#hardcase had no idea he had been followed
bibannana · 2 years
Hardcase *placing his datapad down infront of Fives*: So I had this idea.
Fives *picks up datapad studying it*: Why are you telling me this?......Did Rex say no?
Hardcase *nods*: Well yes, but I wanted to ask you.
Echo *reads the plan*: This is a trap.
Fives *places the datapad down*: I know.
Hardcase *smiles*: I thought I would ask seeing as he isn't the boss of you.
Fives *who likes to do his own thing*: Uh oh. He's got me there.
Echo *deep inhale*: Yes he does. This is definitely a trap.
Hardcase *really wants to execute his plan*: And I ask because I respect you.
Fives *limited impulse control*: Let's do it!
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Whenever, Wherever
pairing: Fives x Reader, Torrent x reader (platonic)
This is a little gift for @the-bad-batch-baroness
Warnings: Fluff. Maybe a little suggestive towards the end. Kisses and cuddles y'all.
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The sassy lean against the wall ™️
You raise your comm to your lips. "Are we ready?"
Hardcase's hushed voice answers. "Yep. Target is in place. I wanted to watch but someone won’t let me out of the medbay.” Hardcase sighs.
Kix groans frustratedly in the background.
“‘Case, you got thrown twenty feet and you have a concussion. That’s plenty of reason for me to keep you here.”
“That might backfire on you, Vod.” Jesse snickers.
Kix echoes Jesse mockingly and Hardcase signs off with “good luck” while you peek into the mess hall where the rest of Torrent is.
The 501st are on a mission to Naboo, but temporary barracks have been set up to accommodate the troopers planetside, allowing them to enjoy the rich scenery and culture.
Dogma and Echo sit off to the side, having a conversation about something while Tup and Vaughn play Sabbacc with the very person that you came to see. Fives’ back is turned to the door as you slip quietly inside and make your way to the table, draping yourself over his shoulders.
With a smirk, you coo into his ear. "Hey there, stranger. Mind if I crash here for a bit?"
He turns to face you, cards forgotten on the table.
“Mesh’la? What are you doing here?”
You giggle. “Nice to see you too. Can’t I surprise my boyfriend?”
He smiles and tugs you into his arms, nuzzling his face in your neck and breathing deeply. Sure, it’s probably a dumb idea to go soft in front of his brothers, but they’re no one to judge either.
Besides, it is you; his cyar’ika.
“You came all the way out here to see me?” He asks, placing a lazy kiss to the side of your neck.
“Yeah, I did. Senator Amidala owed me a favor so I figured I’d come see you.” You say, gently tugging his hand so he follows. After bidding farewell to his brothers, the two of you retreat to a terrace away from prying eyes.
As soon as the two of you are out of sight, his lips crash against yours, needy and passionate. You return the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He mumbles how much he loves you against your mouth, arms tugging you closer still. You’re inherently grateful that he isn’t wearing the top half of his armor, enjoying the warmth of his chest.
You couldn’t ask for anything more as you relax in your trooper’s arms and watch the sun set over the water.
You sigh contentedly. “I missed you.”
Fives tucks his chin over your head and squeezes you tightly. “Missed you more. This is nice.”
You hum happily in response, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“The senator got me a suite at a hotel. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I had I dunno, say...a bodyguard?” You smirk, relishing in the groan that rumbles through his chest.
“I’m afraid I’d be a little too preoccupied with something else to be your security detail.”
“The closer you are, the safer I am,” You tease.
“Well then,” He says playfully, picking you up easily. “Where exactly is this hotel?”
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kyber-kisses · 2 years
Swimming In Stars
Captain Rex x Jedi!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: while on shore leave the reader decides to go off on an adventure of her own, stumbling across a certain clone captain in the process.
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It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to be sneaking out of the temple the night before shore leave ended, seeing as there were still reports to file and mission plans to go over. . . But then again you weren’t exactly known for making smart decisions.
The temple guards were easy enough to slip past, especially after years of you and Anakin memorizing the shift changes. You could probably do it blindfolded if you were being honest. . . And backwards.
The sun had long since set when you departed, a deep navy cloak wrapped around your form,the hood pulled sharply over your head as you dove through one of the open temple windows and onto the ground below. The cloak had been a gift from a woman on Pantora that you had helped rescued from enemy fire. You had tried to decline but she insisted, practically wrapping you in it as she did.
You didn’t wear it often though, only using it for special occasions. . . Such as sneaking out of the temple in the dead of night. Normal things like that.
Having resided on Corucant for most of your life, you knew the streets well and you navigated them with ease, blending in well as you did. Without your Jedi robes you were as common as the rest of the species who perused the streets.
Though you had a particular mission in mind unlike most of them: 79’S.
Normally you held little interest in the clone bar, despite it being a common discussion topic amongst the clones. . . But when you overheard Jesse and Fives talking about going the night before shore leave ended you couldn’t help but find your interest peaked.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t done stuff like this before- force when you and Anakin were younger it was a weekly occurrence to sneak out and wander the clubs and cantinas dressed in civvie clothes.
But it had been so long.
And if you were being honest you could do with a night out.
79’S wasn’t hard to miss, not with its giant neon sign and clusters of clones moving in and out of the doors. No one paid you a passing glance as you moved between the throngs of white armor. And if anyone did, they didn’t care.
Slowing to a stop in the middle of the raging bare you cast your eyes around you, thankful that over the years so many clones had picked up signature markings. But then again with the amount of time you were around certain members of the 501st it was easy to recognize their force signatures.
Your eyes moved across the room to one of the lit up circular booths in the corner. Fives was the first one you recognized, and the Jesse followed along with Hardcase, Kix, and Echo.
A sly smirk pulled on the corners of your lips as you ducked under a clones elbow, twisting between moving bodies as you navigated your way through the crowds.
Keeping your features hidden to the best of your ability you moved towards the table, none of them paying attention to you as they listened to some dramatic storytelling from Fives, the ARC trooper waving his hands wildly in the air as he did.
You didn’t allow him the satisfactory of finishing the story though, because instead you sharply slapped a palm down on the table earning all five sets of deep brown eyes to look up at you.
“Ma’am can we help you?”
Letting your fingers dance across the surface of the table you picked up one of the untouched shots littered about the table. “Getting drunk the night before mission? Mmm I thought you boys knew better.” You hummed, keeping your head low as you allowed your words to simmer.
When you had finally had enough of your antics your amused smirk widened and you suddenly slid into the booth besides Fives, tooling back the shot as you did before turning to peak out at the ARC trooper next to you.
“I’m just kidding, I don’t care what you guys do.”
Fives eyes widened besides you and as you slowly looked around the rest of the table the others did the same.
Slapping a hand over the ARCs mouth you gave him a warning look. “Hey, keep it down!”
Fives nodded beneath your palm and as you slowly lowered your hand you let out a breath. Across the table Jesse leaned forward, keeping his voice as low as he could in the noisy bar. “General, with all do respect what are you doing here?”
“It’s shore leave isn’t it?”
Next to Jesse Hardcase leaned back in his seat, arms sprawled out against the back of the booth. “I didn’t know Jedi knew how to party. I ain’t complaining though.”
“Trust me when I say it isn’t exactly smiled upon, but c’mon- when have any of you known me to stick by the rule book?”
A chorus of rarelys and nevers went up around the table, making you grin.
“But I swear-“ you leaned forward, bracing your elbows on the table as you pointed a finger at all of them. “If you guys say anything I’m freezing you all in carbonite and using you as well decorations.” You paused, “now who wants to go get us a round of shots?”
You could feel the buzz the alcohol was giving you but you were nowhere near drunk. Maybe tipsy but knowing your midichlorian levels that was as probably as good as it was gonna get. Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase on the other hand? They were twice as chaotic as they usually were, leaving you, Kix, and Echo to watch on in amusement.
“How many drinks does it normally take to get him on his ass?” You whispered, having somehow found your way in between Fives and Echo.
“You don’t wanna know.” Echo spoke over the rim of his cup, the two of you eyeing his brother.
“Got it.” Leaning forward slightly in your seat, you look across Echo at Kix. “Five credits he tries to challenge one of us to darts.”
“I’ll take that bet.” The clone medic reaching over to give you a solid hand shake.
But it would seem the rambunctious ARC trooper had other plans. “Uh guys- guys!” Eyes elsewhere, Fives slapping you in the shoulders.
“Kriff, Fives no need to hit so hard-“
“Code Red, code red!”
All sets of eyes apart from yours followed Fives line of sight, a chorus of curses going up as they did. The whole bunch practically sliding deeper down into their seats as if trying to lay low.
That’s when you found what they were looking at. . . Or rather who.
A certain blonde clone captain accompanied by another familiar clone clad in white and yellow.
“I’m getting the vibe that it isn’t common seeing them here.” You spoke softly, head titling slightly as you observed Rex and Cody walk up to the bar.
“Are you kidding me? I mean we constantly ask Captain if he wasn’t to join us but it’s always “I have reports to fill and so on and so forth-“ Fives mimicked, reaching for his drink that you casually slid out of reach from him, your eyes still on the blonde clone.
You considered Rex one of your closest friends, since the beginning of the war you had helped Anakin co- command the 501st, and with it you had become close with the clones under your command.
They were your friends, but none of them held quite a place in your heart such as Rex. He was everything a person should be. Understanding, kind, outrageously smart.
Being in his presence was like standing in a beam of warm afternoon sunlight.
You trusted him with your life.
“Twenty credits says if he spots us the General gives him a heart attack.” Jesse spoke, taking a sip from his drink as the six of you watched them from across the bar.
You blamed the buzz from the several shots for what you did next. “I’ll give you something even more entertaining.” With eerie ease you slid over Fives lap and out of the booth, once more adjusting the hood that was over your head.
“Should we be trying to stop her or-“
“Nah I wanna see how this plays out- plus she’s one of our superiors, I don’t think we can do anything to stop her now.”
As the night had worn on the crowds had somewhat thinned, making it easier to make your way to the bar. With both their backs turned to you a playful grin returned to your features.
You were going to milk this for all it was worth.
With an immense calmness you threw your arms over the shoulders of both the men, sticking your head in between the two of them. “Funny running into you two here. Come here here often?” You mused, eyes bouncing between the shocked looks on both their faces. . . Though Cody’s was also laced ever so slightly with amusement.
“General!” Taking notice of how loud the word came out of his mouth, Rexs eyes darted around before returning to you. “General, what are you doing here?”
“Avoiding my responsibilities.” You spoke casually, glancing over at Cody with an amused smile. “Commander I just know Obi-wan is gonna have a laugh when I tell him your out drinking before we all return from shore-leave.”
The amused look on Cody’s face fell slightly. “Kriff, please don’t tell him.”
“I’m just kidding, I won’t.”
Your turned back to Rex, leaving Cody to order his drink as you did. Y/e/c eyes met deep brown ones that you knew all too well. “I’m surprised to see you here general.”
“I’m honestly slightly surprised to be here. I’ll admit this wasn’t my plan when I woke up this morning.” You smiled, leaning slightly on the bar as you turned your body to face him. “And I definitely wasn’t prepared for a drunk Fives.”
From underneath his breath Rex let out a soft string of curses, before following the way you were nodding your head. You watched in amusement as your group of troopers sent their captain an awkward set of waves, Rex wincing in embarrassment at the state of the men under his command.
“Please tell me you didn’t get them drunk. . . “
“No, of course not!” You paused. “They already had drink when I got here. . . Though I will admit the three rounds of shots were on me—“
The use of your first name caught you somewhat off gaurd as Rex slightly scolded you, though the hints of a laugh could be heard behind it.
He had never called you by your first name before. It had always been General or General Y/L/N. For some reason it made you melt.
“What! I haven’t had fun like this in ages, give me a break!” You laughed, watching as Rexs face turned ever so slightly pink.
“If my men are hungover tomorrow I’m blaming you.” Rex shook his head, his own smile creeping across his lips.
“Deal. If they are I’ll bring you Caf for the next week.” You paused. “The good stuff Obi-wan has.”
Rex raised an eyebrow. “I’ll shake to that.” His gloved hand coming up to meet yours in a solid handshake, your nerve endings feeling as if that had just caught fire from his touch alone.
“Also you’re playing darts with us, c’mon-“ without giving him a second to speak you were yanking him out of his bar stool, unaware of the deepening shade of red on the captains face.
“General, I-“
“No buts. Plus Cody can watch your seat.” You mused, looking back over your shoulder at the commander of the 212th, the clone sending you an amused look as he brought his drinks to his lips.
“Don’t let him have too much fun General!”
“I would never!”
It took longer than expected for you to get Rex out of his normal shell and loosen up. You managed to get two shots into him with the aid of several cheering clones and now he was demolishing Fives and Jesse on their fourth game of holo-darts, all the while a soft smirk had laid itself across his features.
You were slowly seeing a side to Rex you had never seen before.
“You got him wrapped around your finger you know.”
You hummed a response, lifting your glass to your lips as you watched Rex throw yet another dart at the board, earning a groan from Fives.
The use of your name pulled your attention finally, turning your head to look at Echo was was leaned against the wall next to you. “Sorry what did you say?”
Echo merely grinned, “I can bet you without a doubt that if you weren’t here Rex would not have agreed to play darts with us.”
“That’s because none of you were going to ask him.”
A pause.
“Alright fair point, but if we had he wouldn’t have.”
Playing with the tiny straw in your drink you let out a sigh. “Echo what are you trying to say?”
The only answer was a light laugh and a pat on the back before the ARC trooper moved forward to take his turn at the board.
Glancing around the bar you could tell it had gotten much later. Only a few little groups of clones still mingled, talking casually to one another while one or two sat passed at the bar. Cody had departed awhile ago, only stopping by to say farewell before heading back to the base.
The neon clock on the far wall told you that you should probably be heading out as well. You had to get up early tomorrow to re-walk the Resolute and make sure everything was in place for the upcoming missions.
Grabbing your cloak from where you had discarded it earlier when you had realized the crowds were thinning, you snapped it back into place.
“Alright boys, I’m calling it quits for the night.”
A series of protests went up, and though you prided yourself on how observant you were constantly you didn’t notice how the captain turned his attention towards you as you passed, an echo of his smile from playing darts still on his face.
“So early General?”
With a raised eyebrow you looked over your shoulder. This really was a new Rex. “Captain it’s past midnight. We all have to be up in a couple hours to catch the shuttles back up to the Resolute.”
It was clear Rex had lost track of time, his face falling as he looked past you at the clock on the far wall, it’s neon numbers blinking lazily. He let out a curse under his breath, shoving his remaining dart into the outreached palm of Jesse.
“I told General Skywalker I would have those reports finished by morning.”
“Ooh Captains in trouble.”
“Shut it Fives.”
Shaking your head in amusement you turned to depart, only getting as far as the main entrance before a figure was rushing after you. “General! Allow me to escort you back?”
As you looked over to your left you smiled at the blonde clone settling into a steady pace besides you, the two of you stepping out onto the slowly quieting Corucant street.
“I thought you had things to do captain?”
“I do, but the temple and the clone facility are in the same general direction. Plus it wouldn’t be right to have my general walking alone.”
There he was. Your sweet and polite Rex you had grown so very fond of. You were perfectly capable of defending yourself but you would also never turn down an evening stroll with your favorite captain. “Very well.”
As if you had done it a million times before you absentmindedly looped your arm through Rexs, pulling him slightly down the street, all the while being blissfully unaware of the startled look on the captains face and the red creeping across his cheeks.
In truth Rex had always looked at you like you were the most brilliant thing he had ever seen in the galaxy. The first time he saw you he didn’t think you were real. You were laughing at something General Skywalker had said, your head tilted back towards the sun, eyes squeezed shut tightly in joy.
He stumbled on half his words when he was finally introduced.
And now here he was, your arm looped through his as you led him down some neon lit street in the belly of Corucant.
