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Thanks to @mountainashfae for consulting on this. I love being enabled.
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outeremissary · 2 years
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Happy (now belated) birthday @eurekq!!! Jubilee and Cascade are such an inspiration to me all the time 💕💕💕
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lucabite · 2 years
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MYMK characters and Clickhole headlines pt. 1
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kranom · 4 months
I can imagine ten thousand different arguments surrounding Regongar but I'm banking on the fact that nobody cares enough about this six-year-old game to start them with me over a meme.
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋If you are a villain, then let me be your accomplice❋ ↳ reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy aka villain/ess au part 2 feat: Jade genre: drama, partners in crimes-to-partners in love?, slow burn romance note: sequel to "being reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy" Jade ver., no pronouns used for reader, some actions are ethically questionable (Jade and reader are just up to no good),
part one series masterlist
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You cursed the lovey-dovey fools who drone on about the bliss of married life, fondly speaking of the joy and romance that leads to the big day and beyond. With the right person, life as someone engaged to be married would be a dream come true. 
With the right person, that is 
Unfortunately, you didn’t have that pleasure when you’re faced with the man you happened to be engaged to; the mysterious Jade Leech. 
“You seemed to be very occupied with something.” With a quizzical look, you asked the teal-haired heir as he sat at his study desk. While you exaggerated, there was a sizable amount of papers atop the merman’s desk, with names and locations you recognised as you managed to glimpse upon the reports. “Am I allowed to inquire about the mountain of reports on your desk?” 
Unperturbed, Jade gave you his well-practiced smile. “Of course, I would never hide anything from my wonderful betrothed” 
This brazen liar 
Having chosen to willingly participate in the Leech family’s goals, you were aware of their plans to monopolize the marine-related business and operations, including taking over the coastal territories from other nobles. 
Which was exactly what Jade was currently trying to do apparently, as he had his family’s men research a baron whose territory included a lively strait between this kingdom and a flourishing island nation nearby. But the baron was an incompetent leader with an unfavorable reputation amongst the merfolk and islanders due to his actions as a businessman.
“Baron Byrne seems to be causing quite an issue in his strait as the large amount of cargo ships constantly coming through the strait is disrupting the islanders’ livelihood as well as the merfolk that made the nearby reefs their home…” 
“But since he seems to have a good relationship with the prince’s new lover, his behavior is not reprimanded by the royal family,” you continued his thoughts and let out a frustrated sigh. “He’s a greedy, impatient bastard but no one can stop him” 
Jade kept his courteous smile but you couldn’t imagine he was thrilled about any of this. Despite the human-merfolk peace treaty being established, the merfolk were used as the antagonists in this world so the story ignored their issues or crimes against them. 
“This was a romance webtoon, I supposed. No attention was given to the repercussions of the lives outside of the main leads” 
You looked through the reports on the baron’s family and you noticed a more detailed section on a certain person; the baron’s wife to be precise. You recognised the young woman as an admirer of Jade, recalling how envious she seems every time she looks your way. From what you knew, she married the baron for his new status as a noble but fell for Jade when she first saw him at a gathering.
“So you’re planning to go through the wife for information” you let out a noise of intrigued as you looked through the papers “you even found out where the salons and stores she frequents. That’s impressive but tell me, how do you plan to approach her?” 
“Oh my, does the notion of me meeting her upset you?” Jade reached for your hand to hold as he looked up to you from his seat, peering at you with convincing concern and acting like a worried fiancé, “I would never intend to hurt you in any way or give doubt to my devotion to you” 
“Firstly, don’t mock me by lying so blatantly” you sneered as you pulled your hand from his grasp. “Secondly, I agree that meeting the baron’s wife is the best way to find out about his weakness”
Jade raised his brow inquisitively before changing back into a look of worry, “Then what is it that causes such concern on your face, my dear?” 
Again, that fake term of endearment sends a shiver down your spine. 
“I’m only asking so I can act accordingly” you looked at the tall merman with mocking sweetness in your eyes. “Should I be the naive partner who knows nothing, or perhaps I’m grieving over the audacity of my dear fiancé meeting with someone other than me?” 
For a moment, you thought you saw a glint in Jade’s dual-coloured eyes before a look of amusement took over his face. He chuckled behind his gloved hand before smiling at you, his sharp teeth peeking behind his lips. “I will leave that decision to you, my dear. I’m excited to see what you’ll show me”
Weeks passed since your conversation with Jade as he quickly put his plan into motion, finding chances to meet the baroness by “coincidence” and gaining her trust immediately. You weren’t surprised how quickly Jade managed to befriend the smitten woman. If you were none the wiser, you didn’t have the confidence to say that you could withstand Jade’s good looks and charming persona either (it would be paradise in the underworld before you would ever let Jade know that, however).
Of course, meetings like these tend not to stay secret for long, especially amongst the high social circle. Many of the gossiping noblewomen whispered around about the possible tryst between the lovestruck baroness and the attractive Leech family heir. However, most of the attention fell to you as the supposed tragic lover of this “affair.” 
