#hardly anything is loading and it seems to be a problem for a lot of people
yupyupppippi · 1 year
is twitter finally down
am i finally free
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pacifymebby · 4 months
Did you know there was issues in your relationship all along or are there things you didn't realise until towards the end? I've followed you for a few years and from the little bits you'd shared on here your relationship sounded perfect at times. Was there a big change or were things not as good as they seemed all along?
I've been thinking about this alot lately, especially because I scrolled back through my archive not long ago looking for old fic related content and stumbled across loads of old asks from around 2021 when we were really happy together, and those asks paint such a perfect picture of everything, and it's weird because I can hardly remember that year now... But I do know I was that happy and that we were a really beautiful couple. I think he just changed a lot and slowly enough I didn't really see it until it was way too late...
But idk, I really do believe we were as good as I used to talk about us being back during that first year of being together together. Then idk, maybe towards the end of 2022 things were a bit, not rocky, but I definitely started to have doubts... The thing was there were so many other miserable things going on that I could put the doubts down to anxiety and circumstances rather than anything being wrong with the actual relationship... I always had an excuse for why things were the way they were... And he was still there for me in ways I guess my family weren't seeing... And also so many of the things that I had doubts about were like, I kept telling myself they were me problems, or that I was being petty and shallow... Stuff to do with like, physical presentation, or the way he'd speak to me sometimes...
And then yeah, late 2023 I think I knew we were on a losing streak, we had these arguments that should have been petty little squabbles that we came out of as adults... But instead he'd be really shitty to me about them, and they'd almost always circle back to being about how bad his mental health was, id say something like "hey, pls remember you said you'd apply for that course because we're supposed to be moving in together and you're meant be moving out your family home..." And he'd get super angry and then be like "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to *insert dramatic graphic description of whichever suicide method he fancied that day"
And like, he'd make me feel bad for questioning small things like if he didn't brush his teeth and I said hey maybe you should brush your teeth today, then he'd make really snide bitchy comments to me or go back to the "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to kill myself" thing again.
And idk, I'm really understanding of mental health, my job means I'm really trained in understanding it, and my own experiences of it mean I can be very understanding, but like because of that I Know that what he was doing was abusive. And like he would often use my mental health against me if I tried to raise the issue and be like "you shouldn't treat me like this.."
And then obviously even when things were bad, 2022 and 2023 were pretty heavily littered with good moments. And moments when he made me feel loved and treasured...
Then again there was a night we were out last year, we'd been drinking with our mates all day and there weren't enough seats so I had to sit in his lap, and it was all fine but after awhile I'd worried if I was too heavy and then when I asked him if he was alright me sitting there or if I was too heavy he thought it would be a funny thing if he dropped me as a joke. But he let me fall on the floor in front of our mates to get a laugh out of the boys and idk, I think I was upset with him for that but he turned it on me and pretended like he hadn't realised it was mean... And I believed him, and I just think that if my dad had said the things he said to me today about why he had started to go off B, then I'd have realised so fucking fast that my dad was right and that actually I needed to leave and stop wasting my life.
And this all makes everything so painful because it's like wow my best mate of like nearly 8 years wound up treating me like I was his fucking disposable vape or something:/
I think the shit part of the breakup has finally hit lol
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Release Dates
Still clearing out the demo folder. I feel this need to be careful about what I say on these, however, as if I seem to very much enjoy something and mention that I intend to purchase it but have not purchased it yet, there’s even odds someone’s going to throw it at my head. I mean, not that I mind my bestie throwing Lake at me, but that largely because it was on sale so we’re not talking sticker shock guilt like when some basically-brothers threw Total War III at me.
Grim Tides: This is the most basic RPG of RPGs, wtih some fairly interesting customisation options. I mean, it basically works where you have a token that represents your character, very basic skills and perks, click around a very basic square map to ‘explore a dungeon’ and a turn-based combat system that at its root is just “click the thing”. Except that it’s actually a lot more complex than that. Your skills and perks can be customised basically however you want; there’s no restrictions on what you can and cannot do with your build. The options screen lets you decide how big you want the dungeons to be allowed to get, whether you want permadeath or not, exactly how the turn-based system works (whether it’s one or two actions per round, with the latter allowing for more tactics and the former being more for simplicity), how tough you want the enemies to be ... all of that on top of the base difficulty setting. You want to plough through this thing easily while you figure out what build you like? No problem. You want a tactical bloodbath? They’ve got you covered there too. It’s not epic graphics (there are in fact hardly any graphics), but one thing you can do with this that you can’t do with most games is upload your own character token. You want your D&D character to run through this thing? Your Warden? Your Hawke? No problem; make a token (if you don’t already have one), load it in, and off you go. So yeah, this one’s cheap and cheerful and the only reason it is not in my library right now is because I am waiting until... Oh. They pushed back Cook, Serve, Forever’s release date until next week so I either wait until Pan’Orama comes out tomorrow to buy it and risk it also getting its release date pushed back or I buy it once I’m done clearing out my demo folder a little more. It will be mine, anyway. It and its predecessor, Grim Quest. The bundle together’s basically negligible cost and given I just spent two hours poking at the demo of Grim Tides even though I was restricted to one zone the whole time? Worth it.
Kitsune: The Journey of Adashino: This is another one I’ll come back to at some stage, if only because right now, it’s ... a bit of a mess. It doesn’t tell you what the keybinds are, it doesn’t tell you how to use them very clearly when they do tell you what the keybinds are, and it’s wnother one of those ones where the camera angle is at fixed points rather than following the character. That last I could live with if the rest wasn’t ... well, what it is. The demo itself needs some fixing,which I guess is fair given that the game isn’t supposed to be out until next year so the demo must be more sort of beta testing than anything else. Still looks interesting, though frankly I’ve got no idea what it’s about from the brief time I played it before it forced me into the grip of an enemy and then gave me some contradicting information about how to get out again. So it stays on the wishlist but I’m going to want to look at the demo again in a few months.
Pneumata: Another one of those ones where the demo is only temporary.and it ran out before I got a chance to play it, even though I only downloaded it a few days ago. Well, fuck a bunch of that, frankly.
Imagined Leviathans: This one’s a kind of really artsy looking walking simulator but also has a fair few bugs. When everything is literally black and white (mostly white), it can be hard to see any kind of path, and walking off the path can get you clipping into a mountain you can’t even see. So an interesting game, but not something I really want to poke at in the demo overmuch because ... well, bugs. This one’s only got “Coming Soon” as a release date, but that’s probably fine - it needs time anyway, Besides, Steam release dates can change with zero warning (see also two changes of release date for Pan’Orama and one really aggravating one for Cook, Serve, Forever, as it said a little while ago that release was today, literally giving the time in hours, and then changed to “next week” without so much as a note as to why) so I can’t really trust them anyway.
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie: This is an interactive novel on a whole other level. The mechanics involved are fascinating - imagine you took the various emotional / character type responses in a Dragon Age game, polished and refined them so that they actually make all the difference in the world instead of just some flavour, and then gave them centre stage. That’s what we’re dealing with. Also the kind of story that puts us in Neil Gaiman / Kieron Gillen territory. I had to stop playing this one because I didn’t know how far I could get in the demo without it cutting me off and didn’t want to get that “But I want more game NOW!” feeling when it’s not coming out until June (well, at least that’s what the store page says, but ... y’know, changeable release dates - I will stop bitching about that eventually, I swear).
That should do it for the time being. I swear, I need to stop doing this. My wish list is getting insane. Then again, so many of them don’t even come out until gods-know-when so I guess it’s not so bad.
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bills-bible-basics · 4 months
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Facebook: Is It Possibly Broken? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/facebook-is-it-possibly-broken/ Around the middle of 2022, I began to seriously wonder if Facebook may be broken. Yes, literally broken. I mean, think about it. Facebook has gotten so big -- around two billion users, from what I have read -- that maybe its worldwide network of servers, bots and algorithms can no longer handle the load. Is it possible that there are simply way too many users, even though Facebook relies upon a global network of CDNs? Now, obviously, I don't know this for a fact, and it is just a theory on my part, but I suspect that maybe this user overload is in large part the reason why so many errors have been made in recent months. I am talking about all of the false positives with Facebook's security system. In other words, I am referring to the forced log offs, the forced lockouts, having to jump through Facebook's security hoops so many times, having to change our passwords so many times, seeing our posts frequently removed, etc. I know for a fact -- because my FB friends have told me so, and because I have experienced it many times myself -- that people are getting locked out, and logged off, of their accounts for the stupidest reasons. Furthermore, their posts are being removed when they have done absolutely nothing wrong. They haven't posted anything inappropriate. And that includes myself as well. In other words, we have NOT violated Facebook's "Community Standards" in any way, as far as I can tell. It makes absolutely no sense that these things are happening so much, and so frequently, unless there is some kind of ongoing systemic failure going on with Facebook. Folks, I just don't believe that Facebook's head honchos are so stupid, that they would continue to harass us that much. Think about it. They are already under tremendous pressure from the U.S. government, and from other entities, due to their multiple security gaffs, their apparent discrimination against Conservatives and Christians, etc. So why would they go out of their way, and do anything to further infuriate their user base? From what I have read, people are already leaving Facebook in droves, because they are fed up with it. So again, is it possible that there are some serious technical issues going on which have little or nothing to do with discrimination against us? I don't know how many of my related posts you have seen, but as I have already made really clear a number of times already, after almost nine years of virtual peace on Facebook, with near zero harassment, it became a real nightmare for me as of early October, 2019. The problems and harassment by Facebook techs got so bad, that I finally deleted my account in June of 2022, only to return 3.5 months later in September of 2022. Of course, now I just run a timeline, and no page or group, so things have been a lot more peaceful. However, sadly, it appears that I am STILL being shadow banned, and hardly anyone is seeing my daily posts. I actually make hundreds of posts each month. I wonder how many of them you actually see in your news feed. As I mentioned a minute ago, up until I opened my new Facebook account in September of 2022, I was being forced logged off and forced locked out of my account dozens of times. I was also forced to jump through Facebook's security hoops and change my password dozens of times over the course of three months. In May of 2022 alone, I was forced to upload my personal ID six times, which is why I finally got fed up and left in June of that same year. As if that is not enough, prior to shutting down my old account, literally hundreds of my posts were being removed. So, yes, as I have stated before, it seems like it may have been intentional harassment due to my Christian faith. But I am beginning to believe that it is that, and even more. Technically, it just seems to me that something is seriously screwed up, and the Facebook staff just don't have a handle on it yet, whatever it is. I could be wrong, but that is my suspicion. What do YOU think? Let us know. By the way, you might want to read this article: "Why I Am Fed Up With Facebook": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/fed-up-facebook.html Thanks! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/facebook-is-it-possibly-broken/?feed_id=170523&Facebook%3A%20Is%20It%20Possibly%20Broken%3F
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raccoonshinobi · 11 months
Sometimes people are just sad because it isn't very sustainable to be angry. Some people aren't in as much control with their lives as you'd think.
People who are sad or depressed have a sense of powerlessness a lot of people who are well-off or oblivious can't seem to grasp.
It's not about what we have or don't have. It's not about how 'lucky' we are... Whether it really is a chemical imbalance varies from person to person - but it's not the whole of the situation.
It's the environment that's thrusted on us that makes us feel powerless. It's a world we never asked for, a world we can't control because others control it for us.
You ever wonder why we feel better crafting things, be it a simulation game, or a coloring game? Why most depressed people are creatives and comedians? Why we delve more in fantasy and cartoons over the harsh realities of life?
It's simply because we're in control of what we create for ourselves and for others.
Creating things give a feeling of control that cannot be compared. Whether it's music, a field of characters, world-building. It's our safety net.
Creation and creativity is practically therapeutic to those who feel lost; we feel better when we establish a direction in anything. That sense of control is the most important thing to us; without it, we're empty.
One may say it's probably what makes us miserable and depressed - but it's quite the contrary; it could be the only thing keeping us here. We're survivors who hung on just a bit longer.
Ironically, it comes full circle when we express ourselves on a societal level, because it presents the danger of losing the control we had garnered through the arts, once again in the fear of our peers. Outside interferences that can make or break you. Something you hold dear on a personal level is now shared with everyone had could have a million opinions and any one of them won't sit right with you.
Social media had never sat right with me but I thought it was just because I'm an introvert. Humans are social creatures, but so are most animals. It's purely out of necessity - and ONLY out of necessity - that we interact but we're not built to involve ourselves and hassle others in every crisis the world faces especially when we have little control of our own lives.
This in itself is poisonous especially when strangers you'll never meet in person reach out and expect you to go up and beyond, and you hardly seeing anything change from it if at all.
Even animals have days-long downtimes to themselves... We're not really built to associate on an hourly or even a daily basis. This is the mindset of people who insist that humanity function as a beehive or ant hill with constant contact and it's just none closer to the truth...
Depression is hard to beat because no one actually can't fully understand it. We look so deep into the technical and neurological aspects and on such of collectivist level that the idea of intrapersonal communication (talking to oneself for problem-solving) as an option is avoided entirely.
I only just now realize that as long as I feel I'm in control of my life even when things turn to shit, I feel loads better because it was still my call to make - much rather than be vulnerable while at someone else's beck and call as they themselves are made to be my lifeline. And would set out to live/ruin my life for me...
That I only exist as a haphazard whim to just anyone passing by rather than with a genuine purpose and grow on my own to be the person I can be proud of.
... Teenage depression makes so much more sense now.
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apitrust · 2 years
Greasemonkey pale moon
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For the time being, you can't trust this page anymore.
#Greasemonkey pale moon mp4
Not even regular MP4 streams play at the moment (Youtube, Twitter or anything else, as the html5 test page suggests it).Įdit: it looks like the page is no longer reliable as even my usual Firefox 70 within my Windows 7 圆4 installation fails to show the videos of that page (all URLs lead to a 404 error, the maintainer of that page NEEDS to do something about those broken links).
#Greasemonkey pale moon install
In fact, I hardly need it in my everyday browsing as I rarely use my XP install nowadays but I wanted do a test regarding playback of level 5.2 MP4 files (Twitter transitions all their transcoded GIFs to level 5.2 MP4 and this cause problems for Windows 7 and 8.1 users but I wanted to test it under XP too). The Adobe Primetime module is indeed set to Always activate. Not shown in my screenshots, is also set to true. Included are screenshots of about:config, about:plugins and the result of the page. I may have missed something obvious but my brain is currently (at least at the moment writing this) unable to process what it could be. The primetime_gmp_win_x86_gmc_40673.zip file unzipped in the right folder. I swear I followed all instructions of the first post without missing any single step. I'm on Firefox 52.9.0, Windows XP SP3 32-bit with the POSready2009 registry hack. The latest thing I attempted was starting from a brand new profile. Now it seems that I can't anymore no matter what I try. I used to be able to play MP4 HTML5 streams with my older Firefox 52 under Windows XP.
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I hope I'm ny bothering anyone with the silly request I'm writing below. Tweaks to increase performance of YouTube in Pale Moon (Or Chromium/Firefox) by allowing the user to bring back the old video player sizes, thumbnail sizes, and more.Hello everyone. YouTube Polymer Engine Fixes | Screenshot.
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User Scripts For Pale Moon/Basilisk/Mypal
Complete YouTube saver Local downloader for YouTube videos.
GreaseMonkey Script injector, lots of Firefox/Chromium scripts do not work in.
Ublock Origin Legacy Version of Ublock made to support Pale moon and its various forks.
Also changes some theme elements as well.
YouTube - Right Side Description | ScreenshotĪ somewhat nostalgia inducing script that puts YouTube's description on the right side of the video, similar to how it was pre-2010.
Works really well with the Twitter de-Bubbler extension listed above! Make Twitter resemble the old UI as much as possible.
GoodTwitter 2 | Screenshot Similar to 7kt's YouTube script, seeks to.
Constantly updated, and getting closer to its goal every time. Seeks to restore YouTube to it's older UI style. Note to Pale Moon/Safari users: these will not work on your browser. User Scripts For Firefox/Chromium-Based Browsers Removes the round/flat design elements from everybody's favourite site, Twitter dot com.
WebP Image Blocker (Firefox only) Forces Google's image format (WebP) to convert to a standard format before.
Annotations Restored Brings back the annotations function to every YouTube video which had them enabled before the.
It also provides support for mouse gestures, GreaseMonkey, ad-blocker.
LocalCDN (Firefox only) LocalCDN emulates a content delivery network in your browser, in order to protect your privacy by intercepting Pale Moons goal is to create a full-featured, optimized browser derived from.
Will notify you if only http is available.
HTTPS Everywhere Makes sure that your browser always connects to websites using the more secure https protocol when it is able.
#Greasemonkey pale moon free
Ublock Origin Free and open-source blocker for advertisements and trackers.
Use this to load some of the userscripts that I have linked below. Add-ons let you customize Pale Moon with extra functionality or a different look.
ViolentMonkey Free and open-source script injector, allows you to customise any websites using either self-made or downloaded.
Most accurate YouTube layout restoration so far, however it does not work for some people if their accounts are being used for YouTube's layout experiments. Chromium, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Pale Moon, as well as versions of Safari prior to. Extensions For Firefox/Chromium-Based Browsers Check if the script manager is enabled (Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey. Note that all extensions made for Chrome will work perfectly on Brave Browser as well.
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In this list, I have included not only a list of extensions for respecting your privacy, but also just some real cool things for a few different browsers, as well as some userscripts to enhance yourĮxperiences on the web.
#Greasemonkey pale moon how to
How to use YouTube Completely Anonymously Browser Extensions You Should Be Using
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covdiggingdeep · 2 years
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Amanda Peberdy, Sherbourne Valley Allotments, Coventry. Plot taken on May 2021. "I’ve got beetroots and chard, turnips and lettuce, and that’s chicory. I’ve got kohlrabi as well and a couple of cabbages that I salvaged from the pigeons. We bought some really bad compost this year - it was advertised as organic ‘super-grow’ and it seems to have killed everything. Even in the greenhouse, in pots, you would water them the night before really well and by the next morning it was like a hard crust on the top. I’ve never known anything like it and if you find some in the beds, it’s like lumps of lava rock. You have to chuck it. I get loads of stuff from the market man, he’s brilliant, he was saying that if things are dying, use a type of seed compost - everything has thrived in that. I’ve been busy so I haven’t been here half as much as last year. I’ve been running a lot of yoga workshops, two a month, and working six days a week with my classes and one-to-ones. But we did take on a second plot. There’s blue potatoes, a lot of them we’ve dug up but we still need to dig up the second earlies. We’ve got loads of round courgette plants, they get really big and we have to pick them as soon as possible but they taste really sweet for courgettes. This is tree spinach, asparagus, peas - they didn’t do great - we got about three forkfuls! Butternut squash, runner beans. Some I sow into the soil and some I start off in pots. We’ve had loads of snap peas and rainbow carrots which have done really well. I like flowers as well, we live in a flat with a roof garden but really it’s all concrete so it’s nice to have flowers. We have pattypans that are getting quite big now. I’ve over-planted courgette plants. Here are strawberry plants, they are the best strawberries I’ve ever ever had. Sweetcorn, kale, more courgette. I’ve bought a few plants from the Mind plot nearby. We’ve had a massive pigeon problem this year, like mafia, decimating everything. One of my neighbours who has been here for 30 years says they’ve never known a pigeon problem like it. The foxes poo everywhere, too, even on the bench. I’ve also grown broad beans, a herb patch, turnips, broccoli, purple sprouting, onion squash which I’ve never grown before and baby pumpkins. The crop I use the most is probably the rainbow chard and we eat loads of greens. We love the spring cabbage. I’ve grown a lot of new stuff this season. I wasn’t sure what to do with the kohlrabi but it’s like a turnip. Melons! We’ve grown a watermelon in the green-house which I’m really happy about and we’ve eaten two melons from in there, and cucumbers. I panicked at first when I got the plot - I didn’t want to take this plot on, it was wild, I didn’t know how we were going to do it but slowly over time we strimmed it down and my partner started building beds and we started buying palette collars and then it kind of… emerged. It’s the same that side, we don’t have a massive vision for it yet but we’re creeping into it bit by bit. We’re hoping to have a pond and more beds and flowers on this side. Everybody always said to me: take your time but we didn’t want to, we went berserk. I’m glad we did that but this year we’re falling into that advice more. When I’m down here I’m just enjoying it. It’s so peaceful. There’s so much to do but in another way there’s not a lot to do: you can’t be cooking, you can’t be hoovering, the phone’s not ringing. We see the plots as a really long-term project. Next door is going to be the fruit plot. We’ve inherited another big cabin, we want to make it all glass so we can see all of the plot. My partner has lots of plans for it. We want to keep this plot as more of a chilled out space, we want to keep the grass and walk in and feel like it’s a green space, as opposed to next door which is all square beds and cultivated. We’d like to have people down and have a shared space for mindfulness. It feels like a soft space here, there’s hardly any ego on the allotments. There are no billboards telling you who you’re meant to be. It has its own mini-culture. The only time we turned a few eyes is when we brought our kitten down on a lead!"
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weaknwanting · 3 years
was it really how you sing it, dear?
read on ao3 here
geraskier (duh), 6.1k (yikes!), fluff with only a tiny bit of angst, but happy ending of course. no warnings, gen audiences. mutual pining my beloved. this is the second part of my geraskier x songs series
In the months since the fight against Voleth Meir, Geralt has only gotten worse.
Sullen and grumpy, he stalks Kaer Mohren’s halls until he is certain that he will pull it down, brick by brick, unless he can get out. He feels restless and trapped, a horrible mixture for a man used to being free to go where he will, to do what he chooses. Even his fellow witchers get annoyed, try to get him to leave, as he’s doing no good to himself here.
It’s all because of Jaskier.
He had left, only a week after the fight. Hadn’t said even a word to Geralt, but slunk out the keep in the middle of the night. Geralt had woken to find his room empty, not that Jaskier had even brought much of anything to the keep in the first place. With Jaskier gone, the keep seemed to echo the thick silence. Even though Geralt was used to the quiet here, it was suddenly deafening. It seems that Jaskier had left his trace on everything, even the air and Geralt’s own feelings towards his home.
Geralt tried so hard not to think of Jaskier, and failed dramatically. They had hardly talked even after the battle, but Geralt couldn’t even point out the reason. There was a tension, and Jaskier never seemed to be comfortable talking with Geralt, but he would never say why, even when Geralt forced himself to ask. Geralt could not help his thoughts from straying to Jaskier, trying to understand where they stood, what he had done.
He knew that he had been cold to Jaskier, but he was preoccupied. He had Ciri to worry about, and Yennefer to be mad at, and brothers to mourn. And he knew damn well that he had needed to ignore Jaskier during the battle, to keep him safe. But he couldn’t convince himself that he had done nothing wrong, that he was not to blame. He should have tried harder, he knew, to talk to Jaskier, to thank him.
After a particularly rough day where Geralt had growled at Vesemir for trying to ask him what the problem was, he’d had enough. He packed up his swords, armor, and Roach’s supplies, loading it all in his saddlebags. He knew that Ciri would be fine – she was heavily immersed in her training with Yennefer, and was progressing well. She loved it, and knew just as well as anyone that Geralt was unable to be here any longer.
So, he left.
He traveled just as he always has, following stories of monsters ravaging villages and cities. He would go where he was pointed, killing anything he could find. It was easy, straightforward. There didn’t seem to be any complicated cases – no intelligent creatures simply causing havoc, no mages dodging his path.
His thoughts still stayed with Jaskier, but the action helped. There was not a lot of room for rumination and guilt while in the middle of battles with creatures three times his size who were trying to eat him.
At some point along his way, though, he started hearing whispers. Of the famous bard’s new songs, which were said to be some of his best. Yearning and heartbroken, they sang of an ardent but disasterous love. Geralt is sure that Jaskier has only fallen in love with another countess or prince and will soon be over his heartbreak.
Still, for some reason whenever he hears a snippet of one of the songs, or listens to villagers in the streets wail over Jaskier’s broken heart, he feels his own chest tighten and spine crawl. He tells himself it is lingering guilt over his treatment of Jaskier and nothing more. Certainly not jealousy or longing for something he has never known and held in his own two hands.
He doesn’t hear a full song for himself until he is recovering from a particularly tiring contract in the back of a dark and reeking tavern, tucked in a worn-out wooden booth. The beer flows loosely and it isn’t half bad. Geralt is content, as much as he can be with the constant sense of unease seated deep in his stomach and bones that has made his body a home since he left Kaer Mohren. Or has it been since before?
Some farm boy with scruffy hair has camped out in the tavern for as long as Geralt has been there, singing the songs of the famous troubadours who are rarely able to travel to small town taverns to sing. They are in high demand in courts, in the homes of lower nobles and in thriving cities, where the coin falls from pockets freely and in abundance. So the country singers take their place, carrying their songs farther than one person alone could reach.
