hits your skin as you walk to the garden and tend to the flowers. After you and Rin hit it off he started to plant your favorite flowers in your garden, so even if it weren't valentines day, he'd still have enough flowers to give you every day.
"I'm home." That familiar voice echoes in the room, the door creaking open.
You chuckle as you place the broom away, "Hard day?"
He nods and hugs you, his wedding ring hitting your back as he hugs too tightly. He lets out a small giggle when you pepper his face with kisses.
You threw the curtain at his chest as he raised an eyebrow, "Rin, we should really renovate and shop for new stuff— these things are getting a little too wonky don't you think?"
He lets out a sigh, he barely notices the condition of the house when he's out for months. "Fine, fine. We're going out later"
Your lips quirk into a smile. Oh how lucky you are to be with him. The way he treated you like a deity, praising the floor you step foot on. Caring for you and treating you kindly, gently even as a way to pay back what you did for him. You stitched his torn heart back up, sure the scars will stay forever but he learnt how to cherish it because it brought him to you.
"Rin, help me with this thing— it's too heavy!"
He rushes to your side and hastily carries all the heavy luggage and boxes, helping you out as you two laugh and talk about your day.
He was an idiot, he forgot it was valentines day, no wonder why you were so pouty. Rin will just make it up to you later.
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
It will always be You and Rin. Nothing more, nothing less.
- La fin♡
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Note: so so sorry if this has so many mistakes, i just started writing again and this is just practice. English is not my first language. ♡
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kitashousewife · 2 years
you & me
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an: i feel like gojo needs a break every now and then!! the chance to relax and i feel like he should get spoiled too!!!
pairings: gojo x fem!reader
warnings: angst from gojo, stress, anxiety, sorcerer au but everyone is happy and alive, alcohol mention and consumption, food mention, suggestive content
gojo's head hangs over the back of his desk chair as he lets out a long, exhaustion-filled sigh. he sways back and forth slightly, eyes shut, trying to relax for a few minutes. if he's not teaching, he's somewhere around the world on a mission. if he's not doing either of those, he's lying awake in bed with a drumming heart and a hyperactive mind.
with you by his side, of course.
being the strongest has its perks, for sure. challenges that help him grow and improve, opportunities to see the world, as well as more than enough financial stability. it's quite nice to be at the top.
it's pretty lonely as well.
the demand of it all has begun to take a toll on gojo, both mentally and physically. his bones ache, and his muscles strain more than they have before. just this morning during his training with the second years, he allowed himself to get pinned rather quickly by maki in 30 seconds. his fingers shake no matter how much he eats or drinks. even in his late twenties, gojo feels almost triple that.
the mental effects are a whole other story. at this point, he hasn't slept in almost four days, not that he hasn't tried. gojo's usually sharp mind is exhausted during fights, hyper-focused, and completely used up by the end of the day. and, for the first time in his life, he feels anxious. constantly looking behind himself, checking the school cameras, and even begging to install stricter security on your shared home than you already have.
he exhales, opening his eyes. he just wants a vacation.
"i'm really sorry, but nobody else is available," principal yaga sympathizes over the phone. the end of your pen taps on your notebook while you think.
"nobody from kyoto? what about a team? i know it's important, but satoru is tired and-"
"i know he is," yaga agrees. "but i told you, i can't find anyone else. i'm afraid that this mission needs someone of gojo's caliber. unless a miracle happens, i can't guarantee any time off. i'm sorry, i really am."
you rub your eyes, nodding as you cross off yet another failed idea.
"no worries. thank you for trying though."
you hang up and groan. this is the fifth idea that you've come up with today. valentine's is only a couple away, and you want to plan something special for your boyfriend. he's clearly overworked, yet he never fails to spoil you. it's your turn.
if something could work, of course.
you think for a few more minutes before giving up. you rise from your spot at the kitchen table, shuffling towards the fridge. at least you could make some dinner before he gets home.
"hey sweetheart," gojo's very tired frame comes through the garage door.
dinner will have to wait.
"hi! i'm so happy to see you." you give him a large hug, and notice that he leans into you a bit more than normal. he's already out of his blindfold and uniform jacket, both thrown on the floor near his shoes.
"i'm happier to see you. how about we order pizza or something? don't worry about cooking anything tonight."
you smile. even with his fatigue, he just wants to make you happy.
"whatever you want, 'toru."
the evening feels short. after eating dinner together and watching a couple episodes of a show that neither of you really notices, gojo heads to take a shower. you hope to figure out more of the valentine's festivities before he comes out.
you think about surprising him at work. going there early, setting up some decorations and his favorite treats all nice before he arrives. it's a great plan, except he would notice you were gone.
you consider seeing a movie, maybe even the nice theater that opened up. much to your dismay, every show time is sold out.
you're about to try another theater when your phone rings.
"i'm so sorry for calling this late. do you have a few minutes?" it's yaga again. he only calls you if he can't get ahold of gojo himself. your stomach turns.
"don't apologize. and sure, is everything okay?"
he chuckles. "actually, yes. turns out the kyoto branch wants to handle it. they have a team that i'm fairly confident will be able to get the job done, and then some."
your turning changes to butterflies. "what are you saying?"
the smile in your voice must be evident, as he laughs again.
"i'm saying that you're clear. gojo won't have any missions for at least a couple weeks, so he's all yours."
you jump up and down a couple times. "oh, my gosh. thank you, so much. i can't thank you enough."
"don't mention it. he deserves it."
you end the call, running over to your laptop. you might be able to pull this off.
"what's got you so excited?"
he grins from behind you. he knows how much you hate when he sneaks up on you.
"really though, everything okay?"
"yeah. everything is perfect."
you shuffle by him towards your shared bedroom. he raises an eyebrow. his lithe frame leans against the wall while you grab pajamas.
"you're hiding something."
"six-eyes tell you that?"
he snorts. "no, i just know you. tell me, pretty girl. what's going on?"
"you'll find out in a couple days!" you peck him on the lips and get into bed. he joins you with a shake of his head. for the first time in a while, gojo gets a few hours of sleep.
if someone was to win the world's most impatient award, it would be gojo satoru. you're happy that today is the day to finally spoil your boyfriend, but a large part of you is happy to be done with his prying.
you complete the finishing touches on your look, finalizing the plan in your head. thanks to some friends, you were able to get a table at one of the nicest restaurants in tokyo. five courses, dessert, everything is perfect. you will finish the night in a hotel, one that overlooks the city and is luxurious in every sense of the word.
"how do i look?"
you look at your reflection and see your boyfriend staring back at you. black glasses rest on the tip of his nose, and white hair falls around his face. he's in a simple black suit, and shiny dress shoes, complete with a pricey-looking watch.
"you look amazing, as usual. are you ready?"
a low whistle sneaks through his lips as you walk by him. blue eyes drag up your figure and gojo can't help himself. he grabs you by the wrist, pulling you into his chest with a coy smile.
"i'm sure we could spare a few minutes," he smiles wide now, keeping one hand on your waist as the other sneaks up to the zipper of your dress. you put a hand on his chest to push him back, and he pouts.
"we do not, 'toru. we need to go or you'll ruin the surprise. you sure you want that?"
he trails behind you with a whine. "i'm okay with the idea of it," he jokes, raising his eyebrows at you, but you shake your head.
"i'm serious, it's time to go!"
gojo's fingers pull at the drivers seat, but you wave him off quickly.
"what! at least let me drive," he pouts once again, and you giggle.
"you don't even know where you're going! it's not a far drive anyway, get in please!"
he gives up, finally letting you spoil him. he would never admit it, but he feels terrible he didn't plan something for valentine's day first. every year he's done something elaborate. trips, jewelry, booking entire restaurants, renting out entire beaches, anything flashy and loud to scream to the world that you're his. he can't help but feel a little down, though. gojo is nothing if not showy, especially when it comes to you.
the drive is relatively short. traffic in the city gives the two of you time to catch up. gojo shares about his students, marveling at their rapid growth and mastery of their own techniques. the way he lights up when sharing stories of their success warms your heart.
this is the gojo that you know. the man who would do anything for those he loves. the man who would drop everything he's doing to go do something absolutely mundane with you. the man who sacrifices everything to make sure everyone important to him is safe.
"we're here," you announce quietly, voice trailing off with the nerves. you pull the car up to the valet, and gojo is quick to leap out of the car as soon as you park. he opens the door for you with a grin, helping you out and sliding his arm around your waist.
"wow baby," he eyes the restaurant. he's never told you, but he's spent about six months on the waitlist for this place. 'how'd you score this?"
"i have my ways," you smirk. if he's impressed now, you can't wait for him to see what's in store.
gojo watches as you whisper with the hostess, quirking a brow as they scurry back quickly. he's even more surprised when what looks like the owner of the restaurant gives you a hug. soon, you motion him over with a big smile. he points at himself, mouthing a cheeky me? to which you roll your eyes.
gojo follows you, holding your hand as the two of you are led throughout the entire restaurant. dozens of couples dine together, laughing and carrying on with looks of love and adoration. it only makes gojo more excited, especially since the two of you are going further and further away from the crowd.
"here we are," your friend motions towards a small round table, adorned with champagne flutes, plates, and a bottle ready on ice. gojo pulls your chair out for you, kissing your cheek before sitting down. what's even better, is that this table is the only one in the room. "the first course should be out in about fifteen minutes or so. until then, enjoy yourselves."
you nod to your friend as they exit, before turning to your lover.