Being part of a well-respected family, you were ultimately the envy of certain nobles who would love nothing more than to pull you off your high horse, in sadistic glee in watching a family like yours be sullied. One of these nobles included the woman involved in the rumour herself, Baroness Byrne. 
“Please don’t misunderstand,” the baroness spoke with such fake sincerity, you almost laughed at the poor acting. “Sir Leech and I just get along so well that these rumours seemed to misconstrue our closeness” 
It’s almost insulting to think that this woman assumes that you can’t figure out that she was most likely the one to start these rumours in the first place since you knew Jade would try not to catch too much attention if the situation does not call for it. Despite being a married woman, you wondered if she’s hoping to break your engagement and take him for herself. 
“If it were that easy, I wouldn’t be in this nonsense” you scoffed internally but hid your thoughts with a maintained smile (Jade has given you some bad habits). “If she wants to play mind games, then let’s play~” 
“It’s quite alright, really. I’m not worried at all” you put on your best smile, a look of understanding displayed in your eyes. “In fact, I’m happy that my fiancé has made a friend like you, Baroness Byrne” 
“R-really?” The baroness stuttered which secretly delighted you. You hid your glee with a sickly sweet smile, however. 
“Of course, Jade and I tend to be quite busy since we often have to work tirelessly in maintaining our lands, assets, and the responsibilities we will inherit” you sighed as though life bears heavy on your shoulders “We spent so much time together since Jade likes to inspect every valuable item in my possession, taking in all its beauty and worth. He has quite an eye for such things, you see.”
You looked to the baroness, your gaze demanding her eyes to meet yours. Once she did, you curled your lips slightly to display just a hint of taunting smugness. “With the baroness, Jade can enjoy a simple and humble company without much to entice his personal interest.” 
One could almost see the steam escaping from the baroness’ face as she turned red with humiliated rage. With that, you decided to swiftly take your leave lest you wanted to get your eyes ripped out by a madwoman. 
After some time, you decided to make your way towards the carriage area to go home, you were shocked to see Jade standing outside alone. Once your eyes locked, he immediately made his way to you with an ever-present smile. Was he…waiting for you? 
No, that couldn’t be. 
“Jade, I assumed that you were still at the ballroom” Last you saw Jade, he was mingling with his brother Floyd and Count Azul. 
“Hmm, I was. But then, I heard some commotion amongst the ladies and decided that it’d be best to call it a night.” 
You made the right choice to leave when you did, then. You wanted to smile at the little chaos you caused but decided to stamp down that hidden glee. 
“Fair enough. That reminds me, you may be receiving an invitation from Baroness Byrne very soon, and it is in your best interest to accept it.” 
You seemed to pique Jade’s curiosity, though it seems that you always do. “Oh, and could you share the reason as to why?” 
“Because if she fell for my taunt, I would bet that she will try her best to entice you with whatever treasure or asset she can access.” You smirked, a sly glint in your eyes. “And hopefully you can convince her to show her husband’s warehouses where he stores the items the baron imports in, perhaps some hard-to-procure rarities” 
From what you see from Jade’s reports on the baron’s history, you’re betting that the greedy noble would be the type to obtain and sell anything that would bring him a fortune. With his focus on sea-related products, he might be acquiring and selling items from the merfolk community without their approval which is currently illegal with the peace treaty. Merfolk-specific products were now harder to obtain through human merchants which increased their value even more. 
“Pearls, mermaid scales, valuable minerals from the seabed…anything in the possession of a human who intends to sell them is grounds for punishment for treaty violation”
As if your minds were one, Jade was quick to realize your plans to trap the baron family. It was sneaky, dangerous, and if it works it would be ruining two people with no hope of salvaging their reputation. The baron would be stripped of his title and his merchant career while the baroness would be shamed for inviting an engaged man in an attempt to seduce him. Jade knew that you were intriguing, willing to act however necessary to protect yourself but to instigate the downfall of others, even if they were guilty of their crimes…
Jade can’t ever take his eyes off you. 
Still, he had to ask you something, “You seem to have quite the confidence in me. Do you not worry I will not live up to your expectations?” 
The teal-haired man expected a snarky quip from you or perhaps question him back over his competence. But instead, you furrowed your brows and looked at him adorably (in his perspective) with confusion. 
There was one thing you were sure of; Jade Leech would never get caught. No matter the situation, no matter the evidence, Jade will always find a way to slither his way out of trouble when he wants to. You were better off worrying about your own safety than his. 
“Why would I worry? You’ll never fail.” 
Your voice was so full of conviction, without a hint of doubt or hesitation. Jade felt a strange surge of glee upon hearing your answer. He found a compatible partner that never fails to amuse him. You brought new entertainment to his personal life. 
Jade let out a chuckle, a smile that almost seems genuine to you. The tall man looked to you, his mix-matched eyes staring with such unusual softness. Gently, he took your hand in his own so he could raise it to his lips where he then pressed a soft kiss upon your skin. In surprise, you locked gaze with Jade’s eyes as you felt warmth coursing through you though you played it off as uneasiness towards Jade’s strange actions. You continued to watch Jade as he kept his mouth barely touching your hand, but you could feel every brush of his lips as he spoke close to your fingers. “I will not disappoint you so keep your eyes on me, my dear.”