Even Geralt can admit that the boy isn’t half bad. His voice is deep and flows around the words like water over rocks, tumbling and bubbling. Nothing like Jaskier, though. The emotion is missing; it’s in the words, but not in the air the way it is with Jaskier. A pang, in the heart again. Constant.
The boy finishes his drink and starts his next song, at the request of several girls clustered and tittering in the opposite corner of the tavern. They are surely too young for drink, Geralt thinks, but seem safe enough as a group. He always makes sure, when he is in places like this, to keep an eye on those who look like they might be easy prey to a hungry man deep in his cups.
I am so tied up in you, not like a slipknot, dear heart…
The lyrics fade in and out of Geralt’s awareness, and it takes him a while to register that this must be one of Jaskier’s newer ballads. He had heard talk of the term dear heart that seems to have made its way into Jaskier’s songs as a personal signature, and which has many of the girls in the corner sobbing straightway.
Who but I would wash your hair, humm,
when you are shot, dear heart?
He’s paying attention, now. It may be the only way for him to get a glimpse into Jaskier’s life since he has last seen him. Someone was shot? He thought he was the only one who ever got within reach of the elves with their deadly bows. The singer continues, crooning the words, low and steady.
For I could never hate you, even if I ought
Not even all the times we fought
Did you ever even care,
With your swords and your stupid hair?
I tried so hard to love you
But you did not seem to hear
For what do you yearn?
It must not be me, or else you would return
But know this, dear heart –
If I don’t make it back from where I’ve gone,
Just know I loved you all along…
The singer stills and breaths deeply, bowing and taking in his applause, thunderous in the small wooden building. The song, though short, echoes against the walls and remains in the tears on the checks of the girls and even some of the men.
Geralt is stunned, even though an observer would not be able to tell. He processes the lyrics over and over. How many people with swords does Jaskier know? Does he wash the hair of all of his lovers? Geralt didn’t think so. But he had done, for Geralt, a few times when he was too tired after a fight to even raise his arms. Jaskier had refused to share a little inn bed in the only room that they could get with Geralt when he even slightly smelt of selkiemore guts. So, he poured water over Geralt’s head until all the gunk was gone before rubbing soap all over his scalp and down his hair.
Maybe he does that for everyone.
Geralt can’t see past the song. He thinks of nothing else for weeks, finding himself getting injured more and more in fights when he is too slow to raise his blade. It is getting out of hand, to the point where a kikimora almost takes his foot off.
He knows what he has to do. He must seek out Jaskier, finally, and get some answers. He has to know if the song is about him. Geralt might be thick, but he isn’t that thick. The lyrics of that song are much too close to their own relationship to be a coincidence.
The song might be about him, easily – except Jaskier has never loved him.
How could he?
Surely, the song is about someone else. But then why does it contain elements that only fit if it is regarding him? It makes no sense, and he needs an explanation.
So, he searches. He follows the knowledge of the lords and nobles who say they have seen Jaskier, from Kagen in Sodden to Maribor in Temeria, all the way to Vattweir in Aedirn. Any hint of him, he follows. He doesn’t even quite know why at first, but he is starting to figure it out.
He wants the song to be about him. He wants the love poured out to be for him, even with the heartbreak. That, he thinks he can fix. He knows that he caused Jaskier pain, and that even though Jaskier might have some affection towards him, Geralt has caused him so much hurt that it might be dried up by now. But if he can fix that, and the love is for him…well, he will not live his life not knowing what he could have had.
Even if the song isn’t for him, Geralt has realized something, and it is too late to stuff it back into the little box in his chest. He has to tell him, even if it doesn’t change anything.
He loves him. At least, he thinks he does. He has never felt it before, so how does he know what it’s called? In any case, it certainly feels like something to write songs and ruin lives over.
Though he really hopes that last bit doesn’t happen.
Finally, after months of searching and only taking contracts whenever he is in the area, he finds him.
Where else, but in a tavern. Where it all started. Round and round in endless circles. Nothing that ever happens is new, no new stories are ever told.
Jaskier is singing, of course. Singing his heart out, it seems. The crowd is once again crying and laughing in equal measure, full of the emotions that only Jaskier seems to be able to draw out of people with his songs. He puts everything into them, holds nothing back. And the audience responds in kind.
Geralt only enters the door in time to hear the last few lines of a long song, based on Jaskier’s lack of breath. He had been directed to this establishment by a disgruntled innkeeper who said that Jaskier had been staying there the last few weeks, coming back even after the very last drinkers had turned in.
Ever a gentleman, the innkeeper said, but he would never stop composing and playing his lute even late into the night. He never brings people back with him though, apparently. Strange, for Jaskier.
The lines float through the air even outside the door, carried far by Jaskier’s emotions and powerful voice. It’s a different song than the one Geralt had heard, but the theme is the same. Craving and anguish and tenderness.
It wasn’t very long for us,
When you’re young it isn’t hard to trust
When we met I was too young to know
You should never trust a heart that slow
Can I sip the sunlight from your eyes?
It’s so tempting
But perhaps not so wise
But I wanted to, I wanted you
Oh Gods, I really did
He lets the last few strums of his lute sing out on their own, accompanied only by his breathing and the murmurs of the crowd. The moment his fingers lift from the strings the crowd bursts to life, applause and cheers raising to the dusty rafters. Jaskier accepts the praise graciously, with a tired bow and a hint of a smile.
Then he raises his head, and his smile disappears.
Their eyes meet over the crowd, cornflower blue and buttercup yellow over a wave of browns and greys. The brightest colors in the room, drawn to nothing else.
Geralt just stands where he is, frozen, hoping that Jaskier will not be able to resist coming to see why he is here, after so long and so indifferent a parting.
He is not disappointed.
Jaskier puts his lute in a case and leans it on the wall, his fingers visibly trembling even from this distance. He weaves through the crowd, bowing his head at the congratulations and thanks from those he passes. He ends up reaching Geralt after what feels like a million years.
“Um. Hi.”
Gods Geralt, really? ‘Um, hi?’ That’s all you got? Get it together!
But it’s hard for him to take his own brain’s advice. Some of Jaskier’s hair is pinned back in the front, and it is slightly longer than the last time they saw each other. His clothes are tighter fitting too, obviously a higher quality as a result of his recent popularity and the associated wealth. A deep yellow shirt with its laces slightly undone, and black trousers tucked into calf high boots.
Geralt swallows just a bit.
“I had to come find you. We have to talk.”
“Oh, do we?” There’s a little smirk on Jaskier’s face, but it is sad, too. Geralt has no idea what Jaskier thinks he is here to talk about, but it probably isn’t anything very good.
“Well, I have a room in an inn right around the corner. Shall we…go there?”
Geralt nods, not really sure what else to say. “Yes. That sounds…fine.”
“Good, I guess.” Jaskier goes to grab his lute from the corner and the small pile of coins that has piled up in the hat he left on the floor. Geralt’s fingers move slightly, reaching towards Jaskier and dropping when he has left Geralt’s space. He draws them back to his side and flexes them slightly, trying to force out their desire to feel Jaskier’s warmth against their tips.
They leave the tavern together in silence, neither of them sure what to say. Jaskier doesn’t know what Geralt is here to talk about, and Geralt doesn’t really want to start a conversation in the middle of the street, not when he isn’t sure how it will end. In heartbreak again, or happiness? A parting or a coming together? In any case, the street isn’t the place.
In the inn, Jaskier greets the innkeeper as he is settling another guest’s tab. The older man is bubbly and welcoming, asking Jaskier how his last performance was. Jaskier is grace itself, nodding his head and smiling along. Only Geralt can tell how forced it is.
“And you’re finally bringing someone back, I see!” The innkeeper tries to wink subtly at Geralt, but it entirely unsuccessful, and both Jaskier and Geralt can see the sly grin on his face.
“Well, something like that anyway” Jaskier mumbles.
They climb the narrow and creaky stairs to Jaskier’s rented room, the tight space finally allowing Geralt to sense Jaskier’s scent more clearly. Apprehension, definitely. Confusion and a bit of unhappiness, but no fear. Never fear, not at Geralt.
In the inn room, Jaskier places his lute in the corner and rummages around on his table a little.
“Well, it isn’t much, perhaps, but it is certainly better than places I’ve been in the past. I never really needed much, anyway. More than you, maybe, but I like the comfortable rooms, even if they are a little plain and maybe dinky. Less high maintenance than a lot of people, I’m sure.” He’s rambling, a sure sign that he is uncomfortable and feels out of his depth.
“So, um,” he clears his throat and fidgets a bit more. “Why are you here, Geralt? I thought you had Ciri to take care of, and I’m sure the other witchers really want you to be at the keep with them.”
Geralt shakes his head. “Not really. I was bringing them down. When I found that you left… I don’t know. I couldn’t act like myself anymore. I felt trapped there, in those stones. I was aggravating them.” Jaskier nods slowly, not saying anything, letting him go on. “And…I wanted to find you. Needed,” he corrects, “needed to find you.”
Jaskier huffs a little and raises his eyes to the wood ceiling through which a slight cool breeze is drifting. “Why? You never have before.”
Geralt acknowledges this with a dip of his own head. He has been thinking of what he was going to say to Jaskier for this whole time he has been searching, but now that they are here, he finds himself unsure of everything that he had planned.
He forces it out anyway. This is no time to be frightened, he reminds himself.
“Did you really love me? The way you wrote, in your songs. Or are they even about me?” The words are blurted out, almost too fast to be understood. He doesn’t ask or was that another exaggeration, another fabrication for the delight and fancies of your audiences?
Jaskier scoffs, looking down at his boots which scrape restlessly against the hard ground. “You were never meant to hear those. I thought…” He raises his eyes to the sky. Geralt notices that they are blinking rather fast. “Well, I thought that you wouldn’t be going into taverns much, without me to drag you there. So I wrote them thinking you wouldn’t hear them".
“Well, I did hear them. One, anyway. And now part of another. And I need to know, Jaskier, please. Were you singing…about me?”
For the first time since the tavern, Jaskier looks directly at Geralt. His eyes are glistening now, and Geralt has to tense all of his muscles to stop himself from closing the distance between them and pressing him to his chest. It’s been so long, and now that he is here with Jaskier the urge is almost irresistible. How did he ever withstand it before? He can’t stand seeing Jaskier upset, has never been able to stand it, and he knows that physical comfort is always able to make Jaskier feel better.
Knowing this whole time that Jaskier might be hurting because of him, because of his inability to stop from lashing out when he is frustrated or to say things when they need saying, has been slowly chipping pieces off him. A carpenter carving away at a block of soft wood. Hearing Jaskier’s songs, sad and broken and yearning. Chip chip. Remembering how Jaskier had left without a word, how Geralt had done nothing to keep him in Kaer Mohren. Strips of wood pulled off the log, pieces of Geralt’s heart piercing his ribcage.
Not anymore, though. Even just seeing Jaskier is slowly pulling his heart back together again. And Geralt knows that he will do his best to make this right, if he can. If Jaskier answers the question in the way that Geralt hopes he will.
Jaskier sighs loudly in response to his question, almost a groan. Geralt can pinpoint the exact moment where he gives up, gives in. Jaskier has never been good at not saying exactly what he feels and thinks, at withholding from giving Geralt a piece of his mind.
“What do you want me to say? That, yes, I was writing about you? That I knew you could never love me too, not because you aren’t capable, but because I’m me? That even knowing that couldn’t stop me from hoping, that maybe, maybe I was wrong? That I’m afraid I did love you as much as I wrote? That I’m afraid of how much I love you, what I would do for you? Fine. That’s all true. And more than that, too.
“I thought that the fact you never sent me away all those years meant that perhaps…perhaps you might have come to see me. To care for me. And then we went to Kaer Mohren, and you never spared me a second glance. So, I guess I was wrong. So I left.”
Geralt watches Jaskier take several deep breaths, wiping the streaky tears off his cheeks. He turns in circles a few times, once again trying to avoid Geralt’s eyes.
“You weren’t wrong.”
Jaskier’s head snaps up and he stills entirely for the first time since they have been standing here.
Geralt takes a cautious step forward, his hands itching to reach up to take Jaskier’s. He doesn’t, though. He is afraid that any movement too fast, too sudden, will scare him away. And Geralt isn’t sure that he could withstand spending even a second longer apart from Jaskier. The way he feels living without him…it’s like trying to catch a breath underwater, like trying to maintain balance on a highwire. Impossible and terrifying and not something he ever wants to do.
Letting him walk out of Kaer Mohren was the biggest mistake he’d ever made; he knew that now. Seeing Jaskier in front of him again makes him absolutely certain, more than he had ever been about anything.
“You weren’t...wrong. About any of it.”
Jaskier is trembling just a bit now, and he shakes his head vigorously. “No. You can’t do this to me, Geralt. Don’t you know the power you have over me? What your words do to me? If you say anything to me, and then walk away, I’ll shatter into a million pieces. And you won’t be able to pick me up again.”
He isn’t just distressed – he is angry, even. His voice grows rushed and loud, his hands moving rapidly around in the air.
“You do this, every time. Even if you don’t do anything, you pull me back in. And you make me think that it will be better, and that we are friends, even though you’ll never admit it. Or treat me like it! I do everything for you, and what do you do? Help me out at a banquet, sure, but then blame me for all of your own actions! As if I didn’t tell you to stay away from Yennefer from the moment we met her, as if I didn’t tell you to stay away from the dragon hunt, as if I was the one who made you ask for the Law of Surprise like an idiot!”
He’s pacing and breathing hard, his hands alternatively raking through his hair and wringing the bottom of his shirt. His eyes are wide and slightly crazed, and Geralt is quite taken aback. He knows this side of Jaskier, has been on the receiving side many a time, but it’s harder to know what to do about it when he is trying to tell Jaskier how he feels.
“I can’t keep coming back to you, Geralt. Not when you didn’t care enough to even talk to me at Kaer Mohren, not even after I brought Ciri – lovely girl, by the way – hundreds of miles to Kaer Mohren by myself. I didn’t even warrant a conversation or a glance! So forgive me if I won’t follow you around and sing your praises anymore. I won’t do that, when you will walk away again and again when you get sick of it. I mean, why are you even here?”
Now Geralt is the one shaking his head. “I won’t walk away. I won’t. Listen to me, Jaskier. You weren’t wrong, before. I did – I do. Care about you. Have for a long time, except I never knew it, or maybe just never knew how to say it.”
His hands twitch again, aching to close the few feet between them and touch every bit of Jaskier he can reach. He knows that his touch would make Jaskier crumble, that he would be able to convince him of his feelings without a word. But he owes him this, and more. Owes him every word in his heart, the ones he has only just started to find.
“The reason, in Kaer Mohren, that I didn’t look at you, or go to you to protect you, was because I knew how Voleth Meir works. She finds your weakness, the gaping wound in your heart, and she twists it, makes it hurt so badly, you would do anything to make it stop. That’s you, Jaskier.”
Jaskier has calmed down a little, still pacing a few steps but at least is listening to what Geralt has to say. His eyes are searching, peering into Geralt’s being like no one else ever has. It’s scary, how much he sees him. None of Geralt’s wounds or regrets are safe in the face of Jaskier’s gaze.
“You’re the wound in my heart, the one thing that has the most power to tear me wide open so that I could never be fixed. And you are most definitely my weakness. My biggest weakness. For you, to protect you, I would do anything.”
Jaskier is silent, not wanting to interrupt Geralt when he is finally spilling the thoughts and feelings that he has kept inside himself, that he has not known how to say. Jaskier would never stop Geralt from feeling, from connecting with another being.
“So, I had to pretend that wasn’t true. I had to ignore you, pretend that I didn’t care, and that you were nothing to me. I knew letting Voleth Meir know my...feelings for you, would be to sign your death warrant. She would use you, to get to me. Or she would draw the hurt from my heart, or yours, to kill us all. There was so much hurt, in my heart. And maybe in yours.
“I knew that if you got injured, in that fight, that I would never recover. I wouldn’t know where to go anymore, where to turn. In the past, I have always turned to you. What would I do, if you were gone? But I had to stay away from you, to trust that the others would protect you.”
Jaskier steps forward slowly while he talks, looking at him straight on with uncertain eyes.
“And then, all these months, I thought you were better off, that you would move past me. I thought me ignoring you would have been enough to force you away for good. And I was kind of happy about that – you would be safer than you could ever be with me.
“But Gods, your songs…” Geralt shakes his head again, eyes cast to the ground. “If I had known that you felt anything like...that, for me, I never would have let you go. I would have found the words, then, to tell you how I felt.”
“And how is that? How do you feel about me?” Jaskier is only a foot away now, his scent enveloping Geralt. Yet, he cannot for the life of him tell what it is. Hurt? Hope? Love? Despair, anguish, happiness, uncertainty? All emotions that Geralt is sure that he has caused Jaskier at one point or another.
Geralt finally sums up the courage, has enough hope that Jaskier will not flee from him, that he reaches out and touches his hand. Jaskier flinches just a little, but turns his hand up into Geralt’s, fingers pressing against the endlessly slow pulse of Geralt’s heart.
“I never thought you could love me. How could you, even a little? When you have seen every bad thing I’ve ever done, when you know how angry and snappy I can get? I’m dangerous, and I live a hard life, and I don’t know how to say things, not really.”
He fiddles with Jaskier’s sleeve. The fabric is soft and grounding. He can feel Jaskier’s pulse, beating hard enough to almost break out of his skin.
“I’ve killed….so many things. Been covered so thickly in blood you wouldn’t be able to tell my skin color. I inspire hatred wherever I go. And even if you liked me enough to be a friend…you could have so much, Jaskier, so much more than I could ever give you. Luxury and praise and everything you could ever need to make you the happiest bard on the Continent. As you should be.”
He takes another deep breath, raising his eyes from where his hand curves around Jaskier’s and focusing them on Jaskier’s eyes instead. They are a deep, ethereal color that you would be hard-pressed to find in the natural world. It is as if the only place this color exists is within Jaskier’s eyes.
A tiny smile forms on Jaskier’s lips. Geralt wants to kiss it until it grows, but he won’t. It isn’t his place, not now, not yet. He is here only to put everything he is at Jaskier’s feet and see what he will do with it.
So he does.
“You’re it, for me. You’re everything. You’re the soft bed and the warm water of the bath at the end of the night. You’re the cool breeze in the hot months, the whetstone to sharpen my sword, my connection to the world. You’re hope and goodness. I never saw the world as good before you. It was only ever pain and hatred; there was a desire to survive, but no reason to. And then you. I could never tell you everything you are, not if I lived until the sun burnt itself out and fell out of the sky. I’m sorry I never told you before. I don’t think I realized it, until you left me.”
He lets go of the breath he was holding, his lips raising into a smile in response to Jaskier’s grin. Jaskier brings their joined hands to his mouth, ghosting a kiss against the back of Geralt’s hand. His lips are soft, as of course they are, and they spread warmth through Geralt’s entire body from the skin they touch.
“And you are all of that to me, too. I did – I do – love you the way I wrote, the way I sang. And more, so much more than I could ever put into words, into song. The words themselves don’t exist, as you once said, quite rudely.
“Of course, the songs were about you. Everything I have ever written has been about you, in some way. Even when I hadn’t met you yet, my songs were about you. Were for you.”
He clears this throat. His eyes are still wet, but Geralt is pretty sure he isn’t sad anymore. He rubs small, slow circles into Jaskier’s palm, relishing the feel of his soft skin.
“But, dear,” Jaskier smiles, reassured by Geralt’s widening eyes and smile at the term.
“You mustn’t think those things about yourself. You, love, are everything good and pure and noble. And I’m sorry that the world makes you think anything else. You protect people who don’t deserve it, save hundreds of people for a pittance, without ever uttering a complaint. Who could blame you for getting angry or short tempered once in a while? I, in your position, would be the worst terror the world has ever seen, if I was treated as you are.
“So please, do not think those things. I will do everything I can to force those horrible thoughts out of your mind. I will make you see yourself the way I do. And try to get you to love yourself even a fraction of the amount that I do.”
Jaskier whispers now, breathing the words so that they can barely be heard in the still room. “I was hurt, after Kaer Mohren. I thought I was never anything to you. If I had been, you would have protected me. Not that I needed protection, mind you, but it’s just kind of…your thing. You protect people, especially the ones you love. I saw what you did for Ciri. And you didn’t do that for me.”
Jaskier stops Geralt’s protest by pressing their clasped hands to his lips to prevent them from moving.
“I know why, dear, now. It’s alright. I love you for what you did there.
“But even though I was hurt, I never let you go, not really. I’m not capable of it, I’m finding. I sing my songs to try and get you out of my system, but it never works. I still want you the same way I always do, maybe even a little more every day. And if what you said is true, then…”
Jaskier flits his eyes between Geralt’s bright eyes and his lips, back and forth and back again. His voice cracks a little when he speaks.
“But…I have to know. Why would you never say anything earlier? If you felt this? Take a chance…why push me away?”
Geralt hums. “Why didn’t you? I barely knew what I felt. How do you label the feeling of love when no one has ever inspired it before? When no one has told you what it feels like? And I was scared, of what it meant. If I said something, even just about my own confused emotions, and then lost you to my own stupidity or to something I couldn’t save you from, how could I handle it? So I did nothing. It was safer.”
Jaskier presses his forehead against Geralt’s, his breaths ghosting over his cheeks and lips, soft enough to barely be felt.
“But not better. Not happier.”
“No.” A deep inhale from Geralt’s throat, a huff from Jaskier.
“Definitely not happier”
Jaskier shifts forward, the lightest brush of lips against Geralt’s. It’s the crack of a firecracker and the chuckles at the end of a good spell of laughter, and so much more. It’s hope and trust and adoration.
It’s everything.
“Actually, you were wrong about a bit of it.”
“Oh, really? Tell me, dear witcher, dear heart, my darling, what exaaactly, was I wrong about?”
They have left the inn behind for the night, both of them feeling slightly claustrophobic in the tight room with no windows. Geralt is always more comfortable in nature, where he can keep an eye on Roach and breathe in the air freely. There are always too many human scents in buildings, anyway, and they throw him off.
He and Jaskier lay side by side under the stars atop path-worn bedrolls, placed so close as to be on top of the other. They touch along the sides of their bodies; boots bump together, thighs align and warm each other, fingers intertwine and glance along knuckles. The chirps of the crickets and Roach’s steady chewing of the grass are the only sounds in all the world.
“It wasn’t impossible for me to ever love you. It would be impossible for me not to love you. How could I not, when you are the only one who ever really saw me? And wanted me, sought me out when you could be anywhere else, were the only one who wasn’t thrown in my path by destiny? How could I ever escape loving you, when you took care of Roach and stayed with me even when my potions weren’t wearing off? I never knew what it was, that feeling, but I think it’s been there for a long time. Maybe it was there since I was born, and I was always looking for you to put a name to it. Even if destiny had no hand in it.”
Jaskier turns his head to look at Geralt, who has his eyes closed and the smallest smile on his lips. Content. Glowing under the moonlight like only he could.
“And I can’t believe you wouldn’t think I could love you, think that I could get over you in such a short time. A few months, really dear? Have you seen yourself? It would take the lifetimes of a million gods for me to get over you. Maybe not even then. Do you think I would care for just anyone’s horse, or wash anyone else’s hair? It’s only you, Geralt. Always, forever you.”
Smiles grow, fingers clasp, heads turn and press lips together. And it’s everything.
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Words: 12,601 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: pre-apocalypse Warnings: language (duh, it's me), violence, domestic violence A/N: This one got LONGGGGG woo! Protective, badass Daryl is just so. damn. good. Summary: Daryl has long had a crush on Y/N, a waitress at the local dive bar. When things start to go bad with her boyfriend, he suddenly finds himself solving problems for her.
Your name: submit What is this?
Your friend nudged you gently with her elbow as you started to move past her with your tray. “Hey. Who’s that?” she asked, nudging her head in the direction of the door. Two men had just walked in. They were regulars at the bar where you’d been a waitress for a long time. Your friend, however, had just started working there a couple days earlier.
“Oh, the Dixon brothers,” you said, skirting past her to load your tray up with the next round of drinks.
“Are they trouble?” she asked, giving you a sideways glance. You had to laugh at that question. The bar you worked at was a total dive and most of the clientele were unsavory characters. It was frequented by a lot of the biker gangs that road the highway causing trouble.
“Everyone in here pretty much is trouble,” you said, loading the row of beers on the bar top onto your tray.
“Even Mark,” she said, her tone dripping sweet because she knew it would annoy you. You rolled your eyes.
