#hard to sort through it all LOL
bmpmp3 · 2 years
BY THE WAY i have been converted. what are your otome isekai/villainess isekai recommendations pwetty pwease......
#i read a couple beginnings of some and i was like wait a god damn minute. this shit is FUN#i understand now. i understand now. like how ffabiniku opened my eyes to modern isekai genres#the random ones i read the openings of on webtoon and tapas opened my eyes to this specific style of modern isekai#i think i was still a little wary because im always wary of parodies of things i like that are typically made fun of without understanding#(like otome games or shoujo manga) EVEN THOUGH i was mostly aware that most werent much of parodies at all#i was so used to old like smackjeeves webcomic parodies completely lacking care in their satire so i was Scared about all these new ones#but i should have had faith since most of these comics arent even about otoge half the time#and the ones that are seem pretty good. i think i was still Nervous hjkfdlhjkfds BUT i didnt need to be#theyre just fun stories with an interesting common mechanic of weird reincarnation/dimension hopping/timetravel stuff#theyre fun and good. i understand now. i understand now#interestingly i think the name otome isekai is still fitting even if a lot of the stuff lumped under the name has nothing to do with otoge#(and even some of the ones that do have some things that arent really common ie: villainesses)#like a bunch ive seen around are actually about books or comics or tv shows or some of them are just in one universe#BUT otome isekai does kind of still work i think. one of the biggest things that separates these types of isekai vs another type is the fact#that theyre usually marketed towards women and girls. which is why shoujo is called shoujo and otoge are called otome games#so in a roundabout way the name otome fits i think. an accidental retconned meaning that works well#if that makes sense#anyway give me....suggestions#there are TEN MILLION otome isekai and villainess isekai manwha and manhua and manga and webnovels and everything#hard to sort through it all LOL#ive noticed i actually tend to like the ones about books a lot rather than about games#i dunno why#also noticed these comics are WONDERFUL if you want to look at a LOT of VERY SPARKLY and very BEAUTIFUL lavishly detailed outfits#dear GOD some of the dresses and accessories in some of the webtoons i read.....some of those glittery EARRINGS#awesome
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pixelatedraindrops · 28 days
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Yuma Month: Day 20: Truth
The truth…is uglier than you could have ever expected.
tw // vomit (spoilers too)
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...happens only if he ate a meat bun prior to this
(all vomit in rain code is censored in pink glitter ✨)
based on this post I made long back
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
tw // suicide
on twitter some ppl were talking about THAT jo scene from iw again and someone commented fucking "you know he was thinking about using that gun on himself" and im not sane anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added something something his faith in ichi kept him hopeful enough in the moment but then when he went to jail oh. ohhh !!!!!!!!!!!
nooo cause if That Jo Scene is the flashback scene with hoshino's death that really had to be SUUUCH a low point if not top five lowest points for him i wanted to throw up watching that <- replays it in my brain constantly
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rosykims · 6 months
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can confirm sigrun is so so so much funnier and more perfect when ur playing a warden who acts like this unironically. felt genuinely read to filth when she said this
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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yesod vergilius roland doodles to try and fight through art block most of these dont make sense but whatever works to get something on paper
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sysig · 9 months
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They need long hair, and to put it in a bow! (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#The Captain#ZEX#DAX#It's very important! They gotta look like proper maritime pirates/naval officers! I need the cute little ribbons!#I'm chalking this one up to Muppet Treasure Island as well - Beaker's cute little ponytail got me bad you're welcome lol#Originally the Captain's was just on his own but then the others filed in politely lol#I never can decide on a human!ZEX look - especially since I want him to have long hair as a pirate!#Something something masculinity expressed through hair lengths - short military crop cut as well as long but tied up#Or not tied up 👀 It's all such a good look on him! But there must be an overall winner in there somewhere!#Also doesn't help that I can't decide on or pin down his facial structure or body type lol#I mean yes curvy obviously <3 But do I give him a strong jawline? It goes so well with his short-cropped hair but does it with long hair??