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witch-ix · 1 month
Politics and Royality on Magix
Magix has 11 different magical realms, which all unite politically to ensure peace on the planet.
To make sure that works out every realm has to vote for ten Count/esses each. These ten get each sent away to one of the other realms, where they live and act like ambassadors until the next voting cycle starts. For example Countess Cassandra is the Countess for Calisto in Solaria.
Each realm has multiple cities, which are all lead by Dukes/Duchesses, who have to win a voting in order to carry that title for five years.
Each Duke/Duchess also sends a Baron/Baroness to the royal palace, to act like an ambassador within their own realm.
Two of the 11 realms are empires, seven are kingdoms.
The Empires are Oceana and Jörd. Both bring together two kingdoms within one realm. – Andros and Nereia are within Oceana, Eraklyon and Downland are within Jörd.
The titles of Emperor/Empress and King/Queen are passed down by birth right or adoption. Every bloodline of them can be tracked back to those who came to live within their realm first. They don’t hold political power, but are figureheads of their realms, who put their own magic into their realm’s magical core once they are crowned. In doing so they are deeply connected with their lands. Traditionally it was either them or their partners, who also wielded the Weapon of the Dragon’s Spark - the Sceptre of Solaria, the Sword of Domino, … - to defend their realm and be a part of the Company of Light. This however ended after Jotunn fell and Domino was cursed.
Every Emperor/Empress and King/Queen is on their throne for fifty years – around the ages of 25 to 75. Their children, the Prince/sses, learn everything about their future duties while growing up.
Except in Linphea, where the current King/Queen is also the Nymph of the realm. From the age of 70 the Nymph of Linphea has a court of Faes and High Witch/ers who learn about their future duties from them.
The figurehead of Zenith is the Pixie who was born when the realms magical core was created. The realm of Zenith does have Dukes/Duchesses, Count/esses and Baron/esses, but no Royality.
Arcadia is politically completely neutral. Within this realm are two major cities – Magix City and Metropolis, which was the first civilisation of the planet and continues to be a thriving city.
The title of Chief of Metropolis is a passed down title as well. They have the same duties as the Emperor/Empresses and King/Queens of the other realms.
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demethinkstoomuch · 2 years
A Survey of House Leadership Titles
We know just enough about each house and its founders that I think there might be some threads to pull at in terms of what different house titles say about the house intends of its leadership, or some other interesting observation  -- in some cases, not a lot, but I’d say enough that there’s enough for me to play with and gnaw on like a naughty cat who should not be chewing embroidery thread.
The Second: No Known Title????
This is so interesting to me. Like, Judith is heir to the House of the Second, and this is a fact that, nevertheless, never at any point makes anything about the internal structure of the second even the slightest bit clear. What is she even heir to? I’m assuming it’s hereditary, because that seems to be the case across the board except for the Sixth. But what is she actually heir to? The training facility? The cohort command within the system??? Something else???
We don’t know, we just know their cohort ranks. Judith’s father was an admiral -- but I am sadly forced to conclude not Sarpedon, because Judith’s father projected a career for her that would force her to stay mostly within the system, and Sarpedon’s career has mostly kept him out of system. This constitutes the entirety of what we know about the Second... But, there’s information in this non-information. What this all says about the Second is that they try and present their cohort ranks as the important ones, the ones that Really Matter...But, then again, Judith, a mere captain, is the heir of the house, so...Are they what Really Matter, really? We don’t know the rules about which contexts things matter in, which I would call not encouraging. That said, I’m betting that Judith a) tries to avoid this contradiction sincerely and steadfastly by honoring the Cohort’s chain of command, and b) she isn’t the only one. If there’s an illusion that there is no mess or complication or strangeness here, it’s a precious illusion that no one intends to disturb until push comes to shove. What the Second cares about most, between their hierarchy and the cohort’s, is a question they do not want to answer.
The Third: King/Queen(?) of Ida, assumed
Man, that is such the most attention-whore title. The pageantry! The showmanship! Crown princes! Princesses! I bet there’s a literal crown, don’t you? (Also, while I’d assume from numerical order that the 5th came after the 3rd, I get the vibe from the general atmospheres of the houses the title order might have been different, that the 3rd picked King and Queen because it’s like Lord and Lady, but bigger and better. If it isn’t, then this is what would have happened if the chronology had played out differently.)
By the way, I do want to know why Babs is a Prince. Like, is that a family rank? A cavalier primary rank? A combined Cavalier-Family rank? A courtesy title? Answer the question, Naberius Tern!
The Fourth: Baron/ess of Tisis
I don’t have much to say about this one, except that my guess is that it’s kind of like the Third or Fifth titles, but, like, different (and a little bit Less Fancy.) I think that is not a coincidence even a little. Also, Baron sounds very cool.