“Even Mark,” you agreed. You’d met your boyfriend at the bar while you were working. You hadn’t been dating that long, only about 3 months. He was a member of one of the biker gangs, but you’d grown up around people like him and the rest of the bar patrons your whole life. You were used to the whistles and catcalling and even the occasional ass-grabbery. Most of the time you felt perfectly safe at work with Charlie, the bartender, watching over things and quite frankly, most of the men tipped you generously. You just chose not to think about where they got the money. You didn’t come from any money at all, and you’d gotten a job as soon as you legally could to help your mom pay the bills. She had already been working two full-time jobs trying to keep your family afloat. Even before you’d been able to work officially you took every babysitting or lawn mowing gig you could find. Your dad was a good man, kind and loving, but an alcoholic. He’d had a work accident when you were just a baby and had chronic back pain from it. He was still young when he finally succumbed to his alcoholism.
And you’d just kept working.
“Well, that younger brother is cute,” your friend said, drawing your attention back to the two men who’d just walked in. “What’re their names?”
“Gimme a minute and I’ll introduce you,” you said. You rounded the bar and took the beers on your loaded tray over to a table of boisterous bikers and handed them out. By the time you got back up to the bar, the Dixon brothers had wandered over.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite girl,” Merle grinned at you, leaning his forearms on the bar. “Whatchu doin’ lookin’ that good up in here? You lookin’ to start a fight?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling at him. “Merle, you can knock off the sweet talkin’. It’s not gonna get you free booze.”
“Who said I even come in here for the booze?” he flirted shamelessly, shooting a wink at you. This time you did laugh appreciatively.
“Uh huh. Well, since you’re at the bar and not in my section, I can get away with ignoring you all night,” you joked. “Charlie will be glad to take your order.” You glanced at the younger Dixon brother who seemed to be quite purposefully keeping his eyes on his hands as he fiddled with a discarded beer top. “How are you, Daryl?” His blue eyes shot up to meet yours. “Doin’ alright?”
Daryl nervously licked his lips and nudged his nose up in a single nod. His heart was hammering away in his chest.
“Good. That’s good,” you said, giving him a wide smile. Daryl’s heart jumped. Fuck. He always felt completely out of control when you smiled at him like that. Half the time it shut down his ability to engage in any sort of conversation and seemed to make his body start malfunctioning. “Well, listen boys. This is my friend Rachel. She just started workin’ here a couple days ago so I expect you to go easy on her.” Rachel smiled at them and said hello. “This is Merle Dixon and his brother Daryl.” You caught sight of one of your tables trying to flag you down. “Merle is the one you need to watch out for. He’ll try his hardest to charm you right out of your skirt, even if it never works,” you joked. “Right, Daryl?”
The younger Dixon brother hardly responded, except that his blue eyes flickered up to your face again for a moment before you breezed away. He looked up again as Charlie wandered over and asked what the Dixons wanted to drink. But Rachel cut in with a smile.
“You’re busy, Charlie. I’ll get it,” she said. She was eyeing Daryl and he felt it, glancing up at her. She was definitely attractive and definitely interested in him from what he could tell, but Daryl was so hung up on you he couldn’t have cared less. “What can I get you?” Rachel asked, leaning on the bar top, giving him a small smile.
“Gimme a bourbon, honey,” Merle said. Daryl hadn’t responded. His eyes had wandered back over to you where you were chatting with a couple regulars in a booth nearby. Merle hit him on the arm.
“Just gimme a beer,” Daryl drawled, pulling his eyes off you.
The way the younger Dixon brother’s gaze was fixed on you wasn’t lost on Rachel. “Sure thing,” she said, setting about grabbing the drinks. She handed them out. “So, what kind of trouble do the two of you get up to?” Rachel asked. The question was directed at Daryl but he was staring down into his beer, apparently in deep thought about something, so Merle answered instead.
“Any and every kind,” Merle laughed.
Daryl’s eyes were on you again, flickering between glancing your way, watching you smiling and laughing, and staring back down into his beer. Rachel gave the two one final smile and parting look and rushed back over to her section where someone was flagging her down. Scribbling a few notes on her pad about the order, she happened to fall back into stride with you as you both headed up toward the bar area again. You had a break for a couple minutes and hung out by the window where the cooks sent the food out.
Rachel leaned up against the counter. “I think Daryl is taken,” she said.
You gave her a questioning look. “Really? Why? I’ve never seen him in here with anyone but his brother.”
Rachel laughed. “That’s not exactly what I meant.” You stared at her, puzzled, and she rolled her eyes at you. “Y/N, he can’t keep his eyes off you. I was trying to flirt with him and he barely looked at me.”
“What? No, come on,” you laughed. “They’ve hung around here for years and he’s never said anything. I mean, I was single for a long time.”
“That doesn’t mean anything! I saw the way he was looking at you,” Rachel said. “He seems a bit shy or something. It’s not a surprise he hasn’t said anything to you about it. And besides, now you’re dating someone.”
You shrugged. “Well, he’s—he’s just a bit quiet. I don’t think—”
Rachel turned as the cook slid out the food for one of her orders. “I’m telling you he’s got it for you. Bad.” She lifted her tray. “You’re in denial. Like you usually are when someone likes you,” she laughed. “Just trust me on this.”
As Rachel breezed away, you glanced back at the two Dixon brothers at the bar. Daryl was aimlessly spinning his beer glass in his hands, staring down at it, but a moment later he glanced up and his blue eyes caught yours. He seemed a bit startled that you were looking his way, and you offered up a small smile. Daryl gulped and ducked his head. A jolt of electricity ran through him again. Fuck. Now she’s dating someone, dumbass. Give it up. She doesn’t want you.
The rest of your shift was busy and there wasn’t much time to sit around and chat. Around dinnertime was usually when the most customers rolled in for a greasy pub meal and some alcohol to lubricate their boasting. Then the dinner crowd hung around and became increasingly more intoxicated. It was about nine when your shift was up and you pulled your apron off and stowed it behind the bar. Merle was playing pool but Daryl was still just leaned up to the counter, keeping to himself. You were about to engage him in some small talk when the door pushed open and your boyfriend walked in. He immediately spotted you and gave you a nod and a smile. You grinned back at him, grabbing your purse from underneath the bar. “Hey, I’ll see you later, Daryl!” you said brightly.
He nodded and managed to give you a small smile, really just one twitch up of one corner of his mouth. His eyes followed you through the bar and he watched over his shoulder as your boyfriend’s hands landed on your lower back and you arched up onto your toes to kiss him. Daryl felt a swell of jealousy in his chest and a hard pit form in his stomach. But he simply turned away and raised a finger to Charlie and asked for another beer.
Your boyfriend Mark walked you out into the parking lot and you stopped next to his bike. “Hop on. Let’s go home,” he said.
“I’m starving. I thought we were going to grab something to eat?” you asked.
“No, come on. Let’s go home,” he said.
You thought there was something a bit different in his tone but you brushed it off. He’d been riding all day. He was probably just ready to be done and wanted to relax. But a couple minutes later, you could tell something was definitely wrong. He was speeding far faster than he should be through town, especially with you behind him. You held tighter to him and leaned forward. “Babe, slow down a bit,” you said.
He didn’t. He took a turn fast and your stomach flipped at the feeling. “Seriously! What the hell are you doing? Slow down!” you yelled over the rumbling of his bike’s engine.
He still didn’t. It was like he was getting a kick out of your fear. If anything, his speed increased. Every turn he took you felt like the bike was about to skid out. You were getting pissed. “Slow the fuck down!” you demanded.
This time he did. But soon he turned into a parking lot and stopped completely. You released your hold on him and he climbed off. A second later he had a hold of your upper arm with a grip like a vice. “Ow!” you protested as he hauled you off his bike. You almost fell as he tugged, losing your balance as you lifted your leg over the bike. “What the fuck?!” you snapped at him, ripping your arm away and staring at him in disbelief.
“If you don’t like how I drive my own goddamn bike, you can fuckin’ walk home,” he growled angrily at you. He was glaring at you with some serious rage in his eyes.
Who the hell was this person? And where was the boyfriend you knew? That’s when you realized. You stared at him, your jaw dropping partially open. “Mark… are you—did you start using again?”
He stared defiantly back at you. “I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business.”
That was a confirmation if anything. You felt another swell of anger. He’d had substance abuse problems before you’d met but he’d assured you he was clean and was planning on staying that way. “Actually, I think it is my business,” you retorted.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. He marched over to his bike and opened the saddle bag, grabbing your purse out and tossing it to the asphalt carelessly. The contents spilled out and rolled on the ground. “Fuckin’ walk it off,” he said, hopping back on his bike and starting it again. You stared in disbelief as he roared away from you.
“Shit! What the hell?!” you yelled as the sound of his bike roared away. You sighed heavily and stared down at the items that had spilled out of your bag, crouching to collect them and stuff them back where they belonged. You straightened up and glanced around at the secluded and dark lot and deserted street. You could walk home, but it would take you a while and you didn’t particularly like the thought of being out where you were alone. You felt vulnerable, like you’d be the perfect prey for some passing scumbag. You hugged your arms across yourself and decided to walk to the nearest gas station and see if you could call someone to give you a ride. Your mind was spinning over what had just happened. He’s using again. Fucking great. You’d have to end it. That was that. After your dad, you steered clear of anyone with a substance abuse problem, and the personality change in Mark was already so apparent and immediate you knew things would, in all likelihood, just get worse.
You walked along the dark sidewalk, just hoping no one would come along and mess with you. It was only a few blocks to the nearest gas station and you fixed your mind on just getting there. You looked over your shoulder as you heard engines approaching and groaned internally. Please just let them ride past. But you could tell immediately that they were slowing. You kept your head down and just kept walking until you heard voices yelling back and forth over the rumble. Glancing over again you saw that it was Merle and Daryl Dixon.
Merle gave you one final parting glance and roared off but Daryl pulled alongside you at the curb and shut off his bike.
“Hey. Are ya okay?” he asked in that sweet southern drawl of his.
You glanced at the earnest expression on his face. His blue eyes were slightly narrowed as he peered at you and his brow was drawn down. You nodded. “I’m fine,” you said. But your tone didn’t even convince you.
“Ya shouldn’t be out here at night on your own. Thought ya were with yer guy,” he said, a slight question in his tone.
You shuffled your feet a little anxiously. “I was but—” you shook your head. “I’m fine. I’m just gonna walk to the gas station and see if I can call someone for a ride,” you said. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Mmm.” Daryl pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “I can give ya a ride. I ain’t got anywhere to be.”
You considered him thoughtfully for a moment. You had the overwhelming sense that you could trust him, and maybe it was the openness of his expression or the genuine tone of his voice. Normally you would have bucked at the idea of someone you didn’t know very well learning where you lived, but you’d known Daryl for years. At least, known him on some level. He never started trouble in the bar, although he often got sucked into it because of Merle. A lot of times Daryl was one of the few trying to break it up when it happened. Mostly it just seemed like he hung around with Merle for lack of something else to do. And, sure, sometimes he drank too much and he could be a little hotheaded, but you always had the sense from his rugged but quiet exterior that underneath he was sweet. He chatted with you shyly, asking questions about how you were and your life, but he never pried and he never acted inappropriately toward you or any of the other staff. Daryl Dixon had never once grabbed your ass and that was more than you could say for most of the regulars… Finally, after some consideration, you nodded. “Okay. That’d be great. Thanks,” you said.
He nodded, nudging his nose up. “Hop on.” His heart jumped as you accepted his offered hand for assistance and slid in behind him. It jumped again when he felt your arms lightly loop around him. “Where to?” You explained the route to your house and the bike roared to life underneath you. You held on a little more tightly as he pulled away from the curb.
Your mind was whirring over what you needed to do about Mark. You knew you wanted to end it but you had just witnessed how unstable he was at the moment. Lost in your head, it seemed like mere seconds when Daryl started to slow and you looked up and realized you were already home. The lights were on inside and Mark’s motorcycle was parked in the driveway. Daryl shut his bike off and you climbed off, straightening up at the curb and glancing at him. “Thank you. Really,” you said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I can’t even tell you how much I appreciate it.”
His blue eyes were soft on your face and one corner of his mouth twitched up as he nodded again. “S’nothin’. Anytime.” His eyes drifted over to the motorcycle in the driveway and that little smile faded. His brow furrowed as he glanced back at you. “Ya sure you’re alright?” He sensed there was something going on. Afterall, he’d seen you leave with Mark and yet there you’d been, abandoned on the side of the road…
You gulped. Your heart started racing. You hesitated for a moment. “Um… Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks again, Daryl.”
He had an uneasy feeling but what could he do? It’s not like he could invite himself to hang around. He chewed his bottom lip anxiously for a moment and then nodded. “Alright. I’ll see ya around,” he said, starting his bike up again. He watched you turn and walk up the drive and front walkway. At the top step you glanced back at him and waved. He nodded and revved the engine as you slipped inside.
_ _ _ _ _ _
When Daryl made it back to the shitty motel he and Merle were calling home at the moment, paid for with stolen credit cards and hustled pool money, Merle was kicked back on his bed getting high. Marijuana smoke was thick in the air.
“Oh, you’re back quick, baby brother,” he smirked. “You must be a two thrust and done kind of guy,” he said with a laugh and a goading smile.
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Merle,” he growled, not in the mood for his brother’s bullshit. He pulled his leather jacket off and tossed it down on the chair in the corner before flopping down on his own bed.
“You tellin’ me you didn’t bed that girl?” Merle said, sitting up. “You’ve been pining after that pretty little ass of hers for years. Why the hell did you offer to drive her home if you weren’t gonna fuck her? What the hell was in it for you?” Daryl’s jaw clenched and he glared at his older brother.
“You’re a worthless piece of shit, sometimes, ya know that? Why don’t you just shut the fuck up?” Daryl spat back at him. He flopped down on his pillow and turned his back on his brother. He could hear Merle laughing to himself again and then the volume on the TV clicked up. Daryl was glad to fall asleep, admittedly thinking about how you smelled a little like lavender and vanilla and remembering the feeling of your arms around his waist.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day, Daryl and Merle were back in the bar at the usual time. Your friend Rachel was behind the counter loading her tray with drinks, but as Daryl scanned the room for you there was no sign of you. Maybe you were on a break. He grabbed his usual spot at the bar and Merle was already sweet-talking Rachel again.
Daryl flagged down Charlie and ordered a bourbon. “Hey. Y/N on break?” he asked, hoping it sounded casual.
Charlie shook his head, grabbing a bottle and pouring Daryl’s drink. “No. She called in sick today,” he said with surprise. Daryl’s brow immediately furrowed.
“Sick?” he repeated. Charlie nodded and let out a laugh.
“I know. I think it’s the first time since she’s worked here,” he said. “Except the food poisoning incident a few years back,” he added with a laugh. “But, hell, we were all sick after that.”
Daryl nodded and mumbled a thanks accepting the drink from him. He couldn’t remember ever coming in and you not being there on a day you usually worked. He felt that hard pit form in his stomach again. The night before had seemed off to him in the first place. Seeing you walking alone along the road in the dark like that… What the hell? He knew the kind of people who moved through this little shit town. That wasn’t fucking safe. Your fucking boyfriend had been with you. Why had you been alone? And the way you’d answered him when he’d pressed you to make sure you were alright… you’d hesitated. Daryl downed his bourbon in one big gulp and flagged the bartender down again.
And now you weren’t in today. Your boyfriend’s bike had been in the driveway. He anxiously chewed on the side of his thumbnail. Maybe you really were just sick. But he had a feeling you weren’t. What the hell are you gonna do? Show up at her damn house like a fuckin’ stalker?. Daryl knew there wasn’t anything he could do and he hated that.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day Merle was sleeping off a bender so Daryl rode over to the bar alone. He didn’t even want a damn drink. He just wanted to know that you were okay. That annoying pit was still in his stomach. It was still early when he came in so things were slow and there were only a couple townies nursing beers in the corner. He sidled up to his usual spot at the bar. First glance around the room revealed you were conspicuously absent.
“Daryl. What can I get you?” Charlie asked, wiping down the bar top purely out of boredom.
“Just gimme a beer,” Daryl said, tossing a few bucks down. “Shit. Hold that for a minute. I gotta take a leak,” he drawled. He headed down the hallway that led to the restrooms and took a piss, deciding he needed a fucking smoke before he went back for his drink. He was trying to ignore the anxiety swirling in his stomach that you weren’t at work again. He pushed through the back door, digging in his pocket for his lighter, but he glanced up when he sensed someone standing nearby. “Hey,” he said, realizing it was you. You were leaned up against the wall, a lit cigarette dangling between your fingers. You seemed almost to shrink away when he noticed you. “I didn’t know ya smoked,” he said surprised.
You exhaled, your knee bouncing a little anxiously. “I don’t. Usually.” Your body language was closed off, entirely unlike you.
As Daryl looked at you his unease grew and was quickly replaced with the seeds of anger. You had sunglasses on and it seemed like you were purposely trying to keep your face turned slightly away from him. His eyes landed on a bruise on your upper arm and he stepped toward you, eyes narrowed. “Ya weren’t sick yesterday,” he said. He could clearly see individual finger marks bruised into your arm.
You kept your eyes turned down toward the pavement and took another drag on your cigarette. You could feel Daryl’s strikingly blue eyes scrutinizing you now. What the hell could you say?
He moved slowly, like he was worried he would startle you, but soon he was in front of you and you couldn’t avoid his eyes any longer. There was a split in your lip and it was a bit bruised and puffy. That seed of anger in Daryl’s chest burst into a flame. “What happened?”
You pulled your eyes away from his, grateful that they were still hidden behind your sunglasses because you could feel humiliated tears burning in them. “I’m fine.”
Daryl wanted nothing more at that moment than to lift your chin and look you over, put his hands on you gently the only way someone should. But he stopped himself and sighed and shook his head, leaning back against the wall beside you and finally lighting his cigarette, casting sideways glances in your direction. “He put his fuckin’ hands on ya,” he said softly. There was a growl in his voice.
You gulped.
“What the hell happened?” he pressed again. “I knew somethin’ was off when I dropped ya off. I could fuckin’ feel it. I shoulda—”
“No, you did plenty,” you said, straightening up. “It’s not your problem.” You finally lifted your sunglasses and put them up on your head, turning to look at Daryl. Now he could see the swollen puffiness and bruising around your eye and cheekbone. He thought there was a shadow of a bruise over the bridge of your nose too. You’d clearly tried to lessen the appearance with makeup but it was still very obvious in the bright sunlight.
Daryl felt another burning wave of rage. “He done this to ya before?” he asked. Now he was wondering how many days you’d been at work with fresh bruises hidden beneath your clothes. If he had known—
You shook your head. “No. No… He—he started using again.” You sighed and leaned your back against the wall. “He was driving all crazy when we left the other night and we had a fight about it and he threw me off his bike and left me there. That’s why I was walking out there alone when you spotted me. I knew he’d started using immediately. I’d never seen him like. He was like a different person.” You ground the butt of your cigarette out against the brick wall and tossed the it into the dumpster a few paces away. “After you dropped me off I confronted him about it. I told him I didn’t want him around me or in my house. He denied it and then got angry… I—I just got out of there and ran to my neighbor’s and she called the cops.” You couldn’t find it in yourself to look at Daryl. You felt humiliated and ashamed of the whole thing. “They arrested him,” you said, scuffing a shoe on the ground. “So, that’s that.”
“Shit, ‘m sorry,” Daryl drawled. “I wouldn’ta left ya there if I’d known—”
You let out a wry laugh and caught his blue eyes. “Yeah, well… I wouldn’t have had you leave me there if I’d known. But there was no way to know he was going to hit me and—” The sight of the bruises on your face sent a jolt of anger through Daryl every time he looked at them.
“Ya don’t deserve that. ‘M real sorry ya went through it,” he said again.
There was a softness and heavy regret in his voice and it caused your eyes to flicker up to meet his again. You nodded. “Thanks.”
“So, the prick is in jail?” Daryl asked. You nodded. “Good,” he said, tossing his cigarette down and grinding it under his boot. “And he best be glad for it ‘cuz if I see him around here I’mma kick his ass.”
You shook your head at him, a questioning look on your face.
“What?” he prompted.
Maybe Rachel was right. Maybe Daryl Dixon was taken. “Nothing,” you said, shaking your head. “Probably should get back,” you said. Daryl pulled the door open for you and you both breezed back inside.
Things returned to normal for a few days after that. Same old regulars, same old drinks, life went on. But since Daryl’s obvious care and concern for you and Rachel’s comments you were suddenly noticing how you seemed to blush so easily around him… And every time you caught his blue eyes your heart jumped a little in your chest. Maybe it had always been that way and you were just allowing yourself to notice it. You’d always thought he was sweet and handsome, but nothing beyond that had been on your radar. Now that you were tuned in you seemed to be picking up on frequencies you hadn’t registered before.
One day you rushed into the bar, running late and obviously a bit harried. Charlie shot you a look as you tied your apron on. “I know! I know… I’m sorry,” you told him. “My car is on the fritz. It keeps overheating and—anyway, I’m sorry. I’m here,” you finished, grabbing your order pad and a pen.
Merle and Daryl were sitting in their usual places at the bar and you could feel the younger Dixon’s bright blue eyes on you. “Hey—I—I can take a look at it if ya want,” Daryl drawled, looking a little abashed that he was offering.
“Really?” you asked, perking up immediately. “That would be—amazing. Honestly, I can’t spare the cash at the moment to take it to a shop and—”
“‘S’no problem,” Daryl said, spinning his beer glass in his hand and ducking his head again. “Ya just say when.” You grinned widely at him and his heart fluttered.
“Thank you so much. Um, do you have any time tomorrow afternoon? I’m off work.”
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod. “Ya. Sure.”
“Great. Thank you, Daryl,” you said.
Merle watched the exchange with some interest and then got that usual cocky smirk on his face. “Well, why don’t I come by too? While my baby brother services your car, I can help service somethin’ else,” he said, his tongue darting out to lick over his bottom lip. He chuckled at the sassy and disapproving look on your face in response.
“Keep dreaming, Merle,” you retorted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Oh, I will, darlin’.”
The bar was busy that night, but you still found yourself talking with Daryl whenever you had a spare moment. He seemed to be a little less shy the more you spoke, and you found yourself smiling and laughing more than you could remember in a long time. And it was becoming very difficult to ignore those pesky butterflies in your stomach and that warmth in the apples of your cheeks as you talked with the handsome biker and caught his blue eyes.
That night you had trouble sleeping, and as you tossed and turned you couldn’t stop thinking about Daryl and were finding yourself anxious with anticipation for the next afternoon when he said he’d come by. He’s just being nice. Don’t read into it. You had this nasty habit of talking yourself out of thinking anyone was interested in you. Rachel was good at calling you out on it. You subconsciously bit your bottom lip and rolled to your other side. But maybe he really was interested in you… You were realizing you were definitely interested in him.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The sound of a motorcycle rumbling up in front of your house and then going quiet brought you to the front window. You peeked out and saw Daryl climbing off his bike. Your heart jumped.
He watched you breeze out onto the front walk and the smile you were giving him was intoxicating. You shoved your hands into your back pockets a little nervously and met him on the driveway. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he said, shifting his weight anxiously from one hip to the other. You were just in jeans and a t-shirt but Daryl still thought you were the most beautiful goddamn thing he’d ever seen. “This the problem car?” he asked, jutting a finger the direction of your car.
You nodded. “Yep. I swear I can’t go two blocks without the damn thing overheating,” you explained.
“Hmm,” he hummed, walking around to the front end. “Pop the hood,” he murmured. You walked around and opened the driver’s side door and pulled the hood latch. Daryl lifted it and was immediately bent over the engine, already peering at this part and wiggling that. You came around to stand beside him and Daryl was finding it hard not to glance over at you.
“Thanks again for doing this,” you said. “You really didn’t need to offer.”
Daryl shrugged. “‘S’nothin. Can’t have ya breakin’ down. That ain’t safe,” he said.
You felt a rush of heat in your chest at his protectiveness. “Well, can I at least get you a beer or something while I totally take advantage of your free labor?”
Daryl turned and one corner of his mouth twitched up. Ugh. Your heart jumped at that boyish smile. “It’s yer day off. Don’t ya think ya’ve brought me enough drinks over the years? We ain’t at the bar.”
You laughed lightly and shrugged. “I don’t mind. It’s literally the least I can do.”
“Ya gonna have one? I ain’t a fan of drinkin’ alone,” he drawled. You nodded. “Alright. Sure.”
“Great,” you smiled. “I’ll be right back.” When you came back with two cold beers in hand, Daryl was leaning over the engine compartment in deep concentration. You allowed yourself to notice his broad shoulders and strong, toned arms and found yourself subconsciously biting your bottom lip again… Your face flushed. You practically needed to shake yourself out of it. “Here,” you said, offering him one of the beers.
He straightened up and accepted it with a nod. “Thanks.”
You leaned over the engine and peered down at what looked to you like an unknowable mass of metal. “Any luck yet?”