“How was your shore-leave? I know it was only a week but-“
“It was fine, thank you General. Got caught up on a lot of cadet forms that had been piling up while we’ve been away.”
Laying your free hand atop Rexs arm you gave him a soft smile. “You can call me Y/N, at least for right now. No one else is around, plus I like when you call me by my name. Makes me feel more like an actual person and not a tool for the Republic.”
Rex was silent for a moment, any words that had been on his tongue a moment before had all fizzled out. Kriff, you were going to be the death of him.
“Y/N.” He said it slowly, almost as if laced with caution.
You beamed up at him, giving his forearm a pat. “Rex.”
He fell silent yet again. . . And then coughed awkwardly, turning his eyes ahead. “Uh, how was your shore-leave?”
“Boring. In the temple there’s a lot of time designated for self reflection. It gets boring and much to quiet if I’m being honest. I would rather be stuck in the barracks with the 501st-“
At that Rex let out an amused chuckle. “All due respect I don’t think you’d last a night in there. You haven’t had to go to sleep with the odor of Fives feet in the air. “
“Mm maybe not but when we were padawans there was a couple weeks where I had to share a bunk with Anakin, and let me tell you— half the time he smelled like a wet womp rat.” You paused, “but then again Hardcase sometimes smells that way too-“
You were surprised that your words got a full laugh out of Rex, his head tilting backwards as he laughed. The sight was enough to make your smile widen.
Kriff, you were in so much trouble.
“You just said you were in so much trouble.” Rexs previous joyful expression had fallen, now laced with concern as he looked at you.
Oops. . . Apparently those words had not just been in your head.
The two of you paused at a crossroads. . . Literally. Though neither of you paid attention to the hundreds of ships and cruisers that buzzed by several yards above you.
“It’s nothing.” Shaking your head, you pulled yourself away from Rex, continuing forward.
“General- sorry- Y/N. Are you alright?” Folding his arms behind his back, Rex moved forward to sink into your pace.
“I—“ you paused, a tiny war raging inside your head as you weighed wether or not you should give him some explanation. “I am not a good Jedi.”
“What do you mean? I may not know much about Jedi but I know that for as long as I’ve known you you’ve done an excellent job.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, but I’m really not. I’ve made a really big mistake that no jedi is supposed to.”
Rex paused in his steps, watching you with a slight tilt to his head. “Which is?”
Your own steps faltered when you realized he had stopped, the action making you look back over your shoulder at him. “Jedi arnt allowed to form attachments. It’s considered a selfish act. . . And yet I’ve done it.”
A pause. “Forgive me but I don’t understand you jedi and your rules.”
“Heh, neither do I Rex. Neither do I.” Turning fully, you gave him a soft smile and for a moment you just watched him, waiting to see if he caught on.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You really don’t get it do you?”
Another pause. “Get what?”
Your feet was moving before your mind was but when it did catch up you made no move to stop it. You only halted when your toes of your boots were bumping against Rex’s, the captain looking down at you with a wide eyed and curious stare.
“The attachment I have is you, Rex.”
He said nothing, though you felt a shift in the air as his eyes widened and his cheeks turned rosy. “Me?”
“Yeah, I think it was set into place the moment I met you. With your awkward smiles and salutes and your unwavering kindness and understanding.” You looked down, slowly reaching out to grab Rex’s gloved hands.
His voice brought your gaze upwards and with it Rex sucked in a gulp of air. “It’s Y/N.”
It was only when you slowly rose to the balls of your feet did Rex shift awkwardly, heat creeping down his neck as he realized what you were doing. “I’ve never kissed anyone before-“
“Neither have I.”
You both knew the risk you were taking and though neither of you spoke it, there was a silent promise that neither of you would say a word of it to anyone.
And with that you pressed your lips firmly to Rexs, and for the first time in a long time. . . The force around you felt right.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
i was rereading some of your tup works and figured i'd drop in another request for your follower event!! i’ve been reading some horror stuff lately so what about something where reader (gender neutral) is like a type of eldritch horror monster please?
the reader would be something tall and shadowy-like with super long fingers/claws and sharp teeth with a long tongue. and tup is just himself, a normal guy?
like the reader and tup fall in love, so tup wants to introduce his partner to his brothers. the rest of the 501st are shocked, but also not really surprised lol
just something cute and romantic and funny please!! absolutely no rush at all for this btw
Monsterous Love
Summary:  Tup loves you and while you’re not sure why, you don’t doubt his affection for you. So when he says that he wants to introduce you to his brothers, you agree.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Tup x GN!Reader
Prompt: The reader in an interdimensional eldritch being
Word Count: 1628
Warnings: None, really
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
@bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98
A/N: So I'm not sure if I hit what you wanted, but I hope you like it anyway!
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Tup is staring at you.
He almost always stares at you; if you were anyone else, you’d probably be self-conscious about how much he stares at you. 
You tilt your head and regard him curiously, “You are staring.” You note absently.
“I can’t help it,” Tup replies immediately, “You’re perfect.”
You tilt your head in the other direction, “I exist simultaneously on every plane of existence, including the past and the future. And I have an incredibly difficult time staying in a humanoid form.”
Tup’s smile is love-struck, “Like I said, perfect.”
“You are a singularly strange human man.”
He laughs and you can feel your human-ish facade ripple before it settles again, though you’re fairly certain that pastel blue isn’t a normal human shade…well, not in this reality at least.
You squint at your hand and the color turns to a pale purple. The color makes you happy, so you leave it there for the time being.
“Strange in a good way, right?” Tup asks, his grin broad.
“If I thought you strange in a bad way I would not have saved you from the…things.”
“The Kaminoans?” Tup asks, laughter in his voice.
“Is that what they are called? I forgot.”
Tup stands and walks over to you, and you release a surprised noise when he allows himself to fall on you.
Your human form pops, like a soap bubble, and you revert to your true form. It’s hard to describe, as your form changes based on your needs, but your truest form is shadowy. With sharp teeth and long claws.
Also, according to Tup, you’re very soft and comfortable to lay on.
You wrap your arms around him, careful to keep your claws away from his delicate skin, and you release an embarrassing purr as he buries his face in your neck.
“I have an idea,” Tup says cheerfully.
It is difficult to speak in this form, long teeth are not designed for human speech, but you have more than one way to communicate. Is it a good idea? Or is this like the idea you had where you wanted me to raze Kamino to the ground? You ask.
“That was a good idea.” Tup defends as he trails his hands over your shoulders. “Which is why you did it.”
You narrow your eyes at him, You are a horrible influence.
He probably shouldn’t look so smug about that, right? Is it not right that a human should be able to influence an ancient, eternal being? Right? Ah, whatever.
“I want to introduce you to my brothers. And the General.”
You slowly blink at him as you adjust your claws so that you’re less likely to hurt him, and you start playing with his curls, Do your brothers not think that you are dead, Tup?
He shrugs, “I miss them. Besides, Dogma already knows about you.”
That is because I intervened to save his life.
“And I love you for that. Just like I love you for intervening to save Fives and Hardcase.”
You’re still not sure why you did that, honestly. Other than you don’t like the look that Tup gets when he hears about his many brothers dying.
If that is what you want, then we can make it happen. You finally say, not wanting to think too hard about the influence he has on you. Your form shifts back into a more human form, though you’re still a bit taller than Tup, “However, I am going in a human form.”
He huffs and reaches up to press his hands against your cheeks, “I want them to know the real you.”
“This form of me is as real as all of the other ones.” You point out, “I…do not want to cause them any distress.”
His gaze softens, and you can feel adoration radiating from him before he leans in and kisses you. Tup pulls back after a few moments, his hands still pressed against your cheeks, “I love you and I love that you want to make sure that they’re comfortable. But they love me and will accept you no matter what.”
“I am not so sure.”
“Trust me.”
You blow out a heavy breath and allow your form to shift back into your normal form, They might assume that I will hurt you.
“You never have.” He presses his forehead against yours, “And it would be so easy for you to do so. So, will you do it?”
I suppose I will.
“Yes!” He kisses you again and again, and you marvel, once again, that he seems unbothered by your monstrous form. He really is so strange. “Are you ready to go?”
Wait? Now?
“Yes. Now. Before you change your mind.”
Stubborn mortal— Still you shift to a more human form, standing a little taller than Tup, and you lightly push him to his feet, “As you like, Tup.”
He beams at you and takes your hand. “Great! Now, how do I get to Coruscant from here?”
You shake your head. Here, of course, is the house of mystery. The plane of existence that you call home, and also where Tup calls home now. “You still haven’t learned?”
“This House exists in every reality all at the same time, how am I supposed to learn it?” Tup asks cheerfully.
You shake your head and tug him down a hallway. You take three lefts, a right, and then two more lefts, before you open a door that leads to the Coruscant of his reality. “See. Easy.”
“I’m fairly certain that you’re the only person who thinks that.”
You tilt your head, “Oh?”
“Not everyone exists everywhere all of the time.” Tup teases as he cups your face and pulls you down into a kiss. It’s not a long kiss as neither of you are overly fond of PDA, and Tup is eager to introduce you to his brothers.
For all that you’re an interdimensional being, you don’t actually know Coruscant, so Tup is more than happy to guide you to the lift that will bring you up a couple of levels.
You’re surprised when Tup brings you to the 501st barracks. Surprised because it’s a lot more rundown than you expected based on some of the stories he’s told you.
“...I believe that mold has gained sentience,” you note as he leads you inside and through a hallway lined with black mold.
“Eh, it’s fine. Probably.”
“I also believe that is it toxic.”
Tup shrugs, “Probably. We’re just clones, babe. It’s not that big a deal.”
You blink at the back of his head, “Tup. If you want me to raze Coruscant to ashes, this is the way to go about it.”
He stops suddenly and bursts into laughter.
“I am not so sure why you find this funny.”
Tup turns and pulls you into a quick kiss, “I love you, that’s all.”
“I am fond of you as well. But I am also unsure how my comment caused this.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a human thing.” He kisses your hands, and then tugs you into a large room, “Hey Cap!”
The room, which had been filled with lots of noise, falls silent at Tup’s voice.
“Tup?” A blonde man that you vaguely recognize as Rex says in disbelief, “You’re alive? And here?”
“How?” Fives demands, “You killed a Jedi. I definitely remember that happening.”
“The situation is complicated and also not my fault.” Tup motions to you, “Everyone, meet my cyare. You can just call them cyare.”
“I do not think that that is an appropriate nickname—”
“They won’t be able to say your actual name, babe. Human tongues aren’t designed to make those sounds. Cyare is perfect for you.”
“If you insist.”
“I do!” Tup beams at you and then turns back to his brothers, “Cyare saved me. They’re amazing.” He pauses, “They’ve also saved all of you on more the one occasion.”
The room falls silent and all eyes turn to you. “You are overstating, Tup.”
“I’m not.” He squeezes your hand, “Go on babe, show them.”
“I still do not think that this is a good idea.” You want, though you release his hand and allow your human form to fade away into your true form, You are lucky that I am so fond of you.
“I am lucky you’re so fond of me,” Tup agrees with an adoring smile, “This is cyare’s true form.” He says to his brothers, “They’re an interdimensional eldritch being.”
The room is quiet for a moment, and then Dogma, at the back of the room, releases a laugh, “Yeah, this doesn’t surprise me.”
“Somehow,” Rex agrees, “This makes total sense.”
“I told you they’d be fine with you,” Tup says with a grin.
There must be something wrong with your DNA. You are all very, very strange men. You counter as you settle on the floor, But, I suppose this does make me claiming you all as my mortals a little easier.
“But I’m your favorite mortal, right?” Tup asks.
You sigh heavily, Yes, Tup. You’re my favorite mortal. You release a disgruntled noise as he leans heavily against you. Not that you can’t support him, but you’re not an armrest.
Still, as Tup leans fully against you, his arms tight around you, while he answers questions about you and him and the life you share, a sense of peace settles over you.
This is okay. More than okay. 
Tup might think that you’re perfect, but he’s the one who took one look at an eldritch monster and decided, “Yes, that’s the one I want.” so in your book, he’s the perfect one.
Now you just have to make sure that no one will every hurt your mortals ever again.
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devotional-dwams · 24 days
The birthday party
Request: could you write something where the reader celebrates the day Fives essentially was "born" / came out of the tube and throws him a private little birthday party with a cake, some confetti, gifts etc.? I feel like he never had something like that before and he'd love it 🥺
Summary: the 501st visit your apartment for a surprise birthday party which you’ve organised for Fives. Fives x GN reader, established relationship. Lots of fluff.
Word count: 1380
Warnings: there’s maybe a smidgen of angst but don’t worry, Jesse interrupts that. Reader’s kinda bossy 💀
Authors note: ahhh my FIRST request, and it’s so sweet!! Thank you @welcometo79s 🥰 I hope you enjoy it.
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You rushed around the room, Echo shadowing with supplies in one hand and a checklist in the other. Streamers were hung from the ceiling, a handful of presents had been piled on the table and you were currently scattering confetti wherever it would go. Behind you, Echo chuckled as you very meticulously put everything in place.
“Relax Y/N. He’s gonna love it.”
“We don’t even have the cake yet. Are you sure we can trust Jesse?”
“Kix is with him.”
You turned to Echo, your hand on your hip and eyebrow lifted. “That doesn’t fill me with confidence.”
He grinned and pulled the lid off his pen with his teeth, marking the checklist. When Echo spoke, it was through the plastic. “It’ll ‘e ‘ine”
“I didn’t know you were such an optimist.”
You watched him shrug. A part of you wondered if you were going overboard, but it was Fives birthday- of sorts- and you’d be damned if you weren't going to celebrate it. The apartment was looking nice, at least; all the cleaning you’d done over the last two days really made the place shine.
“You know, when we flew in this morning, I had no idea you’d be this jittery.”
“…I want things to go smoothly, okay?”
Echo put the streamers he was holding down. “Why? I mean, it’s just his birth-date.”
“Exactly. We’ve got a whole day to celebrate Fives and in a war time, every day counts.”
The conversation between you lulled as you both mulled over what you’d said. However, the bittersweet taste in the air didn’t last long because Jesse barged through the front door. Kix followed, softly shutting it with his foot. In his hands dangled two large shopping bags.
“Ta-daaa!” Jesse sung, holding the box out for you to inspect. “We have cake.”
“See?” Echo interjected.
You dropped the bag of confetti on the table, crossing the room to carefully lift the lid of the box. Inside a cake sat with the words ‘happy birthday Fives’ iced atop white background, the font blue and italic. Around the edge, a striped pattern had been iced, also in blue and white. The colours of the 501st.
“It’s wonderful, thanks for picking it up Jesse.”
“Where d’ya want the drinks?”
You pointed Kix to the table, where he began unpacking the bottles of alcohol onto the confetti covered counter. The other bag carried snacks, which you helped him unpack into little bowls and plates. In the middle of the snacks and drinks, you put the box with the cake in. Echo had perched himself on the arm of your sofa, still working through the checklist, and Jesse had ventured into your kitchen in search of a glass. He returned and reached for one of the bottles which Kix had bought. You slapped his hand.
“Not yet.”
“Water. Go on.”
“You’re worse than Echo!” Jesse called back as he retreated into the kitchen.
The three of you in the living room laughed as the front door opened. Dogma and Tup walked in, followed by Hardcase.
“We’ve missed something.” Dogma deadpanned, shrugging his helmet off.
Hardcase and Tup followed, the three of them adding their helmets to the shelf you’d installed specifically to store their buckets during visitations. You crossed your arms, staring fondly at the boys.
“Apparently I’m strict.”
Jesse huffed. “Y/N isn’t letting us drink any alcohol until the party starts.”
“Well it is Five’s party, and he’s not here yet.” Tup spoke up, looking over Echo’s shoulder at the checklist. “Oh but everything is done, I see.”