#I also think that any hairstyle can suit any face it's just jdkfslafd hard to draw in a way I can recreate and am happy with!#I'll get him yet! He won't escape me! He's too pretty to let go of! (Lol)#He's also harder to decorate with human ears haha ♪ He needs more hair accessories! More than just a ribbon!#I usually imagine him with finer hair so maybe one of those like ponytail accessories? What are they called uhhh#A ponytail wrap! That thing! Yes! :D He'd look great with a ponytail wrap! And it'd keep his hair out of the way! Lovely <3#DAX also had to make an appearance obviously ♪ Love him too much to leave him out of the festivities I'm sure he's very happy lol#He did predominately get the eyepatch tho good for him - all sorts of accessories and useful human inventions!#Gets it gifted from ZEX like ''Oh ♥'' and then ZEX is like ''Isn't it great my Captain gave it to me but I like having both eyes free :D''#Poor DAX haha ♪#I'll give him a handsomer bow another time I'm sure he'd look great in something darker and more loose and flowy <3
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pixel-bloom · 1 year
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Yeah my sims are happily in love, despite everything. What of it? 🥲
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mainfaggot · 6 months
I have been having a hard time falling asleep lately like not as bad as pre-taking sleeping meds ... it only takes an hour to be snorking and mimiming but my body hurts all over and I toss and turn and I can't get my brain to Shut UP no matter how exhausted I am it's the worst like I just have to wait for the sleeping pills to take over bc otherwise I could probably stay up for 3 hours trying to sleep without them
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acaciapines · 11 months
every day i think. surely i have written enough fight scenes by now that they will have gotten easier, right? and every day i sit down to write a fight scene and realize oh. no. i have absolutely no idea what i am doing.
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witherbythesword · 3 months
thinking about unspeakable violence dished out like a soft caress. No sudden force, no screams of "no, no please stop" but just two people completly wrapped up in each other.
Embrasing the pain they give willingly and eagerly. Even as it gets more intense. Why act like you don't want it, you both you want it. To be hit and choked and cut with whinces and controlled breathing through the pain and tears but always a soft smile at the end.
Them being allowed to completly tire themself out, flex their muscles as much as they want. Feeling completly accepted and loved in their sadism. I want to be so good they get into a dom rush. Getting more and more intense and violent until they can't help themself and fold me in two to fuck me to pieces.
thinking about the calmness and the pain. The slow pressing of throats and forming bruises. Smiling into kisses as a pain that was almost unbearable subsides, ready to take more.
Being cut and it hurts so bad, your pupils blown wide, your whole focus on them. You look like a dear ready to be slaughtered under them so cute.
and then they take a lemon to squeeze the juice over to make you whimper some more.
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Idk if I've talked about this headcanon before but I like to think Sonic "hibernates" during winter
And by that I mean he sleeps for almost a day straight, wakes up for an hour or two to eat, shower, check up on Tails, etc. and then goes back to sleep for another day
He trusts Tails enough to take care of himself while he's asleep as they both lived and survived on their own before meeting each other, and he can't really control it (if he places his head on a pillow he will fall asleep literally seconds after and nothing can wake him up) so he kinda has to trust him
The weird thing is, no other mobian hedgehog (or any other animal that should hibernate in the wild) does that. They might feel a bit more drowsy than usual and sleep in for a couple of hours but not to the point of sleeping the whole day. Nobody knows why Sonic specifically does this
Sonic is weird even for his own species
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grubbylilgoblin · 1 year
Think I was well right to miss this