He took a swig of his beer and shrugged. “Well, your radiator seems fine. Coolant level is good, no signs of a leak. Might be a bad water pump. Or could be a few other things I’ll check.”
“I’m just hoping for something cheap and easy to fix,” you said with a laugh.
One corner of Daryl’s mouth twitched up again. He loved your laugh. He never got tired of hearing it. “Ya, I got my fingers crossed for ya too.”
“So, how’d you learn all this stuff? Your dad teach you or something?” you asked curiously.
“Nah. My old man pretty much only ever taught me what not to do,” he muttered, leaning on the edge of the engine compartment and ducking his head a bit.
You felt your heart sink. You sensed something vulnerable there, something painful. “Mmm. I see. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I—”
Daryl’s eyes immediately shot up to your face. “Nah, ya didn’t pry. S’alright.” His blue eyes were still fixed on your face and Daryl let himself drink in the sight of you in this new context. It felt so comfortable, so natural just talking with you, even when he neared things he never revealed to anyone. He wasn’t used to that, but he could get used to it. “Nah, I taught myself. Mostly trial and error. There’ve been times I’ve had a whole lotta nothin’ to do so,” he shrugged.
You nodded, your eyebrows lifting. “I’m impressed,” you said.
He shyly ducked his head again, hoping you wouldn’t see a red flush in his ears and cheeks as he felt them grow warm. “Pfft. It takes that little to impress ya?” he joked.
“No! Come on! Give yourself some credit! I mean it! I have absolutely no mechanical mind at all. As far as I’m concerned, an engine is a magic device that runs on belief,” you laughed shaking your head.
“Nah, c’mon. It ain’t that complicated. The engine just converts energy from the burning gasoline into work. That’s what turns the wheels. You’ve got the cylinders, right? See, your car here is a 4 cylinder. There’s a piston inside each of those cylinders that moves up and down and it’s connected with a rod to the crankshaft and that’s what turns the driveshaft which makes the wheels go. The pistons move down when oxygen and fuel are mixed and ignited. Cuz the gases expand, right?”
You stared at him blankly for a moment before a wide smile grew on your face and you laughed. “Listen, I understood everything you just said in principal but—” you shrugged vaguely, “if you asked me to explain it back in two minutes it’d already be out of my brain. Just let me be impressed with you,” you said.
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod, an amused look on his face. You thought maybe his cheeks were even a little pink as he took a swig out of his beer and turned back toward your car. “Alrigh’. I’ll try,” he said. “Ain’t used to nobody being impressed with my dumb ass.”
“Hey! Dumb ass should never be applied to you!” you argued, giving him a stern look.
“Mmm.” He ducked his head again and tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat at your words. “Your house, your rules, I guess,” he drawled.
You leaned over the engine next to him again. “That’s right. Now please fix my damn car,” you said with a laugh.
And Daryl did just that. By the time he was wiping his hands on a red rag that had been dangling out of his back pocket and putting the tools away, you were shocked to see that the afternoon was gone and it was now officially evening. You’d stayed on the driveway with him the whole time, talking easily about everything and nothing at all, not noticing how the hours slid by. “I don’t even know how to thank you for this,” you said as he shut the hood. The handsome biker shrugged.
“Ya don’t need to. S’nothin’.”
You sighed and gave him a look, shaking your head. “You really are way too modest.” Daryl ducked his head shyly and shrugged again. “Well, it’s getting late. Um, did you want to stay for dinner? I was gonna cook something.”
He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed it anxiously for a minute, hardly believing you’d just offered that. He wanted to say yes, but part of him talked back. She’s just bein’ nice. She feels obligated… “Nah, thas alright. Ya probably are sick of me by now,” he said finally.
You shook your head again. “Except I’m really not, Daryl.”
His eyes snapped over to your face and he hesitated again but his nerves got the best of him. “Nah, thanks but—I should go. Gotta check up on Merle, ya know?”
You nodded but couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “Sure. Okay. Well, hey, raincheck then. You can come over some other time. I’m a good cook,” you said. “I mean, when is the last time you had a homecooked meal?”
“Uhh—” He tried to remember if he’d ever had one…
“That’s too long,” you said. “You just say when and we’ll make it happen.” You gulped and touched him lightly on the arm. His blue eyes left your face and flickered down to the point of contact between the two of you. It was electrifying and when your fingers slipped from him, he really wished they wouldn’t. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Daryl, thanks again. I really mean it. Now I won’t piss Charlie off tomorrow. I’ll actually be on time again.”
“Yeah. No problem. I’ll see ya,” he said, gathering the small bag of tools he’d brought over.
You grinned at him and felt your cheeks color. “I hope so,” you said. He gave you a somewhat baffled look and shyly murmured another goodbye. You watched as he climbed on his bike and sped away. The last thing you caught sight of were the angel wings on the back of his jacket and you thought of how wonderfully fitting that was. Even if Rachel was wrong and Daryl wasn’t taken with you, you were starting to realize you were now completely taken with him. And you didn’t know how you hadn’t seen it before.
_ _ _ _ _ _
The next day at work started off insanely busy. Customers seemed to be coming in earlier than usual and you were slammed far sooner than you expected with food and drink orders. But after an initial rush, things slowed way down, and that was about the time that the Dixon brothers wandered in and took their usual seats at the bar.
Daryl looked for you immediately out of habit as he walked in and was surprised to meet your eyes which were already on him. You broke into a small smile and Daryl’s heart jumped. As soon as you could, you came over to say hello.
“Hi,” you said with an even wider grin, leaning on the bar top.
“Hey,” Daryl returned.
Merle was looking between the two of you, noting the smiles and intense eye contact. He laughed. “You two do more than fixin’ a car yesterday or what? Huh?” He nudged his elbow into Daryl hard, whose jaw clenched. The younger Dixon gave his older brother a look which could properly be described as a death glare.
“Shut the fuck up, Merle,” Daryl growled.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you said to Merle, straightening up, shooting him a smirk.
“Ahh, come on. I’m just teasing you. I know my baby brother ain’t really man enough to—”
“You know, I think I know what you were about to say and I’m gonna tell you I have a very hard time believing that to be true,” you interrupted, leaning toward Merle over the counter, your voice taking on a tone that was soft but dangerous. “I think you might need to reevaluate who the real man is between the two of you.” You straightened up and shot Daryl a warm look that made his throat constrict. “Be nice,” you scolded Merle, “or I’ll ignore you for good. You’ll be stuck listening to nothing but Charlie’s same stupid jokes.”
Daryl watched in disbelief as you breezed away across the bar and he tried to gulp at the tightness in his throat.
Merle was staring after you too, obviously looking you up and down, and he let out a low whistle. “She’s way too good for you, little brother.”
Daryl nervously ran his tongue over his bottom lip and simply let out a hum of acknowledgement. Don’t I fucking know it.
Since things were so slow, you had plenty of time to chat with Daryl at the bar. Merle eventually wandered away to play some noisy rounds of pool with some fellow bikers and you were glad for his absence. Daryl was so much more relaxed without his brother sitting beside him and making snide or sarcastic comments…
“How are ya doin’?” Daryl asked pointedly. “I mean since… ya know, that night. Ya gotta go to court?”
You avoided his eyes now, feeling that same wave of shame cresting again as you thought about your asshole of an ex-boyfriend and what he’d done to you. “Not sure yet,” you said. “I think the lawyers are still doing their legal maneuvering. Depends on if he pleads guilty or not.”
Daryl felt suddenly anxious about broaching such a sensitive topic with you. Yeah, that’s what she wants to think about, dumbass. “‘M sorry. I shouldn’ta asked. Ain’t none of my business,” he said urgently.
“No! No, it’s okay! I, umm, I appreciate it actually… It’s—I’m okay,” you said. “I feel safe knowing he’s in jail.”
“Mm,” Daryl agreed with a nod. “They get… evidence? He gonna stay there ya think?” He was seized by a sudden and unexplainable intense worry. He knew plenty of asshole men like your ex and most of them didn’t give up easily and they didn’t take any perceived slight lying down.
“Well, I had to go to the police station afterwards and give a statement. They took pictures of everything. And I went to the hospital, so they have the reports…” You trailed off for a moment. “They got statements from my neighbor who called 9-1-1.”
Daryl nodded. “If ya ever need anything, ya just gotta ask,” he said seriously.
He watched the worry on your face soften as you nodded. “Thanks, Daryl.” God, he loved the sound of his name leaving your lips.
Your shift was over and you gathered up your purse from the back and dropped off your apron and order pad behind the bar, saying goodbye to Charlie. Daryl was still sitting up at the bar and Merle was playing pool, so you were glad to have a brief exchange with the handsome biker again without his obnoxious older brother around. “Well, I’m exhausted,” you said. “At least I can go out to my car and know it’ll get me home without a problem now.”
Daryl nodded. “Can’t have ya broken down somewhere this time of night. ‘Specially by yourself.”
“Right. Well, I’ll see ya, Daryl. And I mean it about that homecooked meal!” you said with a smile.
He nudged his nose up in a nod and watched you disappear through the door into the parking lot. He raised a finger to the bartender. “Gimme a double whiskey.”
Charlie was just sliding the drink over when Daryl thought he heard something from the direction of the door and he spun on his stool. It looked like someone had partially opened it, but nobody came in and nobody had gone out and the door slammed closed. He stared at it intensely for a moment, unsure why the hairs on the back of his neck were suddenly standing on end. Probably just the wind or something…
It was just then that he heard a scream from outside in the parking lot and Daryl was immediately on his feet and out the door. He saw red as he took in the scene. Your fucking douchebag, abusive ex was trying to force you into a car and you were struggling with him, fighting as hard as you could. Your purse was on the ground beside your vehicle a distance away and Daryl could see drag marks in the gravel where he’d obviously surprised you and dragged you away. He had a firm grip on your upper arm and with the other hand had a fistful of your hair. You were struggling with everything you had, yelling and fighting, but he was a lot bigger than you. It was a battle you would have lost, despite your tenacity.
But Daryl was a blur of action. Rushing him, he swung a fist and punched him hard across the face. You fell hard to the ground as his grip on you disappeared completely. You scrambled up and out of the way as best you could, but you were dazed and having trouble breathing through your panic. You suddenly realized that there were terrified tears pouring down your face. You were trembling.
Daryl was pulling Mark up by the front of his jacket and slammed his fist into his face again. Your ex dropped to the ground hard. He was still on the ground when he kicked Daryl in the shin, knocking him off balance. Daryl landed on his back in the dirt. “Mark, stop!” you screamed. You watched in horror as Mark pulled out a knife, the same one he’d told you he had when he jumped you, the same one you had briefly felt in the small of your back as he demanded compliance. Mark started moving toward Daryl’s prone figure. You felt your face blanche completely. But Daryl was faster and a better fighter and he was back on his feet in no time, keeping clear of the knife as Mark swiped toward him with it. Charlie and the other bar patrons had come out to see what was happening and the bartender had rushed back inside and was now on the phone with 9-1-1. You were screaming at Mark, trying desperately to reason with him, but he might as well have been totally deaf for all the attention he paid you.
Daryl took an opportunity and knocked him back on his ass again with a good punch and then kicked the knife out of his hand. It skidded away on the gravel and you breathed some small sigh of relief. Daryl landed over him and was punching him repeatedly in the face as police lights flashed brighter and sirens droned louder. The cops had arrived. “Daryl!” You rushed forward. “Daryl, stop! It’s okay!” You grabbed his shoulder and he immediately froze, fist cocked back, knuckles bloodied, chest heaving. Another moment and there were cops rushing over and pulling him away. One officer immediately led you a short distance away and you watched helplessly as both Daryl and Mark were put in handcuffs and then taken away in squad cars practically before you registered what was happening. “Wait—he didn’t—No, it was Mark. He—Daryl was protecting me! He—he tried to take me and—" You were trying to explain, trying to get the words out but it was all jumbled and rushed.
“Ma’am, slow down. Take a breath! Slow down! Okay. It’s okay,” the officer coached you.
“It wasn’t his fault!” you said urgently. Just then an ambulance pulled up and the EMTs jumped out. They raced over to you and you could tell by the looks on their faces that you must be a mess, red-faced and crying. You had no idea that you were bleeding from a laceration in your forehead where Mark had bashed your head into the car as he tried to force you inside. You had no idea that your neck looked raw and red, already revealing broken blood vessels and the obvious start of bruising from his hands around your throat. There was almost a visible hand impression on your upper arm where he’d grabbed you. “You—you took both of them but Daryl didn’t—”
The officer and the EMTs continued trying to calm you down. You glanced over your shoulder and noticed that most of the patrons had skipped out as soon as they’d heard the sirens, or perhaps as soon as Charlie had run for the phone. There were only a couple left and of course Charlie as well being questioned. You rounded on the cop again. “Just take me down to the station! I’ll give you a statement and then—then you have to let Daryl go! He didn’t do anything wrong. He saved me,” you gasped, the full weight of what had happened still not hitting you.
“Ma’am, you need stitches,” one of the EMTs told you gently. “Come on. We need to go to the hospital.” His partner pushed the cop back who was intent only on questioning you.
It was like all of a sudden, the adrenaline in your bloodstream vanished and you were exhausted and the pain started to set in. You glanced back over your shoulder and met Charlie’s eyes, he nodded and gave you a worried look before you turned back to the cop and the EMTs. “My—my purse is—” you gestured to where it was lying beside your car.
“We’ll have someone bring it to you after we get photographs, okay?” the cop said. You allowed yourself to be guided into the ambulance, shock starting to set in.
The doctors in the ER wouldn’t let the police question you while they patched you up and you were grateful for that. Besides, there was no chance of what had happened fading in your memory. To the contrary, every bit of it was burned in your mind despite how fast it had all happened. But you needed a goddamn minute to process it. He was out. How the fuck was he out of jail? And why the fuck hadn’t anyone warned you? You’d just stopped beside your car, ready to put the key in the lock when something hit you hard in the head from behind and you remembered dropping to your knees, stunned and with black vision. You’d heard his voice and made a break for the door into the bar. You’d actually gotten your hand on the handle and pushed but you were grabbed and pulled back violently. And then you’d just fought as hard as you could, tooth and nail. You knew if you got into that car, there was a good chance you were going to end up dead. He wasn’t in his right mind.
It was hard to believe this was the same Mark you’d been in a relationship with. He’d never been the least bit violent toward you, but the drugs… as soon as he started using again, he was a different person. But even then, even after he’d beat you up, you never would have expected this.
Once you’d been treated and released at the hospital, you found yourself sitting in the police station with a little Styrofoam cup of tea clutched between your hands, and some cop’s coat draped around your shoulders. The interview room was uncomfortably cold, but the numbness of shock and disbelief superseded the sensation of the chill air, though you were vaguely aware that you were shivering.
A detective came in and sat across from you at the little table and you looked up at him as he settled into his chair. He sighed heavily and leaned forward, readying his pen over his notepad. “I’m Detective Peters,” he said, checking his watch. “It is Thursday, April 28th, and 10 minutes past 11.” You’d given a statement just days earlier. You knew how this worked. You knew he was marking the date and time for the recording that the little, inconspicuous camera up in the corner was taking. “Alright, Y/N. I’m really sorry to see you again so soon under these circumstances.” He was the detective who was handling your domestic violence case too.
“Yeah, well, so am I,” you said, gritting your teeth a little. The numbness receded a little and was replaced by anger. “How the fuck is it that he was out of jail? He tried to kill me. How was he out? And why didn’t anyone contact me?” you demanded.
“He bonded out. And, yes, I’m sorry… we should have notified you. But we never considered him to be this much of a danger.”
“You never considered him to be this much of a danger?” you repeated incredulously. “We discussed a protection order. I don’t think that implies that everything is peachy.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He paused. “But we need to go over everything that happened tonight and get a statement from you.”
“I’ve already been questioned three times,” you said, exhausted and exasperated. “Why did you arrest Daryl? He saved me. He’s the reason I’m sitting here right now instead of being… I don’t know, maybe dead in a ditch somewhere. Are you still holding him? Is he still here?”
“It was chaos when the officers got there. We need to get everyone’s statements to sort this all out, okay? We didn’t know who was the aggressor or—”
You sighed heavily and shook your head. “Fine. Let’s just do the statement.” You walked him through everything that had happened and consented to have more pictures taken of your injuries; the laceration on your scalp, the bruises around your neck, the handprint on your arm, the scrapes and bruises and cuts on your knees. By the end of it you were so tired you weren’t seeing straight, but the detective stood up and you glanced up when you sensed he was looking down at you.
“Wait here just a few more minutes. I’ll be back,” he said. He left you alone in that little room again and you slumped forward, resting your head on your arms at the little table, completely spent and hurting all over. You weren’t sure how much time had passed when Detective Peters came back in.
“Y/N? Follow me,” he said. You obeyed and walked blindly after him through the station until he unlocked a heavy metal door and pushed through into a room lined with a couple holding cells.
You perked up and breezed past him, scanning the room for Daryl immediately. He jumped up from where he’d been slumped on a metal bench in one of the cells as you rushed over to him. He met you at the bars. “Are you okay?” you asked him urgently. You ignored the twinge in your forehead from your stitches as you furrowed your brow.
“Me? Are ya kiddin’?” he drawled, peering down at you with nothing but concern. “Are you?” His stomach twisted at the sight of your injuries.
You knew you couldn’t get any words out through the bubble of emotion caught in your throat so you only nodded. The clinking of keys behind you drew your attention and you stepped back as Detective Peters moved forward. He slid a key into the heavy lock and turned it, sliding the cell open and gesturing to Daryl that he could exit.
“I’m sorry about throwing you in here,” the detective said. “Everything in your statements matches up, so you’re free to go, with my thanks.” He extended a hand toward Daryl who eyed it with distaste for a moment.
“I don’t want yer thanks. I want ya to do a goddamn better job. This was too fuckin’ close. Never shoulda happened,” he spat. The detective looked regretful and nodded, dropping his hand back to his side.
“Daryl,” you said softly, gently grabbing his arm, trying to reroute the conversation. You were just grateful that he was no longer in a cell. Daryl’s eyes met yours and his expression softened immediately.
Detective Peters sighed. “I’ve got one of my guys waiting to drive you both home. Y/N, they have your items for you up front too. Again… I’m really sorry. But I can assure you that Mark won’t be getting out anytime soon after this.”
“The fuck is wrong with the damn laws? Girl almost had to die before ya’ll got up off your asses,” Daryl spat angrily again. You gently touched his arm again and he relaxed some, glancing down at you and sighing.
As you were settling into the squad car to be driven home, Daryl felt your eyes on his face and he glanced over and took in the wide-eyed expression underneath the fresh stitches and bruises. “Hmm?” he prompted you.
Your heart pounded in your chest. “Could I—I’ve got no right to ask you for anything after what you’ve already done but… could I ask you for another favor?” you said quietly.
Daryl stared back at you intently, feeling suddenly nervous under your eyes. If you’d asked him for the moon at that moment, he would have fucking figured out how to give it to you. He nodded. “Course.”
You wrung your hands nervously. “I’d feel better if—if you’d stay at my place tonight. I know it isn’t rational and that he’s—he’s locked up but I’d feel safer. But if that’s too much to ask I completely understand. You’ve already done more than enough and I—”
“Ain’t no problem. I’ll stay,” he said simply. You thought of him as safety. He didn’t think anyone in his life had ever seen him that way.
You felt a wave of relief and it was visible on your face. You shut your eyes briefly, again feeling beyond exhausted and hurting almost head to toe. “Thank you,” you breathed. “Thank you.”
Daryl nodded and ripped his eyes away from you. You leaned forward and gave your address to the cop and in no time you were both climbing out at the end of your driveway.
You stood at the front door and dug your keys out of your purse. Daryl noticed how much you were shaking as you tried to fit the key into the lock and his face contorted with concern. “Here,” he said gently, his hand enclosing over yours and taking the key from you before slotting it into the lock. His heart jumped at the contact and he did his best to ignore it. Now wasn’t the damn time.
“Thanks,” you murmured, accepting the keys from him again and pushing inside ahead of him.
Daryl softly shut and locked the door behind the two of you and stood a little awkwardly on the front mat. You moved stiffly across the front room and into the kitchen, clicking on the light. Daryl heard you shifting some things around before you returned with a cloth in one hand and a small bag of ice in the other.
You nudged your head toward the couch and he anxiously chewed on his bottom lip but obeyed and took a seat. You sank down beside him, your eyelids heavy with exhaustion, but he knew better than to argue as you pulled his hand over toward you and dabbed at the dried blood across his knuckles. They were split and puffy from their repeated connection with that prick’s face. Worth it. When you were satisfied that they were cleaned up enough, you laid the cloth and then the ice across them and glanced up at his face.
There seemed to be something you wanted to say, something in your expression that took Daryl aback, but before he could decode it, it vanished and you just looked defeated and weary. Daryl swallowed his nerves and nodded at you. “Go on to bed. I’ll be right here all night,” he said.
You gave him another long look before nodding and climbing to your feet with no small amount of effort. “Thank you,” you said, and you hadn’t meant for it to come out in a whisper, but it did. He only nodded back before ducking his head and avoiding your gaze, feeling a little overwhelmed. You managed to trudge to your bedroom and practically poured yourself into bed, still in all your clothes. Feeling safe, knowing Daryl was out on the couch, you sank into a heavy sleep almost immediately.
The next morning you awoke early with the birds, stiff and aching. You clutched a hand to your head, wincing when it landed flush onto the stitches in your forehead. “Fuck,” you muttered, climbing out of bed. You went straight for the bathroom and took some painkillers, pausing to run a comb through your hair and wash your face. You tenderly touched the bruises on your neck and your arm and frowned. You looked a proper mess… You felt a wave of shame and embarrassment before struggling to shove those feelings down. You changed, feeling a little better, and quietly moving through the house, heading for the kitchen and the coffee pot.
Daryl was laid out on the couch, still fast asleep and your heart jumped at the sight of him there. He had his head resting on one of the throw pillows and was stretched out, legs crossed at the ankles, hands resting on his stomach. You couldn’t help but smile at how boyish he looked asleep and there was a wash of heat running through you as you finally tore your eyes away and padded softly into the kitchen.
Coffee brewing, you pulled ingredients out of the fridge and went about making some breakfast. In the other room, Daryl woke up to the sound of you cooking and the smell of bacon. He sat up and shifted on the couch, stretching and feeling a little self-conscious that you had obviously walked through and seen him asleep. He hastily ran his fingers through his hair, trying to smooth down any craziness that might be going on.
Your voice from the doorway into the kitchen drew his eyes. “Hey. Morning.”
You had a goddamn smile for him. Despite what you’d gone through the previous night, you were smiling. At him.
“Hey,” he returned. “Ya get some sleep?”
You nodded and stepped out into the living room, a mug in your hand. “I did.” You were sure your face was coloring pink. “Thanks for staying. Um, do you drink coffee?” you asked, gesturing with the cup in your hands.
He nodded. “Sure,” he said, climbing to his feet. You met him halfway and pushed the mug into his hands. The ceramic was warm and Daryl looked down at the spirals of steam curling away from the surface.
You disappeared for a moment and returned with your own mug. “I’ve got breakfast cooking if you’re hungry,” you said, sinking down onto the now empty couch. Daryl gulped and took a spot at the other end from you.
You took a sip, annoyed at how fast your heart was racing as you looked at the handsome biker on the other end of your couch. “How’s your hand?” you asked him.
He pulled it off the mug and flexed and curled his fingers a few times. It was deeply bruised and the knuckles were definitely still swollen. “S’fine,” he drawled. In truth it hurt, but far less than looking at what was left on your skin from what you’d endured. “How are ya?” A shadow darkened his face for a moment with worry.
You nodded a little hesitantly. “I’ll be okay. Took some painkillers so…”
Daryl pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and chewed on it anxiously for a moment. “‘M real sorry any of this happened to ya. Ya don’t deserve that.”
You gulped nervously. “Thanks…” You gave him another little smile, this one a little sad, but it seemed like your face brightened quickly again as you looked at him. He ducked his head.
In truth, Daryl couldn’t believe this was real. He’d pined after you for years, subsisting purely on a quick smile here and a word there as you simply did your job. If someone had told him a month earlier that he’d be sitting your house with you sipping coffee he would have thought they were batshit crazy. This was a long way from waking up in that dingy, smoky motel room with Merle bitching about needing another fix even before he could throw the blankets off. He’d never dared to think he would have anything like this, anything nice and normal. Not that he really had it… But even if this was a temporary, singular event it was doing something like filling him up and showing him that life wasn’t all just shit.
You were studying him as he seemed lost in thought, occasionally taking a sip of coffee, and you watched some anxiety cross his face. “C’mon and eat something with me. It’s the least I can do,” you said, nudging your head in the direction of the kitchen. Daryl glanced up and nudged his nose up in a nod before following you in.