“Yeah we’re just waiting on Rex and Fives now.” You added, dragging Dogma and Hardcase into a welcome hug.
“They should be here in about ten minutes.”
“So meticulous aren’t you, little brother?” Jesse joked, holding Echo into a headlock and ruffling his hair.
“Get off!”
“Okay boys,” you interrupted. “Chill.”
Jesse laughed. “Relax Y/N. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
“It better be.”
Ten minutes later, you had the boys crowded around the table as you waited for the knock on the door. In the hallway, Rex and Fives’ voices carried out. They were talking about a loth cat they’d seen and it seemed that Fives was trying to convince Rex to adopt one into the barracks. Rex’ knock on the door interrupted their chatter, and you quickly brushed your hands over your clothes.
Opening the door, you were immediately greeted with Fives wrapping his arms around you. “Oh cyare, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” you giggled, leaning into him as he picked you up slightly. Over his shoulder, you greeted Rex, who responded with a smile and a nod of his head.
Fives put you down, his gaze landing on the room ahead. The boys around the table spoke (almost) simultaneously, cheering happy birthday to him.
“What… Y/N what’s all this?”
“It’s your birthday. Thought we’d celebrate-“
“You have no idea what an unbelievable pain in the ass they’ve been about it. Can we please drink now?”
Fives looked at you, cocking an eyebrow. “Did you get all bossy again?”
“It was deserved,” the corners of your mouth lifted as you spoke.
Fives laughed, loudly and joyfully, and brought you closer. Behind the two of you, Rex shut the door and added his and Fives’ helmet to the others.
“Open the bottle then, Jes’”
You slipped your hand into Fives’ and dragged him to the table, Rex following and joining Echo at the side. One by one, you explained everything on the table, which accidentally fell into a ramble about how this much confetti really was traditional for nat-borns, and yes it will be a pain to clean up, but Fives stop laughing. The boys around you laughed as you crossed your arms, huffing.
“I love it, mesh’la.”
“Hmm. Presents?”
In the living room, everyone sat either on the sofas or the floor, circled around you and Fives. The presents were piled at his feet and he lifted the one on top.
“Now, we weren’t too sure about this one but Echo told us you’ll like it.” Dogma spoke up, flinging his hands about as he talked.
Inside the box was a pair of slippers that had little loth cats on, their googly eyes lopsided. Fives laughed, picked them up and shook them to watch the eyes go up and down. “Thanks guys.”
The next few presents were also from the boys, featuring a new blaster, some armour polish (for his bucket), and fancy hair gel. The last present was from you, which you picked up to hand it to him personally.
“This is from me. I hope you like it.”
Fives grinned, “I know I will.”
Inside the wrapping paper there was a small box, no larger than a mug. He carefully lifted the lid, mindful not to break whatever was inside. Within he found a cushioned necklace, the necklace being a small thing he could easily conceal under his blacks. It bore a silver chain, and had your initials dangling from it.
“I know it’s not much but we don’t get to see each other as much as we want, and this way I get to stay with you when you’re off fighting.” You quickly rushed to add, becoming concerned at Fives’ silence. “Fives?”
He lifted his gaze to you, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. When he pulled back, you saw tears in his eyes. “Put it on me?”
Your fingers deftly worked the chain. Once he had it around his neck, his fingers found your initials and clutched them tightly. “Thank you.”
“It’s not too little?”
“It’s perfect.”
Of course, the underlying thought was that you were perfect. No one had organised such a party for him before, and realising that you meant that much to him had Fives’ heart swelling. But you smiled and he knew he didn’t need to say anything else. You always managed to see right through him like that.
Tup cleared his throat, almost not wanting to interrupt your little moment. “Cake?”
With a mouthful of cake, Fives pointed his fork to Echo. “What happened to your hair?”
His brother shot a glare at Jesse, while still trying to brush his hair into place.
“Ah, say no more.”
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
Pressure - an In Pieces One Shot
Summary: 501st shenanigans at the bar, and you enjoy a dance with Jesse and Fives because teasing Wolffe is fun
Warnings: alcohol, betting, highly suggestive dancing, she/her pronouns used, no y/n, no physical descriptions
Word Count: 812
The song they’re dancing to: “Pressure” by Martin Garrix (of course)
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Jesse finished his shot, as he watched you swaying your hips on your way to Cody’s table. No shore leave was complete without you causing a stir in some way or another.
“How long before extraction?” Fives asked, nodding in your direction.
“Until she finishes her drink, or that vein starts popping in Captain Rex’s forehead. Whichever comes first,” Jesse said after a moment.
“We don’t have long then,” Fives laughed, and turned to order another round.
Kix looked over towards you, and made a noise of surprise.
“Is she trying to pull off a requisition right now? That’s my girl,” He laughed, seeing the little presentation you were doing.
“If I was a beautiful woman, this is the place where I would ask for everything. Promotions, raises, whatever the kriff she’s about to get right now,” Fives replied.
“Fives,” Hardcase said, tapping Fives on the arm, as the shots were lined up on the bar. “I bet I could do all these shots and then balance the glasses on my nose.”
“I do it, I get that new vibroblade you’ve been flashing around.”
“He won that off of me,” Kix said incredulously.
“Okay? And now I want it,” Hardcase said shrugging.
“And if they fall, what’s in it for me?” Fives asked.
“My favorite DC-17m.”
A murmur passed through the group at that. Hardcase was practically married to that blaster.
Fives glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were still sipping on your drink before saying, “You’re on. Gotta keep the glasses up for 15 seconds.”
“Easy!” Hardcase said, downing each of their shots one by one. As he reached the last one he stacked them all together before tilting his head back and balancing them on his nose.
The boys started counting down from 15, as Hardcase kept the delicate glass tower balanced on his nose.
“5…4…3…2…1!” They all whooped and cheered as Hardcase released the breath he’d been holding.
“What the-“ Fives’s jaw dropped.
“I’ll take that knife,” He said making the motion for Fives to hand it over. The ARC trooper rolled his eyes and pulled it out, to hand it over.
“I think I should have a chance to win it back,” Kix grumbled.
“Maybe next time,” Hardcase said tucking it away.
“Sit Rep?” Fives said turning to Jesse, as he petulantly sipped at his beer.
“Drink’s not gone, Captain’s still cool.”
“I’m surprised. Usually 5 minutes being around her and the commander is plenty.”
“Uh oh, we have a development,” Jesse said nodding in your direction.
Fives turned to follow his gaze.
“Ah, the vein’s popping. We better pull her out,” Fives said downing his beer.
The pair of them make their way across the dance floor, getting just close enough to shout your name.
They watched you drain your glass, and rise from the table to strut over to them, with a mischievous sparkle in your eyes.
“I know that look,” Fives said, grinning as he took hold of your hips. You were already swirling them along to the music, as you reached for Jesse.
“It’s been awhile,” Jesse said pressing up against you, his muscular thigh pressed between yours. “Who’s the lucky trooper tonight?”
You didn’t answer, you just looked over your shoulder at Wolffe, who had his eyes trained on you.
“Oh, kriff me. Are you serious right now?” Fives asked incredulously.
“He will devour you.” Jesse laughed, his head bent low to speak into your ear.
Your giggles bubbled like champagne.
“That’s the idea,” you said tugging him closer.
“I knew you would be up to something as soon as Commander Cody invited you to his table.” Jesse shook his head.
“When is she not up to something?” Fives challenged, as you arched your back and locked eyes with Wolffe again.
“I’m surprised. I thought it would be Cody,” Jesse said spinning you to face Fives as his hips moved smoothly with yours to the beat.
“Ooh it very well might be him too…” you said, as Cody caught your eye, and beckoned you over.
“Very ambitious, doll,” Fives said grinning.
“You’re gonna be sore the rest of the week. And after that stunt you pulled on me the other day, I’m not taking it easy on you,” Jesse said, remembering how you’d finally managed to take him down. He didn’t know that you’d been training in every spare moment with Fives to pull that off.
“When have you ever?” You asked with a laugh.
As the song ended you pulled them close, pressing a soft kiss to each of their faces, “You guys are the fucking best, and I will think of you…well not during it, but afterwards with gratitude.”
The pair of them burst into laughter, and you couldn’t help but join them.
“Don’t wait up for me,” you said, turning to make your way to Cody’s side.
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tag list: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @iamburdened @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @rexxdjarin @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @ladyzirkonia @starrylothcat (also @littlemissmanga cause I think you’ll enjoy it, lemme know if you don’t wanna be tagged in random things lol)
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wanderinginksplot · 1 year
Hardcase + "Is that seriously your password?"
Hardcase and gn!reader (no use of y/n or any pronouns). Platonic.
Word Count: 2,200
Warnings: Hardcase being Hardcase, impatient reader, themes of distance in a friendship.
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Despite all outward appearances - and prevailing public opinion - Hardcase was a very intelligent man. 
It was the 501st’s worst-kept secret, among many strong contenders, that Captain Rex had been trying to send him to ARC trooper training for months. Hardcase politely refused every time, insisting that he was happy as he was and with the 501st in particular. 
“Why would I ever leave?” he asked any time someone brought it up. “All my brothers are here and I’ve got plenty of heavy artillery. What else could I need?”
Say what you wanted about Hardcase, he had a singularly clear idea what he wanted.
And, at that moment, what he wanted was to learn how to do your job. 
He had been hanging around for a little over a week and had learned most of what your coworkers did. As a small group of nat-borns - roughly a dozen on the whole team - you were surrounded by men who had been literally designed to outclass you. But still, you were there to do the odd jobs that the GAR couldn’t bother to assign to a clone trooper. You watched radars, analyzed intelligence reports, and took in messages from the GAR and the Jedi Order alike. 
You didn’t see Hardcase when you approached your small desk and your shoulders eased slightly. When you sat down and he still didn’t appear, you turned and booted up the desktop datapad so you could take a look at that day’s charts. 
“Is that seriously your password?”
You swore violently and turned to face Hardcase, who was halfway through climbing out of the storage closet across the aisle from your desk. That door had been stuck partially open since you had first come aboard the Resolute. Stupid of you not to check there. 
Even as your chair’s rotation slowed to a stop, you threw the stylus in your hand at Hardcase. He blinked at you as the stylus bounced harmlessly off his chest. You spared a moment to note that he was wearing only his black body glove and the stylus had still ricocheted like it had hit a solid surface… But Hardcase was speaking before you could process that further. 
“Calm down, it’s just me,” he soothed.
“I know, that’s why I threw it!” you snapped and Hardcase grinned. You pressed a hand to your chest. “For the millionth time, watching someone type in a password is not slicing!”
“Exactly, it’s better,” Hardcase said proudly. “Much less effort.”
You rolled your eyes, mostly to hide the smirk that threatened. “That’s not how you learn a skill, Hardcase,” you reminded unnecessarily. 
“No, but it was enough to get me this far,” he countered with a shrug. 
That was an unfortunately good point, so you elected to ignore it. “Did you need something? Other than to give me my midnight adrenaline jolt?”
As you said it, you glanced down at your fresh caf in disgust and pushed it away. Hardcase scooped up the mug of caf the moment you did so, taking a greedy slurp and wincing as he burned his tongue. “Yeah, actually. I want you to teach me to calculate a route through hyperspace.”
“Hardcase,” you started, sighing. 
Hardcase laughed. “Yeah, that’s the right way to say it! A little frustrated, a little tired. Now just follow it up with, ‘I’ll show you how to navigate the ship’ and we’ll be good!”
A loophole opened in front of you, shining and brilliant. “Fine, I’ll show you how to navigate the ship.”
As Hardcase did a victorious little dance, you gestured at the screen of your datapad. “First, you put in the coordinates of where you want to end up, then you enter your current coordinates. Most systems can calculate your current position, but the Resolute is still moving, so I’m going to do a quick estimate of where we’ll be when we jump into hyperspace.”
As you spoke, you performed each of the steps in turn, setting up a mock course to Coruscant from the Resolute’s estimated position ten minutes from then. You tapped the correct button, letting the results of the datapad’s calculations scroll down the screen. “And then it flags any problems with the route and offers alternate options to avoid those problems. No questions? Okay, you’re good!”
If it were anyone else, you would be worried you had offended your prospective pupil, but Hardcase’s easy-going nature was well known and nearly impossible to shake. 
As if to prove that fact, he only laughed at your vague lesson and blunt dismissal. “Nice try! I want to learn to calculate the route by hand.”
“By hand?” you repeated, aghast. “Hardcase, that’s a long process. It takes hours…”
“I set aside some time,” he accepted easily, nabbing the chair from a nearby desk and settling comfortably into it. “You can’t expect me to believe that you’re busy.”
You glanced around, half-wishing for some kind of emergency so you could push him off without feeling bad about it. Nothing jumped out at you and no alarms were going off, so Hardcase’s point stood. There wasn’t even anyone else on that section of the bridge. You were the only person pulling a twelve-hour shift that night, and the area was abandoned.
“Are you sure you don’t want to learn to calibrate a radar?” you asked, a little desperately. “That’s what most of my job is and it’s a much more interesting skill.”
“Okay,” Hardcase agreed, folding his hands over his stomach. “As soon as you teach me to calculate a route by hand, you can teach me how to calibrate a radar.”
You stared at him dryly. “Thanks.”
“Always happy to learn,” he said, grinning at you. 
You gritted your teeth and pulled up a new page on the datapad. “Fine. We’re going to need a fresh star chart with the quadrants clearly marked, and a complete list of all known hyperspace disruptions…”
Frustratingly, Hardcase was an excellent student. That wasn’t a shock. You had spoken to your coworkers who had taught him and they had mentioned exactly that. Hardcase was intelligent with a keen interest in information-gathering. He could be selective about his interests and flippant with what he learned, but when he turned his full focus to a subject, he didn’t stop until it was mastered.
So you resigned yourself to the task. All things considered, it wasn’t the worst way to spend a boring shift. And it did take a large portion of your working hours. Calculating hyperspace routes by hand was a long and tedious process. When you were finally finished, you stabbed at the star chart with your stylus. 
“And there you go,” you summarized. “The most boring way you could have possibly spent three and a half hours.”
“I didn’t think it was that bad,” Hardcase countered. “At least this is useful.” 
“Only if you manage to get on a ship without a navicomputer and you need to make an immediate jump to light speed,” you shot back. “And assuming you’re being generous about the definition of the word ‘immediate’.”
“We are in a war,” he told you with a shrug. “You never know what’s going to happen out there.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Hardcase, if you disable the navicomputer, I’m going to be very unhappy.”
“I would never!” he insisted, pressing an offended hand to his chest. 
You didn’t trust Hardcase’s offense as far as you could throw the tall and muscular trooper, so you just shook your head and began gathering up the materials you had used to calculate the practice route.
“So, are you gonna tell me why you were avoiding me?” 
The question made your shoulders tense. “I wasn’t.”
Hardcase barked a laugh at the lie. “Uh-huh. Then why did I have to hide in a storage closet to catch you at your desk?”
“You didn’t,” you insisted mulishly. “I think you just like scaring people.” 
“I do,” he admitted without further prompting. “But you were also avoiding me. I’m not offended, I just want to know why. I thought we were friends. You know, even before I started trying to learn about what it is you do here.”
You looked down, pretending to scrub at a spot on the desk. The truth was that Hardcase was right. You had been friends. The problem was that you had been around long enough to recognize one of Hardcase’s most dependable patterns: he would leave when he got bored. 
It was an innate trait, something he couldn’t help. He always did it, no matter what intentions he had. You two had been friends… but then you noticed that he was asking your coworkers how to do their jobs. When he learned the last job, there was a good chance he would move on to his next passion. You weren’t ready to be left behind by him, not yet. 
“C’mon,” Hardcase urged, plucking the neatly rolled starchart from your hands and bopping you gently on the head and shoulders with it. “Tell me. I’ll just keep asking. You know I will. Why are you avoiding me? Why? What’s the reason? Why are-?”