The Fifth: Lady/Lord of Konniortus
Oh, man. I have takes on this one. For one, this is 100% an Augustine decision. For two, Oh, good heavens, he was so smug about it for centuries. It’s powerful, yet understated. Grand as all hell, but not showing off. Everyone would have wanted classical nobility titles, but the specificity of some makes them a bit weaker. I’m thinking of, like, the Lady of the Mercians, or Empress Matilda going by “Lady of the English” as an uncrowned queen for the way the term can sort of gently elide over questions of specific rank. It’s simple, classy, brief.  Augustine is judging half the titles on this list and laughing with a sad shake of his head, like it’s cute that you tried to go as hard as “Lady of Konniortus” and you absolutely failed. And those are the ones where he’s not actively rolling his eyes. But more on that in, oh, about 3 houses from now.
The Sixth: Master Warden
OK, but you know who deserves to be smug for her rad naming skills? Cassie. And I say Cassie, to be clear, because I know it’s her name. Or, the name someone who knew the things Cassie knew about the Sixth. Because, really, I think this refers, in an oblique way, to the Break Clause. Because that clause is, well, it’s the key. It’s the key to the literal and metaphorical lock binding the Sixth House to the empire and to the planet. The whole facility is a prisoner, in a way, overseen by its warden. The whole facility is a lock. And do you know what we call the internal jaws of a lock?
Nothing, actually, because there isn’t a part of a lock that one calls “the internal jaws,” I’ve looked up locksmithing terms when google could not avail me. But...I do know that, if Palamedes and the Sixth thinks of a part of the lock as the Internal Jaws, he’s talking about the little metal pieces inside the lock that the key’s teeth and cut are meant to fit into and around, so only the right key will fit. They are jaws in the sense that teeth fit into them.  When Palamedes makes this little riddle during the Fifth’s dinner party, he’s talking about The Wards. And that it can be unlocked, if a key that fits the ward(en)s is produced, is how the Sixth House is like a lock.
I love that for the Sixth. I got so excited about this realization that I went to some lengths to include this line of thinking in a sixth-house centric fic, because it was simply too good to leave out.They went for an elaborate, multilayered self-created reference that refers back to their secret secession plan, and they’ve stuck with that for 10,000 years without giving away the Bit. Good for them. Really, just delightful.
The Seventh: Duchess/Duke of Rhodes (Assumed)
So, this is more or less just like how I read the Fourth’s nomenclature, except they went with Fancy over Cool. It’s very nearly as important as King/Queen, but not quite, which suits them well enough.  Unless there’s a higher rank and Dulcie’s parents have that rank, which they might. It seems implied. They also keep up the theming, with Pro being a Knight of Rhodes. Point is, they, the Third, the Fifth, and the Fourth are all a part of a system of names, with the Fifth a tiny bit set apart, and the Third probably clawing for the top.
The Eighth: Master Templar of the White Glass
I love this title, and part of what I love is that I know Augustine hates it and rolls his eyes every time he hears it. Because I think it’s a Christabel idea. And I say that for a couple of reasons. The biggest being, it sounds very cool but it makes no sense. Like, flash your mind through literally every point at which Silas or the Eighth house are mentioned. How many of them refer to, in any way, anything pertaining to White Glass? Once, only once. Harrow refers to “White glass mysteries,” but that’s it. It’s a mystery. Outside of that, this title only exists, is only referred to, is only acknowledged at all, in the Gideon the Ninth Dramatis Personae. Sure, the Eighth get described with White, and Templars seems reasonable. They are even referred to as White Templars, because, sure, sensible. But White Glass? Is a throw-away concept here, one only Harrow seems to ever think about. It is a cool-sounding title that refers to nothing of any significance. Its only justification is that it’s rad. It’s just a little stupid, but joyfully so.
Which is not a Mercymorn thing. But I can totally see it as a Christabel decision, one she got very excited about. Like, this is the woman who made One Flesh, One End a thing for the next 10,000 years. Christabel seems to love this stuff, and I think if she got cheerfully enthusiastic about it, Mercymorn would go along with it, and that would enshrine it forever.
The Ninth: The Reverend Father/Mother
So, this is another very good one. Like, Anastasia and Cassiopeia are over here thinking of legitimately good and clever titles, ones which contain a duty, and a secret, and it’s the duty at the core of the house’s leadership, at that. Obviously, the idea of a Reverend Mother is one suitable for the Abbess of a nunnery, so that checks out to begin with, but there’s another layer to it, too. A reason why it’s Reverend Mother and not, say, Abbess, that catches my eye post-Nona, but really ought to have caught my eye before that. “Reverend Daughter,” as a position of heirship, is something important because it’s a Ninth invention. The existence of a Daughter or a Son, as opposed to just having Sisters or Brothers and Mothers or Fathers, creates a direct family line within the ruling family. It becomes a bloodline and an abbey in the same breath.
Harrow insists from the Pool Scene onward that it was critical, the whole future of their house, to have an unbroken bloodline of necromancers descended from Anastasia. And at the end of Nona, we see why: Because Anastasia made a pact with Alecto that is recognized as being attached to Anastasia’s descendants, known by blood. They are the unfulfilled vow, Harrow is right! A line of parents and children, reaching back to their original parent, who made a promise. Mothers and Daughters, all the way down. That’s what the House is really for.
A+ Naming, Anastasia. Fantastic. Beautiful.