You grinned a few minutes later as you sat across from each other at your little kitchen table and Daryl ate ravenously. He was suddenly self-conscious as he realized you were staring at him and he hastily wiped his mouth on his sleeve, but you only leaned your chin on your hand and continued looking at him with that little smile on your lips. It didn’t seem to belong there when you had fresh stitches and bruises. “Hmm?” he prompted, sensing there was something on your mind.
You shrugged and finally looked back down at your own plate. “Nothing. This is—this is nice,” you said.
Daryl gulped. “What is?”
“I don’t know. Just… this. Breakfast with you.”
Daryl’s heart jumped but he nodded in agreement, trying his hardest not to give in to the thoughts of self-doubt and inadequacy. It was nice. It was more than nice. He felt like he had fallen through a wormhole into an alternate reality.
You set your mug down and gave him a long look. “I’m a little surprised you weren’t scared away,” you admitted. “I wouldn’t blame you if you had wanted to just distance yourself from the girl with the psycho ex… Go back to me just being your waitress at the bar.” You twirled your mug in your hands, looking anywhere but at him.
Daryl’s brow furrowed and he studied your somewhat ashamed expression. “Nah. None of this is your fault. And—anything I can do to help, I’ll do it.”
Your eyes shot up to his face and this time his blue eyes held yours steadily. You didn’t know inside he was reeling. The atmosphere between the two of you felt suddenly thick and heavy, charged with electricity and hopeful expectations. Right when you were about to say something, or maybe do something the phone rang and you were startled out of that bubble of tension. You jumped a little and laughed abashedly before going to answer it.
Daryl let out a breath he hadn’t been holding and climbed to his feet, grabbing the dishes and piling them into the sink simply for something to do while you were on the phone. It was a quick call and when you turned around Daryl was rubbing a hand a bit nervously over the back of his neck. “Well, thanks for breakfast. I should probably get goin. Get outta yer hair’,” he drawled. He was sure you’d had enough of him by now.
“Oh,” you said. Wait, did that sound like disappointment?
Daryl gulped. “Ya should rest today. Take it easy,” he said. You nodded and wrung your hands a little nervously.
“I’ll try,” you said. You followed him out into the front room and watched as he pulled the door open and stepped outside, glancing back at you over his shoulder. “Thanks again. For… saving my life and staying and…” you trailed off.
Daryl was very aware that his heart was racing and that there suddenly seemed to be an expanding empty space between his lungs as he got ready to walk down your steps. “Yeah, uhh… don’t mention it. I’ll see ya.”
You gave him one final small smile and he turned away, giving you a clear view of the wings on the back of his vest. Something about the sight of those jolted you out of your hesitation and into action. You squeezed your eyes shut and swore under your breath, stepping out onto the stairs and touching his shoulder.
Daryl turned back in surprise and saw you looking a little wide-eyed and breathless. “Ya alright?”
You gulped down your nerves and looped your arms around his neck, your eyes closing as you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, one of your hands moving to clasp his face, feeling the angles of his jaw and the stubble on his skin. It was soft and sweet, but your nerves got the better of you and you pulled back, anxious to take in his expression. He was on the step below you so his blue eyes were even with yours and you thought they were a little searching or maybe a little stunned.
His hands were suddenly on your waist, and it made him flush with heat, his eyes flickering between yours. His heart was pounding so hard and so fast he was worried you’d hear it. “Uhh… are ya sure this is a good idea right now?” he asked in that sweet southern drawl of his.
He watched a faint smile cross your lips and you nodded, your arms around his neck still. “Yeah. Best idea I’ve had in a long time.”
Daryl didn’t need any more encouragement. One of his hands pressed into the small of your back and pulled you into him while the other floated to clasp your face and tangle into your hair. Your lips crashed together, needy and sweet at first but building in heat as you both realized how long you had wanted this and how much better it was than you had even hoped. You smiled into his lips and pulled him more tightly into you, pressing your body against his. Daryl’s lips softened against yours and his hand smoothed through your hair to the nape of your neck as you pulled back just enough to look into each other’s eyes.
“Come back inside,” you breathed, running your fingers through his hair.
His eyes closed at the sensation and he nervously licked his lips. “If ya want me to.” He needed to hear it for it to be true, for this to be real.
You grinned at him, biting your bottom lip. “I want you to. Daryl, I—I wanted to kiss you last night. As soon as you were out of that stupid jail cell, but… I didn’t want you to think I was only doing it because I was—scared or concussed or something… So, come back inside and spend the day with me... Please?”
His expression softened and his lips curved in a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He nudged his nose up in a nod. “Alright,” he said, understated for the wild happiness and disbelief he was truly feeling. You were solid underneath his hands. His palm was flush to your lower back and you were leaning into him. “Anythin’ ya want.”
You shook your head at him and gave him a fond look. “Just you.”
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dameronology · 3 years
rescuer {din djarin}
summary: din djarin rescued you - and then you rescued him {for @drinksomecoco !! i hope u enjoy}
warnings: brief mentions of torture, swearing
this is like....4k words?? it got a little out of hand, i won't lie to u.
- jazz xx
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It wasn’t often that The Mandalorian found himself becoming attached to bounties.
Twice. He’d done it twice.
The first time, he swore to himself that it would be the last. Adopting his little green surrogate...frog? Son?
Okay, adopting his little green surrogate Grogu had brought enough tension into his life. It had gotten him back onto the radars of both the Empire and the New Republic; thrown him into some weird form of fatherhood that he wasn’t quite ready for and tipped his entire way of life upside down. Despite all that, he never stopped to question if all the exhaustion was more trouble than it was worth, because he loved his kid. Completely and entirely in ways that no parenting book or fairytale could ever quite describe. It was an intense form of love and attachment - and Din knew it was going to hurt when he would eventually have to return the Child to his own people. That was a little far off though, because he couldn’t investigate any further til he had the means to do so. Money and resources weren’t limitless and even The Mandalorian had to find means to an end.
Going back to the Bounty Hunter’s Guild wasn’t ideal, especially not with the kid in tow - but did he have any other way? Din didn’t know any other way of life, let alone another way of earning money. Besides, he figured it would only be a quick few months. A couple jobs here and there until he had enough in savings to travel far enough to find where Grogu really came from.
But it was two bounties; two bounties that he would find himself becoming attached to. Grogu was the only one.
It was through that decision to return to the Guild that Din Djarin would find himself stumbling across the next one. He was offered five pucks - the first four were easy. Standard jobs, really. Runaway criminals and Imps who had crossed people so many times that trying to work out their loyalty was head-ache inducing. He found them all in a matter of days, really. They were good at hiding but it didn’t count for much when The Mandalorian was good at finding.
Then there was you; the fifth puck. The one he thought was going to be the easiest.
Finding you wasn’t a problem. Tucked away in a corner of rural Tatooine - maybe twenty, twenty five minutes shy of Mos Eisley - you were hiding in plain sight. It would have been enough to protect you from anyone else but Din was an unrelenting expert in finding those who didn’t want to be found.
He never quite knew what to expect when he closed in on a bounty. Sometimes they ran and sometimes they hid. A few of them had tried to appeal to his humanity; to try and connect with the man they hoped was behind the mask. Because aside from the husky voice that occasionally escaped the helmet, there was no proof that The Mandalorian was anything other than a very convincing droid. That was, until, someone would lay a hand on his son or ship and suddenly, a wave of pure human rage would burst out from beneath the beskar.
You couldn’t have hidden from him or run away, even if you wanted to. Not because you were scared, but because you were chained up; wrists and ankles in shackles, keeping you tied to the walls of a filthy docking bay. From the sand piled around your feet, it was clear that you had tried to kick up a fuss at some point.
But based on the way that you looked at him - with tired eyes and a hopeless expression - that made Din realise: you’d lost the will to fight. He knew that you weren’t going to wriggle away or try to engage in combat.
“Are you…” The Mandalorian trailed off. “Are you alone?”
“Probably,” your eyes flicked up from the ground, unknowingly capturing his gaze. “I think I’ve been left for dead.”
He sighed. “I’m looking for a...Kan Durant. Is he here?”
“No,” you shot back. “He left me here for dead about a week ago. Probably knew that a bounty hunter was going to come after him at some point.”
“Do you know where he went?”
“I’m chained up,” you said. “Isn’t the answer to your question a little axiomatic?”
“Maybe,” he replied. “But if you know anything, it might be helpful.”
“Try Corellia,” you muttered.
Corellia. That was...doable. Not too far and not too hard to search. That would be his fifth and final puck and then Din could set off for the sunset in search of his kid’s home planet. That’s what this whole thing had been about.
But...you. You’d been left for dead - and based on the bruises around your eyes and on your limbs, that was the least of what you’d gone through recently. What kind of man would it make him if he left you? A fucking awful one, obviously, but what was he supposed to do?
Din slowly leant down, pulling a thin tool from his belt. He fiddled around with your cuffs for a moment, until there was a low hiss. They fell from your hands and onto the sandy ground - he expected you to get up, or to run, or do anything but sit there and stare at him with gaunt eyes. Maybe it was foolish of him to think that merely freeing you of your restraints was doing his part for the greater good.
“Is there anywhere around here where you can go?” he asked. “An inn? A cantina?”
You snorted. “No. I’ll die.”
“You can get food and medicine out there.”
“Mos Eisley is swarming with Durant’s men,” you explained. “The minute I step foot in any town or port here, they’ll know.”
Maybe being with Grogu had softened him, or maybe The Mandalorian genuinely couldn’t find it himself to leave you. But, he found himself doing the unthinkable: sticking his hand out to you, lifting you up, and leading you out of the docking bay and back towards his ship. He didn’t know what he was going to do or how he was going to do it but really, he hadn’t thought that far ahead. His main focus had been on keeping you alive until you were within the safety of the Crest.
You stumbled slightly when he put you down, tripping and falling towards the control panel to shut the loading bay doors. At least you were intuitive.
With that, you fell back to the ground. It was becoming clearer and clearer that you were in a bit of a state - how long did you say it had been? A week since Durant had left - so that was at least seven days without proper food or water. It was a miracle you were alive. Din had got there just in time.
“Why are you helping me?” you asked. “What do you want?”
He glanced over in your direction. “I don’t want anything.”
“I don’t believe that for a second,” you shot back.
“I wasn’t going to leave you there,” Din replied. He paused for a moment, before turning to face you. “I’ve heard Durant’s name before. I know what he does to people.”
“Aren’t you more worried about finding him and getting the bounty?” you pushed.
Truth be told, Din wasn’t that bothered. He had enough money from the last four pucks to get him where he needed to be. The fifth had just been a little extra, so he had an easier time letting go of it. He certainly wasn’t the only hunter going after Durant’s ass and worst case scenario, Karga would give him a little bit of shit for not completing the job. All of that was a lot more manageable than living with the guilt of leaving you in the dark to die.
“Someone else will get him. I’m sure.” Din muttered. He reached for a ration pack stored away on a shelf and tossed it in your direction. “You should eat this. I’ll get us in the air and find some bacta-”
“- you really don’t need to,” you cut him off.
“Eat,” he pushed again. “You’re weak. You’ll need it.”
Over the next few days, you would come to find that forceful-but-caring demands were The Mandalorian’s main language.
He didn’t talk much - or at all really. He didn’t need to, not when you kept to yourself on the lower deck of the ship whilst he dealt with everything else. He didn’t seem to mind that you weren’t helping; after all, you’d been in a weak state when Din had found you and standing up had been hard, let alone maneuvering around the flying hunk of metal. You were beginning to feel a little more spry, thanks to the food, water and bactaspray. The combination was hardly an elixir of life but you’d found yourself feeling a little more human.
Sleep was the hard one. A combination of confusion - at the situation, at Din, at where you were going - and nightmares made it hard. Every time you closed your eyes, you found yourself hurtling back in time to when Durant had first captured you. You’d been a test dummy for all his weapons and experiments and really, you were just lucky to be alive and in one piece. It didn’t count for much though, not when you couldn’t get a single fucking second of shut eye.
You would have been a fool to think that Din hadn’t picked up on it.
He was observational by nature and even more so by craft. A man who was constantly looking over his shoulder and straight ahead; a warrior who had been raised to keep a weapon by his side at all times. Of course he was going to notice your insomnia, and the way your eyes seemed even more sunken and dull than when he’d first found you.
You were sitting in the hull when he approached you. Not a lot had been said, other than the occasional eat this or put this on your bruises. Again - all a little forceful, but with a sense of genuinity behind the words. You still had a hard time believing that he was legitimately just a man who wanted to help you.
“I find that noise helps.”
You glanced up at him. “I’m sorry?”
He cleared his throat. “When I can’t sleep, and when I have nightmares, I find that being in a room with white noise helps distract my brain.”
“Oh, right,” you gave him a small nod. “I s’pose it is pretty quiet down here.”
“It’s noisier up there in the cockpit,” he replied. “We’re going to be in hyperspace for a while so if you want to get some sleep, I’ll stay down here.”
“Thank you.”
For the first time in days, you finally showed a glimmer of emotion. It was just a smile - and one he figured was a forced one - but still, it was a good sign.
Din’s eyes followed you as you stood up, heading for the ladder up to the cockpit. You stopped in front of it for a moment, palms wrapping around one of the rungs. At first, he thought you were just pondering, or taking a moment to rethink your actions, but then a light bulb went off in his head. You were too weak.
Moving slowly, The Mandalorian positioned himself behind you.
“Is it okay if I put them here?” he quietly asked, large, gloved hands hovering over the side of your hips.
“Uh, yeah,” you replied. “Thank you.”
With Din’s support, you were able to grab onto the hatch above and pull yourself up, boots hitting the ground of the cockpit. He followed you up, guiding you over to one of the pilot’s chairs. The lights of hyperspace were flashing by, illuminating the entire room in a white-gold glow. It felt odd to be up here after so many days of confining yourself just to the hull - forbidden, even with the invite from The Mandalorian himself.
“How did you know that I get nightmares?” you asked, turning around to face him.
The helmet tilted slightly. “I get them too.”
“I’m sorry,” you softly sighed. “Thank you again for your help.”
“It’s okay,” Din brushed it off as though it were nothing. “We have about four hours til our next stop. I’ll wake you up before we get there.”
“Is that where I get off?” you asked.
“No,” he firmly replied. “It’s not safe there either.”
You had more questions that you wanted to ask - now more than ever that he was finally talking - but you were far too exhausted to even try. Once you’d fallen back against the chair and been handed a blanket out of nowhere, the noise of the surrounding machines practically dragged you out of consciousness.
One question you had wanted to ask Din had been about the duration of your stay.
How long were you supposed to stay on board? How long did he want you there?
You were almost scared to ask, for fear of the answer. After all, you barely knew him. He could get up at any moment and demand that you left, and you wouldn’t have been able to argue. All of this - this looking after you, this roof over your head, this care - felt too good to be true. Like it was all part of some elaborate ruse.
But it was funny, because you were even more scared that it wasn’t. If Din - or The Mandalorian, as you knew him - was truly just a nice person with pure intentions, then that was about to be dangerous territory for you. The minute that you started trusting him, and the minute you started to see him as someone who could protect you, would spell trouble. You had never intended to become attached, but it was only natural. You hadn’t had a single person look out for you - not once in your life.
Every time he made you food, or helped you up into the cockpit, you felt yourself slipping that way. A six-foot pile of beskar should not have been a sign of comfort, but the helmet came to symbolise...something. You didn’t know what. Attachment, maybe? A little inkling of affection for whoever the hell was below those inches of steel?
A few weeks passed and the tension slowly began to falter. It was probably the proximity more than anything, but the time proved to you more than anything that Din was genuine. He was helping you because he wanted to - there was no personal gain for him, nor monetary. He actually, honestly just wanted to do good.
And doing good, he was. Whilst he still kept his distance, he looked after you. He made sure that you ate enough to recover from your periods of deprivation and once a day, he would clear out of the cockpit for you to get some rest. He still helped you up the ladder every time -and even when you told him you were strong enough, he still stood back and watched just to make sure.
Because, truthfully, The Mandalorian was beginning to see something in you. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what, but he was intrigued by the way you were slowly beginning to show him parts of yourself. Where your eyes had once been gaunt and lifeless, they now had a spark in them. You were quiet when you’d met, but now you spoke to the kid and you hummed to yourself. It was like the life that was sucked out of you was slowly being breathed back in, day by day and bit by bit.
“Do you wanna get some sleep?” Din asked you one day.
“Yeah, sure,” you glanced up at the Child, giving him a small smile. “When did you last sleep, Mando?”
Another helmet tilt. “I get enough sleep.”
“I don’t believe you,” you thinned your eyes at him.
The Mandalorian sighed slightly - normally, that would have been a sign to literally anyone else to drop it. But with you? Nope. You saw that as a sign of progress; that the little, tiny display of emotion meant you were beginning to chip past those godforsaken layers of beskar.
“I get nightmares about Durant,” you continued. “Every time I panic and wake up in a cold sweat, I remind myself that I’m safe, because I know that you and the kid are here.”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” you admitted. “You can tell me anything and I promise I won’t judge you. You’ve never judged me.”
He pondered for a moment, before releasing another deep breath. “I can’t sleep alone.”
“Last time I did, I woke up and my parents were gone,” Din explained. “So I wait til the kid wants to go to sleep and I just go with him, so that I’m not alone.”
Your heart dropped a little at that - partially because he’d opened up to you, but also because the Child rarely ever slept. If Din only ever waited around for their exhaustion to coincide, it must have been months since he’d last got a decent night’s rest. It was the least he deserved.
Nodding, you stuck your hand out towards him. “C’mon.”
“I’m gonna sleep and so are you,” you replied. “You need it and if I’ve done everything that you’ve instructed so far, I think I should have the same in return.”
Din didn’t want to admit it to himself at first.
It being multiple things: the fact you were helping him, the fact your presence on his ship had made the place seem better, the fact that his heart skipped a beat every time you brushed past him.
Bar his surrogate son, Din had never been close with anyone before. He’d never even slept in the same goddamn room as anyone else, even. That was a fucking mammoth step for him, but when you took his hand? It felt like a baby step. Just a tiny hop from A to B. Not a massive milestone, or a moment of personal progress. You had made it seem so simple.
Maybe that was it.
You never over-complicated anything. Your intentions were always clear and simple - there was no moral ambiguity, no moments where Din had to question whether or not he could well and truly trust you. He just knew. It was funny, because it was the exact same situation you’d had with him - questioning why he was helping you, trying to work out what he wanted. This whole time, Din had been helping you solely because he thought it was the right thing and it’s what you were doing for him too.
Din liked when you sat close to him. There was a little wave of warmth he felt every time you shuffled a bit nearer to him when you both crashed on the floor of the cockpit, and a tiny swarm of butterflies that flew through him when you stuck by his side in busy towns and cities. It was clear that you found comfort in him after so many years of going without it.
In turn, he found comfort in you. Not just in the way you unintentionally looked after him, but just...everything. Your presence had been a little odd on the Crest at first, but now it felt weird to be without it. Hearing you single quietly in the shower and have one-sided conversations with the Child filled a hole in his life that he hadn’t even realised had been there.
It was as though he’d had a missing puzzle piece his entire life; a gap between all the interconnected parts that hadn’t been integral, but certainly inconvenient. And now that it was filled, he could take a step back and finally look at the bigger picture that had been forming. All the pieces were finally there - you and the kid and whatever odd family unit that made you - and the galaxy didn’t seem so nonsensical anymore.
A little over two months after he first found you, word got around that Durant had finally been captured. Not by Din, but that hadn’t mattered - because killing the man who had hurt you, even after everything, would never amount to everything he’d done for you.
The relief didn’t last long for you, though - because as soon as you realised you no longer had a reason to hide, it dawned on you that you no longer had a reason to stay with Din. Or, at least not one you were willing to share with Din. Begging to let you stay just for the sake of being near him didn’t seem like a very convincing argument - at least not from where you were standing.
But from where Din was standing, it was a little different. You were part of his life now, even if you had no idea. That wasn’t your fault, though. He wasn’t exactly the best at vocalising it. Admitting it to himself had been hard enough, let alone to you.
“So,” you spoke softly, clearing your throat. “I suppose you’ll drop me off at the next planet?”
You were both sitting in the cock-pit; the Child was asleep downstairs and the Crest was soaring through the last stretch of hyperspace before Nevarro.
Din didn’t want to drop you off. He didn’t want his ship to be silent all over again or to sleep without you by his side. The thought alone of not having you around anymore was enough to make him a little watery-eyed beneath his beskar barrier. You’d grown on him, and in return, he’d kind of, accidentally fallen in love with you.
“You don’t have to go,” he said.
You peered over at him. “If you can think of a reason for me to stay aboard, please do let me know.”
“I want you to stay,” Din replied. He gently reached out a hand and took it in his - it was the first time that he’d given you such a vast gesture. “Isn’t that reason enough?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “It is.”
Staying aboard the Razor Crest was one of the best decisions you’d ever made.
Not only because it meant you were well and truly safe, but because Din’s direct request was a sign to you that you weren’t imagining things. Whatever attachment you felt to him, he felt it too - but it ran deeper than that. There was a mutual concern and respect for one another. Something born of two lifetimes spent on their own, finally coming together in one.
Things had been a little slow before then; the way that you danced around each other, like two magnets that were meant to come together - just with a little hesitancy. There had been a lot of late nights and long trains of thought about the signals that the other was giving off; about whether you’d misinterpreted the way his hands lingered over yours, or the way you’d practically passed out on his shoulder.
But, after that - after Din had openly asked you to stay, and you’d happily agreed, things began to move a little faster. Where you’d once been slowly walking down that hill and towards each other, you were now slipping, tripping and falling.
With each passing night, you inched closer towards each other. God forbid you ever found out, but Din even found himself pushing the pilot’s chairs closer to each other when you weren’t in the room, just so he could properly feel you next to him when you dozed off. He enjoyed your presence at the best of times but it was those dark, quiet moments when he genuinely and fully needed you.
It came to a head one night when you’d laid down with the Child beside you - not upstairs in the cockpit, but in the tiny cot in the hull of the ship.
There wasn’t room for one person, let alone one person and a tiny creature. Even worse, for two people - one in a beskar suit - and the creature. It just didn’t work. It shouldn’t have worked.
But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and the moment that Din saw you dead to the world with the Child in your arms, he was certain that he was going to make it work. Maybe with a bit of reshuffling there, and if he just moved the kid here - and that was when Grogu bit him pretty hard on the finger.
Disregarding his reshuffling plan, he knew there was only one option left.
It was something he’d never dreamt of doing before, simply for how terrifying and exposing it was - but he took one glance at you, and once glance at his kid, and he knew it was going to be worth it in the long run. It was merely a necessary step to getting closer to you - physically, mentally emotionally.
You stirred slightly at the sound of metal clattering to the floor - not enough to wake up, but enough to be a little more aware of the room around you. A moment later, there was a quiet hiss, and then everything went black.
In your sleepy state, your brain reacted a little slowly - but then the mattress beneath you dipped, and you felt someone’s skin against yours. Not just skin, but stubble against the back of your head as he pressed a kiss to it, and warm fingers tangling with yours.
“The armour,” you murmured. “You took it off.”
“It was the only way,” he softly replied. “It’s okay. Go back to sleep.”
“Okay,” you let out a sleepy hum. “Good night…”
“Din,” he quietly said.
“Good night, Din.”
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.20
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 6,206
Warnings: ANGST up the whazoo! Like seriously, angst. Language, more angst, talks of pregnancy, relationship troubles
A/N: Oof, this one is pretty bad. First of all, I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me. But anyone who knows me and my storytelling, I always ramp up the angst around here. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter to the best of your ability! If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
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It’s nearly nightfall when Thor lands on the drive in front of your house.
His honeymoon haven, as he thinks of it often.
There’s hardly any impact from his descent, but what little there is kicks up a puff of dust despite the heavy gravel.
It crunches beneath his feet as he makes his way towards the front door. His boots fall heavy on the aged wood and before he can knock you’re there, pulling the door open.
You’re the most wonderful sight he’s ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. You’re perfection. Even tired as you look, eyes bloodshot, lips slightly off color, no glow in your cheeks or brightness in your gaze. You’re still the most beautiful creature in all of the universe.
He smiles at you but you stare at him stoically, then step aside to allow Dr. Wilson passage.
“Dr. Wilson,” Thor suddenly remembers sending her to be with you.
He smiles at her and she gives him one in return, albeit small and tight and it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Your Majesty,” she curtsies quickly before turning to you and placing her hand on your arm. “If you need anything, you have my number.”
“Thank you, Dr. Wilson, I’ll use it if I have to. Which something tells me I will.”
“Are you not better yet, cherub?” Thor asks, worry creasing his forehead.