You snatched the tube of flimsi from him and swiped at him. The blow landed on the side of his neck with a quiet hollow sound that made him laugh. Despite yourself, you joined in. 
And then you stopped, filled with a deep sadness. You liked spending time with Hardcase. He was a good friend. And, if his previous patterns were anything to go by, there was a good chance that this was the end of your friendship. 
“I’m not ready for you to leave,” you admitted softly. 
Hardcase’s laughter trailed off into silence as he gave you a quizzical look. “I don’t have to go right now. I told you, I set aside the whole night for this.” 
“That… isn’t… quite what I meant.” The explanation was even softer than your admission - not quite silent, but close.
Even so, Hardcase frowned. “I’m not going anywhere. Why would I?”
“You will,” you assured him, offering a halfhearted smile to take the sting from the truth of it. “You get… restless. Now that you know how to do everything on this part of the bridge, you’ll get bored around here and move on to another part of the ship.”
“Why-” Hardcase broke off, clearing his throat. “Why do you think I wanted to learn about all of this stuff?”
You shrugged. “I know you like to learn, and you like having another skill. Right?”
Hardcase shook his head. For the first time you could remember, he was pointedly avoiding eye contact with you. “That isn’t wrong, but it’s not the whole reason. I like spending time around you and this seemed like a good chance to do it. Then you stopped hanging out with me as much and this started being the only way I could be close to you. Plus, your coworkers are really nice. They tell some great stories about you.”
The horror you felt at the prospect of your coworkers telling stories about you was only mitigated by the surge of guilt you felt for avoiding Hardcase. He had only wanted to be your friend. You had been so worried about the idea of losing him that you had pushed him away before he could prove that he wouldn’t leave.
And, by doing so, you had caused the very thing you were afraid would happen.
“I’ve been a terrible friend,” you concluded aloud. “I’m sorry, Hardcase. I don’t know how to make it up to you. If you even want me to, that is.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he told you easily. “Part of being a good friend is understanding that someone needs to be a bad friend sometimes.”
You frowned at that. “There’s something missing in that logic.”
“That’s how you know it’s a Hardcase original,” Hardcase said, sounding proud of it. “Besides, it’s friendship. It doesn’t need to make sense.”
To your horror, you felt the threat of tears rising behind your eyes. Hardcase, thankfully oblivious as always, snatched the rolled-up chart from you. Once more, he began bopping you on the shoulders and head. 
The childish behavior was enough to break you out of your sentimental mood and you scowled at him. Hardcase only laughed and hit you again. You tossed a flimsi-clip at him, but it only winged his ear.
“We really do need to work on your aim,” Hardcase noted. “Caf first, though. Let’s go to the mess.”
You glanced at your workstation. There was no real reason you couldn’t leave, and you were overdue for a break. 
“C’mon,” Hardcase urged. “Don’t make me go to the mess hall by myself. It’s creepy this late at night. A good friend would come along.”
“Are you going to hold this over my head?” you asked suspiciously, already following him off of the bridge. 
“Of course!” he agreed instantly. “What else are friends for?”
You heaved a loud sigh, but fortunately, Hardcase didn’t turn around. Your wide smile probably would have given you away.
Author's Note - I'm having a bad day, so here's a fic I wrote to help with my writer's block earlier this year. Hope you enjoyed it! I have a few more of these to post, all of which lean more toward romance than this one did.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
New Padawan
anakin x padawan reader x Ashoka + the 501st
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A young twi'lek girl had finally reach the rank of padawan, and she had been summoned to meet with grand master Yoda. The grand master had shared some wonderful news with the girl, the gurl had been shocked by the new that was shared between grand master and padawan. Now she had began her journey of padawan hood and maybe soon jedi knight, she was living the temple she once knew so well and heading off world to start her frist stage of being a padawan.
y/n " ohh I can't believe I'm really here" you had walked off the republic ship that drooped you off, the republic was one planet that had recently joined the republic.
y/n " okay I need to find the masters" you had been give orders to join this misson under the orders by Yoda himself, and now you were trying to find the jedi masters. You were totally lost at first until you spotted some clone troopers.
y/n " maybe they can help" you were about to go up the clone until they spotted you, and made their way towards you.
???? " hey kid are you from the temple and republic base with all the supplies and mission report"
y/n " yes I'm padawan learner Y/n l/n"
???? " well hello there kid I'm Jessie and his Hardcase"
y/n " hello I'm also looking for the jedi master as well I have news from grand master Yoda to share"
hardcase " well come with us kid we will bring you to them" you had nodded your head and soon followed them, you felt very nervous about this situation as you are meeting well know jedi masters. You had only see them from a distance and never talk to them in person.
Jessie " don't worry kid there no battle here we are safe"
y/n " oh that good to know"
hardcase " well let hope your new is good kid we are going to need some good new right now" after some walking you soon reach a group of people that seem to be talking among each other, soon the two trooper stopped walking.
Jessie " sorry for interrupting the meeting generals and everyone but we have a guest here from the temple" soon everyone looked at you as you were standing there.
Jessie " this is padawan y/n she has arrived from the temple with the supplies and some new"
Obi-wan " welcome padawan y/n"
y/n " hello"
Plo koon " i was not told a padawan will be joining us after the misson has anyone been assigned a new student"
Obi-wan " not me yoda mention nothing to me at all"
Plo koon " nothing ti was well anakin and Ashoka"
Ashoka " well I did talk with master Yoda not to long ago but taking a padawan as I feel like I will be good teacher"
anakin " you are to young spins maybe the kdis here to be taught by one of us that have been here longer"
Ashoka " oh come on you don't trust me skyguy I can be a good teacher"
Obi-wan " enough both of you are acting like a child like the padawan speak"
y/n " thank you master kenbio well I have been assigned as master anakin skywalker padawan ...."
anakin " see I told you the kid has been assigned to be experience jedi snips maybe wait a couple more years"
y/n " well I have also be assigned as master ashoka tank padawan as well" everyone had gotten quite while looking at you as you were, sharing the news.
ashoka " see sky guy I did a padawan"
anakin "is has to be fake"
y/n " no master with all respect this has been set and decided on my grand master Yoda, if you wish to speak with him you can but he said it was the good idea and I cna learn from you both"
obi-wan " this had never happen before a padawan having two masters"
Plo koon" We will have to obey Yoda words and go with his decisions, this might be good for both of you in the end she can learn many things"
ashoka " looks like you are stuck with me for a bit longer sky guy, first we share the 501st and now a padawan"
anakin " yes it seems like that"
ashoka " well come on kid let me show you around and introduce you to the troopers see you all later" ashoka soon walked towards you and soon started guiding you away from the everyone as jessie and hardcase had left a while ago.
anakin " well master if you excuse me I most go help Ashoka with our padawan" anakin soon went after the two he was soon able to join them, as obi-wan and pro koon watched even they were confused about the move Yoda had done.
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Eh, just an idea that came to mind </3
He's on the Resolute when he opens his eyes.
Well, that shouldn't be even remotely possible, Rex knows for a fact he died on Yavin IV.
He knows he died.
"Rex? Is everything alright?" Shaking his head, Rex is grateful he's wearing his bucket when he turns to see Ahsoka, a young Ahsoka with so much life to her, looking up at him expectantly.
"I, yes, sorry." Rex somehow wills his voice to remain steady, and Ahsoka raises her eyebrow.
"Right...so, are we still going to train with Jesse or what? I'm hoping to get at least an hour in before Master Anakin forces me to try and sleep." The padawan rolls her eyes, missing the way Rex allows himself a shaky breath as he wordlessly follows Ahsoka down hallways that he traveled in his nightmares.
"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Jesse waved when the two entered, and Ahsoka hurried her pace into the training room with a grin. "Hardcase and I are betting who can take you down first, and I plan on winning."
"In your dreams!" Hardcase laughed, shoving him goodnaturedly as some of the other men watched their banter in amusement.
"For the record, he has gotten further than you." Dogma pointed out, and smirked when Hardcase looked betrayed.
"You have to step your game up, otherwise all those delicious ration packs might be eaten." Fives laughed from where he and Echo were arm wrestling, lamenting when Echo managed to take his momentary distraction to his advantage. "Kriff."
"What was that about never losing?" Echo grinned, the expression faltering when he looked behind Fives. "Captain, are you alright?"
Every set of eyes in the room darted over to the door just as Rex's knees hit the floor, and the playful energy in the room vanishes as Ahsoka is the first to reach his side. He can hear her talking to him, but the ringing in his ears drowns over every word as small fingers probe him for injuries that aren't there, skin devoid of the scars he would come to earn later in his life. Kix is kneeling in front of him now, and Rex jerks back when the medic tries to lift his helmet off, scrambling to his feet and away from the mass of soldiers who were extremely concerned at seeing their captain acting out of the ordinary.
"Captain, talk to us." Fives approaches him with his hands raised, and Rex wants to joke about not being some scared animal, but every word he could have said just seem to get stuck in his throat as he just stares. "Please, let us help."
"I..." He sounds like he's been screaming for hours, and motions for Fives to step back as he regards the people in front of him.
"Hey, is everything alright in here?"
The universe stops as Rex turns ever so slightly to look at the other entrance to the training room, and has his blasters out and pointed before he can even blink.
"What the hell is going on?!" Jesse hissed, everyone remaining still as if the slightest movement could trigger Rex to fire. "Are you out of your mind Rex?!"
"Rex, buddy, what are you doing?" Anakin holds both of his hands up, staring back at the man who has both blasters focused directly at his head. While the Jedi might not be the best shooter, he knows when someone is aiming to kill, and more so when they're terrified of their target. The raw fear and anger spilling into the Force from Rex could probably be felt all the way to Coruscant, and Anakin can only wonder what's changed in the last hour since they had successfully completed their latest campaign.
"Stay right there." Rex nearly spits out the words to Anakin, and the Jedi doesn't move a muscle as Rex takes one step forward.
"Rex, talk to us." Ahsoka darted forward before anyone could protest, putting herself directly between Rex and Anakin. "We won't hurt you!"
"He would." The anger is gone from his voice, but his stance hasn't faltered for a moment as he readjusts his aim around her. "Move Ahsoka."
"No, I won't let you hurt Master Skywalker." She stood firm, and Rex finally looks away from Anakin down to her, and the sorrow that suddenly traveled through the Force nearly had her step back.
"Rex...what's happened to you?" Anakin doesn't flinch when Rex looks back up, just keeping his stance as calm as possible. "You can always talk to me about anything."
Rex shakes his head, and drops his arms with a strangled noise no one in the room had heard before, his guns clattering to the floor as he sinks back onto his knees. Ahsoka once again kneels in front of him, and Rex doesn't fight her as she reaches up and removes his bucket, revealing a tear-stained face heavy with loss and exhaustion.
If someone had looked at Rex earlier in the day, he would not be the same man now openly showing his sorrow in front of them, as if he'd been carrying a burden for a long time.
"Rex, talk to us." Echo kneels beside his commander, feeling dread at the way Rex looks at him with a pained expression.
"We lost everything."
The Resolute stands motionless in her post as every single clone aboard is ordered to the hangar, to be addressed by Captain Rex.
He talks to them for hours and tells them of the future, a future he had died as the last clone from the army that had once stood as millions strong. How they were all created to be one thing, a weapon to wield against the Jetti, and bring about an end to the Republic they fought for so dearly. His voice breaks when he speaks of the day they all turned against their Jetti, of how he and Ahsoka became one of the last of the surviving 501st because he had headed Fives' warning and fought against the weapons inside their heads. Rex tells them of the Empire that rose from the ashes of the day they had their free will torn from them, how clones either served and died under the Empire, or were tortured and killed by the same. He speaks of their numbers dwindling in such a short time, until finally, he was the only one left, the only one who had helped bring the Empire to its death.
Rex is staring at Anakin when he speaks of the way he was manipulated by Palpatine, the Jedi looking horrified when he learns he became a Sith that killed too many innocents to mention. Rex is staring at Ahsoka when he speaks of the Rebellion that she helped build, and is haunted when he speaks of the day she died in his arms.
Rex isn't standing by the end, his voice hoarse as he's slumped against Fives, just speaking about everything vital until he finally goes silent. He watches as Kix and the medics all but vault for the exit, and Rex can breathe in relief when he knows that the chips will be found within minutes.
Rex is left with the Jetti alone in the hangar when the men filter back to their posts, all awaiting their turn to be seen by the medics. Ahsoka is hugging him as tight as she can, feeling so horrified and lost at what they had learned, and wanted Rex to feel that he wasn't alone again. Anakin is sitting by his side, one hand on Rex's shoulder, and the other holding up his lightsaber as he stares at it, suddenly finding his weapon fit more for an executioner rather than a Knight.
"Keep it." Rex's voice is barely above a whisper, and Anakin looks at him. "You're a symbol."
"No...not with what you told me." Anakin was a monster, so blind to trust Palpatine, who was using him rather than actually caring for him.
"You have time, use it." Slowly, Rex places his hand on the hilt, and with a hum, the familiar blue blade slides out. "You are a good Jedi."
"I promise to stay that way, I promise." Anakin puts his other hand over Rex's, and for the first time since he had to watch his own brothers die so long ago, Rex feels something.
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l-lend · 3 months
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a/n: So I've had this idea for a bit, while not starring the Batch we do get Wrecker doing what he does best. So enjoy <3
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Steam seeped into the locker room as a pair of towel clad men emerged from the men’s showers. The shorter of the two running another towel along his shaved head. His body momentarily free of the stench of soot.
“You got any plans for off-time?”
His companion took a moment to answer before a shirt covered his broad chest.
“Think the Missus wanted to try that new noodle place. She’s been craving anything with chili oil.”
The shorter man made a face, “Little one already causing trouble, eh Wrecker?”
Wrecker’s boisterous laugh bounced along the walls, “Don’t I know it.”
The two continued dressing with the remnants of laughter devolving into an occasional chuckle.
The shorter man fell silent as his eyes fell upon a black box perched on his shelf. Wrecker followed his companion’s gaze. The corners of his mouth weighiing down his once jovial expression.
“Hardcase, she didn’t say no, did she?”
He only chewed on his lip, “Haven’t asked…”
Wrecker’s frown deepened, “So why not?”
Only a shrug was provided. A weight soon placed upon them.
“Hardcase, she’s crazy about you. And you’re crazy about her, yeah?”
He nodded.
Unsatisfied with his response, the larger man jostled him, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Hardcase relented, losing a battle with a smile curling his lip.
The larger man plucked up the box before pressing it to the man’s chest.
“Look, I know that question’s tough, but girls like her don’t come around everyday.”
His hand brushed along his head, “I…what do I even say?”
“Say how you feel.”
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Her watch struck 1730 as she kept her weapon at the ready. She kept her breathing steady despite anticipation prickling the nape of her neck. He should be home any minute now. In that moment she’ll have him. The bait she left him should be enticing enough. Her eyes snapped to the gate as the lock jangled.
In waltzed her target. His steps lighter than usual. His own weapon in hand as he fell into a sweep and clear. Muscle memory from a previous life when he would charge into battle shoulder to shoulder with his brothers.
She remained hidden for only a few moments longer as he passed by. As soon as his back was turned, her finger squeezed the trigger.
The stream connected with his back causing a surprised yelp to leave his throat. He swiftly returned fire. The lukewarm spray from his own weapon claiming her chest. Laughter and shots were traded until both tanks held only air. Despite the lack of ammunition, he intended to win this battle. Abandoning his weapon, he was quick to approach, scooping his beloved into his arms. Her accompanying squeal and the gentle pounding on his back only fueling his resolve as he made his way to the pool.
“Hardcase, don’t you da-”
Another squeal left her as he tossed her into the water. He soon leaped in after her.
She soon resurfaced seeing red and ready to give him a piece of her mind. However the words died in her throat at the sight before her. Her beloved Hardcase with a death grip on a little black box. His usual confidence nowhere to be seen.