"oh my god baby," gojo looks around the room, eyes sparkling from the light of the candles that surround you. "what, i mean, how?"
your cheeks heat up, and he takes your hand in his.
"i know how busy you've been, how hard you're working, and i wanted to make this special. besides, you're always doing something for others, especially me," you squeeze his hand. "it's time i take care of you for once."
maybe it's the lighting, the way that you look tonight, or the overwhelming feeling of being taken cared of and loved, but gojo can't help but feel emotional. he looks at you, eyes full of adoration, and he laughs to himself.
"i love you. so much. i don't deserve you."
you shake your head at that.
"you deserve everything good, satoru. i mean that, with my whole heart."
he kisses your knuckles. "i love you more, my perfect girl."
he stands up and checks his watch before walking towards you. he knees to your height, kissing you softly on the lips. your lips move with his, gasping when his hand smooths over your thigh and tongue swipes at your lips.
"we have about ten minutes left," he breathes on your lips and your breathing quickens. his other hand moves up your calf, under your dress before sliding up your thigh.
"how about i show you just how much i love you, my angel?"
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eupheme · 9 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— Dance With Me by @tarrenterror25
You and Alfred move things to a more private area.
— On Display by @viceofdionysus
When Alfred finds you getting carried away on a video call, he asks you to put on a show for him.
— The Gentleman by @stargirlfics
Two chance encounters turn into something quite unexpected the longer you spend around a certain Englishman
— Thoughts No One Asked For But My Mind Had No Mouth And Must Scream by @/tarrenterror
Alfred Pennyworth x Vampire!F!Reader
— When the Night is Over by @/tarrenterror
After the flood, Dulce looks to do her part to help Gotham heal and hopes to bring change to the city.
— When We Met, I Felt My Life Begin by @/tarrenterror
You and Alfred are both trying to organize a special Valentine’s day for each other, but nothing seems to be going quite right! Luckily, young master Bruce is around to help you two get everything in order!
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— Iron by @/stargirlfics
 Battinson + pussy eating
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— Anamnesis by @fluffyprettykitty
Transforming to a werewolf for what seems to be the first time with a familiar yet strange man by your side.
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— Take Me Home by @/tarrenterror
You are the second eldest daughter to the Adderhead and not yet married off by some miracle. This leaves room for a budding romance with a certain fire-raiser. The two of you must keep it secret lest your tyrant of a father find out.
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— The Devil Makes Us Sin by @tarabyte3
Your life isn't perfect, and you don't enjoy moonlighting as a camgirl for so many repulsive men, but you need the money and at least it's yours. You're getting by just fine. You're content. At least you thought you were. Then you get a strange text message. And you aren't sure if you're horrified or intrigued.
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— Calling by @redheadspark
You and Druig were meant to be together, and Druig gives you a place to call home because of that.
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— Saturday by @/fluffyprettykitty
Instantiable night session with Frank.
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— Creation of the Heart by @0celesteisthebest0
Javi comforting you with bouts of insecurity
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— Little Black Dress by @inklore
“you know how good you look in this dress? can’t fuckin’ concentrate on anything but bending you over and ruining it with my come.“ or the one where javi fingers you against a desk at a work conference.
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— Heatwave by @/viceofdionysus
When Hawkins loses power during a heatwave, Jim does the neighborly thing and invites the pretty librarian out to his cabin on a private lake. But as they try to cool down, things only seem to heat up between them.
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— The Dinner by @frannyzooey
Missy invites you home for the weekend, unaware that you’ve actually been sleeping with her father since the semester started.
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— Cadence by @she-likesorchids
You're a barista living in New York, but you create erotic audios and sell subscriptions to make extra money. Matt has found a new outlet for his sexual frustration, and it's your voice. What happens when a chance meeting at your coffee shop threatens to blow both of your covers?
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— Breath of Life by @/moonlight-prose
punctured by the arrow of cupid, oberyn is suddenly infatuated with you. you…the very breath in his lungs, the clouds in his sky, the reason the sun shone down on his home. he was in love and yet you couldn’t have felt more different.
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— Menuet by @psychedelic-ink
you decide to take a swim in a lake that is deep in the middle of the forest. during your swim, pero finds you, and he’s not happy that you went out alone during a full moon.
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— Approach Shift by @psithurista
Peter Parker is a weirdo. A hot, distracting, irritating weirdo. And you can’t afford distractions right now. So there’s only one thing to do.
— Dial Tones by @spiderispunk
Peter gets a much-needed distraction after studying all night.
— Fragments of Tomorrow by @/psychedelic-ink
After a massive ecological disaster, the world is overrun by mutated flora and fauna, along with infected humans that sprout vines and flowers. Nature itself has turned against humanity, and you thought Peter would be by your side. That Spider-Man would protect you and those close to you—you never thought you’d be wrong in both aspects. But now he’s back, and you don’t know how to react.
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— All is Bright by @lavenderursa
Your husband has a rather bad yet exciting day at work which leads to an unexpected reunion and a much needed reminder of the Christmas spirit.
—Joyful Night by @cinewhore
You comfort your husband after his Christmas night run. 
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— Sometimes, Love is not Enough. by @sermormonts
Your knight of the Kingsguard: sworn to celibacy since he took the whitecloak at age three and twenty, bursting to prove all he knows of passion: not from song or script writ in stained pages, but from the glassy, heady ache you’ve etched into his chest—a heart kept dormant for decades.
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— Love's Train by @moonlight-prose
a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine, and the floor.
— To Be Loved by @/moonlight-prose
“you didn’t intend to give up your heart - believing that you could remain one person without severing yourself in two.”
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— Bringin' Home the Rain by @the-eyes-of-andyserkis
You're no stranger to taking risks, in fact you prefer the unknown, however when you happen to cross paths with a certain black market arms dealer you find it uncharacteristically difficult to find your balance. (aka "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine.")
— Danger Starts the Sharp Incline by @citrus-moonlight
At your scientific organization the study of demon energy output has become no less mundane than it would at any other research facility. That is until you find yourself trapped with the demon who has recently shifted in your thoughts from an idle curiosity to a distraction.
— I Always Find My Way Back To You by @/tarrenterror
You can always count on Ulysses to return to you, but lately you find yourself wanting more. The new dangers in the world don't make the life of an arms dealer any easier and any day could be his last. Running away and living off the grid with the man you love is the dream. Does he share your feelings and can he be convinced to live a life with you?
— Please Hold… by @/tarrenterror
Klaue is not opposed to mixing business with pleasure.
— Salvation is a Deep Dark Well by @/citrus-moonlight
Memories and fresh desires are intertwined now and you think you might go mad from the waiting, but all you can do is try to keep yourself busy as you count down to Klaue’s return.
— Think I Need a Devil to Help Me Get Things Right by @/the-eyes-of-andy-serkis
After a particularly rough flight you’re suddenly having anxiety for the first time in all of your years in the air, buyou end up finding help in an unexpected place when an enigmatic passenger offers you a distraction.
— Woven by @/citrus-moonlight
As winter begins to settle in, the darkening days are unexpected brightened when you end up with the chance to spend a little more time with Ulysses Klaue.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Hellooo, it's the same anon who asked if your asks were open. Can I please request how Steps 1-4 Coves would pine over Reader? Like, how would they deal/cope with their massive crush on them? I'm...a very big simp for hopelessly in love boys
Also, can I be 🐚 anon?
When Cove was 8, he didn't have a word for how he felt about you. Not a good one, anyway. He'd never had a best friend before, so maybe that was it. But even then, it felt like something more.
If it hadn't been for you, he would have been absolutely miserable that first summer in Sunset Bird, he knew that for sure. But you had been there, ready and willing to be his friend, and he was so happy and thankful for that.
To show how thankful was, he began paying extra attention to you, which was notable because he'd already paid an awful lot of attention in the first place. What kind of colors did you wear the most? What kind of stuff did you keep in your room? When you talked, what made you the happiest?
He made a mental note of all of that, and even as he grew up and learned more words to describe how he felt about you, he kept going. It got to the point that he could write a guidebook to you, and later, an encyclopedia. He never stopped being proud to be an expert.
-- Even when Cove is little, you are his person. He thought you were sent just for him to make him happy, and to little baby Cove that is Very Serious Business. He has a lot of big feelings that he can't really express, so he jut wants to be with you all the time and learn everything about you so he can be the best best friend.
-- But by Step 2, Cove realizes that this is a crush and boy does it throw him for a loop. He'd never had a crush on anyone before, and you just. Won't. Get. Out. Of. His. Head.
-- He's lying in bed at night, supposed to be asleep, thinking stuff like "Maybe I can tell them on Valentine's Day, but would they like that or think it was corny? Maybe I do it on their birthday, but no, they should have all the attention on their birthday. Maybe ..."
-- But this is just daydreaming because he is NOT going to tell you. If you have a crush on him too then he 100% doesn't realize it, and he's not going to make the friendship weird by telling you he likes you like that.
-- Lots of daydreaming though! Sometimes you're out together, like walking down to get pretzels and he's like "What if this was a date??!?!?!" He knows it's not but what if? Or sometimes he wonder about what it would be like if you did together and even got married, but he wouldn't like to let this thoughts get away from him like that because he doesn't want to be weird about it.
-- But sometimes he'll see the old couples on vacation in Sunset Bird and be like "what if that was us one day?" and just ugh, his heart.
-- Cliff tries to talk to him about it but he covers his ears and runs from the room screaming.