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remediosvarou · 1 year
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Retrato do Barão Angelo Milfastos quando criança, 1952
Essa gravura de Remedios Varo na verdade é um presente de aniversário! Segundo Walter Gruen, Remedios gostava muito de presentear seus amigos com pequenos trabalhos seus. Essa gravura foi dado ao pintor Juan Soriano e contém no verso uma historinha sobre esse personagem fofo mas também um pouco macabro. Parece até a Vandinha. Dá uma olhada em nosso site para ler o que Remédios escreveu sobre a infância do barão-personagem, a faca e a cabeça.
Portrait of Baron Angelo Milfastos as a child, 1952.
Picture made on paper as a birthday gift to the artist and Remedios' friend Juan Soriano. If it wasn't for the hat, the baron would be Wednesday herself.
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katakaluptastrophy · 1 year
One thing we don't really see in the aftermath of GTN is how the Houses reacted to the deaths of their heirs and leaders.
Jod says to Harrow “Among the dubious privileges of the First House...is that one is rarely forced to explain.” So the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth receive an awful shuttle drop off and imperial radio silence about what happened.
The Fleet Admiral of the Second gets sent an empty coffin he's told contains his daughter and is told not to ask questions. Her cavalier's body is either horribly disfigured or so reeking of Jod's necromancy it's suspicious.
The King and Queen of Ida get a "Congrats, your daughter is a Lyctor and you'll never hear from her again" letter and an empty coffin.
The new Baron(ess) of the Fourth, who is probably no more than 12, has to deal with the fallout of two awfully mangled children's corpses, or two suspiciously pristine and incorrupt corpses (as Harrow describes the bodies with her lyctoral senses...)
The new Lord of the Fifth has the same issue, as well as presumably trying to help the distraught pre-teen head of the Fourth. Abigail specifically says that her family will be wondering where her spirit is, suggesting that one of the first things they will try to do is summon her. I can only imagine they come to dire conclusions when even the best spirit magicians of the Fifth cannot summon any of the ghosts of those who died in Canaan House.
The Oversight Committee of the Sixth receive an empty coffin and a box of fragments, followed shortly thereafter by a communique from Blood of Eden. And after what I imagine was a very tense series of committee meetings, yeet themselves out of the Dominicus system and start friendly negotiations with the terrorist group that recently nuked the imperial fleet.
The Seventh get ashes that read psychometrically as having died before the date of arrival at Canaan House. Or ashes so Jodded you can't tell anything about them.
The Eighth either receive a necromancer with a cut throat and the unholy abomination of Colum's corpse, or suspiciously pristine and unreadable bodies. Their new Master Templar is presumably a young teenager with another Asht as their cavalier.
I can't imagine that the Houses don't compare notes to some extent. At the very least, the Fourth and the Fifth are definitely comparing notes and know something is very, very wrong. Corona was hugely popular on the Third and I can't see her apparent death going down without a ripple. If the Sixth didn't give any warning about their departure, then that will also have rattled the remaining Houses.
And then suddenly, Jod announces the Tower Princes, including his very obviously dead daughter and heir Kiriona Gaia. By this point, Abigail's brother may, as she hoped, have found her notes about what's going wrong with the River. That might just be enough to get the Eighth to pay attention.
At best, Jod's flunkies are fielding increasingly angry missives from across the system. At worst, the Houses are all but in open revolt against him. Since we only see things from the perspective of New Rho in Nona, we don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised if things are rather tense in the Dominicus system in Alecto...
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luulapants · 2 years
An Update from Anti-Gender Dad
Tumblr fame has really gone to his head. He has taken up gender studies - not the formal academic discipline, which he has no knowledge of, but his own personal study of The Genders, in his ongoing mission to make it so that knowing someone’s gender is as personal and unnecessary as knowing their shoe size. Without further ado, an email I received from him today:
Hi daughter,
I have been diving deeply, the last several days, into the subject of gender identifiers in the English language, with an eye towards whether particular identifiers could be or even should be eliminated. It's not just the pronouns, after all. I ended up studying a comprehensive list of  nouns in the English language which end in -ess (but only as a gender identifier, eliminating all the -ness words, and the oddballs like access). I came up with what I think are some interesting observations.
There are, of course, no more actresses. Everyone is now an actor. Heiresses are gradually losing favor in the probate law business. Adultresses, on the other hand, are still quite popular, especially among Red Letter A manufacturing concerns.
There are and always have been seamstresses, but I have never encountered a seamster. I have known many a teamster, and yet never a teamstress. A governess and a governor are two entirely different things.
I suspect there will always be the princess and the duchess, given the male-preferring royal primogeniture setup from whence they arise. Sorry, your ladyship, not everyone can be a duke or a baron. Though I have no problem eliminating the whole lot (yet another chapter in my quest to make the world a better place by taking it over and then handing off absolute rule to my daughter).
The hostess could easily become the host and the sorceress the sorcerer with no problem, but get this: the mistress would suddenly become...the master! Ooooh!
More to follow. Feel free to unsubscribe.
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hsoppositezodiac · 8 days
MORE about daraya pls . also the fuchsias in general .. how do things work with multiple heir/esses
So firstly I'm gonna explain how things work with multiple fuchsias.