“I…we’ve been together for a while…” He huffed a laugh as he averted her gaze, “I still wonder what I did to get a girl like you to fall for well, me. I-I’ve screwed up a lot in life, and I’ve been screwing up by not asking sooner.”
His eyes finally met hers, “Whaddya say? You wanna do this with me?”
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@locitapurplepink @the-rain-on-kamino @writing-positivelyexisting
@burningfieldof-clover @padawancat97 @ahsokastechie @dukeoftheblackstar @summer-of-bad-batch
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 31: PTSD/Crying
Summary: The war is coming to an end, and the vode's lives are ready to truly begin. It's not going to be easy for some of them to climb back out of rock bottom, however. Still, better to have hope than to give in to despair.
Warning: Mentions of a violent death via shotgun to the face (Palpatine never saw it coming) & a brief mention of an attempted suicide (I'm sure you can guess who tried).
Twitch belongs to @gaeasun
Here's what Tup and Dogma currently look like!
Prev / END
[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
"Hardcase, be more careful!"
"I AM being careful!"
A lot had changed in a month, but honestly that hadn't really come as much of a surprise. After departing from Umbara, both the troopers of the 501st and 212th had been prepared for things to never quite be the same ever again. Had all anticipating that their surrender, would bring with it both terrible consequences and many alterations in the order of things.
That said, they hadn't really foreseen something quite like the spectacle that had gone down between the Senate and the Coruscant Guard...
Now, If anyone asked Kix for his humble opinion on the matter (which, much to his chagrin, people rarely did), it honestly felt like what transpired had been something that had been a long time in the making. And, the more he thought about it (the more he really dug through his brain), the less certain aspects of GAR to Guard relations felt like mere happenstance...
Not one singular clone trusted a politician as far as they could throw them. Were fully aware that natborns in positions of power were often wont to abuse said power with reckless abandon, unless they were simply just made different (like senator Organa for example, a man so surrounded by wealth and yet so humble and kind, that it left you scratching your head).
Yet, many a time while on leave, there had been some rather bizarre exchanges between frontline and homefront troopers. Accusations of luxurious pampered lives that boggled the mind. Ideas that came from seemingly nowhere and that caused strife between the GAR soldiers and the Guardsmen.
Transgressions that had caused a rift between vode...
No one had ever really stopped to think about who had started those baseless rumors. No one really felt the need to, because shore leave on Triple Zero was rather finite, and at the end of the day it was better to just party until you didn't have time to party at all. Live a little.
Now that the proverbial rose-tinted glasses had been lifted off their faces however, they were suddenly more than a little aware that it had not been a vod who'd started the dispute between the GAR and Guard. No. The real culprit behind that had been the Sith Lord that Commander Fox had brutally murdered during a Senate Meeting.
Caught the bastard by surprise with a sawed-off shotgun that he'd confiscated during a drug bust. The footage was both shocking and quite glorious to behold, especially considering Palpatine's brain matter had splattered every single prissy senator that had been arguing over this or that at the time. Their pods in range of the gory splash-zone.
Unsurprisingly, Commander Fox had been apprehended and taken to prison. His own men had come to take him away, simply requesting that he give up his weapon and present them with his hands, so that he could be cuffed and leisurely strolled past all the shocked and hysterical natborns with almost smug satisfaction.
The Guard had been in no uproar about the death of the head of state. If anything, they rejoiced over it. Even if they had to keep up appearances and drop their commanding officer in prison, until someone came in to look for a motive for his rather unexpected act of treason.
The piles upon piles of damning evidence, as well as some kind of mystical shift in the Force itself (or whatever), had certainly been enough to more than justify the Marshal Commander's actions. Not enough to get him out of prison immediately, but enough to substantially reduce his sentence by a crap ton of years.
All things considered, 3 months for murdering the Chancellor wasn't too bad. Commander Fox even seemed to snort at the humor of it all. Had graciously accepted his first ever vacation with a gleeful grin.
Things were honestly better now.
With Palpatine revealed as the Sith Lord that had been playing both sides of the war, General Kenobi expressing the absolute importance of strengthening mental health care among the Jedi and troopers, and General Skywalker finally relenting and accepting a trip to the Mind Healers after he and General Kenobi had a heart to heart, the lives of many had definitely improved.
They had a new Chancellor that strongly believed in a more diplomatic approach, rather than prioritizing securing power for himself, so the war was nearly completely wrapped up. Many members of the Senate and CorSec were undergoing sackings and sanctions, after an extensive investigation revealed corruption, abuse and even quite a fair share of illegal endeavors. The GAR and Guard were being permitted a deliciously extensive shore leave so that they might all recuperate properly. And General Ti and the Alpha Class were currently working on moving every single trooper, cadet and tubie off Kamino into various Jedi Corporation locations, after they'd won a very tense legal battle that would ensure the freedom of all vode.
Life was impossibly good.
"Kix, tell him to stop!"
"Hey, don't drag Kix into this!"
"Then stop trying to stride like you're not as wobbly on your legs as a newborn fathier!!!"
Rolling his eyes, the medic smiled fondly as he watched Dogma try to keep up with Hardcase, who'd recently been allowed to move around without the aid of a hoverchair. Provided he used crutches.
Hardcase being Hardcase, had taken to over-swinging to take bigger and faster strides than what he should. His balance still not quite what it used to be, but his confidence remaining virtually untouched by his harrowing experiences. And that caused the mutated sergeant a fair bit of anxiety, considering he was currently taking a few modules to properly help around the medbay (seeing as he spent so much time in there anyway to keep an eye on Tup, they'd decided he'd make a fine reserve medic).
"Casey, stop scaring our kih'vod..." He chastised lightly, doing nothing to really stop his batcher. When Hardcase was full of energy, it was often better to let him get it out of his system, than to try to force him to sit still.
"I'm not trying to! I'm just glad to be able to run around again!" Hardcase whined, giving the medic a mighty pout unbecoming of a decorated soldier. "The hoverchair was nice and all, but my skin felt like I was on fire just having to sit all day..."
"Your skin felt like it was on fire because you're covered head to toe in burn scars." Dogma huffed, rolling his head to the side to show that he was actually rolling his eyes.
He'd begun to use more obvious body language to compensate for some of his physical alterations. A suggestion Twitch had made once it came to light how difficult it had been for him to approach other vode. Especially after what had happened on Umbara.
"Badass burn scars you mean." Hardcase grinned.
"You're smiling right now, but once you have to put on your cream, and start complaining that you're constantly cold, it won't feel nearly as badass..." Dogma grumbled and stamped his foot, his gaster and wings briefly twitching as a result of the sudden movement. "Although, that said, at least the sweaters and loose pants work on you... We still haven't found a material that won't pinch on Echo's cybernetics, and that won't irritate him because of the texture..."
"I still think they should use the same stuff they got for our buggy vode's clothing." Hardcase pointed out, motioning towards Dogma's heavily modified clothes. "Least then the join issues would be sorted."
Another thing that had recently happened had been Echo's discovery and rescue. The details were a little vague, but those who asked were told that a whistleblower had sent some rather incriminating footage of one of the Techno Union's projects. A project pertaining the conversion of a POW into some kind of algorithmic weapon.
To put a long story short, Echo was back. Changed, traumatized and not exactly in one piece. But back. Fives had been nothing if not a wreck of emotions since, and was now helping his twin through a much more steeper hill of recovery while he himself tried to process his own feelings over the matter.
The PTSD that Echo suffered alone, would be a massive challenge to overcome. But it was one he wouldn't be forced to endure on his own.
And Kix was honestly grateful for the medbay to be so full of movement that did not involve recent injuries. Fives, Echo, Hardcase and Dogma's semi-permanent company, gave him something to focus on and work with instead of stewing away in negative thoughts. Especially about things he was nowhere near qualified enough to handle, but that both he and his fellow medics were working around the clock to educate themselves on and further improve treatment plans...
The shrill beep of his comm startled Kix out of his thoughts.
Looking down at his comm unit, he hummed in slight surprise as he read the name of the contact. Twitch was calling him. He wondered what the younger medic needed that he'd call him through comms instead of coming to get him instead.
That was a little unusual.
"Kix here, what's--"
"There's a situation!"
Almost immediately his good humor plummeted. Things had slowed down considerably in terms of medical duties, yes. But that didn't mean they didn't get the occasional incident. And if Twitch was calling him sounding this stressed, then something bad had definitely happened while he'd been accompanying Hardcase and Dogma to the mess hall.
"How bad?" he spared no time with formalities. He had to know what he was going to walk in on.
"It's Tup!" Twitch cried out. "He's woken up! But something's wrong Kix, he went crazy and bolted!"
"Tup?!" Mentally cursing Dogma's improved hearing, Kix barely had the time to rush over to Hardcase to grab a hold of his brother before the mutated sargeant darted off, knocking him slightly off balance.
"Dogma's on his way, I'll be there once I drop 'Case off."
"I'll comm the Captain. He's probably already on his way from visiting Commander Fox." Twitch gulped. "I'll... I'll comm Pitch and Sponge too. To warn them! They're still very skittish around Dogma. Seeing Tup back on his feet without prior warning might freak them out!"
"You do that. Kix out."
Dogma's heart was racing as he tried to track down his wayward brother. Cursing himself in at least three different languages as he sprinted down the hall on all six legs, for having been gone from the medbay as long as he had.
He'd stood vigil by Tup's bedside from the moment he'd been told his brother was in a coma. Watched over him day after day while awaiting patiently for the moment he might finally come out of it. To think Tup had indeed woken up, and that he hadn't been there when he'd needed him most...
It made him feel awful.
And selfish too, since he'd recently been spending time around the other vode. Focusing on bonding with them rather than sitting with his slumbering twin.
He still spent the great majority of his time in the medbay, of course. Was even making himself useful and learning to be a proper medic too! But a part of him had still longed for the companionship that Tup had temporarily been unable to provide him.
After all he hadn't been much for conversation in the past month...
Still, guilt-ridden or not over this slight mishap, Dogma didn't have the time to continuously kick himself over what he could have done better. He had to find Tup before he either hurt himself or scared someone half to death.
To tell the truth, he had no idea where the other might have gone. They were twins, sure, and they did know each other better than the back of their own hands. But that didn't mean they were mind readers. In fact, they were very different from each other and had very different ideas of what was or wasn't a fun time, and which places were the best for them to hide in when they were overwhelmed.
But, even if they didn't spend a day or two together, they always found their way back to one another. Full of tales to tell and chatter to fill the void as they relaxed.
Dogma's fingers deftly untangling his brother's long locks, and braiding them into interesting configurations. Tup's soothingly soft voice calming him as he recounted what he'd gotten up to in his absence.
No matter where Tup had gone, even if it were somewhere unexpected, Dogma would inevitably find him.
Luckily he did have something to work with that he hadn't had before, when he'd been fully human. An astonishingly acute sense of smell and a scent trail that he could follow so long as it was nice and fresh. And, given the fact Tup had only just woken up and come through, the trail was indeed very fresh.
It just bothered him where exactly on base it was leading him to...
There was no way in sith-hells that his brother would have stumbled into the firing range on accident. Especially if one were to take into consideration Dogma's own reaction to waking up after his parasite had been removed.
He just hoped the weapons lockers had all been tightly padlocked.
"Tup...?" pausing at the door that led to his destination, Dogma grimaced as he noted something quite jarring.
In his haste he hadn't really noticed it before, but there were scratches all over the duracrete and walls. Scratches that looked suspiciously like uneven numbered claw marks. And both the door to the firing range and the keypad were in pretty bad shape. Like something had tried to bash the former down before simply destroying the keypad.
When that hadn't worked, whatever (or rather, whoever) had attacked the door had simply smashed through the wall like it wasn't made of dense sturdy building materials. Although, given the nature of their alterations, to them it really wasn't that big of a deal anymore.
Dogma braced himself for the worst before climbing through the hole in the wall. And, fortunately, he hadn't walked into a bloodbath. Although the situation was still not ideal. If anything, it was heartbreaking to see his twin in the state he was in.
"Oh Tup..." Dogma's antennae drooped, expression pinched as he approached his brother.
The other was curled up on the floor, long tail coiled tightly around himself as he tried to look as small as possible. All around him were several blasters that had been smashed to pieces. Likely because his pincers were simply too strong to hold a weapon with so many delicate parts anymore. The few destroyed vibroblades that he'd also tried to take a hold of, hadn't fared any better...
It was lucky that, in his state of despair, Tup hadn't thought to use his own in-built weapons against himself. Otherwise Dogma really might have just been walking in on a cooling corpse.
"Tup..." Kneeling down before his weeping brother, Dogma tried to reach for his face to dry some of his tears like he used to do when they were cadets. Only to be pushed away in response to the attempted contact. "Tup please..."
"N̸O̸!̵" Coiling himself even more tightly (if that was even possible) the long-haired mutant wailed pitifully. His tail beginning to thrash erratically as he tried to will himself into invisibility.
And wouldn't that be a useful ability right now?
"Tup it's ok..."
"N̵O̸ ̴I̶T̶'̵S̷ ̵N̷O̸T̶!̵ ̶I̸'̴M̵ ̵A̵ ̶M̴O̵N̵S̶T̴E̷R̸!̸" Tup screeched, his clumsy limbs fumbling slightly as he tried to push himself away from Dogma. Away from any efforts to comfort him. "I̶T̷'̵S̴ ̸N̶O̴T̷ ̴S̶A̶F̴E̷ ̶T̶O̴ ̷B̵E̶ ̶A̵R̸O̷U̷N̷D̶ ̸M̸E̴!̷"
"You're not a..." Dogma shook his head, trying to keep his face neutral in spite of Tup's words. "It's out. You're not dangerous anymore... The parasite's out."
"U̸R̶G̶H̵!̶ ̸Y̴O̸U̵ ̶D̸O̶N̵'̶T̶ ̶G̵E̴T̵ ̶I̴T̵ ̵D̴O̶ ̴Y̶O̸U̸?̶!̴" Tup looked up. His face wasn't blotchy like it used to get when he cried. The scales on his face didn't change color like regular skin, and the mandibles at the side of his mouth and fang-like scale plating made it difficult to read his expressions. The way his brow was furrowed and his eyes shone with pure anguish was all Tup however. Very familiar to him. "A̷l̵l̵ ̷o̵f̶ ̸t̶h̷a̸t̶.̷.̵.̸ ̴A̶l̶l̷ ̸o̷f̸ ̴t̴h̶o̵s̵e̶ ̵t̶h̵i̶n̸g̷s̷ ̵I̵ ̸d̵i̷d̶ ̷t̴o̶ ̸y̷o̴u̶,̶ ̷t̸o̷ ̶e̸v̵e̶r̷y̵o̸n̴e̵.̸.̶.̴ ̵I̸T̴ ̴W̵A̵S̶ ̴A̷L̷L̸ ̷M̶Y̴ ̶F̸A̸U̵L̷T̸!̴!̵!̶"
"It wasn't."
"I̵T̸ ̵W̷A̶S̷!̶ ̵I̵ ̷L̴E̶T̴ ̵T̵H̴A̶T̷ ̴T̴H̷I̵N̷G̸ ̴U̴S̷E̵ ̴M̷E̷!̴!̴!̵" Tup roared, jumping up into a proper standing position and using his height to tower over Dogma with ease. "̷I̷T̴ ̶F̶E̶L̴T̴ ̶G̷O̴O̴D̸!̴ ̴H̴A̴V̷I̷N̶G̸ ̵A̶L̵L̶ ̴O̶F̷ ̷Y̸O̸U̵ ̴U̵N̶D̵E̷R̸ ̷M̵Y̴ ̶C̶O̶N̵T̸R̷O̴L̶!̶ ̸A̸S̶ ̸M̶Y̸ ̶S̶E̶R̸V̷A̵N̶T̷S̷,̵ ̴M̸Y̴ ̵P̴L̷A̸Y̴ ̸T̸H̸I̴N̸G̴S̷.̵.̶.̸ ̶I̴T̴ ̴F̵E̷L̵T̶ ̴S̵O̶ ̷K̶A̸R̷K̵I̸N̵G̸ ̷G̷O̵O̶D̶!̵ ̵I̶ ̶W̶A̸N̶T̸E̶D̷ ̸I̷T̷!̷ ̷I̸ ̵W̷A̵N̸T̴E̵D̷ ̸M̴O̶R̶E̵!̵"
"No it wasn't!" Dogma stood up as well, refusing to be intimidated even if his heart was starting to race once more.