-- He talks to his parents about you all the time though (that's cannon obviously lol) but he doesn't talk about how he likes you, he just talks about you, the kind of stuff you like, how cool you are, what you do together. But they better not tell him that he has a crush because he will not appreciate that one bit.
-- Step 3 Cove is like "Oh yeah, I'm in love with them." He's more comfortable taking you to things like the charity event, things that might be seen by others as a date. He still wants to be near you all the time and he still daydreams, but now his daydreams are more about little realistic stuff that you'd do together if you were dating.
-- He's also more comfortable with physical touch/affection. So please please please ask him for the piggyback rides. He would give you a piggyback ride to the ends of the earth. Do you do that thing where you sit on his chest all the time? He pretends to be annoyed about it but he likes having you so close to him!
-- He's picking his apartment out with you in mind, because he'll want you over as much as possible but also so that if a miracle happens and you move in you'll be happy.
-- When he doesn't want to hear it from his parents, he talks about you to the fish that you named, just so he can get it out.
-- He keeps everything you ever give him ever. And he still remembers everything about you, including all the memories you've made together.
-- A lot of this is at least heavily implied in the game, but he's always only had eyes for you. You're it for him.
-- Also in the game, Step 3 is when he finally makes the move to tell you if you haven't told him already, so let's assume that you shut it down because of high emotions during the dinner scene so we can keep it going lol
-- Following that route, I feel like Step 4 Cove would be like "I still love them, but they don't feel the same way, so being best friends is enough." So he's not going to make any moves, but he gets more and more comfortable in his own skin the older he gets.
-- If you live with him, he's going to take care of you, like he's going to do a lot of things that a live-in boyfriend might do just without the title. Do you need a back rub after a hard day at work? Do you want him to play with your hair while you watch tv? He can do that! He's not even being weird about it by this point, he'd just do anything for you.
-- The neighbors are like "so how long have you been together?" and Cove has to be like "we're not," and nobody gets it because obviously you love each other, but ok whatever.
-- If you end up living far away from each other though, well that sucks. He's going to want to check in every day. If you don't wake up to a "Good morning!" text you're going to worry about him. He still sends letters, too.
-- He picks up little presents that remind him of you, usually nothing too big, just little trinkets. When he gets enough together, he'll send off a care package.
-- If anybody ever hits on him or asks him out, of course he'll say no, but it'll also make him extra sad that things never worked out like that with you.
-- At this point, he gets a little suspicious sometimes when you say or do certain things, like it kind of makes him wonder if you might actually feel the same way about him. And there he is, not able to go to sleep that night because he's daydreaming again.
-- Does he cuddle a pillow and pretend it's you sometimes? Yeah but he'd die before he told anyone about it.
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months
Fate's A Bitch!;
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Summary: The WORST™ thing that could happen to Anthony has happened. He's gotten a SOUL MARK. His grandmother will be so disappointed. Trigger Warnings: broken bones, minor violence, toxic friendships (pre-relationship), children being medics, swearing, panicking, dysfunctional relationships, etc.
Translations: Je m'en fous ! Je l'utilise pour une raison, alors fais chier, Dorothy!= I don't give a fuck! I'm using it for a reason, so piss off, Daphne! Oh, putain, quel gâchis.= Oh for fuck's sake, what a mess. 
Happy Valentine's Day and hope you enjoy your gift, @panthera-tigris-venenata !
It had been nine weeks since ‘Captain’ Harriet Alice Hook had broken Anthony’s nose after he had said something that, in hindsight, the thirteen year old knew was particularly stupid even for him. 
NIne weeks. 
And, according to Marya Rasputin—The Queen’s Fury’s self-appointed medic—, it took only about six weeks or less for a broken nose to heal with or without medical treatment depending on how severe the fracture was. And that any bruising around his nose or eyes should have gone away in two to three weeks. But it had been NINE and the knuckle shaped bruising on his nose hadn’t gone away and neither had the bruising on Harriet’s knuckles.
And, despite what many people liked to believe, Anthony wasn’t stupid—no matter how many stupid things he might have said in the past.
He knew that the ‘bruise’ on his nose was too red to be just a bruise.
He just didn’t want to admit it.
Because if he did, then he’d have to admit what it really was and destroy any and all credibility he had as a pirate (it was a pure miracle Harriet hadn’t kicked him out for disrespecting her) and as both the noble Lord Tremaine and an isle kid. Something he absolutely refused to do. 
Because if he did do that, his grandmother would be disappointed and then the rest of the adults would get mad at her for being disappointed, and it’d cause a fight so loud that everyone on the isle would know that Anthony had a soul mark. Then he’d be seen as weak and everyone younger than him in the family would be seen as free game to mess with. 
Something that couldn’t happen.
Anthony groaned, placing his head in his hands after giving up on trying to wipe the mark off in the hopes that it had simply been hair dye that had somehow gotten on his nose. “Oh, putain, quel gâchis.”
Only to jump when someone banged on the door. 
“Anthony, will you hurry up! There are other people in the house who need the bathroom!”
“Je m'en fous ! Je l'utilise pour une raison, alors fais chier, Dorothy!” Anthony snapped, more than a little tired and freaked out. 
“You can do your hair in your own room!”
“Oh shut up and go away!”
“Fine, Lord Tremaine,“ The brunette said mockingly. “But I’m telling your mom and mine that you swore at me!”
And with that, Dorothy walked away—causing Anthony to snap out of his wallowing and scramble for the door in all of his thirteen year old glory. His soul mark problem temporarily forgotten. 
 “No wait! Dorothy, wait!” 
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Hi!! P, 13 for Billy! Angsty but with a happy ending, please! Thank you!
Here you go, anon. 💕
This one is set while Billy is still a Marine.
P. Fighting/almost breaking up 13. 'What happened to us?'
It all started with a really shit day. One of those days where everything that could go wrong did go wrong and all you wanted to do was to crawl into bed with your boyfriend and have him hold you for a while.
But you couldn’t. Because your boyfriend was thousands of miles away, in a desert somewhere in Afghanistan.
So, when you logged on to your scheduled Skype call, your mood was already dismal.
Usually getting to see Billy in any way you could was enough to brighten your mood, but today the low-quality picture and clunky signal just served as an unwelcome reminder of how he wasn’t there with you.
You needed him, and he wasn’t there. Just like he hadn’t been there all the other days you had needed him over the past several months. And all the months of his last two tours.
You were immensely proud of him for his service and would never ask him to quit the Marines for you… but it was hard being left behind. It was lonely.
In retrospect, you should have sent him an email and rescheduled your Skype call, claiming to be sick or something. But you had thought you could power through. You had thought that Billy would make you feel better.
You had thought wrong.
He had quickly noticed your sour mood, which only made his own mood sour in turn, and soon you found yourself in a heated fight while Skype kept freezing on your angry expressions.
‘Is it too much to want to enjoy this time together?’ said Billy in an angry whisper. He didn’t have the luxury of yelling, something that satisfied your petty side. ‘After all the shit that goes on here, I think I deserve a break and a chance to chat with my girl.’
‘We’re not together, Billy,’ you reminded him. ‘We’re on whole different continents. I love you and I’m proud of you, but you can’t expect me to always be okay with that.’
‘You’ve never had trouble before.’
You let out a bark of disbelieving laughter. ‘I’ve never let you see it before,’ you corrected. ‘I can’t count how many times I have cried myself to sleep because I missed having you next to me. Every Valentine’s Day and birthday and Christmas. Every shitty day that would have been made better with just one hug from you.’
‘That’s not my fault,’ he said through gritted teeth. ‘I had already signed up when we got together. You knew what you were getting into.’
‘So I’m not allowed to miss you?’
You stared at the screen in shock. That had not been the answer you had been expecting.
Billy seemed to realise his mistake straight away, and he groaned as he scrubbed a hand through his hair. ‘That’s not what I… Look, my tour is over in a few weeks. Then none of this will matter.’
‘Unless the tour gets extended like the last one.’
Unless you don’t come home at all, you didn’t say.
‘Then we’ll just have to deal with it,’ he sighed. Something caught his attention and his gaze drifted to above the camera. He let out an annoyed growl and then looked back to the screen. ‘I gotta go. People are waiting to use the computers.’
You nodded, knowing that there was nothing you could do about it. You weren’t going to deny other people the chance to talk to their loved ones just because you and Billy were fighting.
‘I… I’ll see you soon.’
When the call ended, you finally let the tears fall down your cheeks.
Billy didn’t get the chance for another Skype call after that, and the only communication you had was emails which were kept short and succinct.
Only a few more weeks to go. I know.
Mission went well. I’m glad.
Got overlooked for the promotion again. I’m sorry.
Frank says hi. Hi Frank.
What happened to us?
That last message went unanswered.
But you would get your answer soon enough you supposed. By some miracle, Billy’s tour hadn’t been extended, and he was probably already on his flight home.
The thought made you equal parts happy and scared. You had missed him so much and couldn’t wait to see his face in person again… but what if this fight was not something you could both get past? What if the next time you saw him was also the last time?
It was those thoughts that had you stress-cleaning, and you were just about done with the kitchen when someone knocked on your front door. You almost ignored them but decided better of it when they knocked again.
‘All right, I’m coming,’ you grumbled as you made your way to the door.
Your annoyance disappeared the second you opened it.
There, on your doorstep, was Billy, dressed in a suit and holding his duffle bag in one hand and flowers in the other.
‘Why didn’t you use your key?’ you asked dumbly before you shook yourself out of it and stepped aside to let him in.
