stolenlandsshitposts · 10 months
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Thanks to @mountainashfae for consulting on this. I love being enabled.
[IMAGE ID: "A low quality meme chart. The title reads EVERY FRIEND GROUP HAS THE with roles and portraits listed as follows: active suicide risk (Regongar), 10/10 (Valerie), little rat from the muppets (Nok-Nok), living god (Amiri), needs to retake the "am I gay" quiz (Tristian), average joe rogan listener (Jaethal), everybody wants him (Baron/ess), XANAX PRESCRIPTION NOW (Ekundayo), missing person (Linzi with portrait greyed out), cannibalized first in the plane crash (Jubilost), bisexual phoebe bridgers enjoyer (Octavia), loves carbs a little too much (Harrim)" /End ID]
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pfkm shitposts
(nobody mention my shitty editing pls)
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
I have no horse in this race, I just believe in equality and in the interest of fairness, I added Maegar as he is romanceable in Varnhold's Lot.
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daisymeade · 1 year
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First Harrim, then Staunton. Methinks Torag is a douchenozzle.
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outeremissary · 1 year
☮ - Balthazar, specifically with Harrim or Jaethal?
From this... I've made you wait more than long enough, so I'll say something for both.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Jaethal I've had a lot of thought about, of course. She is Balthazar's closest friend in the Stolen Lands and the person he forms a connection with the most easily. She's his closest confidante and spends a lot of time with him, and a part of that is having a pretty intimate understanding of his space. She's the only person besides him who can claim to comprehend the horrible organized chaos of his study in its entirety. Sometimes she can even find things faster than he can. He is also much more comfortable with her in his personal space than with most people- she's free to lean in to observe what he's working on, or to reach across to indicate things she has thoughts on or to relocate things within reach. He trusts her judgment and knows that she's like-minded enough not to deride him for any project (although her opinions are always delivered with the bluntest honesty).
Balthazar often visits Jaethal at the inn. Originally, before she was persuaded to take a formal position as an advisor, he would drop by to ask her opinion on significant undertakings on his realm and seek her advice in an informal capacity. The visits continued afterwards though and now are simply social. They discuss politics, philosophy, magic, and recent happenings- Jaethal is seldom without a word on any topic. It's also an opportunity for mutual reminiscing on past residences: neither can claim to be entirely pleased to have settled in a rural backwater (even as its local leadership) and both miss the grandeur of past lives. Every so often, talk edges dangerously close to the wistful. The frequency of visitation between them means that each tends to leave some things in the other's space. There are always some of Jaethal's books on Balthazar's desk and Balthazar's notes in Jaethal's room in the inn. It's so mundane that neither tends to give it much thought.
It would be difficult for me to define the relationship between Balthazar and Harrim as a friendship, and Harrim has certainly caused Balthazar frustration on many occasions. However, I think that there's a respect that Balthazar has for Harrim's pursuit of his own incomprehensible way, as well has his defiance of tradition when it came to fail him. Balthazar doesn't really mind Harrim's melancholic soliloquys. The drama of them is entertaining, and he's not put off by the pessimism unless he's already in a bad mood. So every so often he takes the time to listen: sometimes in silence, sometimes nodding along with some points and striking up debate over others. Some of those debates deepen into lengthy metaphysical conversations about religious esoterica and philosophies of being. It's a mutually fulfilling exercise.
And of course, Harrim's always a fantastic ear when one needs to vent to someone who will affirm theirfeelings about the pointlessness of the problem at hand.
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He utterly resents his home culture and crafting in general but he still loves it and the beautiful fortress it made so much...
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sanctum-stinker · 3 months
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Gently and subtly unwrapping the Lieutenant.
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quinttyz · 7 months
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the pfkm madness continues
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tuxedo-rabbit · 3 months
After finally being able to put Tristan in my party I am baffled as to why he's the cleric everyone loves.
Like yes he's pretty, but an enemy can simply look at him and he dies.
Meanwhile nihilist dwarf king Harrim can heal AND curse AND wears heavy armor.
Never switching him out for Tristan again.
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so i started playing pathfinder: kingmaker yesterday and i immediately needed to make my character in cas. her name is mayhem. she's a chaotic neutral tiefling and an eldritch scion, currently level 2 cause i just started. she's very charismatic and i love her.
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Some recent sketches. Even if things don't go perfectly, I've been having fun. The blue pencil is good for just relaxing and accepting mistakes.
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no one ever mentions this, so i will. i love the friendship that octavia and harrim have… like the one dialogue where harrim has nightmares and octavia offers him some of her herbs that help with nightmares because she has nightmares too was so good. i did not expect them to get along so well but i absolutely adore it
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
Every so often I remember Harrim PFKM tells Ekundayo that he is envious of Ekun's dead wife and child while Ekun is carefully explaining what happened to them to the MC.
He really said "Groetus, I wish that were me."
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gutterspeak · 2 months
when I was playing last night harrim got repeatedly stuck in webs and while I was drumming my fingers waiting for him to make the reflex save to get out of it I looked up some advice for the issue. this comment in particular tickled me
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outeremissary · 1 year
for blorbo bingo: harrim
My cringe and fail grandpa... You may ask "who is Harrim a parental figure to." The answer is me. He's my granddad.
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