Usually, they have to strife for the throne. Just like in canon how the young fuchsias must battle HIC over the Alternian throne. HOWEVER, if a heir/heiress willingly doesn't want to become the ruler, they will get assigned another important role, such as the Empress/Emperor's left hand, baron/baroness, duchess, or any other high role someone of their caste is deserving of. They cannot be anything lower than a knight, so "wanting to abandon their duties and live normal life as a random citizen" is a big no. They won't get culled for that, but they will be kept an eye on to make sure they don't attempt to run away again. Their decision to not become the ruler becomes official when they come of age. After that, they cannot strife for the throne. Too late to change their minds.
Despite all of these rules, any and every single fuchsia is still highly feared, and nothing can really stop them from doing what they want, only other fuchsias can do that.
As for those who want to take the throne, they must strife the other interested fuchsias over it, and whoever wins, shall challenge the Empress.
Now, about Daraya.
Daraya does not want to become an Empress, despite admitting that being able to rule everything is really cool. However, she is aware that it's impossible to defeat the current Empress, so she doesn't even want to risk it. The truth is, she hates that she's spoiled since she crawled out of the caverns, because of her blood color. Something she didn't ask. Everything she wants, she can get easily, and she thinks this is very boring. She's not fond of all that wealth. Even if she doesn't want to rule Alternia, she's still going to be assigned another very important role and be a very important person in society, she has no choice but stay being high ranked. All she really wanted was to be able to choose what she wants to do, to be free, but she can't. Even though she's the highest of highest, she still feels trapped and pressured, how those who are lower than her have implemented these rules and they're just accepted, and she doesn't really think there's anything to do about it. She CAN, because once again, she's the highest of the hemospectrum, but she's not the only one. Another fuchsia would attempt to cull her. Probably Lynera or Lanque.
I've stated that no one but Stelsa knows about Tyzias' rebel thoughts, but I feel like eventually Daraya would find out about them too, and instead of culling the rustblood, she'd just go along with it. They'd meet in secret to debate about their rebel ideas and how Alternia sucks even for fuchsiabloods.
Lynera often makes false claims that Daraya wants to take the throne, which makes her really scared that they'll end up putting her on the strife list, when that's not what she wants at all.
Anyways, yeah, she's still a punk rebel, but fish.
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Happy TDOV it's vitally important to me you all know my baron is trans
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outeremissary · 1 year
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Had to draw @mountainashfae's Vio... Extremely normal about this guy and his righteous (or not so righteous) fury. I adore the patterned clothing and scale capelet that gives the impression of wings...
lines as well because I feel like I always do a funky job with complex designs
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sandwormrp · 5 months
Opening Day: May 10th
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We're an Atreides stan in this house. Maybe you'd be more interested in bringing the strong-willed Carrinos or the brutalist Harkonnens! You can even create your own Minor house to add to the play and build them up to a Major house! Canons and original characters alike will be welcomed and loved! This is an upcoming 18+ JCINK roleplay board designed for writers that want to share a love for writing and Dune. Whether it be through the movies or by the books.
Our taglist for opening day is already over 20 people! How crazy is that? I'm so touched so many are interested in checking us out!
If you want to be tagged on opening day, leave a like/comment/emoji
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Here's a list of playable characters you may see or hear about around our Dune Universe. Characters will come in all shapes and sizes!
Remember! No character accounts are needed, everything will be done from one account. You can play any number of these as canon or as OC as you like.
Bene Gesserit - A secretive sisterhood with extraordinary mental and physical abilities, the Bene Gesserit manipulate bloodlines and political events to fulfill their long-term goals of shaping humanity's future.
Bene Tleilax - A mysterious and enigmatic society specializing in genetic engineering and the creation of biological constructs known as "gholas." The Bene Tleilax are skilled manipulators and often play key roles in political intrigue.
Civilians - Ordinary inhabitants of the Imperium who are not affiliated with noble houses or specialized factions. Civilians comprise a diverse population living on various planets and moons, engaging in a wide range of occupations and lifestyles.
Fremen - Native inhabitants of the desert planet Arrakis, the Fremen are hardened warriors adapted to harsh desert conditions. They possess deep knowledge of the planet's ecology and play a significant role in the unfolding political landscape.
Houses Major - Major noble families that hold considerable power and influence within the Imperium. They often control entire planets or systems and play crucial roles in interstellar politics and governance. Also known as the Great Houses of the Landsraad.To earn a spot as an OC Great House, candidate houses must demonstrate:
• a minimum level of reputation (1 year member on the board) • an understanding of political processes and power and a desire to participate in the governance of the empire (begin as an OC house minor and gain some members/alliances) • historical growth of their houses as evidenced by grants of land or titles (purchased a custom forum for their planet/territory once previous requirements are met) • candidate houses required sponsorship by at least three other Great Houses (staff approval)
Known Titles: Baron/ess, Viscount/ess, Count/ess, Duke/Duchess, Archduke/Archduchess, Regent, Crown Prince/Princess, Prince/Princess Royal, God-Emperor, Goddess-Empress, Padishah Emperor/Empress
Houses Minor - Lesser noble families that lack the resources and territories of Great Houses but still hold status and influence within the feudal hierarchy of the Imperium. They may serve larger Houses or operate independently. They pay fealty to be protected by one of the Great Houses (as long as it doesn't conflict with the empire's interests or other alliances).