The fear, sorrow and anger he could smell coming off of his twin in waves, making it so hard for him to concentrate on his own actual emotions.
Despite no longer being under the parasites's control, Dogma's body was still wired to respond to Tup's emotional responses. Karking pheromones...
"I̵T̸ ̷W̶A̶S̵!̴!̶!̷!" Tup reared up suddenly like a startled fathier. Standing on his two back legs and kicking the front ones slightly. Dogma backed away immediately, afraid the other might hit him accidentally on the way back down. With how upset Tup was, lashing out was not out of the question. "A̴L̷L̶ ̷T̷H̴A̵T̷ ̵T̸H̶I̵N̸G̵ ̵D̶I̵D̵ ̸W̸A̷S̸ ̴B̵R̶I̵N̸G̵ ̸I̶T̴ ̷O̵U̷T̸ ̵O̵F̷ ̷M̶E̸!̵ ̷A̴L̶L̴ ̷T̷H̸E̶ ̵B̷A̸D̵ ̷T̶H̶I̴N̵G̶S̷!̶!̷!̴"
Oh, that certainly wouldn't fly. No one was allowed to slander his brother. Not even the stubborn idiot himself.
"STOP LYING TO YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL GUILTY OVER SOMETHING YOU HAD NO CONTROL OVER! I KNOW IT WASN'T ALL YOU BECAUSE I KNOW YOU TUP! BETTER THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF, APPARENTLY!!!" Dogma roared back, letting his temper rule him for once if it meant his much more vocal vod might actually listen. "I don't know if you remember this, but I was also under that stupid thing's control! I tried to fight it, I knew what it was trying to make me do was wrong, but it felt... It felt good to give in. I didn't want to do any of the things it made me do, but I still did them... Because it made me feel amazing!"
Tup stood there, tense and shaking. Staring at him with fury and something else. Something he couldn't quite discern since it was just so many emotions in one. Since he didn't say anything else however, Dogma carried on.
"I didn't want to ambush and capture any of our vode. I didn't want to infect anyone else. I didn't want to hurt or kill the medics. I certainly didn't want to eat them!" Dogma paced, his wings twitching uncontrollably while he clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly. Tried to do something with them, otherwise he might try to gnaw on his wrists to feel something other than the whirlwind of emotions that were threatening to choke him out before he knocked some sense into Tup's thick skull. "I didn't want to hurt anyone... What I did want, was to make you happy. Because your happiness meant a lot to me... I wanted to be useful. And to protect everyone... Because Umbara was awful, and Krell was awful, and feeling sick and out of my depth was awful! And that thing it... It twisted it all up! It made me obey you without question, and rewarded me for making you 'happy'. It felt so good Tup... Making you happy felt so good, even if deep down we both knew what was happening was beyond our control... And that... And that we would live to regret it..."
Tup's expression shifted. The anger slowly melting away.
"I'm... I'm not good at this. I'm not good at explaining what happened back there, or how I feel about it, or even how you should feel about it but..." Dogma sighed. "It wasn't all you. The parasite used something you wanted against you... It tried to make you into a monster. But you're not. None of us are... Even if... Even if it's hard to believe after we did what we did..."
Tup continued to shake before he dropped back down onto the floor, trying to hide his face behind his pincers as he crumpled into a sobbing mess. Dogma wasted no time in sitting back down next to his twin. Ready to comfort him if he were allowed.
He was infinitely relieved when the other mutant didn't pull away, instead wrapping his tail around them both. Letting him in.
"I just wanted to protect everyone..." Tup cried as he buried his face into Dogma's shoulder. Tiny and vulnerable despite having become so much bigger and so heavily armored in this new form of his. "We were all dying... I just wanted to help!"
"I know..."
"I never wanted this! I just wanted everything to be ok!"
"It's ok now...I've got you."
"I̷'̶M̴ ̶S̷O̴ ̷S̴O̶R̷R̵Y̵!̸!̷!̸"
Dogma let his brother continue to cry. To let all of the things that had bottled up to near exploding point, rush out uninhibited. There was no one to judge him.
Really, he understood what Tup was feeling even if it was hard to put to words. He'd been just as horrified over his own actions once the parasite's spell had been broken. Still woke up crying sometimes, when he dreamt about the ambush. Still felt the guilt clawing away at his psyche whenever Coric, Pitch or Sponge flinched at the sight of him.
It would get better one day.
But for now Tup would just need to cry it out until he was done crying. And diligent that he'd always been when it came to offering his twin some solace, Dogma was there to dry his eyes. Just as he hoped he'd always be, now that the war was slowly coming to a halt It's what good brothers did.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Welcome Home
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Banner by idontgetanysleep
Summary: A normal Welcome Home dinner with Kix blossoms into something more.
Pairing: Clone Medic Kix x F!Reader
Word Count: 2737
Warnings: Smut, Oral (F receiving), some angst in regards to two people who can't see the forest for the trees.
A/N: This was supposed to be fluff, but apparently, Kix had different ideas. This is fine. This is my first time writing proper smut in, like, years. So it might not be the greatest.
Divider by Saradika
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You have three simple rules that you follow when it comes to dealing with Kix. Three rules that are painfully easy to remember.
Rule 1: Do not ask him about his most recent deployment. If you ask he’ll tell you the truth, and he always looks so broken and defeated when he does. If he wants to talk, he will, but pushing never helps.
Rule 2: No family talk. His family is massive, but you always run the risk of dredging old wounds regarding his fallen brothers. Also, your family kind of sucks, so family talk is better left for other times.
Rule 3: Do not, under any circumstance, draw attention to, or even think about, how you feel about Kix. If you don’t acknowledge it, then it’s not really there, and you don’t run the risk of a broken heart.
The first two rules are easy. You don’t like talking about your strained relationship with your parents and siblings. And you really don’t like the look that Kix gets when he thinks about his job.
The last one is…well, you’re not so good with the last one.
But it’s not really your fault. He’s just…he’s so kind and caring, and when he smiles at you in that way your heart skips a beat, and you have to remind yourself that this is just how Kix is, and that he’s not making your head dizzy and your heart ache on purpose.
Admittedly, it would be easier to not fall in love with him if he spent less time around you. But the very idea of him spending time with another person makes your heart clench so painfully-
Okay. So the hard truth is that you’re in love with Kix. Have been for what seems like ages, but he doesn’t seem interested and that’s okay. Your emotions, and feelings, are your problem. Not his. You just want him to be happy, even if that means relegating yourself to best friend, rather than more.
You drag yourself out of your thoughts when you hear the door chime. You check the time, and then glance in the oven to check the roast that has been slowly cooking all day, and then you head to the door, and press the button that slides the door open.
Kix flashes a small grin at you, “Hey, sarad,” 
You favor him with a small smile, “You’re early.” You move to the side to let him in the apartment.
“Yeah, I decided that I was done for today,” Kix replies as he presses the bottle he brought with him into your arms, “I bring booze.”
“I have booze,” You say dryly, as you accept the bottle.
“You have wine,” Kix corrects, “Which this is not.”
You pause and then eye the bottle suspiciously, “this isn’t the Moonshine that Hardcase and Fives brewed on the Resolute, is it?”
Kix laughs, “I’m pretty sure that would put you in the hospital,” He jokes lightly, “No, I bought it on my way here.”
“How much was it, I’ll pay you back-”
“That’s not necessary. We’re getting paid now, haven’t you heard?”
You shake your head and press the door control again, allowing the door to slide shut and lock, and then you head back into the kitchen, “Well, thank you for buying it. Unfortunately, dinner still has a couple of hours before it’s done. I wasn’t expecting you for a bit.”
“That's fine with me. We can start our movie night early.” Kix says as he steps into the living room and immediately goes right over to your TV. “What do you want to start with?”
“Oh, anything’s fine.” You reply from the kitchen as you read the back of the bottle, and then slide it in your fridge, before you join him in the living room. You sit on the couch and curl your legs under yourself as you watch Kix scroll through the movie options.
You’re surprised when he chooses one that you’ve both seen before. “I thought you didn’t like this movie?” You ask as the music starts. If you remember correctly this movie was a romcom that Kix hated so much that he vowed to never watch it again.
“Oh, I don’t.” Kix sits on the couch and turns so he’s leaning against the arm of the couch and facing you, and he sprawls his legs across the couch, and you mimic him, twisting so you’re facing him as well. “I figured that since we’ve already seen this movie, it means we can talk.”
You unfold your legs and stretch them out so they’re laying against his, “Oh? Did you want to hear the latest gossip from Coruscant?”
“Hardly. I wanted to talk about you.”
“Me?” You’re surprised, to say the least, “There’s nothing new about me. I live a very boring life, Kix.”
He hums thoughtfully, “How’s work going? You were having problems with one of your coworkers-”
“Much better,” You admit with a small smile, “He was fired after he had a temper-tantrum during a meeting. And,” You motion to the desk in the corner, “We’re now officially working from home. He sold the offices.”
“Nice. You must be thrilled.”
“I am. No more annoying small talk with small minded people. Though that means I spend a lot of time on my own.” You shrug and smile at him warmly, “But before you get worried, I do get out of the house at least three times a week.”
“I wasn’t worried.”
“Were too,”
“Okay, maybe a little.” Kix finally admits with a laugh, “But I know that you know how to take care of yourself.”
“It’s sweet of you to worry.” You say lightly, “But really, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“You’re a friend, so I worry.” Kix replies easily. He’s quiet for a moment, and then casually, almost too casually, he asks, “So, how’s what’s his name?”
“I…who?” You tilt your head in confusion.
“The guy you were talking to,” He clarifies, his voice slightly tight, “You went on a date with him-”
“Oh, him.” You shrug, “Yeah, it…it didn’t work out.”
Something drains out of Kix’s shoulders, and if you hadn’t been looking at him, you wouldn’t have noticed, “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” He doesn’t sound sorry.
You hum thoughtfully, “Yeah. Well, I’m considering giving up on dating for a bit. The last few guys who’ve asked me out on dates have all been assholes.”
“Well, maybe you should ask someone out rather than waiting for someone to ask you out,” Kix offers.
You make a face, “I suppose there is a guy I’m interested in.”
“That’s…great.” You glance at him and he has a strange look on his face, “You should ask him out.”
You shake your head, “He wouldn’t be interested in me. Better to just ignore it, rather than humiliate myself.”
“Humiliate? Why would you be humiliated? Is he an asshole?” Kix asks.
You sigh, “No. No, Kix. He’s perfect. I’m not good enough for him and I know it.” You shift, “Can we talk about something else, please?”
He’s quiet for a moment, “Yeah, alright.” Kix pauses, “Just, any guy would be lucky to have you, you know that right?”
You shake your head, “We both know that’s not true, Kix. But it’s nice of you to say so.” You shift, “But what about you? Surely there’s someone-”
“Yes. There is.” He says immediately, his gaze locked on your face, “She’s amazing. Kind. Caring.”
“Oh. She does sound great. You deserve amazing.” You want Kix to be happy. You want him happy even if it’s not with you. You want him to be happy so you smile, and try to pretend that your heart isn’t breaking.
“Yeah, maybe.” Kix shrugs, and glances at the TV, “I’m going to change to a different movie, I think.”
“Go ahead.” You smile at him, though it’s much smaller than usual, “I’m going to check on the food.” He hums something as you get up and turn towards the kitchen. 
You barely take a single step, before his hand wraps around your wrist. 
You turn and look up at him, “Kix? Is something wrong?”
He doesn’t say anything for a long moment, his hand releases your grip and then both of his hands rest on your shoulders, his grip firm. He obviously hesitates, seemingly at war with himself, and then he utters something in Mando’a, and he crashes his lips against yours.
You don’t react for the span of a heartbeat. His lips are warm and soft, and better than you could ever imagine. You lift your hands and lightly grip the front of his shirt, and lean into the kiss. And you kiss him back, and that’s apparently everything to Kix, because he groans against your lips, and somehow manages to pull you impossibly closer.
And when he breaks the kiss, he’s breathing heavily, and he presses his forehead against yours. His eyes are dark and somehow his hands moved from your shoulders to cup your face. 
“...Kix?” You whisper.
He swallows hard, his gaze dropping back to your lips, and there’s a look of longing. “It’s you,” He replies, his voice just as quiet as yours, “It’s always been you, and it’ll always be you.” He lightly trails his thumb over your lower lip, “I’m greedy and selfish and the idea of you kissing another man makes me-” He exhales sharply, “Give me a chance? I’ll treat you like you deserve to be treated, and I know I’m probably not who you want but…” He trails off, seemingly at a loss for words.
You stare at him with wide eyes for a moment, and then you smile, soft and slow. “Oh, Kix.” You whisper, and he tenses under your fingers, as though preparing for a blow, “The guy I was talking about is you.” You keep your voice low, as though you’re sharing a secret for his ears only.
His eyes snap to meet yours, “You…why didn’t you…You thought I would humiliate you?” He sounds hurt.
“No. Never.” You answer softly. Whatever else you planned to say to him was stolen by his lips sealing over yours once again.
While the first kiss was gentle, and almost chaste, this one was anything but. He tangles one of his hands in your hair, using your hair to tilt your head back for better access. He nips your lower lip, and then soothes the mild pain with a lazy trail of his tongue, and you’re helpless to do anything more than part your lips for him.
His tongue slides against your own, and you whimper against his lips. The noises escaping you seem to awaken something in him, as his free hand slides down your body, and ghosts across your clothed breast.
You can feel his erection pressing against your stomach, and your fingers twitch against his shirt. You want to touch him more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life.
He breaks the kiss, and his lips move to trail down your throat. He licks, nips, and sucks his way to the juncture of your neck and shoulder, each caress of his lips pulling another pleasure filled noise from your parted lips.
“How long?” Kix asks through a groan, as he trails his lips across your throat to the other side of your neck.
“What?” You ask before he pulls another moan from you.
“How long before you have to worry about dinner burning?” He clarifies, his hand now sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, um…” You flicker your eyes towards the timer on the oven, “T-two hours.” You let out a shuddering moan when his teeth bite sharply into your neck, that’s definitely going to leave a mark.
He mumbles something in Mando’a against your neck, and your hands finally start moving, one hand slides up his chest and then up through his buzzed hair, your fingers lightly tracing his tattoos. Your other hand slides down his chest, over his hips, until you’re able to palm his cock over his pants. He groans low in his throat and his hips jerk once.
Kix’s lips trail back up your neck, and he catches your lips once more. He breaks that kiss and presses his forehead heavily against yours. “Mesh’la,” He murmurs, moving so that his lips just barely brush against your own. “I-” He trails off, unable to keep his lips off of you even long enough to finish his thought. “Need you,” He manages to gasp out, “Please.”
“You have me,” You whisper to him, and your words seem to settle some of his frantic energy.
His hands start moving slower, with more purpose. He removes each piece of clothing shielding you from him with surgical precision. His fingers slide against every inch of exposed skin, his lips ghosting after them. And before you know it, you’re totally bare to him, and his wandering fingers.
Kix’s fingers dip between your thighs, and he slowly, lazily almost, circles your clit with a practiced finger. Your gasp and your hips jerk against his hand, and he groans against your temple, “Mesh’la, you’re so wet for me.” He praises, a low chuckle falling from him as you shiver at his words.