You don’t meet his eyes and he notices the way Dr. Wilson steals a quick glance at him before she gives you a curtsy too then moves around him towards the drive to a shiny silver car.
You step out to the edge of your porch, waving at the Doctor until she’s gone.
As you turn back to him, Thor breathes in deep, almost taking a step towards you to wrap his arms around you and kiss you and quench this thirst for you that has been growing larger and more demanding every day that the two of you have been apart.
Before he can, you point towards the doorway and move past him, “You better come inside. It’s supposed to storm tonight.”
“Storm?” Thor asks incredulously. “Shall I chase it away for us?”
You don’t answer him and instead walk into the kitchen, disappearing from his sight as you move around the counter towards the sink.
Thor hesitates, his heart dropping for the first time since he arrived. At first he merely thought you exhausted from your illness, but now he’s wondering if there might not be something more going on.
Are you angry at him that it took him so long to come and see you?
As he shuts the door then steps towards your coat rack, he hangs his hammer carefully before moving towards the kitchen no longer in uniform but in a plain gray t-shirt and dark blue jeans.
“Are you not well at all yet, cherub? Will you need more time away from home?” he stops by the edge of the island, his hand reaching over to poke at the smooth wooden counter nervously.
The longer you take to answer him, the more he thinks something must be wrong, beyond your falling ill.
There’s no possible way that you might have found out about-It’s almost too unbearable to think of but as you keep your back to him, hands calmly but with purpose filling your kettle with water and dropping tea bags into a pot, his stomach begins to churn.
“Y/N, if something is wrong, I-”
“I’m pregnant, Thor. I’ve known for a week. Since the day in your war room when you were telling Loki that you wanted to get an annulment so that you could marry Jane.”
Thor’s heart stops. Outside the storm grows nearer faster.
Any light left from the setting sun is snuffed out by the black clouds of thunder and rain that Thor’s panic pulls from the atmosphere.
“I was coming to tell you, but you left your door open. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but then you said Jane was pregnant and for a moment I was hoping that maybe she was pregnant with someone else’s baby, but it didn’t sound like that’s what you were thinking so, I listened.
“My mind, at that moment, was a little foggy. You know? It took me a second to really think about what we could do. Because for me, I knew that even with this new hurdle, I wanted to overcome it with you. At your side.”
Thor watches as you step to the stove and light the burner, placing your kettle over it to boil.
His limbs are fuzzy, his mind a hive of buzzing bees and crackling electricity. His heart is still not beating but he can feel it breaking. Every fissure, every tear, he feels it from end to end. His mouth will not open and even if he had something to say, even if he could think enough to say it, you don’t sound finished and he will not interrupt you.
You move to pull two cups out from a cupboard and place one in front of the nearest stool to him, then the other on the island in front of the sink where you’ve been standing. You move the teapot over to the island too, then place both hands on the edge to lean all your weight against it.
Somehow, having you look at him is worse. He can see the heartbreak in your eyes, the betrayal. He can feel the anger surging beneath this calm exterior you’ve pasted on.
He’d rather have you rage at him, throw things at him, than see you keep your composure and think about this rationally. Because what can that mean? Have you given up on him? What does this mood of yours mean for your marriage?
“One of the first things I thought was that we should get Jane a room, or maybe a proper house where she and the baby could live because I could never keep you from your child. Not when they would be the rightful heir to the throne. And even if they weren’t going to be the heir, that baby would be your baby. Your child. So how can I ever keep them from you?
“I wasn’t exactly happy that Jane would be in our lives forever seeing as she is so openly…” you tut, looking up at the light fixture above as you search for the right word. “...not hostile. But she doesn’t like me. I could see it the moment she arrived but you seemed, I don’t know, oblivious of it? I’m not sure if that’s because it’s Jane or not, or if you seriously just didn’t notice?
“Every time we were alone, she always made sure to keep her distance. She never talked to me unless she absolutely had to, but as soon as you'd come into  the room she was all politeness and sociable,” you laugh without humor. “I still have no idea how you didn’t notice.
“It was sad, honestly. It made me sad, a lot. But I kept my mouth shut because you trusted her so wholeheartedly even though I could feel the snake she was. Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, especially since she’ll be part of our lives now, but-”
“She won’t.”
You stop talking, fixing your piercing gaze upon Thor and all he can do is shake his head in rebuttal of what you just said.
“She won’t be part of our lives,” he continues, explaining himself as quickly as he can.
Now that he’s got a word in, he’s eager to tell you how silly all of this has been. How stupid and unnecessarily taxing the stress was.
“She’s not pregnant,” Thor smiles, and he is glad to see your relief.
It’s brief and subdued, but it’s a small sigh and a relaxing of your shoulders.
After a moment you take several steps back to lean against the sink.
“So we have nothing to worry about,” Thor continues, hoping to latch onto his spark of hope.
He rounds the island with godly dexterity but you take a step back, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
Your anger is less hidden now, and he can see the outrage in your face.
He stops his pursuit to give you space.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Your demand confuses him. Doesn’t it make you feel better? It makes him feel loads, tons, millions of times better.
“I-” he begins confused.
“You were willing to leave me...to end our marriage, for a baby that hadn’t even been confirmed yet. You think telling me that Jane not being pregnant so now you don't have to erase our marriage as if it never existed is gonna make this better?!”
Thor is speechless, trying desperately to understand the problem, the confusion. Why are you still angry?
“Y-yes, my cherub. No baby, no Jane, no need to figure anything out,” he insists.
Thor winces, never having heard you this angry before. You’re livid and that scream is directed directly at him. It takes him a moment to regain some composure but when he does, he sputters to get his story out.
“I-I admit that perhaps the moment of my finding out about Jane was not my finest. I just learned that the once woman I loved was having my child and the scandal that would bring upon my people-”
You scoff and turn away from him, moving back towards the stove as a small stream of steam begins to rise. It’s not hot enough yet though.
Thor doesn’t understand. You know how life works. You’ve been there daily, watching him say and do things that he wouldn’t normally do. He’s being forced just as much as you are to deal with things, only his opportunities are much richer in variation.
“You’re angry with me?” Thor knows this, but something about saying it out loud hits him with a harsh sense of injustice. “What choice would you have had me make?”
You stiffen at his new tone. He can see the shift in your body, and he instantly regrets the momentary anger that boiled his blood.
The way your shoulders slump has his heart beating wildly with new panic. How does he fix this? How can he make this up to you? How can the two of you find some common ground?
“Not this,” you say, quietly.
Thor almost doesn’t hear you but only almost..
“Y/N…” his voice is softer, negotiating in an attempt to calm you.
The placating tone has the opposite effect on you.
“The one thing I asked you to do is to be honest with me. I asked you not to make a fool of me and you did it anyway. You lied to me-”
“I didn’t lie-” Thor begins, but he knows that omitting the truth is almost as good as. His voice trails off.
“Not only did you lie to me but-but when we took our vows, I thought-”
Thor clenches his fists, watching you struggle to overcome some emotion that he can’t see because you’re still facing away from him.
“I feel so stupid,” you gasp, and as your voice hitches, Thor realizes that you’re crying.
He rounds the island but you turn to look at him, throwing your arm out towards him, “No!”
He freezes, breathing labored as his stomach aches. His heart tears again, searing pain ripping at his chest.
It only feels worse as he gets a good look at your face, tears streaming down along your cheeks as despair washes over you.
“Don’t touch me,” you beg of him and Thor can’t believe you mean it.
You can’t mean it.
“The only thing I’ve ever wanted was to have a family of my own,” your words aren’t weak or stuttering now.
Your voice is strong and sure, the week of uncertainty having firmed your resolve.
What have I done?
“When you married me, when you accepted me as part of your house, I thought that I’d finally found that. Not just in you but in Loki and Hilde and Heimdall and the rest of our people. And in three seconds, you took that away from me.
“You abandoned me,” you declare and Thor can’t stay silent anymore.
“No! No, Y/N, I have not abandoned you. I’m here. I’m right here. I came for you. To take you home!”
Thor can see the frustration in you, the utter befuddlement you must have felt, the betrayal. There’s disappointment and fear but most of all there’s loss. You’ve lost something this week, and even though he doesn’t know what it is for sure, he can guess.
“You gave the thought a presence and you meant it. You would have left me!”
“No!” Thor protests, an anguished cry of his own sorrow. A refusal of your conclusions.
“That’s what I was coming to tell you today. I woke up with the firm belief that Jane was still with child and as soon as it was confirmed, I was going to come and tell you that even with her carrying my child, you are my Queen.
“Nothing could ever change that and the only life I can imagine living is one with you at my side.”
You’re already shaking your head in protest, already disbelieving him. Thor attempts to step closer but you renew your extended arm.
“No,” you tell him firmly, voice low and quiet with resentment. “I need you to stay away from me.”
“You want me to go?!” Thor asks in pained disbelief.
You keep shaking your head, not answering his question.
The silence in the kitchen is heavy and to Thor, it feels endless.
Too few mornings flash through his mind of you waking beside him to turn and recount your plans for the day, your hopes for your lives together. You’ve always wanted to talk to him. You’ve always wanted to be with him.
His touch has never been unwelcome even in the first days of your courtship.
Your eyes are still flooding over, lips trembling, chest rising and falling with the effort of your crying.
His own body is still. This is the lowest he’s ever felt and he’s not sure what moving will do to him.
The quiet is ripped apart by the slow build up of your kettle’s whistle, but you don’t move to take it off the heat.
“Should I leave, cherub?” Thor asks again, his deep voice weak with emotion at the very idea that you’ll tell him to go.
You reach up to wipe at your cheeks, fingertips sweeping new tears away from the edges of your eyes as more rush to replace them.
You reach over and take hold of your elbow.
You’re thinking about it. You’re actually thinking about whether he should leave.
“No,” you finally whisper, unable to say it any louder he guesses.
It probably goes against every instinct in your body to allow him to stay.
Because he needs something to do, because he can’t stand there and just watch you hate him, he turns around and goes back around the island so that he can go to the stove behind you and move the kettle.
Thor watches you follow him with your eyes as he moves then take a step away from him when he slides behind you to get to the stove.
You move to take your seat at the island and Thor pours the heated water into your teapot.
He places the lid on top, the clink of the ceramic loud in your silence.
Your shaking hands give him worry and he moves towards the small pantry to pull a tin of cookies you’d bought in New York during your honeymoon.
You’d gone on and on about how much you enjoyed them and now that memory feels like a lifetime ago.
A happier one.
He moves around the kitchen taking a large plate and loading it up with your cookies. He grabs the milk from the fridge and pulls the artificial sweetener from the far end of the island to move it closer to you.
He’s aware of your eyes on him still, watching his every move with a gaze to rival Heimdall’s. He doesn’t try to dress his actions up as anything other than what they are; concern.
He places your cup closer to you, fills it with tea, milk, and your sweetener. Once done, he moves back around to his side of the island and takes his seat once more.
You’re almost angry enough to be petty. You almost want to take your tea and pour it out. Just to show him how much things aren’t okay.
The way he’d walked in here, brazen and as if he hadn’t attempted to take the only true family you’ve ever known and erase it...you can’t.
More because you need to relax, in fear of the little life growing inside you, you take the tea and take a sip.
Thor knows just how you like it.
He’s watching you, staring. He's full of self-loathing and what you'd once thought was love for you. Concern emanates off of him.
He reaches out, and for a moment you think he might take your hand.
You flinch, pulling both your hands onto your lap, but Thor’s hand only meets the edge of the plate of swedish dream cookies you’d bought on your honeymoon. 
He pushes it towards you, and your heart aches painfully. This agony is unbearable.
Your lip quivers again, unable to contain the sorrow of what your marriage is now facing. You know just as he does that you're at an impasse. Tonight things between you will change.
For the better? For worse?
Thor loves you. You can see that. You saw it the moment he showed up, smiling and so happy to see you that his electric blue eye was beaming.
It was that love that made you so angry. It’s why you shouted when you’d promised yourself that when he came, you wouldn’t raise your voice.
Heimdall had been nice enough to give you warning this morning that Thor would be coming today and that nothing would deter him from seeing you.
You’d been so angry when you’d gotten the call, but you’d talked to Dr. Wilson about staying calm and she'd pointed out that having all of these unresolved feelings would do the baby more harm than good.
While deciding to resolve this today, choosing to stay calm had failed dramatically.
“Please, love, eat something,” Thor begs. "You're shaking. I know you've eaten nothing all day."
How the hell can he tell?! Was Dr. Wilson spying for him?
Even she'd been unable to force more than a few bites of a sandwich into your stomach. You've been dreading this confrontation all day.
Now that it’s here, it's worse than you imagined.
You hate how much hearing the pain in his voice also hurts you. You don’t want to feel any kind of sympathy for him right now. After what he said…
You eat because you’re worried about the baby. Not because Thor is asking.
One cookie is enough to help your queasy stomach feel better, a sip of tea settles your frayed nerves.
You relax a little, the tension in your body partially gone.
Neither you nor Thor say anything for a while and you’re grateful for the silence. You need lots of time to think.
While you think, you eat.
Cookie after cookie as your stomach groans in relief of finally being fed. Not exactly nutritious but it's something.
Despite your body's reaction to the unexpected junk food, the revelation that Jane isn’t pregnant after all is the only thing that you can really focus on.
You'd know she would try something. Not this though. You'd expected a pass at Thor. You'd expected her to try and get him back and you'd been so sure about his feelings for you that you'd been sure nothing would happen.
You hadn't expected her to find a way to reach in and pull it all up by its roots.
Finally, Thor clears his throat. There's and eager shine to his eye now, curiosity needing answers. In this moment you realize that his mind is filled with something else. Something much happier to think about that while it does bring you joy, you can’t share in that joy with Thor yet. Not after everything.
“Is it true?” he asks, the corners of his lips curved and the set of his brow eager. He can't help it. “Are you really pregnant?”
You meet his gaze and reach up to wipe the last of your tears away.
“I’m about three months? A little over. It would have happened during our honeymoon.”
Your explanation brings a smile to his face and he’s so beautiful you find yourself hardening again in defense.
"Your Asgardian blood was making it difficult for my doctors to confirm the pregnancy. The first was negative. The second, inconclusive, but then negative. The third was also inconclusive but this one didn't change to negative so they tried some other things and it finally showed positive.
"They tested my blood over and over. It’s real."
This is what both of you have been wanting since before you were married. You’d wanted to give him an heir and he’d wanted one. You’d wanted to start a family and he’d been desperate for the same.
This is the moment the two of you have been dreaming of and now that it’s here, it’s nothing like you’d pictured.
The joy you’d felt on your trip to the war room to give him the news is lost on you now. Tainted.
“Are-are you not happy?”
“How can you ask me that?” you frown, hostile resentment tainting your features.
He deflates at your tone and you almost regret letting how you feel show so openly.
Thor’s face pales and he looks down at the island, his own cup still empty.
Because you do feel bad, though you don’t regret letting him know how angry you are, you get up and pull a beer from the fridge.
Placing it in front of him, you take your seat again.
Thor’s face floods with hope.
"The only reason you're here is because Heimdall knew you'd come. He saw that you were decided and would stop at nothing to come here but if he hadn't given me the warning, you'd be standing outside on the porch banging on the door asking me to let you in. You need to know that.."
Even though the hope in his eyes had made you so angry just a moment ago, as it disappears, you feel a surge of grief.
"I don't understand," Thor begins softly, both hands reaching across the island towards yours wrapped securely around your tea cup. "Why are you so angry, cherub?"
He's not putting it together? Does he seriously not see how what he did is a problem?
"I've told you that Jane is not pregnant so there will be no child and even before I'd found out, I had made my choice to stay with you. These are good things, aren't they?"
The wonder in his voice is real. The agony of his confusion is real.
Somehow you need to make him understand.
You scoff, trying hard not to be cynical after the blow you've taken to your pride.
"Do you remember the day we got married?"
"Vividly," Thor nods and attempts a smile.
A quick stern glare from you settles him down.
"Do you remember welcoming me into your house? Do you have any idea what becoming a member of your family has meant to me?
"I have lived my life alone, Thor. I had no one. From the day my parents died to the moment I agreed to marry you, there was not a single person who I belonged to who also belonged to me.
"Marrying you gave me a home. It gave me people to call my own. It gave me a kingdom full of loving and loyal subjects.
"Marrying you took my loneliness and destroyed it. I had a brothers, sisters, and a husband who I thought loved me as one of his own. I thought you had accepted me as part of your family until the day I died."
You sigh, voice tight and always on the verge of breaking into tears.
"I have, cherub. You are my everything!" Thor’s interruption doesn't phase you this time.
You keep talking as if he'd said nothing.
"And when I've finally done it, when we've finally got what we wanted, you throw me away."
"No!" Thor rises and moves around the island towards you.
This time you don't stop him because nothing he says or does will change your mind. Nothing will fix this.
He sweeps you into his arms, pulling you close so that you have to look up at his face from your spot in your seat. His massive hands caress the sides of your face as his pleasant warmth chases away the horrible nightmares you’ve had all week.
But his arms, his touch, can’t chase away the break in your heart. It can’t fix the pain that feels etched into your veins. Your sinew is rewritten with the agony of his fleeting choice to leave you. Nothing will ever be the same.
“I didn’t throw you away, I was confused. I didn’t know what to do or what the best course of action was. I should have come to you. I should have told you about Jane and I should have consulted with you, my wife, my Queen before making any rash decisions.
“I know that I did wrong, but believe me when I tell you that I love you more than my own life. I can’t imagine my life without you, cherub. I’m sorry that I have caused you such distress. I am sorry that I made you think, even for one second, that I could make my way through this existence without you.
“I love you. And I am never letting you go.”
Your heart is unmoved. Even as he stares down at you with his eye clear and sure. The set of his jaw is firm, and his hands keep stroking your cheeks, temples, and scalp as you watch the fire in him fade.
Slowly, he realizes that the damage is done.
It takes him a long time. His body falls, shoulders slumping, arms not so tight around you, hands a little more gentle. It’s the set of his lips that tells you when he’s accepted it. That he’s broken you and your marriage and there is no repair here.
Not now.
“What will you do?” he asks, hands gliding down along the sides of your neck, shoulders, arms, and elbows where he finally lets go and moves back around the island to take his seat again, throwing himself down in defeat as his hand wraps around his beer.
“I’m still your wife, Thor,” you sigh, turning to look at your cup of tea. “I am still Queen of New Asgard. I’ll do my job as best as I can, from here.”
“Here?” he asks, shocked.
“I can’t go back to the palace. Not right away. I need...I meant it when I said that I needed a break.”
“From me?” Thor guesses, and you can see his heartbreaking.
“From us, yes.”
“How long?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “A few weeks? Months? Years?”
He looks more devastated the longer you speak.
“I don’t know how long it will take me to trust you again. When you told Loki that you’d get an annulment and make me out to be the problem by my not giving you any kids, you took any faith and confidence I had in us and your love for me and flushed it down the toilet.
“I can’t just pretend that didn’t happen. Even though we have nothing to worry about now, I can’t just forget the way I felt. I’m gonna need time.”
The war raging within Thor right now is painful to watch. You can safely assume that he’s almost refusing to go another day without you, much less weeks, months, or years. 
You can also see the regret he’s feeling. The anger. It passes quickly though, and Thor takes another long drink from his beer, draining the bottle before he sets it aside.
He reaches up to wipe at his fuzzy lips, his beard scratchy as he breathes in deeply.
He meets your gaze and nods, “I will give you whatever you need. I will send you a guard. I don’t want you here alone.”
You’re not about to oppose the protection. Not with the baby on the way.
“You should probably make the announcement of the baby. And give some excuse about me staying away. Our people deserve to know. They’ve been waiting too.”
“Mm.” Thor agrees. “What shall I tell the others?”
“Loki already knows. He’s known since I came here.”
“Hey, no!” you frown at him, anger tinging your words. “You can’t be angry at Loki for doing as I asked. I’ve been alone up here waiting to know whether you’re going to leave me or not. He only did what I needed.”
Thor’s anger passes through him in phases. In seconds, he’s calm again, but still breathing through flared nostrils.
“Why did you not tell me? If you’d told me sooner-”
“If I’d told you sooner then I wouldn’t know if you were with me because you love me or because the baby was finally coming. I didn’t want to live the rest of my life never knowing whether your sticking by me in this marriage is because I was finally having our kid. That’s not the kind of life that I want for myself.
“I’m not sorry that I didn’t tell you, Thor. Because even if I can’t trust you, at least I know whether you’d decided not to leave me before you knew I was pregnant.”
Thor’s face is full of sorrow. He’s coming to terms with everything as quickly as he can since you’re not giving him much choice. Are you wrong to put some distance between the two of you?
Should you forgive and forget?
Part of you, the part that loves the man you married, wants to reach out and touch his cheek. You want to tell him that you love him and that nothing will ever change that. You want to celebrate the future you have growing inside you and revel in the fact that Jane’s lie is over and move on with your lives.
The bigger part of you can’t trust his words. Can’t trust his touch. In a few moments, Thor had torn apart the truths of every caress and declaration that he’d made since you got married.
The bigger part of you knows that you can’t trust him. The bigger part of you knows that he could hurt you again. He might very well rip your heart in two for good the next time, and what kind of life can you have like that?
No. As much as your heart loves him, your brain is telling you to play this cautiously from here on out.
“I’ll come to any functions I need to. I’ll make sure I’m there on your arm. But don’t expect things to be the same between us Thor.”
He nods in defeat, “Can I fix this? Is there anything I might do to prove to you that my love is real?”
“It’s not a question of me not believing that you love me,” you explain, sighing lightly as you come to these realizations yourself as Thor makes you face the inevitabilities you’ve been avoiding all week.
You’ve tried hard to keep from pondering the future with or without him. Now that he’s asking, you can’t avoid it anymore.
“I know that you can’t put me before your throne. I know that your people have to come first. I’ve known that since I married you and when I talked to Loki and David about what happened they both told me what I already know.
“You have responsibilities to our people first and foremost and any choices, whether you want to make them or not, are made for them. I can never be first for you. I know that. My mind knows that. It’s honorable that you will always do right by your people.
“But my heart can’t accept that,” you’ve been trying to keep from crying again but as you admit your insecurity aloud, your heart clenches painfully drawing from your eyes a welling of tears. “Because I’ve fallen in love with you completely, Thor. I never knew that loving someone could be this terrifying and painful. Just the thought that you’d decided to make our marriage disappear as if it had never happened ripped me to pieces and I don’t know how to come back from that.”
You sob and Thor leans over the island to take your hand. You don’t pull away this time. You let him give you this small bit of comfort because you need it. Your heart, the fact that he wants to touch you, needs it.
“Even if it was only for a moment, you left me. I want to be first for you. I want to be the only thing that matters. And I can’t be. And I know that. Which makes me feel like such shit because I shouldn’t be asking you for this. I know that you can’t give it to me.
“It’s why Jane told you no. Along with her job, I know that it’s the reason that she couldn’t marry you. She knew that for you, she would always come second to New Asgard.
“I knew that too. When I agreed to marry you, I knew that you’d have to do things for them first. But I love you so much and I-it sucks that I know now if you have to choose between me or your people, you’ll choose your people.
“It’s right. You should. But it fucking sucks and it hurts too much.”
You’re full on crying now and Thor gets up, but you raise your hand to stop him. With a shake of your head he sits back down.
“So…” you sniffle. “What you can do for me is give me the distance I need to work through this. I need to come to terms with the fact that after our baby is born, I’ll be third. I need to just learn and accept that no matter how much you say you love me, you can never choose me.
“Can you give me that? Can you give me space?”
As you meet his gaze, his intense unrelenting stare, you can see him warring with himself. You can see the confusion and the indecision. You can see the agony of what you’re asking of him but somehow he manages to nod.
His own eye waters and after a second nod, his tears spill over to trail across his cheek and lose themselves in his beard.
“I’m sorry, cherub,” he grieves. “I never meant to hurt you like this.”
“I know that, Thor. But I have to find out how much of myself I can invest in our marriage. Because if loving you like this means I have to feel this kind of pain over and over again, I don’t think I can keep loving you. Not like this.”
Your words hurt him and you regret them, but you can’t take them back because they’re truth. You need to guard yourself and you aren’t going to apologize for putting yourself first when no one else in your life will.
The silence is never ending.
The two of you sit sniffling at the island for what feels like hours. Finally, your stomach rumbles loudly and Thor springs up from his seat to the fridge.
He starts pulling out an array of ingredients that you don’t pay too much mind to.
He fills the house with the smells of chicken, paprika, rosemary, lemon, and some other spices you can’t pick out. It makes your stomach growl more loudly and at least with his mind and hands busy making your dinner, he stops crying and that at least gives you a little bit of a break from the horror you’ve been feeling at causing him so much pain with your choice to distance yourself from him.
“Might I stay the night?” he checks, surprising you a bit by the question.