He gave you a small smile as he passed you. You caught a whiff of his cologne as he did, and your mind finally caught up with the fact that he was really there in front of you.
He was home.
Billy put his bag on the floor near the wall and then turned back to hold out the flowers to you.
You took them silently, and then immediately chucked them away as you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him as tightly as you could.
‘I’m so glad you’re okay,’ you cried into his shoulder. You could deal with the fight and the distant emails and the unanswered questions later. Right now, all that mattered was that he had made it home again. ‘I’m so glad you’re home.’
Billy’s arms wrapped around you, making you cry harder. ‘Me too, baby,’ he whispered, and he pressed a kiss to your temple. ‘It’s so good be back for good.’
That had you pulling away, but Billy didn’t let you get very far. He only gave you just enough room to be able to look up at him. ‘For good?’ you asked, hope welling in your chest.
Billy nodded and reached up to wipe the drying tears from your cheeks. ‘I’ve finally got enough saved up to get out. I’ve been emailing the bank, and I think I can get a small loan to set up Anvil at last.’
Anvil had been his dream for a while now, but you hadn’t realised it had been so close.
Your smile could have rivalled the sun at that moment. ‘I’m so proud of you,’ you said.
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him senseless, maybe drag him straight to the bedroom, but the fight still lingered at the back of your mind, telling you that he might not want that.
Something must have shown in your eyes, because Billy suddenly cupped your cheeks and crashed his lips to yours, dispelling every one of your doubts.
You would get past it. You were going to be okay.
You clung to the collar of his shirt like it was a lifeline, even after the kiss ended.
‘I’m not leaving you ever again,’ he said, voice suddenly more serious than you’d ever heard it. ‘No more missed birthdays or holidays.’
You shook your head, feeling silly for the things you’d said all those weeks ago.
‘I’m sor-’
Billy cut off your apology with another kiss, this one less impassioned and more tender.
More loving.
‘Me too,’ he whispered once he had pulled away again. He rested his forehead against yours, and you both closed your eyes, relishing in the fact that you were both together.
You were both still together.
‘You asked what happened to us,’ he said. ‘The way I see it, the only thing that happened is we became stronger than before. Because now we know we can get through anything.’
Tears pricked at your eyes again, but you didn’t let them fall.
You couldn’t agree with him more.
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fallrimxreader · 2 years
Companions react to April fools jokes:
Cait: Sole woke her up by pretending there was a deathclaw in the house. She punched sole in the face.
Curie: Sole pretended to cut off their finger. She was very interested in looking at what the wound was like, if it was a clean one, how much blood it produced and to see if she could reattach it. She was then disappointed after learning sole pranked her.
Codsworth: He doesn't understand why people are laughing at him, but he is always happy to be of service even in the entertainment section. Everyone else thinks the moustache and eyebrows sole drew on him were hilarious.
Deacon: He was really not happy to find sole put glue on his wig. Not that it was superglue, but it still hurt trying to get it off. Just to make sole aware how much he disliked it he made sole wash and repair all of his disguises.
Dogmeat: Sole picked up the ball sole threw the ball- wait. Where did the ball go? He was sure sole had thrown it. What? Sole had it behind their back the whole time? He is a little hurt, but happy when they threw it for real the next time.
Danse: Why was his suit so itchy after he just cleaned it? Maybe it was the heat. Maybe he was allergic to something? He didn’t know, all he could think of was how itchy he was. Sole found it hilarious to watch Danse rub his whole body against a tree to relieve himself. Danse found it humiliating and proceeded to confiscate all of soles good weapons, leaving only a stick to defend themselves.
Hancock: Hancock woke up to find a pair of fake glasses with nose stuck to his face. It was only taped on so not permanent. Sole was not expecting Hancock to go around showing his new look off, telling everyone his nose had grown back and it was a miracle. He took it with stride and the prank seemed to quickly lose its effect.
MacCready: Sole thought it would be funny to wait until the middle of the night then fire a round off. MacCready shoots up, gun ready, screaming “WHERE ARE THEY?” Sole laughs super hard. MacCready stops, he realizes what happens, gets dressed and goes for a walk, wiping away the non existent tears. 
Piper: An exploding pen was fun in theory. But then it actually went off all over the place, getting more ink than expected everywhere. Sole accepted the telling off, and cleaned all the ink while Piper watched. 
Preston Garvey: Sole hides his gun. When asked Sole denies seeing it, asking where he left it last. Preston goes on the hunt. It becomes less funny after a couple of hours when Preston has now become inconsolable about losing his precious gun. When sole returns it he goes to get some alone time, cradling his gun. 
Strong: Sole was very reluctant to pull any pranks on strong. Unsure of what might happen. She goes for the ‘too salty’ trick. Handing him a cookie. Strong eats it. Sole is disappointed that he has no adverse reaction. 
Valentine: Sole says there is a child trapped in a building. Valentine goes to help, opening the door only for a mole rat to jump at him. It takes a long time for Valentine to go on any other quests with sole again.
X6-88: “Hey what’s on your shirt?” “What-” Sole flicks his nose. “Don’t ever do that again.” “OK”
After all pranks Sole makes it up to everyone, giving them a nice relaxing day. Giving the humans and strong their favourite meals, and giving the synths a one time favour to cash in at any time. They do eventually forgive sole. 
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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🟨 HighVoltage: Just "Married" 🦝💍🔧
Aaaaaah 👉👈 this is a repost from my old blog again hgfhgf but this one is dear to meeeeee
Shouldn't begin to talk about all the lore here cause- IT CAN GET LONG HGFH Buuuut But I kinda want to gfhhgf
I'll try to do a TL:DR ▶ (ok so after writing, it''s pretty long LMAO lore dump 🤡)
Valentin's canon follow the game's canon but is heavily edited, he's still a V and still deals with Dex, Johnny yadda yadda
Instead of Takemura takin' him from the junkyard tho, it's Mitch and Scorpion who finds him during what should've been a standard scavenging routine
Takin his half-dead ass back to camp, where Dakota was around for some days, she recognized Valentin (he used to work a bit at her garage after she helped him hide from the Wraiths) and tells the ripper to keep the extracted bullet; it's a miracle that kid is still alive, he shouldn't be (and for sure, it's only thanks to the chip, right)
Skipping over a BIG CHUNK of lore here, Val' bonds a bit with Scorp and Mitch, meet with Panam, they prepare the kang-tao shit, the kang-tao shit happens, Valentin saves Mitch's ass and all
then during Scorpion's funeral, Mitch thanks Valentin by giving him a necklace made with the extracted bullet (instead of the figurine, he keeps it) and Valentin won't take it off ever since he got it
They keep on getting closer and closer, starting to crush on each others, they also keep saving each others from potential death (Valentin tries to save Saul by himself, feeling guilty of the wraith attack, rumors started to spread that he was ex-wraith and he felt responsible, it turns to shit and Panam, Mitch and vets goes to save him)
Speed forward to The Star ending, everyone is kind of aware that those two are in love now- but not doing anything about it, ignoring those feelings, Valentin dealing with his low self esteem and past trauma of being used and lied to, Mitch having his own demon with the recent lost of Driss, self conscious about a lot of things (his appearance, his age...)
But after a talk with Panam, Val realize they might very well just- fuckin' die tomorrow, so he decide to check in with Cassidy and see if he can help slicing the bullet in half (after checking with Dakota if it's be "ok", not wanting to potentially fuck any... "spell" or force that the bullet holds with everything that happened to him; she understand instantly for *whom* the other half is for and assure him that it's the good thing to do)
He was supposed to give it to Mitch that evening, but one thing leading to another, everybody got drunk and partied, Valentin got his tattoos on his shoulder, and kind of forgot.
MikoSHIT day happens, and as Mitch was about to leave for the Panzer in that tunnel, Valentin grabs him and finally "kiss" him (more like- smash their mouths together, it was a quick, bad kiss, full of regrets and unsaid feelings) and they both share So Much in those short minutes, Mitch having a reason to survive even tho he was well ready to give up his life for his family, for him
Post mikoshi, both Val and Mitch ends up in pretty bad states, going on and off coma, loosing track of time- but everytime one of them wakes up, they ask for the other
At one point, Valentin wake up for a day, going to see Mitch in another tent and placing the half-bullet necklace around his neck, kissing him shyly in his sleep, hoping wishing for him to come back
Later it's Mitch turn to wake up, noticing the bullet around his neck, and taking one of his dogtags off to place it on Valentin's necklace, who's now back into a deep, needed sleep
They're eventually both OK to move and so the 'Caldos prepare to leave for Arizona, similar to the game's canon
But instead of piloting with Panam, Mitch is the one to share the panzer with Valentin, and while on the lake they both talk a lot, happy to both be alive and with each others, and finally share a prope kiss, that slowly grow into something more, until a thunderstorm pop and having to go get back into the panzer, not letting go of the others, sharing their first time linked together (it was also Valentin first first time, pretty intense and full of emotion) as the raindrops falls against the metal and thunder echoing outside
AND LIKE. SPEED FORWARD AGAIN, They're in Arizona now, but Valentin's condition is slowly degrading, everyone can see it, and they eventually find a really good Nomad "hospital" with folks ready to try and help him, even tho it'll be a heavy surgery and nobody knows how it'll go and if it'll even work
But not wanting to make the same mistake as before, with the fear of loosing him, Mitch ask Panam (now leader of the clan) if she could "make them official" (I do believe the 'caldos have some ritual for couples, not necessary a proper weddings like statics- but then again it depends on the peeps, everybody can do whatever they want! What's sure tho is that there's a big party uwu)
She accept of course, and Mitch tells Val, they're both excited but afraid, knowing what it all means, that Valentin could die, and this is a way to tie them together forever
and basically their """wedding rings"""" are their necklaces, that they had around their necks for a long time now, and were always so important to them; but now it's official and celebrated by everyone
If ya read all that? Well first off I apologize, writing is one of my big insecurity and I lack the skill TOTALLY. I been writing here and there in private for myself, I'll eventually get better but yeah for now you have this weird puddle of words 🤠
ALSO really want to one day properly share Valentin's lore, it's been cooking for literal years now and I want to share it with you all gfhh
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I'm a couple days early, but Happy Valentines Day to @manda-panda-monium! This fic was written as part of the Steddie Valentine's Fic Exchange using prompts from my giftee. Manda, I tried to incorporate a few of the things you asked for, but that request for a Soulmate AU really latched on in my brain. I hope you enjoy!