“Wanted you for a while,” You admit as you try to move your hips so he’ll move faster, but whenever you move your hips, he stops moving his fingers. “Kix…” You whine.
He grins, and pulls you into a deep kiss, pulling his fingers away from you. You let out another whine, that changes into a started squeak as he effortlessly picks you up and walks you into your bedroom, “Oh mesh’la, I’m not fucking you on the couch.” And then he smirks, “Well, not yet.”
“Don’t care where, so long as you do.” You reply breathlessly.
He sets you on the bed, and then takes a step back to peel off his own clothes. You hungrily drag your gaze down his body, your fingers flexing against your comforter as you fight the urge to stand up and touch him.
Kix notices and he laughs, “Patience, cyare. You’ll get your chance to touch me.” He grins at you impishly, and then smoothly drops to his knees next to the bed. He keeps his gaze locked with yours as he lightly directs you to set your legs over his shoulders, and he slowly, teasingly, kisses up your legs.
Even knowing what his plan is, you still let out a startled noise when he slowly drags his tongue across your folds. A noise that quickly morphed into a moan of pleasure when he slowly circled your clit with his tongue.
He was a quick study. He slowly explored every inch of your pussy with his lips, tongue, and fingers, making note of what actions made you clench around him, what made your moan, what made you arch off the bed.
He circles your clit with his tongue, and then he wraps his lips around the sensitive bundle of nerves, and sucks very gently, which pulls a moan from you. Kix clearly thinks that it’s not enough, as he slides two of his fingers in you, slowly thrusting and then curling them so that he is hitting the spot inside you that makes you see stars.
You can feel yourself getting close, and you writhe on the bed, seeking just a little more friction. Kix’s name slips from your lips in a quiet plea, and he seems to understand what you’re trying to say without you saying anything, because his lazy movements become a little faster.
And the coil snaps and you see stars as you bite your lower lip to muffle the pleasure filled cry that wants to escape. And Kix doesn’t pull away until you gently smooth your fingers over his head. He presses one more kiss to your thigh and absently wipes his face with his hand, before he crawls over you and pins you to the bed between his arms.
“Next time,” Kix promises as his lips ghost against yours, “I’m going to make you scream, mesh’la.”
You blush bright red, and avert your gaze. 
Kix grins, and grabs your wrists, pinning them over your head with one hand, “It’s okay, cyare.” He coos, “I’m going to take care of you.” And then he kisses you and you forget everything that’s not him and you.
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bunnywritesjunk · 2 years
Ruusaan | Captain Rex x Reader
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Series summary: You missed your tropical planet, but coruscant had more to offer. You are a field medic in the 501st. you work closely with the captain in hopes of not losing your job. But how close is too close.
Chapter summary: You’re exhausted and overwhelmed. You don’t know if you will survive this mission. Your Captain makes sure you do. 
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
Warnings: Canon level violence, mean general, broken bones,T for teen (for this chapter)
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff and angst
A/n: Hello everyone! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my story. I really think you guys will like the next few chapters. I have some things up my sleeve to get things a little more heated for rex. 
Chapter 3
 The remaining 501st battalion started the slow walk down the main road to the capital of Umbara. You kept close to Rex and Fives, finding it hard because of how fatigued you were. The clones had better stamina than most people. You left your ATV back in the brush, hopefully, to be able to retrieve it later.
The soldier you learned was tup spoke. “So, why aren't we sticking to the original plan? Probing the city's defenses first.”
“We can do this. Let's take 'em!” Said Hardcase.
“Leave it to Hardcase to dive in head-first.” Kix responded.
“The General's new plan is reckless.” Fives chimes in.
“You ever think that maybe the General knows what he's doing?” Says another clone you didn't catch the name of yet.
Fives sped up to walk next to rex. “I know you think this is a bad idea.” He said to the captain.
“I...raised my objection to General Krell's plan but he didn't agree. So, this is it.” Rex said.
“Well, what if he's wrong? Then what?” Fives asked.
“This isn't the time for a debate, right now we have to stay alert.”
The group continued walking, and you had your blaster in hand in case of another ambush. Then all of a sudden, a loud boom sounds behind you followed by a scream. You looked back and saw one of the men hit the ground. Everyone was startled. Another explosion went off as another trooper got launched into the air.
“Mines! Nobody move!” The Captain shouted.
You instantly dropped down to one knee. Rex stood up and motioned at someone to check on the soldiers that tripped the mines.
“Oz is down.”
“So is Ringo.” They said.
He turned to Fives. “Can you sweep 'em?”
Fives started scanning the road for more mines.
“There are more over here, looks like the whole roads been booby-trapped.”
“I don't like this.” You said to no one in particular.
“Everyone watch your step.” The Captain said. He turns to you.
“I got you, don't worry.” He tells you quietly. You nod your head still keeping your eyes on the ground.
A large energy blast nearly misses the battalion from behind. The Umbarans surrounded the group quickly and started firing from all directions. You used your blaster and tried to help take out a couple.
“We're completely exposed!”
It didn't take long for the Umbarans to advance. You dodged the after blow of an energy blast and got close behind Rex. You covered his back and took out as many as you could. Although you had combat training this was a little advanced for what your job is supposed to be. Another green energy blast was coming in fast toward you. Rex hooked his arm across your waist and threw the both of you to the side, effectively avoiding the blast. He shielded you from the rubble it created.
“You alright?” He asked you.
“Mhmm.” You responded a little winded and flustered. You shouldn't be thinking like that in the middle of battle, especially not about your Captain. He rolled off of you and back on his feet and engaged some Umbarans in hand-to-hand combat. You got up and continued to shoot.
“They're coming at us from all directions, we don't have any cover!” Fives screamed.
You looked around at the downed soldiers, knowing there was nothing you could do to help them with no cover.
“We need to fall back, if we can draw them out we can see them.” Rex announced.
“If we can see them we can hit them” Hardcase shot back.
“All squads fall back now!” Rex shouted.
You ran back trying to avoid any blaster fire. The troops that the General kept with him joined the group in fighting when Krell let them. As you were about to dive behind a tree root for cover you felt a searing pain on your left shin. You gasped and fell, scooting next to the root. Looking down at your leg you saw a severe burn mark still hot to the touch. You got grazed by blaster fire. You did not feel it much because of the adrenaline, so you chose to ignore it until later. By then the Umbarans started to retreat. You noticed General Krell marching up from behind the brush, right up to Captain Rex.
“Ct-7567, do you have a malfunction in your design? You pulled your forces back from taking the capital city! The enemy now has control of this route. This entire operation has been compromised, because of your failure!”
The General jabbed his finger into Rex's chest roughly to emphasize his words. Then Fives spoke up.
“General Krell, in case you haven't noticed, Captain Rex just saved this platoon. Surely you won't fail to recognize that.” Fives put a bit of venom behind his words.
The General turned to face the arc trooper. “Arc-5555, stand down” He said slowly as he ignited his lightsaber. You stood up, feeling concerned about the growing tension.
“Sir yes sir” Fives said while walking away. The General then turned his attention to you.
“And you, proving yourself useless. Why didn't you help any of those men? Seems to me like you neglected your job.” You chose not to engage with him and instead gave him a blank stare.
“Were you too busy cowering behind your knight in shining armor, princess?” Your tail whipped side to side in agitation.
“Sir, if I may address your accusations. I followed your orders, even in the face of a plan that was, in my opinion, severely flawed. A plan that cost us men, not clones, men!” Rex took off his helmet as he finished his statement.
Rex continued “As sure as it is my duty to remain loyal to your command, I also have another duty. To protect those men.”
Krell extinguished his lightsaber as he spoke. “You have a spark of tenacity captain, I'll give you that.” He began addressing the whole platoon.
“I know that I do not command like the Jedi you're used to serving, certainly not like General Skywalker. But I have my way. It may be difficult, but these are difficult times. And it's proven effective.”
The General turned back to Rex. “ I suppose your loyalty to your men is to be commended. They seem to admire this. That's important to an effective commander. Alright, Captain Rex, your opinion has been noted. Dismissed.”
The General walked away, not before giving you a scowl. Fives walked up to Rex.
“I think he almost complimented you.” He said to the captain.
You walked up to the arc trooper and Captain with a slight limp in your stride. Rex turns to you.
“You alright? You should get some Bacta on that before we roll out.” The captain had a concerned look on his face.
“Yeah, I was going to but then I got yelled at and insulted.” You took off your pack and sat down on the ground, unzipping a small pocket. You found a small packet of topical Bacta gel. Before you could open it Rex grabbed it from you and crouched down to your level.
“Here, let me.” He took off his gloves and tore the packet open. He squeezed it along the wound while gently spreading it to cover the whole area.
“Rex, you really don't have to help, I got it.” He didn't answer you or look up at you, he just continued to apply the Bacta. By now Fives was distracted by something else.
“I'm sorry.” He said quietly. You looked at him puzzled.
“For what?” He opened his mouth to respond.
“Everyone take cover!!!” A trooper yelled as an energy blast hurled toward the platoon. You ducked back behind the root for cover as Rex put on his helmet and started firing. Umbaran fighters flew in and started firing every which way. You and Rex ran to better cover while he barked out orders to his men. You saw an injured trooper while you ran and changed course. You picked up his ankles and drug him to cover as he moaned in pain. Kix helped you lean him against the tree and took his helmet off.
“It's ok buddy, this will ease the pain” Kix reassured the trooper. As you were assisting Kix with the injured you overheard the order to take the western supply base. You and the battalion prepared to roll out.
You and the platoon walked until the base was in sight. You were so exhausted at this point and gave up on the idea of getting your ATV back. You barely listened to the General speak about the plan but guessed it would be another full frontal attack. You leaned against one of the tentacle-like trees to rest a bit. After they finished their discussion Rex walked up to you.
“Alright, I want you to stay in my sights. I saw you and Kix working together so make sure you stay undercover.” He said sternly to you.
“Yes sir.” You responded, you still wanted to ask him why he apologized earlier but figured it would probably be best to ask in a less stressful situation.
The Battalion started marching down the steep hill toward the narrow gorge that led to the base. You lost your footing a bit halfway down and slid down on your butt the rest of the way. Fives chuckled at you so you gave him a smile. Once everyone got down the hill Rex started giving out orders.
“Alright, listen up. We'll assemble the squads in two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side.” The other soldiers rebutted these orders and expressed their displeasure.
“The casualties are gonna be high.”
“Is Krell trying to get us killed?!”
“You know I wasn't sure Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive!”
Fives chimed in. “We had to retreat from the capital because the General pushed a flawed strategy. Now, this?!”
Some others joined in saying their thoughts. Captain Rex pulled Fives aside for a private conversation. After they were done, you moved out with Rex's squadron. Fives' platoon entered the gorge first and after a few minutes, Rex followed. Your blaster was at the ready just in case. Suddenly, the ground started rumbling so aggressively your feet shifted.
All of you ran to where the noise was coming from. Three massive caterpillar-like tanks were wreaking havoc on Fives squad, shooting blaster bolts in every direction. It managed to take out quite a few men. They came down on its spindly legs and maneuvered through the squad while firing. You and Kix immediately got to work. Following Rex onto the battlefield, you heard Fives call for rocket launchers.
There was a downed soldier as soon as the squad got into the gorge. You hooked your arms under his and drug him back to cover while Kix lifted his legs to help you. There was a large explosion that illuminated green. One of the tanks blew up via a rocket launcher. You and Kix continued to recover soldiers, most of which had broken bones and blaster wounds. It was hard to do anything for them except give them painkillers and reset their bones. You hear Rex delegating orders to get rid of these tanks. He glanced back to see you and Kix tending to your patients before proceeding with his squad.
“Be prepared for a large explosion they're rigging a trap.” Kix said to you. You nodded. Right on cue, a bright explosion blew the remaining two tanks up until they were barely sparking with life.
“Alright, get ready to roll out.” Rex said.
You looked at the three injured soldiers you had leaning against the tree and reassured them that you'd come back for them. The platoon started walking again, much to your chagrin. The battalion got about ten minutes of headway before Rex stopped.
“We've got a problem.” A green energy blast hurdled towards the group barely missing the captain. Two tanks that were reminiscent of spiders started to make their way toward the platoons. You retreated back for cover behind a tree.
“What is with these people and bug tanks?!” You shouted to no one in particular.
You glanced out from your cover to see if any injured men needed help. The tank vaporized most troopers, and it was clear there would be very few survivors. Kix called you over from a more secure spot in the brush. You rushed over and saw he had three wounded soldiers. You instantly started assisting Kix with them. Rex, Fives, and Hardcase had a short but heated discussion about whether they should continue to go through with this plan.
“You got any better ideas?” Rex asks fives. Fives shook his head no.
“Then this is it.” They moved cautiously out behind cover.
The troopers rolled out leaving you and Kix to tend to the wounded. Minute after minute the injured soldiers seemed to pile up. The noise of battle getting overwhelming in your ears. As you worked on patching up blaster shots and making splints. You tried to shut out the outside stimuli. It worked until you were pulled up to stand by your upper arm. You looked up and saw your captain. Kix was a few feet away dragging a trooper towards you.
“We've got to get these guys outta here.” He told Rex while turning back for more of the men. The Captain let go of your arm to stop him.
“Forget it. We have to leave them.” Rex said.
“We can't just leave them, sir!”
“We have no choice, that's an order.” Rex turned to walk away.
“You sound like General Krell.” Kix said.
Rex sighed while turning back to face him.
“Look Kix, it's more important to save yourself right now. If we survive, we can patch up the wounded later.”
You solemnly walked away to stand near them, leaving your patients. Rex surveyed the route to the base with his binoculars.
“Hey, fives remember what I said about finding another way to destroy those tanks?”
“What were you thinking?” Fives inquired.
“Well, I have a mission for you.”
Hardcase and Fives took off on their stealth mission to the airbase. Hopefully to find something that can destroy the tanks. You stuck close to Rex while they kept firing blaster shots and rockets that were useless against the tanks. You felt a little embarrassed following him around like a lost puppy but if you didn't move fast enough he'd pull you with him. The tanks were closing in on the rest of the platoon quickly. You and Rex found yourselves dodging the enormous feet of the tank while the man inside tried to crush you. Surely you were gonna die. Then, the tank started shooting upwards. Two Umbaran fighters started shooting at the tanks.
You and Rex ran for cover as the tanks exploded. You leaned against a tree and slid down to sit. The troopers cheered to Hardcase and Fives. You smiled to yourself just happy to be alive. Rex kneeled in front of you.
“Hey, you ok?” He asked you. You nodded.
“I'm just so surprised we survived.”
“Yeah well, we're good for now.” He held his hand out to help you up.
Krell managed to send in more troops on a final assault to capture the airbase. You wondered why he didn't send them before to help with the tanks.
Inside the Air Base hangar, you stoop away from your group a few feet. You commed Na'wi.
“Oh, my stars you're ok!”
“Yeah, barely.”
“You didn't comm me in over twenty-four hours, what happened?”
You glanced over at Krell approaching the squad. “I'll fill you in when I can speak more freely. I'll comm you later”
General Krell marched up to the Captain and his men.
“Captain, report. What is our situation?” He asked Rex.
“General, we have taken the base and cut off enemy supply lines to the Capital.”
“Luck has smiled on you today, Captain. Consider yourself fortunate.” Krell said to Rex.
Rex took a step towards the General. “It wasn't all luck sir. A lot of men died to take this base.” Rex shot back at him.
“The price for such a victory. Perhaps someday you'll realize this.” Rex tensed at this statement trying to calm his anger.
Krell shifted his attention to you. “Did you manage to save anyone, medic?” You nodded yes, determined not to engage with this crazy man.
“Dismissed.” Krell walked away.
Fives walked up to the Captain. “He's the one who will never realize.”