“On the couch,” you whisper, unable to speak any louder.
The idea of him sleeping in the same space but not next to you is unbearable, but somehow you find a way to deal.
His hand stutters over the pan but after a moment he goes back to cooking.
“The couch is fine,” he agrees. “Whatever you need, love.”
And even though his words tell you he’s fine, you know him well enough to recognize the depression in his stoic gaze.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
The Scientist
(Hange (Hanji) can rearrange by guts tbh :P Lol, anyways, this is a Yandere Hanji x Female Reader story! It takes place in current time tho (same universe as Yelena). Also, idgaf how tall the creator says Hanji is. In this fic, even the tall girlies get to be shorter than Hanji. 
TW: kidnapping!, !drugging!, unwanted advances, stalking!, etc! 
Please proceed with caution! Also, I’m sorry if you can tell that this was in my drafts for a hot min. I started to write this when I first started this blog, and I just finished/revised it lol. ) 
“Hey, (Nickname!” Hearing the loud shout of a certain brunet, you jump about a foot in the air. As usual, Hanji decides to surprise you whilst you’re in the middle of something. 
Pulling away from the microscope you’re currently looking at, you put on a strained smile, “Yes?” 
Their one eye sparkles in a hopeful fashion from behind their glasses, one of her their fiddling with their eyepatch, “Sooo,” They draw out the o, seemingly trying to disarm you, “Are you free this weekend? There’s this suuuuper cool bar that’s just opening, and me and the others are thinking about going! It’s totally not a date or anything,” They pause to let out a loud laugh, “I think it’ll be fun! What D'ya say?” 
Forcing out a chuckle, you shake your head, “Ah, I’m sorry, Hanji, but I’m busy this weekend. I have a lot of samples I need to process for that upcoming court case,” You chew your bottom lip nervously, “I’m sorry. I hope you and the others have a good time, though!” 
A new voice is heard, butting into your conversation, “I can do those! I’ve been needing more hours, anyways,” Whipping your head in the direction of the voice, you silently curse. Fuck Armin for being so helpful! 
Hanji beams even brighter than before, clapping their hands together happily, “See! Armin can do that for you!” They lean in closer to you, their lab coat brushing against yours, “Come on, (Nickname), I’d be reaaaaally happy if you go!” 
An uneasy feeling pools in your gut, as an anxious sweat begins to bead at your brow, “I-uhm-I suppose I can go for an hour or two.”
“Great!” They grab your hands in theirs, squeezing them in a friendly manner, “The bar is called ‘Titan’s Wrath,’ and we’re meeting at eight on Saturday!” Releasing you, they pat you on the back, “See you later!” They run off, most likely back to the dry lab. 
After a moment of silence, you slowly turn towards the short haired blond man, “Armin, I’m going to kill you.”
He blanches at your blunt tone, flushing a bright red, “Wha-what?” 
You grit your teeth, tears starting to bead your eyes in frustration, “They’re the person I was telling you about! Hanji constantly harasses me, and you practically just tossed me into their arms! Why would you do that?” 
A look of pure terror and remorse appears of his face, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t realise that they were the person-oh my God, I’m so stupid. I-I really didn’t know! I’m so, so sorry!” You let out a quivering breath, hands clenched into fists to calm you down. 
“It-it’s alright. I never really told you who they were. Just never do that again, okay? If you need more hours, just tell me, and I’ll see what I can do,” The younger man sighs in relief, shoulders deflating. 
“I promise to never do that again!” You nod, blinking away your unshed tears, and smile at him. 
“Okay, then we don’t have any problems,” You laugh lightly, shaking your head, “Who would’ve thought our newest intern was the dry lab’s wing man?” He panics again, making you cackle good-naturedly, “Now, can you please grab the dilluter? I forgot to grab it from the fridge.”
Hanji, being the ever cheerful person that they are, set their sights on you the moment you were hired. 
But, if they came out with their feelings immediately, you’d just assume that they wanted to take advantage of you. 
So, they watched you. Writing down your likes and dislikes, your quirks, everything. Through their ‘research,’ they came to realise that you’re very good at your job. The wet-lab should be lucky that they have you… but they never give you the recognition you deserve! 
They bombard you with assignments, become upset when you don’t finish them in seconds (which is so unreasonable!), and hardly give you any time off! 
You don’t seem to mind, being the good girl you are, but Hanji sure does! 
So, they’d seek out the top graduates from the college nearby, and help them become employed at the lab. The newbies really helped get the load off of your shoulders, and once done, they decided to swoop in now that you had a decent amount of free time. 
It started at the vending machine- they’d asked you if you wanted to get coffee with them sometime. You said no, probably because you felt it wasn’t professional. After all, rumours would spread like wildfire if you went out with the lead lab tech of the dry lab! 
So, everytime they knew you had a weekend off, they’d approach you with new places to try. 
Be it a movie, a store, a concert- it didn’t matter. They just desperately wanted to have some time with you! 
But, you reacted the complete opposite of how you were supposed to. 
You’d pick up as many shifts as possible, most times going into over time, just to avoid the flamboyant lead. Whenever you saw them in the hall or by the break room, you’d turn in the complete opposite direction. If wet-lab needed to correspond with the dry-lab, you’d send your most qualified coworker to do so. 
It was saddening, to be honest. They love you so much, yet you refuse to even face them. 
But, thanks to that Armin kid, their plans can finally bloom into fruition. For once, you can’t escape the brunet’s advances! 
Because of that, Hanji made a note to the owner of the lab that Armin would make a good contribution to the lab after he gets all of his qualifications. 
Saturday night comes far too soon. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a cropped, white long sleeve, you stand in front of ‘Titans Wrath.’ Scoffing at how the bar sounds like a metal band, you make your way inside. 
Grabbing the door handle, you yank it open, immediately hearing loud rock music. Mentally patting yourself on the back for your observation, you step inside of the cool building. 
Looking inside, you see a large, double sided bar in the middle of the room, a stage and standing area just behind it. There are a few pool tables in the front area where you’re standing, along with double doors leading to a hidden kitchen. 
There’s also a lot of people inside. You can’t see Hanji or their friends, but seeing a band setting up on the stage tells you that they’re probably on the other side of the bar. 
Walking over to the steps leading down into the stage area, you try to ignore the leers of a few men around you. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn clothes that accentuate your beautiful figure. Peering around the corner, you see the scientist and their friends, an empty seat in between them and a large blond man, that you vaguely recall being the police chief of your city. 
Strolling towards them halfheartedly, you give yourself a small peptalk inside of your mind. Sure, Hanji has always been touchy-feely with you, sure, they’ve asked you out about one hundred times, sure, you run into them every time you leave the house, sure- 
“(Nickname)! You actually came!” The brunet’s voice is loud, loud enough to cut through the loud music and equally loud chatter. Forcing a smile onto your face, you give a small wave, suddenly uncomfortable with the line of strangers at the bar suddenly looking at you. 
“Yes, hello, Hanji,” When you’re close enough, you’re thrown into a tight embrace, their body practically molding into your own. They’re about a head taller than you, making it so your head is practically forced against their protruding collarbones. Hesitating slightly, you give them a soft pat on the back, trying to escape their suffocating embrace. 
“I’m so glad you came!” They release you just as suddenly as they grabbed you, putting a hand on the small of your back, and practically forcing you in between the blond man and themself, “(Nickname), this is Erwin. Erwin, this is (First Name).”
His blue eyes rake over your appearance, recognition appearing on his face, “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. (Last Name), especially under better circumstances.” 
You nod, thinking back on some high profile cases you met with him for, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.” 
A loud scoff is heard from beside Erwin, the head of a short, dark haired man peeks around the broad chested man, “It’s about time you brought a respectful brat,” You have to stop yourself from flinching at his harsh tone, “I am Levi,” Opening your mouth to introduce yourself, he holds up a hand, halting you, “There’s no need for introductions, Shitty-glasses has gushed about the ‘pretty wet-lab scientist’ for months now.” 
“Oh, alright. It’s nice to meet you,” His lifts his whiskey on rocks in acknowledgement, before downing it with one swig. 
“Likewise,” After that, he turns towards a light brown haired woman, her high pitched voice is heard from where you’re sitting. 
“I’m sorry about that. The detective is very… unsociable.” 
“It’s alright, Mr. Smith. He kind of reminds me of one of my interns, Annie,” You say with a small smile, before your swiveling bar stool is forced around so you’re facing Hanji. 
“Sooo, you like the bar so far?” Their smile is somewhat pleading, and you can’t help but just go along with them. 
“Yes, this place is, um, cool. Very interesting choice,” They clasp their hands together with a pleased expression, as they somehow move closer to you than they already are. At this point, you’re worried that they’ll fall off their stool. 
“Right? Our residential emo boy found it, and we’ve been hooked ever since,” A loud ‘Shut up, Shitty-glasses,’ is heard from behind you, making the brunet laugh, “Let me order you a drink! I think there’s something that you’ll really like!” 
Opening your mouth to reject, it was seemingly too late, because the brunet has already waved over a punk-ed out bartender. You didn’t really hear what the drink is called, but the man sets to work immediately. 
It barely takes a minute for it to be finished, and the purple drink is suddenly in front of your motionless form. Looking up, the purple haired man winks at you, before turning his attention back to a speaking Hanji. 
“Anything she orders, put it on my tab,” He nods, before walking off to service another customer. 
Turning your attention back to Hanji, you try to persuade them to let you pay, “Thanks, Hanji, but it’s alright. I can pay for my own drinks-”
“Don’t worry about it; I asked you out, remember? And it’s the least I can do for harassing you for the past few months,” Startled by their uncharacteristically somber words, you nod in understanding. 
“Alright. Thank you,” They nod, before motioning towards your drink. 
“Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it!” Grabbing the cool glass cup, you bring it up to your lips, and take a small sip. It’s amazing. It tastes like (favourite flavour), and it goes down smooth. 
“You’re right, this is delicious!” They grin brightly, clapping their hands together in glee. 
“Great!” They motion towards the stage with their head, “The show’s about to start! Are you ready for a kickass night?” You laugh at their vigour, and nod. 
“You bet!” 
Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all. 
You spoke too soon. 
It seems like you’ve drank too much, because you’re now feeling dizzy. Throughout the set, you’d ordered about five more drinks, and they seemingly hit you all at once. 
Hanji, who’s been watching you since your fourth drink, feigns shock at your unstable form. That Rohypnol they grabbed from work works quite well! Now they can see why it’s the choice drug for those awful, awful people. 
“Whoa there, (Nickname), it seems you’ve had too much to drink!” Hanji jokes, hands holding you steady on your bar stool. The only person from your group still at the bar is Erwin, but he knows they have it under control. As chief of police, he feels a bit of remorse, but he knows it's for the best. Hanji will take care of you, because, after all, you’re their only true obsession. 
“Wha-huh? Was’ happenin?” Hanji can all but coo at how cute you are. 
“Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get you home safe,” Helping you to your boot clad feet, they send a knowing look to Erwin, who smiles in return. Wrapping an arm around your waist, they help you stumble out of the bar, and walk towards their car. Once at the passenger side, the brunet unlocks the door, and assists you inside. You flop onto their leather interior, eyes unfocused, and body movements random. Chuckling to themself, they buckle you in, not before pulling on gloves, and taking your phone, keys, and wallet off of you. 
Taking these items, they empty your wallet of its cash, and chuck everything into a nearby bush. Knowing that the cameras outside the building and the buildings surrounding the place are off, they feel at ease. If anything, they feel like your knight in shining armour. If they hadn’t taken you, someone else would’ve-you’re just too cute. 
Closing your door, and rounding the car, they slide into the driver’s side, before starting the car. Buckling themself in, they look at your out-of-it form, and smile. 
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bills-bible-basics · 10 months
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Facebook: Is It Possibly Broken? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/facebook-is-it-possibly-broken/ Around the middle of 2022, I began to seriously wonder if Facebook may be broken. Yes, literally broken. I mean, think about it. Facebook has gotten so big -- around two billion users, from what I have read -- that maybe its worldwide network of servers, bots and algorithms can no longer handle the load. Is it possible that there are simply way too many users, even though Facebook relies upon a global network of CDNs? Now, obviously, I don't know this for a fact, and it is just a theory on my part, but I suspect that maybe this user overload is in large part the reason why so many errors have been made in recent months. I am talking about all of the false positives with Facebook's security system. In other words, I am referring to the forced log offs, the forced lockouts, having to jump through Facebook's security hoops so many times, having to change our passwords so many times, seeing our posts frequently removed, etc. I know for a fact -- because my FB friends have told me so, and because I have experienced it many times myself -- that people are getting locked out, and logged off, of their accounts for the stupidest reasons. Furthermore, their posts are being removed when they have done absolutely nothing wrong. They haven't posted anything inappropriate. And that includes myself as well. In other words, we have NOT violated Facebook's "Community Standards" in any way, as far as I can tell. It makes absolutely no sense that these things are happening so much, and so frequently, unless there is some kind of ongoing systemic failure going on with Facebook. Folks, I just don't believe that Facebook's head honchos are so stupid, that they would continue to harass us that much. Think about it. They are already under tremendous pressure from the U.S. government, and from other entities, due to their multiple security gaffs, their apparent discrimination against Conservatives and Christians, etc. So why would they go out of their way, and do anything to further infuriate their user base? From what I have read, people are already leaving Facebook in droves, because they are fed up with it. So again, is it possible that there are some serious technical issues going on which have little or nothing to do with discrimination against us? I don't know how many of my related posts you have seen, but as I have already made really clear a number of times already, after almost nine years of virtual peace on Facebook, with near zero harassment, it became a real nightmare for me as of early October, 2019. The problems and harassment by Facebook techs got so bad, that I finally deleted my account in June of 2022, only to return 3.5 months later in September of 2022. Of course, now I just run a timeline, and no page or group, so things have been a lot more peaceful. However, sadly, it appears that I am STILL being shadow banned, and hardly anyone is seeing my daily posts. I actually make hundreds of posts each month. I wonder how many of them you actually see in your news feed. As I mentioned a minute ago, up until I opened my new Facebook account in September of 2022, I was being forced logged off and forced locked out of my account dozens of times. I was also forced to jump through Facebook's security hoops and change my password dozens of times over the course of three months. In May of 2022 alone, I was forced to upload my personal ID six times, which is why I finally got fed up and left in June of that same year. As if that is not enough, prior to shutting down my old account, literally hundreds of my posts were being removed. So, yes, as I have stated before, it seems like it may have been intentional harassment due to my Christian faith. But I am beginning to believe that it is that, and even more. Technically, it just seems to me that something is seriously screwed up, and the Facebook staff just don't have a handle on it yet, whatever it is.
I could be wrong, but that is my suspicion. What do YOU think? Let us know. By the way, you might want to read this article: "Why I Am Fed Up With Facebook": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/fed-up-facebook.html Thanks! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/facebook-is-it-possibly-broken/?feed_id=104089&_unique_id=65567b7d05f52&Facebook%3A%20Is%20It%20Possibly%20Broken%3F
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crackedoutwalnut · 3 years
Never Quite Free (Natasha x Reader)
Summary: Natasha grows concerned after you start ignoring her and decides to check on you.
!TW WARNINGS: Implied sexual assault, PTSD, and panic attacks! (lots of fluff near the end to make up for it i promise)
A/N: just a vent fic,,, as a treat. The song referenced in the fic is Never Quite Free by The Mountain Goats, in case you want to listen to it for context though you don't have to.
It's all good to learn that right outside your window There's only friendly fields and open roads And you'll sleep better when you think You've stepped back from the brink And found some peace inside yourself Laid down your heavy load It gets all right to dream at night Believe in solid skies and slate blue earth below But when you see him you'll know
For the longest time, going out into the world was like maneuvering across a field of landmines. The bombs could be set off by nearly anything, from minute details that had latched themselves to the back of your mind to glaring reminders that were almost impossible to ignore. Anything and everything that reminded you of him had seeped its way into the cracks in your brain, leaving irreparable stains and water damage in its wake. From the smell of cedar and pine aftershave to the brassy sound of a jazz trumpet on a passing radio, these reminders were minuscule as thumbtacks, and yet they felt like railroad spikes being hammered into your chest and skull.
In the past, you would bury yourself in work or drink yourself nearly to death to escape his ever-present grasp on your mind. Your life had been filled with you shoveling meaningless noise into your routine in attempts to block out the alarm that always seemed a pin trigger away from sounding in your head. Then, you met Natasha. You learned that she knew over seven languages and almost exclusively cussed in Russian when she was pissed enough. You memorized her favorite shows and books and how she snored like a lawnmower when she laid on her left side- a fact she vehemently denied. Natasha Romanov was caring, smart, strong, and oh so protective.
It's okay to find the faith to saunter forward With no fear of shadows spreading where you stand And you'll breathe easier just knowing that the worst is all behind you And the waves that tossed the raft all night have set you on dry land It gets okay to praise the day Believe in sheltering skies and stable earth beneath
These little bits of information filled your mind and heart with endearment and love, thoroughly pushing the smell of cedar aftershave and rot to the far back of your mind. And that was where he stayed for the longest time. For a whole two years, you filled your days with movie dates, forehead kisses, and late-night cuddles. She introduced you to her friends, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff; you even befriended Tony Stark- though Natasha never explicitly refers to him as a friend. Everything was going so well for the first time since before you met him. But, like a cockroach, your past is not so easily killed.
But hear his breath come through his teeth,
Walk by faith Tell no one what you've seen
You were at a local coffee shop when you noticed him. He was sitting at the table adjacent to yours, scrolling through his laptop, briefcase at his side. When you beheld him, it was as if your muscles were turning to concrete slabs. They were dragging you down, below the faded wooden floorboards, below the concrete foundation, until you were choking on dirt and rocks. It took you nearly five minutes to realize it was not him. However, him or not, the damage was done. Because you had seen his well-kempt mustache and graying sideburns, had seen his eyes the color of a lethal tundra. You could have sworn you felt those eyes watch you as you rushed out of the café and into the crowded streets.
From that day on, he was back. He visited you in sleep and trailed you all throughout work—a hefty shadow. However, it was not until you were in bed with Natasha that it came to its tipping point.
Your fiancée, having noticed your peculiar attitude, had decided to surprise you with a night of candles and wine. Not wanting her to be more concerned than she already was, you played along. You forced yourself to reciprocate every kiss and caress despite the acid in your throat and the timpani in your chest. Eventually, Natasha swept you off your feet into a bridal style carry and led you into her bedroom. Gently setting you on the bed, she quickly straddled your hips. Leaning down, she cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss. You swallowed down bile and half-heartedly opened your mouth to allow her tongue space to explore. She groaned and tore off her shirt as she pulled away from you.
"God, you're so sexy," she murmured, grinding her hips further against your abdomen. Natasha grabbed at your shirt, pulling it off your torso before chucking it across the room. You felt your throat tighten as your upper body was exposed to the elements. Your fiancée set about yanking off your sweatpants, murmuring bits of praise under her breath as she did so. Her gentle lithe hands seemed to grown more masculine and rough the longer they touched your bare skin. Her body morphed into the familiar form of a naked man. His sickeningly familiar graying mustache and coarse chest hair set flares of frigid panic through your body. He was here, he was here, hewasherehewashere.
Your body convulsed and kicked out at your assailant; flashes of his rough hands forcing your legs apart fueled the strength behind your attacks as you lunged to your feet. You shoved him off of you with a borderline unhinged snarl.
"Get the fuck away from me, Castor!" You screamed before hurriedly shoving on your clothes and sprinting out the door of the apartment. He was following you. You could hear his heavy footsteps thudding behind you. Your thighs burned from the sudden exercise, and the roaring in your ears drowned out your surroundings. You shoved your way into the elevator, nearly punching the first-floor button with your fist. Sweat dripped down the nape of your neck as you struggled to suck in breaths of air. Clutching your chest, you allowed your knees to collapse.
When the elevator slid open, you shot to your feet and ran through the lobby, out into the cool night. You clumsily pushed people aside, his voice clawing through your ear canal. You wildly waved down a taxi and slid into the back. Your voice was as flimsy as tissue paper as you gave the driver your address.
When you got home, you slid all three locks into place and snapped your curtains shut. You huddled under your blanket and slowly succumbed to a sleepless night.
Natasha was many things, but a worrier was not one of them. Why should she spend all her time fretting when she could just get up and solve the damn problem herself? However, after three days of complete radio silence on your end, she was sorely tempted to break into your apartment. That night, you had rushed out of her apartment as if the Devil himself had been at your heels. The look in your eyes had been that of a wounded animal. Natasha felt her stomach clench with anxiety as she stared down at her phone. 37 texts, 10 calls, 10 voicemails, and not a single message answered. You were always a punctual texter, which only made her worry worsen.
Natasha shoved her phone back in her back pocket and took a long sip of her coffee. What the hell could have caused you to run out of her apartment mid-sex? Not to mention, who the hell was Castor? Natasha finished off her coffee and set her red and black spider mug in the sink. The cup had been a 6-month anniversary gift, and she made sure to drink out of it every chance she got. After cleaning up the last of her breakfast, Natasha pulled out her phone once more and typed out another message.
Nat: darling I've tried giving you space but its been 3 days and I'm worried. I'm coming over.
Natasha moved to put the device away; however, after a second, she reconsidered it and unlocked it once more.
Nat: I love you <3
Pushing the phone into her pocket, she rushed out the door. When Natasha arrived at your apartment door, she immediately pulled out her phone once more. Nothing. She huffed a shaky breath and pulled out her copy of the apartment key. You had given it to her after you almost burnt down your apartment trying to cook for their date that night. She had to rush over to your apartment to clean up the damage done by the small grease fire and cook you both last-minute spaghetti.
She twisted the key in the lock and quietly pushed the door open. The apartment felt akin to a tomb. The curtains were drawn, and all the lights were off. Dirty dishes were piled up Tetris style in and around the sink, not to mention the empty takeout containers strewn throughout the living room and dining table. The TV was quietly playing It Chapter 2, yet you were nowhere in sight.
Worry continued to grip the assassin's chest as she called out, "Y/n, kotyonok are you here?" Being cautious of the numerous fast-food containers and clothing items thrown about, Natasha made her way towards your bedroom door. She hesitated for a moment before steeling her nerves and carefully knocking on your door. For a moment, she heard nothing, only the faint sound of Pennywise's voice coming from the living room. Then, just as she turned the knob to open the door, she heard whimpering. Her heart ramped up to a gallop as she quickly opened the door to your bedroom.
Natasha was certain she had seen war zone's tidier than this. Clothes covered nearly every inch of the bedroom, mattress, and wardrobe. Not to mention the numerous crumpled tissues and fallen picture frames. However, the state of your room was hardly her first concern because in the center of it all, huddled in shaking ball, was you. Painful sobs were rasping from your lips as you burrowed your face further into your knees. Your hair was tangled and greasy, and you were wearing one of Natasha's sweaters with a food-stained pair of boxer shorts.
The assassin felt sorely tempted to sprint across the rooms and scoop you into her arms. Instead, she went for the safer route, which was carefully wading through the mess over to your side of the bed. Tutting quietly, Natasha swallowed the urge to cry alongside you as she quietly cleared her throat. "Mon trésor, can you hear me?" she whispered, setting a hand next to your own, cautious not to make contact.
Instead of a relieved smile or a tired 'yes' like Natasha had expected, your entire body flinched away as if you had been punched. Your eyes snapped open as you scrambled across the bed, looking around hysterically. "Castor?" you called out, eyes wild with panic.
Natasha furrowed her brows and backed away from you. "Y/n it's me, Nat. I'm not here to hurt you; I just needed to see if you were okay."
Slowly, your eyes shone with recognition. Your body, however, remained as taught as before as you studied your fiancée carefully as if she was a trick or a mirage. Natasha felt her heart fracture slightly at the display of fear. "Nat?" Your voice was quiet and raspy; if she had not seen your mouth move, she would not have registered that you were speaking.
"Yes, kotyonok, it's me."
You furrowed your brows and brought your knees back up to your chest. "Wha-what're you doing here?" You asked, your voice slurred and shaky from the sobs racking your body.
Natasha carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, "I have been so worried about you. After you ran out on me a few days ago, I have been trying to check to see if you are okay."
Your face crumbled once more as you buried your face in your knees, "I-I'm," you hiccup, "Sorry, Nat."
Natasha tutted dotingly and slid back so that she sat beside you, still cautious not to touch. "Hey, hey, it's okay, darling. You're okay; just breathe for me. Can you do that, sweetie?"