Title: Is There A Word for Bad Miracle? Rating: T Words: 6040 AO3 link
Steve always figured he’d meet his soulmate at a party. He got called King Steve in other settings, but it just seemed like a party phrase. It seemed like a joke.
Steve tried to pretend like it didn’t matter. He put his head down and tried to buckle through the rest of his shit show senior year. When it happened, he tried to pretend he hadn’t heard.
He didn't say any words back to Eddie Munson.
Steve always figured he’d meet his soulmate at a party. He got called King Steve in other settings, but it just seemed like a party phrase. It seemed like a joke. Steve didn’t like to think about it that way most of the time.
Besides, until he met that person, Steve didn’t need to worry about it. Yeah, the phrase seemed like a high school one, but that didn’t stop him from dating.
If anything, it spurred him on because Steve knew he’d be settling down young. He might as well live a little first.
Then Steve experienced a kind of life that he never wanted to deal with again as monsters became real and everything he knew turned on its head. And even though she wasn’t his soulmate, he wanted a life of steadiness with Nancy Wheeler. He loved her. He did. She wasn’t his soulmate, but she could be his lifemate. He could choose her. He would choose her.
Nancy didn’t choose him.
Steve tried to pretend like it didn’t matter. He put his head down and tried to buckle through the rest of his shit show senior year. Then when it happened, he tried to pretend he hadn’t heard.
“All bow before the noble King Steve! May we peasants only dream of hair so luscious.”
Steve had almost tripped. Tommy hadn’t completely abandoned him yet and offered some snarky retort in answer, so Steve didn’t have to. It was probably one of the last times they interacted at school, but Steve was thankful for it. He hadn’t needed to answer for himself.
He hadn’t needed to say any words to Eddie Munson.
Steve wasn’t gay. He wasn’t. He liked women. He was satisfied with women. He’d never… God, but that was a lie, wasn’t it? He’d locked those feelings up so tight, not even Tommy at his most vulnerable could shake them loose. Steve could be more than happy with women. He had been ready to marry one. He’d never considered that his soulmate might be anything else.
It had to be a mistake. Surely someone else would say those words to him someday. Yeah, they were unique, but they didn’t have to be singular. Someone else could say them, someone more normal and less like Munson. They didn’t make any sense together anyway.
But nobody called him King Steve these days.
When he graduated and headed straight to a summer job, King Steve was washed up. Even his flirting at work didn’t hold the same potency anymore. His heart wasn’t in it.
Steve thought he did a pretty good job hiding things. He felt a little guilty hiding it from Robin too, but Steve’s soulmate wasn’t an issue. He never interacted with Eddie Munson in school. Surely things wouldn’t change now that he’d graduated and had even less reason to share space with someone like Eddie.
Of course, the kids had to ruin that.
In Eddie’s defense, he was dealing with a lot of stress at the moment.
As Dustin said way too many words way too quickly and Eddie only took in about half of them, Steve spoke, and it itched something in his brain.
“I’m cool, man, I’m cool.”
He was agreeing with Dustin, trying to make Eddie back down from his first fight response option in fight or flight. The words themselves didn’t do much, but they tickled something in his brain, made him feel like things were going to be okay. Eddie hadn’t fully decided if he trusted them yet, but his body had. He reacted before he could really think it through.
Steve staggered away to catch his breath, and Dustin made himself the center of Eddie’s attention.
It was fine. They moved on. Eddie focused on what was happening. It wasn’t until hours later when he was alone and absently rubbing the black bandana over his words that Eddie froze.
He ripped the cloth off and stared down at his wrist.
I’m cool, man, I’m cool.
He must be misremembering.
No way in hell could Eddie’s soulmate be Steve Fucking Harrington.
Eddie had always known his soulmate would be a dude. From a young age, he’d known it. He’d also learned pretty young to keep that information to himself when his own father shouted at him that it would be a girl, not a boy—that no son of his would be meant for a boy. Eddie had curled in on himself, cried, and promised it wouldn’t be. He’d lied. His mother had explained later why his father felt that way and why most people felt that way, but Eddie still hadn’t understood. He’d known he wouldn’t be wrong.
Even as he got older, Eddie felt more confident it would be a guy. Yeah, a girl could have called him man, but even beyond the words themselves, he’d always felt it. Now he started imagining the context.
As he started getting into metal music and sneaking into The Hideout—after promising Wayne he wouldn’t drink until at least 18 when the older man found out—Eddie imagined it happening at the tail end of a fight. Maybe he’d be the one breaking it up, and some badass stranger would hold up his hands and say those words.
Maybe it would be at a gay bar or just outside one, the guy responding to some bad innuendo on Eddie’s end.
Eddie had come up with tons of scenarios. Granted none of them had involved him holding a bottle to his soulmate’s throat, but they’d sure as hell never featured Steve Harrington either. What was the first thing Eddie had said to him? Had he talked to him directly and not just to the group?
Eddie had to be misremembering what Steve had said or else it was a fluke Steve had said his words. Otherwise Steve would have reacted when he spoke back. Surely this wasn’t the first time they’d talked to each other. Eddie knew he’d talked to Steve’s group at least a few (taunting) times in high school. There’s no way he and Steve had never spoken to each other. No way.
Just in case, Eddie tested him as they met up again in Steve’s damn makeout spot. There was something odd in Steve’s eyes as they spoke, but it wasn’t any kind of recognition. It wasn’t the widening of realizing Eddie had said that magical phrase. That settled it. Steve couldn’t be his soulmate.
But fuck if watching him bite into a demobat didn’t do something for Eddie.
“Okay, dingus, something’s up.”
Steve jerked his head, staring at Robin as he realized with a sense of horror that she’d caught him spacing off watching Eddie and Dustin prepare for their battle.
“We’re about to take on Venca directly. I think that gives me a good reason to act like something up.” Steve tried to shrug casually, but he knew she’d see right through it.
Robin narrowed her eyes. She had.
Steve sighed and started walking. He needed to have more privacy for this conversation.
Thankfully Robin didn’t push him yet, simply followed along at his side. The energy radiating from her was palpable, but for now, she held her questions in check. Steve appreciated that.
Eventually he’d pulled her far enough from the group that Steve slowed to a stop. He leaned back against a tree and took a deep breath.
“Spill,” Robin commanded.
Steve swallowed hard. “Tammy Thompson.”
Robin started at him for a moment. “Are you… Is this for real? Holy shit, Steve! I wondered if we’d have this conversation eventually, but I wasn’t expecting it so soon. I’m so proud of you! What made things click? Was it almost dying? Is it Eddie? Oh my god, why Eddie? Steve, I love you, but you have the weirdest taste in men.”
As she’d talked, Robin had thrown her arms around his waist, and Steve hugged her back. He took a deep breath against her head as he debated how to answer. Probably best to answer truthfully.
“Eddie’s my soulmate.”
Robin sprang back as if she’d been burned. “He’s what?”
“Don’t make me repeat it,” Steve all but pleaded.
Robin nodded. “Okay, I, uh… I won’t.” She stared off for a moment, and Steve swore he could physically see her processing.
“Okay, so this is a new revelation then. The, um, liking boys part. Do you want to talk about it?”
Eyes falling shut, Steve shook his head. “It’s not new. I mean I haven’t really let myself accept it, but it’s not really new.”
“Oh.” Robin paused, then swatted him across the arm.
Steve yelped in response, eyes going wide. “What was that for?”
“You let me bare my heart out about Tammy Thompson and liking girls when you knew you liked boys!”
“Well, yeah,” Steve said, shoulders rising defensively. “What was I supposed to say? ‘You like girls? Totally cool! By the way, my soulmate’s a dude, so I understand. Not that I’ve ever talked to him, but ya know.’”
Robin’s mouth fell open. “He didn’t know? You knew and he didn’t? How is that even possible?”
Steve shrugged as he shrunk back against the tree. It was digging into his side where his wound felt tender, but if nothing else, the sensation made him feel grounded. “We’ve been over that I was popular and… not always the nicest in high school. People talked at me sometimes. If I had the right people around, I never had to answer, even when it was something that probably required a response. His didn’t really, but Tommy handled it. I, um, didn’t have to say anything. That was probably good. I don’t think anything I would have said then would have been good.”
Figuring he owed her, Steve undid the snaps holding his leather wrist strap in place. He held out his hand. After only a second, Robin snatched it up to stare. She whistled. “He didn’t hold back, huh?”