You looked around the hangar for any sort of motor vehicle that looked easy enough to drive.
“Hey, don't worry about retrieving the wounded. I got it” Kix said to you.
“You sure? I mean it is my job...that I've kinda failed at for this mission.” You looked down dejected.
“Yeah, get some rest. Besides, normally we don't have this many casualties, it's not you.” Kix reassured you.
Fives turned around. “You've proven yourself to be quite reliable, you're part of the team now.” He gave you a warm smile.
“Ruusaan.” Rex said quietly. You gave him a confused look.
“Ruusaan, means reliable in Mando'a”
“Ooh, it's pretty, were you guys trying to give me a nickname this whole time?” You asked the Captain.
Fives rested his arm on your shoulder. “Nope, not until you earned it. And you definitely did today Ruusaan.”
“Well, I'm glad. Thank you guys. I like my nickname.” 
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zealfruity · 1 year
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 2/2 Master Post (Domino Squad Lives AU and Fives+332nd Live AU version)
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Mostly just headcanons following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Nax is a she/her. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. Domino Squad Lives AU has the main blue boys interact with the 212th on a more personal level, so some of these involve a mix of the two groups. Every single character is having an existential crisis in the other AU. NO CLONESHIPPING HERE!
(Domino Squad Lives Fix-It AU):
Echo: Do you take constructive criticism?
Cutup: No, only cash or credit.
Waxer: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Echo: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Cutup: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Droidbait: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hevy: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'
Echo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make
Hevy: *flips the board*
Cutup: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Fives: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Cutup: God?!
Cutup: Get in loser, we're going shopping.
Droidbait: This is a McDonald's drive thru.
Nax: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Wooley: I need life advice.
Cutup, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Fives: *coughs blood*
Droidbait: Don't die, Fives!
Fives: Don't tell me what to do!
Cutup: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I've ever done.
Droidbait: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Cutup: They're not.
Droidbait: Haha, very funny.
Cutup: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Droidbait: No... what happened?
Cutup: …Why would you fall for this again-
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Cutup*
Cutup: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Droidbait: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.
Hevy: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don't set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it.
Cutup: Hello friends!
His Squad:
Cutup: You might be wondering why I'm stuck to the ceiling
Cutup: You're mean!
Droidbait: You're meaner!
Cutup: Yeah, well, you're ugly too!
Droidbait: You're uglier!
Cutup: You're a dumbass!
Droidbait: You're a dumberass!
Cutup: You think "dumberass" is a good insult!
*Cutup and Hevy are planning to break in somewhere*
Cutup: We need to distract the guards.
Hevy: Right.
Cutup: What are we gonna do?
Hevy: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Cutup: Deal.
Nax: Hey, DB! Did you know you’re my BFFLWYLION?
Droidbait: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nax: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.
Droidbait: That’s one way to say it, I guess…
Wooley: I am strong! I beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Hevy: Anyone can beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Droidbait: Hey-
*Cutup sends more than 5 messages in a row*
Hevy: I ain’t reading all that.
Hevy: I’m happy for you tho.
Hevy: Or sorry that happened.
Cutup, to Wooley: You know, Hevy can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Cutup: *blows airhorn at Hevy* GET FUCKED!
Hevy: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Cutup: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hevy: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Jesse: Actually I did the math, Cutup would have $225, not $0.15.
Cutup: Fam I’m right here....
Wooley: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Tup: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Wooley: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Tup: :(
Jesse: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Echo would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Wooley: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Jesse: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Fives: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice.
Echo: Apply juice to what.
Fives: Directly to the forehead.
Rex: Great chat everyone.
Droidbait, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Echo: Time for plan G.
Wooley: Don’t you mean plan B?
Echo: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Droidbait: What about plan D?
Echo: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Tup: What about plan E?
Echo: I’m hoping not to use it. Cutup dies in plan E.
Boil: I like plan E.
Oddball: Are we really going to let Hevy keep Beam?
Cody: We kept Cutup.
Kix: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Droidbait: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Kix: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
The poor Jedi that got Cutup assigned to them after the war: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this Order.
Cutup: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
*At the police station*
Denal: Hi, I’m here for Domino Squad.
Corrie guard: Who’s Domino Squad?
Denal: Ah, you must be new.
Fox: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?!
Jesse: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Hevy: How does that even work?
Droidbait, mocking him: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?!
Hevy: Your face doesn't make sense.
Cody, to Trapper: If you see Cutup, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Cody: He’ll know what it means.
Trapper: oh, and Cody said to give you a message.
Trapper: *makes a neutral face*
Cutup: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Fives: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Longshot: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Cutup: ...We're on the ground floor.
Longshot: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Hevy: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Denal: What do you call disobeying the law?
Domino Squad: A hobby.
Denal: *crosses his arms*
Domino Squad: That we do not engage in.
Droidbait to Tup: First rule of battle, vod’ika... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Hardcase, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Droidbait: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hevy: Really love that airports have to specify that you're NOT allowed grenades. Like damn there go my traveling plans
Droidbait: Ideally we get down there and Cutup’s just dead. And then we can end the mission, and I can go home. Obviously very sad, thoughts and prayers, but... I don't have to go down there, then. So... *weighs options between his hands* Lose brother, don't have to go in the tunnel. I think it comes out to be a wash, to be honest, so…
Hevy, about possibly getting too beefy for the armor: Regulations won’t look as good as my thighs will so they aren't valid.
Fives+332nd Live AU (possible official titles include Bones In The Ocean AU and Resistance Leaders AU, I’m workshopping it rn)
*The squad has just arrived in a new city. Fives looks around at the wanted posters to see if he’s on any of them.*
Omega: Fives, are you a criminal?
Fives: Not here, I'm not!
Rex: Uuh, watcha got there?
Fives, with a lightsaber: A smoothie.
Fives: Damn, Tech, are you secretly cool?
Tech: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Fives: I do not.
Ahsoka, texting CF99: Want to help me murder someone?
Echo: Sure who we hitting?
Ahsoka: someone who looks evil
Some guy: What am I supposed to do?
Bounty Hunter Fives: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Some guy: I’m an atheist.
Fives: Then just get ready to die I guess.
Fives: So, are you two friends?
Omega: Yes.
Crosshair: No.
Fives: Hello Crosshair, made anyone cry today?
Crosshair: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Fives: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
Echo: Schrödinger's boys.
Crosshair: FUCK!
Wrecker: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Tech: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Tech: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Fives: ...
Echo: ...
Crosshair: ...
Wrecker: ...
Tech: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Fives: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Tech: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Fives: Fuck you.
The self-taught medic with no license in the lower levels: Fives’ a 10 but that's all we know about him.
Kix: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Ahsoka: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Kix: Th-that's not how that works-
Fives, to the BB: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Tech: But how-
Fives, ignoring him: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Echo: *nods sagely*
All of them: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Tech: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Fives: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Tech: Somehow that's worse.
Rex: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Crosshair: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Hunter: Didn't you die?
Fives: That was months ago, dude. Things change.
Omega: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Omega: And I started thinking.
Omega: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Omega: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Hunter: Are you ok?
Jesse 5 months into Resistance work: You know I think my life has value.
Wrecker: Who are you and what have you done with Jesse?!
Fives: I'm so sad woa woa womp womp.
Echo: I am tired of fighting my own demons, give me physical ones.
Fives, months into being on the run: I’d kill to go absolutely ham on a dexter-grade hamburgussy.
Echo: Nothing wrong with a little government overthrowing in the sake of friendship.
Wrecker: Aw you little reg guy.
Dogma: Shut up do not call me that.
Omega: Gentleman ori’vod.
Dogma: Stop I am a STRANGER who is RUDE!
Echo after Fives tells him that he tried to assassinate Palpatine: Yeah I think fighting the Chancellor’s a pretty good way to get labeled a traitor.
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sorsabruh · 2 years
My clone trooper oc :)
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He's a part of the 501st legion.
Being a part of the most chaotic battalion makes him one of the calmest ones, but still one of them.
Stiff is a pun master, he likes to joke and loves to make anyone laugh or just smile.
He gets along with Fives the most since they're so similar in many ways.
He likes artistic activities for a hobby. (Drawing, reading,..)
He's kinda quiet around people he doesn't know, hasn't talked a lot to or just doesn't feel comfortable around.
Stiff is very obedient and follows orders, but in ultimate conditions he will take matters into his own hands if he has to and does what he feels is the right thing to do.
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Is kind of shy when getting acceptance and praises yk heh
His love language is helping and caring.
Stiff is a very kind and understanding person. He's known to be the most comforting and empathic trooper of the 501st.
Some shinies sometime come up to him and tell him some exciting stories or something that's really bothering them. And of course Stiff always listens.
He's basically the 501st's therapist 😭
His name comes from his days as a cadet. Specifically the time of his first real experience with a loss of his most closest brother. After the incident, he had been so quiet and lost in his thoughts for most of the time, always stiff and caught by surprise when anyone called for him without him actually noticing it. "Hey, loosen up a little! Why're you so stiff dowdays?" Was what they said a lot, so the word- name drilled into his mind. He liked it in a way. It had a sad but memorable story behind it.
Stiff is unnaturaly a very emotional clone, which of course has it's own ups and downs. Unfortunately he has been threathned with decommissioning if he doesn't get his emotions under control loads of times by his superiors on Kamino. But also has been complimented on his ability to understand and 'read a room', which have been helpful in battle.
He was the only one that had survived to the 501st from his cadet squadron :(
Stiff has a tendency to feel awkward when he doesn't have anything where to kind of rest or support his hands on, so he sew himself pockets on his kamas with the help of Commander Tano. (But of course with the permission from Captain Rex, since he doesn't want to get in any trouble from dresscode or something heh)
Though from all his introvertness, he is definetly a real life of a party. Stiff loves to goof around with his brothers. He and Fives are the ones that usually get the dumbest ideas, and do them for the shits and giggles while watching the Captain get so done with them.
But of course Stiff never really wants to get to the Captain's bad side, so he's a little more hesitant about those ideas.. Unlike Fives and Hardcase..
If it isn't in the heat of battle or a mission, it's hard for Stiff to take anything seruously, he's such a goofyass that he sometimes doesn't even realise how annoying he can be. He's genuinely a very carefree person.
Some songs that definitely describe his personality ;)
Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
Get Lucky - Daft Punk
Cake By The Ocean - DNCE
Feels - Calvin Harris
Have this for now, hope u like him :)
If you have something to ask him, or about him, please ask. I'd be glad to answer, thank you :)
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Eight
Lunch had been nuhunla (amusing) to say the least. Naturally the boys wanted to learn more curse words - which for the most part they knew…flawlessly - however I encouraged more everyday phrases which they seemed to pick up on quickly. Hardcase thought he would start a food fight with Jesse which naturally Fives inserted himself in the middle of. That ended when Rex finally joined the table and was accidentally hit in the chest by Hardcase who got a stern look. The rest of the table - including myself laughed.
“Are we going to workout after this?” Echo asked Fives.
“Do we have to?” Fives asked.
“Unless you want to get your sheb (ass) handed to you on the battle field I recommend you do.” Chimed in Tup.
“I would never” replied Fives as if he was offended.
“What? Get your sheb beat by some clankers?” Asked Jesse. Fives repeated what he said in a mocking tone. Rex rolled his eyes.
“He didn’t disagree” I said laughing.
“Ouch you know, That really hurts” Fives said mocking me, acting like he had been shock in the chest.
“Not as much as it will when the droids beat your sheb” Rex joked.
It caught me by surprise that Rex had chimed in on picking on Fives. Maybe he was feeling more comfortable with me around? I don’t know, but it made it that much more hilarious coming from him.
“FINE….” Fives finally agreed. “But only if Raven comes with. It’s only fair”
“Do you need her to hold your hand?” Asked Jesse.
“Unfortunately that’s usually my job…” Echo snorts.
“Why is it ‘gang up on Fives’ all the sudden?” Asked Fives.
“It only seems fair you chayalikir (tease/make fun of) everyone else it seems” I say.
“She’s not wrong” say Kix. “I would still like to look at that ankle before you go anywhere” he says turning to me.
“I’m ready when you are. Fives I promise I’ll work out with you sometime” I say getting up to take care of my garbage. Kix follows.
The two of us head out the door to the med bay. When we get there I hop up on he table, take my armor and boot off before pulling up my pant leg.
“How’s it feel?” Asked Kix looking it over.
“Alright, just bruised. I’ve had worse” I say noticing it already bruising a little. He looks up at my and cocks his head before returning back to my ankle.
Kix pulls out a small scanner and data pad. He scans me ankle and looks over at the data pad. “It’s not broken or sprained. Probably just bruised, ice it if it hurts”.
“I told you I’d be fine” I say appreciating his concern. Kix gives me a look. “What?” I ask.
“I get the feeling you be another accident prone one” He says raising an eye brow.
“I have no idea what you are talking about” I smile down at him while he fixes my pant leg. He hums in response.
“You are all clear for duty ma’am” He stands up and salutes me.
I laugh “That’s cute Kix but like I said the other day, I have no rank. No need to be formal”.
“I know but it’s a respect thing. I think the rest of the squad feels the same way” he says.
I put my boot and my shin plate back on before hopping off the table. “So are you coming with?” I asked.
“No I’ve got some inventory to do this afternoon, in case we get called out.” He say.
“Alright, Ret’! (Bye/See you)” I salute him before heading out the door.
I step through the door and practically bump into Rex - again.
“We’ve gotta stop doing this” he laughs.
“I guess so” I say trying to hide the fact I feel myself blushing. “What did you come to check on me or something?” I tease.
“Well yeah actually, I figured Kix was probably overreacting but I wanted to make sure. Risky move you pulled earlier” He says rubbing the back on his neck.
He’s cute when he does that…
“Yeah I’m fine, just a bruise” I smile up a him.
“Good” he says.
“Where are you off to now?” I ask
“Reports, I’ve got reports from our last mission to review before they are submitted” He says. It doesn’t take a Jedi to sense his annoyance.
“Anything I can help with?” I offer.
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m not sure if you have the clearance to look them over” he says looking disappointed.
“Ohhh, I wonder if that’s something Anakin could get for me? Seems like you could use the help, if I’m not over stepping.”
“I can look into it. The GAR seems to be short on help these days” he perks up some.
“In the mean time let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. I’d like to be more useful than being a combat instructor. Plus I have enjoyed my time getting to know each member of the squad”
After thinking for a moment Rex finally says “Actually if you wouldn’t mind Jesse should be inventorying our weapons in the armory if you want to see if he needs anything”.
“Perfect, I will head that way now” I smile at Rex. “Don’t have too much fun” I look behind me at the Captain who seem to be frozen in place. “Was there something else?” I holler back.
“Uh no, I’d better get going” He says before continuing the opposite direction down the hall.
I catch up with Jesse in the armory, who I don’t think heard me come in as he didn’t even look my direction.
“Me’vaar it gar? (Sitrep)” I asked caning him to spin around. “Rex sent me this way to see if you wanted any help”
“Oh, yeah I could definitely use help. I am inventorying ammo, blaster of different kinds, grenades, droid poppers-“ he starts before I cut him off.
“Droid poppers?” I ask.
“It’s basically an EMP” he says with a smile.
“Oh right that makes sense” I reply.
I kneel down next to the crate Jesse is looking in when he hands me the data pad. “Here, you read from the list, and I’ll make sure we’ve got them. If not, I might have you run over there and grab whatever we need” He says pointing to some of the cages with a variety of weapons.
During this time I get to know Jesse who is quite honestly a combination of Fives and Echo. He’s smart and strategic but also has that childish attitude from time to time. I feel he better knows the time and place for that better than Fives does though.
When we are done I decide I’d head out into Coruscant for a quick bite. It’s not that I haven’t enjoyed my time with the 501st but I need sometime to process my day before heading to bed.
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