Known Titles: Knight, Professor, Patron, Lord/Lady, Noble-Cousine, Governor, Baron/ess, Viscount/ess, Count/ess
Imperial Sardaukar - Elite soldiers serving the Padishah Emperor, trained in ruthless combat techniques and renowned for their loyalty and discipline. They are often deployed to enforce the Emperor's will and suppress rebellions.
Ixian Navigators - Specially trained Guild Navigators from the planet Ix who possess the ability to see safer paths through the spacefold, allowing starships to travel vast distances instantaneously using a limited highly-dosed prescience. Ixian creations often push the boundaries of what is morally acceptable in the universe.
Mentats - Human computers trained to perform complex calculations and strategic analysis. They serve as advisors and strategists to powerful individuals and factions. Highly prized and sought after among royalty.
Renegades - Individuals or groups that have rebelled against or broken away from established authority, often operating outside the law and pursuing their own agendas. Renegades can range from outlaws to freedom fighters.
Smugglers - Individuals or organizations engaged in illegal trade and transportation of goods, often circumventing legal restrictions and authorities to profit from the black market. Smugglers play a significant role in the distribution of contraband, including spice.
Suk Doctors - Highly trained medical practitioners descended from a forbidden genetic lineage known as the Suk School. They possess exceptional healing abilities and are in high demand among the nobility for their medical expertise.
Swordmasters of Ginaz - Highly skilled warriors trained in the art of swordsmanship, particularly adept at wielding the crysknife and other bladed weapons. They are renowned across the galaxy for their mastery of combat techniques.
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mountainashfae · 1 year
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Finally finished all the Baron(ess) and Knight-Commander requests! Thanks to everyone who sent me refs, these were really fun to draw.
@galfrey @dmagedgoods @outeremissary @eurekq @silversiren1101
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coralinnii · 1 year
I have a request for the villainess AU. For Ace and Deuce, what if it was a love triangle between the MC? I just can’t imagine them being separated because them fighting over the Mc is much funnier!
❋ Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy ❋
↳ Love Triangle scenario(?)
feat: Ace and Deuce
genre: humour, budding romance, friends-to-something more?
note: part of the “Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy” series or the Villain/ess au, part of the 2.7k followers event, references to other villain/ess au works (specifically Riddle ver.), Ace + Deuce + reader are old enough to drink, no pronouns used with reader, minor mention of death
I don’t usually do the love triangle trope because real life ones hurt alot and it brings up some bad memories, but I’ll consider it for this, just for y’all~ I genuinely tried but rather than a love triangle, I may have accidentally created a… (seriously was not my intention)
Villain/ess au Series Masterlist
2.7K Followers Writing Event
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Before the oath of the sword, the three of you made an oath of your own. One of unquestioned trust and camaraderie. No matter where the string of fate would take either of you, the promise made one drunken night between you, Ace, and Deuce was stronger.
That night was fuelled with unrestrained emotions, with shouting and tears, most coming from you. Especially when you awoke one day with strange visions flooded your dreams, vivid images that spoke of a horrible future for you.
Memories of a strange novel, one that eerily resembles your current world down to each royal family member and even your friends’ lives. But while a hero’s glory awaits your dearest ones, you were left as a tragic minor antagonist.
A mere childhood friend of Ace and Deuce, you became jealous of a former baron’s daughter suddenly turned Queen when she grew close to your friends as her knight escorts. You turned to petty acts in response, spewing nasty rumours among the townfolks of the new Queen but like an angelic protagonist, she revealed your misdeeds but forgave you for your childish taunts. Nevertheless, you lost the respect of your only friends and you were left behind.
But despite the Queen’s pardon, King Riddle heard of your disgraceful behaviour against his beloved and called for your immediate execution, which became the final push for Ace and Deuce to join in the Queen’s rebellion against her own tyrannical husband. Because that’s all you were, a mere catalyst for the story to continue on.
You couldn’t imagine yourself turning into a cliche bully and admittedly, the idea of your untimely demise left you shaking in fear on occasion. But the worst of your premonitory dreams was the predicted end of your friendship.
The looks of disgust and disappointment that painted Ace’s and Deuce’s face seared into your mind, your heart shattering like glass at their wishes to never see you again. The fear of abandonment stings you like a crack in your heart which never healed, it scared you to the point that the moment you saw them happily enjoying the night, you drunkenly cried out.
“I love you so much, please don’t leave me.”
Unceremoniously, your body slumped onto the tavern’s table as you blacked out into an alcoholic slumber. How evil of you, conveniently unable to explain what you meant by your slurred confession, or to whom you were referring to.
Ace and Deuce were visibly distracted during their knight training the morning after, one of the few times that they must separate from you. Your words looping over and over in their heads like an endless echo. Your voice pleaded so sincerely with tears cascading down your cheeks.