He shook his head. “I’d never talked to him, but fuck, he hated me and everything I stood for. I couldn’t ruin that for him, even if I’d been ready to acknowledge it for myself. I wasn’t.”
Robin was silent for a while before eventually asking, “So even though you could have figured out the perfect first words, you never did it? You never talked to him?”
Steve looked at the ground as he admitted, “I avoided him. We didn’t have any classes together, so I just… figured out his schedule and purposefully stayed away for the rest of the year. It was easier than I thought it would be. I figured when graduation hit, I’d never have to worry about it ever again. How was I supposed to know we’d end up with shared custody of the dweebs?”
“You should have,” Robin said. “The universe has a sense of humor like that. Also a desire to help you find your person.”
Steve put an arm out, and Robin leaned into him automatically, her head on his shoulder. Last summer he wondered at how much easier his life would be with someone like Robin as his soulmate. They fit together so perfectly. Obviously he knew now she wasn’t interested in him, but platonically she could have been his soulmate. He wouldn’t have been disappointed.
“So what were your first words to him?” Robin asked.
“I don’t know.”
She stayed where she was but tilted her head up to look at him better. “What do you mean?”
“He hasn’t acknowledged it. Even when we had that little heart-to-heart in the Upside Down, he never mentioned it. Either he knows and doesn’t want to admit to having someone like me as a soulmate, or we aren’t soulmates and I didn’t say his words.”
“That can’t be,” Robin said. “I can’t accept that he’d say your words but you wouldn’t say his. Look, I know he’s a weird guy, but you’ve seen him with Dustin. And the two of you just seemed so in sync these last few days. Like now that I know, it makes so much sense. He’s your soulmate, Steve. He’s gotta be.”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t think he wants to be.”
“Maybe he was waiting for you to say something.”
The idea was so simple that Steve blinked a few times wrapping his mind around it.
“Think about it,” Robin continued. “He’s used to being an outsider and still sees you as one of the popular kids. I know you’ve changed since high school, but he’s stuck there. Hard to believe people can move on when you’re still going through that same drama. I bet he doesn’t know how you’re going to react and convinced himself as easily as you did that it couldn’t be possible or that he was being rejected. You have to talk to him.”
“I will,” Steve promised. “After. I’ll talk to him after.”
Later when they prepared to head in, Steve’s eyes flicked down automatically to Eddie’s wrist when he realized the other had moved the bandana covering it to his head. Unfortunately his sleeves covered it. That was fine. Now wasn’t the time for this conversation.
With the way Eddie held his eye, Steve wondered if he knew they needed to have it.
The pain lessened the longer it went on. So did the brightness. The Upside Down didn’t have much light anyway, but the way it floated behind Dustin’s head seemed to grow fainter. Dustin did too actually.
Maybe it was him. Maybe Eddie was the one fading.
He hadn’t run. He’d done what he’d needed to. He’d kept Dustin safe. He’d bought the others more time. They’d done it.
Dustin was still crying. He felt bad about that. As bad as he could right now when it hardly seemed to matter. The kid would move on. He was just Eddie. No one would miss him in the long run.
Other yelling surrounded him now. Other voices. Maybe their friends had arrived. That was nice. Dustin wasn’t going to be alone. That was good.
He felt the ghost of pressure against his skin, but Eddie paid it no attention as his vision faded out completely. This was it.
Another sensation. Movement. Eddie was floating.
No, not floating. Being carried. Someone was carrying him.
Then a voice. Eddie’d tuned them all out, but this one forced its way to his attention. Steve. Steve’s voice.
“You’re not dying on me, Munson. You’re not leaving me without a soulmate.”
Dustin hadn’t wanted to leave the hospital, and frankly neither had Steve. But they hadn’t been allowed back with Eddie anyway, so taking Dustin to check in with his mother had seemed like the best opportunity. She’d wrapped Dustin’s leg to keep him off it. Thankfully it was just a sprain and not a break, but Steve was there with her in concern about it. She’d also fussed over them both, forced them to shower, and lectured Steve about how improperly his wounds were being cared for.
“You should get those checked out at the hospital,” she admonished.
Steve shrugged. “I guess I could. We, uh, have a friend who’s there now.”
“It’s Eddie,” Dustin cut in. “He’s hurt really bad. It happened trying to protect me.”
And as though he was learning it himself for the first time, Dustin crumbled. It took joint hugs from Steve and Claudia to pull him back together again.
“You boys go,” she said gently, wiping a tear away from her son’s face.
Normally Dustin rolled his eyes and protested when he felt smothered, so Steve could tell just how badly he needed his mom’s attention right now.
“Take care of your friend.”
When they got to the hospital, it took some persuasion on Steve’s end to get them back to Eddie. He did not bring up his own injuries. They weren’t the doctors’ business. Besides, he didn’t want to get yanked into a room himself and leave Dustin stranded.
As they walked in, both froze, staring at the situation in front of them.
Eddie looked so small in the hospital bed: hair matted against his head, thin hospital gown instead of his usual layers, and a blank face void of all his typical expressiveness. Even in his sleep, Steve had expected his face big and expansive. The lack of it was frightening.
Equally horrifying was the handcuff binding him by the wrist to the hospital bed. The exposed wrist.
“This is ridiculous!” Dustin sputtered, backing up to glare at the officer posted in the hall outside his room. “He’s innocent! And anyway, he can’t go anywhere. He isn’t even awake yet, much less able to get up and move!”
The man just glared, and Steve took Dustin by the shoulders to pull him in. After a second of hesitation, he shut the door. Steve paused to see if the officer would open it again, but apparently their presence wasn’t considered a threat. With a sigh of relief, he headed further into the room.
“It’s so stupid,” Dustin muttered. “And no privacy! That’s not cool of them to force his words on display like that.”
Steve glanced up, eyes stuck on the exposed skin. Sure enough, they’d cuffed him palm up, exposing the words that rested against the veins there.
I’m cool, man, I’m cool. It stared up at him in his own handwriting, and Steve swallowed hard. Dustin was trying not to look as he glared instead at Eddie’s face, so Steve did the only thing that seemed logical. He took off his own cuff.
Dustin’s eyes widened as Steve fastened it around Eddie’s wrist below the cuff.
“But now yours is…”
Steve shrugged. “But it’s my choice at least.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to ignore the way Dustin’s eyes lingered curiously. He couldn’t read it from there, certainly not with Eddie’s messy scrawl. But Steve had never let himself be this exposed about his mark before.
There were two chairs in the room, one on either side of the bed, so Steve sat down on the side with the handcuffs, trying not to look at it or the way Eddie’s hand hung limp. Rather than sitting down in the other chair, Dustin moved to the bottom of the bed and picked up the clipboard there to scan through it.
Steve snorted. “So his soulmark being exposed isn’t okay, but you violated privacy laws to read his chart is?”
“Eddie’s talkative about injuries,” Dustin replied without looking up. “He won’t care. That’s different, though. That’s something he’s private about.”
While Steve rolled his eyes at the justification, he didn’t argue. Dustin was probably right. Besides, he wanted to know. “What’s the verdict?”
“He’s fucked up,” Dustin said, all matter-of-fact.
“We knew that.”
Dustin shrugged and finally looked up from the charts. “Several of his organs were damaged. He had a collapsed lung. We knew he had a ton of blood loss.”
Steve grimaced. They knew that well. He’d thrown out his jacket because it wasn’t worth trying to get that much blood out. Claudia had thought she could help the rest of his clothing, so he’d let her keep them to try cleaning under the insistence that if she had to throw them out, he wouldn’t mind.
“How’s he going to be?”
Dustin bit his lip. “There’s a risk assessment here about the odds of him not waking up. They’re low… but high enough that they included them.”
Steve hadn’t even considered that as an option. “Other than that?”
“It doesn’t say for sure since it’s meant for the doctors and stuff, but I think he’ll be okay. It sounds like it anyway.”
The door opened, and Dustin slammed the chart back into its holder before whirling around. Steve might have found it comical if he wasn’t also worried about being yelled at.
When he turned around, Steve expected a doctor. It wasn’t.
It was an older man in a plaid jacket and work boots, eyes fixed not on them but on Eddie in the bed.
“You’re Wayne,” Dustin said.
His eyes snapped up to the boy before drifting toward Steve at the bedside, and Steve suddenly felt like they were both intruders.
He grunted. For a moment, no one moved.
Then Wayne lumbered into the room and around the bed to sink into the other chair. Steve noted he’d shut the door again behind him.
They continued not to speak as Wayne reached out and took Eddie’s hand in his, cupping it in such a way that hid it away. His head swayed slowly, taking in Eddie’s face, down what was visible of his body above the blankets, and up to the hand bound to the bedpost. The expression on his face hardened, then softened again at the cuff. He glanced at Steve, clearly knowing it wasn’t Eddie’s. Steve didn’t want to answer directly, but he shifted his hands on his lap enough that Wayne would be able to see the back of his bare wrist but not the words. Unlike Dustin, he might recognize the handwriting.
Eventually Wayne nodded. “You boys the ones who brought him here?”
“Yes sir,” Dustin said quickly. “Steve carried him. He…” He cut himself off. They haven’t been forced to sign NDAs yet, but they would be. Probably best not to read Wayne in if they can help it.
“More happened than they said did, didn’t it?” Wayne asked. “This wasn’t just some crazy kid and an earthquake. There’s more in this town.”
Steve and Dustin locked eyes. Eventually Steve nodded.
Dustin spoke slowly and carefully, “There’s only so much we can say. Hopefully Eddie will be able to tell you, depending on what the agreements look like this time.”