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#especially as we get more and more cracker island content#i ... i think o hate this storyline not in a way of#''man i wish this or that was a bit different'' or ''thats absurd but i mean its murdoc so....''#but genuinely.....they didnt beed to do this......#their loreless stuff is quite frankly some of the best because the fact that the cahracters are allowed to be happy and jist have their fun#it comes through in the tine of the whike thing#think about it#humanz the now now and song machine chapter one#all had story behind them#though it wasnt the main focus and yet it still came through in the songs#having a second ''haha murdocs insane hes tryna rope in everyine else and kill 2d again lol" album after the monumentos occasion that was#the original plastic beach ...the original end#murdocs original downfall from the king if his band to a madman bent on fame trapped somewhere by his own doing#can you really blame me for missing it#especially with the pure emotion we got from the albums that came before cracker island .....#it was the gorillaz as people .... who they are comes through in their music#even though they dont exist#now all it is is simply trying to hard to please the poeple who want ''lore'' like its some sort of long running novel#and not an impressive concept that became somthing genuinely marvelous....#i am very passionate about gorillaz in a way that i cannot articulate#but you need to understand....#it ..... hurts ...seeing what thyeve been doing recently#i miss this
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koumeowkami · 1 year
does anyone here thinks of me as a friend tho 🤨 or a nice human being at least
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bakingmoomins · 2 years
so my uni just got its access to unlimited google drive space revoked and now where do I move 81gb of files
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weathernerdmando · 2 years
#finally started therapt last Wednesday morning. or was it Tuesday? idk.#but i did and even though it was just an intro session it was helpful.#it was in part bc i was Not Doing Good. At all. esp monday night. my cat and dog probably got me through a good hour of the worst of it.#my brain was not being rational or logical and they were about the only thing distracting me from getting up and doing something stupid.#fortunately younger me did not have easy access to things that i do now bc id have been in the hospital at least once at that age if i did.#unfortunately current me does and its def a last defense type thing but if i dont know how a certain thing works then i cant do it#i am setting up Actual systems to deal with all of this though i have therapy again Wednesday and we're doing that then bc its Scaring me-#at how bad it's gotten tbh. and even though i dont want to worry people i know irl. i also dont want to let myself isolate myself so.#and not that there are plans or anything. i am taking steps to make sure there arent#but i dont want friends to be like howd i miss it or anything and be guilty or soemthing if i ever mention it#cause im not exactly saying anytbing to anyone atm at least not to the true extent of it. bc i dont want to worry people lol.#vicious cycle etc#but it got bad again yesterday when my dad and i sort of argued (not really? just. a bit of a heated discussion) about car stuff.#like i know my brain is not being rational but when its not being rational its fucking hard to argue with it#so. eyah.#personal shit
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
so back when i was teaching, one of the things i learned to look for were the "mood makers", as i liked to call them, of the classes. there were always 2 or 3 per class, and it was easy to find them in the first few days. you got those kids on your side, and it was a ripple effect with the rest of the students - they would all follow. so winning those kids over was huge when it came to how the year would play out. and from time to time, whenever the class was sort of faltering - middle of winter, of a big project, burn-out high - i would lean back in on those mood makers again to turn things around.
one particular class, when we had a big multi-month group project happening, were just... really struggling with getting their shit together lol. they were supposed to be practicing their presentations (english speaking class) and they were doing pretty much anything but, and their presentations were supposed to start the next class day. they were also PANICKING as i started giving out some feedback - which was NOT GREAT - as they were running through the lines they were supposed to be remembering. after realizing all of them needed so much extra work, i decided we needed to have a turn-around, so i invited one of the mood makers up to the front. i held out a cup to him, with two papers inside.
"one of them," i said, "says tuesday, and if you draw that, presentations go as planned. but one of them says thursday, and if you choose that one, everyone gets extra time to practice."
everyone was like OH SHIT. OKAY. THIS IS IT. and this mood maker, he was a big personality (they usually are) so i knew he'd really ham this up, and he did. we made a huge deal, with drum-rolls and everything, of him picking one out of the cup. he opened it up the paper and announced THURSDAY to a round of huge cheers. he was the class hero. everyone had TONS of motivation to work super hard on this gifted extra day, and really put the time in. their presentations were great. morale SOARED.
the plot twist was that both papers said thursday, because they all needed the extra time. my forever teacher advice: find creative ways to make things happen so that you get the buy-in from the class.
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