“What should we do, Ace?” Deuce broke the awkward silence during their water break, finally taking a step to mention the elephant in the room. Your words that resembled a wistful confession struck him with worry (and a hint of budding hope). But unlike him, Ace was quick to look for possible excuses for your actions.
“Don’t be dumb. It was probably just the alcohol talking. Don’t you remember how much we all drank?” The reddish hue of Ace’s cheeks however betrayed his true emotions. In truth, he was just as frazzled by your words as Deuce was. He kept trying to convince himself that you meant nothing by it, to not get his hopes up. But the little devil on his shoulder whispers in his ear, “but what if you did mean something by it?”
Since then, you felt that your time spent with the duo increased since your last outing. Instead of staying back in the knight’s barracks right after training, Ace and Deuce visited your hometown more often that was not the most convenient travel destination. You felt at least one pair of eyes, either sea blue or rose red or both, watching you before turning away when you tried to catch their gaze.
But it seems that some people did noticed something different with the two young men, specifically their family. Deuce’s mother would smile knowingly at you whenever you drop by to offer some assistance in her business, occasionally mentioning how much her son has grown. Funnily enough, Ace’s older brother mentioned something similar about the redhead, though it was more laced with a teasing tone than one of filial affection.
But you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. You enjoyed the frequent visits of your best friends, especially knowing they will be even busier when the announcement of a new royal member would take your precious moments with them. Rumours were spread about the town of a mysterious figure locked in a tower which were not part of your memories, but your wary heart kept you mindful of the possible news regarding the imperial family.
Your worries intensified when Ace and Deuce announced their new task once dawn breaks, they were to escort the newest addition to the royal family back to the palace. In an attempt to quell your unease, you made an embarrassing request.
“You want to do what?” A bright red hue on Deuce’s face heavily contrasted with his raven blue hair, but you were no position to tease him as you could assume that your embarrassed complexion was no better. “Y-You mean…you…and us…”
The three of you lost track of time chatting and goofing off in your quarters and didn’t realize how the sun has long gone to rest for the night. Instead of returning to their own home, you asked if the two knights were willing to stay over the night, like in your younger days. Back when you three were more used to wooden swords than ones of steel, when your only worry was if your parents were going to cook your favourites that night.
Back when you three shared the same bed together.
“It’s not that crazy of a request…” you pouted but you supposed it was rather absurd to ask your friends, who old enough to be considered men, something so childish. Perhaps those carefree days are truly long gone.
“I’m not opposed to it” Ace gave his signature cheeky smile as he naturally wrapped his arm around your shoulder, slightly leaning his weight onto you. “If you just can’t help but miss our company, we can have a good ol’ slumber party. Just like old times~”
You’re starting to reconsider your request.
But Ace wasn’t done. “Well, it’s not exactly like old times. We’re definitely bigger than back when we were kids”
The redhead was obviously right. The three of you were nothing like the tiny versions of you in the past, and your best friends have certainly bulked up since they started their journey into knighthood. You tried your best but you couldn’t help but gaze in appreciation of the hard work the two of them did to build the stamina and muscles to protect their kingdom, respectfully of course.
“I doubt that all three of us can fit on your teeny little bed.” the scarlet-eyed knight exaggerated his point by squinting his fingers to describe your bed. “I guess Deucey’s just gonna have to go home for tonight.”
“Hey, wait a minute! Why me?!” Deuce snapped out from his flustered daze to glare at Ace, pulling his shaggy-haired companion by the neck of his shirt. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”
Ace remained unperturbed, too used to the blunette’s burst of anger “It’s nothing personal, buddy. But you grind your teeth real loud at night. How is any of us gonna get any sleep?”
“Well you’re a pain to wake up in the morning!” Deuce angrily countered. “Don’t make it our problem to get your ass up tomorrow.”
You watched your best friends bicker and argue, as if you didn’t already know of their terrible sleeping habits. Sure, Deuce grinds his teeth but you always tried to gently soothe his jaw hoping to relax him. Ace may sleep like the dead but his cute little pout every time he finally wakes up makes the effort all worth it to you.
They were idiots, but they were your idiots.
“Will you both stop fighting already?” Ace and Deuce immediately paused as your voice caught their attention, like it always does. “No one’s gotta leave. My bed is not that small, you know?”
To prove your point, you took each of the boy’s hand and led them without issue. For someone as tall and built as them, they were so easy to pull and push as you please. Carefully, you pressed your hands against their chest to push them backwards onto your bed. You then crawled onto the bed yourself between Ace and Deuce, the men automatically shifting their bodies to make space for you.
Satisfied, you laid onto your back and you took the hand of both men, each of your hand snuggly holding their warm, calloused ones. You smiled brightly at the fuzzy feelings of nostalgia bubbling in you, pressing your joining hands to your chest, atop of your beating heart.
“See, no one needs to leave.” your bright eyes looked up to your favourite people, cheeky joy evident in your gaze.
A rare occurrence, the two chatty troublemakers were left speechless. In their defence, they were too busy trying to contain the burst of happiness in their hearts to reply back to you, barely pushing the redness of their cheeks at bay.
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