Wayne inhaled audibly through his nose.
Dustin flinched. He’d said too much. He’d made it clear it had happened before. “What I mean is… Yes, there’s more. That’s all we can say. But you need to know, sir… Eddie’s a hero. He saved my life. He saved all of us.”
The hands around Eddie’s squeeze tight. “That don’t surprise me,” Wayne said with a grunt. “He’s always been a brave boy.”
“He thought he wasn’t,” Steve said quietly. “He’s never realized how much he does and how much for others especially.”
“You’re the Harrington boy.”
Steve flinched automatically. Wayne didn’t quite make it an accusation, but it was a statement, not a question. That probably meant he knew Steve’s dad or at least knew of him. That wasn’t usually a good thing with people Steve had never been introduced to at dinner parties. “I am.” He almost asked why that was relevant, but Steve bit his tongue. It wouldn’t do to lash out at someone whose good side he wanted to stay on. Steve’s big mouth couldn’t get them kicked out.
“Hmm,” Wayne grunted, looking down at Eddie again. “Guess I wouldn’t have expected you to be the type to carry my boy to safety.”
“Steve’s more than his name.” Unlike Steve, Dustin sounded downright defensive.
Shooting him a look, Steve tried to convey that it was fine. “With all due respect, I’m not my father.”
Wayne’s eyes stayed on Eddie. “I guess that’s true all around.”
After a beat of silence, Steve stood. He kept his hand angled to keep his words hidden. “Dustin, why don’t we head down to the cafeteria.”
Dustin opened his mouth to argue, but Steve cut him off. He could see the relief on Wayne’s face for some alone time.
“We’ll come back up after. But your mom’ll kill me if I don’t keep you fed. Let’s go see what they’ve got. Maybe we’ll see if Max is allowed visitors yet.”
After a few seconds, Dustin nodded. “Okay, yeah, we can do that. We’ll be back, Mr. Munson!” He hesitated before adding, “Bye Eddie!”
With a lump in his throat, Steve followed him toward the door. He paused once to look back. Eddie still seemed so small. But he was in good hands.
Eddie had always been a heavy sleeper. He didn’t wake up easily, and as he slowly became aware of the world around him, it took a while to realize things weren’t quite normal. The blankets covering him were too orderly to be his at home. The pillow under his head felt plumper. And there were places on his body that felt tight. Wrong.
As he lifted a hand to drag it across the blankets and touch his side, Eddie heard a sharp intake of breath next to him. That was what finally got him to open his eyes.
He blinked away the blurriness, Steve coming into focus as he leaned forward from a plastic chair next to the bed.
“You’re awake,” Steve breathed.
Eddie opened his mouth to respond, but a sudden awareness of his body forced out a groan instead. Jesus, everything hurt.
A hand touched his forehead, and Eddie blinked a few times trying to understand how Steve had suddenly gotten so much closer.
Almost as if he too had just realized he’d done it, Steve sank back into his chair. “I, um— What hurts? What can I do? I can call a nurse if you need pain meds or something. Dustin’ll be annoyed if you fall asleep before he gets back here, but he can live. Max woke up yesterday. All the kids are with her. They’re having a moment or whatever. It’s good. They need it. They need to pretend they’re normal kids, even if it is in a hospital room.”
Eddie had never heard Steve say so much at one time. He seemed nervous, rambling. “You sound like Robin.”
The flush that spread over his skin was beautiful to look at. Eddie couldn’t even feel bad when he looked like that.
“Yeah, well, what do you say to someone who hasn’t been awake in three days?”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “It’s been that long?”
Steve nodded, face growing stony. “Yeah, Wayne was hoping to be here when you woke up, but he’s at work. We promised we wouldn’t leave you alone. You, um… You almost died.”
Eddie thought back. He didn’t have much, just flashes, bits, and pieces. Bits and pieces of him missing. “I kind of remember that.” Words. Steve admitting that thing that neither of them was talking about yet.
His eyes snapped down to Steve’s wrist. His blood went cold as he found it wrapped in blue gauze.
“You’re hurt.”
Steve shrugged. “No more than I was before. It’s fine. Nancy stole some supplies from the closet down the hall. She’s been changing my bandages when it seems like they need it. I didn’t want to risk them making me stay here. The kids need rides, and you…” His face colored again. “You couldn’t be left alone.”
Eddie reached for Steve’s wrist, pausing as he realized his own was encircled in a leather cuff that definitely wasn’t his. His eyes flicked up to Steve’s.
Realization dawned as Steve tugged at the gauze. “I, uh, talked a nurse into giving me a little bit of it for this. Yours was… We couldn’t let them do that to you. You were, um, cuffed when we got here. They know it wasn’t you! Hopper’s back. He’s alive. He helped figure out a cover story. I can’t tell you all the details now, but just know you’re safe. You’re not going to be blamed, not by the police at least.”
That was a lot to take in, but Steve didn’t pause yet.
“Those fucking doctors and cops didn’t give a shit if your mark was on display. Dustin was so upset. And I couldn’t let them do that. That’s yours. Only you need to know.”
Steve looked away, staring hard at his own hands in his lap.
He wasn’t the only one who knew, though, was he? Steve knew. They both knew.
Eddie swallowed hard. It was time to prove it. Slowly he reached out to grab hold of the snaps keeping the cuff in place.
Steve’s eyes darted from the cuff to his face to his cuff again. They were doing this.
The snaps came undone easily enough, and Eddie let it fall to the bed. The words he’d seen his whole life stood stark against his skin. Steve started to reach, then stopped himself. They knew. They didn’t have to take a moment and pretend it was new information.
Hoping to cut the tension, Eddie joked, “How did we never talk in high school?”
Instead of laughing, Steve’s face filled with shame. “Well, how did I never talk back might be the better question?”
Eddie straightened up as best he could in the hospital bed, ignoring the pain in his sides as he watched Steve reach for the tape around his wrist. Soon Eddie stared down at his own scrawl, mouth falling open as he tried to process.
“I said that to you in high school?”
Steve nodded. “In the hall one day. I— I’m sorry I didn’t talk back. I wasn’t… You wouldn’t have wanted me to back then.”
Eddie swallowed hard. No wonder Steve hadn’t acknowledged anything in the boathouse. It would have been chaotic enough without the extra baggage. But if Steve had known for over a year?
“Did you not want me?” he asked before he could think better of it. Eddie tried to cover, tried to make it a joke. “I mean I know I’m a lot. It takes a special person to handle all this. I can see why you thought you weren’t qualified.”
Steve hook his head, but he never looked away. Jesus Christ, that gaze had some intensity. “I wasn’t ready to accept that I could like men. It wasn’t anything personal against you, although I guess since it was you, that made it easier to try and deny. Then I rationalized it by deciding you weren’t the kind of person who would want someone like me anyway. I mean I represented pretty much everything you hated. I figured it was for the best.”
“Best is with you.” Eddie refused to be embarrassed by such an earnest line as he reached forward for Steve’s hand. The way Steve’s face lit up made it well worth it. “I guess I get it. We weren’t meant for each other yet then. But I guess if you needed time to process it, you got to know. That’s… That’s crazy. I will admit to being an occasional skeptic of the universe and all that, but she really did right by us, huh?”
Steve laughed and squeezed Eddie’s hand. “I guess it did.”
Silence fell between them, but the air was a contented one, not awkward, as they looked at each other. Every once in a while, Eddie squeezed Steve’s hand, and Steve squeezed it back.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie eventually asked, shy in a way he usually wasn’t. But this was his soulmate. He needed to do things right, and that was hard when he couldn’t even lean forward of his own accord right now.
Steve got the message, shifting closer to lean over the bed even as he nodded. His free hand came up to cup Eddie’s jaw. They stayed like that for a moment, just watching the other. Then Steve closed the distance.
Eddie’s eyes fell closed as he felt Steve’s thumb swipe over his cheek. Soon soft lips pressed against his. Gentler than Eddie had expected, Steve coaxed his mouth open. Slow and tender weren’t words Eddie would typically associate with a kiss this intense, this filthy. His own free hand came up to clutch at Steve’s shoulder. Their intertwined hands squeezed so tightly, Eddie wondered if Steve’s nails would leave marks on the back of his hand.
Eventually they broke apart, breathing hard as Steve stayed mere inches away.
Never to them, Eddie’s heart rate monitor gave away everything about how he was feeling.
Steve let out a chuckle, and Eddie started laughing harder. Steve leaned in to press one last kiss against the corner of Eddie’s open mouth before he sat back down in his chair.
Eddie sighed dramatically, staring off into the middle distance for effect. “King Steve indeed. My soulmate is an excellent kisser.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but his smile and the way his hand tightened on Eddie’s gave away his amusement. “Yeah, well, you’re not so bad yourself, Munson.”
“Oh Stevie,” Eddie cooed. “I think we’re past last names, don’t you?”
“Eddie,” he said, raising both brows.
Eddie lifted their joined hands to coax Steve forward again, but the door opened instead.
Steve was sitting facing the door, so nothing blocked their little hand-holding moment from the gaggle of children at the door.
Eddie glanced at the kids, then Steve, whose eyes had gone wide.
“What are you…” Dustin trailed off as he took in their bare wrists. He glanced at Eddie’s face, then Steve’s. “Holy shit!”
Eddie winced at his volume.
That seemed to be enough to spur Steve into action. He sat up straighter and leveled his most withering stare in the kids’ direction. “Eddie just woke up. You need to keep your voice down, or I’m kicking you out, Henderson.”