You inhaled quick stuttering breathe, which quickly dissolved into hyperventilating. You clutched at your hair and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your fiancée watched with a heartbroken expression, "You're okay, you're okay, just keep trying. Can I touch you?" You nodded shakily as she pulled you onto her lap. Gently, she pulled your fists from your hair and replaced them with her own. She stroked your knotted locks and quietly cooed sweet nothings into your ear. She guided your fist to rest atop her chest as she whispered, "Copy my breathing okay, mon trésor?" Sucking in exaggerated breaths, she held her hand atop your own to keep it in place. After a few tries, your breathing eventually settled, and you let out a long whimpery sigh.
It's all good to learn that from right here the view goes on forever And you'll never want for comfort and you'll never be alone See the sunset turning red let all be quiet in your head And look about, all the stars are coming out They shine like steel swords Wish me well where I go But when you see me you'll know
Natasha smiled and kissed the top of your head, "You're doing so well, my love. Nothings going to get you while I'm here, I promise."
You burrowed further into her lap and placed your head atop her chest, letting the sound of her steady heartbeat soothe you into a lull. The two of you sat there for what seemed like eons as you soaked in the feeling of safety and warmth. Natasha hummed quietly, placing chaste kisses on the crown of your head every once in a while.
Sucking in a breath, you spoke, "He was a family friend." Natasha's humming stopped as she looked down at you. "His name was Castor Davids, and my dad met him at work. He was nice at first, sort of like a goofy rich uncle. He would always buy me new toys and books. He would even take me out for ice cream. Even when I got into fights with my parents, I knew I could always talk to him when I was upset. But then..." you gulped, your voice breaking. Natasha continued stroking your hair. "But then one day, he was babysitting me while my parents were out at a baby shower. H-he..." Your words broke off into a sob, and your fiancée quickly shushed you.
"You're safe; you're here with me. No one can hurt you, I promise. Just relax, darling. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that you're safe now." Eventually, after a few more minutes of comforting words and protective hugs, the phantom hands that had been grasping at you for days disappeared.
You burrowed your head further into her chest and huffed, " 'm sorry I ran out on you the other night. I shoulda texted."
Natasha chuckled humorlessly, "Darling, that is the least of my worries. What I am worried about, however, is the last time you had an actual healthy dinner." You looked down at your lap sheepishly and shrugged. Natasha playfully pinched your side and untangled herself from your hold. You whined at the loss of contact and looked up at her accusingly. "I am going to make you a proper dinner, and we are going to sit down and watch stupid TV shows."
You huffed, "Can we watch House Hunters?"
Natasha sighed and nodded, "Fine, only because I love you, though." You grinned and slid out of bed. Your fiancée inspected you with a grimace, "First, we're going to take a shower."
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kurowrites · 4 years
It wasn’t like Wei Ying particularly hated air travel, not at all. After all, it was still the most practical way to travel long distances, and the distance between China and Europe was definitely long. The problem was that though he had just sat down in his seat, he was already horrifically bored. The airplane hadn’t even finished boarding yet, and there were around ten hours of flight still in front of him, and he couldn’t wait to arrive at his destination already.
He wasn’t looking forward to the flight, not least because he didn’t actually want to leave. After a year of not seeing her, Wei Ying had finally been able to take some time off and visit his sister, who had been living abroad with her stupid, loaded husband. He’d spent two weeks with Jiang Yanli and his little nephew, and it had been so good to see them again. A-Ling had grown so much! But now, a lot of work was waiting for him back at home, and he really needed to return, not sure when they would be able to meet the next time. That, he definitely wasn’t happy about.
Wei Ying distractedly fidgeted around in his seat, trying to keep in mind that it was no use to take out his laptop now, because the flight attendants would ask him to pack it up again for take-off in a few minutes. He had taken a book with him, anticipating this situation, but right now, the book seemed so unappealing he couldn’t even be bothered to unpack it from his backpack.
Come on, he mentally urged the passengers who were still moving along the aisles in search of their seat like a group of very slow snails, move faster, so we can leave.
Despite his best efforts, the other passengers did not speed up their pace, and so Wei Ying was cursed to sit there and wait until everyone was seated. He tried not to notice the usual offenders that managed to get in everyone’s way and blocked everything with their luggage, and tried to relax (rather unsuccessfully).
As he was idly watching the passengers pass him by, he caught a flash of white that caught his attention. Just when he was sure that his eyes were playing a trick on him, a man in a pristine white suit separated from the crowd and sat down right next to him. He pushed his briefcase under the front seat, fastened his seat belt, nodded to Wei Ying once, and then directed his glance straight forward, turning into a beautiful marble statue.
Wei Ying tried not to stare at his new neighbour too conspicuously, but he couldn’t really help it. The man seemed to be horribly out of place here in economy class, with a tailor-made white suit that very obviously was of high quality and therefore very expensive. His face equally set him apart from the other passengers, with a noble look and a bone structure that looked more suited to the cover of a fashion magazine. Wei Ying, in a simple hoody, soft jacket, and old jeans that were selected specifically for comfort purposes (after all, he would have to vegetate in them for ten hours), wondered how this unicorn had gotten lost among the common folk.
His seatmate was incredibly handsome, obviously wealthy, and… extremely stiff.
When the flight attendant finally announced that boarding had been completed, and that they were waiting for permission to proceed to the runway, the man next to him put his hands on both armrests, and for a second, Wei Ying was ready to be offended that this man hogged all the armrests for himself without consideration for the other passengers.
Then he noticed the man’s knuckles going white, his hands holding on to the armrests as if…
Wei Ying looked at the man’s face again. He was still staring straight ahead, his handsome face expressionless, his breath deep and controlled.
His eyes were fixed at some indeterminate point in the distance, and their focus did not waver at all.  
And they weren’t even moving yet.
Oh dear, Wei Ying thought to himself. Someone is not a fan of flying, huh.
He knew that a lot of people probably wouldn’t appreciate his meddling, but then again, he couldn’t sit there and do nothing while his neighbour was counting breaths or whatever the fuck he was doing to calm himself down. He wasn’t going to sit next to this man for the next several hours and pretend that he didn’t notice that this person was very obviously panicking.
So he reached out, and carefully put his own hand over the one currently clutching at their shared armrest.
“It’s going to be okay,” he said, as quietly as he could. “You’re not alone, and you’re going to be fine.”
The man sucked in a shocked breath the moment Wei Ying touched him.
Wei Ying was ready to draw back and apologise for his unrequested interference, Maybe he shouldn’t have touched him, maybe he had misread–
The hand under his turned around and grasped his own, holding him fast.
“I apologise,” the stranger replied in a faint tone of voice. “For my unseemly display.”
Wei Ying laughed quietly, relief washing over him.
“It’s alright,” he replied conversationally. “We all have our little burdens to carry. As for me, I am deadly afraid of dogs, and I will jump into your arms when I see one. Not that I have much shame to begin with, but my fear of dogs is definitely bigger than any shame I might have. There will be screaming and a general amount of unnecessary, very ugly drama.”
That, finally, had the stranger remove his gaze from the undetermined point in the distance he had settled on, and he turned towards Wei Ying.
Wei Ying had been woefully underprepared for this event. The man was even more handsome, facing him directly, and Wei Ying was sure he had never seen such beautiful eyes.
How, he wondered again, had this man ended up in economy class? He should be flying a private plane, not panicking next to Wei Ying on a commercial flight. He should be someone’s trophy husband.
“Dogs?” the man asked him, as if a fear of dogs wasn’t an entirely normal phobia to have.
“Yes,” Wei Ying replied earnestly. “Have you seen them? So fast, and they make so much noise all the time, and their teeth. Ugh. It’s a completely rational fear to have!”
By now, the plane had moved onto the runway, and was starting the jets up.
The man clutched at Wei Ying’s hand almost painfully as the plane started to vibrate, but surprisingly, he did not look away from Wei Ying, steadily holding Wei Ying’s gaze.
“Well, so is a fear of flying, I guess,” Wei Ying mused as the airplane began to move. “But think about this: it’s far more likely to get mauled by a dog than to get involved in a plane accident. There are dogs everywhere, and you never know when one is going to come around a corner! And some owners really don’t know to handle their dogs. So, you see. My fear is much more rational than yours. Also, I did get mauled by several dogs in the past, you know. It’s not even a theoretical fear for me, I know exactly what those bastards are capable of. Dogs are horrible. Not to mention that it’s too late to do anything about your fear now, anyway. Look. We’ve taken off.”
The man kept clutching his hand and stared at him without replying. Wei Ying didn’t know if he even heard anything Wei Ying had said, what with the noise and the pressure in their ears. But the stranger never looked away, and he never let go of Wei Ying’s hand, so that was good, he thought.
Eventually, when the airplane had gained enough height to level off slightly, and the pressure on the diminished, his handsome neighbour finally let out a deep breath and turned his gaze away.
Wei Ying felt almost disappointed to be relieved of the heavy weight of his gaze.
As he had said, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen.
“Ridiculous,” his neighbour murmured, eventually, after a long period of silence.
Wei Ying laughed.
“Hello Ridiculous,” he greeted, shaking their still-connected hands playfully. “My name is Wei Ying.”
The man’s head whipped around, and he sent him a positively offended look.
And then, after a beat of silence, he said,
“Lan Zhan.”
It needed some careful prodding and digging, but eventually, Wei Ying found out that Lan Zhan the reason why Lan Zhan was on this plain at all was because he had taken over the business trip as a favour to his older brother, who had been unable to travel.
Wei Ying felt the need to tease him for his self-sacrificing sense of familial piety, but he didn’t quite dare to tease Lan Zhan about it. After all, Lan Zhan had done a good thing, at the cost of his own suffering.
Lan Zhan was already bad enough when it came to flying as it was, but then someone had made a mistake with the booking, and he had been booked to fly economy rather than business class on his return trip. Lan Zhan, already at the airport and very troubled by the notion of having to fly, period, had not had the energy to discuss the mistake in his booking and decided to keep his assigned seat. After all, it hardly made any difference whether he was flying business or economy. He would spend the entire flight terrified, either way.
“Well, it was very lucky you ended up choosing economy,” Wei Ying mused. “Now you have a free emotional support pet for the entire flight.”
He grinned cheekily and wiggled Lan Zhan’s hand, still safely encased in his own.
Lan Zhan frowned at the joke.
“I thank you,” he replied regardless. “It is… much easier with you here. But I do not wish to trouble you with my… unfortunate condition.”
What a polite, honest man!
Wei Ying was delighted.
“It’s no trouble at all! You saved me from hours and hours of boredom, so it’s really not just you that’s profiting from this. Are you going to be fine when I have to go to the bathroom though?”
Lan Zhan frowned again, but nodded once.
“Good, good,” Wei Ying praised. “And if you wait for me very nicely, I’m going to get us some snacks from the kitchen. They never bring out the chocolate, which is a crime, really.”
In the end, after Wei Ying wheedled out information about Lan Zhan’s job and life for what felt like hours, Lan Zhan managed to relax enough to doze off for a little bit, and they spent the rest of their flight in a repeating pattern of chatting, dozing off, and then being woken up to be served questionable airplane meals.
When they finally touched down at their destination (Lan Zhan once again clutching Wei Ying’s hand as if it was the only lifeline that he had – and Wei Ying trying not to be too happy about that), they took their carry-on luggage and slowly ambled out of the plane, moving towards the baggage claim with the rest of the passengers.
Lan Zhan, as soon as he was out of the airplane and on solid ground again, straightened up and took on a confident stance.
Wei Ying was a little bit in awe. He looked even more handsome and formidable now, in his still pristine white suit. He was even taller than Wei Ying had first thought, definitely taller than Wei Ying, and Wei Ying mused whether there was anything about this man that wasn’t awe-inspiring.
(Well, there was that small case of aviophobia, but who could blame him for that, really.)
Wei Ying felt his hand twitch, and he sternly told himself that it was silly to wish for them to continue holding hands, now that they were out of the plane.
“Well,” he said awkwardly as he grabbed his luggage off the conveyor belt. He wasn’t quite willing to say his goodbyes yet, but he was equally unable to think of any reason to hold on to Lan Zhan’s company for a little longer. “I had a good time on our flight, Lan Zhan. Well. I guess you don’t really want to hear that. You probably had a horrible time. For your sake, I hope that you won’t come close to any planes for a while.”
“Wei Ying, too,” Lan Zhan replied. “For your sake, I hope that you will not meet any dogs suddenly coming around corners. So that you don’t have to leap into anyone’s arms.”
Wei Ying gaped, and as he stared at Lan Zhan in disbelief, he noticed the smallest uptick of Lan Zhan’s lips.
“Ayoo!” he cried. “Lan Zhan, are you teasing me? Look at you, all confident now that you are back on solid ground! Be a little more grateful to your emotional support pet!”
Lan Zhan nonchalantly picked his (very small, compared to Wei Ying’s big, lumpy one) suitcase up from the conveyor belt, and placed it next to his feet.
“I am grateful,” Lan Zhan said, serious again. “I have a car waiting for me outside. You are welcome to join me. I will drop you off anywhere in the city. As a sign of my gratitude.”
“Mmm,” Wei Ying made a considering noise. He didn’t want to say goodbye yet, not when Lan Zhan made him such a nice offer. But then, he was also really hungry.  
“I would love to get chauffeured around, but to be honest, I was planning on getting some decent coffee and a nice breakfast somewhere first. The food in that plane was horrible and I’m not functional without decent coffee.”
Lan Zhan was quiet for a moment.
“Can you wait for half an hour?”
But before Wei Ying could ask him to elaborate, Lan Zhan was already herding Wei Ying towards the exit. He somehow managed to argue Wei Ying into accepting the car ride (Lan Zhan didn’t even argue, how that worked, Wei Ying sure didn’t know), and then Lan Zhan drove him to the nicest little shop for the most delicious breakfast that Wei Ying could have possibly wished for.
He was ravenous by the time they arrived, but he definitely wasn’t in a mood to complain as soon as the first delicious whiff of fresh coffee and food met his nose in welcome.
Lan Zhan was very attentive as they sat down to eat, generously plying Wei Ying with coffee, and letting him pick all his favourite foods. Wei Ying also learned that when Lan Zhan wasn’t scared for his life, he was remarkably smart and funny. It was so easy to get comfortable with him that Wei Ying had a hard time believing that they had never met until just one day ago.  
Lan Zhan was fun.
“Lan Zhan, you’re joking,” Wei Ying laughed, playfully swatting at Lan Zhan’s arm. “Your first serious family fight was because of rabbits?”
“They were very cute,” Lan Zhan replied seriously, insistent on the point.
Wei Ying leaned forward eagerly, meeting Lan Zhan’s serious mien with a big grin.
“And then, what happened with them?” Wei Ying asked. “Did your uncle cook them in a pot? Were you forced to eat rabbit stew?”
“The fourth generation now lives in my back garden.”
Wei Ying gasped. “You kept them?”
Lan Zhan showed the barest twitch of his lips. “Of course.”
Wei Ying nearly slid under the table at the sight of Lan Zhan’s proud little smile.
If Lan Zhan was trying to seduce him, then Wei Ying would consider himself sufficiently seduced by now.
Goodness gracious, that smile was criminal!
And he was the proud owner of a hoard of rabbits!
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan,” he sighed, shaking his head. “You are a veritable little rebel. But, speaking from one pet to another, there is no way you can only tell me about your rabbits and not show them to me. That would be very rude.”
And on Wei Ying’s request, Lan Zhan took out his phone and showed Wei Ying his rabbit children. And then, since he had his phone out already, he shared his contact with Wei Ying. And when they had finished their breakfast, Lan Zhan led him back to the car and drove him home to his apartment, as promised.
When Wei Ying opened the door of the parked car, ready to hop out Lan Zhan stopped him.
“Thank you, Wei Ying,” he said, his beautiful, serious eyes gazing at Wei Ying steadily, as he had done in the plane. “For your help.”
Wei Ying laughed, and rubbed his nose.
God, he really liked the way that Lan Zhan looked at him.  
“For what it’s worth,” he replied quickly, “I’m willing to be Lan Zhan’s emotional support pet anytime.”
And then, because he felt like was too presumptuous and said too much, he hopped out of the car, grabbed his luggage, and weaselled away, to the safety of his apartment.
Once the door of the apartment was closed and his luggage thrown into a corner, he took a deep breath. He dug his phone out of his jacket to inform Jiang Yanli of his save arrival. She was probably wondering why he hadn’t sent her a message yet.
When he unlocked the phone, as expected, there was a message from his sister, asking him if he had arrived safely. However, before he could send a reply, his phone pinged with another message. A message not from Jiang Yanli.
[Lan Zhan, 11.46 am] I’ll take you by your word, Wei Ying. I might have to rely on your services again.
Suddenly, Wei Ying was glad that no one could see him here, hiding behind the door of his own apartment, as he blushed as red as a tomato.
This man!
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solomonish · 3 years
selfless (to a fault?) [nowdateables]
CW: allusions to past toxic relationships.
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brothers here!
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So. Diavolo might not notice right away. It’s not ignorance! He’s just very busy, and public appearances are important to keep up, so one of the ways he keeps up with you happens to be exactly what you have trouble accepting. Large bouquets sent to the House of Lamentation when you’re there, a word sent out to any of his staff out where you may be to make your life easier however possible (Mammon tries to tag along with you all the time, hoping to hear the magic words: “His highness has graciously waived the fee for all exchange students’ purchases today!”) - and he’s not even there to see the way your smile looks a little more like a grimace, or the way you stare uncomfortably at the little gift.
He seems to love that you are so willing to try and help him out - even if there isn’t much you can do, since he handles a lot of sensitive documents and information. But, considering he’s so lonely, when it comes to reciprocating he sort of follows your lead?
He knows, on a surface level, how to be in a relationship, but considering you’re a human AND he doesn’t have a lot of interpersonal relationships for practice...he sort of follows your lead, and hopes your way of giving love is the same as your way of receiving.
You’ll have to bring it up to him, which is a nerve-wracking experience on its own, eased only by the fact that you know Diavolo has done his best to make sure you KNOW you can bring up any issues you have. He is very good at opening his ears to you and helping you problem solve, and when dealing with the things he cares about (yes, YOU) he is very direct about problem solving.
The moment you stand before him, Diavolo notices the way you fidget with your hands and almost refuse to look at him directly. He immediately stops what he’s doing, putting everything down and turning in his seat. If he’s at his desk, he gestures for you to come to his side and asks you directly - “What’s wrong?”
It seems terrible to directly accuse the prince of wanting to manipulate you, so instead you ask, “What did you want in exchange for those gifts?” And for a moment, he does not know what you are talking about. First of all, WHICH gifts, there’s so many, and secondly did he come across as wanting something in return other than your happiness?
No matter what he was doing before, he will set aside all of the time he needs to at least start to communicate to you that he has no ulterior motives with his gifts to you. If you’d like him to stop with such blatant displays of affection, he will, but it’s more important to him that you know he is only trying to communicate how he feels when he cannot do it directly.
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This is a relationship where you might have to bring it up before you even start dating. Either that or he WILL get a hint before then. He’s a butler! Not only is he normally serving other people, he is a master at standing in the back and watching people. He notices the way you awkwardly hold your tea cup after he gives it to you, or decline anything that he offers you when given the chance. It just comes up by nature of who he is.
Before he is interested in pursuing a relationship, he simply brushes it off as the unfamiliarity of having someone wait on you. Perhaps you’re particularly independent, or you just never really are in a situation where someone waits on you like he does. Either way, it isn’t really much of his business.
But...it is very obvious in a relationship. He just...defaults to helping others. Sure, he knows how to separate work and his personal life (though, to be fair, there is not much of a “personal life” there with how much time work takes up, so maybe that needs to be revisited. some day...) but even with that separation he enjoys providing solutions for people and helping out. It brings him joy to help make your life a little easier if he can help, and it’s something he’s good at.
Still, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and he definitely doesn’t want to make you think that he’s treating you the way he treats people as a job. If he wanted to, he could most likely peer into different timelines or even into your past, try to figure out what’s bothering you...but he knows better than to creep into places you haven’t explicitly told him you want him. Besides, communication is important, and this seems a prime opportunity to put that to use.
So he asks you one day when you visit him at the castle, after he notices your hesitation to respond to him when he offers to help you with something you were complaining about. “Why does it make you uncomfortable when I offer my assistance to you?”
You freeze for a moment. “Wouldn’t you be able to find that out on your own?” “Would you like me to?” “...no, not really.”
He isn’t one to press you for information, or to ask a thousand times if you know he’d never use any of his attempts to make your life in the Devildom easier against you. Barbatos will listen to what you have to say intently and do his best to mesh to what you think you’re most comfortable with. He does intend to help you accept help as much as he can, but it’ll be so subtle you’ll hardly even notice. With the little amount of time he already gets with you, he’s already practiced in making the most of it - what’s one more little task to the greatest butler in all the realms?
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See, this is a relationship that doesn’t necessarily depend on the whole “acts of kindness” thing. (Like, it does to the same degree any relationship does, but considering I think you’d both be pretty independent people and the helping each other aspect normally comes from things you’re doing together anyway. If that makes sense.)
Still, he does notice how...surprised you look when he surprises you with a flashy spell he learned, or when he hears you complaining about your course load or Lucifer’s expectations for you. You decline every single offer he gives you to help, and you never look as happy as he hopes you will when he shows you his spells. (Depending on what stage you are at in the relationship, how is he supposed to impress you if you never want him to do things for you !!!)
However, he is accustomed to holding information close to his chest, and he isn’t always the best at asking about people’s emotions. So, even though sometimes you jump at the opportunity to help him collect ingredients for potions or find one book in massive libraries or craft things for enchantments and spells but you REFUSE to let him help you study for a class he could pass without even listening to one of the lectures, he silently suffers and hopes you’ll breach the subject on your own.
Which you do. Kinda. He’s trying to convince you to let him help you with paying back the debts of one of Mammon’s schemes he dragged you into - figuring two bodies on the job will get it done faster and, in turn, he can have more time with you later - but he makes the mistake of rationalizing it with, “Well, since you help me out so much, maybe I could-”
“Don’t! Don’t...say that. We don’t owe each other anything.” You give him a tight smile that’s OBVIOUSLY fake. “I help you because I want to.”
“And I want to help you. Why won’t you let me? What’s up?”
The conversation is...uncomfortable. Solomon isn’t the best at handling vulnerability. But he doesn’t judge you for a second, and he gets the fear that you have in the back of your mind. Especially since people keep telling you not to trust him and that he’s shady...this relationship is pretty dependent on a thorough trust between the two of you. But he doesn’t mind proving himself a little more, so long as you’ll be gracious enough to give him a chance.
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Simeon is really good at vibing out somebody’s boundaries and comforts. Call it angelic intuition, but he also has a feeling about you that makes a little too much sense when he notices how you shy away from any offers of assistance.
A little thinking, and suddenly the way you stretch yourself thing to help the brothers at any moment makes a lot of sense too. (And, of course, he is pleased to know everyone considers everyone to be family. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t two main causes!)
Angels naturally want to ease the strife of the humans they come across, and even though Simeon knows that it might make you uncomfortable, he finds himself unknowingly putting you in awkward positions with how often he reaches out to make your life easier.
Bringing you homework that you missed, being your escort when the brothers are busy, buying you lunch just because - he’s a bit of a sweetheart and it’s in his blood to do these things, and he only remembers how it hurts you when you uncomfortably shift before taking the only option he’s given you - accept what you don’t want.
He sits you down one day, letting you know it’s bound to be a healing conversation between the two of you. Fortunately, he has a knack for making you feel comfortable and safe, so he has a slightly easier time getting you to pen up to him.
The moment you even hint at him having ulterior motives, you feel stupid. Even when he assures you that it’s alright, saying it out in the open feels...wrong. That doesn’t shake the feeling or ease your fears, but it does make addressing things a bit easier.
Simeon has no problem helping to draft a plan for re-affirming your trust in genuine love and kindness. He also inserts himself directly into the plans - what, you thought he wouldn’t? Simeon will remind you what it feels like to be cared for with no expectation of return. don’t get him wrong though, he’ll take a lil kiss or something if u want...
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You can’t say no to him. Unfortunately, he bakes a LOT and he is all too eager to be your personal guard dog guardian angel.
When you do decide to let him know why you look so uncomfortable when he tries to do something for you (giving him an abridged version, of course) - and he, in all his energy, does not seem to get the hint to STOP ASKING - you can see him literally just chill out. One minute he’s vibrating with pure energy and the next he’s just. Still.
He half wants to get indignant on you, but he knows that’s not a good response. Instead he just sort of stands there, watching you for a minute, until he blurts out with zero grace - “What would I even have to do that for??”
He realizes it’s a terrible response the moment it comes out of his mouth, but you seem to be okay with it if your awkward chuckle is anything to go with. Luke starts pouting just a little bit, more upset with himself that he’s completely failing at handling this situation. “I’m just nice to you because you’re nice and you deserve it. There’s nothing else to it.”
He’s a sweet boy, and he doesn’t wanna lose his favorite taste-tester. He’s got the spirit.
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