“Who put you in charge?” Dustin shot back automatically, but he took a few steps into the room.
“I did,” Eddie said. His voice was gravelly, and he planned to blame lack of use, not Steve’s proximity.
“We see that,” Lucas said with a snort as he marched forward to lay claim to the other chair in the room.
Mike rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. “Seriously? We’re gone for like two hours, and this happens? How is that even possible? You’ve already talked to each other. You guys don’t make any sense together!”
“Mike,” Dustin warned and glanced meaningfully at the fourth boy, who was gently shutting the door. Based on the bowl cut, Eddie assumed this was the infamous Will.
“What? No!” Mike protested. “It’s not because they’re both guys! It’s because they’re them!”
“Whatever,” Lucas said. “Happy for you guys.”
“Thank you, Lucas,” Steve said. He glared at the other three, as though daring them to say something.
“I think it’s really sweet.” Will crept further into the room and paused at the end of Eddie’s bed.
“Will, right?” Eddie asked.
He nodded shyly.
“I’m told you’re a great DM.”
Will’s face lit up. “They said that?” He glanced around the room, and all three shrugged in agreement at various levels of sheepishness. “Thanks.”
Steve looked at him for a moment. “I don’t suppose you took up swimming in California, did you?”
Will shook his head.
Steve sighed glumly and looked toward Lucas. “Well, I got one.”
Lucas let out a bark of laughter as Dustin said, “Hey!” very indignantly.
Eddie laughed too and squeezed Steve’s hand.
Their eyes met again, and as a silent moment passed between them, Mike let out a fake retching sound.
“Shut up, Mike,” Will said as he sat down at the end of the bed.
“Yeah, Mike,” Dustin repeated and he moved over to sprawl on top of Lucas in the chair.
Mike rolled his eyes but he came forward to join Will at the foot of the bed.
“El still up with Max?” Steve asked.
The boys all nodded. “Yeah,” Dustin said. “Nancy and Robin should be here soon. They were going to stop by Gareth’s on the way by. My mom said he called the house to check in on everything, so they were going to read him in on what they could.”
Steve made a noise of understanding. “He’s going to be confused as shit. That’s fine. It’s normal.”
“Normal?” Eddie repeated. “How is any of this normal?”
“It’s a new normal,” Steve said, giving his hand another squeeze. “You’ll get used to it, babe.”
And even as the boys around them protested the word babe being applied to Eddie around their precious ears, he wished he had the strength to lean forward and kiss Steve right now, their precious eyes be damned.
It was fine. They’d have plenty of opportunity later when the teens all left.
Based on the look in Steve’s eye, he was thinking the same thing.
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wheels-of-despair · 7 months
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Worth It Guide: There's Something About Mary | Series Masterlist
(Related excerpts from Worth It under the cut, in case anyone needs a refresher on The Mary Lore.)
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You returned to the park every day.
You'd told your mother you were meeting your new friend Mary Lennox, who had just left her palace in India behind for a mansion in London. She was a strange and lonely girl, who knew nothing of city life, so you'd volunteered to be her guide. Mary was very shy, and only comfortable with you for now, but you promised you would bring her home with you eventually. And perhaps your mother would receive an invitation to tea with Mary's exceedingly rich parents one day.
Except there was no Mary Lennox. There was only Ralph Penbury. Mary was the protagonist in The Secret Garden. You had once asked your mother to read it with you, back when you wanted to be close to her, but she never did. The only things your mother ever read were newsletters from her ladies' groups. How boring that must be.
You dared only spend a few hours with him a day, but you treasured every second of your visits. You'd meet at your secret bench at noon, share a picnic lunch packed by his kitchen staff, and discuss everything from books, to philosophy, to what the world might look like in a hundred years.
Your parents had noticed an improvement in your general demeanor since the Valentine's Day dance, but attributed it to your new friend Mary. You'd never had a friend that close before, always holding everyone at an arm's length. They need not know that your arms were actually wrapped tightly around Ralph Penbury.
-My Good Friend Mary (Chapter 3)
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You crumple the paper and lift the lid off your box. Inside is a large book about India.
You look at Ralph in confusion. "Open it!" he says eagerly.
You crack open the front cover. Inside is a message, in a woman's handwriting. Leaning closer, you read:
To My Newest and Dearest Friend,
Now you can see the places I tell you about in all my stories!
Thank you for being so kind and welcoming to me as I adjust to my new home. I could not do it without you.
Love, Your Good Friend Mary
"I thought it would help sell the story of Mary Lennox to your mother," he explains.
"Indeed it will," you laugh.
-My Good Friend Mary (Chapter 3
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"Your mother seems to think you've been sneaking around with the Penbury boy."
You can neither confirm nor deny, so you stare at the floor.
"Is that the one you kissed at the dance?"
"Is he also a friend of Mary Lennox?"
You stiffen, and your father... laughs at you?
"You were obsessed with that book for a year. Did you forget that summer I helped you plant your own little garden out back?"
You're such an idiot. The other side of your face turns a shade of crimson to rival the slapped side.
"You didn't say anything."
"You were leaving the house willingly and coming home happy. I thought it best not to question miracles." You lean forward and bury your burning face in your hands.
He chuckles at your shame. "Tell me about the boy."
-Questioning Miracles (Chapter 11)
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"Why are you suddenly interested in attending a pajama party?"
"Because Victoria is going to be my sister-in-law, and I barely know her or her friends."
Your mother takes a bite and chews thoughtfully for a moment.
"Is Mary going?"
You nearly choke. How long had it been since anyone mentioned Mary? You assumed she'd figured it out ages ago. Your father lowers his newspaper just enough to show you that he's watching you with amusement, and will be saying nothing to help you. You stall with a sip of juice and concoct a quick story.
"Mary has returned to India."
"Oh? When did this happen?"
"Not very long ago. She was lured back for a friend's wedding, and decided that she couldn't bear to return to dreary old England."
"And what do her parents have to say about this?"
"They understand. She's much happier there."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear it. It took you ages to finally find a suitable friend, and now she's abandoned you."
"Will Ralph be at this party you're going to?" your father graciously cuts in before you're forced to continue making up stories about your fake friend Mary.
"Probably. But I was told that Victoria's party is just for her girlfriends. I wouldn't put it past her to lock him in the attic for the night."
This was not a lie. Lying to your mother was no problem. But your father, with his eyes narrowed over the top of his newspaper, had you on the verge of breaking a sweat.
-Victoria and I Are Having a Party (Chapter 16)
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And don't forget about Our Sweet Baby Mary!
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dhalsimxhonda · 7 months
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SUMMARY … after a nice lovemaking sex, dhalsim decided to surprise edmond with a miracle they’re prepared for .
CW … semi nsfw mentioned (mdni) , mentions of sex , & t-mpreg .
CHARACTERS … edmond honda & dhalsim
SETTING … a year after street fighter alpha 3
A/N … first prompt of 2024 , but now what you’re expecting on . i needed to come up with a theme to make it as a late prompt for valentine’s day . another quick note is that both edmond and dhalsim are trans in this prompt and this is for my au lore for these two . but i hope you like it <33
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edmond honda taps out of the coffee, making sure it gets hotter from a cold morning. every day, they wake up and they’re all freezing. not even a sunny day until 9 am can stop the sumo wrestler from making coffee. he’s a little bit sore, but at least he’s happy to get his lovemaking sex with dhalsim from a bet. so sweet as a good man to thrust inside him is a beautiful thing in their name of love. with consent makes it so much better, making sure when to stop while agreeing to make the next step in their lives. that’s edmond, the sumo wrestler to gave all his love to his husband. he begins his sipping coffee as he sits down on his kitchen counter.
behind edmond, dhalsim placed his hands on his husband’s shoulders, giving him a small kiss on his cheeks. “good morning, darling.” the yoga master chanted. “did you sleep okay?” the sumo wrestler responded. “yeah, i bet ya slept okay too. i am a bit sore, but i enjoyed every minute of you in my arms every day. i can make some rice today for you.” dhalsim brushed his husband’s hair with his hands. “you don’t need to do this, darling. you still need rest until your body recovers. i can make it quicker for you.”
“maybe later. besides, all i want is us together. we will pick up our child in the afternoon from your parents.” the sumo wrestler continued to drink his coffee. “perfect. just like how we planned…” something inside of dhalsim is the need for him to speak up. “everything okay?” edmond asked as dhalsim looked away. “yeah, i’m fine.” he felt the urge to have a serious talk. in what way, you may think. nothing major about street fighting. it’s finally time for dhalsim to talk with edmond about his surprise. “what is it?” he asked as he stood up closer to his husband. “you can tell me.”
with a deep breath, dhalsim finally responded. “i had the best night of my life.” edmond was confused at first, but with a smile, he held his hand. “what happened?” he asked. “i did it.” the yoga master handed edmond a small pregnancy test that caught his eyes and it hits him with a realization. “you don’t mean… you’re pregnant?” he asked while dhalsim nodded his head. “yes. we’re having a baby.” he replied. the sumo wrestler double-checks the test and suddenly smiles. dhalsim is right, the test reached positive. “you’re kidding!” his smile brightened as he hugged his husband gently as spun around. “oh my god! we’re having a baby!”
the husband smiled as dhalsim chuckled. “we have to tell datta about this later! we’ll become a wonderful family as street fighters, dhalsim-kun!” edmond finished as they both kissed each other on the lips once more.
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